Anmol Textile Mills LTD 2013-14

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The Textile Industry:

When Pakistan came into being there were only 16 textile mills out of which only 12 were in operation. It grew to 70 in 1 !7 as in"ustrial "e#elopment takes place. $ow a "ay there are ! 6 textile mills out of which %%2 are in operation. &#er the years' Pakistan is sai" to be the single crop economy i.e. cotton an" textile that claims the lion(s share in terms of the contribution in the national economy of Pakistan. )espite efforts to bring in "i#ersification in country(s o#erall economic get*up the textile sector continues to be the most important segment of the national economy. Its share in the economy' in terms of +)P' exports' employment' foreign exchange earnings' in#estment an" re#enue generation altogether place" the textile in"ustry as the single largest "eterminant of the economic growth of the country. )espite harsh an" har" international economic con"itions' Pakistan(s textile in"ustry has weathere" the storm by coming out of the international crisis in a #ery positi#e manner. Textiles Exports from P !ist n: ,extiles constitute a ma-or exporting sector for Pakistan' which accounts for about 60. of the country/s total foreign exchange earnings. ,he ma-or export items are yarn0 gray 1loth' finishe" cloth' towels an" be" sheets an" their ma-or customers are the 234' 5urope' 6apan an" 7ong 8ong. 9any textile exports take place un"er :uota arrangements With the 5urope an" the 2nite" 3tates. +ray cloth constitutes roughly 16*1;. of total cloth.

Internship Report

4t present' the export competiti#eness of the textile in"ustry can be impro#e" by aggressi#e marketing techni:ues an" :uality impro#ements which ha#e to be taken care of micro*le#el that is each textile unit shoul" make its own in"epen"ent efforts to sell its pro"ucts in "ifferent international markets.

4$9&< has business

grown of


a cotton

export house into the premier


Pakistan concentrating on % core businesses0

,extiles' 1ement' =anking an" Power +eneration. ,o"ay' 4$9&< is consi"ere" to be at par with multinationals operating locally in terms of its :uality pro"ucts an" management skills. ,he company is free from the energy crisis because it has set up its own power generation units that are not e#en fulfilling the energy re:uirement of 4$9&< mills but they are also selling this to +o#ernment. ,he company is hol"ing the position with the spinning' wea#ing an" "ying units with the extraor"inary pro"uction capacity. 4$9&< is running "ifferent business with "ifferent famous pro"ucts like 4$9&< <inen that has opene" its outlets in ma-or cities of Pakistan. )ifferent "epartments are working well to achie#e the strategic aims of the company. ,hey are a"opting the latest 9anagement information system to access "ata that results in pro"ucing timely results for "ifferent "epartments ,he financial ratio analysis shows that the company is en-oying goo" profits an" is consistently running its operations e#en in the con"itions when the country is passing through critical con"itions.

Internship Report


4$9&< 9I<<3 <I9I,5) >4$9&<? commence" business in 1 !1 as a partnership concern' which was con#erte" into pri#ate limite" company in 1 ! . In 1 61' the company went public an" was liste" on the 8arachi stock exchange' the only stock exchange in the country at that time. In 1 ; an" in 1 the 1ompany was liste" on <ahore 3tock 5xchange 2 ,he 1ompany was liste" on Islamaba" 3tock 5xchange.

It is one of the most mo"ern' largest #ertically integrate" textile companies in Pakistan. 4$9&< starte" out as a wea#ing unit with !00 semi*automatic looms0 later 10000 spin"les were a""e"' laying the foun"ation on nation/s biggest textiles composite pro-ect. ,he 1ompany also has the most mo"ern textile "yeing an" processing units' 2 stitching units an" Power +eneration facilities with a capacity of ; 9W. ,he 1ompany/s total export for the year 2012 was @s. A!.610 billion >23B %16 million?. )ue to the application of cautious management policies' consoli"ation of operations' a strong balance sheet an" an effecti#e marketing strategy' the growth tren" is expecte" to continue in the years to come. ,he 1ompany(s pro"uction facilities comprise of spinning' wea#ing' processing' stitching an" power generation. Its sales are
&'()*)(+&&(,,, Rs-

Internship Report

/#AR% #. %IRECT#RS:

1hief 5xecuti#e 9r. 3heikh $iaC 4n-um

@ana 9uhamma" 9ushta: 9s. $abiha 3hahnawaC 1heema 9r. 9uhamma" 4Cam

AU%IT C#MMITTEE: 9r. 8hali" Da"eer Dureshi 1hairmanE9ember 9r. 9uhamma" 4Cam 9ember 9s. $abiha 3hahnawaC 1heema 9ember

C0IE. .I"A"CIA$ #..ICER: 9r. =a"ar*ul*7assan

C#MPA"Y SECRETARY: 9r. 8hali" 9ahmoo" 1hohan


Internship Report

@iaC 4hma" F 1ompany 1hartere" 4ccountants

$E1A$ A%VIS#R: 9r. 9. 4urangCeb 8han' 4"#ocate' 1hamber $o. 6' )istrict 1ourt' Gaisalaba".


9ill 3iteH PhoneH

120 8m +, @oa" &kara I 2*%%2*!%!%A0

GaxH I 2*%%2*!%2A2A%

0EA% #..ICE:

&fficeH 6amal' <ahore PhoneH

3uit J1' 2n" Gloor' 1! 3hah

I 2*%2*7!%1!%0' 7!A2A%%

GaxH I 2*%2*7!%AA%2 5mailH

Internship Report

Mission St tement
,o pro#i"e :uality pro"ucts to customers an" explore new markets to promoteEexpan" sales of the 1ompany through goo" go#ernance an" foster a soun" an" "ynamic team' so as to achie#e optimum prices of pro"ucts of the 1ompany for sustainable an" e:uitable growth an" prosperity of the 1ompany.

,o transform the 1ompany into a mo"ern an" "ynamic yarn' cloth an" processe" cloth an" finishe" pro"uct manufacturing 1ompany that is fully e:uippe" to play a meaningful role on sustainable basis in the economy of Pakistan. ,o transform the 1ompany into a mo"ern an" "ynamic power generating Pakistan. 1ompany that is fully e:uippe" to play a meaningful role on sustainable basis in the economy of

Internship Report

1ompany Profile

3ince last four "eca"es' the members of this group ha#e ma"e tremen"ous contribution in boosting the textile tra"ing sector in Pakistan. ,he members of the group are wi"ely recogniCe" as pioneer of textile yarn tra"ers in the country. ,his achie#ement an" recognition is the result of group/s efforts in a"opting a"#ance" techni:ues of tra"ing' remarkable organiCation culture an" on time honoring its commitments.
Indoor M n 2ement:

,he company to"ay "eri#es its strength from a uni:ue blen" of entrepreneurial ownership a""e" with unparallele" skill of professionals. ,o"ay' the company is manage" by highly :ualifie" team of professionals with #ast experience in their respecti#e fiel"s. 5#ery "epartment is hea"e" by a professional' :ualifie" an" experience" executi#e.

Employees 3elf re 4 Addition in /uildin2:

4nmol ,extile 9ills <t" belie#es in a"mirable work en#ironment. ,he management staff relationship which exists within 4nmol bears

Internship Report

witness to this principle. Larious social welfare schemes an" programs like social security' pro#i"ent fun"' free me"ical ser#ices' regular an" performance bonuses' easy loan facilities ha#e been implemente" for the benefit of the employees. In or"er to pro#i"e i"eal resi"ential to workers an" officers Workers 1olony' =achelor 7ostel an" +.9. =ungalow are constructe" at site.

Internship Report

M r!etin2 Profile

4nmol ,extile 9ills <t" has special e"ge to ha#e its own sales outlets in <ahore so it/s a great support that we are "irectly linke" with market ner#ous system that support us instantaneously to e#aluate market "eman" an" cater customer re:uirements more efficiently than any other unit so we ha#e strong marketing profile.

Comp ny #56e7ti8es:
1* 4nmol ,extile 9ills <t"' stri#es to establish a long terms relationship with customers by pro#i"ing them on time "eli#ery of Duality pro"ucts. 2* 4nmol ,extile 9ills <t"' gi#e importance to get :uality through best yarn . A* 4nmol ,extile 9ills <t"' 3ystem re:uirements are aime" at achie#ing customer satisfaction by pro#i"ing conforming pro"uct an" meeting or excee"ing customer an" applicable regulatory re:uirements through application of Duality 9anagement system ' continuous impro#ement an" pre#ention of non conformity. %* 4nmol ,extile 9ills <t"' ensures that the company a"e:uately i"entifies customer re:uirements' through all Duality 9anagement 3ystem processes' to achie#e customer satisfactions.

Internship Report


Spinnin2 3e 8in2 Pro7essin2 0ome Textile 1 rments Po9er 1ener tion A"M#$ $inen A"M#$ 0ospit lity :Pri8 te; $imited


Internship Report




,he organiCation is "i#i"e" into following "epartmentsH

1. 7uman @esources 2. Ginance A. 9arketing %. 5xport !. 4"ministration 6. 9I3 7. Pro"uction


Internship Report

Ginance "epartment has following sectionsH

A77ounts Se7tion / n!in2 Se7tion Pur7h se Se7tion S les Se7tion

4ccounts 3ection
I manage" to un"erstan" about the flow of transaction' preparation of #ouchers an" le"ger posting. Prep r tion of 8ou7hers: In account "epartment un"er the super#ision of concerne" officers' I came to know "ifferent type of #ouchers being prepare" an" their process of preparation. Louchers are written e#i"ence of any business transaction. ,he "ifferent types of #ouchers being prepare" by the account "epartment of 4$9&< 9ills are as un"er' 1ash payment #ouchers 1ash receipts #ouchers =ank payment #ouchers =ank receipt #ouchers 6ournal #oucher or a"-ustment #ouchers Petty cash #ouchers

,hese #ouchers are now "iscusse" below in "etailH C sh P yment Vou7hers:


Internship Report

=eing a public limite" company cash payment #ouchers are use" for recor"ing the expense of less than fi#e thousan". ,hese types of #ouchers are prepare" when cash payments are ma"e against small expenses i.e. repair' entertainment etc. In or"er to recor" the expenses following entry is passe"H 4ccount co"e name of expense >"ebit? 4mount 1ash account >cre"it? 4mount 5#i"ence of expense is attache" with the cash payment #ouchers. C sh Re7eipt Vou7hers: ,hese types of #ouchers are prepare" when the cashier on behalf of the 4$9&< mills limite" is recei#ing cash. 7owe#er' these types of #ouchers are small in :uantity because ma-ority of transactions are "one by bank. &n receipt of cash' cashier prepare" the cash recei#e" slip. 4ccount officer prepares #oucher on the basis of cash receipt prepare" by the cashier. In or"er to book the transaction the following entry is passe" in the books. 4ccount co"e cash account >"ebit? 4mount Income 4E1 or recei#able 4E1 >cre"it? 4mount / n! P yment Vou7hers: =eing a public limite" company the ma-ority of payment transactions of the 4$9&< mill limite" are carrie" out through banks. =ills an" in#oices being appro#e" by the competent authority reach at the table

Internship Report

of accounts officer for payment. 4ccount officer checks the appro#al an" mathematical accuracy of the bill an" prepares the bank payment #oucher. 4ccounts officer first confirms the nature of expense i.e. capital or re#enue an" "e"uction of tax if applicable then pass the following entry0 4ccount co"e 4sset name or expense >"ebit? amount =ank account >cre"it? amount )e"uction of tax at source >cre"it? amount 5#i"ence of expenseEasset is attache" with the cash payment #oucher. / n! Re7eipt Vou7hers: 4ccount co"e che:ues clearing 4E1 >"ebit? amount 4ccount recei#able 4E1 >cre"it? amount 4"#ance against sale 4E1 >cre"it? amount &n clearing of abo#e referre" che:ues following entry passe" in the books of account officers. 4ccount co"e =ank 4E1 >"ebit? 4mount 1he:ues clearing 4E1 >cre"it? 4mount Ad6ustment Vou7her or <ourn l Vou7hers: ,hese types of #ouchers are generally prepare" in the following circumstances0

Purchase on cre"it 3ales on cre"it Writing off assets i.e. "epreciation store consumption etc. @ectification of mistakes or omissions

Internship Report

,hese are "iscusse" below in "etail' Pur7h se on 7redit: +enerally raw material' stores an" spares are purchase" on cre"it. In or"er to account them for the -ournal #oucher are prepare" by the concerne" account officer 4ccount co"e Purchase 4E1 >"ebit? 4mount 4ccount payable 4E1 >cre"it? 4mount 1opy of the in#oices is attache" with #ouchers. S les on 7redit: <ike purchases' sales >local an" export? are ma"e on cre"it an" at the time of "eli#ery of goo"s following -ournal are prepare" by the account officerH 1re"it sales 4E1 4mount 1opy of in#oices is attache" with #oucher. 3ritin2 off ssets:

,hese -ournal #ouchers are prepare" in or"er to change the assets to expense for the preparation of monthly accounts. ,o account for "epreciation of fixe" assetsH 4ccount co"e )epreciation 4E1 >"ebit? 4mount 4ccumulate" "epreciation 4E1 >cre"it? 4mount


Internship Report

,o account for the raw material consumptionH 4ccount co"e raw material concerne" 4E1 >"ebit? amount @aw material store 4E1 >cre"it? amount ,o account for store consumptionH 4ccount co"e store concerne" 4E1 >"ebit? amount 3tore an" spares 4E1 >cre"it? amount

,o account for accrue" expensesH 4ccount co"e expense 4E1 >"ebit? amount 4ccount payable 4E1 >cre"it? amount In a""itional to abo#e referre" kin"s -ournal #oucher is also passe" to rectify the mistakes ma"e in #oucher preparation or posting.

$ed2er Postin2:
1omputer operator puts log number an" makes posting in computer. 4ccounts of 4$9&< 9I<<3 are computeriCe" an" le"gers are prepare" in computer. 4fter the preparation an" co"ing of #oucher it is sent to computer operator for posting. 4 "aily print out of all entries is checke" to check the accuracy. 4fter checking the accuracy the master file is up"ate" an" posting is ma"e to respecti#e account le"ger by the computer. ,hese recor" files are also sen" to recor" room that they can be recalle" as e#er nee"e".


Internship Report

/A"=I"1 SECTI#"
,he main purpose of the "epartment is ensuring the a#ailability of the fun"s for operation' best utiliCation of a#ailable fun" an" to "eal with banks. Ginance manger prepares "aily cash flows statement in or"er to "etermine nee"s an" utiliCation of fun"s. 4 weekly pro-ecte" cash flows statement is also prepare" in or"er to "etermine the nee" of the coming week. 4n account officer prepares bank reconciliation statement of all the banks an" list out the outstan"ing entries. 7e then traces the reason for these entries an" put bank reconciliation on the table of finance manager. &n receipt of bank statement the manager prepares cash flow statement an" presents it to the finance "irector for future actions. )ealing with bank When is normally by recei#ing bank reconciliation


banking "epartment recei#es such statement it

tallies transaction with its own le"gers. 1ertifies that whether items "ebite" or cre"ite" is true in all respect. If any "iscrepancy is foun" it is tol" to bank. 3ince 4$9&< mills limite" is a large organiCation so "aily bank reconciliation are recei#e" from the bank. Pro7ess: 4ll the che:ues' which are presente" for payments' any interest or commission charge" by the bank' che:ues' recei#e" by the banks an" cre"ite" in the account of 4$9&< mills limite"' any interest recei#e" on account of 4$9&< mills limite" by bank are recor"e" an" then tallie". 4 person "esignate" as 4ssistant 9anager 7ea"s banking "epartment.


Internship Report

M r! Up Sheets: 3econ" ma-or function of the banking "epartment of 4$9&< mills limite" is preparation of mark up sheet. $ormally finance is obtaine" from banks against securities. ,he securities are >a? ple"ge cotton >b? mortgaging machinery etc. ,his loan is taken sometimes for short perio" an" sometimes for longer perio". 3o in these loans interest is pai". ,his interest rate #aries. ,his interest is calculate" on "aily basis. When interest an" loan amount is pai" to bank' it is this "epartment' which calculates the interest amount "ue on 4$9&< mills limite". 4lthough interest sheet is sent by bank but it is reconcile" by the "epartment.


Internship Report

P2@17435 351,I&$
,he purchase "epartment is "i#i"e" into two categories' cotton purchase "epartment an" store purchase "epartment.


1otton purchase "epartment is most important "epartment in textile in"ustry. Duality of yarn "epen"s upon cotton that has been purchase". It becomes most important when there is business of export. ,here is no :uestion on :uality. =ecause your minor mistake may result in huge losses. 9oreo#er you will loss your cre"ibility. Gorm "irector to cotton selectors all are in#ol#e" in cotton purchase process.


3tores incharge hea"s the store purchase "epartment. Purchase "epartment is as un"erH )irector Purchase &fficer 4ssistant Purchase &fficer Purchase 1lerk ,he store purchase "epartment is responsible for the purchase of items like 3pare parts of machinery' an" Packing material spares' electric items' &il an" lubricants' 3tationery items' =uil"ing 9aterial an" +eneral 3tore.


Internship Report

)eman" @e:uisition In#oice of Purchase )eli#ery &r"er In +ate Pass


Internship Report

3ales "epartment is one of the important "epartments in any in"ustry. If a unit pro"uces best :uality goo"s but ha#e not competiti#e staff then it woul" be "ifficult to sell the pro"ucts. ,he structure of sales "epartment is as un"er.

M M n n 2er 2er $o7 $o7 l l S S les les

M M n n 2er 2er Export Export Export Export Asst Asst

Commer7i Commer7i l l Asst Asst

4$9&< ,extile 9ills is selling its pro"uct to local as well as in international market. ,hus the sales "epartment of the 4$9&< ,extile 9ills is "i#i"e" in to two sections

S S les les %ep %ep rtment rtment

$o7 $o7 l ls s les les %eptt %eptt Export Export %eptt %eptt


Internship Report

,he following acti#ities are performe" in the local sales "epartment. ,he "irectors recei#e the or"er of yarn by ,ele phone' fax or e*mail. )irectors e#aluate the capability to fulfill the or"er by consulting "aily stock repot from mills. )irectors gi#e the instructions to local sales manager that transfer the information on local sale contract slip. =efore issuing contract slip' sales manager checks the selling limits of the particular party an" "iscusses the matter with )irector if it is selling limit 3ales "epartment writes the three copies of "eli#ery or"er signe" by "irector &ne copy is "ispatche" to the mill for issuing goo"s . after rea"ing the particulars of "eli#ery or"er store in charge in the factory will issue the goo"s . &ne copy of "eli#ery or"er is sen" to the accounts "epartment an" thir" one is kept for recor".


Internship Report

Ginancial 4nalysis
@atio 4nalysis
It shows the firm/ ability to pay its short* term obligation on time. CURRE"T RATI#

?,++ 1H 0.;%times

?,+? 1H 0. ;times

,he ratios show that the company/s current liabilities an" current assets are almost e:ual. 3o the co. is in a position to meet its current liabilities on time. >UIC= #R ACI% TEST RATI#

?,++ 1H 0.! times

?,+? 1H 0.%;times

,he company/s :uick ratio has increase". 3o the company is li:ui" position is #ery strong.


?,++ %.;times

?,+? 6.0times


Internship Report

%E/T#R C#$$ECTI#" PERI#%

?,++ ;7"ays

?,+? %%"ays

1ompany/s cre"it collection performance is "epen"e" upon <E1 by the buyer. 3o the company/s "ebtor collection perio" mostly "epen"s upon the opening of letter of cre"it.


?,++ 11.!0times

?,+? 12.20times

,his ratio shows that the co. is making payment to the cre"itors within reasonable time perio".


?,++ 1.2% times

?,+? 2.02 times

,he efficiency of the firm can be analyCe" through its profits.

1R#SS PR#.IT RATI# ?,++ 1!.! . ?,+? 1!.A0.

1ost of goo"s sol" has remain more or less constant while con#ersion rate of B is being higher therefore +.P. is #ery i"eal.


Internship Report

"ET PR#.IT RATI# ?,++ 1.!7. ?,+? 2.7.

,he company/ profit is increasing with the passage of time. It is because of its 0. exports.

#PERATI"1 PR#.IT RATI# ?,++ 10.70. ?,+? 10.;!.

,here is little increase in profit of the co. It is because of hiring of new employees which increases the salaries of the co. RETUR" #" ASSETS ?,++ A.%;. ?,+? 7.% .

@eturn on assets ratio has increase" because of increase in profits.

EAR"I"1 PER S0ARE ?,++ @s.2.67 $EVERA1E A"A$YSIS <e#erage analysis is use" to measure the "egree of in"ebtness >up to what extent the firm is in "ebtness?. ?,+? @s.2.;2

?,++ 6;.7;. %E/TAE>UITY RATI# ?,++ 2! ?,+? ?,+? 76.

Internship Report



4nmol hea#ily "epen"ing on the outsi"er/s financing.

C#VERA1E RATI# A"A$YSIS 1o#erage ratio is use" to see the ability of a firm to pay its fixe" financial cost.i*e. Interest payment <ease payment t )i#i"en" to preferre" stockhol"ers

TIME I"TEREST EAR"E% RATI# ?,++ 1.A6times ?,+? 1.!6times

4nmol is paying interest 1.!6times in a year' which is greater than pre#ious years.


Internship Report

0oriBont l An lysis
/A$A"CE S0EET C#MM#" SICE 0#RIC#"TA$ A"A$YSIS ASSETS: ?,+? ?,++ :Rupees ;
"onA7urrent ssets 1' 06'6%0' ;7 1'0AA'! A 6 ' '!;6 2'%21'A%0 10A'0!0'AA; 772'A 7'6%% 1!7'7!%'% A 1;7'1;;' ;! 1'122'0%1 12!'667'!;% 7'0;;'261 ;'2; '7 1 %!'!60'67! %1'7 %'%62 1' 6A'22 '% 0 *********** 6 ' '!;6 2'%21'A%0 2';!!'%01 7%6'6%A';01 22 '707'A0 1%2'601' 2 !';0%'%22 !2A'!%6 7'0;;'261 1'612'1 A % '7 A'062 A2'!72'10A >!6'!;;'!0A ? *2.;; 100 ***** ***** 10. ; A.%! *A1.A2 A1.26 7 *;0.67 2A A ******* %1%.1 *;.!0 2;.A1

in D

Property' Plant an" e:uipment Intangible assets <ong*term in#estment <ong*term "eposits Current ssets 3tores' spares an" loose tools 3tock*in*tra"e ,ra"e "ebts <oan an" 4"#ances ,ra"e "eposits an" payments 3hort term In#estment 9ark*up accrue" &ther recei#ables ,ax refun"s "ue from go#ernment 1ash an" bank balances

*********** ************ 10'1 %' A7 2!'7!A';%A >71' !2';16 ? %%'!;6' A >%'6;2'A;1? 12!'61!'2A; ************ 6'677'! ; >%'2A2'A;7? '222'A!

Tot l Current ssets T#TA$ ASSETS

+(&&E(E+& (?F& G(&G,(,,E (F',

+(G,E(?,? +&,(F+?( +,-F (,E, +'& ) ')(+)F(?F &


Internship Report


?,+? ?,++ :Rupees; nd

A0'000'000 A0;'10 'A7 0 A !'0;1'2! 0 16!'7 ;'06 7 '*'(E''(* 'F A0'000'000 2%6'%;7'!0 0 A !'0;1'2! 0 1 !'!01' 1 0

In D

Sh re 7 pit l reser8es

4uthoriCe" 1apital A0'000'000 or"inary shares of @s 10 each Issue"' subs an" pai"*up capital @eser#es 2nappropriate profit

61,621,870 -------------70,296,157 31,918,027




"onA7urrent li 5ilities

<ong term Ginance F other 1apital 3ubor"inate" loans 711' 1A'66; )eferre" liabilities 6A'A7!'000 ;'!; '216


(276,877,550) 26,500,000 (7,649,111) (258,026,661) 4,453,875 13,228,877 161,822,805 131,760,351 311,265,908

-28 71.86 -47 -24.76 3.59

A0.!; 1A.77 106.! !

Current li 5ilities
,ra"e an" other payables Interest an" mark*up accrue" Ginance un"er markup arrangement 1urrent portion of non* current liabilities

7;A';77';; %
12;'!;;'%7; !6'%;;'7!A 1'AA6'6%6';1%

A6';7!'000 16'2A;'A27 +(,&+(E,&()& ) 12%'1A%'60A %A'2! ';76 1'17%';2%'00 12A'6!;';1A +(&*)('FF(G, +




Tot l $i 5ilities EHuity

2!!'%1 '16% +(FFF(+&G(?, nd E

G(G&&(')? G(&G,(,,E (),* (F',


Internship Report


nd $oss A77ount
Common siBe 0oriBont l
?,+? ?,++ :Rupees; D
27;'!;A';; A A!%'7%%';% 2 *1; G&*(&,&(*** A 'A%%'127 >!0'2;2'001? >% '671'260? >6'0%;' ; ? >2A2'A;1'AA!? &??()*)(*?) 17';%0'!72 >%;'%21'07A? >A '0A1'A6 ? > '!;%';61? >1 ? '%06'6%! 120 >76'160' ! ? 21'!0A'!!! 1';60' 2; 10'6A '; 1 >A'!A!';72? A2' 7%'6 0 > 6'! 7'0%1 ? >%' ;!';77? > 1'611'16% ? *67.10 *2%.%0 *7%.16 A.;% 27.2! A6.; 16.!% ;. 2 1A.21

n lysis


S les 1ost of sales 1ross profit &ther operating income 4"ministrati#e expenses )istribution costs &ther expenses Ginance costs Profit I :loss; 5efore operating an" selling

G(&,,(EE'(G* + >A'0!%'! A'6 !?

G(+??(&+&(& F' >2'6 ';%;'; !A?

t x tion Pro#ision for taxation Profit for the ye r 5arnings per share

&F(G*)(?,' >1!'%%7'1;1? G+(E+'(,?F 1.0%

+&G(E*?(?&E >20'%AA'0!;? +?G()?E(+E+ %.01

Internship Report


ASSETS: ?,++ :Rupees; "onA7urrent ssets Property' Plant an" e:uipment <ong*term "eposits Current ssets 3tores' spares an" loose tools 3tock*in* tra"e ,ra"e "ebts <oan an" 4"#ances ,ra"e "eposits an" payments ,ax refun"s "ue from go#ernment &ther recei#ables 3hort term In#estment 1ash an" bank balances

?,+? In D

1' 6A'22 '% 0 2'%21'A%0 +(E*)(*),( 'G, 2';!!'%01 7%6'6%A';01 22 '707'A0 1!0'177'167 !';0%'%22 % '7 A'062

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*A.! ******* *A.!7 1!.62 !.6! 12.A0 * %7.6% % .0; * 17.72

1'612'1 A 70'!2A'1A2 A'021' 26 A2'!72'10A ************ A1'7A7';!6 ;'%A%'2%7 70'!2A'1A2 >1'%0 '7AA?

* %6.6! 100 A7.6A

Internship Report

Tot l Current ssets T#TA$ ASSETS

1'A7 '6;;'! 0

1'A!%'2% '% 06

2!'%A '1;% :&F(&?G(' *G;

1.;; A +-GE '

G(G&)(GGE(&?, G(GE?(F*G(?'G

EHuity $i 5ilities

nd ?,+? ?,++ In D

Sh re 7 pit l nd reser8es 4uthoriCe" 1apital A0'000'000 A0'000'000 2%6'%;7'!0 or"inary shares 0 of @s 10 each A !'0;1'2! Issue"'subs Fpai"*0 up capital 1 !'!01' 1 @eser#es 0 2nappropriate 'GF(,F,(** profit ,
"onA7urrent li 5ilitie s

A0'000'000 2%6'%;7'!0 0 A !'0;1'2! 0 6'621'%6 FG'(+E,(? +E


AAAAAA AAAAAA 102.A % 126.% 6

<ong term Ginance 1'02!'666'2 F other 1apital 1; )eferre" liabilities 16'2A;'A27 +(,&+(E,&( Current )&) li 5ilities 1urrent portion of long term 12A'6!;';1 liabilities A Ginance un"er 1'17%';2%'0 markup 0 arrangement 12%'621'!1 ,ra"e an" other 7
payables Interest an" mark* %A'2! ';76 up accrue" A1

>1A2'A 6'! A? >2'162'A7A? 1'1!;'062'; >1A%'!!;' 6 11 6? 1;'%00'700 +(+F*(&*G( )++ >1!'702'A27 ? >1 '020'A60 1A 'A61'1% ? 0 1%';6!'0A! 1'1 A';%%'A 6 ;'112'A1% 10 '7!6'%; 2 :G+(F&)(GG A!'1%7'!62 ';

* 11.%A * 11.7! * 11.%% * 11.27 *1.! 1A.!% 2A.0; A?-+)

Internship Report

Tot l $i 5ilities nd EHuity

+(&**(G*&( ?+) G(G&)(GGE( &?,

+(&F'(+,E( ))G G(GE?(F*G( ?'G

:&F(&?G('* G;

A +-GE '


Internship Report

Verti7 l An lysis

ASSETS: "onA7urrent ssets Property' Plant an" e:uipment Intangible assets <ong*term in#estment <ong*term "eposits Current ssets 3tores' spares an" loose tools 3tock*in*tra"e ,ra"e "ebts <oan an" 4"#ances ,ra"e "eposits an" short*term payments 9ark*up accrue" &ther recei#ables 3hort term In#estment ,ax refun" "ue from go#ernment 1ash an" bank balances Tot l Current T#TA$ ASSETS ssets

?,+? !!.! . 0.0A . 2.0% . 0.07 . A.00 . 22.!2 . %.6 . !.%6 . 0.0A2 . 0.21 . 0.2%1 . A.66 . 1.AA . 1.22 .

?,++ !;.6 . ******** 2.0% . 0.07 . 2.7; . 22.A2 . 6.;7 . %.26 . 0.17 . 0.21 . 0.0%; . 0.016 . 1.% . 0. 7 .

&?-?F D GE-+&D +,,-,, D +,,-,, D


Internship Report




Sh re 7 pit l nd reser8es AuthoriBed C pit l G,(,,,(,,, ordin ry sh res of Rs +, e 7h '-E' D Issued( su5s7ri5ed nd p idAup ++-)? D 7 pit l &-'G D Reser8es ?)-GG D Un ppropri te profit "onA7urrent li 5ilities $on2 term .in n7e p y 5les $o n from rel ted su5ordin ted lo ns %eferred li 5ilities

F-GF D ++-'+ D )-'& D ?)-,GD

?,-F* D +-') D ?E-)* nd other ,-?) D D +-+,? p rtiesA D G-F) D ,-&' D +-*) D G'-EF D Current li 5ilities F-&) D G-F+ D Tr de nd other p y 5les )+-'+ D +-?E D Interest nd m r!Aup 77rued G)-+? .in n7e under m r!up rr n2ements D Current portion of nonA7urrent +,, D G-F D li 5ilities &G-'? D Tot l $i 5ilities nd EHuity +,, D


Internship Report

Profit and Loss Account

Common siBe 8erti7 l n lysis ?,+? S les 1ost of sales 1ross profit &ther operating income 4"ministrati#e expenses )istribution an" selling costs &ther operating expenses Ginance costs Profit I :loss; 5efore t x tion Pro#ision for ,axation 1.A Profit for the ye r >0.%! .? ,-E& D >0.6! .? G-E* D . %.61 . +,, D >; .;1 .? +,-+ED ?,++ +,, D >;6.%7 .? +G-)GD

11.!7 . >1.%; .? >1.%6 .? >0.17; .? >6.;A .?

10.!7 . >1.!! .? >1.2! .? >0.A1 .? >6.A .?


Internship Report


It is "ifficult to write about what I learne" at 4$9&< 9ills <t". =ecause when I entere" within such a big organiCation' I was bombar"e" with lot of things at the same time that I coul" not realiCe su""enly. =ut with the passage of time I got realiCe" that my thinking style' my punctuality' an" my routines are -ust got better. I became a committe" person. 3ome of the skills that I ha#e internaliCe" at 4$9&< 9ills <t" are "iscusse" below0

I was kept rotate" by my instructor to "ifferent persons within the "epartment so that I coul" get the maximum exposure to their working tasks' their abilities their commitment to the work. ,hey also assigne" sometimes the task of their own to perform an" I took them as my boss is gi#ing me or"ers an" performe" them with commitment. 3o I learnt the skill that how to be committe" to my seniors an" to my work.
Te m9or! experien7e:

When I entere" the organiCation I consi"ere" myself as a part of team. <arge organiCations are built by the teamwork efforts of the in"i#i"uals. I learnt thee how to perform tasks within a team' where lots of other people are also connecte" to you. MIS le rnin2:

,he company has its own management information system "e#elope" in -a#a. ,here were certain restrictions about using this network. =ut at

Internship Report

certain occasions' employees let me allowe" to perform some minor tasks. 4n" I also I learne" how information flows through "ifferent le#els within the "epartments an" how can a rele#ant person use that information.

M n 2eri l s!ills exposure:

I got exposure to other "ifferent skills that can be helpful in my future that how to manage work' relations with officers' putting pressure in subtle ways to get work "one in time. I obser#e" that you can/t be too lenient or too harsh to your employees. 4 manager has to make relations to such a le#el that no feels that my manager is too lousy to control his personnel nor too harsh to keep atmosphere stressful.


Internship Report

)uring my internship I felt some ina"e:uacies that shoul" be pai" attention or mo"ifie". /onus system: ,he proper facility of bonuses is pro#i"e" to the pro"uction "epartment' an" there is no "efine" an" proper system to awar" bonuses to other "epartments. 1ompensation an" rewar" system shoul" be brought at higher le#el in or"er to let the employees be moti#ate" an" happy. ,here shoul" be more fringe benefits for the employees taking into consi"eration their "e#otion skill an" experience. ,his higher le#el woul" make the employees more efficiency F effecti#e. ,herefore my suggestion is that the bonuses shoul" also be awar"e" to other "epartments too. Employees tr inin2: 4lthough there are e"ucate" an" talente" staff working in 4$9&< 9ills limite" but it is the nee" of the hour that the staff shoul" be gi#en the time*to*time refresher courses for the up to "ate knowle"ge for meeting knew an" "ynamic challenges in the growing business concern of 4$9&< 9ills <imite". $ew training courses will help in uplifting the :uality of the work of employees. "eed of 7 feteri :

4s 4$9&< is consisting of a large area an" there is only is a small


Internship Report

canteen that is far away from office area an" is locate" near plants. 3o from my point of #iew a couple of canteens shoul" be a#ailable near office area in or"er to minimiCe the "istance that will help in impro#ing the working time of the employees' because less time will be consume" to tra#el from one point to another.

Tr inin2 pro2r m to re7ruits: When I was in the 7uman @esource "epartment' I obser#e" that fresh boys with no working experience were also hire" by the "epartment. ,hey "i" not e#en know how to operate the machines where they will work. ,here was no proper training pro#i"e" to them. ,hey learn by "irect experience an" interaction with the other workers. ,hese new workers shoul" be pro#i"e" with the proper training because working with the big an" costly machines can be harmful to the workers an" the company may ha#e to bear the loss in case a costly machine malfunctions. Compens tion for the internees: ,he company has no policy to compensate the internees. ,here shoul" be little compensation for trainees as well' as they can fulfill their "ay to "ay tra#eling an" foo" expenses. =y "oing this trainees will show more interest' more "e#otion' more potentials an" will work with their full mental an" physical efforts.

Internship Report

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