Rabbi Antelman Is Back
Rabbi Antelman Is Back
Rabbi Antelman Is Back
by Barry Chamish
"Rabbi Antelman expresses the view that when the CFR-affiliated Jewish Power Elite saw they would not be able to stop ionism and the !reation of the state of "srael# they de!ided they would $%oin it#$ &ain !ontrol of it# and destroy it from within'" Ri!hard (ilman - editor Conspira!y )i&est *e all owe a hu&e debt to Rabbi +arvin Antelman# the first Jew to try to de!ipher the real !onspira!y to destroy Jews and Judaism# whi!h# as we all ,now# is in full swin& today' *ay ba!, in -./0# before any of us had heard of the illuminati or the Coun!il 1n Forei&n Relations 2CFR3# Rabbi Antelman published his boo, 4o Eliminate 4he 1piate and exposed their !overt war a&ainst reli&ion# fo!usin& on their battle plan to extin&uish Judaism# but with &reat impli!ations for Christianity as well' 4his boo, is now found on literally all the lists of !lassi! !onspira!y literature' "t has drawn praise for its deep s!holarship even from resear!hers who !learly have no &reat love for Jews' "ts !rownin& a!hievement was to prove that Jews are the !hief vi!tims of the 5ew *orld 1rder# not its !hief promul&ators' 6owever# that is not to say that Judaism la!,s powerful traitors' After 78 years# Rabbi Antelman has published the se!ond volume of 4o Eliminate 4he 1piate' And those traitors are named9 oh# how they are named: "n his new volume# Rabbi Antelman tra!es the trea!hery from within' 6e be&ins with Judaism$s false messiah of the seventeenth !entury# ;habbetai 4<vi' 6e had !onvin!ed# perhaps# half of world Jewry that he was the true messiah and a vast ;abbatian movement promoted his messiani! ambitions' 6owever# the 1ttoman 4ur,s had a different view of him# and on threat of exe!ution# su!!essfully persuaded him to re!ant' As far as most Jews are !on!erned# that was the end of the ;abbatian phenomenon' But Rabbi Antelman proves that his most ardent followers in 4ur,ey have ,ept his movement alive throu&h the !enturies# with &reat help the next !entury from one Ja!ob Fran,# who reintrodu!ed ;abbatianism to Europe# and by this route to Ameri!a and "srael' Rabbi Antelman refers to today$s believers as "satani! ;abbatian Fran,ists'" ;atanisti!# be!ause Rabbi Antelman !har&es that ;habbetai 4<vi promoted an anti-Judaism# an ima&e in reverse of (-d$s intended reli&ion' ;o# while# true Judaism$s aim is the survival of 6is people# ;abbatianism$s &oal is the elimination of Judaism' 4his explanation does mu!h to in!rease our understandin& of a !hara!teristi! uni=ue to one people# Jewish self-hatred# or the desire to destroy your own flesh and blood' But a!!ordin& to Rabbi Antelman# 4<vi$s followers too, his perverse 1
thin,in& mu!h farther than he ever dared' ";abbatian !ults are well do!umented in the En!y!lopedia Judai!a and in the writin&s of distin&uished "sraeli a!ademi!s in!ludin& the late Professor >' 4ishbi# >ehuda ?iebes and >aa!ov @at<' "n a nutshell# these &roups pra!tised in!est# adultery and homosexuality' 4hey !onspired with the "lluminati with &oals of destroyin& all reli&ions and fusin& all nations into one'" pp 7AB "(ershon ;!holem has tra!ed the in!estuous pra!tises of the ;abbatians to that of Earth +other worship'" pp -7C "*ith 5ew A&e !haritable trusts su!h as the >oun&wood "nstitute# one finds dis&ust of the Jewish and Christian &roups that have to be exterminated' A!!ordin&ly# in the next $burnt offerin&$ bein& planned# reli&ious Jews and so!alled fundamental Christians are at the top of the list'" pp 7D8 A!!ordin& to Rabbi Antelman$s !hronolo&y# in the -//Ds Ja!ob Fran, made a pa!t with one Adam *eishaupt# a Jewish-born Jesuit# to enlist his ;abbatians to %oin *eishaupt$s "lluminati' )urin& the Fren!h Revolution# do!uments were dis!overed whi!h exposed the "lluminati$s plan to destroy the foundations of European !ivili<ation9 family# reli&ion# royalty and morality# throu&h revolutions' *eishaupt$s or&ani<ation was formally banned throu&hout Europe# so a de!ision was made to infiltrate the relatively beni&n Freemasonry and instill "lluminism from within' 4he plan wor,ed and as Rabbi Antelman observesE "*hile the "lluminati have attempted to subvert Freemasonry# it should be noted that Freemasonry per se is suspe!t despite the fine people who %oin its ran,s' ?ower de&ree +asons have been duped into thin,in& that the +asonry buildin& symbols were !onne!ted with ;olomon$s 4emple' +any Jewish Freemasons erroneously thin, that there is some sort of Jewish element or tradition in Freemasonry be!ause of this' "f they ,new the truth their hair would stand on end' "n effe!t# Freemasonry supports the "slami! !on!epts of !on=uest of Judaism and its destru!tion as tau&ht in the @oran# and today the )ome 1f 4he Ro!, is a perpetual symbol of the destru!tion of the 4emple'" pp -7"For this reason# the "lluminati preferred to subvert +asoni! &roups# whi!h they so hated# be!ause mu!h of +asoni! ritual is transmitted from &eneration to &eneration# providin& a vehi!le to transmit an antinomian torah of evil over the a&es'" pp 8. Rabbi Antelman$s resear!h provides ample eviden!e that lar&e-s!ale ;abbatianism was introdu!ed to Judaism throu&h the Reform and Conservative movements and throu&h or&ani<ations su!h as the Ameri!an Jewish Con&ress headed by a rather blatant traitor# CFR exe!utive 6enry ;ei&man# the *orld Jewish Con&ress# founded by the CFR$s Bronfman family and the Bnai Brith# 2
whi!h was initially a bran!h of Freemasonry# and may# un,nown to most members# still be' "t is the traitors from within whi!h an&er Rabbi Antelman# more even than their &entile superiorsE "*hile we are fo!usin& on apostate Jewish "lluminati# it must be reiterated that the Bundist-"lluminati were predominantly of Christian birth# both amon& the membership and the leadership' 6owever# they found it most suited to their ends# as the Communists or the CFR elitists of today do# to utili<e the intelle!tual talents of these Jewish-born apostates' 4hey were espe!ially pla!ed in !onspi!uous positions so as the insure a vi!tory of sorts if they would not su!!eed - thus polari<in& amon& the masses those who would be stupid enou&h to blame the Jews for "lluminism# Revolution# Bundism# ;o!ialism or Communism'" pp 7B "Fntil the first !omprehensive En&lish 4ranslation of the 4almud by ;o!ino Press 2-.CA-A73 appeared# a non-!omprehensive translation by +' ?' Rod,inson was the only one in existen!e' +ost s!holars utili<in& his wor,s were unaware that he was a sinister personality whose primary efforts to render portions of the 4almud into En&lish were for the purpose of disinformation and for providin& &rist for the anti-;emiti! atta!,s on Jewry via !areful distortion of sele!ted words and mistranslation of 4almudi! passa&es'" pp -C"Consider ;tephen *ise# head of the Reform movement in the Fnited ;tates durin& *orld *ar ""' As the slau&hter was &oin& on in Europe# *ise was more interested in his own &ratifi!ation' *ise was both a Communist and a ;abbatian' 4hat he was a Communist is attested to by +auri!e +al,in# a member of the Communist Party who returned to Judaism# in his boo, Return 4o +y Father$s 6ouse' *ise was a ;abbatian# as was shown in 6elen Rawlinson$s boo, ;tran&er At 4he Party' "n her !hroni!le of a sexual en!ounter with the so-!alled Rabbi *ise# she des!ribes how *ise had sex with her in his offi!e on his !onferen!e table# and =uoted the verse from Psalms whi!h ;abbatians did when en&a&ed in sexual inter!ourse'" pp 7-/ "Amon& the 5a<i !on!entration !amps of Europe was the $!ountry !lub$ 4heresienstadt' 4here the so-!alled $Chief Rabbi 1f European Jewry#$ ?eo Bae!, was imprisoned' *hat he was really doin& in 4heresienstadt was presidin& as !hief ;abbatian of the 5ew A&e style destru!tion of European Jewry# whi!h Professor (ershom ;!holem and other s!holars have shown was a ;abbatian pro%e!t'" pp 777 "4hose ideolo&i!al leftists in "srael !annot fa!e a stron& "srael be!ause it means they are helpin& (od' 4hus they be!ome partners in their own self-destru!tion to $eliminate the opiate'$ *hen in history has a !ountry !onsented not only to surrender its territory to enemies but also to arm them as well# resultin& in the 3
deaths of its own !ivilians and soldiers# as the Rabin &overnment didG" pp -B8 4he CFR and the 5ew *orld 1rder "4his letter# in my opinion# is probably the most important do!ument lin,in& the "lluminati ;abbatians# 5arodni!,s# post *orld *ar " "nternationalists su!h as the CFR# the 5a<is and the *orld (overnment F5 Establishment'" pp 0C "1f All (nosti! so!ieties and !ults# those that posed the &reatest threats to Christianity and Judaism# and have most influen!ed the !ourse of events of !ontemporary history are the ;abbatians and "lluminati-CFR !onspirators'" pp 87 "4he Fnited 5ations has (nosti! milennialist overtones# and has shown time and time a&ain that it is one of the &reatest enemies of the Jewish people and the ;tate of "srael' +ost of the diplomats of the F5 today are a!tually united by (nosti! !on!epts'" pp ."4he *orld Pea!e Foundation is merely a Bostonian manifestation of the hand of the CFR# whi!h in turn embodies the !ommitments of its founder Colonel 6ouse to (nosti! "lluminism and ;o!ialism# out of whi!h &rew the Fnited 5ations'" pp --B "Prominent amon& the Round 4able &roup is the ?ondon affiliate of the +or&an ban,in& interests in 5ew >or,# ,nown as +or&an# (renfell H Co' "t was shortly after the >om @ippur *ar that +or&an# (renfell H Co' had arran&ed for a IC billion finan!ial transa!tion to resupply ;yria and E&ypt with armaments'" pp --C "*e should also not for&et that Professor Anthony ;utton do!uments well in his boo, *all ;treet And 4he Rise 1f 6itler# how the so!ialist radi!als# members of Colonel 6ouse$s Coun!il 1n Forei&n Relations - whose a!ronym CFR stands for Carne&ie# Ford and Ro!,efeller - !onsistently ba!,ed 6itler' A CFR founder# John )' Ro!,efeller sent his best publi! relations man# "vy ?ee# to help enhan!e 6itler$s ima&e'" pp 7-B "4he CFR elite is# thus# not worried about the future# sin!e they !ontrol it on a &lobal s!ale'" pp 70"4he CFR have finan!ed both 6amas and P?1 terror# throu&h their own funds and F5 money obtained from F; taxpayers'" pp 708 "4he CFR is or!hestratin& nothin& less than the !omplete destru!tion of the Jewish people9 depi!tin& reli&ious Jews ne&atively in the news media# promotin& abortion# homosexuality and moral violations of the 5oahidi! ?aws# all the way to the salami poli!y of destroyin& "srael bit by bit'''4he 6arry ;' 4ruman Pea!e "nstitute of 6ebrew Fniversity is where P?1 terrorists re&ularly meet with CFR 4
a!tivists to do the dirty wor, of dismantlin& the ;tate of "srael'" pp 700 JJJ 41 E?"+"5A4E 46E 1P"A4E Kolume "" 2 4E1 ""3 By Rabbi +arvin ;' Antelman 4E1 "" was released for sale by 70# 7DD7' *rite per,insLnetvision'net'il 1r !all 2F;A3 " 8// RAB"5>> M /770B.. or "srael - 8DD RAB"5> M /770B. "ts table of !ontents is as followsE +arx# 6ess H Pro%e!t "s!ander Bolshevi,s' +enshevi,s H Russian Jewry (nosti! Communist 4heolo&y 4he 6i&her ;abbatian ;e!rets 4he ;ufi Bla!, "s Beautiful 4he Conservative Fran,ists 1f Kienna ;olomon ";he,er" 4he )ivine H Profane Fa!es of ionism Reform Comes 4o Ameri!a 4he 6olo!aust ;abbatian Burnt 1fferin&s Bla!, 5a<is-From ;elma to Elma 4he CFR Judaism H "nternational 4error Fi&htin& Ba!, Kolume " is available fromE Rabbi 6erbert (ilner -AC "rvin& *hitney# 4exas /BB.7 7A0-B.0-0BD7 4E1 "" is available from the publisher Per,insLnetvision'net'il 4hree re!ommended sites' 4he final one proves a Jew !an learn politi!s from a Christian if he finds a&reement in the middle' httpENNthetruthonly'tripod'!omN4he4RF461nlyNid0B'html www'pushhambur&er'!om httpENNwww'd!!sa'!omN&reat%oyN 6ere is the address to hear )avid 1rba!h$s movin& son&# *ho +urdered >it<ha, Rabin' ionist Boo, Club# Jerusalem# "srael on February
httpENNartists'mpCs'!omNartistsNCA7NdavidOorba!h'html And for all those who have been as,in&# A&ent )$s name is )ror >it<ha,i' 6e was ;haba, head of personnel at Rabin$s last rally' 6e lives in @o!hav >air and a friend of his tells me# "4hey &ot to him the day after the assassination' 6e won$t say a word about it'" " tried' 6e has an unlisted number'