EPO Overview - Brochure

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Energy Profiler Online (EPO)

Robust energy reporting and demand response for

utility C&I customers and account teams

Schneider Electric’s Energy Profiler Online (EPO) is a cloud-based SaaS solution

designed to provide energy data presentment, utility engagement, and demand
response for a utility’s commercial and industrial (C&I) customers. Today, this
important customer segment is rapidly changing the way they approach energy
consumption and costs, and utilities must effectively address their evolving needs.
EPO allows utilities to provide meaningful data analytics, historical tracking,
ongoing communications, and demand response programs through one
easy-to-use digital platform.

EPO provides C&I customers with personalized energy usage reporting and EPO at a glance
historical tracking; highlighting time of use (TOU) periods, and displaying
• Cloud-based SaaS technology; always
DERs meter data distinctly (delivered, received and net), as well as in
up to date
aggregate. A powerful rate engine allows customers to run complex ‘what
• Manages data for electric, gas and water
if’ rate analysis scenarios to quantify how different rates and energy use
• Load profiling
changes can impact their bill.
• Energy reporting
• Emissions tracking
EPO is also designed to assist internal utility teams with their work. The
• Bill Estimation & Scenario Modeling
reports and ‘what if’ scenarios assist key account managers in identifying
• Behavioral and Operational Demand
customers for demand response and energy efficiency programs. A
curtailment module provides the utility demand response (DR) team
• Energy diagnostics
with program management and historical tracking from contracting
• Green Button Download & Connect
through settlement.
• Alarming & notification
• Behind the meter integration & monitoring
Marketing and program teams can take advantage of advertising tiles to
of DER resources and submetering of
promote utility offerings, and links can be prominently displayed within
critical loads
EPO to direct customers to specific content on the utility website. Customer
• Utility administration tools
service representatives can view the same EPO content and reports as
• Multi-device, responsive interface
customers. This content mirroring minimizes call times and improves
• White label; branded as the utility
customer service. And many departments throughout the utility benefit from
• Integrates with existing utility systems
the myriad of reports that can be generated through EPO.
• Continuous agile product development

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Energy Profiler Online (EPO)

A Modular Solution

EPO is comprised of the base technology and Diagnostics

reports found within the Pro module, and a suite
of optional modules; Bill Estimation, Curtailment, Bill
Diagnostics, Real Time Pricing, Weather, and Estimation
Essentials. Together they bring utilities a powerful
digital solution with robust energy reporting and Pro
communication capabilities for all C&I customers.
Real Time
EPO Professional for the energy savvy user Pricing

EPO Pro and its associated modules are designed

specifically to serve utility staff and large C&I Essentials
customers with sophisticated energy reporting
needs. With EPO, large C&I customers enjoy robust
customized energy reporting, including usage data Admin Portal

and analysis, billing data, load profiles, heat maps,

rate comparisons, scenario modeling, Green Button
functionality, alerts, and even utility operated demand
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response program participation and tracking.

EPO Essentials for the energy novice

EPO Essentials is designed for the needs of small
and medium C&I customers. Essentials is an online
dashboard with streamlined energy reporting—for
the business customer that is less energy-savvy
than a building engineer. It can be bundled with
Professional or offered independently. The Essentials
dashboard provides customers with personalized
high-level energy data, billing estimation data, utility
and program information, Green Button download,
and easy access to utility programs and educational
information. The features and functionality of the
dashboard are all designed with simplicity in mind.

Energy Profiler Online (EPO)

Sampling of EPO Features and Benefits

Data Access, Reporting and Analysis

View energy usage, load profiles, CO2 emissions, and costs
Analyze and compare multiple time periods
Normalize demand and usage across multiple facilities
Aggregate data from multiple sites
Utilize heat map and top 10 energy and demand day reports to detect anomalies
Generate data in both graphical and tabular formats
Retain historical data and statistics to track and compare past energy usage and price trends
Export data in CSV, Green Button format, and on-demand Web service
Import “near real time” meter data for event monitoring, with nightly true-up
Customize user configurable dashboard
Enable third party access to energy data

Estimated Bill and Scenario Modeling

View estimated bills for any time period
Explore the effects of rate changes
Normalize energy information (e.g. per sqft, production)
Model cost impacts of rate options, load reduction, and energy efficiency programs

Automated Reporting and Alerts

Save and view configured reports
Schedule automated report delivery via email
Notification of demand response events
Set min/max thresholds for usage or pricing
Designate recipients for automated alerts

Demand Response
Model various utility DR program rules
Manage customer interactions via intuitive, web-based interface
Automate event management, notification, signaling, and settlement processes
Obtain accurate rate-model-based settlement
Attain utility CIS/billing system interoperability
Signal customers, convey real-time energy prices, and monitor compliance
Offer secure, real-time signaling to customer facilities with OpenADR 2.0

Sampling of EPO Features and Benefits

Real Time Pricing (RTP)

View future and historical daily price streams
View RTP energy charge calculations
Select day ahead daily forecasted loads
Analyze “what-if” usage to assess impact of changes
Energy price conveyance to customer energy management and control systems through OpenADR 2.0

Configure customer, account, and meter relationships
Manage full-user life cycle (e.g., passwords, rights, roles)
Model and administer demand response programs
View administrative and system usage reports

Data Integration
Secure, nightly import of validated interval data from utility MDM or AMI system
Near real-time interoperability with customer EMS, sub-metering, or utility AMI systems
Import weather data from online weather services
Green Button Web service API and Green Button “Download My Data” export service
Integrate demand response settlement results with utility CIS/billing systems
Interoperable with ISO programs

Full time EPO support team available to assist utility staff by phone and email
Utility staff training provided
Direct customer training optional
Online support community of peer utilities

Energy Profiler Online (EPO)

Schneider Electric
2620 E Prospect Road, #130,
Fort Collins, CO

©2019 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks are owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS or its affiliated companies.

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