Training: Growing Income in Retail & Consumer Banking
Training: Growing Income in Retail & Consumer Banking
Training: Growing Income in Retail & Consumer Banking
26-27 October 2009 z JW Marriott Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Consumers have more choices than ever before when it comes to handling their finances. Many
banks and financial institutions are struggling to find the right mix of retail and commercial strategies,
as well as the optimal way to combine their self-service, online and branch channels. Any institution’s
success in retail and consumer banking demands a continual investment in their business and a close
monitoring of changing trends in technology and customer behaviour.
This 2-day training workshop is designed to provide you with practical understanding and varied skills
that you need in order to succeed in such a dynamic market place for Retail and/or Consumer Banking.
In this programme you will understand what sales process is all about, how to assess customers’
needs and how to present an opportunity in a way that will have the customer look forward to doing
business with you.
*HWreal solutions and revitalise the core of your retail banking business
&RQYHUWyour visitors into customers
$GGUHVV common banking problems with the proper anti crisis solutions
'HYHORSstrategies to attract mass affluent customers and raise your bank’s profile
This Course aims to make a real impact on the banking experience of your customers!
Strictly limited seating to ensure value added to all Participants - so book early! Comprehensive course materials will be provided.
Delegates who successfully complete this course will receive the Asia Pacific Centre for Continuing and Professional
Development Certificate for Participation
/($51 how to increase sales and revenue in You just cannot ignore what is going on around you. The Financial
retail banking systems: Banking, Stock Exchange, Insurance, Investments, Financial
Crisis, etc. This session will discuss captivating insights on:
81'(567$1' the needs of the consumer
and how to profitability meet those needs z The financial crisis and its impact
z Making sense of the crisis
0$.( sense of the coming changes to the
regulatory environment z Understanding the potential regulatory outcomes
&203$5( which products have been z Where growth will come from going forward
successful through the different channels
8:30am (Day 2) Coffee/Tea this programme, you can update your skills and
9:00am Programme Commences gain a better understanding of the impact on your
10:30am to 10:45am Morning Refreshment bank’s growth and revenue opportunities, product
12:30pm to 1:30pm Lunch development and customer requirements following
3:00pm to 3:15pm Afternoon Refreshment the global credit crunch issues. You will also learn how
5:00pm End of Programme to implement strategies to enhance cost efficiency
and productivity by creating an environment where