7 To 11 September IB History SL-1

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Course: IB History SL-1

Dates: 7-11 September 2009

Essential Question(s): What role did the post-war European powers play in
shaping the political landscape of Palestine? How did the various Jewish and Arab
factions react to the post-war political settlements?
Before Class on Monday: Preview (read ahead) pp. 34-54 in Bickerton & Klausner

Day In Class Outside of Class

No School Please Read Ahead
Journal Prompt: “Imagine yourself
as either an Arab or Jewish
journalist in 1917, having just
uncovered copies of the Hussein-
McMahon Correspondence, the
Sykes-Picot Agreement, and the
Tuesd Balfour Declaration and now charged
ay/ with informing the public about Complete Journal Response and
Wedn these documents. What sort of story Readings
esday would you write? What picture
would you paint for your readers in
Jaffa, Jerusalem, or Damascus?“

In Class Reading, pp. 34-54

In Class Activity: Graphic Organizer
of early diplomatic correspondence.
See Lesson Plan
Journal Prompt: “What were the
obstacles that prevented Arab
political, economic, social, or other
unity in terms of articulating Arab
Complete Journal Response and
Thurs rights and interests in Palestine
day during the inter-war period?“

In Class: Biographical sketch of

inter-war Arab and Israeli political
figures. See Lesson Plan
Journal Prompt: ”Consider the
position of the British government
on during the inter-war period.
What were the consequences of the
changing statements by the British
government with respect to the
emerging Arab-Israeli conflict?“
during the inter-war period?“

In Class: Biographical sketch of

inter-war Arab and Israeli political
figures. See Lesson Plan
Journal Prompt: ”Consider the
position of the British government
on during the inter-war period.
What were the consequences of the
changing statements by the British
government with respect to the
emerging Arab-Israeli conflict?“

Watch Videos (I will be participating

in Senior Unity Day)
◦ http://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=e8hE6WN9xRU Submit your best Journal
◦ http://www.youtube.com/ Response of the week to
Turnitin.com by 4.00pm
Friday watch?v=pizckD4avXQ Use the weekend to review your
◦ http://www.youtube.com/ reading notes & prepare for the
watch?v=9GogyD7gFxE first exam on 15/16 September.
▪ Please note; these
video clips contain
disturbing imagery of
violence, including the
consequences of the
◦ Following the viewing of these
clips, students should use the
rest of the class towards
completing the Journal
Prompt for the day.

Additional Notes:
1. Laptops and Bickerton & Klausner textbooks will be required each day.
Assessment Rubrics: Journal Writing
2. Your first exam will be held in class on either Tuesday or Wednesday
(depending on the class) 15 or 16 September. Please be prepared to
demonstrate your knowledge about the Arab-Israeli Conflict form the 19th
Century through 1939; including your ability to assess the Origin, Purpose,
Value, and Limitations of primary sources. (for a helpful guide to OPVL
analyses, review this rubric.)

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