IB History HL1: 20th Century History

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IB History HL1: 20th Century History

Table of Contents
Instructor 2
Important Links & Information 2
Course Profile 2
Areas of Study 2
The Arab–Israeli conflict 1945‑79 3
Internal Assessment 3
The Cold War 3
Causes, practices and effects of wars 4
Mock IB Examinations 5
Examination Review 5
Assessments 5
Examinations 5
Portfolio 5
Instructor Responsibilities 6
Student Responsibilities 6
Academic Honesty 6
Classroom Decorum 7
Communication 7
Curriculum 7
Edline 7
Quality of Submitted Work 7
Skills 8
Submission of Assignments 8
Technology 8
Turnitin 8

Charles Gleek, M.A.
Chair, Department of Social Sciences and Instructor of Geopolitics
The North Broward Preparatory School
Office Hours: I am generally available outside of class from 7.45-8.15 and 3.30-4.00 each day.
However, my obligations as Department Chair, Assistant Varsity Boys Soccer Coach, and other
leadership responsibilities here at North Broward require me to serve the NBPS community in
other ways during these times. Consequently, it is strongly encouraged that students email me
to make an appointment.

Important Links & Information

• Course calendar: http://bit.ly/14YZ2s
• My website: http://gleektopia.wordpress.com/
• Research and Writing Tools: http://gleektopia.wordpress.com/tools/
• Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Gleektopia
• My personal email: [email protected]
• My Google Voice phone number: 561.865.6276
• My NBPS email: [email protected]
• My NBPS voicemail: 954.237.0011 x234

Course Profile
“History is more than the study of the past. It is the process of recording, reconstructing and
interpreting the past through the investigation of a variety of sources. It is a discipline that gives
people an understanding of themselves and others in relation to the world, both past and
present. Students of history should learn how the discipline works. It is an exploratory subject
that poses questions without providing definitive answers. In order to understand the past,
students must engage with it both through exposure to primary historical sources and through
the work of historians. Historical study involves both selection and interpretation of data and
critical evaluation of it. Students of history should appreciate the relative nature of historical
knowledge and understanding, as each generation reflects its own world and preoccupations
and as more evidence emerges. A study of history both requires and develops an individual’s
understanding of, and empathy for, people living in other periods and contexts.” 1

Areas of Study
Students will engage in the in-depth study of both a prescribed subject as well as two optional
topics during the first year of the course. These topics satisfy the IBO requirements to sit for the
SL portion of the examination; should students choose to do so during their first year. The
topics will also serve as intellectual launching points for students interested in HL studies in
History, as well as Extended Essay topics during their second year of the course.

1 from the IB History Syllabus

The Arab–Israeli conflict 1945‑79
(40 Hours: 24 August to 18 October)
This prescribed subject addresses the development of the Arab–Israeli conflict from 1945 to
1979. It also requires consideration of the role of outside powers in the conflict either as
promoters of tension or mediators in attempts to lessen tensions in the region. The prescribed
subject requires study of the political, economic and social issues behind the dispute and the
specific causes and consequences of the military clashes between 1948‑9 and 1973. The nature
and extent of social and economic developments within the disputed territory of Palestine/Israel
within the period and their impact on the populations should also be studied. The end date for
the prescribed subject is 1979 with the signing of the Egyptian–Israeli peace agreement.
Areas on which the source-based questions will focus are:
• last years of the British Mandate; UNSCOP partition plan and the outbreak of civil war
• British withdrawal; establishment of Israel; Arab response and 1948/49 war
• demographic shifts: the Palestinian diaspora 1947 onwards; Jewish immigration and the
economic development of the Israeli state
• Suez Crisis of 1956: role of Britain, France, the United States, the USSR, Israel and the
• Arabism and Zionism; emergence of the PLO
• Six Day War of 1967 and the October War of 1973: causes, course and consequences
• role of the United States, USSR and UNO
• Camp David and the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Agreement

Internal Assessment
(20 Hours: 19 October to 22 November)
The Internal Assessment (IA) is a significant component of both the IB History course structure,
as well as the holistic approach knowledge within the entire IB program. Students will produce
a piece of original, historiographic research based on a research question that pertains to the
Arab-Israeli conflict between the periods of 1945-79. More detailed information about this
research assignment will provided during the term.

The Cold War

(45 Hours: 30 November to 1 March)
This topic addresses East–West relations from 1945. It aims to promote an international
perspective and understanding of the origins, course and effects of the Cold War—a conflict that
dominated global affairs from the end of the Second World War to the early 1990s. It includes
superpower rivalry and events in all areas affected by Cold War politics such as spheres of
interest, wars (proxy), alliances and interference in developing countries.
Major themes
Origins of the Cold • Ideological differences
War • Mutual suspicion and fear
• From wartime allies to post-war enemies
Nature of the Cold • Ideological opposition
War • Superpowers and spheres of influence
• Alliances and diplomacy in the Cold War

Development and • Global spread of the Cold War from its European origins
impact of the Cold • Cold War policies of containment, brinkmanship, peaceful
War coexistence, détente
• Role of the United Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement
• Role and significance of leaders
• Arms race, proliferation and limitation
• Social, cultural and economic impact
End of the Cold • Break-up of Soviet Union: internal problems and external pressures
War • Breakdown of Soviet control over Central and Eastern Europe

Material for detailed study

• Wartime conferences: Yalta and Potsdam
• US policies and developments in Europe: Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO
• Soviet policies, Sovietization of Eastern and Central Europe, COMECON, Warsaw Pact
• Sino–Soviet relations
• US–Chinese relations
• Germany (especially Berlin (1945‑61)), Congo (1960‑64), Afghanistan (1979‑88), Korea,
Cuba, Vietnam, Middle East
• Castro, Gorbachev, Kennedy, Mao, Reagan, Stalin, Truman

Causes, practices and effects of wars

(45 Hours: 15 March to 23 May)
War was a major feature of the 20th century. In this topic the different types of war should be
identified, and the causes, practices and effects of these conflicts should be studied.
Major themes
Different types • Civil
and nature of • Guerrilla
20th century
warfare • Limited war, total war
Origins and • Long-term, short-term and immediate causes
causes of wars • Economic, ideological, political, religious causes
Nature of 20th • Technological developments, tactics and strategies, air, land and sea
century wars • Home front: economic and social impact (including changes in the role
and status of women)
• Resistance and revolutionary movements
Effects and • Peace settlements and wars ending without treaties
results of wars • Attempts at collective security pre- and post-Second World War
• Political repercussions and territorial changes
• Post-war economic problems

Material for detailed study

• First World War (1914‑8)

• Second World War (1939‑45)
• Americas: Falklands/Malvinas war (1982), Nicaraguan Revolution (1976‑9)
• Europe and Middle East: Spanish Civil War (1936‑9), Iran–Iraq war (1980‑88), Gulf War

Mock IB Examinations
(29 March to 1 April)
During these four days, students will sit for a mock round of IB exams. All students, even if they
are not taking the SL History exam this year, should plan on sitting for these mock

Examination Review
Only for those students taking the IB History SL Exam (After School, 5 April to 2 May)
We will review the following topics during these weeks prior to the IB History HL Exam:
• The Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1945-79
• Causes, Practices, and Effects of War
• The Cold War

All of the assignments in this course are designed to meet, and more often exceed, the standards
mandated by the International Baccalaureate Organization. These assessments also reflect a
differentiated approach to instructional design; allowing for students to both embrace their
preferred learning styles as well as continually develop their knowledge and skill sets.

All examinations are designed to replicate the type of questions found on the IBO examinations.
Students will sit for examinations in Lakeside Lecture Hall on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays,
or during specified examination periods in November (23-25th), March (2-5th), March/April
(29-1st), or May/June (27th-2nd)

Throughout this course, all students will create and maintain an electronic portfolio. Portfolios
are intended to allow each student to collect a broad range of content related to the course
objectives, demonstrate a sophisticated understanding and application of the material, and
highlight their best work in a diverse range of formats. Portfolios are designed to personal,
unique expression of a student’s relationship and experience with an academic course;
consequently, there is no one way to create a portfolio. That said, each portfolio must maintain
a minimum of the following components:
1. Digital Portfolio: Students will use WordPress, Blogger, or Wiki (such as PB Works) to
aggregate and demonstrate their work.
2. Content Mapping: Students are required to produce a document that lays out the plan and
design for their portfolio; this must have approval prior to embarking on the portfolio. This plan
should be created through during the first weeks of school, and be revisited regularly through
conversations with the instructor.

3. Artifacts: These are samples of student work. There is no limit as to the number and variety
of work to be included as artifacts in the portfolio.
1. Primary Sources: Primary sources are those statements (written and oral), documents,
photographs and video, or similar material that are produced as original information.
Students should be able to ascertain the Origin, Purpose, Value, and Limitation for each
primary source they encounter.
2. Secondary Sources: Secondary sources are analytical, historiographic, or similar types
of works that build upon or attempt to explain a variety of primary sources. Students
should be able to critically-appraise (answer the “so what?” question) each of the
secondary sources they come across during the course.
3. Journal Entries: Journal entries are reflective, written statements in response to a
question, prompt, or other type of statement within the confines of the course.
4. Delicious (or similar) bookmarks: Students should bookmark any web-based resource
they encounter during their studies. Not only does bookmarking offer a reliable means
for aggregating and sorting a diverse array of information, but bookmarking also
provides a first step in producing annotated bibliographies.
5. Annotated Bibliographies: Excellent research begins with a good research question
and is strengthened with a thorough review of the literature. An Annotated Bibliography
allows students to summarize the diverse set of resources encountered during the
research process.
6. Book Reviews: Book Reviews are opportunities for students to offer commentary and
analysis on significant works of historiography, related to both the course curriculum
and their own research interests.
7. Research Papers: Those students interested in pursuing a research paper should follow
the IBO standards for the Internal Assessment.
8. Examination Papers: Examination Papers will replicate those types of papers found on
the IB Exam.
4. Students will be advised as to the specific nature of assessments (type of artifact, weight of
assessment, and schedule for completion) throughout the year.

Instructor Responsibilities
My responsibility as an instructor is to provide a passionate and constructive environment in
which learning can best occur. This means adapting and altering my classroom dynamics to
meet the individual and collective needs of the students on a class-by-class basis. It is also my
responsibility to work with the students through various means of instruction and learning
styles, to foster each student’s creative and original thoughts based on their own experiences,
and to aid the students in their quest for knowledge and understanding. Finally, I am
responsible for meeting and exceeding the responsibilities spelled out in our NBPS Professional

Student Responsibilities
Academic Honesty
Cheating, copying, or other forms of academic dishonesty (especially plagiarism) are serious
violations of North Broward Preparatory School (NBPS) standards. NBPS rules provides for the
sanction of students who cheat on their work and their exams. Students observed cheating in
this class, that is engaging any activity inconsistent with NBPS rules will be penalized to the
fullest extent possible. These penalties include a failing grade for the semester, official
documentation in your transcript, and/or expulsion from the school. Students should take active

steps to avoid academic dishonesty in all facets of their academic life. Taking this course
requires that students are bound by the NBPS Honor Code

Classroom Decorum
The classroom is a professional environment, where students participate in the rigorous
preparation for their college or university experience. In other words, students will conduct
themselves, through both their words and their actions, in a manner consistent with the highest
standards of personal behavior. The primary goal of the instructor is to establish and preserve a
classroom that allows for each student to realize her or his full potential in an environment that
motivates academic excellence. Consequently, students are expected to maintain, or even
exceed, the behavioral standards that are enshrined in the North Broward Preparatory School
Honor Code.

Communication between students, parents, and teachers is an essential component for
academic growth and success. Both students and their parents are encouraged to contact the
instructor via email or by phone, and/or to set up after-school meetings with the instructor to
track the academic progress of their children.

The curriculum for the courses that I teach is based on Bloom’s Taxonomy; a tool designed to
help educators categorize questions and content towards assisting students in their
comprehension and retention of information. Students begin with all of the lessons with an
exposure to Lower Order material and assignments and then work through exercises and
assessments designed to address Higher Order questions and assignments. Students also build
on knowledge they acquire throughout the year towards applying and synthesizing this
information on future assignments.

In this course, Edline will be used primarily as a vehicle for disseminating grades to students
and their parents. Students should check their Edline grades on a weekly basis to ensure that
their academic progress is accurately reflected in the grading reports. All other course
information will be maintained on the course’s external website and calendar. Links to the
course’s external website and calendar will be maintained on Edline.

Quality of Submitted Work

Regardless of the type of assignment, students should consider the following guidelines before
they submit their work for assessment: The student’s work thoughtfully addresses each question
or part of the assignment; The student’s work synthesizes and incorporates ideas from the
literature and course content; The student’s work provides clear, detailed examples, when
applicable. When it comes to writing-a major component for the courses I facilitate-students
should become intimately familiar with the standards and guidelines set forth by Stephen Van
Evera (article provided to students). Specifically, all student work should meet the following
standards: Writing is coherent and logical; Excellent sentence/paragraph construction and
grammar; No more than five errors total in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Papers that
fail to met these standards will not receive a grade and will be returned for a complete revision.

As with any course, the skills that students acquire and practice are equally as important as the
content they engage. Students are expected to build on their existing individual time
management, team project management, reading comprehension, note-taking, and writing
skills. In addition, a student’s individual design and presentation skills will be engaged
throughout the year. Cooperative skills such as working in teams, presentation, and critique will
also be further throughout the year. The introduction of social science research skills will be be
offered at the at various points during the course; with the commitment that the instructor and
students will continuously develop these skills through the year.

Submission of Assignments
I do not accept late assignments. Since education is an experience that requires student
participation, attendance for this class is mandatory. If a student is absent, it is their
responsibility to get the information discussed in class during you absence from one of their
classmates. It is also the student’s responsibility to schedule any legitimate make-up work or
examination within the time period allotted by NBPS. Students who miss the exams in
November, February, or May need to speak directly with the instructor as soon as possible. All
assignments are due on the dates and times posted.

Since almost every aspect of the course involves technology in some fashion, students are
expected to have a portable computer available for any day in class. Each student’s laptop must
conform to the 2009-2010 NBPS Laptop policy; failure to meet these standards will result in the
appropriate sanctions as outlined by the Administration.

The use of cell phones, iPhones, Blackberrys or similar technologies, or instant messaging
protocols on students’ portable computers for activities other than those assigned or
central to the learning process, is strictly prohibited during class time. When applicable,
devices will be confiscated by the instructor and returned at some future date. Students will be
asked to surrender these devices or asked to leave the class, without prior warning, if any of
these devices are used or ring during class.

All students are required to register for this course’s section at Turnitin.com. All major works,
such as research papers, book reviews, annotated bibliographies, or other analytical pieces, will
be submitted by the student to Turnitin.com to ensure and protect the originality of each
student’s work. Please note that these submissions are in addition to the student incorporating
their works into their portfolios. do not accept assignments via email or in person. Students
with extreme extenuating circumstances should meet with the instructor as soon as possible.

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