Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

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Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Executive Summary

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

This project focuses on the following areas: 1. . ". $. *. +. -. /. 2. 14. 11. 1 . 1". 1$. 1*. 1+. 1-. 1/. 12. 4. 1. . ". $. *. Unilevers Philosophy Unilevers !orporate Purpose Unilevers #istory %ar&et 'verview for !oo&ing 'il (n)ustry PEST analysis for !oo&ing 'il in)ustry Unilevers ,nalysis !urrent Pro)uct .ange 'f Unilever (nternal ,u)it of 0,10, External ,u)it of #,3(3 as competitor S5'T analysis of #,3(3 !ustomer ,u)it %ar&et Segmentation ,ssumptions %ar&eting '6jectives 7 Strategies for new pro)uct Setting %ar&eting '6jectives !haracteristics 'f Pro)ucts Target %ar&eting 7 %ar&et Segmentation %ar&et Potential %ar&et Positioning %ar&eting %ix Strategies ,lternative %ar&eting Plan (mportant activities of promotional plan '6jective of each promotional activity %easurements8 .eview 7 control .eferences


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

This project is an application of the mar&eting concepts use) as a 6usiness function 6y the oils8 )ivisions of Unilever Pa&istan. The goal of %ar&eting is to create customers satisfaction profita6ly 6y 6uil)ing value: la)en lea)erships with important customers. (t calls on the organi;ations to thin& <customer= an) regar) him as a >ing. 5e as stu)ents re?uire an in )epth insight into creative worl) of mar&eting. 5e nee) to &now how vital role mar&eting plays in any organi;ation as they all reach out to satisfy citi;en an) customer nee)s8 provi)ing them values resulting in profits. 'ur aim was to launch a complete new pro)uct in oil )ivision of Unilever an) to )esign the strategies for the intro)uction an) promotion of this newly launche) coo&ing oil. The aim was also to o6jectively analy;e these principles as applie) in 6usiness environment in Pa&istan.

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch


'ur heartiest gratitu)e to every 1 who has helpe) us in carrying out this stu)y Special than&s to Sir. Sohail >amran for his much nee)e) gui)ance. 5e are )eeply than&ful to him for his value a6le assistance

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

U@(1EBE.S P#(1'S'P#C

<Success )epen)s upon provi)ing the rite mix of international an) local 6ran)s for the local consumers.= <(nternational expertise means we can focus relevant experience an) people on new mar&ets:fast.= <.esearch must 6e consumer focuse) an) technology )riven:a worl)wi)e commitment.= <'ur international competitive strength is the )epth an) the ?uality of our people an) their a6ility to networ&.=

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

U@(1EBE.S !'.P'.,TE PU.P'SE

<'ur purpose in Unilever is to meet every)ay nee)s of people everywhere to anticipate the aspirations of our consumers an) customers an) to respon) creatively an) competitively with 6ran)e) pro)ucts an) services which raise the ?uality of life. <'ur )eep roots in local cultures an) mar&ets aroun) the worl) are our unparallele) inheritance an) the foun)ation of our future growth. 5e will 6ring our wealth of &nowle)ge an) international expertise to the service of local consumers:a truly multi:local multinational. <'ur long term success re?uires a total commitment to exceptional stan)ar)s of performance an) pro)uctivity8 to wor&ing together effectively an) to a willingness to em6race new i)eas an) learn continuously. <5e 6elieve that to succee) re?uires the highest stan)ar)s of corporate 6ehavior towar)s our employees8 consumers an) societies an) worl) in which we live.= <This is Unilevers roa) to sustaina6le8 profita6le growth for our 6usiness an) long:term value creation for our sharehol)ers an) employees.=

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Marketing Project
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Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Uni e!er Paki"tan i#ited is a largest consumer products company in Pakistan. It

as !orn out

o" dream to #et$up in Pakistan an industry o" e%cellence in $%&' as Le!er (rother" Paki"tan Li#ited. &nile'er Pakistan (imited is )anu"acturing * )arketing its +etergents, Personal Products, -ea, #.. Products * Ice .ream o'er 50 !rands. In line it/ glo!al alignment strategy and in order to le'erage t/e synergies o" &nile'er0s

International !rand strengt/, market edge and corporate image, Le!er (rother" Paki"tan Li#ited /as c/ange its name to Uni e!er Paki"tan Li#ited) in 1ugust 2002


,Touching Heart")
Changing Li!e"-


2e are t/e leading consumers Products .ompany in Pakistan, a multination it/ deep roots in t/e country. 2e attract and de'elop /ig/ly talented people /o are e%cited, empo ered and committed to deli'er dou!le$digit gro t/. 2e ser'e t/e e'eryday needs o" all consumers e'ery /ere "or "oods, 3ygiene and 4eauty t/roug/ !randed products and ser'ices t/at deli'er t/e !est 5uality and 'alue. 2e stri'e to remain an e'er simple and enterprising !usiness 2e use our superior consumer understanding to produce !reak t/roug/ inno'ation in !rands and c/annels. 6ur !rands capture t/e /earts o" consumer0s t/roug/ outstanding communication. -/roug/ managing a responsi'e supply c/ain, e ma%imi7e 'alue "rom suppliers to customers.


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch


$0 (RAN.S
+1(+1 481#P1-I +1(+1 .669I8: 6I( P(18-1 .669I8: 6I( 4(&; 418+ )1<:1<I8; I8+&#-<I1( 18+ 419;<= >1-# );(18:;

P;1<( +&#<;+ <6#; 1$1 91<19 .31P 9;8=1 )I?-&<; <I.34<& 36-;( .31I (IP-68


a1 Skin C eaning2 (&? (I>;4&6= >1I< * (6@;(= #61P

31 Fa3ric 4a"h2 12

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch


c) Ho e Care!
@im #corer @im 4ar @I) 41< )1:I. 23;;(

". Per#ona$ Care

>1I< 18+ (6@;(= P68+# .<;1) P68+# -1(. #&8#I(9 #31)P66 (I>;4&6= #31)P66

%. Ora$ Care
.(6#; &P


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch


4e 3e ie!e in tru"t) truth and out"tanding tea#work0 4e !a ue a creati!e and 5un en!iron#ent0
6'er <s. 20 !illion o" sales it/ /ouse/old items )ore t/an 50 !rands 6'er 2500 /undred employees (e'er !rot/ers is a part o" &nile'er , /ic/ is a :lo!al company


Per"ormance de'elopment planning ;mp/asi7es on pro"essional skills )anagerial competencies >ormal training e'ents


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Per Share Income to shareho !ers"

OFFICERS Musharaf hai (Chairman & chief executive) Amar naseem ( seceratary) TABLE !
Recent #tock .er*or ance 1 Wee/ *.0+ * Wee/s 18.2+ 1 Wee/s 8. + 52 Wee/s 69.9+

Earning# & Di'i(en(# )a# o* +&3,&,2) Earning# Most Recent Qtr Last 12 Months Ratio Ana$-#i# !r"ce # Earn"n$s Rat"o !r"ce # Sa)es Rat"o !r"ce # .oo/ Rat"o 9.80 %"&"'en' ("e)' 0.89 !a,o-t Rat"o 1*.*6 + He)' 0, 1ns"'ers 15 7.*2+ 72.7 + 2#3 76.86 1 2.7 Di'i(en(# 59.00 96.50

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

A((re## Fat"4a 5"nnah Roa' 6arach" 755 0 !a/"stan

Mar#et O$er$%e& 'or Coo#%n( O% &Ghee In!)str*

Market "hare and nu#3er o5 cu"to#er"2
-/e .orporation sells products in o'er 150 countries and /as annual sales o" appro%imately A 46 !illion BC31,5!nD. &nile'er controls su!sidiaries in at least 90 countries and employs 295,000 Bin 2000D people

.e#ogra6hic e e#ent"2
&nile'er /as products in all product lines "or all age groups like con"ectioneries "or kids, !eauty product "or !ot/ male and "emale. &nile'er /as products depending upon t/e regionalEgeograp/ical di""erences "or t/e countries in /ic/ it is ser'ing.

Market Trend"2
Market trend 5or cooking oi 2


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Market trend 5or /hee2


Current Market Situation2
+alda is an imported stu"" t/at0s /y it cannot !e calculated in terms o" rupees.-otal market si7e is 1.5 million tons annually.-otal market si7e is not gro ing as it s/ould !e,!ut total market si7eEgro ing rate o" +alda is 5F per year.

Tota Market Si7e o5 .a da in 6re!iou" 8ear"2

TA(L+ $09


/rowth rate :th"d0ton"1


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

51 63 71 80 89 97

Uni e!er;" Ana 8"i"


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

&nile'er goal is to add @itality to li"e. 2e meet e'eryday need o" nutrition, /ygiene and personal care it/ !rands t/at /elp people to "eel good, look good and get more out o" li"e. -

Cu ture
6ur deep roots in local culture and in markets gi'e us our strong relations/ip it/ consumers and are t/e "oundation "or our "uture gro t/. 2e ill !ring our ealt/ o" kno ledge and international e%pertise to t/e ser'ice o" local consumers.

&nile'er is a multinational organi7ation 19

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

It deals it/ /ig/ly di""erential products 1l ays pro'ides inno'ati'e products #trong customer relations/ip

Its less "ocus on res/aping product

Cu"to#er Ana 8"i" 5or .a da


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

In t/e "iscal year o" 2001 t/e estimates ere 180000 metric tons. Imports ere e%pected to gro to 200000 metric tons "or t/e "ollo ing year. Imports ere o" &#A 1 !illion annually. -/e a'erage annual gro t/ rate "or edi!le oil industry is 12.5F per annum "or se'eral years.t/e demand "or cookong oil is estimated to !e gro at 5 F per annum

3ome consumers 3otels 6rgani7ations Industries

*a ue dri!er"
2e pro'ide t/e !est packing option !y t/e "ollo ing mannerG Plastic !ottles 21

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

#teal coded seals .on'enient to use

.eci"ion Proce""
-/e decision process is 'ery simple !ecause o" #imple decision +aily use product )ore "re5uently purc/ase


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch



Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

2e ill discuss 4 Ps o" marketing mi% "or +1(+1

(RAN. NAM+2 .AL.A cooking oi <UALITY2 +1(+1 is pro'iding e%cellent 5uality "ollo ed !y I#6 -/e enterprise operates under t/e 5uality control system in compliance standard re5uirements o" 5uality management system I#6 9001 it/ t/e international

PAC=A/IN/2 +1(+1 introduced plastic !ottles. +1(+1 /as also introduced di""erent si7es o" !ottles "or cooking oil packing.


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

TA(L+ $0& 1@1I(14(; #IH;# 1 (I-;< 2.5 (I-;< 5 (I-;< P<I.;# 250 450 850

2e are o""ering competiti'e introductory price /ic/ is mentioned !elo 750 "or 5 litre cane

.ISCOUNT2 2e are o""ering discount 10 <s eac/ cane in order to capture ma%imum attention o" our target market PAYM+NT T+RM AN. FINANC+ POSITION 8ot a'aila!le L+ASIN/ OPTION> 8ot a'aila!le

.ISTRI(UTION CHANN+L2 +istri!ution c/annel includes /ole sellers grocery stores utility stores LOCATION2 1ll o'er Pakistan 25

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

LO/ISTICS2 Pro'ide career ser'ice to place t/e product

A.*+RTISIN/ PLANS2 Print )edia ;lectronic )edia <adio >) PROMOTIONAL PRO/RAMM+S2 +1(+1 /as sur'i'ed o'er a long period o" time !y reac/ing its customers t/roug/ di""erent promotional plans #uperior marketing 1d'ance communications Inno'ati'e radio programs ;""ecti'e press usage .inema +1(+10s cook !ook B@6( 1* 2D +1(+1 ka +astark/a an +1(+1 .ooking competition +1(+1 >ood #/o >ree sampling


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

+?terna Audit

Main co#6etitor"2
314I4 #;1#68# <1>318 #6=1 #&P<;);


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Co#6etitor ana 8"i"@HA(I( COO=IN/ OIL

Market Po"ition2
TA(L+ $0A

FR+<U+NCY @1(I+ P<I.; I&1(I-= 8&-<I-I68 1@1I(14I(I-= P1.91:I8: -6-1( 4 6 9 4 7 30 P+RC+NT 13.3 20.00 30.00 13.3 23.3 100 *ALI. P+RC+NT 13.3 20.00 30.00 13.3 23.3 100 COMMULATI*+ P+RC+NT 13.3 33.3 63.3 76.7 100



Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

120 100 80 60 *0 20 0
19 2 L3 .1 L1 8( !3 C 63 : 12 : !R 1C E ( 8R 18 89 83 3L 18 L




+?6 anation o5 gra6h2

-/e respondents on 'arious attri!utes also "a'our 314I4 as a strong competitor o" +1(+1.13.3F purc/ase "or its price, 20F "or its 5uality , 30F "or its nutrition 13.3 F purc/ase it "or +1(+10s una'aila!ility and 23.3F "or its packaging

#econd largest oil !rand 1sli g/ee smell

(ess inno'ati'e (ess sales

73 L1 %

S4OT Ana 8"i" 5or HA(I(


37 31

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

3ygienic oil 3ig/ 'olume or sale 8um!er one !rand 8e idea o" packaging

.oncentrate on economy pack -arget on t/e /ouse i'es Ignore industrial consumer

(arge market s/are 3ig/ pro"it 8e in'estment 8e inno'ation

@alue s/i"t 8e product Intense competition 8e competitor


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Market Seg#entation

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Premium >emales !et een t/e ages o" B25$35D years )ot/ers playing an in"luential role in decision making 1 /ouse/old o" "our and more -arget personality include lo income segment as ell Bloose and mid$priceD

Ta3 e $0&


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

#a$e# .ro.ortion

2+ 5+ 2*+

t"ns ;o-ches )oose


ana 8"i" 5or cooking oi indu"tr8

C i#ate
P + S T


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Po itica Factor"2
+emocracies are under pressure to s/o t/at t/ey can protect t/e /ealt/ o" t/eir population0 :lo!al society is under pressure to demonstrate it can mo!ili7e resources to e""ecti'ely tackle glo!al social pro!lems. -ackling /ealt/ pro!lems re5uires long term t/inking, comple% partners/ips and inno'ati'e "orms o" organi7ation. 3ealt/ su""ers more in ars and ot/er comple% conse5uences.

+cono#ica Factor"2
<ising price o" palm oil Purc/asing po er is a""ected !y t/e in"lation Import o" palm oil is a""ected !y dollar e%c/ange rate

Socia 5actor"2
3ealt/ is important to people$consistently regarded !y ric/ or poor -/ere is a comple% interaction !et een t/e rig/t o" an indi'idual good /ealt/G t/e rig/t o" community to protect itsel" against /ealt/ t/reatsG and its responsi!ility to pro'ide "or t/e /ealt/ o" its mem!ers. 3ealt/ protection re5uires across t/e society pro"essions organi7ations etc. pu!lic /ealt/ relies on pu!lic support o" its Jlicenses to operateK and its a!ility to c/ange !e/a'ior.

Techno ogica 5actor"2

3ealt/ pro!lems are al ays dynamic and sometimes t/is c/ange is unpredicta!le. 3ealt/ inter'entions can lead to ne /ealt/ /a7ards. 2it/out kno ledge a!out /ealt/, t/ere can !e no response to /ealt/ t/reats. -ec/nology is poorly distri!uted in areas /ere people are una!le to create demand "or it e""ecti'ely. 8e tec/nologies are t/e result o" increasingly sop/isticated processes and currently seem to !e o" decreasing cost e""ecti'eness. 8e tec/nologies pose poorly$understood risks as ell as o""ering /ard to 5uali"y !ene"its In"ormation tec/nology /as a potential to re'olutioni7e t/e disseminations o" kno ledge a!out /ealt/.


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

It is assumed t/at t/e political, economical, and social condition ill remain same during t/e /ole year in /ic/ t/e product is launc/ed e$g market price o" palm seeds.


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch



Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Marketing O3jecti!e"2 $0 Sa e" o3jecti!e2

#ales o" ort/ <s.2500000 "or initial 12 mont/s !y doing promotional and introduction acti'ities

0 90 Pro5ita3i it8 O3jecti!e2

-o earn pro"it o" 10F o" sales initially.

A0 Market Share O3jecti!eL

-o attain 05$10F market s/are "or initial one year. 37

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

&0 Cu"to#er Sati"5action2

2e plan to pro'ide our customers it/ t/e !est o" 5uality, /ealt/ and con'enience, at lo and a""orda!le prices.

Ways Planned To Adopt To Help Improve Our Customer Service:

$0 #tay in contact it/ customers on a regular !asis 90 .reate a customer "ocus group !y in'iting 10 to 20 loyal customers to meet regularly. A0 3a'e a e! site t/at is easy to na'igate. 1dd a "re5uently asked 5uestionMs N>1IN page and e%plain anyt/ing t/at mig/t con"use your customers or 'isitors. &0 <esol'e customer complaints 5uickly and completely. 1ns er all e$mail and p/one calls it/in a "e /ours. D0 8ot to make customers or 'isitors /unt "or contact in"ormation. )ake it easy "or t/em to contact us. E0 :i'e our employees !onuses or incenti'es to practice e%cellent customer ser'ice. -ell employees to !e "le%i!le it/ eac/ indi'idual customer, eac/ one /as di""erent concerns, needs and ants. F0 :i'e your customers more t/an t/ey e%pect. '0 <e ard in points $$ gi'e customers a point "or e'ery rupee t/ey spend.


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch






Marketing Project For A New Product Launch



ALGAE COO+ING the 3o o&%n( OIL &% se(ment the%r mar#et on cr%ter%a /+O/RAPHIC S+/M+NTATION2 :a1 R+/ION2 .ountry O ise Pro'ince$ ise .ity$ ise etc .+MO/RAPHIC S+/M+NTATION2 :a1 A/+2 &nder 25, 25$45,o'er 45 B3D/ender2

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

)ale, >emale Bc1 Inco#e2 1$> /ouse/olds it/ class 1 /ouse/olds /a'ing t/e /ig/est income and class > /a'ing t/e lo est. :d1+ducation2 &neducated, Primary sc/ool,)atriculation,Intermediate,4ac/lors,)asters ,P/+ PSYCHO/RAPHIC S+/M+NTATION2 :a1 SOCIAL CLASS2 1$> /ouse/olds O1 !eing upper class and > !eing t/e lo er class (+HA*IORAL S+/M+NTATION2 :a1 Purcha"e Occa"ion2 <egular occasion #pecial occasion :31 (ene5it" Sought2 Iuality #er'ice ;conomy :c1 U"er Statu"2 8onuser ;%$user Potential user <egular user

:d1 Lo8a t8 Statu"2

8one )edium #trong 1!solute


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch


:a1 <egionL 1lgae cooking oil ill !e a nation$ ide !rand and it ill target all areas in ur!an #ind/, PunPa! and 8.2.>.P

:a1 A/+2 25$45 44

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

:31 /+N.+R> -raditional "emale /ouse i'es :c1 INCOM+2 3ouse/olds 1 it/ income range..20000 and a!o'e 3ouse/olds 4Q it/ income rangeR10000$15000 3ouse/olds .QQ it/ income rangeR.7000$10000 :d1 +.UCATION2 1tleast )atriculatio


#ocial .lassL
3ouse/olds 1 * 4Q

B!D (I>; #-=(; * P;<#681(I-=L

1(:1; cooking oil ill !e targeted to t/ose /ouse/olds /o are more or less in 25 $45 age group .-/is omen is traditional !ut educated at least )atriculation and lo'es to take care o" /er "amily. #/e is 5uality conscious and /ealt/ conscious and ill !e prepare to pay a premium price "or good 5uality products


P.'0U!T P'S(T('@(@A

,1A,E !''>(@A '(1


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

E,T #E,1T#C 1(BE #E,1T#C


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

E,T #E,1T#C 1(BE #E,1T#C

Ha&e a &ast), "4;ro&e' 4e4or, 14;ro&e ,o-r <-a)"t, o= )"=e Fee) $reat Loo/ $reat Ha&e hea)th, s4ooth s/"n 3 stron$ "44-ne s,ste4 3 ;os"t"&e o-t )oo/ on )"=e Ha&e 4ore $et -; an' $o than ,o- ha&e e&er ha' Ha&e th"c/ hea)th, ha"r


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

%,.>ET(@A %(D ST.,TEAC 9'. OME"A # AL"AE COO$I%" OIL

The Marketing Mi? i" the "et o5 #arketing too " that work together to a55ect the #arket0 The 5our e e#ent" o5 the Mi? are) o5 cour"e the Pro!)ct ITS+LF> the Pr%ce at which it i" o55ered 5or "a e in the #arket> the P ace or how the 6roduct i" di"tri3uted> and the Promot%on which 3ring" the 6roduct to the attention o5 the cu"to#er") arou"e" hi"Hher intere"t) 3ui d" u6 the de"ire 5or the 6roduct and 5ina 8 #o!e" hi#Hher to act H6urcha"e the 6roduct0 The 5o owing "ection o5 thi" 6roject wi dea the Marketing Mi? u"ed 38 UNIL+*+R 5or it" new 3rand AL/A+ COO=IN/ OIL0


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

1nyt/ing t/at can !e o""ered to t/e market "or attention, ac5uisition, use or consumption t/at mig/t satis"y a ant or need


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

1(:1; .669I8: 6I( is a consumer product.

PRO.UCT ATTRI(UT+S2 Product IualityL

&nile'er promises t/e /ig/est 5uality o" all o" its products. 1s suc/ 1(:1; .69I8: 6I( is also manu"actured to t/e /ig/est standards. -/e consistency in &nile'er promises and deli'ered products please customers.

Product Feature"2 1lgae .ooking 6il o""ers t o ne a (ae and t/e ome(a ,.

!est "eatures "or t/e ne

millenniumG t/e po er o"

6mega 3 algae oil is nutritionally identical to "is/ oil. It contains +31 and ;P1. 4ut it is not an animal product. It conser'es "is/ resources /ile pro'iding us it/ an e%cellent source o" omega 3 essential "atty acids. 1lgae oil could replace !ot/ "is/ oil and "la%seed oil as an omega 3 supplement no -/e algal$oil "eed stock t/at is used to produce !io diesel can also !e used "or "uel directly as #traig/t @egeta!le 6ilB#@6D -/e algal$oil "eedstock t/at is used to produce !iodisel can also !e used "or "uel directly as N#traig/t @egeta!le 6ilN, B#@6D. -/e !ene"it o" using t/e oil in t/is manner is t/at it doesnMt re5uire t/e additional energy needed "or transesteri"ication,


PRO.UCT S+R*IC+S PacksEtins o" .ookery omega 3 algae program oil

P+RSONN+L 1d'isory ser'ice

IMA/+ #ocial ;steem met

and needs

Product .e"ign2

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

&nile'er /as once again compliance it/ its customer oriented policy !y introducing a ne !randG ome(a , coo#%n( o% in its current product line, t/at0s a uni5ue product it/ enric/ed "eatures. It is altoget/er a ne product, packaged in a one liter polyPar. Attri3ute" consistency 'itamins >atty acids ;nergy po er .olor o" t/e Product Packaging2
1ll &nile'er product0s packaging are imported. ;'en t/e ink used on packaging is imported. -/e packaging is o" t/e /ig/est standardsG at least in t/e local market. 6mega 3 1lgae oil is a'aila!le in tins, !ottles and poly$!ags. 1ll packages are clearly and legi!ly la!eled as to contents and ingredients. 1ll packages are easy and sa"e to use. -/e omega 3 cooking oil packaging color is transparent it/ green and !lack la!els.

+55ect" C Ingredient" lig/t 1,+,; ;P1 6mega 3 1lgaeB./lorellaD +ark

-/ere are typically "our le'els o" meaning con'eyed !y &nile'er a!out its ne cooking oil range. product in

Le!e " 1ttri!utes 4ene"its @alues Personality

(rand IO#ega A a gae Cooking oi Premium 5uality, /ig/ prestige -asty "ood, cooking ease )ot/erly lo'e, tradition .ooking e%pert mot/er,/ouse i"es

(rand Strateg82

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

+?i"ting 6roduct categor8 +?i"ting (rand Na#e" Line +?ten"ion

New 6roduct Catgor8

(rand +?ten"ion

.a da "un5 ower .a da cookoing oi .a da ajawa3 Mu ti (rand New (rand .a da 6 anta cooking O#ega A A gae Cooking oi Oi


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch


-/e amount o" money c/arged "or a product or ser'ice, or t/e sum o" t/e 'alues t/at consumers e%c/ange "or t/e !ene"its o" /a'ing or using t/e product or ser'ice.


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

&nile'er0s marketing o!Pecti'e is primarily to tap t/e upper middle class and upper class segments.>or t/is &nile'er /as to ac/ie'e Product <ua it8 Leadre"hi6 in doing so t/ey /a'e to incur more <*+ costs.-o co'er t/ese costs &mile'er /as to "ollo t/e *a ue (a"ed Pricing and Pre#iu# (a"ed Strategie"0 The 5o owing grid "u##ari7e" the a3o!e di"cu""ion on 6ricing "trateg80 Higher Price" Lower 6rice"

Higher Jua it8 Pre#iu# "trateg8 @alue !ased pricing O!ercharging "trateg8 /ood *a ue "trateg8 +cono#8 "trateg8


<ua it8


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

-/e set o" people and "irms in'ol'ed in t/e trans"er o" t/e title to a aproduct as t/e product mo'es "rom producer to ultimaye consumer or !usiness user


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

&8I(;@;< P19I#-18 !elie'es in synergy, t/at is a per"ect !lend o" all t/e components o" marketing mi%. Proo" lies in it /a'ing t/e most e""icient and t/e largest distri!ution Bnet orksD system in our country )ultiple distri!ution c/annels are to !e used "or omega 3 algae cooking oil. Channe Le!e "2 Mu ti6 e di"tri3ution channe " are u"ed 38 Uni e!er are a" 5o ow" >actory +epot +istri!utor /oleseller <etailer


Sa e" Setu62
Sa e" Contro er /SM TMM

(ranch Manager

Sa e" Categor8


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

Area Manager L.M or Territor8 Manager" C BM"


+ e#ent in an organi7ation;" #arketing #i? that "er!e" to in5or#) 6er"uade and re#ind the #arket o5 a 6roduct and the organi7ation "e ing it0


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

&nile'er !eing t/e market Ooriented and t/e customer$oriented company its marketing e""orts are relati'ely t/e most. -/e most concentrated promotion tec/ni5ues used are tele'ision and ad'ertisements >or omega 3 1lgae cooking oil t/e marketing used ill !e @isi!ility marketing and )edia marketing. *ISI(ILITY MAR=+TIN/2 6mega 3 algae cooking oil ill concentrate more on 'isi!ility and a'aila!ility. t/is includes print ad'ertisements, price cards, posters at 'endor0s s/ops, sign !oards,!untings,"lags etc M+.IA MAR=+TIN/2 &nile'er ill use di""erent ne spapers and maga7ines "or promoting omega 3 cooking oil !ut t/e maPor emp/asi7e ill !e on ad'ertisements s/o n at t/e times lo'ing mot/ers are atc/ing -@. -/e ads also run at di""erent times o" t/e day specially !et een 6.30 to 7.30 It reads2 +at Hea th8 Li!e Hea th8 -/e message concentrates on aroma, taste, /ealt/y and /appy c/eer"ul li"e.-/e t/eme sas image !uilding. It in"orms a!out t/e product and persuades t/e consumers to !uy it. -/e color o" t/e omega 3 cookimg oil is lig/tened as !uyers pre"er lig/t oil.It ill get little support due to strong competition "rom t/e likes o" corn oil, canola oil,etc t/ere"ore not muc/ o" t/e ad'ertising !udget, rat/er promotional e""orts are allocated to ards it. -/ese ads emp/asi7e lig/teness and t/e strong energy source i.e algae as a main ingredient o" t/e omega 3 algae cooking oil . SAL+S PROMOTION2

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

&nile'er ill also play its role in promoting omega 3 algae cooking oil !y arranging di""erent e'ents like cooking contests games and s/o s P+RSONAL S+LLIN/2 &nile'er ill adopt personal selling in order to introduce and promote omega 3 algae cooking oil. It ill also try to come up it/ consumer promotion !y gi'ing trade o"" to t/e retailers. OTH+R M+.IUMS2 Print ads in maga7ines suc/ as 2omen0s 6 n, #/e, etc, and t/ose read !y a'erage !ut literate /ouse i'es. 4untings, posters, trade "lagsB/ung at t/e retailersD inducing consumers to try t/e latest taste "or omega 3 algae cooking oil. 4esides t/is t/e cookery programs s/o n on -@ ill !e a good promotion tactic as t/ese programs ill s/o omega 3 algae cooking oil use in di""erent Pakistani as ell as ot/er countries0 popular dis/es. In t/is ay t/e 'ie ers ill remem!er t/e !rand name t/roug/ t/e message Jgi"t "or t/e ne millenniumG eat /ealt/y li'e /ealt/yK. -/e sym!ol and t/e color o" t/e !ottle o" omega 3 algae cooking oil is also a good ay to communicate to t/e consumer /o can0t read !ut can easily recogni7e t/e !ottle !y t/e algae sym!ol or t/e green and !lack color sc/eme. -/e uni5ue and attracti'e design o" t/e !ottles is also a ay o" consumers0 persuasions "or ne omega 3 algae cooking oil. +i""erent si7es Bplastic !ottles o" 5, 2.5 * 1 literD are a'aila!le "or t/e con'enience o" consumers and target all segments o" t/e market


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

A ternati!e #arketing 6 an2

I" 6mega 3 1lgae cooking oil does not go ell in market t/an t/e alternati'e market plan to reintroduce 6mega 3 1lgae .ooking 6il ill !eL

Change in co or o5 oi 2
I" t/e consumers !ot/ered a!out t/e dark color o" t/e cooking oil t/an unile'er ill go "or t/e lig/tining o" color o" t/e 6mega 3 1lgae .ooking oil in ordre to gi'e t/e e""ect o" lig/tness "or more /ealt/ conscious consumers.

Change in Packaging "i7e2

&nile'er /as launc/ed t/ree di""erent packaging si7es o" $ iter) 90D iter) D iter re"6ecti!e 80It can introduce K0D iter 6o 8 jar in order to attract middle class and !udget conscious consumers.

.i"count o55ering"2
&nile'er can o""er discunt to its customers in order to attract more num!er o" customers.

Reduction in 6rice"2
&nile'er can go "or market penetration strategy !y o""ering less prices.

Token" and /i5t ha#6er"2
&nile'er can o""er tokens on purc/asing 6mega 3 1lgae .ooking 6il and also gi'e gi"t /ampers !y a lucky dra to its customers.

P ace
4ide .i"tri3ution2
&nile'er can adopt ide distri!ution !y "ranc/ising. 60

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

I#6ortant Acti!itie" o5 Pro#otiona P an2

>ollo ing are t/e acti'ities o" t/e promotional plan "or t/e ,lgae coo&ing oil.

Sr0No K$0 K90

Starting .ate San 01,10 >e! 01,10

+nding .ate San 15,10 )arc/ 31,10

Acti!it8 >inance arrangement

(udget 7000000

Re"6on"i3 e Per"onne )r.17i7 )ir7a )iss.#e/ris/

.e6art#ent "inance )arketing

;lectronic and 2500000 Print media ad'ertisements 4ill!oards and 1500000 /oardings

KA0 K&0

1pril 05

Sune 30,10

)iss.<a!ia )r.1mir

)arketing )arketing

Suly 02,10 #ep 15,10 >ree sampling 500000 o" t/e 50 ml oil !ottle #ep 11,10 8o' 20,10 (i'e cooking 650000 s/o s in di""erent cities Personnel #elling 61 1250000





8o' 25,10 +ec 31,10

)iss.-a!assum )arketing

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

O3jecti!e o5 each Pro#otiona acti!it82

Acti!it80 No

O3jecti!e o5 each Pro#otiona Acti!it8

K$0 Finance It is to assure t/at t/e re5uired "inance is issued "rom t/e "inance department Arrange#ent "or promotional plan and acti'ities. K90 + ectronic -/is acti'ity is t/e aggressi'e marketing campaign "or t/e launc/ o" t/e 1lgae and 6rint cooking oil. People ill !e a!le to get to kno a!out t/e ne oil, its 5ualities #edia and !etter /ealt/ ingredients. Ad!erti"e#ent

KA0 (i 3oard" It0s also t/e part o" marketing campaign /ere /ugTe !ill!oards are installed and at signals and places /ere people can 'ie t/e 1lgae cooking oil0s Hoarding" ad'ertisements.

K&0 Free >ree sampling is to introduce t/e 1lgae cooking oil to t/e local markets !y "a#6 ing asking people to c/eck t/e taste o" t/e 1lgae cooking oil. KD0 Li!e -/is acti'ity is also "or t/e introduction o" 1lgae cooking oil to t/ose cooking "how" customers /ic/ do not /a'e t/e "acility to atc/ ad'ertisements on -@ or in di55erent t/ose /o are illiterate. citie"


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

KE0 Per"ona "e ing

It is to sale at cost !y t/e company "or t/e introduction o" t/e 1lgae cooking oil initially in market.


In case t/ere are certain de'iations in t/e market situation t/en t/e organi7ation /as to take certain precautionary steps in order to control and manage t/ose immediate c/anges as "ollo s...


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch


Per5or#ance 4hat to How to "et the The "tandard #ea"ure#ent checkC how to "tandard C re!iew contro

Ana 8"i" o5 territoria 6otentia ) Signi5icant indi!idua Co#6ari"on o5 Sa e" target 6er "hort5a 3etween $0 To achie!e cu"to#er" indi!idua 6eriod o5 ti#e 5or target and 6er"ona "a e" 6otentia 0 "a e"6er"onL" indi!idua grou6" achie!e#ent o!er target" .i"cu""ion and 6roduct "a e" and or 6roduct" #eaning5u 6eriod agree#ent again"t target" o5 ti#e 3etween "a e"6er"on and #anager0 Ana 8"i" o5 Achie!e#ent o5 indi!idua "6eci5ied range Fai ure to achie!e cu"to#er record 90 To "e the and Juantit8 o5 Scrutin8 o5 agreed o3jecti!e"0 o5 6otentia and reJuired range "a e" to a indi!idua Co#6 acenc8 6re"ent "a e"0 and Juantit8 to 6articu ar cu"to#er record"0 within range o5 .i"cu""ion and indi!idua cu"to#er or grou6 O3"er!ation o5 "a e" #ade to agree#ent cu"to#er" o5 cu"to#er" "e ing in the 5ie d0 indi!idua 3etween within a ti#e cu"to#er"0 "a e"6er"on and 6eriod #anager0 A0 To 6 an To achie!e Ana 8"i" o5 Scrutin8 o5 High ratio o5 ca " journe8" and ca a66ro6riate ca indi!idua indi!idua to an indi!idua 5reJuencie" to 5reJuenc8 on cu"to#er" cu"to#er record"0 cu"to#er re ati!e achie!e #ini#a indi!idua 6otentia 0 Ana 8"i" Ana 8"i" o5 orderH to that cu"to#er" 6ractica3 e "e ing cu"to#er"0 o5 orderHca ca ratio0 8ie d0 Short5a on co"t Nu#3er o5 i!e ratio"0 .i"cu""ion +?a#ination o5 agreed tota 64

Marketing Project For A New Product Launch

cu"to#er ca " during a gi!en ti#e 6eriod Nu#3er o5 6ro"6ect ca " during a ti#e &0 To acJuire new 6eriod0 Se ing cu"to#er" new 6roduct" to e?i"ting cu"to#er"0

and agree#ent 3etween "a e"6er"on and #anager0 Identi58 tota nu#3er o5 6otentia and actua cu"to#er" that cou d 6roduce re"u t"0 Identi58 o66ortunit8 area" 5or 6ro"6ecting0

ca re6ort"0

nu#3er o5 ca " #ade o!er an agreed 6eriod o5 ti#e0

Short5a in +?a#ination o5 nu#3er o5 ca re6ort") 6ro"6ect ca 5ro# record" o5 new agreed "tandard0 account" o6ened) Low ratio o5 ratio o5 e?i"ting to e?i"ting to 6otentia 6otentia cu"to#er"0 cu"to#er"0

To e?erci"e the nece""ar8 "ki " and techniJue" D0 To #ake a "a e" reJuired to a66roach o5 the achie!e the reJuired Jua it8 identi5ied o3jecti!e0 Continuou" u"e o5 "a e" #ateria 0

Standard to 3e agreed in di"cu""ion 3etween #anager and "a e"6er"on re ated to co#6an8 "tandard"0

Regu ar o3"er!ation" o5 5ie d "e ing u"ing a "8"te#atic ana 8"i" o5 6er5or#ance in each "tage o5 the "a e" a66roach0

Fai ure to identi58 o3jecti!e" o5 each "tage o5 "a e" a66roach) identi58 "6eci5ic area" o5 "ki weakne"") u"e o5 "u66ort #ateria 0


Marketing Project For A New Product Launch


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