Emma 0909
Emma 0909
Emma 0909
'With energy prices expected to rise in the future, and the increasing need to respond to climate
change, we anticipate that rigorous assessments of energy use will continue to be a valuable tool for
companies looking to keep costs down and reduce greenhouse emissions in the most cost effective
The Department of Resources, energy and Tourism, July 2009
report efficiency solutions
“By ‘sustainable’, I mean buildings that use energy and water efficiently, that employ building materials
with a low environmental impact, that manage waste responsibly and form precincts with low-carbon
infrastructure, like distributed generation and effective public transport.
In so many ways, live-ability and prosperity flow from sustainability – buildings that are more
comfortable and enjoyable to live and work in, neighborhoods with more amenity and green space, and
design features, technologies and facilities that save money through reduced energy use, water use and
THE HON PETER GARRETT AM MP Keynote Speech – Sustainability Canberra, 12 August 2009
learn about the whole enterprise
• The EMMA development team won Oracle magazines Global 'Green IT architect of the year
award' (2009)
• EMMA has been used as a case study for the global Oracle technology network
• EMMA was one of five finalists for the Carbon Disclosure Project’s registry system.
easily applied
A simple example EMMA highlights energy efficiency opportunities
Although EMMA can cope with numerous business and is able to accurately track the resulting
scenarios, it is most easily demonstrated when abatement projects. This means all projects are
applied to building stock and building portfolios quantifiable (auditable for carbon trading purposes)
(bearing in mind that achieving, measuring and and an overall abatement plan is managed
reporting sustainable buildings is a complex effectively. As EMMA measures resource
challenge). consumption from a very granular level against
operational activities; project identification, planning
EMMA integrates data from a variety of sources and execution are easily audited and have more
including utility meters, building management guaranteed accuracy.
systems and sensors, accurately measuring and EMMA has a number of unique features;
reporting resource consumption, CO2 equivalents • It is a true Knowledge based Business
and human traffic. Intelligence built on solid and scalable
Oracle software, it means that there are no
more excel spreadsheets and static reports
needed to track efficiency opportunities.
• It is a web based solution that provides
management with the ability to easily and
graphically compare apples with apples.
• The ability to manipulate data from source
will save on benchmarking audit costs (i.e.
• Measuring global operations facilitates
worldwide benchmarking, Multi language
support allows global operations to share
the benefits via role based dashboards and
web portals.