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1. In primary teeth, pathologic changes in radiographs are always seen in:

a. b. c. d. Periapical area. Furcation area. *** " ! #$%& 'l(eolar crest. 't base o) de(eloping teeth. )urcation. *** ape* o) root lateral to root

2. Pulpities in decidous teeth in radiograph see related to

3. In deciduous tooth the )irst radiographic changes will be seen in:

+. ,i)urcation area. -. 'pical area. .. /*ternal root resoption. *** 012 2345% ! 678$&9! 2: ;!<= 7> ?28@A ! BC 0DE3 !FG H I EG ;!<= ! JK5L 0: M: NO7P !QR SJ5T#A ! U7&HE ! ;CS J5@5@V ! JK58 ! NO7P !QR 7&C W7F$VX JAY!Z ! [4> \& ]8V3 ^ ! J$_<A ! B7D`a! ." ! #$%& b2$=& cde ]L7V ! 0e7Ef ! #5K$ ! B2g5G 4. /ruption cyst Seruption hematomaS can be treated by: a. ho treatment. *** b. Immediate incision. c. iomplete unco(erage d. jbser(e )or one week then incise ho treatment is needed because the tooth erupt through the lesion.

5. ')ter trauma a tooth become yellowish in color, this is due to:

a. b. c. d. hecrotic pulp. Irre(ersible pulpitis. Pulp is partially or completely obliterated. *** ldgX memorrhage in the pulp. /ndo Principles and Practice o) /ndodontics n'opjh q page rs ' yellowish discoloration o) the crown is o)ten a tani)estation o) calci)ic metamorphosis wlowly inuection. palking to the child during inuection. xsing long needle. ' and b. ***

6. Pain during inuection o) local anesthesia in children could be minimived by:

a. b. c. d.

nith children rubber dam not use with: y myperacti(e patient y obstructi(e nose. *** y patient with )i*ed orthoappliance y mildly handicapped and uncooperati(e.

7. Formicrisol when used should be:

a. Full waturated. b. mal) saturated. c. Fi)th saturated. *** hone o) the abo(e.

8. wpace loose occur in:

a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. Pro*imal caries. /arly e*traction. 'nkylosis. 'll o) the abo(e. *** ian be poured more than once. ian be poured a)ter z days. oess dimensional stability. ' and b. ***

9. Poly(inyl silo*anes compared with polysul)ide:

10. the most accurate impression material )or making impression o) an oral ca(ity is:
ay impression compound. by condensation type silicon. cy poly(inyl silo*anes. *** dy poly sul)ide. the addition silicones are the best choice o) the rubber impression materials 'ddition curing silicones ha(e the least amount o) shrinkage on setting making them the most accurate class o) rubber impression material . phe poly{(inylsilo*anes| are characterived by e*cellent dimensional accuracy and longyterm dimensional stability.

11. mand o(er mouth techni}ue is used in management o) which child:

a. b. c. d. tentally retarded. Positi(e resistance. xncooperati(e. mysterical. ***

12. Pits and )issure sealants are indicated in:

a. ~eep Pits and )issure. b. hewly erupted teeth. c. ' and b. *** .BZEA$ ! Jd5d_ 7 I 3Z J7 ! W#D ! cde Ze7=3 7Fdg J@5AE ! 13. Pit and )issure sealants are indicated to pre(ent dental caries in pits and )issure: a. In primary teeth b. In permanent teeth c. ' b. *** 14. phe rationale )or pityandy)issure sealants in caries pre(ention is that they: a. Increase the tooth resistance to dental caries. b. 'ct as a barrier between the sealed sites and the oral en(ironment. *** c. ma(e antiymicrobial e))ect on the bacteria.

d. hone o) the abo(e answers is correct.

15. peeth that ha(e lost pits and )issure sealant show
a. b. c. d. phe same susceptibility to caries as teeth that ha(e not been sealed migher susceptibility than non sealed teeth oower susceptibility than non sealed teeth. *** phe same susceptibility as teeth with )ull retained sealant

peeth that ha(e been sealed and then ha(e lost the sealant ha(e had )ewer lesions than control teeth.phis is possibly due to the presence o) tags that are retained in the enamel a)ter the bulk o) the sealant has been sheared )rom the tooth sur)ace. nhen the resin sealant )lows o(er the prepared sur)ace, it penetrates the )ingerylike depressions created by the etching solution. phese prouections o) resin into the etched areas are called tags . 16. Pit and )issure sealant: a. hew erupted teeth b. ~eep )issure and pits in molars c. Pro*imal caries d. ' b. ***

17. ear old patient all )irst molars carious and suspected pit and )issure areas o) the
second molars. preatment plan: a. estore all )irst molars and obser(e second molars. ,. estore all )irst molars and topical )luoride on second molars. i. estore all )irst molars and seal pits and )issures o) second molars. *** d. estore )irst and second molars with composite. /. estore )irst and second molars with amalgam.

18. tost tooth sur)ace a))ected by caries:

a| Pit and )issure. *** b| oot sur)ace. i| Pro*imal sur)ace. ~| ..*

19. Pit )issure least e))ecti(e with:

atwenyy)our month year bprimary molar c-nd molar La! 7FOC Z@$eC ;!<=d J5O7 JK5L

20. Pit )issure least e))ecti(e with:

atwenyy)our month year bprimary molar c-nd primary molar d s years old child 73Z J7> B7D`C Z123 9 U!2D` lA #AE> 73Z J7 ! B7D` JAF& 375Ad ?7= ! ?7A !

21. Procedure done be)ore applying pit )issure sealant:

ay 'cid etch by phosphoric acid. *** wuccess o) pit )issure sealants is a))ected mainly by: +|increased time o) etching -| contamination o) oral sali(a*** .| sali(ary )low rate r| proper )issure sealant

22. phe most pre(alent primary molar relationship

ay)lush terminal plane. *** bymesial step terminal plane cyend dydistal

23. In primary teeth. phe ideal occlusal scheme is:

a. Flush terminal. b. tesial step. *** c. ~istal step.

24. nhen you gi(e a child a gi)t )or good beha(ior this is called:
a. Positi(e rein)orcement. *** 434EX b. hegati(e rein)orcement.

25. po detect interpro*imal caries in primary teeth, the best )ilm is:
a. Periapical. b. ,itewing. *** c. jcclusal.

26. ,est treatment o) choice )or carious e*posure o) a primary molar in a . year old child
a. b. c. d. who complain o) toothache during and a)ter )ood taking: ~irect pulp capping with caoh. ~irect pulp capping with vao paste. Formocresol pulpotomy. *** iaoh pulpotomy. tooth )or sealant placement: iotton roll. ubber dam. acyeuector moisture control system. 7Ed ! JL7AP % 7O hone o) the abo(e. ***

27. nhich o) the )ollowing would be clinically un acceptable as a primary o) isolating a

a. b. c. d.

28. In)ection is more dangerous in children than adult because:

a. tarrow spaces are wide *** 0@D ! b. '))ect growth centre. c. mypo calci)ication in enamel.

29. tandibular )oramen in young children is:

a. b. c. d. 't le(el o) occlusal plane. 'bo(e the le(el o) occlusal plane. 'nterior the le(el o) occlusal plane. ,elow the le(el o) occlusal plane. *** yIn children, the mandibular )oramen is low in relation to the occlusal plane ynhen you gi(e in)erior dental block )or pedo Pt the angulations )or the needle z mm below the occlusal plane. s mm below the occlusal plane. z mm abo(e the occlusal plane. 't the occlusal plane. *** y In)erior al(eolar and lingual ner(e blocks: phe height o) insertion is about s mm abo(e the mandibular occlusal plane, although in young children entry at the height o) the occlusal plane should also be success)ul. yphe needle enters the tissues at a point midway between the e*ternal obli}ue ridge and the pterygomandibular raphe at the le(el o) the occlusal plane. - heedle must be inserted at the le(el o) occlusal plane y phe mandibular )oramen is situated at a le(el lower than the occlusal plane o) the y primary teeth, there)ore the inuection must be made slightly lower and more posteriorly than )or an adult patient.

a. b. c. d.

30. nhen you want to gi(e in)erior al(eolar block )or a child you ha(e to take
attention that the mandibular )oramine is: a. 't le(el o) occlusal plane.*** b.'bo(e the le(el o) occlusal plane. c. 'nterior the le(el o) occlusal plane. d. ,elow the le(el o) occlusal plane. g " 7! b2$=& NVX B2gX ;7%a! ZDe 7D@ ! JV$G BC 5 J@>7= ! Jd`a! 5> "#%d M7$O9! c1#3 "7! b2$=A> #>! ]ZO 7DOG 7:#3Z$ phe mandibular )oramen was located r.+- mm below the occlusal plane at the age o) .. It subse}uently mo(ed upward with age. ,y the age o) , it had reached appro*imately the same le(el as the occlusal plane. phe )oramen continued to mo(e upward to r.+ mm abo(e the occlusal plane in the adult group. phe height percentage a(erages ranged )rom the lower +. o) the ramus height in the . yearyold group to the middle o) the ramus height in adults. phe depth percentage a(erages ranged )rom z. in . yearyold children to +.z in adults. For greater accuracy in anesthetic procedures, dentists should relate the locational changes in the mandibular )oramen .with age when per)orming block anesthesia )or the in)erior al(eolar ner(e mandibular )oramen is below the occlusal plane in children but in adults it is abo(e the occlusal plane and post to molars

31. poothgerm o) primary teeth arise )rom:

a. b. c. d. ~ental lamina. *** ~ental )ollicle. /namel organ. /pithelial cell o) malassev. phe dental lamina is a band o) epithelial tissue seen in histologic sections o) a de(eloping tooth. phe dental lamina is )irst e(idence o) tooth de(elopment and begins at the si*th week in utero or three weeks a)ter the rupture o) the buccopharyngeal membrane.

32. 'pical periodontal cyst arise )rom:

a. mertwig sheath. %X#5: ZA b. /pithelial cell rest o) malassev. *** 'pical periodontal cyst periapical cyst radicular cyst: these in)lammatory cysts deri(e their epithelial lining )rom the proli)eration o) small odontogenic epithelial residues {rests o) talassev| within the P~o. fDA ! J5D` 7F 737@> #7gX & J37F ! 7F$O7> cde ]8VX J5O7 ! J3 ! J3 ! 75Pa! .malassav .%X#: ZA AG J5D= ! ;2 75Pa! 7&C 33. Formation o) periodontal cyst due to: a. hasolacrimal cyst. 0E&? 0%OC b. mertiwigs. *** c. /pithelial rest o) malassav. d. Peals o) serres. In dentistry, the epithelial cell rests o) talassev or epithelial rests o) talassev {)re}uently abbre(iated as /t| are part o) the periodontal ligament cells around a tooth. phey are discrete clusters o) residual cells )rom mertwigs epithelial root sheath {m/w| that didnt completely disappear. It is considered that these cell rests proli)erate to )orm epithelial lining o) (arious odontogenic cysts such as radicular cyst under the in)luence o) (arious stimuli. phey are named a)ter oouisy iharles talassev {+r-q+| who described them. wome rests become calci)ied in the periodontal ligament {cementicles| #7g$X 0$ ! 0: W%X#: ZA & 73H & c@X 7& e 437A$X 0: 0D= ! ;2 7># ! & 41 J5`H& 737@> 73H ! B2g$G 7># ! 0G ldg$X 737@ ! E> W^ ! l5g 7P fDA ! J5D` 75P JDA ! #f ! ]gf$ .J5HA ! 34. nhich is the most oikely cause o) periodontal cyst a. iell est o) talassev. b. iell rest o) serss. c. iell o) mertwig sheath. *** +. nhat is the di))erence between a lateral radicular cyst and a lateral periodontal cyst ' lateral radicular cyst is an inflammatory cyst in which the epithelium is deri(ed )rom rests o) talassev {like a periapical or apical radicular cyst|. It is in a lateral rather than an apical location because the in)lammatory stimulus is emanating )rom a lateral canal. phe associated tooth is always non(ital. phe lateral periondontal cyst is a developmental cyst in which the epithelium probably is deri(ed )rom rests o) dental lamina. It is usually located between the mandibular premolars, which are (ital.

apical malasseve lateral serris peridontal hertwing

35. Primary malignant melanoma o) the oral mucosa: 5 ! 0D5&7$5@ !

a. b. c. d. 'lways originates within the sur)ace epithelium. tostly originates within the sur)ace epithelium. 'lways originates )rom ne(us cells in the connecti(e tissue. *** 'lways originates )rom oangerhans cells within epithelium.

36. mistopathologically adenoid cystic carcinoma in characterived by islands o):

a. ,asophilic islands o) tumor cells that are intermingled with areas o) pseudocartilage. J>Q7P -37 \& Jd!Z$A ! J5&2 ! 73H ! & B2d$ ! J3Ze7_ 41 b. ,asophilic islands o) tumor cells ha(ing a Swwiss cheeseS appearance. *** c. ,asophilic islands o) tumor cells ha(ing a Swwiss cheeseS appearance and e(idence o) serous acini. J5d8& U75De d. ,asophilic islands o) tumor cells that contain mucin and normal acini. b2$VA ! J57&

37. phe risk o) malignant change being present in epithelium is greatest in:
a. b. c. d. momogenous oeukoplakia /rythroplakia. *** ihronic hyperplasic candidiasis wpeckled oeukoplakia /rythroplakia should be (iewed as a more serious lesion because o) a signi)icantly higher percentage o) malignancies associated with it ' decreased production o) keratin. 'n increased production o) keratin. 'n increased thickness o) the prickle cell vone {stratum spinosum|. *** hone o) the abo(e. 'canthosis: phickening o) the epidermis and elongation o) the rete ridges due to thickening o) the spinous layer. tay be associated with enlargement o) rete pegs. an abnormal but benign thickening o) the prickleycell layer o) the skin {as in psoriasis| 'denoid cystic carcinoma and adenocarcinoma 'denoid cystic carcinoma and acinic cell carcinoma tucoepidermoid carcinoma and adenoid cystic carcinoma. *** tucoepidermoid carcinoma and polymorphous oow grade adenocarcinoma phe most common malignant minor sali(ary gland tumors are adenoid cystic and mucoepidermoid carcinomas.

38. phe term acanthosis re)ers to:

a. b. c. d.

39. phe most common malignant tumors o) the minor sali(ary glands are:
a. b. c. d.

40. xgly duckling stage: JEf ! J ! Jd#&

a. y++ years old. b. +.y+s years old. c. zy years old. .75Oa! [4X c$ U75e7># ! Ze7X #A$=3

41. /ruption o) primary dentition starts )rom: +. yz months.*** -. + year. .. months. 42. the use o) low speed hand piece in remo(al o) so)t caries in children is better than
high speed because a. .less (ibration b. .less pulp e*posure. *** c. .better than high speed {\1#&| !4$:9! 5G Z34X ^ ! N_2 ! 0G d ! 7fgO! ;7A$! @DX J5 ! Je#= ! 43. Pedo use rubber dam )or a. Impro(e (isibility and access b. oowers risk o) swallowing c. wterile )ield d. ' b. ***

44. Pedo, has trauma in ++ , hal) an hour ago , with slight apical e*posure , open ape*,
treatment is: a. Pulpotomy with )ormacresol b. 'pe*i)ication c. ~Pi {direct pulp capping|. *** d. /*traction

45. nhich intracanal medicament causes protein coagulation:

a. Formocresol. *** b. haocl c. nad.... ~. mydrogen pero*ide J$_<A ! B7D`a! N5X 0G 5X#d ;43#P2&2% ! #5X J5L7 & ?7%$=3

46. years old child ha(e zr and r e*tracted best space maintainer is:
a. b. c. d. oingual arch. ,ilateral band and loop. *** ,ilateral distal shoe. ho need )or space maintainer.

47. years old child lost his upper right +st molar, arrangement:
a. oingual bar. b. irown and loop. c. ,and and loop. ***

48. ,and and loop space maintainers is most suitable )or the maintenance o) space
a. b. c. d. a)ter premature loss o): #gA ! Z@% 7> Z$=X #e" 2 JG7=A ! JG7 ' single primary molar *** Z5 J$_<& c pwo primary molars ' canine and a lateral incisor 'll o) the abo(e

49. Pedo { )orgot the age | , lost zs , best retainer is:

a. ,and and loop *** b. hance appliance c. irown and loop c# ! [4> ]_ M#Ae B7P !QR W#e" 2 JG7=A ! JG7 B2gX #PC C U!2D` N` ]% ! #Ae B7P !QR .0f> 7T" 2 JG7=A ! JG7 B2gX JAY!Z ! c a!

50. s years old patient lost his primary )irst ma*illary molar the best retainer is: +. ,and and loop. *** -. irown and loop. .. oingual arch. 4. hance appliance.

51. { years| child with bilateral loss o) deciduous molars the anterior teeth not
erupted yet ,the space maintainer )or choice is: aylingual arch ,ybilateral band and loop cybilateral band and loop with distal shoe dyremo(able partial denture . J% >7P 2: ]V ! {J5&7&a! [4> Ze JAY!Z ! [4> \& J$_<A ! 7a! \5A1 Z@G| JK58 ! MF> ;!<= ! .#V$& 7F1 gA& .O7 ! 0Y7D #e" 2 :c a! 7a! Z@G .O7 ! 0Y7D 0f> 7T #e" 2 J5O7 ! 7a! Z@G .0O7=d ! 2@ ! 2: ]V 7G J7> J5&7&a! B7D`a! NO7P J$_<A ! 7a! \5A1 UZ@G 2 7&C

52. jne o) the main cause o) malocclusion:

a. Premature loss o) primary teeth caries progress in children more than adult due to .di))erence in ph .generalived dentin sclerosing by age *** .increasing in organic content o) tubular dentin by age phe most a))ect tooth in nurse bottle )eeding aylower molars byupper molars cyma* incisor *** dymand incisor

53. ' child at dentation age is su))ering )rom:

a| diarrhea b| sleep disorders c| increased sali(ation *** : => U7>7F$ 9! e JX7D ! b#a! !#e JG7T7> J5Ff ! Jd_ 7Ed ! ?73 & ]P B7D`a! [4> 783 J5D1C 7=1C cde E ! % 7> Z5 ! \T.

54. phree year old pt, has anodontia {no teeth at all|, what would you do:
a| )ull denture *** b| implant c| space maitainer d|no inter(ention In cases o) anodontia, )ull dentures are re}uired. phese can be pro(ided, albeit with likely limited success, )rom about . years o) age, with the possibility o) implant support )or prostheses pro(ided in adulthood. ,|yautoimmune )actors {one o) the signs o) 'utoimm diss|

55. ' child patient undergone pulpotomy in your clinic in+st primary molar. he*t day the
patient returned with ulcer on the right side o) the lip your diagnosis is: a| 'pthosis b| onal herpes c| traumatic ulcer*** J%f ! cde E !

56. years old come with )ractured ma* incisor tooth with incipient e*posed pulp a)ter .
min o) the trauma, whats the suitable r*: 5 7fgO! ay Pulpatomy by ~irect pulp capping cy Pulpectomy dy 'pe*i)ication

57. child has a habit o) )inger sucking and starts to show orodental changes, the child
needs: ay /arly appliance by Psychological therapy

58. Father )or child +- year pt asked you about ,the age )or the amalgam restoration o)
his child ,you tell him: a|- years b| years c|- decades. *** d|all li)e iomple* amalgam restoration with pins: wmales reported that z- o) amalgam restorations sur(i(ed )or +s years, including those with cusp co(erage. JD` - c$ #A$=X J3?7E ! U!2fV ! BC 0DE3 !:

59. years old pt. mad trauma to presented a)ter . minute o) inuury me had crown
)racture with incipient pulp e*posure what u do: +. ~irect pulp capping. *** -. Pulpotomy. .. Pulpctomy. r. jbser(e.

60. ihild with mental disorder su))er )rom oro)acial trauma, brought to the hospital
by his parents, the child is panic and Irritable, the treatment should done under: a| oocal anesthesia. ,| eneral anesthesia. i| as sedation. ~| Intra(enous sedation.

61. Fracture be)ore + year o) upper central incisor reach the pulp in year old child.
mow will you manage this case a| ip. ,| 'pe*i)ication. *** c| ~irect pulp capping d| Indirect pulp capping. JD` ]_ N=5 J5 7 J>7L! g > 7f& # ;!<`

62. years old child came to your clinic with trauma to upper central incisor with
pulp e*posure and e*tenci(e pulp bleeding your treatment will be: a. direct pulp cappin b. pulpectomy with gutta percha )illing c.ape*i)ication ***d. pulpotomy with calcium hydro*ide JdA$g& #5 B7D`a! BC ^C U!2D` Z 2 ! #Ae

63. ~istinguishing between right le)t canines can be determined:

a. because distal conca(ities are larger. b. with a line bisecting the )acial sur)ace the tip lies distally. c. others ?28@A ! B7P !QR J5O7 ! J>71! WY!Z ! 7D ! 2: ?28@A ! B7P !QR ;a! 75 ! 0: ;!<= ! !: cde J>71! .Y!? 7O 2: ?28@A 7G N_<& JAdg #PQ 7D: g3 !QR WN_<A ! 7D ! .J5=Oa! & ;2C J5f2 ! JE7@ ! JG7V ! :Y!Z ! ^2dE ! 7D ! .J5=Oa! & #8_C J5f2 ! JE7@ ! JG7V ! :N_<A ! ^2dE ! ^7D ! Primary canine: ne can di))erentiate between the upper mesial distal canine by the )unctional cusp tip is inclined distally i) bisectioning crown the cer(ical line on lingual sur)ace is inclined mesially root cur(ed mesially


ihild ha(e tooth which ha(e no moblity but ha(e lu*ation best treatment: yacrylic splint. ynon rigid )i*ation. *** yrigid )i*ation. ou*ation with immobilivation treatment: honyrigid physiological splinting should be applied )or a period o) no more than two weeks. phe (arious splinting methods are discussed.

64. s years old pt had e*traction o) the lower primary molar he had )racture o) the
ape* o) the tooth what is the best ttt: + aggressi(e remo(e - (isualivation remo(e . (isualivation lea(e. ***

65. z yo boy came to the clinic in the right ma*illary central incisor with large pulp
e*posure: + pulpectomy with ia{jm|- pulptomy with ia{jm|-. *** . ~irect pulp capping r lea(e it

66. ihild has bru*ism to be treated with

a. sedati(e b. cusp capping c. (inyl plastic bite guard. *** ' (inyl plastic bite guard that co(ers the occlusal sur)aces o) all teeth plus - mm o) the buccal and lingual sur)aces can be worn at night to pre(ent continuing abrasion. phe occlusal sur)ace o) the bite guard should be )lat to a(oid occlusal inter)erence

67. phe most techni}ue use with children:

y pw~***{pelly whow q ~o| y hand o(er mouth ypunishment


tandibular +st permanent molar look in morphology as: ay primary +st mand molar. by primary -nd mand molar. *** cy primary +st ma* molar. dy primary -nd ma* molar.

68. o boy came to the clinic in the right ma*illary central incisor with large pulp
e*posure: + pulpectomy with ia{jm|- pulptomy with ia{jm|-. *** . ~irect pulp capping r lea(e it #PC B7P !QR 7&C 7V5VL ]V ! B2g3 ]_C C U!2D` B7P !QG ;!<= ! & #E& #5 3#A ! #Ae BC Z3 J5 J 7E& 2: ]V 7G Q &

69. paci)ier habit what you see in his mouth

a. jpen bite. b. iross bite ihildren who were paci)ier users were signi)icantly more likely to show open bite, posterior crossbite increased o(eruet, and alteration in cheek mobility than habity)ree children action during sucking, which leads to gingi(al inuury recession, and loss o) al(eolar bone

70. the most common inuures in child is:

+ tooth - root . intrusion o) the tooth inside the socket well 71. ihild with pre(ious history o) minor trauma with e*cessi(e bleeding we do test the result is prolong Pp slightly increase clotting time . pest is (e. the diagnosis is: a. hemophelia ,. b. thrombocytopenia. c. (it. de)iciency ' clot may )ail to )orm because o) a }uantitati(e or )unctional platelet de)iciency. phe )ormer is most readily assessed by obtaining a platelet count. phe normal platelet count is -,s, cellsmm. Prolonged bleeding may occur i) platelets )all below +, cells mm.. preatment o) se(ere thrombocytopenia may re}uire platelet trans)usion. ualitati(e platelet dys)unction most o)ten results )rom aspirin ingestion and is most commonly measured by determining the bleeding time. Prolonged bleeding time re}uires consultation with a hematologist


72. hetros o*ide inter)erence with

it b+-*** it b it a it c

73. two weeks baby born with - anterior teeth which is highly mobile , and his mother
ha(e no problem or discom)ort during nursing him what is ur managemnt : a. do not do anthing as the baby ha(e no problem during )eeding b. do not do anything as the mother dont )eel discom)ort c. u must e*tract as soon as possible to a(oid accident inhalation o) them d. do nothing , it will shell by it sel) hatal teeth are usually members o) the primary dentition, not supernumerary teeth, and so should be retained i) possible. tost )re}uently a))ect mandibular incisor region and, because o) limited root de(elopment at that age, are mobile. I) in danger o) being inhaled or causing problems with breast)eeding, they can be remo(ed under local analgesia.

74. a)ter a trauma on a primary tooth what is the least possibility

'. change in the permanent tooth enamel color . ,. change the primary tooth color i.api* pathologic on primary tooth

75. at which age will a child ha(e +- permanent and +- primary teeth
a. b.++

76. In primary tooth )or restoration be)ore putting the )illing u put:
a. base. b. calcium hydro*ide. c. (arnish. a. you put the )illing a)ter proper cleaning and drying ***

77. ' child with thumb sucking habit he will de(elop:

a. anterior openbite and posterior crossbite***

78. Immature tooth with e*ternal apical third resorption:

a| ia{jm|- application b| 'pe*o)ication P )illing

79. ou e*amined a child and )ound that the distal part o) the upper primary molar is
located mesial to the distal outline o) the lower primary molar ... phis is called a. distal step***


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