Theology 102
Theology 102
Theology 102
General Introduction Objectives: 1. To grasp in deeper way the meaning and importance of theology in the life as Augustinians. 2. To respond to the call to grow in their knowledge of the catholic Christian faith through the study of theology. 3. To give thanks to God for the opportunity to grow in the knowledge of God. Values: Theology Faith Religion Holiness
What is Theology? 1. Etymologically, it comes from the two (2) Greek words theos (God) and logos(Word). Put together it means Words of God or Study of God 2. St. Anselm of Canterbury defines Theology as faith seeking understanding 3. Contemporary Theologians view theology as the the process of interpreting ones faith experience of God What is Christology? 1. It is the study of Christ 2. The process of interpreting ones faith-experience of God alive for us in and through Jesus the Christ What is Ecclesiology? 1. It is a study of the Church founded by Jesus Christ 2. It comes from the Latin word ecclesia and Greek word ek-kahen ,both means convocation and an assembly. It designates the assemblies of the people, usually for a religious purpose. 3. Ekklesia is used frequently in the Greek Old Testament for the assembly of the Chosen People before God, above all for their assembly on Mt. Sinai where Israel received the Law and was established by God as his holy people. The first community of Christian believers recognized itself as heir to that assembly. In the Church, God is calling together his people from all the ends of the earth. 4. In Christian usage, Church designates the liturgical assembly, also the local community of the whole universal community of the believers The church then is the People that God gathers in the whole world. She exist in local communities and is made real as liturgical assembly. (Eucharistic assembly) She draws her life from the word and the Body of Christ and so herself become Christs Body
As only Christian nation of southeast Asia. We Filipinos can be proud of our faith in Jesus Christ. We have had a long history of very sharp and colorful religion experiences: Pre Christian times Centuries of Spanish Christian evangelization American protestant influx in the commonwealth era Japanese Occupation during World War II II Vatican Councils second Pentecost People power Basic Christian communities PCP II
Our understanding and love of Jesus Christ has been colored by our personal and national historical experiences of pain and struggle of victory and celebration. Our faith in Jesus is marked by deep devotion to Mary, his mother, and our mother and model. All these experiences have somehow defined and clarifies our unique identity as persons, as Christians, as Filipinos, as a nation. Church Teaching Of the many images of Christ that corresponds to our culture, three popular Filipinos images of Christ are particularly expressive: 1. Santo Nino (the holy child) imaging the innocence, simplicity, child-like wonder of Christ. While responding to the Filipinos natural love for children, the child image of Christ can sometimes foster a one-sided focus which neglects the mature, adult Christ and the demands of responsible discipleship. 2. Hesus Nazareno picturing the suffering Jesus and Inspiring many folk devotional panata. This image of jesus suffering love is very consoling to numberless Filipinos in dire poverty and hardships. Yet, unless it is balanced by the image of the Risen Christ, the