1952 Yearbook of Jehovahs Witnesses
1952 Yearbook of Jehovahs Witnesses
1952 Yearbook of Jehovahs Witnesses
of Jehovah's Witnesses
containing report for the
service year of 1951
Also daily texts
and cornments
Corporate Publishers
124 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn 2, N. Y., U. S. A.
Branch offices appear on last page
Copyright, 1951, by
Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society
Made in the United States of America
Secretary and Treasurer
Secretary and Treasurer
Ass't Secretary and Treasurer
Alaska ................................. 63
Angola ................................... 218
Argentina ....................... ......... 78
Australia ................................ 80
Austria ................................... 83
Azores .................................... 64
Bahamas .............................. .. 84
Basutoland ... ............................ 219
Bechuanaland .............................. 220
Belgian Congo .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Belgium .................................. 86
Bermuda ............................... .. 65
Bolivia ................................... 90
Borneo ................................... 216
Brazil ...................................... 91
British Guiana ........................... 93
British Honduras ......................... 95
British Isles................................ 96
British West Indies ....................... 100
Bulgaria .................................. 102
Burma ..................................... 103
Cameroun ................................. 186
Canada ................................... 105
.. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
China ..................................... log
Colombia . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Costa Rica ................................ 113
Cuba ...................................... 116
Cyprus ..................................... 118
Czechoslovakia ............................. 120
:: :::::::::::::::::: ::::::: ::: ::::
Dominican Republic ....................... 123
Ecuador .................................... 125
Egypt...................................... 128
Eire........................................ 98
EI Salvador ................................ 131
Ethiopia .................................. 65
Fernando Po .............................. 187
. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
France ................................... 137
French Equatorial Africa.................. 67
French West Africa ..................... 67
Gambia .................................. ,. 68
Germany ................................. 140
Gold Coast ................................ 142
Greece ..................................... 144
Guadeloupe ................................ 69
Guatemala ................................. 147
Haiti .................................... 149
Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan ........ 70
Hawaii .................................. 151
Honduras .................................. 153
Hong Kong ................................ 111
Hungary ................................... 155
Iceland..................................... 70
India ..................................... 156
Iran ....................................... 158
Israel ...................................... 71
Italy ................................... 159
Ivory Coast ...............................
Jamaica ...................................
Japan .................................. .
Kenya .................................... .
Korea ..................................... .
Lebanon .. ................ . ............ .
Liberia ................................... .
Libya ..................................... .
Luxembourg .............................. .
Malta ....... '" ........................... .
Martinique ...............................
Mauritius .................................
Mexico .................................... .
Netherlands .............................. .
Netherlands West Indies ................. .
Newfoundland ............................ .
New Zealand ............................. .
.. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
Northern Rhodesia . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ..
Norway ................................... .
Nyasaland ................................ .
Pakistan ..................................
Panama ...................................
Paraguay ................................. .
Peru ..................................... .
Philippine Republic ....................... .
Poland .................................... .
Portugal .................................. .
Portuguese East Africa ................... .
Puerto Rico ............................... .
Romania .................................. .
Saar ..................................... .
St. Helena ................................ .
Sierra Leone ............................. .
Singapore and Malaya .................... .
South Africa ..............................
Southern Rhodesia ........................ .
South West Africa ....................... .
Spain ..................................... .
Sudan ..................................... .
Surinam .................................. .
Swaziland ................................. .
Sweden ................................... .
Switzerland ............................... .
Tanpanylka Territory ..................... .
ThaIland .................................. .
Togo ...................................
.:::::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
United States of America ................. .
United States of Indonesia ................ .
Uruguay ..................................
Venezuela ................................
. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Service year chart, page 246
of Jehovah's Witnesses
EHOV All, the great Sovereign Ruler of the
universe, has shown undeserved kindness to
the least of humanity, men and women just
like us. Paul was a recipient of this undeserved
kindness. He appreciated it so much, he just
had to express it in words as well as in works.
The gratitude to Jehovah that was Paul's he
wanted all other persons to feel too. That is
why he wrote so fervently to Timothy, saying:
"I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord, who
delegated power to me, because he considered
me trustworthy by assigning me to a ministry,
although formerly I was a blasphemer and a
persecutor and an insolent man. Nevertheless,
I was shown mercy, because I was ignorant and
acted with a lack of faith. But the undeserved
kindness of our Lord abounded
along with faith and love that is in connectIOn
with Christ Jesus. Trustworthy and deserving
of full acceptance is the saying that Christ J e-
sus came into the world to save sinners. Of
these I am foremost. Nevertheless, the reason
why I was shown mercy was that by means of
me as the foremost case Christ Jesus might
demonstrate all his longsuffering for a sample
6 Yea1'book
of those who are going to rest their faith on
him for everlasting life."-l Tim, 1: 12-16, NW.
It was so fine of Paul to speak frankly to
this young man Timothy, who also wanted to
gain life and who could gain it too, because
of the undeserved kindness of Jehovah. Ac-
knowledging his insolent disposition in times
past, Paul tells Timothy of the undeserved kind-
ness God showed toward him even though he
was a blasphemer. He appreciated this love, The
abounding joy in Paul's expression to Timothy
was over the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ
had considered him trustworthy and had dele-
gated him to be a minister. What an assign-
ment! What a privilege! Paul certainly appre-
ciated his ministry, and in the book of Acts the
account of his life of service shows that.
When, on another occasion, Paul wrote to the
Ephesians he also had this same thought-the
ministry-in mind. He told the congregation at
Ephesus that God had extended to him a kind-
ness that was undeserved. Certainly neither Paul
nor the Ephesians nor any other of the human
family deserved kindness from God. But still
Paul was shown such love and was given the op-
portunity to declare good news to the nations
concerning God's love and to make known the
majesty, the power and the wonderfulness of
the Creator and his Son. Paul stated it this way,
when he wrote to the Ephesians: "To me, a man
less than the least of all holy ones, this unde-
served kindness was given, that I should declare
to the nations the good news about the unfath-
omable riches of the Christ and should make
men see how the sacred secret is administered
Yearbook 7
which has from past eternity been concealed in
God, who created all things."-Eph. 3: 8,9, NW.
Jehovah did something for Paul. He was now
a free man in line for everlasting life. He came
away from the bondage of that old system of
things in which he had lived, and now for the
first time he had freeness of speech that comes
to God's people through knowledge of Jehovah.
What Paul learned about God's revealed pur-
poses through Christ Jesus gave him confidence
to do his work, through his faith. This faith was
never shaken. He proved this by doing good
works now in the role of a persecuted man, not
the persecutor he had once been. His trials, trib-
ulations and buffetings were many; still he was
faithful unto death. He was a man of integrity.
He knew God's will and he was 'resting his
faith in Christ for everlasting life'. Paul must
have been an inspiration and a good example
for others to follow, because he himself was
following in the footsteps of Christ Jesus.
But what about other Christians ? Were they
faithfully following Christ? Did God's unde-
served kindness have the same effect on them
as it did on Paul T Yes, it did. Consider the early
Christians: The Jews had failed as a nation to
keep their covenant with Jehovah God. They
were once chosen to be God's name-people, but
now when Jehovah had revealed the sacred se-
cret, his Son Christ Jesus as the Messiah, they
would not accept him. So the call went forth to
the Gentile nations in order to take out from
them a people for God's name. The sacred secret
that had been concealed for generations, that is,
how Jehovah God would bless all the familiei'l of
the earth, was now revealed in Christ Jesus.
8 Yearbook
According to it Jehovah had now shown mercy
and undeserved kindness toward the Gentiles as
well as the Jews. Both kinds of "nations", or
all kinds of men, could now accept the Messiah
and get in line for everlasting life. Truly, J eho-
vah God knew from the foundation of the world
how he was going to work out his purposes for
the blessing of all the families of the earth and
the vindication of his name, even though he had
not revealed this to the fullest extent in times
For centuries Jehovah God had no dealings
with the Gentiles, but now the way was open for
them to become Christians, God's chosen serv-
ants, Jehovah's witnesses. In writing to the Ro-
mans about their being shown so much mercy
and so much kindness not deserved (for they
had done nothing to honor Jehovah), Paul ex-
claimed: "Oh the depth of God's riches and wis-
dom and knowledge! How unsearchable his
jUdgments are and past tracing out his ways
are! For 'who has come to know Jehovah's mind,
or who has become his counselod'" (Rom.
11 : 33, 34, NW) It is incomprehensible, but still
Jehovah's undeserved kindness was extended to
the Gentiles; and those who dedicated them-
selves to the Most High and came into the con-
gregation or visible organization became spec-
tacles before men and angels.
It was about nineteen hundred years ago that
this visible organization, the congregation of
God's people, was brought into existence. The
recipients of this undeserved kindness were
taken into a new covenant with God, not the old
law covenant. The old one mediated by Moses
had been abolished with the impaling of Christ
Yearbook 9
Jesus. This new covenant was the law of God
written in the hearts of the covenanters, not on
tablets of stone. These New Covenant persons
were to be "a people for his name". These were
the ones like Christ Jesus, namely, Paul and all
the early faithful followers of Christ, the pro-
claimers of the kingdom of God.
A new system of things, a new organization,
was starting, and it was of vital importance.
The selection of the bride of Christ had begun
and it was to be made up of 144,000 faithful fol-
lowers of the Lord Jesus. At that time this se-
lection of the bride and the forming of this
visible organization wherein each individual
must be faithful unto death was a very serious
matter; and so the members appreciated to the
full that they must work together in unity, be-
cause in God's undeserved kindness he had
brought them together for a special purpose.
Eventually the eyes of the world would be upon
them and certainly the angels in heaven were
watching the outworkings of God's marvelous
arrangements. Here were the announcers of J e-
hovah's kingdom, which is the only hope of the
world. Could there be anything any more vital
or important'
Jehovah had purposed that men should "see
how the sacred secret is administered", and
hence that which had been concealed in God
was now being revealed, and "this was to the
end that now to the governments and the author-
ities in the heavenly places there might be made
known through the congregation the greatly
diversified wisdom of God, according to the eter-
nal purpose which he formed in connection with
the Christ, Jesus our Lord, by means of whom
we have this freeness of speech and an approach
with confidence through our faith in him.
Wherefore I ask you not to give up on account
of these tribulations of mine in your behalf, for
these mean glory for you". (Eph. 3: 10-13, NW)
Yes, "the eternal purpose which he [Jehovah]
formed in connection with the Christ" was now
being accomplished. Things were moving ahead
to the vindication of Jehovah's name and word.
The congregation of God was now his visible
organization making known the good news about
Christ and heralding the glad tidings of
the kingdom of the heavens. A true founda-
tion was laid with Christ Jesus, the faith-
ful and true witness, and, come what may,
whether tribulations to any individual member
of the congregation or the dispersing of the
companies of Jehovah's witnesses, all would
still "rest their faith on him for everlasting life"
and speak with the wonderful freeness of speech
Christ Jesus had given them.
You see, during his ministry Jesus introduced
a freeness of thought and speech that had van-
ished from the earth by his time. It was he who
said: "This means everlasting life, their taking
in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of
the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ."
(J ohn 17: 3, NW) The world's religions had a
powerful hold on the people. Millions of persons
of all nations, tribes, peoples and tongues were
in a definite rut. The truths Jehovah had set
forth centuries before Jesus' time were till then
hidden. The Israelites were just as bad off as
all the other nations, for they had forsaken J e
Yearbook 11
hovah's teachings for the traditions of men.
When Christ Jesus came he demonstrated by his
words and actions a freeness of speech that
cheered the hearts of men.
His sayings were not based on any old false
religious tradition. What he taught he did not
learn in the schools of his day. He learned it by
studying the Hebrew Scriptures, by communi-
cating with God in prayer and by dedicating
himself to doing his Father's will. It was this
anointed One, the Master, who said: "The truth
will set you free." ( John 8: 32, NW) Certainly
Jesus was free from this old world. He was no
part of it even though he was in it. He was a
man free to say the things that were true and
righteous and an honor to Jehovah's name. He
was free to do the things that would bring
praise to his heavenly Father. He restored pure
worship of the Most High God. He condemned
hypocrites and false religions with their idol
Paul recognized these priceless and fearless
qualities in Christ Jesus, and it was through
Christ Jesus that he himself received his free-
ness of speech. To speak the truth concerning
Jehovah and his Son and God's kingdom was
certainly speaking freely, for all nations and
their rulers were and still are against Jehovah
God's kingdom and its rule by Christ Jesus.
All the persons in the congregation of God
must have this same freeness of thought and
expression and must no longer be tied down to
the oppressive thinking of the world. They must
not be caged up or hemmed in; they must come
forth free from this world's prison houses. J e-
hovah made provision for this freedom through
12 Yearbook
his Son Christ Jesus. It was Christ who said in
the synagogue in Jerusalem one sabbath day:
"J ehovah's spirit is upon me, because he
anointed me to declare good news to the poor,
he sent me forth to preach a release to the cap-
tives and a recovery of sight to the blind, to
send the crushed ones away with a release, to
preach Jehovah's acceptable year." (Luke 4: 18,
19, NW) He was quoting from Isaiah, chapter
61, and from that moment on he went forward
doing that great work of releasing the captives,
or sending the crushed ones away with a release.
He pointed to Jehovah's acceptable rear of
freedom now from this old world. The time had
now come for people to be free from the bondage
of this dying old world, and Christ Jesus was
showing them the way to that freedom. The con-
gregation of God knew this!
Jesus had not preached this freedom message
too many years before the scribes, the Pharisees
and the rulers of that day had had enough of
his free speech which he was talking throughout
Palestine. It became the determination of these
worldly mighty ones to do away with him. The
record is clear as to how, time and time again,
these scribes and Pharisees tried to trap Jesus
and bring about some sort of false trial and a
cause to silence him. Eventually they succeeded
in having him impaled upon the torture stake
until dead. Now he could talk no more. What
relief for them I They were confident that free-
dom of speech had been stifled. No longer would
people be trying to free themselves from the in-
fluence of the scribes and Pharisees and be
listening to this man. They thought they could
hold their people in their prison houses. But
Yearbook 13
how wrong they were! Consider Jesus' prayer
and note his request to his heavenly Father for
those he was leaving behind:
"1 have made your name manifest to the men
you gave me out of the world. They were yours,
and you gave them to me, and they have ob-
served your word. They have now come to know
that all the things you gave me are from you;
because the sayings that you gave me 1 have
given to them, and they have received them and
have certainly come to know that 1 came out as
your representative, and they have believed that
you sent me forth. Also 1 am no longer in the
world, but they are in the world and I am coming
to you. Holy Father, watch over them out of re-
spect for your own name which you have given
me, in order that they may be one just as we are.
1 have given your word to them, but the world
has hated them, because they are no part of the
world just as 1 am no part of the world." (John
17: 6-8, 11,14, NW) J-esus' disciples had the
truth and they must speak it. They did.
It was shortly after the resurrection of Christ
Jesus that he organized his followers so as to
accomplish the great work to be done. When
talking with his disciples he had told them that
they would remember the things he had spoken
to them and that he would send them a helper,
God's spirit, to remember these important
things. "1 have many things yet to say to you,
but you are not able to bear them at present.
However, when that one arrives, the spirit of
the truth, he will guide you into all the truth,
for he will not speak of his own impulse, but
what things he hears he will speak, and he will
declare to you the things coming. 'l'hat one will
14 Yearbook
glorify me, because he will receive from what
is mine and will declare it to you."-J ohn
16: 12-14, NW.
The spirit was poured out upon them at Pen-
tecost, just as Jesus said. "And while he was
meeting with them he gave them the orders: 'Do
not withdraw from Jerusalem, but keep waiting
for what the Father has promised, about which
you heard from me; because John, indeed, bap-
tized with water, but you will be baptized in
holy spirit not many days after this.''' (Acts
1: 4, 5, NW) Their minds were then filled with
the truths that Jesus had taught them and they
moved forward fearlessly preaching the king-
dom of the heavens is at hand. (John 14: 25, 26)
All the persecutions, trials and difficulties they
endured; their being jeered by mobs of incensed
people and even imprisoned never halted them.
Freedom of speech they had gained through
Christ Jesus, by Jehovah's undeserved kindness,
and it was theirs to keep. No, they were not
going to be prisoners again, for Christ Jesus
had released them. The prophet Isaiah had de-
clared: "Say to the prisoners, Go forth." (Isa.
49 : 9) Jesus did just that to the prisoners. His
disciples were free men now and they went
forth making proper use of their freedom by
preaching the truth.
They traveled to the lands near Palestine,
Peter to the east as far as Babylon and Paul
west probably as far as Spain. They practiced
God-given freeness of speech. They said to those
in prison, 'Go forth! Listen to this good news!
Have confidence and faith through Christ Jesus
in Jehovah God the Creator of the universe.
Trust in his precious promises and seek the
Yearbook 15
way to eternal life.' The gathering together of
those who loved truth and righteousness began
and God's visible organization was made mani-
Paul, of course, was one of the outstanding
missionaries and evangelists of his day. He said
to those whom he met and taught the truth that
they should walk worthily of the things where-
unto they were called. They should no longer
live in a proud, austere manner, as the peoples
of the world lived. Rather, they should be hum-
ble and show lowliness of mind. They should
be mild and long-suffering, "putting up with
one another in love."
Accomplishing this loving attitude means the
making of a strong organization of brothers,
and then great work can be done in the interest
of God's kingdom.
Paul was explaining the proper attitude of
mind Christians must have. No longer were they
under the oppressive rule of Satan's world as
subjects of that old system of things, but Christ
had purchased them with his blood. They were
his possession. Paul says: "What! Do you not
know that the body of you people is the temple
of the holy spirit within you which you have
from God! Also, you do not belong to your-
selves, for you were bought with a price. By
all means, glorify God in the body of you peo-
ple." (1 Cor. 6: 19, 20, NW) Paul was certainly
happy to be such a bought one, a prisoner in
the Lord, one led captive by Christ. He told the
Ephesians he was a "prisoner in the Lord" and
16 Yearbook
said: "Now to each one of us undeserved kind-
ness was given according to how the Christ
measured out the free gift. Wherefore he says:
'When he ascended on high he led captive a
multitude; he gave gifts in men.''' (Eph. 4: 7,
8, NW) In order to free those followers of his
who had been held in bondage Jesus had to
capture them and take them to himself into
his organization. So the thousands who heard
the truths that Jesus had expressed were led
to him and were made to think as he thought.
They thus had the mind of Christ. They were
freed from this old dying world. To all these
free people "he gave gifts in men".
These "gifts in men" were apostles, prophets
and evangelists, men who went about from con-
gregation to congregation serving them. They
were able to speak in tongues, to interpret and
to heal. They were given the gifts of the spirit,
which were in effect in Paul's day. (1 Corin-
thians 12, NW) These men helped the young
congregation, the visible organization of the
Lord, to get strong and bind themselves in
unity so as to be used in his praise and wor-
ship. Paul, who was one of those "gifts in men",
appreciated that he had been freed from the old
system of things, and he was grateful for this
undeserved kindness on the part of God.
Whether as a prisoner in chains at Rome or as
one taken captive by the Lord Jesus Christ, he
was glad to be made a prisoner of the Lord, as he
stated in Ephesians 4: 1-3 (NW) : ''I, therefore,
the prisoner in the Lord, entreat you to walk
worthily of the calling with which you were
called, with complete lowliness of mind and
Yearbook 17
mildness, with longsuffering, putting up with
one another in love, earnestly endeavoring to
observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting
bond of peace." Paul the prisoner wanted the
visible organization of the Lord to be at unity,
at oneness with one another. There was work
to do in the new visible organization under
Christ Jesus.
The congregation of God was to be made up,
not of individuals who were striving for promi-
nent positions, but of servants. (J as. 2 : 1-4, NW)
Jesus was the example for the congregation and
he said that he who was greatest among his
brothers was to be their slave. Jesus showed his
lowliness of mind by washing the feet of the
disciples on the night of the last passover and
at the introduction of the memorial of his death.
(J ohn 13, NW) Here he was showing how they
must humble themselves and be slaves to their
brothers. These apostles were the principal ones
who were called to be "gifts in men", evangelists,
shepherds and teachers, and they were not to
lord it over the flock, but they were to be shep-
herds and care for the visible organization.
(1 Pet. 5: 2-4, NW) These special representa-
tives were to help all the individuals in the con-
gregation to see their responsibility to be
Having been called to the Lord's organization
and given the freeness of speech, then every in-
dividual in the visible organization should walk
worthily of the calling with which he was called.
All, shepherds and flock alike, had the same re-
sponsibility. Faithfulness in service as min-
isters was required.
18 Yearbook
SO then, the congregation must see alike and
have the same positive views in mind. All must
realize that the purpose for gathering together
these servants of the Most High was to preach
this good news of the Kingdom in all the world
for a witness, to magnify Jehovah's name, to
announce the Son Christ Jesus and to make pub-
lic expression concerning the sacred secrets that
God has revealed through his "\V ord. All those
within the Lord's visible organization must
work together to this one end. They could not
work against one another, for the members that
compose the body certainly do not work against
other members. That is whv Paul went on to
say at Ephesians 4: 4-6, NW: "One body there
is, and one spirit, even as you were called in
the one hope to which you were called; one Lord
one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of
all persons, who is over all and through all and
in all." Jehovah was dealing with all the body
members through His Word and His visible or-
ganization, and, what is more, he is doing the
same in this our day.
Look at the situation as it existed back there
in Paul's day: Jews were coming into the truth,
some of whom had been taught under the Phari-
sees, others under the Sadducees. Paul himself
was formerly a Pharisee. There were Egyp-
tians, people from Asia Minor, Greece, Babylon
and other far-flung parts of the world-all of
them mixed together in the one congregation
of the Lord. At one time all had different ways
of life, different religions and teachings, but
now they were to live together under one God
Yearbook 19
with one Bible, the Word of God, as their guide.
They were to make up his visible organization,
having freeness of speech and a determination
to do the Lord's will. If this organization was
to be successful, then they must work together
just as the members of the human body work
together: the head, the arms, the organs-all
must function to the best interests of the whole
Paul was impressing upon the minds of the
Ephesians that there is just one body and that
governing this one body is one spirit, God's
spirit. They were all called in the one hope,
the hope of being joint heirs with Christ J e-
sus in the heavenly kingdom and of living eter-
nally. All had the same faith based on God's
infallible Word, the same baptism and the same
Father in heaven. Therefore there should be no
difference in viewpoint as far as the members
of the body were concerned, but they should all
be striving to accomplish the great work of
carrying on the clean worship of the Most High
God, sharing in the vindication of His name and
Word and aiding all people of good will to get
the knowledge of Jehovah's purposes. It was
done in Paul's day; it is being done in our
day, too.
Then do Paul's wise words that Jehovah
would have an active, working visible organiza-
tion find fulfillment today? Where is there an
organization today like the congregation about
which Paul was talking? Could there possibly
be a group of people today who have one Father,
the Father of all the persons in the congrega-
tion, a Father who is over all, through all and
in all, a Father who is caring for his children
20 Yearbook
and keeping them together in the pure way of
worship T 'What a privilege and pleasure it is
to answer Yes, yes, there is such an organiza-
tion. In the apostles' day you could find such a
visible organization in the early congregation
of Christ. In this year of 1952 you will find it
in a group of Christian people known as J eho-
vah's witnesses. They make up Jehovah's visible
organization. What is more, YOU can be in that
organization if you think like Paul and have
faith like his.
Note how Jehovah's witnesses today are like
the early congregations of Jehovah's faithful
witnesses: Jehovah's witnesses are firm be-
lievers in God's Word. They study it; they
preach it, and they live it. They are "putting up
with one another in love", even though their
customs and habits of life and the tongues they
speak in their daily conversation are different
in all parts of the world. They ARE fulfilling the
command to preach the Kingdom in all the world
for a witness. (Matt. 24: 14, NW) Thus in all
parts of the earth they demonstrate the unity
of God's visible organization.
Jehovah is the greatest organizer and he
taught his Son Christ Jesus how to organize.
When on earth Christ selected disciples and
taught them how to gather more workers who
loved truth and righteousness. At that time
it meant a "little flock"; now it means the
gathering of a "great crowd" of "other sheep".
So as to assemble the "little flock" Jesus
arranged for organizing the congregation and
developed that into a strong working unit, with
competent servants. Hence the apostle Paul
quotes Psalm 68: 18 and says: "He gave some
as apostles, some as prophets, some as mission-
aries, some as shepherds and teachers, with a
view to the training of the holy ones for minis-
terial work, for the building up of the body of the
Christ, until we all attain to the oneness in the
faith and in the accurate knowledge of the Son
of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of
growth that belongs to the fullness of the
Christ; in order that we should no longer be
babes, tossed about as by waves and carried
hither and thither by every wind of teaching by
means of the trickery of men, by means of craft-
iness in contriving error."-Eph. 4: 11-14, NW.
Jehovah God was very much interested in the
proper organization and care of the early con-
gregation. The Son Christ Jesus meted out the
gifts of the spirit to his followers so that some
could act as apostles, others as prophets and
missionaries and still others as able teachers.
But what was the purpose of all this in the body
of Christ ~ This: "The training of the holy ones
for ministerial work, for the building up of the
body of the Christ, until we all attain to the
oneness in the faith." Today this visible organ-
ization is also being used to aid the "great
crowd" of "other sheep". These are not of the
"little flock" but they must be brought to matu-
rity in the accurate knowledge of the Son of
God. These are not the ones to be joint heirs
with him in the heavenly kingdom, but they
will gain life under it in the new world of
22 Yearbook
Everyone who ever comes to the Lord's or-
ganization, having studied the Lord's Word,
must see it only one way. God never purposed
that there would be hundreds of different de-
nominations throughout the world, each having
a different faith, a different doctrine, etc. There
could be only "one faith, one baptism; one God
and Father". Jehovah is desirous that everyone
who seeks salvation come to an accurate knowl-
edge of these truths. (Rom. 10: 11-13, NW) He
wants them to become full-grown, mature men.
The only way a person can become full-grown
is to gain knowledge, and this comes through
education. The false religions are not dissemi-
nating this accurate knowledge from God's
Word. On the other hand, Jehovah's witnesses
want all kinds of men to be well acquainted with
their Bibles and have this one faith. If they
have this faith they will manifest themselves
as Christ's "other sheep".
The education that was being brought to the
"little flock" members in the days of the apostles
was for the training of the holy ones for minis-
terial work. The whole apostolic organization
was an organization of ministers. It was not a
laity class, with one or two clergymen over each
congregation. All this training and instruction
then being given the ''little flock" was to make
every member of that flock a fully competent
ordained minister. There were not to be any
spiritual babes in the organization for long. New
ones would be coming in all the time, that is true,
but they would not remain babes in the Word,
"tossed about as by waves and carried hither and
thither by every wind of teaching by means of
the trickery of men." There was not to be a divi-
Yearbook 23
sion of ideas, with part of a congregation believ-
ing one thing and the other part another. By
study all were to become mature, full-grown
men. There must be unity in God's visible organ-
ization. As it was then with the "little flock", so
it must be now with the "other sheep".
There was to be no stunting of growth, no
relaxing. All were to watch for the trickery of
men. There was no arrangement to branch off
into a little Methodist group, or Baptist group,
or some other religious organization and be
content with one man's teaching. Jehovah's
Word points out that one person may plant,
another person may water, but it is Jehovah
God who gives the increase. They all belong to
God, not someone else.-1 Cor. 3: 6-9.
Being recipients of Jehovah's undeserved
kindness now and belonging to Jehovah, the
"other sheep" should work hard to become full-
grown and to stay in God's visible organization.
To do this everyone must have the same mind.
Study the truth!
Paul went on to say, in his argument to the
congregation of God: "But speaking the truth,
let us by love grow up in all things into him who
is the head, Christ." (Eph. 4: 15, NW) Yes, the
vital thing was the speaking of the truth. The
only place the apostles, evangelists and the mis-
sionaries of that day got the truth was from
God's Word. It is the same now. Jehovah's wit-
nesses today regularly receive visits from ma-
ture brothers, special representatives of the
Watch Tower Society, and all of these are
required to speak and live the truth as set forth
in God's Word. Not only these mature brothers,
but the whole congregation of God, his visible
organization, must look at things from God's
Word, seeing harmoniously and having God's
mind on matters along with his spirit. By closely
associating one with another and by showing
love for Jehovah and our brothers, "let us by
love grow up." If we did not have love in God's
visible organization there certainly would be a
standing still and a retarding of growth. When
there is discord and strife there is no advance-
ment. When there is peace, love and joy, things
The growing human body is a wonderful
example of harmonious movement, function and
co-ordination. A body can do things, can get
work done; and while it is made up of many
members, still there is no opposition on the part
of any member of the body in accomplishing the
desired purpose. This is why Paul went on to
argue concerning the "body of the Christ", that
"from him all the body, by being harmoniously
joined together and being made to cooperate
through every joint which gives what is needed,
according to the functioning of each respective
member in due measure, makes for the growth
of the body for the building up of itself in love".
-Eph. 4: 16, NW.
When every tissue, every organ, every joint,
every muscle of the human body responds to the
instruction of the mind, what unity of action
there is! This is a picture of how to achieve the
oneness of God's visible organization under thE'
Head Christ Jesus. Things can be done by a
person who is not awkward or clumsy and who
has a well-formed and balanced body, one under
full control. That is exactly the way it is with
Yearbook 25
Jehovah's witnesses today throughout the world.
They are under control and receive instruction
from the greatest instructor, Jehovah, through
Jesus Christ. They study God's 'Vord and have
his spirit. THEY GET THINGS DONE. Co-operation
is received from every part of the organization,
every department, every company, every branch,
every missionary home. They all function unit-
edly as respective members of the whole organ-
ization, the body; and this makes for the growth
of the organization in love.
When we review the work of Jehovah's wit-
nesses during the year 1951, it is again seen how
they are working at unity. No doubt about it,
Jehovah's spirit is upon them in the work. They
have not done the work in their own strength.
They have "one Lord, one faith, one baptism;
one God and Father", and all the Lord's people
are associated in one visible organization built
up in love; first, love for Jehovah, the Giver of
every good and perfect gift, and, secondly, love
for one's neighbor. This is the answer to the
unusual growth of the organization of Jehovah's
Jehovah's witnesses today are interested in
one thing no one else is interested in, and that is
the preaching of the good news of the Kingdom
in all the world for a witness. Not only are they
interested in doing this themselves, but they
have interest in training others for ministerial
work. They know this means the salvation of
others; as it is written: "Pay constant attention
to yourself and to your teaching. Stay by these
26 Yea1'book
things, for by doing this you will save both your-
self and those who listen to you." (1 Tim. 4: 16,
NW) The witnesses of Jehovah are going to the
ends of the earth, saying to the prisoners of
modern Babylon, "Go forth!" Hundreds of thou-
sands of allldnds of persons who are desirous of
preaching the good news of the Kingdom are
'going forth' from this Babylonish world. All
they need is the necessary help and instruction.
One thing is certain: men of good will certain-
ly have not received proper instruction from this
old world's Babylonish religions. Millions of
people go to churches every Sunday and listen
to their pastors, but after a ten- or fifteen-minute
sermon and the religious ceremonies for the
day the people leave with no good news to
preach to the world. They have heard a little
about some popular book which was reviewed,
or they have listened to something on politics.
Maybe the pastor did discuss some abstract
thought from the Bible or use a Scripture text
and then wander off into some easy-listening
philosophy. But where is "the one hope" T Where
"the one faith"? Where the accurate lmowledge
of the Son of God? Where the growth to the full-
grown man' Where is there interest in God's
kingdom T Where is the one visible organization
built on love'
If the so-called "Christian" churches were
being taught the 1tV ord of God and the truths
presented in the Bible, then all the members of
the congregations would be trained to be min-
isters. Did we not find in our study (page 22,11"2)
that the reason teachers were given was "with
a view to the training of the holy ones for min-
isterial work"? Yes. Hence, to engage in pure,
Yearbook 27
undefiled worship means you must be a preacher,
a minister, a servant of the Most High, Jehovah.
Christendom has failed in this respect.
In contrast with the indifferent way taken by
false religion, Jehovah's witnesses diligently
work to make everyone who shows interest in
the truth a competent minister of God's king-
dom. They try to bring all immature ones to a
mature knowledge of God's Word. Jehovah's
witnesses go into the homes of the people when
invited and study with them. These ministers of
Jehovah will spend all the time the people of
good will desire so as to help them to know what
God's Word has in store for them. After these
interested persons study the Bible and the pub-
lications that are used as study aids, it is not
long before they start talking to their neighbors.
It is not much longer until they come to the
Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's witnesses, to which
all lovers of righteousness are invited, there
to study deeper things pertaining to God's
Word. A little more time and they are ready
to go from door to door preaching the good
news of the Kingdom. Next, they dedicate them-
selves to God in imitation of Jesus, who said:
'I come, as in the volume of the book it is written
of me, to do your will.' (Ps. 40: 7, 8; Heb. 10:
5-9) They believe that God's Word contains
instruction for them to follow, sets forth his
purposes, and clearly indicates to them their
responsibility to God now to be ministers to "de-
clare to the nations the good news".-Eph.
3:8, NW.
The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society
does send out missionaries, teachers and special
representatives who are trained in aiding others
28 Yearbook
to gain a better knowledge of the Lord's Word.
Everyone needs building up in the most holy
faith. Still, ALL of Jehovah's witnesses are min-
isters, because that is why God has been and is
gathering together his "other sheep", to train
them for ministerial work. In this organization
of ministers we see a new world society working
at unity. Jehovah's witnesses make up J eho-
vah's visible organization today. Seek them out.
Study with them. Hundreds of thousands are
already doing so.
During the past year many have heard the
call, 'Come forth from the prison houses of
Babylon!' They have left Catholic churches,
Protestant churches, Jewish synagogues and
heathen temples. Since their coming forth they
have studied and prepared themselves for the
intensive preaching of Jehovah's witnesses
world-wide. During the year the organization of
Jehovah's witnesses has had a monthly average
of 384,694 ministers who were engaging in the
preaching work every month, comforting peo-
ple from door to door, making back-calls and
conducting home Bible studies with the inter-
ested. These zealous publishers have accom-
plished a tremendous amount of work during
the service year of 1951.
These 384,694 publishers were not alone in
their work. They were taking along and training
some "babes". Some who had been prisoners in
devilish organizations heard the good news of
God's kingdom and began to pull away from the
old world and its way of thinking, and they as so-
ciated themselves with these publishers for the
new world. They too went out and preached,
57,686 of them, for the first time. Combined, that
means 442,380 ministers-a newall-time peak
for Jehovah's witnesses! The Society is inter-
ested in the welfare of everyone of these 442,380
persons and it wants to see them continue as
ordained ministers. This is the way Paul felt. He
wanted to help the members of the early church
to become qualified, fully grown, mature or-
dained ministers. Paul knew why he was called;
he said: "I should declare to the nations the good
news." He said we should imitate him as he imi-
tated Christ. If it was his responsibility to
declare the good news, then it is the responsibil-
ity of everyone who comes to this knowledge to
declare the good news. That is why Jesus said
he gives "gifts in men", namely, "with a view to
the training of the holy ones for ministerial
Many of these 442,380 persons who are preach-
ing need to be brought to maturity. They are
"babes" not a year old and they cannot remain
babes the rest of their lives, in danger of being
tossed about by waves and carried hither and
thither by every wind of teaching. They have to
be well trained. They need constant attention
and help. Bible studies must continue in their
homes. They must come to service meetings, par-
ticipate in the theocratic ministry school and
attend the TV atchtower studies that Jehovah's
witnesses conduct in their Kingdom Halls. They
will go out in the field with seasoned publisher8.
Circuit servants will visit their companies and
take them out in the preaching work and give
30 Yearbook
them advanced training. Questions on the Bible
which may be bothering them will be answered.
They must study diligently the pUblications of
the Society along with their Bibles. They cannot
afford to remain babes; they must become full-
grown and appreciate the visible organization
God has set up and be an active part of this body
that functions all to the honor and glory of
Jehovah's name. Their keeping busy in the
preaching activity and keeping up with their
studies "makes for the growth of the body for
the building up of itself in love".
This training work will not let up either,
hecause Jehovah's witnesses will continue to
"say to the prisoners, Go forth". (Isa. 49: 9)
Why should lovers of righteousness stay in the
old world and go down with it at Armageddon
and die for an eternity, when they have the
opportunity of pulling away from this system
of things and of enjoying life in a new world
of righteousness?
A most wonderful work is going on. People
are hearing this good news and heeding it. They
see the unity of God's visible organization and
they flee to it for safety. Of course, it means a
big change in their lives, but it is all for their
benefit. It is interesting to observe that during
the 1951 service year 17,732,323 books, booklets
and Bibles were distributed by Jehovah's wit-
nesses world-wide. It took a lot of time to distrib-
ute these publications along with the 20,046,-
485 copies of the Watchtower and Awake! maga-
zines that were placed with the people. This was
certainly planting seed. These witnesses of J eho-
vah devoted 62,854,483 hours to talking the
Yearb ook 31
Kingdom and doing this planting and watering.
But just why did they do this ~ For the simple
reason that Christ Jesus, the Pattern they are
following, preached the good news continually,
saying that the kingdom of the heavens is at
hand. He also gave a command to the effect that
this good news of the Kingdom shall be preached
now in all the world for a witness. Jehovah's
witnesses are glad for this command and are
zealous in doing their ministerial work.
In order to help everyone they could, they
made 20,438,000 back-calls on persons interested
in God's message. Just think of that! Going
back to the homes of the people over 20 million
times during the year, trying to help them gain
a better knowledge of the Bible! And the record
shows that every month throughout the year
there were 260,187 Bible studies held in different
individuals' homes throughout this whole world.
These studies were conducted at least once every
month, but usually every week Jehovah's wit-
nesses want to help these people of good will
all they can. That means work. But it is joyful
This organization of Jehovah's witnesses is
not one that is standing still; it is growing rapid-
ly. In fact, in 1951 we see an increase of 17 per
cent over the preceding year in the number of
persons taking up this good news and proclaim-
ing it. As you look at the chart on pages 246-251
you will be able to see the comparative work of
the 121 countries that are listed. For such expan-
sion of the work world-wide it was Jesus who
said: "Go therefore and make disciples of peo-
ple of all the nations."-Matt. 28: 19, NW.
32 Yearbook
Many people are seeing that Jehovah's wit-
nesses are a blessed and happy organization in
the earth even though persecuted, and that they
have the favor of God. Many who see this are
forsaking this old world and its organizations
and are coming to Jehovah's organization. One
fact alone that proves this is that during 1951
there were 63,178 individuals who symbolized
their dedication to do Jehovah's will, by water
immersion. These want to be at unity with God's
visible organization and share in the blessed
promises of the new world. During the year
many ministers entered the pioneer work and
now 17,955 are spending full time in this branch
of ministerial activity. Another 1,004 work at
branch homes doing office work, caring for the
buildings, and others of this number did the
printing of 4,955,201 books, 13,604,283 booklets,
30,256,927 Watchtower and 21,422,620 Awake!
magazines for subscribers and for distributors,
and 278,820,411 handbills, tracts, placards and
office forms.
All of the brothers in the branch homes and
the headquarters office in Brooklyn, New York,
enjoy serving their brothers world-wide. They
are grateful for the undeserved kindness of
Jehovah toward them and all of Jehovah's wit-
nesses the world over. And with their brothers
around the world they will continue to "say to
the prisoners, Go forth", so that all liberty
lovers may enjoy the blessedness of the unity
of God's visible organization. Our blessed privi-
lege it is to help all such liberated ones to get
organized with us for the ministry.
Yearbook 33
,Jehovah's witnesses are not only looking and pray-
ing for a new world organization but they are working
for that new world now. They fully realize that the
wicked conditions that exist in the earth at the present
time must be destroyed; but Jehovah's servants do
not want to bc destroyed with them. They appreciate
what the apostle Peter said: "Since all these things
are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought
you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly
devotion. awaiting and keeping close in mind the pres-
ence of the day of Jehovah." (2 Peter 3: 11, 12, NW)
Jehovah's witnesses appreciate that the "day of Jeho-
vah" has come and his kingdom has been born; that the
Sovereign Huler of the universe has placed his King
Christ Jesus upon the throne to rule, and that this
took place in 1914. With the Kingdom here and the
"new heavens" of the new world already in operation,
is it any wonder that Jehovah's witnesses are working
hard for the new world? Certainly not, for there is
plenty of work to be done. Clearly, we can sec from
the Scriptures that the ingathering of those people
who are seeking after truth and righteousness must
be accomplished. The Bible terms such ones "other
sheep". And, indeed, these sheeplike ones are being
gathered together, as this year's report so eloquently
testifies. Yes, being gathered they are, but not just
in hundreds, or thousands, or even tens of thousands,
but in hundreds of thousands. Surely the new world
society has begun!
Jehovah's witnesses and people of good will toward
God are desirous of living in peace and righteousness
in the new world. But, more than that, they know that
according to God's Word they must begin living in
peace now. Among themselves they are dwelling in
peace and are uniting in carrying the peaceable mes-
sage of Christ Jesus to all nations, kindreds and
tongues. That message which has such a peaceful effect
on all lovers of righteousness is that "the kingdom of
the heavens has drawn near". From all nations and
34 Yearbook
tribes and peoples and tongues men of good will arc
streaming into the new world society anxious to learn
how to live in the new world. All work together in
unity under the direction of the ",Vatch Tower Bible
& Tract Society, which acts as a governing body for
them. This organization, a Pennsylvania corporation,
sets forth plans and suggestions for Jehovah's wit-
nesses relative to ways and means of promoting the
educational work in which all are engaged. The Watch
Tower Bible & Tract Society sends missionaries out
into all parts of the world and keeps in touch with
its many branch organizations which direct activities
in the various lands.
The home office of the Society is located in Brook-
lyn, New York, at what is known as the Bethel home.
In this home there are more than four hundred work-
ers, all ordained ministers serving the interests of
their brothers throughout the world.
The organization that has been built up under the
blessing of Jehovah God is a simple organization; it
is not complicated in its structure or operation. The
president of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society,
with other able ministers residing in the Bethel home,
plans thc work that should be done in harmony with
the Lord's 'Nord. Such plans are put into operation,
and instructions regarding them sent to the branch
offices around the globe. This information, whether
in the form of a Watchtower magazine article, books,
booklets or letters, is translated into the various lan-
guages and sent forth to all the company organizations
and special representatives of the Society, such as
pioneers, full-time ministers. The companies transmit
the information on to the publishers of the Kingdom,
and the good news of God's glorious work spreads into
every corner of the territory.
Additionally, the Society at Brooklyn, New York,
sends forth missionaries into new fields where there
are no branch offices or organized activity. There it
establishes missionary homes, and the specially trained
Yearbook 35
missionaries carryon the same kind of work as do the
company publishers and pioneers in other lands, name-
ly, going from house to house, making return calls on
interested persons, conducting home Bible studies, and
organizing companies.
Thus the organization functions and good results
are forthcoming. As the years roll on, the persons in-
terested in the true 'Word of God associate themselves
with Jehovah's witnesses and become part of this peace-
ful, life-loving new world society. As stated, not only
do they pray and look forward to life in a paradise
earth, but they work for it. They spend their time and
energy and funds in the interests of God's kingdom;
they devote themselves wholeheartedly to that work
now. They believe it with all their heart and they
preach it.
Jehovah's witnesses world-wide constitute a society
of ministers. There is no clergy class or laity class; all
of them are one society of people happy in the glori-
ous treasure of service they have received from the
Most High God. These Kingdom workers use many
corporations throughout the world to carryon their
work, as in the state of Pennsylvania, in the United
States, they use the Watch Tower Bible & Tract So-
ciety. This corporation deals primarily with the for-
eign branch activity and the missionary service. In
America the Lord's people have another corporation,
known as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society,
Incorporated, of New York state. This Society oper-
ates the Bethel home and the large printing plant
located in Brooklyn, New York. Also, it directs the
general activity of the witnesses of Jehovah through-
out the United States. It also operates radio station
WBBR and directs the Watchtower Bible School of
Gilead, where missionaries are specially trained for
foreign service. Having been trained under the super-
vision of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, the
missionaries are then sent forth to lands throughout
the world by the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society,
a Pennsylvania corporation.
36 Yearbook
In many other countries of the earth there are
corporations formed, such as the International Bible
Students Association of Great Britain and Canada.
There are other corporations in Cuba, Brazil, France,
Switzerland, Sweden and other lands. All these cor-
porations are used by Jehovah's witnesses to carryon
their ministerial activity. Persons associated with these
corporations have one thing in mind, and that is the
making known of Jehovah God's kingdom in all the
world. This educational work with the Bible must go
on until the accomplished end of this old, wicked sys-
tem of things. Those in this new world society are see-
ing to it that this good news is preached to all nations.
All of Jehovah's witnesses receive their ordination
from Jehovah God. Each one makes a careful study
of the Lord's Word and after studying what God has
set forth in his Bible he sees that the only course of
action that will bring life is that of doing the Lord's
will. Individually each one dedicates himself to the
doing of the Lord's will. And, as it is stated in Isaiah
61 : 1, such ones appreciate that "the spirit of the
Lord Jehovah is upon me". This text goes on to say
that it is Jehovah God who anoints such dedicated
ones to preach the good tidings to the meek and sends
them forth to bind up the brokenhearted and pro-
claim liberty to the captives and open the prisons to
them that are bound to this old evil world. Jehovah's
people have been freed, and now they want to free
others by bringing to them the good news of the King-
dom. Having dedicated themselves to serve Jehovah
God, the Most High consecrates them to carryon in
his service. This they do with joyful hearts.
So we can see throughout all of the new world so-
ciety that Jehovah's witnesses are really ministers. All
must be preachers. It is not just a matter of going to
a Sunday school or church once a week. With Jeho-
vah's witnesses it is a mattcr of continuous study and
then application of the knowledge gained by carrying
this information to others and being preachers them-
Many of these ministers are able to devote all their
time to the preaching of the good news. Others have
certain obligations, such as providing proper care for
their families and rearing their children in the dis-
cipline and authoritative advice of Jehovah, and these
Scriptural responsibilities prevent them from giving
full time to the preaching work. But in every instance
these witnesses of the Most High God are seeking first
the Kingdom and its righteousness. As it was in the
days of the apostles when certain older brothers were
sent to admonish and build up in the most holy faith
the congregations of Christ's followers, so today the
organization of Jehovah's witnesses does the same
thing. The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society selects
certain individuals who are qualified to take the lead
in spreading this good news, and these ordained min-
isters are appointed to special service. Some are branch
servants, some are in special assignments of duty in
branch offices, Bethel homes and missionary fields,
and others serve as circuit and district servants, travel-
ing about assisting in more efficiently carrying on the
work done by the congregations of Jehovah's witnesses.
It would be impossible to list all of those assigned
to such special services, but we do list here some who
have positions of greater responsibility and who hold
special appointments from the Society.
Abbey, Goeffrey
Abbuhl, David
Abrahams, James Andrews
Abrahamson, Richard E.
Abt, Harald
Adach, Zygfryd
Adams, Don Alden
Adams, Elmer Polk
Adams, Frederick Walter
Adams, Joel Cameron
Adams, Karl Appleby
Adamson, Eduardo Diego
Adedapo, Timothy A.
Afolabl, Moses O.
Agbayanl, Pacifico
Aguilera, Candido
Akanbl, Emmanuel Adewole
Akers, Albert Smith
Aklntounde, Nouru
Aldrich, Lloyd Elgen
Allan, Joseph
Allen, Paul Arthur
Almona, Morris Oputa
Alspach .... Russell William
Amadi, l!iugene U.
Amaro, Armando
Andersen, Anders Christian
Andersen-Moller, Aksel
Anderson, Fred August
38 Yearbook
Anderson, John Henry
Anderson, Marvin Ferrol
Andersson, Allan
Andersson, Hans
Andersson, Ivar
Aoanan, Catallno Catandlg
Archibald, Ross Alexander
Arikpokpo, Ben
Arnott, Harry ''talker
Ronald Victor
Atk nson, George
Attwood, Anthony Cecil
Atzemis, Demetrius
Aura, Mikael
Avey, Arthur William
Avoletta, Raymundo
Babinski, Joseph Eugene
Backloupe, Emmett
Joseph (Jr.)
Bacsl, Jozsef
Baezlnski, Francois
Baeuerleln, John Adam
Baier, Sandor
Baker, Alfred G. G.
Baker, Glenn Seymour
Baker, Paul Southgate
Baker, Robert 'Vallace
Banda, Fiorentino
Bangle, Aleck
Bank, James
Banks, Thomas Edgar
Barber, Carey 'Valter
Barber, Norman H.
Barnes, Augustus F.
Barnes, Stuart Francis
Barnett, Arthur Eugene
Barney, Paul Joseph
Barnhart, Keith M.
Barr, John Edwin
Barrett, ... .george Charles
Barry, w IIliam Lloyd
Barten, Berend
Bartha, Andras
Bartlett, Milton Everett (Jr.)
Bartrlp, Trevor Gordon
Bart7.sch, Otto
Baswel, Macarlo Bernardino
Batuke, John
Bauer, Kurt
Baumgart, Hans
Baxter, Donald Edward
Baxter, Wallace Hendrie
Beacham, John E.
Beck, Paul Boone
Becker, Guenter
Becker, Otto
Bedwell, Ernest Frank
Charles Joseph
Behun ck, Stephen
Beier, Hans
Bellnger, Hans
Bellotti, Norman David
Belokon, Nicholas
Belscher. Delbert Clayton
Bender, Gustavo
Benesch, Howard Joseph
Benjamins, Arend
Bennett, Ernest S.
Benzing, Emil
Berger, Fritz
Berger, Johannes
Berman, Lazarus Leslie
Bernard, John Russell
Bernardino, Toribio
Best, Robert Iven
Betley, Samuel
BeVington. George William
Bevins, Leo Forest
Bible, Reginald Allen
Bible, Richmond Loyd
Bigler, Paul
Bill, Theodor
Bippus, Samuel R.
Bippus, 'Valter Ernest
Black. Harry
Blackburn, Woodrow
Blais, George Gilbert
Blaner, Andrew (Jr.)
Blaney, John Beech
Blascheck, Emil
Bloch, Jean
Blumel, Richard
Blumenstock, Calvin August
Bobb, Edwin E.
Bodner, Michael
Bogard, Gerald Julian
Bogard. John
Bollet, Rene
Booher, Phillip Garland
Boone, James Otis
Booth, John Charles
Borja, Antero Sabandal
Borys, Emil Fredy
Bosboom, Cornelius Franclscus
Botchwey, Elijah Kojo
Botterill, Frank
Bower, Arthur Noble
Keith McKee
Boyd, uonald Archie
Bradburne, Thomas Randel
Bradbury, David Martin
Bradbury, Rupert M.
Braddy, Lindsay James
Bradshaw, 'VilJiard Albert
Brame, Earle Roy
Brandt, Lee Roy
Brannick, Joseph Benjamin
Brazeal, Harley Dewey
Brekke, Norman Andrew
Brembach, Helmut
Brlbina, Nathaniel A.
Bridle, Peter Langford
Brill, Glen Delmar
Britten, Eric
Broad, Albert William
Broadwater, Lloyd
Brodie, . Ralph
Bromeyer, Fred Kenneth
Brooker, Gerald Bennett
Brookes, Frank 'William
Yearbook 39
Brooks, Norman Earl
Brown, David 'Wallace
Brown, Leonard Ulysses (Jr.)
Brown, Monte Cristo
Brown, Peter
Brown, Robert Mantell
Brown, Wilbaforce
Bruhn, Roy Frank
Brumley, George
Bruton, John Gist
Brzozka, Franciszek
Buckey, Earle R.
Buehrer, Walter
Buenger, Philip
Buisset, Alvar Henry
Bulleit, John V.
Bumphrey, Floyd Ossian
Burcyk, Benno Oskar
Burkhart, Donald Wilson
Burt, Donald Herbert
Burt, Gaylord Frederick
Burtch, Lloyd Byron
Bussanyl, Laszlo
Calderon, Julian
Call, William Eugene
Campbell, Donald Arthur
Campbell, Merton Victor
Canete, Nicolas Quinones
Cantwell, Henry A.
Cantwell, Jesse Lee
Cantwell, Russell D.
Card, George H.
Carlson, Arol Eric
Carmichael, Hendry
Carmichael, Leslie Albert
Carnie, William
Caron, Roger Rosaire
Carpenter, Derrick Bernard
Carter, Stanley John
Carter, Walter W.
Casola, Peter A.
Casson, Edward William
Castineira, Guillermo
Catanzaro, Angelo A.
Cater, Harold George
Cetnar, William I.
Chapman, Merrill Joseph
Chapman, Percy
Charles, Cyril William
Charlwood, Edmund
Charuk, John
Charuk, Michael
Mammoottll A.
Chlmru, Miguel
Chimlklis, John Peter
Chlntubamba, Stephen
Chitty, Ewart Charles
Chodara, Tadeusz
Chongo, Yolam
Chornenky, Theodore
Chyke, Calvin Michael
Clbwana, Stephen
Clfupi, Yakobe
Clmwaza, Lester
Cioko, Dunston M.
Clark, Donald Spencer
Claus, Orville Bernard
Claus, Theophlel
Clay, Edgar Allan
Clayton, Charles Milburn
Clegg, William Robert
Cole, Richard James
Collier, Roland Edward
Collins, Boyd 'Villiam
Collins, Wallace Allen
Comidoy, Leovihildo
Commey, James Benjamin
Comstock, Eli Hall
Conrad, Hector (Jr.)
Conrad, Neil Emlle
Constantinidis, George
Conte, Lawrence Alfred
Cooke, Eric Rushton Harry
Cooke, John Roy
Coolong, Charles Clifford
Cooper, Glen Edward
Copp, Arthur A.
Copson, Sylvester William
Cora, Albert Mann (Jr.)
Cotterill, Richard Sheldon
Couch, George M.
Couch, William D.
Coultrup, Charles Russell
Counts, Winfield Andrew
Coup, Carmon LeRoy
Courtenay, Robert Lawrence
Coville, Allan Stanley
Covington, Hayden Cooper
Coysh, Eric George
Craddock, John Alexander
Crake, John Barrington
Crapp, Eric George Martin
Crockett, Neil John
Cross, Arthur Bright
Crosswhite, Orville Almus
Crowley, James Edmond
Cumming, Albert Edward
Cummings, Marshall Henry
Cummings, Morris Z.
Curry, Vernon Austin
Cutforth, John Ashlin
Cygan, Mieczyslaw
Dague, Harry
Datlsman, Donald Charles
Davey, Michael D. A.
DaVIs, James Edward
DavIson, John Caryle
Dean, James H.
DeAngelis, Joseph
DeCecca, Giovanni
Decroly, Firmin
DeFehr, John Frank
DeJager, Petrus Johannes
DeJesus, Fulgenclo Villanueva
Dell'ElIce, Romolo
Del Rio, Juan
Demorest, David
Deninger, Orville EdwIn
Dennis, Jay H.
Derderian, Dlckran PhllIbbos
Dlaz, Manuel
Dickmann, Heinrich
Dldur, Alex Mitchel
40 Yearbook
Didur, Thomas Anton
Dienaar, Pieter A. H.
Dietschi, Heinrich
Dike, Mark
Dilling, Robert J.
Dinsdale, Clayton Arnold
Dionisio, Adolfo F.
Djevbudu, Jackson Nayavbiare
D'Mura, Peter
Dobis, Eddie
Doerflinger, Rolf
Dolena, Silverio Sabas
Domn's, Clarence P.
Donaldson, Norman
Donaldson, Robert Eugene
Doncel, Roberto
Dopking, Frank
Dotchuk, Peter
Douglas, William Jay
Doulis, Athanassios
L)ouras, George
Dowell, Roy L.
Drahos, Milan
Drake. Grenville
Drda, August
Drenth, Adriaan Arend
Droge, George Henry
Drygas, Sigismund Michel
Duerdan, Harold
Duffield, Harry \Valter
Dugan, Lester M.
Duncan, Harold Billet
Duncombe, Vernon Ryerse
Duncombe, Yorke Michael
Dunlap, Edward A.
DlInnagan, James Henry (Jr.)
Dunnagan, Philip Arvin
Dwenger, Heinrich
Eames, Joseph Rutherford
Eaton, Andrew Kirk
Ebel, LaVerne Junior
Eckley, Fred Garfield
Edman, Tauno
Eicher, Charles Emile
Eisenhower, Charles R.
Eklof, Valter
Elder, Donald J.
Eldridge, Francis R.
Elrod, \VlIliam A.
Endres, Wallace Hurst
Eneroth, Johan Henrik
Engelcamp .... Robert J o s ~
Engervik, Eirnst
Eriksson, Gustav
Eriksson, Hans
Eriksson, Kurt
Ernst, Gilbert Herbert
Errichetti, John
Erusel, Andrew Miruwerene
Estelmann, Otto
Estepa, Alfredo
Esterhuyse, Etienne
Eteffiah, Samuel
Ewetuga, Amos
Fagundes, Waldemir
Fahie, Robert John
Failes, Lewis Edward
Fairfax, Harry Carlyle
Fajardo, Felix Sta. Ana
Falhck, Ronald C.
Faria, Justinio Rodrigues de
Farmer, Herbert James
Fayek, Anis
Fp.gld, Pedro
Fekel, Charles John
Feldcher, Irwin
Feller, Jules
FeJlert, Ake
Fellow, Donald Dean
Ferdinand, 'Walter Timothy
Fergussun, John
Ferrari, Charles Lucian
Ferrari, David
Ferrari, Salvino
Feuz, Arnold
Feuz, Gottfried
Filson, James W.
Finch, Henry
Finkbeiner. James Arthur
Fisch, Wilbert Dominic
Fischer, William R.
Fitz, Emil
Flores, Amadeo
Ford, Walter Stanley
Forster, Johannes
Forsyth, Thomas
Fourie, Josef
Franke, Konrad
Franks, Frederick Newton
Franks, Leslie Raymond
Franske, Franklin Julius
Franz, Fred William
Franz, Raymond Victor
Franzetti, Giovanni
Fraser, Gordon Sidney
Fredette, Roland Harvey
Fredianelll, George
Fredriksen, Holger Johannes
Friedrich, Jozef
Friend, Maxwell Godward
Friend, Samuel Benson
Frohn, David Ralph
Frost, Charles Edgar
Frost, Erich Hugo
Fry, Peter Machin
Fulton, Paul T.
Funk, Bernard
Galbreath, Douglas Milton
Gangas, George Demetrius
Garcia, Salvador
Garey, Max Raymond
Garrard, Gerald Bayliss
Garretson, Nelson Moses
Gatchalian, Emilio Tejano
Gatti, Piero
Gawior, Jan
Geiger, Henri
Geisler, Horst
George, Arnold Evard
Gertz, Arthur Georg
Geyer, Benjamin Philip
Giannone, Salvatore
Gibb, George R. W.
Gibson, Anthony Halliday
Yearbook 41
Gillatt, Crement
Gilmore, Edmund James
Gilmore, Richard Allen
Glass, Ulysses Vanell
Gluyas, Harold John
Gobitas, William Henry
Goff, Cecil Joseph
Gohl, Otto
Goings, Chester
Golles, Peter
Gonzales, Pilar G.
Gonzalez, Raymond Manuel
Gooch, Wilfred
Goodman, Claude Stanley
Gornik, Boleslaw
Gorra, Joseph Tofy
Goscinskl, Mitchell Ben
Goslin, Roland
Gott, Fred Ansel (Jr.)
Gott, John
Gotthold, Frederick Albin
Gough, Robert
Goux, Arthur R.
Graber, Dewaine F.
Green, David Maurice
Green, John A.
Greenlees, Leo Kincaid
Greiner, Otto
Gretchen, \VllIiam John
Grlgat, Ernst
Grlica, Peter
Groh, John Otto
Grothman, George Ernest
Grover, Erwin Albert
Gruber, Kurt Paul
Gulver, Ernest James
Gumbo, Stainer E.
Gunda, Grant
Gunda, Pearson
Gutowski, Piotr
Hackenberg, Chalmers F.
Haennl, Fritz
Hagele, Karl
Hagen, Walter
Haigh, Joseph Horace
Hakanen, Kalevl
Hakansson, Oscar
Hall, Raymond George
Hall, Ronald Ray
Hall, William J.
Halstenberg, Heinrich
Hamann, Otto
Hammer, Paul
Hananiya, Isaac
Haney, Arthur
Hanke, Emil Otto
Hannan, George Edwin
Hannan, William Trenchard
Hansler, Earl Robert
Hansson Bengt
Hardy, Gene Royal
Hare, Maurice Lane
Harms, Carl Adolph
Harriman, Volney Allen
Harrop, Stuart Atkin
Harteva, Elon
Harteva, Kaarlo Jalmarl
Hartmann, \Volfgang
Hartstang, Frederic
Harvey, Roy Wesley
Haslett, Donald
Hassel, Ernst
Hatzfeld, Robert Henry
llau, Aage
Haukedal, Asmund
Heidelberg, David Lucien
Heikorn, Fritz
Held, Douglas Ede
Held, John Austin
Held, John Jacob
Helstrom, David J.
Hemmaway, John Tom
Hemstad, Hans Peter
Hendrix, John Noel
Henschel, Milton George
Hensman, Clifford Henry
Hepworth, Charles
Hernandez, Manuel
Hernandez, Turiano
Hershey, Monsell
Hess, Werner
Hibbard, Orin J.
Hilborn, Howard Max
Hill, Frank Allen
Hllldring, Thurston Andrew
Hille, Curt
Hillyard, 'Wayne Albert
Hlmelick, Robert E.
Hodgson, Oliver J. M.
Hoffman, Albert Manley
Hoffmann, Filip C. S.
Hogberg, Paul
HOjniak, Jan
Holcomb, Buster M.
Hollander, Gerrit
Hollender, Loy Dennis
Hollister, Frederick Stevens
Holmes, Calvin Henry
Holms, Robert Arthur
Homer, David
Homolka, Charles Peter
Hook, George
Hopley, Alfred
Hopley, Randall
Hoppe, Karl
Horton, Bert
Hosmer, Franklin W.
Hounkanrln, Christoph" K.
Houseman, Martin Burdette
Houston\ Joseph Milton
How, W lIiam Glen
Howlett, 'Wllfred Arthur
Howse, Garnett
Hoyt, Robert Townsend
Huber, Emil
Hug, Remlgl
Hughes, Alfred Pryce
Hughes, Gwaenydd
Hull, Floyd Eugene
Humphrey, Tillman Eugene
Hunick, Hollister Alfred
Hunick, Roy Hollis
Hunt, Leonard Alfred
Hutrl, Eemil Aamor
Idreos, Plato
Ignacio, Fernando Camarillo
Ihrig, Elmer Carl
lkeh, Nathaniel Mgbah
Ilaguison, Lino Baloyo
Ilett, Ambrose Emmons
Improte, Michael Salvatore
Insberg, Ans
lontes, Leopole Felix
Isensee, Robert Charles
Iszlaub, Percy
Itty, V, C.
Jack, Andrew
Jacka, Ronald N.
Jackson, Harold K.
Jackson, William Kirk
Jacobs, Edward A.
Jadner, Willi
Jankovich, Steven
Jankowiak, Bronislaw
Januska, Adam
Jaracz, Theodore
Jarvinen, Arvo Alarik
Jarzyna, Edwin Stanley
Jedzura, Wladyslaw
Jensen, Ingvard
Jensen, Klaus Monrad
Jobin, Charles
Johansen, John
Johansen, Sveln
Johansson, Elias
Johansson, Gosta
Johansson, Hans
Johansson, Karl
John, Wilfred Henry
Johnson, Claudius
Edward (Jr.)
Johnson, Curtis Knute
.Tohnson, Gilbert
Johnson, Harry Alfred
Johnson, James Wilbur
Johnson, John Edwin
Johnson, Lennart A. S.
Johnson, William Everett
Johnston, Elmer
Johnston, Lorne Seager
Johnston, Reginald Watson
Johnston, Wallace Edson
Jones, Joseph Leonard
Jones, Roscoe
Jones, Stanley Ernest
Jones, Thomas Richard
Jorgensen, Svend Aage
Joseph, Adavlmannathu
Judson, Henry George
Juska, Stanislav
Kalle, Rudolph
Kallio, Leo Donatus
Kamlnarls, Michael E.
Kankaanpaa, Erkki
Kapasuka, Llfeyu
Kaplnus, Frantisek
Kapteln, Maarten
Karadlnos, Anthony Dennis
Karanassios, Athanasios 1.
Karanassios, Petros A.
Karanassios, Stephanos
Karkanls, Vasilios C.
Kattner, Erich
Katzmier, Leonard
Kedzlora, Josef
Keen, Grant Street
Kellaris, Alexander Nicholas
Kelley, Curtis Sherwood
Kelley, Wayne Eugene
Kelly, Henry Douglas
Kelm, Herbert
Kennedy, Edgar Claire
Kennedy, H. C.
Kennedy, William Richard
Kent, Willie D.
Kern, Harvey Monroe
Kettelarij, Evert Jan
Ketter, Rodney Verner
Kidd, Ernest Foster (Jr.)
Kilgus, Kurt
Killian, David R.
King, Gordon Douglas
King, Harold George
Kivlmakl, Yrjo
Kjellberg, Gustaf
Klein, Theophilus Erhart
Klenk, Johannes
Klimaschewskl, Heinrich
Klimklewicz, Stanislaw
Klinck, Walter E.
Kling, Lennart
Klohe, Addl
Klose, Erwin
Knecht, Rudolf
Knoller, Helmut
Knorr, Nathan Homer
Knott, Wayne M.
Kocher, Paul
Kolodziej, Josef
Konrad, Janos
Koral, Antoni
Korschewskl, Alois
Kovacic, Robert Daniel
Krajcl, Stefan
Kraker, Simon Peter Joseph
Krause, Karl
Krebs, Donald Russell
Krenning, Fred William
Kridler, James Jerome
Krieger, Cecil Edward
Krlsando, Michael
Krug, Alfons
Kruljff, Antonle Dirk de
Krutzlnskl, Johann
Kuhn, Wenzel
Kula Josef
Kumbanylwa, Jarnett
Kurkutas, Panayotls
Kurtz, Paul Edward
Kurzen. John Godfrey (Jr.)
Kurzen, Russell Walter
Kushnir, Paul
Kusiak, Michal
Kutch, John A.
Kvinge, Andreas
Kwasniewski, Peter
Kwazlzirah, Gresham
Kwembeya ... Hamanda Davies
Kwiatosz, l'-,dward
Ladesuyi, Samuel
Laidlaw, Alexander Elliott
Laier, John Gilbert
Lako, Janos
Lamborn, Robert E.
Lambs, Georges
Landrum, Swepton James
Lang, Julius
Langmack, Erich
Larsen, Jorgen
Larson, Max Harry
Lasko, Michael
Latimer, William
Latyn, Mike
Laufer, Karl
Laurens, Terrance
Lauridsen, Soren Kristlan
Laurlx, James Wells
Lawson, Dyson
Lazenby, Robert
Learned, Alvin Eugene
Leathco, Charles Dillard
Leciejewskl, Boleslas
Lee, Forrest Leland
Leeds-George, Lambert Cyril
Leftler, Ralph Homer
Leistikow, Mervin H.
Lemmons, Paul H.
LeRoux, Carl Christian Renl!
Lester, Cornelius
Lewinsson, Arnold
Lewis, Peter Joshua
Leyva, Elieser
Llebenberg, Vernon
Lieber, Erich
Llebster, Max
Lin, OIdrlch
Linder, Emil
Lindner, Helmut
Lindsay, Ludwell Moees
Llpenga, Saulos
Liska, Erich
Lisle, Jack L. (Jr.)
LIVingstone, Lance George
Llwag, Salvador Augustin
Lloyd, Walter Max
Lochner, Hamilton
Lopez, Flavlo
Lopez, Manuel L.
Lopuszynskl, Tadeusz
Lorek, Jan
Lovegrove, Percy
Lovell, A. Leslie
Loxton, Alexander Allan
Lubeck, Joseph
Lucas, John
Lucas, Reginald Ernest
Luck, Frederick H.
Lueders, Ewald
Luhrman, Anthonle
Luka, James
Lukuc, Fred
Lukuc, Peter Harry
Lund, Orrlen M.
Lundgren, Herbert Benoni
Luning, George A. (Jr.)
Lunstrum, David A. T.
Lunstrum, Elwood
Luts, John
Lutterbach, Heinrich
Lyambela, Solomon
Macaraeg, Toribio
MacAulay, Daniel Fred
Macedo, Ollmplo Teixeira
Machull, Thomas Michael
Macmillan, Alexander Hugh
Maday, Caesar William
Madomba, K. Ellya
Madorskl, Frank
Magdych, John (Jr.)
Maguddayao, Hilario Melad
Magyarosi, Martin
Mahler, Bernard Paul
Mals, Mon tague
Majetnlak, Eugene Boleslas
Makato, Felton Kazukwa
Makela, Otto
Makl, Gust William
Makinen, Lauri
Makumba, Stanley
Maim, Helmer
Manipol, Leon Meer
Mann, Albert Henry
Marcussen, Gunnar
Marenco, Jesus Isidro
Markevich, Michael
Marko, Market
Markus, John Frederick (Jr.)
Marquez, Juan
Martlkkala, Emil Alfred
Martin, Douglas
Martinez, Francisco
Martinsen, Martlnlus
lIIashaba, Alfred
Mashele, WIlliam
Matare, James
Mathew, Karote T.
Matthews, Earl Ray
Matthews, Leo Roy
Matthews, Paul Eugene
Mattischeck, Hubert
Mattson, Robert Warren
Matungwa, Ishmael
Matwlcio, Steve
Mayo, Jorge
Mazur, Antoni
McBrine, Thomas
McClanahan, Thomas Franklin
McDonald, Dennis Nigel
McDonald, Donald
McGrath, Henry Joseph
McKay, Homer Kenneth
McKenzie, Samuel
44 Yea'rbook
McKnight, Marcus Clifford
McLamb, Frank Algernon
McLemore, Lester Loran
McLenachan, John
McLuckie, Donovan B.
McLuckie, William L.
McLuhan, Roy G.
McRoy, George Edward
Mc\VilIiams, Robert Garland
Mdema, John Young
Mefful, Samuel Anthony
Meier, Friedrich
Meissner, Kurt
Melin, AI!
Mendoza, Arturo
Meng, Charles Joseph
Merlau, Earl Frederick
Metcalf, Eugene Max
Metcalf, Lloyd Leroy
Metcalfe, Geoffrey Russell
Meyer, Johannes 'Villem
Mhlongo, Joshua
Micenga, Batison
Michalec, Edward Alexander
Michalopulos, John
Michalowski, Marian
Michalski, Marian
Mickey, Orville \Veston
Mickey, Piercle Lee
Mikula, Andrew
Miles, John C.
Miles, Thomas Garnet
Millar, John Evans
Miller, Alexander James
Miller, Grant Dallas
Miller, Harley Eugene
Miller, Nathaniel T.
Miller, Stephen George
Mills, Stuart Wilford
Mleczak, Stanislaw
Mlynarski, Thaddee
Mmola, Lazarus
Mock, Clarence Curtis
Mock, Russell Vincent
Mock, Wayne Hubert
Mokowe, Richard
Montano, Jesus
Moreira, Edmundo M.
Moreton, Ernest Vernon
Morgan, Robert Emil
Morgan, Roger Lee
Morgan, Willie Frank
Morrell, Clayton Ellis
Morrell, Merrill Judah
Morris, Harold Albert
Mortensen, Ejner Peder
Mortlock, Albert Reginald
Moyle, Roy Leonard
Mucha, Richard
Muhaluk, Paul
Mukaronda, Nason
Muklwa, Ellya
Mulabaka, Solomon Washen
Muller, Bohumil
Muller, Christoffel Francois
Muller, Emile
Mulota, Michael
Mumby, George Arnald
Muniz, Juan
Murasasu, Tt'odor
Murphy, Henry Olliff
Mushati, Joel
Muzyka, Michael
Mwamba, Patrick Mulolani
Myers, Ralph Olympia
Nahialczyk, Stanislaw
Nagy, Istvan
Nagy, Janos
Nahalka, Vladimir
Nail, Lonnie Ray (Jr.)
Nalnasipa, Samden
Nathan, Jack Halliday
Ndalama, Baird
Ndumo, Solomon
Negry, Nick
Nel, Gerhardus Cornelius
Nelson, John Dee
Nelson, Paul Floyd
Nelson, Vernon Glenn
Nemes, Elek
Nervo, Tolvo Israel
Neubacher, Johannes
Newcomb, Clarence
Newell, Paul Harold
Newton, Robert David
Ngwaya, Albert
Nielsen, George Wlllircm
Niemml, Kauko Olavi
Niemotko, Daniel
Nikkila, Tarmo Kalen'o
Nilsson, Borje
Nilsson, Verner
Nlronen, Eero
Nisbet, George
Nisbet, Robert
Nkosi, Richard
Nnabuko, James
Nonkes, Goitze
Norris, George A.
Novak, Vaclav
Nunez, Orlando
Nyamujarah, Farlkai Arnold
Oakley, Joseph Arthur
01.)lalo, BenJamin U.
Obrlst, Paul
Oertel, Henry Carl
Ogbulie, Michael
Ogosl, Z. S.
Ogunde, Seth A. O.
Ojanen, Lennart
Ojl, Godwin S.
Olander, Werner
Donovan Milton
Ollifr, John William
Olsen, Arnold
Olson, Nels Willis
Olsson, Ake
Oltmanns, Gerhard
Oman, Enok
Omavuayenor, Joseph A.
Yearbook 45
Omuah, James Adarighova
Oppermann, Harry
Orrell, Eugene Dallas
Ortiz, Genero
Oshunioye, Simon Ashaolu
Osorio, Jorge
Ostberg, Bertii
Osterloh, Albert Henry (Jr,)
Ott, Carlos
Otukegwu, Richard C.
Outten, Ernest C.
Padilla, Arnaldo
Paine, Robert Edward
Palxao, Agenor da
Pajasalmi, Esko Kalervo
Pakathl, Dick
Pallari, Vaino Jaakko
Pann, Joseph Michael
Panting, James A.
Papageorge, Demetrius
Papargyropoulos, Arlstotles P.
Papp, Laszlo
Parcell, Lowell Leon
Parenko, Valno
Paris, Ardell W.
Parker, John Nathan
Parkin, Ronald James
Parr, George Wessel
Parr, Glynn
Parrish, William Roscoe
Parsons. Robert Earl
Pasinl, Caetano N.
Pate, Arden
Paterakls, Ammanouel
Paterson, Gabriel C. A.
Pearson, David Frederic
Pellechia, Pasqual
Penda, Martin
Percival, McKay D.
Perez, Santos
_ Michael
Perley, Donald R.
Perry, John Alves
Persson, Karl-Erik
Peter, Egon
Peter, Willi
Peters, August
Peterson, Charles Taze Russell
Peterson, William
Petersson, Viktor
Pfuetzner, Johannes
Phillips, Frederick Edward
Phillips, George Ross
Phillips, Llewelyn
Phillips, Wendell
Phipps, Robert J.
PhOtinos, Peter
Pientka, Erwin
Pietrangelo, Cesldio
Pietzko, Ernst
Pllet, Roger
Pillars, Oscar Lawrence
Pinder, Jack
Plno, RogeIio del
Platt, Frank Gordon
Pletscher, Reinhard
Plum hoff, Fred Henry
Plum hoff, Sidney Howard
Poggensee. Russell Taze
Pohl, Willi
Ponting, John Herbert
Porsch, Otto
Porsche, Franz
Potzinger, Martin
Powell, Grover Cleveland
Powers, Jack Daniel
Pram berg, Jack
Pratt, Orman Donald
Prewitt, James Fred
Price, William Frank
Prosser, Calvin Sheridan
Przybysz, Wladyslaw
Puckett, Joseph O.
Pysh. John
Quackenbush, CoUn Dale
Quackenbush, Myron Neil
Quansah, Joseph Galton
Queyroi, Jean
Quick, Frederick Endicott
Quintanilla, J o s ~
Raetze, Helmut
Rainbow, Jean Charles
Ralnold, Alfred
Ramu, Donald Shepherd
Ramu, Julio Shepherd
Ranca, Petre
Randall, Charles Alfred
Rann, George Alexander
Rasmussen, Christian
Rasmussen, E. Georg S.
Rasmussen, Johannes Ejner
Rasmussen, Robert Vernon
Rawls, John Wesley
Redford, Jack Donald
Reed, Homer Franklin
Reeder, Maurice Charles
Rees, Bernard David
Rees, Philip D. M.
Reijntjes, Willem Cornelius
Reiter, Ferdinand
Rendell, Donald
Rennalls, Julius Oliver
Reusch, Lyle Elvern
Reuter, Hermann
Reynolds, Lionel Moore
Reynolds, Stanley Edward
Rhode, Samuel
Richards, David John
Richards, Robert W.
Richardson, Francis N.
Richardson, Noah Samuel
Richardson, Reginald Osborne
Ridenour, Roger Lee
Riemer, Hugo Henry
Rieske, Hermann
Rieski, Traugott
Riffel, Julius
Ripley, Stephen
Ritt, Horst
Ritzheimer, Hans
46 Yearbook
Robb, John Birrell
Robbins, James Charles
Roberts, Claude
Rocha, Gregorio Gallegos
Rockall, WllIiam Arthur
Rockwell, Linley
Roe, Webster Lawson
Rohrer, Arnold
Romano, Joseph Anthony
Roos, John
Roper, Lester Lee
Rose, PhlIlp Gene
Rosenbaum, Guenter
Rosser, Aubrey Arthur
Ross-Jensen, Wllliam
Rostkowski, Stanislaw
Rothe, Manfred
Roy, Grenfell Thomas
Rubio, Reynaldo Magpantay
Rusk, Fred (Jr.)
Russell, George Mouat
Russell, Leo Dean
Russenberger, Hans
Ruth, Wllmer Besco
Rutlmann, Alfred
Ryan, Roy Ansll
Sacchetti, Antonio
Salavaara, Kalle
Salinas, Adulto
Sanchez, Thomas
Sandman, David Henry
Sandner Max
Sapita, Melvin
Saumur, Laurier
Saungweme, Daniel
Schatl'er, Konrad
Scharner, Josef
Scheibner, Erwin
Scheidegger, Gustave
Scheider, Wilhelm
Schlllinger, WIlliam Matthias
Schlmkat, Gunter
Schindler, Johannes
Schlumpf, Walter
Schmidt, Altred
Schmidt, Edmund (Jr.)
Schmidt, Herbert
Schmidt, Robert T.
Schmidt, Waldemar
Schneider, Willy
Schrantz, Emlle
Schroeder, Albert Darger
Schuh, Louis Philip
Schumann, Guenther
Schutz, Hermann
Schwabe, Heinrich
Schwatert, Erwin
Schwarz, Edward
Scott, Franklln McClain
Searle, Bruce Douglas
Sebin, Jan
Seck, August
Secord, Arthur Henry
Seelye, Alden Leroy
Seltz, Hans-Werner
Seubert. Merlyn Eugene
Shalkoski, Harry Eugene
Shaw, Lionel Thomas
Shawver, Windell Gilbert
Shewchuk, Julius Joseph
Shuter, Sidney A.
Sichela, Job
Sideris, Anthony
Siebenllst, Theodore Hess
Siemens, Alan Bernard
Silva, J o s ~ Rufino
Simcox, James Eaton
Simmonite. Sidney Burton
Simpkins, William John
Singh, George P.
Sioras, John Peter
Sipavlch, Hipolito
Siverio, Cornello
Skaleski, Antoine
Skarhaug, lngol!
Skinner, Francis Edwin
Sklenak, Josef
SIlk, Henry
Smant, Jan
Smart, Robert Francis
Smedstad, Hubert A.
Smlt, Paul Jacobus (Jr.)
Smith, George Alvin
Smith, George W.
Smith, Graham Alexander
Smith, Harold Marshall
Smith, Hollls
Smith, Keith Neville
Smith, Leonard Ernest
Smith, Ronald Reginald
Smith, Thomas Erskine
Smyrniotis, Nicolaos
Sonderskov, Morten B.
Sonderskov, P()Ul B.
Sonnenschein. Heinz
Sotero, John Mariano
Southworth, Charles Herbert
Spacll, Frank
Spahr, C. J.
Spicer, Wllfred Shields
Spiro poulos, Panayotls
Sponenberg, Robert Edwin
Sprafke, Bernhard
Springer, Walter
Spross, Erich
Steele. Charles Arthur
Steele, Dave G.
Steele. Don LeRoy
Stetl'ens, Karl-Heinz
Steimann, Emil
Steinbrecher, Walter
Steindortl', Wllhelm
Steinemann, Hugo
Stenersen, Leiv WlIly
Stephen. Eliya
Stewart. Earl Kltchener
Stigers, Edward William
Stlkel, Ludwig
Stlllwell, Robert Harold
Stlrmann, Karl
Yearbook 47
Stoermer, Clarence Adolph
Stone, Roscoe A.
Stoob, Paul Emil
Stoove, Kenneth
Stover, George William
Strand, Roy Ivar
Stromfors, Ake
Stromgren. Alvin Emanuel
Stuber, Alfred
Stuefloten, John W.
Stuhlmiller, AlDis
Stull, Donald Edmund
Suess, David Walter
Suess, Oscar F.
Suiter, Grant
Sullivan, Thomas James
Sumen, Hemming Arthur
Sumera, Franciszek
Sun, Hutton H.
Supera, Moises Gulpe
Susich, Donald Matthew
Svennback, Alfred Georg
Svensson, Curt
Svensson, Hugo
Swader, Robert Ernest
Swierczynski, Bruno
Swingle, Lyman Alexander
Sydllk, Daniel
Sypien, Stanley B.
Sypsas, Athanassios
Szabo, Ferenc
Szlel, Gottlieb
Szumiga, Marian
Taavitsainen, Elai Salomo
Talabi, Michael Olatunjl
Talarico, Ernest Alfred
Talma, Gilbert Louis
Talmage, Deryl Henry
Tangolis, John
Taylor, Clarence
Taylor, David V.
Taylor, Earl Allen
Taylor, Samuel G.
Tetzner, Walther
Teubner, Titus
Tharp, Alexander E.
Thiele, Oskar
Thomas, Fritz Hans
Thompson, Adrian deLaunay
Thompson, Kwa Amu
Thompson, Mandala
Thompson, Martin F.
Thompson, Rayburn Dale
Thongoana, Joshua Sebaka
Thorn, Walter John
Thornton, Worth Leonard
Tlalnen, Matti
Tilton, Thomas
Timmermann, Harry-Gerhard
Tkachuk, William
Tohara, Shlnichl
Tolentino, Geronimo
Tollner, Wilhelm
Toma, Shin taro
Tomaszewski, Raymond
Tomlanovlch, Joseph Richard
Tornlund, Martin
Torvinen, Tapio
Touveron, Paul Marcel Joseph
Tracy, Frederick Allison
Tracy, Robert Nelson
Tscko, \Vllliam
Tubini, Giuseppe
Tucker, Cecil A.
Tuttle, Donald Lester
Ugbebor, Alfred Ujenwa
Uhllg, Guenter
Ulrich, Clarence
Umek, Bernard
Umlauf, Jacob
Undi, Gerson
Ungululani, Bright
Untch, Frank Daniel
Unzicker, Richard Files
Van Daalen, Emil Henry
Van Daalen, Loren
Van Den Berg, Nicholas Carl
Van der Bijl, Glsbertus N.
Vanderhaegen, Peter John
Van Horn, Frederic
Van ice, Ernest Ray
Vanice, Jack Richard
Van Ike, Millard L.
Van Sipma, Samuel Martin
Van Staden, Marthlnus J.
Van Tonder, Rynler J. N.
Van Zee, Fred Post
Varga, Sandor
Vargas, Juan Ramon
Vasquez, Sergio Molera (Jr.)
Vaughan, Robert Tilden
Veesenmeyer. Alfred
Vergara, Alejandrlno Gundran
Vermeulen, Jan Gabriel
Vleker, Heinrich
Vlahakis, John George
Vliet, Frans H. van
Vocatura, Joseph
Voigt, Walter
Voigt, Walter Erdmann
Voss, Adolfo
Vuillemln, Jean
Wagner, Andrew K.
Walden, \Vl1l1am Coburn
Waldron, John Eric
Walker, James Russell
Walther, Heinz
Wandres, Albert
Wanner, Jakob
Ward, Donald E.
Wargo, John Michael
Wargo, Michelle
Wasilak, Stanislaw
Wasitls, Frank William
'Vatt, Alexander James
Wauer, Ernst
Weber, Jean
Webster, James Oscar
Weckstrom, Erik Anders
Weden, Erik
Wedrlns, Walter
Weigand, Georg
48 Yearbook
Weigand, Konstantin
WeIgl, Frank A.
Welborn, Jack McDonald
Weller, Arthur F.
Weltner, Heinz-Kurt
Wengert, Joseph
Wengert, William Robert
Wentzel, Petrus Johannes
Werden, Claude Herbert
Wernersson, Stig
Wesley, John Basil
West, Albert James
Wetzler, Harold David (Jr.)
Wheeler, William Hollister
Wheelock. Richard Carl
White, Victor
Wiberg, Carl Emil
Wicke, Alfred EmU
Wicks, Joseph H.
Wldawski, Martin
Wiedenmann, David
Wieland, Edward Walter
Wiens, Benjamin John
Wiesner, Ernst
Wiesner, Rudolf
Wlger, Samuel
Wihlborg, Inh'Var
Wilda, Charles de
Wildman, Lewis Allen
Wllk, Bronislaw
Wilkes, John N.
Willet, Frank Allan
Williams, Clive Henry
Williams. George Alvin
Williamson, Travis Wayne
Willson, Donald Matthew
Willson, Peter Edwin
Wilson, Ennis Robert
Wilson, Frederick John
Winberg, Arne
Win dolph, Guenter
Winkler, Robert Arthur
Wlnterburn, Victor Emmanuel
Wisegarver, Vernon Cornelius
Wisniewski, Edwin
Wojciechowski, Stanley
'Volf, Hans
Wood, Victor Winston
Woodard, Hermon Alpxander
Woodburn, James Hardy
\Voodburn. Sydney
Woodworth, Clayton James
Woodworth. Harold P.
Woodworth, W. Eldon
Worsley, Arthur Albert
Wosu. AmoR Anucha
Wozniak, Andre
Wright, James Clare
Wrobel, Paul
Wulle, Otto
\Vuttke, Ricardo
\Vynes, Emlyn
Wynn, John Alfred
Yacos, William
Yarpmchuk, William
Yeatts, Hue-h Macmillan
Yeatts, Lowell K.
Yeatts, Thomas Russell
Young, Charles W. O.
Young, William Loyd
Yount, Warren
Yuchniewicz, Stanley
Zahariadls, John
Zakian, Arthur S.
Zakrzowski. Teodor
Zamora, Belisario
Zatko, Ondrej
Zavltz, Gerald
Zbinden, KorneJius
Zbylut, Michel
Zedl, Ernst
Zetty, Edward
Zilke, Otto
Zlwawo, Delson
Zook, Aquilla B.
Zuck, Claude H.
Zuercher, Franz
Divine education, or the understanding of Jehovah's
revealed 'Vord, is the greatest education anyone could
possibly obtain. While all of Jehovah's witnesses spend
many hours every week in a study of their Bibles and
the Society's Bible textbooks, there is always the de-
sire on the part of every minister of God to be able to
spend a greater amount of time in study. But in these
busy days we know that it is not all study: important
also is the repeating of the information gained by
that study, that is, telling others what we have learned.
Yearbook 49
This impresses it upon our minds and at the same
time benefits other people. The minister of God must
always keep alert and search daily in the storehouse
of riches for things new and old.
In view of the necessity of spending as much time
as possible preaching to the people, some wonder why
we have the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and
the five-month course of study for training mission-
aries. We must keep in mind that when missionaries
are sent forth they go off into fields isolated from all
fellow workers. Sometimes four or five missionaries
go into a land where none of Jehovah's witnesses have
ever been and where the good news of the Kingdom
is not being preached, a land where the Bible is an
unknown volume to the people. It is of inestimable
value to strengthen the faith of these missionaries in
the Word of God and equip them as well as possible
before they begin serving in such far-off lands and
begin pioneering new frontiers.
Therefore the Society sets aside about a five-and-a-
half-month study period for the special training of
missionaries. Full-time ordained ministers are invited
to the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and are giv-
en a thorough education on the Bible from covel' to
cover, studying its history, its doctrines and refuta-
tion of arguments raised by those who want to dis-
prove the Bible and its authenticity. The training giv-
en to missionaries at Gilead has proved very beneficial
in this regard and it has strengthened the ministers
and has made them more qualified for their missionary
work. Not only does the school devote practically all
its hours to a study of the Bible text, but it also teach-
es the students something about the language they
might use in a foreign land, as well as information on
geography, travel and the practical things that go
with daily life. From the school's yearly report the
following is taken.
This school opened on February 1, 1943, and since that
time 1,743 individuals have finished the prescribed course and
have graduated. There have been 1,812 persons enrolled.
50 Yearbook
Obviously not all have been able to finish the course, due to
poor health or other reasons. In eight and a half years we
have put through 17 classes. Of those who finished sChool
601 were single men, 550 were single women, and 5!)2 were
married persons. Another interesting point about those
finish.i.ng school is this: 678 of the graduates were men and
women from 45 countries outside the United States, and
1,065 were Americans. This shows that a very large num-
ber of those taking up the misf<ionary work come frolll other
lands to America where they are trained and educated for
this special field activity.
'I'he 16th and 17th classes finished school dUring the 1951
service year of the Society. The 16th term began on Sep-
tember 8, 1950. There were 127 students registered and the
entire student body was cOlllposed of non-Americans and
Jlon-Canadians. 'I'he students came from 26 countries. This
was a very unusual group of students; they were energetic
and hard-working despite the fact that some were not too
well versed in the English language. This was a difficulty
some had to overcome at first, but it was not long before
they were following the courses of study just as rapidly
as the other students. Two students left school because of
ill health, feeling they would be unable to take up their
duties in a foreign land. They returned to their former
ministerial service as pioneers. The student body that gradu-
ated was made up of 125 ordained ministers.
Graduation exercises were held on Sunday, }i'ebruary 11,
1951, and 121 diplomas were awarded to those who met the
grades required for the obtaining of a diploma. However,
all of the gradUates qualified as missionaries and were as-
signed to 38 countries throughout the world. The gradua-
tion took place in midwinter, and Gilead's auditorium was
packed out, with 1,294 persons attending the exercises. The
graduation talk given by the president of the Society was
on divine healing. This caused considerable discussion among
those in attendance because many new points of truth were
brought forth, and they were greatly appreciated.
The names of those ministers graduated in the 16th class
are listed below:
FEBRUARY 11, 1951
Agnew, Estelle Violet
Agnew, Crystal Annie
Albrecht, Wilhelmlnde Hilde
Amores, Victor Casas
Atkinson, Leslie
Backhouse, George Bernard
Baczlnskl, Francois Jean
Beavor, Anne Doreen
Beavor, Douglas Ernest
Beavor, Gwendollne
Bldmeade, Joyce Rose
Blackwood. Eduardo Horacio
Blum, August Claude
Brett, William
Brett, Hannah Keturah
(Mrs. W.)
Carroll, Fred Henry
Chew, John Keith
Chew, Joyce (Mrs. J. K.)
Cresswell, Doreen Mary
Yearbook 51
Dearn. Gordon Alan
Dearn. Rose Mary (Mrs. G. A.)
Dedesky. Marian
Dlenaar. Pleter Aris
Driscoll, Patrick
Driscoll. Barbara (Mrs. P.)
Driscoll. Patricia Ann
El Ashuh, Felipe Eduard
Els, Patricia
Eriksson. Kurt Harry
Field, Godfrey Lewis
Field, Marjorie Edith
(Mrs. G. L.)
Gall, Frank Herbert
Gatt!. Piero
Gluyas, Harold John
Goodman, Herbert
Gregg, Edward Fitz-Maurice
Haddrill. Marjorie
Hansen. Andreas Peter
Hardy, Frederick Edward
Hardy, Mary (Mrs. F. E.)
Harp, Hermine Sophie
Hartley, Douglas
Hartley. Joyce (Mrs. D.)
Hartstang. Friedrich
Hartstang, Elsa Helena
(Mrs. F.)
Hatton. Wllfred
Hatton, Phyllis (Mrs. W.)
Haukedal, Asmund
Hemmig, Ruth
George Rowland
Hyae, Heather Jean
Ignacio, Fernando Camarillo
Iontes, Leopold Felix
Jensen. Henning Arnold
Jensen, Margit Beathe
(Mrs. H. A.)
Johanssen, Svein Johan
Kattner. Erich Kamlllo
KorttlIa, Kalevl
Laird. Joan
Lambs. Georges
Larke. Joyce Fenton
Lean. Ruby Eleanor
Ledgester. Joseph Cleveland
Maguddayao, Hilario Melad
Matheakl, Anna George
McLean. Leslie Robert
McLean Ralph Stanley
McLuckie, Donovan Bisley
McRae, Alan Lindsay
Mlynarskl, Thaddie
Moffatt. Robert Guy
Muller, Christoffel Francois
Muller. Emile
Myers. Mavis Antoinette
Myrdal. Kathleen
Nisbet, George
Nisbet, Robert
Nunez, Orlando
Oakley. Joseph Arthur
Ott. Gertrud Maria
Pajasalml, Esko Kalervo
Pajasalmi, Anja Inkerl
(Mrs. E. K.)
Pantas, Pacifico Elechoza
Passlow, Mervyn Hilton
Paterakls, Emmanuel Nicolas
Paterson. Gabriel Alimo
Paterson. Florence Kai
(Mrs. G. A.)
Pedersen, Emmanuel Brogaard
Pettitt, Leon
Phillips, Llewelyn Vivian
Pllborough, Mollie Hilda
Platte. Eveline
Queyrol, Jean
Rawiri, Rudolph Whareumu
Renskers, Frederika
Ridling. Ngalo
Rowe, James Oliver
Searle. Bruce Douglas
Searle. Joan (Mrs. B. D.)
Skaarhaug, Ingolf Henry
Smith, Mildred
Smith, Ronald Reginald
Somerville, Joyce
Stackhouse, Edna Muriel
Stoob. Paul Emil
Stoove, Marian
Stoove. Susie
Supera, Molses Gulpe
Swanepoel, Lydia Magdalena
Thompson, Mary Anna
Tomaszewski. Raymond
Tubinl. Giuseppe
Turner. Olive
Vermuelen. Jan Gabriel
Vervaet, Anna Maria
Voss, Adolf Jens
Voss, Carlota Emma
(Mrs. A. J.)
Warburton, Doreen May
Ward, Ronald James
Wesley-Smith, John
Williams, Florence Isabel
Wood, Doris Maud
Young. Allan Maxwell
The 17th class began their Gilead school career on Febru-
ary 20. 1951. One hundred and twenty-two students were
registered. This group came from ten countries. including
the United States and Canada. This class was quite differ-
ent from the preceding one because there were not so many
Europeans and representatives from other parts of the
world in the class.
52 Yearbook
Jehovah's witnesses everywhere love Gilead beeause they
Sl'e in the students a great determination to follow the
Lord's Word and to obey the command given by Christ:
"Go therefore and make disciples of Iwople of all the na-
tions." (Matthew 28: 19, NW) While alI of Jehovah's wit-
nesses can do the preaching work, not all can go to the ends
of the earth in the service; so it makes their hearts re-
joice to see these who are going to other lands and they
wish them well in their travel and in thpir sprvice. This
spirit was truly manifested on Sunday, July 22, 19G1, the
graduation day for the 17th class. There were 8,432 gath-
ered together for this, the largest SUlllmer graduation ever
held at the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead. The grad-
uation exercises were held in front of the building called
"8hiloah" (the library and study room). The great throng
of people sat on chairs arranged on the campus in front
of the building.
The local press and radio stations in Ithaca, Syracuse
and Auburn gave considerable puhlicity to this graduation.
Just stoll and think for a moment what happened here:
119 students were graduating at the Watchtower Bible
School of Gilead. Certainly this little group did not have
8,432 relatives to come and see t 1 H ~ m and wish them well:
No, the people who attended that graduation were persons
of the new world society, persons who had dedicated them-
selves to do .Jehovah's will the same as the groull of students
being graduated. Yes, they too were ordained ministers,
hut up to this time thpy had not the opportuIlity of gOing
through Gilead and of being sent off to some foreign field.
But their hearts were with the studcnts and their spirit
was the same. Their love for God was equal. They, like
the graduates, were seeking first the kingdom of heaven and
its righteousness. Following the graduation this mass of
people dispersed and returned to their home companies
and their Ilioneer assignments, there to do the same kind
of work as that to be done by the missionaries-preaching
the good news of God's kingdom in all the world for a
witness. It is this unity and love manifested among the
Lord's people that hus brought such great prosperity to the
work of JehO\'ah's witnesses. It is the love of God that
surpasses all understanding.
It goes without saying that the graduates of the 17th
class, whose names are listed below, were very happy to
have so lIIany visitors and friends of theirs by their side
on this, their graduation day.
Aguirre, Elo\da Elias
Allen, Henry Wilber
Anderson, Astrid Gerda
Baker, Earl Oliver
Baker, Helen (Mrs. E.O.)
BartJa, Wilham David
Yearbook 53
Beacham, John Ernest
Beacham, Nina LaVerne
(Mrs. J. E.)
Beals, Doris May
Berner, Emma Marianne
Blanchard, Mary Olive
Blaney, John Beech
Blight, Peter
Blow, Warren Hamilton, Jr.
Blow, Margaret (Mrs. \V. H.)
Bodner, Michael
Bradbury, Rupert Martin
Bradbury, Margaret Elizabeth
(Mrs. R ]\I.)
Browne, Anne Lee
Bullelt, John VarnCldore
Bulleit, Martha Ruth
(Mrs. J. V.)
Camp, Eleanor Georgina
Courtney, Eric John
Courtney, Annie Irene
(Mrs. E. J.)
Craig, Robert John
Cunningham, Kathleen
D' Apollonla, Fulvlo
D'Apollonia, Joyce Blanch
(Mrs. F.)
Dean, James Harold
Dean, Addie Belle (Mrs. J. H.)
Dean. Marjorie Phyllis
Dearman, Frederick Charles
Dochow, Carl William
Dotchuk, Peter
Draglnda, William
Eriksson, Isaac Albert
Esche, Annette Elsa
Funk, Bernard
Geary, Ronald Henry
Green, Dave Maurice
Green, Pauline (Mrs. D. M.)
Gurka, Mary Eudene
Haartman-Harteva, Elon
Haartman-Harteva, Helvl
Ilona (Mrs. E. K.)
Hiebert, Eva
Hlllner, Carl William
Hillner, Margarette June
(Mrs. C. W.)
James, Samuel Raymond
Jenkins, Rosemary
Johansson, Erik Vallentin
Kasten, Wllliam Frederick
Kelsey, Richard Eugene
Kennedy, William Richard
Kent, Willie Dee
Kingsbury, Donald Keith
Klinck, Walter Ernest
Kneebone, WIlliam Wilbur
Kunz, Walter
Kuylen, Josephine Elvira
Lasko, Michael
Lasko, Ruth Janet (Mrs. M.)
Lemen, Carmereta Lu('ille
Leoppky, Stanley Peter
Lidstone, Dorothy Barbnra
Lisltza, Ella
Lloyd, Mabel Eleanor
Lloyd, Rosa Lee
Lukus, Michael
MacDonald. Robert Jersild
Magdych, John, Jr.
Marshall, Alys Esther
Martin, Elsie
McConnell, Muriel Rhoda
McDonald, William Allen
Miller, Grant Dallas
Miller, Eleanor (Mrs. G. D.)
Miller, Nathaniel Thomas, Jr.
Miller, Allene Ruth
(Mrs. N. T.)
Mucha, Richard Chester
Nosal, Mary
Nushy, William John
Phipps, Robert
Poyner, Shedrick Thomas
Poyner, Wilma Naoma
(Mrs. S. T.)
Price, Stuart Leslie
Rader, William Jackson, Jr.
ReI!, Violet Gertrude
Rigottk. Joyce Shirley
Rood, Marguerite Julia
Rueb, Edna Hattie
St. Jean, Jean Baptiste
Schmidt, Robert Thomsen
Seniuk, Nickolas
Septer, Virginia Pearl
Simmonlte, Muriel ]\fatheson
Simmonite, Wilfred Martin
Spacil, Filla
Spiker, Betty Jean
Strachan. Harold Graham
Taylor, Frances Geraldine
Taylor, Mary Elizabeth
Tules, Pedro Dlaz
Turner, Lowell Lawrence
Tyler, Mildred Scottie
Uhrich, Hilda Minnie
Van Ike, Millard Lindsay
Van Ike, Donna Mae
(Mrs. M. L.)
Vargas, Juan Ramon
Wagner, Stasla Geraldine
Wainwright, Marion Ruther-
Wlhlborg, Ingvar Erik
Wlhlborg, Signe Maria
(Mrs. I. E.)
Wilkes, John Norman
Wilkes, Gazelle (Mrs. J. N.)
Willett, Frank Allan
Willett, Hilary (Mrs. F. A.)
Wood, Joan
The Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, under the
direction of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society,
54 Yearbook
Inc., has received the Lord's rich blessing. Any pio-
neer who has the opportunity of going to Gilead and
then on into foreign missionary service should eel'
tainly seek that blessed privilege. Of course, going to
Gilead is just a forward step in increasing one's priv-
ileges of service, for when one goes to Gilead he does
not have just the education in mind but the mission-
ary service which follows in any part of the world
where he might be sent by the Society.
The outstanding textbook used in the school during
the past year was the excellent new translation of the
Greek Scriptures, entitled "The New World Transla-
tion of the Christian Greek Scriptures". The students
certainly appreciated a careful study of this textbook.
They also used in their studies the new book released
by the Society in August, 1950, "This Means Ever-
lasting Life".
For young men and women who have full-time serv-
ice as their goal, Gilead is a blessed thing. They have
the opportunity to study God's Word uninterruptedly
for five and a half months. This is an unusual priv-
ilege. Then after having studied it at school, putting
to use this wonderful knowledge is an even greater
privilege and responsibility. We rejoice with all the
missionaries who have gone forth to their assignments
and who are now gathering together the "other sheep"
under the direction of the Good Shepherd, Christ
One of the great barriers that separates men today
is language. There are many languages spoken in the
different parts of the earth. In one place we find a
group of people speaking one tongue and not too many
miles distant another group of people speaking a differ-
ent tongue. They isolate themselves from one anoth-
er by a boundary, and this line may not be crossed
without permission by both groups controlling the
territory. In one territory the only way you can be
understood by the people in general is to speak their
Yearbook 55
language. You move into an adjoining territory and
you must know another language.
In order to carryon the preaching of the gospel
in all these different lands it has been advisable to
set up branch offices in these different countries. In
these branch offices of the Society the language spoken
by the people of the country is used. However, in most
instances the branch servant knows the English lan-
guage as well as his native tongue, and the general
communications of the Society go forward in English
from country to country. If it were not for the divi-
sion of languages there would not be the need for
branches in the numbers that there are today.
As far as all the people of the world who have
entered the new world society are concerned, they
have a language all their own. It is the new world lan-
guage; it is the Word of God. When people think
alike and act alike and do the same things for the
same reasons, they understand one another. This
certainly is true of Jehovah's witnesses. They speak
a pure language among themselves because this pure
language was given to them by the Most High God
through his 66 letters he has written to them. Now
they can see eye to eye and understand Jehovah's
purposes. So no matter where they are in the earth,
no matter what their native language, they have the
same hope, the same faith and the same message to
preach to the world.
The same spirit is shown among Jehovah's witnesses
today as was shown by Peter and John when they
traveled about and performed the ministry of good
news. It is recorded in Acts 4 that men of the world
"perceived that they were men unlettered and ordi-
nary", but they also "began to recognize about them
that they used to be with Jesus". (Vs.13, NW) The
things they said and the acts they performed demon-
strated this. Today the peoples of the world can recog-
nize that Jehovah's witnesses are walking with Jesus,
too, by the work they do and the message they preach.
56 Yearbook
They realize, too, that the witnesses of the Most High
havc his spirit because of the unity in the organization.
The language barrier does not interfere with the
oneness of mind in this new world society, nor do
the boundaries made by nations interfere with the
onward movement of the great educational work that
God's servants are performing.
You do not see Jehovah's witnesses settling down in
some massive, Gothically-beautiful cathedral or
church building, but you see them assembling two or
three times a week in a modern "Kingdom Hall", as
they call it. Here they gather unpretentiously to
study the Word of God. This is the place where the
companies of Jehovah's witnesses meet in the various
towns and villages throughout thc countries of the
world. These groups kcep in touch with their respec-
tive branch offices, and, in turn, the branch offices
keep in close communication with the president's office
of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Socicty located in
Brooklyn, New York. The pioneers in the various coun-
tries also report to the branch offices as do the mis-
sionaries, if they are assigned to lands where branches
operate. It is through this method of reporting and
keeping in touch with all of God's ministers every-
where that we are able to compile the Yearbook re-
port, which is of great interest to all ministers of God.
This report shows the advance of Kingdom work and
proves to Jehovah's witnesses that what they are try-
ing to do in fulfillment of God's Word has his blessing,
and good results are seen. It is as Jesus said, as re-
ported at John 10: 16, 27, NW: "And I have other
sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must
bring. and they will listen to my voice, and they will
become one flock, one shepherd. My sheep listen to
my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."
So, regardless of languages the peoples speak,
they are following Christ Jesus, the Right Shepherd,
and he is bringing them into the new world society,
and they become Jehovah's witnesses. They are de-
termined to praise the name of the Most High God
Yearbook 57
and join in clean, undefiled worship of the Sovereign
One of the universe.
The branch organizations help to gather these peo-
ple together and to care for their needs. As one reads
the pages of the Yearbook, he will see that, regard-
less of boundaries, tongues and customs, Jehovah's
witnesses think alike. They act alike in all parts of
the world; they are interested in just one thing: the
true worship of Jehovah and the opportunity of help-
ing other people carryon this true worship and to
enjoy everlasting life in a blessed new world under
the reigning King Christ Jesus.
The service year of the Society ends on the last
day of August each year. Then the branch servants
send in their annual reports to the president's office.
These are checked by the president and certain por-
tions are reprinted in the Yearbook for the benefit
of all of Jehovah's witnesses. At the present there are
70 branches in the world, but under these branches
there are many other territories, totaling 120 (includ-
ing the branches), where Jehoyah's witnesses are re-
siding and preaching the good news. All of these lands
are mentioned in the Yearbook and a brief report is
given on each one. In these reports you will observe
the interest Jehovah's witnesses have in other people
in trying to help them understand God's Word. There
is no selfish motive on their part in assisting men of
good will in a study of God's Word; their only desire
and motive is to magnify Jehovah's name and show
the people the way to life. This they do by educating
the people in the Word of the Most High, the Bible.
The administrative offices of the Watch Tower Bi-
ble & Tract Society are located at 124 Columbia
Heights, Brooklyn 2, New York. It is from this place
that the work is directed throughout all the world.
All the branch offices make reports to the president's
office each month. The administrative office of the So-
ciety plans the work that shall be done throughout
58 Yearbook
the world, and during the year regular visits are
made by the president of the Society to various
branches and missionary homes to see what can be
done to advance Kingdom interests. From informa-
tion gathered arrangements are made for expansion
in various countries and for putting into operation
those things that it is believed will be of greatest bene-
fit to the "other sheep" in the various lands.
It has been found that it is good to do the majority
of the Society's printing at one central place, and the
place chosen has been Brooklyn. The demand for
literature in all parts of the world has constantly in-
creased. It has been deemed advisable to publish the
Watchtower magazine and other publications of the
Society in various languages, and it is best to have
this done at Brooklyn. That is the reason why such a
large printing plant was set up at 117 Adams street.
This plant measures approximately 100 feet wide and
200 feet long and has nine stories. All types of presses
have been installed to take care of the work neces-
sary. The president's office is always arranging for
new translations of literature, and when these are re-
ceived the office sends them to the factory for produc-
tion, putting them through the linotype department,
the plate-making department, pressroom and bindery.
Then the shipping department sends these various
translations to all parts of the world.
From time to time it seems advisable to publish
The Watchtower in new languages or in a better form.
So the president's office directs that these publications
be printed at Brooklyn rather than be mimeographed
in the various countries. Recently the president of the
Society was in the Philippine Islands, where he ar-
ranged for The Watchtower in Ilocano, Tagalog and
Cebu-Visayan to be printed at the Brooklyn factory.
This meant discontinuing mimeographing it in the
Philippine Islands and added more work to the plant
in Brooklyn. It seemed best, too, to transfer the print-
ing of publications in some of the African tongues,
such as lbo, Twi and Y oruba, from Nigeria to the
Yearbook 59
Brooklyn plant. Here we have the machinery and
the presses and it is possible to get the paper. What
goes through the factory at Adams street is directed
from the administrative office. As the work increases
and the need for more machinery is seen, the necessary
things will be purchased and installed.
Those brothers working in the factory have a unique
privilege of service in that they are servants for their
fellow workers throughout the world. While they are
not in the foreign land themselves, producing litera-
ture for the people of that land, they are in the Lord's
organization turning out publications that will help
peoples of all languages to gain an appreciation of
the Kingdom and the wonderful blessings God has
in store for them. It is a privilege indeed to be able to
send publications to 120 different nations or islands
of the sea for the purpose of aiding people of good
will to take their stand and 'say to the prisoners, "Go
forth!" ,
In this same building where the printing is done
for the Society are the offices that take care of the
work in the United States. These are considered the
branch offices for America. The brothers working
there look after the needs of the companies and pio
neers. They handle correspondence and orders and
keep the accounts that are necessary. In this same
building we have a very large circulation department
where hundreds of thousands of addresses are handled
every year in order to take care of the subscribers for
the Watchtower and Awake! magazines, not only in
the English language but in many foreign tongues.
The printing of the Watchtower and Awake! maga-
zines is one of the biggest jobs that the Society's fac-
tory has to handle, but it is certainly gratifying to
see the increase in the number of magazines year by
year. In 1949 we were printing 29,700,000 copies of
The Watchtower and Awake! In 1950 it climbed to
34,500,000 copies. And now, in 1951, it was our priv-
ilege to produce 39,700,000 copies of these two fine
60 Yearbook
The Watchtower magazine, which brings to the
Lord's people food at the proper time and helps them
to understand the purposes of Jehovah and carryon
their work throughout the world, continues to take
the lead in circulation.
The production report which is furnished by the
factory servant gives one a very good idea of what
the factory can now produce. But, of course, it has
not reached its capacity; there is still room for more
machinery and greater production. Our great problem
in these difficult times is the obtaining of sufficient
quantities of paper to meet the production demands.
However, through diligent effort we have been able
to get the necessary supplies for the past service year.
1951 1950
Books and Bibles
4.731,329 3,742,420 4,019,326
Booklets 11,666,279 6,806,775 10,697,588
"The \Vatchtower"
21.737,200 18,038,800 15,706,400
"Awake!" 18,037,900 16,493,600 14,077,000
Convention Reports (96-page) 243,927
(16-page 500,000
Total 56,416,635 45,711,595 44,500,314
Advertising leaflets 111,855,000 95,061,000 78,876,025
Calendars 144,329 132,361 118.657
Miscellaneous printing 35,622,496 26,061.440 21,197,846
Magazine bags 21,439 26,322 8,081
Total misc.
147,643,264 121,281,123 100,200,609
At the close of the year there were 393 members of
the Bethel family sharing in this glorious production.
Some are working in the administrative offices, some
are writing, others run machinery producing the lit-
erature, and still others work at taking care of our
needs in the Bethel home, such as in the dining room
and kitchen and in taking care of our private rooms.
In addition to that, all have the privilege of engag-
ing in field service activity as publishers of the King-
dom. Excerpts from all the branch servants' reports
to the president follow.
God's servants were 'increase eonseious' throughout the
entire 1951 sel'vice yeal', as the ill\"itation to "praise Jah"
resounded through the land and liberty was proclaimed to
those in bondage. The spiritually sick were aided by the
'leaves for the curing of the nations' and the 'life-saving
waters of truth' to beeollH' a part of thl' incl'l'ase, And Theoc-
racy's increase will continue, as the \Yord of God assures
us, until its blessings fill the entire inhabited earth, To have
a share in this increase was the joyful experience of the
ministers of Jehovah in the United States. Jehovah blessed
their faithful vlanting and watering of the Word of truth
by increasing their average number of publishers 20 per
cent. How that stirs within all of us heartfelt thanks to
Jehovah our God!
But where do these new witnesses of Jehovah come from?
Actually, they are people in all walks of life who meekly
and sincerely permit God's Word, the Bible, to direct their
pathS. The following examples serve to illustrate this:
One new witness is a woman in Nebraska who wrote
this letter to the Watchtower Society: "I have been a reader
of The Watchtower for many years. Now I want to go in
the field work and I need instructions. Will you please
send by return mail. if possihle, instructions and forms I
need? I am the mother of 17 children ant! I have hopes
that they too will come into the truth,"
Here is an excellent example of the 'freeing of a captive':
A sister in Indiana engaged in the house-to-house work
found interest during the three-bound-book campaign. The
good-will person was so delighted over the "/,et God Be
True" book that she read it through within three days. A
return call provided the necessary contact for a Bible study"
Dul'ing the course of time she expressed her desire to be
baptized, but was denii?d that privilege by her husband,
He was so bitterly opposed to the witnesses that he in-
sisted on returning all the literatUl"e personally to the sister
conducting the study, and refused the sister the right to
see bis wife again. Shortly thereafter, however, he was
drafted into the army, and his wife resumed her study and
was immersed at one of the circuit assemblies. Through
her enthusiasm over the Kingdom work she was able to
plant the seed of life with her fleshly Sister, and she too
is planning to be immersed.
Circuit and district assemblies have played a great part
in laying the groundwork for upbuilding the faith and
stimulating the zeal of the thousawls who have jOined in
the thunderous song of 'praising Jah', F'avorab\e response
by many newspHpers, magazines, radio and television sta-
62 Yearbook
tions doubtlessly stirred up many good-will persons to at-
tend the assemblies.
The responsibility of carrying through and developing the
increase into strong, valiant warriors of righteousness falls
upon the shoulders of the local congregations or companies.
Theocracy's increase spreads its contagious enthusiasm into
each and every company, leaving the fruits of its labor
lJehind to be cared for by the mature publishers and to be
spiritually nourished. A total of 1,039 companies attained
the 34 per cent peak increase established as the goal at the
outset of the year. Unquestionably the pleasures of service,
together with those of Christian association in the company,
played their part in the expansion of praise to "Jah".
What a thrill to be associating with God's organization and
with brothers and sisters of like precious faith! Nor would
we overlook the 1,256 young witnesses who emphasized the
fact that they were in accord with more service of praise
for expansion by enrolling and serving as vacation pioneers.
Will Jehovah's people sit back and recline in ease, now
that they have witnessed so many captives being set free?
Definitely not! Each one of us must continue doing his
best in harmony with his dedication to do the will of God,
not grudgingly, nor under compulSion, but cheerfully, gen-
erously, as an expression of thanks to God. We must pur-
sue this Kingdom work for a further manifestation of in-
crease. So long as men of good will are bound with the
chains of darkness we must continue to herald the cry with
ever-increasing volume: "Prisoners, go forth!"
It is a pleasure to report, too, that the doors of service
in the United States have been kept wide open without too
much resistance or too many encroachments during the year.
However, the legal desk of the SOCiety had to fight many
cases in connection with keeping the door to free worship
open. One of the outstanding victories already reported and
published was the Havre de Grace (Md.) park case. The
Watchtower and Awake! magazines have kept Jehovah's
witnesses posted on the legal battles as they have been
fought, so thel'e is no need to consider them in detail here.
The Society's legal counsel has been ready find diligent to
provide all ministers of the SOCiety with legal advice rela-
tive to the procedure and rights guaranteed all ministers of
religion by the draft law in force in the United States. To
be specially noted is the recent letter to the Society's coun-
sel from General Hershey, the Director of Selective Service,
in which he stated that unless a man is a pioneer and ex-
empted as a minister of religion under the Universal Mili-
tary Training and Service Act he will have great difficulty.
if not Impossibility, in freely continuing in the service of
Yearbook 63
There are a number of places where Jehovah's wit-
nesses are located that are not large enough to have
branch offices. It seems best to keep these countries
under the direction of the United States branch. The
brothers in these countries report directly to the Unit-
ed States branch office. There are 17 of such locations
and the report shows there are 522 publishers scat-
tered throughout 28 companies in these lands. In a
number of these places a total of 26 missionaries are
doing excellent work. During the year 47 persons
have taken their stand for pure worship and have
been baptized. There are real prospects for increase
in these countries because 1,292 persons attended the
Memorial services in the spring of the year. The year's
reports on each of these locations follow, giving the
reader some idea of what real missionary work is like.
The high light of the Alaskan report for this year is the
visit of Brothers Knorr and Henschel and the resultant as-
sembly in Anchorage held l\1ay 11 to 13 inclusive. The
brothers in Alaska were in good spirits at convention time,
and never before had Anchorage received such a witness,
for the publishers were out with placards and handbills
every day, letting the people know of the assembly. Many
signs were taped to the taxicabs and others placed in store
windows. Even the newspapers did their part in telling
of the arrival of the Society's representatives and of the
assembly in general.
The attendance figures rose from 59 to 70 and then to
162 for the public talk Sunday afternoon. It is believed
that 100 of this final figure were persons of good will and
not as yet associated with any of the established companies.
The prospects for continued increase in the future are en-
The rugged terrain of Alaska and the scattered popula-
tion make it difficult to organize companies and work the
territory. but the faithful witnesses fight temperatures of
50 degrees (Fahrenheit) below zero and steady rains that
last for weeks at a time, in order to advance clean worship
in this vast territory.
Arrangements have been made for a Gilead graduate to
do regular circuit servant work throughout the territory.
64 Yearbook
Regular assemblies will henceforth be arranged and served
by a district servant flying there by plane from the United
Much of the work is seasonal and summer brings in thou-
sands of workmen from "outside", as the Alaskans say when
they sppak of the States. Because the people work such long
hours in the summer, it is difficult to carryon the witness
work during that season; and in the wintertime many of
them leave the area, which in turn is reflected in the com-
pany reports. Of course, while there is a subsequent loss
on the Alaskan report, actually there is no loss in the
Kingdom service, as the brothers keep on preaching wher-
ever they go; and thus Alaska has contributed publishers
to companies in the Rtates, and when the over-all viewpoint
is takf'n we find good progress in Alasl{a. The witness is
being given and by the Lord's undeserved kindness will con-
tinue to increase, all to his glory and the salvation of men.
The two missionaries that came to the nine islands in the
Azores group in 1950, were a great help to the
brothers there. The work lpaped ahead, with three times
as many publishers reporting field service during the year
as before. The fine increase came in spite of the many
hardships and hindrances against the work. To really ap-
preciate their problems you have to be right in the heart
of a Catholic-dominated country.
Almost every day is a saint's day in some village, to be
celebrated as a holiday with masses for the faithful, and
bullfights for the people as well. In the processions, If they
do not carry an image around with them, they carry a
silver crown which is said to represent the 'holy spirit'.
In either case, a man is always in front of the parade set-
ting off rockets to keep everyone awake to what is going
on. Everything that happens in the islands is given a reli-
gious significance.
The Watchtower SOCiety's vice-president, W. Franz,
met with the brothers at Angrn, Terceira, in July. The two
Gilead graduates arrived there a month ahead of Brother
Franz to advertise his coming and arrange for meetings
with the publishers and persons of good will. The night be-
fore he came a group of persons interested in the Adventist
religion expressed a desire to meet the Society's vice-
president, and the following Monday night eighteen gave
keen attention to what he had to say. They also had ques-
tions to ask and showed appreciation of the Scriptural an-
swers given. The meeting lasted hours, and the Gilead
graduates returned the following week to discuss with
them the subject of the sabbath.
Sunday afternoon Brother Franz also met the group of
publishers and other pel'sons of good will and they gave
good attention to his talk on the Model Prayer. It is clear
that many want to learn more of the Kingdom and the
purposes of Jehovah at this time.
Although the predominant religion umong the 484,:!78
persons of the Azores is Roman Catholic, spiritism ulso
has quite a hold in many parts, with a number of CatholiCS
practicing both. There are also one or two groups of Seventh-
Day Adventists.
The publishers here do not spend many hours a month
preaching the good news because of their secular work,
but it is believed that conditions will get better, and that
there wiII be a greater number of publishers in the Azores
Since the deportation of the missionaries from Bermuda,
the Watchtower Society has endeavored to open the way
for entry of other Gilead graduates into the country. It
was to see if this could be accomplished that the president
of the Society made a trip to Bermuda. Details of the visit
of Brother Knorr are given in the April 1, 1951, issue of
The lVatchtouer. It appeared encouraging that the way
might be opened again for someone to go there to represent
the Society, look after the congregation of the Lord's people
and visit other interested persons in the prinCipal settle-
ments of the Bermuda islands.
During the year, however, two attempts were made to
obtain resident permission for a family of three graduates
of Gilead. 'i'hese attempts were made both from the So-
ciety's headquarters in Brooklyn and from the offices of the
branch in London, England, but to no avail. Both requests
were refused. The government officials are still opposed to
the preaching of God's kingdom by Jehovah's witnesses.
Despite this, work in the Bermuda islands shows a tine
increase for the service year. The only pioneer there is the
wife of an American serving in the armed forces and sta-
tioned in Bermuda. This sister is zealously pushing the
battle to the fore, as her report reveals. She has averaged
16 home Bible studies each month during the year with
telling effect. The publishers have increased from 3 to 8,
and 21 attended the Memorial. The work goes forward
even though opposition exists. There is every indication
that the praise to J ah wiII continue to increase in the
islands of Bermuda.
This is the first time the Society has had a report on
Ethiopia, that ancient land the Bible mentions. The Society
opened a missionary home in Addis Ababa when three mis-
66 Yearbook
sionaries arrived there just one year ago. They pitched
right into the work with a goal that they had established
for themselyes: "Each one find one." They hoped by the
end of the service year to have a total of six reporting
from that country. Howeyer, they far exceeded their hopes
and dreams, for at the end of the year a total of 16 pub-
lishers were reporting their works of praise to Jehovah.
The first few months of work were very discouraging,
as very few persons were found who were really interested.
Then one day the turning pOint came. The missionary home
sen-ant reports: "I was walking along the road one day
when I met a young Ethiopian man and stopped to speak
to him. Upon learning that I was a missionary he asked,
'Please, Sir, tell me about Jesus Christ.' He was invited
to our horne the following day, and within ten minutes of
his arrival a study in the book 'Let God Be True' was in
progre.ss. He returned the next day and brought another
young man with him, and another study was held. These
two turned out to be the first two Ethiopian publishers,
and both are now zealous, active witnesses. One of them
conducts weekly meetings and studies of over 20 average
"The oldest and strongest mission in Ethiopia, the Sudan
Interior Mission, has been perhaps our strongest opposer,
but its actions have certainly resulted in a witness. The
miSSion has a school in Addis Ababa where they train mis-
sionaries during the week and then send them out on Satur-
day and Sunday afternoons to preach for the Sudan Mis-
sion. Hather than going out to preach, many of the stu-
dents come to the missionary home to learn the truth. One
of them was expelled from the mission because of his stall(l
for the truth and was so happy that he reported over 40
hours in his first month of service.
"It is a strange and wonderful experience to have a con-
stant 1I0w of people coming to the missionary home every
day and requesting that someone study the Bible with them.
One of the miSSionaries must always be at the home to care
for these people, as a day hasn't passed for over two months
without a group of people calling at the home for a study.
Some of these people have walked for as much as two hours,
studied from two to three hours, and then walked two
more hours to return home. Some have come several times
per week and wanted to study. Some days only three or fOUl'
come, whereas other days as many as 20 persons of good
will come in to study the Bible. Never are the people satis-
fied to study just one hour; most of them want to study two
or three hours." The home servant concludes his report,
saying, "We could go on and on telling experiences that
we have enjoyed here as each new day brings with it a new
experience. To us, Ethiopia, the land of Bible mention, is
Yearbook 67
the most wonderful assignment on the earth. May our as-
signment continue here after Armageddon."
Imagine, If you can, being in a vast territory with only
37 publishers of the Kingdom message scattered throughout
the entire land. Perhaps you had never seen any other active
witnesses except those few in your own home town. The
only thing you knew of the truth and the procedure for
witnessing was what you had read of the publications and
of the few letters that the Society had been able to get to
you. Understanding and application of right principles come
hard that way. Such is the obstacle that the brothers in
l<'rench-controlled Africa are facing.
The publications of the SOCiety are banned. The publish-
ers have a small amount of literature, and this is used for
study. The preaching of the good news by word of mouth
is given free rein by the offiCials, and, as a result, much
good is accomplished through the medium of the public meet-
ing work. Only six pieces of literature were reportedly placed
with the public, as this is all they had to spare; but, on
the other hand, 468 public meetings were held during the
last service year, shouting forth praise to Jehovah. The
Memorial attendance was encouraging, as 256 met to cele-
brate that occasion.
One person subscribed for the magazines and received only
a few issues before the prohibition against the publications
of the Society took effect, but through these was able to
start to study the Bible, and now there are five persons
studying the life-giving message.
The l!'rench government has repeatedly refused to allow
representatives of the Society to establish residence there
to aid and educate the witnesses and to correct any wrong
reports that may be circulating regarding them. It indeed
seems strange that a Christian government would refuse
entry of missionaries to further Bible educational work in
this bedarkened land. Yet the praise to God is increasing
in these lands and it is hoped that the government will
change its mind and allow our missionaries to enter French
EquatOrial Africa.
The problems and hindrances against the witness work in
French West Africa are similar to those of French Equa-
torial Africa. The Parisian government till now refuses to
authorize the entry of missionaries into this land. It allows
the local authorities to decide who shall or shall not carry
on their missionary work.
There is but one proclaimer of the good news in this vast
territory, but he is holding high the message of the King-
68 Yearbook
dom to the local populace. It is our hope that in the Lord's
due time and way help can be given this lone hrotlwr and
that the proclamation of the good news may expand here as
alI oYer the earth to the eternal glory of our heavenly
It is sad to relate that many, after coming to an under-
standing of the truth, have ehosen the broad way of will-
ful ignorance, some eyen speaking evil of the organization
that once enlightened them to many Bible truths. The fear
of man and the empty traditions of the people continue to
be mountainous oustaclcs among the Africans in Gambia.
Neighllorhood gossip is another potent weapon used by the
Devil to crush out any appearance of free, untraditional
This is how they reason: The worst thing that could
happen to the Gambian wouW be for him to die and not
ha\'e his corpse taken inside the 'church' as part of the
burial service. This and other religious traditions have
been used by the clergy to hoW the people in bondage.
Some persons who have come to an understanding of
the truth and yet continue to attend the customary services
of false religion have expressed themseh'es in the following
manner: "We don't go to church to hear the preacher, we
only go to worship God!" The argument that the African
sets forth is this: "'l'hese clergymen are here to instruct
and lead us in worship. If a llJan wishes to present a case
before the court he consults a lawyer and does not rely
upon his own limited knowledge of law. If a man is siek
he shouldn't depend upon his own limited knowledge of
medicine, but should consult a doctor. We, in turn, not being
versed in theology, must rely upon a theologian. If the
theologian teaches lies instead of the truth he is respon-
sible before God and not the unlearned sheep. So we con-
tinue to worship God in the church in spite of the clergy-
man's false doctrine." This e1lOice bit of logic is the Gam-
bian's way of shifting responsihility. Yet no Gambian would
return a second time to a doctor if he knew the man to be
a falie and a distrihutor of false medicine. Or if one did
return knowing the doctor to he a liar and a fake, would
not the foolish patient be responsible? Especially so if he
knew of another medical office in town that was known to
teach and practice the truth.
During the month of February a weekly ll'atchtower
study was organized with a peak of 13 persons attending.
But with the paSSing weeks this attendance gradually
dropped until recently there have been only two or three
persons who ha\'e been corning to the study with any de-
gree of regularity. But the missionaries are still trying.
Yearbook 69
The two public talks given during the year had an attend-
ance of 32 and 27. It appears the people will attend an
occasional Bible talk but will not have Bible studies in
their home, as this brings with it responsibility and oppo-
As far as the Moslem community which represents over
75 per cent of Bathurst's population is concerned, there
are only two men who have continued to study the litera-
ture. Neither of these, however, will come to the lVatchtou;er
study. The Moslems are held in a bond of fear to the teach-
ings of Islam's prophet Mohammed. But, by the Lord's un-
deserved kindness, the workers will push ahead, even in
This service year saw the young children take advantage
of their vacations and become vacation pioneers. Five such
children and one adult took such a course amid persecution
and opposition by the local religiOUS element.
The report comes to us: "They published in the streets,
in the open places and in the country; yes, they witnessed
even to the priests. One of the priests who saw me with
them said to me: 'Madame I have here a chapel which you
can visit.' I said in answer: 'Sir, God does not live in houses
made by men; He is a spirit, and those who worship him
have to worship him with spirit and truth.' He became very
angry and looked furiously at us. The little pioneers hung
their magazine bags over their backs, so that he could see
what they were advertising, as a shame to him.
"Some of the adults said that the children were demons,
and other children attacked them with stones and called
them 'Jehovahs'. They boldly went forward and told them
that Jehovah is the true God and they are his witnesses.
'Vhen some questioned them they were always ready to
answer in such a remarkable way that the people said:
'Really these children have received good instructions, be-
cause they are able to stop our mouths with their intelli-
gent answers.'''
A good number of publications were placed, and it is
hoped that with the help of Jehovah a prosperous baek-
call work and many studies in the homes will result. Thel'e
is much interest in Guadeloupe, for nearly four times as
many persons as there are publishers attended the Memorial
services this year; 291 came to the celebration. This shows
that there is a tremendous increase possible for this little
country. For over two years the Society has been unable
to send in Gilead graduates to aid the local congregation,
but even without this aid there are now 78 Jehovah's wit-
nesses preaching the good news.
70 Yearbook
Thl're are troubles in all parts of the wOI'ld, and th\'
Haslwmite Kingdom of the Jordan has had its full sharI'
of troubles during the past year. The peoples of this land,
like all lands, need the kingdom of God to bring them
peace and prosperity. The witnesses of Jehovah have a
difficult time preaching the good news of the Kingdom here
because of the principal religion of the people. They are
Moslems and they practice the religion of Islam. However,
there have been 19 regular publishers preaching the message
of the Kingdom and as many as 25 have gone out in the
field service in one month. Literature is being placed and
some studies are being conducted and 43 persons attended
the Memorial service this past year. So there is hOlle tha t
some will be saved from the Islamic religion and will take
up the true, clean worship of the Most High God and gain
life in the new world.
Over a period of many thousands upon thousands of
publications of the SOCiety have been distributed throughout
this little island. Very little was accomplished in gathering
the "other sheep" because it was impossible to interest the
people in home Bible studies. However, during the past year
this work has been done with success by some Gilead gradu-
ates who have taken up the missionary work in Iceland.
Now there are ten persons who are doing good work in the
Icelandic field and chiefly in the city of Reykjavik and
Vicinity. So as to aid the work in Iceland the Society sent
the branch servant of Canada and a special representative
from Brooklyn to that land at the close of the service year.
Some good public meetings were held and a good witness
was given in the city. The newspapers publicized the event,
while much opposition was demonstrated on the part of
the rl'ligionists. However, the papers were good enough to
publish both sides of the discussion. The group at this as-
sembly, though small, caused a number of persons to take
notice of the work done by Jehovah's witnesses, and the
publishers who remained in the country will no doubt find
some interested people and will be able to help them in a
further of God's Word.
The people of Iceland are very superstitious and steeped
in false religion. It will require much work to break down
and cut through the false teachings and present the truth.
Had the inhabitants of Iceland read the many publications
left with them much good would have been accomplished
by this time. However, Jehovah's witnesses will continue
to preach and teach until the cities be wasted and without
inhabitants, as foretold in Bible prophecy.
The people of Israel have their freedom and their coun-
try. '1'hat is, they are free of Arab rule or British rule and
they have their own form of government. Israel is a nation
now, acknowledged as one of the United Nations of the
world. It is a homeland for the Jews. But just why are
the Jews returning to Palestine? Is it to return to the land
spoken of in the Bible prophecies, there to worship their
God Jehovah? No, the reason is primarily a political one
based on selfishness. The true worship of Jehovah is not to
be found as the motivating force of the new nation of Israel.
To our knowledge there are only a few of Jehoyah's witness-
es who are praiSing the true God of Israel. Eleven in num-
ber have set about to preach the good news of God's king-
dom and talk about the Messiah, in an endeavor to turn the
minds of the people to Jehovah and his new world society
and away from the affairs of this dying old world. Times
are hard in Israel. Living expenses are almost impossible.
There are long, impatient queues of people waiting to get
on buses, waiting to purchase food, waiting to get ice, etc.
No one is in a hurry, say the miSSionaries, to wait on all
these people. If one does not get served today, he can come
back again tomorrow. In spiritual things that is the atti-
tude of the people, too; they can wait until "tomorrow"
to hear about God's Word. Jehovah's witnesses can't; they
are preaching it "today".
While the land of Palestine was a "land of promise" to
ancient Israel, the multitudes of the modern Israeli govern-
ment are not returning to a land "flowing with milk and
honey" or prosperity, nor are they going to one that has
the special protection and blessing of Jehovah. They are
simply adding another government to the long list of nations
that make up this dying old system of things, and, like the
others, a government plagued with human ills and dis-
content. In spite of the Jewish people's endeavor to forge
a new Israeli society, Jehovah's witnesses will continue in
their work of showing the Jewish people the desirability of
becoming members of the new world SOCiety and knowing
and serving Jehovah. There is a great work to be done ill
Israel, and it will be interesting to see how many of the
Jewish people will accept the truth from God's Word the
In this war-torn land of Korea the Kingdom message Is
still being preached. The SOCiety had some missionaries in
Seoul, but these brothers were evacuated by the United
States Army at the time of the invasion by the communists
from the north. The missionaries were taken to Japan, where
they are now carrying on the preaching work. However, the
72 Yearbook
native Koreans had to remain. They remained with a real-
ization that in spite of the trialsome condition within their
land they had to tell other people about the good things
they had learned. As the war dragged on these faithful
servants of God kept mo,-ing about the country preaching
the good news. Some of them are now in Pusan, Taegu,
Kunsan and Chon An, as well as other places. Here they
continue to do the all-important work of a minister, name-
ly, calling on the people and giving them the sorely needed
comfort of God's Word. Communication is carried on with
these brothers through one of the missionary brothers now
located in Japan. A record of what they have been doing
dUring the past year has been compiled, and, while it is not
complete, it shows us that these brothers in Korea are
faithfully pressing on in the assigned work. Their trials
are great; it is extremely difficult to outain the necessities
of life. But with all this, in their communications with the
Society the primary concern of the beloved Korean brothers
is not personal relief from the ravages of war, but a con-
tinued supply of spiritual food and literature with which
to work. They realize more than ever that man 'cannot live
by bread alone'. The Society is trying to have some of the
missionaries in Japan return to Korea even now, before the
war has ended; and if applications are approved by the
authorities, some will go back, there to help organize the
work again. The lVatchtou;er of October 15, 1931, gave
consideraule information concerning the work in Korea as
reported to the president of the Society by the brothers in
Japan. It is felt that if the missionaries can return and
the war in Korea ends, a great increase will be seen; for
certainly the people there are hungering and thirsting after
rii-:hteousness. The zeal of our brothers in Korea should
stimUlate aU of Jehovah's witnesses everywhere to faithful
The Scriptural admonition to uring up our children in the
discipline and authoritative advice of Jehovah surely was
not given in vain, as this experience from Liberia indicates.
In 1!l48 a young Jamaican immigrated to Liberia. Seeing
the Kingdom Hall Sign he carne in one day and announced
that he was glad to find some of the witnesses, as his father
had been a "memuer of our church" for over forty years.
As a child he had accompanied his father to company meet-
ings and conventions in Jamaica. After the announcement
of the coming convention in London this young man de-
cided to attend, remembering the ones attended with his
father. The company was indeed glad that he could go
and asked him to write to them. You can imagine their
joy upon recelvlllg a letter from him stating that now he
was their brother, having been immersed at the convention.
The witness work expands in strange and miraculous
ways. For example, on one occasion, while walking along
a country road, two missionaries met an elderly man walk-
ing along leaning on his cane and gave him a witness. He
showed keen interest and obtained the book "Let God Be
True". He invited them to his home and seated them on the
piazza. Then, excusing himself, he left them and went from
house to house witnessing to what he had heard on his way
home. Many of his neighbors returned with him and an in-
teresting study was eonducted. Arrangements were made
for the study to be held eaeh week. For a time 22 were in
attendance, with much interest being shown. 'I.'he elderly
man, who Is the justice of the peaee, gave permission to
give a series of public meetings at his home, whieh was
well attended. About eight months later, due to pressure
from the false religious clergy. the attendance dropped down
to seven. A schoolteaeher who eon ducts several Bible studies
also conducts the lratchtou'cr study with the other six
every Sunday. All of these see the Kingdom quite well and
are preaching it. Truly the Lord is dividing the people.
Jehovah's witnesses in Liberia, 62 in number, join their
brothers world-wide in giving praise to Jah as they look
forward to another year of Kingdom privileges and lJlessings.
'I.'his report highlights the religious political opposition to
the work and its effect on the witness work in Martinique.
The four missionaries, Gilead graduates, arrived there in
August of 1!J4!J and immediately set out to fulfill their com-
mission, engaging in the regular door-to-door witness work
and thereby learning the language. In time the increase
came and a Kingdom Hall was obtained in town at a very
suitable location. The proclamation of the pure lanl,'Uage
by these zealous missionaries and the response of the newly
found Kingdom publishers brought forth the wrath of the
priests, which eventually resulted in the deportation of
the missionaries.
Since the missionaries were not French, they were con-
sidered as undesirable by the French government, and hence
their visas for continued residence in Martinique were not
renewed. An earnest effort to get permission to stay was
immediately launched on every quarter, but to no avail.
Martinique is considered as a department or as a county
of France rather than as a colony. The final orders for re-
fUSing their renewal of the visas came from the home office
of the Surete Nationale in Paris.
were consulted, a petition signed by 59 persons
of the local congregation was submitted and personal all-
74 Yearbook
pearances were made by the missionaries and other repre-
sentatives of the SOciety both in Martinique to the local
authorities and to the Suretl' Nationale in Paris. When every
!'emedy lUld been exhausted and there seemed nothing else
to do, they left the country. The missionaries are now at
another assignment actively advancing the Kingdom inter-
ests in other lands.
Looking back over the past year it is evident that although
progress has not been as rapid as in former years yet there
have been a general consolidating of previous I':ains and a
strengthening of the organization in Portugal. There were
two outstanding events of the year-the arrival of two
new missionaries and the visit of Brother J<'ranz, vice-
president of the SOciety.
In January the brothers started looking for a missionary
home, and on March 9 two graduates of the 16th class of
Gilead arrived to take up residence in a fine little house
that was located in a pleasant district. They soon began
linding interest, some being rather unusual persons, such
as a well-known actor, an author and a Dutch lady who
speaks several languages.
On July 3, 1951, Brother Franz arrived by plane from
the Azores and was met by an eager group of brothers. A
very full program had been arranged for his week's visit,
including three meetings in Lisbon, three in Almada across
the river, and a small one-day assembly at a place down the
river for an immersion service. All meetings were well at-
tended and the brothers thrilled to Brother Franz' ex-
planation of Bible questions and marveled at his ability
to explain himself so clearly in Portuguese. During the
day the time was fully occupied with various features of
Kingdom activity and special visits.
The outstanding day of Brother Franz' visit was un-
doubtedly the Sunday when some 90 brothers and persons
of good will took a river ferry to a beach right near the
mouth of the Tagus estuary. rl'here, in a shady spot under
the trees, Brother Franz gave a talk on immersion and
later 11 were baptized in the sea. After a picnic lunch un-
tler the trees, there was a full program of talks in the
afternoon. It was a happy, never-to-be-forgotten occasion
for those who attended.
Since there are only about five little groups of publishers
and newly interested persons, there is still a great work
to be done in Portugal. As yet, very little has been done
outside of the capital. The small but growing band of pub-
lishers is looking forward to the time when there will be
better facilities for expansion, but in the meantime they are
forging ahead, appreciating the privilege of participating in
Yearbook 75
declaring Jehovah's name and purpose in a land so bedark-
ened by false religion.
Although some of the brothers in Sierra Leone have "been
in the truth" for 20 years are still relatively babes in
knowledge and understanding. Two graduates of Gilead wert'
sent there to aid the brothers and carryon missionary work.
The company at Freetown has been divided Internally fOl"
some time, making it difficult for the brothers to get to
gether and concentrate on the advertising of the Kingdom
in fulfillment of their dedication to God. The missionaries
are not popular in Sierra Leone, just as the early Christians
were not popular in their day; but with hard work, strong
leadership and the Lord's spirit the work will advance to
the honor and glory of Jehovah and his kingdom.
More hours have been put in this year by fewer pub-
lishers, the magazine placements have increast'd and back
calls and Bible studies have steadily improved. Especially
encouraging is the step-up in the public meeting activity.
for it is here that many "strangers" or "sheep" are fro and
encouraged by the spiritual feast that is spread.
The Catholic Church has been in power in Spain for a
long time. For untold generations the Spanish people have
been taught that by confeSSing to a priest their sins will
be forgiven them. It is no wonder, then, that standards of
honesty and morals among them are not very high. And
having experienced for centuries the totalitarian methods
of the church, it is not surprising that they ha\'e submitted
so long to the totalitarian rule of Franco and his fascist
setup. The majority of the common people are tired of tht'
present situation. The strikes in Barcelona during the spring
were evidence of that fact. Barcelona, incidentally, is one
of the places where Franco's regime is least popular.
The police, e\'er on the alert, watch the publishers very
closely, resulting in the following experience: Two of the
servants of the Barcelona units found apparent Interest in
a certain house and arranged for a Bible study. When they
made the return call they found two members of the secret
police waiting for them. They were alTested. Their homes
were searched, literature was seized and they were put in
prison. Later the literature was examined and
they were questioned. However, little was said until the
police found an article in i Dcspertad! (Awake!) about
li'ranco and conditions in Spain. That roused the anger of
the police and the two brothers had to stand the fire of
abuse and threats. However, after filing a complete police
record of them and warning them of the consequences if
76 Yearbook
they continued in their work of preaching the good news,
the authorities let the brothers go.
Hardships and opposition do not stop the work. For
example, one young special pioneer tours the villages on his
bicycle, in his part-time secular work, and at the same tillle
without attracting undue attention distributes literature
and conducts studies. It takes real courage for a lad of 17
to be out doing this on his own in a country like Spain.
The most outstanding event of the year was undoubtedly
the visit of the vice-president of the Society, Brother Franz,
in July. Publishers elsewhere in the world who enjoy the
regular visits of the circuit servant and the various assem-
blies should try to imagine the feelings of the little com-
panies in Spain when they heard that after three years
without personal contact they were to have a visit from
the Society's vice-president. First he visited Barbastro, a
small town of Aragon, well up near the Pyrenees. Aragon
is the name of the medieval kingdom, and former ancient
kingdom and province of northeastern Spain, now the prov-
inces of Huesca, Zaragoza and Teruel. During his brief
visit Brother Franz helped the publishers on back-calls,
conducted meetings and also conducted an immersion service
by the riverside several miles out of town.
From Barbastro, Brother Franz swung through western
and southwestern Spain covering 900 miles in five days,
visiting Valencia, Alicante and Granada. The visits were of
necessity very short, but the little groups of publishers ap-
preciated very much the personal ministry of Brother Franz.
He spent hours with them, answering their Bible questions
and giving help in many other ways. Longer visits were
also made to the brothers at Madrid and Barcelona.
The brothers in Spain are still in need of much help to
better organize the work. But whether Franco stands or
falls, whether Spain is governed by fascists, democrats or
communists, our brothers in Spain are determined to sound
the Jubilee trumpet and proclaim liberty to the many Span-
ish people of good will still captive in this old world's po-
litical and religious prisons.
As the three Gilead graduates on the Society's schooner
"Sibia" look back over the past year they rejoice greatly
and thank Jehovah our God for the many blessings received
at his hand. Collectively they averaged 50 Bible studies per
month and started 10 new publishers in the service, with
many more ready to start soon. To do this the "Sibla" has
sailed 2,107 miles, visited 16 islands and has entered
the different ports 77 times. Besides this, they man-
aged to work over 5,000 hours in the field service, putting
Yearbook 77
on 77 public meetings and talks at such meetings to approxi-
mately 6,000 persons of good will.
After the Theocracy's Increase Assembly in Yankee Stadi-
um, New York city, in August, 1950, they resumed their
sel'vice work among the lesser islands of the Caribbean,
making their first stop at Carriacou.
A grand welcome was given by the natives to the crew
of the "Sibia", It was not long before the good people
here were just clamoring for Bible studies; so that mission-
aries soon had more than could properly be handled. Al-
though poor materially, the people brought gifts of eggs,
corn, fruit and other island produce to show their apprecia-
tion for the work of the sailing missionaries. At the pub-
lic meetings it was thought a poor turnout if less than 100
came. Since these humble folk love to sing, the appealing
sound of their voices singing the new Kingdom songs rang
out stirringly into the clear tropical night air as an offer-
ing of praise to .T ehovah.
Four months later found the crew of the "Sibia" depart-
ing northward to the Virgin Islands. The three-month visit
at these islands brought the joy of seeing the fruits of pre-
vious labors as four new publishers joined in preaching the
good news "publicly and from house to house".
April again saw them sailing, this time to the islands of
St. Martin and Anguilla. This latter island had eight months
previously suffered from a hurricane; so the people felt very
deeply their need for the Kingdom which will erase all
pain and sorrow. Here there are many people who love the
Bible and who are getting disgusted with the dry, poisonous
food that is dished up by the false religions. This is evi-
denced by the fact that at one study in the home of a
schoolteacher there were 8 the first night, 16 the second
and 70 the third. They were crowding into every room and
around the windows.
Toward the end of June the missionaries sailed to the
Grenadines once more and this time stopped at Bequia
first. They were well rewarded for their efforts, for soon
they were again inundated with studies, some of these
with Adventists, which religion has lost at least one mem-
ber, and will soon lose more as others take their stand
for God and his kingdom.
At one small village an open-air Bible study was started
with 50 in attendance at the initial study. When the mis-
sionaries left the island for a while a young man eagerly
agreed to continue the group study and this he has faith-
fulJy done. There are great prospects here for expansion, as
the Anglican religion which predominates on the island is
starving the people spiritually.
Upon returning to Carriacou they found one young pub-
lisher diligently conducting Bible studies and the people
78 Yearbook
in general very glad to have them back. An empty house
was used for group studies with attendances up to 70.
Imagine what it was like: at least 30 persons seated on the
floor of a room about 14 feet by 12 feet and all the others
crowding in the other rooms and around the doorways,
each OIle trying to find the answers and hlurting them out
as soon as he found them.
On this island the false shepherds are howling as they
see their pastures spoiled. On one occasion an Anglican
priest had only about 10 in his large church building and as
a J'esult flew into a rage, saying: "If it had been a meeting
of .Jehovah's witnesses you would all have been keen to go."
'l'he three missionaries now face the future with glorious
prospects ahead of them, hoping to start many new com-
panies and revisit the islands. Praise and thanksgiving go
out daily to Jehovah as they continue to serve the interests
of the theocratic kingdom.
'Vhen the service year started, the outlook in this
country was not at all encouraging. Jehovah's wit-
nesses were the only religious organization not recog-
nized by the government. The members of all the other
religions pointed an accusing finger at this fact and
said it was God showing his disapproval of Jehovah's
witnesses. If this were true, then we should expect to
see the organization crumble and disintegrate. As
Gamaliel wisely put it: "If this scheme and this work
is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from
God, you will not be able to overthrow them." (Acts
5: 38, 39, NW) Of course, it was the Devil's intention
that the proclamation of the Kingdom would cease.
But instead, we find the same thing happened in
Argentina that happened in all other parts of the
world. Jehovah God was a wall of fire round about
his people. His people remained in his organization
and there continued to do his will. The branch servant
has this encouraging news to report:
When the Kingdom Halls were closed, the Lord's spirit
acted on the hearts and minds of his people and they opened
their homes for Bible study. The programs that were car-
ried OIl in the Kingdom Halls, such as the Watchtower
study, service meeting, theocratic ministry school and book
studies, were all transferred to these homes, and here we
had thrilling and enthusiastic round-table discussions. These
little groups would sit in a circle and talk to one another
and plan what to do in the way of serving the interests of
the Kingdom. It was through these small meetings that
the year's expansion started. Each little group was a com-
pany in itself. The brothers not only wanted to be listen-
ers at these meetings, but they eXllressed themselves and,
more than that, they applied what they learned in the door-
to-door work. All were there to help one another.
At the beginning of the year most of the door-to-door
work was done with the Bible alone. The brothers did not
know how far the government would go with legal measures
to stop their preaching. However, as some took the lead,
others followed, and it was not long until all had wonder-
ful experiences.
One of these remarkable experiences is about a woman
who was very prejudiced against Jehovah's witnesses and
who said to the publisher who called at her door: "Any
religion is good except those blasphemous Jehovah's wit-
nesses." The publisher, USing tact and knowing that his
purpose was to aid this individual in learning about God's
Word, did not make himself known through the publications
of the SOCiety; he just used his Bible and kept on talking,
leading the conversation onto doctrinal points. Interest was
aroused; calls were made at another time; a study in the
Bible began. For five or six weeks nothing else was used
but the Bible. The woman and her family agreed with what
the Bible stated, but were still of the opinion that the work
being done by Jehovah's witnesses was wrong. In due time
she had a great surprise, for she learned that the study
conductor, whom she said was "sent by God", was a min-
ister of Jehovah's witnesses. Of course, she was of the right
heart and mind and she preferred to believe the Bible rather
than the story she heard about Jehovah's witnesses. So the
meetings continued, and now this woman is calling on all
of her friends as one of God's ministers. Her entire family
is studying reb'lliarly.
We find it difficult to print anything in this land, but
this does not hinder the work, because information. such
as that contained in the Informant, does reach the pub-
lishers. The latest books that the SOCiety has printed in
the 8panish language also get into the homes of those
who want to seek truth and righteousness. Jehoyah's wit-
nesses are sincere in trying to help the "other sheep", and
the Lord opens up the way to get things done.
Many are symbolizing their dedication to God by watel'
baptism and are engaging in the Bible study work which
aU of the publishers are now carrying on.
Some isolated publishers and those associated with COIll-
panies heretofore thought that our time was uP. but they
hav{" since learned that Jehovah God knows how to direct
80 Yearbook
his people and his work, even in totalitarian-ruled coun-
tries. They have eome to the definite conelusion that Jeho-
vah God is the greatest '.reacher of them ali and that through
Christ Jesus he is directing his work in the earth and that
he still has work for us to do.
Under these trying times it appears that each individual
publisher appreeiates his privileges ami responsibilities more
than ever before. They certainly know the value of home
Bible stuuy work.
In Argentina the publishers reached eleven consecutive
peaks of publishers during the year! At the beginning of
the year, when talk was made concerning a 34 per cent
increase, the brothers viewed the goal as bein.g very large.
But now that the year has come to a close and the in-
gathering of his "sheep" has been accomplished for the
1931 service year, we find an increase of 50 per cent over
last year's peak! The average number of publishers en-
gaging in the field service every month has been 1,672,
whkh is a 29 per cent increase over last year's average.
We now have 2,117 proclaimers of the Kingdom. Of course,
the work is banned by the government, but they have not
stopped Jehovah's witnesses from talking. As long as they can
talk, they are going to help people learn the truth and show
them the difference between false religion and true religion.
Certainly we in Argentina can say with all of Jehovah's
witnesses: "Praise .Tah, you people, because Jehovah our
God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king." The ever-
increasing "great crowd" is coming; the "sound of many
waters" is getting louder.
\Vhen you are one of Jehovah's witnesses, the days,
weeks, months and years go by quickly. They are filled
with profitable preaching and unusual experiences.
Your life is filled with joyous events and plenty of
the right kind of work to do. Like the witnesses in
all other parts of the world, God's servants in Aus-
tralia lead a full life. They are very busy bearing the
fruit of the Kingdom. The Australians have good
cause for rejoicing because of the wonderful increases
in the number of persons associating with them during
the year. By far it has been their best year in field
service. In his report the branch servant lets us know
how the Australians feel about all this expansion.
All over Australia Jehovah's witnesses were getting keyed
up. Enthusiasm was mounting. We were on the brink of
great events! The latter part of March came and then-
Brother Knorr's visit! Memorial celebration! National con-
vention! All of this packed into ten solid days of unprec-
edented theocratic happeninl.(s revitalized the Lord's peo-
ple in this land and launched them out on a more positive
course of new worltl living and increase.
With the Society's president anti his companion, Brother
Henschel, in our midst, we thorolll.(hly enjoyed the fOllr-
tlay Sydney convE'ntion. Outstanding was the Memorial
celebration. Sohering and timely were the talks lJy Brothers
Knorr and Henschel. The imprint left upon our minds has
been a lasting and stimulating one. Previous views on
Scriptural pOints were corrected, others were sharpened
up, all gained a better perspective of the theocratic orguni-
zation and the principles governing it, und the value of
God's 'Vord was made unmistakably clear to us. The pro-
vision was rich, refreshing, and according to our needs.
For the branch otlice the visit was invaluable. Appl)'ing
the practical counsel I.(iven liS has resulted in a conserving
of time and in greater efllciency so that more is aCCOIll-
plished with a reduced force. ArrangeIllents were also Illade
to spread Ollt into new fields in the Pacific, and headway
is being made in that direction. We are truly grateful to
Jehovah for all such considerate attention and help.
Undeniable evidence of expansion is also found in the
fact that 771 persons were immersed during the year. This
is more than the number baptized during the previous three
years combined. New ones, whether old or young, are quick
to act upon their privileges now. Bearing this out is the
following experience: "A pioneer called at a house pre-
viously missed. At the door a 65-year-old man explained that
he was deaf. Undismayed, the publisher showed him a copy
of 'Let God Be True', wrote down the contribution on a
notebook and succeeded in making the placement. When a
back-call was made later it was found the man had rE'ad
the book three times and now wanted anothE'r book. So
"I'he Truth Shall Make You Free' was left, and after reading
that through twice he asked to be immersed. His next for-
ward step was a request to come to meetings. Though some
thought it might be useless for him to attend meetings,
he settled that by saying he knew the Lord would bless
him because of assembling with His people. Now he has
been out in the service for two months,"
'Vhile the false religious clergy lay hold of material
things for selfish gain, Jehovah's witnesses seize OPPOI'tu-
nities to unselfishly feed the hung-ry sheep, as can be seen
froIll the following experience: "In calling on a lady who
had been associated we learned she was staying with
folks who were strict Methodists, , , , We discovered the
hostess to be an elderly person and a foundation member
82 Yearbook
of the local Methodist church having an engraved stone
bearing het name on the front wall of the '{"hurch'. How-
e\'er, were not happy as they had no minister. This
is because the congregation was not large or aflluent enough
to provide the demanded, including a car and house.
We suggested that they might like a Bible study in the
home. This was rE'aclily agrE'ed upon. The study has now
progressed to the point where we have ten regular students,
including the church organist, Sunday school superintendent
and other neighbors."
Not only our preaching but also our actions identify us
as a people cultured in the ways of a new world society.
People are watching Jehovah's witnesses as ne\'er before.
They are seeking information about us. As the work con-
tinues its forwllt'd movement and growth it is inevitable
that the of all will be focused on this strange work
that captures the attention of the whole world. In this
closing drama of the ages God's people are a spectacle in-
deed as thl'Y stand out above all the rest by reason of their
blameless ministry and clean worship, their unshakable
confidence and hope, their upright dealings, and their love
of God, their brothers and all mE'n of good will. How could
it be otherwise? No wonder thE'n that Jehovah has so richly
blessed the activity of his people and continues to use them
mightily in mnking known his great name. "re here in
Australia delight to sene with our brothers everywhere
in this grand and successful work right down to the accom-
plished end.
An increase of over 100 per cent in publishers! How
did this come about in the Fiji Islands? There were a
few faithful publishers there who were desirous of
finding the "other sheep" and they worked hard. This
is what the report shows:
From time to time Gilead graduates gOing to other COUll-
tries stopped by and assisteel in the work by putting Oll
public tall{s. Later in the in March, Brothers Knorr
and Henschel visited the Islanels. The publishers
reached a new peak that month, coming up to 30, with a
Memorial attendance of 55. The convention held during the
visit of the president certainly proved to be a stimulus to
all the publishers, This was evidenced in April when
moveel ahead to another peak in publishers, nnd before the
year was O\'er had gone up to 117 per cent increase.
This markeel incI'ease has caused quite a stir in false reli-
gious circles, anel the varioUS church organizations are mak-
ing great outbursts concerning their "back to church" move-
ment, but are not meeting with too much success.
Yearbook 83
The brothers in Fiji are now putting forth a greater effort
In the magazine work. Two years ago only one lone puu-
lishel' would take a regular part in this service, but now
a number of publishers have joined him. It is also a pleas-
ure to report that a number of the local l<'ijians are now
the pioneer work and have filed applications.
There is still much work to be done and it is the desire
of the Society to send more Gilead graduates to take up
the missionary field there and work with the local pub-
lishers. All in Fiji are very grateful for the blessings Jeho-
vah has poured upon them and they praise Jehovah.
While Austria is one nation, still there are foUl'
great military powers that occupy different portions
of it. This arrangement does not make for unity. The
Austrians havc their own central government and con-
ditions in the country are much better now than they
were several years ago. Nevertheless, the real prob-
lems of the day are not solved. Under these conditions
Jehovah's witnesses are pressing forward and they are
having very good suceess in eomforting those that
mourn. They 'say to the prisoners, "Go forth!'"
Many hear this good news and are taking their stand
alongside Jehovah's witnesses in these last days and
are proclaiming the Kingdom message. Despite the
fact that Austria is 94 per cent Roman Catholic as
far as membership is concerned, the people give a
hearing ear. The branch servant sets out some inter-
esting things relative to their work.
The brothers who liYe in small villages haye to spend a
lot of time walking to their territory, as there are no buses
or trains. But they are very happy to do this in order to
serve the "other sheep", and the Lord gives the increase.
In a small place in the Tyrolian Alps two pioneers startetl
working some time ago, and in February, 1951, three new
publishers went into the field service with the pioneers for
the first time. By the end of the year there were 13 pub-
lishers. This not only happens in the isolated sections, but
even in the city of Vienna great increases are made. At the
beginning of the year a new unit was started with 39 pub-
lishers in one of the districts of the capital City. The other
unit is reporting 78 publishers. Several other units in Vienna
moved ahead with very rapid increase.
84 Yearbook
Jehovah's witnesses throughout all of Austria, whether
they be in the tl'rritory under the military control of the
'Yestel'll powers or in the communistic section, are putting
forth a real effolt to preach the gospel and they meet up
with plenty of difficulties. One pioneer writes: "Sometimes
the interference hecomes so great it is hard to hold on."
But lJy diligent study they are able to see the importance
of continuing. Another pioneer writes: "Now a year of
pioneel' service is past, a year of that satiHfy. 'l'here
have heen plenty of difficulties, but these are surpassed by
the joys that rpmain. Without this kind of service life
would lJe empty."
Right now there are nine missionaries in the country,
all gralluates of Gilead, and they have done splendid work.
There is plenty of untouched territory that has not been
witnessetl to for many, many years. More pioneers are
needed, as well as company publishers, in order to work this
territory and bring the truth to these hungry hearts.
In some of the isolated places the Catholic clergy make
a big fuss lJecause pulJlic meetings are put on from time
to time. A small company decided to visit an isolated vil
lage and the publishers advertised a public talk. At the
first talk only four persons came and afterward the broth-
ers learned that the priest had announced that no one
should go to twar this lecture. However, the little group
of pulJlishers did not give up and move on to new territory.
Hather, they advertised another talk in this same town
and, again, the clergy worked hard against Jehovah's wit-
nesses. Since it was impossible to obtain a hall for the
lecture, it was necessary to hold the second public talk
in the open near a castle tower. This time 80 of the Catholic
inhabitants attended.
At the present the truth has a free course throughout all
of Austria and we rejoice that an all-time peak was reached
publishers. Jehovah's witnesses in this land are
looking forward to another year of prosperity during which
they can sing greater praise to the Most High.
So that there might be an increase in the theocratic
work in the Bahamas a branch was established in the
city of Nassau on New Providence island. More care-
ful attention will be given to the Bahama Islands
now that a branch office is organized. The increase on
the islands is noteworthy. A year ago there were 74
publishers and now they have jumped to 110 on an
average, with a peak number of 122. The organiza-
Yearbook 85
tion of the branch proved profitable and the brothers
who live on the islands are happy that they have a
greater responsibility now of looking after that terri-
tory. The newly appointed branch servant sends in
an interesting report. He says:
Following the first visit of the president of the Society
and Brother Henschel and the subsequent public meetings
held in the city of ~ a s s a u , the brothers were delighted
with the news that the Bahama Islands would now become
a separate branch and that regular visits would be made
to the other islands to increase the witness. Since that
visit many young persons of good will have become asso-
ciated with the Society and are now showing real zeal and
are anxious to be used in Jehovah's service. The local broth-
el'S are taking over the responsibility of servants in the
company and all the missionaries need to do is assist them
In their work and help them from time to time. This makes
for better organization.
A call for vacation pioneers was heeded and all together
13 responded. The assistant company servant set the exam-
ple by pioneering on the Island of Andros, where he found
much interest. It is believed that a new company will be
established here soon.
One of the missionaries had an interesting experience. A
person of good will on the island had charge of a Mother's
Day celebration and the missionary was invited to give a
ten-minute talk. About fifteen persons were on the program,
including various clergymen, lawyers and other prominent
people. The missionary prepared a talk "New Jerusalem
Above, Which Is the Mother of Cs AU". A good witness was
given to hundreds of persons present, including people diffi-
cult to contact in our field work. The amusing thing in this
opportunity of giving a public witness was that after the
Roman Catholic priest had said Mary was the greatest moth-
er, then the missionary was called on to speak, and he showed
that Jehovah's wonderful organization was the greatest
mother of us all. This afforded another opportunity to dis-
cuss the matter further with interested persons.
The branch is planning to hold more puhlic lectures both
indoors and outdoors during the coming sel'Yice year, using
many of the theocratically trained ministers now available.
Some from the Bahamas were able to get to the Wembley
Stadium assembly in London, England, and they brought
back to the Bahama Islands a good report on clean wor-
ship. The work will move ahead under the blessing of Jeho-
vah in the Bahama Islands.
86 Yearbook
The prospects for freeing more prisoners in Bel-
gium is good. It has a population of about nine million
and right now there are a little more than 3,000 pub-
lishers reporting each month. However, there are ap-
proximately 1,900 towns and villages that are not
assigned to companies or pioneers. We can see from
this that there is still much work to be done in virgin
territory. Catholicism has long been deeply rooted in
Belgium, and Belgium is known as the land of church-
es and cathedrals. But the many churches are not
filled. Nevertheless, the people, especially the women,
are under the influence of the clergy. This is probably
one of the reasons why there are usually more men at
the meetings of Jehovah's witnesses than there are
women. The men do not pay too much attention to
the church affairs. The Belgian people are kindheart-
ed and it is pleasant to work among them. The pub-
lishers of the Kingdom have some very pleasant ex-
periences, and the branch servant relates some of these
in his annual report.
The clergy of false religion view with envy and hatred
the advance of true worship, and vainly they fight to keep
the sheep in their folds. But Jehovah's witnpsses are not at
all disturbed at the raving of the false shepherds. How the
clergy are becoming alarmed at the progrpss of pure wor-
ship is shown by the following extracts taken from an ar-
ticle entitled "Jehovah's Witnesses in Luxembourg" (prov-
ince of Luxembourg in Belgium), published in the Decem-
ber 2, 1950, issue of "J}Arenir du Lu:rembourg", we read:
"You will say, 'America and Canada arc so far away!'
'Well, don't deeeive yourselves, Jeho\'ah's Witnesses have fol-
lowers in Belgium, and their propagandists, and their faith-
ful, and their mectings, and their halls! ... 'Jehovah'l'
'Witnesses,' you will say, 'one does not hear about them in
Belgium, and abovc all in our Luxembourg so deeply Catll-
olic, .. undeceiYc yourselves. This so-called religious movc-
ment of American origin launched a few years ago a regular
offensive against our Ardennes villages .... We do not
know what is going on in all the corners of Luxembourg
but we notice that in se\'cral villages in the vicinity ot
Neufchateau and Bertrix, Jehovah's Witnesses have taken
In the small villages where Catholicism reigns supreme
the publishers do not have it so easy. but by
Yearbook 87
taking the initiative they are triumphing over false religion
and putting to flight the opposers. with the result that the
persons of good will take courage and flee to Jehovah's
theocratic organization. This is shown by the following ex-
perienees had by a Flemish pioneer.
While in the witness work in a small village the pioneer
was ordered to leave by the dean of the Catholic ehureh.
The publisher, of eourse, refused and continued his work.
He returned the following day and was met by the village
priest, who likewise commanded him to leave, and he again
refused. At this the priest began to p;o with him to the
doors. Then the brother changed his method of presenting
the message. When he was greeted at the door, he said,
"I am one of Jehovah's witnesses and the priest has some
thing to say about Jehovah's witnesses." The priest then
had to talk. He said that the publisher was a Protestant and
that he sold Bibles which the people were forbidden to read,
ete. 'l'he pioneer then refuted what the priest had said. In
this way the two worked together for about three hours.
l<'inally the priest would no longer go to the doors, but he
stood in the middle of the street, from where he spoke to
the people. That day the pioneer plaeed five books and thir-
teen booklets. The next day the priest eame again to follOW
the publisher, but this time the brother called the police
and the priest disappeared. All of this led to giVing a wit
ness to the officials of the town and placing 18 books and
35 booklets In this village of about 1,500 persons.
Two Gilead missionaries were sent to the little town of
Spa, of some 9,000 inhabitants, slumbering in the Ardennes
mountains under the potent spell of the Catholic Church.
We have no record of when the town had been worked be-
fore, so it was really virgin territory. However, it wasn't
long before the Inhabitants of Spa, and especially the cures,
were wide awake! Now the priests had to work hard. Just
about every Sunday they warned the people not to have
anything to do with these "Ameriean Protestants". During
January the two missionaries plaeed 69 books and 28 sub
seriptions, which literally set the town on fire. But it was
the article in the April 1, 1951, Freneh Watchtower about
the dogma of the assumption of Mary that really made
them wild. Even one of the back-calls called on a nun and
proved the matter satisfactorily with a Bible. The nun
almost fell over backward when she read that Jesus is
eaIled Mary's "firstborn son". This person of good will
notieed that after 35 years in the ehurch the nun eouldn't
find the texts as fast as she eould after only a few months
of studying with Jehovah's witnesses. Asked if the priest
WOUldn't try to make it hard on her, the nun replied, "No,
I've got too much on him !"
When the circuit st'rvant visited Spa a public meeting
wlis organized and 46 persons attended, to the consterna-
tion of the clergy. These two missionaries are certainly
having an exciting time, but are enjoying it to the full.
The Ileol'le have great fear of the Catholic Church because
if they took their stand it would be ditIicult for them to
make a living; but in spite of this after nine months there
are four publishers reporting in this little town and we feel
confident that in a few more months others will also take
their stand.
The most joyful occasions of the were the assem-
blies held in during August. A group of ahout 40
attended the international asscmbly at London, while ahout
GOO attended at Paris and the same number at Hotterdam.
During the interval of time between the Paris and Rotter-
dam assemblies we had our one-day assembly here in
Hrussels, with an attendance of 1,(jOO at the public meeting.
'l'his was very good conSidering that it was held in the
middle of the week. 'l'hese joyful and instructive assemblies
were just what we needed to start us off right for another
service year of
The ban on the transportation of the Society's publica-
tions by railway and the postal system continues, but we
have been able to get all the publications to the publishers
by truck and boat. One Gilead graduate who was working
in Ghent as a pioneer was deported back to the Netherlands
because "his presence was considered dangerous to the
security of the country". But he is now busy in the Nether-
lands, and a Belgian spe<'ial pioneer whom they can't de-
port has taken charge of the work in Ghent, so the expan-
sion of true worship will not slow up in Ghent.
Our receiving Awake! twice a month in both languages
of Belgium, as announced by Brother Knorr at Paris and
Rotterdam, will also be an added impetus to the advance
of true worship in this country. We also hope to get some
of the new publications in both Hollandish and French be-
fore too long. We have many things to be thankful for,
and we look forward joyfully to the year ahead of us. We
here in the branch office start the new service year more
optimistically than ever before, with the determination to
work harder for an increase this year. We thank .Jehovah for
all his undeserved kindness and for the man-elous prh-ilege
we have of being in his theocratic organization at this time.
Our hearts are overflowing with joy and we cannot keep
from singing his praises more and more. We send our love
and grt'etings to you, Brother Knorr, and to all our felloW
workers throughout the world.
Yearbook 89
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, that little spot
of land that touches Belgium, France and Germany,
has Jehovah's witnesses in it, too. Almost all of the
Luxembourg people profess to be Catholics, but the
publishers going from door to door find that very few
of them believe in God. It is very difficult to interest
a person in a study of the Bible. If one asks why the
people go to church, the reply will be, "Because every-
one else does." The general principle followed is that
you should not be different from anyone else. Even
so, there has been an excellent increase in the number
of publishers in this beautiful little land, and they
have reached a peak of 113. Some of their experiences
are very interesting, and the branch office in Brussels
gives us the following report.
It really requires much perseverance and patience both
in the work from door to door as well as in the back-call
and Bible-study work; but endurance will produce results
if the right mind is there, and so the truth will conquer
the lies of false religion and make the people free. 'l'he
following experience shows this:
"A couple had a Bible study in their home for quite a
time; the husband did not care much for the church but
his wife was an ardent Catholic and went to church at
every occasion. She also attended the Bible study, but only
because her husband wanted it. She did not show any in-
terest. but was longing for each study hour to pass by
quickly. Her husband, however, told her to take nQte of the
scriptures which the priest used in his sermons and also to
rewember what he said about them. In this way she soon
found out that the priest used scriptures that could not
be found in the Bible; and, moreover, her husband was
always able to refute the priest's sermons by pointing out
to her what the Bible itself said about the matter. So she
finally got her eyes opened to the truth and both she and
her husband are now publishers."
Another missionary reports: "LP until this year there
had been no regular street work with the magazines, but
beginning in January this featurp of the work was started.
SeIling anything from house to house or on the streets is
forbidden in Luxembourg. but we were determined to start
street work even if we had to give the magazines away.
This we did. The first few weeks the pioneprs and the few
publishers who were on the corners aroused lllueh interest,
or perhaps we should describe it as curiosity. The false
90 Yearbook
religion of Catholicism bas long tried to make the people
think that our work was forbidden, but, 10 and behold, here
we were standing on the street! They couldn't believe their
eyes. When a publisher started to talk to someone several
others would gather around and listen in. Of course, the
police were there as well as plain-clothes men to see that
we didn't accept a franc.
"To counteract this work the priests said that we did
the work because we were being paid 1,000 francs an hour
(about $20.(0) and that we were just an American sect
that came here to get back all the Marshall Plan money
that we could. The Evangelical Church also joined in on
the verbal attack. They complimented us on our zeal but
said, 'What a pity that it is wasted in telling lies.' "
The visit of Brothers Knorr and Henschel brought great
joy to the brothers here, as it was the first time the So-
ciety's president had visited this small country. A one-day
assembly was organized, and there was an attendance of
205 at the public meeting, the greatest yet for a theocratic
public meeting in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Work-
ing in the field since the assembly we find that Jehovah's
witnesses are everywhere spoken about. Some speak for us
and some are against. Several good-will persons who attend-
ed the public talk were really enthused as Brother Knorr
explained 'what religion has done for mankind' and 'what
mankind has done with religion!'
Yes, another forward step has been made in the direc-
tion of clean worship, and, by Jehovah's grace, many more
I,uxembourgers will yet abandon false religion, and join
the throngs of those praising JAH!
Jehovah's witnesses in this country have enjoyed
six new peaks of publishers during the year. It is in-
teresting to read of their experiences and to know
that in the high altitudes of the Andes the good news
of the Kingdom is going forward. A number of Euro-
pean persons are leaving their war-torn native lands
and are moving to South America and quite a few
have settled in Bolivia. Some seed was sown by broth-
ers in Europe and it is being watered now in the
Andes. The branch servant tells of an experience in
this regard, as well as other happenings in the country.
A Gilead gradUate reports her experience with one of
these sheep coming from foreign shores. "There are many
German people living here not understanding English or
Spanish; so the problem was, could we help them? One
Yearbook 91
day I placed a book with a German lady who nndel'stands
Spanish and I arranged a study. It was not
long before she connect!'d our work with Bibeltorschcr
(Bible students, as Jehovah's witness!'s are called in Ger-
many). After a few weeks we were talking of the variety
of languages in Bolh'ia, and I related our problem. She
asked, 'Couldn't I go with you to the ones that speak Ger-
man and French?' You know my answer. Her first
with an Austrian lady was Siml)ly marvelous."
ThC're has been some opposition to our work in Bolivia,
such as the circulating of handbills against us; and both
Catholics and Protestants ha\e been preaching against us
in their churches. In one instance, as has happened else-
where, the Et'angelistas' preaching against us has boomer-
anged against them. A study was started with a young
couple strong in the evangelistic faith. After studying some
of the primary doctrines of the truth of the Bible, they
went to church and asked the clergymen after their "serv-
ices" why they taught immortality of the human soul when
the Bible did not teach it. 'rhey were immediately asked if
they were studying with Jehovah's witnesses and were told
they had better stop because the witnesses were "anti-
christs". However, the young couple, who had recently com-
pleted a chapter on Jesus Christ, had too many proofs
contrariwise and were soon asked to leave, being told, ",eve
are too busy to talk now." But these two young people are
not too busy to talk, and they are now actively 'preaching
the good news'.
Early in the year an energetic Arabic brother of Oruro
took up pioneer service while still attending to his dry goods
store with the help of his hired hand. He started off with
a bang during the October and November Spanish Awake!
campaign and wound up with around 210 subscriptions in
all. He has since then moved to La Paz, where he continues
zealously in the pioneer senice. He has lately organized
more studies than he can take care of and has been turning
over a number of them to publishers who do not have
studies, thus helping them to get started in the Bible
work. 'Ve know there is much more work to be done ilert'
to feed the Lord's "other sheep", and we look forward with
joy to the opportunities and privileges to thus make known
God's purposes to the people who love righteousness.
This country is tremendous in size, but the little
group of Jehoyah's witnesses is making a dent and
that dent is being seen. During the past year the news-
papers haye had much to say about Jehovah's wit-
nesses and the clergy seem to be worried because so
92 Yearbook
many people are associating themselves with God's
organization. The clergy would especially like to prove
to the government that we are a political society and
that we have designs against the interests of the peo-
ple. Recently a government official made investigation,
but could not find anything alarming. Jehovah's wit-
nesses are very active; they carryon Bible studies
and they do a lot of preaching and inform the peo-
ple about the new world. But this is not political; it
is not harmful; it is not injurious. This is a difficult
pill for the clergy to swallow. It certainly makes us
happy to see a 45 per cent increase in the work in
Brazil and that now they have reached a new peak
of 4,867 publishers. A great crowd is singing praises
to Jehovah in Brazil. Some excerpts from the branch
servant's report set forth a few of the experiences of
our brothers.
MallY Brazilians of all ages and walks of life are learn-
ing the truth. Take for instance the young boy of ten who
read the book Children and begged his parents until they
consented to also read it and begin the study in their home.
He is now a good publisher and, thanks to his persistent
efforts, his parents are in the truth too.
There is the case of the materialist, an evolutionist who
barged into his Catholic brother-in-Iaw's home during the
Bible study conducted by an elderly publisher, disrupting
the study procedure, scoffing and cursing the name of Jeho-
vah until the elderly publisher rose to leave. At this point
the man of the house reprimanded the godless one, who in
turn took it and settled down to listen quietly. This move
stirred his wife to also listen to the study. Three months
passed and the evolutionist sold his evolution books; the
wife relieved her walls and house of Catholic images and
pictures and all became Kingdom publishers.
Also an interesting occurrence took place in the suburbs
of Rio de Janeiro where voodooism is practiced. There the
poor superstitious people erect altars upon which they sacri-
fice chickens and small animals, in front of which are placed
burning candles. A pioneer brother lives there in his modest
home with his wife and children. As there is no electric
current they burn candles for light. The children often
gather the old, half-used candles from these altars for use
at home, to the great awe of the sacriticers who cannot
understand why no harm from the devils comes to the
children and family who use them. They view the family
with respect and think that the gods like them. This has
Yearbook 93
gil'ell many an opening to the pioneer brother to witness
to tIlPm and prove to many of them the uselessness of their
superstitions and powerless gods.
Especially ill the interior of the country has the radio
been used extcnsiveb' this and most of the time free
from charge. when the stations cannot take the
public discourse direct on the air at the time of delivery a
wire recorder is used, and it is broadcast later on. This has
happened sevcral times during circuit assemhlies with the
result that many thousands have heard the public talks
ovpr the air.
In some cases the radio stations have even been used by
the circuit senant to prepare the way for the week-long
visit to the company in that particular city. As onp of
them from the interior of Sao Paulo state writes, "On
arriving in town I went direct to the local radio station
and with the help of some of the local publishers gaincd
permission to speak for 15 minutes on the air to explain
my visit to the City, the concerted field scrvice work that
Jehovah's witnesses would undertake during the week of
my visit, and to invite all the residents to oppn their homes
to a discussion of the Bible with us when we calL"
Naturally all this activity throughout the interior has
awakened the groggy clergy, both Protestant and Catholic,
and many pointed attacks have been made against us
through the newspapers, by their religious magazines and
by labeling our literature as through a campaign
of leaflet distribution. But the 13 assemblies held through-
out the year have given an especially wonderful witness
against them, from the Amal'-on Basin across the great plains
to the border of Argentina. There is still much more work
that can be done in Brazil and we are lOOking ahead to
the new service year, confident that Jehoyah will advance
true worship here and elsewhere.
This colony of Great Britain is as large as England
and Scotland combined, but it has a population of
only 400,000 inhabitants. These people live in the fiat
eoastlands and along the numerous rivers. Jehovah's
witnesses have a very interesting time visiting the
villages, sugar estates and rice farms and witnessing
to the East Indians, the Negroes, Chinese, Portuguese
and all other kinds of men. British Guiana has a lot
of virgin territory. It is a difficult territory to work,
but the people living in that country know how to
get around and how to talk to the people. These pub-
94 Yearbook
lishers have had some very interesting experiences and
an excellent increase in the organization there. The
branch servant gives us some good material to think
Two sisters, special pioneers from our local ranks, were
assigned to Bartica, a place on the edi!:e of the interior. It
has a population of about 4,000, and just one lone brother
resided there. Imagine their surprise when inside of two
months there were 20 persons regularly attending meetings,
with 50 at the l\fpmorial. The brother had never given a
public talk before, but, his beinp; facell with necessity, the
situation turnell out to be the beginning of his public-
speaking career. It was something new to this village when
a public-address system began to be used for open-air
preaching; and now there is always a crowd of from two
to three hundred who will listen throughout the lecture.
1'heir only complaint, whatever the subject, is that we do
not hold public meetings often enough.
Another special pioneer finds himself the sole publisher
in a population of 30,000, a large proportion being Hindus.
Being an East Indian himself, he has been able to make
some good progress, for now there are others associating
with him in the service. Two missionaries have been as-
Signed to the center of the bauxite industry, with about
10,000 population within reach. Now they have a strong
little company of nine publishers operatinp;, and recently
a fine witness was given when many of the public turned
out to witness the affirmation of some of these new min-
isters at the open-air immersion.
The stereotype method of witnessing certainly has no
place in this territory, for in a single locality one may come
across the ardent Catholic, an argumentative Mohammedan,
a Hindu who will listen at any time, and a variety of oth-
ers. The majority will listen attentively and, provided they
can read and have the money, many will readily take litera-
ture. The Watchtower and Awalce! magazines are especially
popular, and often a single publisher while traveling a few
hours by train or boat will place 40 or 50 copies. Since 'The
Watchtowe1' has adopted its new style with so much variety
In it many more persons really read it and comment upon
the practical subjects discussed. One incillent is reported
of some church members' taking along The Watchtower on
"Marriage" to their clergyman In defense of a divorcell
person who, on Scriptural grounds, wanted to be remarried.
They won their argument.
In aiming for our 34 per cent goal we made three succes-
sive peaks, finally going beyond all our expectations in
making a 45 per cent increase. This required the persistent
Vigilance of aU the servants in assisting their brothers,
Yearbook 95
along with the co-operation of missionaries, pioneers and
other publishers, so that together all can rejoice in having
had a share in the year's campaign. All are thankful to
Jehovah for the many blessings received ami look forward
with confidence to a new of blessings.
Last year there were four of Jehovah's witnesses
from British Honduras who came to the assembly of
Jehovah's witnesses in New York. They returned with
great zeal and enthusiasm and desired to see the in-
crease, and they sounded that message throughout
British Honduras during the year. The things that
occurred in Yankee Stadium were accepted quickly
by all of the publishers. They were delighted with the
New Wodd Translation of the Christian Greek Scrip-
tures and were anxious to carryon greater Bible-study
work. They have carried on that work, because we
see a 28 per cent increase in the number of publishers
singing the praises of the Most High. The branch serv-
ant tells us the following about the work in that land.
The false religions of this world have done nothing to
enlighten the eyes of understanding of the people in this
country. They do not show them what is right or wrong.
They set a bad example for the people, as far as morality
is concerned. The loyers of truth and righteousness see that
The Watchtower stands squarely for the prinCiples set
forth in the Bible, and many are now associating with
Jehovah's witnesses so as to carryon clean, undefiled wor-
We were very glad to receive two new miSSionaries, this
time colored brothers from the 16th class of Gilead. Thes!'
colored ministers were accepted gladly by the people of
good will, and they have done excellent work along with all
the publishers here. In July and August, the two months
of the 1951 sen ice that these two missionaries worked
in the new peaks were reached in publishers.
There is no organized opposition to the work in Brit ish
Honduras, but it can be seen that the religionists
of the country are very much opposed to the work that
God's sel'vants are doing. Ueligion is a subject in which
many people in the land are interested, and often discus-
sions start on the street corners, and large groups form
and listen to what each of the parties has to say. Thesc
discussions are common in B!'lize, tll!' capital city.
96 Yearbook
One of the missionaries reports that just before going to
the New York assembly last year he made a back-call on
a man who works in a dockyard. While speaking to this
gentleman, another young man appeared, to ask some ques-
tions. 'l'hese were discussed, but no follow-up was made with
the second person because the publisher was leaving the
country shortly. The witness thought that the questio\;s
were asked for the purpose of carrying on an argument.
However, when this missionary returned to his assignment
again he was surprised to find the young man attending
the Kingdom Hall meetings. Now he engages in field service
and is a very active publisher for the Kingdom. It is dim-
cult to say where the good news will take root. SOlUe falls
on good soil, and some falls among the thorns. If it is on
good soil, the truth will find an increase, and the increase
is on in British Honduras.
There is a tremendous field for service in the British
Isles. More than 50 million people live in this terri-
tory, and the field can use many more workers. Jesus
said to the disciples: "Look! I say to you: Lift up
your eyes and view the fields, that they are white for
harvesting." (John 4: 35, NW) A wonderful oppor-
tunity presents itself to all the energetic publishers
in this land to go ahead in this harvesting werk. A
good witness has been given during the past twelve
months, and it was brought to a close with the "Clean
Worship" Assembly of Jehovah's witnesses at Wem-
bley Stadium. The branch servant sends in a good
report, and some of the high lights are printed here.
The outstanding event in the British Isles during UK;!
was the international convention at Wembley Stadium.
When we first learned that there would be a convention in
London, in August, there was much rejoicing. As the months
rolled by enthusiasm mounted, and preparation was made
for this great gathering of Christians from many lands.
The convention is now a matter of history, but it has cer-
tainly proved to be a milestone in the forward march of
the theocratic interests in this land. Representatives from
forty countries were in attendance, and a mighty witness
to the name of Jehovah has been given. From one end of
the country to the other the public press carried reports
of what was happening at Wembley during the days of
August 1 to 5, alld, generally speaking, these reports wete
fair; so much so, that the Catholic press said: "Jehovah's
Yearbook 97
witnesses got a pretty good Press for their recent interna-
tional rally at WembIey. One of the two dailies which took
no notice of the recent (Catholic) celebrations at Aylesford
spread itself lavishly over this sect. To a reader asking
the reason for such seledivity I can only reply that (1) I
don't know and (2) it doesn't matter."
The great shout at Wembley has reverberated around the
country ever since, and no wonder, for the lecture given
by the president on "Will Religion Meet the
World Crisis'!" seems to have stung the clergy and made
them sit up and take notice. As if by way of confirmation
of all that was stated there, one of the leading newspapers
has been conducting a survey of "Heligion in England", and
this is what they find: "The English are no longer a nation
of practicing Christians, only six out of a hundred are fer-
vent church-goers attending more than one church service a
week. With the Church of England the position is frankly
appalling, just one in ten is a regular churchgoer; four
times that number never enter a church at all for rengious
After stating that "a mere quarter pass the simple test
of genuine loyalty to their faith-regular attendance at
a place of worship", It fUtther says: "If these institutions
were properly used to imbue the children with the teachings
of Christianity, the gloomy picture of religion in England
might be transformed within twenty years." It is interesting
to note that among the professing Christians this survey
classifies Jehovah's witnesses with some others as "much
the most devout". This, then, is the picture presented of
religion in England. There can be no doubt that it is a true
picture, for many of the church buildings are becoming
empty and converted to commercial purposes. The deteriora-
tion is open for all to see, but the supporters of organized
religion are unable to do about it.
The instrument the Lord gave us at the convention, the
book What Hus Religion Done for Mankind? will surely
prove a great blessing in helping to locate the "other sheep"
and aiding them to join with Jehovah's witnesses in caIling
upon all to "Praise Jah, you people, because Jehovah our
God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king". For this gift
and the other releases of the four tracts and the new book-
let, WilT Religion Meet the World Crisis! we are deeply
grateful to Jehovah. We hope to make good use of these
instruments Jehovah has provided to show honest people
what false religion has done for them.
'l'he ,,itness work has had free course with little inter-
ference. The people are tolerant, and without doubt the
rank and me of the people have respect for Jehovah's wit-
nesses and their hold, uncompromising stand for their Chris-
tian prinCiples, This finds its expression with many of the
98 Yearbook
younger lJrothf'rs who are called up for military servicf>
Recently one brother appearing in court was asked by th'
chairman how long he had been engaged in this work. On
being informed that he had been engaged in it sinee h{'
was eight years of age, the chairman responded; "If any-
one of eight years of age came to my door and askf>d If he
eould give me religious instruction, I would tell him hf>
was an impudent young whelp and tell him to get out of
The above was reported in the daily press, and a week
later a letter appeared; "As a Catholic and therefore a
mf>mber of an allegedly intolerant faith, I note with interest
the remark of the chairman in dismissing an appeal on con-
scientious objection by a Jehovah's witness .... I seem
to remember a Child being found in the temple address-
ing the wise men of Jerusalem. Again we are warned that
the road to salvation lies in the direction of the Simplicity
of Christ's little ones." As a matter of fact, the young
witnesses are doing a splendid work and they are quit!'
capable of presenting the messagf> of the Kingdom effectiv!'-
ly, but some of these wiseacres are not op'n to learn from
those whom the Lord is USing.
During the year some fifty young brothers spent time in
prison, varying from one month to twelve months, for re-
fusing military service or for refusing to be directed away
from their pioneer ministry. While the law provides for ex-
emption for "regular ministers" the courts ha,e not ac-
knowledged them to be ministers, in spite of all the evi-
dence to the contrary. The publicity connected with thes!'
cases has stirred many to express their sympathy with our
brothers as they have sought to stick to their privilege of
serving as ministers of the Most High God. No matter
what those administering the law may say, the fact re-
mains that Jehovah has called into his ser,-ice those who
are ministers and no man can deny or take away fl'onJ
them their privilege.
As we have reached the close of another year we ar('
deeply grateful to Jehovah, our Father in the hea,-ens, for
the blessings the year has brought to us. The international
convention: the presence with us of thf> president, Brother
Knorr; then, too. the privilf>ge of fellowship with our
brothers from oth{'r lands, and, above all. the increasing
light of truth bringing with it privilegf>s of sf>nief> which
are a great treasure.
The people of Eire are humble and hospitable. Ther
are truly likable people in so many ways. Life is slow-
moving, and the countrysidE' is beautiful with its in-
Yearbook 99
tensely green fields and lazily flowing rivers. It would
he a pleasant place were it not for the bitter feud that
false religion has created in the minds of the Irish.
Anyone who knows anything about Ireland knows that
bitterness exists between Catholic and Protestant, and
this is very hard for them to live down. Real opposition
is shown against Jehovah's witnesses. Territory is hard
to work, and those working it must have real zeal and
the joy of the Lord. The brothers there know that
there are "other sheep" in Eire, and it is their priv-
ilege and opportunity now to help them. The branch
servant reports the following about Eire.
There is a growing band of Kingdom publishers who are
doing what they can to tell the people of Eire about the
Kingdom as their only hope, and these are made up of over
thirty pioneers and about seventy company publishers. It
requires much tact to effectively present the Kingdom mes-
sage in Eire. Mobs quickly gather if a number of publish-
ers are together in the street. It is not practicable to work
the territory as elsewhere. From experience it is found that
the best results can be ohtained by quietly visiting the homes
and talking about the blessings of the Kingdom which Jesus
taught his followers to pray for.
When people begin to gather it is wise to move to an-
other street and continue there. The priests describe the
literature as "scurrilous writings of bad-minded Ameri-
cans". A public appeal was made to the government some
while back for the expulsion of Jehovah's witnesses from
Eire. This is what the Catholic hierarchy in Eire would like.
for they know that .Jehovahs witnesses are the only people
that they have cause to fear. But the Iire "Constitution"
guarantees freedom to practice religion by others as wen
as CatholiCS, so the Kingdom message continues to go out.
It is good to see that the horne Bible studies bave in-
"reased, for we can be sure that the qUiet, effective instruc-
tion received in the home will bear fruit in due course.
With a population of less than 3,000,000 and with the chief
occupation agrieultural, the work is carried on mainly in
the two largest cities, Dublin anll. Cork.
It was a great joy to the pioneers and company publish-
'!rs in Eire when they lmew that Brother Knorr would visit
1hem prior to his going to the convention in London. There
.vas some ditliculty in seeUl'ing suitable halls for the occa-
'iiOIl, but places were finally located in both Cork and Dubl'in,
The people of good will were gathered together, and en-
thusiastic meetings were held, with much rejoicing on the
part of til", faithful workers in these cities. These visits,
100 Yearbook
we know, will do much to quicken the interest as well as
strengthen the Kingdom publishers.
We hope to see more publishers in Eire and a more ex-
tensive witness givl'n in the immediate future. There can
be no doubt that the Lord's "sheep" are there to be con-
tacted and, with the Lord's help, these will be reached
and made strong enough to stand for the truth and to make
it their own.
There has been one brother who has taken a share in
the work in Malta month by month during the year. Al-
though the report from Malta is only small, we are glad
to know that at least one voice is lifted in praise to Jeho-
vah in this island in the Mediterranean sea. Malta is dom-
inated by Roman Catholicism, and the authorities there
do not like the Kingdom message, for they have tried to stop
the work altogether. However, they cannot stop a person
from talking, and while a ban may be put on the organized
work of Jehovah's witnesses, it does not stop the message
from being proclaimed. One sister from England shared in
the work in Malta for a short time but is no longer on
the island.
With the close of the service year, the brother has come
to England too; so, for the time being, no more reports wiII
be received from Malta. We hope that the day will not be
far distant when this Catholic-controlled island will hear
more about the Kingdom, for we know no power on earth
can stay the onward march of the Kingdom message as it
reaches out to the islands of the sea.
Like every other branch, during the past year the
prime objective in the British West Indies has been
the gathering of the "other sheep". The eyes of all the
Kingdom publishers were set on the 34 per cent in-
crease. Through hard work and conscientious effort
they gained this and more, having a peak of publish-
ers that meant an increase of 41 per cent over last
year's peale Now there are 2,403 publishers working in
the thirteen islands under the direction of the British
West Indies branch office in Trinidad. They have had
many interesting experiences during the year, which
show how the people are turning toward clean wor-
ship. Excerpts from the branch servant's report are
very interesting.
Opposition in previous years has been rather light and
inconsequential. Tllis past year has seen a marked change.
It is not localized but extends to all the islands under the
branch. Putting the finger on the cause of this general stiff-
ening of religious intolerance and persecution is an article
that appeared in the Catholic press of Trinidad entitled "Ban
on \Vatchtower literature". The ban of recent years was re-
called to the minds of many, but an examination of the article
revealed the local archbishop in Port of Spain prohibiting
Catholic people from "buying, distributing, keeping, lending
or reading the periodicals known as The lVatchtolcer and
Awake! as well as the pamphlets and other literature issued
by the same publishers". Such foolish announcement only
added impetus to the work and created more interest, as
many honest-hearted Catholics are wanting to know why
they are not allowed to read our publications, and are ask-
ing questions. Typical of the many disgusted replies was
the one by a Catholic man, "He doesn't have to tell me what
or what not to read. I will continue to read the Watchtower
publications, as I have found nothing wrong with them."
However, some misguided zealots have allowed their re-
ligious fervor to run away with their reason, and they
have interfered with the rights of others. Magazines have
been jerked out of the hands of publishers engaged in street
work, torn up in their faees and thrown in the gutter. To
put an end to this, the Catholic wife of an estate manager
was charged with assault and destruction of property. The
court upheld our right to do this work, and the magistrate,
himself a Catholic, in paSSing sentence severely reprimanded
her, stating, "This is supposed to be a democratic country
yet." He fined her $15.00 and costs and included the cost
of the magazine.
To attend an assembly on another island is costly and
creates a financial strain for nearly all the publishers here.
Consequently, few from other islands receive the benefits
of assembling together in our larger conventions. However,
this year, for the first time, we have seen many making
great sacrifices in order to attend the assemblies and receive
the bleSsings of feasting at the Lord's table. One group of
14, many of whom had never traveled off their island be-
fore, hired a schooner and attended their first big assembly.
To help provide enough to pay for the trip, such things as
bananas, mangos and coconuts were shipped with them and
sold upon arrival at their destination. Now being "assem-
bly-conscious" they are looking forward to future assemblies.
In Barbados, the religious group most hostile to the truth
is that known as the "Pilgrim Holiness", noted for its 'hot
gospel' and hell-fire screeching. As a result of the district
assembly one of their leaders has now accepted the truth.
For the past year many questions existed in his mind con-
cerning the fundamental truths of the Scriptures. He was
invited to come to the assembly, and he attended all sessions.
Being colored, what impressed him most were the love and
consideration among Jehovah's witnesses, and how there
was no discrimination among them. This was not so, he
said, among "holiness" people, for when their white mis-
sionaries came from America they always held themselves
aloof from the colored folks. Now this good-will man finally
asked the brother who brought him how he too could help
to achieve the 34 per cent increase, as he wanted to serve
the true God, Jehovah. And on Sunday morning, before at-
tending the sessions, he wrote out his resignation and sent
it to the "elder" of the "holiness church" where he had been
a "pillar", the Sunday school superintendent, for many years.
Many have followed with him.
Another, an Anglican clergyman on a small island in the
Grenadines, thought to enlarge his idolatrous activities by
bringing a portable image of the virgin Mary Into the church
and setting it in a nice alcove. The congregation had other
ideas, and so one dark night they threw it out on the road.
The next day the image was back in the church and the
congregation was called together and advised by the priest
that this was an image of the virgin Mary, the mother of
Jesus, and it was going to remain in the church. The imagt'
remained, but quite a number of the people left, never to
return. As a result, about 40 persons became interested in
the truth. Jehovah's promise, "And from all your idols, will
I cleanse you" (Ezek. 36: 25), is to be realized In due timE'.
and that is exactly what he is doing for thousands of per-
sons of good will today.
There are a few of Jehovah's witnesses in this land.
but there is no freedom for the Lord's work. W h a ~
preaching is done cannot be accomplished openly be-
cause the government forbids the talking or distribut-
ing of the message of the Kingdom. However, some
fearless publishers have done good work by word of
mouth, not with the literature. They have none. It is
known that 50 persons are able to do a little, but t h e ~ '
must be very careful to whom they talk about the glo-
rious blessings that Jehovah God will bring to those
who love righteousness. The Society does all it possi-
bly can to keep them informed on present truths. These
dear brothers have a real interest in our prayers, and
we hope that they can continue faithfully, even un-
der the adverse conditions that exist.
While large-scale resistance to the government forc-
es seems to have been broken in Burma, still there are
dozens of bands of rebels hiding in the hills. They
come into the towns, sack them, blow up bridges and
trains, burn villages and ambush those traveling by
cars, trucks, buses and by foot, and in general terror-
ize everybody. Under these conditions it is obviously
dangerous to travel. This has a great effect upon the
service work, too. This can be seen during the past
year by the dwindling number of publishers. With the
advances of the communists in Korea and China, a
number of the Burmese brothers became uneasy and
thought it well to go to a safer place. All of these con-
ditions were not encouraging to the branch servant.
Let us see what his report reveals.
The inevitable result of these combined factors was a
sharp slump in Kingdom activity, with publishers dropping
to a low of 65 in December. Certainly when we considered
the Society's request to aim for a 34 per cent increase over
last year's peak of 87, which would mean getting a total
of 117 publishers for Burma, it looked impOSSible. Then came
news that electrified the brothers. Brothers Knorr and
Henschel were coming to visit us in April!
Everyone now began to work with more enthusiasm and
we climbed out of the slump. As April drew near, a delay in
;:;ecuring entry visas for our visiting brothers made us
anxious, and this was increased when about a week before
the visit the Rangoon water supply was suddenly cut off
by insurgents. For a week we had barely enough water
to drink, let alone to wash with, and the open sewers began
10 smell to high heaven. Then just a day or two before the
arrival of the brothers the water supply was restored. What
., relief!
Once more Brother Knorr ran into the water festival,
which again had the effect of hindering our activities. Just
the same, 256 persons came to listen to him at the City Hall
and gave good attention. 1'hereaftel' Brother Knorr was
permitted to broadcast a comforting Bible message over the
Rangoon radio for fifteen minutes.
This assembly was indeed a joyful occasion for God's
p.:ople in Burma. Coming as it is did at a time when the
104 Yearbook
Far Eastern situation was so critical, we thoroughly appre-
ciated Brother Henschel's counsel and Brother Knorr's
fighting admonition to us, "Encourage the brothers to stay
in Burma and keep on preaching no matter what happens!"
By way of immediate assistance to help speed the good
news, the president approved the appointing of several spe-
cial pioneers. The unselfish and diligent work of these broth-
ers has since then played a large part in the continued for-
ward march of the Kingdom interests here.
Thereafter the forward march began to quicken, and, to
the great delight of the publishers, a series of new peaks
was attained. In May we made 95. In June we climbed
over the 100 mark for the first time in the history of Burma,
to make it 108 for that month. July broke all records wIlen
we swept past the much-desired 117-publisher mark (34 per
cent increase) to reach the splendid new total of 123 prais-
ers of Jehovah in Burma-a 40 per cent increase! The
brothers were to think that Burma would be
listed among the countries passing the 34 per cent goal.
One class of people here who have given an attentive ear
to the Kingdom message are the Chin soldiers, who hail
from the Chin hills of northern Burma. However, many of
them speak neither English nor Burmese (only Chin dia-
lect) , although a number of their ofI1cers do speak some
English. A meeker class of people it would be hard to find.
Several months ago the circuit servant and some other
brothers in a little northern town were making back-calls
in a Chin barracks and met their pastor. He immediately
offered to take the brothers to several of his friends who
were interested in the Bible, and to do the interpreting.
The offer was gladly accppted, and the brothers listened
in surprise as the pastor interpreted questions and an-
swers on such subjects as ""'here are the dead?" "What
is hell?" etc. In fact, the pastor enjoyed it so much that
he offered to take the brothers to a Chin outpost four miles
away up in the hills. 'Vhen the post was reached 20 soldiers
gathered for a discussion, bringing such Bibles as were avail-
able. The discussion lasted for over an hour, with the sol-
diers asking many intelligent questions and listening eager-
ly to the answers. Here it was necessary for the circuit
servant to speak through two interpreters, one brother trans-
Jated from Eng-lish into Hindustani while the pastor (who
spoke no English) translated from Hindustani into Chin.
All had an enjoyable time! When it was over, the sol-
diers not only expressed their thanks for the Bible assist-
ance given but proyided the weary brothers with tea and
then gave them a ride in a truck back to their lodging.
"Have you eyer read the lratehto1cer magazine?" asked
a publisher on a Hangoon street corner. On receiving an
affirmative reply to his Inquiry, he was able to place a
magazine and obtain the address of the interested person,
who was a Tamil ian (South Indian). Following up this
placement he found both the man and his wife and also
their grown-up son and daughter all interested in hearing
about the Kingdom.
During the war the son was given a copy of "The Truth
Shall Make You Pree" as a parting gift by a friend. He
was so impressed by it that on arrival nt his destination
he inquired at all the bool,shops for other like publications,
but without success.
Now, when visited by the publisher in Rangoon, the op-
portunity arose to increase his knowledge, and immediately
a Bible study was started with the father and son in the
book "Let God Be True". This group was soon joined by
another boy, a friend of the son. This boy is a Goanese
and a Catholic. Soon the Kingdom truths penetrated, and
within a short time all were publishing, and now two con-
duct their own Bible studies. They give talks at the theo-
cratic ministry school and attend the other company meet-
ings regularly.
The father, who previously was quite a pillar of one of
the local "churches", was asked by the clergyman why he
no longer attended church, to which he replied that he was
too busy going out and preaching himself. The clergyman
then asked him to speak at the church. He readily agreed
and gave a talk on "Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses?" which
cleared up the doubts of many concerning the witnesses.
This talk was given in Tamil, a language hardly ever used
before in witnessing in Burma.
Not to be forgotten either is the excellent work which
one lone pioneer, Brother Dewar, is doing in northern
Burma, in the Mandalay-Maymyo district, which has been
and still is the scene of much bitter fighting. A promising
company is growing up here, but more pioneers are urgently
Jehovah's witnesses in Canada have had marvelous
success in gathering together the "other sheep", and
they will continue to 'say to the prisoners, "Go forth!'"
We feel sure that there are many more who will be
coming forth and associating themselves with the
Lord's organization. The branch office in Canada con-
tinually invites pioneers in well-worked territories to
go to those sections that do not receive the Kingdom
witness so often. The response to this call has been
splendid, and the results most gratifying. The Cana-
106 Yearbook
dian field has also supplied many students for Gilead
school. These have graduated and have been sent to
foreign lands. The spirit in Canada is good and the
branch servant reports some interesting things that
happened in the 1951 service year.
Fired with godly zeal for Theocracy's increase we de-
parted from New York, the greatest of all modern Christian
assemblies, determined to press forward during 1951 pro-
claiming the Kingdom everywhere and to make it the best
service year on record. Now as the year's activity is re-
viewed it is inspiring to see how .Tehovah has blessed our
efforts. For the first time the 20,000 mark in publishers has
been surpassed, and 28,279 attended the Memorial celebra-
tion in March.
Without doubt the outstanding reason for increase has
been the rich nourishment provided by Jehovah through the
pages of The Watchtower. From the time of release of the
new-style magazine at New York there has been increased
interest in this vital journal, and numerous expressions
are heard about it. Its convenient size, the rich variety of
subjects covered, the interest-gripping headings and illus-
trations, and the satisfying answers to the readers' ques-
tions are among the high lights frequently extolled. This
accounts for the enthusiastic presentation of the magazine
during the 13th annual Watchtower campaign, when 21,296
subscriptions were obtained and hundreds of thousands of
single copies were distributed.
Another campaign which stirred up considerable interest
in Jehovah's witnesses, to the dismay of our enemies, was
the nation-wide distribution of the March 8 Awake I report-
ing the Supreme Court decision on the Boucher sedition case.
In addition to distributing over 300,000 copies in English,
we printed and distributed throughout the province of Que-
bec an eight-page }<'rench edition, to the number of 150,000.
I<'or a long time the Quebec Catholics have accused .Tehovah's
witnesses of being communists, so we also distributed in the
French language over 100,000 copies of The Watchto'wer
the Resolution against communism adopted at the
York convention, which has refuted the priest-inspired
A vigorous fight to advance true religion in the face of
entrenched OPPOSition has been carried on in Quebec. A
new peak of 1,091 company publishers was reached in March.
In addition there are 215 full-time publishers, including 80
miSSionaries, 12 speCials and 2]3 general pioneers working
there. The major part of the increase has b(''en among the
li'rench-speaking people, and in order to intensify this the
F'rench 81:hool in ;\Iontreal is continually aiding pioneers
to equip themselves for more effective work. Even the rural
areas of Quebec are being penetrated with the glad tidings,
and, by reason of patience, endurance and love for one's
neighbor, fruitage is being harvested.
The oPPosition in this Catholic province continues to b('
marked by threats, boycotts, mobbings and every other tac-
tic so well known to the Hierarchy. However, the enemy
activities have been checked considerably by some out-
standing victories in the courts. The well-known Boucher
seditious libel case, based on the distribution of the leaflet
Quebec's Burning Hate, in 1946, was finally brought to a
completely successful conclusion that was a shattering blow
to the enemy. The Supreme Court of Canada had given the
appeal the unheard-of concession of a rehearing. '.rhis time
nine judges sat instead of five as previously, and by a ma-
jority of five to four ordered an acquittal, much to the dis-
comfiture of the Roman Hierarchy, which for twenty years
has been accusing the Lord's people of sedition.
Despite this decision Attorney General Duplessis insists
on proceeding with the hundred other libel charges based
on exactly the same document. Two of these have already
been before the courts, and he has lost both. During the
service year there have been 50 arrests and three convic-
tions (all of which have been appealed). Montreal pollc('
have continued to illegally interfere with our house-to-hous('
ministry, so a number of damage actions for false arrest
have been launched. The perseverance of the faithful pub-
lishers in Quebec is accomplishing its purpose, and in,spite
of the enemy threats and wicked actions these faithful
ministers are there to stay until all of the Lord's "other
sheep" have been located.
Attendance at and enthusiasm for circuit and district
assemblies continually increase. Although the largest pub-
lic meeting was held at Toronto's Maple Leaf Gardens, the
most outstanding assembly was the one in Montreal, Que-
bec, where the Verdun Auditorium was engaged for all
sessions, including the public address by the Society's presi-
dent. Hel'l' the Hierarchy's henchmen suffered a severe set-
back, as all their efforts to prevent the assembly were thrust
back by Ilew world fighters. This running battle took us
into the courts of Montreal with injunction proceedings, and
it was Ilot until the assembly had actually started and the
\))'others who had proceeded ('almly with aU
work wcre assembled for the address of welcome that vic-
tory eame. The president's timely speech "Proclaim Liberty
Throughout All the Land" was heard by an attentiye audi-
{'nee of 3,500.
J('hovah's witnesses are known throughout Canada as
the real light-bearers and true sprvants of the people. The
,'ictories during the past with til(' attendant
108 Yearbook
have put us in a most faYol'able position and many are
indeed saying, "You are the ministers of the Most High."
Our prayer is that 1952 will produce a still greater fruitage
to Jehovah's praise in Canada.
Jehovah's servants in Chile had a most blessed year.
They enjoyed a 66 per eent increase in the average
number of publishers and reached a newall-time peak
of 765. Even with this great increase the brothers
there find the same problem exists as exists in other
countries: a lot of planting is done but the seed falls
on poor soil. This, however, is not a discouragement.
They know that seed will fall on good soil, too, and
that these must be gathered and cared for within the
Lord's organization. The things the Lord's organiza-
tion provides for the feeding of these "other sheep"
are also essential, and the branch servant makes men-
tion of this in his report.
The enthusiasm of the Memorial grew with the arriYal
of the new aid, "Equipped tor Evety Good Work" in Span-
ish, with its schedule for study of the Bible itself. Truly a
wonderful help to equip the publishers, new and old, for
the ministry! The new book "This Means Everlasting Lite"
was also rcceiveu at a very opportune time, stimulating
more action. It filled a great need, being a new instrument
for public distribution setting out God's requirements for
those seeking the way to new world living. No, a lower
standard was not to be accepted so that more could he
counted as publishers, rather, in clear terms, the new bouk
showeu that all who uesire life must convert from t1lPir
former w a ~ ' s and COIIle up to new world standarus. These
require that more time be put to profitable use and, as al-
ways, the Loru's organization was right there with another
provision for increasing praise. The new public talks were
received, translateu and printed in Spanish. Such was a
great help, as well as the IIlany articles in La Atalaya anu
i Despertad! which tilled the neeu of up-to-uate information
for the brothers in preparing their talks.
As in all parts of this old world, so in Chile, the seeu of
the Kinguom truth falls on all kinds of soil. The Watt It-
tower article on the "parable of the sower" expressed the
feelings of many sen'ants and publishers here when it said,
"The rocky-soil class who at first raise hopes in us tum
out painfully disappointing to us." The economic proble;'IR
anu the anxious cares of this life carry away many" ho
could be just as fruitful as others. So after spending mu(:h
Yearbook 109
time helping new interest advance to the point of becom-
ing publishers, to then find them returning to the "pleasures
of this life" is certainly disappointing.
A unit in Santiago experienced that. During the first nine
months of the 1951 service year dozens of new publishers
were taking up the proclamation of the "!Jure language",
but still new peaks in publishers were not reached. Yes,
cares of this system of things were making it hard for
many to put up a hard fight for the faith. However, the
mature ones pressed on and, like "the good soil", produced
fruit. In just the last three months of the sel'Yice ~ ' e a r , the
unit increased 34 per cent! Other units and companies had
their problems too, but all made a good finish and nearly
all passed their quota.
And now a glance at the possibilities for the new service
year gives hopes of paSSing the 1,OOO-puhlisher mark. Cer-
tainly every publisher is now more fully equipped. Spiritual
food and preaching equipment nre heing received from the
Lord's organization in grenter ahundance than ever before .
Jehovah's King, Christ Jesus, is gathering the "other sheep"
now, and by His undeserved kindness the people praising
.Tah will continue to increase in Chile.
People throughout the world are informed con-
cerning China's international relations and they know,
too, about the revolution and something of its social
system. It is really difficult to get something new
started, that is, new to China. But the Scriptures point
out that the good news of the Kingdom must be
preached in all the world for a witness, and to that
end Jehovah's witnesses are trying to preach it in
China. While many false religious missionaries are
fleeing that country, the Society's Gilead-trained mis-
sionaries still remain and we hope they can stay there
to help the "other sheep". 'We have an interesting re-
port from the branch servant. He tells us what is go-
ing on in Shanghai and also in Hong Kong.
At present there are three missionaries in Shanghai and
during the past four years these have done a good work
in reaching many persons with the truth. Many hundreds
of persons have enjoyed studies with the missionaries, and
approximately 90 of these have progressed sufficiently to
start out in the field service. However, conditions have
forced many of these to move away from China, and others
have yielded to fear before becoming mature and have
110 Yearbook
fallen away; so our peak in Shanghai is only 25 pub-
lishers. So to build up a strong and large congregation is
not easy, but progress is being made. The past year has cer-
tainly been our best year to date.
We were very thriIled to hear of your visit to Hong Kong
and of the very successful assembly there. It would have
been wonderful if you could have traveled on to Shanghai
to meet all the brothers here, but this was impossible.
While we often feel like a train shunted onto a siding, yet
we have kept in constant touch with our mother organiza-
tion. Jehovah has been gracious and has seen to it that
we have been supplied with all the up-to-date spiritual food.
Especially do we appreciate the regular supply of The
lVatchtower. As we do not have The lVatchtowet in Chinese
we have presented the substance of the articles in the form
of translated talks for the benefit of the Chinese brothers.
We have done the same with "Thi8 Mean8 Everlasting Life",
many in attendance taking notes and sharing in the re-
views held the following week. We were granted an import
license to import a number of these books, also the New
lVorld Tran8lation. The new translation is greatly treasured
by all understanding English and is now our textbook in
the ministry school.
Our largest meeting of the year was the Memorial, with
97 in attendance. It was a thrill to see so many respond to
the invitations.
Missionaries of the various religions have been packing
their bags and leaving by the hundreds. As they pack up
they know they have no good fruits to leave behind in the
way of true Christians, although they have had a wonder-
ful opportunity to disciple the multitudes of the nation.
Many people have come in contact with Christianity
through attending schools run by missionaries. Very often
they eventually leave school "ery confused on the subject,
while some are quite opposed. We have been able to study
with some of these confused ones and found them to have
11 real lm'e for the Bible. One sister invited three of her
former school friends to her home, and a Bible study was
stal1:ed. It was soon evident that they were lovers of God's
'Vord, and they progressed rapidly. One of these women
(hen came in for much pressure from Catholic friends. They
tried every way to break her from the study. Instead she
became more convinced of the truth, and tinally they left
her alone. Soon she became a publisher with real zeal.
This aroused her husband's anger and she came in for
lUuch unpleasantness and persecution, but she remains firm.
She and the other two women have been immersed and
are regular publishers.
Throughout the year we have been keeping up house-to-
house work with good support by the local brothers. A total
Yearbook 111
of 15 new ones shared with us in this work during the year.
The work has become increasingly difficult because of the
tightening political control and the fear that this genders.
It was not unexpected when toward the close of the year
the foreign missionaries were ordered by the police to cease
their house-to-house activity. So we face the new year
with increased obstacles in our way. But we are confident
that the truth will continue to be preached in one way or
another and that the gospel will be preached to Jehovah's
satisfaction here before the accomplished end comes.
With conditions [n the Far East as fragile as an eggshell
the democratic outpost of Hong Kong has gotten through
another year little changed. But to those who joy in theo-
cratic advancement the picture is different, for this year
has seen the work stabilized and strengthened. The So-
ciety now maintains a new missionary home in busy Kow-
loon, where missionaries stay in airy quarters, with room
enough for the Kingdom Hall, which is in use every day
for private studies as well as company and public meetings.
The chart shows the year started with its quota of seven
publishers and rose to a peak of 24 in August, plus one
vacation pioneer. Memorial night saw 91 persons squeeze
into space prepared for 60. Last Memorial there were 22
The high light of the year was the visit of Brothers Knorr
and Henschel. This was the first Hong Kong assembly, and
it meant something entirely new to our Chinese brothers
who worked with a will, so that we all got a great surprise
and thrill to see over 700 fill the Star Theatre, which was
given free for the public talk. Yes, the visit put us on the
map, for it brought a peak of 21 publishers, most of whom
have worked steadily ever since and contributed to our peak
of 24.
During the dark days of the Japanese occupation of
Hong Kong a young man seeking the truth lighted on some
second-hand books published by the Society. He struggled
to understand them because he discerned that here was
something different that rang true. Years later when the
war was over he came across "Let God Be True" also on
a second-hand stall, apparently a copy distributed by a
visiting American artisan engaged in rehabilitation. Next
he got in touch with the SOCiety, so when we landed we
had a study arranged. Recently we had anothpl'
request from the SOCiety to call upon an interested perSOll.
and 10, it turns out to be the original owner of the book"
that found their way to the second-hand stall! The books
had been looted when the Japanese took over. Both persons
are now publishing.
112 Yearbook
For the five missionaries the year has been occupied mostly
with studies and latterly aiding new ones into the field, so
that there are now 30 to swell the glad sound, and we are
happy to hear the Society contemplates sending further
Gilead graduates in order that the island of Hong Kong
itself will g-et the witness. Now as we contemplate a new
service year we greatly rejoice, especially with the added
incentive of working under a new branch now estalllished
in Hong Kong.
The theme of the convention at Yankee Stadium in
1950 became the theme of the publishers in Colombia.
It was Theocracy's increase. Every effort was made to
help someone else get out into the field service, and
the publishers were partieularly interested in Maga-
zine Day, too. They arranged to go from door to door
and from store to store. In the report from the branch
servant we note that they distributed 24,127 maga-
zines this past year, to compare with the previous
year's 8,175 copies. All of this has a real effect on the
minds of the people. If there are obstacles in distribut-
ing the magazines on the streets, there is always the
door-to-door method, where greater numbers are
placed. It has been a real struggle to keep the work
moving in Colombia, but this year finds the Lord's
people associating together in the number of 269,
their peak. The branch servant tells us these things
about Colombia:
In considering the advance of the work in this country
it is noted that nearly three-fourths of the publishers are
located in three cities along the Caribbean sea. Four Rpe-
cial pioneers were sent into two of them, and companies
were estahlished. Barranquilla, the largest of the three
cities, is the centcr of coastal operations for Jehovah's wit-
nesses. "Trites the company servant: "For two months we
have hau another La Atalaya study in an area far from
the Kingdom Hall. Attenuance averaged 45. With HiS pub-
lishers ami 16 pioneers in the company the circuit senant
thougllt it advisable to divide the company into two units.
A local pioneer offereu his large horne in the center of
the new area for a Kinguom Hall, rent free. Attending the
first meeting were ;".,2 persons, including two Franciscan
priests listening attentively at the front door. The following
Tuesday evening, during the cOJllpany book study, the hall
was stoned, and seven roof tiles were broken. Thursday,
another stone baptism, but with several brothers on hand
the assault was less vigorous. Since then the brothers have
met together, without opposition, and the new unit goes
fearlessly and confidently ahead, assured of Jehovah's
blessings. The home is being painted, servants are organ-
ized and all are convinced that the new company will grow
"The sf'eds of truth lit on good soil when sown in one
large Catholic family about three rears ago. One by one
they dropped traditions, saints and to accept the
truth. Several months ago one of the boys, only 12 years
of age, became a pioneer. He is now doing well and con-
ducts several studies. At the last baptism the great-grand-
mother was immersed. So now the records show 12 members
of this family in the truth, representing four generations."
Government importation restrictions held up entry of
new literature for many months, but finally, in February,
we secured the first of three consecutive import licenses.
Hence, with the entry of over 20,000 books and 22,000 book-
lets, we have on hand at the year's end the largest supply
of literature since the branch was established over five
years ago.
In Bogota, the capital, the police have bothered the pub-
lishers from time to time, although no serious difficulties
have arisen. Several times publishers haye had all their
literature confiscated, and on one occaSion the literature
was turned oyer to the prif'st. Another time the publishers
were taken to the church so the police could consult with
the priest before going to the police station.
'Ve have every reason to believe that the new service
year will be full of joyful experiences and theocratic in-
crease. Our territory is large but the small group of King-
dom publishers is expanding despite obstacles, and these
publishers feel like talking, and with their talking the in-
crease will come, by Jehovah's grace.
The preaching of the good news in Costa Rica has
been firmly established during the past eight years.
Men in authority know that these servants of God are
peace-loving and law-abiding. They know, too, that
they are energetic and that they believe their message
and that they want to help the people. The branch
servant gives us a very interesting report on what
happened in connection with their first public park-
meeting. Excerpts from the experience are published
114 Yearbook
here, and they show you how far Catholic action in
Central American countries goes to stop the people
from hearing the truth.
The pioneer sel'Yant at San Ramon, in Alajuelu
province, obtained a permit from the jete politico to use the
park in front of the big Catholic church there. One of the
Gilead graduates from San Jose was assigned to make the
trip and give the talk on Sunday, April 22. His report is as
"Arrangements had already been made with the jete
politico for the use of the park for a public talk at 11: 00 a.m.
\Ye arrived and immediately began to put in order the sound
equipment. with the aid of several persons of good will.
By this time there were many people strolling around the
park, while others were seated on the benches awaiting the
hour to arrive.
"Soon the local servant announced the lecture, and I be
gan to talk. How good it was to see the people drink in
the message, as it was their first experience- as well as ours
in using a public park in the Spanish-speaking section of
Costa Rica! About ten minutes after I began talking the
priest came over from the church, gathering children to
him as he came. He walked around the bandstand to a
spot directly in front of me and then gave the children
instructions, saying: 'Hagan bulla' (make noise). The faith-
ful little flock followed its master, and the noise began. With
this the priest disappeared. However, not being satisfied
with his progress, he found it necessary to return in a few
minutes to give his flock further instructions. In his excite-
ment he even mistook one of the pioneers for one of his
group and commanded him to make noise also. By this time
some of the fanatics of the church were busy throwing rocks
at the loud-speakers and breaking the wires that carried
the current. Each time the wires were broken I would step
to the edge of the stand and, beckoning the listeners a little
closer, would continue to talk. "'hen the wires were fixed,
then I would step back to the microphone and the talk
would go on.
"What ,,-ere the police doing aU this time? The two police,
men and a guardia civil, who happened to be visiting there
for the day, were the only force ayailable. They did all that
was humanly possible, hut their efforts were puny in a
crowd of 300. For instance, When the broth-
el'S were trying to fix the broken wires one of the leaders
of the mob gl'Uhbed the cOlllpany serYant the throat to
choke him. Immediatelr the guard detached his gun, and
when the man started to attack him. he threatened to kill
him on the spot.
Yearbook 115
"About this time the priest had someone go over and
ring the church bell. This seemed to set the people wild and
the whole mob made a rush at me, shouting 'Kill him';
however, through the protecting hand of Jehovah, none of
us were harmed. Since the wires were torn down and a
little damage was done to the speaking equipment it was
decided to discontinue the talk there; so it was announced
that it would be carried on in the home of one of the pub-
lishers. By this time the priest appeared in the bandstand
encouraging his faithful to attack. QUickly the equipment
was dismantled and carried to safety. As my wife and I
walked through the raving mob the guardia civil was ever
at our side giving a helping hand when needed. Many were
the expressions of the people of the town: 'The priest is at
fault'; 'how fanatic'; 'we are ashamed of these people';
'they are country people he is using to do this.'
"A small group having assembled at the publisher's house,
I continued the lecture while the leaders of the mob, minus
the priest, walked up and down the other side of the street.
"On returning to the center of the town to take the bus
home, I met the jete politiCO and his secretary. They ex-
pressed their deep feeling over the incident and asked
us to come back in two weeks to give them another talk.
He assured us there would be no further trouble even if
he had to call the entire guardia mvil from San Jose. He
said he had a list of the ones responsible for the trouble
and would start proceedings against them the following day."
So our first attempt in the use of the parks set things on
fire; the papers were full of it.
Two of us went to see the minister of government, and
put to him our side of the issue. He received us very kindly,
said he had read some of the literature and expressed his
belief that it was good.
Three weeks later we returned, this time the branch
servant and a special bus load of San Jose publishers. We
arrived about eleven, but the priest had called a special
meeting so as to have the church busy at that hour. So we
held a conference with the jete politiCO, a fine young man
from a Catholic family in San Ramon. He suggested that we
wait until one o'clock to hold our meeting, at which time
nothing would be gOing on in the church. So we did. In the
meantime the publishers got a bite to eat and then scattered
throughout the town to invite the people to hear another
public talk. Just before the talk was to begin a catechism
class was UShered into the bandstand by their teacher, a
young woman. One of the San Jose brothers appealed to her
in a kind manner, and they left. This time, too, the police
were ready, the jete politico had called in all of his men
to see that order was preserved.
116 Yearbook
The branch servant appealed to the people to listen care-
fully to the of peace, hope and good cheer that he
had for them. The talk went oyer, and only once did some-
one try to interfere; the police had him quiet before he got
started. Once or twice the current went off due to an elec-
trical storm. A little rain fell, some came to the bandstand
for shelter, but most of the people remained under the trees
until it was over or sou):(ht shelter on the opposite sidewalk
under the overhanging roofs of the stores. Almost a hundred
booklets were distributed free, and it was estimated that
more than 150 persons heard the talk. Meanwhile, behind
the speaker's back, the priest and the head of a Catholic
action group from Ran Jose were madly pacing in and
around the church. The laymen even made an entire circle
of the park. but evidently decided to try nothing. Per-
haps they knew the strength of the police better than we did.
We returned home grateful to Jehovah for this victory.
In our conversation with the jete politico, he told us
that this fight was with him and the priest and that they
had been enemies for seyeral years . Just what motivated
him to hand in his resignation, we do not know, but the
minister of government and police did not accept it. An
investigation was made and La Hora on Monday afternoon,
June 4, stated that the "Civil and Church Authorities Have
Closed the San Ram6n Incident". Under this heading it quot-
ed the minister of government as stating: "In view of the
good l'esults obtained the resignation of the jete politico
will not be accepted, as this ministry has the impression that
the authority COMPLIED WITH THE LAW."
The enemy has taken note of the growth of the work and
is bent on closing it down. However, we trust in Jehovah
to guide and (lirect us at all timE's. We will continue to
preach in season as long as we can, and, when that can no
longer be done, we are determined to continue to "Praise
Jah" with out-of-season preaching. There are many people
of good will here that still need to hear, so we join our
brothers world-wide in proclaiming louder and louder,
"Praise Jah, YOU people. because Jehovah our God, the
Almighty, has begun to rule as king."-Rev. 19: 6, l'llV.
"And I heard what was as a voice of a great crowd."
(Rev. 19: 6, NW) This is certainly true in the land
of Cuba, where thousands upon thousands are singing
Jehovah's praises. In this little country more than
one million hours of preaching were put in by faith-
ful servants of God. It wasn't too many years ago that
there were not many publishers in Cuba, but those
who were there talked and worked with the Lord's
organization, received Jehovah's blessing, and grcat
things have happened to Jehovah's praise and clean
worship. The branch servant scts out a few high points
of interest.
The brothers here are not afraid to talk the truth. They
talk it on the buses, in cates, in the hospitals or anywhere
they might be. One brand-new publisher of less than hyo
months in the Kingdom service had to go to the hospital
because of illness, but she didn't forget to talk about the
Kingdom. She talked to all the patients slle could reach
with her voice, and placed quite a number of magazines
with the hospital staff and the patients. One patient seemed
especially interested, and whe.n they got out of the hospital
she called on this person. A study was arranged for, and
in a short time three of the family were in the service as
publishers. The mother of the family is also studying and
will soon be a publisher. "Incidental" publishing is certain-
ly very effective. The Cubans love to talk, and directing
this energy in the right direction is one of the reasons for
the increase in Cuba.
The pioneers are having many wonderful experiences in
finding and aiding the Lord's "other sheep". One pioneer
related the following experience. "While working in my
isolated territory I made arrangements with one of my
book studies to visit some of his relatives that lived a long
way off. It took us almost a whole day of horseback riding
and walking through mountainous paths to reach the town
where his relatives lived. I witnessed to his relatives and
to a number of people in the town, and placed quite a bit
of literature with them. Much interest was manifested, and
I made arrangements to visit them again in about two
weeks' time. I took another pioneer along with me on the
return visit. 'l'his time we had many difficulties on the trip.
because we made the entire trip on foot. We got caught in a
bad storm, and we lost our way. "'e finally reached our
destination late that night. The relatives of my study were
glad to see us and offered us food and ell'y clothing. The next
day the local religious group held their regular meeting
in their hall. The Jo('al minister, being a kind and sincere
person, gave us tile op]lortunity to speak to the congregation
at this meeting. Arrangements were made for my compan-
ion to give an hour ]lublic talk. Great interest was shown
by all who heard the talk, and arrangements were made to
revisit these peo]lle.
"On our next visit a number of studies were started, and
within a few ,veeks' tillle all of the members, with the ex-
118 Yearbook
ception of the minister, had abandoned the religious group.
Nevertheless. this minister was also one of the Lord's 'lost
sheep'. He obtained a copy of 'Let God Be True' and began
to reason with us. Since he was a sincere person, it was not
long before he began to see the truth, and he began to
preach it to others. He has now been appointed by the So-
ciety to be company book study conductor of the local group.
Shortly thereafter we made arrangements for a baptism,
and 19 wt're baptized. And now here in this town, whert'
a year ago there wasn't a single publisher, there are 35
publishers reporting active service."
In December Brother Knorr visited us for a week. Three
conventions were arranged for in different parts of the coun-
try during his visit. The publishers greatly appreciated this
arrangement, as it enabled practically all of them to attend
an assembly. The counsel and instruction given by Brother
Knorr at the assemblies were a great aid to the increase
in this country.
During his visit, Brother Knorr made arrangements to
bring a group of pioneers to Havana from all parts of the
country, to teach them English to prepare them to attend
Gilead school. Some of these are now at school.
All of the publishers here are very grateful for the share
that they have had during the past year in being part of
the "great crowd" shouting forth Jehovah's praises world-
The small group of publishers in Cyprus had their
hearts filled with gratitude to the reigning King, and
they rejoice that so many of the "other sheep" have
been gathered together on that island. They now have
337 ministers of good news. This has not been accom-
plished by waiting for them to come, but by their
going out and helping the men of good will take n
stand for the truth. The opposition has been v e r ~ '
heavy against Jehovah's witnesses, and the branch
servant gives us a picture of things in this regard in
his report for the year.
As is to be expected, more praise on the part of Jeho-
vah's servants must bring forth more opposition from His
opposers. This has been particularly seen during the past
year. Both the Gret'k Orthodox and various Protestant bod-
ies have shown their bittt'r hatred against the Lord's sen'-
ants. Their hatre(l for truth was expressed in mob vjolenct'.
assaults and beatings, but instead of ridding the island of
the "ravening wolves", as they like to call us, more trutl1-
seekers have had their eres opened as to wht'ther the 8(1-
Yearbook 119
called Christians are really what they claim to be. One
notable instance is as follows.
Our district assembly was held in the capital during the
month of October. The greatest effort to date was put forth
in the advertising of the public talk.
Saturday afternoon young men attached to the Greek
Orthodox Church were out in the streets with leaflets, tell-
ing the people to keep away from the Jewish organization
known as "Jehovah's witnesses" and operating under the
"prince of darkness". "Don't go neal' them, don't let them
enter your home, close your doors to them, don't take their
books and pamphlets, and inform others about them," the
leaflet read. The Signature at the bottom of the leaflet re-
vealed where the sword had been felt most, namely, "The
Holy Archbishopric."
About ten minutes after the public talk began there were
shouts from the back of the cinema, "Lies! Lies! Anti-
christ!" etc. The noise increased as the voices of 50 or
more men shouted their slogans and threw papers into the
air. They refused to be qUiet, and lost all control of them-
selves. Pandemonium reigned for the next fifteen minutes,
and repeated calIs for police assistance remained unan-
swered until a visit was made to the police headquarters,
and a lorry load of police was dispatched. In the meantime
chairs had been broken and blows exchanged until the men
calling themselves "Orthodox Christians" were thrown out
of the cinema. By this time hundreds of people hearing the
commotion gathered to the cinema, which caused a greater
witness to be given, and while the police formed a cordon
outside the cinema, the talk was resumed and concluded.
The religionists thought they were going to silenee the
message, hut failed. Incidents such as these show them up
in their true colors and to be the "sons of those who mur-
dered the prophets".
The so-called Protestant organizations have also hurled
their darts at the Lord's witnesses. During the year quite
a number of Protestant sects have established themselves in
the island. These sects are out in the streets preaching on
Haturday evening'S, but before beginning their talks they
inform their listeners that they have no connection with
.Jehovah's witnesses. One such speaker was approached and
asked why he didn't say that his sect had no connection with
the other religious bodies, to which he replied, "We hate
Jehovah's witness!'s."
The work has expanded w!'ll during the year to many
villages of the island. We wer" wry happy when you gave
liS permiSSion to enroll three sp"cial pioneers, and these
were assigned to the rnral a l e a ~ . Groups of interested per-
sons have been brought togethcr, and several persons are
already sharing in the witlJeSS work. There arc three such
120 Yearbook
groups in the rural parts of the island, and we hope that
these will soon be organized into companies.
The Orthodox Church continually warns her "flock"
against away from her grip, but some of her
closest "childrpn" are hearing the voice of truth and are
forsaking her ensnaring table.
It has been three years since the police occupied the
branch office in Czechoslovakia and confiscated the
property and arrested the brothers. A ban has been on
the work of Jehovah's witnesses all this time. The
brothers, however, know of the injunction: 'Pay back
to God what belongs to God.' They have a responsibil-
ity, and they are carrying it out regardless of the ban
issued by human powers. Despite all the restrictions,
lack of literature and personal danger, Jehovah's wit-
nesses in Czechoslovakia go forward helping the "other
sheep". The experiences related by one in Czecho-
slovakia show us how this is really accomplished. Truly
we can say, Jehovah knows those who belong to him.
A sister went to spend her vacation in an outlying dis-
trict with her brother's family, where the message had not
been preached for about 13 years. At the first opportunity
she gave a witness and offered a booklet, but was repelled
with the words: "Oh, spare me please, for you speak just
like our neighbor; he has also offered us a booklet like that."
The sister went to visit this neighbor and found him,
his wife and fifteen-year-old boy to be "sheep". Many years
before, the man had bought a Bible and a booklet from a
witness paSSing through the neighborhood. Later, during
the war, under the pressure of existing conditions, he remem-
bered this caller and his explanations, and the family be-
gan to read the booklet and the Bible. The message it con-
tained arrested their attention so much that they began to
recommend the booklet and Bible to others to read. During
her vacation the sister then devoted her attention to these
"sheep", and after her departure they remained in con-
tact by correspondence, seeing that her own home lay about
106 miles distant.
Another sister was undergoing treatment in a hospital;
she witnessed among the patients and distributed some book-
lets. One patient, after haYing read the booklet, wanted to
know more. She showed great interest, and while still in
the hospital began to witness herself. On leaving she gaye
the sister her address and wanted to be visited as soon as
As soon as this sister had completed her hospital treat-
ment she undertook the journey in spite of bad railway
connections to this outlying village to visit the interested
person. Her visit evoked much joy; the husband of this lady,
a doctor by profession, did not want to hear about the truth,
however. When the sister undertook her second visit she
asked a brother to accompany her. The doctor listened with
attention to the conversation this time, and then admitted
that Biblical prophecy was actually being fulfilled in our
day. Now he too wished to be visited again.
Two weeks later this doctor pleasantly surprised the
brother by bringing to the study four other interested per-
sons, whom he had told the little that he himself now knew.
Today the lady is a full-fledged publisher and the doctor
witnesses occasionally to people with whom he comes in con-
tact in his practice.
One case is worthy of mention where an interested fam-
ily solved the problem of searching for the truth with com-
parative ease, to their own joy and to the great joy of the
witnesses that they were able to find.
At one time this family came into possession of the book
Riches. It took years for this book to fulfill its purpose.
But the time did come when they began to read it, and
soon they had the feeling that they needed still further
spiritual food. They realized that it would not be easy to
find God's servants in the prevailing circumstances, but did
not doubt that they would be successful. They began to
search and learned that in a village not too far away some
people were living who called themselves "Jehovah's wit-
nesses", but they could not ascertain the name and address.
One of the female members of the family resolved to go one
day by train to the village named.
On the way from the railway station to the village she
overtook a group of workers who were eagerly debating
some question on their way home from work. One of them
was saying: "We have a man working with us who is al-
ways explaining something out of the Bible to us. He
doesn't swear and doesn't get mad whatever you say to him."
On reaching the village she asked a person passing:
"Where does the man live?" She was told that he lived at
the other end of the village, and in the same way she found
which house he lived in. But still she did not dare to ask
if Jehovah's witnesses lived in this house, but what to do?
Then it came to her mind that she had read about "Jona
dabs" in the book Riches. How would it be if she were to
ask whether Jonadabs lived here? If they were Jehovah's
witnesses then they would understand all right and all
would be in order. Good! She stepped up to the house and
asked if Jonadabs were living there. 'l'he woman at the
door gazed at her in astonishment, and then exclaimed:
122 Yearbook
"Yes, they live here." Joyfully this good-will person poured
out the story of their search for them, and the n o - l ~ s
delighted sister began a long discussion with her on the
vital life-bringing truths. Their joy was contagious and
spread to the other members of the interested family who
had personally experienced the truth of the words: "Keep
on seeking, and you will find." They were hungry for the
Word of God, and are now being satisfied.
}i'rom day to day we experience Jehovah's undeserved
kindness. He blesses our efforts to use well every opportu-
nity in the proclamation of the Kingdom message and
strengthens us with His spiritual food at all times. Although
the avenues of service are restricted we rejoice, nevertheless,
in the results attained.
The call is going forth to the prisoners to forsake
their old religious dwelling places an<l come out into
the Lord's clean place of worship. The people in Den-
mark are doing this in numbers too great to please the
clergy. In all of Denmark the clergy are putting forth
a real effort to hold on to their members, and they
are trying to hinder them from listening to what Jeho-
vah's witnesses have to say. This hasn't helped them
very much, because Jehovah's witnesses have the an-
swer for the people. They give them God's Word rath-
er than the theories and doctrines of men. There are
many public meetings going on throughout all the
land against Jehovah's witnesses; these are being or-
ganized by the clergy. The branch servant gives us
some interesting reports.
We started the service year by having a district assembly
in Copenhagen, and it turned out to be the greatest assem-
bly so far. 'l'his aroused the wrath of our foes, who had
for some time carried on a slanderous campaign about our
teachings and work in general. A newspaper called "Chris-
tain Daily News", whLch does not live up to the name, hates
truth. It wrote a defamatory article about our assembly
and accused Jehovah's witnesses of misleading the people.
It should he mentioned that not all clergymen are against
Jehovah's witnesses. Here are some excerpts from an article
written by a Danish pastor. "With the exception of the en-
,!eavours of peace on the part of some small Christian move-
ments we do not see strivings for unity among the Chris-
tians .... Jehovah's witnesses are conscientious objectors.
So are the Quakerf', and a few other Christians and non-
Christians take a similar stand; but the big churches of
the world are absolutely silent during the present intensi-
fied preparations for war. That may mean that there is
disproportion between belief and action. If it is true that a
tree is known by its fruits (and I believe it is), then there
is something seliously wrong with the knowledge of God
on the part of the Christian nations."
The high light of the service year was, of course, the
London convention. Many brothers had been preparing for
a long time to attend. A special train was arranged for from
Copenhagen to London, with 367 brothers. Banners were
put on the train with the text "Jehovah's witnesses-London
convention". Through Denmark we had the text in Danish.
Going through Germany we put the German text on, and in
Belgium we had the text in French.
More than 400 Danish brothers (approximately 7 per
cent of the publishers) attended the great feast. All means
of transportation were used-train, car, motorcycles, bi-
cycles and one pioneer hitchhiked to London. All of us were
refn'shed by the wonderful truths brought out. Most of thl'
Danish brothers had only very little knowledge of the Eng-
lish language, but they got the main points from those who
knew the language. The summaries given at the Danish
assemblies proved to be very helpful, too.
At the close of the service year we had the great pleasure
of being visited by the president of the Society, Brother
Knorr, his secretary, Brother Henschel, and Brother K. M .
Tensen. The instructions and wise counsel given by these
dear servants of the Most High certainly brought joy to
our hearts. At the convention the attendance reached a peak
at the public meeting, where 6,912 heard "Will Religion Meet
the 'World Crisis?" Brother Knorr showed very clearly that
the service record of organized religion is extremely poor.
The large K. B. Hall was packed during all the sessions.
;\'0 wonder Brothel' Knorr told us to try to find another
hall for coming conventions. "You have to widen your tent,"
he said. The visit of our American brothers, as well as the
convention Itself, is going to accomplish a lot for the ad-
Ylmcement of Kingdom interests in Denmark. Not only will
the number of publishers grow, by the Lord's grace, but we
hope to grow individually, stripping off the old personality
and putting on a new and better one. This we will do by
continually reading "the letters of our l<'ather", as Broth-
er Knorr so nicely put it in his stirring heart-to-heart talk
to the Danish brothers at the close of the convention.
The second world war got rid of some totalitarian
rulers and then the world powers got together and
124 Yearbook
formulated the United Nations organization. The
Dominican Republic is one of those nations that
shout freedom and liberty for all. But the political
rulers and the religious leaders are against anyone's
studying the Bible. This little dictator-nation is in the
Western Hemisphere. It is illegal for a group of peo-
ple to come together and talk about God's Word.
'Walking on the streets with the Watchtower publica-
tions in your possession is an offense against the state.
Just to talk to a person is prohibited, if you happen to
be one of Jehovah's witnesses. Just because some per-
sons attended a wedding where the majority of the
people were Jehovah's witnesses, they were arrested
and imprisoned. The faith of those who want to serve
God is being tested and tried from every angle. De-
spite this the message is being preached, and the au-
thorities know it. A report has come out of the Do-
minican Republic about some of the things that have
happened. The readers of this Yearbook will be inter-
ested to know about them.
The small group of witnesses grows stronger. They are
standing closer together these days. Those who have grown
cold because of fear have turned away. Right now 15 broth-
ers are in prison, some because they have conscientious ob-
jeetion to war. One individual had served his prison term
and was called up for military service again and ques-
tioned at great length. He had the opportunity to explain
to the officials his beliefs. A letter written to the attorney
general set forth certain legal points in their fayor, an!1
now, because of writing the letter, some of these brothers
are being tried on three counts: (1) refusing military serv-
ice, (2) slandering a public official, and (3) preaching in
violation of the ban on the work.
Five other brothers living in the country and a group of
neighbors gathered together for the wedding of their chil-
dren. Because the majority in attendance were Jehovah's
witnesses, the authorities declared the wedding assembly
illegal and picked up five of the brothers. No charge was
filed. The judge refused to hpar the case for lack of evidence.
It was taken to another court and here a prejudiced judbe
heard "evidenee". The prosecuting attornpy, however, sai!l
that there was not enough information for a trial. But the
judge carried the case over until the next week. Up uniil
this time the brothers had spent 35 days in jail, and tlle
Yearbook 125
only reason was that they had attended a wedding and they
happened to be Jehovah's witnesses.
Of course, it is difficult to gather reports from all the
publishers in the island, but we know by communicating
with them from time to time and seeing them that they are
talking to their neighbors and their frien(]s. The people
admire the zeal of the brothers who take their stand def-
initely against this totalitarian rule. There is a great crowd
that is for Jehovah's witnesses, but fear keeps them from
investigating openly. Jeho\'ah's witnesses are spotted and
followed by secret police. If Jehovah's witnesses call on any
home, whether just to visit a friend and make a neighborly
call or to tell the person about the Kingdom, the person
called upon is later questioned by the police and threatened.
The Dominican Republic is a police state. Everyone lives
in fear, whether they are Jehovah's witnesses or not. I<Jven
though the go,ernment brings all this pressure to bear
against the preaching of the good news of the Kingdom,
there are still a good number who are listening to the
truth, believing it and being baptized, and they keep on
talking. The brothers are provided with the spiritual food.
Those who were formerly in the full-time service are "mak-
ing tents", but they are setting forth a good example and
showing Sincerity. The government admits that Jehovah's
witnesses are a good people, but the top rulers and the re-
ligious clergy are against us.
We know what the future holds, however-a new world
for those who love righteousness. And with God's unde-
served Idndness we will continue on with clean worship
glorifying the name of the 1\1ost High God, Jehovah.
It is always a delight to see an organization grow
in a country and to learn of its experiences and to
watch the missionaries, pioneers and company pub-
lishers press on shoulder to shoulder with one thing
in mind-the Kingdom interests. This makes one's
heart glad. In the country of Ecuador we hear the
brothers saying to the prisoners, "Go forth!" Some
interesting new experiences are reported by the
branch servant, and they show us that it pays to be
aggressive and try new things once in a while. Here
is what he has to say.
In Ecuador our organization is still growing up from a
babe into a mature man, and at the end of each year we
can look back and count the steps. The feature that added
so much to our advance this year was the inauguration of
126 Yearbook
circuit assemblies, our first assembly being held in the
capital city, QUito. We rented the same hall as was used
for Brother Knorr's visit in 1948, when ]2 persons attended.
This year saw 189 in attendance for the first session of the
assembly, and we almost had to stretch the walls to make
room for the 295 who came to hear the public talk.
Throughout the year, in addition to the formation of a
new unit at QUito, two completely new companies were
entered on the list and pioneer groups began work on two
more citieA, thus forming a complete chain of activity all
along one of the cordUlet"a8 of the Andes which crosses
Ecuador. The new company at Tulcan, on the Colombian
border, is the only one we have so far that is made up
exclusively of native brothers. The company servant there
bas a shoemaker's shop in the town, and the literature is
continually on display in the window. The local street sweep-
er would casually stop from time to time and read the open
pages of The Watchtower. In fact, he made such a habit
of this that he was threatened with the loss of his job.
Noting the interest, the brother in the shop would co-operate
by turning the page, and some time later the person of
good will would come back and take over where he left
off. Soon the verbal witness fanned the spark into a flame,
and a bright flame it turned out to be. The result was a
Dew and very active publisher, who is still the local street
Quito surprised us with our first taste of mob action
toward the end of the year. The truth is that liberalism
was never so liberal as it is here. One is free to love and
free to hate, and justice is not very exacting unless the
issue is pushed. Here is the story: Some missionaries and
young publishers left to complete a section of territory that
they had been working for five successive weeks. This morn-
ing was different, for they found' many doors labeled witll
signs saying, "All members of this family are Catholics.
Jesus ... is our God and our King. We glory to have as
our mother the Most Holy Virgin, Mother of God. We love
and obey the Pope, the Vicar of Christ .... We prohibit
entrance to his house to Protestants and other heretics.
We do not want them."
There was no serious objection till the local priest ap-
peared and began to form a mob, at the head of which he
placed two nuns, and then disappeared. Aware of the situa-
tion, the brothers could see that nothing would be gained
by continuing, so they gathered together and started toward
the bus stop. As they boarded the bus the mob developed
a great surge of courage and showered them with mud and
stones, much to the disgust of the other passengers. }lanY
favorable articles appeared in the newspapers and soon all
Quito knew about it. The matter was submitted to the chief
Yearbook 127
of police and a written protest made. In way of defense, a
number of Catholic committees also submitted a letter to
the police departmpnt, supposedly setting out what really
took place. It was obviously a masterpiece of fantasy, and
its own inconsistency belied its regard for truth. The letter
claimed that the incident was negligible, involving only a
few children, yet concluded with the words, "We do not
permit, nor will we permit the 'witnesses' to perturb and
infiltrate our homes .... they will not be able to return
here, because we are ready, even if we have to fight to the
death." The chief of police and the minister of government
have taken action against those who signed this document,
warning them that should there be a repetition of this dis-
graceful and unconstitutional conduct, they will be the re-
sponsible ones. The priest who claimed he "wasn't there"
when it all happened has graciously promised the police
to use his own personal influence to prevent a repeat per-
A sister writes an interesting experience which centers
around the house she lives in.
"This is a large house with many families living in
it, and it is the custom of the women to gather in the
patio on a sunny afternoon to mend, knit or weave the
straw hats which make Cuenca famous. I decided to spend
an afternoon with them and armed myself with a good sup-
ply of socks, booklets and a Bible. These people have a
great deal of kindly curiosity and almost immediately be-
gan to inquire about our work. At first most of them were
fearful, as they thought I was surely an Emn,qelista intent
on deceiving them, but when they had carefully examined
my Catholic Bible and read a few texts therefrom, they
were less nel'YOus. We talked for more than two hours that
afternoon, and on leaving the landlady said, 'I hope you
can convert every Single person in this house, and I wish
you would start with me and my family.' Since then I have
joined the other women once each week, and almost e v e r ~ '
week at least one new pprson is contacte<l in this manner.
As a result, five studies have been started right here in the
house, with a prospect of two or three more shortly."
Much work has been done this year in the governmental
offices. Upward of 80 books have been placed right into thp
hands of high-ranking ollicials, foreign power consuls and
educational heads. One of these contacts led to permission's
being granted to witness to the officers and men of the
Ecuadorian navy. One of the navy's largest ships was lying'
here in the port of Guayaquil, and three of the missionaries
took a launch to visit it. They were welcomed aboard and
immediately introduced to the commanding officer. The pur-
pose of the visit had hardly been explained when all of the
officers were called off duty and asspmbled in the captain';;
128 Yearbook
quarters to hear the message. In the course of the explana-
tion the six latest of the Society's books in Spanish were
circulated. The captain said he wished to have a complete
series for the ship's library and others wished copies for
their own private reading.
Next the commander gave orders to assemble the men,
and all work aboard the ship was called to a halt. When
everything was ready the missionaries were conducted be-
low deck and were surprised to nnll themselves before an
audience of 90. The commander himself explained the visit
and the nature of our work just as ably as he had heard
it from the mouths of the missionaries half an hour earlier.
Once again the books circulated for examination, resulting
in a total placement of 33 books, most of the men preferring
"Equipped for Every Good Work".
This has been a wonderfUl but there Is still a tre-
menllous amount of work to be done. We are greatly en-
COUl'aged by our increase in publishers of 103 per cent, and
begin this new ,Year determined to forge ahead building up
our young organization, taking full advantage of the un-
paralleled freedom we enjoy here.
The Society has a branch office in Cairo and from
here the work of Jehovah's witnesses is directed. The
branch looks after three territories: Egypt, Sudan
and Lybia. The ministers of God find it hard going
because there are not too many persons who have an
ear to hear. They are so definitely set in their own
religion they will not reason or accept the plain, clear
statements as set forth in God's Word. However, there
are a few of the "other sheep" who are opening their
hearts and minds to the hearing of the 'Vord of God,
and these are taking their stand and working for the
blessings of the new world of righteousness. Excerpts
taken from the report sent in by the branch in Cairo
appear here.
Although a witness has been given in this country
for about twenty years, not one has ever
been able to firmly take hi" stand for the Theocraey. On
the other hand, the Egyptian Christians, the COlltics, as tl]('y
are called, are very fanatic and too much attached to tbdr
human religious teacbings and traditions. They do not ewn
want to reason.
In spite of the opposition and IlIany difficulties we hllye,
how eyer, .J ellOyah God sho\yered us with many blessings.
The year started with a district assembly beld in Cairo,
where a cafeteria was set up for the first time at an assem-
bly of Jehovah's witnesses in Egypt. It was the best-
organized assembly till then, and the brothers enjoyed it
very mueh. The talks given were condensations of the
ones given at the international assembly held in Yankee
Stadium last year. Then the circuit assemblies, successfully
held, gave good courage, help and admonition to the broth-
ers. Also the Lord gave us an increase in the ranks of the
special pioneers, now five in number. These special pub-
lishers did a good work in spreading the Kingdom news,
some of them conducting up to ]9 home Bible studies every
month. This shows that there are many people longing for
the knowledge of the truth, as evidenced also by the attend-
ance of 411 persons at the Memorial celebration.
Indeed the field is great and the workers few. It was
therefore a great joy to see publishers taking up the full-
tillle service, thus increasing the general pioneer ranks from
8 to 11. We were very pleased when a member of the Bethel
family from Cairo (who attended the 15th class in Gilead
graduated at Yankee Stadium during the international con-
vention held there) came back to Egypt. As he knows the
languages of the country, he has been appointed as circuit
servant. Thus the number of Gilead graduates has in-
creased now to two. It is indeed encouraging to see the pub-
lishers increasing, for there are persons who want to desert
false religion and take their stand for God's kingdom and
who, of course, need assistance and help. Here is a good
experience regarding this:
This year a new field also has been opened, which brought
great joy to our hearts, that of Upper Egypt. It was done
by a pioneer who left Cairo and went to Gpper Eg;ypt for
secular work. This pioneer worked hard and, as he knows
Arabic, was the right one for the work there. Soon the
results came. Subscriptions were obtained, magazines placed
and home Bible studies started. Many good-will pel'sons
were found and the interest arose to such a point that two
families were contending as to which one would have the
bl"Other for a home Bible study, due to the limited time of
the brother. They were considering it a big honor to have
him in their home. The matter was settled by having one
home Bible study at the house of the biggest family. A de-
sire was expressed by them to get organized for more
effective training and publishing.
Our activities were climaxed by a district assembly held
in Alexandria from August 30 to September 2, thus bringing
this service year to a successful end. 'Ve were thrilled when,
after four years, we were able to secure a theater and
130 Yearbook
hold the assembly there. That was the Moassat Theatre,
where Brother Knorr gaye his lecture "The Joy of All the
People" in 1947. Four different public talks were given, in
Italian, in Arabic, in French and in Greek, with a total
attendance of 407.
Sudan is an African country south of Egypt having a
population of 12 million people, of which about 500,000 are
Europeans. As it is far removed from the ocean and less
than 1,500 feet above the sea, it is extremely hot. Neverthe-
less, the dryness of the air renders the climate healthy. Due
to the heat, the people have to wear light, loose clothes.
A brother from Egrpt was transferred to Khartoum be-
cause he was needed in his secular employment at the
branch office of the firm there. So the firm prepared every-
thing for him, applications, guarantees, transportation, etc.
The doors of Sudan were opened; Jehovah's witnesses
were in and excellent results were obtained, subscriptions
were taken, a lot of people began to be interested, and Bi-
ble studies were started. Several of these interested ones
spread the good news to many other cities and villages. But
how did all this come about? In this way. Being merchants,
these persons had to come from their cities to Khartoum
to buy things and, of course, had to go to the firm where
the brother works. The brother was following a prinCiple
with those going to him for trade. First of all he would
give them the message of God's kingdom, offer them sub-
scriptions for the Watchtouer and Awake! magazines, and
then he would do business with them. So in a few weeks'
time the message was widely spread, by the undeserved
kindness of Jehovah.
A short time after the brother began his preaching activ-
ities in the Sudan, another fighter entered the country. A
brother was transferred from Libya to Sudan due to his
secular job and so he joined the first one, thus doubling the
forces of Jehovah's people.
A company of Jehovah's witnesses was organized and
established in Khartoum with the initial brother as com
pany servant. The publishing work was extended and more
publishers were added. Moslems here in Sudan took their
side with Jehovah and his kingdom, conducting home Bible
studies and encouraging others to join in the true worship.
Later on, the family of the company servant, namely, his
Wife and daughter, both publishers of the Theocracy, went
to Khartoum. Then the company servant rented a nice
home with a big garden, and now all the company studies
are held in that open-air garden.
Yearbook 131
Really, Sudan is havIng its part in the Kingdom witness.
The good news Is being preached, publishers are increasing
from month to month, going from peak to peak, till the
climax of 16 publishers was reached at the end of the
service year in August. What a blessed service year in
Jehovah's ministry: last year one publisher, this year 16
Libya was the name given in olden times to ~ o r t h Africa
with the exception of Egypt. Today it constitutes the terri-
tory of North Africa lying between Tunisia and Egypt,
having a population of approximately 985,000 persons living
in the three parts of Libya, namely, Tripolitania, Cyrenaica
and I<'ezzan. Tripoli is the capital city and is in that part
of Libya called Tripolitania.
The work in Libya started two years ago when a brother
left Egypt and went to Tripoli for a secular job. At that
time there was not a single publisher, but today there is
a company of Jehovah's witnesses in the capital city of
Tripoli. The preaching activities of the brothers have
reached various places in TripOlitania and Cyrenaica, and
many are the interesting experiences they are having in
that country where most of the Europeans are under the
control of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy.
Magazine work from shop to shop was the first feature
of the work in which the brothers engaged in TripOli. Maga-
zines and literature were placed, then these placements
were followed up and home Bible studies were held. A short
time after, Watchtower studies and service meetings were
held for the building up and training of the new ones who
joined in rendering sacred service to God.
Our brothers in Libya were not affected by the opposition
of the Catholic Church. They did not retreat in front of all
the warnings of the priests telllng the people not to accept
them into their homes. On the contrary, they went ahead
fearlessly and zealously proclaiming the good news to the
people of Libya, and Jehovah God blessed their persever-
ance in the good works with increase. A Kingdom Hall has
been secured where all company meetings are now held and
the number of publishers on an average Is now six, to com-
pare with three last year; the peak number increased from
five to ten publishers reporting In July.
According to the latest reports there are over two
million persons living in EI Salvador. That means
132 Yearbook
there is a lot of witnessing to be done. The little group
of Jehovah's witnesses in that country have taken on
the work and have had a most joyful time during the
year finding the "other sheep" and aiding them. They
fully appreciate that there is a lot of virgin territory
in this land and now that they are established in some
of the larger cities, they are beginning to expand into
these isolated places, and they are finding remarkable
interest. The branch servant tells us some very inter-
esting experiences about how they plan for the in-
crease through the circuit assemblies, a new Kingdom
Hall and getting out into the small towns.
The problems for increase were tackled early in the year.
The first mO\'e was a circuit assembly in San Miguel the
first week in November. This assembly seemed to do the
trick. The new, small company doubled in size, and then
doubled again before the end of the year. Thirteen were
baptized in a rain-muddied river called the Rio Grande.
"'e shared the river upstream with a large p;old mine, and
downstream leaden-eyed alligators lay hidden In the marshy
river shallows. It was a strange setting. As the two Gilead
graduates waded out into deep water to start the immer-
sion, stmnge four-eyed fish left the scene silently, and
large flocks of wild parrots flew screaming overhead, as
re<'kless in their flight as the course of the foolish people
of this mad old world.
With the San Miguel assembly now history, we devoted
our attention to other necessary work, namely, that of
tinding a Kingdom Hall for the San SalTador company.
At last a large upstairs hall was rented. This was one that
we had looked at previously and ip;nored because it was
divided into several small rooms. However, the landlady
gave us the whole top floor for only $60 with the right to
take out a wall, making a hall barely large enough for
our needs. Well, that only started off increase after in-
crease for the company, which hasn't stopped even as of
the Writing of this report. From the first, the hall overflowed
for every public talk, so more walls had to come out, and
to date we have removed three walls, and each time the
hall has filled right up to its new capacity as if by miracle.
You can imagine how this filled us with joy, but ~ ' o u
cannot know of the consternation it has caused the pro-
fessional religionists of EI Salvador. They have gone to
great trouble to alert the people to the "dangers" of these
Yearbook 133
"Children of Jehovah", as they choose to call us, but noth-
ing to any avail.
The beautiful Teatro Nacional in Santa Ana was rented
for a Sunday talk, and 1,300 persons packed it out to hear
"Surviving This 'Vorld's End". Many new ones from sur-
rounding towns attended and returned home Jehovah's wit-
nesses. These new ones have grown much stronger in the
faith since then; in fact, the two cities of Chalchuapa and
Atiquizaya are good prospects for companies soon. The
missionaries have been following up this interest by work-
ing out of Santa Ana one day each week, and they now
have the brothers in Chalchuapa to the point of being or-
ganized into a company.
In Atiquizaya a talk was arranged in the home of a man
of good will. There were no publishers present. All gath-
ered just on the strength of oral invitations and motivated
by what knowledge they had received through a few home
Bible studies. The modest home, however, was filled, as
22 persons sat around and listened to the Bible talk. There
was not enough light to see all the faces clearly, but not
a sound was made as the circuit servant spoke in the dark-
ened room, showing how men of mild temper might now
associate with the new world society. At the end of thl'! talk
an invitation was given to ask questions. A tall sober-faced
young man rose from the shadows after a moment of silence
and said that he didn't have a question, but he wanted to
express himself concerning the things he had just heard.
He said that he was confident that he spoke for his neigh-
bors in s a ~ ' i n g that the things explained to them that night
were better than anything they had ever heard before, and
they wanted to accept the invitation to form a study group
in their town in order to learn to preach too. The mission-
aries in their happiness feU over themselves to grant that
It wasn't long until the priest in town got excited about
the meetings, and he put on a lot of un-Christian behavior
in church on Sunday morning denouncing those "Children
of Jehovah". He even went so far as to name the man who
had loaned his home for the Bible talk. The missionaries
held their breath for fear this man would be scared out,
but not he! He only laughed it off, and for his being so
well respected in his pueblo, the people took his side of the
question, becoming more soured on the priest than before.
One of our three new companies for the year came about
in a very interesting way, showing clearly that the Lord
knows his own. About Ul4G one of our publishers in the
capital moved away and settled in a town that is really
an "eagle's nest". High up there in his mountain town he
134 Yearbook
went to sleep as far as service was concerned; but, by
chance, the most zealous of the new publishers baptized at
the San Miguel assembly found him while going from
door to door in this out-of-the-way place. He was surprised
but pleased to find this drowsy witness. He was invited in
by brother so-and-so, who, sleepy-eyed and half ashamed,
admitted that he was a witness but was doing nothing
about it. If you knew this active brother, you could under-
stand how he WOUldn't let a chance go by to help this fellow;
so he said, "If you were only saying one word a day, that
would be something, but you are not doing anything; you're
dead." That may not have been the most tactful thing he
could have said, but it did the work, and our sleepy pub-
lisher woke up, or as he himself said later in a letter to
the branch, "I was resurrected." He was too. Now he is pub-
lishing regularly away up there on top of EI Salvador, and
he is having many good experiences.
It is a real blessing to be a missionary and to help open
up new frontiers of service in new fields. And as we see the
virgin territories disappearing from this globe, replaced
by study groups, companies and circuits, we rejoice, know-
ing that for certain it can only be because 'this good news
of the kingdom IS being preached in all the inhabited
Many have been the joys and experiences of Jeho-
vah's witnesses in Finland. The spirit of the New York
convention held at Yankee Stadium was transferred
to Finland early in the year, and they had three won-
derful conventions. Despite the fact that the winters
are long and cold and the snow lasts for months, the
work continues to progress in Finland. The brothers
do not have automobiles as they do in America, but
they get around. At the close of the year we find one
publisher for every 787 persons in all of Finland. The
brothers appreciate, however, that there is still more
to do. The "other sheep" are scattered among the
forests and the cold, icy regions of Finland. The
branch servant gives us an interesting report.
To serve the needs of our brothers three different con-
ventions were arranged in various parts of Finland. The
first one was in the Swedish language and held in Turku
for the benefit of about 220 Swedish brothers in Finland.
Yearbook 135
The brothers were very glad to receive a new question book
let for the book "The Kingdom Is at Hand".
Brothers in northern Finland were served with a con
vention in Oulu. Here a total of 480 brothers gathered to
hear in the Finnish language the same talks given in New
York. A surprise release came with the new-style Watch
tower cover being introduced. This convention had all of
the atmosphere of a warm, progressive assembly, and 780
were present at the public meeting.
The last and largest convention was held in Helsinki in
Messuhalli, the finest and largest hall in all of Finland.
This assembly lasted four days and had all the thrills and
feeling of any large convention. Many were the spiritual
good things received from the table of the Lord, for the
whole program of the New York convention was considered
in the Finnish language.
On Friday, the opening day, came a surprise when one of
our most enthusiastic speakers gave a talk Brother Knorr
delivered at Yankee Stadium and presented the resolution
against communism. This was unanimously accepted by all
of the almost 3,000 witnesses present.
On Saturday evening the branch servant released the
news of Brother Knorr's approving the publication of
Awake! in the Finnish language from January 1, 1952,
onward. A thunder of applause arose from the audience. It
continued until many were in tears of joy. At last we have
the Awake! magazine! As only a sample copy of the cover
was available, it was shown and subscriptions were being
accepted. Several people were busy the remaining conven-
tion time taking in the subscriptions. This was the best news
that they have had since Brother Knorr's last visit.
At Memorial time was released the new booklet Can You
Live Forever in H appine8s on Earth! in the Finnish lan-
guage. Our first printing of 50,000 went out completely in
six weeks. This was the first new booklet we had received
in the Finnish language in two years. The brothers were
very enthusiastic to take it into the field.
Travel conditions are not always good in Finland and
many times time is lost waiting for a change in trains. One
circuit servant put this time to good use by arranging a
public meeting on his way to the circuit assembly. One
young woman listened attentively to his talk. After the
close of the talk she explained that six months before she
had recei'fed literature and had been studying it herself.
Now she was convinced it was the truth. Later this circuit
servant saw the same lady at the circuit assembly, and
she was baptized on Sunday morning. This shows how one
136 Yearbook
plants, another waters, but God gives the increase. This
sister is now planning for pioneer work.
In one community as the circuit servant was working from
house to house he heard people say, 'You had better not go
to that old man on the hill as he knows more than all the
rest about the Bible and he will talk you down.' Curiosity
aroused, the circuit servant wondered what kind of a man
he would meet. Upon arrival at the old man's house he was
invited in and there followed discussions about the King-
dom's establi;;hment, seven times of the Gentiles, etc. Every-
thing the old man said was the truth, and he agreed with
all the circuit servant said. This man was almost in the
truth. The circuit servant said, "Let me see your Bible."
Then the old man confessed, "Well, you know, young man,
I don't have a Bible, it somehow got lost during the war
and I never have had a chance to get another." "But I
have a book just about like the Bible," he said, bringing
out a copy of the book "The Truth Shall Make You Free".
He had it marked, and had gained the truth from that. He
rejoiced to get a Bible and the new book "Let God Be True".
In one company the publishers had to travel from six to
eight miles to attend company meetings. The circuit servant
suggested forming a new company. At the time of the di-
vision the company had 21 publishers reporting. Within
three months this new company had 17 publishers and the
original company 15 publishers. This new company now has
more than one home Bible study per publisher. The central-
izing of witness worl, in one local area brought out more
good will and publishers.
Large distances have always presented a problem in the
northern and eastern part of Finland, where large distances
must be met in order to attend meetings, make back-calls
or conduct home Bible studies. One pioneer working in the
eastern part of Finlaud reports that his nearest Bible study
is 12 miles away. He has to travel sometimes 22 miles to
conduct some of his home Bible studies. His report shows
that he conducts regularly 10 studies a month. In summer
he uses a bicycle and in winter he travels on skis. Despite
these great distances he still arranges his time to put 130
hours in preaching every month.
The branch oflice has sUggested that wherever possible
more company book studies be started and used as meeting
places and service centers. This has helped overcome the
problem of distance, since the publishers do not have to
travel so far. Even in the city it brings good results. In
Helsinki, for example, 12 company book studies were ar-
ranged in one company. This brought about much better
organization, and using these as service centers and helping
new and weak publishers through the company book studies,
we have found a gl'owth from 120 to 180 in just eight
months. This is a 50 per cent increase. All the Helsinki
units have been following this method and have all shown
from 34 to 50 per cent increase.
The spirit of expansion was certainly felt in France
and in the Saar this past year. Twenty of the brothers
in France were able to attend the New York conven-
tion in Yankee Stadium, and a special effort was put
forth to organize district assemblies which would per-
mit the French brothers to at least get the strong echo
of that great Christian gathering. These assemblies
had a wonderful effect upon the brothers, and they
delighted to press on in preaching the good news and
helping the "other sheep". The effects certainly were
felt, because the average publishers increased 34 per
cent, and today there are 7,136 Jehovah's witnesses
proclaiming the Kingdom and saying to the prison-
ers, "Go forth!" The branch servant presents some in-
teresting things to consider.
A company servant tells of a back-call that was made
in a town where there were no .Tehovah's witnesses, and how
this back-call grew into a study with ten persons attend-
ing. Within two months, four were publishing, and by the
time of the next circuit assembly six of the original ten
were immersed. At the close of the service year there were
12 publishers in that little town, and as many as 30 per-
sons were attending the public meetings held there. Home
Bible study work is certainly an effective means of obeying
Jesus' injunction, "Feed my sheep."
Millions of French people are under the influence of two
extremes, Catholicism on the one hand and Communism
on the other. But it can be reported that both these brands
of false religion are failing to satisfy the many sincere
persons who have turned to them for help.
The following experience is typical of the way many
Catholics react when they hear the truth. Making a back-
call on a lady who had taken the book "Let God Be True",
the publisher was met by the husband, who bellowed, "Peo-
ple like you ought to be hanged and your books tied around
your necks and burned!" Why? "Because you attack the
138 Yearbook
pope, the church, its teachings and the blessed virgin."
Calming him, the publisher set before him the new world
hope, and a back-call was arranged. His blinded eyes once
opened, what wasn't he going to do to the church for having
deceived him so long! But he was shown that vengeance be-
longs to Jehovah; however, he could share in opening other
people's eyes. And that's just what he and his wife are now
doing, being among the most zealOUS publishers in the com-
pany. Experiences such as that account for the fact that the
Greater Paris company has grown in the past year from
650 to 1,085 publishers.
As to Communism, it also is failing to hold those who are
Sincerely looking for the truth. A Catholic lady who was
being visited by Jehovah's witnesses always arranged for
the publisher to come at a time when her husband was not
there. The reason? He was an ardent Communist! How-
ever, one day the unforeseen happened: hubby was home
when the witness called! A factual, logical explanation of
our hope was given him, and the following week it was
noted that he made a point of being there when the wit-
ness called. It appears that world conditions and religious
hypocrisy had turned him Communist, but he could see that
something more than communism was needed to put things
right. He quickly embraced the truth, and now ex-Catholic
wife, ex-Communist husband and the two children are all
publishers for Jehovah's new world.
It would be impossible to close this report without mak-
ing mention of what was clearly the greatest event of tbe
year, indeed, the greatest event of all time for Jehovah's
witnesses in France, namely, the 1951 Paris convention.
What a thrill, and how broadening to be able to meet with
the brothers from some 28 lands! And what a great bless-
ing it was to have Brothers Knorr, Franz, Henschel and
many other brothers from Brooklyn present, and serving
on the program! This assembly certainly put Les
de on the map, as far as the French press and the
government authorities are concerned. And, without a doubt,
it marks a turning point in the status of the work here in
With well over 10,000 persons attending a conven-
tion in the nation's capital, and with more than 7,000 ac-
tive witnesses throughout the land, and still other thou-
sands aSSOCiating with the organization, it can be said that
France is beginning to receive a witness somewhere nearly
comparable to that given in other countries.
Obviously, there is a tremendous work yet to be done,
but a sound start has been made, and with God's help, the
new service year will see a further improvement in internal
organization, and in outward expansion of clean worship.
Yearbook 139
To help in this, new instruments have been provided: the
magazine bag in "The J(ingdom Is at Hand",
"Equipped jor Every Good Work", as well as new booklets,
and in ]952 Awake! will be published twice a month in
French. For all these good things, and the manifest blessing
poured out, we thank our kind God Jehovah, and look to
him to bless the days ahead.
The first event of importance during the 1951 service year
was the district assembly held in October at Saarbrlicken.
The program was based on that of New York, and it turned
out to be the greatest assembly yet held in that country.
The attendance on I<'riday of 481 rose on Sunday at the
public meeting to 91O-a record number. A very joyful mo-
ment of the assembly was the release of "Equipped for
Nvery Good Work" in German.
In spite of the opposition put up by the Catholic clergy,
the little army of faithful witnesses in the Saar advances
in its preaching work, and the truth is proving to be a
powerful force in the hearts of persons of good will, en-
abling them to come out from Satan's prison houses and
swell the ranks of clean worshipers. One company arranged
to hire a bus so as to work a little town that was known to
be strongly Catholic. For four weeks the brothers thoroughly
worked that town, and four public meetings here held. In
spite of clergy influence and oppOSition, subscriptions were
taken and home Bible studies started. A study group was
formed with 16 good-will persons regularly attending. One
gentleman was particularly impressed because the message
was brought to him by a young publisher 13 years of age.
He could not understand how a young girl like that had
the courage to preach the good news in such difficult cir-
cumstances, and he was amazed at the clear explanation
she gave of God's Word.
The two circuit assemblies held during the year at
YOlklingen and Saint Ingbert were a practical help to the
brothers in accomplishing the different features of Kingdom
service. It is the work from house to house, with back-
calls and Bible studies, that gives the best results. A young
couple received the witness, and the same evening the hus-
band attended a public meeting and was very interested.
After several back-calls, a study was started in the book
"Let God Be True". Not only did the young couple attend,
but many of their relatives, old and young, ten of them.
At the next circuit assembly six were baptized, taking an
active part in field service. The mother, aged 70. and who
was brought up very religiously in the Catholic Church, is
140 Yearbook
particularly zealous, and everyone she meets receives a good
A blessed year of work in Germany was brought to
a climax with the "Clean Worship" Assembly of Jeho-
vah's witnesses in Frankfort-on-the-Main. One hun-
dred and twenty German publishers were privileged
to attend the London convention, and they got a fore-
taste of what was going to happen in Frankfurt. Jeho-
vah's witnesses world-wide know that Germany has
gone through very hard times for a long period of
years, and this is particularly true of Jehovah's wit-
nrsses. And they continue to endure hardships to this
day. But they are faithful and determined to magnify
Jehovah's name and preach this good news of the
Kingdom. Opposition has been brought to bear against
them in the distribution of magazines in many of the
cities, but these matters have been taken to court with
good success. The witnesses in Eastern Germany stand
firm despite concentration camps, imprisonment and
being hounded by the communistic police. They know
that there is still a work to be done, and they are say-
ing to the prisoners, "Go forth!" And they are going
forth, praising the name of the Most High. The branch
servant's report on what has gone on there during
the past year is most interesting.
In approximately four weeks of preparation an entire
tent city was raised in the woods surrounding the beautI-
fully located stadium at Frankfurt Neiderrad. Four of the
biggest tent firms of Germany assisted in the construction.
More than 30,000 persons as well as the entire cafeteria
and other important departments of the assembly were ac-
commodated therein. On August the 23r<1, the night before
the convention, 28 special trains brought more than 25,000
conventioners to the small station located near the grounds.
Thousands more came by bus, car and other means of trans-
portation so that shortly after the opening of the conven-
tion on l!'riday morning an attendance of 34,547 was counte(}.
This number increased to 38,226 on Saturday and reached
a peak of 47,432 on Sunday afternoon at the public lecture.
Representatives of no less than 24 nations were present, so
it was quite an International assembly, more colorful and
larger than probably ever before experienced in Germany or
even in Europe. There were 2,373 brothers immersed, giving
new proof of the continuous increase of Theocracy.
The release of the book "Equipped for Every Good Work"
in German by Brother Knorr loosed great joy and applause.
Everybody had been longing for it, and it will surely be an
effective aid in Kingdom service. It is the second book pro-
duced by the factory at the German branch since the end
of World War II. Songs sung from overflowing hearts ex-
pressed the tremendous joy of all those attending. MusiC
was supplied by a large, brilliant 150-piece orchestra.
The press, periodicals and radio gave favorable and even
well-wishing reports and announcements that supported the
good work of the witnesses throughout the land. 'l'hey com-
mented on the immersion and showed special interest in the
locomotive, standing on an unused track directly next to the
big kitchen tent, that supplied steam to 48 steam kettles.
In order to have the joy reach its peak in our country
Brothers Knorr and Henschel flew to Berlin to meet the
Berlin brothers and some from the Eastern zone. The Wald-
biihne (forest stage) had been rented. What a surprise, and
how deeply the president and his companions were moved
when it was established that, Tuesday afternoon, 13,563
participants had assembled in this lovely natural theater!
The assembly had been arranged for only four hours pre-
viously. Although no further notice had been given, the
news of Brother Knorr's intention to visit Berlin had pene-
trated into the far corners of the Eastern zone before the
convention in F'rankfurt and got the brothers there moving.
Who could have held them back? Who among the great
crowd of God's people can imagine what it means: 'Brother
Knorr behind the Iron Curtain' and to listen to his talk
More than 8,000 of the East zone attended and returned
to their homl's filled with joy and ready more than ever
to engage in Kingdom work in spite of the foes and to pro-
claim early liberty to the captives. The people of the East
zone listen to the message and like it. They appreciate the
courage and boldness with which Jehovah's witnesses resist
communistic terror, and go rather into penitentiaries or
labor camps than resist the divine command or lay aside
the blessed Kingdom service. They are living the life ex-
tended to them by the undeserved kindness of the Lord.
They win it by remaining fearless until Jehovah's strong
arm also beats this enemy into the dust to again aid his
people in obtaining the freedom needed to serve him accord-
ing to his command.
142 Yearbook
In the Eastern zone the number of those again taking up
the work or newly joining after the ban has increased
monthly. Starting with 5,500 publishers in September of
] 9fJO the Eastern zone has reached a peak of 17,256 dur-
ing the last service year. Although it is generally known
that 708 imprisoned by the Communists endure horrible tor-
tures and tribulations, hundreds join this group of witnesses
every month and take their stand for Jehovah and his
Now at the beginning of the new service year there are
36,997 publishers in Western Germany. If we add those of
the East zone we have 54,253 publishers for the new world.
That is 2,000 more than we had last year before the ban
in Eastern Germany. Thus Jehovah has already, through
the power of his spirit, transformed that which the enemy
regarded as our defeat into a wonderful victory.
During the past service year good progress was made in
legally establishing and defending the work of publishing
the "good news". Decisions of government offices, acquittal
court decisions, as well as other avowals and recognitions
have served to effectively throw back the enemies' attacks.
So with increased gratitude and appreciation for the
service given us by Jehovah, we go into the new year feel-
ing sure that nothing can keep us from having our share
in the increase of his theocratic rule world-wide. Brother
Knorr's visit and the recommendations by him for Bethel
and the factory will further promote and benefit the work
throughout the entire land. Jehovah's witnesses in GermanY,
together with their brothers in all countries of the world,
will continue to render to Jehovah God the "clean and un-
defiled worship" due him.
It has been a year of steady advancement in King-
dom service in the Gold Coast. Our brothers there are
able to show a 45 per cent increase in publishers. Here,
too, we see the "other sheep" streaming in very rapid-
ly. It was a good thing that they were able to receive
new publications during the year to help those now
in the truth study and become more mature. There
are some real problems that must be surmounted by
Jehovah's witnesses in the Gold Coast. It takes tact
and love on the part of the publisher to try to make
over the mind of those individuals steeped in idol wor-
ship. But it can be done and is being done in these
Yearbook 143
days. The branch servant gives us a report on the
Gold Coast and also the Ivory Coast, a country that
comes under the branch's jurisdiction.
The big event of the year for us was our national assem-
bly held at Kumasi the last four days of December. At the
time we had just under 2,500 publishers, and as the as-
semblies are usually well attended we expected an attend-
ance of about that many. Much time and effort were spent
in preparing for the cafeteria, for this had been a weakness
at previous assemblies; but from the very beginning of the
assembly the cafeteria was having difficulty in feeding aU
the people. The organization of it appeared to be good, and
so we were unable to understand why they were having so
much trouble preparing a sufficient amount of food. By the
second day we began to understand why; instead of feed-
ing 2,500 as we had originally planned they were feeding
more than 3,500. 'l'he average attendance at the assembly for
the four days was 3,663, and 6,050 attended the public talk.
Outstanding too is the fact that 800 were immersed at the
The field service here presents many problems, but none
too big for an alert publisher to overcome. Although a large
percentage of the people profess to be Christian, many of
them hold to their pagan rites and fetish worship. A fetish
may be anything from a piece of pottery to a mound of dirt
used as an object of worship, and which is supposed to
have supernatural powers. The people make these fetish
gods and then live in constant fear of them. Several inter-
esting letters have come in during the year from publishers
and pioneers telling of how they were able to help some
people, and even fetish priests, to see that their gods are
false and possess no power. Typical of the experiences is
this one from a company publisher.
"In the month of June, 1951, Brother J. T. and I went
witnessing at Peki village, about Six miles from Asesewa.
We came to a place where a fetish priest of Tigarl had
been pounding fufu and a fine dish of soup for the TigaI1
fetish. I told him the fetish has no hands and he cannot
take the fufu. He said, 'No, he can take it.' I said, 'Well and
good; let us weigh the fufu.' He agreed, and having weighed
the fufu, it was three pounds in weight. We put the fufu
to the fetisb to eat, and after ten minutes we reweighed
the fufu and got the same weight. Fifteen minutes after,
a friend of the fetish priest entered in and took the fufu
to eat. We waited, and after this friend had satisfied him-
self, we reweighed the fufu the second time and got one-half
144 Yearbook
pound. We were all satisfied that the fetish could not take
fufu, and the fetish priest was immersed on the 24th of
June at Asesewa. Satan's inabilities are being proved."
There is much work yet to be done here. We are just
beginning to expand into the Northern Territories, which
comprise nearly half of Gold Coast. Our need is for more
Gilead miSSionaries, and we were more than pleased when
we learned that four from the 17th class have been assigned
to Gold Coast. Our prayers to Jehovah are that He will
open the way for them to get here that they may further
assist in expanding the Kingdom interest in this land.
The work in Ivory Coast during the past service year
has been carried on by a svecial vioneer and his wife, a pio-
neer. '.rheir reports show that they have been working hard
though there has been no increase in puhlishers for the
year. Living conditions are very difficult there. Prices are
high, and in Abidjan, where the brother and sister are lo-
cated, it is next to impossihle to find a place to stay. The
brother had to get part-time work with a firm there in order
to get rooms, antI then the firm was ahle to provide
them with only It single room.
Two Gilead missionaries, natives of Gold Coast, who were
assigned to Ivory Coast arrived there just hefore the close
of the service year. 'l'hey will he a great encouragement to
the hrother and sister already there, and we look for a
more rapid advancement of the work in Ivory Coast during
the present service year.
The conditions surrounding our brothers in Greece
are not favorable. However, these conditions do not
prevent our brothers from rendering their service to
Almighty God. The difficulties and obstacles faced by
the I ~ o r d ' s people in Greece seem almost unbearable,
but they press on preaching the good news, and find
a wonderful increase. Starting with the first month of
the service year they steadily and progressively ex-
ceeded the quota set every month. They reached a new
all-time peak of 4,163 publishers, a 26 per cent in-
crease. Our brothers in Greece are happy even though
they have tremendous trials. The branch servant in
Greece gives us a good idea of what is going on.
Yearbook 145
Theocracy's increase is made an actuality even in Greece.
Without assemblies, without Kingdom Halls, without possi-
bilities of singing songs, but solely with small meetings "at
homes", the Kingdom work is regularly gOing on. Watch-
tower studies, service meetings and theocratic ministry
schools are very regularly conducted by all companies of
the Lord's people. So, with the assimilation of the rich
spiritual food provided by the Lord through the "faithful
and discreet slave", and with the training acquired in the
service meetings and the theocratic ministry schools, we
are enabled to overcome the manifold difficulties encoun-
tered in our way. We very well know that we are not alone
in this fine attempt. We are assisted by a powerful and holy
theocratic organization, ready and willing to help us in
every case of need.
We are moved by the fact that we are privileged to do
a missionary work in this country, whet'e about 1900 years
ago the apostle Paul preached the gospel of Christ. 'Ve feel
glad whenever people of good will heed the Kingdom mes-
sage and, like the ancient Beroeans, express their desire to
examine 'whether these things are so'. 'Ye are many times
arrested and charged with "proselytism", because of merely
presenting to the people our literature, which is lawfully
issued allli circulated. But we repel this erroneous and in-
tolerant conception, because as true Christians we are not
at all inclined to bring pressure of any kind to bear on any
person, or to lead people to become members of any man-
made organization. It seems, however, that as long as we
are imitators of Paul, who was also an imitator of Christ,
we must have experiences similar to those had by Paul
in his missionary work in Greece.
You will also be pleased to learn that gospel ministers
J;:ept in various prisons for cases of integrity are sending
their Christian love to ~ ' o u and through ~ ' o u to all of their
fellow ministers in all parts of the world. They wish you
to know that, though being "prisoners", they continue the
"pure worship" as free people in Christ. They are regularly
holding their meetings, and do not fail to turn in their
reports of the work done "in season and out of season".
These prisoner brothers have substantially contributed to
the general effort toward the 34 per cent increase. Some
of them are sentenced to death, just because they did not
want to render to Caesar those things that are God's. Execu-
tion of their sentence has merely been suspended pending
pronouncement by the Council of Heprieves on the brothers'
petitions for rE'prieve filed therewith. 'l'hese zealous minis-
ters, however, are governed by Paul's words at Acts 20: 24
(NlV) : "Nevertheless, I do not make my soul of any account
146 Yearbook
as dear to me, if only I may finish my course and the min-
istry which I received of the Lord Jesus, to bear thorough
witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God."
Last June the Greek Orthodox Church organized spectacu-
lar festivals on the occasion of the 1900th anniversary,
as announced, of the apostle Paul's arrival in Greece. Here
are some instances of "religious freedom" professed by the
pious-looking perverters of missionary Paul.
In a village of Macedonia, intolerant agents of a local
corps of security police arrested four witnesses of Jehovah,
all being family men, dnd very cruelly mistreated them for
not Signing declarations to the effect that they deny Jehovah.
Then they took them before the metropolitan of the area,
who, upon hearing that they were Jehovah's witnesses, be-
gan beating them with his own hands. A brother then dared
say to him: "You, metropolitan, beat us! But I ask you,
Has Christ slapped anyone, or did he suffer slappings?" Sub-
sequently, the above intolerant agents took the brothers to
the jail cells, where more cruel tortures continued. The
wife of one of them went to the chief and protested about
this cruel treatment of the brothers and of her husband
in particular, who was ill. The chief's reply was: "We shall
make them useless; since they offer no service to us, we
shall make them useless even for Jehovah!"
Again, in a village of Crete, the chief of the police station
called in a brother in the presence of the priest, and de-
manded of him to deny Jehovah in writing. The brother pro-
tested and stated that as a Greek citizen he has the right
to worship God according to his own convictions. This irri-
tated the police officer who, while Insulting Jehovah,
"natched a Bible held by the brother, trampled it underfoot,
and then tore it up in front of the priest's eyes.
Even in Athens itself, in July 1951, while the speeches of
Pauline celebrators about love and freedom of worship
were yet fresh, police agents invaded a house where about
twenty witnesses of Jehovah were gathered together study-
ing the Bible. They broke up the study, crying, "Hands up I"
as if they were to arrest bandits. They took the brothers to
the police station, took their fingerprints, as in the case
of criminals, and next day they took them to the public
prosecutor. The latter, finding no legal backing of the
charge, set the brothers free. Of what value, however, is
this discharge, when each time Jehovah's witnesses meet
together to study God's Word, they risk being arrested and
taken to jail as criminals? And if such things happen in
the midst of Athens, one may guess what happens in the
provinces, where the local agents are influenced by intol-
erant religious elements.
Yearbook 147
Yet, out of all these difficulties and persecutions comes
the increase. The experiences had in the service fields are
rich and very blessed. The brothers are not discouraged
from the warfare waged by the Devil on those keeping God's
commandments and having the witness of the King Christ
Jesus. With the strength drawn from the rich spiritual food
provided by the Lord's organization we continue, along with
all our felloW ministers in the various parts of the earth,
the good fight of the faith once delivered to the saints.
Some brothers were prisoners on a barren island for
reasons of integrity. The jailers isolated them in order to
deprive them of any chance of speaking to other prisoners
and converting them to Jehovah. They were, however, com-
mandeering them for forced labor on the hills situated
around there. Other prisoners were also sent up there. So
the brothers were given an opportunity to speak of God's
kingdom. Quite a number of persons have come to know
the truth in this way. Really, God's Word cannot be bound.
The brothers turned their tent into a Kingdom Hall and
conducted therein aU their meetings regularly. One day,
the commandant sent up one of his trusties to watch the
brothers and listen to the subjects discussed, in order to
charge them accordingly. But when the man heard the broth-
ers speaking of God, the Bible and God's kingdom, he was
so influenced that he stepped into the tent and openly at-
tended the discussions and disclosed the secret commission
assigned to him. He became a friend of the brothers and
helped them during the hard times they had on that barren
This year's assemblies of London and Paris were at-
tended by eight Greek brothers who conveyed to us, on their
return, the many blessings enjoyed, and especially the im-
port of "clean worship", which was much emphasized during
those big gatherings of the Lord's people. We are now pre-
pared to enter the new service year with renewed strength
for the increase and expansion of the "clean and undefiled
worship" in our land.
Like all of Jehovah's witnesses everywhere the
Guatemalans are interested in assembling together.
The outstanding event during the year was the cir-
cuit assembly at Quetzaltenango, the second-largest
city. Chartered buses were obtained and many of the
brothers left the capital city to travel to the conven-
tion point. A great blessing was received by all. It
148 Yea r boo k
gave them an opportunity to talk to the humble In-
dians and many others not too often met in the capital
city. When the brothers engaged in the magazine work
in this town the discussions eventually turned into
little impromptu Bible lectures. A lot of interest was
shown on the part of the local people in this assembly
of Jehovah's witnesses. From the branch servant's re-
port the following is taken.
A joyful step in the expansion of true worship was the
opening of a new missionary home in the country's main
port of Puerto Barrios. This is one of the biggest banana
ports in the Caribbean, handling the bulk of exports from
Guatemala. The town centers around a mile-long wharf,
with houses built on stilts, having wire screens instead of
windows. The inhabitants are mostly colored workers from
Jamaica, who speak Spanish and English. The two mission-
aries assigned there, despite the sweltering heat and prim-
itive conditions, report wonderful reception of the Kingdom
message. Already two new publishers have jOined them,
while eighteen studies were started in the first six weeks.
They were indeed overjoyed to hear that four new mis-
sionaries from the graduating class were aSSigned there
to assist in the blessed 'harvest work'.
Recently a publisher was preaching along one of the new
street-construction projects in the capital, without finding
a Bingle person of good will. To his surprise, as he was leav-
ing some of the street construction gang walked up to him.
They said they had oyerheard him witnessing and were in-
terested in the Bible's explanation of a new world, and could
they please have some of the books and Bibles. Upon being
shown these, they called oyer the rest of the workers, which,
of course, aroused the interest of tile construction foreman
as to what it was 'all about'. He too joined his workmen
in wanting literature. 'rilis shows that, while sometimes we
seemingly witness in vain, some 'preaching crumbs' may
fall into the ears of humble 'sheep', so that they will ('Ull
others to come and take hold of the coat of him who is
presenting the 'glad tidings', to learn more about the bless-
ings of 'everlasting life'.
One of the problems confronting miliisionaries here in
preaching is that of the many Indian tribes that do not
speak Spanish. Recently the Lord opened the way to reach
these, when an isolated publisher asked that a public lec-
ture be given at his home. Two missionaries arranged to
meet him In the village of l\lomestenango, afterward climb-
ing a footpath up the side of a mountain for an hour and a
Yearbook 149
half to get to his home. On arriving they found two thatched-
roof houses, where about thirteen persons were waiting
to hear the talk. An hour talk was given. Since all present
were Mayan-Quiche Indians, it was necessary for the local
brother, who could speak Spanish, to translate in the
QUiche dialect. Soon the fruits of this first Kingdom lecture
in their native dialect were manifest, when two months later
three publishers reported instead of one.
The importance of making back-calls was emphasized a
few months back when a missionary placed a Bible help
with a man who remarked that he had no time for studying.
However, this did not deter her from faithfully calling back
on the placement. This time she was met by his wife, who,
although a devoted Catholic who attended all the religioUS
parades and rituals, was attracted by the glorious King-
dom promises, and a study was arranged. After the study
had continued for some time her son, who had noted her
happiness in studying God's \V ord, offered the witnesses
free radio time on a new radio station being started. A
15-minute Bible study program, thrce times a week, in the
evening, was arranged. This program soon proved popular,
as the native Guatemalans were attracted first by the way
these norteamericanos spoke Spanish, and secondly by the
Bible truths. Soon reports were received of even Catholic
priests regularly listening to the only 'good news' of our
times. The program is broadcast on short and long wave,
so all who can listen may rejoice with His people. Thus
from obediently taking care of this 'placement' the way
was opened up for thousands to listen to the pure Bible
Our brothers in Haiti have had an exciting year. It
has been one of fighting for their lives as free minis-
ters in this land. The work was going along very well,
and then, for some unforeseen season, the government
decided to ban the work of Jehovah's witnesses and
not allow them to proclaim the message of God's king-
dom. Of course, the Society, through its branch office,
worked continually with the government officials to
show them that there were no communistic conneetions
whatsoever. This is usually the cry of the Catholic
Hierarchy concerning Jehovah's witnesses. It took
some time to convince the officials that they were mis-
informed and that Jehovah's witnesses had no com-
150 Yearbook
munistic tendencies whatsoever. The story by the
branch servant gives us an account of what happened.
In reviewing the events of the 1951 service year, it cer-
tainly turned out to be by far Haiti's most outstanding.
First of all we were overjoyed to receive Brothers Knorr
and Henschel, who featured their visit with a convention.
Month after month new publishers came out into the
field, and, despite difficult living conditions in Haiti, the
number of pioneers rose from two to seven, and two of these
were made specials. On May I, 1951, the department of cults
requested the branch office to submit copies of the Awake!
for investigation by the government. It was a serious mat-
ter, about the question of communism. But alas, this re-
quest proved to be but a modest way to present us with a
letter dated April 19 banning all activities of Jehovah's
witnesses in Haiti, on the grounds that the Awake! was
continually diffusing communistic ideas. So that official writ-
ten decision preceded the investigation of the literature re-
quested, and we were not informed of the ban until May 9.
The meetings at the Kingdom Halls were discontinued, and
the work was carried on from the area studies, even though
there seemed to be no real enforcement of the ban. Very
i.ew publishers were discouraged about this, and, as a mat-
ter of fact, a company was organized while the ban was
in force.
Then another letter, dated July 11, came through the de-
partment of cults, removing restrictions and authorizing us
to continue activities. At this point the army of Haiti accen-
tuated its connection with banning the work by objecting
to this letter and passing direct orders to the police to stop
the work of Jehovah's witnesses all over Haiti. A lieutenant
of the police force came to the Kingdom Hall in Port-au-
Prince and ordered us to stop all meetings. Out-of-town
companies were forcibly closed down, and, in two cases,
articles, including Kingdom Hall eqUipment, were confis-
Many representations were made before the various de-
partments of the government, including the army. The
American Embassy greatly aided the Society and co-
operated in writing lengthy letters to the Haitian govern-
ment. In aU this it was stressed that we have been perse-
cuted by the communists, and, with proof, it was shown
that absolutely no connection exists between the Lord's or-
ganization and communism. After all the interference it
sounded humorous for a major to say that the army of
Haiti was never guilty of persecuting religious organizations.
Yearbook 151
But in the meantime another issue was running current
to the proscription. The Society directed that five more
graduates of Gilead be sent to Haiti, which included the
four missionaries that were forced off the island of Mar-
tinique last January 18. Their application for residence
permits was not accepted because of the ban; it appeared
as if all five of them would never remain to do missionary
work in Haiti.
But look! Then came August, the last month of the service
year. We were told that the army had reversed its decision.
They were calling off all police interference, and the let-
ter lifting the ban was now accepted, and through the police
aU congregations would be informed that they could con-
tinue activities as before. Listen to the report of one com-
pany in the south: "We went to the police station and asked
for our effects (that had been confiscated), and the captain
handed them over saying, 'Go, work for Jehovah until the
We received the Society's first publication in Haitian
Creole dUring the year. Then, too, came the Paris conven-
tion release of "Equipped for Every Good Work" in French.
A local brother has also purchased sound equipment and
placed it in the hands of the group here at the branch for
public meeting activity. All these things have been a great
help. Then, at last, the residence permits for the new mis-
sionaries were released by the immigration, the final one
being obtained on the very last day of the service year.
This group of islands in the Pacific has many peo-
ple living on them who are desirous of singing praises
to the Most High. Those who have learned the truth
are not satisfied to just keep it to themselves, but they
have gone from island to island and city to city and
house to house, preaching the good news. They were
expansion-minded and anxious to reach the 34 per
cent increase. This they did by April, and finally went
up to an all-time peak of 478 publishers. Their average
increase in publishers for the year was 44 per cent,
which is excellent. The branch servant tells us about
some of the outstanding events of the year, all of
which helped them in their progressive march.
The high light of the year came with your visit and the
long-awaited district assembly. Anxiety had run high from
152 Yearbook
the first news of your coming, and excellent unity and Co-
operation were shown by the brothers in preparation for
your visit anll assembly. It was encouraging to learn that
the majority from ali outlying islanlls made an effort to
come to the feast. Many here were thrilled with your fine
account of the visit, which appeared in The Watchtower.
We are still reminded of your visit, and thank Jehovah for
this wonderful provision.
Further proof of expansion was seen at Memorial time,
a time of special blessedness in the service year. The Hono-
lulu company had been expanding so that there was scarcely
enough room for the attendance at the Watchtower studies.
It was decided that a nearby school auditorium should be
engaged for this important occasion and it was well that
we did, for the attendance mounted to 306 in this company
alone. An all-time high of 790 attended this celebration
throughout the islands; truly a manifestation of proof that
Jehovah is gathering out his "other sheep".
From this Memorial experience it was seen that the Hono-
lulu company must soon be divided into two units. A new
list of servants was appointed and they began to train
while another meeting place was searched for. In May a
suitable place was found, and shortly after the first of June
the Kaimuki unit began meeting separately from the Cen-
tral unit. This was In(leed a ~ r e a t step forward and brought
many to the realization tha"t the work was really on the
increase in Hawaii, with a total of eleven companies.
Of greatest interest to all is to watch the progress of the
home Bible-study work. A monthly average of 688 studies
was maintained during the year.
The pioneer work is always a point of interest among
Jehovah's people, and it Is no less so in Hawaii. It was
found that a peak of 31 pioneers was reached, due to several
Signing up for the vacation pioneer work. Arrangements
were made during your visit to send two special pioneers
to the Kohala section of the Big Island. This too has had
.Tehovah's bleSSing, for an a\'erage of seven publishers are
now reporting regularly, and these pioneers have an average
of 16 studies each.
A fitting climax for this grand service )'ear was the cir-
cuit assembly held in Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii the
last week end In July, Many looked forward to this assem-
bly, as it would be their first visit to this island. All but one
of the islands were represented, and a peak attendance of
222 was reached at the public lecture on Sunday. Many
were the favorable comments on the improvements in the
Saturday evening circuit activity meeting, at which there
were 210 present.
Publishers in Honduras are very grateful for the
many articles in The Watchtower on proper living
and conduct of Jehovah's witnesses. As is true in many
Catholic-controlled countries of Central America, the
people have not been taught the Scriptures on how to
live together as man and wife. They think it is per-
fectly proper to live with anyone and have illegitimate
children. The Catholic priests baptize them and do little
to discourage this most common and ungodly custom
in the land. It is reported that half the children of
Honduras are born out of wedlock. This condition is
cleared away when an individual comes into the truth.
Such ones study the Society's publications, and they
learn that they are living in "common law" marriage
and that they must get legally married. One company
reported that it had assisted seven couples to get mar-
ried, and now all of them are in the service. Keeping
the organization clean is important, because the bless-
ing of the Lord goes with the organization doing his
will. The branch servant gives us some interesting re-
ports on the activity in that country.
Words cannot express our gratefulness to the SOCiety and
to Jehovah for the nine new missionaries assigned to Hon-
duras and the three others transferred here from other coun-
tries during the past year. We now have a total of five
missionary homes in the country, including the new ones
in Puerto Cortes and Tela. 'l'here is now an English and
a Spanish company in each of these two mentioned places.
The missionary home servant in Tela sent in some interest-
ing experiences. He writes:
"Arriving in Tela in the latter part of October, the four
missionaries worked hard to establish the home. . .
As quickly as the Kingdom Hall was ready a series of lec-
tures in both languages, Spanish and English, was begun.
As iuany as sixty attended these first few talks .... These
continued to associate, and gradually the little company of
Kingdom publishers began to grow in numbers and maturity."
We are In need of more general pioneers. There are large
departments or provinces here in Honduras that have never
received a witness as yet. From time to time letters come in
from these remote places, asking that a representative be
154 Yearbook
sent to explain our work. It is hoped that during the new
year more company publishers will be able to take up pio-
neering. The four we now have are doing excellent work,
as well as the two native special pioneers. Possibly some day
some of these will meet Gilead requirements.
Reaching out into isolated territory two missionaries took
a launch out to the Pacific island of Amapala, all to the
displeasure of a couple of Catholic priests on the same ves-
sel. Arriving at night they shortly retired, to begin witness-
ing early the next morning. Next morning at the first calI
a soldier accosted one of the missionaries, stating, "I called
at the pensi6n where you spent the night to direct you to
the local commandanda. They will check to see if you will
be permitted to continue or not." Who could have put the
soldier on the witnesses' trail so quickly?
Before the local commander, somewhat irritated, not with
the witnesses but the ones who had reported them, he re-
marked, after taking a book, "I am the one who commands
these islands; although I was born and brought up a Cath-
olic I appreciate your coming here and you may continue
your work, and I will see to it that you will not be mo-
lested again." Yes, religious freedom prevails not only on
that island but throughout all Honduras. After placing a
carton of books, and when leaving, the same officer accosted
the missionaries again, this time to bid them goodby and
invite them to return, besides obtaining some literature
for himself.
Two trips were made to the Bay Islands, and the whole
town turned out to welcome the missionaries at Utila. At
three public open-air meetings an average of over 200 at-
tended. Other Gilead graduates spending their vacations to
good advantage went into new fields, La Esperanza, San
Marcos de CoMn, Uni6n, etc. Many were their exciting ex-
periences, not only during vacation but in their local assign-
ments as well, such as the following:
In the suburbs of Tela is a poor settlement ignored by
the clergy, until the missionaries started holding meetings
at night under a house built up on stilts. They bought a
small power plant for lights, and from 70 to 90 attend.
Another reports that a circus came to a village nearby.
The truth so appealed to one of the circus clowns and bis
wife that they left the circus and took another job where
they could attend Kingdom Hall meetings and associate with
the Lord's people. And so it goes, an endless chain of thrill-
ing experiences that fill our hearts with joy for the small
part we have in helping a few of the ever-growing great
crowd to find their place in the one organization of p'lJre
Yearbook 155
Since Memorial time the average number of publishers
kept on climbing. July saw an increase of thirty-nine, and
August overshadowed that number by forty, thus erasing
the country's previous all-time peak of over two years ago.
Words can hardly describe our joys and privileges of service
had during the past year.
The task of Jehovah's witnesses is not an easy one in
this land under Communist domination. They appre-
ciate that "this is how love has been made perfect with
us, that we may have freeness of speech in the day of
judgment, ... There is no fear in love, but perfect love
throws fear outside, because fear exercises a restraint".
(1 John 4: 17,18, NW) Our brothers certainly have
thrown fear outside in Hungary, and from what little
information comes through from that country all of
Jehovah's witnesses everywhere can be strengthened.
Our Hungarian brothers set a fine example.
To our God, who has led and protected us through many
difficulties, of which at the close of another service year
we can report to you, be all praise and thanks. The past
year has been a year of heavy warfare. It opened with a
condition of cold war against the SOCiety, which came to a
climax on the evening of November 13, 1950. The branch
office was occupied by the police and our brothers were car-
ried off to unknown destinations; typewriters and equipment
were taken away by car. We were reminded of the danger
threatening in King Hezekiah's time that the Assyrians
might cut off the water supply of the city of Jerusalem,
but how the water flowed into the city through another chan-
nel bored by King Hezekiah! That is the situation here.
Our office is closed down but our brothers are receiving the
most necessary food.
Traveling and postal facilities are excellent in the coun-
try, but unfortunately not for the Lord's people. It is not
easy to serve Jehovah here, but we must fight under great
difficulties. Physical aggression and imprisonments are fre-
quent, and many are being dismissed from their places of
employment because they persist in the pure and undefiled
worship of Jehovah.
At the time of writing there are 200 younger brothers in
prison serving sentences of from ten months to four years.
The number increases from day to day; here and there one
or another is dismissed under threat.
156 Yearbook
The publishers work with the Bible. The Bible shop in
Budapest, which operates under the influence of the clergy
and has a limited number of Bibles, has received the order
not to sell to Jehovah's witnesses because they prove from
the Bible that Jehovah is the "higher power". This false
religious element continues to slander us. Since the loss of
their material property their moral reputation has suffered
too, but in order to get back into favor they do not cease
their wooing. The government accepts these advances al-
though they fully recognize their wily policy, and do not
place any confidence in them.
At present 21 pioneers are working under great difficulties.
All must produce evidence of secular work, and as they
have no literature to distribute it is hard for them to sup-
port themselves. The companies in which they work assist
them. The brothers are courageous and spiritually strong.
There are here and there such persons as those of Penuel
and Succoth, but they cannot create disharmony. We are
often accused of being against the state. Formerly we were
decried as Communists, as forerunners of Bolshevism; to-
day as spies of an imperialist state. These attacks come
sometimes from official places, but many people do not be-
lieve these modern lies. Among the highest officials there
are some earnest-minded statesmen who shared our im-
prisonment under the Nazi regime, and they respect us
on account of our steadfastness. They know personally some
of our brothers, and our enemies cannot blacken the record
Of these messengers of truth in their eyes.
Amidst many difficulties, but under Jehovah's protection
and leading, we enter upon a new year. Strengthened by
our experiences in the past we courageously and steadfastly
face the difficulties that await us, in the conviction that
truth and peace will triumph under the leadership of the
King of kings and Lord of lords.
We join with you in prayer and in the fight for the vindi-
cation and praise of Jehovah's name.
The whole world is in a state of nervous anxiety.
Political and economic conditions plague all nations.
In India they have another problem in addition to
these, that is, their religion. There are the orthodox
Hindus in India who would like to enforce their way
of life on all people, but the present governmental
powers maintain that there shall be free speech and
free worship. This is good for Jehovah's witnesses. It
Yearbook 157
is difficult, however, to reach the people and convince
them that the Bible is the Word of God and contains
the true hope for mankind. But our brothers in India
continue to try, and they are making progress. The
branch servant reports on India, Ceylon and Iran.
Read his report and get the feel of their problems.
The outstanding events of the year have been the coming
of more Gilead missionaries. The two pioneers who went
from India to Gilead returned and brought with them two
others. The influx started in March and reached a climax:
in May, when seven sisters arrived, giving us a total of
eleven additional helpers. These were sent to Madras, Banga-
lore, Calcutta and Greater Bombay. We now have 21 mis-
sionaries in full-time service in India, 17 of whom are
working as pioneer missionaries in the field, one as circuit
servant, and three are at the branch office.
In order to find out how the work among the non-Christian
communities was progressing a questionnaire was sent to aU
companies and pioneers, as was done last year. This re-
veals a total of 83 home Bible studies being conducted with
Hindus, Parsees and Moslems at the close of the year.
Thirty-three studies had been started but discontinued, and
thirteen persons, who were not previously "Christian", had
started publishing the good news. Three were baptized.
These reports reveal the same general conditions every-
where, but mention should be made of Calcutta, where by
far the greatest amount of progress has been made among
non-Christians. There are 38 home Bihle studies being
conducted in Calcutta among the Bengali Hindus, and the
report says "this work is just beginning". Other character
istic expressions are: "they have stUdies out of politeness,"
"just for friendship," "to improve their J<;nglish," "for com-
parative study but with the determination that they will
never change their religion." One report expresses a gen-
eral truth revealing the attitude of most Hindus by saying
"there is general antipathy to any revealed religion, and
they cannot accept the idea of a ransom". Now that the
new book, What Has Religion Done tor lIlanlcindf is avail-
able it should do a great deal toward helping honest Hindus,
Parsees and MOSlems to see the truth.
The language problem still remains our biggest hurdle
to overcome. Throughout the year we have had only the one
booklet, The Joy ot AU the People, available in the prin-
cipal vernaculars. The book "Let God Be True" In Malaya-
lam Is now and we are awaiting the shipment. The
same book In Kanarese Is also about ready, while transla-
158 Yearbook
tions are finished in Marathi and Urdu, and these are being
prepared for the press.
An outstanding event of interest was the opening up of
organized activity in and around the town of Cochin in
south India. This is in the Malayalam-speaking territory,
and some of the brothers from Travancore had aroused in-
terest, and, of course, opposition from the religionists there.
The sect of "Brethren" there tried to create trouble at a
public meeting held by Jehovah's witnesses. After a series
of eight talks given by the Witnesses the "Brethren" en-
gaged the same hall and advertised that meetings would be
held to refute what the Witnesses had taught. They had
three meetings, and it is reported that some of their audi-
ence complained to the speaker that he was not giving them
any Scriptural proof for his arguments, and therefore they
could not accept them.
There are three Gilead missionaries who have worked
hard through the year, and one of them particularly is mak-
ing good progress with the Singhalese language. They now
have the booklet The Joy of All the People and the book
"The Truth Shan Make You Free" in Singhalese. Their
work among the Buddhists and Hindus has been difficult,
and very few have accepted the invitation to study the Bi-
ble, or even show any desire to do so. They will take the
literature, but it is diflicult to get them to make a serious
study of it.
At the commencement of the year there were three general
pioneers working. One had to give up pioneer work because
of domestic affairs, and in the month of April all three left
the country to settle in Australia. Other publishers have
also left the place, and these losses about equalize the gains
made, so that the net result looks as if no progress has been
made. But progress has been made, and there is no thought
of slacking the hand on the part of the mature publishers.
The work in Iran suffered an unfortunate setback just
at the time when we anticipated a forward surge of activity,
All the world knows about the dispute between the Ira-
nian and British governments over the oil question, and this
has interfered with the progress of Kingdom preaching in
There has been the one lone publisher working in Abadan,
the oil town, through most of tbe year. He had been a pio-
lleer some time back, but had to give up the full-time work
because of marriage duties. He had one home Bible study
rUnning all the time, but recently he went to the cooler and
safer place of Isfahan. There is some interest in Iran. Re-
ports are not received regularly now.
Darkness covers the people who are in this old sys-
tem of things and serving it. However, Jesus said:
"You are the light of the world." It is certainly a joy
for Jehovah's witnesses to go about the earth letting
their light shine. That is what they are doing in Italy.
It has been a long, hard, uphill battle to help the peo-
ple in this land, but Jehovah's rich blessing is upon
the servants of the Lord there. With the increase of
the field work more legal problems arise, but these are
handled as they come along. A greater witness is thus
given throughout the country. And the greater the
witness, more is the opposition that comes from the
false religionists, and this is handled, too, as they go
along. The branch servant gives us a pretty good idea
of the power and control of the religionists. But de-
spite this control there has been a 52 per cent increase
over last year's average of publishers, and now there
are 1,742 singing praises to Jehovah. One experience
sums up the obstacle that must be met in Italy by Je-
hovah's witnesses; we will let the branch servant tell it.
It is evident that the common man is sick and tired of
the whole religious mess and is blaming religion for bis
present sorrowful state. The Catholic religion in Italy is
reaping exactly what she deserves after centuries of dogmas,
tradition, intolerance, bigotry, inquisitions, and harsh treat-
ment of the people in general. So it is not surprising to find
so many Italians, even next door to the Vatican, who despise
that organization and would like to see it go down. They
have had their eyes opened to what false religion has done_
But the masses are not acquainted with trne religion nor d@
they know that it is God's purpose as expressed in the Bible
to destroy all the false institutions of this world and set
up a new system of things. This comforting good newl!I is
now being declared on the Italian peninsula and on the
iSlands of Sicily and Sardinia by Jehovah's witnesses.
160 Yearbook
The following experience, which was sent in recently,
well illustrates how false religion reacts to the message of
"Plans were made to hold our semiannual circuit assem-
bly in the city of C-- tile last week end of June 1951.
Police permission was obtained both for the private meet-
ings and the public assembly. Two years ago authorization
for our public meeting had refused on the pretext that
the police were tied up with Communist strikes in the prov-
ince, and hence none could be spared for duty at our meet-
ing. This time, however, everything seemed to be going fine
until after our public advertising got under way Saturday.
"At noon two policemen came over to the hall to advise
us that our prirate meetings there were being forbidden.
Immediately we called on the local office of the commissario
to find out what this was all about. As we entered the po-
lice station, a young priest was leaving the place with a
big smile on his face. Evidently he was quite joyful, and
we soon learned that the police had given him reason to
feel contented. The commissario himself made it very plain
to us that our police permit was being canceled for reasons
over which he had no control. The authorities gave as the
'reason', the unsafe condition of the hall, but no one was
expected to believe that. After a somewhat heated discus-
sion of the matter, we were advised to go to the capital
of the province and talk to the provincial 'boss', the questore.
"A few hours later we were walking into the provincial
police headquarters, and to our surprise we found there the
same Catholic priest we had met in the comlnissario's office,
this time accompanied by an older and more important-
looking priest. We found out later that the latter was the
vicario of the city where we were holding our assembly. The
priests were waiting to talk with the que8tore, but when his
assistant, the chief of pOlice, came in they asked to be shown
Into his office instead. A few minutes later the
arrived, giving us the opportunity to talk to this head man
of the province while the two priests were in the adjacput
office with the ('hief of police. However, the stage had 111-
ready been set, the black-robed religionists behind the scene
had already gone into action, and the questore, their politil'al
puppet, was ready to carry out their orders. He clearly
showed that his mind had already been made up for him
before hearing what we had to say and, instead of offering
good reasons to explain why our meetings had been for-
bidden, he started out by threatening us with arrest for hav-
ing rented a hall that was, in his opinion, unfit for meetings.
His tactics were to frighten us and mal{e it seem as if we
Yearbook 161
were the ones that had done wrong and hence deserving
"Then he telephoned the police chief in the next room,
and, undoubtedly so that the two priests in there with him
would be convinced of the qU6store's devotion to their cause,
he gave orders to forbid our private meetings, and, as a
punishment, even our public meeting was to be prohibited.
How the priests must have gloated when they saw that their
scheme was working! They must have felt like the religious
scribes who put pressure on Pilate and made him give in
and consent to .Jesus' death. Though outwardly they thought
they had gained their objective, their Jesuitical machina-
tions were to result in their own defeat in the eyes of their
political dupes.
"We were determined not to give in to this arbitrary,
fascistlike action of the police without a battle, and for more
than one hour we stayed in the qU6store's office and de-
bated the legal aspect of our case. The chief of police, evi-
dently after having gotten rid of his religious advisers, came
in to join the dispute. We tried to show both these politi-
cians that they were not acting fairly or democratically in
giving in to religious dictators who would not tolerate a
difference of opinion, and if religion could not stand criti-
cism then there was something wrong with it. They agreed
to this, but justified themselves by asserting that Italy could
never be democratic, because of the old totalitarian ele-
ments that have ruled for centuries.
"As we left, we pointed out that they were refusing the
privilege of giving a glass of 'cold water' to Christ's 'broth-
ers' and asked them who they really thought were the
real followers of Christ, the priests who were putting pres-
sure on them or we. 'Vithout hesitation they frankly de-
clared: 'You are the disciples of Christ.'
"We went back and made arrangements to hold the as-
sembly in two private homes, and by means of loud-speaking
equipment we had the same program in both places at the
same time. The intolerance of the clergy aroused the indig-
nation of many honest persons, even though the priests tried
to cover up by announcing in church the next morning that
no one should attend the public meeting of Jehovah's wit-
nesses that day (when they knew all the time that it had
been forbidden and therefore would not be held!). They
did not want the people to know that it had been they who
had stabbed freedom in the back, not because they were
ashamed but because they are afraid of the truth and its
effects on error. But here again the priests were defeated.
because Jehovah's witnesses do not keep their mouths shut
but continue to expose the hypocrisy and the erroneous teach-
16i YeadJook
ings of the false religionists, resulting in more persons of
good will getting their eyes opened."
We thank the Society, Jehovah's visible channel on this
earth, for all that has been done for the Kingdom work in
Italy. To be sure, it does cost something to carryon the
work, but Jehovah's blessings have been manifest and great-
er blessings are ahead. We appreciate what our brothers in
Brooklyn, and especially our dear Brother Knorr, are doing
for the work in all the earth. The new booklets that were
prepared in Italian during the year, the Gilead training
that was given to our full-time servants, and the rich spir-
itual food that is reaching us regularly make us all the more
determined to press on in "good works". This is the best
we can show our love for Jehovah and his organization.
The good news of the Kingdom is going forward in
this land despite the difficulties that faced our broth-
ers this year. There was a terrific hurricane that hit
the island and this is reported by the branch servant.
It is interesting to note the love of their brothers in
other parts of the world who sent them relief. The
United States brothers sent over 21,000 pounds of
clothing immediately after the hurricane so as to
equip our brothers with the things needful for life.
The love between the I,ord's people is great and they
help one another in the preaching work. The branch
servant tells us the things that have happened during
the year.
We had been looking forward to the coming of Brother
Knorr ever since his first visit in ]946, and we were thrilled
to notice of his visit for a whole week, from Decem-
ber 15 to 22, 1950. l<Jarly preparations for three assemblies
were made, one in the capital and city, Kingston,
which would be three anll two others, one day each
in two other principal cities. 'rhese proved very instructive
and gave a great witness to Jehovuh's honor. A total of
5,43U heard Brother Knorr's talk, "Can You Live Fovever
in Happiness on Earth ," and 138 were immersed ut these
three assemblies.
All too soon Brothers Knorr and Henschel left, but
with instruction left behind for plenty of work ahead.
Kin/!ston. having only three units, with about 800 publishers,
needed to be divided again. Brother Knorr left suggestions
as to how two more units should be formed as well as out-
lining a way the two more Kingdom Halls could be built.
Immediately property hunting began and a site was pur-
chased for the South unit, and now the building of a hall
32 by 60 feet is well under way while the brothers meet at
a rented school. The North unit meets at the Women's Club-
house until their property is obtained.
Hhortly after the president and his secretary left, two
of the Gilead missionaries who are working in Jamalea
were assigned to work in the Cayman Islands (under the
Jamaican branch) for two months. There are three islands
in the group having a population of about 7,000 in all. Every
home, practically, was visited and almost 2,000 Bibles and
Bible study helps were left with the people. The two broth-
ers did their best to lay a good foundation for the people
there to get the knowledge that leads to life. Nearly every
one of the schoolteachers there took literature.
Arrangements were made for the public talk, "Why the
Bible Has Endured," to be given in the Town Hall In one
town, but due to the local parson's telling those in charge
of lights generally used by those using the hall not to let
Jehovah's witnesses use the lights, the gas lights were not
obtained. So the people in the neighborhood gladly brought
their lamps and lanterns and the talk was successfully given
to over 100 persons. The parson even went to the lady who
was boarding the two missionaries and asked her, "Do you
know who it is you are keeping here? Do you know what
you are dOing?" The good lady answered emphatically,
"Why, Mr. --! Me? Fifty-five years old and don't know
what I'm dOing?" And she bid him go. It was not possible
for the brothers to remain in those islands, but we hope
someone will be able to care for and feed the many
mild-tempered ones of good will there.
Here is an expelience by a publisher at one of the assem-
hlies: "While doing advertising work on the street on Satur-
day I heard a lady who said, 'They know better than to
eome to my yard. I'll run any Jehovah's witness away
today-those liars.' I had some literature with me and I
taetfully approached her. I lmocked on the gate, greeted
her pleasantly, She gave me a queer look and a rough an-
swer. I introduced myself as a dear friend loving her as
myself. At last she gave me a nice drink of water, a seat,
and said, 'Tell me about this Kingdom.' I could see she
wanted life. With tears she explained how her parson had
read her out of church because her dues were not paid up,
and she is left alone. I pointed her to the Kingdom where
Jehovah will be her Shepherd if she will do what is re-
quired. She took 'Let God Be 'l'rue'. She is now
her weekly Bible studies."
164 Yearbook
A devastating hurricane struck the island the night of
August 17, and when welcome daylight appeared, what a
shorn and battered scene struck our gaze! The official re-
port was 154 dead and 25,000 homeless, with property dam-
age estimated at 16 million pounds! None of the three King-
dom Halls in Kingston were damagetl, but many of thp
brothers in cities and country parts lost everything, as their
houses were smashed to bits by the powerful twisting wind.
What a blasphemy for some of the "parsons" and therefore
many people to charge the Almighty God with sending it
as a chastisement for sin!
If only the people had the knowledge of .Jehovah and his
Son, which means life! No more charging Him with absurd
and inconsistent actions, but it would make them line UII
with His now-established kingdom of peace, plenty and
blessings for man, including no storms, which will soon
put an end to this wicked, woeful rule of Satan the Devil!
There are 80 million persons to whom Jehovah's
witnesses can preach the message of the Kingdom in
this land. Shall we ever have a full opportunity? That
is the question. In any event, we are trying. Jehovah's
witnesses in Japan are pressing on diligently, reaching
out into the various sections of the country and mak-
ing known the Kingdom, the only hope of the world.
The Society has 47 missionaries in the country now.
These are doing excellent work in the large centers
where they can reach millions as they have the time.
Their problem is very well described by the branch
servant, and excerpts from his report follow.
The report for the service year 19ii1 is submitted with
unbounded gratitude to Jeho\'ah for the ever-increasing
privileges of service in Japan because of the forward progress
of the past year, made possible by such happenings as (1) the
visit of the Society's president and a director, causing an
extended witness through assemblies, public lectures in the
four principal eHies, and other meetings which inspired and
stimulated the missionaries, pioneers and company publish-
PI'S; (2) the beginning of publication of The Watchtower in
Japanese May 1, 1951, bringing the so much needed spirit-
ual food and instruction from Jehovah's Word; (3) the
coming of 24 additional missionaries during the year, and
the opening of added missionary homes at Osaka, Nagoya
and Yokohama; and (G) the starting of circuit servant
work in Japan. The result has been a goodly increase for
the Theocracy.
We would like to give a detailed report of the fine assem-
bly In Tokyo on the occasion of Brothers Knorr and Hen-
schel's viSit, but, being limited in space, all we can say is
that the instructive talks given and the association of the
brothers with our visitors has been of great benefit to the
The missionaries have made much progress with the lan-
guage during the past year. We start each day with the
Japanese-language study of the day's text, and then an
hour's group study of the Japanese language. The service
meetings, including demonstrations, are presented entirely in
Japanese, and in these the missionaries take a leading part.
Also, we have presented some of the hour public talks en-
tirely in Japanese. This is hard work, but it is a great aid
to gaining fluency in the language. Also the audience say
they can understand it better this way than through an
interpreter, as the latter often misses the exact sense. The
Japanese people are amazed that our mastery of the lan-
guage has increased over that of other foreigners who have
been in the country ten or twenty years. We thank Jeho-
vah for this power of speaking in the most foreign of for-
eign tongues.
But language is not our only problem. The Oriental out-
look and temperament are something we have not yet come
to fully appreciate. It requires the essense of patience and
tact to overcome the ingrained superstitions. Just now we
are at the height of the ancestor-worship festival. Every
family loads a small boat with food, drink and other gifts
for the spirits of the ancestors, and launches it forth on the
sea one bright moonlit night. Our new publishers have
learned to avoid such idolatry.
Then there are such things as the veneration of the em-
peror, etc., that still persist. In fact, creature worship is
one of the cardinal shortcomings of the Japanese. Many
studies have failed because the new interest wanted to make
a god of the missionary. They wanted to sit forever at the
feet of the missionary as "teacher" and never become apt
to teach themselves. But the Lord through his organization
provides means for overcoming these problems.
Group witneSSing has been one such instrument. Through
group witnessing, the new publishers get the opportunity of
working with mature Japanese publishers, and they find
that they can witness just as well as the missionaries. They
begin to sense their companionship in a powerful organiza-
tion, and that the numbers of the Japanese publishers are
increasing over those of the miSSionaries. One midweek wit-
166 Yearbook
nessing group has increased from three or four to sixteen
company publishers. Thirty or more publishers support the
Sunday group witnessing. It does one's heart good to see a
7.ealous Japanese sister, with baby strapped on her back and
leading a toddler by the hand, defying the broiling sun to do
her part in the group work. One .Japanese company publish-
er, a Buddhist eighteen months ago, reported eleven studies
last month. Thus we are no longer silllVly a missionary or-
ganization, but a company organization!
Plans were made by the president for the circuit servant
to visit, In particular, during the first six months, the five
missionary homes, as up to now the bulk of witneSSing has
been done by the missionaries. Consequently, with two ex-
ceptions the missionary homes are the center of company
activity in Japan. The .Tapanese people are education-
minded and many have a real desire to learn the truth.
On May 1 eleven missionaries began to witness in Yokohama,
which is the principal port of Japan, having one million peo-
ple but not one Kingdom publisher. Six weeks later the
circuit servant visited the horne, and arrangements were
made for him to give a public talk in Japanese. Handbills
were distributed and, of course, all the interested ones in-
vited. Everyone was thrilled when 117 attended and listened
attentively to a subject of great interest to the Japanese,
"The True God." An audience of 117 after only six weeks
of preaching! Ten weeks later the Watchtolrer study be-
gan with 96 attending!
Until the end of World War II, the custom in Japan of
family members' being in complete submission to the fam-
ily head was very rigidly enforced. Since the war, in the
towns and particularly among the people who corne in con-
tact with the foreign population, this is not so notireable,
iJut in the rural districts it is very strong. While visiting
a small company the circuit servant was taken by the com-
pany servant to visit some interested persons out in the
country. Due to its being rice-planting time, little could
he uone until nine o'clock at night, when a public talk was
given in a farmhouse. From the neighboring farms about
:12 carne and listened and at the close asked questions. III
the rural areas the native religions of Buddhism and Shinto
have a strong grip on the people, and It is not easy for them
to accept the truth. Furthermore, if the head of the house
is not disposed to listen, that virtually ends all chance of
any member of the family hearing, as the family head's
word is law. However, in this case the husbanu was of
good will, and a good witness was given. After the meeting
all prepared to retire for the night, and after the women
set the cotton mattresses down on the floor, the twenty-thn'e
memllers of the family and the two visitors went to bed in
the one room.
It is indeed heart-warming to watch the new sheep coming
along, taking up the witness work, becoming full-fledged
publishers, pioneers, study condu('tors, assistants in the
companies, translators of The lVatchtolcer and others of
the puillications, and interpreting for the missionaries when
necessary. Truly the seed of truth is beginning to bear fruit
in Japan.
This island, formerly called Formosa, is now a mili-
tary state. This is the part of China that is in the
United Nations, but its rulers are not for freedom of
worship or freedom of speech. They stand for the old
dictatorial government of China which was run off the
mainland by the communist uprising. The reports that
have come through from Taiwan are incomplete. Our
brothers are having a hard time, but about 244 are
still pressing on preaching the gospel of the Kingdom
and comforting those that mourn. Some information
that has come through from these brothers is as fol-
Conditions make it dillicult for us to report to you and
much of our mail is intercepted and a lot of mail is unde-
livered. During August two of the pioneers were arrested
for serving an unregistered religion, meaning the Watch
Tower Bible & ~ r r a c t Society. 'rhey were released after three
weeks on the condition that they return in three weeks,
giving the names of all of Jehovah's witnesses on Taiwan.
The local government is opposed to the preaching of the
good news of the Kingdom. 'l'hey are against the reign of
Christ in peace and righteousness.
The brothers in 'l'aiwan understand the Japanese lan-
guage because this land was under Japanese rule for years.
Copies of The Watchtower in Japanese are being sent in
and when we receive them the good news is spread to others.
One newly interested person was attacked by a mob be-
cause he stopped worshiping the idols he formerly served.
The mobsters damaged his farm and stole his animals, but
he is going ahead in Jehovah's service despite this.
The letters received from our brothers in Taiwan are
happy-sounding. They show faith and devotion and have
full confidence in Jehovah God.
168 Year-bool;
'When one travels through Lebanon he is captivated
by the sight of the hundreds of villages dotting the
mountainsides. It is beautiful country. About two-
thirds of the country's populace live in these villages,
and one wonders how the message of the Kingdom will
ever reach them. The report shows that hundreds of
the villages have been witnessed to during the year,
but a great deal more work has to be done. When one
thinks back to the days of Jesus and the apostles he
remembers that they covered this territory by foot.
Of Jesus it is written: "And he went round about
to the villages in a circuit, teaching." And then again:
"They went declaring the good news to many vil-
lages." (Mark 6: 6; Acts 8: 25, NW) If it is possible,
such isolated placcs should be called on in all coun-
tries. Seed can be planted. Eventually it will be wa-
tered and .Tehovah God will see to it that the prison-
ers come forth. The branch servant's report is very
interesting and he gives us a picture of the work in
Lebanon and Syria.
A pioneer brother from the (T. S. came here for a ~ ' e a r
and brought It new automoiJile with him and almost daily
took groups of publishers with him to work villages that
had never before been given a witness. Much seed was sown
by the vast amount of literature that was placed. As m a n ~ '
as 40 books would be placed in a village having a hundred
homes. To witnpss to these humble villagers is a real treat,
because the people are very hospitable and almost always
the publisher gets invited in. \Vhen you call at their door
they will not say, 'Well, what do you want?' but their open-
ing words in Arabic will be, "Ahlan u:u sahlan," which
mf'ans "You're welcome, come on in", The custom of the
Lebanese is to be polite to yi8it01'S, Even though they may
not be interested, yet they will hear what you have to say.
Before you leave they will usually otTer you some sort of re-
freshment, coffee, candy, or fruit.
There appeared an article in a publication in the Greek
language which went to all the Greek-speaking families of
Beirut. 'I'hls article was hy one of the 'chief priests' of the
Greek Orthodox Church in Lebanon, The article branded
Jehovah's witnesses as Jews and Communists, He was ap-
Yearbook 169
IH'Oached on the subject by two of our brothers. When told
that he had no proof for anything that was written in it
and that it was mostly false accusations, his retort was,
"Well, you people are stealing my sheep!" He was reminded
by the brother that they were not his sheep, but were the
Lord's sheep and that the Lord was gatheting them into
the true fold.
Being a land with many priests, occasionally, in going
from door to door, the publiShers will meet them in the
homes of the people. An incident of this happened when
two of the witnesses were invited into a house where four
persons were present, and a discussion arose as to whether
Mary the mother of Jesus had any other children after him.
Scriptures from the Arabic Protestant version of the Bible
were read to them showing that she did, but they would
not accept these, claiming the Catholic Bible read different-
ly. At that very moment a priest walked in and one of the
men jumped up, kissed him on both cheeks and said, "Thank
heavens you have come; you're just the one we are looking
for." No time was lost in putting the question to the priest,
Do the Catholic and Protestant versions of the Bible read
the same? His answer, "No, certainly not!" It so happened
that the man of the house had a Catholic Arabic Jesuit
translation of the four gospels. The publishers had the
priest read the same texts shown them before out of the
Protestant version while the man of the house followed
along in the Catholic version, and to their amazement they
were found to be the same. The priest, without uttering
another word, shortly thereafter slipped out of the house.
1\Iore and more the people are beginning to see the fallacy
of the clergy and their ignorance of the Scriptures.
During the month of June we reached and exceeded our
34 per cent increase. Public meetings were instrumental in
attaining this goal and this feature of the work increased
100 per cent. During the service year we were glad to wel-
come four more Gilead missionaries into our midst and the)
were assigned to work with the Beirut company. The company
in Beirut started off the year with 52 publishers and ended
up with a peak of 121. Persons of good will are quick in
expressing their desire to join in field service, and some go
out without anyone's having had a home Bible study with
them and after having attended only two or three company
Again we come to the close of another joyoUS service
year. Realizing that there is yet much work to be done,
we are resolved that the 'stones will not have to cry out',
but we will continue to preach until the accomplished end
170 Yearbook
In a village away back high up in the mountains of Syria
there was a company organized four years ago. From time
to time visits were made by brothers sent out from the
branch, and at one public lecture as many as 500 persons
were in attendance. For a small village having about 800
residents this means that almost twothirds turned out to
hear the talk. In the village there were three sectarian
churches, but due to poor attendance the Protestant church
closed down. The other two have hardly anyone going to
them. The Protestant preacher was never very friendly to
the witnesses, but once in a while the brothers would call
on him. It was not long before he was listening, asking
questions, and reading the literature.
When the circuit servant served that company he and
other brothers visited the preacher and that week he at
tended all the meetings. On Sunday he accompanied the
eircuit servant from door to door and it was his deSire to
do much of the speaking. When inviting the people to the
public talk, they would ask him, "Where is It going to be,
at the church!" He would answer, "No, at the Kingdom
Hall of Jehovah's witnesses!" Some persons began criticiz-
ing him for now associating with the witnesses, asking him,
"After you have been a preacher for thirty years how ean
you now join up with these young upstarts? What can
these children teach you?" He answered, "Even the least of
them has taught and showed me things in the Bible I never
kne\y." But his critics replied, "You will lose all your
prestige as a respectable preacher in the community." In
answer he said, "Regardless, I thank God that I have been
enlightened and come to a knowledge of the truth."
For two lectures in the village he has acted as chairman
and this has been a stirring witness to all in that area.
Some have predicted that all the village might now be-
l"ome Jehoyah's witnesses. The company at this village has
shown amazing progress during the year by having 31
immersed. The company has 50 publishers, an Increase of
]00 per cent over that of last year and with an average of
80 persons regularly attending the meetings.
The governmental authorities in the section of S)Tia
where this company is located heard and took note of this
numerical growth. They sent a notice to the brothers stat-
ing that they would not be allowed to meet any more. This
order was not complied with and the representative mem-
bers of the company were brought to trial. The charge
against them was that they were a pro-.Tewish political
party operating under a religious eloak. At the trial the
brothers had a l\Joslem for their attorney, who gave good
Yearbook 171
testimony before the court, making clear the work of Jeho-
yah's witnesses and denying the charge made against them
and proving that it was without foundation and thus false.
'1'he judge, also a Moslem, in dismissing the case said, "I
have found Jehoyah's witnesses to be the only real Chris-
The work in Syria is under continual surveillance and
the brothers are often accosted and investigated. Syria is
almost a police state, possibly because of its internal po-
litical troubles, border clashes and disputes with Israel.
When traveling in the country one is constantly confronted
with road blocks, searched, and checked to see if his travel
papers are in order. A special pioneer sister was sent to
Damascus, the capital, and after working there for about
three months, placing on the average 60 books monthly,
she was stopped and questioned by the police. She was
permitted to go free, but for a few weeks afterward she
was constantly shadowed and watched by plain-clothes men.
1<'inally she was stopped again, this time taken to the po-
lice station and thoroughly questioned, then she was told
to immediately leave Damascus and take a bus to Lebanon.
She was not even allowed time to go gather up her belong-
ings but the police took hpr down to the bus, put her on it,
and waited until the bus left to be sure she left with it.
The police and other responsible authorities there were giv-
en a thorough witness concerning the true nature of our
At the beginning of the year the branch servunt aUll
three other brothers took a 750-mile trip throughout all of
Syria, going north almost to the 'l'urkish border. Isolated
interested persons ,,"pre visited and in a few cities and
towns the talks were delivered in private homes. A good sur-
yey of the Syrian field was made which revealed the enormous
amount of work that yet needs to be done in order to find
and feed the "other sheep". Nearing the conclusion of their
trip, while in a (,prtain village the group was arrested,
questioned and detained twenty-four hours. During this time
a lengthy written report for the government was drawn
up about them and the organization, and this after the
authorities had carefully examined the publications. After
all its interference and investigation, the Syrian govern-
ment should now know, if it did not know before, about the
work and organization of Jehovah's witnesses.
It seems the policy of the Catholic Church is to keep
the people ill ignorance. That is the way they can con-
172 Yearbook
trol them. They have tried to do that for years in
Mexico and other Central and South American coun-
tries. However, the government of Mexico has tried
to remove the illiteracy of the people by instituting a
vast educational program. Jehovah's witnesses have
taken up this work, too, with good success. God's
servants are not only trying to teach them to read
and write, however, but they are showing them the
way to life eternal in the new world, and many of the
Mexican people are gladly receiving the truth. They
are coming forth from the prison houses and they are
singing the new song. The 10,335 publishers (the new
peak in Mexico) are not liked by the clergy, and some
of the points presented in the year's report by the
branch servant show this.
It is only in some small towns and isolated parts of the
republic that the witnesses still meet a great deal of opposi-
tion, which will disappear little by little as the people be-
come more enlightened due to the continued activity of
.Jehovah's witnesses in their great educational work. This
is well illustrated by the reeent experience of a sister, who
relates the following:
"Leaving the city I went temporarily to a small town
where I began to engage in the witness work, much to the
chagrin of the local priest. Within a short time he used
other men to threaten rue if I didn't stop talking to the
veople about the Kingdom, which I would not agree to do.
In order to stop rue a group of men went before the local
eommallding army officer, charging me with having weapons
concealed in my house and promoting an insurrection. The
officer, alarmed, sent a contingent of about 50 soldiers to
surround my house. After searching me and the house and
not finding a single piece of evidence to support the charge,
the contingent took me with them to headquarters where
they reported that the charge was false. When the com-
manding officer questioned those who had made the accu-
sation, they did not want to tell where they had received
the information; but further questioning revealed that the
priest had told them to do that. Then the commanding
officer, being an honorable man, charged the men neyer to
molest me again; and after hearing a good witness concern-
ing the Kingdom, he ordered the priest to leave tOWIl, lleVel'
to return." .
Yearbook 173
One of the greatest events of the year was the organizing
of the district and circuit assemblies. Because of the large
and scattered territory and the many other obstacles that
the publishers in Mexico have to face, assemblies have never
been held here as in other countries.
At one of the assemblies an Indian brother, dressed in
his native costume, related an interesting experience. In
his broken Spanish he explained how he had learned the
truth and how Jehovah, our God, is now fulfilling his prom-
ise of gathering a people from all nations, tribes. peoples
and tongues. He told how he had stood alone against his
whole tribe when they tried to run him out of their village
hecause he had become a witness. Now, after hard work,
they can't run him out, because there are about thirty others
who meet with him regularly to study the Society's pub-
Close to 7,000 have attended the 18 assemblies held up
to date. More than half of the assemblies were held in towns
where very little was known about Jehovah's witnesses and.
because of this, trouble was expected. However, to our sur-
prise not a bit of trouble has been reported.
Waters of truth flow freely in the Netherlands, but
not without a little opposition. The clergy of false re-
ligion have manifested themselves in that country as
in any other. However, that does not discourage Jeho-
vah's witnesses, nor is it retarding them in saying to
the prisoners, "Go forth!" There are 6,919 publishers
singing a song of praise to Jehovah. The branch serv-
ant gives us some interesting points about the happen-
ings in the land, which all will enjoy.
Mention must be made of some of the features of service
in the field which is the chief thing in our worship of Jeho-
vah. A 20 per cent increase in the average number of pub-
lishers as well as 965 immersed during the service year is
an indication that much work has been done in the field.
In the last month of the service year a new peak of pio-
neers was reached, with 323 in the ranks. Pioneering is
rather difficult in the Netherlands, as it is rather difficult
to sustain oneself with part-time work because such is
scarce. Literature placements are not very high, especially
in the deeply orthodox parts of the country. In the south
of the Netherlands exists a law which gives the burgo-
master the authority to decide who may and who may not
174 Yearbook
obtain accommodations in a city and remain there while
carrying out his vocation. So pioneer publishers, if they
wish to do their missionary work in that part of the coun-
try, may do so if they can manage \\1thout a place to sleep
and cook and eat! In exceptional cases, though, they manage
to make some arrangements and there are a few pioneers
in that section of the country.
This year another feature has been added to the field in
the Netherlands. Bethel brothers were assigned to various
companies to deliver service and public talks, and the
brothprs in the companies appreciated this provision of the
Lord's organization very much.
The Netherlands in general has excellent concepts of
freedom of worship and the press, and Jehovah's witnesses
take good advantage of these, but this fact does not pre-
dude the necessity of having to defend these rights in the
courts of the land. Charges made against Jehovah's wit-
nesses are always of a petty nature, invohing, as a rule,
the distribution of handbills 011 the streets of the cities or
walking thr'ough the streets with placards. ,]'his comes about
as a result of the system of legislation they have in the
country. 'rhe local burgomaster has the authority
to pass certain civil laws that deal with life in the munici-
pality over which he has jurisdiction. It is usually the case
that the zealous activity of Jehovah's witnesses in a com-
munity causes "pain" to the religious "shepherds", who, in
turn, apply the thumbscrews to some chicken-hearted burgo-
master, who, in turn, either contorts or concocts an ordi-
nance which means for our brothers time-wasting, irritat-
ing inconveniences. It then becomes necessary to go to high-
er authorities and have this smudge erased and the little
dictator spanked.
In the city of Eindhoven in Catholic Noord-Brabant it was
a lawless deed to pass out handbills 011 the city's streets
until the supreme court ordered the injunction against Jeho-
vah's witnesses scrapped. We rejoice and thank Jehovah
that we here in the Netherlands are indeed in a more favor-
able pOSition than many of our brothers world-wide who
may not be as successful in defending their God-given rights
in this manlier.
A case involving placard work held the attention of the
brothers for over a year. It goes back to a circuit assem-
bly held early in 1950. It was the city of Arnhem. That
assembly caused no small stir in the city; Jehovah's wit-
nesses were put out of their hall and several were arresteel
while doing placard work. In the latter part of May 1951,
Jehovah's witnesses presented their case before the su-
preme court. Counsel challenged the application of this
Yearbook 175
ordinance to Jehovah's witnesses since it was contrary to
Article 7 of the Constitution. Article 7 reads: "Nobody
needs previous permission to publicize thoughts or opinions,
except that wherefore one is liable according to the law."
Counsel pleaded for dismissal of the charges. The supreme
court agreed, and rebuked the local officials for going a
bit too far in theil' application of the law to the activities
of Jehovah's witnesses.
The high point of expectation for the service year was the
proposed visit of the president, along with other close co
workers, which visit was scheduled for August 17-22, dur-
ing which time the national convention would be held. It
was also known that the brothers from the Flemish section
of Belgium would attend. Timely arrangements were made
for the renting of the hall, a new building, and for setting
up our own cafeteria.
In the spring of the year arrangements were made to
launch the rooming work, a new work for the Netherlands.
Bombed-out Rotterdam did not offer very promising pros-
pects, so arrangements were made to house several thou-
sands in tents put up for that purpose. A meeting was or-
ganized in Rotterdam in June to inaugurate this new work
and it was taken up with the greatest enthusiasm. Any
doubts of possibility to fill all the requests soon vanished
as the work got under way. Many rooms were obtained,
many for a very low rate and very many free. This work
opened up the opportunity to live with these hospitable
people and share with them our knowledge and understand-
ing about the new world.
A sister related her experience of how she called at a
horne and succeeded in getting room for two persons and
was invited in to see the room as well as fill in the form.
Her report concludes: "The people were very friendly and
everything looked very neat. While I was filling in the form
various persons carne in for a visit. The lady of the house
told them why I had come. These visitors were sisters
as well as married daughters of the lady. Each one en-
couraged the other to take these people into their homes
as guests for the convention days and all without exception
said, 'Yes.' At this one place I got accommodations for 19
The convention itself is an event to be remembered. The
brothers from the Netherlands enjoyed the fellowship of
their brothers from Belgium, Australia, Switzerland, Ger-
many, England, Canada and the United States. The talks
delivered by Brother Knorr and the others from the United
States and Canada were most upbuIJding. It was truly a
"Clean Worship" assembly.
176 Yearbook
Brother Knorr made it known that "'Phis Means Everlast-
ing Life" was now being set and very soon would be avail-
able to the brothers in the Netherlands. That was not all.
The brothers in the Netherlands had missed something else
for years now, something that could be of great help in
making their minds over as well as the minds of persons
of good will. With the beginning of the new year Awake!
would appear once again in Hollandish. A thunderous ap-
plause pealed through the assembly hall resounding their
joy and surprise.
And so ended a pleasant year of joyful service which
swelled loud with the message: "Praise Jah, you people,
because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule
as king."
In these little islands in the Caribbean Jehovah's
witnesses are having a joyful time preaching to the
people concerning the Kingdom. These brothers, too,
have the parable of Christ in mind where he said that
some of the seed falls along the roadside and the birds
come and eat it up. The branch servant says that
the trouble in his territory is that the birds there are
especially ravenous. These birds are not content with
just eating the seed that falls by the wayside, but they
remind one of crows that go about and pull up the
corn after it has sprouted. But this has not been a dis-
couragement to the witnesses; they keep on trying and
the Lord has blessed them with a marvelous increase
during the year. The branch report is very interesting.
The service year got off to a good start .because of having
four more Gilead graduates join us here, bringing the total
liP to eight in the two miSSionary homes. Then the number
of general pioneers has grown from one at the beginning
of the year to five at the present. Also the number of com-
panies has increased from two to four. This general in-
crease is partly due to the circuit servant activity which
was recently inaugurated. 'Vhen the circuit servant came
along the weak and irregular publishers showed up at the
Kingdom Hall to hear what he might have in the way of
new experiences and advice. Then, ollce they came to the
hall, they were given an opportunity to go in the service
and enjoy some experiences of their own. It is hoped that
the stimulus aroused will last until the next visit.
Yearbook 177
The largest increase took place on the island of Aruba,
where another company was organized. It is worthy of
mention that among many of the publishers accounting for
this increase there are children who are doing commendable
work, especially in the street magazine witnessing. One of
their youngest publishers took part in a demonstration
showing the right and wrong way to carryon the work.
'rhe Sunday after that she went out and placed her first
two bound books. This little girl is coming along fine and
when the daily text is read before going out in the service
she has her comment written out and is ready when the
brother in charge asks for comments.
Also, in Aruba two other children are becoming regular
attendants and publishers even though their parents have
never been to a meeting as far as is known. This seems
to be because of the influence of the othf'r children that
take an active part in the witness work. The Gilead mis-
sionaries have found it profitable to take young publishers
with them to home Bible studies, as their answers to the
pOint oftentimes a m a l ' ~ the new people of good will and
cause them to answer UI} when they were too shy to do so be-
fore. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Jehovah has
furnished praise.
The leading daily paper here has an etlitorial feature
called "Short and Powerful" in which complaints of various
natures are registered about conditions around town. One
day this editorial stated that someone in town wanted a
Bible and couldn't find one to buy in Willemstad. The arti-
cle went on to say that of all the items they had been called
on to advertise for sale, no one had ever advertised Bibles.
A businessman of good will read this piece and, knowing
that we have a stock of Bibles at the Kingdom Hall, volun-
teered to pay for a nice ad stating that Bibles in Spanish,
English and Dutch could be obtained at the Kingdom Hall.
'L'he officials of the newspapf'r were pleased and put in a
big ad with the picture of a Bible, charging only half price
for the ad, as it was for religious purposes. That was
months ago and we are still realizing effects from it. Only
yesterday a man stopped me on the street to know if we
still had Dutch Bibles. Some people called up (the business-
man put in his phone number). Many came to the Kingdom
Hall and others asked about Bihles when they met us.
Since the ad was placed, many Dutch BillIes have been
placed, with more in Spanish and English.
Recently a priest called at a home where a pulllisher is
condUcting a home Bible study. The priest took the lady's
Bible and "Let God Be True" book and left with them in
spite of her protests. She told the priest that that was a
178 Yearbook
good book and she was learning about Christ and his king-
dom from it. The priest told her he would teach her about
Christ, so the lady said, "Teach me, then." The priest said,
"Well, when Christ grew up he learned the carpenter's trade
and the first thing he made was his own cross," etc. '.rhe
lady wasn't impressed with such teaching, so she bought
another book and continued her study with the witness.
One of the biggest and most pleasant surprises of the
year is the way the work has increased among the natives
here in Cura!;uo. For the first six months of the year we
were averaging about 50 in attendance at the English meet-
ings on Sunday night, while we were averaging about thirty
at the Papiamento meetings on Monday night, but all of
a sudden the attendance at the Papiamento meeting
jumped up to 75 a night. We really didn't expect to see
the attendance at the Papiamento meeting pass that of the
English meeting so soon, but it has been ahead for some
time now. The native brothers are so enthusiastic it gives
one a good feeling to be in their midst. Their zeal is catch-
ing. At the last immersion service we held the majority
of the candidates were natives, which is the first time that
such has been the case.
To a large extent the inhabitants of Newfoundland
live in tiny quaint villages that spot the coastline.
Sometimes they are separated by miles and miles of
mountains, forests, lakes and bogland. It is difficult
to get from place to place. Roads are few and travel
by land from settlement to settlement is impossible.
The rough Atlantic ocean provides the only means of
surface travel and sometimes this body of water is so
stormy that a person may be stranded in one of these
small settlements for a whole month. In that time he
keeps on preaching. But into every nook and corner
of the world the good message goes forth and Jeho-
vah's witnesses say to the prisoners, "Praise Jah, you
people." The branch servant gives some high lights on
what has happened in Newfoundland during the past
During this service year we received letters from good-
will persons living in isolated villages. We knew if these
could be visited and strengthened that reaching our goal
would be possible. But how to reach all these persons was
Yearbook 179
the problem. The circuit servant answered this for us by
purchasing a small airplane. He flies into a settlement, taxis
up to the shore and, standing on the nose of the pontoon,
delivers a Bible talk to the inhabitants. Every man, woman
and child in the village Is on the beach by the time the alr-
!llane stops. In one village 270 persons attended a talk the
circuit servant gave, and the lone publisher there has since
reported that she has an organized. Bible study group there
and the people keep on asking her: "When is that flying
preacher coming back?" The cOlllpany publishers have done
their part in contacting these isolated persons too, by writ-
ing letters and sending literature to them. As a result six
new companies were organized during the service year.
'l'he lIlissionary boat "Hope" has been inactive this sum-
Iller due to engine failure. Two missionaries and a general
pioneel' used it as their headquarters and continued their
visits in the district as usual. This was done in a small
12-foot boat driven by a small outboard motor. The oppos-
ers, who in times past referred to the missionaries as para-
sites, sailing around in such a fine comfortable boat as the
"Hope", had their tongues stilled as they saw this tiny
boat, a week's supply of provisions, tent, bedding and three
men aboard punch its way through the waves. Many times
the boat was hid from view due to the high waves sur-
rounding it. Their determination and zeal were notieed hy
some good people there and one company was organized,
with prospects of organizing four more this ~ e a r .
In one of these settlements in Labrador almost the total
]lopulation grouped together at the doorstep of one of the
residents. Yes, they had seen the circuit servant and the
clergyman together and expe('ted an interesting discussion,
so they came to hear it. The clergyman had planned to have
a christening service that evening and was calling on the
homes of the people lining up a group of infants for the
service. This afforded an excellent opportunity to show up
true and false religion, so the circuit servant asked him to
show the people from the Bible that infants shOUld be
haptized or christened. It was found out that he didn't
as much as have a Bible with him; so the circuit servant
offered him OIle, whkh was refused. WIlPII the clergyman was
asked how old Jesus was when be was baptized he said:
"Nobody knows that."
After being shamed he attempted to make a hasty de-
parture, but every Ilvenue was bloeked by his parishioners
and he was told by one to remain where he was. He objected
hecause the chl'istening service was to commence shortly.
To this the reply came: "We'll get more out of this than
out of the christening serYice." One young lady told him
180 Yearbook
that her chiluren were not going to be thristened until he
coulu show her in the Bible that it should be done. He
went into another house after the discussion ended and ex-
claimed: "Boy, am I vexed today!"
'Ve were thankful for the nine new missionaries who
were sent here during the service year. Jehovah's witnesses
in Newfounuland want you to know that we are 100 per
cent for the Theocracy and will support in this service year
any arrangements for its expansion, and that we truly love
our brothers world-wide, praying that the reigning King
will richly bless them with continued increases in their
l'especti ve lands.
No matter where you go, you meet people and to
these you can talk the message of the Kingdom. You
do not have to go far; you can preach right around
your own home, do the work in little villages or even
talk to the minister when he calls at your home. Jeho-
vah's witnesses in New Zealand are talking, and be-
cause of their earnest efforts we find that they have
had a 22 per cent increase during the year and have
now reached a new peak of 1,638. Their increase in
peak number of publishers over their previous peak
was 35 per cent. The work in New Zealand is moving
along very steadily and the brothers are having many
very interesting experiences. The branch servant re-
ports some of these.
The high point of the yt'ar was the visit of Brothers Knorr
and Henschel and their attendance at the eentral convell-
tion in \Vellington. In these remote lamls we feel the nepd
of such visits and only wish they could lie more frequent.
Besidps giving us a lift spiritually, we are pleased to be-
come more acquainted with our brothN's from headquarters.
We all benefit from their example of deYotion to the Theoc-
racy, and we feel how real is the close unity existing in
the organization world-wide.
The Wellington convention was made especially delightful
by the sound instruction and counsel from Brothers Knorr
and Henschel. Our pleasure in the points made is enhanced
as we fix them more firmly in mind, now that we may study
them in The Watchtower. Certainly many persons of good
will were started in the way of righteousness as a result of
the "'ellington cOllYention.
Yearbook 181
A pioneer tells of a Bible study whose Catholic. neighbor
was much disturbed because the teachings of the convent
school were frightening her small daughter. Information
that such fear-provoking things were not found in the Bi-
ble caused her to think; so, two days later, she told her
neighbor that she would like to know what is in the Bible,
but did not own a copy. A Bible and the book Ohildren
were loaned her, along with an invitation to attend the Bible
study, which she gladly accepted. Thrilled with what she
found in the Bible she must have a study in her own home,
and this was soon arranged. Result: A child changes from
convent to public school; a visit from the priest to find
out why, and his quick retreat after being convinced of the
futility of his pleas. Another captive has found sanctuary
in the theocratic organization! Now both she and her hus-
band are progressing well and publishing the good news of
the Kingdom.
A sistel' relates: "Returning home from a Bible study I
found a priest waiting at my door. Noting my Bible he
!won learned I had been studying it. Then taking 'Let God
Be True' from my hand he asked: 'Isn't this Jehovah's
witnesses?' 'Yes.' 'But aren't you a Catholic?' 'I was.' I ex-
pected an outburst of anger, but after turning over the
pages of the book he asked, 'Why are you studying?' I re-
plied, 'The Bible is the only place where I can find the
truth.' Priest: 'The Bible is not for everyone to interpret.
The mother church has preserved it as was her right.' I
said, 'God has preserved the Bible for everyone to search
and understand. As for the claim that the Catholic Church
has preserved it, why did she oppose and persecute the men
who translated it from the dead Latin into the living tongue
of the common people?'
"The priest then switched to the love of God. He believed
that God's love for us far excels parental love, but when
shown that, unlike the hell-fire god, parents do not torture
their children, he offered the lame excuse, 'That is the
mystery of sin.' 'But,' I said, 'we are exhorted to study the
Bible. Why study if it is full of mysteries? Jehovah's wit-
nesses study it diligently, comparing originals and the best
translations and get at the truth.' Priest: 'They have noth-
ing else to do. I have my parish, sick-calls and sermons to
prepare.' Then he quoted the rich man and Lazarus and
was soon shown the absurdity of a literal interpretation of
the parable. In turn were discussed the Kingdom and the
signs that it is here, baptism of children, the soul and the
responsibility of parents to study so they can teach their
children the Bible. The priest said he noted I had been
studying the Bible, said he had enjoyed the talk, shook
182 Yearbook
hands and left. I was greatly encouraged and overjoyed to
think that I could successfully stand up to a parish priest."
Probably for the first time a combined Catholic service
and Jehovah's witness meeting was held when a circuit
servant was invited to speak in a Maori meetinghouse. A
Maori announced time to start and that the circuit servant
would give the sermon. Not knowing their procedure, the
circuit servant inquired of the leader, whereupon that
,vorthy dropped on one knee and began chanting a prayer
in Maori, the others joining in now and then and making
the sign of the cross. Phew! What had we struck? But it
lasted only five minutes, after which the circuit servant
was motioned to proceed. With Bible in hand he talked for
an hour on the importanre of pure worship and how Satan
has introduced so much false worship, with ritual, ceremony
and vain repetition. He was follower! with rapt attention.
Questions were invited at the conclusion. But first the leader
chants the repetitious prayer with noticeably diminishe<l
enthusiasm. Then for an hour many Catholic doctrines were
examined in the light of Scripture. After an interval for
refreshments the discussion continued until midnight, in all,
nearly four hours.
We look forward to the year 1!l32 with expectation of wid-
er expansion and increasing blessings in the Kingdom serv-
ice. Our aim is to improve our back-calls, home Bible studies
and public meetings, as some of the means to keep up the
expansion. "rith the many new ones continually joining the
ranks of the publishers we hope to keep moving forward
with youthful zeal and enthusiasm right on to the comple-
tion of the work.
'While there has been a derrease in the average num
ber of publishers in Nicaragua, still Jehovah's wit-
nesses are proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom
to those who have an ear to hear. They know that
they must be "shining as illuminators in the world,
keeping a tight grip on the word of life". The Society
has been trying for some time to get missionaries into
this country, but certain restrictions were advanced
to refuse such entry. Recently, however, the govern-
ment approved the entry of a few more. \Ve hope to
send more in there to help stimulate the work. The
branch servant gives us some interesting experiences
had by the publishers.
Do what tlll'Y will the clergy cannot keep their flock from
hearing, and hearing builds faith. The light of the "sword
of the spirit" is cutting holes in the darkness caused by
false religion's teachings, and no amount of propaganda or
pressure brought to bear on individuals from their employ-
ers or from the pulpit can keep them from seeing it. One
man, who had left his small home town several years
ago, found the truth and was determined to return and tell
it to his family and friends. He worked hard and convinced
a few that what he was telling them was the truth, even
though the priest railed at him daily. He arranged for a
public meeting and invited other brothers to help him, and
for two days, amid derision from the priest and jeers from
most of the people, they worked from door to door. It tested
the new ones severely, but the meeting went on as scheduled.
The priest's campaign of fear failed, and the people knew it.
Righty-fiye of them attended the meeting, and today there
is a company organized there.
Many house owners have been brought into close con-
tact with the truth during the circuit assemblies, especially
those who rent their buildings to the brothers for the as-
sembly meetings. The Catholic Church has threatened with
excommunication anyone who rents a building to us, be-
cause they know for what purpose we will use it. Recently
the circuit servant visited a Catholic woman to arrange
the rental of her house for an assembly. She expressed some
fear that it would mean trouble for her if she rented it, but
:It last made a decision to do it. As soon as assembly ad-
vertising started she was lleluged with threats from her
neighbors, and the priest had plenty to say each day at the
church, reviling her publicly for her action. But, to the
surprise of all, including the priest, she stood her ground,
and to stop people from bothering her told one of them that
she intended to sell the house to Jehovah's witnesses, and
that then they would have meetings there continually.
The public meeting was very well attended and real inter'
cst was manifested in the subject announced. After the meet-
ing, in his closing anllouncements, the chairman mentioned
that we appreciated the use of the house and thanked the
owner publicly. The next day when the company servant
called on her, she said, "Can ~ ' o u imagine it! Last night
.Jehovah's witnesses were asking God's blessing for me in
my house, and yesterday in the pulpit at San Antonio the
priest was cursing me because I rented the house to you."
So the light is "shining more and more" as we approach
the perfect day. Newly interested persons never fail to ap-
pear at the ever-increasing public lectures. In one small
isolated town the drcuit servant and one other brother
184 Yearbook
arrived late in the afternoon with only two hours to auvel'-
tise a lecture scheduled for the evening in a private home.
Two persons were present to hear the introduction of the
talk, but soon the room had become too small to hold new-
comers and the speaker moved to the patio. That too proved
to be too small and the people spilled over into the street.
At the conclUSion, 125 were there. Light will continue to
shine in Nicaragua through .Tehovah's ministers.
The Society has a branch office in Lagos and from
this point the work is taken care of in Nigeria,
Cameroun, Dahomey, Fernando Po and Togo. There
are a number of obstacles in this territory that
hinder the rapid preaching of the truth, but despite
these obstacles excellent gains have been made in
gathering the "other sheep", Seed has been planted,
watered well and Jehovah has given the increase. To-
day we find many of the prisoners going forth preach-
ing the good news of the Kingdom. The readers of the
Yearbook will be interested in the problems that must
be met by Jehovah's witnesses in Africa. They love
life and want to enjoy it to the full in the new world.
The branch servant gives us the following report on
the different countries.
'rhe circuit arrangement, which is now well organized,
has been a powerful factor in training the publishers in
theocratic organization and in enthusing them for the work
ahead, and the circuit assemblies have been high points for
all the publishers. The Gilead district servants have had
some wonderful experiences and their reports are very in-
teresting. At times these brothers travel by airplane, car,
trUCk, canoe, bicycle, and, ofttimes like Jesus, on foot. Their
assignments take them off the beaten track into villages
deep in the dense rain forests, known here as the bush, where
time has stood still for hundreds of years and where, often,
pagan juju worship holds sway with its secret societies
which exercise almost unlimited power.
'1'0 one of these villages came the district servant for an
assembly. He says: "Our arrival at Umutu was one not
easily forgotten. As soon as we got out of the truck word
went round the town that the European had arrived. Many
had heard that one was coming but dismissed the story as
an impossible rumor. What made it more impossible to
Yearbook 185
them was the report that I had come by airplane. As we
walked to my place of lodging scores of people joined us.
~ o o n half the village was following and eventually almost
all the inhabitants had gathered to see the white man and
his place of accommodation-a humble African home.
Friday evening many of the village people were on hand
and stayed throughout the whole seSSion, so that out of an
attendance of 250 over 100 were strangers. They enjoyeu
the service meeting as much as the brothers and were
amazed to see how well the brothers get along together.
"There was much discu8sion as to whether I would visit
their homes. On Saturday morning about 50 men, women,
and children followed me around to record with their eyes
the unbelievable Sight of a white man preaching the gospel
in their homes through an interpreter. Could they have
spoken English they surely would have said, 'Now we've
seen everything!' On Sunday, in spite of rain, 21 were im-
mersed and 794 gave rapt attention to the public talk. Two
weeks later I heard that six of the villagers had burned
or 'drowned' their jujus and are now Kingdom publishers."
Illiteracy, which is a great hindrance in some parts, is
being fought by free reading classes in English and vernac-
ular tongues. Many are learning to read and are taking
a fuller part in all features of the servic>e. Public meetings
are very popular. At one meeting the only advertiSing done
was by the auvertising servant who lived up to his name
by gOing rounu the streets at five o'clock in the morning
with a trumpet. It was evidently effective, as over 1,000
Six district assemblies were held, with the splendid total
attendance of 17,000. At the Onitsha assembly there were
8,000, which is the highest we have ever had in Nigeria.
It was here that the Yankee Stadium English relea8es were
made available amid scenes of tremendous enthusiasm.
About the same time we received "Let God Be True" in
Yoruba and lbo, and they have done much toward increas-
ing oUt home Bible studies, still one of our weakest featurm.
In the Rivers province of the Niger delta an inter-tribal
war has been raging for 8everal years and the only safe
means of travel was by government motor launch with a
machine gun mounted in the bow. During a recent lull in
the fighting a pioneer made a trip through the labyrinth of
creeks and streams and found much interest. The almost
complete isolation of the area can be judged from the ques-
tion put by one man who wanted to know if the ban on
our work (lifted five years ago) was still in force. From
this it is clear that much work remains to be done in the
manJ truly isolated areas of this land before the "sheep"
186 Yearbook
are all found, and lUuch. of the work will undoubtedly rest
on the shoulders of these faithful pioneers. May Jehovah
send more of these "workers into his harvest".
In spite of the opposition the brothers enjoy most of the
privileges granted to their brothers in more fortunate lands.
'rhey can meet together for study and can engage in field
service with care, and in some parts they even hold public
meetings. In recent months the postal authorities have been
seizing subscribers' copies of The Watchtower, but a few
weeks ago the brothers started to receive them once more.
It is not considered wise to arrange assemblies in Cameroun,
but the brothers find little difficulty in crossing the border
to attend circuit and district assemblies in their own tongue
in British Cameroons.
As yet, most of the preaching is done near the coast, hut
we get reports of people visiting the coastal towns, hearing
the truth, and returning with it in their hearts to their
towns in the interior. Many of them cannot read, but they
know the tl'uth when they hear it and they tell their friends
what they have heard. There must be many hundreds wit-
neSSing as best they can whom we cannot as yet reach to
organize into companies. One pioneer hearing of such
interest traveled far and spent a month preaching. At the
cnd of that time he gave a talk on baptism, after which 30
were baptized and organized for service.
The work in this French colony has made steady progress
rluring the year. The brothers are able to work fairly freely
in most parts and, apart from sporadic priest-inspired out-
bursts, the authorities do not seem inclined to take action
against them. Since many of the population speak Yoruba,
they come over into Nigeria to attend circuit assemblies.
A few months ago It Catholic publication made a bitter
attack upon Jehovah's witnesses there but it has done the
work no harm, rather to the contrary. 'rhe plain truth is
that the Africans in Dahomey know that the Catholic reli-
gion is a racket and is largely responsible for the oppres-
sive conditions there and they are just fed up with it.
Two months ago the brothers tried to hold a public meet-
ing and the priest went to the chief and demanded that he
run them Ollt of town. Imagine his surprise when the chief
retorted, "When you came to this town we did not run
~ ' o u out, but we gave you land and helped to build your
ehurch. Why should you try to run Christians out of town?
Yearbook 187
No! If they have to go, you must go too." Of course the
priest did not go; and neither did the brothers.
Early in September the authorities on this little Spanish-
ruled island in the Gulf of Guinea took swift action against
the few brothers there. One night they were all arrested and
their literature seized. After spending a month in jail all
of them, being from Nigeria or Cameroun, were deported.
From that time we have heard nothing. It is reported that
the natives are rf'gularly paraded and made to 'heU' Franco_
We are watchful for an opportunity for reopening the work
there, but must wait upon Jehovah to open the way.
This is another land almost completely dominated by the
influence of the Catholic Church. A little work wus done
last year, but following the visit of u Gilead brother from
the Society's office in Lagos in the preaching work
has made good progress. A special pioneer was appointed
and now there are two companies operating in Lome and
Tsevie. A good quantity of literature was taken in and is
having a wide distrilmtion alllong the oppressed people,
who are not permitted to read anything not approved by
the Catholie Church. In such circumstances the seed of
Kingdom preaching often falls on good soil.
There is now an average of publishers in the field
and the home Bible studies are flourishing. In some places
it has been possible to obtain vermits to hold public meet-
ings from liberal-minded police officials who know that
our work is in the best interests of the people, and at one
such meeting there were 1,200 people present. The Catholic
priest had announced that to support this meeting wouIa
be counted as a sin. But, alas! He then became a "sinner"
himself by attending the meeting, so it is not surprising
that many of his flock followed him into "sin". The truth
is now getting started in several towns, and it is hoped that
in due time more companies can be organized to care for the
many "sheep" we know are there.
It is simply amazing to see the things that are hap-
pening in Northern Rhodesia. Everyone there seems
to want to know the truth and is anxious to be a pub-
lisher. Can you imagine a country with 19,173 pub-
lishers as a peak having 59,216 attending Memorial?
188 Yearbook
The people in Northern Rhodesia just want to be with
Jehovah's witnesses. Our big task there, as reported
before, is the educational problem and that of teach-
ing them the truth first. The people love to be with
the Lord's servants. However, in the countries round
about, such as the Belgian Congo, Kenya, Tanganyika
Territory and Uganda, the story is quite different. A
call comes forth from these lands to send in more
workers. Gradually the Word of the Lord is creeping
and sometimes running all over the land of Africa.
We are very glad to publish parts of the branch serv-
ant's report submitted at the close of the year.
District assemblies held in October and November set
the pace. Six assemblies were scheduled for the African
companies and one for the Europeans. Plans were made to
make these assemblies the biggest ever, and so they proved
to be. The total attendance at all the assemblies, which in
program duplicated the l\"ew York international assembly,
was 28,001.
Came the Memorial celebration and we wondered what
the attendance would be, in view of the district assembly
figures. The final total of 59,216 amazed us all and convinced
us of the work that is yet to be done to help and educate
these many associates to come to a knowledge of the truth
so that they too can jOin in the song of praise to Jehovah.
The foremost problem is finding capable brothers in the
African companies in the "bush" to care for the groups of
interested persons and give them sound training in Christian
prinCiples and conduct and lead them away from old world
practices into new world living. Nevertheless, as a result
of these increases, many new companies have been enrolled
and large companies split into units. One company with
four units now reports more than 750 publishers each month.
Another, 900 publishers in several units.
Several things have contributed to this increase. Where a
real effort has been made to overcome illiteracy this has
done much to build up the company. Over the past few years
some comvanies have raised the percentage of literacy
among the publishers from as low as 10 per cent to over
00 per cent, and this has been reflected in a healthy increase
in company activity.
A number of pioneers have been enrolled during the year
and they have had many experiences. Noticing the constant
activity of one of the pioneers in one of the African town-
ships a householder asked him over to inquire what he was
doing. The pioneer briefly explained and arranged to calI
back later the same day to continue the discussion. When
he returned he found ten people seated waiting for him,
four of them being schoolteachers. As the discussion pro-
gressed others grouped around until in the end more than
60 were listening in. Several turned over their names to
the pioneer so that he could call on them at their homes.
The ten persons with whom the discussion was conducted
all now attend the company meetings. Another pioneer
witnessed to a Seventh-Day Ad,'entist. When the subject of
Christ's second presence came up and the publisher said
that Christ was now present the Adventist called the witness
mad and laughingly ridiculed the publishers to the neighbors.
The pioneer, unruffled, asked the householder if he would
be prepared to sit down and listen to the Bible proof on
the matter. A time was fixed for that same afternoon. Sairl
the Adventist when the publisher came to keep the appoint-
ment, "I thought you would not come." Now he no longer
scoffs at the truth. For now after a home Bible study he
is himself an active puhlisllf'r and was immersed at one of
this year's circuit assemblies. r-;o doubt he is himself now
looked on as mad!
Among the Europeans the work goes on apace. Another
company was enrolled at the year's end, making three
organized companies in addition to isolated groups. Mudl
of the prejudice due to ignorance of our work which existed
in the minds of the European population has been broken
down, and for our last circuit assembly the hall we used for
Sunday was provided free of charge. 'rhe Gilead missionaries
have enjoyed a rich bleSSing on their ministry.
At the end of the year the 19,000 mark was topped in pub-
lishers. We appreciate that there is a big work to be done
in training and educating these many publishers and the
thousands of meeting attendl'l's in new world living. 'Ve
seek Jehovah's help as we go forward with this life-giving
work, rejoicing in being associated with you and our fellow
praisers throughout the world in the work of restoring the
clean amI true worship of the only true God, Jehovah.
Central Africa has an "iron curtain" also! So far as Jeho-
vah's witnesses are concel'lled it hangs around the borders
of the Belgian Congo. The ban on the witness work in this
predominantly Roman Catholic country continues without
letup. Nevertheless, because this is the time when deeds of
faith in Jehovah's name are being accomplished as never
190 Yearbook
before it is inevitable that news of these should penetrate
the "curtain" and leak out, and this has been so in 1951.
Isolated reports filtering through from the country tell
of deportation, imprisonments, beatings and other privations
being suffered by the African publishers. In many parts it
there has been an Increase in the venom unleashed
against the Natives of the country are banished
to work camps if caught witnessing or even possessing
'Vatchtower literature. Even possessing the Bible is taken
as a mark that the holder Is one of Jehovah's witnesses,
and associates of the orthodox Protestant missions have
sometimes been mistaken for Jehovah's witnesses and had a
difficult time proving their "innocence".
Most of this report was gathered from a few publishers
who were able to get over the border to attend a circuit
assembly in Northern Rhodesia. It is estimated that these
brothers from the Congo represented groups totaling about
230 associates. However, they were able to give information
only about their respective groups, as each group is not
known to the other. The homes of these brothers are con-
tinually watched and often searched. In the words of ont'
brother reporting this: "They [the Belgian Congo police]
don't sleep because of us, but 1Il00'e up and down looking
for nothing but Jehovah's witnesses. Now it is more seri-
ous than befor!'."
In spite of these devilish attempts to destroy the true
religion all reports from the Belgian Congo speak of in-
crease In the number associating around the Word of life
and seeking Jehovah's people. An isolated report from 30
vublishers for August reached this office with 1 Thessalo-
nians (): 2G, NlV, written as a footnote: "Brothers, continue
in prayer for us."
The call from Kenya 'to come oyer and help us' has heen
no less urgent than that to the apostle Paul from Macedonia.
Two sisters who emigrated from England to Nairobi, the
('apital of Kenya, have courageously carried on the preach-
ing work in 1951, seeking out people of good will from house
to house and making back-calis and conducting home BillIe
studies. Yet another sister has immigrated to Nairobi with
her family and she has already shown her desire to assist
in seeking out the "other sheep" who may have been scat-
tered to Kenya. A sister from Holland has taken up resi-
lience in the seaport town of Mombasa during the service
year and has contacted this office with a view to sharing
in the ministry. So, some help has gone to Kenya.
The real need, of course, is for full-time missionaries in
these towns and cities, but since attempts made to get mis-
sionaries into Kenya were discouraged by the authorities
in 1949, no other avenue has opened to full-time ministers
in Kenya. However, arrangements are under way for a visit-
ing Gilead graduate to spend some time with these isolated
publishers and his visit wiII no doubt do much to encourage
the sisters and help them to get organized for an even
greater share in the preaching work during 1952.
So Kenya sends out the call! Perhaps even more immi-
grants wiII respond in the coming service year, and as a
result of more preaching effort Kenya will enjoy fruits of
the great ingathering to Jehovah's organization.
We are happy to be able to report an increase in Tanganyi-
ka for the first time since 1947-the encouraging increase
of 84 per cent in the average number of publishers. An ex-
ample of this increase was seen in one company which has
increased during the year from 24 to over 60 publishers,
with meeting attendances of 200 or more.
In an effort to further expand the Kingdom work, appli-
cation was again made for the entry of Gilead graduates
into the country, but to no avail. However, as the year
closes, a Gilead brothpr is on his way to the capital, Dar
es Salaam, to see what a personal interview may accom-
plish. Certainly it needs someone in the territory to super-
vise the Kingdom work and be on the spot to handle any
problems that may arise. F'or instance, from one section of
the territory comes a report of a district commissioner issu-
ing a ban on the preaching activity of Jehovah's witnesses
in his area. This he stated at a meeting to which the chief
and the company servant were summoned. When asked by
the company servant what .Jehovah's witnesses had done
wrong he could not point to any unlawful act, admitting
that if any had been committed he would have had them
arrested. Apparently he just didn't like .Jehovah's witnesses.
In a letter to the branch office he said, "I have not attemptpd
to restrict in any way the rights of worship of your congre-
gation, provided that they pxercise them peacefully, in the
manner practiced by other denominations." Apparently what
worries him is the public preaching activity of the witnesses.
During the year the cit'cult servant made the long journey
into the interior of the country and contacted some scat-
tered groups of interest, organizing a new company in one
locality. During the long journey by rail he was aille to
witness to his fellow trave]prs, at times using one of Utem
to act as an interpreter, as the dialects were unfumiliaL' to
192 Yeat'book
him. He reports encouraging increase in the companies and
that the brothers, who in many cases are very primitive,
are trying hard to conform to the theocratic way of life.
'Ve look forward to continued increase in Tanganyika.
We hope that it will be possible for the Gilead brother to
get into the country and stay there so that the work can
further increase and more of the other sheep in that land
be reached and fed.
The isolated group of Kingdom publishers in Uganda
have been helped to appreciate that the "great crowd" of
"other sheep" are coming from all "nations and tribes and
peoples and tongues".
Since a ~ ' o u n g man and his wife immigrated to Uganda a
little over a year ago and began their ministry career in
that country, they have enjoyed Jehovah's rich blessing.
They met a Greek family who responded to their preaching
efforts and who have since supplied another regular pub-
lisher for Uganda. Then an Italian family accepted the
good news of God's kingdom, and there are good prospects
for their contacting people of good will among some 200
Italian workmen who are working in the neighborhood on
dam construction. Yet another thrilling experience in the
witness work is probably best told in the brother's own
"Previously we had met with stony looks and the usual
reply, '1 am not interested,' or '1 am quite satisfied with
my church, thank you,' and 1 must admit we were getting
a bit downhearted. But on this Friday the Lord was surely
guiding us. At a particular house we came across the lan-
guage di1liculty, as the lady was a Hollander. When invited
inside we tried to converse, using our hands to make signs,
and then we produced The Watchtower. Oh, how wondel"ful
it was to see the woman's face light up at the sight of it!
All of a sudden all barriers disappeared and somehow we
could communicate with each other. We gathered from the
woman that she had been studying the book Children with
Jehovah's witnesses in Rotterdam, Holland, and that she
was now starved for food. We left with a year's subscription
for The lVatchtowel' and then she directed us to her sister
who also subscribed. We came home uplifted in heart and
singing the praiSes of Jehovah. It was wonderful to behold
how Jehovah knows those who belong to him and how he
feeds his people."
Nevertheless, Uganda joins with Kenya in the call for
more labo1'ers in the harvest field.
Yearbook 193
The brothers in Norway have had good success in
arranging their circuit assemblies in different towns
and cities throughout their territory. They have found
that this has opened up new fields and has aroused
the interest of many people. A grand witness has been
given in this country during the past twelve months.
The average increase has been 29 per cent. They
reached a new peak of 2,066 publishers. But there is
still a lot of work to be done in Norway as they say
to the prisoners, "Go forth!" Some of the experiences
given in the report by the branch servant are very
interesting and show what can be done in other coun-
tries when isolated territories are worked.
'l'hose engag!'d in Jehovah's witness worl, have many
experiences. Some can be a bit disheartening for a time,
while others are of a joyful nature for the results they
bring. One pioneer told the following: To his knock he re-
ceived the sound of rattling kettles. The same reply was
received to his second knock. So following the custom of this
neighborhood he entered the door callin-g his "Hello". But
still only the rattle of kettles. The old man leaning over
the stove was very hard of hearing, so the pioneer, calling
as he approached, did not gain his attention until he reachell
his side and talked loudly into his ear.
The old man, a former sailor, hall heard of the truth
shortly after the first worlll war but since then had not
come in contact with it. He had liked what he had read and
:showed a real interest in the Kingdom m!'ssage being now
shouted into his ear. Aft!'r the pioneer had shouted for
about an hour his voice b!'gan to break and he had to giv!'
up for the time. Several lli!'ces of literature were placed
and promise was made to return later.
A few days later a lady approached a magazine publish!'r
on the street, asking how she could get in conta('t with
the young man who had called on her neighbor living be-
low her in the same house. The pioneer was told of the d(>-
sire of the lady to See him. When calling on her he was
told that she had heal'll him talking to the old man. IIis
voice had carried through the floor to her listening on the
second floor. She had liked what she had heard and wished
to learn more about .Jehovah's kingdom. Though it llIay cost
us an effort to give the witness we newr know to what
extent it is being received.
194 Y cal' b 00 k
Another circuit servant wrote that he hat! just visited the
isolated good-will persons in Skjerjehamn. He found four
fully for the truth and that these had for some time been
witnessing to their neighbors, but had never reported. How
to report, obtain literature and how to go about in the
I'ervice was explained to them. It seems that many of these
isolated persons of good will need only a little encourage-
ment and organizing to become regular publishers. Surely
it is well worth the time and effort to help them.
"Yesterday we had a public talk on Skrova, an island
lying about an hour's motorboat ride from mainland,"
writes one of the circuit servants. He and four other pub-
lishers left for the island early in the morning to witness
to its 500 inhabitants and invite them to the public talk.
Handbills and literature were placed and placards were set
up, inviting the people to comp to the talk to be held at
8 p.m. Many promised to come hut when eight o'clock came
around it did not look very promising. So they waited
twenty minutes before starting. There were then quite a
number of persons in the hall, and more came after the
talk had started. The attendance was 80 persons who lis-
tened with good interest.
We have not had much interference in our service work
this year. In 'l'<'Illsberg five of the brothprs were arrested
while engaging in the street work. They were charged with
selling without a Ilolice permit. The case came before the
city court where the judge gave us the victory. He hased
his decision on the Victory the supreme court had given us
in the street-witne;;sing case we had up last year. The po-
lice claimed the supreme court decision did not cover their
police ordinance, as theirs stated that police permiSSion
must be had for selling newspapers on the streets. This the
Oslo ordinance did not have in it. So the police appealed to
the supreme court. However, the court would not grant a
hparing. So ag-ain Jehovah has giYen us the victory. May
we but honor Him faithfully for it.
One company arranged to have a public talk in a rural
KPction of tlwir territory. '.rhe talk was to he held on an
outdoor picnic ground right out in the rurals. The publishers
were scattered throughout the territory on foot and on bi-
cycle, witnessing from farm to farm. Literature and hand-
hills were placed. When the tall, got under way, held by a
hrother from Hethel, there were 74 in attendance. It was
interesting to see a farmer and his wife with their children
t'ome walking along the road headed for the picnic ground
to hear the talk.
There is also the joy of receiving IIl'W instl'1lments to
aill u;; in om' ~ e n ' i ( ' ( ' ,york. This year we recpived the book-
YearlJook 195
let The Kingdom Hope of All Man1.incl, the book "Let God
Be T"ue" and the Awake! magazine in Norwegian. All of
these are a blessing for giving a greater witness and a bet-
ter witness to the honor of .Tehovah's name and the aid
and comfort of those people of good will.
"Nothing stops these people," say many in this coun-
try. The inhabitants of Nyasaland are amazed at what
Jehovah's witnesses do to push ahead with their work.
They realize that God's servants are happy and con-
fident of success and they are not too worried about
the difficult conditions under which they serve. They
work hard and keep themselves in the right way of
life instead of indulging in the practices of the people
of this old system of things. Our brothers in Nyasa-
land are working to live in the new world, and people
are able to see the difference between Jehovah's wit-
nesses and the others. The branch servant of Nyasa-
land gives us some high points on the year's activity.
A small group of special pioneers began to work in May
HJ50 and did some fine work in new territory in various
parts of the country. Two of the brothers, working in virgin
territory, in a period of only two months formed two strong
new companies consisting of over forty publishers, with
many others learning of the truth and how to give it out
to others. The two pioneers cannot properly care for the
interest they contact; and there are still many villages as
yet untoue-hed but within working distance from where they
are based. The big chief received them kindly when they
came, and, once he understood more about their work, he
gave them a partly built house in which to live.
Another special pioneer has had similar experiences but
under more difficult circumstances. He is situated in a part
of the country where the mosquitoes come out in their
hordes of an evening, making life most unpleasant. So, in
order to hold home Bible studies with his interest, the
pioneer builds a green-bush fire and sits in the ae-rld smoke
that comes streaming out from it, and studies together with
his friends. It is the only way of escaping the unwanted
but persistent attentions of the pestiferous mosquito! And
yet another special pioneer, serving in a waterless area
where the women (who are the water earri!'rs in this coun-
try) have to get up at 1 a.m. to fetch water from ten mil!'!'
196 Yeal"book
away, obtained his water supplies by placing copies of
"Let God Be T"ue" with certain individuals in return for
two ccnts' worth of water per copy, to be delivered daily
for a period of fifteen days. He, too, has dozens of interested
friends and has a new company to look after as well, with
prospects of another's being formed shortly.
Now let one of the general pioneers tell his story of ex-
pansion: "I called on the chief to introduce myself and
my work, left my name and with him and obtained
permission to hold public meetings wherever I wished
within his area. My first public m!'eting was advertised and
held with the co-operation of a half-dozen interested friends.
Within three hours of house-to-house work a crowd of 150
were seated out under the trN'S ready to listen to the Bi-
hIe discourse; and within a week five of the interested were
quite decided in their minds that they wished to lJecome
regular pnlJlishers.
"We next called on the chief's brother who holds the
position of a village headman, and arranged for a public
meeting to be held under the dump of mango trees at his
door the next day. When we arrived thet'e at the time agreed
upon we found that he had already invited and gathered
the people to the meeting place, about seventy in number.
Following that meeting he has become so interested that
every Tuesday he attends our book study, bringing with
him each time twenty to thirty others. At the railway siding
five others have become publishers and I have just received
an invitation from a group of people living ten miles in the
opposite direction to address them on Bible truths."
Let me introduce you now to some of our brothers living
the life of fishermen on one of the smaller lakes of the
l'ountry: They earn their living by netting fish in their own
home-made nets patiently made from the canvas of old auto-
mohile tires from which they make the cords for their
nets. They cast their nets and get a good haul and bring
it in to the waiting crowd of pUlchasers. Before anyone
does get any fish at all, the brothers first secure their nets,
tell the waiting crowd to sit down and listen to a public
talk! 'l'hey do and then afterward the fish are sold to them;
and as they are travelers from a radius of anywhere up
to one hundred miles around, wherever they go they relate
to others how they got their fish and of what is said down
at the lake shore by Jehovah's witnesses.
The lion story of the year comes from a pioneer in the
north. He was cycling down the road on the way to a home
Bible study, with his wife perched 011 the carrier behind
him, when, 10, there was a lion ahead standing in the scrub
bush at the side of the road watching their approach!
When the brother caught sight of it he says that the only
thing that he could think of doing to meet the situation
was to ring the cycle bell! So down the road he went tinkling
the bell and hoping that the beast would take the hint and
obligingly melt away into the bush. It did! For when he
next looked it was gone! He then thought that perhaps he
was "seeing things", but as his wife was able to assure
him that the lion had really been there he gained confidence
in his sanity and went on to a successful study!
There are many problems to be overcome in Portu-
guese East Africa. Every effort is made by the govern-
ment and particularly by the Catholic priests to keep
Jehovah's witnesses out of that land. However, the
message does cross the border from time to time and
a good witness is given. One Roman Catholic priest
put it this way: "They gave me no peace in Nyasa-
land and now they have followed me here to give me
more trouble." It is not that Jehovah's witnesses are
trying to give them trouble, they are just trying to
give the people the truth. The truth has always given
trouble to the Devil and to those representing false
religion. The truth never disturbs those who have the
true religion. A few excerpts are made from the
branch servant's report on Portuguese East Africa,
which is under the Nyasaland branch.
Well, interest continu{'s to abound all along the bord!'J"
where Nyasaland Jehovah's witnesses contact the good-will
persons living in this t{,lTitory.
The circuit servant, the two pionl'Crs and the company
servant, who were seized in the early part of November, 1!)4S,
never llad any legal charge brought against them, nor any
hearing or opportnnity to voice their protests at such arbi-
trary action. 'fhey are now away in Portuguese Angola
working in one of the labor camps and bound over to re-
main there for a period of Six years with pel'hnp8 the pros-
pect of being returned home thereafter. They continued
preaching the Word in their {'xile and have built up a com-
pany there.
Whatever the conditions may be, one thing is certain,
no demon-controlled human power will ever stop the growth
198 Yearbook
of the truth. Let the Roman Catholic priests cause their
own followers to be beaten up (as they do) if they are found
with the Society's literature, yet they will not prevent the
"other sheep" from answering the rail to service! It is with
interest that we watch the unfolding of this chapter of
theocratic history in this part of the vineyard amidst a race
of people not too ignorant nor too backward to accept and
understand the precious life-giving truths of .Tehovah.
Since Pakif;tan became a nation four years ago
things have looked very dark for her. Political and so-
cial conditions have degenerated until the man in the
street freely voices his dissatisfaction. For their new
country they have sweat and fought and bled, but
instead of getting the political ideals that were held
before them they find corruption, filth, insecurity and
fear. The people of this land need the truth as much
as any other part of the world, and a very small baUll
of ,Jehovah's witnesses are trying to bring it to them.
What will ultimately happen in these countries as
far as the truth is concerned is impossible to predict.
But we do have the words of the Lord that this gospel
of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world.
,r ehovah's witnesses put forth a good effort and try to
]'each the hearts and minds of these people with the
truth. The branch servant in Karachi gives us some
interesting views of the people in Pakistan.
The uasic reason why conditions are different is the state
religion, Islam. It affects the witness at every turn-house-
to-house work, for instance. Because of the system of segre-
gating women, called purdah (literally, "curtain"), only
the men are contacted, and these only before work in the
morning. Even then he is often absent, llaving gone to the
"bazaar" for daily supplies. And in the evening he generally
eats, dresses and goes out. Ho evening appointments are
generally made for the Kingdom HaH rather than the home.
Hometimes there will be three or four groups scattered over
the hall, and one witness may have four or five hours of
continuous appointments there.
But most witneSSing" is done in the IJlaces of business.
Here one i:; receiyed and iuvited to drink
Yearbook 199
tea. Business is suspended. It Is expedient to urink the
tea, even though it may be the twentieth cup, for to de-
cline Is to invite your contact to decline to show interest
in your message. But there IS a limit to what can be drunk.
even In thirsty Pakistan! So while you Sip, you talk, and
imsiness waits!
The Moslems, who constitute almost all the population,
are fanatical for their religion with a zeal born, generally,
of ignorance. Partly because of blindness, partly from fear
of the inevitable persecution that will follow from his fel-
low Moslems, none has taken his stand for the truth so far.
gYen so, a number are now making a careful study of the
Bible and are standing on the brink and contemplating the
plunge, so to speak. These are genuine lovers of truth and
righteousness, deeply moved by what they have learned and
courageously continuing their studies in the face of much
opposition. One of such, turned out of horne, sleeps and
has his studies in his workshop. One day one of these is go-
ing to make that plunge, and wh!'n he does so otlwrs will
undoubtedly follow.
One witness had noticed a well-dressed person pass him
on the street regularly each week for two years. One time
he stopped and said to the witness: "I have observed you
standing here for a long time and have never been able to
pluck up courage to speak to you. I am really interested in
your work and want you to come to my home and teach me
the Bible." An appointment was arranged, but before the
witness could call the man had gone to some religious place
and purchased a Bible and had begun to read it. Now a
rpgular Bible study is held in the home of that government
Another time a man called at the Kingdom Hall and ap-
proached one of the publishers with: "When I met you on
the street the other day I argued against what you were
saying, out of fear of any Moslems who might overhear,
but I really believe that you people have the truth and I
am eager to know more." Another person approached a pub-
lisher on his corner and said: "])'01' a long time I have been
buying Single copies of your magazine Azcake! I was won-
dering if there is any way I could subscribe for it and get
It regularly."
One gathers the impression that our little band of wit-
nesses Is being closely watched. Watched, not in suspicion.
but from interest. They mark us as being different from
what they thought was Christianity, Roman Catholicism.
The Moslems' belief in one (lod and their abhorrence of
idol worship cause them to turn away from suell. But when
200 Yearbook
they find that we are as opposed to the trinity as they are
and have no idols, no, not even a meteorite Kaaba, they
are induced to investigate further.
Now, as though in answer to prayer, we have an advance
copy of the book What Has Religion Done 101' Mankind?
with its chapter on Islam. To us it is an evidence that
Jehovah is turning his attention to these pagan lands, to
deliver those that sit in darkness and the shadow of death.
"'hen Jehovah begins to release prisoners, then no power
ean thwart him.
P A N A ~ I A
The Republic of Panama is that narrow strip of
land that links the North and South American conti-
nents. Here, too, in this tropical climate therc are
many persons who arc listening to the truth. During
the past year splendid increases were made and a lleW
all-time high of 664 publishers was reached. Some
years back the witness work began in just the two
principal cities, but now with more publishers it is
possible to reach out into new territory, and good suc-
cess is being realized. The branch servant givcs us a
report of what is going on.
Panama City today is packed with 123,000 people, while
ColOn, about 4!.l miles away and near the Atlantic entrance
to the canal, has 44,000. For the past five years much of the
witness work has wn concentrated in these two cities and
a few other coastal towns, resulting in the formation of both
Spanish and English units in Panama City and Col6n. The
Panama English unit has maintained an average of W puh-
lishers during the past service year and the Spanish unit
HZ, whereas the Col6n English unit averaged 153 and the
Spanish unit 33. Also encouraging is the fact that out of
Panama's fifteen companies eight companies made increases
of from 20 to 400 per cen t.
With companies firmly established in t11e:;;e two large cities
a great effort has been made in recent years to carry the
good news of the Kingdom into the interior. The result of
this effort has been the establishment of a congregation in
David. With the hope of seeing more companies organized
in the interior where three-fifths of Panama's population
live, three more missionary homes have been established.
They are in Chitre, Aguadulce and Santiago, and three na-
tive specials are working in the interior town of La C'horrera.
On Friday, March 23, Jehoyah's witnesses in Panama and
the Canal Zone celebrated "the Lord's evening meal" in the
peace and quiet of their Kingdom Halls. Reports proved
that 961 attended, giving an indication of greater expansion
ahead. The following month showed how much the Pana-
manians appreciated "the Lord's evening meal", as they
reached their 34 per cent increase and continued to main-
tain it during the month of l\Iay.
The end of the service year was highlighted with two dis-
trict assemblies, one in Panama City and another in Colon.
Both programs contained alternate Spanish and English
talks. Stirring indeed were the presentations in harmony
with the theme of clean worship. So effective were the talks,
especially in Spanish, that one person of good will from
the interior said, "When I get home I am going to straight-
en out my affairs, and get properly married so I can be
counted as a publisher." Others too, now realizing that the
performance of marriage services does not entail a great
banquet and clergy fees, are following a Scriptural course
and soon find themselves respected married couples, living
up to the name of .Tehovah's witnesses.
Having thus raised our voices contributing to the earth-
wide thundering sound of "Praise .Tah" for 1951, and with
the battle of Armageddon another year closer, we feel as-
sured that there are many, many more who will yet call
upon the name of Jehovah during the coming service year
and be saved.
This country is one of the two inland countries in
South America. While this is one of the best-watered
countries in the world, yet the true "water of life" is
something the people need and are searching for. The
missionaries and the publishers working with them
are doing splendid work and from this we see some
wonderful increases in the gathering together of the
"other sheep". Three assemblies played an important
part in the work this year. And while there was oppo-
sition from the clergy at all three locations, still the as-
semblies were held and a wonderful witness was given.
The branch report offers some interesting experiences.
During the year three new companies were organized,
making a total of 14, and we reached a peak of 43 per cent
over the peak number of publishers for 1950. 'Ye were also
202 Yearbook
able to have Hssemblies in the three pl'inripal (ities of the
country. Asunci6n. Encarnacion. and Villarrica. These three
assemblies resulted in a great witness and many good-will
associates of the "Lazarus class" were comforted. but the
"rich man class" was tormented.
During the year two more Gilead missionaries were sent
to Paraguay and they tell us of an experience they had a
f!'w days after they arrived. "We were returning from our
territory late one afternoon about the time the sun was
going down. We walked by the river port and noticed a large
boat entering the port. and we walked on the do("k to watch
it. We had our book bags with us and in them some cans
of corned beef that we had gotten for the missionary home.
All was well until we started to leave. A Coast Guard offi-
cer called to us and asked us what "'e were doing. \Ve
could speak very little Spanish, so we were in a jam. '1'0
make matters worse we had that corned beef in our book
bags. Thinking we were smugglers the officers took us to
the Coast Guard station which was just across the street.
In trying to explain where we got the corned beef we pulled
La Ata/aya (Watcht01t"CI') out of our hook hag. One of the
officers immediately recognized the La. Ata./llYli and said
he knew one of our members. In a few minutes we had
placed two books. two Bibles and six magazines. They put
the corned beef back in our book bags and expressed ap-
proval of our work. So what >'tarted to be a dull evening
turned out to be a one in the service."
Of the many experienccs WI' have had. I wish to report
one of a l'ara!!uayan brother. Allout six or about
the time the Gilead missionaries came to Paraguay, a pio-
neer witnessed to two Paraguayans. One of the Paraguayans
accepted the message as the truth and his friend liked the
message also but soon thereafter moved to Argentina. 'l'he
man that accepted the truth started to attend the meetings
at the Kingdom Hall regularly. soon became a publisher.
also enrolled In the theocratic ministry school. later becom-
ing the Watchtower study conductor and one of our hest
public speakers. A few weeks ago his friend returned fl'om
Argentina. and it just happened that this brother was go-
ing to give a jlublic talk the following Sunday. So he ill-
rited his friend to come.
n happened that it rained that Sunday and his friend
llid not corne. BecauRe of the rainy day, it was decided to
give the same talk the next Sunday. This time his friend
eame and listened very attentiYf'ly and whell the talk was
oycr he went immediately to the speakcI' and told him the
talk was very good. He said he had visited many churches
Yearbook 203
and had listened to lIIany religious talks but this was the
lir8t one he had ever heard that had Sincerity, He asked for
a subscription f01' the i Despertad! (AlCakel) magazine,
also took with him the book "This Means Everlasting Life"
in Spanish. After a few days be came to the brother and
asked for a study so that he too lIIight understand the
Bible and the wonderful things he had heard in the talk.
This and other experiences show that we are living in the
time when people of good will al'e coming to us and asking
to be taught.
The 19G1 service year has been a wonderful year of serv-
ice and has brought many blessings from .Jehovah. May the
Lord continue to bless all of his servants in all parts of the
earth whe1'eYer they may be.
This is a very interesting country. Jehovah's wit-
nesses there are very happy this year because of so
many "sheep" being gathered together. 'l'he average
inclease for the year was 76 per cent, and they reached
It newall-time peak of 296 publishers. The brothers
have enjoyed many experiences in the preaching work
and from the branch servant's report we see that the
people are looking for the truth that Jehovah's wit-
nesses are preaching. Not only do Jehovah's witnesses
have the opportunity of going to them and saying to
the prisoners, "Go forth!" but some are so anxious
10 "go forth" that they come to the publishers.
The Lima company was split into two units, and now that
all see the advantages they rejoice that the 1030 peak of
H2 company publishers has been surpassed by a new com-
bined peak of 172 in August. The other three companies
connected with missionary groups have had a joyous share
in the grand increase, this year reaping the benefits of being
hetter established and the missionaries and local publishers
heing more fully experienced.
And blessed personal experiences weren't lacking either;
often we were made to realize the harvest is ripe and the
laborers yet few. Satisfaction and joy were derived from
overcoming barriers by .Jehovah's spirit, whether they were
illiteracy, prison walls retaining sheep like Bible students,
literal mountain ranges and jungles separating us from
isolated llUbli!<hers, official stubbornness, or just plain in-
difference on the part of some prospective sheep.
As to indifferenee, one local missionary relates how after
repeated brief calls on a shoemaker and his son dm'ing six
months, just a magazine placement, she managed to start
a study. son had told her never to come back, ('ailing us
"Protf'Stants". She says, "I told him I would return with the
Catholic Bible, as it protests against all false religions. I
did, and discussed hell and the trinity. He exclaimed, 'There
is surely something to your work! I have never read from
a Bible before. Why do the priests prohibit it?'
"Weeks latel' his father arranged to study 'Let God Bc
'fruc' with my sister and me, with the result that he was
so thrilled that he subscribed for Thc Watchtower for his
hrother as well as for himself and sent over twenty maga
to relatives in other provinces. He now rejoices greatly
to be a publisher, and gave his first student talk
lIis wife is eager to heat the truth now beeause of hel'
husband's rescue from immorality."
One day an inquisitive Catholic boy in Arequipa saw
one of the missionaries studying in a park. he
American, he thought he might have something interest
ing to study, and tl'uly he did! The studies which followed
were cut short after a couple of weeks when the young
ml\n left the city in search of work. After a month had
vassed he came to Lima, when' he tried to locate us with
the bran('h address. Meanwhile, however, we had moved
and he a month or more hunting us high and low, finally
meeting one of the missionaries in lIE'arby Callao. Deligllted,
he attended one of the meetings. which he had so much
missed since leaving Arequipa.
But he was going right away after work again, this time
to the mountains in the interior. lIe agreed to try to at
tend the assembly in March and to write for information
ami literature as needed. '.rhe assembly site had to be
moved just the day before the starting lIay due to otlicial
refusal of permission, but he was one of the 305 who found
the changed location and enjoyed the program. He went
in the field during the assembly and retuI'Iled to the mining
lawn to tell his friends all about it. Then they too wanted
litcmture, so he wrote the branch, and since then his re
ports have been regular. He greatly enjoyed and benefited
from the circuit servant's visit to him in July.
One of the Trujillo missionaries writes, "Three new si,,
tel'S and I called on an hacienda owner to see what our
prospects would be for working the hacienda. After I hall
made tlte presentation he said we were doing a noble work
and he hoped we would visit all the families on his hacienda.
He presented ns with a book he had written regarding
Yea1'book 205
his plan for teaching all the illitel'Utes to read. I explained
to him our educational work and how the ones that learn
the message immediately begin teaching others. He turned
to the sisters and asked each one how long I had been
teaching her. One said a year, the others ten months. He
then asked them if they had dedicated themselves to the
same work of teaehing. 'rhey told him yes, and that this was
their first day in the serviee. He commended them highly
and said that we have something very practical.
"After thanking him we got ready to leave, presenting
him with the new book as a gift. He said, 'But you haven't
told me how your work in financed.' I explained, and he
responded, 'TIut you will permit me to make a small dona-
tion to your work'l' With that he handed me a tive-hundred-
sole bill ($33.33 U. S.), expressing the hope that it would
help get the message to those too poor to contribute. Not
all the haciendas are under his management, of course, but
since he is ('onsidere<l a very important person we are in
hopes that the other haeie1/aa owners will follow his prece-
dent alHl open the way to witness to their workers."
So the great happy expansion is taking place here in
Peru, just as it is all over the world now, and ours is a
lUost ble!';sed lot to have a little part in it.
The KingJom message is penetrating throughout
the Philippine Republic. There is plenty of trouble
in that land now-political strife, social unrest, etc.-
but the opportunity to preach the good news still
exists. In fact, it is unlimited for Jehovah's witnesses.
'Ve do not mean by that that there is no trouble, but
there are millions of people to talk to and there are
thousands of witnesses to do the talking. Splendid in-
creases have been made during the year. At the close
of the service year there were 14,609 who were willing
volunteers calling on the prisoners to come forth. The
branch servant relates a number of interesting experi-
ences and shows what our brothers are up against in
order to get the message preached.
In Cebu City the manager of a business concern was so
impressed with the testimony given by an American grad-
uate of Gilead School that he invited him to come back and
preach to all of his employees. On the return visit the mis-
sionary was delighted to tind 30011t thirty persons waiting
206 Yea1'book
to hear what he would have to say. After an introduction
by the manager the publisher launched into a ninety-minul"p
discussion on how to gain life-giving knowledge. f;everal
revisits were necessary to answer all the questions prompted
by this first presentation to the employees.
QUite hy accident two pioneer sisters gOing from hom:!'
to house were swept in with mOl'p than one hundred persons
during a mass raid by police in Manila who were seeking
suspected Taken to an army camp, the sisters werl'
at first )'igidly confined, not even being allowed to speak
to each other. \Vhen some of the army otlicen; found ont
that these two were .Tehovah's witnesses they w('re "pry
kind to them, even encouraging them to preu('h from the
Bible to others in the !lume building until theil' elearances
were signed und hoth were 1I1\0wpd to go free. Their time
was well spent, left a fine impression, an(\ they were
able to arrange for many revisits.
Circuit assemblies provided plenty of excitement and
fanned the enthusiasm of the publishers to a bright glow. In
Lihlllanan, Camarincs Sur, an acting mayor tried to cancel
the public mepting permit granted to Jehoyah's witness,,''''
by his absentpe superior. Evidently he thought hetter of it
wl1f>n he disco\'l'rp(l the law guarantees our right of peace
able assembly. The assembly hall was stoned amI so \Yl'I'P
some persons going to and from the hall, but nothin;:
stopped the program. Over onp thousand attended the pubJie
meeting in spite of threats of mobbing. Only three hunclrcd
were brothers.
San JosP, Antique, witnessed similar laek of rpspect for
worship of Almighty God. The provincial governor l'elue-
tantly signed a permit for the use of the public bandstand
only ten minutes befol'e the arrival of the district servant
in town. He had been holding out for weeks in the faee of
repeated repr('sentatiollK A theatPl' had been engaged for
the assembly sessions. Thi:'; was vigorously stoned and the
owner snbjected to pressnre to break his contract with
Jehovah's witnesses. Hp stood firm. Eight hun(lred came to
the public meeting, strangers numbering five hundred,
Burauen, Leyte, is stifled in a municipal strait jacket of
administrative intolerance. Public property was denied to
for any part of onr Christian circuit mlsembly.
A theater was engaged for all sessions. The local parish
priest put on an "amateur night" show right next door to
attract people away from the assembly. In spite of thm
the theater was packed out and all sessions went on to a
thrilling climax. Nine hundred attended, In Panabo, Davao,
followers of a Filipino religion called Tg/csia ni Cristo set
Yearbook 207
up a loud-speaker right In front of the circuit assembly
hall of Jehovah's witnesses. The police were summoned and
the disturbers were made to move one hundred meters away.
'.rhen the sound amplifier of these religious intruders failed
to operate. So their audience came over to hear the lec-
ture of Jehovah's witnesses. One thousand attended the
public meeting undisturbed.
Of course, the high light of our service year came during
~ ' o u r visit in April. We had a wonderful time during that
national assembly and we want to take this opportunity
to express our gratitude to Jehovah for your visit and for
the sound counsel from the Scriptures you gave at that
lime. Anyone reading your thrilling report in The Watch-
(olcer of September 15 and October I, 1951, cannot fail to
grasp some of the contentment we enjoy in spite of ad-
versity in the Philippines. We are very happy.
The most >;ensational event with respect to our work came
just at the close of the service year. Secretary of Justice
.lose P. Bengzon, who was about to reSign, took a parting
shot at Jehovah's witnesses. He issued an opinion to the
effect that children of Jehovah's witnesses could be compelled
to salute the flag in the public schools on pain of expulsion.
Thereby he reversed the opinion of his predecessor in
office and disregarded the decision of the Supreme Court of
the United States in the famous Barnette case. As a mat-
ter of fact 1\11'. Bengzon called the U. S. high court "vascil-
luting" and said that court had "deprived its ruling of the
necessary stability and force borne of fixed conviction". He
had a few other uncomplimentary things to say about that
court's logiC, all of which erupted Into extensive publicity
in the newspapels. The 1\1anila Ohronicle, In its Sunday
magazine section, gave a very good three-page write-up of
the stand of Jehovah's witnesses. Appropriate pictures illus-
trated how the witnesses carryon their preaching activity.
This publicity did much to acquaint the reading public with
the work we are uoing throughout the world.
In this communist-dominated country the work of
Jehovah's witnesses has been slowed down momentar-
ily. The totalitarian rulers of the land do not see fit
to have freedom of speech 01' freedom of worship. They
are fighting against the kingdom of God and all those
who stand for the Kingdom. Jehovah's witnesses, how-
ever, have not stopped preaching, but they continue
to say to the prisoners, "Go forth!" Certainly those in
208 Yearbook
Poland are bound. It is known by the Society that in-
tensive work goes on in the land of Poland. When the
ban came there were about 18,000 publishers. But
when the whip of totalitarian rule lashed against them
in an endeavor to disorganize them, it made their
numbers drop to 9,380. Of course, the scattering of
Jehovah's witnesses often makes them work harder
in telling the people the good news, because it is the
only answer to the world's woes.
The scattered ones did not remain idle, nor did t h e ~ '
stay away from the Lord's organization. They con-
tinued to meet one with another and preach the good
news as they had opportunity. Today we know there
are 15,009 who have the good spirit of our Father
and are praising Jehovah. They are strengthened by
the Word of God and they believe it with all their
heart, mind, soul and strength. They know that it is
possible to lose their lives in the flesh now, but never
will they lose the life God has given them. Satan the
Devil may destroy the body, but it is Jehovah God
who will give life in the new world. Jehovah's wit
nesses fearlessly go nhead in Poland preaching the
good news.
The branch servant of Poland still remains in prison.
lIe has been given a life Rentence. There are about a
hundred others of Jehovah's witnrsses who are serving
prison terms now. The only rrason they are in prison
is that they were preaching the good news of God's
,Ye know that some new interest is coming forward
and they are being immersed and are taking theil'
stand for the Kingdom. Jehovah's witnesses in Poland
believe that the Prince of Peace will continue to lead
them to victory through these very difficult and dan-
gerous days. Ood's servants throughout the wide world
admire their zeal and determination and trust in Je-
hovah. We stand shoulder to shoulder with them ill
the proclamation of the Kingdom.
Five years ago there were just two towns where the
message of the Kingdom was being preached. Now
there are fifteen companies in Puerto Rico. The Watch-
tower is having a wide circulation too. Many new sub-
scriptions were obtained during the year and due to
thc fact that the Spanish Watchtower and Awake! are
now published twice a month, just like the English,
there is a much wider distribution. The publishers in
Puerto Rico are happy with the increase and they are
looking ahead to 1952 and the opportunity of singing
more praise to the Most High God.
It has really been thrilling to see how the seed thrown
forth by the great Sower has taken root and sprouted in
unexpected places. Publishers are popping up all over the
island, from the coastlands to high up in the mountains;
little companies are beginning to blossom and established
companies are branehing out.
A Gilearl missionary's letter tells us of six publishers
from the l\Iayagtiez company starting out early one Sunday
morning in rl'Sponse to a request for a public lecture by an
isolated family of publishers about lfi miles up in the moun-
tains. After a pleasant ride along the winding road lined
with shruubery and blossoming trees, they set out on foot
along a nurrow path leading over little hills and through
"alleys to the publishers' horne. They gave a friendly verbal
invitation in all the humule homes along the way to corne
to the lecture, and, in most cases, got the answer, "Vamos,
8i D i o . ~ qui ere" ("We'll go, God willing"). But about lecture
time dark Clouds filled the sky and rain came pelting down,
dampening the joy of the puu!ishers and the isolated fam-
i!:v. Not for long, though, because soon the in"ited neighbors
started arriving, wet but curious, and the attendance grew
to :!S, some sitting on benches, others standing on the porch,
as the saying goes, "all ears." Now a group study has been
started and, with Jehovah's bleSSing, a company will later
be formed.
A free booklet offer at the close of one of our radio pro-
grams brought a letter from another mountain town, Utuado.
Calling at his first opportunity, the circuit servant was
surprised to meet two publishers who related this interest-
ing account: Leaving California, where they had learned
something of the truth, they had set out for Puerto Hico,
the wife's native land, their desire being to tell the people
there of the Kingdom message. On arriving, they settled
210 Y ea1' b 00 k
on a small farm near Utuado and soon began preaching the
'Vord. 1.'he local Methodist Church extended a "warm"
invitation to the wife (whose father had been a Methodist
minister) to join their church, but turned "cold" when she
visited them and witnessed about Bible doctrines.
1"or a while the Pentecostal Church offered them their
building for Bible discussions, but the preacher soon found
their presentation of Bible truths made him extremely un-
('omfortable, and withdrew the offer. For several Sundays
they invited a large number of neighbor children to their
home for a Bible study, with good response, but then Satan's
"hirds" got busy with false accusations and the parents
stopped the children's attendance. So, the two became quite
discouraged and contemplated leaving. They were not in
contact with the hundreds of publishers working through-
out the islaml and were unknown to the branch-until that
radio program evoked a letter from the wife. Now, with
unother "isit from the circuit servant and some good in-
struction on carrying' on tlle work, they have started wit-
nessing from door to door and are probably experiencing
t he words of the psalmist (126: 6, AS): "He that goeth
forth and weepeth, bearing seed for sowing, shall douhtless
come again with joy, bringing his sheaves with him."
InCidentally, we now have free programs amounting to
two hours a week on five radio stations throughout the
h;land, and many publishers on calling at homes find the
radio programs have gotten there first, opening the way.
'I'lle company in Ponce, our third-largest city over on the
south coast, has been a model of expansion. Starting the
year with 80 publishers they reached a peak of 127 and
last month reported 114 Bible studies. Rural witneSSing,
begun this year, brought interesting results. And here in the
('apital the company in Santurce started to bnd early in
the year and by its end had branched out four times!
Good evidence of future possibilities and an event that
brought great JOY, too, was the Memorial celebration. Me-
morial night came and passed and one by one the reports
came in from the twelve places where it had been cele-
brated. When the repolts were totaled we found not 6UO,
nor 700, but a grand total of 834 in attendance! In the
Santurce Kingdom Hall, although extra chairs had been
rented for the occaSion, there were as many people standing
as there were sitting, 2GO in all.
So now we start into tile new service year, and we count
it a joy to he ali"e and working for the Lord in this his
day, Religions oppOSition is beginning to manifest itself,
as in Aguadilla where the presence of two lone missionaries
caused the Presbyterian Clnlrch to distribute a pamphlet
Yearbook 211
<1ecl'ying the "im'asion by Jehovah's witnesses"; hut we are
confident that, though opposition increases, Jehovah's work
will continue its forward march, We indeed have much to
be thankful for and are determined to keep ourselves cleall
and theocratic that thus the flow of bleSSings may never stop.
There are three little islands, St. Thomas, St. Croix
and St. John, not too far away from Puerto Rico
where 24,000 persons make their home. A good wit-
ness has been given to these folks during the past
year. The brothers reached a peak of 99 publishers,
with wonderful prospects of more "sheep" joining
them in preaching the good news. The branch serv-
nnt in Puerto Rico writes the following about the
work in these islands,
It was the most eventful year yet for our bl'others there.
,V hen, on December 29, that big 4-motored Pan-American
plane came gliding down onto the airfield at Charlotte
Amalie and the brothers, lined up to greet it, realized that
it was completely filled with some 50 fellow witnE'sses from
Puerto Rico plus the Society's president and his secretary,
well, they really were thtilled. The district assembly that
followed was certainly a milestone in theocratic progress
for the Virgin Islands. Never had their capital city of Char-
lotte Amalie seen so many witnesses (over 100) at one time.
They rejoiced again at Memorial time when 134 attendl'(1
the celebration in Charlotte Amalie and Christians ted. 1\IOl'('
than double last year's attendance of 66!
In St. Thomas an interesting experience was hall as the
result of a Bible study begun with a patient in the Munic-
ipal hospital. 'l'his patient Soon felt desirous of aiding others
and began a Bible study in Spanish with an elderly man
in the bed next to his. Soon four studies were in progress.
A visiting Church of God preacher, seeing one of the newly
interested patients studying, cried, "Man, you expect to get
""elI and you drinking that poison 1" But an English clergy-
man on seeing the patient studying with a fellow patient of
good will asked permission to examine the New World
1'mnslation they were using and then requested that they
get him a copy, Later he requested a "Let God Be 'l'nle"
book and expressed appreciation of the contents of the
Evolution booklet they gave him, saying that he 'admired
the way .Tehovah's witnesses (til went out and preached am]
gave aid to the people in Bihle study'.
212 Yearbook
Jehovah's witnesses in the Yirgin Islands are sure this
coming year will prove still more interesting for them and
bring them new joys and new blessings, They know that
further increases are still to be made and they intend to
he found working for them, and this by God's grace.
An oppressive government has ruled over Romania
for a long time. The communists have established the
worst dictatorial regime Romania has had up to this
time. Here is another country behind the "iron CUl'-
tain" that is opposed to freedom of thought and
speech. There is strong censorship of the mail. The
letters pass through many hands at the post office
and every word is weighed. Only that which is in
favor of communism is allowed to go through. Any-
thing that is for truth and God's kingdom does not
Since July, 1950, many of the brothers in Romania
have been in prison. A number have been put to work
on the Danube Canal. This, of course, is forced lahor.
They do not get sufficient food or clothing. But it
is understood that relatives arc allowed to give them
additional supplies so that they can keep alive.
What information has come through from Roma-
nia is good in this respect: Jehovah's witnesses are
still preaching the message of the Kingdom and they
are very busy at it. They are putting up a good fight
under hard persecution. 'l'hey are not discouraged. All
the brothers are being strictly watched and it is im-
possible to send through service reports. But we know
"the work progresses in spite of all". Our dear
brothers in Romania were well fed before the com-
munist regime gained great strength to oppress the
people. Now the brothers there are holding close to
God's Word the Bible and the things that they have
learned. \Ve rejoice in their faithfulness. Jehovah's
witnesses have been well taught through the Lord's
organization. And, although fresh provisions of truth
Yearbook 213
have been lacking recently, they know what they
should do and, what is more, they are doing it. They
are still praising Jehovah!
In Singapore and l\Ialaya and the islands to the
south of this peninsula there arc millions upon mil-
lions of people who have not had the opportunity of
hearing the truth. It is believed that if enough pub-
lishers get into this territory and can talk to the
people in their own tongue, there will be a "great
crowd" to praise Jehovah in thunderous tones. Some
arc doing this now, but not in any great numbers.
The work in Singapore, Malaya, Borneo and the
United States of Indonesia shows good increase. These
countries are overrun with internal strife the same as
most countries, but Jehovah's witnesses keep on
preaching and bringing comfort to those that mourn.
The branch servant in Singapore, where a new office
was opened during the year, sends in reports on the
work in that part of the world.
It was with great joy and gladness that Jehovah's wit-
nesses In this land heralded the announcement "Proclaim
Liberty Throughout All the Land". This was a special oc-
easion for rejOicing, as we received the news that we were
to have a visit from the president of the Society and his
secretary. Since only four of the present 90 publishers
were associated with the Lord's organization on the oc-
('asion of Brother Knorr's visit in 1947, it was to prove to
lJe a special treat to all the new ones here. SingaI10re's first
assembly since 1940 was held on this occasion and all those
attending enjoyed immensely the rich spiritual feast that
was spread by Jehovah for his people. A clearer insight into
the Lord's organization, its magnitude and the manner of
its functioning through the operation of his spirit was
clearly impressed upon all. The information on divine heal-
ing was especially fitting, as here various religions are
always in the limelight with their claim to numerous mira-
cles among which faith healing is prominent.
An interesting item on this point appeared in the local
press. On the occasion of the visit to Singapore of a popu-
lar faith-healing "Christian" preacher an article in the
214 Yearbook
press quoted testimonials from persons who claimed to have
heen healed from various afflictions 011 his previous visit. A
few days later the same of article appeared with testi-
monials from others, hut this time from Buddhists, on the
occasion of a visit from one of their miracle-working llriests.
'rhis bears out the fact that performing of miracles is not
that which identifies a true Christian today.
The opening of a branch office in Singapore has facilitated
handling of many details of service. Local problems pecu-
liar to this country can be dealt with more easily. Especially
appreciated will be the regular visits of the circuit and dis-
t rict servants as well as the semiannual circuit assemblies.
'l'hrough home Bible studies many are enabled to grasp
the truth quickly and are equipped sufficiently to take the
life-giving message to others, as the following experience
from a pioneer shows:
"Twelve months ago I contacted a young Chinese whose
family is Buddhist and placed a 'Let God Be True' with him,
arranging at the same time to call again. On returning he
had some questions and soon we began a study. He did not
possess the Bible and knew very little about it. After a few
studies his interest was aroused, especially after studying
about the 'end of the world', At school he began talking to
his classmates and in letters witnessed to friends, including
a pen friend in America.
"After six months I invited him out in the service and he
thoroughly enjoyed it. That which struck him most was the
urgency of the work due to the nearness of Armageddon,
'Vhen vacation came he asked me if I thought he would
JJe wasting time if he spent two weeks with his friends in
another town.
"Soon he convinced one of llis Indian school friends that
this was the truth and encouraged him to study 'Let God
lJe True'. After two studies this lad also wanted to come
witnessing and now the two of them help each othel' in
joyful service. They went to work on another schoolboy, Ilnd
after a couple of studies in 'T1lis E1:erlasting lAte'
and much encouragement he too is ready for service.
"For their last vacation two of them took up individual
territories. Now they are condUcting six home Bible studies
hetween them and have taken two of their studies into the
field service. Truly the 'other sheep' of the Lord are being
;;-athered by Him and no matter what one has been before,
whether Christian or not, the pure language is causing all
to unite in praising Jehovah."
Another high light of the service year was the arrival here
of six Gilead graduates who were aSSigned to work in the
Federation of Malaya. Four British brothers were sent to
Penang, which is an island located off the nortinveHt coast
of Malaya with a population of 189,000. This city had had no
witnesses in it since 1940. Two New Zealand brothers were
assigned to Kuala Lumpur, the capital of the I"ederation.
Upon arrival here the two brothers for Kuala Lumpm'
received entry permits for one year, whereas the four mis-
sionaries for Penang were granted only a one-month stay
while their case was reviewed by the director of immigra-
tion. On the day before their month expired they were or-
dered to leave the country. No explanation was given by the
authorities. Subsequent appeals to the chief secretary, to
the member for home Ilffairs, and to the high commissioner
were of no avail and the brothers concerned had to depart
for Siam.
During the short while that the missionaries worked in
that city th!'y distributed much Bible literature and were
able to start a numb!'r of home Bible studies with people
who are keen to learn of God's purposes. Public response
to this free educlltion was remarkable and many were
shocked by the action of the government taken against these
The high light of the year was the visit from Brooklyn
of Brother Knorr and Brother Henschel for the first time
to Indonesia. That visit helped us toward better organiza-
tion of the work in this country. Especially grateful were
we for the arrangement Brother Knorr made to send a
circuit servant from Singapore who worked with us for
three months and helped build up our company more along
theocratic lines.
Our chief difficulty has been to locate a suitable Kingdom
Hall. When we consider that the publish{'rs have increased
from last year's 19 to this year's peak of 65 we can appre-
ciate that the place where we met in a private home before
has hecome inadequate. However, n{'gotiations are now be-
ing made for acquiring a missionary home and Kingrlom
Hall combined and we hope our efforts will bring success.
With the help of the circuit servant we were able to or-
ganize our company meetings better. 'Ve now have a regular
Watchtower study in Dutch Indonesian. Service meetings
and the ministry school were also introduced and are gt'eatly
appreciated by the brothers. During the servant's visit many
of the irregular publishers were aided into the service anfl
four, by water immersion, symbolized their dedication to do
Jehovah's will, which made a total of six baptized for the
216 Yearbook
We are thankful to Jehovah that it has been possible for
eight Gilead graduates to be sent here to take up missionary
work. The brothers are assured of having many blessings
and are already enjoying many interesting experiences in
the service among this diversity of peoples. It matters not
which form of false religion people have been practicing,
if thE'Y are honest-Iwarted they will 'listen to the voice of
the right shepherd'. The following experience bears this out:
A sister placed a booklet with a young boy whose mother
was a Catholic. On calling back she H1E't the lady of the house
herself. This person had nevel' had any satisfaction in her
church, although born a Catholic. After that a home Bible
study was held with her regularly and now she uses in
Kingdom service the m o n e ~ ' she usually gave to the church
for masses to be said for her <leau father and daughter.
She realizes that she hau been deeeiveu all these years.
i\ow she is a publisher.
So now with thpse missionaries in our midst and six more
being on the way, we look forward to a ,Yonderful seniee
year ahead of us.
Regular rpports throughout the year were received from
two publishers in Borneo. Though therE' are many hardships
to put up with in this country the brothers have devoted
good time to Kingdom service. i\o doubt many of those called
on will respond to the message and take up the SE'rvice in
due time.
There were six persons in attendance at the Memorial
celebration. We pray for .Tehovah's blessings upon the efforts
of our hrothers therE'. The seed sown on "right soil" and
('ultivated by faithful back-calls and studies conducted will
surely bring forth fruits to Jehovah's praise.
The branch office now located in Cape Town, South
Africa, looks after the general organization of the
work in South Africa itself, Angola, Basutoland,
Bechuanaland, Mauritius, St. Helena, South-West
Africa, Swaziland. Reports are given on all of these
territories and the reader will appreciate the prob-
lems that they face in this southern part of the
great continent of Africa. During the past year the
Society started building its new home in Germiston
in Johannesburg, and it is hoped that before many
Yearbook 217
months pass our offices will move from Cape Town
to our new location. The work in South Africa war-
rants this expansion, putting up larger offices, ac-
commodations for brothers and a printing plant to
take care of the many dialects that are spoken in
that part of the world. Cape Town is one branch
that has never had a Bethel Home, that is, a place
where all members of the family live together. They
do have their own office and printing establishment, but
the members of the family have never had the pleasure
of living as a family. Now this matter is being cor-
rected by putting up our own place. Weare sure
it will add greatly to the prosperity of the organiza-
tion in South Africa. Jehovah's witnesses have done
splendidly during the past year and the report sub-
mitted by the branch servant is very interesting.
It is always a thrill to find the Lord's "other sheep" and
to have the privilege of feeding them the rich spiritual food
that Jehovah through his theocratic organization distributes
throughout the earth for the spiritual healing awl uplift
of the people who are of mild disposition and teachable.
One lady with whom a missionary had conducted a s t u d ~ '
for about two moutlls remarked: "You know, it is really
wonderful! I have attended church regularly since I was a
little girl and I lIave read my Bible quite a lot, but I have
Il:'arned more about God's purposes in tile few weeks that
you have been coming around to help me study God's Word
with the aid of the book 'Let God Be 'l'nw' than I have
learned in all these previous years."
A brother on sick leave from his work for three months
went to the country to recuperate. Having in mind that phys-
ical illness can often be helped by fresh air and exercise
he began to walk from farm to farm to give out the King-
dom message. At the end of the se('ond month there were
20 attending home Bible studies and lie began a lVutchtOlcer
study for them. Before he returned home at the end of the
third month 10 of those attending the studies had had
some share in the work and arrangements were made for a
brothel' in a nearby company to go over each week to act as
group study conductor and care for the interest aroused.
The youngsters, brought up in the nurture and admoni-
tion of the Lord, have also contributed theil' share to the
volume of praise that has gone up to .leho,-ah. One day
218 Yea1'book
a teacher at school said to the children, "Those who would
like to go to heaven let them raise their hands." The whole
class raised their hands except one boy. Asked for his
reason he told them about God's kingdom and the paradise
earth. When he had concluded the teacher asked the dass
who would like to live under Goers kingdom on earth. With-
out hesitation all the children raised their hands and the
teacher added, "I am also raising my hand."
At a small town two pioneers were refused camping priv-
ileges on municipal ground. A person of good will offered
his yard. Soon pressure was brought to bear on him and the
pioneers were obliged to leave. A prominent businessman
then agreed to let the pioneers use his property. Again pres-
sure was applied and the offer was withdrawn. Unable to
obtain accommodation in the town the pioneers have been
forced to camp five miles outside and ride into town each
day to carry forward their missionary activity. In spite of
warnings from the pulpit and lack of co-operation from the
town council, a successful open-air public meeting was held
with 230 in attendance, and good interest has been aroused.
Now a third party has offered accommodation to the pio-
neers and he is determined that no pressure, from either
predikant or Council, will make him alter his decision.
The circuit work has expanded rapidly. Eighty-two new
companies were organized during the year. In addition we
found it necessary to subdivide a numher of the circuits
to make it easier for many of the brothers to attend the
circuit assemblies. This has resulted in the total attendance
at such assemblies being greatly increased. The number bap-
tized at the circuit assemblies was 1,028 and this brought
the total of those symbolizing their dedication by watel' im-
mersion during the year to 2,015.
After a long wait of nearly three years we were even-
tually given transfer of the land purchased in 1948 and our
building program immediately got under way. Satisfactory
progress has been made during the past four months and
according to the builders' latest assessment the buildings
should be completed next February. We are all very grateful
to Jehovah and to you for this provision that is being made,
for we know that it will lead to greater expansion of the
Kingdom work in South Africa.
Reports from this Portuguese colony in "rest Africa take
a full month to rea<>h the Cape Town office. The latest one
at hand, the report for July, indicates that there were III
publishers in actioll that month. During- the greater part of
Yearbook 219
the year the majority of these publishers have been working
on the little Portuguese island of Sao Tome, which is situ
ated right on the equator and which faUs under the super.
vision of the authorities in Angola. The brothers there have
hCf'n diligent with their backcalls and home Bible studies
and this has brought the increase.
Letters from Portuguese living in the capital city, Nova
Lisboa, and at other centers in the colony have expressed
ap]lreciation for the magazines and other literature in the
l'ortuguese language.
,nth no railroads and few good roads the work in Rasuto
land is carried forward under difficulty. For example, the
eircuit servant had to ride for two days on horseback to
get to one group of interested people in the eastern part
of the country. The journey, however, was worth while. The
assistant chief, the postmaster and others in the district
have the So('iety's literature and appreciate it. The talk
,It Is High Time to Awake!" was well received, and now
a little company has been organized, with good prospects
for expansion, When the circuit servant again visited them
six months later, a Homan Catholic priest attended the pub-
lic m<>eting and at the conclusion testified that he had been
charging his membprs at the rate of 2/6d per man, 1/-
per woman and 3d per child for many years and had been
giving them nothing worth while in return, Now he had
learned the truth and was determined that no longer would
he "labor in vain".
In the western part of the country steady progress has
heen m a d ( ~ and several new companies have been organized.
A pionCf'r \Vol'king in Maseru, the capital, encountered some
difficulty from the chief, who wished him to leave the
country, However, the pioneer was born in Basutoland and
when the matter came before the resident commissioner
the latter justly made full inqUiries. The resident commis-
Kioner, in the presence of the chief, informed the pioneer
that he was free to carry forward his work without inter-
ference. A successful public meeting was held shortly there-
after with 205 in attendance. A company has now been
But although Illany of the chiefs nre Catholics and op-
posed to the Kingdom message, there are some honest-
hearted ones among them. A pioneer recently visited a chief's
kraal in the Leribe district. He was invited to eat with the
chief, who at the time was entertaining two dergymen.
OllPortunity waS given to explain the llurpose of the visit,
220 Yearbook
and as the pioneer made each point he handed the Bible
to the chief so that the chief could see as well as hear the
answer to his questions. The two clergymen became very an-
noyed and left, leaving the pioneer to continue the discu:,<-
sion with the chief. The chief was indeed pleased with all
the information he received from the Bible and arrange-
ments were made for a regular weekly study with him.
At one center where opposition was bE'ing pnc(luntere(1
representations were maue to the European digtrict COlll-
missioner, requesting him to grant pE'rmissioll for a SJlP-
cial pioneer to reside in the district to care for thp
spiritual interests of a small company. The reply was to
the effect that permission for him to enter and stay
in the Reserve must come from the chi!'f and that woul(l
require our adherents to persuade the chief and kuot/a that
the presence of the pioneer was necessary for their well-
being. The entire committee of three brothers, acting on this
auvice, approached the chief and kflotla for the necessary
permission. The chief said: "I do not want any oth!'r
church. The Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches are
enough," and then he ordered all three brothers to he
thrashed with a stick. A month later they still bore the
marks of the stick. A letter of protest was immeuiately
lodged with the Buropean officials at Mafeking, and tile
matter is now being investigated.
At another center European representatives of the So-
ciety interviewed both the local uistrict commissioner anrI
the chiers brother (the chief himself was absent on busi-
ness). Both of these men agreed that the brothers should
have the right to practice their religion in harmony with
the dictates of their conscience if such religion was not in-
jurious to a nation. The chief himself was at
first and raised no objection to our work. Later he yielde(l
to religious pressure. He would not allow the brothers to
defend themselves before any accusers nor would he state
what the brothers had done wrong to warrant the change in
his policy. Because they kept on preaching he ruled that
some of the brothers forfeit land, cattle, sheep, goats, fields
and corn. In this case the appeal to the native commissioner
had some effect, and the sentence was not enforced.
In the face of such OPPOSition and the cruelty of tribal
chiefs the local brothers continue to let their light shine.
They are learning to defeat persecution, and some of good
will, noting the courage of the brothers, are also taking
their stand on Jehovah's side and learning to publish. The
Yeatbook 221
latest report at hand from the circuit servaut indicates that
prospects for expansion are brightest at the center where the
]lersecution has been gleatest.
Two l\Iaurilians, while in the army, came in touch with
our work in l<)gypt. They commenced writing to the Cape
'l'own office and received slIpplies of literature. Soon anum-
her of fellow soldiers beeame interested. On returning to
their homeland they did their best to let their light shine
and some reports were sent to the Cape Town office during
the year. It was obvious, however, that they needed help
to organize more effectively. Just six weeks before the end
of the Society's year, two Gilead graduates cominenced
work. Now practical field instruction and regular studies
are guiding these men. Enthusiastically they are rehearsing
their share in the first serviee meeting scheduled fol' next
It is eighteen years since a w i t n e ~ s was given in :\Iaul'itius
by two pioneer publishers from South Africa. Theil'
visit has not been forgotten by good-will persons, as the
following expel'ience with a teacher demonstrates.
"When I introduced myself at a certain home, the house-
holder asked, 'llow is .Judge Hutherford getting on?' I ex-
plained briefly the history of the Society from 1934 to lU41
and then from that date until now. Later he remarked, 'I
used to subscribe for your magazine The Golden Age; do
you still have it'!' He produced the July 4, 1934, issue con-
taining the 'Famine' le(ture. It was a real joy to briefly
explain the history of The Golden Age, Oonsolation and
.1tcake! Needless to say, he is subscribing for the last
named. He brought out an 18-year-old, well-worn and well-
read copy of La Harpe de Dielt. Now he is rejoicing in the
opportunity to read the three latest bound books. A study
has been started and he is already 'confessing with the
mouth' the glorious truths he has learned."
Placem!'nts of literature have been much better than was
the case eighteen years ago. This is largely the result of
better social conditions, morc education, a bettcr distribution
of wealth and increased freedom of speech and worship aril-l-
ing from political changes during the past five years. 1<'01'-
merly the right to vote in parliamentary elections was con-
fined to the well-to-do people, and these were very largely
ardent Catholics. Now nearly everyone except the COlli-
pletely illiterate has a vote and so the ruling power has
swung much in the direction of the massI's. Many of thes.,
222 Yearbook
are Inllian::: not sympathetic to thp mighty church. So
Rome's retreat has led to an all-round improvement.
'l'he Kingdom message was first taken to St. Helena hy
two pioneers from Cape Town in 1933. Theil' stay was a
short one, but in a week they distributed 800 books and
booklets to the 4,000 islanders. Some of the seed fell on good
ground. In spite of warnings and efforts by the "birds" to
pluck it away several families accepted the truth anll have
kept in touch with the Cape Town ollice ever since, render-
ing regular reports.
At the beginning of .July a special pioneer was sent from
the Union to help the brothers on the island to organize
more effectively. He found 26 waiting to be immersed. By
the end of July the number publishing had increased to 26.
The holding of the baptismal service was not
without some dilliculty. I"irst appliratioll was made for the
use of the only swimming bath on the island. It was re-
fused on the grounds that it could not he used for sa era-
mental services. A sea bay was considt'red, but the water
was too rough, and it would be dillicult for some of the
older publishers to get there. An elfort was then made to
buy a piece of ground to build a pond, but this too was of
no avail. Application was made to the Baptist preaeiter for
use of his church. This was refused.
Finally one of the brothers living in the country offered
a pi('ce of ground on which to build a pond. After their day's
work was over the brothers for some days ;.:athered stones
and sand. Special 'saddles' were fastened to the backs of
donkeys and two bags were fastened to this saddle, one on
each side of the donkey. These bags carried the loads. After
all the necessary material had been brought together, some
brothers, helped by persons of good will, took a day off to
help in building the pond. The pond is located in a yaller,
and 4-1 interested ones listened to the talk on "Baptism".
The occasion was a :;;pectacle for men and angels. Many
spectators, including one minister, stood around on tlte hill-
side overlooking the pond. It was a memorahle day for
St. Helena, for, as far as the brothers know, never before
lIave as many as 26 been immersed at the same time by any
religious organization.
Of the 4,700 inhabitants now on the island, more than
half are children. The Church of England has been the dom-
inant religion and has succeeded in keeping the majority
in bondage through fear. The peop]p are told that unless
they attend chnrth at lenst twiee a month tiwre will be
Yearbook 223
no hurial place for them and no one to bury them when
they die. 'I'he same dire fate awaits any unchristened child.
Properly organized. service meetings and the theocratic
ministry school are now in progress with 40 in association,
and the brothers are appreciating the much-needed instruc-
tion and are endeavoring to apply this in their field sen"ice.
The people are certainly being "stirred up", and it is this
kind of "stir-up" that is feared so much by fa!>;e religion.
_\s long as they can keep the people asleep they will be
aule to keep their pastures unspoiled. Hut now it is time
for the captive8 to return home and for a great increase
in the number of praisers of Jehovah. The hrothers on St.
Helena arp determined to awaken the honest ones out of
"Ipep and to pllcourage them in right works. Thpy look to
J eiloYah fOI" his guidance and protection.
Prior to H118 Routh-West Africa was a (jprlllan posses-
Rion and the German influence and language are still strong.
Today many Germans seeking a refuge from war-torn Eu-
rope are migrating to this former Clerman ('olony and are
welcomed by the administratioll. Contact has been made with
several of these people who had either been or
who had ueen associated with Jehovah's witnesses in their
homeland. They are glad to be in touch with the witnesses
in South-West Africa.
in the year two missionaries started. calling upon
tile northernmost towns, equipped with a lorry, and placing
much literature. Almost immediately two sheep manifested
themselves in a mining town and were introduced to field
service. One of thelll had been previously associated with the
truth in the Union and has since been reporting regularly.
A town forty-five miles distant produced a Gel'man and his
wife who too had had previous assoeiation with the truth
but whom the tide of war had uprooted from their homeland.
'rhey had been dOing some witneSSing, but needed encourage-
ment and instruction to carryon effectively. They were in-
deed glad to see the missionaries and their com-
panionship while the whole town was worked. They were
left a supply of literature and are now contacted regularly.
At a third town, 100 miles south, two brothers had moYe(1
in from the Union to sC(>k work and were witnessing, hut
soon after the mj"sionaries a father and son were
contacted who had been subscrihers for 'l'he Watc1ltowcr
previously. These two were immersed, anrl a company was
formed, which is doing excel!pnt service.
Our experien('es in finding tlJt'sp isolate(l ones show there
must he many 1ll01'e who art' just waiting' to be couta<'tf'll
224 Yearbook
and instructed in the way of life and service to Jehovah.
Finding such ones is a joy and reminds us of Peter's words:
"1<'or you were like sheep, going astray, but now you have
returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls."-l Pet.
2: 25, NlV.
Actually the progress of the work is not so noticeable in
the capital city, Windhoek, as in the rurals. This works
well, however, for a more equitable distribution of the pub-
lishers, and hence results in a wider witness. It is hoped
during the next service year to gl't regular reports from
these isolated ones and thus enable us to consolidate the
vrogl'ess made.
During the year three new companies Wf're organized and
we had our first circuit asst'mbly in that country. This was
held at Mbabane, the capital. In addition to the hrothers,
many persons of goo!l will attended the regular sessions of
the assembly and also the puhlic mf'eting, and much in-
tel'est was aroused.
The Swazis have not heen encouragNI by their religions
leaders to read the Bible or to live in harmony with its
doctrines. For example, they have not bef'll informed that
polygamy is not in ket'ping with clean worship, and it is
still freely practiced. 'Vhen the work first began in Swazi-
land some of the clergy seemecl anxious to assoriate with
Jehovah's witnesses, but when tlley disrovered that there
was no money in it for them and tlmt one of their chief
sources of wealth, the trallitional Zabala custom, was dis-
approved, they cooled off. However, a number of their
honest-hearted supporters have not followf'd them.
As the publishers go from house to house answf'ring the
people's questions directly from the Bible many who have
never had Bibles before are obtaining them. Then by means
of regular weekly studies they are being helped to under-
stand the heart-cheering truths of God's Word. Today they
are active wltnessf'S having a regular share in the King-
dom proclamation.
The special llioneer was again invitpd to the royal kraal
on "Good Friday". The clergy were also there and each
one was given five minutes to speak. On this occasion the
pioneer spoke on the subject "Whose Prayers Are An-
swered 1" He didn't get very far before the clergy seized
him bodily and foreed him to sit down. But the paramount
('hief shouted, "Oarry on, Mashazi, instead of fiye minutes,
I give you an hour to deliver your talk." At the conclusion
of the speech many people of good will f'xpr('sSf'(1 apprecia-
tion of what thf'Y had heard.
Yea'I'b 0 0 k
In this colony of the British empire, our brothers
are endeavoring to present themselves approved be-
fore God. They have worked diligently trying to
help the people of that land gain a knowledge of
the truth, and many have been gathered t{)gether.
There are 9,088 now preaching the gospel. This is
a new peak. They had a 37 per cent increase in the
average number of publishers. Our brothers have
had a hard time gaining proper recognition from
the government, but they have persistently gone ahead
with their good work of telling the people about
God's kingdom, and ground is being gained. During
the year a permit was obtained for the importation
of literature, which has been something new for them
for quite a while. The literature sent should help the
people in Southern Ilhodesia in stUdying and gaining
a clearer knowledge of the truth. Some of the ex-
periences furnished by the branch servant are in-
The brothers were putting on a public talk in a com-
vound and news reached the manager that .Tehovah's wit-
nesses were causing a disturbance. He asked to speak to
the brother in charge and inferred that Jehovah's wit-
nesses were svreading communism. Tactful handling of the
manager by the brother resulted in literature's being
VI aced and finally a building offered free of charge for
company meetings. In another case a farmer received ac-
cusations against Jehovah's witnesses. He brought accused
and accusers together and before all showed how the
"Watchtower" boys were his best workers. Now he him-
self has a study gOing on in his home.
The "rich man" class is certainly dead and in torments
in this little country. A large and ever-increasing number
of the people have turned their backs on them. A very
interesting experience came from a circuit servant, bearing
out this fact. A pioneer brother working in a compound
was asked to preach in the Ethiopian church of the com-
pound, as the regular minister was away. Needless to say,
the pioneer did so. When the clergyman came back he
was qUite furious, but instead of being supported by his
congregation he was ordered to go away and "not to re-
turn any more because you have been robbing us of our
226 Yearbook
money and power. Now we have the right worship and
this place will be used in its proper sense". Now there
is a company there and the former Ethiopian church Is
the Kingdom Hall.
It is amazing how quickly the good will have been taking
an active stand in recent months. Listen to this report from
a circuit servant. "Among those in attendance were three
members of the Methodist church. At the close of the
meeting these people asked me many questions. . . . They
all took literature and the following Sunday all attended the
public talk. After the meeting they said, 'We are joining
Jehovah's witnesses. Take us in the witness work.' The
next day all went in the field service with a pioneer."
Happily, this year we can report no less thrilling ex-
periences from among the European population. At long
last the Europeans of this country have come to a point
where they are entirely dissatisfied with conditions, local
and abroad. The slow-moving English have been suddenly
spurred to action and many are quickly taking their stand
with Jehovah's preachers of the good news. They realize
that we really have something to offer the people. As one
eager young man put it: "You do not offer the people a
f/llse hope. Yours is a practical solution." As a result
European interest is cropping up everywhere. The local
company enjoyed more than a 100 per cent peak increase.
Outstanding in the eyes of the people is the fact that
ours is a clean worship in word and deed. The religions
of Christendom have been here for over half a century,
and yet the natives still have their several wives and
immorality is the order of the day. In contrast is the re-
port from a missionary. "One of my calls has a house
boy who some months ago was gOing to get another wife.
Recently he was asked by his mistress why he had not
done so and his answer was that he was studying with
Jehovah's witnesses and they wouldn't allow him to join
them if he had more than one wife, so he didn't get
another." Such experiences, while amusing to some, show
that the truth and Jehovah's spirit are accomplishing what
the religious clergy could not do.
This report would not be complete without mention of
the grand work done by our faithful band of pioneers.
Although they average 9 per cent of the publishers for
the year, July and August saw us go over the 10 per cent.
During the year they made 47 per cent of the back-calls
and conducted 45 per cent of the studies. Surely this is
gOing to result in multitudes yet coming to a knowledge
of the truth. The previous year we averaged 292 pioneers
and at the end of the year 10 were dropped from the
Yearbook 227
ranks due to low hours. This past year we averaged 745
pioneers and yet only 20 had to be removed. This in it-
self shows the marvelous work these foremost fighters
are doing.
On a busy Saturday night you can walk down the
main street of Paramaribo and you will see groups
of Javanese, small, slender, wiry of build and very
shy. Over there you will see East Indians separated
from all others, not so much because of their lan-
guage, but because of their religion. There, too, you
will see Chinese strolling about, and, as in all places
in the world, they are the merchants. You will see
the Djukas who come in from the bushland. Surinam
being a possession of the Netherlands, one would
expect the Dutch to also make their appearance in
the town, and they do. There is indeed a great mix-
ture of people to witness to in Surinam. This coun-
try is a rich field for the preaching of the Kingdom,
but it is difficult to reach all of the people. The
branch servant's report is most interesting and gives
you some rare experiences.
On one of the rivers outside the city an Englis.h brother
is busy. He is getting old, over seventy, but he is strong.
He has plugged right along, conscientiously sending in his
reports to the company monthly. It is refreshing to work
with him. Because he is well acquainted with all in his
territory he can be quite plain-spoken. This day he went
to visit one of his old friends and neighbors, a Catholic. He
said: "Get ~ ' o u r book out, we're going to have a study."
The book was brought and without more ado the study
(the first one) was begun. When it was oyer his friend ac-
cused him of trying to steal him from his church. The
brother just laughed, said that was not his purpose, and
said that he would be back for another study. "I'll not
be home," was the reply. But back went the publisher,
and he has held at least one more study there. Never s a ~ '
If you went with him in the field service you would
go in his dugout canoe over the deep, black w-uter of the
twisting river. Because of the Simplicity of the country
and the heat of the day you could take your shirt off
228 Yearbook
if you liked and at least loosen your shoes as you paddle
along between the spread-out calls.
And he has had success. A young man with whom he
had placed literature traveled four hours by boat to con-
tact him again. A conversation; a Bible study arranged.
Now short months later and the young man is getting
ready to come to the circuit assemuly in l\1eerzorg to be
immersed. He has begun to go in the field service, the
first time alone. His being baptized will be a good example
for others, too, as the good will here are inclined to de-
lay too long before being immersed.
The publishers enjoy very much taking advantage of
holidays to take a witnessing trip in a group outside the
city. Lunches are brought, people are witnessed to, songs
al'e sung, and on one such trip a puulic lecture was held.
Many from that country section came to listen, including
South American Indians from a nearby village, who listened
very attentively. A good witness was given before the bus
brought all back to town later in the afternoon.
Circuit assemblies, however small, are quite nice. We
had one a few months ago in Nieuw Nickerie. Six were
able to come from Paramaribo and there were ten at that
time in Nickerie itself. Placard witnessing was done for
the first time in that town, posters were painted, and 87
listened to the public talk.
There is practically an inexhaustible source of potential
Bible studies here. It remains only to be purposefully
tapped in order to yield a rich supply of new puulisbers.
As in many places, perhaps, the vast majority of studies
among the company publishers are being conducted by just
a few. In the past year they have resulted in a fairly
good increase in publishers. What would happen if a
greater number of publishers would apply themselves to
conducting lively, theocratic studies, staying with the good
will until he is ready to take part in the service and then
going with him regularly each week in the service until
he has formed a hard-to-break habit of regularity and is
capable of holding his own in the field? When that hap-
pens things will really start moving. Now all are doing
pretty well, next year we hope still better.
That little stencil machine you sent uS has proved quite
a help too. Before that dated handbills had to be ordered
from the United States three months in advance, and when
something unforeseen would occur in the meantime the
handbills for one talk would be wasted. But now we can
order blank handbills in quantity from the U. S. and the
companies can send orders for dated ones to us. It's
quicker. With it we have also been able to start sending
Yearbook 229
it monthly field service report of work done in Surinam
to every publisher along with his i1!tonnateur, which
comes from Holland. This keeps the condition of the work
in the land before the brothers. We have just begun to do
this, printing it on blank handbill-size newsprint ordered
from the States.
It was certainly good news to hear that four more pio-
neers would be sent from Gilead school to help us in
Paramaribo. Their coming will certainly mean more pros-
perity and increase to Jehovah's honor.
Jehovah's witnesses are causing quite a stir
throughout Sweden. They have taken a very defi-
nite stand for God's kingdom, as have their fellow
workers in all parts of the world. But as their group
increases in number it becomes more noticeable. They
how have a new peak of 5,140 ministers of the gos-
pel, and, as the report shows, neither the clergy nor
the government likes Jehovah's witnesses. This, how-
ever, does not affect the ministers of the Most High.
They continue to say to the prisoners, "Go forth!"
And what is morc, they are coming forth in Sweden.
The branch servant's report giyes us some interesting
things to think about.
The big question when brothers have met this year
has been: How about the 34 per cent increase? For the
country as a whole this desired mark was not reached;
we were in fact not getting half way toward the goal,
although there were several companies that did reach it.
But that our witnessing has had a telling effect is borne
out by the following report in a Stockholm daily from
a very religious industrial town of 43,OLlO persons in the
south of Sweden: "Advertisements showed services were
held last Sunday at 40 places in town, but the list is
not complete because some do not advertise. Some Roman
Catholics and a small number of .T ews are carrying on
their religion more or less hidden, whereas there is much
commotion connected with Jehovah's witnesses who are
colporteuring their Watchtower with glowing faith, among
sheep as well as goats. This sect, hy the way, seems to
have selected Sweden as their special missionary field, and
it cannot be denied that the Christians at J-- are looking
upon the publishers of this sect much the same as the
mandarins in China must look upon missionaries from the
230 Yearbook
faraway town of J--." And the newly appointed arch-
bishop of Upsala recently stated to his clergy: "The
Church must distribute good literature in order to counter-
act the activities of certain sects." The discussion about
hell which started anew some years ago has taken on new
impetus during the past year and it was interesting to
note, in an article by a State Church priest who was sum-
ming up the various interpretations and explanations given,
that we were commented upon like this: "Jehovah's wit-
nesses, who are becoming more and more loud-voiced, are
declaring hell, or eternal punishment, to mean extinction."
The book "Let God Be True", which appeared in Swedish
during this year, has been a real boon in our efforts to
llelp the teachable ones to see the truth on the subject
of hell as well as other Biblical topics, and, consequently,
the home Bible-study work has gained quite some ground.
We were glad also to get the booklet "The Prince Of Peace",
not to speak of the "new" Watchtower. The new style of
this magazine, which is now appearing with two 24-page
issues every month, has been very much appreciated, and
not the least is the "Questions from Readers" column.
We are indeed grateful for the lead along the right path
of clean, undefiled worship which we are getting through
this magazine. The A/cake! magazine is now appearing
twice a month in this country and is doing a good work
in helping people.
The issue of bringing up children in "the diScipline and
authoritative advice of Jehovah" has been brought to the
fore here also, especially in two divorce cases where hus-
bands have wanted to get rid of their wives and to have
the care of the children because the wives are Jehovah's
witnesses. In one case the primary and appeal courts
ruled that the child must go to the father, as it would be
"injurious to the mental and spiritual health of the child
to be brought up in the atmosphere of hatred and in-
tolerance characteristic of this sect". When the year
ended this case was pending decision by the supreme court.
In the other case the local State Church priest stated
on the witness stand that "it might be dangerous to leave
the boy with his mother seeing that her teaching would
bring him into conflict with conscription law when he gets
of mill tary age". (The boy is now three years old!) So the
issue is being clearly seen. And the government's policy of
repeatedly punishing those who for their conscience' sake
cannot comply with conscription-law demands is beginning
to cause some people to think seriously. Even a public
prosecutor wrote as follows in a case against one Jeho-
Yearbook 231
vah's witness who had appealed his sentence: "Appellant's
objections seem to be directp.d against the law itself and
not against the application of it in this case. What he
says, however, is worthy of notice. That deeply religious
persons who because of their beliefs are getting into con-
fiict with the demands of law should be pun-
ished as criminals is unfortunate. When this policy is com-
pared with the humane treatment now afforded real crimi-
nals, the viewpoints of appellant are still more supported.
The present law, however, does not seem to allow for a
The public meetings are a good help in breaking down
prejudice and getting people interested in investigating
the message. From one part of the country where there is
a small but expansion-minded company, the following news
paper clipping was sent in: "One day in the spring an
energetic gentleman appeared in this community and started
to invite people to a lecture Friday night. . Curiosity
was soon aroused and it did not last long' until the lectures
had to be held out of doors for lack of space indoors. . .
In the result there is noted among the public a strongly
increasing interest in this work, maybe for the most part
because of the discussions now going on at work places
and elsewhere all over town, and there have been mass ex-
cursions to the outdoor meetings where, after the lecture
is over, old and young are wanting to have their questions
One nice experience had by one of the drcuit servants
may well conclude this report: "My wife met a man about
thirty years of age who thought the Bible was difficult to
understand and contradicted itself, but he was wondering
if this might not be due to some faulty translation. He
was answered by the reading of a paragraph from The
Watchtower, which he much appreciated. The next dar
we both went there together for a return visit, and II
study in The Watchtower was started at once. When we
left the man was invited to attend the public lecture Oil
the Sunday' and the study following it. He came to these
meetings and listened very attentively, whereupon he pro-
vided himself with a copy of The Watchtower and the
book 'Let God Be True' and ordered a copy of the Nml'
lVorld Translation Of the Christian Greek Scriptures.
Arrangements were also made to have a regular
started at his home. All of this was very nice, but the
touching thing about it was that that man is blind. How
happy and grateful we are that we have the great privilege
of helping even literally blind persons to see the wonderful
things which our God has prepared for the meek of heart."
232 Yearbook
Situated in the center of Europe in one of the most
famous spots of concentrated beauty is the little
country of Switzerland. Here the Society has a branch
office and printing plant and much printing has been
done during the year, supplying French and Ger-
man literature. There is still a lot of work to do in
releasing the prisoners and those who are free to
express the Word of God without hindrance are
going ahead making a good announcement of Jeho-
vah's purposes. The branch servant sends in an in-
teresting report and excerpts of it are published here.
~ ' h e past year has, under Jeho,ah's undeserved kind-
ness, been one of expansion. Twenty out of the 100 com-
panies in the land attained their 34 per cent quota. The
average publisher increase was 14 per cent, with a pub-
lisher peak of 2,728. The ,ariolls language sections con
tributed as follows: German section increased by 12.8 pel"
cent. French, 22.8 per cent (against 13 per cent last year) ;
and Italian section, a 45 per cent increase.
A high light was the October district assembly in Basel,
which repeated many of the New York convention fea-
tures. Many of the 100 Swiss publishers who attended
Yankee Stadium gave vivid reports. The public meeting
attendance was 3,660 and following this enthusiastic as-
sembly both units in Basel exceeded their 34 per cent
quota, reporting a total of 352 peak of publishers.
A circuit assembly in Catholic Lucerne had an in-
teresting feature. A Catholic young men's club, reportedly
encouraged by their priest, came to the public lecture
intent on mischief. About 50 of them sat in the top gallery
and soon began booing and stamping. Following the speak-
er's appeal for quietness, the appearance on the balcony
of a good squad of "heavyweight" ushers kept the disturb-
ance under control. After the lecture, no less than four
groups of them were receiving an intensive witness with
open-Bible proof of the fallacy of Catholic tradition, and
later some were seen leaving with a book, a booklet or
a magazine.
It is in Catholic areas that much progress by pioneers
has recently been made, despite clerical and police oppo-
sition. In a town where two pioneers worked with isolated
interest a company is now established with 21 publishers.
Both companies in Italian-speaking Switzerland reached
their 34 per cent quota. A lone pioneer working in the
Yearbook 233
Catholic mountain valleys had the thrill of seeing the lo-
cal company rise to 12 publishers, the 34 per cent.
Reporting on another Catholic area a pioneer says:
"Here fear of man is all-powerful. Recently while working
with an interested person in a village, we reached the
priest's house. lIe invited us in amI then began to cross-
examine me like a prosecuting judge. First he wanted to
know who sent us. I told him, 'Surely you know it is Christ
that sends his disciples to preach the Kingdom.' 'Have
you a permit?' he asked. 'Yes, the same as those that
Jesus gave his disciples to preach his Kingdom till the
end of this world.' The priest then said he would call the
police, so I reminded him this would be similar to the
manner in which the scribes and Pharisees acted with
Jesus when they denounced him to Pilate. The following
week when I returned to the village, all told me the same
thing, they had been warned that if they took our litera-
ture they would be excommunicated from the church. How-
ever, all listened and thus I placed two books. They wanted
to know why the priest was against us amI had pro-
hibited their reading the books. Today a company of five
is organized."
Many interesting experiences are had by the Gilead grad-
uates in the Geneva missionary home, which is located
where many U. N. diplomats live. They often have occasion
to witness to these men and two Bible studies are now
held. It is quite interesting, they report, to hear some of
the U. N. people admit the hopelessness of this failing or-
ganization and that the message preached by Jehovah's
witnesses seems to be the only reasonable hope for mankind.
This year has been no exception in producing its crop
of legal problems, prominent being the 'peddling without
a license' issue. Twenty cases were reported during the
year, five were successfully settled out of court and eight
cases came befol'e courts, including the appeal case from
last year in canton Vaud. This appeal came before the
Swiss supreme court on September 3, 1950. This court
considers written legal argument only, and ovel' a long
period has conSistently ruled against us on the peddling
issue. After some 70 minutes' discussion the court handed
down a 5 to 2 judgment against us, following the old prece-
dents. Despite this judgment the publishers have con-
tinued boldly preaching, and two months thereafter in
Lausanne, the seat of the supreme court and also in
canton Vaud, a three-day district assembly was held fea-
turing intensive house-to-house and street witnessing work,
Not a single charge by the police! And Sunday witnessed
the largest public meeting ever I
234 Yearbook
To crown the year came the London international con-
vention, followed by Paris and Frankfurt, attended by
many Swiss publishers who have returned encouraged and
strengthened, which we are sure will show its fruits in
continued grand theocratic progress. A joy to close this
year was the visit of over 250 American and Canadian
brothers, including many from Brooklyn Bethel, to the
Bern factory and office following the European conventions.
So we look forward to yet more opportunities to "Praise
Jah, .. because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun
to rule as king".
This country is very interesting and Jehovah's wit-
nesses are having great joy in preaching the good
news there where the Buddhist religion is most pre-
dominant. The present branch servant has done much
to reorganize the work and excellent success has been
the result. With the assistance of more Gilead grad-
uates new fields have been opened and splendid in-
crease has been observed during the past twelve
months. Jehovah's witnesses in Thailand have every
reason to rejoice, because the "other sheep" are coming
to the organization. The report on the activities of
the year is very interesting and parts of it are pub-
lished for our comfort.
Early in the 1931 service year, two German pioneer
brothers, who had pioneered in Thailand for many years,
returned from Gilead's 15th class. Shortly thereafter a
circuit assembly was held in Nan, a native village in
northern Thailand. Many of the brothers from the different
sections of the north were present and rejoiced to hear
the encouraging news concerning the New York assembly
and the work of their fellow publishers in other lands.
On April 4 the long-awaited visit of Brother Knorr and
Brother Henschel became a reality. Good news awaited
our brothers upon their arrival. We had reached our 34
per cent increase in publishers! This had come in March,
when 119 publishers reported time in the field. Arrange-
ments had been made for a three-day assembly, which
began shortly after Brother Knorr's arrival.
The climax of the assembly came when 367 persons
listened attentively to Brother Knorr's public lecture "Pro-
claim Liberty Throughout All the Land" in the auditorium
Yearbook 235
of the University of Moral and Political Sciences. The vast
majority of those attending were people of good will, many
of whom have Bible studies in their homes each week
conducted by the missionaries and local pioneers. Brother
Knorr's visit was a great stimulus to both the missionaries
and the native Thai publishers and pioneers. This is well
shown by the fact that during that month, April, an all-
time high of 126 publishers reported activity in the field
service, a 42 per cent increase!
Before Brother Knorr's departure arrangements were
made for the remodeling and painting of the Society's
premises in Bangkok, which serve as a branch and mis-
sionary home. Brother Gruber, who was in charge of the
work of remodeling and painting the home, succeeded not
only in saving the SOciety a considerable sum of money
but also in turning the home into a convenient and beauti-
ful place to live.
Eight missionaries are serving in Thailand at present, and
all are trying hard to learn the difficult language of the
Thai people. During the year good progress has been made
in this respect and some of the missionaries are now deliver-
ing theocratic ministry talks in the Thai language, and all
are now able to give a better witness to the people.
During the year the special pioneer activity, a new feature
of the work for Thailand, was begun. Two faithful Thai sis-
ters were enrolled as special pioneer publishers and sent to
the city of Nakorn Sritamaraj in southern Thailand, and an-
other pioneer brother was sent as a special to the city of
Chiengrai on the northern border. Though having worked
in their special assignment only a few months, they already
have many Bible studies in operation, and the prospects for
the future appear quite good.
The circuit servant's visits during the year have contrib-
uted much to the increase of the work, and the ex-
periences of the servant, Brother Burkhart, have certainly
been many and unusual. Accompanied by a Thai pioneer
brother as interpreter, he has visited the companies scat-
tered among the jungle regions and rice fields in northern
Thailand. For almost half of the year we have the "rainy
season", at the height of which come the heavy monsoon
rains, turning many roads into a sea of mud and many
times flooding large areas, making travel extremely difli-
cult. Often it is necessary to go by oxcart or small boat,
traveling along through the rice fields in order to reach
the companies.
The circuit servant tells of working with one small com-
pany where it was necessary to walk barefoot through
the mud all week long, sometimes wading through water
236 Yearbook
knee-deep to reach the houses in order to give a witness.
Public lectures are given anywhere a crowd can be gathered:
srhools, markets, under trees, in prh ate homes ami some-
times alongside the ever-present Buddhist temples. Musi-
cal recordings in the local dialect are played first and the
people come running to hE'ar the music. After a few
minutes the lecture is begun and almost all remain to
hear the message of the Kingdom. In many instances good
interest has been manifest and in one trip around the
circuit a total of 1,000 persons heard the lecture at 17
public talks. On his next visit to the eompanies, Brother
Burkhart hopes to ue aule to deliver his public lecture
in Thai without the aid of an interpreter.
One interesting experience is that of a Thai man living
high in the mountains of northern Thailand near the Bur-
mese uorder. 'This man and his family had been converted
from Buddhism to the l'resuyterian religion several years
before, uut in many w a ~ ' s he was dissatisfied with the
teachings of the church. One day his search for the truth
was rewarded, for in the mail came a Thai copy of the
book "Let God Be True". His sister, who lives in Bangkok,
had obtained the book and, knowing of her brother's in-
terest in the Bible, had sent it to him. After reading
"Let God Be True" he saw at once that it was the truth
and began showing it to his friends and the leaders of
the church. 'I'he church leaders, of course, opposed his
reading the book but some of his friends also agreed that
it sounded like the truth.
This new publisher is very joyful that he has found the
truth and this is shown by the fact that during his first
two months of field service he averaged 2G hours a month.
With the coming of more Gilead missionaries soon and
the opening of a new missionary home, it is certain that
an even greater witness will be given during the coming
service year, and we look confidently to Jehovah to give
the increase as we continue to seek out and feed his
"other sheep" in this land.
At the present time there is not the freedom of
speech in Turkey that there is in other democratic
lands throughout the world. There are laws forbid-
ding the spreading of propaganda. However, J eho-
vah's witnesses in Turkey continue to preach the
good news and to help the "other sheep". It is not
advisable to have public meetings, but one may talk
Yearbook 237
to people and discuss the problems of the day in
harmony with the scriptures dealing with these prob-
lems. Jehovah's witnesses find many opportunities
to do this. Progress has been made during the year
and a few excerpts from the branch servant's re-
port are interesting.
With the close of the 1950 service year the expectations
of the brothers in this land were running high. Prospects
were now in view that an ample supply of the Society's
literature could be brought into the country through special
arrangement. More teachers from Gilead were promised
to COIlle and there were hopes that a branch could be opened
whereby the local problems could be handled more effec-
tively. Throughout the service year the Watch Tower store
was opened. Likewise, as was promised, more Gileadtrained
teachers did come and a branch was established.
'1'0 continue in the witness work in this land Is extreme-
ly difficult. Despite the fact that a new Democratic party
was voted into power early in 1950, and despite the fact
that the president of Turkey, in his opening speech to the
Turkish Parliament, declared on November 1, 1950, that
"the Constitution is being looked into and all the articles
contrary to the spirit of democracy will be done away with
or replaced by new laws", freedom of worship still does
not exist in this land. Ag-ain, in February of 19G1, the
Parliament members in Ankara discussed religious mat-
ters in Turkey. During the session one member said that
from the 14th of May this yeal' 'everybody will be allowed
to freely practice his religious duties and to make prayer
freely'. So, with those promises it was hoped that during
the year of 1951 Turkey would join with the other demo-
cratic lands and grant freedom of worship to her subjects.
On the night of March 23, Memorial night, Jehovah's
blessings upon the activities of the brothers was clearly
made manifest, for 70 persons attended this celebration,
with three partaking of the emblems. This was like a
small convention to these brothers, as it was the first time
in the history of the work here that all the pioneers and
company publishers could meet together in one large hall.
Surely Jehovah was pouring out his blessings upon the
efforts of the brothers under the newly established branch
The Lord's "other sheep" are being found and they are
not afraid to identify themselves. The following experience
that one of our missionaries had will prove that powt.
This is what she writes: "A study was started with an
238 Yearbook
interested lady on the subject of the parable of the sower.
From the very first study she expressed unusual interest
and it was not long until she showed herself to be of the
right kind of soil because she immediately started wit-
nessing to all her relatives and friends. She started attend-
ing the company meetings with a friend of hers and now
,yithin a month's time they are both publishers full of
joy and enthusiasm and attend the meetings more regu-
larly than many of the other publishers do." Thus we can
see that the Lord's "other sheep" respond gladly when
the Kingdom message is presented to them.
Jehovah's witnesses in Uruguay continue to call out
to the "other sheep" to associate with them in the
grand work of proclaiming the Kingdom. They are
associating rapidly in a marvelous way and a splendid
witness is being given in this small country. The
work, however, is not done without opposition, and
the priests of that land object strenuously to the
good work that Jehovah's witnesses are doing in
educating the people in the Bible. The branch serv-
ant's report is beneficial for all the Lord's servants.
With the arrival of seven additional missionaries in
December and two in April the number of Gilead gradu-
ates here totaled twenty-one, living in three different mis-
sionary homps. These have set the proper example, es-
pecially in conducting home Bible studies, and now the
company publishers average close to one study each through-
out the country. This foundation work produced a high
number of publishers, more than 34 percent above the
previous peak. Studying the Bible an hour each week has
impressed in the minds of many people the vision of Je-
hovah's kingdom and how it will usher in an even better
life than they now live.
For that reason many have accustomed them-
selves to attend the Kingdom Hall meetings, and their
numbers have increased so much that we find our prpsent
halls too small and we are looking for new ones. Five
ago it used to be a problem to get enough people to
fill our one hall, but now we find the job is to get more
halls to hold so many people, and especially so in the
capital city of Montevideo. To accommodate the lIIany new
attenders some good people have opened up their private
homes for company meeting places. One brother tore out
Yearbook 239
a brick wall between the bedroom and dining room to
enlarge it, and this year is going to do away with another
wall to make it still larger. Six missionaries in a small
city were holding their meetings in the garage of the mis-
sionary home, but now find that they are going to have
to enlarge their dining room and use it to accommodate
the people.
In a border city a police commissioner, overflowing with a
desire to carry out the theocratic commission that he sees
so neccessary, gave up his police work and recently filled
out an application to organize the 25 people who attend
the Watchtower study in his house into a company of
eleven publishers. The Lord's spirit has certainly operated
freely in this active isolated man. He has permitted it to
flow without obstruction, because although he was a public
official in a small town he was not ashamed to confess
publicly his faith in God's kingdom. He spoke the truth
so openly and with such joy and enthusiasm that all of
the town respect this energetic and wide-awake person
and do not speak a Single word to his discredit personally.
Some (to them in a rather complimentary way) even call
him the priest of the town, no doubt recognizing that he is
doing the work that the priests should have been doing all
these years. He has made a change in occupation. Now he
carries prisoners from their false religion to the meetings
in the same truck that he used to use to lock up the law-
Another experience of a pioneer in one of the small
towns is very interesting. The pioneer had gone into a
hotel lunchroom and had seated himself at a large table,
which is the custom, as all the guests eat together. There
was a priest at the table and he was talking to the people
there about a certain man, a stranger, who had come into
the town with poisonous teachings. He said this man was
critiCizing and protesting against the church. He turned
to the pioneer and asked: "You are the fellow, aren't
you 1" The pioneer pointed out that he was preaching
the Bible to the people from house to house and he planned
to continue that work. The priest warned him that if he
went any more to the houses of the people he would follow
the witness with a sound car.
The priest did just that. He announced: "Be on the alert,
all Catholic citizens. This strange man is protesting against
the Immaculate Mother, our holy miraculous Lady in
heaven." Of course, he said other things too. but he kept
this up for three and a half hours while the witness of
Jehovah calmly went from door to door preaching the
message of the Kingdom. Many books were placed by this
240 Yearbook
pioneer and crowds gathered around him from time to
time to ask him questions. He was able to a splendid
witness. The priest told those within the hearing of his
voice to bring the books that they obtained to him and
he would have a public burning. However, this never
came off.
In a few weeks the circuit servant came and a public
meeting was announced and 80 people came out to hear
this talk. At the close of his lecture he asked where the
priest was who had offended the minister who was
from door to door, and the speaker inquired if the priest
hadn't come there to talk at the same tillle. A voice from
the darkness answer'ed: "I am over here." So the reply
from the speaker was: "Why don't you come out into the
so that we can see you." He did come to the plat-
form, but he was stopped by a pOliceman who said he
should wait until he gets permission to speak. The cir-
cuit servant concluded his talk, his remarks with
information pertaining directly to the matter of the im-
mortality of the human soul, and from the Scriptures he
sltowed there is no such thing.
At this point the priest insisted that the human soul
was immortal, so the witness handed the priest a Catholic
Spanish Bible and invited the priest to take his turn and
talk and to prove his point from the Bible. The priest
said that that would be easy and referred to the death of
Martha's brother Lazarus. He searchell desperately for the
account but could not find it. Then the witness offerell
to help him and proceeded to point out the chapter and
the book in the Bible. But even then the priest could not
find what he wanted. He was very much confused before
this restless aullience that wanted him to do some talking.
In desperation the priest said that the witness had given
him the kind of Bible; what he wanted was a
Catholic Bible. The circuit servant took the Bible from
his hands and then read to the audience a portion in
the front of the Bible, showing that it had the approval
of the archbishop of Spain. At this point the audience
began to laugh at the priest because he had not even
recognized the Bible of his own religion.
The priest never dill find anything in the Bible nor
state anything that proved that man had an immortal
soul. He could not refute Jehovah's witnesses. Finally some-
one called out: "Is the talk finished?" Then the brother
said: "Yes, it is all over." The people started to leave,
and then the priest jumped up on the speaker's stand
bitterly bemoaning the fact that the people had listened
to a foreigner and had rejected their own priest.
Yearbook 241
Afwr the people were gone the lights were turned out
and the priest was still left there in the dark. The priest
was so furious he wanted to fight the circuit servant, but
II policeman took over then and told the priest to go
home. If the Catholic Church's teachings are based on
God's Word, then their priests ought to know how to use it.
So a good wurk goes on in Uruguay and the people
are hearing the news of the Kingdom and are seeking
after it.
Jehovah God's active force has made the work
grow and prosper again in this land of Venezucla.
It has been a most fruitful season for the cultiva-
tors and the waterers of this fertile field in South
America. The increases have been most unusual. The
publishers more than doubled during the year, from
224 to 474, and they reached a peak, in addition to
that, of 588. There are a lot of "other sheep" seeking
after truth and righteousness and Jehovah's witness-
es in Venezuela are helping them all they can. The
branch servant reports the following.
The service year started off with an average of 224 pub-
lishers in the field, but later eight new peaks were estab-
lished, and the season was finished with an average of 474.
'l'his resulted in a 112 per cent increase, for which we thank
the Lord. He has been very kind to us in giving such a rich
increase. The companies also doubled, as they grew in num-
ber from seven to fourteen. At l\lemorial tiIlle it was a real
juy to see a total of 901 persons in attendance, to compare
with last yeal"s 299. During the year 120 symbolized their
dedication to Jehovah hy water immersion.
Early in the service year after the New York convention
delegates had returned, we had an interesting assembly for
all Venezuela. The program was similar to the one used in
New York, and the new light was much appreciated by all.
Some interesting experiences were given. One pioneer broth-
er told of clergy pressure in the city of l<Jl Tigre to prevent
free assembly by the witnesses in their Kingdom Hall. By
proper explanation given to the civil authorities their meet-
ings were resumed, to Jehovah's glory. 'l'he company servant
of Maracaibo told how eight months ago a person of good
will, mother of a large family, began to come to the Watch-
tower study, and after two months' study in her home began
to go in the service. Now there are six of her children who
242 Yearbook
are just as active as she In all features of the work. The
peak attendance of the assembly was 228, who came out in
a heavy downpour of rain to hear the talk "Can You Live
Forever in Happiness on Earth 1"
The ranks of the missionaries were increased and three
new homes were established, in ValenCia, Barquisimeto, and
Maracay. Now 33 specially trained planters and waterers
are at work to care for the people of good will in Venezuela.
One full-time worker reported this experience: "While en-
gaging in the door-to-door work a householder told me of a
friend who had one of our books and was very interested.
After several attempts the man was found and he explained
that having obtained the book 'The KingdOin Is at Hand'
several years ago, he had studied it thoroughly and was
holding a study with a friend of his. He was overjoyed
to hear about the work, especially to learn that there was
an organization with which he could associate. He now
attends meetings, goes in the service, conducts three studies,
and wants to be baptized at the next opportunity."
Last November a full-time circuit servant was appointed,
and during the year he had many thrilling experiences while
visiting the companies and isolated groups of publishers.
One outstanding experience was when he visited an isolated
group in a small village inside the heavy jungle near the
Orinoco river delta. The only means of transportation to
this village being by boat or canoe, one of the brothers who
owns a boat came up the San Juan river to Caripito, the
nearest river port, to get the circuit servant. After three
hours' ride in the little boat they reached the Village, and
apparently this brother was very well known in the village
of 800 inhabitants, as he introduced the circuit servant to
almost everyone in town, including the owner of the village
theater. The theater owner was very surprised that a min-
ister had come to their village to teach the Bible; so he
offered his theater free for the public talk "They Shall Not
Labor in Vain". The talk was advertised by these few
publishers and brought excellent results, with 100 persons
responding to the invitation. After the public talk several
persons of good will expressed their appreciation for the
information given on the Word of God, one saying, "That's
what we need, a minister to educate us in the \Vord of God."
The owner of the theater was glad about the reaction of
the people toward the message, and wanted the minister
to come back to conduct a series of lectures.
While visiting the company in Puerto La Cruz, he had an-
other occasion to be joyful, seeing how the Shepherd gathers
his "other sheep" in strange ways. In 1949 there was a piO-
neer here who planted some 'seed' among the people of good
will. 'Vhen the circuit servant came around, to his surprise,
there were 25 of these persons publishing, without literature
or mature help. A total of 83 came to hear the service talle
and 108 for the public talk, most of them neighbors who were
invited by word of mouth. The auditorium used was a nat-
ural one alongside the Neveri river. It was the first time the
new brothers had a big attendance like this, and so they
were convinced that a multitude of "other sheep" will yet
assuciate with them in dispensing the good news. Yes,
indeed, the harvest is great but the workers few.
The visit to a small company of four publishers in Las
Piedras brought many joys and privileges, as it is almost
virgin territory. The publishers couldn't go out every day;
so the circuit servant went to work by himself. Not having
any books or booklets to offer, he presented the magazines.
To his surprise 62 magazines were quickly placed with the
friendly people of this territory. Most of them asked him
to come in and sit down, thus giving a chance to explain a
little more the importance of the message contained in the
Watchtower and Atcake! magazines.
The brothers printed some handbills to advertise the pub-
lic talk and the oil company graated them the auditorium of
a club. Sunday morning they distributed all the handbills
around the neighborhood. At seven o'clock, the time to start,
nobody was there, but five minutes later the people began
rushing in until 93 persons of good will filled the hall.
When the talk concluded all the literature available dis-
appeared in less than five minutes, and the brothers were
glad to realize that some day there might be a big com-
pany of Jehovah's witnesses composed of these very same
people of good will.
So ends another year of giving praise to Jah, and the pub-
lishers of Venezuela are thankful for the part they have
had in piling up a great witness to His name. The branch is
now five years old, and one can begin to see the result of the
planting and watering that took place several years ago. The
Lord is giving the increase and it is hoped to attain another
100 per cent increase in the corning year. With the prospect
of publishers and companies in every village and city of this
large country we know there is still a great work to be done.
It will be accomplished by Jehovah's grace and to the honor
uf his great name.
Jehovah, in his goodness, has seen to it that spirit-
ual food has reached our brothers in Yugoslavia. They
certainly need the strength and comfort that comes
244 Yearbook
from the Lord's Word and they have benefited great-
ly by it during the year. Times are still very difficult
and it is impossible to go about with freedom of
speech telling the people of the Kingdom as they do
in other lands. The government there wants no one
to preach God's kingdom.
But here again we find an increase in the num-
ber of publishers proclaiming the good news. The
brothers are constantly trying to find ways and
means to feed the truth to others and the Lord is
blessing them in this arrangement. Good success is
the result. A report came through from Yugoslavia
this year and you will be interested in how our
brothers there feel and what they are doing to mag-
nify the Lord's name.
When we see how the Devil, through his instruments, con-
tinues to make every effort to discourage us and stop us, it
is necessary for us to have full faith and confidence in Je-
hovah and the conviction that it is his will that the King-
dom message be preached among all the nations before the
end COIlles. ~ u c h preaching being his will, no power can stop
this work, and we must always look out for opportunities
of talking the truth to our neighbors. This the faithful In
this country have done. As the flow of truth improves and
widens, they will be able to do even more and others wiII
join them and speak of the Kin;rdom as the only hope and
of the glorious prospect of life eternal in the new world.
Of the 18 brothers sentenced in February 1947, 9 are
still in prison. After these, other publishers got shorter or
longer sentences, so that at present there are 20 of our
brothers in prison. All these we regularly help with food
packages. In this respect we were very grateful to the
Lord that we received from abroad SOIlle food and a quan-
tity of clothes, shoes, etc. 'Vith these we were able to help
many destitute ones.
H is our resolution to serve faithfully with the Lord's
help under the direction of his "faithful and discreet slave"
and to thus partiCipate with our feeble strength in the
vindication of his holy name. We do not know what the
Lord in his wisdom will permit to come upon us yet, but
whatever may be our experiences in the future we will ask
him to strengthen us so that we may endure faithfully to
the end. For this we pray and thank Jehovah, to whom all
praise is due.
Jehovah's witnesses are very gra teful to their
God for the undeserved kindness shown to them,
for truly it is a privilege and honor to be one of
those called to declare the good news to the na-
tions. The congregation of the body of Christ,
which had its beginning nineteen hundred years
ago, was chosen especially by God to do this
great work. Today there is a remnant of this
body of Christ still upon the earth. But they
are not alone in making this expression of ap-
preciation, because today thousands upon thou-
sands of "other sheep" are busying themselves
with the Kingdom interests. Christ Jesus has
informed us that he has "other sheep", and
these he will gather together so that there will
be one Shepherd and one flock.
The report of Jehovah's witnesses as set forth
in this Yearbook for 1952 shows that there is
one flock and that all of the flock have the one
Shepherd. The report reveals their joy in serv-
ice and the happiness they have in associating
one with another in declaring the good news of
the Kingdom in all parts of the world as they
have opportunity. All of these witnesses of J e-
hovah are "keeping close in mind the presence
of the day of Jehovah" (2 Pet. 3: 12, NW), for
they know the day is not far distant when this
wicked system of things will be completely de-
stroyed and Jehovah God, through his reigning
King Christ Jesus, will usher in the new world
of righteousness for those who love Christ.
N ow, even in this present evil world, these
witnesses of the Most High God do not find it
such a great burden to be Christians. It is true
246 Yearbook
1950 1951 %Inc. Peak Av. No.
Av. Av. over Pubs. Pio. Public
Country Pubs. Pubs. 1950 1951 PUbs. Meet'gs
U. S. of America 98,468
118,462 20 135,356 6,966 76,340
Alaska 52 67 29 'l3 7 39
Azores 5 16 220 !<!9 2 10
Bermuda 3 8 167 10 1
Ethiopia 8 New 13 3 16
Fr. Equ. Africa 21 37 76 44 1 468
Fr. West Afnca 1 New 1
Gambia, B.W.A. 2
4 100 4 2 2
Guadeloupe 43 63 47 78 3 88
Hashemite KI. of Jor. 18 19 6 25 1 5
Iceland 6 10 67 12 6 3
Israel 11 New 11 6 8
Korea 35
21 20 4
Liberia 30 36 20 62 6 20
Martinique 6 7 17 9 4
Portugal 48 66 38 73 4 21
Sierra Leone 43 35 59 5 55
Spain 79 109 38 121 1
Argentina 1,292 1,672 29 2,117 86 333
Australia 4,502 5,098 13 5,713 350 4,823
Fiji 12 26 117 39 3 25
Austria 2,162 2,528 17
1 , ~
Bahamas 74 110 49 11
Belgium 2,150 2,762 29 3,179 104 1,159
Luxembourg 79 100 27 113 4 78
Bolivia 48 68 42 112 21 24
Brazil 2,858 4,142 45 4,867 283 2,412
British Guiana 206 279 35 355
British Honduras 65 83 28
108 5 44
British Isles 20,842 23,080 11 25,533 1,238 22,827
Eire 94 107 14 117 36 93
Malta 1 2 100 2
British West Indies 1,520 1,931 27 2,403 148 2,163
Bulgaria 50
Burma 70 90 29 123 9 79
Canada 16,013 18,669 17 20,580 976 11,225
Chile 361 601 66 765 65
China 46 J9 106 5 33
Hong Kong 20 New 30 6 43
Colombia 144 218 51 269 29 122
Costa Rica 1,139 1,394 22 1,825 55 487
Cuba 6,619 8,112 23 8,847 413
3 , ~
Cyprus 204 272 33 337 12
Czechoslovakia 2,403 3,310 38
3,705 2 43
Denmark 4,552 5,433 18 6,064 173 2,624
Dominican Republic 245 179 216 1
Ecuador 100 203 103 255
Egypt 184 214 16 229 14 197
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 1 7 600 16 1
Libya 3 6 100 10 1
EI Salvador 207 238 15 321 22 139
Finland 3,985 4,539 14 5,078 242 6,465
No. of
Total Total New Individual Av.BlbJe
Comp's Literature Hours Subs. Magazines Back-Calls Studies
8,976.598 19,428,636 389,793 10,983,157 7,080,826 92,056
8,169 14,022 552 11,624 5,530 58
949 3,118 8 108
1,260 12
604 2,523 60 242 1,320 22
3,191 17 495 1,064 11
7,126 6 5,343 60
13 67 6 10 3
563 1.430 20 179 861 12
1,304 10,750 58 2,522 3,510 40
1,018 4,694 19 459
1,398 7
11,720 7,310 66 3,119 2,874 25
2,053 3,024
11 757 660 14
3,247 6.480 28 3,148 20
4,083 7,974 105
721 2,365 16
1,058 922 23
3,567 8.229 45 315 4,014 39
2,696 11,575 56 4,146 5,182 116
1,460 9,263 50 748
4,467 46
56,752 290,941 3,480 143,767 143,563 1,511
256 339.252 854,768 8,223 411,205 322,234 3,518
3,860 6,360 57 2,522 3,429 33
160,234 417,417 2,642 342,401 203,386 1,632
5,863 21,972 210 8,392 9,928 154
122,713 409,369 2,996 78,499 140,464 1,768
6 3,103 17,414 101 8,416 7,153 77
11,339 33,839 821 9,901 14,276 234
128 418856 721,967 5,885 106,918 212,321 2,491
20,559 70,220 406 33,624 27,019 388
3,223 11,829 125 5,734 4,917 77
631 2,323,775 3,443,103 55,544 470,633 1,522,070 12,570
5 14,435 62,291 450 4,362 19,580 164
36 48 48 39 1
68 55,587 389,416 1,797 112,268 145,586 2,295
2 24,28!1 21,942 437 5,187 8,747 104
644 610,975 2,597,450 39,189 1,649,150 729,520 8,922
15 41,760 130,315 1,671 40,900 58,271 895
2 3,328 7,786 75 860 3,947 64
1 1,333 8,677 70 378 4,619 98
6 32,037 64,182 518 24,127 26,991 329
36 18.311 193,216 937 31,657 59,578 1,192
206 120,654 1,060,461 4,262 190,689 321,911 5,101
8 4,591 39,999 134 3,334 12,923 179
292 9,663 272,617 476 108,366 1,965
177 132,249 659,665 6,654 394,004 248,553 2,354
7 518 24,119 2 168 25,175 180
5 17,045 63.041 463 19,410 26,403 347
8 5,045 43.693 832 11,486 17,093 151
1 185 2,181 74 790 580 3
1 180 849 10 206 536 4
7 9,530 45,707 482 12,434 20,507 308
396 174,498 682,893 20,194 265.149 217.757 2.677
248 Yearbook
1950 1951 %Inc. Peak Av. No.
Av. Av. over Pubs. Pio. Public
Country Pubs. Pubs. 1950 1951 Pubs. Meet'gs
France 4,526 6,073 34 7,136 170 3,636
Saar 441 586 33 632 9 281
Germany, East 21,048 12,815 17,256 244 4
Germany. West 26,805 33,890 26 36,997 1,558 10,187
Gold Coast 2,120 3,083 45 3,971 109 2,214
Ivory Coast 2 2 4 2 1
Greece 2,676 3,368 26 4,163 27 1,907
Guatemala 210 276 31 324 22 236
Haiti 86 117 36 139 18 92
HawaiI 290 428 48 478 34 246
Honduras 208 225 8 310 23 268
Hungary 1,910 2,097 10 2,583 21
India 376 438 16 499 30 430
Ceylon 29 29 37 5 36
Iran 1 1 1 1
Italy 1,005 1,532 52 1,742 78 480
Jamaica 2,120 2,374 12 2,603 102
106 215 103 279 40
244 New 417 3 4
Lebanon 211 301 43 401 14 213
Syria 36 57 58 82 3 13
Mexico 6,669 8,366 25 10,335 339 2,906
Netherlands 5,365 6,431 20 6,919 261 2,676
Netherlands W. Indies 102 154 51 186 11 160
Newfoundland 131 203 34 315 27 253
New Zealand 1,038 1,265 22 1,638 71 872
Nicaragua 147 137 157 14 237
7,549 9,447 25 10,521 497
ameroun 149 321 115 509 7
Dahomey 170 247 45 329 36 228
Fernando Po 3 9 200 11
French Togoland 1 282,700 61 2 83
Northern Rhodesia 13,560 17,319 28 19,173 32 1,121
Belgian Congo
36 33 79
Kenya 2 2 4
Tanganyika Terr. 75 138 84 185 2 19
Uganda 2 3 50 5
Norway 1,465 1,888 29 2,OG6 70 1,117
Nyasaland 8,310 10,813 30 12,162 130 19,032
Portuguese E. Afr. 273 280 3 347 1 378
Pakistan 33 32 40 5 51
Panama 461 553 20 664 56 325
Paraguay 105 140 33 190 11 44
Peru 114 201 76 296 45 139
Philippine Republic 8,648 12,743 47 14,609 425 3,005
Poland 14,900 11,797 15,009 49
Puerto Rico 306 449 47 517 61 308
Virgin Islands 55 80 45 99 5 53
Romania 2,832 2,941 4 4,344 31
Singapore 48 67 40 95
9 34
North Borneo 2 2 2
Republic of Indonesia 20 34 70 65 7 4
South Africa 7,074
8,580 21 9,586 645 5,994
Angola 9 16 78 19 46
Yearbook 249
No. of Total Total New Individual Av.Blble
Comp's Literature Hours Subs. Magazines Back-Calls Studies
223,458 749,225 6,732 219,581 294,708 2,750
24,041 84,473 703 27,209 47,281 304
36,485 1,317,863 777 91,673 624,770 9,288
953,885 6,252,619 24,068 1,529,226 2,447,446 23,517
43,783 647,870 840 45,099 122,581 1,983
205 2,793 8 255 1,130 16
49,062 283,368 2,145 51,725 116,061
6 18,776 52,163 1,712 14,159 26,020 443
9,814 36,743 263 5,691 14,694 267
11 32,619 86.199 2,533 31,495 37,868 688
11 15,643 48,764 480 12,138 23,586 342
288 9,064 280,960 94,403 1,721
31,223 94,585 1,059 19,640 26,600 376
1 8,008 10,415 230 4,528 4,008 45
445 366 20 161 79 2
91,392 231,572 1,254 18,261 94,218 947
34,440 385,538 837 61,696 126,050 2,446
39,428 75,236 892 10,580 35,576 769
117 8,941 54 5,619 110
15,971 50,352 469 4,519 12,468 118
3 1,476 8,787
28 516 1,867
359 222,787 1,208,803 7,868 256,706 286,894 5,409
141 92,202 988,005 3,571 140,908 259,282 2,868
4 18,771 30,660 1,217 23,461
13,273 187
21 19,638 48,104
739 21,806 14,895 158
61 79,665 201,740 4,339 143,012 70,227 893
6 3,858 33,433 235 8,710 12,490 138
372 114,852 2,040,049 2.185 86,707 328,649 4,942
25 2,813 90,096 176 1,152 13,746 125
10 4,304 111,947 56 1,031 14,453 173
1 524 43
2 602
31 18 3,195 100
284 73,079 3,243,317 1,490 15,522 538,091 8,467
1 17 4,541 8 1,191 9
123 162 4 118 82 2
12 1,485 35,794 12 80 6,972 114
112 148 7 94 85 1
112 132,712 243,982 4,867 210,456 102,728 747
614 63,226
2 , 4 ~ 3 : ~ ~
856 11,979 516,361 7,980
23 1,465 52 211 12,882
1 5,298 11,061 249 5,051 4,407
15 20,774 122,568 982
56,351 948
14 5,847
23,842 285 8,119 8,084
5 32,288 79,614 898 26,607 35,754 566
390 348,185 1,760,336 7,334 78,669 304,671 4,534
824 14,168 650,410 12,291 145,183 4,499
15 50,991 124,835 3,942 65,480 56,058 870
2 3,813 14,919 381 6,767 7,082 108
2 9,885 17,753 661 4,928
9,470 179
95 153 13 6 76 2
2 27,551 14,736 87 684 5,299 60.
412 330,981 2,304,442
345,009 540,179 7,297
1 98 3,837 4 1,252 12
250 Yearbook
1950 1951 %Inc. Peak Av. No.
Av. over Pubs. Plo. Public
Country Pubs. Pubs. 1950 1951 Pubs. Meet'gs
Basutoland 14 39 179 59 8 32
Bechuanaland 67 77 15 164 4 13
Mauritius 7 New 8 2
St. Helena 10 13 30 26 1 41
South-West Africa 7 14 100 23 4 7
Swaziland 60 141 135 173 6 85
Southern Rhodesia 5,773 7,932 37 9,088 750 8,587
Surinam 55 67 22 83 10 71
Sweden 4.244 4,796 13 5,140 206 4,273
Switzerland 2,247 2,554 14 2,728 52 1,726
Thailand 71 103 45 126 15 78
Turkey 47 57 21 81 5 1
Uruguay 404 507 25 635 42 200
Venezuela 224 474 112 588 49 321
Yugoslavia 422 481 14 601
Miscellaneous 7
GRAND TOTALS: 328,572 384,694 17 442,380 17,955 225,399
that they are marked by the men of this system
of things and especially by the Devil himself for
persecution and opposition to be brought against
them. Often we hear people say: "It must be
hard to be a Christian in these days." But it is
not so difficult if you have turned to Jehovah
God, studied his Word and have started to
make your mind over and keep on making it
over, improving it, and keep on thinking the
way Jehovah God thinks. If we trust in the
Lord and carry out Jehovah God's command-
ments, then the portion of a Christian is one of
joy and happiness, even though going through
trials and tribulations and great persecution at
the hands of the enemy organization.
Yes, that is hard going, but consider this:
Christ Jesus, who is the Head and Right Shep-
herd of the "other sheep", is not going to make
it difficult for those who have come to him. On
the contrary, he invites us to turn away from
this old world with all of its problems and its
strivings to get ahead of mankind, and he says:
Total Total New Individual
Comp's Literature Hours SUbs.
Magazines Back-CalJs Studies
5 970 20,448
11 181
4,442 64
216 18,021
2 147 5,683 66
1,666 855 80 248 15
270 1,182 1 59 220 S
4 9,671 7,119 311 4,560 3,208 37
7 129 33,713 5 45 8,215 159
191 139,045 2,591,926 2,547 58,425 562,118 10,871
2 3,844 18,661 63
5 J : ~
7,917 138
228,309 662,769 8,141 266,174 2,307
155,164 320,288 3,862 320,041 145,732 1,786
30,325 24,181 617 3,775 9,283 119
5,073 10,391 121 1,756 3,772 35
21,441 114,122 877 16,192 46,708 673
45,221 127,953 590
29,611 45,513 531
5,371 20,987 4,531 134
13,470 17,732,323 62,854,483 665,345 20,046,485 20,438,000 260,187
"Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded
down, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke
upon you and become my disciples, for I am
mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will
find refreshment for your souls. For my yoke
is kindly and my load is light." (Matt. 11: 28-30,
NW) Compare the two classes in the world
today: Those who have accepted Jehovah God's
undeserved kindness and have gone ahead in
preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and those
who have not and who prefer to stay with the
old wicked world. Which of the two groups have
the greater sorrows and the greater load to
carry? At one time those who are now Jehovah's
witnesses were sighing and crying because of the
abominations that were loaded upon them while
they were in Babylon, but they heard the call
from others of Jehovah's witnesses who were
saying to the prisoners, "Go forth!" Thousands
have come forth, as you will see on the chart of
their year's activity. All of them were loaded
down with the anxieties of this system of things
2G2 Yea r boo k
at one time, but now they are refreshed because
they have come to Christ Jesus and have gotten
under his yoke with him. They have become his
disciples. They are learning from him. Now they
see things from an altogether different view-
point. A new world is just ahead. They know
this. rrhey are thinking differently. They have
turned to God's 'Word and are able to begin
making their minds over. Now their apprecia-
tion of better living has been greatly enhanced.
Living now is something worth while because
they have something good to do. It is not just
working for the old world and striving and
fighting to get ahead and eking out an existence.
They are no longer serving old world dictators
and bosses who domineer over them. Now they
see clearly that a new world of righteousness
will be established and that the King is mild-
tempered and lowly in heart. They have a hope
of everlasting life in peace and happiness in that
new world. Even now they have found refresh-
ment for their souls because they have come to
know the King Christ Jesus and Jehovah their
The work or yoke that Jehovah God through
his Son Christ Jesus has given them is kindly
and Christ's load is light. He has not asked us
to do more than we possibly can and he has
given us all the advice and comfort that one
should need in these last days so as to keep our
joy and pleasure in living bright in our lives.
Jehovah's witnesses do appreciate what God has
done for them and that they have come to a
knowledge of him and his Son and that they
have the glorious privilege of proclaiming the
good news of his kingdom throughout the world.
They have come to know that selfishness is of
no value. It gets one nowhere. But the unde-
served kindness of God shown to the "other
sheep" has taught them how to love one another.
All of those who are associated with J eho-
vah's witnesses, whether they have been in the
Lord's visible organization a long time or a
short time, are very much interested in the
growth of the organization, because it is build-
ing itself up in love. Love is the attribute upon
which Jehovah's organization works and is held
During the past twelve months the president
of the vVatch Tower Bible and Tract Society
had the opportunity to visit 52 assemblies of
God's people in all parts of the world. These
witnesses were scattered through 35 countries,
as far west of New York city as Burma, as far
south as Australia, and as far east as Finland.
He found Jehovah's witnesses in all of these
countries working together in love and at unity.
He found them whollv devoted to Jehovah God.
They asked the presIdent of the Society to ex-
press their love and greetings to all their fel-
low workers in other parts of the world. It is
a real pleasure to do this through the Yearbook,
and it was also his privilege to convey these
greetings in person as the opportunity was af-
forded while visiting different conventions of
Jehovah's witnesses during the past year.
It is interesting, too, to observe that during
his visit to the brothers in these 35 countries
visited in 12 months, the president of the So-
ciety gave 52 public talks to an aggregate au-
254 Yearbook
dience of 299,236 persons. It certainly was a
pleasure to meet with so many "sheep" during
the year and to have the warm fellowship that
is found only among those who have shared in
the undeserved kindness of Jehovah God. Love
permeates the whole organization, and that if-
what is making the visible organization of Jeho-
vah God grow continually, all to his honor and
I am very grateful to the Lord for the oppor-
tunity of again submitting this report on behalf
of the Society. I hope it brings joy and gladness
to the hearts of all of Jehovah's witnesses every-
where and that all of you will continue in love,
serving Jehovah God and promoting clean, un-
defiled worship, and eventually gain eternal life
in the new world of righteousness.
Your brother and fellow servant working
with you in 'saying to the prisoners,
Go forth',
~ , President
Annual Meeting
Pursuant to the charter and bylaws of the Watch
Tower Bible & Tract Society, a nonprofit Pennsyl-
vania corporation, the members of this corporation
met on October 1, 1951, at ten o'clock in the fore-
noon in the offices of the Society located in the
Wabash Building, 410 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh 22,
According to the facts presented by the secretary
and treasurer of the Society, there was present a
quorum necessary to transact the business. In the
absence of the president of the Society, Nathan H.
Knorr, who was in Europe, the Society's vice-
president, Fred W. Franz, presided. One of the mat-
ters of business at this meeting was the election of di-
rectors to fill three vacancies occasioned by the ex-
piration of the terms of Milton G. Henschel, Nathan H.
Knorr and Lyman A. Swingle, who were elected
on October 1, 1948, for a term of three years. At
this meeting these same three persons were re-elected
to fill the positions of directors for another three-
year term.
Other matters that were brought before the atten-
tion of the members present were letters received
from different individuals who are members of the
corporation but who were unable to attend. These
letters conveyed greetings from Finland, Switzerland,
Hungary, Romania and a number of other places.
Lyman A. Swingle gave a brief discourse out-
lining the accomplishments of the Watch Tower Bible
& Tract Society since its organization. He showed
how Jehovah's witnesses were faithfully carrying out
the work God had for them to do at this time. Grant
Suiter, the secretary and trcasurer, gave a report on
the international convention held at London, Eng-
land, as he was present at that assembly. Following
this interesting report, Fred W. Franz, who had
256 Yearbook
visited a number of European conventions during the
summer just past, talked on Isaiah, chapter 49,
showing the organization of Jehovah's people and the
accomplishment of His work through it. He also
urged the brothers to attend the Washington, D.C.,
convention, October 12 to 14, 1951. The meeting
closed with a motion duly made and seconded that
the members of the corporation send their love and
greetings to all their brothers throughout the earth
and that mention of this should be made in the 1952
Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses.
The meeting of this corporation again showed the
unity and oneness of action on the part of God's
servants. All are vcry grateful that Jehovah God
has blcssed the work of this corporation in its serv-
ice to Jehovah and his witnesses.
A fcw weeks later, at 124 Columbia Heights, Brook-
lyn 2, New York, the board of directors of the Watch
Tower Bible & Tract Society, Pennsylvania cor-
poration, met and unanimously elected Nathan H.
Knorr as president, Fred W. Franz as vice-president,
Grant Suiter as secretary and treasurer and lIugo H.
Riemer as assistant secretary and treasurer. The
board of directors is happy in its privilege of serv-
ice and the members of the board ",-ill do everything
they can, by Jehovah's undeserved kindness, to ad-
vance the interests of the Kingdom and promote true
worship throughout the world.
Yeartext for 1952
"Say to the prisoners, Go forth." -Isaiah 49: 9.
Are people free to think as they wish? Do indi-
viduals have the freedom to worship according to
the dictates of their own consciences? Are the masses
of humanity in the world today free from fear and
want? Will mankind ever be free from sickness, sor-
row and eventual death? At some time in every per-
son's life these questions will run through his mind,
whether he be a Christian or a heathen, whether
he be an agnostic or an atheist. People do not like
to be fenced in, penned up or, especially, impris-
oned. But how to gain this desired freedom is every-
one's problem. The entire world is divided up into
sections, and these sections are controlled by cer-
tain political bodies or religious authorities. Too
often, too, commerce plays a powerful hand in the
regulation of the affairs, political and religious. No
matter to what continent of earth you turn, you find
the people held in sUbjection to this great world
organization. How will they ever be free from the
oppressiveness and ignorance, free from want for so
many t h i n g s ~
Jehovah's Word, the Bible, gives us the answer.
When one reads God's Word and believes it he can
free his mind from the bondage into which it has
been driven and held. The Word of God is a Book
of Freedom. Jehovah's witnesses in all parts of the
world are taking that book into the homes of the
people and are educating them along the lines ex-
pressed in that good Book, the Bible. If people read
this good news they become enlightened as to why
mankind has been hemmed in, why he has been
brought into a subservient condition, why he cannot
enjoy life by serving this old system of things. The
more he studies God's Word and sees what Jehovah
258 Yearbook
has purposed for men, the greater becomes his free-
dom of mind and body. It is not long before an
honest-hearted person gains this accurate knowledge
of the purposes of the Lord and takes his stand for
,Jehovah's kingdom, which will bring him life, liberty,
peace and happiness.
Those who have this freedom now "say to the
prisoners, Go forth". (Isaiah 49: 9) And they will
continue to say this until such time as all those
who are held in bondage and who want to be freed
come forth to serve the Most High God Jehovah.
In the days when the apostles were working dili-
gently to announce the good news of the kingdom
of the Most High they had hands laid on them and
they were put in public places of custody. In Acts
5: 17-21 the account shows us how during the night
,Jehovah's angel opened the doors of the prison and
brought the apostles out. And he said to them: "Be
on your way and take a position in the temple and
keep on speaking to the people all the sayings about
this life." "After hearing this, they entered into the
temple at daybreak and began to teach." (NW) World-
ly religion, which was being taught by the Pharisees
and the Sadducees and the priests in the days of
Jesus, was a hard thing to break away from. But
when someone gained his freedom from false religion
he was freed for a purpose, and that purpose was to
preach, just as stated above concerning the apostles.
The command was given them to "keep on speaking
to the people all the sayings about this life".
Jesus was fully cognizant of his commission from
his heavenly Father, as set forth in Isaiah 61. There-
in it was stated of him: "He sent me forth to preach
a release to the captives and a recovery of sight to
the blind, to send the crushed ones away with a re-
lease, to preach Jehovah's acceptable year." That is
the way Jesus stated it when he was in the synagogue.
(Luke 4: 18, 19, NW) He knew the people had to be
enlightened concerning the kingdom of God, the only
hope of the world. He knew he was on earth to de-
Yearbook 259
clare good news to the people, and certainly the good
news he had was a release to those who had been
captives to this old devilish world.
The world's human population is really in prison
in Babylon. And the work that Jesus started in
freeing some from this Babylonish system has con-
tinued to this day, and now thousands upon thou-
sands are freeing themselves because thcy have
learned that the truth set forth in the Book of Free-
dom sets one free.
Are you going to be made free? Are you going to
remain free after having gained that blessed free-
dom? Jehovah's witnesses answer they will by Je-
hovah's undeserved kindness. Having been freed from
this old world's way of thinking, they think as God
thinks, as he has expressed himself in his Word.
They preach God's thoughts to the people that they
may be free in heart and mind and be lifted out
of the bondage of this dying old world. Weare
living in a glorious time. Weare in the days when
from one end of the earth to the other we, as Je-
hovah's witnesses, must declare to the prisoners: "Go
forth!" Let us keep on declaring that good message.
Let us keep on teaching these prisoners and let them
become free men and women, as Jehovah's witnesses
are all over the world.
[ Blank]
Daily 'Texts and Comments
The comments following the daily texts are taken
from The Watchtower (W) as of the year 1951.
Tuesday. lanuary 1
.] ehovah is Il great God, and a
great King above all gods.
-Ps. 95: 8, AS,
If you make the living and
true God your refugl', you
cannot have any part with the
demons, the false gods. You
must serve the purpose of the
true God and must tell others
what his purpose is. In _ this
time of world opposition to
him you must prove he is your
refuge and strcngth by believ-
ing and acting in hannony
with his testimony. (Iaa.
43: 10-12) What a God he is!
Before him all the false gods
must shortly bow in defeat at
Annageddon. He is to be feared,
rather than the totalitarian
aggressors bent on world con-
quest for enthroning their po-
litical gods and form of reli-
gion everywhere. Thosc who
make him their refnge and who
trust in his strength credit
him with godship. (Ps. 96: 4 ;
97: 9) Because he supplies se-
cret strength to his witnesses,
they have becn able to endure
the most determined and fiend-
ish persecution from human
agents of the false gods.
qreedy dictators craving world
empiro have puniHhed those
who would not join in idolizing
them. But when th{,se dicta-
tors went down, Jehovah's wit-
nesses have lived on. lV 3/15
Wednesday, January 2
'I'hereiore openly conics8 yoltr
,ins to one another and pray
for onc another, that you may
.'let healed.-Ja8. 5: 16, NW.
By praying for who
are spiritually sick and who
plainspokenly confess their sins
to us and seek our spiritual
aid the,)" get healed",
spiritually so. This saves them
from lapsing into spiritual
death which would end up in
their destruction from all fu-
ture life. In their case AI-
mighty God would destroy
"both soul and body in Gehen-
na". (Matt. 10: 28, NlV; Jas.
5: 19,20) Those sins which
the spiritually sick person con-
fessed and from which you
prayed for him to be healed
will be covered over. God will
remember them no more, but
will renew his peaceful rela-
tions with the returned sinner.
It is by the sin-canceling blood
of Jesus that the sins are thus
covered over, but your prayer
helped to move the divine ar-
rangement of things to such a
result. For such a pridlege of
lifesaving service you can be
very thankful. lV 5/1
Tbursday, January S
And I heard the 'Voice of the
Lord, Whom shall I
send . .. ? .. And he said, Go,
and tell this peoplc.-Isa.
6:8,9, AS.
The divine service had a
claim higher than family ob-
ligations. And so as Isaiah
could arrange his domestic af-
fairs he would leave his home
and go to the people and tell
them what God told him to
tell. He built up a cOillJ,lany
of disciples or pupils. (lsa.
8: 16) The people were not
sent for, but God sent his
spokesman to them. The
Greater Isaiah and his dis-
cipleR, that is, .Tesus and his
apostles, showed that it is the
right way for those sent by
God to go to the homes of
the people. So the Isaiah class
remnant today do not stand
on invitation by the peollle,
nor are they sought out by the
people of Israel's modern coun-
terpart, Christendom. Jehovah
takes the initiative anu sends
and commands them to go to
the people. Since they are un-
der a vow of dedication to him
and since they have volun-
teered, they must go, and the
authorities of Christendom
have no right to stop them.
W 4/1
Friday, January 4:
Auo the rich man died and
was buried. And in H adcs he
lifted up his cyes.-Luke
16: 22,23, NW.
Jesus was still more deadly
than John the Baptist to the
"rich man" class in their linen
and purple clothing and at
their sumptuous table. De
claring themselves righteous,
they once appeared lofty in
the <,ves of the LazaruR class,
but they w('re actually Ilis-
gusting in God's sight. Jesus
exposrd them as such to the Laz-
arus class. Thus he stripped
them of their linen of
sel-righteousnrss. He disrobed
them of their purple claims to
royalty in God's kingdom when
he suid that the hurlots, sin-
ners, and tax collectors of the
beggar class went into the
Kingdom before them. He cli-
maxed this with the awful
judgment: " ~ ' h e kingdom of
God will be taken from you
and be given to a nation pro-
dueing its fruits." (Matt.
21: 43, NW) He spoiled their
religious table for them when
he turned from them aud com-
mitted the Kingdom mysteries
and the privilege of Kingdom
preaching to the poor Lazarus
class. When they killed him,
this sealed their death to God's
favor. W 9/1
Saturday, January Ii
You are going to hear of wars
and reports of wars; see that
you are not terrified.
-Matt. 24: 6, NW.
Jehovah's witnesses copy Je-
sus and obey his instructions.
That is why they have not
joined worldly armles and taken
part in the war efforts of the
nations in any way. ~ ' h i s does
not mean they are pacifists
opposed to war and resisting
it and interfering with worldly
governments in proaecuting
wars of aggression or of de-
fense. They could not be war-
resisters, for they submit to
the fulfillment of J eaus' words
about the consummation of
this system of things. Asked by
his disciples, "When will these
things be, and what will be the
sign of your presence and of
the consummation of the sys-
tem of things?" he told them:
"N ation will rise against na-
tion and kingdom against king-
dom." (NW) So how could
the Christian witnesses of J e-
hovah oppose worldly wars or
try to prevent them since J e-
sus prophesied that they were
certain to be fought? lie dId
not tell them they would be
in the fighting. They would
merely hear them or hear re
ports of them. W 2/1
Sunday, January 8
Beliold, a man with a mea8ur-
ing line in' his hand. Then said
I, Whither goest thou' And
he said unto me, To measure
JCTUsalem.-Zech. 2: 1,2, AS.
The class prefigured by th ...
young man was quite a small
organization during 1914-1918.
for then there was only a rem-
nant of God's faithful peopl('
who were truly examining the
prophecies and tr;ving to ascer
tain their meamng in ord('r
to find out what their work
would be in this great organi-
zation of J erusalcm. They
wanted its measure and wanted
to know more about God':,;
work. Today we find in thf'
earth a group of Christian
men and women who, like thb
young man, are sincerely in-
terested in the Jerusalem whieh
is above and which is thr-
mother of us all. (Gal. 4: 26.
NW) They are really inter-
ested in God's organization
and in its expansion. Wall"
are not its boundaries. No, it
is an expanding city like an
unwalled village. Due to its
constant growth because of in-
coming crowds, it would be
hard to take accurate meas-
urements. W 1/1
Monday, January "I
By his stripes there is healing
for us.-Isa. 53: 5, Ro.
Not by any mysterious course
in metaphysics, mesmerism, or
other hypnotic power, but by
direct grant, Jesus conferred
on his specially chosen disci-
ples the authority to perform
physical cures. With the ex-
press command that they were
to do these without financial
charge! Then he died a mar-
tyr's death for our everlasting
healing. Did the divine health
program abruptly cease for all
time at Jesus' death? No; J eho-
vah God saved it from collapse
by raising him from the dead
to take his seat at God's right
hand in heaven and there ex-
ercise all authority for God in
heaven and on earth. At Pen-
tecost this Jesus poured out
holy spirit upon his faithful
disciples on earth. With it he
conferred upon many of them
the ~ i f t of miraculous physical
healmg power. Thus the health
program from heaven went on
among mankind. The miracu-
lous healings and cures of hu-
man bodies continued on till
the last of the apostles and
their Christian associates died.
By then the chureh was estab-
lished in faith. W 5/15
Tuesday, January 8
Let marriage be honorable
among all, and the marriage
bed be without defilement.
-Heb. 13: 4, NW.
Jehovah pstablished an hon-
orable thing in marriage be-
tween man and woman. Jesus
Christ his Son dignified mar-
riage. He did not himself mar-
ry as a man-the divine pUr-
pose did not include his mar-
riage on earth-but he ac-
cepted an invitation to a wed-
ding in Cana of Galilee and
contributed to the joy there
by turning water into wine for
the wedding guests. He also
used marriage celebrations to
illustrate truths about the
kingdom of the heavens. He
was used by Jehovah God to
restore marriage to its original
Edenic level. The Creator
made woman for man that by
marrying the two he might
people this earth with a per-
fect human race, all issuing
from one parenthood, all one
flesh and blood, bound together
by ties of family relationship.
God's means to an end are al-
ways honorable and bring cred-
it to him as Creator. Ilis will
is that marriage must always
be held in honor by his wor-
shipers. W 4/15
Wednesday, January 9
I have more understanding
than all my teachers: for thy
testimonies are my meditation.
-Ps. 119: 99.
What place does God's Word
occupy IU our lives? Do we
place it above the word of
everybody else, above human
philosophies and man-made re-
ligious traditions and the com-
mands of men which run con-
trary to God's will? If we
follow God's Word and keep
his commands through it and
pay attention to its advice, we
shall have God's approval and
blessing. It will work for our
spiritual good, keeping us al-
ways in the relationship of
children to Him and under
his protection by his angels,
and guaranteeing to us the
gift of eternal life for our
faithfulness. God assures us,
as he did the Israelites of old,
that if we take heed to his
". ord we shall avoid much
trouble and grief. But if we
do not consult and keep fami-
liar with his Word and do
what it says, we shall run into
personal, private trouble and
difficulty and we shall miss the
divine approval and blessing.
W 6/15
Thursday, January 10
Become doers of the word, and
not hearers on ly.--Jas.
1:22, NW.
If people of this world fol-
lowed the Bible, they would
not kill one another, but would
beat sword into plowshare. Na-
tion would not lift up sword
against nation. Nor would they
learn war anymore. 'Vould not
that be practical? Would not
the Bible prohibition on stcal-
ing and bribeI'y be a good guide
for politicians? In Israel the
kings were to have a copy of
God's law for guidance; pol-
iticians today have the Bible.
It would be a blessing if they
followed it as much as they
quote it. As for the economic
system that makes the few rich
and the many poor, it could
not so operate under Bible
principles, which in several
ways made provision for the
poor. And would not the Bible
be practical in s t e m m i n ~ the
rising tide of crime, turnmg it
back, drying it up completely?
Obedience to its commands
would eliminate fornication,
adultery, divorce and broken
homes, venereal disease and
illegitimate children. Moral
parents would teach children.
W 6/1
Friday, January 11
For as often as you eat this
loaf and drink this cup, you
keep proclaiming the death of
the Lord, until he arrives.
-1 Cor. 11: 26, NW.
The Lord Jesus died A.D.
33. For nineteen centuries
since then his obedient dis-
ciples have observed this sup-
per, or evening meal, on the
proper day of each year. The
celebration of it annually un-
til this year IV52 has meant
its celebration more than I,VOO
times, which makes it "often"
indeed. Contrary to the claims
of some religionists, Jesus per-
sonally has not had to suffer
again that many times, that
"often", because the apostle
Paul says not. (Heb. 9: 24-
26) In this twentieth century
a faithful remnant of his "lit-
tle flock" continues obediently
to observe the Lord's evening
meal. For this people upon
whom his great name is call('d
Jehovah God has provided this
cup and table. These things he
provides in order to unify his
people as one body, with all
members of it being at peace
with one another, heilling and
serving one another. IV 1/15
Saturday, January 12
But thou, 0 Daniel, shut tip
the :ords, and seal the book,
even to the time of the end:
many shall rtln to and fro,
and knowledge shall be in-
creased.-Dan. 12: 4, AS.
Not general worldly knowl-
edge, such as the terrific speeds
now attained through modern-
day inventions, but something
far different. '.rhe running to
and fro is with regard to
searching after know ledge; it
means to read earnestly and
thoroughly, to the end that
the student might be taught.
Jehovah purposed that the
prophecies gIven to Daniel
should be fulfilled and clearly
revealed in the "last days" of
the Gentile nations, and there-
by knowledge would be in-
creased. Until Jehovah's set
time comes to fulfill the proph-
ecy and to give his splrit to
his people, impelling them to
search his Word diligently
through and through, as it
were, page by page, prophecy
by prophecy, no one could pos-
sibly have an accurate under-
standing. At best, it would be
a guess. Understanding has
been reserved for the "consum-
mation of the system of
things", in which we have been
since A.D. 1914. W 7/1
Sunday, January IS
Who hath de,wised the day of
small thingld-Zech, .4: 10,
A,D, 1914 a new system of
things was corning in and re-
placing the old, So in these
last days a 4,OOO-ycur-old world
is to t'nd, and a new world is
to come in, '1'he fulfillment of
prophecy muy seem to some
insignificant; but do not be
deceived. Keep in mind that
.Il great mountain, which filled
the earth full as it were, grew
out of a smull stone cut out
of tho mountain without hu-
man hunds. When .T ehovah
sets his htllld to accomplish
any purpose, it is done and
no power anywhere is able to
prevent him, for He is al-
mighty. His people will yet
endure much brntal perseCll-
tion, for they still live in an
ungodly wicked world, but
their unity and peace which
arise out of knowmg they are
the nucleu.,s of the new earth
society will never be shattered.
Never will they be broken to
pieces by the enemy's power.
Let the truths that Jehovah's
King is present, that the King-
dom is here to stay forever
and it will shortly manifest its
power, sink into your mind.
W 7/15
A. certain beggar named Laz
arus used to be put at his
gate, full of ulcers and desiring
to be filled with the thin!ls
dropping from the table of the
nell, man.-Luke16: 20,21,NW.
The Jewish name indicates
the beggar to be a Jew, not a
Gentile. It is a Greek form
of the name "Eleazar". mean-
ing "God is helper". The facts
show this "beggar" class began
with Jews, but it was en-
larged to include Gentiles. so
that today it is mostly Gentile.
Lazarus was of the same J ew-
ish community with the rkh
man. No wall of partition was
betwe!'n them because of race
or natural extraetion. The dif-
ference between them was be-
cause of the superiority and
privilpges which the
clergy had selfishly assumed to
themselves. The beggar Laz-
arus therefore pictures thl"
poor who realized their spirit-
ual need. of the Jews then and
of Christendom now. Being
spiritually neglected by the
lofty religions leaders who held
them in disdain, they
became ulcerous Rnd sick spil'-
itually. To such neglected, dis-
eased ones J csus came to min-
ister God's healing Wort!_
W 2/15
Tuesday, January 15
We do not wage warfare U('-
cot'ding to wliat we are in the
/lesh.-2 Cor. 10: 3, NW.
Jehovah's witnesses ha\-e
conscientious objection to tak-
ing part in the war and
defense efforts of Christendom
and the rest of the world, their
objection being based on God's
Word the Bible. But how call
they be conscientious objectors
and not at the same time
pacifists? They are not against
war between the nations, and
they do not interfere with th!'
war efforts of the nations nor
with anyone who can conscien-
tiously join in such efforts.
They fight only when God com
mands them to do so, becans('
then it is theocratic warfar!'.
Were they today to claim to
be pacifists, it would mean for
them to denounce all the pre-
Christian witnesses of Jehovah
who took up arms to uphold
Jehovah's universal
ty and his theocratic nahon
of Israel. But this denuncia-
tion we cannot make. Jesu&
never did so. Jehovah himself
is no pacifist. Neither are his
witnesses such, though they
are conscientious objectors.
W 2/1
Wednesday, January 16
.Jesus went through the
land doing good and healing all
those oppressed by the Devil.
-Acts 10: 38, NW.
Jehovah said to his fellow
worker, his only-begotten Son
who hecame the Jewish Mes-
siah: "Let us make man in
our image, after our likeness."
(Gen. 1: 26) So Jehovah the
Creator and his Son Christ Je-
sus know all about the human
system, a joint creation of
theirs. They knew how to make
it function perfectly at the be-
ginning. They know what put
it out of order down till this
day. They know what to do
to rid it of every disturbance
and put it in perfect running
order afain. This knowledge
they wi I fully prove in the
righteous new world now so
near. Still, all through human
history, from man's fall into
sickness and death, Jehovah
has revealed himself as the di-
vine Healer. He especially
manifested his power to heal
by his heloved Son when on
earth as the "man Christ Je-
sus". No physical affliction in
others could resist his treat-
ment, not even death. It was
God's spirit or active force
operating through J eSllS that
did this. W 5/1
Thursday, January 1"1
A.nd I heard the l'oice 0/ the
Lord, saying, Whom shall I
send?-Isa. 6: 8, AS'.
It is Jehovah that asks this,
because he is the One that
docs the sending of his wit-
nesses and ambassadors. He
was the One that sent Jesus
his Son to earth to prove him-
self "the faithful and true wit-
ness". Isaiah of old had chil-
dren. Jesus is the Greater
Isaiah to whom Jehovah has
given children, namely, his
anointed followers, and these,
too, Jehovah senda forth to
preach and bear witness. To
carry the genuine divine mes-
sage to others they must be
sent or commissioned by Je-
hovah. Without the ordination
with which the Most High God
sends his representatives a per-
son docs not come in God's
name. But being sent by God's
authorization he does not have
to ask permission from anyone
to preach. The invitation to
service from Jehovah at his
temple was giveu as a general
call, and the opportunity was
opened for anyone who heard
to respond. Like Isaiah, the
remnant were free to respond
in 1919. The clergy failed to.
W 1,/1
Friday, January 18
There/ol'e will we not fear,
though the earth do change,
and though the tnountait8 be
shaken into the heart of the
8eas.-Ps. 1,6: 2, AS.
As we get closer to the battIe
of Armageddon, we do not
know what cataclysmic forces
will be operated by Jehovah
God to overwhelm this world
and blot it out. 'l'he political,
military, commercial and re-
ligious elements of this world
are certain to quake with fear
at the sights and sounds and
to grow frantic at the sure
prospect of destruction for
themselves, 'Ve under God's
kingdom shelter need not fear.
'Ve may naturally be fright-
ened, as Moses was at Mount
Sinai, but we shall not share
the world's fear. (Heb.12: 21)
We know God is controlling
the forces of destruction and
we know at whom he is direct-
ing them, not at us but at his
enemies, our enemies. 'Ve have
made him our refuge and shel-
ter, and he will safely shield
us, passing us over just as his
destroying angel passed over
all the homes in Egypt marked
with the blood of the passover
lamb. W 3/15
Saturday, Januar,y 19
Make me to understand the
way of thy precepts.
-Pa. 119: 27.
Aside from Jesus Christ,
God's Word did not foretel!
the personal work, course and
activities of any individual.
His 'Vord foretells his dealings
with his theocratic organiza-
tion under Christ, and about
its work, experiences, perse-
cutions, its deliverance and its
triumph. So if we do not see
the organization but try to
apply prollhecies to ourselves
individually, we cannot see
prophecy's true fulfillment aud
understaud God's 'Yord. If we
lire not attached to his or-
ganization and working in
harmony with it and under-
going its experiences, we can-
not get the sense of God's
'YoI'd and do his work right.
It took Jesus the head of
God's organization to open up
the minds of his discitlies to
!(rasp fully the meanmg of
the Scriptures. Today God has
built up his visible organiza-
tion with those whom he has
delivered in fulfillment of Bi-
ble prophecy. In our days the
unfolding and understanding
of God's Word has been by
this spirit-filled organization.
W 6/15
Sunday, January 20
We, too, exercise faith and
there/ore we ,ypcak.
-2 Cor. 4: 13, NIV.
'Viii you who know God and
who are acquainted with his
Word show your faith by good
works? 'Vhen one studies and
knows his 'Vord and exercises
faith in it, it is not a matter
of taking a chance on the new
world. It is a matter of being
sure what the outcome will
be. If you .are sure, you will
try to convmce others who are
ready to pull away from Baby-
lon. If one flees from the old
world and from the nations
that are spoiling him, iust
what will the outcome be? Pri-
marily, it means the individual
will be in line to receive ever-
lasting life. He will have the
opportunity of worshiping the
Most Iligh God, his Creator,
for eternity. But in order to
receive the blessings of this
life he must accept the Son
ChriHt Jesus; for the scripture
says whosoever believes on
Him will be able to get ever-
lasting life. Are you, as a
Christian, going to help him
learn these things? It will not
be easy; it will take patience
and time on the part of both.
IV 1/1
Monday, January 21
rot! cannot be partaking of
"the table 0/ Jehovah" and
the table of demon, .
-1 COl'. 10: 21, NW.
The apostle so speaks be-
('anse the things symbolized by
the Memorial emblems were
provisions made by Jehovah in
behalf of those belonging to
Christ. Paul's expression "the
table of Jehovah" is u n d ~ r
stood by textual critics to be
quoted from Malachi 1: 7,12
(Greek LXX). "The table of
Jehovah" may have reference
to the entire arrangement of
the Lord's evening meal. But
if it refers to one particular
feature of it, then it must be
to the unleavened bread, for
it is bloodless. The loaf rep-
resents the "body of Christ"
in which Jesus' little flock of
Kingdom joint heirs share. It
is God that has arranged for
the "body of Christ". He cre-
ates it, setting the members of
it according to his pleasure,
J csus Christ as Head and the
144,000 as body members be-
neath him, each occupying an
assigned place. Association
with Jesus the Head is a pro-
vision God made for those of
the little flock, and to them
alone is this privilege given.
TV 1/15
Tuesday, January 22
The rich man died and was
buried. And in Hades he lifted
up his eyes, he existing in tor-
ments, and he saw Abraham
afar off and Lazarus in the
bosom position with him.
-Luke 16: 22, 23, NW.
By refusing Jesus, the rich
man class died to the privilege
of being associated with J esns
Christ as the promised Seed
of Abraham. Till their physi-
cal death they lived on In the
flesh, like the gadabout woman
of whom Paul wrote: "The
one that goes iu for sensual
gratification is dead though
she is living." (1 'rim. 5: 6,
NlV) The Law to which they
held proved to be death to
them, condemning them to
death as accursed sinners.
(Rom. 7: IHl) Liviug on in
the flesh, though they were
dead in God's eyes, they could
see what happened with the
Lazarus group and could be
chagrined by it. This class was
buried at the latest three and
a half years after Pentecost,
because then the gospel was
preached to the Gentiles for
the first time and the rich man
class among the Jews were not
the ones to do the preaching.
They were as dead, buried.
W 3/1
VVednesday, January 2S
Return your sword to its
place, for all those who take
the sword will perish by_ the
sword.-Matt. 26: 52, NlV.
Jesus was seized by an
armed band under circum-
stances that could provoke
armed resistance. 'l'he facts
that developed show he did not
resort to a sword when his
illegal arrest came. Why, then,
had he suggested to his dis-
ciples to get a sword and let
at least one sword be taken
along to Gethsemane? He did
it to show that he chose not
to resort to armed resistance
but would give himself up
voluntarily in harmony with
his Father's will. Peter tried
to put up armed resistance,
used the sword and struck off
a man's ear. Then Jesus spoke
to Peter as quoted above. In
ordcI' to drink the cuI? that
his Father had given hIm J e-
sus acted in a way that to
some seems like pacifism. He
was, however, not going before
his Father's court or before
the courts of the land on a
charge of armed resistance. He
did not expose himself to being
killed under armed resistance;
he must die willingly, sacrifi-
c i a l l ~ , like a lamb led to slaugh-
ter. TV 2/1
Thursday, January 24
Then said 1, Lord [Jehovah,
DSla MS.] how 10tlg? And
he answered, Until the cities
be wasted withou.t inhabitant.
-lsa. 6: 11.
Thus without setting a date.
Jehovah does set the practical
limit for our work amid the
people of unhealed Christen-
dom. \\' e must carryon till
she is reduced to the devastated
state described here prophet-
ically. The time is getting
ncar when the "ten horns" of
the beast, backed by the whole
body of that bf'ast, will turn
on Christendom's whorish sys-
tem of Babylonish relil'ion and
will wreck it. That will be the
beginning of Armageddon, but
at the grand climax Jehovah's
heavenly hosts under his King
Jesus Christ will execute his
righteous judgmen ts against all
the ungodly elements
political, social ana commer-
cial. This is what Christendom
will have come on her for
shutting her eyes, dulling her
ears and fattening her heart
toward the testimony of the
witnesses whom Jehovah sent.
So despite the siege conditions
against Christendom, we must
carryon with our message.
W 4/1
Friday, January 25
Fear Jehovah, and depart from
evil: it u'ill be health to thy
navel, and 111 arrow to thy
bones.-Prov. 3: 7, 8, AS.
Sickness, diseases and acci-
dents have their normal causes.
All the sickness that has en-
tered the earth resulted from
the violation of God's
law. LIkewise today, sickness
and disease are due to some
violation of God's laws con-
cerning physical well-being.
They are not due to the direct
touch of Satan. Just bccause
a person believes the good
news of God's kingdom and
devotps himself to follow in
J csus' steps, God does not
work a miracle and change his
bodily organism any. Oh, he
might be able to prolong his
life by better living henceforth
as a Christian, both morally
and physically, because he
Iparn!:! more and more of the
truth and gives his body de-
cent treatment. He does not
abuse it as those in the world
do with their bodies. Unselfish
activity in God's work does
one good in both mind and
body. Study of God's Word
and applying it has a salubri-
ous ('lIect upon U8. W 5/15
Saturday, January 26
The tcaching of BaZaam, who
went to teaching Balak to put
a stumblin.qblock before the
80ns 01 to eat things
sacrificed to iaols and to com-
mit lornication.-Rev.
2: 14, NW.
That is just the way with
the adversary. If he cannot
seduce Jehovah's people into
verbally renouncing God and
his pure worship he tries to
work their ruin by enticing
them into immorality. As with
the Israelites back there, we
are virtually on the verge of
entering into the righteous new
world. Though so near to OUl'
glorious goal, there is still
danger of falling short of
reaching it as modern counter-
parts of those thousands of
Israelites. Do not forget: We
are flesh and blood like thOSE
men were. Temptations com-
mon to them can likewise ap-
peal to us and cause us to
fall. Just because we belong
to the organization which Je-
hovah has saved is no guaran-
tee that we cannot
fall into sin and miss out as
individuals and so not enter
into the new world with the
theocratic organization. So
watch. W 4/15
Sunday, January 27
Go, and tell this people, Heal'
yo indced, but understand not;
and sce ye indeed, but perceive
not. Make the heart of
this people fat, and make
thC'lr ears heavy.-lsa.
6: 9, 10, AS.
What Isaiah was here told
to tell the people was not real-
ly the content of his message
but was to be the effect of it.
What he actually told them is
contained in the remaining
sixty chapters of his prophecy.
The Greater Isaiah, Jesus
Christ, applied to himself what
Isaiah was here told to tell.
Jehovah's words at the tem-
ple sound as if his witnesses
today must command the peo-
ple not to understand what
they hear and not to perceive
what they see; and as if his
witnesses are commanded to
make the people's hearts fat.
make their ears heavy and
shut up or besmear their eyes.
But Jehovah docs not force the
people this way; otherwise, he
would be responsible for their
dire fate. He merely makes the
people hear and see his wit-
nesses in action. Then by his
prophecy he foretells the ef-
fect of it up'0n the people or
how they WIll not respond fa-
vorably.-Matt. 13: 14,15.
W 4/1
Monday, January 28
God will judge fornicators and
adulterer8.-Heb. 13: 4, NW.
The good news is meant to
~ a v e sinners, including forni-
cators and adulterers. Even in
his day Paul said he had
preached and brought into the
truth fornicators, idolaters,
adulterers, sodomites or men
kept for unnatural purposes
and men who lie with men,
etc. All were gross offenders
against moral law. Jesus him-
~ e l f told the outwardly moral
priests and religious elders that
the tax collectors and harlots
were going into God's kingdom
ahead of them. (1 Cor. 6: 9-
11, NW,. Matt. 21: 31, 32)
But now they had been cleaned
up by the truth. So no longer
must thl'Y fashion themselves
after the customs and stand-
ards of this world but must
conform their thoughts, affec-
tions and behavior to God's
truth and commandments. So
when these come into the truth
and God receives them into
his theocratic organization!
they have to make radica
changes in their lives, includ-
ing their home arrangements.
1'his was true nineteen cen-
turies ago. It is just as true
today. W 1,/15
Tnesday, January 29
-y ot all have gifts 0/ heali.nqs,
do they?-l Co, .. 12: 30, NW.
Divine physical healing was
a feature of Christ's first
presence and of the infancy of
his congregation, but it was
due to pass away with the
dcath of his apostles and their
associates. Authority to heal
was one of the gifts of the
spirit which, since Pentecost,
was imparted only through the
apostles or in their presence.
Men who got the gift of mi-
raculous healing through or in
the presence of the apostles
could not impart the spirit to
others. So they could not pass
on the gift of healing power to
others. Consequently when the
apostles died and also those
associated with them, then the
spiritual gift of miraculously
healing people in a physical
way ceased to be imparted
or exercised. Today we are
nineteen centuries removed
from the apostles through
whom the gifts of healing were
imparted. So in the physical
absence of Jesus and his apos-
tles it is futile for a Chris-
tian to pray for the spiritual
gift to heal others and for
himself to be miraculously
healed. W 5/1
Put on the complete suit
of armor from God.-Eph.
6: 11, NW.
The theocratic organization
affords us a great deal of help
and protection, not to speak,
too, of the invisible holy an-
gels under Christ. Yet there
are also personal defensive
measures we must individually
take. In these measures the
written Word of God performs
a necessary and vital part;
it is powerful fo r our protec-
tion. Weare in a real fight.
'l'hink of what we are up
against-all the great invisible
host of wicked spirits is against
us! They put us under pres-
sure to destroy our faith and
to entice or force us away
from God's service. 'Ve would
quail in terror if we did not
assure ourselves that God has
made provision for protecting
us. But we may not leave all
the responsibility of protecting
us to God. He has provided
certain things for us to use
for protecting ourselves and
our brothers, and we must use
these. What? The pieces mak-
ing up the complete suit of
spiritual armor. Not to use it
leaves us exposed. W 6/15
Thursday, January 31
Oome view the doings of Je-
hovah. who hath set desola-
tions in the earth: causing
to cease unto the end
of the earth.-Ps.
46: 8. 9, Ro. Pss.
This invitation, nttered by
those within the visible organi-
zation of Jehovah God, pOki-
assures us there will be
surVIvors on earth after Ar-
magpddon will have swept
away this old world with the
broom of destruction and
cleansed the earth for thc right-
eous npw world. The survivors
will be informed and will know
it is Jehovah by his mighty
\" arrior Jesus Christ who has
set the then visible desolations
in the earth. Such desolations
will not have destroyed the
earth or ruined it bcyond rf'S-
toration to a paradise state like
thc garden of Eden. They will
only have 'brought to ruin
those ruining the earth'. (R!'v.
11 : 18 NW) God will not de-
stroy his footstool, the earth,
but will glorify it under the
kingdom of his Christ. Thus
it is Jehovah by Christ who
ends all forms of war on the
earth by destroying all the
warmongprs, 'se'attering the
ppoples that delight in war'
and demolishing their terrible
weapons of war. lV 3/15
Friday, February 1
Princes have persecuted me
without a cause: but my heart
standeth in awe of thy word.
-Ps. 119: 161.
The clergy and people give
the Bible a place of honor,
make it the best seller, have
it in their museums, and pay
prices for rare copies that are
far higher than any other book
draws. They have it in their
homes, place it in hotel rooms,
swear on it in court and use
it to administer oaths of office,
Bible societies distribute it
world-wide, and either in all
or in part it circulates in
more than a thousand lan-
guages. Christendom's politi-
cians love to qnote it and pre-
tend that their political par-
ties will fulfill the Kingdom
promises. Many millions of
people today give the Bible
much lip-service, as did the
scribes and Pharisees; hut al-
so like these they fail to live
up to it, add to and subtract
from it, make it void, and
persecute and sometimes kill
Jehovah's witnesses who do
take the Bible as a practical
guide and try to livc up to
its commands. W 6/1
Saturday, February 2
The cup that the Father has
given me, should I not by all
means drink it?--John
18: 11, NlV.
According to God's will the
cup Jesus was given to drink
he also shares with his little
flock of Kingdom joint heirs.
This he made sure when he
said to two of his apostles
who had applied for specific
seats in the Kingdom with
him: "The cup I am drinking
you will drink, and with the
baptism with which I am being
baptized you will bp baptized."
(Mark 10: 39, NlV) 'l'he cup
he was then drinking and
which his heavenly Father had
poured and givcn him was
God's will for him. This will
was recorded aforetime in the
Holy Scriptures and it marked
out suffering and a disgraceful
death for him as if he were a
sinner, a blasphemer and a re-
proach to Jehovah God. This
latter feature was what made
it so hard for Jesus to drink, so
that he took the matter to his
Father three times in prayer
and then resigned himsclf to
drinking this portion of the
divine will. This course led
to gaining the Kingdom. lV
Sunday, February 8
You heard that it was said,
"Eye for eye and tooth for
tooth." H owet'er, I say to you:
Do not resist him that is
wickcd.-Matt. 5: 38, 39, NW.
'Vas Jesus there teaching
pacifism ? No; but thus he
showed that his followers must
not be disposed to injure any-
one else, even under provoca-
tion, where merely personal
matters are concerned, They
should not resort to the Law
of '1'alion or Retaliation, hand-
ed down by Moses, at Exodus
21: 23-25 and Leviticus 24 : 19,
20, But even where eye was
to go for eye, tooth for tooth,
life for life, this like for like
was not to be exacted per-
sonally by the one hurt. '1'he
balancing of accounts was to
be laid before the legal author-
ities, rather than for the in-
jured one to take the law into
his own hands. That wus the
law giv!'n through Moses. But
Jesus Christ is the Prophet
whom Jehovah promised to
raise up greater than Moses,
and so Jesus' law is superior
and supersedes the Mosaic law.
lIcnce we must heed what he
says if we are faithful as his
followers. W 2/1
Monday, February 4
Jerusalem shall be inha bited
like unwallcd villagcs, bccausc
of the 'III ass of 'III en and beasts
within her.-Zech. 2: 4, AT.
According to the Society'S
own reports, back in the year
1918 there were only 3,868
persons who were proclaiming
the Kingdom message to the
people, invitiug them to seek
refuge, comfort and consola-
tion within Jerusalem. The
city grew. As the nations went
into their second world war
and bronght on greater regi-
mentation and totalitarian
rule, still this remnant with
the people of good will kept
right on preaching the Word.
Today we see gathered into
this un walled city even greater
nnmbers of those who Jehovah
knows belong to him. His wit-
nesses see this expansion work
going on. They live in the
r.rowing city. With this great
'mass of men" there is a mass
of cattle. This may fitly repre-
sent the wealth of God's or-
ganization. Jesus said, 'Other
sheep I have, which are not
of this fold; these also I must
gather so that there will be
one flock. one shepherd.' He
is the Right Shepherd of this
great organization whi('h he
gathers together now. W 1/1
Tuesday, February 5
And in Hades he lifted tip his
eyes, he existing in torments,
and he saw Abraham afar
off and Lamrus.-Lulce
16: 23, NW.
The religious heads and no-
tables of Christendom today
see afar off from
the bosom position of the
Greater Abraham, Jehovah
God. They are in torment at
observing and feeling the ac-
tivities of Jehovah's witness-
es. IInndreds of thousands they
hehold responding and attach-
ing themselves to the Lazarus
class, just as a large family
of ten new children were added
to Job after his recovery from
God's seeming disfavor due to
Satan's machinations. J eho-
vah's message by his witness-
es is like a flaming fire against
the "rich man" religionists:
"Is not my word like fire?
saith Jehovah." (J er. 23: 29,
AS) '1'0 them the activities of
the Lazarus class in proclaim-
ing the day of Jehovah's venge-
ance are like the locust plague
foretold at Revelation 9: 1-11
and Joel 2: 1-11. These "lo-
custs" are the army of J eho-
vah's witncsses. Not surprising
that the effort is made to de-
stroy them. W 3/1
Wednesday, February 6
Here is the bridegroom I Go
out to meet' him.
-Matt. 25,' 6, NW.
In the theocratic nation of
Israel there was no common-
law marriage even though a
religious clergyman was not
called to solemnize the mar-
riage. Yet the marriage was
legally arranged for. An in-
termediary or go-between dealt
with the parents or caretakers
of the young man and woman
for whom the marriage was
sought, and then a contract
was entered into. From then on
the man and woman were con-
sidered engaged or betrothed.
Any immoral act by the
woman before her bridegroom
took her to his home was a
violation of the marriage con-
tract and was a case of adul-
tery for which she could be
stoned to death. It was thus
with Joseph and Mary when
she became pregnant by holy
spirit. After a period of be-
trothal the bridegroom took his
bride from her parents' home.
He publicly conducted her to
his domicile amid the joy
and good wishes of the neigh-
borhood, followed by a wed-
ding feast. Thus the marriage
was made public knowledge and
there were many witnesses.
W 4/15
Thursday, February '7
Yet still shall there be in it
a tenth, though it again be con-
8umed,-like an oak and like
a terebinth, which, when felled,
have a stock in them, a holy
seed shall be the stock thereof.
-IBa. 6,' 13, Ho; AS.
That "tenth" appears to be
the faithful spiritual remnant
of Jehovah's witnesses, who
were pictured by the faithful
Jewish remnant that returned
to the land of the formerly un-
faithful Judah and Jerusalem
and renewed God's pure wor-
ship there. The remnant, the
last of God's "holy nation"
on earth, are a "holy seed", a
"saered race". (Mo) This holy
seed will remain like a stock
in the earth and will sprout
again after Armageddon's dev-
astations. (Job 14: 7-9) Sur-
viving with them will be the
great flock of "other sheep",
who have turned to Jehovah
and his kingdom and who have
been healed. Jehovah's pure
worship will thus sprout agai!l
under most favorable condI-
tions after Armageddon and
will spread to the ends of the
earth. Then 'the whole earth
will be full of Jehovah's glory',
just as the seraphs at the tem-
ple foretold. W 4/1
Friday, February 8
God for U8 is ... a help in
most willingly found.
-Ps. 46: 1, Ro. PSS.
It is human nature for peo-
ple, when helpless in trouble,
to appeal to their gods for aid
and deliverance. But prayers
to Jehovah God are vain if
their intentions are contrary
to his will. It is not his will
at this time to establish world
peace in order for the nations
to return to normal. If he re-
stored peace, the nations would
only consume its benefits on
their selfish desires, showing
they are "lovers of pleasures
more than lovers of God". The
timetables of His Word set
our period down as a time
marked for international trou-
bles. So, making God our ref-
uge and relying on his strength
means for us to accept the
trouble his W ol'd has fore-
warned us of and, while this
trouble rages about us and
against us, to look to him to be
our "very present help" (AV),
"a help in distresses, soon
found." (Ro) Always at the
worst of the situation how
soon and how willingly J eho-
vah God let himself be found
and proved himself to be a
help In trouble! W 8/15
Saturday, February 9
God is a God, not of disorder,
but of peaoe. As in all the
oongregations of the holl/ ones.
-1 Oor. 14: 83, NW.
To the visible theocratic or-
ganization we can look to give
us an assignment in which to
work, and this will keep us
from straying onto another's
territory and causing confu-
sion, irritation and friction. It
will bring our efforts into har-
mony with those of all other
Kingdom publishers in the ter-
ritory in the local congrega-
tion and will rcsult in peace
and unity. This will please
God. While we work under
('.od's general direction by col-
with his theocratic
organizatIon, he leaves us free
to decide upon our more per-
sonal or private movements.
On numbers of occasions the
apostle Paul was guided di-
rectly by operations of the
!lJlirit or visions from the Lord.
This was for his general move-
ment; but in other respects he
had to layout his personal
plans and decide upon what
arrangements were best to
make. He then had to work
at them and see how far they
matched God's will. W 6/15
Sunday, February 10
H o! Zion, deliver thyself,-
thou that dwellest with the
daughter of Babylon. For thu8
saith Yahweh of hosts, For
his own honour hath he sent
me unto the nations that are
spoiling you.-Zeeh.
12: 7,8, Ro.
The faithful followers of
Christ Jesus must be for J eho-
vah's kingdom. They no longer
want to be spoiled by the na-
tions and come under their
subjection; so thE'Y flee this
old world of Babylon with its
devilish rule and place them-
selves under the rulership of
the King of heaven, Christ J e-
sus, who they know now rules
up there. He was placed upon
his throne by Jehovah God and
mado ruler in 1914. What a
marvelous thing has happened
since! Today we find a great
crowd of peopje who have lis-
tened to the Kingdom message
and who say: "Praise Jah,
you people, because Jehovah
our God, the Almighty, has
begun to rule as king." (Rev.
19 : 6, NW) The time
come for the vindication of
Jehovah's name, and thos('
who have fled from the Baby-
lonish organization recogniz!'
he has bl'come king byenthron-
ing his Son. This is the day
in which to rejoice. W 1/1
Monday, February 11
The cup of blessing which we
bless, is it not a sharing in
the blood of the Ohrist r
-1 Oor. 10: 16, NW.
The Memorial cup represent-
ed more than J esns' 8r..
a ransom sacrifice, a sacrIfice
that would validate the new
covenant and remove the sins
of his disciples who are taken
into the covenant. The ran-
som sacrifice did not itself re-
quire J caus to suffer reproach
and persecution and finally to
pass out of this life in dis-
grace. That part of the potion
in the cup was Iloured in by
the Father to test to the limit
the integrity of the Son of God
to show Jesus' nnswerving sup-
port of God's universal sov-
ereignty. This portion of the
cup he had to driuk to
prove his worthiness of thl'
Kingdom for which God had
covenanted with him. Since Je-
sus took his disciples in to the
covenant for the Kingdom with
him, they are also to
drink this cup with hun, so
as to demonstrate their integ-
rity toward God and prove
their worthiness to reign with
Jesus Christ in heavenly glory.
W 1/15
Tuesday, February 12
If a thief is caught breaking
into a house and strttCk so
that he dies, the householder
is not guilty; but if it was
after dawn, the householder is
guilty.-Ex. 22: 2, 3, Mo.
In the darkness of night the
bnrglar could not be identified
if he cscaped, and so he might
be struck to halt him. If the
breaker-in died, then the per-
son protecting his property was
guiltless. But if he broke in
during daylight and was struck
a fatal blow, then the striker
was guilty of killing the thief.
In da;vlight he could identify
the thief and report him to the
Law and have the Law catch
him and compel him to make
restitution and suffer a fine too.
But in killing the thief the
protector of property was
going too far. Certainl;v all the
property a daylight thlCf could
break in and steal is not equal
to the value of his life. If he
got away, or if the invading
aggressors got away, and the
Law never was able or failed
to bring them to justice, then
though we have suffered the
loss of material goods we have
not brought bloodguiltiness np-
on ourselvcs. lV 2/1
Wednesday, February IS
Get your enjoyment from the
wife of your youth. Why, my
Bon, should you be ravished
with the wife of another, and
embrace the bosom of an adul-
teress?-Prov. 5: 18, 20, AT.
Marriage should be dignified
and made a responsible matter
by legalizing it before witness-
es and registering it with the
proper authorities of the land.
Once married, man and wife
should hold their wedlock in
honor by being faithful to
their vows to each other. They
should treat their marriage re-
lationship seriously as some-
thing not easily broken on any
grounds except marital infi-
delity, even though the laws of
the land on divorce are very
liberal and broad. Marriage is
something that restricts them
in their relations with others
of the opposite sex. For man
and wife to have sex relations
is not a defilement of the mar-
riage bed but is the rendering
of a marriage due, according
to 1 Corinthians 7: 1-7. But
for either the husband or the
wife to commit adultery with
an outsider is a defilement of
the marriage bed. W 4/15
Thursday, February 14
In them hath he set a taber-
nacle for the sun, which ...
rejoiccth as a strong man to
run his eourse.-Ps.
19: 4, 5, AS.
The wise saints of God in
these last days shall shine like
the sun-full of vigor, vitality
and energy by reason of King-
dom joy. Leaping for sheer de-
light they zealonsly run the
race. Before them is their
work, and it will be accom-
plished according to the King's
schedule. No time have they
to dally along the road; no
holding back. Brighter shines
the Kingdom light. Just as the
powerful sun scatters the dark-
ness of the night and causes
it to disappear and irresistibly
moves on from brightness to
greater brightness, so J eho-
vah's holy servants increase
and expand their efforts. \Yere
all the world's inhabitants to
object and fight against it,
they conld not stop or delay
one second the sun's rising and
shining. So Jehovah's people
shall shine as brightly as the
sun. All the terrible forces of
Satan's world cannot stop the
light of truth from shining for
even a second. W 7/1
Friday, February 15
Love never fails.
-1 Cor. 13: 8, KW.
In these last days, with the
spirit's outl?ouring, the "fruit
of the spirIt", which is love,
has not failed to allJlear. It
abounds in the true Christian
congregation today. Paul made
it clear that love would re-
main after the miraculous
gifts of tbe spirit passed away.
1.'he gift of miraculous healing
marked the babyhood of tbe
Christian congregation in or-
der to build up its faith and
to identify it as God's chosen
people from then on. Dut now
that it has come to manhood
or maturity after these nine-
teen centuries of Christian ex-
perience, the true remnant of
Christ's followers do not exer-
cise that gift. Now we Chris-
tians have something grander
and larger than physical heal-
ing. Many are the so-called
"healers" in heathendom and
Christendom. And yet how
they all display the lack of
love in that they covet finan-
cial reward, fame, notoriety,
prominence, and selfish power
over people! So they are noth-
ing to God d<,spite their won-
der-working. W 5/1
Saturday, February 16
From the 801e of the foot to
tlle head there is no health in
it . "Come now, and let us
reason togethe'r," says the
Lord.-Isa. 1: 6, 18, AT.
Looking at Christendom's
condition socially, lloliticallv,
economically, judicially. mor:il-
ly, and religlOusly, which is
it that she needs more, the
healing of her people's physi-
cal organisms or their spirit-
ual healing? Admittedly there
is serious need of physical
healing. Yet this physical well-
being would never spare her
from the woes and destruction
of the impending war of Ar-
mageddon. It is the spiritual
healing that is the more ur-
gent, the more important, the
really vital healing_ For it is
only those who seek and gain
the spiritual recovery who will
survive the terrible desolations
and destructions of the "war
of the great day of God the
Almighty" and rnter the
healthy new world. Jehovah by
his prophet Isaiah put the
spiritual therapy in the first
place and preseribrd coming
to God and reasoning with him.
TV 5/15
Sunday, February 17
May tlle Lord cause you to in-
crcasc.-l Thcss. 3: 12, NW.
Publishers of the good news
have been making calls on per-
sons every week, conducting
Bible studirs in their homes.
But is this enough'! No. 'We
must help such persons to get
a firm hold on eternal life
and help them to deelare the
right kind of confession pub-
licly. 'Ve want them to know
God so well that they will be
able to prrach to others also,
doing so because they want
to, not from coercion, but
rather because of love for the
truth and a desire to see 'l'heoe-
racy's incrpase_ During the
year past there has been in-
crease. liut what can we do
in 1!l52 to improve our activi-
ty? If the general trend is to
incrrase, then our individual
results must also take an up-
swing. Sometime during the
past year each country had a
peak in publishers, making a
grand total of 442,380 differ-
ent persons doing ministerial
work for all countries. If all
these engaged in the field serv-
ice every month, the witness
would be tremendous during
1952. Then the shout to Jeho-
vah's praise would be as the
voice of a big crowd. TV 1/1
Monday, February 18
1-014 cannot lie drinkin!1 tke
cup of Jehovah and the cup
of demons.-l Oor.
10: 21, NlV.
Jesus offered the Memorial
cup to his disciples with the
words: "This cup means the
new covenant by virtue of my
blood, which is to be poured
out in your behalf." (Luke
22: 20, NlV) This same cup
is the "cup of Jehovah" be-
cause the new covenant is the
agreement or contract he
makes in order to take out
of all nations a "pcople for
his name". But it is Christ
.J esns who acts as mediator
between God and men by pro-
viding the sacrificial blood to
put that new covenant into
force. The ones taken into this
new covenant are the "people
for his name", beginning WIth
the faithful Jewish remnant at
Pentecost and later taking in
the Gentile believers from the
centurion Cornelius onward.
These God gathers, saying:
"Gather yourselves unto me--
ye my men of lovingkindness,
who have solemnised my cove-
nant over sacrifice." (Pa.
50 : 5, Ro) This new covenant
is an additional fact which
shows that drinking the Me-
morial cup is limited to those
who are members of Christ's
body. W 1/15
Tuesday, February 19
The rich man al80 died, and
was buried. And in Hades he
lifted tip his eyes, being in tor-
ments, and Breth Abraham
afar off, and LazarlUl in his
bosom.-Luke 16: 22,23, AS.
Now the religionists of Chris-
tendom are in a spiritually
dead state like the rich man
of the parable. Certainly they
are not alive to the fact that
the "ar,pointed times of the
nations' closed in 1914 (A.D.)
and that there God's kingdom
was put in power over the
earth with the promised Seed
of Abraham, Clirist Jesus, in
the throne. They despise the
remnant of the Lazarus class,
Jehovah's modern witnesses,
for preaching such a message.
The religious "rich man" class
have scorned the prophetic
meaning of world events. They
have turned down the message
taken up by modern "Lazarus"
and sought refuge in a human
substitute for the Kingdom,
the United Nations. They dem-
onstrate no activity for pro-
claiming and advancing the
Kingdom. Th('y show they are
dead and buried toward God.
His judgment pronounces them
so. lV 8/1
Wednesday, February 20
Zion heard, and was glad.
-Ps. 97: 8.
In none of the world capi-
tals is there any real, dooJl-
down gladness, not even in the
capital of the United Nations,
nor in the religio-political cap-
ital, Vatican City. One city,
though, is enjoying a refresh-
ment and a gladness that the
world does not know and can-
not understand. It is the new
world city toward which the
true Christians have been trav-
eling for the past nineteen cen-
turies, God's capital of the
universe. Now it has estab-
lished its power 0 ver ou r earth.
In 1914 Christ Jesus, the
Chief Son in God's organiza-
tion, was enthroned and thus
brought forth to active King-
dom authority. ITe reigns at
his heavenly Father's right
hand. So now there is unusual
gladness in the heavenly Zion.
It is no wonder, then, that
Jehovah's witnesses on earth
who represent his kingdom are
also glad. They do not mourn
over the ('nd of this world
which the handwriting on the
wall announces to the nations.
They rejoice with the new
heavens. W 3/15
TbUl'Bday, February 21
Then p,ew ona of the seraphim
unto mc, lIaring a live coal in
his hand, ' .. and he touched
my mouth with it, and 8aid,
Lo, this hath touched thy lips;
and thine iniquity is taken
away.-1sa. 6: G, 7, AS.
we acknowledge
today how the cleansing of the
modern Isaiah class was per
formed by Jehovah's unde-
served kindness. For them to
be restored to the favor of the
King their lips had to be
cleansed. The message those
lips spok.e. must be pure, un-
compromIsmg, free from fear
of men aml religious traditions
and human philosophies and
selfish eulogips of men. (Prov.
22: 11; Zeph. 3: 9, AS) They
were to be witnesses of .T e-
hovah as Universal Sovereign
and so must offer to him the
"sacrifice of praise, that is
the fruit of lIps which make
public declaratiou to his
name", (Heb. 13: 15, NW)
The need of preachers, am-
bassadors, prophets, proclaim-
ers was involved here. That is
wh;V stress was laid on the con-
dition of the lips. At that time
many were mere meeting at-
tenders. But now all must be
active witncsses with their lips
clean from fear. W 4/1
Friday, February 22
Ye are my u'itncsscs, saith Je-
hovah, and my sert-ant whom I
have oh08en.-1sa. 43.'10, AS.
Aft.er having considered the
meanmg of the 1,260, 1,290
and . 1,335 days rceorded by
Damel, do not "despise the
day .of small things", But
knowmg these realize
that the orgamzatlOn which
produces proofs of fulfillments
of prophecy in and through it
must be people. God
causes h18 word to come to
pass, and he reveals his sa-
cred secrets to whomever he
wishes, Grasp the importancp
of these fulfilled visions, real-
ize their import, know that we
are in the day of prosperity
and the time of blessedness is
here since 1926. God's "serv-
ant" is revealed to the nations
by his witnesses on earth, and
that servant will have to be
recognized before God's favor
be granted them. There
IS no other way of obtaining
a knowledge of the truth. Do
not despise the instrument God
uses; consider first the mes-
sage of importance which the
theocratic organization brin"s
and the proofs it offers. lV
Saturday, February 23
Let 118 put on the weapons of
tile light.-Rom. 13: 12, NW.
'Ve must wrestle determined-
ly against mighty spiritual
foes. So we need to put on
and keep on the full suit of
!lrmor from God. The armor
IS the same for pach and every
one of us, and with it we can
stand firm unitedly and hold
the enemy at bay and beat
back their assaults. So keep
on each piece. Keep your heart
fi.xed on righteousness, God's
r!ghteousness, for your protcc"
bon. Hold fast and enlarge
rOUI' faith as a shield. Walk
In the equiplIlent of the good
news of peace to protect you
from the hardness of the road.
Buckle about you the belt of
the truth for strength to bear
loads and to hold out. Keep
head helmeted with the
right hope which leads to
no disappointment. Strengthen
grip on the sword of the
SPIrIt. God's Word. Now that
w!3 have come to close grips
W:1th enemy, learn to bran-
dISh thIS sword, 'Vith it turn
aside every hostile thrust and
drive this two-edged weapon in-
to the vitals of the foe's argu-
ments. W 6/15
Sunday, February 24
J arusalem shall be inhabited
as villages without walls, .
For I, saith Jehovah, ... will
be the glory in the midst of
her.-Zech. 4, 5, AS.
Jehovah himself is the glory
of this entire organization, the
Jerusalem which is above, his
woman. In these last days of
the old world it is he who
has built up this organization
and brought about Theocracy's
increase. Its growth and splen-
dor are not due to any man
or earthly organization. It is
he who through his Son is
gathering together the "other
sheep" by the hundreds of
thousands, making a great city.
Jehovah gives it his blessing
and protection. These people
in the great city are not idle,
but they continue to spread
out and preach the message of
God's to the ends of
the earth m order that al! may
know that Jehovah is the Su-
preme One of the universe and
that the vindication of his
name and word is near at
hand. W 1/1
WUh covetousness they will
exploit you with counterfeit
words. But as for them, the
judgment of ancient times is
not moving slowly, and the
destruction of them is not
slumbering.-2 Pet. 2 :3, NW.
Because of the careless, loose
and unfaithful conduct of an
individual member, honest men
take offense against the or-
ganization as a whole. This
hinders them from seeking as-
sociation with God's organiza-
tion, and this suits the J:lur-
pose of the Devil well. The
loose, immoral one docs not
serve God but serves His
challenger and adversary and
plays right into the Devil's
hand. 'Ve can thus see how
responsible we are to pursue
right conduct so as to show
correctly and faithfully before
all the world what the theo-
cratic organization stands for
in morals as well as in doc-
trine. Christians who turn to
immorality and thereby bring
undeserved reproach upon the
organization come therefore
under a special condemnation
from God. Let them not think
their sin will not find them out
and that they can escape. His
judgment is not moving slow-
ly. His destruction of them
will not slumber on as if un-
conscions of their conduct.
W 4/15
Tuesday, February 26
He that eats and drinks eats
and drinks judgment against
himself if he docs not discern
the body.-l Cor.
11: 29, NW.
Though the "other sheep"
present may not be privileged
to eat and drink the emblems,
they can rejoice that this does
not mean condemnation to
themselves. Having a "proper
sense of the Body" (Mo), they
can rejoice that the new cove-
nant is reaching its culmina-
tion in taking out of earth a
people for Jehovah's name and
now they are privileged to
associate with the remnant of
that people, the last of the
"body of Christ". Though not
in line to participate in the
Memorial emblems, they can
that Jesus is the
"Lamb of God that takes
away the sin of the world".
And just as circumcised stran-
gers sojourning among the Is-
raelites at the time of the exo-
dus partook of the passover
lamb, so too they are now par-
taking with the spiritual rem-
nant of the antitY{lical Lamb,
exercising faith III Christ's
blood and doing God's will as
he set the example. With the
remnant they are marching
out of this world and look for-
ward to deliverance from it.
W 1/15
Wednesday, February 2'7
I pray that in all things you
may be prospering and having
good health, just as your soul
is prospering.-3 John 2, NW.
From the Scriptural facts
we rightly conclude that, when
we fall sick or certain ailments
come on us with age, we may
turn to natural methods of
cure, or medical remedies. \Ve
may resort to doctors of what-
ever school seems to us to be
the best. \Ve may go to sana-
toria or to hosl!itals or have a
.surgical operatIOn. Such cura-
tive methods are not barred to
a Christian of faith. We need
not delay the proper treatment
or care of ourselves by pray-
ing and waiting on miraculous
divine healing. It would be
wrong to pray and wait for
an answer to such a prayer.
Why? First, because such heal-
ing is not for believers them-
selves and, second, because
such gift of healing by the holy
spirit has passed away. '1'0 ap-
ply to faith healers would do
us a spiritual injury, for these
carryon their profession, not
by power of God's spirit, but
by the Deceiver's power. If
they understood the Scriptures
they would not be in that
business. W 5/1
Thursday, February 28
Pay baok, therefore, Oaesar's
things to Oacsar.-Matt.
22:21, NW.
What are we to render to
Caesar? Certainly not our
lives, for we never did owe
these to Caesar and they do
not belong to him. Jesus lived
within Caesar's realm, because
by military aggressions impe-
rial Rome had conquered Pal-
estine. Jesus himself did not
enlist in Caesar's armies. He
knew God and Caesar are not
friends. That is why Caesar
through his governor Pilate
put the Son of God to death
and thereafter persecuted J e-
sus' followers. Jesus' sermon
on the mount says we cannot
serve two masters, especially
when both masters are foes to
each other. Jehovah's witness-
es have "taken solemn vows
to d!'dicate their lives to the
service of God" and they are
controlled by a "belief . . . in
relation to a Supreme Being
involving duties superior to
those arising from any human
relation", including anf earth-
ly relation to Caesar. So when
there arises any eonfiict be-
tween God and Caesar, they
yield to these superior duties
owed to God. W 2/1
Friday, February 29
Therefore, whether you arc
eating or drinking or doing
anything else, do all things
for God's glory.-l Oar.
10: 31, NlV.
If it pleases God, he can
strengthen even the weakest of
his faithful people in an ab-
normal way at Armageddon
to undergo all the hardships
of that time of unparalleled
trouble and survive. The sur-
viving of any of his people will
be because he has preserved
them amid the destruction
which he executes against all
his enemies. \Vhile we are now
active in God's service we
should try to take the best care
of our health and physical vi-
talit,v and to guard against
overmdulgence, hazards and ac-
cidents as far as possible. Then
we may trust our hpavenly
Father and Caretaker for the
rest. If, though, we come into
dangers be{'ause of faithfulness
in his service, we must accept
whatever he lets come accord-
ing to his will, and we may
thank him for his deliverance
of us from recognized dangers.
Take no needless chances. Do
not put Jehovah to the test in
an unwarranted way. W 5/1.5
Saturday, March 1
Take lip the complete suit oj
armor from God.-Eph. 6: 13,
Righteousness is a breast-
plate of protection for our
hearts, and the peaceful gos-
pel message equips our feet to
march on in field service in a
pea C e a b I e way. Promoting
peace rather than tactlessly
stirring up strife makes it
easier going for us over longer
distances. Righteousness and
the good news of peace you
learn from the Bible and with
the help of the theocratic or-
ganization. Our faith, which
rests on knowledge of God's
Word and on our acqnaintance
with him and his works, pre-
vents the burning missiles of
bitter words of reproach and
false accusation from sticking
in us and inflicting a mortal
wound on our spirituality. The
more we know God's ',,"ord
and the more experil'nce we
have with his dealings, the
larger our shield of faith be-
comes. For a protection of our
head or mind God has pro-
vided the helmet of salvation
or "hope of salvation". By
faithfully enduring and gain-
ing God's approval we increase
our hope. W 6/15
Sunday, March 2
In cour8e of time the beg-
gar died and he was carried off
by the angels to the bosom
position of Abrah01n.
-Luke 16: 22, NW.
Death ended the beggar con-
dition for Lazarus and put
him in a favored place.
Lazarus class died when the
Kingdom news began to be
told to the poor ones whom
the religious clergy despised
and neglected. Through Jesus
the Lazarus class were having
the good news preached to
them, and that led to their
death as II beggar class, spirit-
ually diseased and hungry. No
longer were they going to the
"rich man's" gate for food, but
were flocking to Jesus the
Messiah. Those conscious of
their spiritual need and hun-
gering lind thirsting for what
was right were being filled
and comforted. Said Jesus:
"The Law and the
were until John. From then
on the kingdom of God is be-
ing declared as good news, and
every Idnd of pcrson is press-
ing forward toward it." (Luk(>
16: 16, NlV) Yes, the lowly
Lazarus class, w hie h once
beg g e d from the ri('h man
class, was pressing forward
toward the Kingdom and seiz-
ing it. W 2/15
Monday, March 8
H aly, holy, holy, i8 Jehovah of
hosts: . And the founda-
tions of the thresholds shook
at the voice of him that cried,
and the hOllse was filled with
smokc.-Is8. 6: 3, 4, AS.
The proclamation of the
holiness of the God of thl'
righteous new world is very
powerful. It causes a shaking,
disturbing the self-complacen-
cy of creatures who trust in
their own righteousness. This
would u n set tIe any who
stepped over the threshold to
approach God. It would make
them concerned about their
heart condition. Happily for
us, we have a forerunuer who
has entered into the great tem-
ple of God for us, namely.
Christ J esns, the great Priest-
King after the likeness of
Melchizedek. The righteousness
of his sacrifice makes up for
our inborn imperfections and
sinfulness. Yet we must search
our hearts, to see that they are
holy in their devotion to truth
and righteousness. Those of
the house of God must espe-
cially do so. The filling of the
house with smoke denotes he
is present there with unap-
proachable glory. W 4/1
Tuesday, March 4.
Thetl he said: ''No, indeed,
father Abraham, bllt it 80me-
otle trom the dead goes to
them they will repent."
-Lllke 16: 90, NW.
The rich man class contra-
dict: Moses and the Prophets
are not enough. The clerical
class today does not want to
part with religious traditions,
age-old ceremonies and pagan
philosophies, which they have
sanctified into their religious
systems and teachings. They
let the people have the Bible,
but they do not recommend to
their congregations the pure
tea chi n g of Moses and the
Prophets and now the rest of
the inspired Scriptures writ-
ten to show the fulfillment of
Moses and the Prophets. They
do not want Jehovah's wit-
nesses, or Lazarus class, to
recommend the Holy Scriptures
to the people, exposing the
religious traditions, ceremonies
and philosophies. No, but let
God, the Greater Abraham,
give some supernatural sign
that will show whether the
Lazarus class are true or false
and that will not result in
such pain for the rich man's
"five brothers". W 3/1
Wednesday, March 5
Ret/love the wicked man from
among yourselves.
-1 Cor. 5.' 13, NW.
The Most High God will
now have a clean visible theo-
cratic organization. lIe will
see to it th()rcfore that now
since his coming to the temple
it is kept clean from immo-
rality and other reproachful
things. A person guilty of im-
morality may claim he has a
right to mix in with the or-
ganization and may protest
against being disfellowshiped.
He protests and argues that
by havinll access freely to the
organization he will be helped
to overCome his immoral rela-
tions with one of the opposite
sex and thus be saved from
the evil consequences of his
course. But God's Word or-
ders the disfellowshiping of
such immoral verson as an ex-
pression of HIS j u d g men t
agllinst him. Unless the guil-
ty repents and straightens out
his hfe, he may not be for-
given and taken back into the
society of the theocratic or-
ganization. God judges adul-
terers and fornicators with
condemnation and has no rela-
tions with them. He forbids
his people to have relations
with them. W 4/15
Thursday, March 8
The city of God, the holy place
of the tabernacles of the Most
High. God is in the midst of
her.'---Ps. 46.' 4, 5, AS.
The city of God, gladdened
by the streams of the Kingdom
river, is the place where the
Supreme One of the universe
dwells. He has sanctified the
place with his holy presence.
He has put his name upon the
people in that theocratic or-
ganization. His temple is there,
which means that his pure
worship is carried on there by
his devoted witnesses. His wor-
ship is a safety to them, safe-
guarding them against all the
false ways and policies into
which the religions of this
world are leading the people.
Since he has sanctified the or-
ganization with his presence
and name, he is determined to
keep it clean and pure. No
wonder that the enemies who
touch his theocratic organiza-
tion with evil intent are as if
touching the tender pupil of
his eye. They will suffer for
it. No creature, demon or hu-
man, will destroy his clean or-
ganization. It is a permanent
thing. The Most Hjgh God
keeps his promise to preserve
the faithful in it. W 3/15
Friday, March '7
Keep praying that your f/i[lht
may not occur in wintertime
nor on the sabbath day.
-Matt. 24: 20, NW.
No event taken singly sig-
nifies we arc in the last days.
But when all of these happen-
ings come to pass upon one
generation, in the foretold se-
ries or sequence, with none
missing, then all of these
things together constitute the
sign. 'Vhen we see this com-
posite sign, it is time to heed
Jesus' warning to flee to God's
organization for safety during
Armageddon. Delay would be
fatal for us. Too cold to flee
in that wintertime and too
late to work out salvation on
that sabbath period. On that
occasion it is .r ehovah who will
work throngh Christ at Ar-
mageddon, to vindicate His
namp. If we are to do the
necessary working and fl<:'eing
in preparation for surviving
Armagpddon, we mnst discern
the sign now, appreciate it
now, find out Jehovah's re-
quirements for us now, and
take the <'Rsential precautions
now by obrying right now his
connsel of how we ('an wrath-
er Armageddon's storm. W 6/1
Saturday, March 8
Thy Maker th11 husband;
J chot'ah of
-Isa. 54: 5, AS.
It is not to anyone of us,
but is to the orgauization
whom he addresses as his wife
that he speaks these words. He
is dealing with his visible or-
ganization and he knows those
who belong to it no matter
how isolated bodily they may
be from others of his organ-
ized people. It is his organi-
zation that he is teaching
throngh its hcad Jesus Christ.
'l'hose who lovingly hold with
that organization get the bene-
fit of his dealings and teach-
Just becanse you have the
Bible and have it as your
guide and basic instruction
Book, you cannot act independ-
ently and imagine you have
direct connection and dealing
with Jehovah apart from and
with slight to the theocratic
organization. His Word does
not teach that you can go on
your own with just the Bible
and with a private operation
of the holy spirit upon you. It
is necessary to sec God's handi-
work and to recognize the or-
ganization he has built up and
deals with. He uses it to guide
us. W 6/15
Sunday, March 9
H a Zion, escape, thou that
dwell est with the daughter of
Babylon. For thus saUh Jeho-
vah of hosts: After glory hath
he sent me unto the nations
-Zech. 2. 7,8, AS.
Jehovah's people have been
delivered from the llabylonish
organization and from the na-
tions that plundered them. Be-
cause they fled from these or-
ganizations they are tormented
by the Babylonians. Oh, yes,
they are still in the world, but
they are no longer a part of
it. They have come to the un-
walled city under Jehovah's
p!'otection and they know that
"Jehovah knows those who be-
long to him". Hegnrdless of
oppression, they will pursue
righteousness and godly devo-
tion. They will s tan d up
ngninst all the opposition that
is bronght to bear against
them, because they know that
even as Christ and the apos-
tles were persecuted and per-
mitted to go through many
trials and tribulations, so even
today they must do likewise,
and it is only by endurance
that they will be able to gain
the victory. It is the aim of
Jehovah's witnesses to help
the people. Hence they cannot
give up. W 1/1
Monday, March 10
You cannot be partaking of
"the table of Jehovah" and the
table of demons. Or "are we in-
citing Jehovah to jealousy" f
Weare not stronger than he
is, are wef-l Oor. 10: 21, 22,
The provision of being unit-
ed with his firstborn Son in
one spiritual body was given
or worked out br Jehovah for
the "little flock'. In order to
stay in union with the liead
Jesus Christ it is necessary to
keep patterned after his image
by COpyillg him in his earthly
course. That is why we are
told: "Do not become uneven-
ly yoked with unbelievers. For
what partnership do righteous-
ness and lawlessness have'! Or
what fellowship does light
have with darkness? Further,
what harmony is there between
Christ and Belial7" (2 Cor.
6 : 14, 15, NW) So we cannot
compromise the "table of J eho-
vah'. We cannot participate
in the body of Christ and take
a piece of the Memorial loaf
and at the same time partake
of the "table of demons", wor-
shiping idols, and having un-
clean connections. If we try to
do so, we incite Jehovah, who
is stronger than we are, to
jealousy. That would mean
our destruction. W 1/15
Tuesday, March 11
You were bought with a price,.
stop becoming slaves of men.
-1 Cor. 7: 23, NW.
A person cannot become a
Christian witness of Jehovah
unless he takes a vow by which
he fully devotes himself to God
through Christ and so assumes
superior duties. He acknowl-
edges God as supreme, the
Fountain of life, the Provider
of the way to eternal life. He
I!Pproaches God through Jesus
Christ. He acknowledges Jesus
as God's Son who laid down
his human life for him, thus
providing a purchase price for
him. No political state, no
"Caesar", emperor or dictator
can do these things for the
dying sinner. And so he docs
not attribute his debt of life
to any political system, but
attributes his life to God and
seeks to render it to him
through Christ. lIe acknowl-
edges the scripture: "You do
not belong to yourselves, for
you were bought with a pric!'.
By all means, glorify God."
(1 Cor. 6: 19,20, NW) So
life, implicit obedience and
superior duties Christians ren-
der to God as belonging to him.
Ther surrender their lives in
God s service, not that of men.
W 2/1
Wednesday, March 12
Behold, the Lord Jehovah will
come as a mighty one, . . .
He will feed /vis flock like a
shepherd, he will gather the
lambs in his ann.
- I ~ a . 40: 10, 11, AS.
It is taking years to reach
all the Lord's "other sheep",
but they will all hear, for it is
the determination of the Great
King to bring them all togeth-
er. It is difficult to find them,
for they arc so widely scat-
tered. Hut, thanks to Jehovah
God, they will be gathered and
our work will not have been
done until they are found. This
great gathermg is primarily
God's, given into the hands of
Jesus Christ, and we, God's
people on earth, are kindly
permitted to share in their
grand work. Never let us con-
clude that it is our work and
take to ourselves the credit for
b r i n gin g some to Zion, as
though they were our sheep.
No, they are not ours,. they
belong to God. But oh the joy
of sharing in this gathering
work and being used to help
others know the way out of
captivity and into God's or-
ganization! W 7/1
Thursday, March IS
They that tnlst in Jehovah
arc as mOllnt Zion, which can-
not be m aced, but a bideth tor
evcr.-Ps. 1Z5: 1, AS.
Extreme measures have al-
ready been taken against Je-
hovah's organized people in
many lands. Other lands may
resort to totalitarian measures
or may be dragged into sub-
jection under totalitarian im-
perialists and similar measures
taken against his organized
wItnesses th're. Under Satan's
the nations may be
lllduced to go to great lengths
against these ministers of good
news. Satan will use his mobil-
ization of the world to the ut-
most to interfere with our
freedom of action, speech, as-
sembly and worship. The out-
look may grow very dark. It
might appear that the worst
has been reached and the vis-
ible part of the city of God is
certain to be moved and dealt
a staggering knockout blow.
But in such an expectation
the gloating enemy will be dis-
appointed. God lives and has
not forsaken or been driven
fro m his organization. He
reigns by his Kiug J csus Christ
in its midst, and he will help
it, "and that right earlv." W
3/15 .
Friday, March 14
In the day . .. Jeh01:ah bindeth
tiP the hurt at his people, and
healeth the 8troke of their
wound.-Isa. 30: 26, AS
By means of his restorative
work of mercy to his anointed
remnant since 1919, the great
heavenly Physician performed
a modern miracle of spiritual
healing. It has astounded
Christendom, but has also cha-
grined her. 1'he restored or-
ganization of his people
abounds with the peace, truth
and spiritual prosperity with
he hIlS filled it. By ac-
tIvating them in his witness
work in all quarters of
has made their or-
gamzahon become a praise and
for him before all th'
natlOns, and the name of "JI'-
hovah's witnesses" has becoml'
a joy to lIumberkss multi-
For his visible theo-
crabe organization this is a
day of brightness amid th'
thickening gloom and darkness
of the worldly nations. They
h!lvc heavenly light day and
mght; and the light increases
to the illumination of perfect
day, tho brightncss of a week
of days all concentrated into
one. lV 5/15
Saturday, March 15
Keep your balance ill all
things.-2 Tim. 4: 5, NW.
There is no question that
Jesus and his apostles truly
exercised the gift of miracu-
lous healing b;V God's spirit.
Did they exercise this miracu-
lous power for their own phys-
ical benefit? Never! At the
close of a 4()-day fast Jesus
did not satisfy his extreme
hunger by turning stones into
loaves of bread. 1'he suggestion
to use his power in such a self-
ish way came from Satan the
Devil, not from God. When
got tired from journey-
mg, he sat down to rest, as
by the fountainside at Sama-
rill. 'When he grew sleepy, he
slept for reculleration, as on
the pillow in the stern of the
boat when crossing the sea of
Galilee. When his apostles re-
turned from a strenuous mis-
sionary tour and reported to
him, he took into considera-
tion their physical and nerv-
ous frame and invited them to
withdraw with him into a
lonely place to "rest up a bit".
So Jesus did not resort to the
miraculous for the benefit of
himself and his disciples. He
was sensible. lV 5/1
Sunday, March 16
Far it to us God has ,'e-
vealed them through his spirit,
Jar tM spirit searches into all
thitlgs,-l Oor. 2: 10, NW.
Is all the Christian needs
for determining_ God's will the
Bible alone? He has a right
to have a personal copy of
God's Hook and he is under
apostolic instructions to make
a private study of that Book.
But he cannot depend upon
just himself to understand it
fully. The prophetic writers
of old did not understand the
meaning of the prophecies they
uttered and wrote down. How
was it, then, that the early
Christians came to get an under-
standing of those Scriptures?
By the help of God's spirit
or active force with its illumi-
nating power operating upon
their minds. Not only that,
but they also received gifts of
the spirit which manifested it-
self in various ways by mirac-
ulous power. Becanse of the
important part the spirit plays
in us as Christians, we should
not grieve it by working
against its operation or by
living contrary to what it seals
us as being, namely, God's
possession. But having this
spirit does not relieve us of
studying his Word. lV 6/15
Monday, March 17
Anything not saered alld a1l1l-
one that 01& a dis-
qustillg thillg and a lie will
it& 110 way enter into it.
-Rev. 21: 2;, NW.
So it is written concerning
those who enter into the di-
vine government of the new
world. J chovah God is now
building a new world society,
and it must measure up to the
dean, righteous standards that
will prevail in his new world.
Only those who strive to meas-
tire up to them will he carry
through the "war of the great
day of God the Almighty"
which he fif,ht8 against this
unclean wor d and they will
live into the ciean post-Arma-
geddon world_ There will be
no polygamy sanctioned then
in order to carry out the di-
vine mandate to "fill the
earth" with a righteous race.
No immorality of any kind will
be permitted, and there will
be no divorce between those
who share in fulfilling the di-
vine mandate. As the flood of
Noah's day wiped out the im-
moral standards and practices
of the antediluvian world, so
the great tide of Armageddon
will wash away this world's
moral corruption. W 4/15
Tuesday, March 18
Jehovah knows thosc who be-
long to him.-2 Tim. 2: 19, NW.
Korah, Dathan and Abiram
became arrogant and, along
with two hundred and fifty Is-
raelites who were leaders in
the community, gathered to-
gethel' and protested against
Moses and Aaron. So
told this wicked group and the
whole community of Israel,
"In the morning the LoRD will
show who belongs to him and
who is holy, that he may have
him come near him; and
whomsoever he chooses he will
have come ncar him." (Num.
16: 5, AT) When Dathan and
Abiram came out of their tents
and stood in the doorways
with their wives, sons and
little ones, what happened?
The ground moved away from
under their feet and they dis-
appeared, swallowed up alive
in the crevice that was made.
They descended into Sheol,
the grave, and perished from
among the children of Israel.
Yes, it is true that "Jehovah
knows those who belong to
him", and he is able to remove
forever the unrighteous ones
and those who speak evil, sep-
arating them from "those who
belong to him". W 1/1
Wednesday. March 19
The weapons of our
war/are are not fleshly.
-2 Cor. 10: 4. NW.
J ehoyah's witnesses defend
their preaching, their meetings,
their persons, their brothers
and sisters and their property
against attack when they are
forced to protect such King-
dom interests, and Scriptural-
ly so. They do not arm them-
selves or carry carnal weapons
in anticipation of or in prep-
aration for trouble or to meet
threats. They try to ward off
blows and attacks in defense
only. They do not strike in
retaliation. Thpy do not strike
in offense, but strike only in
defenst'. They do not use weap-
ons of warfare in defense of
themselves or the Kingdom in-
terests. While they do not re-
treat when attacked in their
homes or at their meeting
places, they will retreat on
public or other property and
shake the dust off their feet'.
So they retreat when they can
do so and avoid a or
trouble. They haye a nght to
appeal and do appeal to offi-
cers of the law to come to
their help in defense against
attack or mob violence. lV 2/1
Thursday. March 20
But Abraham said: "Child,
remember that you reeehed in
full your good things in 110llr
lifetime, but Lazarus corre-
spondillgly the injurioustliings.
Now, liowever
he is havi,!g
comfort here out YOlt are tn
anguish."-Luke 16: 25, NW.
In those days when Chris-
tendom's religious set flour-
ished, the Lazarus class were
made to appear spiritually dis-
easpd and outcasts, under
God's curse, "as having
nothing," like beggars. But
now since God has reversed
matters and shown whom he
really favors and has taken to
his bosom, they are comforted.
Of course, they are still ver-
bally abused and violently per-
secuted by the "rich man"
class; but they are comforted
with God's comfort and re-
freshed and renewed by the
good things from his table.
They eat, drink, rejoice, sing
for joy of heart, and are
blessed, whereas the "rich
man" religionists hunger,
thirst, feel shame, cry
howl sorrowfully, leave their
name for a curse, and face
destrnction. It is as when Job
was healed and comforted,
and his family, relatives and
friends were restored to him.
lV 3/1
Friday. March 21
The inhabitant shall not say.
I am sick: the people that
dwell therein shall be forgiven
their illiquity.-Isa. 33: 24.
J ehoyah's restoration of his
witnesses to his theocratic or-
ganization is evi-
dence that the promised king-
dom has been set up. Be now
reigns oyer the earth by his
Christ whom he has enthroned
as King of the new world.
Just as long ago Job was re-
stored from his captivity in
Satan's power and was healed
of his deadly disease and was
vindicated, so Gods faithful
remnant haye experienced res-
toration, pardon from sins,
and spiritual healing. And just
as the beggar Lazarus died to
his diseased, hungry state at
the rich man's gate where de-
spised curs licked his ulcers, !,O
the remnant of .T ehovah's WIt-
nf'sses have experienced a
change of condition. Like
Lazarus, they now find them-
selves in the bosom favor of
the Greater Abraham, Jehovah
God. They no longer feel sick
spiritually. They are in his
theocratic organization, a city
of radiant spiritual health.
W 5/15
Saturday, March 22
They withstood Uzziah the
king, and scrid unto him, It
pertaineth not unto thee,
Uzziah, to burn incense unto
Jehovah, but to the priests the
sons of Aaron.-2 Chron.
26: 18, AS.
The clergy offered incense,
not of the knowledge of J eho-
vah and his kingdom by Christ,
but of propaganda filled with
worldly politics and promising
Messianic blessings through an
alliance of nations. For this
the plague of God has come
upon them. They are shown to
be cursed and doomed to a
disgraceful death. In 1918 they
succeeded in killing Jehovah's
"two witnesses" at the climax
of World War I. Because of
such a flagrant act of con-
tempt for God's kingdom by
ChrIst they were smitten
with a dcath-dt'aling spiritual
plague from God. They be-
trayed themselves to be un-
clean in his sight, spiritual
adulteresses with this world,
and hence enemies of God.
They have ever since stayed
in this accursed state. They
died as to God's true service,
but Jehovah revived his rem-
nant of anointed witnesses by
his spirit in 1919. It was then
that they caught the vision of
Jehovah at his temple. W 1,/1
Sunday, March 23
Tactful toward all, qualified
to teach, keeping himself re-
strained under evil, instruct-
ing with mildness those not
favorably disllosed.-2 Tim.
2: 21" 25, NW.
We are not to get angry
and rant and rave as the peo-
ples of the nations of this old
world do. Christians cannot in-
dulge in loud, abusive talk. It
is unbecoming. Rather, with a
steady, faithful love and de-
votion they must show their
endurance with a mild temper.
This kind of disposition they
will be able to use when
talking to people in the world,
and they will be able to per-
suade a1l kinds of people to
listen to the message they
have. They may not be proud
or haughty, nor do they feel
they are better than anyone
else. In order to contend for
the victory in this con test of
faith, they must preach the
'Vord in a manner pleasing to
God and in a manner that will
attract the people who seek
after truth and righteousness.
Is it not God's desire to s.'e
all kinds of men saved? We
feel that way about it too.
W 1/1
Monday, March 24
The eup of blessing which we
bless, t8 ~ t not a participa-
tion in the blood of Chnstf
-1 Cor. 10: 16, RS.
Since the contents of the
Memorial CUll represented "his
kind of death" in vindication
of Jehovah's universal sov-
ereignty, Jesus fittingly said
the wine meant "my blood"
and he gave it to his disciples
to drink. As the Memorial
wine represents shed blood, it
spells death to the one whose
blood was spilled for the new
covenant. According to J eho-
vah's covenant made with Noah
right after the flood, he safe-
guarded all creature blood as
sacred and made drinking
blood, and especially human
blood, deserving of death to
the drinker. (Phil. 3: 10, NW:
Matt. 26: 28; Gen. 9: 1-6)
N ow when the disciples drink
the cup of Memorial wine,
they are in symbol drinking
blood, but drinking under di-
vine command. So it means
for thcm to shed their blood
or to die as Jesus did in the
cause of his Father's univer-
sal sovereignty. So they prove
worthy of life with Jesus in
his kingdom. W 1/15
Tuesday, March 25
All that are able to go forth
to war in I srae!, thou and
Aaron shall number them by
their hosts. Only the tribe of
Levi thou shalt not number.
-Num. 1: 3, 49, AS.
The consecrated priests and
Levites were exempted from
conscription for milItary serv-
ice in Israel. Since Jehovah's
witnesses are consecrated by
God as followers of Christ,
they should likewise be ex-
empted from military duties
with carnal weapons. God now
exempts them, not requiring
them to fight as did Joshua,
Gideon, Samson, Jpphthah,
Barak and David of ancient
times. God has made these
Christian witnesses his minis-
ters of the Kingdom gospel.
Each one of Jehovah's wit-
nesses has as his vocation the
ministry and is a minister of
the gospel, whether able to
render full time or only part
time. Not merely the full-time
servants among them, but each
and everyone of Jehovah's
witnesses is under a vow of
dedication, which involves "du-
ties superior to those arising
from any human relation".
God's Word therefore appoints
each of them a minister of
God and preacher of the gos-
pel. W 2/1
Wednesday, March 26
Jehovah of hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our refuge.
-Ps. 46: 11, AS.
This is our confession pub-
licly when war scares and
alarms and national fears
drive people into non theocratic
man-made organizations for
cover and defense. 'Ve dare
not fear their fear. We may
not now resort to human ref-
uges and become like the faith-
less people of this world. We
must make known that Jeho-
vah of hosts is the God of vic-
tory and is with us and is
our secure retreat. This we
will do, not by bragging about
our organization, but by taking
him at his Word and display-
ing our confidence in him. He
is with us if we are with him,
not becoming part of this
doomed world or indulging in
friendship with it, but adher-
ing unwaveringly to his or-
ganization and expanding his
pure worship. By our course
of action as well as by our
words we must demonstrate
that our trust is not in weap-
ons of carnal warfare but that
we arc fighting on Jehovah's
side with the spiritual armor
from him. W 3/15
Thursday, March 27
You also were made dead to
the Law through the body of
the Christ, that you might be-
come another's, the one's who
was raised up from the dead,
that we should bear fruit to
God.-Rom. 7: 4, NW.
The Jewish members of the
Lazarus class died to their
former beggarly condition un-
der the Law covenant and
were no longer subject to the
"rich man" class or dependent
upon the Jewish clergy class
for anything. They had "died
together with Christ toward
the elementary things of the
world" which the "rich man"
class taught. Their life was
now "hidden with the Christ
in union with God". They no
longer begged from the rich
man. No./ they followed Jesus'
commana, "'Vatch out for the
yeast of the Pharisees, which
is hypocrisy," and avoided
them. ( Col. 2: 20; 3: 3 and
Luke 12: 1, NW) In place
of being buried and going to
Hades, the beggar "was car-
ried off by the angels to the
bosom position of Abraham".
Thus the Lazarus class is not
pictured as a class dead in
sins, but as very much alive,
"alive toward God."-Eph.
2: 1; Gal. 2: 19. W 2/15
Friday, March 28
And the tem.ple sanctuary of
God that is in heaven was
opened, and the ark of his
covenant was seen in his
temple sanctuary.
-Rev. 11: 19, NW.
Jehovah is King in his tem-
ple. Be is immortal and will
reign for ever and ever. 'Vhat
a comforting fact that is, since
Christendom's attempt to rule
as king has miserably failed
and that religions system is
now dead in God's sight! All
further dependence upon Chris
tendom for good, stable gov-
ernment of the earth is foolish
and vain. The source of all
rightfnl government is the
Universal Ruler, Jehovah God.
Jesus Christ tanght his dis-
ciples to pray for Bis gov-
ernment. At the time of its
setting up there must come a
vision of the Snpreme Univer-
sal Rnler at his temple. It is
at his temple that he reigns.
In ancient days he reigned
over his chosen people Israel,
and then his presence at the
temple was symbolized by the
ark of his covenant. So now
that he has taken his power to
reign over earth as well as
heaven, the vision of him at
his temple has come to us.
W 4/1
Saturday, March 29
My power is being made
perfect in weakness.
-2 Cor. 12: 9, NW.
Paul's case shows we do
not have to have divine heal-
ing of onr physical infirmities
and sickness in order to ac-
complish something in active
service as a witness of the
Most High God. Paul illus
trated what God through
Christ can make ont of a man
afflicted with a thorn in the
flesh which constituted a weak-
ness for him_ Like Panl, we
can be happy over what the
Lord accomplishes through us
despite our ailments, weak-
nesses or disabilities which
divine healing fails to remove
from us today. If we accom-
plish anything in spite of these,
we are bound to conclude it
was the Lord who did it
throngh us, and not we our-
selves. This keeps us from
growing elated and swell-head-
ed. It reminds us we are power-
ful to do anything only by his
power which tents over us. It
allows God's power through
Christ to be made perfect in
operation through us, in the
face of our admitted debility.
For this reason the glory for
our accomplishments must go
to God. W 5/1
Sunday, March SO
And he saw Abraham afar off
and Lazarus in the bosom
position with him.
-Luke 16: 23, NW.
The remnant of the Laza-
rns class were falsely accused
and misrepresented as h:ypo-
critical sinners by the religIous
clergy, jnst as the bereft,
disease-stricken Job was ac-
cnsed by his three self-right-
eous friends. 'l'hcy have now
experienced a glorious change
of condition, in the same way
that Job, nearly dead and
seemingly afflicted by God, was
healed and given a new lease
on life for 140 years, was
blessed with twiee as much as
he had before, was rejoined
with his wife and was blessed
with seven sons and three love-
ly daughters the same as be-
fore. (Job 42: 10-17) Once
those of the remnant of the
Lazarus class were lying as
dead and inactive, like the two
witnesses of Revelation; chap-
ter 11. The "rich man' class
intimidated and maneuvered
them into deathlike inactivity.
But in 1919 God's spirit be-
gan restoring them to life in
his service to be his witnesses.
So they came into the favor of
the Greater Abraham, Jehovah
God. W 3/1
Monday, March 31
Happy! is he that waiteth,
and attaineth to one thousand
three hundred and thirty-fire
days.-Dan. 1'2: 1'2, Ro.
What has taken place since
1926, yes, since World V{ar
II? Blessedness has increased
and greater light has been shed
upon God's \Vord. Knowledge
has been granted. The right-
eous coming out from the heavy
times ofjersecution, suffering,
bans an other forms of op-
position were like the sun
shining its way through clouds.
Now in all brilliance the mes-
sage of the truth powerfully
penetrates all the faraway
places, for no place seems hid-
den from the sunshine of the
truth. One would expect in a
natural way that after all the
hardships and prison experi-
ences of Jehovah's witnesses
they would be worn out and
weary and in such a condition
not able to go forward now
with God's work in the post-
war period. Yet not so with
these who were the onl's so
hard pressed by Satan. Satan
is no conqueror and his power
is broken. All he can do now
is scrape together the remnant
of the Gentile powers and hold
them the best way he can till
.Jehovah's strong arm destroys
them utterly. W 7/15
Tuesday, April 1
Whenever you pray, say, "Fa
ther."-Luke 11: 2, NW.
The Fatherhood here recog-
nized is based on becoming an
heir of everlasting life from
God through Jesus Christ's
sacrifice. Hence today, not
only persons whom God has
called to the heavenly kingdom
with Christ Jesus may offer
this prayer, addressing God us
their Father, but also the
great crowd of his "other
sheep" who hope to get eter-
nal life on the earth to be
perfected under God's king-
dom. Calling him "our" Fa-
ther denotes we recognize he is
the Father of a family and
that there are other members
in the family and that we are
sons of God along with our
older Brother, Jesus Christ
the beloved chief son of God.
This broadens out our prayer
to include lovingly our broth-
er sons of God. By this form
of introduction we recognize
God as the original Life-giver
and also the One who has
made provision for us to be
rescued from the death we are
now dying because of Adam's
sin and to be ushered into
the righteous new world with
its everlasting life. W 8/15
Wednesday, April 2
See, 1 have this day set thee
over the nations and over the
kingdoms, to pluck up and to
break down and to destroy
and to overthrow, to build and
to plant.-Jer. 1: 10, AS.
Jeremiah's message was to
accomplish the destroying of
the false prophesyings and to
tell of the destruction of
wickedness, while at the same
time it was constructive, for
the building of hope in the
h car t s of those who loved
righteousness. It was a mes-
sage of deliverance to them.
And in fulfillment of the proph-
e{'y Jehovah's witnesses today
do a twofold work, announc-
ing the uprooting and over-
throw of the wicked satanic
w 0 rId (Matt. 15 :13, NW),
together with all its false doc-
trines, and the building up of
a great crowd of people in the
faith that leads to life. J eho-
vah's servants plant the mes-
sage of truth in the hearts of
men of good will, studying the
Bible with the people who de-
sire to learn; and this pro-
duces fruit after cultivation.
Thus these gain words of sal-
vation and seck refuge and
life through God's organiza-
tion. W 9/1
Thursday, April 8
Proclaim liberty throughout
all the land.-Lev. 25: 10.
This is the day for liberty
to be proclaimed throughout
all the earth, among all races
and nations. In the sixteenth
century before our common
era Moses handed down the
Jubilee as God's law to his
chosen people, the nation of
Israel. God, whose name is
Jehovah and who is the great
Liberator, was there making
a picture of a great liberation
to come, not merely to people
of the nation of Israel, but to
all mankind. Jesus Christ be-
gan the proclamation and laid
the foundation for the great
liberation nineteen hun d red
years ago. He set out on a
work of release or liberation
which was to spread beyond
the Jews or Israel and to
reach all peoples. His work of
release was a work greater
than that done by the ancient
prophet Moses. He brings a
liberation to mankind by his
truth and his kingdom and
which was prefigured by the
Jubilee law of release. So now
his true followers today must
take up the joyful proclama-
tion and boldly sound it as
with a trumpet blast to all
races, peoples, nations and
languages. W 8/1
Friday, April 4
Shepherd the flock of God
among you, ... becommg ex-
amples to the flock.
-1 Pet. 5: 2, 3, NW.
Being ministers and preach-
ers, they do not abandon their
neutrality as conscientious ob-
jectors and turn aside to en-
gage in military support of
this or that side of any world-
ly conflict. J e sus predicted
their neutrality and their
preaching activities at this
militant time. (Matt. 24: 7,9,
14) So now each and every
witness who is under vow to
Jehovah God through Christ
must obey Jesus' prophetic
command and fulfill his com-
mission as an ordained minis-
ter of the good news of the
Kingdom. There is no exemp-
tion to any consecrated min-
ister. Those taking the lead
among them must set the ex-
ample, and the others must
imitate them. These leading
ministers do not engage in car-
nal warfare, but preach. The
rank and file of Jehovah's wit-
nl'sses, being also ministers of
God, copy their faithful ex-
ample and peacefully preach.
W 2/1
Saturday, April 5
The loaf which we break, is it
not a sharing in the body of
the Christ? Because there is
one loaf, we, although many,
are one body, for we are all
partaking of that one loaf.
-1 Cor. 10: 16, 17, NW.
When a Christian is really
devoted to God and eats of
the Memorial bread, he is
thereby confessing that he is
"sharing in the body of the
Christ"; he is a member of
it. Has he glorified or exalted
himself publicly to member-
ship in the spiritual body of
Christ? No; but he has met
God's requirements and he
recognizes that "God has set"
him in the body of Christ. This
in itself rules out all the "oth-
er sheep" from partaking of
the Memorial emblems, as they
arc not members of Christ's
body. They cannot partake and
say: "Because there is one
loaf, we, although many, are
one body," that is, "one body"
with the members of Christ's
body. The body of Christ was
represented by the "one loaf",
and the members of that spir-
itual body "are all partaking
of that one loaf". For that
reason there must be complete
unity among them, for "we,
although many, arc one body".
W 1/15
Sunday, April 6
So shaU he bring forth the
headstone, wit 11, thundering
shouts Beaut!ful/
thereunto.-Zech. 4. 7, Ro.
Not only is God's anointed
King the foundation corner-
stone, but he is also the chief
headstone, and is to bc brought
out and placed in position.
This is the crowning stone of
the structure. The Lord Jesus
forms not only the basis, sup-
plying everything fundamental
as the very beginner, author
and leader of our faith, but
he is also the perfecter, the
crowning beauty, the "alto-
gether lovely" one, the grand
and all-glorious King of Zion,
and Jehovah's glory rests up-
on him. Those who see this
royal majesty in his exalted
position are greatly blessed
and filled with delight, for
such ones know he is now
rcigning and the time for the
Kingdom rule has come. So,
knowing these sacred truths,
they hail the anointed King
with "shoutings" when he is
placed in position as the head-
stone. Now since 1918, there-
fore, is the time when he must
be heralded "with thundering
shouts", W 10/1
Monday, April "I
Unto the wicked God saith,
What hast thou to do to de-
clare my statutes, . . . '! ..
to him that ordcreth his way
aright will I show the salva-
tion of God.-Ps. 50: 16, 29,
Necessarily those who pub-
lish the a d van c e notice of
God's act must be his witness-
es. 'Phis service is a favor and
an honor, and Jehovah would
not choose any others than
people loyal to him and who
will speak the word which he
lays upon them to speak, no
matter who scoffs. He would
not choose those out of har-
mony with him and ashamed
of his Word and who treat it
ligh tly, placing philosophies,
scientific theories, and reli-
gious traditions of men ahead
of God's \Vord and who com-
mit spiritual adultery with
this world. As for saving any-
body, Jehovah's first concern
is to save his worthy witness-
es. He also saves those who
give heed to this witness and
who aid in spreading it to
others. (2 Pet. 2: 5-10; 1 Tim.
4: 16, NW) By this we appre-
ciate more fully how we need
to be one of Jehovah's wit-
nesses in order to be saved
from the world calamity. W
Tuesday, April 8
So, then, with my mind I my-
self am a slave to God's law,
but with my flesh to sin's law.
-Rom. 7: 25, NW.
A law is a rule of action or
conduct according to which a
person or thing will operate
or move. God the Creator did
not put sin's law in mankind.
Our first parent Adam under
influence of the Devil put it
in human flesh and he passed
it on to us as an inheritance.
Unless controlled or resisted,
that law of sin is bound to
rule you and move you. What
possible way is there of con-
trolling or resisting it? It is
by the 'law of the mind'. Not
the old mind, for this is sinful
like the world, but the new
mind which tends to make you
an image of God the Creator
of your new personality. This
new mind dictates a new rule
of action and conduct in your
life. Due to your new process
of thinking the ability to wish
for better things is present
with you, but the ability to do
what you wish in a perfect
way does not reside in you.
But your comfort is that you
do not find pleasure in having
sinned, but your mind clings to
God's law and approves it and
is set on doing it. W 10/15
Wednesday, Aprll 9
Neither shalt thou serve their
oods; jor that will be a snare
unto thee.-Deut. 7: 16.
It is no exaggeration to say
that all religion today is under
reproach, the true religion and
the false. The false is suffering
reproach because of its hypoc-
risy, ignorance and confusion,
because of the depravity and'
illiteracy in which it has left
the people, because of the fail-
ure of its aims and policies and
because it has no certain mes-
sage of light to show the peo-
ple the way to a clean, pros-
perous, happy, peaceful and
secure world. False religion is
an ally and an inseparable
part of this sordid world and
fights with it against the only
living and true God. Even
Christendom does so. The re-
roach now falling on the re-
i g ion of both Christendom
and heathendom is therefore
not without cause. It is de-
served. It was with this re-
ligion in mind that the slogan
was first raised in London,
England, in 1938, "Religion is
a snare and a racket. Serve
God and Christ the King."
W 11/1
Thursday, April 10
Memorial Date
after 6 p.m., s.T.
The cup of blessing that we
bless, is it not the sharing of
the blood of Ohrist?
-1 Oor. 10: 16, OB.
Yes, it is a "cup of bless-
ing" over which we bless God.
It indeed represents death with
Jesus Christ, baptism into his
death, but to share in that
kind of death is a privilege,
as the apostle wrote. (Phil.
1: 29, NW) That cup has
God's blessing, for it repre-
sents God's will for Jesus and
his little flock. That cup or
the privilege of drinking out
of it was given for the little
flock that they might display
their integrity on earth now
to the utmost and might gain
an "entrance into the everlast-
ing kingdom of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ". (2 Pet.
1: 11, NW) So with deep ap-
preciation those privileged to
drink the cup bless God for
it. For it is a privilege to vin-
dicate him by d eat h with
Christ and afterward to be
resurrected by Him to im-
mortal life in Christ's king-
dom. Since Christ's death val-
idates the new covenant and
he set the example in death,
his disciples drink the cup in
remembrance of him. W 1/15
Friday, Aprll 11
Are you able to . . . be bap-
tized with the baptism with
which I am being baptized?
-Mark 10: 38, NW.
Jehovah God is the great
Baptizer or Baptist. The bap-
tisms which he performs are
either to life or to death, to
salvation or to destruction.
That water baptism was a
right symbol for Jesus to un-
dergo Jehovah God showed,
for then he baptized Jesus
with his holy spirit. In this
way he acted as the great
Baptizer and did that which
led finally to Jesus' salvation
to immortal life in heaven at
God's right hand. There Jesus
began a baptism into death as
a man, a human creature.
Three years later he indicated
this to his disciples with the
above-quoted words. His bap-
tism into death was finished
with his death on the torture
stake at Calvary, outside Jeru-
salem. Then God completed
the great act by saving his
obedient Son out of death,
resurrecting him to immortal
life as an invisible spirit in
he a v e n. John the Baptist
could never perform such an
immersion. Only Almighty God
could do so. W 11/15
Saturday, April 12
And I will restore thy judges
as at the first, and thy coun-
sellors as at the beginning:
afterward thou shalt be called
'1 he city of righteousness, a
faith/ul town.-Isa. 1: 26, AS.
This followed on the resto-
ration of Jehovah's faithful
remnant ill 1919, when they
came back to Zion, God's capi-
tal in which his beloved Son
Jesus Christ was rei g n i n g
since 1914. The King Jesus
Christ acted as Judge of the
remnant to show them their
faults and taints of worldliness
and to cleanse them and de-
liver them from oppressive
Great Babylon. Be acted as
a royal Counselor to them by
unfolding the meaning of God's
Word, in this way fulfilling
the prophecy, "Bis name shall
be called 'Vonderful, Counsel-
lor." Under guidance of this
heavenly Interpreter the rem-
nant carefully examined God's
Word and in it they found a
"multitude of counsellors" for
their safety. (Prov. 11: 14 ;
15: 22) By his restored Judge
Jesus Christ, Jehovah cleansed
away their soils from Babylon,
and the Judge revealed to them
the judgment of the Lawgiver
Jehovah. TV 12/1
Sunday, April 13
Behold my servant, whom I
uphold; . . . to bring out the
prisoners from the prison.
-Isa. 42: 1, 7.
Christ Jesus is the grcat
Servant whom God has raised
up now to serve as Liberator,
now when the whole earth is
threatened with a new bond-
age, that of blasphemous in-
ternational communism. ne re-
pels the invasion of Commu-
nism and other isms into the
lives of lovers of truth and
righteousnctls and also releases
many who are in bondage un-
der these systems. It is now a
foolish thing to listen to some
man or group of men when
they lift themselves to promi-
nence and then, to draw fol-
lowers after themselves, pro-
claim that they will bring
about the people's liberation.
The granting of full liberty to
men rests with Almighty God.
ne has made his own appoint-
ment of someone reliable to
free the prisoners of this QP-
pressive system of things. ~ ' o
this day he sticks to that ap-
pointment. So it only leads
to heartbreaks to look to any-
body else than the One the
Most nigh God has appointed.
lV 12/15
Monday, April 14
There was given me a thorn
in the flesh, an angel of Satan,
to keep striking me, that I
might not be overly exalted.
In this behalf I three times
entreated the Lord that it
might depart from me.
-2 Cor. 12: 7, 8, NlV.
False apostles, disturbers
and assailants of Paul's apos-
tleship and work would be a
"thorn in the flesh", to keep
him from getting too elated
over his ministry. But if the
"thorn" was an irremovable
affliction of his eyes or other
part of his body, it could serve
as an angel of Satan to prick
him with pessimism or an in-
feriority complex and a conse-
quent discouragement. What-
ever the thorn's nature, he
prayed three times for its re-
moval. Be did so at a time
when the gift of the spirit for
healing was still bestowed and
operated. The Lord did not
answer his triple prayer, but
ass u red him of undeserved
kindness. Because Paul was
left weak by the unextracted
thorn, it gave the Lord the op-
p 0 r tun i t y to give Paul a
strength to do things which
was not his own. This showed
that Christ's power overshad-
owed him. W 5/1
Tuesday, April 15
Whatever a man is sotcing,
this he will also reap.
-Gal. 6 .. 7, NW.
Sowing good may seem im-
practical, but it has its satis-
fying harvest in due time. Sow
evil, and you reap that in time
also. Go out with a "chip on
your shoulder" and someone
will knock it off. Be cross and
grumpy and grumbly, and oth-
ers will be that way toward
you. Shout angry words, and
others will return them with
interest. Strike a man, and
you will very likely receive a
blow or two in return. But
treat people courteously, smile,
be friendly, show kindness, act
in sincerity, unselfishly, with
Christian love, and in all
probability they will respond
in like manner. "Cast your
bread upon the surface of the
water, for after many days
you will find it." (Eccl. 11: 1,
AT) You may do quite a bit
of sowing before the time of
reaping arrives; but eventual-
ly, after many days, results
will prove your good course
p r act i c a I. As Jesus said:
"Practice givin?" and people
will give to you. '-Luke 6 : 38,
NW. W 6/1
Wednesday, April 16
Examine me, 0 Jehovah, and
prove me.-Ps. 26 .. 2, AS.
The advice and instructions
in God's \Vord apply to all in-
dividuals in his organization
or associated with it. It does
not say one thing to one per-
son and another thing to an-
other person so as to please
each onc according to his in-
dividual likes. God does not
bend or alter his law just to
suit selfish desirt's or inclina-
tions of some individual. His
law is theocratic and accord-
ing to His will and rule of
action. It is not determined by
the selfish will of any individ-
ual creature. So the advice
and instructions g i v e n are
often general and set out the
principle to follow but leave
each one a free moral agent
to choose to follow the faithful
principle set forth or to fol-
low hiS selfish desire. In that
way God allows cach one the
opportunity to pro v e how
much love and confidence he
has toward God the Giver of
the \Vord, and how eager he
is to do the divine will. God
does not force his will upon
any creature. lIe wants loving
obedience. W 6/15
Thursday, April 17
Preach a release to the cap-
tives and . .. send the crushed
ones away with a release.
-Luke -4" 18, NW.
When the Kingdom witness,
the modern-day sounding of
the Jubilee trumpet, has been
given everywhere to the extent
that God has decreed, then the
enslaving control of Satan's
world over earth's inhabitants
will be smashed and forever
removed. All who continue in
willful slavery to it will be
destroyed with it. For this
reason it is that NOW the
Jubilee trumpct must be
sounded by giving the witness
to God's kingdom, the goveru-
ment of everlasting life in a
free new world. By the power
of the truth about God's king-
dom the people of good will
who hear the Jubilee trumpet
must make their break for
liberty from Satan's world of
slavery. They must flee to
God's kingdom as thc rightful
government of all mankind.
So listen to the Jubilee proc-
lamation, act upon it without
further delay, that you may
gain your freedom. Then, as
free men and women, join your
forces world-wide to ' proclaim
1 i b crt y throughout all the
land". That way you may live
and never die. W 8/1
Friday, April 18
If he suffers as a Christian,
let him not feel shame, but let
him keep on glorifying God in
this name.-l Pet. 4: 16, NW.
Some think the name Chris-
tian was originally given as a
name of re,Proach to Christ's
followers. (Acts 11: 26) Yet
we can accept that name, just
the same as we can accept the
name "Judean" or "Jew" in
a spiritual sense. Why? Be-
cause we adhere to Jehovah's
promise to Judah, that "the
sceptre shall not depart from
Judah, nor the ruler's staff
from between his feet, until
Shiloh come; and unto him
shall the obedience of the peo-
plcs be". (Gen. 49: 10, AS)
We can accept, too, to suffer
as a Christian, according to
what Peter says above. So
you can either take the name
"Christian" in vain and bring
reproach upon it as Christen-
dom does, or yon can suffer
unjustly as a Christian. If you
live up to the name "Christian"
in spite of the suffering it
brings, you can glorify God in
this name. In the same way a
distinction npeds to be made
between the false religion and
the trne religion. W 11/1
Saturday, April 19
Father, let your name be sano-
ti/ied.-Luke 11 : 2, NW.
This petition means more
than our mercly holding God's
name sacred. It means that
his name has to be relieved of
all the reproach cast upon it
and must be forever vindicat-
ed. Those who sincerely offer
the Lord's prayer for God's
name to be sanctified will be
most careful to bring no re-
preach upon it nor will they
ridicule it just because they
do not like the persons who
bear it. They cherish it. As
God's children we can, of
course, sanctify his name in
our lives, but the sanctifying
of that name universally will
come about by - God's act
through Jesus Christ. Since
1919 he has sanctified his
name by restoring his faithful
remnant of spiritual Israelites
to his organization and its
work in all the earth, as Ezek-
iel 36: 21-32 foretold: "The
nations shall know that I am
Jehovah, ... when I shall be
sanctified in you before their
eyes." (AS) But the decisive
sanctification of his name be-
fore all the universe will come
at the battle of Armageddon.
W 8/15
Sunday, April 20
Thus saith Jehovah of hosts:
In those days . . . ten men
shall take hold, out of all the
languages of the nations, ...
of the skirt of him that is a
Jew, saying, We will go with
you, for we have heard
that God is with you.
-Zeoh. 8: 29, AS.
What did this mean for onr
days? It meant a g rea t e r
crowd would manifest them-
selves. Ten men would take
hold of the skirt of a spiritual
Israelite or Jew, a witness for
Jehovah, one who is diligent
in service and wholly devoted
to Him, because they will hear
that "God is with you". Will
we, then, not let them hear
that God is with us and show
them the evidence of it? It is
very essential for us to pro-
claim the Kingdom, that all
who will may share in our
blessings and rejoice in Theoc-
racy's increase. \V hen the
thousands, yes, maybe mil-
lions, someday come into J e-
hovah's unwalled city before
Armageddon, he will protect
them no matter where they
are on earth. When opposers
of his kingdom harm one of
these little ones it is like
touching the pupil of his eye,
for "Jehovah knows those who
belong to him". W 1/1
Monday, April 21
In Hades . .. he e3J'isting in
torments, and he saw Abraham
afar off ... So he called and
said: "Father Abraham, have
mercy on me."
-Luke 16: 23, 24, NW.
The "rich man" class weep
and gnash their teeth at the
reversal of conditions against
them and in favor of Jeho-
vah's witnesses. They are as
dead and buried in Hades as
regards God's approved serv-
ice, and yet they are in tor-
ment becanse of seeing how
the remnant of the Lazarus
class have been taken into his
service and are being used in
it so mightily world-wide. God
has withheld his sorely-needed
message from them and they
suffer from a spiritual "fam-
ine . . . of hearing the words
of Jehovah" am 0 n g them-
selves. Back there the Jewish
clergy cricd out, "Father Abra-
ham I" in a plea for favor as
his natural seed. As his de-
scendants they had expected
better treatment from God be-
cause of such natural relation-
ship to that ancient "friend
of God". Oh for relief from
God on the basis of this rela-
tionship I Today Christendom's
clergy address the G rea t e r
Abraham and ask mercy. W 3/1
Tuesday, April 22
Therefore will we not fear,
... though the waters thereof
roar and be troubled, though
the mountains tremble with
the thereof.
-Ps. 46: 2, 3, AS.
The psalmist seems to refer
to a real earthly cataclysm,
when Jehovah destroys this
old world. His act then is the
"strange act", the act of God,
for which we have becn look-
ing, yes, praying. Our hope
and trust are not misplaced in
any things created by man's
ingenuity, because we know
they are doomed and will pass
away with this old world. We
have long witnessed and suf-
fered amid this old world and
now it will pass away from
us because we are not of it.
But we ourselves shall not
pass away with it, for we are
of the new world of righteous-
ness. \Ve belong to God's theo-
cratic organization under his
kingdom. His visible organiza-
tion will not pass away, but
is as stable and permanent as
his kingdom. So, come what
remarkable, violent changes
may in the earth's physical
appearance at the end of Sa-
tan's world, we will not fear.
W 3/15
Wednesday, April 23
Then flew one of the seraphim
unto me, having a live coal
in his hand, which he had
taken with the tongs from off
the altar: and he touched my
mouth with it.-lsa. 6: 6, 7, AS.
Isaiah's vision shows that
our cleansing was not by hu-
man means, but was by se-
raphic or superhuman means.
The golden tongs which the
seraph used to pick up the
red-hot stone or live coal were
from the golden lampstand in
the holy compartment of the
temple. So they were part of
the equipment of illumination.
To cleanse our lips concern-
ing what they say and how
they say it there must be spir-
itual enlightenment, as sym-
bolized by the golden lamp-
stand. The altar from which
the live coal was taken was
in the temple court and rep-
resents Christ's sacrifice. So
the live coal came from the
right place to purge the lips
as by fire. It pictured the
cleansing message, which de-
stroys the traditions and pre-
cepts of men and imparts fear-
lessness, zeal, so that the King-
dom message becomes a burn-
ing fire within one's bones.
W 4/1
Thursday, April 24
While they are promising
them freedom, they themselves
arc existing as slaves of cor-
ruption. For whoever is over-
c01flc by another is by
thts one.-Z Pet. Z: 19, ]Ii W.
The adversary may use male
influence in the congregation,
as a modern Balaam force. He
may also use female influence,
like J ezebel's, to bring about
the corruption of those who
belong to God's people. He can
use either sex to induce the
temptation. His aim is, not just
to cause ruin to some individ-
uals, but rather to corrupt the
entire organization and to
bring reproach upou it and its
God and so to prejudice hon-
est persons against it. There
is every need now for us to
pray and watch against temp-
tation to immorality, especial-
ly now when we are so close
to the new world. If we have
escaped from the sink of cor-
ruption of this world, why
should we let ourselves be
dragged back into it under
false, glamorous inducements
of "free love" and of easy for-
giveness from a merciful God
for our sins of immorality. Do
not be roped in by promises of
freedom of conduct. It means
slavery. W 4/15
Friday, April 25
Lord of the sabbath is what
the Son of. man is.
-Matt. 12.8, NW.
Spiritual health to which
men of good will can only at-
tain now has a salutary effect
on mind, heart and spirit and
even on their physical condi-
tion. But after Armageddon
there will come the erasing of
all human imperfection and
sin from among the inhabi-
tants of the new world.
new world will be the time
and place for it. That will be
the seventh thousand-year pe-
riod of human experience. It
corresponds with the seventh
day of rest and of physical re-
cuperation which Jehovah le-
gally set up among his chosen
people of old. That seventh
millennium will mark the
fixed time to usher afflicted
mankind into rest and release
from laborious attempts at
self-perfection and deliverance
from sin and all its attendant
imperfection, old-age decrepi-
tude and death. That was one
reason why Jesus did many
miracles on the Jewish sab-
bath day. He showed what he
would do for the ailing bodies
of mankind on the millennial
sabbath day of which he is
Lord. W 5/15
Saturday, April 26
I will stretch out my hand up-
on . . . them that worship,
that swear to Jehovah and
swear by Malcam.-Zeph.
1: 4, 5, AS,
We cannot mix the things of
God with those of worldly re-
ligion and at the same time
gain divine approval. It did
not gain his approval when
Jerusalem apostatized fro m
the revealed worship of Jeho-
vah God and religiously held
to his name but at the same
time swore by false gods. So
he warned of the day of his
wrath. At the foot of Mount
Sinai Moses' brother Aaron
yielded to the voice of the peo-
ple who wanted visible gods
and he made a golden calf.
Then, in the spirit of calf wor-
ship in Egypt which they had
left, the Israelites said; "These
are thy gods, 0 Israel, which
brought thee up out of the
land of Egypt." Aaron built
an altar to the calf and pro-
claimed; "To-morrow shall be
a feast to Jehovah." (AS) It
turned out to be a wild, bois-
terous corruption of morals.
Jehovah burned with indigna-
tion at this attempt to link
him with demon worship. He
had 3,000 feasters executed.
W 11/1
Sunday, April 27
Proclaim lib erty throughout
the land to all its inhabitants.
-Lev. 25: 10, AT.
God's kingdom by his Son
Jesus Christ is the one and
only government of liberation.
The great atonement sacrifice
of Jesus Christ the High
Priest has been presented in
heaven, and during the past
nineteen centuries his faith-
ful followers have received the
benefits of it through faith.
Now in addition Jehovah's
theocratic government wit h
Christ as King has been estab-
lished. As the people's eman-
cipator it must destroy com-
pletely the Devil's world or-
ganization, visible and invisi-
ble, and this it will do at Ar-
mageddon. \Vith the covering
of mankind's sins now possible
through Christ's sacrifice and
with God's kingdom now set
up, NOW is the time for the
proclamation of the Jubilee
for all mankind to be blasted
forth. \Vho is to proclaim it?
Christ's an 0 in ted followers
and all persons of good will
who receive the message with
faith and joy. So Christ J csus
commanded them at Matthew
24: 14. W 8/1
Monday, April 28
They are no part of the world
just as I am no part of the
world.-John 17: 16, NW.
Because they are wholly
dedicated to God by their
vows to him through Christ,
Jehovah's witnesses are no
part of this world which is
governed by the political sys-
tems. For this important Bi-
ble reason they tell officials of
the government that they con-
scientiously object to serving
in any military establishment
or any civilian arrangement
that substitutes for military
service. Jesus told Caesar's
representative P i I ate: "My
kingdom is no part of this
world." Then Jesus told him
why he had not engaged in
any military effort to liberate
the Jews from Caesar's domi-
nation. He came to be J eho-
vah's witness and to take
followers out from this world
and make them Jehovah's wit-
nesses like himself. So be-
cause they are no part of this
world, they are forbidden to
meddle and take part in its
affairs and controversies. Spir-
itual Israelites are just as
much from the na-
tions and their enemies as the
natural Israelites were. W 2/1
Tuesday, April 29
JJ! ay the God who gives hope
fill you with all joy and peace
by your believing, that you
may abound in hope.
-Rom. 15: 13, NW.
Jehovah is the biggest opti-
mist in the universe, and his
inspired Book, the Holy Bible,
rings with optimism from the
opening of Genesis to the close
of Revelation. Ilis witnesses,
who have run a continuous
course for the past six thou-
sand years, are the biggest op-
timists on earth now. \Ve have
every right to speak of our-
selves as being the biggest op-
timists. 'With more earnest-
ness than ever we accept the
fact that the end of all things
has drawn close. But this does
not make us feel there is noth-
ing to live for any more. It
does not make us lose all in-
terest in living and make us
retire from touch with human
society and go into a hermit's
hut or a religious monastery,
loaf around and do nothing
but pray. Actually it makes us
appreciate we have everything
to live for. \Ve are looking for
a new world to begin with the
most wonderful opportunities
for living. Ours is not a false,
baseless optimism, but is based
on God's own Word. W 9/15
Wednesday, AprU SO
1 know their imagination
which they are forming to-day.
-Deut. 31: 21, Ro.
The mind is that part of
our make-up from which
thought originates. It is that
faculty of our consciousness
with which we imagine, gath-
er information, rea son and
reach certain conclusions. It
operates according to a cer-
tain law or rule of action, so
that, if the mind is turned to
evil, it follows that rule of op-
eration in the evil direction
and moves farther and farther
into it. The inclination of the
bent of mind grows greater,
especially with the pressure
from the Devil, and so there
is an advance from bad to
worse. God, who endowed man
with mind, knows how it opcr-
ates better than the best col-
lege psychologist or psycho-
analyst of today. He instant-
ly detects the bent of man's
mind and knows what it will
lead to. That is why he gives
warning to us against the con-
sequences that are sure to fol-
low any imagination. His
Word foretold thousands of
years ago today's moral, men-
tal and religious state of this
world. Being now proved ac-
curate, it shows God justified
in declaring this world would
end. W 10/15
Thursday, May 1
Is there anyone sick among
you? Let him call the older
men of the congregation to
him, and let them pray.
-Jas. 5:14, NW.
J ames is here dealing with
spiritual and not physical sick-
ness. The course of treatment
he now recommends argues it
is spiritual sickness. The older
men of the congregation, who
are full-grown in the faith and
full of wisdom from above and
acquainted with God's instruc-
tions, are the proper ones for
the spiritually sick one to call
in. If he were ailing physically,
he would call in a doctor, if he
could afford it, or would re-
sort to some medicinal remedy.
The older mcn of the congre-
gation are to pray ovcr him,
so that he can hear what they
pray and can show he agrees,
with his Amen! He has fallen
into such a spiritual statc that
he cannot properly pray on
his own accord any more. Not
able to ask in faith and with
an unwavering mind, he has
n 0 confidence i n his 0 w n
prayer. (Jas. 1: 6, 7) Some-
thing has brought on this spir-
itual illness. The older men
must find it out. W 5/1
FrIday, May 2
God ... kept Noah, a preach-
er of righteousness, safe with
seven others when he brought
a deluge upon a world of un-
godly people.-2 Pet.
2:4,5, NW.
We want always to be found
in the "ark", baptized into
the Greater Noah, at the awe-
some day and hour. According
to 2 Peter 3: 15, we are to
"consider the patience of our
Lord as salvation". We should
see that he is patient toward
us, giving us time to work out
our own salvation with fear
and trembling. Part of this
work consists in trying to help
as many other sheep as possi-
ble to come to repentance that
they may seek God's haven of
protection and be saved from
the destruction ahead. He does
not want any of these to be
destroyed but wants them all
to attain to repentance that
leads to salvation in the ark.
Educating and leading them
into the ark's system of things
takes time, and Jehovah has
been kind enough to be pa-
tient for a sufficient time. But
that time is hastening to its
end at his fixed day and hour.
W 11/15
Saturday, May S
For he says [at Isaiah 49: B,
LXXl : "In an acceptable sea-
son r heard you, and in the
day tor salvation I came to
your help." Look! Now is the
especially acceptable season.
Look! Now is the day for sal-
vation.-2 Cor. 6: 2, NW.
Having tasted of God's un-
deserved kindness, we must
from now on be a coworker
with him. \Ve mnst colabor
with his great Servant Jesus
Christ, to whom he has given
a commission of work. \Vhat
part of that commission we
can help in doing, we are
obliged to do it. So to that ex-
tent the commission to the
Servant also applies to us,
and we become his fellow serv-
ants. We become members of
the servant class. This is spe-
cially trne of those who are
anointed with God's spirit as
Jesus was and who are made
joint heirs with him of the
heavenly kingdom. It is their
obligation according to the
divine commission to join in
'saying to the prisoners, Go
forth, and to them that sit in
darkness, Show yourselves'. If
we faithfully carry out this
commission, then we are not
recei ving God's undeserved
kindness in vain. W 12/15
Sunday, May 4
Be still, and know that I am
God: I will be exalted among
the nations, I will be exalted
in the earth.-Ps. W: 10, AS.
Who among men will be the
ones to survive the world's end
at Armageddon and pass into
the new world of lasting peace
and security? It will be those
who heed the command of the
Most High God to desist and
give in. This advice corre-
sponds with that given at
Psalm 2: 10-12: "Now there-
fore be wise, o ye kings: be
instructed, ye judges of the
earth. Serve Jehovah with
fear, and rejoice with trem-
bling. Kiss the son, lest he be
angry, and ye perish in the
way, for his wrath will soon
be kindled. Blessed are all
they that take refuge in him."
(AS) After decades of testi-
mony we may not now expect
political and religious rulers
to appreciate and follow this
advice and learn to know that
Jehovah is God in a way that
means salvation to them. But
we may look for individuals
of all nations to desist from
all acts against Jehovah and
his theocratic organization and
to give in, be still and learn
to know him and do good to
Christ's brothers_ W 3/15
Monday, May IS
The things which the nations
sacrifice they sacrifice to de-
mons, and not to God, and I
do not want you to become
sharers with the demons.
-1 Cor. 10: 20, NW.
Jesus never worshiped or
served demons. When the "rul-
er of the demons" offered J e-
sus the kingdoms of this world
in exchange for Jesus' wor-
ship, J eaus replied that he
obeyed the divine command to
worship only Jehovah God. He
worshiped no idol, only the
living God. In no way did he
participate or have fellowship
with demons. All through his
ministry he expelled demons
from possessed persons and re-
fused to let them testify that
he was Christ. Hence if we
want to have unity with
Christ as members of his body
and want to partake of Me-
morial emblems in a worthy
manner, we cannot indulge in
idolatry of any sort. Especial-
ly so now when worldly organ-
izations and heroes are idol-
ized, such as the United Na-
tions and famous world fig-
ures. We cannot be "one body"
or "one loaf" with Christ J e-
sus and at the same time be
idolaters. W 1/15
Tuesday, May 6
Satan cut across our path.
-1 Thes8. 2,' 18, NTV.
Paul did not brag of what
he was going to do, but he did
map out what seemed to serve
the best interests of the work
and its expansion. He trusted
God to guide him in carrying
out these plans and to back
him up in them as far as it
was in harmony with God's
purpose. Did God let Paul's
plans get interfered with?
Paul shows God did, for he
says to those in Rome: "I
was many times hindered from
getting to you." Telling of
h i n d I' a n c e elsewhere, Paul
wrote the Thessalonians: "'We
wanted to come to you, yes, I
Paul, both once and a second
time, but Satan cut across our
path." Paul was not improper-
ly blaming something onto the
Devil. No doubt by his fanat-
ical dupes on earth Satan
I' a i sed up effective barriers
against Paul's coming back to
Thessalonica when he wantl'd
to go there. At any rate, all
these things show Paul was
left to much personal freedom
and much personal responsibil-
ity in outlining his course in
spreading the good news. He
did not look for God's angel at
every turn. He made decisions.
So must we. TV 6115
Wednesday, May 7
!JI y people shall abide in a
peaceable habitation, and in
safe dwellings, and in qwiet
resting-places. But it shall
hail in the dOlenfall of the
forest; and the city shall be
utterly laid low.
-lsa. 32,' 18, 19, AS.
Thanks to Jehovah God for
the peace, quietness and con-
fidence which his King's right-
eous rule establishes and pre-
serves within the theocratic
organization of all his sheep
on earth. His rule is here to
stay. May we all try to work
in harmony with his rule and
serve the cause of righteous-
ness. Then we shall continue
safe u n d e r his protection.
When the great forest of the
armed hosts of the Greater
Assyrian, Satan the Devil, is
laid low by Jehovah's mighty,
hard-hitting hail, and when
the great city of the Assyrian's
organization is razed to the
ground and made Ipvel with
the plain at Armageddon, then
our eyes will see the theocrat-
ic organization of the new
world society stay standing,
all ready for the purpose of
the righteous King during his
thousand-year reign. TV 1211
Thursday, May 8
Our Father, . Let your
kingdom come.
-Matt. 6,' 9,10, NTV.
The kingdom that is to come
is the k i II g d 0 m concerning
which God made a eovenant
with King David and about
which Daniel prophesied at
Daniel 2: 44. lIence when a
child of the heavenly Father
prays for His kin g d 0 m to
come he is praying for God's
kingdom in Christ's hands to
break to pieces and obliterate
all the political systems of
this world at the battle of Ar-
mageddon. "'hen our heaven-
ly l<'ather's kingdom was set
up in 1914 did it mean that
his kingdom had come, that
is, come in the way meant in
the Lord's prayer and that
we should now stop making
this petition? No; for, as pic-
tured by the prophetic dream
which Daniel interpreted for
King Nebuchadnezzar, the
kingdom had been given exist-
ence like the rock which was
cut out of the mountain with-
out aid of human hands. But
this Kingdom rock must still
eome against the idolatrous
image of Satan's world or-
ganization and hit its visible
part, knock tlie image from its
base and destroy it at Arma-
geddon. W 8/15
Frlday, May 9
Then Daniel answered .
yet I will read the writing
unto the king, and make
known to him the interpreta-
tion.-Dan. 5: 17.
Just as no one could pre-
vent Jehovah from writing on
Babylon's palace wall, so today
the clergy, politicians and com-
mercial oppressors are forced
by Jehovah to hear the judg-
meut message. They cannot es-
cape it, even if they try through
dictators and framing mischief
by laws and decrees to gag the
ones proclaiming it. 'I.' h e i r
spokesmen may say, because
they cannot understand J eho-
vah's Word nor explain it,
that there is nothing to it.
But they all know there has
never been such distress, shak-
ing and instability of Satan's
divided world as now. The
message from Jehovah dis-
turbs and troubles them. Even
Babylon's religious wine does
not comfort them. It fails them.
The "handwriting on the wall"
sobers them up a bit. They
do not like to believe it, and
yet, by their fighting against
those who tell it out, they
show they realize it is true.
Any 0 the r small minority
group would be ignored by
them. W 911
Saturday, May 10
Be circumspect: and make no
mention of the name of other
gods, neither let it be heard
out of thy mouth.-Ex. 23: 13.
Jehovah God does not ap-
prove of it when his people en-
ter into treaties with his re-
ligious enemies either by mar-
riage or by political bargains
or by commercial df'als by
which they are compelled to
take the names of the gods of
such allied persons into their
mouths and give them legal
recognition. That principle or
rule of action holds true for
God's true people today, for
the things that had to do with
the natural Israelites of old
serve as a warning example
to us who are living at the
end of Christendom's system
of things. Let Christendom go
on indulging in such compro-
mises with the gods of pagan-
ism and with the blasphemies
against the truth of Jehovah
God, as, for instance, address-
ing the pope as "Your Holi-
ness", "Holy Fat her," etc.
The real Christian, the wor-
shiper of the true God, will
not compromise today and
ascribe to the gods and mighty
ones of this world the things
that belong to God. He follows
Matthew 22: 21. W 1111
Sunday, May 11
And I heard the voice of the
Lord [Jehovah], roying, lVhom
shall I send, and who will go
for us?-Isa. 6: 8, AS.
By the plural pronoun "us"
J e h 0 v a h was meaning, not
himself and the seraphim at
the temple, but himself and
his only-begotten Son who be-
came the man Christ Jesus
and by whom He had created
all things. Hencc the glory
which Isaiah saw at the tem-
ple represented primarily J e-
hovah's glory and secondarily
that of his Son. This glory the
Son shows forth when J eho-
vah sends him as his "mes-
senger of the covenant" to the
temple for judgment work.
(1\1al. 3: 1-3, AS,. John 12; 39-
41) At his glorions coming to
the temple in 1918 he took up
the work of j u d gin g and
cleansing his devoted remnant
upon the earth, that these
might go for him and for J e-
hovah with the "pure lan-
guage". 'I.'he service is not
forced upon anyone, but is
open for volunteers. The type
of service is not disclosed at
first, but whatever it turns
out to be, it is Jehovah's serv-
ice and is at his origination.
The call came in 1919. W 411
Monday, May 12
So he called and said: "Father
Abraham, have mercy on me
and send Lazarus to dip the
tip of his finger in water and
cool my tongue."
-Luke 16: 24, NW.
Christendom's religionists
today add res S the Greater
Abraham, God, as "Father"
and plead with him for mercy
in their tormented condition.
How could the Lazarus class
bring this "rich man" class
any relief now? 'VeIl, by a
drop of the water of truth
that would refresh the reli-
gious clergy in their spiritual
anguish and torment. How
could this be accomplished?
Only by having the Lazarus
class stop preaching the "day
of vengeance of our God" and
stop exposing hypocritical re-
ligion and pronouncing the
fiery judgments of Jehovah
upon Christendom. So they
want the Greater Abraham to
have those in his bosom favor
to compromise. Let them not
preach the naked truth, but
preach nice things for the re-
ligious clergy and give them a
better look in people's eyes.
That is, do not do as God com-
manded Jeremiah who pictured
his witnesses: "Whatsoever I
shall command thee thou shalt
speak." W 3/1
Tuesday, May 18
False teachers among you.
'1'hcse very ones will quietly
bring in destructive sects and
will disown even the owner
that bought them, bringing
speedy destruction upon them-
selves.-2 Pet. 2: 1, NW.
These false teachers and in-
troducers of false practices
will acknowledge ChrIst Jesus
Ilnd will agree with 1 Corin-
thians 6: 19,20 (NW)i which
says: "You do not be ong to
yourselves, for you were bought
with a price." So with coun-
terfeit words they will call
him Lord, Master and Owner,
but will deny him by the way
they live in private. It was
when warning the Corinthians
against committing fornication
with a harlot and becoming
one body, one flesh, with her
that the apostle reminded the
Christian congregation that
they did not belong to them-
selves but had been bought
with a price and must there-
fore glorify God as a body of
Christians. It is by an unclean
course of life, loose conduct,
such as their Owner never did
practice or approve of among
his bought slaves, that these
false teachers deny their Own-
er who bought them with his
precious blood. W 4/15
Wednesday, May 14
Heal me, 0 Jehovah, alld I
shall be healed.-Jer. 17: 14,
God heard the prayer of his
repentant, brokenhearted rem-
nant. From 1919 on he re-
gathered them, repaired the
breaches of their organization
and reorganized them for more
effective service than ever. He
built them up on earth as the
visible theocratic organization
to represent his heavenly J eru-
salem which was now radiant
with Kingdom glory. Here,
not physical cure of fleshly
organisms, but spiritual cure
of the remnant of his witness-
es was needed, to recover them
from unclean fear and from
reI i g i 0 u s foolishness. "He
sendeth his word, and healeth
them, and delivereth the m
from their destructions." (Ps.
107: 17-20, AS) He opened
their eyes and ears more fully
to get Scriptural understand-
ing. They had been lying as
dead under the world's repres-
sive laws and measures, but
now they were revived by
God's spirit. Up they stood
and engaged in free, fearless
acti vi ty as his wi tn esses to tell
out the good news. A spirit-
ual resurreetion indeed. W 5/15
Thursday, May 15
1 am Jehovah that healeth
thee.-Ex. 15: 26, AS.
Without the aid of the elec-
tronic scientists of today, J e-
hovah God can make a healthy
world. Mankind's health poses
an unconquerable problem for
man, but not for Jehovah God
the Almighty. Undismayed he
moves ahead in carrying out
his promise to create a disease-
less new world, where obedi-
ent mankind will enjoy per-
fect life forever. It was a com-
pletely healthy world that he
established with Adam and
Eve and their "covering cher-
ub" back there in Eden. What,
then, brought on these things
called disease, sickness and
iII-health, with death as the
end? It was the violation of
God's inflexible law! No crea-
ture can tamper with His law
and expect to remain well. By
this we mean not only the
physical law of nature but
also the moral law, and this
primarily. There is a connec-
tion between keeping the Crea-
tor's laws and our health and
well-being. The diseaseless free
new world will be made up of
happy creatures who keep their
Maker's laws perfectly. W 5/1
Friday, May 16
Praise lie Jehovah . ... Je-
hovah looseth the prisoners.
-Ps. 146,' 1, 7, AS.
The time for releasing the
children of God's organization
Zion from Babylonish captiv-
ity is when Jehovah commenc-
es to rule as King. His king-
dom rule we must connect
with this great deliverance to
really appreciate divine proph-
ecy which clearly marks the
time for us. It is a time of
great jubilation, thc prisoners
free, the dispersed of spiritual
children returning to spiritual
Zion, their real home-coming.
And why should it not be a
time for much r e jo i c i n g?
Zion's conquering Commander
marches for t h victoriously:
and the captives are freed ana
the Signal is raised on high
leading them back to God's
city, to their "home". The day
of all days is here. The psalms
voice many expressions of ex-
ultation concerning the time
when Jehovah would rule as
King. "In that day" all things
living are called upon to re-
joice. Heaven rejoices, the
earth is glad, and multitudes
are sin gin g for sheer joy,
praising Jehovah who is
worthy. W 7/1
Saturday, May 17
Return evil for evil to no one.
-Rom. 1'2 : 17, NW.
If a person acts wickedly
toward you, why should you
make yourself into his evil
image? This is the impractical
way of the wicked old world.
Because one calls you names,
must you berate him? If one
lies or backbites or gossips
about you, must you repay
him in kind and yourself be-
come a hateful liar or back-
biter or go s sip e r, lowering
yourself to his level? Would
he not thereby show himself
the stronger, in that he chang-
es you into his image, his evil
practices becoming your prac-
tices? If your a d v e r S a r y
is wicked, must you abandon
all your good principles and
convictions in the name of be-
ing practical, or in the name
of some other such senseless
expediency, and lower yourself
to his wickpd level, and even-
tually be a sharer with him in
God's wrath? Rendering evil
for evil sets in motion a vi-
cious circle of evil-doing. The
circle of evil gains momentum
as each races in the other's
footsteps, trying to outstrip
him in evil-doing. W 6/1
Sunday, May 18
Weare therefore ambassadors
substituting for Ghrist, as
though God u:ere making en-
treaty through us.-2 Cor.
5::20, NW.
As "ambassadors substitut-
ing for Christ" Jehovah's wit-
nesses have conscientious ob-
jection to serving in the mili-
tary and related establishments
of the nations. Ambassadors
are exempt from military serv-
ice in the nation to which
their government sends them,
especially in a hostile nation.
Remember, in Bible times am-
bassadors were sent, not to
friendly nations, but to na-
tions at war or threatening
war. God's ambassadors sub-
stituting for Christ are sent,
not to friendly nations, but to
hostile nations. All nations of
this world of Satan are hos-
tile to God. The message given
these ambassadors to deliver,
"Become reconciled to God,"
shows that the nations are not
friendly. How, then, eo u I d
these ambassadors Scriptural-
ly serve in the military forces
of such nations or consent to
do so when required by na-
tional law? To Ii e s e r t the
ranks of God's ministers means
to fight God. W 2/1
Monday, May 19
They say, Jehovah will not
sec, neither will the God of
Jacob consider. Consider, ye
brutish among the people j ..
II e that formed the eye, shall
he not sce?-Ps. 94: 7-9, AS.
Jehovah is watching what is
going on throughout his entire
organization. lie knows how
his people will be treated. His
Son said: "You will be objects
of hatred by all persons because
of my name." (Luke 21: 17,
NW) Even so, a greater wit-
ness than ever in vindication of
Jehovah's name will be given.
Weare in the last days of
this old world and we must
expect these things. Now is
the time to gather together a
great crowd for his name's
sake, and this crowd is being
gathered together with haste.
So a sharp call and a loud
one goes out unto the ends of
the earth to all the inhabiters
of Babylon who are sighing
and crying to flee from her
and escape from her oppres-
sive acts now and her com-
plete destruction later. If you
love Jehovah, then seck his
protection and come to his
city, the unwalled village, for
he is a wall of fire round
about it. All in it he loves.
W 1/1
Tuesday, May 20
Noah walked with God.
The end of all flesh is come.
-Gen. 6: 9,13.
We today h a v e as much
good judgment and common
sense as the man Noah did in
a former world. He and his
family went in a course differ-
ent from that of the world.
Let us who are informed on
the world's end now and who
want to be wise imitate our
ancient forefather. Like him
let us withdraw support from
this doomed world and walk
with God. It is the only way
of walking about which to be
optimistic, for it leads to sur-
viving this world's end as it
did in Noah's day. We, who
take God's word as Noah did,
are working for success. It is
up to us to prove to mankind
that the Bible and Christian-
ity have not failed but are
alive today and powerful for
leading men to real SUCCI'SS,
to life in perpetual happiness
in a safe and sane new world.
Almighty God also is interest-
ed in proving that his Word
the Bible and the faithful
imitating of Christ have not
failed. So he will back us up
in our endeavors to vindicate
him and his Word. W 9/15
Wednesday, May 21
The one stronger than I am
is coming, ... He will bap-
tize 1/ou people with holy _Sjlirit
and fire.-Luke 3: 16, NW.
When J e sus, glorified in
heaven, poured out the holy
spirit at Pentecost upon his
faithful disciples on earth,
"tongues as if of fire became
visible and were distributed
to them, and one sat upon
each one of them." But that
could not be called a 'baptism
with fire', for the appearance
of a flame would have had to
envelop and cover their whole
bodies to be a baptism in it.
The apostle Peter then quoted
Joel's prophecy (2: 28-32) to
show it was there being ful-
filled. This prophecy shows
that the fire is separate from
the spirit and is associated
with death and destruction,
blood and smoke mist. It is
evident that the fire symbol-
izes destruction. Beg inn i n g
with the day of Pentecost the
wheat class of believing Jews
were baptized with holy spirit
from heaven. The chaff class
of rejected faithless Jews were
baptized with fiery destruction
in the year 70, when J erusa-
lem was destroyed, many per-
ished and others were led off
captive. W 11/15
Thursday, May 22
Forgetting the things behind
and stretching forward to the
things ahead, . . . be of this
mental attitude.-Phil.
3: 13, 15, NW.
There is every need, every
incentive, to keep our minds
renewed. Our bent of thinking
must be kept in the true di-
rection that it may result in
the des ira b I e consequences,
while we swerve neither to the
right nor to the left. The 'law
of our mind' must be strength-
ened according to God's Word
and it must be made the rule
from which we do not deviate,
despite the weakness of our
flesh. This requires mental ef-
fort and watching our thoughts
as well as going where we
can always get our minds re-
freshed and renewed with the
truth, the advancing Word of
God. That means we must at-
tend the meetings of God's
people and join with them in
considering and discussing his
Word. It means we must join
with them in lovingly and
faithfully building up one an-
other on our most holy faith.
Never forsake meeting togeth-
er. This is no time to suffer
a mental relapse into corrup-
tion. W 10/15
Friday, May 28
Thus saith Jehovah, . I
will preserve th ee, and give
thee for a covenant of the
people.-Isa. 49: 8, AS.
Almighty God preserved J e-
sus by raising him up from the
dead to immortal life as the
exalted spirit Son of God. In
this way Jesus Christ could
carryon with his liberation
work and be on hand for it in
this dar.. God has given him
for a 'covenant of the peo-
ple". How a "covenant"! A
covenant is a solemn engage-
ment to do something. God
has solemnly engaged or bound
himself to loose true liberty
lovers from prison and bond-
age, and he has given his Son
Jesus Christ as a covenant or
pledge that he will do this.
He has provided and appoint-
ed Jesus to be the One to set
p ~ o p l e free. As certainly as
there is a resurrected and glo-
rifIed Jesus at the Father's
right hand in heaven, just
that certainly there will be a
loosing of right-hearted people
from slav(>ry to the modern
Babylon. So the One to look
to is this glorious Servant
whom God has given for a
covenant. All human leaders
will prove frauds. W 12/15
Saturday, May 24,
Who can endure the dall of his
coming r And who can stand
when he appears? For he shall
be like a r e ~ n e r ' s fire.
-liial. S. 2, AT.
In this day of the coming
of Jehovah's Messenger and
High Priest to the temple of
worship Christendom's reli-
gious systems have not en-
dured and stood approved. But
the anointed remnant of J eho-
vah's witnesses have submitted
to the purifying of their wor-
ship and have come through
approved. To this remnant de-
livered in 1919 there was com-
mitted the great privilege and
heavy responsibility of carry-
ing forward the clean, unde-
filed worship of the true God,
Jehovah, and extending it to
the ends of the earth. So they
have discarded human tradi-
tions and philosophies of every
kind and have been brought in-
to full accord with God's pure
W 0 r d. (John 15: 3) The y
have been led by their High
Priest in theocratic worship,
a worship which means serv-
ing God as Supreme Ruler and
with the control over his tem-
ple being exercised down from
Him as Supreme Head and
not up from any inferior level.
W 11/1
Sunday, May 25
You are standing firm in one
spirit, with one soul fighting
side by side for the faith of
the good new8.-Phil. 1: 27,
Your authority to do God's
work as one of his procluimers
of the good news of his king-
dom you have direct from his
Word. His theocratic organi-
zation recognizes your author-
ity from his Word, the Bible.
So it uses you as one of its
representatives in the field
and it co-opcrates with you,
supplies your needs, and ren-
ders you assistance. It gives you
the benefit of what legal help
and protection it can furnish
you. It helps you to fight for
the truth in unity with your
brothers all over the earth.
You cannot stand alone. You
must fight shoulder to shoul-
der with your fellow witnesses.
You must not fight physical
combats with men and women
outside the theocratic organi-
zation. Certainly you must not
do so within the organization.
You must fight the common
enemy, and not your brothers.
This ins u res victory, this
unity! lV 6/15
Monday, May 26
There is a river whose streams
make glad the city of God.
-Ps. 46: 4, AT.
Christ Jesus proves he is
ruling in the midst of his foes
by safeguarding the river of
Bible truths at its source in
h e a v e n. His ruling power
keeps it continually flowing to
his faithful sheep on earth in
the theocratic organization.
They constitute the visible or-
ganization that now increases
its gladness by drinking from
the never-failing streams of
this river of truth from God's
'Vord. Totalitarian foes of
God's kingdom ban and dis-
solve their legal organization
and seize its properties. But
they cannot stop Christian in-
dividuals from acting as Jeho
vah's mouthpieces by preach-
ing with just the Bible alone,
or even without it if deprived
of it and limited to the knowl-
edge of God's Word in their
hearts. Let them arrest these
faithful Christians and hold
them b 0 u n d in prison. The
Word of God Jehovah is not
bound as long as their mouths
are unsealed a m 0 n g fellow
prisoners and exiles. There are
underground rivers. Just so,
if need be, the river of King-
dom truth can flow by under-
ground movement. W 8/15
Tuesday, May 21
There will be no delay any
longer " but in the days of the
bla8t of the seventh angel,
when he is destined to blow
his trumpet, the sacred secret
of God according to the good
news . . . is indeed brought
to a finish.-Rev. 10: 6, 7, NW.
There will be no more wait-
ing. The sacred secret of God
is finished. 'Ve are living in
grand and glorious days, be-
cause the time is here for the
realization of every vision. No
longer are they postponed.
This truly is the day which
Jehovah has arranged, the time
for the realization of his mar-
velous promises. Let us as wit-
nesses of Jehovah fully enter
into it and take our stand
amid the inhabitants of the
earth as those who belong to
Jehovah's city Zion and to the
new system of things, as those
who know that the Kingdom
is set up in heaven and Jeho-
vah reigns. Live then in this
knowledge and be as those
who are wise and turn thou-
sands to the ways of righteous-
ness, yes, into the new world.
W 7/15
Wednesday, May 28
Therefore shall the word of
Jehovah be unto them precept
upon precept, precept upon
precept; line upon line, line
upon line " here a little, there
a little,' that they may go, and
fall backward, and be broken,
and snared, and taken.
-J8a. 28: 13, AS.
This is not a word to the
faithful modern-day I s a i a h
elass to eomfort them with a
little truth here and a little
truth there, but is a reply in
no uncertain terms against the
"drunkards of Ephraim", the
rulers of Christendom. (Isa.
28: 1) Jehovah will so speak
to this mocking nation. J eha-
vah's witnesses, the I s a i a h
class, tell them the truth in
an end.,eavor to save them from
coming destruction, and warn
them to flee from the wrath
to come. But to do this they
will have to change their ways.
In their spiritually inebriated
condition they refuse to heark-
en. No, they cannot hear. And
say they, 'Why should we be
pestered by such petty mat-
ters W hie h these Jehovah's
witnesses say, continnally an-
noying us?' But that is the
way it is going on, says J eho-
vah, even 'command on com-
mand'. How long will his pa-
tience last? Till Armageddon.
W 10/1
Thursday, May 29
He sen d e t h hi8 word, and
healeth them.-P8. 107: 20, AS.
Sticklers for divine physical
healing in these "last days"
argue that if we do not pos-
sess and use the miraculous
power of healing it proves we
are not the true organization
of God. Such religious healers
do their works, not to support
divine truth, but to perpetuate
religious lies. They apparent-
ly cure physically, but fail to
impart the more vital healing
which is spiritual, leading to
life in the new world. They
release people from the power
of a bodily ailment, but do not
liberate them from the power
of the Devil and his organiza-
tion, this world. Measured by
these facts, their works of
healing are not manifestations
of God's spirit. When Jehovah
foretold that he would pour
out his spirit upon all kinds
of flesh, he did not put the
healing gift to the front as
the proof of that spirit on his
people. Prophesying, or preach-
ing God's Word of prophecy!
This is what is foremost in
proving the outpouring of His
spirit upon all flesh devoted
to him. This accomplishes far
more than physical healing
does. W 5/1
Friday, May 80
In the year of this jubilee ye
shall return every man unto
his possession. And if he be
not redeemed in these
then he shall go out in the
year of
-Lev. 125. 13,54.
There are other things be
sides Satan's organization
from which mankind needs to
be emancipated. Christ Jesus
plainly pointed out what these
things are and showed how re-
I e a s e from the m will be
brought about. lIe was not
deceiving the people when he
presented himself as the Apos-
tle of liberty, but his heaven-
ly Father Jehovah God sent
him on this mission to give
rest to mankind from all their
troubles. He showed in what
way mankind were slaves who
could not escape by their own
efforts and how he must loose
them from all enslavers. Yes,
they were in the power of Sa-
tan the Devil, but they were
subject besides to something
more personal than the Devil.
lIis words at John 8: 31-36
prove that all mankind are
slaves of sin, since all are do-
ers of sin, He showed who
would usher them into the
Greater Jubilee when he said:
"If the Son sets you free, you
will be actually free."-NW.
W 8/1
Saturday, May 81
Instead of thy fathers shall be
thy children, whom thou may-
est make princes in all the
earth.-Ps. 45: 16.
It has been necessary for
the reigning King to appoint
many of his "other sheep" to
office. The facts show they too
are carrying on in princely
functions, even if it means
taking oversight over just a
group of ten or less. They ex-
pect to become children of the
"Everlasting Father", Christ
Jesus the King, during the
millennial kingdom after Ar-
mageddon. Such "other sheep"
must be faithful in what ap-
pointed service they now have.
If proving faithful now in
this time of test, they may
have a continuance of their
special service under their
King, the "Everlasting Fa-
ther", and they may have a
part after Armageddon in the
realization of the above-quoted
prophecy. Faithful men of old,
resurrected, will share with
them. The anointed remnant
safeguard the right of these
"other sheep" and do not be-
grudge them service positions
of responsibility such as they
have enjoyed among us since
1935. W 12/1
Sunday, June 1
Many from eastern parts and
western will come and recline
at the table with Abraham and
Isaac and Jacob in the king-
dom of the heavens.-Matt.
8: 11, NW.
In Jesus' words Abraham
represents the Greater One in
whom all families of the earth
will be blessed, Jehovah God
the Great Father. Therefore
Isaac, Abraham's only son by
his wife S a r a h, represents
God's only-begotten Son Jesus
Christ whom God anointed to
be King of kings. Jacob re-
ceived life from A bra ham
through Isaac and so was
Abraham's grandson. So the
Christian congregation receives
life from God through J csus
Christ. (Eph. 5 : 23, 25 ; 1 John
3 : 16, NW) lIenee in the trio
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
in the kingdom the Christian
congregation is well pictured
by the last one Jacob, and it
is made up of joint heirs with
Christ Jesus in the Kingdom.
It has a Jewish remnant or
nucleus to begin with and the
many Gentile believers "from
eastern parts and western" are
add e d later. In that way,
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
stand for God's kingdom ar-
rangement, the Theocracy. W
Monday, June 2
He said unto him, If they hear
not Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded,
though one rose from the dead.
-Luke 16: 31.
Will God change his method
for the sake of the willful un-
believers? Never! The yawning
chasm of his uncompromising
judgment still remains there
between us and them. So apart
from our change of condition
since 1919, which is like J 0-
nah's coming out of the huge
fish's belly to live on earth as
Jehovah's witness and preach
to the Ninevites, a sufficient
sign, the Lazarus class of J e-
hovah's witnesses need not ex-
pect God to work any astound-
ing miracle upon them or with
them so as to hasten the re-
pentance of the rich man's
brothers' class. \Ve need no
support now by a resurrection
of faithful witnesses of old.
'Ye are not authorized to com-
promise the divine message
for this day of judgment of
the nations by holding back
from telling all the counsel of
God. We keep ourselves in the
Greater Abraham's bosom of
favor and we pre a c h the
Scriptures as he commands us.
W 3/1
Tuesday, June S
They have eyes full of adultery
and unable to desist from sin,
and they entice unsteady souls.
. They have turned aside
and followed the path of Ba-
laam.-2 Pet. 2: 14, 15, NW.
Those individuals with eyes
full of adultery follow the
path of Balaam with a love
of the reward for wrongdoing.
When this prophet failed in
using his prophetic office for a
curs e to the Israelites, he
thought of another way by
which to cause their fall and
bring the divine curse upon
them. What was this way?
Immorality! This subtle way
would counteract the divine
blessing Balaam had just pro-
nounced and would induce the
Israelites to work for God's
curse on themselves instead of
his blessing. What was that?
\Vhy, entice them to give free
rein to passion and to forni-
cate with attractive heathen
women. By this breakdown of
their integrity you can lead
them on to eating idol sacri-
fices. Impure relations between
the sexes is one of the seduc-
tive ways by which Satan tries
to hreak down the soundness
of the Christian church. tv 4/15
Wednesday, June 4
Give us today our bread for
this day.-Matt. 6: 11, NW.
By asking bread or food and
drink for no more than today
this prayer adopts the right
attitude. It does not presume
we shall be living tomorrow,
mindful of Proverbs 27:1. In
harmony with this prayer for
just today's portion of food
Jesus a little later on in this
same sermon on the mount
told us how God feeds the
birds and clothes the flowers
and said; "Never be anxious
about the next day, for the
next (1- v will have its own
anxicti( R. Sufficient for each
day is its own evil." So we
ask today for onloY our daily
bread. The way Luke 11: 3
words it in the similar prayer
reads: "Give us our bread for
the day according to the day's
requirement." (NW) This pro-
motes no spirit of hoarding
things to the denial of such
things to other children of God.
The Lord's prayer advises no
greedy spirit. To the contrary,
it advises godly devotion with
contentment, which mea n s
great gain in a real way, a
gain in happiness and blessing
now and eternal life hereafter.
W 8/15
Thursday, June lS
God is a refuge for U8.
-Ps. 62:8.
The demons and the "ruler
of the demons", Satan the
Devil, are the invisible tor-
mentors, oppressors and trou-
blemakers for the people. They
scheme to drive the people
away from God and into de-
struction at his hands. To rid
the holy realms of heaven of
their harmful influence war in
heaven was necessary after
God's kingdom by Christ was
set up there in 1914. The de-
mons and their ruler have
been hurled down to earth,
and the woe this was foretold
to mean for earthlings has
come true. (Rev. 12: 12)
There are no protection, sta-
bility and permanence under
the demons, not even for their
friends, servants and worship-
ers. They are malicious, fiend-
ish and unloving, and cannot
protect their worshipers and
devotees from God's righteous
wrath. They could not do so
at the time he loosed the glob-
al deluge against the world of
violence in Noah's day. They
will not be able to offer pro-
tection to the nations, or even
escape execution themselves,
at the "war of the great day
of God the Almighty". So
trust God. W 3/15
Friday, June 6
The living, the living, he shall
praise thee, as I do this day.
-Isa. 38: 19.
While we are not to attrib-
ute our recovery to divine
healing today, tbis does not
mean we are not to be grate-
ful to God and to voice grati-
tude to him if we convalesce.
Nor does this mean we may
not take the matter to Him in
prayer when we are sick or
our beloved fellow Christians
are sick. Every circumstance
and affair in our lives is a
matter which we can take to
him in prayer. Still, we may
not ask for divine healing and
expect it, even if we use as a
basis Jesus' words at John
15: 7. We know what the
sayings of J csus are as re-
gards his followers for this
day, and they do not tell of
miracles on the physical or-
ganism of his followers at this
time. The proper thing we can
ask is for our heavenlr Father
to help us to endure 111 Chris-
tian fortitude during illness or
physical impairment. 'Ve can
ask him to help us to act as
faithfnl witnesses through it
all, not to lose faith in him,
to suffer no spi ritual injury
becanse of it. W 5/15
Saturday, June 7
Jehot'ah knows how to deliver
people of godly devotion out
of trial.-2 Pet. 2: 9, NW.
Daniel, Jeremiah, M 0 s e s,
Noah and others of God's wit-
nesses were carr i e d right
through times of destruction;
and this illustrates how J eho-
vah will carry some of the
anointed "1' e m nan t" class
through the battle of Arma-
geddon into the new world.
The Scriptures s how that
numberless others survived as
well, picturing how many of
the other sheep of the Lord
will be carried through the
time of destruction of this old
world and keep on living in
the new world of righteous-
ness under Jehovah's rule.
What a privilege, unmatched
and glorious, to be here in the
middle of the witness work
right down to the end of this
old world! By faithfulncss we
shall see all that Jehovah
caused us to preach come to
pass. That will be something
to behold. Then will be the
untold blessings of the new
world. That is Jehovah's sal-
vation for those who love him.
Even now, by faith we see
these things. How we rejoice!
W 9/1
Sunday, June 8
Do two men walk together,
unless they have made an ap-
pointment l' . . . If there be
disaster in a city, has not the
Lord caused itf Surely, he
will do nothing, the Lord God,
except he reveal his pm'pose
to his servants the prophets.
-Amos 3: 3, 6, 7, 11'1'.
In this time of world crisis
God is at work in the earth
before he performs the terrific
act of God which he has fore-
told. He tells us there must be
adequate causes for certain
observable effects. He also tells
us he would keep his witnesses
informed of his purposes and
of his coming act. Since he
long ago spoke by his recorded
'Vord foretelling the world ca-
lamity, and since he now makes
this recorded Word of proph-
ecy talk through fulfillment of
the prophecy which marks the
time of the end, how can J eho-
vah's witnesses do otherwise
than prophesy? (Amos 3: 8,
AT) And they are not doing
otherwise than prophesy, let
the doomed world like it or
not. Hence the certain end of
the world is the valid reason
for giving preliminary witness
about it now. W 9/15
Monday, June 9
You . . . joyfully took the
plundering of your belongings,
knowing you yoursclL'es have
a better and an abiding pos-
ses8'ion.-Heb. 10: 34, NW.
Like the priests and Levites
of Israel who were specially
dedicated to Jehovah's service
at his temple, they have no
inheritance in this world. So
they do not fight for territo-
ries; and if they suffer loss of
property through persecutions
by their home government or
through invasion of the land
by arm e d aggression, they
trust in God to provide them
with life's necessities. Rather
than be killed in a violent en-
deavor to pro t e c t material
properties of this world, they
prefer to Ii ve in a despoiled
condition that they might keep
on witnessing for God's king-
dom and "preach the word"
and "be at it urgently in
fm'orable season, in trouble-
some season". No matter what
pol i tic a I or governmental
changes may take place over
their heads, they in their neu-
tral position are obliged to
submit to them and to carry
on with God's work the best
they can under the altered
conditions. W 2/1
Tuesday, June 10
We, who are many, are one
bread, one body: for 'ICe all
partake of the one bread.
-1 Cor. 10: 17, AS.
Our unity must be not
merely with one another, but
particularly with the Head
Jesus Christ. He is the Prin-
cipal One. We m u s t k e e p
"holding fast to the head, to
the one from whom all the
body, being supplied and har-
moniously joined together by
means of its joints and liga-
ments, goes on growing with
the growth which God gives".
(Col. 2: 19, NW) Because of
arguing this vital matter of
unity in his first letter to the
Corinthians Paul sud den I y
made reference in the tenth
chapter to the Lord's evening
meal, or the Memorial. He
held before them as a warning
example the Israelites in the
wilderness who fell away from
Jehovah to the worship of
idols representing demons, so
committing spiritual as well
as physical fornication. As an
argument for them to "flee
from idolatry", he told them
to consider what he had to
say about the Lord's evening
meal. The basic thought of
that meal was oneness with
Christ. W 1/15
Wednesday, June 11
In the year that kin(l Uzziah
died I saw the Lord 81tting up-
on a throne, high and lifted
up,. and his train. filled the
temple.-lsa. 6.1, AS.
Israel's hum a n king who
once sat on the "throne of
Jehovah" at Jerusalem dies
for lawlessly invading the tem-
ple, but the real King is seen
enthroned in his temple. The
reign of Jehovah the true King
at the temple counterbalances
the death of the presumptuous
king under divine curse. The
Christian Greek Scriptures ap-
ply to Jesus and to his disci-
ples of the first century the
commission which Isaiah re-
ceived at the temple and which
he recorded at Isaiah 6: 9, 10.
This proves that the Isaiah
class, of which Jesus is the
Head, existed in the first cen-
tury and that it partly ful-
filled the prophecy already
nineteen centuries before our
day. (Heb. 2: 13,14) The
final fulfillment of Isaiah's
vision takes place upon the
remnant of Jehovah's anointed
witnesses, the Isaiah class of
our time. It takes place after
Jehovah began to reign in 1914
by enthroning his Son Jesus
Christ as King. So the facts
show the temple vision oc-
curred in 1919. W 1,/1
Thursday, June 12
Tell us the things that are
coming hereafter, that we may
know that you are gods .. ...
But lo! you are nought, and
your work is a blank.-Isa.
1,1: 23,21" AT.
Those who held Jehovah's
consecrated pcople captive dur-
ing 'World War I were deter-
mined never to open the prison
doors and let these prisoners
loose to go home to Jehovah's
organization. Babylon's gods
and their devotees and serv-
ants predicted that there was
no future for Jehovah's wor-
ship and organization on earth
and that his people would
never again be free to return.
They were determined to work
to that end, in order to bring
reproach upon Jehovah, the
God of Jacob or Israel. Once
more, however, Satan's mighty
organization was wrong. Again
its mighty ones visible and in-
visible proved to be false gods.
Again they were exposed as
being false prophets, unable
to bring their words to pass.
Jehovah vindicated himself by
delivering his remnant. His
pure worship was restored. It
will be preserved. W 11/1
Friday, June IS
Behold, I create new heavens
and a new earth: and the
former shall not be remem-
bered, nor come into mind.
-ba. 65: 17.
Our new minds will not let
us go along with worldly poli-
cies, and so we choose to suf-
fer. But for thus proving our
integrity there is an unspeak-
able reward of endless joy in
God's new world of new heav-
ens and a new earth. By all
the evidences, oh how near
that new world of righteous-
ness is! Oh, then, let us
no longer be fashioned after
this world of wickedness, so
near its end, but acquire the
new mind filled with the
knowledge of God's will. Let
us keep that mind renewed by
faithfully doing his will, and
live now as blesspd proclaim-
ers of God's kingdom and as
inheritors of his glorious new
world. Then, if God favors us
with survival of the battle of
Armageddon and we enter the
new world without dying, al-
though we shall not have new
bodies instantaneously we shall
have new minds wholly in
tune with the righteous new
world. W 10/15
Saturday, June 14
1 will cause your oppressors
to eat their own ttesh, and
they shall be drunk with their
own blood as with new wine>'
then all flesh shall know that
1 the Lord am your savior.
-Isa. 49: 26, AT.
Those who OPpOS9 us J eho-
vah has promi8ed to oppose.
That means he is on our side
and backs us up. At the bat-
tle of Armageddon he will con-
fuse our oppressors and oppos-
ers. He will maneuver them
into fighting one against an-
other and thus destroying one
another. So it will come about
that they will eat the flesh of
one another and drink the
blood of one another. The final
conclusion will be that all
flesh-our enemies while yet
ali ve in the flesh, and we, also
-will be made to see that
Jehovah is the only Savior of
his people, those who come to
Zion. If we cleave to him and
serve with his great Servant
Christ Jesus, we are bound to
get full deliverance at last. No
devilish power can prevent it
before we have had the priv-
ilege of helping release the
others. 'What an honor to free
Jehovah's people from prison!
So on with this work! W 12/15
Sunday, June 15
There is a river, the streams
whereof make glad the city of
God.-Ps. 46: 4, AS.
The source of the joy and
gladness of Jehovah's witness-
es is a secret to this world,
and it makes all the nations
marvel that no world woe dries
it up. The psalmist discloses
the source of their irrepressible
gladness. It is a river, vital to
the life of the visible organi-
zation of God's people, for it
means life-giving refreshment
to them. It is a river of divine
blessings to them, a river of
truths about his kingdom long
ago promised and now set up.
Along with this river goes the
joyful privilege of spreading
its Kingdom truths to all who
seck good government, security
and lasting peace. Forth from
the throne of God and of his
King reigning at his right
hand the life-giving river of
truth flows. (Rev. 22: 1,2)
'Ve have no fear of a shortage
of this water of Kingdom
truth, for it flows from an in-
exhaustible sou r c e through
Jehovah's theocratic organiza-
tion. Our foes would like to
cut oft' this water supply, but
cannot. W 3/15
Monday, June 16
Their angels in heaven always
have access to my Father who
is in heaven.-JIatt. 18: 10,
In strictly personal matters
and in everyday matters the
early disciples had to deter-
mine God's will just the same
as we have to do now. The
time for open angelic appear-
ances and audible directions
of God's holy spirit is past,
just as the time for the mirac-
ulous gifts of the spirit has
passed. Happily, though, we
still have God's holy spirit or
active force with us, and we
still have the ministrations of
his holy angels to depend on
though they do not become vis-
ible. \Ve are not to expect the
unseen angels of God to be
constantly hovering at the side
of each of us and directing us
in every step we take lest we
go the wrong way or meet an
accident. Yet we have the com-
forting assurance that God's
angels are rendcring an im-
portant service in our behalf.
They arc now subject to the
glorified Jesus and we know
he uses them to help and serve
his faithful followers on earth,
that they may gain salvation
in the coming new world. W
Tuesday, June 1"1
Let him call the older men of
the congl'cgation to him, and
let them pray over him, rub-
bing him with oil in the name
of Jehovah.--Jas. 5: 14, NW.
The 0 Ide r men are not
merely to pray with the spirit-
ually sick, but must also rub
him with oil in the name of
Jehovah. The "oil" here is the
soothing word of instruction
from the Holy Scriptures and
it restores the spiritually sick
one to unity with the Chris-
tian congregation which is in
God's favor. Correction which
leads to spiritual health is de-
scribed as soothing and cura-
tive by the psalmist. (Ps.
133: 1,2; 23: 5; 141: 5; Provo
15: 30; Luke 10: 34) So the
older men of the congregation
are to rub the spiritually sick
one with oil in the sense of
stimulating him with the
soothing, healing, comforting,
corrective 'Vord of God. In
the name of Jehovah they are
to do this. That is to say, in
faithfulness to Jehovah God
and according to his purpose,
so as to aid the spiritually ill
one to recover and have a part
anew in vindicating God's
name and proving the Devil
a false god and liar. W 5/1
VVednesday, June 18
Warn thcm from me.
-Ezek. 33: 7.
The mere fact that there
were false alarms in the past
does not prove the preseut
alann sounded by Jehovah's
witnesses to be false. It is fol-
ly to judge a matter before
you hear it. (Prov. 18: 13)
The Scriptures show that J e-
sus does not come in a flesh-
and-blood form visible to man
at the time of his second pres-
ence. His kingdom is in heav-
en. He is enthroned there. But
he turns his attention toward
earth, to cause warning to be
given prior to Armageddon,
the battle of God Almighty,
wherein the wicked will be
wiped from the face of the
earth as thoroughly as they
were in Noah's day. Armaged-
don is no fight between na-
tions, but is Jehovah's battle,
fought through Christ and his
angels, against Satan and his
demons and their visible rep-
resentatives on earth. Warn-
ing is given in advance so
that honest persons who love
righteousness and who are
willing to use their minds may
discern the approach of Ar-
mageddon and take the neces-
sary steps for survival. W 6/1
Thursday, June 19
H 0 Zion, escape, thou that
dwcllest with the daughter of
Babylon.-Zech. 2: 7, AS.
Jehovah saw to it that the
remnant of his people of Zion
escaped from this wi eke d
Devil-ruled world to a place
of safety in his city, along
with his "other sheep" who
are now coming out. IIe com-
mands them to escape from
Babylon and become a free
people--if not in body, then in
conscience; and they do. 'l'hey
come out from under its op-
pression, servitude and sinful
way of life. No longer arc they
slaves to that wicked orgaDl-
zation. They r!'nuer to Caesar
the things that are Caesar's,
but not what belongs to God!
Their eyes are opened to a
new world and a new world
society. Those who have al-
ready been freed from the op-
pression of Babylon, even
though in some cases they are
still in jails, work camps or
concentration camps, are not
satisfied just to hold this free-
dom to themselves. At every
o p p 0 r tun i t y they talk to
strangers, even though phys-
ically still captive in Babylon.
They help strangers to see the
way to life eternal. W 1/1
Friday, June 20
Noak went i n ~ and his sons, and
his wife, ana his sons' uives
with h ~ m , into the ark, because
of the waters.-Gen. 7: 7.
The ark which the Greater
Noah, Christ Jesus, constructs
consists of a new system of
things, a new divine arrange-
ment which affords us protec-
tion and preserves us for eter-
nal salvation. The congrega-
tion, the theocratic organiza-
tion which he builds, must live
within tbis new system of
things and must think, speak
and work in harmony with it.
This ark or theocratic struc-
ture is the laughingstock of
the world, for it is built ac-
cording to God's instructions
and for his purpose. It is dif-
ferent! The world has seen
nothing like it and does not
understand it. Hence faith in
God is required for its con-
struction, and those who work
for this new system of things
must exercise faith to carryon
under the scoffing and re-
proach of this world. But in
the great crisis ahead it will
serve its purpose faithfully by
preserving all those who take
refuge in it, just as Noah's
ark did of old. W 11/15
Saturday, June 21
Thou shalt not take the name
0/ Jehovah thy God in vain.
-Ex. 20: 7, AS.
Men take God's name in
vain when they misapply it to
persons or to things that
should not bear it or when
they attach it to lies and coun-
terfeit messages to which his
name does not belong as orig-
inator and sponsor. (Jer.
23: 16-31, AS) As a nation
the Jewish people of old took
his name in vain, for they
were called by his name, J eho-
vah's people, but they did not
live up to that worthy name.
(lsa. 52: 5; Ezek. 36: 20, 22,
AS) Ever since adopting the
name "Jehovah's witnesses" in
1931 Christians have been liv-
ing up to that name. But did
these witnesses act presumptu-
ously in taking His name?
No; for a true son is not
ash a m e d of his Father's
worthy name. The name be-
fits the work they did before
1931 and have been doing
since. At Jehovah's rejection
of the faithless Jews the faith-
ful Christians be cam e the
('hosen people "for his name".
They are therefore not pre-
sumptuous in t a kin g that
name and making it famous.
If Jehovah's witnesses have
brought reproach upon His
name, let their enemies say
how. W 8/15
Sunday, June 22
"Present your case," says tke
Lord; "Bring forward your
champions," says the King of
Jacob. "Let them approach
and tell us what is to happen:
... " But 0/ these there was
no one, . . . that, when I
asked them, could answer.
-Isa. 41: 21, 22, 28, AT.
During World War I the
faithful captive remnant did
not e x p e c t deliverance on
earth. The gods and mighty
ones of Babylon offered no
hint of it, but pre d i c ted
against it. Asked and chal-
lenged to declare what would
happen concerning Jehovah's
work and organization in the
earth, they could not answer
positively. It was Jehovah who
proved to be the true prophet.
He was the first to tell the
good news of deliverance to
the remnant of his capital or-
ganization Zion. He did so
through the Bible, and on it
he shed the light of his reve-
lation. In 1919 he broke the
grip of mighty Babylon and
released his prisoner people.
He restored them to his theo-
cratic organization and to its
free, fearless activity. Jeho-
vah proved right, but not so
the gods of Babylon. W 11/1
Monday, June 23
The making of us new by holy
spirit. This spirit he poured
out richly upon us through
Jesus Christ our Savior.
-Titus 3: 5, 6, NW.
We cannot leave out of ac-
count the power of God's spir-
it in this matter of making us
new, making us different from
what we were when we were
part of an ignorant world. So
we need God's spirit. But we
cannot expect it to work upon
ns automatically to change us
mentally and bring about a
transformation of our lives.
From the sacred Record we
see that God's spirit does not
operate apart from his Word.
Hence if we want this spirit
to work in our lives we must
get acquainted with His 'Vord.
This is the only thing that
gives us information and in-
struction different from what
this world has to offer. Only
it gives us a vision of the
trne God and of what bis
adorable qualities are and
what he purposes to do to
clear himself of all the false
charges laid against him and
to change living conditions for
mankind's lasting good. By his
spirit and his organization
God will help us understand
his Word. W 10/15
Tuesday, June 24
Then swid I, Woe is me! for
I am undone; because I am a
man of unclean lips, . _ . for
mine eyes have seen the King,
Jehovah of hosts.-Isa. 6: 5,
For Isaiah of old, it was as
if he were Israel's high priest
and seeing past the inner cur-
tain of the temple and behold-
ing God's glory. It made him
feel his lowly condition in
God's sight. So the opening of
the eyes of understanding of
the remnant of the Isaiah
class today to behold corre-
sponding things was likewise
meant to impress them with
how far short they come of
the divine glory. Isaiah 12: 1
indicates Jehovah was angry
with the remnant of his wit-
nesses for their fear and fail-
ure during 'Vorld War I. On
this basis they might have
been destroyed with the world
at that time when judgment
bpgan at God's house. But his
shortening of the days of trib-
ulation upon Satan's organi-
zation made for their being
spared and also for all the
other sheep to be spared who
have since then been gathered
to the fold of the Right Shep-
herd. Now we must scrve and
announce Him. W 4/1
VVednesday, June 25
IIe saw Abraham afar off and
Lazarus in the bosom position
with him. But Abraham said:
" , , . he is having comfort
here."-Luke 16: 23, 25, NW.
The remnant of the Lazarus
class are spiritual Jews. URon
their "skirt" we now see ' ten
men , , . out of all languages
of the nations" take hold and
go up with them as compau-
ions to Jehovah's theocratic
organization. They are like
Job's brothers
sisters and ac-
quaintances wno came to com-
fort him, besides those beauti-
ful children whom he fathered
in his old age. (Zech. 8 : 20-23 ;
Job 42: 11) They are the
"other sheep" whom Jehovah's
Right Shppherd, Jesus Christ,
brings into nnity with the
Lazarus remnant, making them
one flock under one Shepherd.
In this way, too, these "other
sheep" become intimate com-
panions with the remnant and
come into the bosom favor of
the Greater Abraham, and
they share in the present "good
things" and comfort of the
remnant. They are the first
ones of the earthly class to
r e c e i v e benefits from the
Greater Abraham through his
Seed, Christ and his body,
W 3/1
Thursday, June 26
Bind up the brokenhearted.
-/sa. 61,' 1.
The spirit of Jehovah God
is upon his for them
to "preach good tidings unto
the meek" and to "bind up
the brokenhearted", l' a the l'
than to break hearts by carnal
combat. Now when the river
of life-saving truth is flowing
out from the throne of God's
established kingdom, his wit-
nesses m u s t be like t r e e s
whose leaves are "for the heal-
ing of the nations" and "for
medicine", rather than wound-
ing them. This is the "snr-
passing way" of love, the love
of God with all a ))erson has
and the love of one s neighbor
as oneself. (ReI'. 22 : 2; Ezek.
47 : 1 Cor. 31-13: 7,
NW) ,Jehovah's witnesses are
not pacifists, but are minis-
ters and conscientious objec-
tors on Scriptural grounds. In
taking this stand, draft boards
have been enabled to see that
they stay neutral toward this
world and that they remain
God's ministers and ordained
preachers of the gospel, with
Scriptural and conscientious
objcction to taking part in
worldly wars. W 2/1
Friday, June 27
Let all yone h ear i n g say,
"Gome!" And let anyone
thirsting come; let anyone that
1dshes take wa ter free.
-Nev. 22,' n, NIV.
Let the misguided religion-
ists who insist on supernatural
physical cures yield themseiH's
unwittingly to the powcr and
influence of decf'ptiYe demons
to accomplish such cures and
carryon in thei l' healing prac-
tice. Jehovah's effective health
program for endless life in the
new world is on and is ac-
complishing wonders in more
and more parts of the earth.
It is ever widening its scope.
}<'or as the great crowd of peo-
ple of good will get their ears
open and heal' the invitation
to the salutary waters of
Kingdom truth, their mouths
once parched into speechless-
ness are opened and they speak
the invitation to others who
are dying of thirst and hun-
ger. In fact, they are com-
manded to share the waters
and invite others to them. No
socialized medicine this, car-
ried on by taxing the people.
This is a service from God
without charge to those who
exercise faith in him and his
kingdom. lV 5/15
Saturday, June 28
It anyone destroys the temple
of God, God wUi destroy him;
for the temple of God is holy,
which tcmple peoplc are.
-1 Gor. :J. 17, 11 W.
God's organization is more
important to him than the sal-
vation of an immoral or dis-
obedient creaturc. The yindi-
cation of Jehovah's sovereign-
ty and the keepinJ;: of his name
above reproach IS of higher
importance than the pn'scl'v-
ing of willful sinners. Hence
these paramount things must
come first. Accordingly God
shows due respect for the or-
ganization which bears his
name. He cxccutes his judg-
meuts against thc defilers and
keeps it clean. Since God so
r('spf'cts his organization, then
we must exercise fear and
must respf'ct it too. It is our
solemn obligation to watch
our conduct and ayoid bring-
iJlg reproach upon it or cor-
rupting it. For olle thing,
therefore, keep marriage hon-
orable and the marriage bpd
undt'filed. We may not defile
or brillg reproach upon the
organization by impure con-
duct and stay in it, for this
would act like a yeast to fer-
ment the organization. lV 4/15
Sunday, June 29
God is our refuge and strength,
a well-proved in trouble.
-Ps. 46. 1, AT.
Counting from the end of
the "appointed times of the
nations" in 1914, we are 38
years into the "time of the
end" of this world. During
these crucial years Jehovah's
witnesses have sought shelter
and strength in him, and they
can con f e s s for themselves
that he is a "well-proved help
in trouble". If it were not
for this, they would not be
here today nor increasing in
numbers. But we are
the most serious and trial-
some years of this "time of
the end". The final conflict of
Armageddon draws ncar. So
let us not forget that Jehovah
God does not change any more
than his Word changes. (Mal.
3: 6, AS) His strength is dis-
played amid our weakness. No
trouble can grow so severe in
the future that he cannot help
us through it, if we abide
trustfully in him as our ref-
uge and do not look to this
world for help by a compro-
mise with the world which is
God's enemy. W 3/15
Monday, June 30
At that time thy people shall
be delivered, ever'll one that
shall be found wntten in the
book. And many of them that
sleep in the dust of the earth
awake, some to everlast-
ing life, and some to shame
and everlasting contempt.
-Dan. 12: 1, 2, AS.
The time for Zion to rise
and shine has come, for her
light has indeed come and J e-
hovah's glory has risen upon
her. Her children have been
brought out from mystic Baby-
lon. Freedom has come, and
Babylon's end is here. The
erstwhile conqueror now is
conquered. The glory of that
great city is ended, and her
mighty ruler, Satan, is laid
low and despi8"d. Some who
move along with the released
captives become lawless, wick-
ed and contemptible, however,
and it is to their everlasting
s h a ill e. They came out of
Babylon's "dust", but do not
live in Zion. They die as an
"evil slave" class. But the set-
ting free of the prisoners of
Babylon goes on, for just as
it took time when Israel was
in literal Babylon for word
to reach throughout the land,
so it is today. W "1/1
Tuesday, July 1
Your ears will hear a voice be-
hind you, sayin.q, "'l'his is
the way; walk in it 1"
-Jsa. 30: 21, A '1'.
The voice behind us is God's
voice from the past, speaking
through his written 'Yord as
it is made plain through his
organization. This organiza-
tion is needed to integrate all
our efforts throughout the many
nations. It is needed for serv-
ing all believers unitedly with
the revelations of God's Word.
It brings all Kingdom publish-
ers into co-operation with the
onc "pure language" of the
truth. It prevents our work-
ing to cross-purposes, or dupli-
cating our efforts, or having
territories overlap, or having
weaknesses resulting from dis-
unity, and other things hinder-
ing our getting God's work
done. God directs his organiza-
tion through its Head Jesus
Christ. If we want to get the
benefit of his leadings we need
to work with the organization.
If the enemy isolates you, then
carryon as you have been
taught and trained through the
organization. This is the prop-
er thing to do, rather than
look for an angel to appear
and give specific directions.
W 6/15
Wednesday, July 2
Whoever eats the loaj and
drinks the cup oj the Lord un-
worthily will be guilty respect-
ing the body and the blood of
the Lord.-l (Jor. 11 : 2'1, NW.
All partakers of the Memo-
rial emblems must keenly sense
their unity with the Head Je-
sus Christ in doing God's will.
We must remember him as the
vital one wIth whom to be in
union and must not create di-
visions among ourselves and
so destroy the united body. It
is Jesus' blood that validates
the new covenant and we must
not act toward that blood as
if it were a common thing,
willfnlly sinning by sectarian-
ism, i dol a try, greed, and
works of the flesh. Christ J e-
sus, who provided his blood
for the new covenant, died to
vindicate Jehovah's name and
universal sovereignty. We
should copy him in the kind
of death he died, becoming
"united with him in the like-
ness of his death" that we
may also be "nnited with him
in the likeness of his resnrrec-
tion". So keep free from guilt
against these vital things, not
playing hypocrites at the Me-
morial or Lord's evening meal.
W 1/15
Thursday, July S
Each one is tried by being
drawn out and enticed by his
own desire. Then the desire,
when it hns become fertile,
gi ves birth to sin.
-Jas. 1: 14,15, NW.
When God faced Adam and
Eve with the prohibition
against eating of the tree of
the knowledge of good and
evil, that was not a tempting
of them with evil, for the tree
was not evil in itself. Jehovah
warned them against eating it
disobediently and in for me d
them of the evil consequences.
Hence they c 0 u I d not be
tempted toward it according
to ignorance. It was when Eve
listened to the serpent's de-
ceptive talk that she became
tempted. God's warning against
eating created no appetite or
desire in her for the tree, but
the serpent's false description
of the results of eating it con-
trary to God's prohibition and
warning c rea ted in her a
wrong desire. This was what
worked up a temptation for
her, as James says above. Be-
cause of not dismissing this
desire as wrong and as against
God, but entertaining it, the
temptation drew her into sin
and cheated her. W B/15
Friday, July 4
Thnt is why it is necessary for
us to pay more than the usual
nttention to the things heard
by us, thnt we may never
drift away.-lleb. 2: 1, NW.
At the end of this old sys-
tem of things Jehovah speaks
to us by means of his Son.
We have a record of what he
said and we can study it. Not
only that, the greatest event
in history has occurred, name-
ly, Christ Jesus has been
placed upon his throne and is
ruling as Jehovah's King. He
is God's reflected glory and
the exact representation of his
being. He is much better than
the angels because he has in-
herited a name more excellent
than any of these. If what the
angels said prior to Christ
happened, more surely will the
sayings of the Son of God
take place. Certainly we must
listen to his commands and
do them. It is because of the
instruction of the Son of God
that Jehovah's witnesses go
out and proclaim the Kingdom
message. We must keep in
mind that the one speaking
and giving directions is God's
only-begotten Son. We are to
walk in his steps, follow his
example and preach the Word.
W 1/1
Saturday, July 5
Let none oj you 811 ff cr as a
murderer or a thief Ot' an evil-
doer or as a busybudy in other
people's til atters.
-1 Pet. 4:15, NIV.
Oh, you think, I would never
ha vc a fear of sufi:erlllg as a
murderer. Oh, no '! \\' ell, are
you a brother-hater and do
you act mean like one? This
brings you no hapvilless but
only suffering and hurt. So
how are you suffering alld
how will God judgp you? '1'he
way IIC says at 1 .T ohn 3: lG.
Maybe you say you do not in-
dulge in stealing other people's
material goods and so would
ne\'er suffer for stealing, But
are you s tea lin g a fellow
Christian's g(xHI name by slan-
der? Or, by your ambitions to
shine and be worshiped by
yonr bl"Others, are yon steal-
ing worship and praise that
belong to God? Are you al-
ways se"king the welfare of
your hrothel's and of God's
lost and s cat t ere d "othpr
sheep", or are yon selfishly,
jealously or resentfully and
unforgivingly seeking for the
injury of your bl'othrrs? "\1'1'
you curious and intl'rcsting
yoursp]f in other ppople's mat-
tprs? Suffpring for doing
things is not Christlikp, W9/15
Sunday, July 6
JjIake known the sacred secret
oj the goud neu's, for which I
am acting an ambassador
in chains.-Eph. 6: 19, 20, J.,' lV.
.T ehovah's wit n e sse s are
God's ambassadors sent to all
the nations, With tlie saIlle
me,sage for all. lIence they
have not eulisted in the fight-
ing forces of any of the ua-
tious. 'rhey mallltain strict
neutrality toward such Iwtious
in their mortal combats, They
kel'p true to the di \'ilw gO\ erll-
ment, whieh sends them us
ambassadors, even thongh this
neutrality and this Klllgdom-
preaching cause them to be
"hated by all the nations".
They have not fought for the
unrcconciled systems w h i c h
God will dcstroy at Armaged-
don. liellce their conscientious
objection! Their warfare is
sviritual. For this spiritual
war far e they are ordered:
"Take lip the complete suit of
armor from God"; aud snch
spiritual arm a r they Illust
take up that thpy Illay "be
able to stand firm the
machinations of the Dcd!; be-
cause we have a fight, not
against blood and flesh". hut
against spirit forces. (Eph,
Such terms
show Cod's amhassadors are
not pacifists. 1V 2/1
Monday, July 7
Then u'as Daniel brought in
bcj(,re the kill[/, . In that
niyht teas l1e1s1lUzzar the 1,;ng
of the Chaldeans slain.
-Dan. 5: 13,30.
Babylon's crowd would like
to heal' a pleasant mess"gp,
that is, that this old wo,.ld
will endure indefinitely. But
will .J pllOvah's witnesses soften
the jU<1gment mpssage from
J phomh '! Will they try to
please the ears of Satan's
seed? By .Tehovah's mer (' y
they boldly deelare the full
import of the message With
e\er-increasing v 0 I u m c and
finality, as Daniel di<1. They
know that .T chovah's host s of
execution arc on the move and
that .J dlOvah will shortly take
over the comvlctc rule of earth
through Christ J ('Hns. It is
trup. It is right. 'l'hpy l'an-
not hold back. .T ust as Danil'!
stood alone and nnarmed, so
.T ehovah's witnesses do not
carry carnal weapons, 'l'hcy
do not try to accomplish the
overthrow of the wickl'd world
through th"ir own pow .. r, bnt
they stand as .Jehovah's an-
nOl1llcers and impress all the
people by th .. ir boldness and
('omplpte t r us t in .Tphovah.
Never did they speak with
more boldness than now. W 9/1
Tuesday, July 8
For it is contained in Scrip-
t1l1'e: "Look! I am laying in
Zion a stone, chosCtt, a founda-
tion cornerstone, p)'ecious; and
lie that rcsts his faith on it
will by no means come to dis-
-1 Pet. 2: 6, NW.
The Cornerstone of Zion is
the King Christ J CSIIS. When
the "appointed times of the
nations" end e d in 1914 the
day of Jehovah commenced
and his King was authorized
to start operations in the
midst of his enemies. He wins
the battle after approximately
three and a half years, or by
1!J18. Just as at the first ad-
wnt J ('sus and was
anointed and three and a half
y<'ars latcr presented
as king, so in the complption.
In 1914 he began acthity as
priest and king, and three and
a half years lat!'r offered him-
self as king. Again he is the
tried and testeu Cornerstone.
For three and a half years he
battlPd evil and So
the Stone of Zion was laid in
completion in 1918. The King
not only is now present but
has proved himsPlf the vieto-
rious one of God's choice by
ousting from heaycn Satan and
all his demon forces, W 10/1
Wednesday, July 9
LOl'e ... docs not loole tor its
own interests.-l Cor. 13: 4, 5,
At Philippians 2 : 25-30 there
is not the trace of a sugges-
tion that Paul performed di-
vine healing to save Epaphro-
ditus from dying. Nor did he
prevent him from getting ncar
the gates of death, even thongh
his fellow worker was of great
help to Panl. But God blessed
what means were nscd to
bring him back to health and
so God had mercy on the sick
brother. Incidentally, if Epaph-
roditns were not to sleep in
death but to go immediately
to heaven at death, would
sparing him for fnrther earth-
ly life have been a mercy to
him? Besides him, there was
Trophimus. In Panl's last let-
ter before his death at Rome
he writl's to tell Timothy: "I
left Trophimns sick at !\Iile-
tus." (2 Tim. 4: 20, NW)
Why, now, did the gifted Paul
leave Trophimns sick, and why
had not Trophimus asked Paul
to use his gift of the spirit
upon him to heal him? Be-
cause miraculous power is not
to be used for onr personal
convenience or for the relief
of devoted Christians in the
church. lV 5/1
Thursday, July 10
That thou maycst say to the
IJI isoners, Go forth; to them
that are in darkness, Shew
yourscll'es.-I sa. 49: 9.
The remnant of Christ's
body formed a sen'ant body
under Jesus the lIead, and
the serrant class is not for
servillg itself only but for
othf'rs to whom Jeho-
vah sends his servant class.
The Hight Shepherd Christ
J eaus said he must gather
"other sheep" and bring them
that they wight be one flock
with the remnant under olle
Shppherd. A great crowd of
these other sheep are straying
about a bus c d by the false
shppherds of the BabJ'lonish
religious systems. 'l'hpy are,
in fact, prisoners of Babylon
and are in the deuth-deuling
dar k n e s s thpre. They, too,
need to have Jehovah's great
Servant say to them, Go forth,
show yoursd,'es, come ont into
fre!'dom and the light of truth
and divine favor! They, too,
must come to Zion and sub-
mit to the theocratic organiza-
tion so us to escape dcstruc-
tion at Armageddon. Now the
eyes of the remnant are open
to see they must serve these,
besides the s e I' van t class.
lV 12/15
Friday, July 11
Our conscience bears witness,
that with holiness and godly
sincerity, not 'lCith fleshly 'lCis-
dam but with God's unde-
served kindnes8, 'ICe ha!;e con-
ducted ourselves.
-2 Cor. 1: 12, NW.
Weare not trying to display
human worldly wisdom to blow
up ourselves in people's esti
mation. We humbly conduct
ourselves as persons who have
l' e c e i v e d God's undeserved
kindness and we do not want
to waste it by missing the
good purpose for which it was
conferred upon us. A big part
of that undeserved kindness is
expressed hy God's putting us
in the ministry, to serve out
the good news to other people.
If we are conscientious ahout
the way we carryon this min-
istry and use it right, not to
gain power over the people or
to make money off them or to
live off them, then we shall
not only have a clear con-
sci e n c e ourselves but also
recommend ourselves as God's
ministers to the consciences of
people who hunger for the
truth. That is the way Paul
felt about it. (2 Cor. 4 :1,2,
NW) Use tact indeed, but be
truthful. W 11/15
Saturday, July 12
And besides all these things,
a great chasm has been fixed
between us and you people.
-Luke 16: 26, NW.
The chasm pictures God's
judgment, which cannot be re-
versed and which divides the
dch man and Lazarus classes.
It forbids any mercy or relief
to Christendom. She is aban-
doned since making her deci-
sion following W orId War I.
She then decided against God's
established kingdom and fa-
vored the international con-
spiracy for rulinr the earth
by human agents in defiance
of His rightful sovereignty
and in opposition to his King
Jesus Christ, whom he put on
the throne in 1914 to rnle
amidst his enemies. The King-
dom is here to rule in tri-
umph. Now this world, in-
cluding Christendom and its
religious power s, must be
abandoned to destruction. Her
"rich man" class are like
Esau, who sold his birthright
for selfiRhness and moved to
Mount Seir. Afterward when
he wanted to inherit the bless-
ing he was rejected, for, "al-
though he earnestly sought a
change of mind [in Isaac]
witJ:t t,pars. he no
for it. -Heb. 12.16,17, NW,
Ezek. 35. W 8/1
Sunday, July 18
Accept . . . the sword of the
spirit, that is, God' 8 word,
while with every form of
prayer and supplication you
carryon prayer.
-Eph. 6: 17, 18, NW.
The sword is a spiritual one
for battling with the enemy at
close quarters. 'rhe spirit of
God forged, hardened, shaped
and sharpened that sword, be-
cause the writers of that Word
were just men and so they
needed the spirit or active
force of God to move them to
write His message. Hence His
spirit speaks to us by that
W onl and that Word is an ex-
pression of his spirit. His spir-
it is invincible, and that is
what makes this sword of
God's Word invincible against
man and devil. J csus set us
the exam pIe in using that spir-
itual sword, God's Word. His
quoting God's written Word
and saying "It is written"
killed or stopped cold the tra-
ditional arguments and world-
ly philosophies or unscriptural
reasonings of the religious
dupes of the demons. But
along with his expert use of
this sword from God Jesus
prayed, regularly. His prayers
were heard. W 6/15
Monday, July 14
From the time 0/ the taking
away of the continual ascend-
ing-sacrifice, and the placing
of the horrid abomination that
astoundeth, shall be one thou-
sand two hundred and ninety
days.-Dan. 12: 11, Ro.
The 1,290 days are reck-
oned from the date of the set-
ting up of the abomination, in
the latter part of January,
1919. This period of 3 years
and 7 months ends at Septem-
ber, 1922. Then the doom of
the abomination was to be
pronounced. Three years and
seven months passed from the
time the abomination was
placed until it was publicly
pronounced as condemned,
there at the Cedar Point Con-
vention of Jehovah's witnesses
in Septemher, 1922. 'l'here,
too, another situation ceased,
which had obtained from the
time the con tin ual sacrifice of
praise to Jehovah was in ter-
fered with in 1918. For now
this sacrifice of praise to him
was restored and it was again
being offered in his temple. At
this same time the horrid
abomination, standing in the
place of God's kingdom, was
exposed as a subterfuge. So
ended the 1,290 days of Dan-
iel. W 7/15
Tuesday, July lIS
Put up a hard fight for the
faith that was once for all
time delivered to the holy ones.
-Jude 3, NW.
May we see our dnty now
to do this by resisting all in-
filtration of immorality, un-
chastity and worldliness into
the theocratic organization by
persons today like Balaam and
J ezebel. In this behalf the rule
for us is, "Let marriage be
honorable among all, and the
marriage bed be without defile-
ment." Husbands and wives
will harmonize with this divine
rule. They will endeavor to
honor their marriage by digni-
fying it according to the ideal
standards which God's Word
sets for it. (Eph. 5: 21-33,
NW) 'Ve cannot consistently
gain our own salvation and
at the same time hinder oth-
ers from doing so because of
our immoral, reproachful be-
havior which involves God's
organization. If we disown
God by our conduct, he will
disown us by disfellowshiping
us. His judgment today is oot
moving slowly, and the de-
struction of the unclean is
not slumbering as if uncon-
scious of their conduct. W 1,/15
Wednesday, July 16
lIe sent his word, and healed
them, and delivered them/rom
their destructions.-Ps.10 : ZOo
It is not for failure on the
part of Jehovah's witnesses to
tell his message that Chris-
tendom faces destruction. In
sending his witnesses he had
a kindly purpose, namely, to
announce the Kingdom of sal-
vation and to give advance
warning of the evil to follow
a rejection of that kingdom.
This shows how vitally im-
portant the message we bear
is. Rather than be healed by
it, Christendom rebels against
it. All the same, the message
does have a good effect too.
The spiritual remnant them-
selves have been affected by
the Word this way, and now,
too, a great flock of "other
sheep" of the Right Shepherd.
With softened hearts they re-
ceive the message proclaimed
b,v the witnesses. They let it
slllk deep into open ears of
understanding, and with eyes
of faith they see how Jehovah
is using his witnesses to ac-
complish his work. So they
abandon doomed Christendom,
turn to Jehovah and associate
with his organization of wit-
nesses and get healed. W 4/1
Thursday, July 17
God will help her, and that
right cal'ly.-Ps. 46: 5, AS.
This does not mean early
in the test of the trust, in-
tegrity and faithfulnpss of his
peovle toward God. No, there
must be a full test of the un-
swerving devotion of his
cratic organization to him.
The wick('d intent and malice
of the enemy must be allowed
to bare itsdf, and the situa-
tion must become such as to
show that all human help is
unavailable and una b I e to
save. lIow, then, is God's help
of his organization "r i g h t
early"'! Et'('ause it is early in
the bright neW day for his
people. How oftt'n iu past his-
tory of his people it has been
at dawn that the dl'liverance
of them has been realized! So,
too, it will be for the dt'liver-
unce of the visible organiza-
tion of God's people. Out-
wardly, with the forcps of
darkness massing and pressing
in upon them, how dark the
depths of nig-ht might avpear
for them! Bnt his
deliverance of them at the
heig-ht of the battle of Arnla-
gerlrlon will usher in a new
day for them. It will be the
early part or morning of eter-
nal day for them. W 3/15
Friday, July 18
There is tlone /il,e UI/to thee
among the guds, 0 I,ord,. .. .
thon art God alol/c, ... 0
Jehovah.-Ps. 81l: 8-11, AR
Jehovah's dplivered remnant
have risen up in many lauds
.und have given testimony to
the godship of .Jehovah. By
their own fearless activity
they have demonstrated the
freedom lIe gives to the pris-
oners whom he frees from
Babylon by his kingdom which
he established in the hands of
his anointed King Christ Je-
Bns. Because of his faithful
and intrepid testimony in the
face of al the humiliated gods
of Babylon, the good-will per-
sons of all the nations arc
coming and worshiping with
the remnant before him. 'With
the anointed remnant they are
glorifying his name, and do-
ing so in defiance of all the
gods of this world, visible and
iuvisible. 'Vith courage and
devotion they are invading
other lands and exposing the
false gods and showing that
the worship of these is false
and leads to disaster and
death. As a rpsult they now
exalt Jehovah's godship and
kiugdom in 115 lands. W 11/1
Saturday, July 19
The new personality whieh
thrullgh aCCUI-ate knouledgc is
being rencucrl according to
the image of the otle who crc-
ated it.-Gol. 3: 10, NW.
What you will be traus-
fornwd into will be in accord
with knowledge from the Bi-
ble, and so it will be a change
into what God wants you to
be. Your beillg made a new
personality which stands out
different from this world re-
sults from kllowledge, accu-
rate knowledge of the great
Creator. IIis Word reveals
him to you and shows yon
how he conducts himself, what
he thinks, and what his prin-
('ip],'s or rules of action a1'f'.
It is a glorious vision thnt
you get of him by means of
his illumillated Word. By look-
ing at him through YOUI' ac-
curate knowledge, you cun he
made lIew and become an
image of him by reflecting
what he is, imitating him in
conduct and thought, express-
ing yourself like him, and
meeting- his r!''luiremcnts of
you. 'l.'hus you can be changed
from one stage of glory of
likeness to him to another
stage, and his holy svirit will
work in you in this hehalf.
W 10/15
Sunday, July 20
'Thy u:ord is a lamp to my
feet, and a light on my path.
-Ps. 119: 10:;, AT.
Jehovah's Word the Bible is
the best selIcr of alI time. For
many it is also becoming the
best dust-collector of our time.
The most-sold but proportiou-
ately least-r",l(l book. \Yhy?
'l'he Bible's worth comes un-
der assault from many quar-
t!'rS. '1'he scientist it is
not scientific. the atheist says
it is contradictory, the mod-
ernist clergy sny it is Ipgend,
the fundalllcntalists make it
apppar ridieulolls and void,
and the people generally dis-
miss it as impractical for
guidance in this hard-headed,
realistic, wiekPd old world.
But it is not unscientific. not
contradictory, not I,'gcndary,
not ridiculous and voi'l, nnd
ahove nil it is not impractical.
The srientist, the athcist, the
modernist and fundamentalist
clprgy, and the people gener-
allv are wrong, for the Bible
is 'the most &cientific, cOllsis-
tent, fnctual, r<'asonable tInd
praetieal book on ealth. It
alone is the reliable lamp and
Iigbt for the feet and path-
ways of men. W G/l
Monday, July 21
Death ruled a, king trolll Adam
dou'n ... That, just as sin
ruled a. Icing lrith death, like-
wise alsu undeserved kindness
might rule 118 king throll!Jh
rigittcoIISlIC88 tl'ith cl'crlruting
life in riew through J csus
Chl-ist OUI' Lurd.
-Rom. 5: 14, 21, NW.
So we were all subject to
the cruel king death from our
birth by being born from
Adam, and not even the law
of Moses proved to be a way
of escape from his reign. 'l'his
explains why everybody is sin-
ful, imperfcct, and dies. "'here-
as the law of Moses only
showed up all mankind, in-
eluding the Jews, to be sin-
ners, God's undesened kind-
ness came to man's rescue and
provided a way for fallen man-
kind to gain righteousness, the
reward of whkh is everlasting
lif" in a righteous ncw world.
If Moses' law failed to do it,
then no hUIlllln government
can make us righteous hy law
and give us a clean standing
before God. How, then, cau
we be freed from the condeIll-
nation to d,'ath which r!'sta
on us because of being born
in sin? Only by what God's
undpserved kll1dness do('s for
us t h r 0 11 g h his Son Jesus
Christ. W 8/1
Tuesday, July 22
Ecc1lI'Jlle ["1nyone, Mo] that
his 'u-ile and marries
(lrwther cummits adultery, and
he thot man';es (l woman di-
vorccd from a hus/lUnd com-
mits adultcry.-Luke 16: 18,
\Vhen Jesus spoke, the Law
covenant through Moses was
I.assillg out alld the )I('W CO\ e-
nUllt through the Greater Me-
diator, Jesus Christ, was su-
perseding it. rnder this if a
Christian got a divorce from a
Inarriage lnate on any grounds
other than s('xual unfaithful-
nl'SS, then if either of these re-
married that one would be
guilt.y of adultery. The Chris-
tian standard of marriage un-
der the new covenant would
be that established by God in
the gardcn of Edell with
Adam and EYe. The lllall had
but one living wife given him
for the purpose of raisillg
chil,lren to fill the earth and
su bdue it to 11 paradise state.
Cod provided no dinn'co for
the perfect pair. Likewise a
married Christian must be the
mate of only one liyillg part-
ner and should be faithful to
that one. This statement irri-
tated the Pharisees who fol-
lowed Talmudic teachings.
W 2/15
Wednesday, July 28
The Lord your God is testing
you.-Deut. 13,' 3, AT.
God subjects us to trial or
test, not to cause our down-
fall but to prove what we are,
to make what we are come to
view. He does not tempt us
with evil to wickedness, but
we ourselves under Satan's in-
fluence create the temptation
by thinking how nice it would
be to do or to have something
contrary to God's will, and
then not dismissing the desire
ere ate d by this improper
thinking, but considering it
more and more. In this way
we are drawn out and led to
ignore God's co u n s e I and
warning. 'Ve enter into temp-
tation. God proves what we
are by trial. (John 6: 6)
When he tried Abraham, he
proved Abraham's faith and
used him, not for an evil pur-
pose, but for making a won-
derful prophetic drama by
having him sacrifice his be-
loved son Isaac. God was not
asking Abraham to do some-
thing He himself would not
do, for Abraham here pictured
Jehovah God. In the great
test of God as to the depths
of his love for men he proved
himself big-hearted enough to
sacrifice his Son. W 8/15
Thursday, July 24
And he showed me a river of
water of life, clear as crystal,
flowing out from the throne of
God and of the Lamb down
the middle of its broad way.
And on this side of the river
and on that side thcre were
tree8 0/ Ii/e.-Rev. 22 .. 1,2, NW.
The spiritual remnant with
a hea, enly destiny were 1I0t
the only ones to be healed as
to their relations with God
through Christ. A great crowd
of others with an earthly des-
tiny also needed the benefit of
the heavenly Physician's health
work. They needed to be in-
vited to the waters of King-
dom truth. ~ ' h e y needed to
have applied to them things
with curative powers. So God
commanded that his healed
remnant should themselves go
forth on a healing mission in
these ominous days preceding
Armageddon. For it is only
the spiritually healed one who
will get through Armageddon
and emerge into the hale new
world. So he has made his
faithful remnant of Kingdom
heirs to grow up like sturdy
trees of righteousness on the
banl.s of the river of truth.
The standing of those rows of
trees of righteousness thpre is
a sure sign water is there.
W 5/15
Friday, July 25
Let those who arc suffering in
harmony with the will of God
keep on commending their
souls to a faithfUl Creator
while they are doing good.
-1 Pct. 4,' 19, NW.
God is the Creator of all
souls. If he judges you worth
saving to eternal life in the
new world, he can re-create
you as a soni in the resnrrec-
tion from the dead. He can
thus preserve your right to
life as a soul for the new
world. lie does not forget
your record of faithful service
to him, and he will never deny
you what it desen-es. (Heb.
0:10) Hence he protects your
right to the promised life in
the new world. All the while.
then, that you are doing good,
you can confidently commend
your son Is to him, knowing
they are in safe hands, and
whatever men may do to you
they cannot really harm the
eternal interests of your souls.
How wonderful it will be.
when Armageddon strikes for
the execution of divine judg-
ment, to be found doing God's
will and with our souls fully
commended to our faithful
Creator! Ouly in that way
may we expect to survive Ar-
mageddon. W 9/15
Saturday, July 26
No more will the fool be called
noble, nor the knave be count-
ed princely. But the noble man
plans noble things, and on
noble things he takes kis
stand.-Isa. 32: 5,8, AT.
God has raised up the great
Signal on high by installing as
King Christ Jesus, and all
lovers of theocratic govern-
ment have assembled to that
one gathering point, to his
feet as his subjects. The King
now reigns in righteousness
over them. In behalf of peace
and for the sake of righteous-
ness he has set up an arrange-
ment among them to fulfill the
prophecy that "princes shall
rule in justice". This proph-
ecy sets up the standard of
con d u c t in office for such
"princes", that the organiza-
tion may be kept clean, right-
eous. Those theocratically
made servants in the organiza-
tion must exercise justice and
impartiality, with heavenly
wisdom. Only then can they
be noble representatives of
the King of righteousness and
be let continue in office by him.
Stubborn fools and base, im-
pious, knavish pel'S 0 n s are
recognized for what they are
and are rejected as unfit for
good s e r vic e of any kind.
W 12/1
Sunday, July 27
You are doing well in paying
attention to it as to a lamp'
shining in a dark place,
day dawns.-2 Pet. 1.' 19, NW.
With Armageddon seheduled
for this generation, the Bible
is specially practical for our
day. Primarily so because it
charts our course through the
perilous storm of Armaged-
don's winter and guides us
through the portals of a new
world more refreshing and
lasting than any literal spring-
time could ever be. If we ac-
cept and follow the Bible as
our practical guide now, after
Armageddon we will look over
the destruction wrought by
the unlcashed wrath of J eho-
vah God. We will see the
wreckage and ruin of this so-
called diesel civilization, that
was too proud and conceited
and sophisticated to fit itself
to what it considered a camel-
train philosophy. Like dung
upon the ground will lie the
unburied bodies of those who
would not heed God. Strewn
ovcr the earth, unlamented,
says Jeremiah 25: 33. We do
not want to reap the fruits of
blindness which calls imprac-
tical what is practical. W 6/1
Monday, July 28
As a right kind of soldier of
Ohri8t Jesus take your part
in SUffering evil.-2 Tim. 2: 3,
The Christian's warfare is
not against blood and flesh.
His real foes caIlnot be touched
by carnal weapons, and hence
he takes up God's spiritual
armor. He turns his fighting
qualities and energies into the
spiritual warfare in order to
liberate people from the bond-
age of the wicked spirit forces
dominating this world. He is
in God's spiritual army under
Jesus Christ. For him to de-
sert it and join this world in
its fights would be disloyalty
to God and Christ. It would
deserve to be punished with
destruction without hope of
any life in the righteous new
w 0 l' I d. He must keep his
with God and pay
blS vow to him, for those who
arc "false to agreements" are
by God's law "deserving of
death". (Rom. 1: 31,32. NW)
So Jehovah's witnessps keep
neutral toward worldly con-
flicts and obey the command
to take part in suffering evil.
By loyal endurance they meet
Christ's approval. W 2/1
Tuesday, July 29
Repent, and let each one of
you be baptized ... Gct saped
from this crooked ycneration.
-Acts 2: 38, 40, NW.
The life-seeking Jews need-
ed to be saved from the bap-
tism of fire that threatened
the nation. Three thousand
believed Peter's message that
Jesns was glorified in heaven
to be both Lord and Christ,
and later thousands more; and
they were all baptized in llis
name for the forgiveness of
their sins and to receive the
gift of the holy spirit, partici-
pating in its baptism. In
course of time these followed
Jesus' instructions and did
not enter into Jerusalem at
Passover time A.D. 70. So
they did not get trapped there
by the Homan legions that be-
sieged the city, and ther. did
not fall by famine, pestilence
and the sword nor get eap-
tlu'cd and led off into exile as
slaves of Home. They were
spared from a fire baptism np-
on that faithless nation. In
this thpy pictured how per-
sons with faith in God aIHI
Christ today will be spared
from a like baptism shortly
upon Christendom. lV 11/15
Wednesday, July 30
II e will famish all the gods of
the eurth.-Zeph. 2.'11.
Jehoyah's remnant dc\iycred
in 1919 have a part as his co-
workers in famishing all the
gods of the earth or causing
them to waste away, disabling
them. How? By exalting J l ~
hovah before all nations 08
the only living and true God.
the invincible God who brings
deliverance. By announcing
that his agency for this dl'liv-
erance has come, namely. his
kingdom by Christ Jesus, and
hen c e that this deliverance
from great Babylon is now
possible for all people of good
will in all nations. Also by
displaying their own God-given
freedom from Babylon and by
showing that Almighty J eho-
vah has broken Babylon's yoke
from their necks. By showing,
too, that the gods of the na-
tions are false gods, that they
have no power against the
word, work and organization
of Jehovah, for he is "the God
of gOds". Also by demonstrat-
ing that the true, acceptable
religion, the clean, undefiled
worship exists in the theocrat-
ic organization of Jehovah's
free people. W 11/1
Thursday, July 31
Sanctify them by means of the
tluth .. your word is truth.
-John li: li, NW.
What we want is to be
transformed WIth a hope of
endless life in happiness ill
the new world now so close at
hand. In this behalf we need
to fill our heads with informa-
tion from the great Fountain
of life, Jehovah God. We need
knowledge to rep I ace igno-
rance. \\' e need light to replace
darkness. And such knowledge
and light we get by means of
God's Word, the Holy Bible.
It is this Word which sancti-
fips us. '],hat is, it separates us
from this world and brings us
dose to God. This was why
Jesus praypd for his followers
to be sanctified hy it. 1'he
reason why it sallctifies you
or 81't8 you apart from this
world is because it is different
from what this world thinks,
says, writes and tcachps. So
tear away Satan's blinding
veil which he has put over
your cyes by means of this
w 0 r I d. 'V i t h unprejudiced
eyes and honest hearts come
to God's Book and earnestly
and prayerfully study it to
learn the enlightening truth.
Then your mind will be freed
fro m bedarkenillg traditions
and phi los 0 phi e s of men.
lV 10/15
Friday, August 1
This good news of the kingdom
will be preached in all the in-
habited earth for the purpose
of a witncss to all tlle natiuns,
and then the accomplished end
will comc.-Matt. 24: 14, NlV.
Thus Jesus answers the
question, liow long must I
keep on working? As long us
this witness must be preuchPfI
to the natiolls, the end will
not come. It is quite evi<lellt
that thousands upon thousands
of persons have not yet been
given ample opportunity to
take their stand on the Sifle
of the Killgdom. "-hat shall
be done? \Yith thousands of
persons of good will coming to
Jehovah's organization and
be corn i n g ministers of the
good news after a period of
study, and this at the rate of
49,O()() a year since 19'18, one
would think the Theo('racy's
increase would be even great-
er euc'h year. Couid it be
greater? Is ('ach onp dedicatl'd
to God getting a firm hold on
eternal life by declaring the
right confession publi('iy? It
is good for everyone of J e-
hovah's witness('s to analyze
his work carefully. W 1/1
Saturday, August 2
'1'he cup of blessing which u'e
blcss, is it not a sharing in
the blood of the Christ? ...
Yuu c(wnot be drinking thc
cup of Jchorah and the cup ()f
demot!s.-l Cal'. 10:16,21,
Christ's body members do
not ~ h a r e in providing the
blood of the new co,"enant.
Only Jesus docs that. By his
blood he mediates the new
Covenant in their behalf. So in
that sense they could not be
"sharing in the blood of the
Christ". liow, then, ('an Paul's
words above be true? Becanse
this cup is the "cup of J cho-
vah" in still another sense.
How so? In that it pictures
the portion which Jehovah has
poured. J ('sus and his little
flock of Kingdom joint heirs
must drink it to prove their
integrity to IIim and their
worthillPss of the Kingdom.
It symbolized God's will for
the drinker, and drin.king it
spelled suffering and death on
the torture stake for J I'sus.
But God's will for Jesus did
not md in h i ~ death. It also
inc Iud e d .T psus' resurrection
from the dend to immortal
life in heaven, and so a sav-
ing of him ant of death. It
was for him, therefore, a "cup
of salvation" also. W 1/15
Sunday, August 8
Say, "Fathm', . . . Let your
kingdom cOtl/c."-Luke 11: 2,
'Vhen King David was rul-
ing in the midst of his foes in
the Promisl'd Land he had to
come against all them and
subdue them all unti! he had
reacJ1t'd every border of the
kingdom's God-given domain.
Likewise Christ Jesus the Son
of David, who is now ruling
ill the midst of his enemies,
must yet come like a thief at
an uncxpected day and hour
against them lined up at Ar-
mageddon and must break up
their organized power and
grind them to powder. '1'he
first expre&sion of the King-
dom's corning was when it be-
gan the tribulation on Satan's
world organization and hurled
him down from the Iwavclls.
The complete pxpressiou of its
coming will be when it re-
vives this tribulation which
has been interrupted sin c e
H118 and wipes out Satan's
organization at Armageddon.
There Jesus the King binds
him and his demons, casts
them into the abyss and seals
it np for a thousand years.
Then he begins reigning for a
millennium. So then is when
the prayer is fully answered.
1V 8/15
Monday, August 4
Not by might, nor by power,
but by my spirit.-Zeeh. 4: 6,
Confined invalids and crip-
ples are reporting time they
devote to witnesslllg, and they
are listed among the more than
435,000 active witnesses whom
the Almighty has raised up in
this year 1952. These confined
ones should not be neglected.
We should care for them, co-
operate with them, supply
their service needs, furnish
them spiritual food by person-
al visitation and other means.
Besides persons in hospitals,
sickrooms, and other places of
confinement who are letting
the light of Kingdom truth
shine out, there are others
who are blind, deaf, dumb,
crippled or otherwise handi-
capped and afflicted. These are
nevertheless going out into the
field and proclaiming the King-
dom and accomplishing a
mighty witness, all in demon-
stration of God's power amid
weakness. So none of such-
like should be disheartened.
Let them carry forward their
fine efforts and put God's pow-
er to the proof. W 5/1
Tuesday, August I)
Be not dismayed at their faces,
. . . they shall fight against
thee; but they shall not pre-
vail against tll ee.
~ e r . 1: 1"1, 19.
There are two courses open
for us to chose from: either to
be faithful or unfaithful, fear-
less or f e a l' f u I. Jeremiah's
prophecy shows we will pass
through much persecution and
still Jehovah will always pro-
vide sufficient help in every
time of need. The prophecy is
strengthening to our faith, be-
cause it discloses that he will
preserve his faithful witnesses
as a body right through the
battle of Armageddon and into
the new world. True, there are
going to be some who start in
the Christian way and then
become fearful through defi-
ciency in knowledge of and
trust in .Tehovah, looking for
salvation in modern-day Egypt
instead, which is seen in the
prophetic story of U rij ah. This
should be a warning to us.
Let us be as faithful as Jere-
miah, always. Yes, some faith-
ful individual witnesses may
die in the fray, as a testimony
to Jehovah's honor, but that is
to their gain. Future life is
guaranteed. W 9/1
Wednesday, August 6
When you see Abraham and
Isaao and Jaoob and all the
prophets in the kingdom of
God, . . . people will come
from eastern parts and west-
ern, and from north and south,
and will recline at the table
in the kingd01n of God.
-Luke 13: 28, 29, NW.
Seeing them "in the kingdom
of God" means seeing with the
eye of understanding that J e-
hovah, Jesus Christ and his
congregation of spirit-begotten
followers form the kingdom of
God and are the ones in that
heavenly kingdom. The expres-
sion here "all the prophets,"
together with J aeob, repre-
sents the congrpgation of spir-
itual Israel, the members of
the "body of Christ". In the
prophecies such ancient proph-
ets were used to foreshadow
these spirit-begotten Christians
and to forecast their role or
course of action. So together.
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all
the prophets picture the theo-
cratic government. So when
people from all directions come
and recline at the Kingdom
table, it means that these be-
lievers are taken into the
Kingdom class and feast on
Kingdom truths. So we do not
need to wait till faithful men
of old are resurrected to see
Jesus' prophecy fulfilled. W 3/1
Thursday, August 7
Let the children of Zion be
joyful in their King.
-Ps. 149: 2.
Jehovah now reigns by his
enthroned King Christ Jesus.
The same degree of loyalty and
faithfulness is required of
those who have the heavenly
hope and those who have the
earthly hope. Complete dedi-
cation of everything one has is
required of all who will en-
joy the happiness of God's
un i v e r s al organization. His
"other sheep" today are hap-
py because they know that the
earthly organization of J eho-
vah to whIch they belong is
under the immediate control
of the heavenly organization,
and they will make up earth's
new society under the ruler-
ship of Zion's King. All should
remember that the whole in-
habited earth must know that
the heavenly Zion's King is
now in authority and is rul-
ing. The Cornerstone has been
laid there in completion and
the judgment is on. The unbe-
lievers will be destroyed but
the believers will be saved,
protected and blessed forever.
Behold, therefore, your King
and be happy, you who believe
in him. Honor the King and
rejoice to the full. W 10/1
Friday, August 8
J will also give thee for a
light to the Gentiles, that thou
muyest be my saivat'ion unto
the end of the earth.-J sa. 49: 6.
Jesus restricted his preach-
ing to the Jews and Samari-
tans that these first might
have the Kingdom opportunity
extended to them. So here
again we see the need of the
sen'ant class, if Jehovah's
Servant is to be a "light to
the Gentiles" and His "salva-
tion unto the end of the
earth". The Chief S e r van t
would have to use his follow-
ers as his ambassadors and
send them to the Gentiles, if
light and salvation were to
come to such uncircumcised
nations. This he began to do
when he sent Peter to the
Italian centurion Cornelius to
preach the good news about
Jehovah and his Christ. That
Isaiah's prophecy here includes
in a secondary way the serv-
ant class under their Head Je-
sus is stated under inspiration.
The apostle Paul and his com-
parIion Barnabas applied it
this way when they quoted it
at Acts 13: 47. There is no
question about it. This part
of Isaiah's prophecy a p p l i ~ s
also to the remnant since 1919_
W 12/15
Saturday, August 9
The Eternal was a witness at
your marriage in youth to the
wife with whom yolt have now
broken faith-though she is
your own mate and lawful
wife,-Mal. 2: 14, Mo.
Every Christian 0 u t sid e
should respeet the marriage bed
of a husband and wife and not
yield to any part in causing a
defilement of It. For a Chris-
tian to procure a divorcement
where the marriage mate has
not proved immoral and then
remarry is a violation of the
marriage bed. Scripturally it
is bigamy. Likewise a pro-
fessed Christian who practices
polygamy is dishonoring mar-
riage and defiling the Christian
marriage bed. A Christian will
honor his own marriage or that
of another because it is what
God instituted. A Christian
will not covet another's mar-
riage partner and will not
commit adultery or fornica-
tion. These things are sin and
displease God. The apostle
Paul warns against such sins,
"for God will judge fornica-
tors and adulterers." (Heb.
13 : 4, NlV) This fact should
act as a deterrent against
one's dishonoring marriage and
defiling the marriage bed,
W 4/15
Sunday, August 10
They that are wise shall shine
as the brightness of the firma-
ment.-Dan. 12: 3, AS.
H you are one of those
faithful ones who are being
circumscribed and limited in
your worship of Jehovah by
worldly powers, take comfort
and rejoice that God's day is
here and the night for J eho-
vah's people is over, and you
will yet be brought forth from
the difliculties and proscrip-
tions JOU are enduring and
you will yet shine forth more
brilliantly. Yes, the way out
of Babylon's darkness is made
clear, for the Kingdom snn
shines npon it. 'l'he faithfnl
therefore declare the Kingdom
truths with boldness. without
fpar of man or conditions, for
they know whom they srne
and why they serve. and where
they are going. Shine forth,
then, YOIl people of Jehovah,
so that the retnrning mnlti-
tudes will not lORe their way
or stumble as they engerly
make for the holy dty. Those
who shine forth are the wise
onE'S awl shall be rewarded by
Jehovah fort'vermore. BJ!'ssed
pri vilegrs now and e tel' n a I
praise in the new world will
be your portion. W 7/1
Monday, August 11
And one cried unto another,
and said, Holy, holy, holy. is
JehOl'ah of hosts: the lcho/e
earth is full of hi . ylu/'y.
-Jsa. 6: 3, AS.
'I.'heir saying "holy" three
times makes this quality very
emphatic. It shows that the
Ahnighty God is inherently
devoted to righteousness, in-
c a p a b I e of doing anything
wrong, That is why the earth
Ol'l'r which he has takcn his
great power to reign by Christ
must be made a holy place.
Thc earth is his footstool, and
it will be made glorions, for it
was with prophetic import
that the seraphim kept calling
to one another, "The whole
earth is full of his glory." So
this unholy world cannot go on
forever. Not yet is our earth
full of his glory, but it will be
full of it as a result of the
oncoming "war of the great
day of God the Almighty". His
s pIe n d 0 r will be
everywhere throughout the
earth, and all the living will
know he is King. Already
amid the gloom of this world
.Tehovah's witnesses are catch-
ing up his glory light from the
temple and are refjpeting the
glorious knowledge of God to
the people longing for light.
W 4/1
Tuesday, August 12
The kingdoills Kere mot'ed: he
utten'd his vcriee, the earth
melted. Jeho/'ah of hosts is
with us.-Ps. 46: 6, 7, AS.
Those in the theocratic or-
ganization will remain solid
and unmoved upon their "el er-
lasting rock", Jehovah. 'I.'his
Almighty One with his heal'en-
Iy armies is on our side. So
who can be against us and
win? Like J csus in Gethsem-
ane, we do not now ask for
his legions of angcls to inter-
vene in a violent way for us
befol'e the di ville time. Yet we
know th<,y surround us with
their protection. '''I'be angel of
J e h 0 v a h f'ncampeth round
about them that fl'ar him, and
delil'creth the m." (1'8.34: 7,
AS) We know that at present
they are "spirits for public
service" whom God sends forth
to minister to his Kingdom
heirs and their companions of
good will. (Heb. 1:14, NlV)
'I.'ake c 0 u l' age, then, even
tho ugh you seem standing
alone. Jehovah of hosts is
with each onc of his ppople
upon whom his name is called,
because they stick on his side
and proclaim his name. TV
Because you do not continue
running with them in this
course to the same low sink
of debaucherll, they are puz-
zled and go on speaking abu-
sively of you. But these people
'I<'ill render an account to the
one ready to judge.-l Pet.
4: 4. 5, NlV.
Do not mind being thonght
queer. This being thought ec-
centric and queer by this
world is nothing over which to
feel embarrassed. 'l'his being
talked about with scorn and
reproach is nothing oYer which
to feel bad or to feel COll-
demned. It is something over
which to feel grateful to God,
b!'causc we han' the
of suffering reproach with
Him and his Son. Imagine the
way must have talked
about Noah and his family
for not indulging in the vio-
lence, fleshly corruption and
evil imaginations, sehemes and
hypocritical religion of that
final century before the Flood.
It was because Nouh's course
condcmm'd the w 0 rId. But
their cvilspeakillg and con-
of Noah and his
household did not prove these
in the wrong, for these sur-
vived the flood, but the cvil-
sp!'akcrs were flooded out of
existence. lV 9/15
Thursday, llugust 14
No longer go on walking just
the nations also walk in
the unproft.tablencss of their
minds, they are in dark-
ness mental/y.-l!Jph. 4: 17, 18,
Since the mind is that facul-
ty of our eonsciousness with
which we gather information
and think, then for it to be
made over we must gather in-
formation other than what
this world has brought us up
on, thus giving us a certain
mental cast or structure. 'rhis
world professes to be wise and
brainy in this twentieth cen-
tury, but it is built and oper-
ated according to ignorance.
This has come largely through
willfulness due to selfishness.
By this WI' mean ignorance of
God's truth, his will and his
purposes. If we pattern our
livps after this system of
things and itR nations, then,
whether willfully or unknow-
ingly, we are patterning our-
selves after thosc who are in
mental darknpss unrl alienated
from godly living because of
the ignorance in them and be-
cause of thl'ir unfpeling h!'arts.
Is that the kind of Iwopl ... we
want to copy? If we do, then
our minds will nev!'r be made
over hut will be blinded. W
Friday, llugust 15
A8 the new 1I('al'en8 and the
fl('W earth, which I will make,
shall remain before me, saith
Jehol'ah, so shall your sced
and your name remain.
-Isa. 66: 2Z, AS.
Christendom has been thor-
oughly corrupled. One terrible
by-product of her hypocritical,
apostate COUl'Sp is atheistic in-
tprnatiollul communism! 'rhis
anti-Clmstiun social and polit-
ical system is sworn to wipe
out Christendom. 'rhe prospect
of World War III with atomic
wpapons of muss destruction
off\c'rs Christendom no s \l r e
PI'OSp!'pt of postwar religious
!'xistence or aetiyity. So it
looks as if the fnlsp god Sa-
tan and his world religion had
won out tll is time for sure.
But not so! Again J ehoYah has
met the chullpnge. Again he
has produced a rl'mnant for
his nume, a remnunt de,oted
to his pure worship. Let a
third world war come, y('s, let
the ('nd of this world come and
with it I1postate Christendom's
end, yet JdlOvah's faithful
remnailt are hcre to stay till
victory crowns the faithfulness
of cleau, undefiled worship. lV
Saturday, August 16
Noah was fire hundred years
old: and Noah begat Shem,
Ham, and J(lpheth. And Noah
went in, (lnd his sons, and his
wife, and his sons' wivcs.
-Gcn. 5: 32; 7: 7.
In whom docs Noah's wife
find her correspondency today'!
Obviously in the "bride" of
Christ the "Lamb's wife".
They the "body of Christ",
his 144,000 faithful anointed
followers who make up his
spiritual "little flock". Noah
had his wife well before the
end of that ungodly world and
Ilossibly long before thp birth
of his three sons. So Christ's
bri,le began forming long, long
before the end of this wicked
world, namely, nineteen cen-
turies ago, at the beginning of
this Christian system of things.
In this "time of the end" she
is repres('nted on earth by the
remnant of his anointed little
flock. Noah's wife did not for-
sake him. She followed him
into the ark and did not die
off but spent some of her years
after the flood, though not to
bring forth further childrcn to
Noah. So with the remnant
now. Jehovah God is the great
Balltizer of them into the
Greater Noah. W 11/15
Sunday, August 17
Fight for your brethren.
-Neh. 4: 11/.
Cyrus the Persian, in his
first year, let the calltive Jews
return to the site of J erusa-
lem and rebuild Jrhovah's tem-
pip. They did not have to fight
for their liberation by force of
military arms, but Almighty
God res tor e d them for his
name's sake and becanse they
repented and devoted them-
selves to his worship. But even
after their restoration to their
homeland the Jews did not be-
come pacifists. This fact is
noteworthy in the case of Ne-
hemiah! He was made gover-
nor of the Jewish province in
Palestine and was sent to
build good walls for the re-
stored city of Jerusalem. The
pagan enemies accused him of
trying to secede from the em-
pire. What action did he take?
God's cause was involved and
the liberty of his Ilea pie to
worship him freely. That was
why the Israelites chose to
fight. It was not for the glory
and po,,-er of the Persian em-
Ilire that they fought. They
fought for their brothers who
belonged to God's organization
and who worshiped him. W
Monday, August 18
'l'he han;cst is past, the sum-
mer is ended, and we are not
sa ved.-,J cr. 8: 20.
Now is the favorable season
of and summertime in
which we study God's \Vord,
preach thc gospel, warn oth-
ers, bring forth fruits of right-
eousness, and store up treas-
ures in heaven that will as-
sure us Uod's protection dur-
ing Armageddon. We may
have to change our eating hab-
its now, shifting to good spir-
itual food for our Ullbuilding
and strengthening ill Chris-
tian work. Now, before Arma-
geddon starts, is the time for
it. When wintry destruction
sets in the favorable season
for work will be gone, the har-
wst will be past, the slImmer
will be over, and many will
see that they arc not saved.
Like the bird or the bee or the
bear that might wait for the
first blizzard to be convinced
of winter's coming, these tardy
persons will be caught un-
awares and be swept into de-
struction. \Vhl'n winter starts
it is too late for animals to
Ilreparc for survival. So it will
be for persons who wait for
Armageddon's start to begin
flight. 1V 6/1
Tuesday, August 19
With the merc
' ul thou wilt
shew thysel merciful.
-Ps. 8:25.
Remember that those who
are merciful now will receive
God's mercy during the de-
structions of Armageddon and
will survive into the new
w 0 rId. Our work now of
preaching the good news of
God's kingdom is a work of
rescuing lives from destruction
at Armageddon. The merciful
rescue-workel's will be rescued
and preserved during Arma-
geddon. We must ex e r cis e
mercy toward the people to
whom we preach, even if they
are ungrateful. If we did not
forgive the people in our ter-
ritory to whom we proclaim
the good news but who ignore
us or mistr!'at us, we would
not go back and work our ter-
ritory over again with the
life-saving Kingdom message.
We represent God's kingdom,
and his kingdom is a govern-
ment of forgiveness toward
man, for Christ .J esus the
King of kings is God's High
Priest and his followers who
will be kings in heaven with
him are also to be priests of
God with him. W 8/15
Wednesday, August 20
Love . . docs not keep ac-
count of the injury.-l Oor.
13:4,5, NW.
This is not the time to be
looking back and mourning,
and becoming so swallowed up
in our weak selves that we lose
sight of Jehovah's theocratic
organization and his glorious
deeds of today. The remedy for
an introverted, morbid state
of mentality is to look ahead,
not back. Keep the mind occu-
pied with progressive thoughts.
Keep it busy considering for-
ward-looking plans. Keep your
thoughts on the obligations
ahead of you and how you are
going to meet them. Remem-
ber the Bible studies for which
you have to prepare, the talks
you have to prepare for the
public platform, the dl'mou-
strations you have to get ready
for the weekly service meet-
ing, and all the other things
God has in reservation for
you. Do not pull yourself
down, do not weaken yourself,
do not halt your progress by
painful looking back at your
sins or by looking back wish-
fully at the things behind. The
Bible looks for war d to the
new world, and it turns our
minds forward to it. W 10/15
Thursday, August 21
He must rule as king until
God has put all enemies under
his feet. As the last enemy,
death is to be destroyed.
-1 Oor. 15: 25, 26, NW.
The only cures then possible
will be from God through his
King and will be without
financial charge. All those who
undergo the full divine treat-
ment till the great Physician
discharges them from treat-
ment because completely cured
will be able to meet the loos-
ing of Satan and his demons
at the end of the thousand
years. None will then be too
weak to meet and repel his de-
cepti ve assaults and hold on
to their perfect health of
body, mind and heart against
his infectious efforts. 'l'hose
who yield to his misleading
will do so, not due to some
lurking disability in their sys-
tem, but willfully and on their
own inexcusable rt'sponsibility.
God and his King will not Irt
these rebels against theocratic
government and righteousness
live on and contaminate and
infect the new world with
death-breeding sin. 'l'hey will
destroy them utterly, cauteriz-
ing out the disease possibilities
with the fire of everlasting de-
struction.-Rev. 20: 7-15. lV
Friday, August 22
The sceptre of wickedness
sh(tll not rest upon the lot of
the, ightcolls; that thc right-
cous put not forth their hands
unto i"iqltity.-Ps. 125 .. 3, AS.
J ehovuh keeps the orgunized
ruli ng powers of this world
from overwhelming his peo-
ple and wielding infinenee over
them to force them into iniq-
uity or lawlessness against
<jod leading to their being east
away by Him. He will abo
watch 0\ "I' the internal condi-
tion of his people and see that
no lawless person rises np and
stays in control among his
people who arc H,"eking right-
eousness and mPIkncss as sub-
jects of the King of rightl'ous-
ness. 'l'he "princ.'s" whom the
King has appointed hy his
theocratic organization to
"rule in justice" will be watch-
ful, too. Each one will serve
as a prote('tion. \\-e are no
longer in abjed suhjection to
the political p,mers of this
world. \Ye ha\'e come out for
God-J'nle in his organization.
Appointment of his bUr/TIt in
his vi",ihlp organization is not
by pcovle's rule or democratic
process, hut these are uppoint-
ed by the l' e i g n i n g King
through his godly 01 gUlllza-
tion. lV 12/1
Saturday, August 23
The lall d mil ,t nut be sold in
perpetuity; fol' the land tS
mine, . . . Fol' it is to lIIe
that the lUlIe/ite . at'e ,ilia .. ,
being '" y s I a /) e s whom I
brought Ollt of tile land of
Egypt.-Lcv. 25: 23, 55, ..1,1'.
'l'he chief OPllressor of the
human race is Jehovah's grcat
adversary, Satan the Devil.
J pho\'ah God stands for true
liberty of all his creatures. Sa-
tan the Devil stands for their
enslavement. Ile opposes the
divine purpose to free them,
because this means freeing
them from the Devil's power.
Democracies and people's re-
publics do not blllze the trail
to freedom. It is THEOCRACY,
God's government, his great
Jubilee Kingdom, that is to
deliver mankind. It will Wf('st
this earth which is God's erea-
tion and possession from the
grasp of the selfish land haron,
Satan the Devil, and will re-
store earth's domain and its
inhabitants to the sway of
J chovah's universal sowr'eiv;n-
ty, .m free membprs of hi, uni-
versal family of intelligent
(']'catures. Thus the J\lbilee
foretold a greater rckasl' from
deht and slavery for mall kind
and a greater revitalization of
thc eijrth. And to think, it is
at the doors! lV 8/1
Sunday, August 24
IIow can a 1Ioung man k('e/l
his path pure? By hcedin" til y
wurd. I find joy in tlly stat-
utes; I will not forget tit 11
lcord.-Ps. 119 .. 9,16, .1'1'.
\Ye canuot underestimate
the val u e, importance and
power of God's Word. We
must give it a continual place
in our lives, ahead ot the
words and commandll1ellls of
allY men who would make
GO(l's \Yord null and \ o,d,
even under persecution. For
our glliil() Psalm 11 D : 161
(LiS) says: "Princes have
me wit h 0 1I t a
cuuse; hut my heart F.tandeth
in awe of thy words." H!'lIce
we cleave to God's written
Word and olwy it. By taklllg
heed to his \Yord we ('an
cleanse our path and kCf'!1 it
pure, clear through this dJrty
world. His \\'ord taken illto
hearts and hends cau make
our minds over, and in this
way can transform our lives
away from all imitating of
this corrupt system of things
over to a course acceptahle to
God, in full harmony with him
and leading us to eternal life
in his new w 0 r I d.-Rom.
12: 1, 2, NW. W 6/15
Monday, August 25
In that event I ask you, la-
ther, to send him to the house
of 'tIl,y father, for I have five
brothers, in order that he may
give them a thorough witness,
that they also should not get
into this place of torment.
-Luke 16: 27, 28, NW.
The rich man admits Laza-
rus is a witness of Jehovah.
He wants the Greater Abra-
ham to send Lazarus away
from his bosom to preach to
his brothers in such a way
and with such a message that
it will not show them up to
be dead toward God. It should
not put them in mental tor-
ment. On the contrary, it
should give them the false as-
surance that they are still in
divine favor, reposing, like
Lazarus, in the bosom of the
Grrater Abraham with all the
promised new world blessings
in view. 'l'he rich man class
of today want God to make
his witnesses change their nn-
orthodox way of preaching
and also the message. Soft-
p"dal this message of the "day
of vengeance of onr God" and
let up on 'overturning the
strongly entrenchrd things' of
error, false religion, worldly
friendship. Spare the "fh'e
brothers' the tor men t the
clergy suffer. lV 3/1
Tuesday, August 26
Do you not know tlwt u'e shall
judge angel8r-1 Cor. 6: 3,
Jehoyah mnst set himself
right. not only before men, but
also before angels. That means
holy angels as well as hostile
ones, Satan's drmons. Although
a world ended in Noah's day,
yet Jehovah God did not send
Noah to serve notice upon Sa-
tan the Devil to inform him
that that wicked one was then
to be dl'stroyed. Now, however.
God Almighty is causing a
most unusual message to be
delivered. Most unusual in
what way? In that it serves
notice upon Satan and all his
demons that they too are to
be destroyed at the end of this
world. At Armageddon they
will be cast still lower than
the earth, into the great abyss
to be held in solitary confine-
ment there for a thousand
years. Their pride keenly hurt,
they object to being reminded
of this now by the preaching
of Jehovah's witnesses. N ei-
ther do they want people on
earth to be told about it.
'l'hat is why they fight against
the proclamation made by Je-
hovah's witnessps. Satan now
rages against them like II
cornered lion. W 9/15
Wednesday, August 27
no covenant them,
nor with their gods.
-Ex. 23: 32, AS.
Jehovah God backs up his
pure worship. His great adyer-
sary, together with all the de-
mons under him, endeavors
continually to work impurities
into it and adulttrate it and
make it hypocritieal so that
even J eho\"ah God will reject
it and abandon it to be de-
stroyed. So there is a con test
of gods or mighty ones over
the bsue of religion or wor-
ship. 'l'here can be no compro-
mise betw('en true Christianity
and the religion of this world.
Before brillging the Israelites
into the laud of Palestine
which he had promis('d them,
God made this matter perfect-
ly clear to them. At the be-
ginning of their forty-year
journey there he said to them:
"They [th!' pagau inhabitants]
shall not dwell in thy land,
lest they make thee sin against
me; for if thou serve their
gods, it will surely be a suare
unto the"." (Ex. 33, AS)
In the face of that divine
statemellt who can object to
the slogan that false, worldly
religion is a snare and is
worked as a racket? TV 11/1
Thursday, August 28
But deliver us from the wicked
one.-"lfutt. 6: 13, NW.
Where a child proves him-
self loyal undcr trial, wili not
a loviug earthly father rescue
the child from a wicked assail-
ant and opprpssor? Yes; and
so will the hcavenly Father,
too. Since 1919 God has deliv-
ered the relllnant 011 earth of
his Kingdom heirs from great
mystic Babylon, Satan's world.
All the people of good will in
all nations see the salvation
and deli verallce Jehovah has
effected for his remnant, and
they are being shown the way
to get deliverance from Baby-
lon also. Bnt answer now to
our prayer means more than
just keeping us out of Satan's
power and rescuing us from
his mighty organization while
lie leaves him and his organ-
ization still on the loose. An-
swer now to onr prayer means
a deliverance by preserving us
against Satan's final attacks
in this time of the end and
destroying him and all his or-
ganization whereas we snr-
vive the end of his world. This
salvation or deliverance God
effects by means of his king-
dom for which we pray. lV
Friday, August 29
1'0 the peoples will I raise my
signal; and they shall bring
your sons in their bosom, ...
kings shall be your fostcr fa-
thers, and their queens your
-Iso. 49: 22, 23, A1'.
This proves that this proph-
ecy of the release of the bound
ones must be fulfilled now be-
fore the battle of Armageddon
while there arc nontheocratic
nations, peoples, kings and
queens. These earthly systems
and rulers arc unable to hold
their own people of good will
under them when they hear
the liberation call of J eho-
vah's great Servant, Come
forth! Show you l' s e I v e s!
Emerge into freedom and into
light! Despite their mobilizing
of the peoples by dictatorial
measures, they are obliged to
yield these "other shecp" over
to the theocratic organization
of Zion. They are obliged to
bow and admit defeat of their
endeavors to prcvent all this
gathering to the Signal which
.J ehovah has raised on high.
That Signal is his King Jesus
Christ, his great Scrvant of
liberation, whom he raiRed to
the throne in 1914 to rule
amidst his enemies. W 12/15
Saturday, August SO
lVhoever di1:orces hi8 wife ex-
cept on the grounds of fornica-
tion and man-ies another com-
mits adu ltery.
-Matt. 19: 9, NW.
N either here nor in his ser-
mon on the mount did J csus
condemn God for allowing the
Jews to practice divorce accord-
ing to his law given through
Moses. (lJeut. 24: 1-4; Matt-
5: 31, 32, NW) Jesus was
not here say i n g that the
Christian who gets the di-
vorce because of the sexual
unfaithfulness of his mate may
only get rid of such mate and
deprivc such mate of bed and
board and not be free, how-
ever, to marry another Chris-
tian woman. Under God's law
to Israel the man getting a
divorce from his morally un-
clean wife was not harred
from marrying another Israel-
ite woman. So Jesus was not
interpreting d i v 0 I' C e by a
Christian in such a way as
to forbid his remarriage. J e-
sus' words mean strictly this:
If the Christian procures the
divorce on grounds other than
the immorality of his marriage
mate such Christian is com-
mitting adultery if he re-
marries, for the marriage bond
was not really canceled in
God's sight by the legal di-
vorce. W 4/15
Sunday, August 31
That which corresponds to this
is a/so now sadng you, name-
ly, baptism, (not the putt'ing
away of the of the flesh) .
-1 Pet. 3. 21, NW.
Now a good conscience to-
ward God is attainable by
means of thc Greater Noah,
Christ .J esus. Through him we
get rest for our consciences
and we enjoy peace with God.
This good conscience toward
God is what all lovers of eter-
nal life crave and request in
their prayers toward (iod and
in all their efforts. V\' e long to
have a of being
no longer sinners but to have
a righteous standing with
him and be at peace with him.
Now it can be won, not by
just putting away fleshly filth
as the .Jews tried to do in an
effort toward self-righteous-
ness, but by faith in God and
in his provisions t h r 0 ugh
Christ .J esus. God's forgiveness
of our sins is now possible
only through Christ's blood.
Any of our own works for
justifying ourselves by mere-
ly cleaning up our flesh out-
wardly are d!'ad works; they
have no lift'-giving quality
about them_ 'rhey do not make
us alive toward God and his
proper service. lV 11/15
Monday, September 1
God gaL'o 118 not a spirit of
cowardice, but that of power
and of lore and of soundness
of mind. Therefore do not be-
come ashamed of tho witncss
about our Lord, neither of me
a prisoner for his sake, but
take your part in suf/crin!l
evil for the good neu's accord-
ing to til e potvc'r of God.
-2 Tim. 1: 7, 8, NlV.
. We must expect persecu-
tion; we may ('xpcct imprison-
ment, even as Paul, who spent
time ia prison. We may ex-
pect to find many faithful
even though behind totalitarian
iron curtains, forced out of
communication with the rl'st
of God's people. 'Ve may ex-
pect to find some when we are
in concentration camps or
sconrged by mob violence. This
one thing we know for sure:
we eannot expect favor from
this wicked world, for this old
world is not for God's king-
dom. J csus said: "My king-
dom is no part of this world."
And we know this, too. We
have been warned concerning
these conditions, and despite
them all we will interest our-
selves only in the assembling
of the "other shepp", for this
vindicates God's name. W 1/1
Tuesday, September 2
o sing unto the Lord a new
song; for he hath done mancl-
lous things: his right hand
and his holy arm, hath
him the victory.-Ps. 98: 1-
Jehovah challenges all the
gods of this world. "'hen we
remember that in India or
Hindustan alone there are
some 330 million gods and god-
desses and then when we take
the gods of the religions of
other lands iuto consideration
we see it is a case of
of gods, visible aud invisible
against the olle (jod, Jehovah:
All materialistic people will
have to admit that the WDr-
sh'ip gods is a reality
even III tins modern world
and that belief in such
and worship of snch gods
!mve played a powerful part
III the .course .and destiny of
all natIOns, Without a single
The battle of the
gods IS near. The question is
Who will triumph? Backed by
the outcome of previous COIl-
tORts, the answer is certain-
The battle will go only
way, and Jehovah will tri-
umph as God, the only living
and true God of the uniwrse'
W 11/1 .
Wednesday, September 3
And he touched my mouth with
it, and said, La, this hath
touched thy lips; and thine
iniquity is taken atcay, and
thy sin forgivcn.-lso. 6: 7,
Any uncleanness of lip in
da:rs follow i n g 1!l14
when .Tehoyah began to rule
as Killg is wrung and is a
sin. Hence when the seraph
touched Isaiah's lips with the
red-hot cual he said, "Thy sin
[shall] by propitiation be cov-
ered." (RuJ The of the
remnant was covered by the
projJitiatory bacrifice of .T esus,
r('prpscnted by the altar from
which the seraph took the red-
hut coal. Su instead of bping
struek with a death-dealing
curse like pr('sulllptuouS King
Fzziah. the rPlllllant wcre gra-
ciollsly forgi ven through Christ
because of thPir rcpcntau('e
and were not dpstro:rcd. The
Jip cleansing was not a prep-
aration of them to go home at
once to heaven. It was a prep-
aration of them for earthly
service at a most critiPal time
in human history. So they
were I)]'(''<'n ed to use their
cleans('d lips with freeness of
SIWP('h in this day of ju(lg-
mpnt. 'l'his cleansing has madf'
us <liff"rpnt from all of Chl'is-
tfCndom. ""c never suffer
a relupse. 1V 4/1
Thursday, September 4
lloppy OIC you poor, becausc
yours is tile killgdom of Gud.
-Luke 6: 20, NlV.
You do not need spl1hh ma-
terial riches to he really hap-
py. Jesus Christ on earth as
H man was among the poorest
uf the pour measured by earth-
ly goods. IIe was laid in no
fine cradle at birth, but in an
unimal's mangel', because there
was no room for visitors at
the village inn. As a preacher
of God's kingdom he had no
home of his own, "nowhere to
lay down his head." (Matt.
S: 20, NW) But hecause of
his spiritual riches he hud real
and loyal friends, particularly
his Father in heaven and the
people of good will on earth.
IIe had a joy no creature
could remove. He was the
happiest person on earth, so
that he could well descrihe
true states of happiness ill his
sermon on the mount. By gpt-
ting acquainted with him all
poor people call now be made
spiritually rich and can ell-
joy hope of parly being made
possessors of all other
in the equitable npw world
under his kingdom. W 2/15
Friday, September 5
Be tron8iormed by makillg
your mind over.-Roln. 14: 2,
If you want to escape being
destroyed with this system of
thillgs you must heed Paul's
entrpaty without delay and
quit bl'lllg after it.
1'0 not be misled by the fool-
ish slogan invented to tkkle a
self-collccited person's vanity:
"You can change the world 1"
Do not waste your time either
with the similar slogan which
says: "Challgc the world be-
fore it changl's you." RI'mem-
bel' God's wise instruction
which tells you you cannot
changc this ,,orld. God knows
the b('nt of miwl of this sys-
tem and he pronouncI's it
doomed. The Devil is the "god
of this system (If things". Can
you change him? Of course
:rou cannot. This world, which
lies under his power, is Ull-
changeablf'. It mnst and will
be wiped out. The way for you
not to be changed by this
world is, not by religiously
trying to changl' it
but by do-
ing what the insIlIred apostle
says above. This you mnst do
before this world cnds, or ('18e
yon will end with it. 'l'his
conrse is your only saf('gnard.
W 10/15
Saturday, September 6
II e who eats and drinks with-
out a proper sense of the Body,
eats and drinks to /tis Olen
condemnation.-l Cor. 11: 29,
Memorial partakers m u s t
keep clearly III mimI that thpy
are "Christ's body", symbol-
ized by the olle loaf, and hence
they must keep unity as "one
body". \Ve must have a "prop-
er sense of tile Body", sensing
our personal unity with the
Head Jesus Christ. If we do
not, then we will become spir-
itually "weak and sickly" and
even be "slpcpillg in death",
as many of the Corinthians
did back therc. (1 Cor. 11: 30,
NlV) 1'01' this, Jehomh God
had to discipline them through
his theocratic organization rcp-
resented by the apostle Paul,
that they might not be con-
demned with the world and be
dpstroycd as it will shortly
be. To be spiritually strong,
healthy and alin toward (;O(l's
organization and its work, we
must respect what thp Memo-
rial meanR. \Ve should
nize ourseh-es with respeet to
these matters, seck God's for-
giveness for IIny misbehavior,
and then determinp to follow
right con d u c t and approve
ourse!I'I's by God's mraSllre-
ments before partaking. IV 1/15
Sunday, September 7
By faith Noah . .. con8i"Itcted
an a,r7c jor the sa /ling of his
houschold.-lf eb. 11: 7, XW
The nume N oall mpuns "rcst"
or "consolation". But Xoah
was no lazy lllall of inactivity
either bf'fore or aft.r the flood.
Be was the visible leader in
the most important activity of
that day. IIe was also a
"preacher of righteousness".
The first thing he did after he
and his family came out of the
ark following the flood was
to build an altar and offer
sacrifice to Jehovah. This was
rl'stful to the Lord Jehovah.
So Noah brought comfort to
mankind at its new start after
the flood. Like Noah, Christ
J eSllS ushers men into rest,
evpn now. During this "time
of the end" of this world he
gives this rest and
ment to all the sheep, both the
remnant of his "little flock"
of hp,wenly joint heirs anel
also the grpat crowd of "oth-
er sh,'cp". But after th" battle
of Armngeddon baptizes this
old world with fire, he will
comfort mankind with the
grent sabbath of rest for the
thousand years of his rdgll.
W 11 /15
Monday, September 8
A,nd forgive us our sins, for
tee ourselres a/so forgive C1:CI'Y-
one that is in debt to U8,
-Luke 11: 1, NW.
While we may selfishly craYe
forgh cncss of SillS for our-
sel\ps throngh J eSllS
Uod l'('serves to himself the
right to withhold this fo)'gi\'e-
ness if we are mercilessly un-
forgiving toward othe),s. '1'0
be forgi yen our forgi "elll"S
must lll'peede 0111' prayer, or
our willingness to forgive otL-
ers mnst a c com pan your
prayer. \Ve must be gmtpfnl
and merciful enough to to!;;i \ ('
the 8nme sillllPr a number of
times, seventy-seven tillles, if
necessary. No mat t e r how
many times we forgive onr fel-
low creatures, it could never
equal the extent of God's for-
giycness and mer C y to llS
through Christ. Jesus paid the
full debt for us. Canceling our
sins is not a debt that God
ow('s us, but is a matter of
his loving-kindness and mercy
through Jesus whom he pro-
vided to be a sin-covering
sacrifice for us. Since we ad-
dress God as our Fathpr, we
mllst prove we are his children
by showing forth his traits, in-
cluding mercy, W 8/15
Tuesday, September 9
Above all things, have intense
love for one another, because
love covers a multitude of sins.
-1 Pet. 4: 8, NW.
We have to stick together as
Noah's family did before the
flood. 'Ve have to love God's
organization and to love those
who are members of his theo-
cratic organization or who are
sheltered under it. Love is the
perfect bond of union for us.
We must exercise it in imita-
tion of God and must resist
the hate-breeding infection of
this selfish world. None of us
are perfeet yet, even though
we are so ncar the new world
of rightcousn .. Hence unin-
tentionally, through weakness
and imperfection, we are go-
ing to commit against one
another_ These we must for-
give and cover over, and love
alone will help us to do this.
Satan's world will never de-
stroy this love from among
God's organization, but love
will live through Armageddon
and on into the new world.
The old world will be de-
stroyed for its selfishness. So
we avoid selfishness. W 9/15
VVednesday, September 10
A righteous man's supplication
when it is at work has much
forcc.-Jas. 5: 1IJ, NW.
Prayer works in cases of
spiritual sickn('ss. But are we
not also to pray to
God in our physical sicknpss
and speak to him about it?
Yes, we are. But we arc not
to pray for divine healing. The
day for that is past. gift
of the spirit passed away with
the decease of the apostles and
the i r immediate associates.
Furthermore, this miraculous
healing was to be a sign to
outsiders and to be performed
upon them. It was not to be
used for the selfish comfort of
the faithful believers. True
Christians, the servants of
Jehovah God, do get physically
sick. His own Word testifies
to that. The apostle Paul had
some physical affliction, which
he likened to a "thorn in the
flesh". Did he pray about it?
Or, so highly gifted as he was,
did he miraculously pluck this
thorn out of his flesh himself,
or did God do it for him with
divine power? No. Instead, the
Lord assured him his loving-
kin d n e s s was sufficient for
him. W 5/1
Thursday, September 11
God is in the midst of her ,-
she shall not be moved.
The divine presence in the
midst of the organization pro-
duces a sense of sec uri t y
among those in it. They know
it is the right organization to
stay united with, for it will
never be moved and mnde to
totter, stagger and fall to
ruin. 'l'his does not menn that
material occ u pied
and used by members of the
organization may not be seized.
invaded, expropriated and de-
stroyed by the foe. Remember
that "the Most High docs not
dwell in houses made with
hands". He dOt'H dw('ll in his
theocratic organization, wheth-
er its members on !'arth ar!'
housed or not. So our trust is
not even in buildin!(s devoted
to his service. It is his theo-
cratic organization, therefor",
that will never be moved by
enemy assaults and caused to
collapse, for God's presence
within it makes it permanent
though all the world round
about it ends. Founded on
Him, the "everlasting rock",
his theocratic organization will
last forpver. So those who
trust in him will last forever,
because they takf' him at his
word and seek refuge with his
organization. lV 3/t5
Friday, September 12
Blessed is he that waiteth,
and cometh to the thousand
three hundred and five and
thirty days.-Dan. 12: 12, AS.
Those days ended in 1926.
The birth of God's kingdom in
the heavens as having occurred
in 1914 had now been re-
vealed to them. No longer was
it a question with His rem-
nant as to how long they
would have to work on earth
before entering heavenly glory.
But rathcr, here prescnt with
us is Kingdom service, just
as though the Kingdom had
come down from heaven to the
people of God and they were
living in it. No longer were
they concerned, whether it
meant remaining on earth one
or many years, for they were
so very happy. They had been
brought together in the "last
days" for a purpose, not to do
a mighty Kingdom work in
heaven, for they could do that
without being gathered there,
but to serve on earth before
they went there. Spiritual
Zion was re-established. her
King en t h ron e d, and God
would now use his people to
sound forth his name world-
wide, to bc a praisc in all the
earth. What a joyful time
was now in store for J eho-
vah's people. and that forever-
more! W 7/15
Saturday, September 18
When I was a babe, I used to
speak as a babe, ... now
that I ha've become a man, I
have done away with the traits
oj a babe.-l Cor. 13: 11, NW.
Today, after a career of
nineteen centuries, the congre-
gation is at its maturity or
full growth of Christian man-
hood. God has put away from
it a number of things peculiar
to its babyhood, such as the
gift of the spirit for perform-
ing instantaneous cures on the
human body and mind. So the
remnant of this Christian con-
gregation who are yet on earth
do not exercise such a gift of
the spirit. They have no Scrip-
tural reason to expect from
any source or by any channel
a miracle of divine healing in
their casc. But this results in
no real loss or embarrassment
to them, because their hope
and eternal destiny is spirit-
ual, heavenly. and not phys-
ical, earthly. Even in the first
century during the operation
of miraculous healing the most
faithful of the Christians were
subject to physical illnesses
and died of them. Not all
died a martyr's violent death
or grew old like John. W 5/15
Sunday, September 14
I trust in thy word.
-Ps.119: 42.
God provided his written
'Vord for us to consult. If we
do not consult it, it will not
serve us a ~ a guide. In it he
reveals himself to us. He
opens up his mind and heart
to us, telling us what he
thinks, what he has already
done and is now doing and
will yet do, and infornung us
what he would like us to do
in order to gain his favor and
the gift of eternal life in his
new world. lie makes known
to us that his name is Jeho-
vah; and he shows us his at-
tributes of wisdom, justice,
power and love and how all
four attributes work together
without clash. So uur unly
way to know about him def-
initely is by his written Word.
Getting to know him through
it we learn to develop con-
fidence in Him and to respect
his advice and to see that his
commands are authoritative.
We build up faith that his
'Word is right and without
mistake or misdirection. This
makes us consult it in our
problems and take its advice.
W 6/15
Monday. September 15
Those wanting to go over /I'om
here to you people cannot,
neither may people cross orer
from there to us.-Luke 16: 26,
There can be no fusion of
the rich man and Lazarus
classes, no fraternizing! "Come
out of her, my people," calls
the divine voice from heaven,
"touch not the unclean thing."
The Lazarus remnant have
left the Babylonish world and
its religious confusion so as
to be clean to bear Jehovah's
vessels of worship. God is de
termined to keep the organi-
zation of his people clean now.
All hypocrites are thrown out.
The rich man can not be
brought in contrary to J eho-
vah's decree. But now the
"other sheep" class hear the
Right Shepherd's voice sound-
ing the divine call to come out
of worldly Babylon. Thpy do
so, fiee to the upraised Signal
of Jehovah's kingdom, and
gain entrance to the one flock
un d e r his Royul Shepherd.
These she e p the Shl'pherd
puts to hiR right and divides
them off from the "goats".
The great unbrhlgpable chasm
of divine judgnwnt allows for
no fellowship between faithful
1'('rsons and those who reject
the Kingdom. lV 3/1
Tuesday. September 16
Jehol'ah, .. thou art ea'alted
jar abvve all gods.-Ps, 97: 9,
Jehovah's deliverauce of a
"grt'at crowd" of other wor-
shiper, is It lllurks
up a further \ ictory fvr him
as the living and true God.
In this time when all religion
is on judgment it represents a
triumph for thp dean, unde-
filed worship of Jehovah. But
now his Iligh Priest aud King
presses on to furthrl' triumphs
over the false gods of Babylon
as he goes ahcad "conquering
and to complete his conquest".
(Rev. 6: 2, NlV) Under him
we must push the offensive
still further against the gods
and false worship of this world
till they are exposed to all
sheeplike persons of good will
in all nations and nntil these
turn to the worship of the
God of gods, Jehovah, and
gain deliverance from this
doomed world. (Ps. 135: 5 ;
] 3G : 2) '1'here a re yet other
lands and territories to be en-
tered, there are ypt other mul-
titudes of goodwill persons to
be ('\1lightencd and delivered.
It is most urgent that we now
reach them. lV 11/1
Wednesday. September 17
1 tell YOII, If these remained
silent, the stones would cry
ollt.-Luke 19: 40, NlV.
Seeing things so clearly, can
we now hold back from giving
the witness '! Can we remain
silent when our invisible King
Christ J !'sus rcigns '! 'Yill we
qnit witnessing for Jehovah on
account of f,'ar, threats, hard-
ships, pcrse<..:utioll, reproach, or
anything else'! Will the stones
now have to cry out instead
of hving witnesses to annonnce
the Kingdom'! All the prophe-
cies answer, No! In ancicnt
times J !'ho\'ah kppt his dsible
servants witnpssing faithfully
to the end, prcservlIlg them
through the destruction of or-
ganizations foreshadowing the
drstruetion of thc prcsent evil
system of things at Armaged-
don. Therefore in these last
days Jehovah. whose prophe-
cit's never fail, will likewise
preserve his own fearless, vis-
ible servant body and their
companions through Armaged-
don as a tpstimony to his su-
premacy. So let us do all with-
in our power to have a part
in the wOIHlCl'fnl victorious
of the witnpss work
by being active and unafraid
down to the end. W 9/1
Thursday, September 18
You must lorc Jchorah your
God with your tchole heart
and with your whole soul and
with your 1I;h07c mind.-J[att.
2.2:37, NW.
When we were in an igno-
rant mental state we did not
love God with our minds. The
greatest of the commandments
that was ever given to men
requires us to 10\ e God with
all our mental powers. 'Yhat
we think on habitually greatly
affects and influcnces us and
induces us to take a cfrtain
way. To be thinking OIlC way
and yct be doing anothpr thing
outwardly is hypocrisy. We
must think lovingly toward
.Tehovah God. Thnt mea n s
thinking to please him by
obeying him alltl taking faith-
ful care of everythillg that
honors his name and furthcrs
the interests of his kingllom.
'We can not wholeheartedly
serve God with a double mind.
If you divide your attention
between this world and God
and do not make your milld
over wholly to thc imngl' He
approves, it will ill course of
time betray itsclf withont fnil.
Love of God with all your
thinking process is what yon
OW" him. lIe commands it. It
safegnards you. W 10/15
Friday, September 19
says the LOI'd: "E, en
shou7d a warrior's captiv('s be
taken, and a tYI'ant's prey be
rescued, your olJpon('uts will
1 oppose, and yuur rldldrcn
will I save."-Isa. 49: 2.5, AT.
Do not think it imposbible
to get any more [)Poplc of
good will out, pspecially from
under totalitarian rille. L"t llO
one say, "It cannot be done!
It cannot go on!" This mili-
tarized world, with its con-
scription and universal mili-
tary training laws, cannot pre-
vent Jehovah's Servant's work
of releasing the prisoners. N ei-
ther can the oppressive tot ali-
tarian dictators do so. The
rescue of those upon whom
they prey and whom they
hm'e held captive takes place
under their very nos", whether
by underground or by above-
ground methods. The public
services which all thcse rulers
render the p e 0 pi e and for
which we justly "pai' back
Caesar's things to Caesar",
these things the servant class
U8('S to carryon Jehovah's
work, gathering his "other
shepp" now to the side of his
th,'ocratic government. So
keep on till the last one is
freed. 1V 12/15
Saturday, September 20
Let them be. Blind guides is
what they are.-Matt. 1.5 : 14,
The vast majority of pro-
fessing Christians and their
leaders do not actually ("are
what the Scriptures state, for
they have no fear of God.
Should any read"r douht thlS,
then put it to the test by g-o-
iug yourself from house to
hOllse and sl)('aking to tlwm.
Test the clergy and prif'sts
and other officers in these r('-
ligious organizations, and tllld
out how little they kuow of
God's \\' ord, of the purposes
of J eho\"ah and of the sign of
the "time of the end". TIH'y
are in darknpss and go along
with this evil system of things,
and know not the right \\ ay
to go. 'rhey nre so blind they
cannot sec the key to true
knowledge when it is held up
before their eyes. pray
for God's kiugdolll to come
and Christ to rule, and then
blindly grope about for an or-
ganization alllong men that is
big "nough to support them
and their schpmps. Posing as
representatives of the "Prince
of Peace" they go out to bll'Hs
the machincs of war. In
words they Hay, "Love your
enemies," and tht'n heap honor
on those who kill the enemies.
1V 10/1
Sunday, September 21
II ave love for the whole asso-
ciation of brothers.
-1 Pet. 2: 17, NW.
As God's ambassadors arc
sent to all nations with the
one message of reconciliation,
then all who become recon-
ciled to him become one earth-
wide association of brothers.
In just that way Jehovah's
witnesses are an international
cOHgregation of C h ri s t ian
brothers. God's \Yord forbids
them to split up over selfish
interests and start fighting one
another; it commands them to
keep united aHd preserve peace
among themselves. On this ac-
count they have not abandoned
their Heutrality toward this
world and joined the of
this divided world under their
enemy Satan the Devil. To do
so would have meant to be-
come pitted against their spir-
itual brothers, God's children.
This would have resulted in
fratricidal warfare for which
they would be held strictly ac-
countable by their heavenly
Father. Contrary to taking or
seeking to take the life of their
brothers, they are exhorted to
lay down their lives for their
brothers in imitation of Jesus
Christ. W Z/l
Monday, September 22
Then said I, II e,'e am I,. SC/I d
mc.-Isa. 6: 8.
So, too, in 1919, the "faith-
ful and discrect slave" class
volunteered their service. It
was then a case of acting dead
to divine service, like the lep-
rous King Uzziah, or of rous-
ing oneself to activity and an-
swering the invitation and be-
ing sent. It took faith, love
and courage to answer the di-
vine call to service in this
world's "time of the end". As
Isaiah with lips cleansed fclt
qualified to respond, so the
cleansed, forgiven remnant felt
qualified and humbly offered
their services. Did J ehoval!
turn down the volunteers for
this final witness to the world
because they were not ordained
by the clergy? Not if judged
by his ready acceptance of
Isaiah's services. He did not
ask whether Isaiah was a
priest, a Levite, a single or a
married man, a schooled man
or a common laboring man.
He let him hear the invi-
tation and then respond with
appreciation of the purification
for God's use. Likewise ac-
cepted the voluntary services
of the remnant now purified.
W 4/1
Tuesday, September 23
lIe. . . 8ware by him that
liveth for cver that it shall be
for a time, times, and a half.
-Dan. 1Z: 7, AS.
During World War I God's
witnesses were not filled with
the great joy of the Kingdom
rule, but "in sackcloth" they
deplored the i r condition as
they saw no certain relief
ahead. Certainly during those
1,260 days or "time, times and
a half" they were in an un-
certain, anxious condition, and
then at the end of those days
great hatred and persecution
came upon them. So the 1,260
day period was fulfilled from
October, 1914, to April, 1918.
during which time the Lord
Jesus Christ became King, en-
throned in heaven, and spt
about Kingdom work and the
deliverance of his fa i t h f u I
servants from Babylonish bond-
age. IIe took decisi\'e action
against the prince of the pow-
er of darkness and forcibly re-
moved this wicked one from
his exalted position, not mere-
ly unseating him but throwing
him out of hl'aven. He broke
his power, so he no longer can
scatter God's children. Let us
rejoice. W 7/1
Wednesday, September 24
That which corresponds to this
is also now saving you, namc-
ly, baptis1tl.-l Pet. 3: 21, NW.
What brought salvation from
the deluge was for the surviv-
ors to be baptized into Noah
the ark-builder. 'l'he s eve n
who went into the ark with
him had to have confidcnce in
him as Jl'hovah's pro p h e t.
They had to be unbreakably
attached to him and walk with
him as he "walked with God".
They had to be incorporated
into a system of things not of
that world, a theocratic ar-
rangement in which Noah was
the chief builder, the chief
consultant and shipmaster or
pilot. So they had to submit
to him as the head who took
the lead and directed the body
of fellow workers. Doing all
this, they were in effect bap-
tized into Noah. However, Pe-
ter points to another baptism
at this "time of the end" of
this world, a baptism which
includes the Right Shepherd's
"othcr sh('<,p" as well as the
remnant of his little flock, for
he brings them all together to
become "one flock, one shep-
herd". This is the baptism in-
to the Greater Noah, Christ
Jesus. W 11/15
Thursday, September 25
Do not loiter at your business.
Be aglow w t t ~ the spi1'it.
-Hom. 12. 11, NW.
The realization t hat this
world is fast approaching its
end does not render the wit-
nesses of Jehovah aimless in
living and cause them to droop
their hands. No; but it spurs
them to action, to more inten-
sive activity for God's cause
than ever before. The Devil,
knowing his end is near, is
out to do all the damage he
can to induce men to become
bitter and oppose God, so that
when he, the Devil, goes down
all humanity will go down with
him into destruction. His in-
tent is that, when God does
gain the victory at Armaged-
don's battle, he will have none
on earth over whom to exer-
cise his universal sovereignty.
Now, if that is the effect on
the Devil, then no less so the
realization of the ncar end of
the Devil's world rouses J eho-
vah's witnesses to unusual ef-
forts. Even clergymen are com-
pelled to admit that, despite
the conviction of thc world's
cnd soon, they have morc zeal
for Christian acti vity than the
clergy have. They are the big-
gest optimists on earth today.
W 9/15
Friday, September 26
II e who created thcm at the
beginning made them male and
felllale and said: .. . . . the
two will be one fle8h."
-Matt. 19: 4, 5, NW.
Jesus was pcrfectly clear
that the Christian standard of
marriage is the one established
by God at the beginning in
Eden when he gave the perfect
man only one living wife. Thus
God mad e only two "one
flesh", the man and his one
wife, not three or four or
more one flesh. So when a
polygamist, in perfectly good
standing with his community
according to the customs and
laws of his land, wants to be
a real Christian he must dis-
pose of his excess wives. A
polygamist, if he keeps on as
such, denies his Owner who
bought him, for his Owner J e-
sus Christ set up the standard
of having one living wife for
his followers. A polygamist
cannot be appointed to a re-
sponsible position of service
in a Christian congregation by
the visible governing body of
Jehovah's theocratic organiza-
tion. Is that the requirement
for only the most prominent
servants? No, but also for
subordinate ones. W 4/15
Saturda.y, September 2'7
As he thinketh in hi.v heart,
80 is he.-PTov. 23: 7.
There are Christian individ-
uals that strive to heed the
Bible precepts and succped ill
huoge measure. If one, or a
hundred, or a few thousand
can do this, can the rpmaining
millions plead that the Dible
standards are too idealistic,
too far above imperfect man
to be practical to shoot at?
If application of these prin-
ciples would end wars, dirty
politics, oppressive economic
systems; if it would empty
jails, end crime, quench de-
linquency and drunkennpss,
and eliminate many diseases,
would it not he a practical
endeavor? Applying the prin-
cipiI'S to daily living is not us
hard as it may seem at first.
'1'he procedure is to change
0\"('1' yuur mind, which directs
your body. Alter your will, de-
sirt's, interests, disposition,
mpntal outlook and heart con-
dition. \Yith these inwurd driv-
ing forces changed for the bpt-
tel' our actions will automat-
ically chunge for the bettpr.
'rhe key to effecting sueh
chunge is what the mind feeds
on. '1'h(' Bible is the store-
house of the needed mentul
food. lV 6/1
Sunday, September 28
The peT"On faithful in !Chat is
lea,t is fllithful also in much.
-Luke 16: 10, N IV.
If we are to gather persons
of good will into the unwulled
city now becanse it is Jrho-
vnh's time, Jehovuh's witnc;,s-
es want to be prepared to take
care of them. 'rhose who huve
takcn up his sprvice must be
faithful in all their work,
large or small. The little de-
tails relative to
witnessing are just as
tial to faithfulness as the
looking after a large company.
\Ve have gn'uter work ahead
of us, the gathering of a big
crowd of the "other sheep";
for they are coming in now in
greater numbprs than ever be-
fore and we must be in posi-
tion to receive th,m. Should
we cringe ba( k and say it is
too much fur us when ten per-
sons take hold of our gar-
mpnts and demand our time to
tell them the truth because
they have heard about our
God and that he is with us?
(Zech. 8:23) No! We will be
glud they have joined in the
song of praise to Jehovah.
lV 1/1
Monday, September 29
'1'he1l shalt thou cause the
trumpet of the juuoilre tu sound
on the tenth dny of the seventh
month; in the day of atone-
ment.-Lev. 2.5: 9.
Only through Christ Jesus
can we gain a Jubilee rest
from the slavery uf sin and
dpath under Satan the Devii.
This was foreshadowed by the
Jubilee-ypar Ul'rallg'mncllt, for
the Jubilee trumpet was to be
blown, not bl'fore the sacrifice
for tllP ntonement of the peo-
Vle's sin hnd been offpred, but
aft e r. So the Jubilee year
could not begin until first the
sins of the entire ppoVle of
Israel against God's law had
been atoned for by the sapri-
liees made at God's temple by
his jlri('sts. 'l'hose atoncment
sacrifices 011 the atorwmcnt
day ull pictured the onc suffi-
cilont sacrifice which the "man
Christ Jesus" as High Pripst
would offer to God for the
sins of all mankind. ];'rom this
we can see that the grand
Jubilee release for mankind
('ould not really begin IIntii
first after the atonPIIlent sacri-
fice that takes away sin had
bepn laid down by (;od's IIigh
Priest 011 earth and presented
to God in heaven. TV 8/1
Tuesday, September SO
Be transformed by making
your mind over, that you may
prove to yourselves the good
and acceptable and complete
will of God.-Rom. 12: 2, NW.
We must prove to ourselves
what his will is by getting a
new mind. That means getting
new information, new knowl-
edge, in our minds. If it is to
disclose God's will to us, then
that information, knowledge
and enlightenment must come
from him, and we can get it
only from his Word with the
aid of his spirit and organiza-
tion. When we thus prove to
onrselves what it is, we come
to appreciate that his will is
one of goodness. No better
purpose could anyone have for
us. It is the only thing that
is acceptable to God. We can
therefore not alter his will,
but must bow to it and seek
to comply with it in every re-
spect. And then as our infor-
mation grows and we gain
greater knowledge and study
his will further, we see it is
a complete will. It covers
everything we need to do in
order to carry out our part in
God's life-giving a r r a n ~ e m e n t
and to share in vindICating
him. W 10/15
Wednesday, October 1
Give us our bread for the day
according to the day's r_elJ!!jre-
ment.-Luke 11: 3, NlV.
This prayer for daily bread
does not mean God treats us
like infants and brings the food
to us without effort by us and
puts it before us on the table
or right into our mouths. No;
this material bread is not a
free, unearned handout. God
has surrounded us with all the
means for providing us with
bread, but we must get busy
and work to get it deservedly.
There is no room allowed for
sponging on our hardworking
fellows, but God enforces the
rule among his able-bodied chil-
dren: 'If anyone does not want
to work neither let him eat.'
(2 Thess. 3: 10) In keeping
with our prayer to him for the
daily ration for today, we trust
him to provide us physical and
mental strength to work and
deserve it. Our prayer for just
today's bread may put us on
a day-to-day basis in our de-
pendence on God for nourish-
ment, but he will fatherlike
provide it during our journey
through this old world, just as
faithfully as he provided man-
na for the Israelites. W 8/15
Thursday, October 2
Behold, a king shall reign in
righteousness, and princes shall
rule in justice.-Isa.
82: 1, AS.
Now thirty-eight years past
1914, Jehovah's anointed King
does reign! He reigns in right-
eousness since the end of the
"appointed times of the na-
tions" in that year. His "princ-
es" are sarim. This Hebrew
word is not always translated
that way or used with that
political flavor in the Holy
Scriptures. It designates the
first, the chief or the foremost
in any class, the he lid of a
company or group. With its
great breadth of meaning and
variety of flpplication of the
Hebrew word sarim, we can
appreciate how the heavenly
King could have his visible
servants on earth during this
perilous time and how these
would occupy the position cor-
responding with what Isaiah
32 : 1 speaks of as princes.
Those who serve in official
places under Jehovah's King of
righteousness do so within the
theocratic organization. They
represent God's kingdom exclu-
sively. They handle only the
interests of his Kingdom,
princely service indeed! W
Friday, October S
'fhe nation.y raged, the king-
doms 1Oe1'e moved: he uttered
his voice:.. the ,earth melted.
-1'S. 46. 6, AS.
The day and hour draw near
when Jehovah will utter his
voice. Human society under
worldly rn.lers then dissolves in
fear. It is found to have no
solidity. Growing weak and
disorganized, it liquefies in
terror. In the dissolution proc-
ess the hand of every selfish
man outside God's organiza-
tion will be turned against his
neighbor, and they will fight
one another's interests, The
symbolic "ten kings" of the
beastly political system will
turn upon the harlot of Baby-
lonish religion with which
ther committed spiritual forni-
catIOn and will eat her fleshy
parts and burn her refuse with
fire. The political beast of
world domination and the false-
prophet system which made
such deceptive political predic-
tions will be pitched alive into
destruction symbolized by the
fiery lake burning with sul-
phur. No political machine will
hold, no ideological group will
keep together, no international
compact will have any
strength, no United Nations
or mutual defense alliance will
prove binding. lV 3/15
Saturday, October 4
One seated upon it is called
FaithfUl and True, and
he judges and carries on
war in righteousness.
-Rev. 19: 11, NW.
By his acts since A.D. 1914
Jesus Christ could never be
accused of being a pacifist.
Why not? Because Revelation
12: 1-12 answers that after the
birth of God's kingdom and the
enthronement of his Son Jesus
Christ "war broke out in heav-
en". No pllcifist, it was this
King JI'SUS Christ who battled
against Satan and his demons
and hurled them down to his
footstool, the earth. Now the
humiliated Satan is using his
demons to drive all the nations
to Armageddon for the "war
of the great day of God thc
Almighty". (Rev. 16: 14-16,
NW) But who are Jehovah's
"mighty ones" whom he brings
down to the "valley of deci-
sion" in order to settle forever
the paramount issue of world
dommation? They are the
"Lamb of God" and the angels
who fought under him in the
"war in heaven" against Sa-
tan. On earth this lamblike
One looked like a 'pacifist, but
now he is the "Lion of the
tribe of Juda". W 2/1
Sunday, October 5
The angel of Jehovah encamp-
eth round about them that feat'
him, and delkereth them.
-Ps. 84: 7, AS.
Ours is a time of great
peril, particularly so since the
war in heaven dislodged Satan
and his demons from their
position up there and they
have been confined to this
earth. Now he is concentrating
his bitter warfare upon the
remnant and their feHow wit
nesses. True, there is a great
encampment of visible enemies
round about us, baeked by the
invisible Dragon and his de-
mons. But we have faith to
believe we have encamped
about us invisibly Jehovah's
angel who defeated the Dragon
and his demons in the war in
heaven and who now holds
them underfoot here at the
earth before he crushes them
at Armageddon. Were it not
for this superior angelic pro-
tection the remnant of SPirit-
ual Israelites and their faith-
ful feHow worshipers would
have been overwhelmed and
wiped out before now, in or-
der to haIt their bearin;:: wit-
ness. W 6/15
Monday, October 6
He that feeds on my flesh and
drinks my blood remains in
union with. me, and I in union
with him.-.lohn 6: 56, NW.
The Israelites in the wilder-
ness did not drink blood of
any kind. They were forbid-
d!ln. to do so, not oI!ly by_the
divme covenant Wlth Noah
their ancestor but also by the
stated terms of the Law cove-
nant through their mediator
Moses. The manna from heav-
en which they ate was blood-
less. In this sense it was like
Jesus' flesh. Flesh could not be
eaten unless drained of its
blood. Hence what obedient
mankind of the new world will
partake of for everlasting life
will be like bloodless flesh,
,!"hich Jesus provided by com-
mg down from heaven. Jesus
said that those drinking his
blood as well as eating his
flesh remain in union with him
and he in union with them.
This means they are made
members of his body, being
baptized into Christ and there-
by being baJ>tized into his kind
of death. Jesus' food was to
do his Father's will, and they
feed on Jesus' flesh by doing
God's will together with Jesus
and finishing it as he did.
lV 1/15
Tuesday, October "I
He said to him, "If they do
not hear Moses and the proph-
ets, neither will they be con-
vinced if some one should rise
from the dead."
-Luke 16: 31, RS.
We are commanded to use
Christendom's own _possession
of the Scriptures, Moses and
the. Prophets and the inspired
testlmony about the risen
Chr.ist and his kingdom. Thus
eqUlpped we are to preach
fearlessly. Let the goats stop
their ears and persecute us in
their religious anguish and tor-
ment. 'Ye Cllnnot compromise
and predict any relief from
God for them. But seeing we
have been so greatly com-
forted by the Greater Abra-
ham Jehovah God, we are ob-
liged to go and "comfort all
tliat mourn" with the comfort
with which He has comforted
us through Christ. Let those
who have ears to listen, listen
and be comforted. In that wa}'
many more straying sheep will
he!lr the Right Shepherd's
VOice and turn from their beg-
garly, sin-diseased, downtrod-
den condition in this world and
come into the favor of the
Greater Abraham along with
the remnant of the Lazarus
class. W 3/1
Wednesday, October 8
will come near to 1/0U to
and I will be a
swift . GIl.ainst the
aaulte1 ers.-M al. 3. 5, As'
Christendom has paid no
attention to the definition of
pure, undefiled religion, which
m!lans not only caring for
WIdows and orphans but also
keeping oneself without spot
from the world. We cannot
compromise with the enemy
and strike up friendships with
this world and remain unspot-
ted, uncorrupted,. and free with
the freedom wuich only the
truth can give. Christendom's
moral, social and spiritual con-
dition today proves that to
!ls. She bartered away her
Independence and her hopes of
Christ's bride by be-
commg mstead the church of
the political state
the Roman
empIre. Such spIritual adul-
tery meant enmIty with God.
Shortly it is to bring upon
Christendom the penalty like
that prescribed for harlots and
adulterers in God's law to au-
cient Israel. So at Armaged-
don she will be the first to be
destroyed, like an adulterous
organization that has aposta-
tized from God. TV 11/1
Thursday, October 9
The other Jews that were in
the king' 8 provinces gathered
themselves together, and stood
for their lives.-Esther 9: 16.
Queen Esther carried a l p ~ a l
fight to the highest judicIal
figure of the empire, King
Ahasucrus himself. The wicked
persecutor Haman was hanged
on gallows he had built for
Mordecai, and Mordecai was
advanced to higher office. By
the emperor's authority he
wrote a law into the govern-
ment statutes, providing for
the Jews on the fixed day of
assault by their foes "to gather
themselves together, and to
stand for their life, to destroy,
to slay, and to cause to perish,
all the power of the people and
province that would assault
them". Did the Jews pacifis-
tically refuse to act upon this
law for their self-defense by
force of arms? No! On the
13th and 14th days of Adar
they fought valiantly for the
defense of their own lives and
those of tlIeir brothers. J eho-
yah God was with them in
this and handed them the vic-
tory. The Jews, his witnesses,
he used as executioners of the
enemies. lV 2/1
Friday, October 10
And shut their eyes; lest they
sec with their eyes, and hear
with their ears, and under-
stand with their heart, and
turn again, and be healed.
-lsa. 6: 10, AS.
The anointed remnant of the
Isaiah class today do not force
the people of Christendom into
this unfeeling, unresponsive
spiritual state. 'Vhat the rem-
nant really do is, not make,
but show up the people or
prove the people to be just as
Jehovah foretold at Isaiah
6: 9, 10. So today, 33 years
after Jehovah's witnesses were
revived and sent forth in 1919,
how many people of Christen-
dom see and hear and believe?
Not the vast majority, by any
means! Nor millions! Failure
this? No! But surely cause
for discouragement and quit-
ting? Contrariwise, the 8roph-
ecy of Isaiah 6: 9, 1 has
proved true. If Jehovah's wit-
nesses had compromised their
message and tickled people's
ears, they would not have real-
ized the fulfillment of the
prophecy toward their witness
work. Had Christendom acted
favorably, she would have
turned to Jehovah and his
kingdom and been healed. Sad-
ly, she is not healed. lV 4/1
Saturday, October 11
They took no note until the
flood came and 8wept them all
away.-Matt. 24: 39, NW.
Jehovah God has exercised
the greatest religious tolerance
for 4,319 years now, or since
Babylon was founded shortly
after the flood. This divine
patience has allowed for
honesthearted persons to es-
cape from false religion be-
fore it at last goes down. The
modern counterpart of the
flood is the battle of Armaged-
don. The early Christians lived
as though it would occur in
their generation and they
would survive it in the Chris-
tians' ark. But we today are
the ones warned by prophecy
and its fulfillment to be pre-
pared for it to occur within
our generation. The presence
of the great crowd of other
sheep with us gives added
proof to the certainty of this.
We do not want to experience
the baptism of fire which 2 Pe-
ter 3: 7-12 describes and which
is reserved for the wicked
hpavens and earth that now
exist. So it is urgently neces-
sary that we hold to the true
baptism. W 11/15
Sunday, October 12
All the multitude of the dis-
ciples started to rejoice and
praise God . , saying:
"Blessed is the One coming as
the King in Jeho1:ah's name!"
-Luke 19: 37, 38, NW.
So it is that in modern
times, as the climax of the
Kingdom proclamation work
is being reached, Jehovah has
raised up a great crowd of
witnesses to let the people
know his purposes. They will
be found preaching by word
of mouth wherever they are.
'rhey go from house to house,
organize public lecture meet-
i n ~ s , distribute magazines and
prmted folders, carry informa-
tion signs publicly, and hold
Bible studies in the people's
homes. Some, though aged and
infirm, find ways to take part
in publishing the good news
by speaking to those who visit
their homes, writing letters to
friends and acquaintances,
making telephone calls to
friends and strangers, mailing
the message in printed form,
or even reading to other ill
persons with whom they may
be associated. All who have the
desire may participate in mak-
ing Jehovah's purposes known.
W 9/1
Monday, October 18
JIy son, give me thy heal'to"
and let thine eyes delight in
[or, observe] my walls.-Prov.
23: 26, AS, margin.
That means giving our hearty
attention to God as he dis-
closes himself and taking note
of his ways. We can do this
only by studying and keeping
close to his 'Vord and watch-
ing his dealings with his or-
ganized peopl!'. This will help
transform us. nis 'Vonl is be-
coming newel' to us all the
time, not only by newer and
better translations of it iu our
language, but especially by the
fulfillmen ts of its prophecies
and by the clearing UJl of its
teachings under the illuminat-
ing power of God's spirit and
his use of his theocratic or-
ganization. Let us think God's
thoughts. 'Ve cannot penetrate
into all his thoughts. We can-
not advise or instruct his
mind. His is so much farther
ahead and loftier than ours is.
But we can receive informa-
tion, secrets, revelations, from
his mind. What thougnts of
his he does disclose to his peo-
ple llI: his spirit and through
his Word, we can think and
so not err. W 10/15
Tuesday, October 14
Jehovah, turned the captivity
of Job, and Jehovah gave
Job twice as much as he had
be/ore.-Job 42: 10, AB.
The test on Job foreshadowed
how the Job class, beginning
with Jesus himself (who nev-
er got sick), would be exposed
to the testing of their integrity
toward God by Satan. How-
ever, this test was not to be
by literal accidents, loss and
terrible diseases due to Satan.
No i but by persecutions and op-
posltion from this world which
would bring loss of close as-
sociates, and bring us a dis-
graceful, misrepresented ap-
pearance in the eyes of the
world, making us look loath-
some to them, so that the;r
would accuse us of being reh-
gious hypocrites and under
God's curse. Job's miracu-
lous restoration, therefore,
foreshadowed, not the divine
healing of our physical
ailments aud our being made
immune against further acci-
dents, but how Almighty God
would restore the faithful rem-
nant of his anointed witnesses
to his favor aud would coun-
teract all the false accusations
and misrepresentations of his
servants before all the people
of good will. W 5/15
VVednesday, October 15
{,et ministerialse1'vant8 be hus-
/Jands of one wife, presiding
in a right manner over chil-
dren.-1 Tim. 3: 12, NW.
At the Jewish village or
city recordinf office where
;.:enealogies 0 families were
kept the children of marriage
were registered and thus each
child could trace its ancestry.
'l'he husband was also regis-
tered as the legal son of his
father-in-law, All this arrange-
ment made for the legal pro-
tection of the rights of both
the husband and the wife and
also of the children. It held
each one responsible for per-
sonal conduct toward the other
in the family and marriage re-
lationship. The Jews were the
first to become Christians and
they carried this arrangement
over into the Christian
gation. This makes it rIght
and proper for common-law
marriage couples today who
become consecrated Christians
to legalize their marriage and
thus bind themselves before
the law as well as before God
to be true and loyal to each
other. This opens the way to
enter fully into privileges in
the organization and to aet
as appointed servants in it.
W 1,/15
Thursday, October 16
rlnd prince8 will rule with jU8-
tice; and each of them will be
like a hiding-place from the
wind, and a shelter from the
sto1'm, like 8tream8 of water
like the shade.-Isa.
It is now, in this perilous
"time of the end" of Satan's
old world, that we sorely need
such protection and help, be-
cause we do not get it from the
official element of Satan's or-
ganization. And sinee we do
lIot get the desired hiding-place
and covert and refreshment
and shade from the ruling ele-
ment of his organization, we
must turn to the official serv-
ants in Jehovah's organization.
He promises that his King and
his princes will each one of
them be such desirable things
to us in this time of need. They
will see to it that we get what
is righteous and just. The
King and his princes
wIll bear rule in the land pic-
turing Jehovah's theocratic or-
anization, and all those with-
lD or under that organization
will get the benefits of their
righteous and just rule. Those
who stay outside in the world
will not. W 12/1
The children of whom thou
wast bereaved shall yet say in
thine ears,-Too strait for me
is the place, make room for
me that I may settle down.
-Iaa. 1,9: 20, Ro.
More room is needed for
Zion's children, and this is
being acquired. But not by
military aggression and unjust
encroachment, invading and
grabbing other people's lands.
No; but by peaceful expan-
sion, with the good news of
peace. Thus those who feel
there is not enough room for
them go out as home mis-
sionaries and as foreign mis-
sionaries to other lands and
establish settlements of J eho-
vah's worship there. So the
work of releasing other sheep
spreads to the ends of the
earth. Overgrown companies
have been split, resultmg in
the formation of ncwcompanies
at new places to receive the
new incomers and to provide
room for still more to enter
and be incorporated in the or-
ganization for pUblishing the
message of release from Baby-
lon. By thus causing Zion to
owrllow with children evi-
dence is given to show Jehovah
is God and that those who wait
for him will not be disap-
pointed. W 12/15
Saturday, October 18
Behold, 1 lay in Zion for a
foundation a 8tone, a tried
stone, a preciou8 corner-8tone
of 8ure foundation: . . . And
1 will make justice the line,
and righteousne8s the plummet.
-laa. 28: 16, 17, AS.
The determining factor in
the commencement of divine
judgment is the laying of the
Stone, the King Christ Jesus,
in Zion in completeness, in
1918. Jehovah is exact and
right in all his dealings, and
the erection of the building on
the cornerstone will be per-
formed with minute exactness.
There is no place in it for
revilers, scorners and scoffers,
and certainly not for the mod-
ern-day "drunkards of Ephra-
im", the rulers of ChrIsten-
dom. In Jehovah's structure the
"living stones", his anointed
Christians, are measured,
squared, and leveled to the
true and sure foundation. But
the organization of the false
religionists is completely out
of line and condemned. It is
due for demolition. In 1919
they were so out of line with
God's purposes that they ac-
cepted the League of Nations
as "the political expression of
the kingdom of God on earth"
in preference to Jehovah's
King, his Stone. W 10/1
Sunday, October 19
They had witness borne to
them through their faith.
-Hell. 11: 39, NW.
Seventy years the Jews or
Israelites were exiles in Baby-
lonian provinces. Did they jom
the armies of Babylon and
fight for its world domination?
No; although some Jews, like
Daniel and his three Hebrew
companions, were taken into the
governmental service in spite
of their conscientious wor-
ship of Jehovah God. Govern-
ment servants of high rank
those three Hebrews might he,
yet they refused to violate
their conscience and bend to
Emperor Nebuchadnezzar's de-
cree and commit idolatry, sa-
luting the image of the politi-
cal state, the golden Image
which the dictatorial ruler had
set up for united worship by
all elements of the empire.
(Dan. 3: 1-30) When Babylon
was overthrown, the captive
Israelites were not mixed in
with Babylon's armies fighting
against its overthrow. They
knew Jehovah's prophecies had
foretold its overthrow, and so
why fight against fulfillment
of divine prophecy, and for an
oppressive world power at
that? W 2/1
Monday, October 20
Thou shalt come into 11ie ark,
thou, and thy sons, and thy
wife, and thy 80ns' wives with
thee.-Gen. 6: 18.
How fitting a picture Noah's
sons and daughters-in-law are
of the "freat crowd" of other
sheep 0 today! These also
are being_ baptized into the
Greater Noah, Christ Jesus.
Not, however, into Christ's
death. Though some may die in
the remaining time before
Armageddon, they never sac-
rifice their prospect of perfect
life in the earthly paradise.
They sleep away in hope of
resurrection to human life un-
der Christ's kingdom of a
thousand years. So it is by
their hearing the Right Shep-
herd's voice today proclaiming
the good news of the Kingdom
and then by devotedly follow-
ing him as God's anointed
King that they are baptized
into the Greater NQah. For
this reason they live changed
lives. They no more waste time
in imitating the manners of
this world, but live according
to the new system of thi..'1gs,
the ark of safety. W 11/15
Tuesday, October 21
Carefull1/. examining the Scrip-
tures dat/I/.-Acts 17: 11, NW.
Study your Bible. Gain its
wisdom. Appreciate its practi-
calness. Conform yourself to
its principles, obey its com-
mands, and have the divine
vrotection it promises obedient
ones. Yon will have the hope
of surviving the winter of Ar-
mageddon that will catch un-
awares and freeze in the cold
grip of the grave the majority
of men. Do not ignore the sign
of Armageddon's approach, no
more than do the animals ig-
nore winter's coming. Just as
they heed the instinctive urg-
ings planted in them by God
to make preparation, so you
act upon your God-given in-
telligence as you look around
you and sec the composite sign
of the end of thIS present
wicked system of things, and
prepare to pass through it in
accord with Jehovah's pro-
vision. Enter into eternal life
in a new world free of sin and
suffering, sorrow and death
'I'his is the only practieai
course now in the midst of
this dying old world. And since
the Bible is the only book that
makes this course clear. the
Bible is The Practical Book
W 6/1 .
Wednesday, October 22
And do not bring 1'8 into
tcmptation.-Luke 11: 4, NW.
IIow does God answer this
prayer? 1<'01' one thing, he does
so by strengthening us to stand
the trial he lets come upon us
and also by forewarning us.
Before letting the spirit drive
Jesus into the wilderness to be
tempted by Satan he filled the
Son with the holy spirit and
also opened up the heavens
to his vision. God does not
let us work up a temptation
innocen tly for ourselves by
igno,rance. (1 Cor. 7: 1-5;
1 TIm. 6: !), 10; Matt. 13: 22,
NlV) Thus God does not leave
us ignorant of the source of
temptation. He makes arrange-
ments to protect us against
our own weaknesses. (1 Tim.
3 :.2,6) So God keeps us from
bemg tempted along with the
wqrld by warning us what
!hmgs really are and by open-
mg our eyes of understanding
so as not to be deceived with
the world and thus be drawn
into temptation with it. In
that wa-r he keeps us from the
temptatIon that has now come
on all the world just as he
promised us by Christ Jesus.
-Rev. 3: 10' 2 Pet 2' (\
W 8/15 ' . v.
Thursday, October 23
Git'e them warning from me.
-Ezck. 3: 17.
So there is good reason for
the time allowance which God
has granted since 1914. It is
not just to let human suffering
take place on a scale greater
than ever before or more fla-
grant wickedness to be carried
on. Not that! But it is in
order to discharge God's re-
sponsibility to herve final no-
tice and in order to send his
chosen witnesses with a final
warning. So this is a period
of God's undesprved kindness,
allowing people of good will
who are in danger to take ad-
vantage of his patience and
mercy. They are thus given a
fair opportunity to act and
work for their own salvation
by God's means, and not by
human means. 'l'hey should
never presume upon his pa-
tience and think he is slow
and they may linger a little
longer with the world and en-
joy more of it before making
a last-minute break for safety
under God's organization.
There is now no time to lose.
As 2 Peter 3: 15 (NW) says:
"Considrr the patience of our
Lord as salvation." Seek sal-
vation. W 9/15
Friday, October 24
The prayer of faith will make
the indisposed one well, and
J ehovak will raise him up.
Also if he has comm'itted sins,
it will be forgiven hinl.
-Jas. 5: 15, NW.
The older men who are
called in must pray in faith,
believing that God's Word is
right and has power to help
the sick one to see the error
of his way and to recognize
the right way. Such a united
prayer of faith, together with
the invigorating application of
God's Word, will make the
spiritually indisposed person
well. It wiII build up his con-
fidence in God's promise and
in the rightness of God's Word
and way and will restore him
to that wa,. Thus "Jehovah
wiII raise him up", giving him
strength to ~ o III the way of
truth and righteousness! and
lifting him up out of hiS de-
spondency and a feeling of being
abandoned by God. If now he
responds to the prayer offered
unitedly b;y older men of faith
and to their healthful stimula-
tion of reproof, correction and
exhortation from God's Word,
and turns around and resumes
the right way, what sins he
has committed will then be for-
given him. This on the basis
of Jesus' sacrifice for sins.
W 5/1
Saturday, October 25
Jehovah is on my s'idei J will
not fear.-Ps. 118: tJ, AS.
It helps to build up the confi-
dence of all the scattered sheep
in Jehovah the Great Shep-
herd when we ourselves show
no worldly fear but manifest
unshakable reliance upon him.
'Ve must vigorously help those
other sheep now to find the
one safe refuge and enter into
it. Our Christian obligation
now is to be fearless in J eho-
yah God's service, under the
shadow of his mighty hand.
He encourages us not to droop
our hands out of fear, but to
keep them busy in the COll-
structive work of Bible educa-
tion among people of good will.
So keep calm and go on peace-
fully about your work as his
ministers of good news. As
never before, make the time
count now, for the time in
which he is showing patience
and may yet be found IS short.
He will never forsake his faith-
ful ones, but will helIJ us, "and
that right early. "-Ps. 46: 5.
W 3/15
Sunday, October 26
Over him stood seraphim, each
haL-ing six wings, with two of
which he covered his face, with
two he covered his loins, and
with two he hovered in flight.
-Jsa. 6:2, AT.
The name of these spirit
creatures means "fiery ones;
burning ones". Execution of
Jehovah's judgment as by fire
as well as the cleansing of his
faithful remnant as by fire
was at hand. The seraphim
were most respectful of his
person. Keenly sensing his
holiness, they covered their
faces and lower limbs with
their wings, just as officials in
the most dignified Oriental
court in ancient times would
do in the king's presence. Be-
cause of their closeness to the
Sovereign of the universe they
were all the more self-effacing
in order not to distract from
his personal glory. But here
Isaiah, a creature lower than
the angels, was beholding with
wide-open eyes the sight of
the Most High God. It is now
a solemn thought for us to re-
flect that Jehovah God is at
his temple of judgment at-
tended by these fiery seraphim.
It is a most dignified, solemn,
awesome circumstance. W 1,/1
Monday, October 27
Then he said: "In that
I (JIIk 1/0U, to 8end him
to the hou8e of m1l fat.her for
I have five brother8."-Luke
16: 27, 28, NW.
Eo> still calls Abraham "fa-
ther", but he confesses he has
It closer relationship to another
father and has five brothers.
Who this father is Jesus told
the rich man class at John
8: 44. So this class show their
real sonship by the resem-
blance of their works to those
of their father the Devil. The
rich man and his five brothers
total six, a number distin-
/,'1lishing the organization of
imperfection and sin, the en-
emy So they are
the vislble seed of the great
Serpent, as Jesus called them.
At this end of the world the
five brotheps picture alI those
professed Christians of Chris-
tendom who associate with the
religious leaders, follow their
guidance and aet goatishly to-
ward Christ's remnant of
brothers. Their works betray
who is their father. So the rich
man's prayer is really to their
true father, Satan the Devil,
that he may make the Lazarus
class quit tormenting unfaith-
ful Christians. W 3/1
Tuesday, October 28
Be hospitable to one another
lcithout grumbling. In propor-
tion as eack one has received
a gift, use it.-1 Pet.
4:9,10, NW.
For such hospitality thl're
is great need in view of the
emergencies. privations and
hard conditions of this day. So
we can open our homes for
C'onducting home Bible studies
and for holding local public
Bible lectures. 'We can enter-
taiu Bible conventioners ar,d
pioneers whom we can assi::;t
this way in actively serving
God in the witness work afield.
We can engage in relief work
to help our brothers in lands
that have suffered from war,
dictatorships and persecution
of God's people by totalitarian
rulers with eoncentration
camps. That we may get the
benefit from this. we
must do it nngrudgmgly. Then,
too, we must keep busy in up-
bnilding our brothers with all
the spiritual resources we have
at our command. Any gift with
which God has endowed us or
which he has helped us to cul-
tivate is to be put to use, es-
peciaIly now in the "time of
the end", when it is so urgent-
ly needed. W 9/15
Wednesday, October 29
The form of wor8hip that's
clean and undefiled J"om the
stan,d,;lOint of our Go and Fa-
ther J8 this: to care for or-
phans and widows in their
tribulation, and to keep one-
self without spot from the
world.--Jas. 1: 2"1, NW.
Religion has the of
"system or form of worshlp",
regardless of whether it is
true or false, pure and clean
or apostate. Hence, we are
justified iu nsing the word "re-
ligion" as applying to Chris-
tianity when it means the
pure, clean, undefiled religion.
True Christianity, true reli-
gion or form of worship, will
live down the reproaches that
are heaped upon it. False re-
ligion or worship will never
survive the reproaches that are
being heaped upon it, nor the
judgments that God is bringing
against it. God is the Judge of
what pure worship is, for he
is the Author of it. All reli-
gion is therefore on judgment
before him today. The true
will be made manifest and be
blessed by him. The false will
be condemned by him and up-
rooted from the earth. W 11/1
Thursday, October 80
Lo! in righteousness shall
reign a king yea even flrincea
[sarimJ with equity shall bear
rule.-Isa. 32: 1, Ro.
When the Society of the
anointed remnant made the
due arrangements and the ap-
pointments of servants, the
theocratic organization was
restored among Jehovah's wit
nesses and went into force
among them October 1, 1938.
Since the Society of the
anointed remnant was acting
as the "faithful and discreet
slave" of the King of right
eousness at the temple, such
restoration of the theocratic
with properly ap-
pomted servants to carryon
the work brought to a fuller
realization the prophecy above.
Since aar was applied to a
man put in charge of as few
as ten people, the theocratic
appointing of servants to take
the lead and oversight among
ten of Jehovah's witnesses
would be part of the proph-
ecy'S fulfillment, Yes, when
Christ Jesus came again with
Kingdom power and found the
"faithful and discreet slave"
class and appointed it over all
his visible belongings since
1918, this too was a fulfillment
of Isaiah's prophecy concern-
ing the princes. lV 12/1
Friday, October 81
.1etusalem, shall be inhabited
us villages without walls, . ,
For I
saith Jehovah, will be
llnto tier a wall of fire round
about.-Zech. 2: 4, 5, AS.
Those who have come to Je
hovah's organization, Jerusa-
recognize him as their
Goa and Jerusalem as his or-
ganization and feel safe be-
cause he is their protector.
'rhey need not depend on the
walls or bulwarks that nations
of this world set up to protect
themselves, because ".Jehovah
knows those who belong to
him". The good news of the
incoming new world attracts
the meek to God's Word, and
that draws them closer to Je-
hovah. Having come to his un-
walled city, trusting in him
and having confidence in his
Word, they are not afraid of
what might happen to them.
They are sure of protection.
Was not God able to protect
the congregation of Israel from
being engnlfed when the earth
opened and swallowed up the
unfaithful opposition? And to
preserve Noah and his family
through the flood? Is he not
able to preserve those who
have come into his un walled
village '! He certainly is! W
Saturday, November 1
Keep this mental attitude in
you which was also in Christ
Jesus.-Phil. 2: 5, NlV.
We must observe God's Son,
"the leader and perfecter of
our faith." (Beb. 12: 2, NW)
\Ve may not be able to know
fully the mind of Jehovah, be-
cause it is unfathomable to us.t
but. says 1 Corinthians 2: 10
(NlV), "we do have the mind
of Christ." Yes, we do have
what he thinks; we share his
thoughts, for he came to earth
and disclosed them to us. In
projlortion as we are zealous
and mature Christians, our
thoughts are his thoughts. So
we can appreciate why he
spoke and acted as he did, and
why he humbled himself under
his heavenly Father's hand,
even to the disgraceful death
on the torture stake. We can
keep his mental attitude by
having the mind of Christ, his
thought, and to this end we
have to study God's Word,
which Eives us the account of
what J csus said and how he
lived and what pr.()phecies he
fulfilled and what prophecies
he is now in course of ful-
filling or will yet fulfill. By
God's law we are entitled to
freedom not only of thought
but of expression. lV 10/15
Sunday, November 2
The world is passing away and
80 is its desire
but he that
doe8 the will OJ God remains
/orever.-1 John 2: 11, NlV.
In this dark day it is very
important to know God's will.
It is only by examining what
is written in his Word that we
can arrive at what his will is.
Many problems enter a Chris-
tian's life in this world, es-
pecially as he now finds that
the world is hostile to him
and yet he must do what God
wants him to do. Many per-
sonal matters give him trouble
and he g!'ts p e q ~ l e x e d as to
what the divine wlil is for him.
The difficulty is, the Bible
was not written to him per-
sonally to mark out each step
he takes, and so how is he to
determine what God's will is
for him? The inquiring person
may take his problem to God
in prayer. How, now, will he
get his answer? By just
opening the Bible after prayer
to wherever it happens to open
and putting his finger blin!1ly
on a text, and then taklllg
that text to be the answer in-
dicating God's will for him?
No; that is leaving the matter
to chance, not handling God's
Word rightly. He must study
it intelligently. lV 6/15
Monday, November S
The minding of the spirit
means life and _ peace.
-Rom. 8: 6, NW.
Jehovah Gad and Christ J e-
sus a re still active as the
great Healers, performing mar-
vels now in a spiritual way.
The physical healings in apos-
tolic days so long ago were
merely secondary to the more
wonderful and more important
spiritual miracles. The physi-
cal healings passed away in
due time, as was foretold, but
the works of spiritual trans-
formation have continued an
through the centuries down
till now. Today hundreds of
thousands of persons of good
will are beginning to appre-
ciate these wonder works
which are more important for
eternal life in the new world
than temporary physical cures
in this world could ever be.
The good effects physically on
those who received miraculous
bodily cures in apostolic times
ended with their death. The
good effects on those who have
believed and experienced God's
power through Christ in a
spiritual way continue, in that
they will be with them when
resurrected to life in the prom-
ised new world. W 5/15
Tuesday, November 4
The remnant of Israel shall
not do iniquity, nor speak lies;
neither shall a deceitful tongue
be found in their mouth.
-Zeph. 3: 13.
During all the years since
the liberation in 1919 Satan
and his demons have tried to
corrupt the organization and
worship of Jehovah's delivered
people. But their High Priest
at the temple has kept them
clean. Furthermore, Satan has
tried to destroy them by bring-
ing against them the violent
forces of fascism and nazism,
and now, too, the forces of
international communism. But
down to this year 1952 his
efforts by these means have
been in vain. By every device
he has tried to drag them back
to slavery and make them a
part of this world, but to no
avail. .T ehovah's lib!'rated and
cleansed people hold fast to
clean, undefiled religion in its
true meaning. Not only do they
care for widows and orphans
or bereaved ones in their
tribulation, but they also keep
themselves without spot from
this world. By God's power
they will continue doing this.
lV 11/1
Wednesday, November 5
Ilis bread will be given to him,
his water will be sure.
-Jsa. 33: 16, AT.
Through this troublous pe-
riod upon Christendom and
clear through the war of Ar-
mageddon Jehovah will make
sure we get our bread and
water to meet our need in our
faithful service to him. Due to
enemy action against us, some
may not have as much as we
do. In this case it is our privi-
lege to share with them, to
strengthen them for God's
work with integrity. We shall
always have something so as
to distribute equally what God
provides. As it was with the
Israelites when collecting man-
na each day in the wilderness,
"he that gathered much had
over, and he that gath-
ered little had no lack; they
gathered every man according
to his eating." (Ex. 16: 18,
AS) Our heavenly Father will
also supply us daily with the
spiritual food through his theo-
cratic organization, provided
we daily come to his table not
only feeding our minds on his
written Word but also feeding
our spiritual selves by doing
God's will and sharing his
Word of truth with others.
W 8/15
Thursday, November 6
That which corre8ponds to this
is also now saving you, name-
ly, baptism, ( . . . the request
made to God for a good con-
.-1 Pet. 3: 21, NW.
After we have a good or
clean conscience before God
which relieves us of the con-
sciousness of being condemned
sinners and outside of his fa-
vor, we must keep our con-
sciences good and clean. This
requires more than mere faith
in Christ's sacrifice. It requires
real baptism into him now.
\Vhy? Because, though you
may bear his name and con-
fess him with your lips, you
can disown him by the way
you live. You can show you
do not belong to him by your
works, works which are not
like his example and which
he never commanded as your
Master and Owner, who
bought you with his own blood.
Jesus never had any conscious-
ness of sin in himself. (John
8: 46) So we must have the
inward consciousness that we
are not copying the world or
keeping in friendship with it
while we are in it but that we
are sincere in what we are
doing in a godly way, having
more than just a form of god-
ly devotion. W 11/15
Friday, November 7
Do not be puzzled at the burn"
ing among you which is hap-
pening to you for a tdal, as
thoug'h a strange thing were
befalling vou. On the contrary,
go on rejoicing forasmuch
vou are sharers in the SUf-
ferings of the Ohd8t.-l Pet.
4: 12, 13, NW.
'Ve have enlightenment from
God through his 'Vord and
theocratic organization. So we
have no reason now to be puz-
zled. Having joy over why we
are suffering us
to keep our integrIty under
test. We are sharing, not just
in the common sufferings of
men, but in the sufferings of
the Christ. This suffering must
precede the glory of living in
the new world, after Christ
fully reveals himself at Arma-
geddon. In all the suffering,
let us keep sound in mind
and keep God's spirit upon us.
(1 Pet. 4: 14, NW) We may
not have outward glory upon
us now, but God's spirIt upon
us now is a "spirit of glory",
the guarantee of glory to come
in reward for the present suf-
fering. Be sympathetic with
our brothers who are suffering
elsewhere. Set a good example
of faithfully enduring suf-
fering. W 9/15
Saturday, November 8
Say not, 1 will do 80 to him
as he hath done to me.-Prov.
24:29, AS; Matt. 5:39, NW.
A real keeper of the sermon
on the mount will not resist
a wicked person, taking ad,an
tage of the law of retaliation
to give like for like, injury for
injury, where it is purely a
personal affair and where ful-
fillment of his commission to
serve God is not directly
involved. Christians must not
take the law into their own
hands, to return an injury
to others. Rather, ignore the
personal wrong and show
the mental attitude of Christ
and go on with his service.
the wicked abuser remem-
ber your self-restraint rather
than any hurt he might have
gotten from you in return,
which hurt would prove you
are as violent as he is. Show
proper respect for orderly gov-
('rnment, even if it is human.
Uphold the legal processes of
the land and the laws that
are not against rightt'ousness
and God's law. By loving acts
and by prayer show yourself
willing to help even your foes
and persecutors to find the
way to salvation. Let no un-
just acts provoke hatred that
seeks only for hurt to befall
your personal enemies. W 2/1
Sunday, November 9
8hepherd the flock of God
among YOff.-l Pet. 5: re, NW.
How fitting Peter's admoni-
tion to those who are older
spiritually among the congre-
gation of God's people! As the
Chief Shepherd brings more of
the other sheep into the one
flock under the one Shepherd,
what a lot of shepherding work
there is to do today! As we
do this work, let us be certain
we do it in the right way,
as Peter prescribes, willingly,
eagerly, as examples to the
flock, and not under compul-
sion, nor for love of dishonest
gain, nor lording it over those
who are God's sheep. Not only
the older ones spiritually but
also the younger ones should
be humble, subject to the
leading of God's hand. We
must all do this for the sake
of hunting, gathering and
feeding the Great Shepherd's
sheep. As the other sheep are
now being divided off from the
worldly goats, let us welcome
them all, as many as come, to
the flock. Let us all get along
peaceably, lovingly, with one
another, that we may go
through Armageddon together
as one indivisible flock. W 9/15
l\londay, November 10
Thou didst bow th11self, play-
ing the harlot. Yet I had
planted thee a noble vine,
wholly a right seed: how then
art thou turned into the degen-
erate branches of a foreign
vine unto mef--Jer.
2: 20, 21, AS.
Christendom has not had
the strength to resist infection
and contamination resulting
from compromise with false re-
ligion, no more so than natural
Israel of old had the
to do so. Instead of sanctifymg
pagan doctrines, philosophies,
rites and practices by adopting
them into her religious system,
Christendom has defiled herself
with tbis world. She has dese-
crated Christ's name which she
bears. Y ct she pretends to be
promised in marriage to him.
No matter how pure she claims
her origin to be, from Christ
the bue Vine, yet today she
too has turned into a foul,
rank, wild vine in God's sight.
She is not bringing forth the
fruitage of God's kingdom. Is
she Christian or pagan? Holy
Scripture answers, Pagan !
Like a cast-off branch she will
be consumed. W 11/1
Tuesday, November 11
Let him do what he wants;
he does not sin. Let them
marrY.-1 Cor. 7: 86, NW.
Except that a Christian is
to marry "in the Lord", God
exercises no will to decide, but
lets each Christian have full
freedom of will. God assures
him he does not sin if he
marries "in the Lord", but he
tells him what will be his por-
tion if he stays single and what
if he marries. He is free to
stay single and enjoy the larg-
er sphere of service and the
specIal privileges for which
sIngleness adapts him. He is
free to marr;v, without thus
sinning, to enJoy the privileges
of wedlock. But he must part
thereby with some control
over his own body and must
expect "tribulation in the
flesh". There is no sin in exer-
cising his wish in this case.
What does he wish? God's will
only is that, if he does marry,
he must love his w i f ~ ~ keep
the marriage bed underued by
committing no adultery, and
bring up his children in the
discipline and authoritative ad-
vice of Jehovah and prove his
integrity, paying his vows to
God. W 6/15
Wednesday, November 12
With no one in Israel have I
found 80 great a faith. But I
tell you that many from
eastern parts and western will
come and recline at the table
with Abraham and Isaac and
Jacob in the kingdom of the
heavens.-Matt. 8: 10, 11, NW.
Jesus here meant that many
Gentiles would exercise faith
when the Kingdom gospel was
preached to all the nations. By
reason of their faith in God's
message about his Christ they
would be transferred from a
pauper condition of alienation
from God and spiritual starva-
tion, and would be brought
like Lazarus into Abraham's
bosom. That is, they would be
taken into Jehovah God's fa-
vor and to his heart and be
adopted as his sons and heirs
of the Kingdom with Jesus
Christ, the Seed of Abraham.
They would come into the fa-
vor of the Theocracy where the
Jewish remnant was, and
would feast at the "table of
Jehovah" on spiritual riches
of Scriptural truth and sacred
service as his witnesses. Going
on now for nineteen centuries,
this has reached a climax in
our day. W '2/15
Thursday, November IS
He hath made m1l mouth. like
a sharp sword' and made
me a poliahea shaft; in his
quiver hath he hid me.
-Isa. -'9:e.
The entire anointed servant
class is produced for a service
against God's foes. This is why
God made the Servant's mouth
like a sharp sword and made
him like a polished shaft or
arrow. The tongue of the Serv-
ant and his followers takes up
God's Word and so makes use
of the "sword of the spirit".
It declares the judgment of
Jehovah against his enemies,
exposes the hearts of religious
hypocrites, puts to dtath false
doctrine and human traditions.
As his servants use it He hides
them in the shaduw of his
hand. So, though they are out
in the open fighting they arc
still under his protection.
From far off Jehovah sends
the servant class, like a pol-
ished arrow shot from a bow-
string. God kept his Son, his
great Spokesman, close or
stored him away like an arrow
in a quiver, reserving him for
use 8t the due time. All the
servant class he has reserved
for use at the proper time, at
which time he propels them by
his spirit against the foes of
God's kingdom. W 1'2/15
Friday, November 14
Abraham said: "They have
l1l oses ana the Prophets,. let
them listen to these."-Luke
16:29, NW.
It was the Jews who then
had the Mosaic Law, the
Prophets and the other section
of the Hebrew Scriptures
headed by the Psalms. Abra-
ham showed he did not agree
with the rich man's request
concerning Lazarus. Just so,
too, the Lazarus class is not to
be allowed to take away Moses
and the Prophets or to ignore
them or take from them or
add to them. The Scriptures
they already had must stand
without change or compromise.
The rich man class and their
"five brothers" today have, not
only Moses and the Prophets
or the Hebrew Scriptures, but
also the Greek Scriptures of
Christ's disciples. The "rich
man" class had not strictly
heeded these Scriptures and
conformed his life and teaching
to them. Hence he suffered. So
if the "five brothers" or other
members of the religious part
of the DeviI's organization
listen to these Scriptures and
regulate their lives by them,
only then will ther not get
into the "rich man's' hopeless,
tormented state. W 3/1
Saturday, November 15
Forgit'e us our debts, as we
also have jorg'iven our debtors.
-Matt. 6: 1'2, NW.
A sin of transgression
against God's law puts us in
debt to him. J!'or our sin he
could demand and exact our
lives; he could banish us from
his holy organization and from
fellowship and association with
it. lie could withdraw his
peace from us, breaking off
all peaceful relations with us.
He could make us turn in to
him all we got from him by
his undeserved kindness. We
owe him love, expressed in
obedience; and when we sin
we fail in paying our debt of
love to him, for sin is unloving
toward God. This petition
would not be authorized unless
there was some basis for God's
forgiveness of us. The basis
for it is not just his love and
mercy in an abstract way and
without r e ~ a r d to his perfect
justice whIch requires death
for sin. The basis for forgive-
ness is his love and mercy ex-
pressed in the human sacri-
fice of his Son Jesus Christ
which comfletely met all the
demands 0 justice in our be-
half. So to pray this, we must
accept Christ's sacrifice. lV
Sunday, November 16
Hold a gooa conscience, 80 that
in the particular in which YOI'
are spoken against they 1nay
get ashamed who are speaking
slightingly of your good con-
duct.-1 Pet. 3: 16, NW.
If we do this, then when
we come before God himself
for questioning we can make
an answer to him out of a
good conscience. Then he will
judge us with approval
through Christ Jesus. It may
be, too, that some honest-
hearted person who sees you
are willing to suffer for the
sake of holding a good con-
science toward God will be im-
pressed and will be led to see
that your God is the living,
true God and so will turn to
Him for sal\'ation. Let us be
baptized ill Christ's example,
for he is the Greater Noah in
the ark of a new system of
things for salvation. Baptism
for us to be saved now rests
with him. So by all means let
us request and keep a good
conscience toward God. In
that way we shall be hid in
the day of .T ehovah's anger
and shall realize the purpose
of our baptism into the
Greater Noah for our salva-
tion. lV 11/15
Monday, November 17
Render therefore unto Owsar
the things which are Owsar's.
-Matt. 22: 21.
The matter here discussed
was not Caesar's military
draft or voluntary enlistment
in his army. What Jesus de-
clared lawful according to
God's law through Moses was
to pay tax to Caesar even
though Caesar had extended
his empire by carnal weapons
and had taken away the in-
dependence and liberty of J e-
hovah's chosen people. Even a
man who conscientiously ob-
jected to serving in Caesar's
armies of aggression should
!lay him taxes as a conqueror.
Even if Caesar applied a large
part of it to his military pro-
gram, yet what he did with the
money was no responsibility
of the conscientious objector.
By Caesar's taking over the
country's control and running
the government all the sub-
jugated people were receiving
material benefits, and for this
they were to pay back to Cae-
sar the tax as due him. Hence
a conscientious objector who
is devoted to God to be His
witness is not authorized to
engage in subversiveness or
promote pacifism. W 2/1
Tuesday, November 18
No doubt you will apply this
illustration to me, "Physician,
cUl'e yourself."-Luke
4:23, NW.
By this his townsmen were
meaning Jesus should practice
his miraculous powers on his
former neighbors, as if to say,
Curing begins at home, for
the benefit of your own first.
But Jesus tried to appeal to
his own townspeople by his
preaching rather than by the
miraculous relief of sickness.
Had he followed their idea,
"Physician, cure yourself," he
would not have been run out
of town by them and threat-
ened with stoning to death.
So because of their lack of
faith he did his miracles on
outsiders, just as the prophet
Elijah did. He knew that
healing powers were not for
personal advantage, but for a
sign to outsiders, just like the
gift of tongues. The one gifted
with the power of divine
healing was not to be a self-
healer. The healing power was
to be used for others, not for
the healer's own comfort
for him to enrich himse f by
this practice and accept pay.
W 5/1
Wednesday, November 19
Are they not all spirits for
public service, sent forth to
minister for those who are
going to inherit salvation'
-Heb. 1: H, NW.
The answer to the apostle's
question is Yes, We are living
at the time of Christ's presence
in his glorious kingdom, and
one of the visible evidences
of this is his separating of
the people of all nations into
two classes, sheep goats,
symbolically speaking. Mighty
angels attend this separation
work, for Jesus predicted this.
(Matt. 25: 31) We are living
in the consummation of this
system of things. So the angels
are concerned not alone with
gathering the sheep but also
with the organization
of true ChrIstians clean from
all frauds. With the immediate
participation of his the
King has been gathermg out
of God's visible organization
all who fraudulently pose as
being heirs of God's kingdom
but who are sons of the Devil.
If, now, we are active in let-
ting the dividing light shine
ont, the angels under command
of the King Jesus Christ will
co-operate with us. W 6/15
Thursday, November 20
A thousand shall fall at thy
side, and ten thousand at thy
right hand; but it shall not
come nigh thee. Only with
thine eyes shalt thot' behold,
and see the reward of the
wicked.-Ps. 91,' 7, 8, AS.
By maintaining strong faith,
based on knowledge of God, his
witnesses can stick to the wit-
ness work. There is nothing at
all to fear. Jehovah has prom-
ised to provide for his servants
and protect them. It is a
time to dwell on and speak
of Jehovah's maksty and all
the mighty acts He has done.
The fight will become heated.
What a marvelous experience
it will be to be right there
in the middle of it and see
Jehovah's victory! Then we
will be amazed at the strength
he gives. We must always be-
lieve his promises. 'Ve must
trust in him. We must have
absolute reliance upon his
Word of truth. That is why
it was preserved down to our
day; the prophecies were writ-
ten for our benefit. Filling our
minds with the Scriptures, we
shall be strong; we shall know
just what to do. W 9/1
Friday. November 21
For Jehovah hath built up
Zion; he hath appeared in his
glory.-Ps. 102: 16, AS.
Jehovah's purpose is to build
a heavenly organization which
is to be a sanctuary. It is
called Zion. It is his own hab-
itation and he will dwell in
it forever. All its "stones" are
of his own selection, preparing,
testing; and he will be respon-
sible for laying them in place.
The most important of these
is the foundation cornerstone.
The real, complete Zion is the
heavenly city made up of the
faithful slaves of God who are
anointed! tried,
and approved, bui t upon
the "sure foundation" Jesus
Christ, the Cornerstone, God's
anointed King. How beautiful
and delightful and indicative
of Zion's purity are these pre-
cious words: "This is my
resting-place for ever: here
will I dwell; for I have de-
sired it." (Ps. 132: 14, AS)
This city has been in course
of preparation for nearly two
thousand years. Its building
up takes place when Jehovah
appears in his glory. The capi-
tal city of the universe is
Zion, the joy and delight of
the whole earth, for his be-
loved Son is its foundation
and everyone in it speaks J e-
hovah's praise. W 10/1
Saturday. November 22
Surely he that toucheth you
[people] toucheth the pupiZ of
mine eye.-Zech.
2,' 8, Ro; AT.
Those who renounce unright-
eousness and take their stand
on Jehovah's side, he will look
after as his very own, because
"Jehovah knows those who be-
long to him". (2 Tim. 2: 19,
NlV) If anyone touches these
that he has chosen and blessed.
it is like touching the pupil of
his eye. Jehovah's organiza-
tion, the free Jerusalem above,
is our mother and is the closest
thing to Him. He has created
her and made her for his
praise. It will be just too bad
for the individuals or nations
that fight against God or his
witnesses. These belong to him
and in due time he will exe-
cute judgment against op-
posers. This does not mean Je-
hovah will not allow members
or part of his organization to
suffer hurt. He will; in order
that the ones hurt may prove
their integrity and faithful.
ness. However, he will take
cognizance of the offenders,
while he advises us: "Ven-
geance is mine, I will repay.
says Jehovah." W 1/1
Sunday, November 28
The God of Jacob is our
refuge.-Ps. 46: 'f.
Having the God of Jacob
as our lofty retreat, there. is
no need for us to orgalllze
refuge farms in isolated places,
retire to ourselves there and
guit the field of activity as
Kingdom publishers. Trust in
the great God of Jacob is not
demonstrated by hiding in se-
clusion but is demonstrated
by courageously going forth
onto the field of action and
spreading his message of life.
"Jehovah preserveth the faith-
ful." (Ps. 31: 23, AS) Re-
treating into him as our high
tower means to keep in unity
with him wherever we may be
in the line of duty. That way
we stay inside the organiza-
tion of his theocratic people
who are scattered all over the
earth. Bl carrying out organi-
zation Instructions as con-
tained in God's 'Vord, we work
like our fellow witnesses every-
where else. We unitedly pub-
lish the name and government
of Jehovah, bidding all life-
seekers to take refuge under
Him. W 3/15
l\londay, November 24
The overseer should therefore
be irreprehensible, a husband
of one wife, .. Let ministerial
servants be husbands of one
wije.-1 Tim. 3:;2,1'2, NW.
It is required of such serv-
ants in congregations to be
husbands to but one living
wife. This is not to be under-
stood as saying that monog-
amy is reqUired of only serv-
ants but polygamy is allowed
for the rest of the congrega-
tion. Certainly polygamy was
not practiced by the women in
apostolic times in having many
living husbands. So polygamy
of the women was not why
the registration requirement
was made of aged widows to
receive material support of a
congregation, that of having
been the "wife of one hus-
band". (1 Tim. 5: 9,10, NW)
So monogamy applies to Chris-
tian women as well as men.
Since the appointed servants
of the congregation were to be
examples of the Christian flock.
they were to be examples to
the believers in this matter of
being married to one living
wife also. This in itself shows
that the standard for all of
Christ's followers is that of a
man's having but one living
wife, just as God arranged it
with Adam in Eden. W 4/15
Tuesday, November 25
Let your will come to pass, as
in heaven, a l , ~ o upon eartll.
-Matt. 6: 10, NW.
Not that God's will is to
be done by human creatures
on earth as it is done by spirit
angels up in heaven, but,
rather, that God will do what
he wants to do here on earth
by means of his kingdom just
the same as he does it up in
heaven. At his appointed year,
1914, he brought his kingdom
to birth by enthroning Christ
Jesus as King in the midst
of his enemies. And Jesus is
faithfully carrying out his will
toward this earth just as he
did toward heaven when he
fought and cast Satan and his
demons down from there. Je-
sus once came to earth as a
man to do his Father's will
here. After destroying Satan's
wicked heavens and earth at
Armageddon, God will build up
a new human society the mem-
bers of which will love to do
God's will. Since his will to
have a new heavens and a
new earth will be done, and
since his will is to preserve this
earthly globe through Arma-
geddon, his will can and will
be done here also as it is done
up in heayen. lV 8/15
Wednesday, November 26
The remaining ones of her
seed . .. observe the command
ments of God.-Rev.
12:17, NW.
It is practical to live in
accord with God's Word. Some
may protest that if all men
did it would be fine, but since
the majority do not it is use-
less for a few to do so. Yet
these same men fight for their
political and social convictions,
even though they may be in
a minority. Christians stand
firm in their beliefs. Other
worldlings may say God's king-
dom will be fine when it gets
going, but until then they
must do something to improve
conditions. IIowever, Chris-
tians do not sit idly by, await-
ing the Kingdom's full sway
over earth. 'l'hey are given so
much to do that it is impera-
tive that they redeem the time
in order to complete their gos-
pel preaching. Unimpressed,
the worldlings want to do
things in their own way,
trusting in their own schemes,
their own efforts, their own
right. That is highly imprac-
tical, in view of the fact that
Jehovah God is the wisest
and mightiest force in the uni-
verse. At Armageddon he will
in a very practical way sweep
into oblivion all who oppose
him. W 6/1
Thursday, November 27
lmmcrsion,---not a putting
away of the filth of the flesh
but the request unto God for
a good eonscience.-1 Pet.
3: 21, Ro.
Peter makes a strong plea
for a good conscience in us
who are baptized into the
Greater Noah in this "time of
the end". We cannot be bap-
tized into him within the ark
unless we go after a clean,
good conscience, for Christ J e-
sus always had and kept such
a conscience, through all his
sufferings. The self-righteous
hypocrites accused him, but he
knew he was suffering for no
wrongdoing of his own but
for doing the good will of God.
As followers of his we must
suffer, especially in this time
of his second presence as the
Greater Noah. But when we
suffer at men's hands, let us
make certain we do not suffer
for our own wrongdoing.
(1 Pet. 4: 15, NW) For our
baptism into the Greater Noah
to be for our salvation we need
to preserve our inward con-
sciousness of being blameless
according to God's laws and
commands. W 11/15
Friday, November 28
The complete cnd of all thinlJs
has drawn close. Be 80und in
mind, therefore.-1 Pet.
4:7, NW.
Jehovah's witnesses think
Noah's example at the end of
the ancient ungodly world is
the most scientific, and that
to follow it in this "time of
the end" of the postdiluvian
world guarantees life. Like
Noah and his family, Jeho-
vah's witnesses of today are in-
terested in perpetuating the
human family beyond the eat-
aclysm of Armageddon. In har
mony with this they are now
imitating Noah's example of
faith and are bringing in
droves of God's "other sheep"
under his theocratic organiza-
tion in the face of the ap-
proaching world's end. J eho-
vah God has given us the spirit
of soundness of mind. So we
declare his promise that the
earth will survive Armaged-
don and that God's will is to
be done here in converting the
entire globe into a paradise.
Armageddon survivors and
those resurrected from the
graves may prove themselves
worthy to inhabit it forever.
So in the face of the enrl we
do not lose our mental balance,
but we act consistent with our
belief. lV 9/15
Saturday, November 29
Quit being fashioned after this
system of things.-Rom.
12: 2, NlV.
If to prove to ourselves
God's will we have to have
our minds made over, it is
evident that this system of
thinp:s is not according to
God s will. Hence we have to
quit being fashioned after this
system, in order to prove to
ourselves what is God's good,
acceptable and complete will.
This system may take pride
on being much farther ad-
vanced than the ancient world
which ended in the flood of
Noah's day, hut it is exactly
like it in the same respects
for which the flood came.
There is a continual bent of
the mind toward evil/ a con-
tinual bent of thinkmg con-
trary to the will of the Crea-
to!: Jehovah God. (Gen 6: 5,
A:.I') The whole system of
things which worldly men are
trying to bring in to line with
modern thought is fashioned
according to wrong thinking,
and the longer the system goes,
the farther it angles away
from the absolute truth. It is
not according to God's mind.
That is why it must go, and
that shortly. It is now on its
way out! It is high time to
find out Jehovah's thoughts.
W 10/15
Sunday, November SO
011, gire thanks unto the God
of g o d . ~ ; for his lovingkindneS8
endureth for ever.-l's.
136: 2, AS.
False religion, the worship
of false gods, leads to deatli
and to destruction at the battle
of Armageddon. Our adopting
and abiding in the clean, un-
defiled religion, the worship of
the tnle God Jehovah through
his High Priest Christ Jesus,
leads to eternal life in the new
world. In the decisive contest
of the gods at Armageddon.
all the false gods of this world,
visible and in visible, will top-
ple from their pedestals in de-
feat and be destroyed, and
their undean false worship
and religion will perish with
them. 'l'hat means their wor-
shipers will perish with them,
to the eyer lasting reproach of
the false gods and false wor-
ship. But the Most High God
J ehoyah, by his royal High
Priest Christ Jesus, will pre-
serve the true worshipers
through that mighty, destruc-
tive, world conflict. By this
stupendous miracle the clean,
undefiled religion will survive
with them into the new world,
and the pure worship will en-
joy an all-time victory. W 11/1
l\[onday, December 1
After you have suffered a
little while, the God of all
undeserved kindness . . will
himself finish your training, he
will make you firm, he will
make you stronfl.-l Pet.
5: 10, NlV.
So do not run for cover and
isolate yoursdf. Keep shoulder
to shoulder with your brothers
and bear the sufferings with
them and thus stand up against
the Devil with sohdity of
faith. Jehovah God is very
close to us and is dealing with
us, with a view to our com-
plete salvation. He is not let-
ting suffering come upon us to
destroy us, but is seeking to
perfect us in obedience by the
things we suffer. He is training
us for faithful service in the
future, to make us immovahle
in his service, strong spiritual-
ly. Hence when the climax of
the final test comes shortly
under the all-out effort of the
combined foe, with everything
the enemy has, we shall come
off completely victorious for
God's vindication and survive
the end. So do not wilt under
continuous suffering. lV 9/15
Tuesday, December 2
And the leaves of the trees
were for the curing of the
nations.-Rev. 22: 2, NW.
The fruits of the Kingdom,
that is to say, the Kingdom
message and the active service
in spreading it, they hold forth
for the great crowd of people
of good will to eat and to pass
on to other famished ones.
Being trees of righteousness,
they are good trees. Their
leaves are the faithful outward
professions of what they be-
lieve and teach, without hy-
pocrisy, and accompanied by
Kingdom fruits every month
and season of the year. And
so these symbolic leaves, when
applied to the people of good
will everywhcre, are health-
giving, curative, acting like
medicine. Hundreds of thou-
sands have already come to
these trees by the riverside,
have eaten the Kingdom fruits
offered and have applied to
themselves the curatIve leaves
by accepting the educational
services of Jehovah's anointed
remnant of witnesses. They
have experienced healing men-
tally, morally. and in their re-
lations with God, and are now
in line for life in the new
world. W 5/15
Wednesday, December 8
1/ Jehovah wills, we shall live
and also do this or that.
-Jas. 4: 15, NW.
After we have made our per-
sonal plans regarding where,
when and how we are going
to be active in the field, we
should say, "If Jehovah wills,
I will do his work then and
there." If he spares you and
lets you get there and serve,
you can thank him for this
privilege. If you have pleasant
experiences and get encourag-
ing results from your efforts,
you can thank him for these ex-
pressions of his favor, for
every good gift and every per-
fectpresent comes from him
the Father of celestial lights.
If there is opposition or trials,
if favorable results do not
quickly show up, you can study
the matter and determine how
far Satan is responsible or how
far the fault lies with you in
your lack of preparation for
service, your lack of tact, your
bringing reproach on the mes-
sage by personal conduct, or
other causes. Knowing you are
doing God's will, carryon his
service faithfully. By this per-
sistence defeat the enemy's in-
tention. W 6/15
Thursday. December 4:
At that time shall Michael
stand up, the great prince who
standeth for the ohildren of
th1l people; and at t1r.at
time th1/ people shall be de-
livered.-Dan. 12: 1, AS.
The great deliverance prom-
ised begins when the "appointed
times of the nations" run out,
A.D. 1914. This period of time
stretches for 2,520 years, from
607 B.C. Throughout those
many centuries God's nation
never had a king of David's line
ruling on the throne, for the
crown was reserved for him
who has the right to it. His
coronation with it was not to
take place at the first advent
of Christ Jesus, but at the
second. He was not to be King
over just one small part of
the earth, but to be King of
all. He is "King of kings".
No city on earth was to be
the seat of this mighty K i n ~ ,
but heaven itself. His prophetIC
name, "Mi2hael," means "'Vho
is as (or like) God?" Christ
J csus is the "image of God".
At last he stands up as the
"great prince". ",,'hy? To aid,
defend and deliver his people
and destroy their enemies. W
Friday, December Ii
ThovO" there are thollc who
are called "gods", whether in
heaven or on earth, just as
there are many "gods" and
many "lords", there is actually
to us one God.-1 Cor.
8:4-6. NW.
According to this, there has
always been a conflict between
the worship of Jehovah, the
God and Father of Christ J e-
sus, and the worship of all
the so-called "gods" of this
world. including Christendom.
The worship of the only real
God Jehovah is the true wor-
ship. Outnumbered many thou-
sands of times by the wor-
shipers of such gods of this
world, those who worship Je-
hovah as the only God face
the same question now as in
all the past sixty centuries of
human history, Will their wor-
ship survive? Will it triumph?
About the answer to this qnes-
tion there can be no uncer-
tainty. The one living and true
God Jehovah will triumph over
the false gods despite their mil-
lions in number. Hence the
true worship of Jehovah God
will triumph over all false wor-
~ h i p and will alone survive.
'.rhe day for that trinmph is
yery near. W 11/1
Saturday, December 6
To persons defiled and faith-
IpS8 nothing i8 clean, but both
their minds and their con-
science8 arc defiled.-Titus
1:15, NW.
It is so easy to develop a
defiled consciencc, one that
condemns what is pure in
God's sight. How? If we fol-
low man-made standards of
self-righteousness and hold fast
to them and do not advance
with God's advancing light on
his arrangements for salvation.
'l'he Pharisees got defiled in
this way, so that they saw
nothing clean in what Jesus
Rnd his disciples did and
taught. How did they get that
way? By accepting religions
fables and commandments of
men in place of those of God.
So we are told to "be healthy
in the faith, paying no atten-
tion to Jewish fables and com-
mandments of men who turn
themselves away from the
truth". To avoid this we must
pay no heed to religious fables
or to fleshly family trees which
fill us with pride and cause
social distinctIOns and unchris-
tian disunity among us. We
have to get our consciences
enlightened and cleansed by
the truth of God's Word. W
Sunday, December 'l
For the time will fail me if
I go on to relate about Gideon,
Barak, Samson, Jcphthah
David as well as Samuel ana
the other prophets, who through
faith defeated kingdoms in
conflict, ... became valiant in
u:ar, routed the armies of for-
elgners.-Heb. 11: 32-34, NW.
Everyone that Paul there
names was a fighter. Jehovah
gave them victory. 'Ve could
go through the list of J eho-
vah's witnesses from Abraham
onward to show they were not
pacifists. The history of J eho-
vah's witnesses runs all the
way back to Adam's son Abel,
whom his brother Cain killed
because Abel had received fa-
vorable witness from Jehovah
God. The apostle Paul, in
chapters 11 and 12 of his letter
to the Hebrews, shows that
fact. In all that history of al-
most six thousand years the
record fails to show Jehovah's
witnesses accusable of "oppo-
sition to war or to the use of
military force for any pur-
pose", which is the definition
of pacifism. Such pacifism not
even the Bible itself can be
charged with teaching! and
neither can Jehovah's witness-
es, who stick most scrupulous-
ly to the Bible. W 'e/l
Monday, December 8
Certain men have slipped in
. . . turning the undeserved
kindness of our God into an
excuse for loose conduct and
proving false to our only
Owner and Lord, Jesus Christ.
-Jude 4, NlV.
Let Christians enter into
marriage in an honorable way.
Let no single girl entice a
single man into sex relations
with her with the aim of ob-
ligating him to marry her.
That is fornication by them
hoth even if afterward he does
feel obligated and marries her.
Likely, however, her easy vir-
tue wiII create a contempt in
him for her, so that he will
want as his wife, not her, but
II woman with honor who re-
sists all inclinations or sug-
gestions to immorality. Let no
young widow with animal pas-
sions entice or yield to a man
for sexual gratification. On the
other hand, let no single man
think he has premarital free-
dom and can have sex relations
with one girl after another,
until he comes up against one
with the moral standards he
wants in a wife. By such sex
toleralJcc he is a fornicator
nnd a selfish corrupter of wom-
enfolk. Guard against men who
sneak in for such immoral rea-
sons. lV 4/15
Tuesday, December 9
So it is lawful to do right on
the sabbath. Jesus Ghrist is
the same yesterday and today,
and joreve'r.-M att. 12:12
and Heb. 19: 8, NW.
What about people of good
will who survive the battIe of
Armageddon because of having
had spiritual healing now?
Will they be instantaneously
healed of every bodily affliction
and miraculously perfected?
No. This would not comport
with their still being in the
same human bodies and still
having traces of sin and evil
inclinations which they inher-
ited from Adam. They wiII no
more be perfected in an instant
after Armageddon than the
faithful witnesses of ancient
time, Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abra-
ham, etc., will be resurrected
as perfect men by God's power
through Christ the King. For
all who survive Armageddon
and for those who wiII be
raised from the memorial
tombs the physical healing will
be gradual until human per-
fection is reached, at the latest
by the end of the thousand-
year sabbath. This gradual
progress in physical health will
depend upon their progress in
the way of righteousness under
Christ's rule. lV 5/15
Wednesday, December 10
So didst thou lead thy people.
-/sa. 69: 14.
If each of us were left to
himself just because he has a
copy of the Bible and were to
direct his movements independ
ently as he thought he un-
derstood that Word, what? It
is likely, or possible, that there
would be a great deal of con-
fusion or working in competi-
tion among us. So, besides in-
dividually possessing God's
'Vord, we need a theocratic
organization. Yes, besides
having God's spirit of illumi-
nation, a Christian needs J e-
hovah's theocratic organization
in order to understand the Bi-
ble. He needs to attend the
meetings arranged for by that
organization and to study with
fellow Christians. He needs the
organization, too, in order to
work in harmony with God's
purposes and to be directed
aright in his movements. The
reason is that God deals with
his organization and not with
individuals who are outside of
his organization 01' who de-
fiantly try to act independent-
ly of it. W 6/15
Thursday, December 11
Shew the things that are to
come hereafter, that we may
know that ye are yea,
do good, or do evil, that we
may be dismayed.-Isa. 1,1: 23.
Jehovah has proved right,
but not so the gods of Baby-
lon. Given the chance to do
good by voluntarily releasing
.Tehovah's witnesses from thcir
power and also given the
chance to do evil by exter-
minating the witnesses from
the earth, they have failed to
show themselves gods in com-
parison with Jehovah the God
of his anointed remnant. 'When
war in heaven followed the en-
throning of God's Son in 1914
as King of a new world, the
demon gods of Babylon, in-
cluding Satan their mler, were
given a forced fall from heav-
en down to this earth, the
footstool of God's King. So
Jehovah, by his King Christ
J esns, has vindicated himself
as the true God, showing his
power over the mighty enemy
organization Babylon. He has
vindicated himself as Almighty
God by deliveringbis remnant
from her power. His pnre wor-
ship was thus restored and re-
newed on the earth, and it
will be preserved. It will gain
the victory! W 11/1
Friday, December 12
The timo left is ,educed . ..
for the Roene of Ico!'/d is
changing.-1 COl'.
7: 29,31, NlV.
Christians nineteen ceutu-
ries ago saw they had spent
enough time iu the past
on the vauities of this old
world. They saw that an
endless new world was coming
and they must prove them-
selves worthy of living in it,
no matter how far off its es-
tablishment might be. In this
way they were setting a prop-
er example for us today. Like
them we should not selfishly
think we might as well enjoy
the world as long as it
and take a chance of turning
to the standards of the new
world just before we die or
bcfore this world passes out.
Like thl'm we must be wise
and realize we are making a
record now for our judgment
before God. In order for that
judgment to be one which
us eternal life in th('
new world. we must live and
act accordingly from now on.
Let us not fool ourselves. Our
responsibility COl1nts from now
on. Only by withdrawing our
love and support now from
this world can we escape from
being condemned and executed
with it. Let us face the world's
unjust criticism for doing so.
W 9/15
Saturday, December IS
I behold in my membets
another law warring against
the law of my mind.-jlotn.
7:23, NW.
According to the inborn law
in our minds, they desire or
find it easy to gravitate to
sin and selfishness. To sup-
plant this with a better law.
we have to have our minds
made over with new knowl-
edge. But after we have
gathered it from God's 'Y orrI,
we must work at our miuds
which arc filled with this divine
knowledge. Against the
inclinations and against the
tendency to mental laziness
and forgetfulness, we must
cultivate proper mental habits.
In this way we really develop
a 'law of the mind', a certain
mental cast or mold, a mental
rule of action, and this be-
comes a controlling force in
our lives. 'With our blessed
knowledge from God's 'Vord
we must train our minds in
right ways of thinking and in
right processes and efforts. Our
ever lasting existence depends
upon our a right-
eous 'law of the mmd'. Our
destiny depends upon what we
fix our attention on. W 10/15
Sunday, December 14
Do your utmost to present
yourself approved to God, a
workman with notlling to be
ashamed oj, handling the Word
of the truth aright.
-2 Tim. 2: 15, NW.
This is the time to shun
the empty speeches of those
who have so much to say but
who do not have God's backing,
much like Korah and the 250
older men of influence of the
Israelites, all of whom were
fighting God's serv-
ants. Indlvidually, everyone
must see to it that he under-
stands God's Word, studies it
well and keeps him-
self before God in serVlce so
as to be an approved person.
Doing the work assigned to
you to do is what counts.
Service in God's organization
anywhere satisfies! When one
turns to the Father of all mer-
cy and relies on him, doing His
will, one finds that great stores
of blessing are on hand for
him. One must truly be in-
terested in God's work and
want to know him well. "Jeho-
vah knows those who to
him," and we should certamly
want to know him. To do so
means life everlasting. W 1/1
Monday, December 15
Jehovah . healetn all thy
diseases.-Ps. 103: 2, 3, AS.
Eyes of the mind or of un-
derstanding need to be opened
to see the light of life, other-
wise we shall stumble into de-
struction. The blind religious
guides led the blind people to
the pit where both tumbled in
together to destruction. So
which is it more vital to re-
move. the physical or the men-
tal blindness? Which miracle is
the greater, the physical or
the spiritual? PhysIcal mir-
acles do not compare with the
spiritual miracles which cause
p_cople formerly deaf to God's
Word to hear it now with
understanding. By spiritual
miracles men whose tongues
were dumb as far as praising
God opened their mouths to de-
clare his fame, preach his
Word and witness to his king-
dom. Resuscitations of the
physically dead only to die
again in the flesh, were these
miracles greater than raising
people who were dead toward
God in their sinful, alienated
condition to live, act and serve
Him? For the anointed Chris-
tians this means immortal life
in the new world, glory with
Jesus Christ in his heavenly
kingdom. W 5/15
Tuesday, December 16
We reoommend ourselves a8
God's mifllisters . through the
weapons oj righteousness.
-2 Oor. 6: 4, 7, NW.
If we are thus armored, we
need never back down before
our assailants, and the Devil
and all his hosts of demons
cannot do us one bit of spirit-
ual harm. We may be killed
because of their invisible in-
fluence on their earthly agents,
but God will safeguard and
preserve our inheritance of
life in the new world, granting
us a resurrection in his due
time. We may be in prison
or concentration camp because
of demonized men and govern-
ments, but our enemies cannot
take our spiritual armor off
us. We can still retain this
armor and fight in it there in
detention, for Paul himself was
wearing this armor in prison
at Rome when he wrote the
Ephesians to wear it. And as
we fight in it we can keep in
communication with God and
his invisible organization by
means of prayer, every form
of prayer, praise, thanksgiving,
appreciation, petitions. Prayer
makes us feel divine aid near.
W 6/15
Wednesday, December 17
Be vigilant with a view to
prayers.-1 Pet. ,,: 7, NW.
We need to keep vigilant
about praying, privately and
with our brothers. Prayer
makes our appreciation of our
relation with our heavenly
Father and Deliverer stronger.
It keeps us in communication
with him. We have a real fight
on our hands, not against
blood and flesh with carnal
arms, but against superhuman
enemies, the wicked spirits.
Our personal armor is the
complete spiritual outfit God
has provided for us. As we
fight these spiritual
hosts WIth this complete suit
of armor on, we need to keep
awake, alert to pray and to
appeal for heavenly aid. We
cannot get along without
prayer. It really has an effect
if we pray with faith and
earnestness, in harmony with
God's will. We need to llray
for boldness to preach God's
Word and deliver the witness,
in favorable season, in trouble-
some season. Weare privileged
to pray, not for ourselves only,
but for all our brothers. W
Thursday, December 18
Your brethren that hate you,
that cast 1/OU out jor my
name's sake, have 3aid, Let
Jehovah be glorified, that we
may see your joy./ but it is
they that shall oe put to
8hame.-Isa. 66:5, AS.
It is false religion, impure
worship, that heaps reproach
npon the clean religion and
IJure worship. It does this en-
viously and unjustly. Not only
that, but it also tries to get
true l?rounds for taunting and
speakmg abusively of true wor-
ship by bringing about a cor-
ruption of it. 1.'his it does by
trying to make the pure wor-
shipers relax, grow unsteady
about their principles, yield to
worldliness, and become just
like the peo{Jle of the world
though carrymg the names of
God and his Christ. It tries
to draw the pure worshipers
into a deal or bargain, a com-
promise, with false religion
for some selfish advantage,
such as material
popularity in this world ana
a free enjoyment of what this
system of things has to offer.
1<'rom Abel's time pure wor-
ship has had to fight against
contamination with the world.
Satan says it cannot be done.
Jehovah says it can be done
and will be done. W 11/1
Friday, December 19
For if someone because of
conscience toward God bears
up under afflictions and suffers
unjustly, this is an agreeable
thing.-1 Pet. 2: 19, NW.
Do not suffer because of
going after "flesh for un-
natural use" and committing
fornication with one whose
flesh does not belong to you in
marriage relationship. SuclI
things went on outside of
Noah's ark, when men, Nephi-
lim and married materialIzed
"sons of God" committed such
things in disobedience to God.
(Jude 6, 7) Be sure that when
you are forced to suffer at the
hands of men in power and
others in worldly authority it
is because you requested a good
conscience toward God and
you are trying to hold it by
keeping His commands. In that
way men will be able to find
no fault in you except that you
are obeying the law of your
God. In that case there is
credit to you for such suffering,
because you are _preserving
intpgrity toward God. Then
you are like your Exemplar,
the Greater Noah Christ Je-
sus, for he was a model for
us in suffering for conscience'
sake. W 11/15
Saturday, December 20
Ye are my witnesses, saith Je-
hovah, and my servant.
-Isa. 43: 10, AS.
Be certain about one thing:
Jehovah is not letting his wor-
ship be stamped out by the
Devil's world organization. His
worship on earth will go on
forever. There must be a visi-
ble organization to receive all
on earth who want to worship
God in freedom, before the
battle of Armageddon. So from
and after 1910 he used his
great Servant to restore the
remnant of spiritual Israel and
he reorganized t h ~ m to act as
his witncsses in this momen-
tous postwar period. He led
his reorganized people to see
that the only orgamzation for
them now was the thcocratic
organization, not democratic
organization. Jehovah has
made the remnant of spiritual
Israelites part of his servant
class, under his Chief Servant
Christ Jesus. In that way they
could serve as the faithful and
discreet slave whom Jesus had
foretold and whom he said he
would appoint over all his
earthly belongings, the inter-
ests of the Kingdom. It is our
part to work with this serv-
ant class. 11' 12/15
Sunday, December 21
Yott have approached a mount
Zion and ... myriads of an-
gels, in geneml aysembly.
-II eb. 12: 2:!, 23, NlV.
'Ye have the satisfying ed-
d!'nce of angplic help and pro-
tection. In what way? In that
the "isiblp organization of .T e-
hovah's servants is preserved
amid Ull embattled world and
our Kingdom witness llrospers.
This angl'lic guardianship,
howen'r, does not relieve us
of being just as careful as we
can, to guard against acci-
dents. 'Ye cannot expect the
angp Is to protect us against
onr own carelessness, rashness
and foolhardiness, In the midst
of wolves, we are instructed
to be as cautious as serpents
and to beware of men. We
must not test God too far
with what is unreasonable. The
Devil quoted Scripture to J e-
sus, but J csus refused to forc!'
God to save him by means of
the angels, tempting God or
putting him to the test beyond
what he had really promised.
So with us today, who are
God's children, but not nearly
as important as Jesus. While
we have angelic protection for
the sake of God's work and
cause, we dare not test God
and expect his angels to keep
us from harm and accident in
spite of it. W 6/15
Monday, December 22
Many will turn Ottt of the wa,y
and follow their auts of loose
condlwt, and on account of
these the way of the truth will
be spoken of abusively.
-2 Pet. 2: 2, NW.
When a professed Christian
turns out of the way and fol-
lows an enticer into loose con-
duct, he not only injures him-
self but also brings reproach
on the pure organizatIOn of
Jehovah God. People outsid!'
who observe theIr unclean
course take them as an exam-
ple of what all others inside
the organization are. Naturally
they begin to speak abusively
about the organization and
the "way of the truth". T h i ~
is just what the adversary
wants. He wants to bring re-
proach on God's true organi-
zation and have it take on a
shameful appearance. God'sor-
ganization repr!'sents the way
of the truth. So when any
members of it walk contrary
to the principles of the truth.
then outside observers are led
to look upon them as hypo-
crites. 'Yho wants to join a
hypocritical organization? W
Tuesday, December 23
After the power of him who
shattered the holy people
should be ended, all these
thiftgs should De ended.
-Dan. 12: 7, AT.
Satan is the scatterer or
shatterer of God's people. He
is the roaring lion trying to
devour someone. To bring
about the end of his power
the very heavens must be
shaken, and such an act could
come only from the Almighty
God and his King, Christ Je-
sus. The shaking of the powers
of the wicked heavens does not
of itself bring immediate and
complete deliverance to (lod's
people. But by it something
has been set III motion, and
it is Christ Jesus as earth's
rightful Ruler opening his
campaign against the enemy.
Now the Devil's seat of author-
ity in heaven is gone, his
power is broken. At his ousting
from heaven he was not de-
stroyed, but is permitted to
wage war against the saints
of God on earth to wear them
out. Now that the shattering
or dispersing of God's people
is ended, they will be gathered
together, for the power of him
who scattered them is broken.
~ ' h e y will yet go through much
tribulation but never a/iain
will they be scattered, snat-
teredo W 7/1
Wednesday, December 24
It is the appointed time for
the judgment to start with the
house 'of God . it starts
first with 1.Is.-1 Pet.
4:1"1, NW.
Today, in the "time of the
end", not only indi,vidual
Christians, but also ,entIre !,e-
ligious systems whICh claIm
to be the "house of God" are
on judgment. It is a more
critical time. It is hard enough
for a righteously inclined
Christian to hold onto his in-
tegrity in this debased world
in order to work out his sal-
Vlltion. So how .ab.out th!,se
who offer no ChrIstIan reSISt-
ance but yield to this world
and its loose ways just for
the pleasures of sin? Peter
askR: "\Vhere will the un-
godly man and the sinner make
a showing?" Yes, where will
they? They will find them-
selves more tightly enslaved by
this world through their longer
indulgence in sin and hence
unable to make a df'sperate
break for liberty at the last
moment and to stage a success-
ful comeback before divine
judgment is executed. W 9/15
Thursday, December 25
Before the gods will I sing
praises IIl1to thee.-Ps.
138: 1, AS.
In the present-day contest
of the gods Jehovah hilS scored
a victory indeed by delivering,
purifying and preserving his
spiritual remnant, his spiritual
Israelites, despite all that mod-
ern Babylon can do. It has
been as when he delivered his
chosen people Israel from
bondage in Egypt. Then it
was he said: "Against all the
gods of Egypt I will execute
judgments." (Ex. 12: 12, AS)
And now in this "time of the
end" he executes judgments
against not only the demon
gods of ancient Egypt, but
the gods of the entire Baby-
Ion ish world. His remnant de-
clare these judgments. Action
such as this stirs up the ire
and indignation of all the de-
mon gods and also their re-
ligious victims. But it is our
duty, and it is in the interests
of the freedom of all people
of good will, for us to defy
these false gods of Babylon.
For this very reason we were
spared and delivered in this
"time of the end", namely, to
be witnesses to the 1I1mighti-
ness and supremacy of the true
God Jehovah before all the
false gods of the world. lV
Friday, December 26
Theil shall feed in the wal/S,
ana their pastures shall be in
all high places. They shall not
hunger nor thirst; neither
shall the heat nor sun smite
them: jor he that hath mercy
on them shall lead them.
-Isa. 49: 9, 10.
This joyful prophecy extends
now to the Right Shepherd's
"other sheep" who must be
rescued from Babylon before
Armageddon. That fact is re-
vealed to us at Revelation
7: 16,17, where it is quoted.
Their being out of nations,
tribes, peoples and tongues
makes them a Gentile crowd,
when compared with the 144,-
000 spiritual Israelites. The
Revelation shows they come
to Zion and submit to the
theocratic rule of Jehovah. The
applicableness now of the vi-
sion of the "great crowd" to
the other sheep was revealed
to the remnant of spiritual
Israelites in 1935. Since then
they have flocked to Zion. To
make their coming easy J e-
hovah has made a way for
them over mountainous obsta-
cles and has raised un high-
ways for them across the deep
places. All along the road he
haa fed them, even on hills
that appeared bare, always
supplying them with living
waters of truth. W 12/15
Saturday, December 27
Be made new in the force
actuating YOUI' mind.-Eph.
4: 23, NW.
With God's "'ord in our
hearts we really have a new
powerful influence at work
within us. It is no dead Word
that has lost its interest, its
truth, its practicalness, its
interpretation of the events of
our day, and its protective
power against degradation by
these immoral times. It has
vitality, it carries conviction,
it cun show what is in ns bet-
ter than any psychologist. It
is no dead letter; its judgment
will surely be executed. (Heb.
4: 12, NW) With that dy-
namic \Vord of God in us we
have a new force actuating
our minds to correct our think-
ing and our lives. If we no
longer care to be fashioned
after this world, but want to
be Christlike, real Christians,
then we simply must have this
new stimulus, which works in
the right direction for our bet-
terment, our transformation.
We need new knowledge, find
this knowledge we get from
God's Word with the help of
his spirit and his organization.
W 10/15
Sunday, December 28
We have this treasure in earth-
en vessels, that the power be-
yond what is normal may be
God's.-2 Cor. 4: 7, NW.
Our ministry as Jehovah's
servants and witnesses is a
glorious treasure, and we can
now appreciate why this treas-
ure is committed to creatures
of earth who are like earthen
vessels. The service reports of
modern days show that God
is accomplishing a mighty
work through men and women
and children who are fully de-
voted to him but who are
handicapped with some physi-
cal impairment. They have
enough truth so as not to
pray and wait upon God to
perform the miracle of divine
healing and relieve them of
what ails or hampers their
bodies, before the, try to get
sompthing done III his serv-
ice. They do not have to have
the power of divino healing
remove their natural infirmi-
ties and defects in order to be
convinced themsehes or to con-
villee others that they have the
truth and are witnesses of Je-
hovah. Just as they are they
try to serve as ministers of
the good news of his kingdom
which must now be preached
world-wide. W 5/1
Monday, December 29
And do not bring U8 into
temptation.-M att. 6,' 19, NW.
God does not "bring us in-
to temptation". He subjects us
to trial by chastening us, but
he does not chasten us to the
point where it is too great
for us to bear and we break
down and fall into temptation.
(Deut. 8: 5, AS) A father
that loves his son does not
carry the chastening too far,
so it is more than the son
can stand. He gives him only
as much as he can take at the
time. So with our heavenly
Father. He builds us up for
the trial that we may come
through successfully. Being
aware of our weakness and
limitations we pray in the
Lord's prayer to the heavenly
Father that he will not try us
and chasten us any more than
an earthly father would his
child. Is that not a proper
of a child to its father?
We have his written guaran-
tee that he will not do 1lO.
(Ps. 103: 13, 14; Mal. 3: 17)
Vindicating God of any charge
of bringing us into temptation,
Paul writes: "He will not let
you be tempted beyond what
you can bear."-1 Cor. 10: 13,
NW. W 8/15
Tuesday, December SO
And the eyes of them that see
shall not be dim, and the ears
of them that hear shall
hearken. And the heart of the
rash shall understand knowl-
edge, and the tongue of the
stammerers shall be ready to
speak plainly.-Isa.
82:3,4, AS.
In 1919 Jehovah, for his
own name's sake, brought
about the release of his
anointed remnant from Baby-
lon. By his spirit he moved
them to reorganize for King-
dom service in the postwar
period. In this way he re-
them as his active or-
ganization; and by his Word
and spirit he infused courage
and boldness for the Kingdom
and its King into them. Then
by the theocratic organization
Jehovah led them from one
truth to another, opening the
eyes of their hearts and the
ears of their understanding to
see and hear these truths. Be-
ing taught to be reasonable
and level-headed by such
truths, they no longer acted
rashly or hastily, rushing in-
to sin. They gained true knowl-
edge and spoke with under-
standing, no more stammering
in fear and unsureness. W
Wednesday, December 81
The truth of Jehovah endureth
for ever.-Ps. 117: 2, AS.
Christendom has turned
apostate. The "god of this
system of things" has won out
over her. All along he has had
the rest of the world lying un-
der his power under great sys-
tems of religion, systems of
demon religion, embracing al-
most two billion of earth's in-
habitants. Now at this late
date everything shows Chris-
tendom beyond all hope of re-
covery and her fate is locked
up with the fate of the pa-
gan world. Satan's victory
over her seems to seal him as
winner in the centuries-old con-
test over the question, Whose
worship will triumph, Jeho-
vah's or Satan's? But has Sa-
tan totally triumphed in the
field of worship 01' religion?
Has he succeeded in over-
whelming Jehovah's worship
and wiping it off the earth by
all his means of corruption
and destructive violence 'I J e-
hovah's witnesses, assembled
22,250 strong in international
convention at London, Eng-
land, in 1951, answered with
an unequivocal No! And so
do the hundreds of thousands
more of Jehm'ah's witnesses
in all the rest of the earth.
1V 11/1
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