Need For Human Resource Planning (Autosaved) 2003

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Human Resource Planning: (Definition)

Human Resource Planning (HRP) is defined as the development of strategies for matching the size and skills of the workforce to organizational needs. Human resource planning assists organizations to recruit, retain, and optimize the deployment of the personnel needed to meet business ob ectives and to respond to changes in the e!ternal environment. "he process involves carrying out a skills analysis of the e!isting workforce, carrying out manpower forecasting, and taking action to ensure that supply meets demand.


$anpower information could be used to initiate an understanding of problems such as low employee retention, with a follow%up using &ualitative data before solutions were found. $anpower planning could play a vital role in the management of the employment relationship. HRP can be seen to be a continuation and e!tension of this process, which fully recognizes the potential of people and their needs in the development of strategies and plans.

NEED OR H!MAN RE"O!R#E PLANNING 'very organization has to plan for Human resource due to( #. "he shortage of certain categories of employees and)or variety of skills despite the problem of unemployment. *. "he rapid changes in technology, marketing, management etc., and the conse&uent need for new skills and new categories of employees. +. "he changes in organization design and structure affecting manpower demand. ,. "he demographic changes like the changing profile of the workforce in terms of age, se!, education etc. -. "he .overnment policies in respect to reservation, child labor, working conditions etc. /. "he labor laws affecting the demand for and supply of labor. 0. Pressure from trade unions, politicians, sons of the soil etc. 1. 2ntroduction of lead time in manning the ob with most suitable candidate.

$ENE I%" O H!MAN RE"O!R#E PLANNING Human Resources Planning (HRP) anticipates not only the re&uired kind and number of employees but also determine the action plan for all the functions of personnel management ."he ma or benefits of Human resource planning are( #. 2t checks the corporate plan of the organization *. 2t offsets uncertainly and change .3ut the HRP offsets uncertainties and changes to the ma!imum e!tent possible and enables the organization to have right men at right time and in right place. +. 2t provides scope for advancement and development of employees through training, development etc. ,. 2t helps to anticipate the cost of salary enhancement, better benefits etc. -. 2t helps to anticipate the cost of salary, benefits and all the cost of human resources facilitating the formulation of budgets in an organization.

/. "o foresee the need for redundancy and plan to check it or to provide alternative employment in consultation with trade unions, other organizations and government through remodeling organizational, industrial and economic plans. 0. "o foresee the changes in values, aptitude and attitude of human resources and to change the techni&ues of interpersonal, management etc. 1. "o plan for physical facilities, working conditions and the volume of fringe benefits like canteen, schools, hospitals, conveyance, child care centres. &uarters, company stores etc. 4. 2t gives an idea of type of tests to be used and interview techni&ues in selection based on the level of skills ,&ualifications, intelligence, values etc., of future human resources. #5. 2t causes the development of various sources of human resources to meet the organizational needs. ##. 2t helps to take steps to improve human resource contributions in the form of increased productivity ,sales turnover etc. #*. 2t facilities the control of all the functions, operations, contribution and cost of human resources.

#OMPAN& PRO ILE 6hen 7agmohan Pla%mach Pvt. 8td. was set up in the year #415 to manufacture blow moulding machines, it was a case of the perfect idea at the perfect time % the culmination of a longstanding dream of two intrepid entrepreneurs, 7agdish 9hah and the late $ohan 9ingh "etra. 3oth the partners had been in the field of plastic processing since #4/1. 9tarting out with machine manufacturing, both soon found their core competence and a burgeoning market need to be catered to in the field of blow moulding machines. "heir wealth of knowledge and e!pertise and years of e!perience, along with the high manufacturing standards and cost%effective parameters they adhered to resulted in world%class &uality e!trusion blow moulding machines. "he market knew a good product when it saw it and the orders started pouring in. 9oon, 7agmohan Pla%mach Pvt. 8td. was on the growth track% manufacturing the full range of machines and even customizing them to specifications and following up with machine, modifications, improvements and innovations that would further benefit the blow moulding industry. 3y the late 'ighties, 7agmohan Pla%mach Pvt. 8td. was firmly entrenched in the blow moulding machine field, with clients across 2ndia. "he time was ripe to venture into the more challenging territory of e!ports and the first big step was taken in :enya. ;fter this, there has been no looking back. ;s tycoon <onald "rump has famously said, =6hile you>re thinking, you might as well think 3ig?=. "his is e!actly the thinking that has brought 7agmohan Pla%mach Pvt. 8td. this far today, making 7agmohan a leader in the field and a preferred name among discerning clients in the blow molding industry.

;s for the road ahead, it only looks even brighter and inviting % with more challenges to take on, more markets to be tapped and more successes to be achieved % after all, these are ust the very things we e!cel in doing. "he genesis of 7agmohan 2ndustries was in the year #415, when $r 7agdish 9hah and the 8ate $r. $ohan 9ingh "etra had a dream venture, and it happened to serve the Plastic Processing 2ndustry. 3oth the partners are in the field of plastic processing since #4/1. <uring the initiative period both $r. 9hah and $r. 9ingh gathered e!perience in the field of $achine manufacturing. 3y the end of #41# they focused on the 3low $oulding $achines realising their core competence. "he high &uality $achines were well accepted by the market and manufacture of full range of e!trusion 3low $oulding $achines started. "he ,

modifications and improvements are continuously being carried out and 7agmohan has become a preferred brand among blow molders.

2n the late eighties, 7agmohan 2ndustries e!ported its first 3low $oulding $achine to :enya. "hen the market spread to 9outh ;merica to @orth ;frica to Aentral and 'ast ;frica to 9outh ;sia and 9outh 6est ;sia besides all over 2ndia. ;nd the saga goes on and on and on... 7agmohan 2ndustries has never looked back and has repeatedly accepted new challenges head%on. 6ith prime focus and idea of competition in the international market as well as making it cost%effective, 7agmohan machines have always stood apart in all departments of 3low $oulding machines.


'JM' SERIES Single Station continuous Parison Blow-Moulding Machine 100 ml. To 5000 ml.

'JM' SERIES ou!le Station continuous Parison Blow-Moulding Machine 100 ml. To 5000 ml.

'JMV' LOWER SERIES Accumulator Blow-Moulding Machine 5 ltr. To 10 ltr. & 15 ltr.

'JMV' MEDI&M SERIES Accumulator Blow-Moulding Machine $0 lrt. To %0 ltr. &0 ltr.

'JMV' HIGHER SERIES Accumulator Blow-Moulding Machine 100 ltr.. To 1000 ltr.

'JMD' SERIES DO&BLE L!'ER Blow-Moulding Machine 100 ml. To 5000 ml.

'D SERIES' Blow Moulding Machine' High Performance Series ou!le Station Accumulator t"#e automatic !low moulding Machine. 10 ltr. & $00 ltr.

D Series Double olour Blow-Moulding Machine

D Series Double olour Blow-Moulding Machine 'M' Series Mul"i La(er Blow-Moulding Machine

!u"o#a"ic Lea$ %es"ing Machine )%M * Moog) +,- .oin" .arison .rogra##e

;nything B 'verything in 3low%$oulding "echnology ? /

Aompany offers the complete turnkey pro ect for manufacturing blow%molded containers. "hey have the total technical know % how B relevant industrial e!perience in the field of machine design, manufacturing, supply of au!iliary e&uipment B moulds. "o suit needs it can prepare the complete pro ect, develop blow molding machine, outsource the ancillaries and commission the pro ect at other companies site by its best e!perienced team.

E'POR%" .lobal Presence in more than +* Aountries 7agmohan 2ndustries has spread its wings beyond 2ndia and is focusing on the global market. "ill date their achievements have surpassed the e!pectations of the industry. "aking this lead further, 7agmohan 2ndustries continues in its pursuit to be a global leader. 0

2n the year #414, 7agmohan 2ndustries e!ported its first 3low $olding $achine of #55 litres capacity to :enya. ;s on today many machines of various capacities and categories have been e!ported to countries across the world B are running successful with high productivity. "hey are always ready to provide customized solutions for the Plastic 3low $olding 2ndustry. "hey also provide turnkey pro ects ad per re&uirements. "heir presence 2n ;ustralia, ;fghanistan, ;lgeria, ;rmeria, ; man, 3angladesh, Aongo, <ubai, 'gypt, 'thiopia, .uinea, .hana, :enya, :uwait, 8ebanon, $e!ico, $orocco, $ozambi&ue, $auritius, @epal, @igeria, Rwanda, 9audi ;rabia, 9outh ;frica, 9ri 8anka, 9udan, 9enegal, 9har ah, 9yria, "anzania, Cganda, Dambia and many more countries.


EA '!ecutives "echnical '!ecutives "urners 3oring Fperators Helpers 6orkers

%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%

+ persons , persons + persons * persons - persons #5 persons

MANPOWER "%RENG%H "he management team of the company comprises of *- people. ;part from these *people there are about #5 workers who operate the machines and also look after the produced outputs , their loading , unloading, etc. "he following table depicts the ob title , the functions and the number of the employees within the company( 7F3 "2"8' Ahairman $anaging <irector GC@A"2F@9 He heads the board of directors, which regulates the company but is not involved in the actual
operation of the company.

@F FG '$P8FH ''9 # #

He manages all the critical functions associated with both the daily operations of the company, and the functions related to the planning, and e!ecuting of the e!hibition events worldwide, ie in ,* countries across the world. $anager (9ales and He is the person who looks after the marketing and sales "echnical 9upport) of the product. He also assist the technical support as in the know how. $echanical 'ngineer He is the person who looks after the manufacturing and processing part. ;ll the workers to him directly. His basic duty is to take the work done from the workers with solving their difficulties. 9tore $anager He is responsible for all the inventories. "his will include the raw material as well as final product. He is also responsible the tools and instruments re&uired for the manufacturing and see whether the instruments are updated and in working condition. ;sst. 9tore $anager ;ssists the store manager EA <ept '!ecutives 8ooks after the &uality of the products. "hey do the testing part of the product. "hey suggest the corrections if any. "hey also rectify the breakdowns if any along with the engineer in manufacturing process "echnical '!ecutives ;ssist the engineers "urners Fperate the lathe machines 3oring Fperators Helpers Help the workers 6orkers Fperate machines in the manufacturing unit "otal %

# #

+ +

, + * #5 +-


RE#R!I%MEN%: "he company follows the internal recruitment process( "his is done ma orly through internal promotions based on the employeesI performance. Recruitment is also done through references. However, this is not done to a large e!tent as the companyIs policy is to promote talent. '!ternal recruitment is done by placing advertisements in relevant newspapers. 3ut this process is followed mainly for filling vacancies for lower level employees like the ;sst store managers, the EA e!ecutives and the technical e!ecutives. 9uggestion( 2t is suggested that the company does recruitments of middle level and top level management by placing advertisements in newspapers and also by contacting good placement consultancies. "his way e!perienced and talented people will come to this organization which will be beneficial to the organization in the long run.

"raining ;nd <evelopment(

"he company provides in%house training to its workers. "his is essential because the worker needs to handle the machines in the manufacturing unit carefully with minimum damage. "he technicians provide the workers with the training. "he company also provides training to students of various colleges. "hese are engineering students. However, the company accommodates only +%, students at a time for training purposes.

ORE#A"%ED "ALAR& "%R!#%!RE (for the year *554%*5#5)


#ON"OLIDA%ED HR $!DGE% ( for the year *554%*5#5)


Hea)s 9alary '!penses (0#54/*1 ! #*) Recruitment '!penses Aompany Jehicles 6ater "ransport Cniforms $edical Jisitor>s '!pense House :eeping 8egal B Professional Gees 9ecurity 9tationary Kero! %otal

*alue 1-+#-,, +555 /555 #*55 *55555 0555 #5555 #*555 +/555 *-55 #-5555 -555 *555 +,--.//

GFR'A;9"2@. HC$;@ R'9FCRA' @''<9


"he basic purpose of the .ap analysis is to find out the difference between the actual and the desired performance. .ap analysis is a business assessment tool that allows a company to evaluate the gap between its actual performance and its potential performance. .ap analysis focuses on the efficiency of a company>s current operations and how to make improvements to arrive at the company>s desired state. "he techni&ue used by 7agmohan Plamach for gap analysis is udgmental techni&ue. 3elow mentioned are those positions within the company which need e!tra personnel.

Positions 9ales ;nd "echnical 9upport $echanical 'ngineer "urners 3oring Fperators Helpers 6orkers EA <epartment Head (new position) %otal

No0 of Persons Re1uire) # # * # # # 2.


"he table below shows the gap prevailing in the company (pertaining to the employees)


#urrent Man3o4er ("u33l5) .66+76, #8airman # Managing Director # Mgr0 "ales 9 %ec80 # "u33ort Mec8anical Engg # "tore Manager # Asst "tore + Manager :# De3t Hea) 5 (ne4) :# e;ecuti<es + %ec8nical , E;ecuti<es %urners + $oring O3erators * Hel3ers Wor=ers #5 %otal >?


orecaste) Man3o4er (Deman)).66,726 # # * * # + # + , + / #/@

Ga3 5 5 # # 5 5 # 5 5 * # # 2.

"!##E""ION PLANNING : 9uccession planning is a process whereby an organization ensures that employees are recruited and developed to fill each key role within the company. "hrough a succession #-

planning process, we recruit superior employees, develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities, and prepare them for advancement or promotion into ever more challenging roles. "hrough the succession planning process, we also retain superior employees because they appreciate the time, attention, and development that we are investing in them. "o effectively do succession planning in the organization, we must identify the organizationIs long term goals. 6e must hire superior staff. 6e need to identify and understand the developmental needs of the employees. 6e must ensure that all key employees understand their career paths and the roles they are being developed to fill. 6e need to focus resources on key employee retention. 6e need to be aware of employment trends in that area to know the roles we will have a difficult time filling e!ternally. 7agmohan Plamach is a family run business. "hus, here the succession planning would be in such a manner that the children of the owners of the company would take charge of the company. "he successors would need to be trained in certain specific aspects of the ob so that they are well aware with the working of the organization.


"he company plans to set up a new plant in 9hahpur in ;sangaon.


"he company has e!port business in almost +* countries around the world and they plan to e!pand the e!port to a few more countries in the Cnited 9tates of ;merica. "hey are also willing to focus on the e!hibitions held in 2ndia as the people over here are not much aware of such e!hibitions. 9o, they need to be made aware of te e!hibitions. #ON#L!"ION : Human Resource Planning process benefits the organization and helps the organization achieve its goals and ob ectives in a very effective manner. 2t also helps the managers understand the problems and grievances of the workers and thus helps them to avoid those problems.

Aompany ;ddress( Office: ##-, 9harad 2nd, 'st. 8ake Rd, 3handup (6) $umbai % ,55 501. 2ndia. Phone ( 4#%**%*-4- -/01 ) *-4- 5*,/ Ga! ( 4#%**%*-4/-,+, '%mail ( infoL Wor=s: Me8ul "8a8: ,+>>+?662@ Plot @o. R%0#0, ".".". 2ndi. ;rea, $2<A, @ear ;lfa 8aval "hane 3elapur Road, Rabale, @avi $umbai % ,55 05#. "el ( 4#%**%*0/4 05 */ ) *0/4 00 10 Ga! ( 4#%**%*0/5 *00, 'mail( supportL


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