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Geneset - Target Earth: Geneset - Target Earth Series, #1
Geneset - Target Earth: Geneset - Target Earth Series, #1
Geneset - Target Earth: Geneset - Target Earth Series, #1
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Geneset - Target Earth: Geneset - Target Earth Series, #1

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About this ebook

Geneset - Target Earth, Serial Edition consists of 9 separate books of three chapters each and a volume of Appendices.

Volume 1 Chapter 1 includes the following topics:-

An outline of the investigation.

Some thought on what the geometry means.

How could it be?

A variation by mistake or intention?

PublisherGeneset Books
Release dateSep 20, 2016
Geneset - Target Earth: Geneset - Target Earth Series, #1

Ian Campbell

There was piece of advice that I had before I started writing and that was 'write what you know about'. My first Crime Thriller was about a reasonably young man being taken for a very expensive ride by his wife and he uses his skills learned in his former employment to commit fraud and recoup the money that it cost him. The necessary skills were those of a studio photographer, a printer and the operational side of Travellers Cheques. I had those skills and employed them in the novel. In the reviews of my book, it is the details of these processes that make the story real.

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    Geneset - Target Earth - Ian Campbell


    I was asked to co-author Geneset - Target Earth by David Wood in 1991, shortly after the great flood which nearly destroyed Rennes-les-Bains, the twin village of Rennes-le-Château. By that time, I had known him for some six years and had spent much of the time testing the claims he had made in his first book, Genisis - the First Book of Revelations. During that time I recognized that he was a polymath and absolutely brilliant in a whole range of subjects from the occult and Ancient Egypt to nuclear physics. He was constantly being approached by people who didn’t have the intellect to realise that they were in the presence of greatness. He was surrounded by fools and suffered them not too wisely.

    I remember my first meeting with him and our first session which lasted fifteen hours where he tossed me a calculator and said ‘follow me’ as he performed mathematical gymnastics on his machine. He also used a self-handicapping system for these sessions called whisky. We would start drinking after mid-day and quit next morning circa 3 a.m. and beware anyone who didn’t keep up with him. If you couldn’t drink and argue your corner, he didn’t trust you. It was that simple.

    David passed away in 2012. I shall remember him as the rough diamond, polymath, gentleman and generous friend that he was. Long may his work live after him.


    The orthodox publishing industry is largely controlled by the Church which owns the large book publishing and distribution companies. They control which books get published and which books see the light of day. At least this was the case before the electronic/digital era.

    Genisis - the First Book Of Revelations, David Wood’s first book, was still born. It received very little publicity. Its publisher went bankrupt and died leaving the book stranded a long way up the publishing world’s mount Ararat.

    Geneset - Target Earth went the same way - the publisher went bust and then died and the book was still-born. Intriguingly, when I first met David Wood, he said that if I was really interested in the subject, that I should read some books and he gave me a list of them. He also showed them to me on his book shelf so that I knew that they really existed and yet it took me four years to track down a copy of the first book on the list... The Lost Light by Alvyn Boyd Kuhn published in 1936 in New York but never in the U.K. So perhaps it was happening even then.

    This series of books publishes Geneset - Target Earth in a more accessible format, in small sections. I hope you will be suitably illumined.


    ‘Why is David Wood’s work on Rennes-le-Château important?’ is a question I am sometimes asked and in this serialized edition of Geneset - Target Earth, I have the opportunity to address the question. Before I do so, I would like you to think about the handful of large scale mysteries that exist in the world... the ones we do not have a clue about after hundreds if not thousands of years of contemplating them. Here is my list:-

    The construction and alignment of the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

    The quarrying, moving and erection of the 1200 ton stones of the Temple at Baalbek, Lebanon.

    The construction and alignment of Stonehenge.

    The quarrying, movement and erection of the Easter Island statues.

    The surveying and accurate marking of the Circle of Churches at Rennes-le-Château.

    And the greatest of these, in my opinion is the Circle of Churches at Rennes-le-Château. Why? The first four mysteries are about size... how did men of ancient times, man-handle stones weighing up to 1,200 tons into position to build theTemple at Baalbek, the Great Pyramid at Gizeh; Stonehenge or the statues on Easter Island. They are all mysteries concerning Man’s ability to cut, lift and manoeuvre heavy blocks of stone. Sometimes they were quarried hundreds of miles from where they were used and we have the additional problem of transporting the stones over long distances. However, ‘enough brawn’ solves the problem.

    The Circle of Churches is a mystery of an altogether different magnitude because it is not only a problem of size... the Circle of Churches covers some 40 square miles or so... it is also a problem of intelligence coupled with sophisticated mathematics which simply did not exist at the time the Circle was built. What does this statement mean? In order to calculate the radius and circumference of any circle it is necessary to understand the relationship between the radius and circumference of the circle. We know this relationship as Pi. We know it now as Pi and we even have a numerical value for it. This number is what mathematicians refer to as an 'irrational' which means that none of its series of values ever repeats itself. When I was at school, I learnt Pi to the first hundred decimal places, for fun. Unfortunately, my memory is no longer that capable and I can now only remember it to the first 15 places of decimals. However, a value of Pi to 15 dp is accurate enough to define the orbit of electrons around an atomic nucleus on

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