January 2020 Questions

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1.Xray for zygomatic arch fracture:

a. submentovertex
b. Occipitomental

2.The advantage of the miniplate system:

a. Cost
b. Rigid fixation
c. Prevent compression of fracture segment
d. Used intraorally

3.most aerobic bacteria in odontogenic infection

4.when you tighten the screw you found occlusion changes what are the
A.you made more pressure
B. the screw length was more than the drill
C. the drill was bigger than the screw
D. the plate is not preadapted well

5. The most common craniosynostosis:


6. Picture of fusion of fingers asking which syndrome


7. Gonial angle:
8. Nasolabial angle:

9. Patient had radiotherapy from 1 year came for implant placement #46:
b.Place the implant immediately
C. give patient hyperbaric oxygen before and after treatment

10.kaban classification ( picture with short ramus and absence of condyle)

which class:
A.class I
B.class IIa
C​.class III
D.class IIb

11.which of the following is the most stable:

A.maxillary advancment
b​. Maxillary superior impaction

12.the most used tmj splint:

Stabilization splint

13. The cause of condylar sag in mandibular ramus osteotomy:

B.lefort I

14.the use of segmental osteotomy in anterior maxilla:

a​.leveling of occlusion
b.crowding of teeth
C .transverse deficiency of anterior maxilla

15. with aging the cranium become:

A​.thin and light
B.thick and dense

16 .protein content is 5mg in which cyst:


17. Xray of a cyst around an impacted wisdom?:

A​,dentigerous cyst

18. Treatment for the dentigerous cyst:

Surgical removal with the impacted tooth

19.during ramus osteotomy the proximal part displaced upward what will
you do:

A.treat the case as condylar fracture

B.stop the procedure
C.fix it
D. make a c osteotomy

20. Syndrome with bilateral brachycephaly and polydactyly:

a. Crouzon
b. Carpenter
c. pfeiffer
21. 18 months old girl with cleft lip and palate complains from
hypernasality, management:
a. Repair by brdach two flap
b. Repair by veau wardill kilner
c. Consult speech therapist
d. Obturator

22. Time of abg (alveolar bone graft) best at:

a. When lateral erupt
b. When ⅓ of canine root forms
c. After canine eruption
d. At age of 6 years

23. Picture with sagittal suture asking which syndrome?:


24. Xray of dentigerous cyst at impacted wisdom asking about treatment

25. Patient with pericoronitis came after 3 days with trismus and no facial
swelling which space is involved:
a. Pterygomandibular space

26. Case of submandibular and lateral pharyngeal infection came after

drainage extraoral at submandibular with difficulty in swallowing :
a. Drain lateral pharyngeal
b. Re drain submandibular
c. Prescribe antibiotic

27. Case with submandibular and retropharyngeal infection after drainage

patient developed difficulty in swallowing what is the next step:
a. Ct with contrast and culture sensitivity
b. Re drain
c. Prescribe antibiotics

28. Photo of impaction asking about the flap

Envelope flap

29. Case 50y complaining from pain and crepitus:


30. Case 30y complaining from pain and crepitus with increased ESR:
Rheumatoid arthritis

31. Case of trauma 10 years ago developed facial deformity at a side

(right/left) with open bite at side (right?left) since 2 years:
Condylar hyperplasia at (right/left) side
**same side of the open bite and opposite of the chin shift side

32. Bilateral condylar fracture treated by IMF after 8 weeks the occlusion
was disturbed what is the treatment:
a. Elastic traction
b. IMF again
d. Orthognathic

33. Oxygen saturation is 90% then the PO2 is:

a. 60
b. 90
c. 100

34. Case of arthrocentesis

35. Case of fractured mandibular angle treated by miniplate and after 3
days there is pus discharge what is the management:
a. Intraoral drain
b. Intraoral drain with hardware removal
c. Extraoral drainage

36. Patient fit and well non smoker and non alcoholic with scc on ventral
surface of tongue what is the cause of the tumor:
a. Single gene modification
b. Viral infection

37. 65y male referred for removal of multiple carious teeth, he requests the
procedure to be done under GA. during his preoperative history, he states
that for the past 2 years he has had increasing difficulty in breathing at
night and now sleeps on two pillows. He also states that he has an
occasional fluttering sensation in his chest. Cardiac auscultation reveals an
accentuated first heart sound with a snap. Which of the following would you
suspect to be present in this patient:
a. Mitral stenosis
b. Aortic stenosis
c. Aortic regurgitation
d. Tricuspid stenosis

38. Of the following patients which is the most likely to be a carrier of

a. HIV positive 24y male
b. 30y type II diabetic
c. Sexually active 35y with multiple partners
d. 81y nursing home resident
39. Which of the following is most likely to be associated with an
asymptomatic erupted mandibular third molar in a young adult:
a. Resorption of the distal root of the adjacent tooth
b. Dental caries
c. Localised periodontitis
d. Dentigrous cyst

40. The best time to provide IV antibiotic preoperative therapy prior to

removal of impacted third molars associated with pericoronal infection:
a. Immediately prior to surgery
b. 0.5 - 2 hrs prior to surgery
c. 3 - 4 hrs prior to surgery
d. 6 hrs prior to surgery

41. While attempting to extract impacted #16 the tooth is suddenly

displaced and is no longer visible or palpable, the patient now has limited
mandibular opening, what is the most likely position of the tooth:
a. In the maxillary sinus
b. In the buccal space
c. In the body of zygoma
d. In the infratemporal space

42. The simultaneously performed genioplasty and sagittal split osteotomy:

a. Decreases the risk of inferior alveolar nerve sensory loss
b. Should not be performed simultaneously
c. Increases the risk of IAN sensory loss
d. Hs no effect on IAN sensory loss

43. Which of the following is the most stable procedure:

A. maxillary inferior positioning
B. Segmental maxillary expansion
C. Maxillary superior impaction
D. Mandibular advancement
44. Cephalic trimming of the lateral cartilages of the nose during rhinoplasty
has which of the following effects on the nasal tip:
a. Upward rotation
b. Downward rotation
c. Widening
d. No effect

45.18y presents with the development of a sudden severe limitation of

opening to only 18mm, if medications and bite splint therapy fail to alleviate
the symptoms the next step to consider is:
a. Arthrocentesis
b. Open arthrotomy
c. Alloplastic joint replacement
d. Physical therapy

46. BSSO procedure, Hunsunk modification:

a. Extending to inferior border
b. Extending to medial ramus
c. Extending to oblique ridge

47. Patient on warfarin anticoagulant therapy and prepared for tooth

extraction what should be done:
a. INR should be at level 2-3 before surgery
b. Administration of vit k
c. Stop medication 24hr before extraction
d. Hospitalized and heparinized

48. Burning of bone during implant surgical procedure at:

a. 32 degree
b. 47 degree
c. 56
d. 60
49. The primary goal in the management of odontogenic infection:
a. Antibiotic therapy
b. Management of fever
c. Drainage and cause removal

50.while doing implant in #22 severe bleeding is encountered, the surgeon

a. Continue implant placement
b. Pack the socket and reevaluate
c. Fill the socket with bone and continue
d. place surgical stent and follow up the patient the following day

51.when considering the reconstruction of a 7cm segmental defect in the

mandible, which of the following donor sites will most adequately provide
sufficient cancellous bone:
a. Anterior ilium
b. Bilateral tibial plateau
c. Posterior ilium
d. calvarium

52. 38y female referred to you complaining of severe right mandible and
cheek pain. Her dental exam was benign and she had not undergone any
recent dental procedure. She characterizes the pain as pulsing that was
accompanied by symptoms of nausea and vomiting. It would last from
hours to two and one half days and would be interrupted by frequent
periods of remission. The most likely diagnosis is:
a. Cluster headache
b. Trigeminal neuralgia
c. Atypical odontalgia
d. Facial migraine

53. 34y female presents with moderate intermittent sharp right sided facial
pain of 6 months duration. The pain is lancinating with episodes lasting
several minutes. Clinical examination reveals no myofascial pain, no tmj
tenderness or clicks and a full range of mandibular motion. Cranial nerve
evaluation reveals diplopia on left lateral gaze as well as hypoesthesia of
the right maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve. The diagnosis in this
patient would be made most accurately with:
a. Patient history
b. Clinical examination
c. Ct
d. Mri

54. 34 y female presents with 3 months history of facial pain. Her medical
history is unremarkable. She reports no allergies. Clinical examination
reveals the presence of mild bilateral masseter and temporalis muscle
tenderness and bilateral tmj reciprocal clicks and moderate pain. The
maximum incisal opening is 38mm. MRI illustrates bilateral anterior disc
displacement with reduction. No joint effusion is seen. The most
appropriate initial treatment would be:
a. Arthrocentesis
b. Occlusal equilibrium
d. Narcotic pain medication

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