Cr-Final Report Group III
Cr-Final Report Group III
Cr-Final Report Group III
+ 1 0 2.
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Re'o&&en35tions o! '!e5tion o $ost o P!in'i$5: Chie Co&&issione! 5n3 u$#!53in# the DGs $ost in se:e't Di!e'to!5tes REORGANISATION OF AUDIT SINGLE WINDOW INDIRECT TA- ADMINISTRATION IN RESPECT OF SE9/EOUs/E(TPs/STPs et'. OT(ER RECOMMENDATIONS
02 2,
Ch5$te! 1
1.1 Constitution o Wo!"in# G!ou$= Vide Office Memorandum No. 8/12/B/O& PM/2008, dated entra! Board of "#ci$e and u$tom$ % .B.". .&
con$tituted a 'tud( )rou* to e#amine and $ugge$t re$tructuring of adre$ in Sh!i N. u$tom$ fie!d formation$. ,he 'tud( )rou* S5si3h5!5n@ Chie (e53 com*ri$ed of the fo!!o-ing Officer$. Co&&issione! o 9oneBII 'hri 'andee* Custo&s@ Mu&A5i M. Bhatnagar, of Mem/er Mem/er
& ommi$$ioner of u$tom$, hennai %c& 'hri 0.1. Maha2an, ommi$$ioner u$tom$ %)enera!&, Mum/ai 1.1.1 'u/$e3uent 28.4.2005, to $u*erannuation of hief 'hri
N. 'a$idharan,
'hri 1. 0. Bharga+a,
ommi$$ioner of
Mum/ai 6one788 -a$ de$ignated a$ 9ead of thi$ 'tud( )rou*, +ide .B.". .:$ Order dated 15.5.2005. 1.1.2 ,he 'tud( )rou* hief co7o*ted 'hri Mathe;o!!(, <dditiona!
'u/$e3uent to hi$ tran$fer from ;N 9, 'hri ) = >ohani, <dditiona! ommi$$ioner -a$ co7o*ted a$ a Mem/er in hi$ *!ace. 1.%. Te!&s o Re e!en'e= ,erm$ of 0eference %,O0& of the 'tud( )rou* i$ at Anne6u!e A. Page23 ,O0 interalia inc!ude,7
Report of Study Group-III
+ie- the recent change$ in /u$ine$$ *roce$$e$ !i@e 0M' /a$ed chec@$ and automation of /u$ine$$ *roce$$e$. %ii& %iii& 'ugge$t the norm$ for re7organiBation of e#i$ting formation$ and creation of ne- formation$C Dor@out man*o-er re3uirement$ for 8nternationa! <ir*ort$ to effecti+e!( addre$$ the i$$ue$ of faci!itation a$ -e!! *re+ention of $mugg!ingC %i+& 8m*act $tud( on fie!d formation$ on account of initiati+e$ !i@e 8 "', 8 ")<,", 0M', other *roce$$ re7engineering and i "0,C %+& Dor@ out $taff re3uirement to counter narco7terrori$m, /io *irac(, counterfeit$, +io!ation of 8P0 !a-$, $mugg!ing of fa@e currenc( and other $ecurit( re!ated i$$ue$C %+i& 8m*act $tud( of $taff re3uirement on account of and commitment$C %+ii& 8nteract -ith the recogniBed Officer$/'taff <$$ociation$ and to ta@e their concern on /oard. CCCCCC trade agreement$, im*!ementation of internationa! con+ention$
Ch5$te! % C(ANGING CUSTOMS EN)IRONMENT AND (UMAN RESOURCE RE*UIRMENTS %.1 Ch5n#in# Custo&s en7i!on&ent u$tom$ formation$ are engaged in the on+ention$
2.1.1 )!o/a!!(,
im*!ementation and enforcement of +ariou$ !egi$!ation$, and 8nternationa! Mutua! matter$ of economic intere$t !i@e
o7o*eration <greement$ re!ating not on!( to u$tom$ tariff$ and !a-$, /ut a!$o to
-ide ranging i$$ue$ of nationa! im*ortance and *u/!ic concern that inc!ude $ecurit(, $afet(, hea!th, en+ironment, con$umer *rotection, i!!icit traffic in drug$, 8,"', 8P0 etc.
2.1.2 8n the age of g!o/a!iBation, the o*erating en+ironment and the ro!e of of u$tom$ i$ continuou$!( e+o!+ing. Not !ong ago, the main thru$t u$tom$ admini$trati+e machiner( -a$ re+enue co!!ection in an
en+ironment of high and mu!ti*!e tariff rate$, $tringent regu!ation$, manua! documentation and a!mo$t a *h($ica! contro! on e#terna! trade. 9o-e+er, -e ha+e !ate!( mo+ed a great dea! ahead -ith high degree of automation, ri$@ /a$ed $crutin( and a$$e$$ment, accredited c!ient *rogramme, *o$t c!earance audit /a$ed chec@$, rationa!iBed and reduced dut( rate$, $im*!ified /u$ine$$ *roce$$e$, greater internationa! co7o*eration and integration of $er+ice de!i+er( to our c!ient$. *aradigm $hift in the ro!e u$tom$ *rocedure$ -ith
increa$ed focu$ on $ecurit(, and non7re+enue re!ated matter$ inc!uding 8nternationa!!( a!$o there ha$ /een of u$tom$. Natura!!(, in the$e u$tom$ -ou!d continue to
undergo $ignificant change$ in the near future. 9o-e+er, *redicting of u$tom$ formation$ i$ a tremendou$ cha!!enge in it$e!f.
Report of Study Group-III
2.1.3 ,he $ignificant cha!!enge$ that -ou!d decide the $ha*e and $tructure of the 8ndian a$ fo!!o-$. >1? E6$onenti5: in'!e5se in t!53e 7o:u&es= >5? E6$o!ts. "#*ort$ are one of the *rime contri/utor$ for $u$tained economic de+e!o*ment in 8ndia, gro-ing from E'= F4 /i!!ion in 2004705 to E'= 155 /i!!ion in 200G708. ,hi$ tran$!ated to 250H gro-th in a *eriod of four (ear$, i.e. <)0 of 23H. <ir cargo e#*ort$ from 8ndia are e#*ected to ri$e from the *re$ent 0.8 mi!!ion tone$ in the (ear 2005 to 2.4 mi!!ion tone$ in 2010. >A? I&$o!ts. 8ndia:$ im*ort$ ha+e a!$o gro-n at a ra*id *ace u$tom$ admini$tration in the near future are
in the !a$t decade and thi$ gro-th i$ !i@e!( to continue in future a!$o. ,he fo!!o-ing *ro2ection$ in re$*ect of ma2or 'ea Port$ in 8ndia ref!ect the !i@e!( gro-th in the coming (ear$. Fi#u!es in Mi::ions MT1
,he commodit(7-i$e *ro2ection$ of im*ort cargo at Ma2or 'ea Port$ are a$ fo!!o-$. Fi#u!es in Mi::ions MT1
merchandi$ed trade in -or!d trade -a$ 1.5H. )o+ernment of 8ndia en+i$age$ thi$ $hare to increa$e to 5H in the (ear 2020. on$idering that -or!d trade -ou!d at !ea$t dou/!e during thi$ *eriod, 8ndia:$ merchandi$e trade, in a/$o!ute term$ i$ !i@e!( to gro- eight fo!d in ne#t 10712 (ear$. >3? Inte!n5tion5: !ei#ht= ,he 8ndian mar@et for internationa!
freight i$ e#*ected to gro- /( near!( 10H annua!!( o+er the ne#t fi+e (ear$. A stu3D 3one AD the In3i5 Po!t Asso'i5tion un3e! the 5e#is o In3i5n Po!ts Minist!D o in Shi$$in# !e :e'ts the to Po!t o o::o4in# #!o4th $i'tu!e >in tonn5#e TEUs? o! 5:: M5Eo! 'o&Aine3@ 'o&$5!ison Rotte!35& >in3i'5ti7e o the :i"e:D #!o4th in 7o:u&es o i&$o!ts 5n3 e6$o!ts?@ >Fi#u!es in Mi::ion MT?1 %<<0B
<2 420
<8 814
'o&Aine3 Rotte!35& Po!t 380 430 555 >e? P5ssen#e! t!5 i'= 8n recent (ear$ 8ndia ha$ $een the Iair tra+e! re+o!ution:. ,he e#*an$ion of air tran$*ort in 8ndia i$ among the fa$te$t in the -or!d -hich i$ /eing ref!ected in the dou/!e digit gro-th rate$ of *a$$enger$C the aircraft order$ *!aced /( 8ndian carrier$C and the e#*an$ion of 8ndian <ir*ort$. <ccording to an <''O 9<M:$ %<$$ociated ham/er$ of ommerce and 8ndu$tr( of 8ndia& "co Pu!$e 'ur+e(, internationa! *a$$enger traffic out of 8ndia ha$ in *a$t fe- (ear$ en2o(ed a 1GH gro-th on (ear to (ear /a$i$. > ? Custo&s 3o'u&ent5tion 5n3 7o:u&e o
i&$o!ts/e6$o!ts= ,he increa$e in term$ of num/er of im*ort and e#*ort document$ *roce$$ed /( the =e*artment i$ indication of the increa$e in the 3uantum of con+entiona! -or@ for the u$tom$ <dmini$tration. )o:u&e o 4o!" 5n3 $!oEe'tion1 %<<0B <2
/i::s o Ent!D >in :5"hs? Shi$$in# /i::s >in :5"hs? I&$o!ts >Rs in. C!o!es? E6$o!ts >Rs in. C!o!es?
%<<;B 1<
>P!oEe'tion ?
%<1<B 11
>P!oEe'ti on?
%<1%B %<1,
>P!oEe'tion ?
E6$o!t $!o&otion $o:i'D= "#*ort$ are not 2u$t a/out earning foreign e#change /ut a!$o /oo$ting our manufacturing and $er+ice $ector$, there/( creating !arge $ca!e economic acti+itie$ and huge em*!o(ment o**ortunitie$. ountr(:$ intention to *romote e#*ort$ ha$
re$u!ted in creation of e#*ort c!u$ter$ in the form of '"6$, "OE$, ',P8$, )em$ and ;e-e!!er( "#*ort Proce$$ing 6one$ etc. 315 '"6$ ha+e a!read( /een notified, 5F8 more ha+e /een granted forma! a**ro+a!$ and 144 more ha+e /een granted 8n7*rinci*!e a**ro+a!. indirect <$ '"6 =e+e!o*er$ and unit$, "OE$, ',P8$ and )em$ ta# e#em*tion$, ro!e of conce$$ion$ and other in re!ated *o!ic( and ;e-e!!er( unit$ are entit!ed to incenti+e$ in the form of incenti+e$, u$tom$ admini$tration
im*!ementation and admini$tration in re$*ect of the$e unit$ -ou!d $ignificant!( increa$e in the coming (ear$. 8n fact in *a$t t-o (ear$ the increa$e in recruitment at )rou* I<: entr( !e+e! i$ main!( on account of antici*ated gro-th in '"6 c!u$ter$. >,? et'= 8ntroduction of 0M' ha$ meant that u* to 50H of the document$ fi!ed for 8m*ort c!earance$ do not re3uire a$$e$$ment / e#amination. 0M' ha$ re$u!ted in con$idera/!e reduction of =-e!! ,ime and increa$ed $($tem efficienc(. ,hough the 0M' $($tem ha$ con$idera/!( reduced the a$$e$$ment -or@ the man*o-er freed /( 0M' ha$ /een a/$or/ed /( the much higher increa$e in faci!itated /( 0M' are much higher in num/er than -ere /eing a$$e$$ed ear!ier.
of Study Group-III Moreo+er 50H of the Bi!!$ Report of "ntrie$ %B$/"&
-hich are faci!itated under 0M' u$ed to con$ume !e$$ than 10H of the tota! time -hen the( -ere ear!ier /eing a$$e$$ed /( the Officer$. ,hi$ i$ due to the fact that faci!itation i$ a!!o-ed on!( in re$*ect of tho$e B$/", -hich are *ercei+ed to ha+e !o-er ri$@ *arameter$ and are !arge!( com*!iant. "+en in the $cenario of Officer /a$ed a$$e$$ment of the$e B$/" +er( !itt!e time had /een ta@en to a$$e$$ the$e B$/". Much of the time -a$ ta@en u* in a$$e$$ing tho$e Bi!!$ -hich -ere *ercei+ed a$ ri$@( and non com*!iant -hich are in the *re$ent 0M' $cenario $e!ected for a$$e$$ment. ,hu$, 50H faci!itation ha$ re$u!ted in actua! reduction in a$$e$$ment time to the tune of 10715H on!(. On the other hand, introduction of 0M' ha$ re$u!ted in the creation of ne- /u$ine$$ *roce$$e$ !i@e, 0i$@ Management =i+i$ion, and >0M etc. for effecti+e targeting and inter+ention of con$ignment$ -hich ma( *o$e re+enue ri$@ and Po$t effecti+e com*!iance +erification !earance <udit for P < re3uire$ *rogram.
con$idera/!e effort and time and for it$ effecti+e im*!ementation there -ou!d /e a re3uirement of $ignificant num/er of additiona! Officer$. >+? Distin't A$$!o5'h in !es$e't o Au3it/'o&$:i5n'e 7e!i i'5tion. 8n the *re$ent en+ironment, Po$t !earance <udit i$ the foremo$t com*!iance +erification too!. 9o-e+er, re+ie- of P < *rogram re+ea!$ that P < /u$ine$$ *roce$$ a$ it $tand$ toda( ha$ not /een a/!e to de!i+er a great dea! to the cau$e of effecti+e!( achie+ing the de$ired o/2ecti+e. ,he *endenc( in P < ha$ /een increa$ing -ith time. FPCA <;G1
$e! o!&5n'e
M5D Page23
se:e'te 3 o! PCA
5u3ite 3
ACC De: Ko:"5t5 Se5 Mu&A5i NC( HNC( Mu&A5i ACC K5n3:5 Chenn5i Se5 Chenn5i ACC /5n#5:o!e
e75sion D 3ete'te >Rs 3 L5"h? >Rs L5"h? < < < < 0.1 < ,2.+ < < < < 0.1 < < < <
7 7
<nti =um*ing =ut( Drong /enefit e#em*tion
021, %121 <.0, <.0; Mi$7c!a$$ification ,here i$ an immediate need to $trengthen and re$tructure the <udit organiBation and mo+e from tran$action /a$ed P < to record /a$ed audit, -herein a com*rehen$i+e audit of a ta#*a(er i$ done for entra! "#ci$e/'er+ice ta# %or )', in future& and u$tom$ com*!iance +erification at the $ame time /( one team. ,herefore, there i$ not on!( a need to re7engineer the /u$ine$$ *roce$$ com*!ete!( /ut a!$o to $trengthen it $ignificant!(.
Inte!n5tion5: Su$$:D Ch5in Se'u!itD Issues= ,he '<A"7Arame-or@ of 'tandard$, -hich are !i@e!( to /e im*!emented fu!!( /( 2011712, en+i$age$ that e+er( nation -ou!d ta@e ade3uate $te* for $u**!( chain $ecurit(. Being the guardian of fi$ca! /order$, u$tom$ admini$tration i$ re3uired to ontainer 'canner 8nitiati+e % '8& ta@e a !ead ro!e in thi$ regard. 8ndia, on!(
i$ one $uch mea$ure, -hich i$ /eing underta@en g!o/a!!(. 8n '8 ha$ /een o*erationa!i$ed on *i!ot /a$i$ at ;N 9 on!( '8 -ou!d not -ou!d /e Page23 /e re*!icated at other *ort$ /ut a!$o and that too on!( for in/ound trade. 8n near future,
o*erationa!i$ed for out/ound cargo. 'imi!ar!(, <ir*ort$, <ir cargo$, Aoreign Po$t Office$, ourier e!!$ etc -i!! a!$o ha+e
Report of Study Group-III
container/cargo $canning. 'canning /a$ed e#amination -ou!d /ecome an internationa! norm in near future, e$*ecia!!( the -a( internationa! u$tom$ co7o*eration i$ re3uired on account of internationa! threat$ and therefore e+o!+ing. 9o-e+er, $canning in $uch !arge magnitude on 24JG /a$i$ -ou!d tran$!ate into $ignificant increa$e in man*o-er re3uirement$ for u$tom$ admini$tration. <t the $ame time it a!$o need$ to /e @e*t in mind that $canning -ou!d on!( addre$$ the $ecurit( ri$@$ and not the commercia! fraud$ re!ating to +a!uation, c!a$$ification, mi$u$e of e#*ort incenti+e $cheme$ etc. ,herefore, increa$ed Officer$ and 'taff -ou!d $ti!! /e re3uired for a *ro*er e#amination of e#*ort and im*orted good$. >0? E6$5nsions o Po!t/ICD/CFS/Ai!$o!ts/Cou!ie! Te!&in5:s 0ecent time$ ha+e $een a huge $*urt in the num/er of nePort$ /8 =$/ A'$/ <ir*ort$/ ourier termina!$. Aurther, e#i$ting 'ome of the faci!itie$ ha+e am/itiou$ gro-th *ro2ection$. future are a$ fo!!o-$. %a& Nha+a 'he+a Port *!an$ to increa$e hand!ing ca*acit( from 4.05 Mi!!ion ,"E$ %,-ent( Aeet "3ui+a!ent Enit$& to 8.F5 mi!!ion ,"E:$ /( 2013, %/& hennai Port i$ adding a $econd ,ermina! of a ca*acit( of 1.5 mi!!ion ,"E:$ in 2005 -hich -i!! dou/!e the ca*acit( of the PortC %c& %d& "nnore Port in hennai *!an$ to e#*and from hand!ing /u!@ cargo to other item$ e$*ecia!!( car$. fe- (ear$.
Report of Study Group-III
9a!dia Port i$ increa$ing the ca*acit(. 8t i$ a!read( !i@e a fu!! f!edged u$tom 9ou$e /ut -or@ing under an <= C 8nternationa! <ir*ort in Na+i Mum/ai, though at a conce*tion $tage i$ !i@e!( to come u* in the ne#t fi+e (ear$C 'ignificant ca*acit( e#*an$ion$ at <ir*ort =e!hi, Mum/ai, hennai, Banga!ore, 9(dera/ad, <hmeda/ad and Nag*ur <ir*ort %creation of internationa! cargo hu/&C
< num/er of ne- 8 =$ ha+e come into e#i$tence in and around =e!hi, in Mahara$htra, ,ami!nadu, 1arnata@a, 0a2a$than, 9ar(ana, and )u2aratC
Fi#u!es in MTS1
Source- Study Report "y t$e Association of #a'or (orts under t$e aegis of #inistry of S$ipping
%+-2 Custo&s O$e!5tions= ,he 8nter7Mini$teria! )rou* %8M)& ha$ recommended a $hift to Iround the c!oc@: $er+ice at u$tom$ 'tation$ *articu!ar!( the =e*artment$ dea!ing -ith c!earance. 0ound the c!oc@ o*eration$ can /e managed /( ha+ing t-o $hift$ -or@ing on $taggered /a$i$ -ith more num/er of Officer$ and 'taff de*!o(ed during the *ea@ hour$ -hich *rogre$$i+e!( !e$$en during the non *ea@ hour$. ,he a!ternati+e i$ to ha+e three $hift$ of 8 hour$ each. 8n either ca$e a much !arger num/er of Officer$ e$*ecia!!( at the )rou* B !e+e! i$ a/$o!ute!( re3uired -ithout -hich it -ou!d /e im*o$$i/!e to *ro+ide round the c!oc@ $er+ice. 8n an( ca$e, ourier and e#*re$$ cargo c!earance$ -ou!d re3uire de*!o(ment of $taff on 24JG /a$i$. ,hi$ -ou!d re3uire additiona! man*o-er.
Co&A5tin# So$histi'5te3 S&u##:in# An3 Ne4e! TD$es O F!5u3s= ,he ri$ing incidence of ne-er t(*e$ of fraud$, forger(, fa@e intru$ion, -i!d !ife $mugg!ing, i$$ue$ !i@e tran$fer *ricing ari$ing
Report of Study Group-III
due to techno!ogica! ad+ancement, *rotection of inte!!ectua! *ro*ert( right$, infringement$ of 8, !a-$ etc re3uire dedicated man*o-er to /e trained and de*!o(ed in the$e area$ -here at *re$ent there are +er( fe- or no *er$onne!. >;? Othe! Si#ni i'5nt /o!3e! En o!'e&ent Fun'tions= >5? Non7re+enue generating function$ !i@e im*!ementation of !egi$!ation$/*ro+i$ion$ re!ating to 8P0, ?ua!it( '*ecification$ !i@e B8', 0"744, <nti Mone( >aundering, re3uirement for increa$ed man 8,"', P8,N=P', Ne/order rummaging and inte!!igence acti+it( etc nece$$itate the *o-er. enforcement function$ $uch a$ 8P0 and "n+ironmenta! *rotectionC the$e t-o function$ are current!( at an infant $tage, /ut the $ame -ou!d gro- e#*onentia!!(. 0ecent!( <''O 9<M had *ro*o$ed for recruitment of $*ecia!i$t$ in u$tom$ for the 8P0 function$. 8t ha$ /een $tated that not more than 5H of the tota! 8P0 +io!ation$ come to !ight. >A? Non7,ariff/,echnica! Barrier to trade im*o$ed in +ie- of rece$$ionar( trend$ a!! acro$$ the -or!d are a necha!!engeC man( countrie$ ha+e ado*ted anti7g!o/a!iBation mea$ure$ !i@e 3ua!it( and 3uantit( %3uota& re$triction$, !e+( of anti dum*ing/$afeguard dutie$ -ith a +ie- to *rotecting the !oca! 8ndu$tr(/farmer$/*roducer$. 8ndia ha$ a!$o ado*ted $ome mea$ure$ due to e#ce$$i+e dum*ing of chea* good$ into 8ndia /( hina and $ome of the "a$tern "uro*ean countrie$. 8n thi$ regard, it i$ nece$$ar( that -e ha+e re$earch unit$, inc!uding com*!iance re$earch unit$ in $uch region$ of the -or!d, the im*ort from -here i$ +ie- to $u**ort our e#i$ting fie!d arrangement$.
Report of Study Group-III
>1<? (i#he! Se!7i'e De:i7e!D E6$e't5tions An3 Co&&it&ent Fo! I&$!o7e3 T56$5De! Se!7i'es= O+er a *eriod of time, -ith rationa!iBation of rate$, g!o/a!iBation of econom(, internationa! increa$ed increa$ed u$tom$ co7o*eration and commitment$, itiBen$: com*etiti+ene$$, tran$*arenc( %on increa$ed account of
accounta/i!it( and commitment to $ociet( %a$ ref!ected in harter&, tran$*arent /u$ine$$ *roce$$e$, automation and 0,8 etc&,
$tream!ining of *roce$$e$ and automation of /u$ine$$ *roce$$e$, the $er+ice de!i+er( e#*ectation$, and e#*editiou$ redre$$a! of *u/!ic grie+ance$ and the e#*ectation$ for 3uic@ re$o!ution of *u/!ic grie+ance are much higher. =e!i+ering 3ua!it( $er+ice$ e#*editiou$!( -ou!d re3uire increa$ed man*o-er. Aurther, a$ *art of good go+ernance -e ha+e a!$o committed our$e!+e$ for im*ro+ed ta#*a(er$C ta#*a(er an $er+ice$. Pro+iding im*ro+ed ta#*a(er $er+ice$, inc!uding effecti+e and continuou$ communication -ith u*dated -e/7$ite containing com*rehen$i+e information inc!uding information at the ommi$$ionerate !e+e!C
he!* de$@$C time!( re$o!ution of difficu!tie$ faced /( trade etc., -ou!d a!! re3uire additiona! $taff for effecti+e de!i+er(. >11? Nee3 o! Iui'" 3is$ute !eso:ution &e'h5nis&= =i$*ute re$o!ution i$ a $ignificant a$*ect of an( ta# admini$tration. ?uic@ and 3ua!itati+e di$*o$a! of di$*ute$ not on!( he!*$ in getting the due re+enue time!(, *ro+iding certaint( for ta#*a(er and *o!ic( re3uirement$, /ut a!$o i$ an e$$entia! re3uirement for fu!fi!!ing commitment$ made in the itiBen$ harter. 9o-e+er, $o far the di$*ute re$o!ution machiner( ha$ not +ariou$ !e+e!$ ha$ on!( ri$en. ,he fo!!o-ing ,a/!e ref!ect$ the
Report of Study Group-III of *endenc( of ca$e$ and re+enue in+o!+ed at the !e+e!$
No o '5se in 3is$utes1 o As on A&oun t ,1.,.%< in7o:7e <; 3 >Tot5: nu&Ae! s? Co&&issione! >A$$e5:s? Co&&issione!
>A&t &o!e th5n Rs one C!o!e? No. o A$$e5 : !e'ei7 e3
>%<<0B <2?
>Rs in C!o!e?
8t i$ e+ident that the num/er of di$*ute$ ha$ actua!!( increa$ed o+er a *eriod of time e+en though a num/er of initiati+e$ ha+e /een ta@en /( the )o+ernment to $im*!if( the *rocedure and rationa!iBe the ta# rate$. 'o far a$ the =e*artment i$ concerned, it i$ nece$$ar( that matter$ are decided -ithin a rea$ona/!e time frame /efore the ommi$$ioner$ and ommi$$ioner %<**ea!$& in a 3ua!itati+e manner. <$ the $ituation $tand$ toda(, the Officer$ are re3uired to ad2udicate far too man( ca$e$ than -hat the( $hou!d o*tima!!( decide in a gi+en time. ,herefore, e+en if Officer$ decide the *ending matter$ e#*editiou$!(, the 3ua!it( of order $uffer$ on account of $heer +o!ume a$ the$e ha+e to /e Page23 di$*o$ed off in a time /ound manner.
Report of Study Group-III
>1%? C5$5'itD /ui:3in# In Custo&s A3&inist!5tion= >5? <utomation integration of on /u$ine$$ *roce$$e$, and /u$ine$$ *roce$$ of e7*!atform 8 ")<,". 8m*act
introduction of "=8, and other com*uteriBation initiati+e$ ha$ re$u!ted in the reduction of tran$action time and co$t. Aurther, $($tem ca*acit( ha$ /een u*graded o+er a *eriod of time and /u$ine$$ *roce$$e$ are /eing re7engineered and integrated. ,hi$ ha$ im*ro+ed o+era!! efficienc( and heightened the a/i!it( to hand!e increa$ed -or@!oad in !e$$er time. ,he$e mea$ure$ ha+e a!$o reduced the need for *er$onne! in =e*artment$ re!ated to a$$e$$ment / e#amination to $ome e#tentC %/& ,he introduction of the much a-aited ><N $($tem for Office communication. ,he Ver$ion 2 of the 8 "' $oft-are -hich i$ e#*ected to ena/!e centra!iBed a$$e$$ment from an( u$tom$ $tation -i!! a!$o $ignificant!( im*ro+e efficienc(. >1,? Outsou!'in# 5n3 i&$!o7e3 in !5st!u'tu!e= < -e!! trained human re$ource i$ a *reciou$ a$$et -hich $hou!d not norma!!( /e u$ed for *eri*hera! 2o/$ that can ea$i!( /e out$ourced. <ccording!(, =e*artment ha$ re$orted to out$ourcing of non7core 2o/, e.g. core area$ of -or@ u$tom$ 'er+ice centre. 8n future thi$ i$ that cou!d /e out$ourced. "ffecti+e !i@e!( to continue further. ,here i$ a need to identif( $uch non7 out$ourcing -i!! a!$o he!* in !o-er co$t and /etter de*!o(ment of re$ource$ and 'taff. 8n thi$ regard the 'taff 8n$*ection Enit %'8E& of the =e*artment of "#*enditure had $tudied the norm$ for and the a+erage time ta@en for each -or@ -a$ a!$o 3uantified.
Report of Study Group-III
,he Enit had gi+en +ariou$ $ugge$tion$. ,he( are di$cu$$ed a$ /e!o-. %i& Out$ourcing of 2o/$ of 'e*o($ to the cu$todian$ of 8 =/ A'$ %ii& %iii& Out$ourcing of record@ee*ing to the cu$todian$ of 9iring of retired A'/8 = u$tom$/"#ci$e 'taff ti!! the age of F2
(ear$ a$ $to* ga* arrangement to tide o+er the cri$i$ of $udden re3uirement /( 8 =$/ A'$. %i+& ,he efficienc( of the Officer$ in e#amination/$tuffing of cargo a!$o de*end$ on the infra$tructure a+ai!a/!e in A'/8 =. < /etter infra$tructure he!*$ in /etter turnaround time, reduced d-e!! time and increa$ed efficienc(. Aaci!itie$ to /e *ro+ided /( the u$todian$ $hou!d /e
in$*ected, trac@ed and their efficienc( !e+e!$ im*ro+ed. ,hi$ -ou!d re3uire *ro*er management of 8 =$/ A'$. >1+? Ne4 Initi5ti7es T5"en /D Custo&s A3&inist!5tion B CB TPAT >Custo&sBT!53e P5!tne!shi$ A#5inst Te!!o!is&? et'.= 7,P<, i$ a +o!untar( go+ernment7/u$ine$$ initiati+e in E' to /ui!d coo*erati+e re!ation$hi*$ that $trengthen and im*ro+e o+era!! internationa! $u**!( chain and countr(:$ /order $ecurit(. 7,P<, recogniBe$ that u$tom$ <dmini$tration can *ro+ide the highe$t !e+e! of cargo $ecurit( on!( through c!o$e coo*eration -ith the u!timate o-ner$ of the internationa! $u**!( chain $uch a$ im*orter$, carrier$, con$o!idator$, !icen$ed cu$tom$ /ro@er$, and manufacturer$. ,hrough thi$ initiati+e, u$tom$ <dmini$tration i$ a$@ing /u$ine$$e$ to en$ure the integrit( of their $ecurit( *ractice$ and communicate and +erif( the $ecurit( guide!ine$ of their /u$ine$$ *artner$ -ithin the $u**!( chain. ,he
Priorit( *roce$$ing for in$*ection$. %Aront of the >ine *roce$$ing for in$*ection$ -hen *o$$i/!e.& <$$ignment of a 7,P<, 'u**!( hain 'ecurit( '*ecia!i$t
%' ''& -ho -i!! -or@ -ith the com*an( to +a!idate and enhance $ecurit( throughout the com*an(:$ internationa! $u**!( chain.
*articu!ar!( in +ie- of the commitment$ to internationa! communit(. >11? (u&5n Resou!'e IssuesB ,he i$$ue$ !i@e career o**ortunitie$ and career *rogre$$ion are e#treme!( $ignificant for the de*artment a$ a -ho!e. <n e#aminer ma( get *romotion in three to fi+e (ear$ a$ <**rai$er. 9o-e+er, for an 8n$*ector it ma( ta@e more than ten (ear$ to get fir$t *romotion. 'imi!ar di$*aritie$ e#i$t in at )rou* B %'u*erintendent of )rou* !e+e!. entra! "#ci$e V$ <**rai$er$& and +ariou$ cadre$ <$ the =irectorate of 90= i$ a!read( !oo@ing into
thi$ matter in detai!$, thi$ )rou* decided not to ma@e an( $*ecific recommendation on thi$ i$$ue. 9o-e+er, a$ )rou* had detai!ed de!i/eration -ith +ariou$ <$$ociation$, their concern$ ha+e /een high!ighted !ater in the 0e*ort. %.% Auto&5tion 5n3 &5n$o4e! !eIui!e&ent
2.2.1 One of the mo$t $ignificant i$$ue$ /efore the 'tud( )rou* -a$ to a$$e$$ the o+era!! im*!ication of automation initiati+e$ ta@en /( the =e*artment for it$ man*o-er re3uirement. ,raditiona!!( the u$e of techno!og( -a$ e3uated to re*!acement of men -ith machine$. ,hi$ techno!og(. E$e of 8, in+o!+e$ a fundamenta! change in the -a( of
of Study/ut Group-III doing /u$ine$$. ,he gain$ from 8, are not !imited toReport $*eed the(
e#tend to the 3ua!itati+e im*erati+e$ of tran$*arenc(, certaint( and fairne$$ a$ -e!! ha+ing $($temic im*ro+ement -hich rather get$ in$titutiona!iBed. ,o achie+e the$e outcome$ the !e+e!, 3ua!it( and accounta/i!it( of *er$onne! de*!o(ed mu$t /e of the highe$t $ignificance. 8ndian u$tom$ ha$ *ioneered in harne$$ing the *o-er of
8, in reengineering it$ function$. Dhi!e in mo$t of the go+ernmenta! function$ u$e of 8, i$ /road!( !imited to -ord *roce$$ing, maintenance of data and M8', u$tom$ "!ectronic =ata 8nterchange %"=8& i$ /a$ed on the *rinci*!e $tructured data -herein information re3uired for deci$ion ma@ing mo+e$ e!ectronica!!( and the deci$ion$ are a!$o recorded in the '($tem. No-, "=8 %through 8 "' and 8 ")<,"& *roce$$e$ ha+e /een integrated acro$$ the com*!ete c!ient change from the $hi**ing !ine to im*orter to /an@ to cu$todian. <ccording!(, a!! the $te*$ $tarting from fi!ing of 8)M, fi!ing of B", a$$e$$ment, *a(ment of dut(/grant of dra-/ac@, audit etc. are automated. 2.2.2 <$ regard$ the i$$ue a$ to -hat i$ the im*!ication of thi$ automation *roce$$e$ to man*o-er re3uirement, the 'tud( )rou* fe!t that contrar( to the genera! +ie-, the man *o-er re3uirement ha$ rather gro-n in automated en+ironment. ,he automation of /u$ine$$ *roce$$e$ ha+e made $uch *roce$$e$ fea$i/!e -hich -ere not fea$i/!e in manua! en+ironment, i.e., from remote fi!ing of documentC fi!ing of document from remote !ocationC e!ectronic a$$e$$ment of document$, -ith a!! re!e+ant information !i@e, cu$tom$ tariff, cu$tom$ com*!iance re3uirement, notification, =B1 rate$, ="PB rate$, foreign e#change rate$ etc $tored in e!ectronic retrie+a/!e formC e!ectronic trac@ing of document$C e7f!o- of $cri*$ and other information from =)A,C me$$age e#change -ith cu$todian, cu$tom$ to =) 8"'C e7*a(ment of cu$tom$ dut(C ri$@ management /a$ed a$$e$$mentC container $canner initiati+e, !ient. ,hi$ ha$ made /u$ine$$ *roce$$e$ 3uite effecti+e, efficient and
Report of $ignificant!( Study Group-III tran$*arentC $er+ice de!i+er( $tandard$ ha+e increa$ed
and internationa! communit(. ,he automation ha$ a!$o increa$ed u$tom$ <dmini$tration a great dea!. <$ the u$tom$ a**!ication of 8, ha$ increa$ed $er+ice de!i+er( $tandard$ -ith /etter contro!$, monitoring and $afeguard$ again$t ar/itrarine$$, the *roce$$e$ ha+e a!$o no- geared u* to en$ure that the chance$ of fraud and mi$u$e are minimiBed. Dhi!e the initiati+e$ indicated a/o+e $tarted initia!!( a$ a mea$ure of $im*!ification and faci!itation for the trade, in the due cour$e of time the( ha+e /ecome much more e!a/orate and $o*hi$ticated. ,hat -a$ on!( to /e e#*ected main!( for t-o rea$on$. Air$t i$ the tremendou$ increa$e in the +o!ume$ of trade in+o!+ed -hich occurred -ith the gro-th and !i/era!iBation of 8ndian econom(. 'econd!(, $im*!ification and $*eed can not /e the /e a!! and end a!! a$ the =e*artment ha$ remained re$*on$i/!e for fair and correct co!!ection of re+enue and enforcement of /order contro! mea$ure$. 8n other -ord$ the automation initiati+e$ ha+e to en$ure that the intere$t$ of a!! $ta@e ho!der$ are *rotected. 2.2.3 8t can thu$ /e a**reciated that the im*act of automation of /u$ine$$ *roce$$e$ in an organiBation !i@e u$tom$, -hich ha$ ro!e *ertaining to re+enue a$ -e!! a$ $ecurit(, can not /e mea$ured in term$ of reduction of man*o-er. <$ a matter of fact, $ince the u$e of 8, concentrate$ the deci$ion$ ma@ing *o-er at !imited num/er of node$, the *er$onne! at the$e node$ ha+e to ha+e higher accounta/i!it(. Aor in$tance, a *er$on in charge of '($tem <dmini$tration i$ not 2u$t managing the com*uter $($tem, he i$ in a *o$ition to *!a( ha+oc /( mi$u$ing the *ri+i!ege$ or /( /eing !a# or /( not a**reciating the im*act of hi$ action or inaction. O+era!! re$u!t of automation i$ thu$ ref!ected in a need for more Officer$ at $enior !e+e!$. Aurther, at midd!e $ignificant!( on the fo!!o-ing count$. %i&
Report of Study Group-III Man*o-er for *roce$$e$ !i@e ri$@ management $($temC
Man*o-er for ca*turing a!! information e!ectronica!!(C for ana!($i$ of e7data/informationC Man*o-er for *o$t c!earance auditC Man*o-er for enhanced ta#*a(er $er+ice$C for ri$@ $tudie$ and ri$@ managementC for u*dating "=8 directorie$C for u*dating -e/7 $ite$C for increa$ed monitoring, $a( of /ond, B), +ariou$ e#*ort *romotion $cheme$ etcC
%+i& %+ii&
E*dating an( ana!($i$ of Nationa! 8m*ort and "#*ort =ata/a$e %N8=B and N"=B&. Manifo!d increa$e in the +o!ume of -or@ on account of increa$e in +o!ume of cargo a$ -e!! a$ internationa! *a$$enger$: traffic.
2.2.4 ,he 'tud( )rou* @e*t a!! the$e fact$ in mind -hi!e ma@ing the *ro2ection for man *o-er re3uirement and cadre re7$tructuring. CCCCCC
8n !a$t cadre re$tructuring, the fo!!o-ing norm$ -ere fi#ed for u$tom$ ommi$$ionerate. No. S. No. 1 % , + 1 )rou* I<: )rou* I B: )rou* IB: Non7)aBetted )rou* I : )rou* I=: Tot5: 14 5G 132 G5 130 ++8 G!ou$
em*!o(ee$ in a
3.2. %i&
,he 'tud( )rou* ana!(Bed the *re$ent *o$ition in the fie!d ,he $taff $trength in +er( feommi$$ionerate$ 1 -a$ a$ *er the
Tot5 : No
No. 4he!e st5 st!en#th is eIu5: to o! &o!e th5n the No!&s i6e3
E6':usi7e E6$o!t Co&&issione!5te >Ai!? E6':usi7e E6$o!t Co&&issione!5te s >Ai!? Co&$osite Co&&issione!5te s >Se5/Ai!? P!e7enti7e Co& Co&issione!5tes Gene!5: Co&&issione!5te s E6':usi7e Ai!$o!t Co&&issione!5te
211 >E6$o!t
11 1
+ J
2 1
2+2 1122
+,1 1<,<
,he $tandardiBed $taffing norm$ *re$cri/ed $ame $trength for each t(*e of a$ -e!! a$ u$tom$ ommi$$ionerate. 9o-e+er, di$*er$ion. =ifferent u$tom$ t(*e of Page23 ommi$$ionerate$ +ar( in nature of -or@ and 3uantum of -or@ geogra*hica! ommi$$ionerate$ ha+e uni3ue need$ and re3uirement$ /a$ed on their geogra*hica! !ocation$, +o!ume of /u$ine$$ hand!ed,
Report of Study Group-III
*ro#imit( to indu$tria! center$, economic en+ironment / !a-$ in the concerned 'tate etc. <!! the$e -arrant different a**roache$ to $taffing *attern$ in different the meet need the to ha+e a ,he ommi$$ionerate$ and hence 90 *attern of for the d(namic 90
ommi$$ionerate$ -ith $ufficient room to a!!o- for f!e#i/i!it( to need$. re3uirement$ different ommi$$ionerate$ $hou!d not /e $tatic and $hou!d ha+e *ro+i$ion$ for continuou$ augmentation or reduction /a$ed on increa$e or decrea$e in -or@!oad. ,he future e#*an$ion *!an$ of the Port$, u$todian$, the entra! & 'tate *o!ic( for encouraging "#im ,rade $hou!d /e ta@en into account $o that our =e*artment i$ geared u* to *ro+ide 3uic@ and efficient $er+ice and hand!e e#*anded o*eration$ $mooth!(. < re$er+e contingent or *ro+i$ion to 3uic@!( augment man*o-er $hou!d /e made a+ai!a/!e to meet $uch e+entua!itie$. <$ an e#am*!e to the a/o+e, the )ate-a( Port$ !i@e ;N 9 ha+e fu!! f!edged =e*artment$ !i@e ontainer 'canning =i+i$ion % '=&, ,ran$$hi*ment %,P& etc -hich are not *re$ent in other ommi$$ionerate$ and their -or@ doe$ not ref!ect in re+enue / num/er$ of document$. But the$e =e*artment$ do re3uire $ignificant num/er$ of *er$onne! round the c!oc@. Moreo+er mo$t of the =e*artment$ at )ate-a( Port$ ha+e to -or@ or -i!! $oon /e -or@ing round the c!oc@ -hich *u$he$ u* man*o-er re3uirement$ $u/$tantia!!(. )ate-a( Port$ a!$o ha+e a num/er of ontainer Areight 'tation$ % A'&. ;N 9 for e#am*!e ha$ 24 A'$ the A':$ and a!! the$e C,S re3uire more *er$onnel t$an t$e present strengt$/ Moreo+er the $taffing *attern$ for 8 =$ and are different $ince *art of the function$ of the out at the 2uri$dictiona! ommi$$ionerate. ,hu$ A' are carried A'$ under Page23
Report of than Study Group-III them -i!! re3uire a much !arger num/er of *er$onne! other
man*o-er re3uirement -ou!d /e 3uite di$tinct and therefore, a**ro*riate!( $e*arate norm$ are re3uired to /e fi#ed for each t(*e of ommi$$ionerate. Aurther, there i$ a!$o a need to ha+e ommi$$ionerate$ -ith $ufficient u$tom$ en+ironment in it$e!f a d(namic 90 *attern for the
room to a!!o- for f!e#i/i!it( to meet the need$, in *articu!ar @ee*ing in +ie- the fact that the i$ $o d(namic and there ha$ /een $uch a $ignificant change in the -or@ *rofi!e of the =e*artment o+er a *eriod of time -hich i$ !i@e!( to continue in future a!$o. %iii& 8t i$ not on!( $ignificant to fi# a man*o-er re3uirement for a mode! creation ommi$$ionerate of each t(*e, a$ mentioned at %ii& a/o+e, of ommi$$ionerate$ /a$ed on geogra*hica! /a$ed on the +o!ume of -or@ /ut a!$o to identif( the need$ for re3uirement$, a$ the in the$e time$ ommi$$ionerate -ho$e 2uri$diction i$ -ide de!i+er( e#*ectation$ and de!i+er(
$*read ma( not /e a/!e to de!i+er 3ua!itati+e!( and 3uantitati+e!( and commitment$ are $o high /oth in the area of com*!iance and trade faci!itation. Aurther, $*ecia!iBed ommi$$ionerate, $a( that e#c!u$i+e!( !oo@ after the -or@ re!ating to e#*ort *romotion i.e. '"6$, "OE$, ',P8 etc. -ou!d /e a/!e to de!i+er /etter. KKKKKKK
Ch5$te! + T(E APPROAC( . DELI/ERATIONS 4.1 ,o /egin -ith, the )rou* de!i/erated at !ength u*on
the a**roach to /e ado*ted to underta@e the $tud( for cadre re$tructuring. ,he out!ined a**roach a$ ado*ted /( the )rou* i$ a$ fo!!o-$. %1& <$certain the e#i$ting +o!ume of document$ hand!ed/*roce$$ed /( the de*artment i.e. the num/er of document$ hand!ed in im*ort and e#*ort. ,a@e into account the factor$ !i@e 0M', automation initiati+e$ ta@en /( the de*artment to -or@ out the +o!ume -hich re3uire$ de*artment:$ /a$i$C %2& Vo!ume of -or@ -hich i$ not done on current /a$i$, i.e., technica!, audit, fina!iBation of *ro+i$iona! a$$e$$ment, monitoring of /ond and B), !ega!, +igi!ance, admini$tration, etc., %3& inte!!igence and in+e$tigationC *ro$ecution and cofe*o$aC di$*o$a!C refund, ad2udication, 0,8 Auture *ro2ection of $uch -or@C 8dentif( the other area$ of -or@/ inc!uding emerging area$ -hich form$ an additiona! re$*on$i/i!it( on *art cu$tom$ admini$tration, for e#am*!e,7 'canning of im*ort, e#*ort and tran$$hi*ment cargo, inc!uding 100H $canning en+i$aged for $hi*ment$ to E'<, re3uiring a !arge contingent of additiona! $taff0 24#G o*eration$ in cu$tom$ cargo c!earance and identif(ing o*eration$ -hich need to /e *ut in that categor(C Page23 inter+ention/*roce$$ing on current time
"#*an$ion of courier traffic and e#*re$$ $hi*ment$ re3uiring c!earanceC $*ecia!iBed $er+ice$ for fa$ter cu$tom$
Po$t c!earance audit on $ite and the $tructure for that *ur*o$e % entra!iBation of P < and integration -ith centra! e#ci$e / $er+ice ta# audit, inc!uding mu!ti !ocation audit in identified ca$e$&C
Border enforcement function !i@e 8P0 enforcementC 8nten$ified %$*ecia!iBed *atro!!ing&C chec@$ at /order to from $ecurit( e#*!o$i+e$, ang!e $ea
<!!o-ing ne-
re3uiring additiona! $taff on co$t reco+er( /a$i$C =igitiBation of record$/record$ maintenanceC 9and!ing +o!uminou$ 0,8 3uerie$C 8ntroducing <ir*ort Pa$$enger 8nformation '($tem the a+erage amount of time re3uired for
*roce$$ing of document$C 'et norm$ for a mode! ommi$$ionerateC 8dentif( the re3uirement for additiona! fie!d formation$, inc!uding the need for ne- 6one$C 8dentif( the re3uirement for re7organiBation of +ariou$ /ranche$ of de*artment or area$ re3uiring further $trengthening. Aor e#am*!e <udit/com*!iance +erification *rogram /ranch -ou!d certain!( re3uire re7organiBation and $trengthening. Aurther, di$*ute re$o!ution i$ one area -hich -ou!d re3uire $trengthening. ,hi$ cou!d /e achie+ed ommi$$ioner %<d2udication& and ommi$$ioner %<**ea!$&.
Report of Study Group-III
Ba$ed on $uch 3uantified time, and ma@ing a!!o-ance for other -or@ to /e done /( the Officer$ 3uantified the num/er of Officer$ re3uired for -or@ -hich i$ done on current time /a$i$C
%10& ?uantif( man*o-er re3uirement for a!! other -or@ a$ %11& 8dentif( an( other factor that ha$ direct or indirect im*act on man*o-er re3uirement, !i@e automation of /u$ine$$ *roce$$e$ etc. %12& %13& ,a@e into account the 90 re3uirement, !i@e career *rogre$$ion and career *!anning etc. ?uantif( the tota! re3uirement of man*o-er for +ariou$ cadre$.
+.%. 4.2.1
DELI/ERATIONS ,o /egin -ith the 'tud( )rou* circu!ated a ?ue$tionnaire to ommi$$ionerate$& dea!ing -ith
u$tom$ re!ated -or@ $ee@ing information on the 3uantum of -or@!oad ommi$$ionerate$. ,he 'tud( )rou* met a num/er of time$ and a!$o he!d e#ten$i+e di$cu$$ion$ and de!i/eration -ith other co!!eague$ in de*artment, inc!uding Officer /earer$ of +ariou$ a$$ociation$. ,he$e de!i/eration$ $ummariBed /e!o-. 4.2.2 < num/er of meeting$ -ere -herein detai!ed di$cu$$ion$ -ere he!d -ith the fi!ed formation$ at hennai, =e!hi, Mum/ai, Banga!ore, ommi$$ioner regarding Page23 1o!@ata, 9(dera/ad and <hmeda/ad, Officer$ -or@ing at +ariou$ !e+e!$, inc!uding admini$tration /ranch, a$$ociation$, %90=&, ommi$$ioner %<**ea!& and =) %'($tem&
de*!o(ment, o*timum uti!iBation and re3uirement$ of 'taff <ir argo Report of at Study Group-III
om*!e#e$, <ir*ort$, Pre+enti+e and <**rai$ing Aurther, matter -a$ de!i/erated -ith *re+enti+e in*ut$ -ere $ought from them.
ommi$$ionerate$. ommi$$ionerate$ at
Mum/ai, =e!hi, <mrit$ar, ;odh*ur, 1o!@ata, Patna, >uc@no- and $*ecific ,he i$$ue$ that -ere de!i/erated -ith the fie!d formation$ are a$ fo!!o-$. ,he trend$ in the gro-th of tota! num/er of e#*ort/ im*ort document$, re+enue co!!ection$ in the countr( in the !a$t fi+e (ear$ -ere a!$o ana!(Bed and *ro2ection$ for the ne#t fi+e (ear$ -ere di$cu$$ed. Po$$i/!e centra!iBation of a$$e$$ment$ !eading to reorientation of fie!d formation$ and $taffing *attern 'taffing *o!ic( and merger of cadre$ at )rou* IB:, I : !e+e!$. !arification$ on $ome of the$e i$$ue$ -ere $ought from =OPM. ,he norm$ !i@e 0e+enue / Num/er of document$ etc and $taffing *attern for a Mode! ,he $taffing *attern 8m*ort, for %"#c!u$i+e <ir*ort&. ,he im*act of changing cu$tom$ en+ironment, inc!uding automation, on man*o-er re3uirement. 'ection -i$e -or@ for u$tom ommi$$ionerateC the re3uirement for Officer$ in each $ectionC the a+erage time re3uired to *roce$$ a document, the time re3uired for non7 current -or@C the re3uirement of $taff for a$$e$$mentC e#amination in doc@$C in+e$tigationC container $canningC OA"PO'<, Pro$ecution, <**rai$ing main , admini$trationC "=8C refund ce!!, $am*!ing ce!!C /ond $ection, unaccom*anied Report of Study Group-III Page23 u$tom$ a ommi$$ionerate. ommi$$ionerate$ om*o$ite "#*ort, mode!
ommi$$ionerate, )enera!
$cri* i$$ued under A,PC their regi$trationC +erification of e#*ort o/!igation and di$charging of /ond and B)C '88BC factor( $tuffing ce!!C !ega!C item$ !i@e OA"PO'<, Pro$ecution ommi$$ionerate. etc., admini$trationC +ariou$ office a$$ignment$. 8n etc. ,he $taffing and other need$ for an <ir*ort <t <ir*ort the main em*ha$i$ i$ on $ecurit( and anti $mugg!ing. 8n thi$ conte#t fo!!o-ing *oint$ -ere high!ighted. %i& Need for more dog hand!er$C %iii& <ugmentation of $taff on account of e#*an$ion of the air*ort and the /aggage ha!!C %i+& 'trengthening of the =e*arture $ide of *a$$enger$ con$idering the increa$ing ri$@ of e#*ort of drug$/narcotic$ from the countr(C $mugg!ing of 8ndian currenc(. %+i& 8n +ie- of the *ro*o$ed 3uadru*!ing of ca*acit( of the <ir*ort$ and the con$e3uent manifo!d increa$e in the traffic %e#*ected to /e around 4 crore$& need for $ecurit( $trengthening mea$ure$ $uch a$ e#change of data /( immigration authoritie$, $*eedier recei*t of f!ight manife$t$ for *ro*er *rofi!ing Need for $trengthening and re$tructuring of,7 %i& %ii& 4.2.3 audit and com*!iance +erification organiBationC di$*ute re$o!ution $($tem . urrenc(/foreign
Port -i$e a$ -e!! a$ <!! 8ndia data for the *a$t (ear$ -a$
o/tained from <=)/'($tem$ and future *ro2ection$ /a$ed on the $ame -a$ -or@ed out. =etai!$ of the tota! im*ort/e#*ort document$ in the Anne6u!e /.
Report of Study Group-III
!a$t fi+e (ear$ and *ro2ection$ for the ne#t fi+e (ear$ are a$ *er
Ch5$te! 1 (UMAN RESOURCE CONCERNS 5.1 ,he 'tud( ,eam he!d di$cu$$ion$ -ith the re*re$entati+e$ of u$tom 9ou$e, hennai. ,he i$$ue$
each of the <$$ociation$ / Aederation$ on 11.02.2005 at N 9, Mum/ai and on 1F.02.2005 at rai$ed /( the Aederation$ and the comment$ thereon are *!aced at Anne6u!e C. ,he$e *oint$/ concern$ are $ummariBed /e!o-. >i? P!os$e'ts o! '5!ee! $!o#!ession= ,he *romotiona! *ro$*ect$ are not uniform in different cadre$. ,he ratio$ of the $taff $trength in +ariou$ grade$ to that of their feeder grade$ +arie$ from 0.5 to more than 10 -hich i$ detai!ed /e!o-. R5tio o S5n'tion St!en#th o e5'h '53!e/$ost to the ee3e! $osts Custo&s Tot5: >Custo&s@ E6'ise . Se!7i'e T56? CCC = CC 1 . 4.5 1 . F.28
Report of Study Group-III
1 1 1 1
. . . .
1 1 1 1
. . . .
1 . 0.5
1 . 0.F
'ome of the $ugge$tion$ -hich cou!d /e !oo@ed into in order to remo+e the $tagnation in $ome of the cadre$ are a$ di$cu$$ed /e!o-. ,he =irect/ Promote 3uota for recruitment in $ome of the *o$t$ cou!d /e a!tered -hich -ou!d $o!+e the *ro/!em in the !onger run. Aor in$tance in the *o$t of < :$7 the =irect/ Promote 3uota of 1.1 cou!d /e a!tered to 1.2. ,hi$ i$ a!! the more de$ira/!e in +ie- of the fact that in the ne#t fe- (ear$, there -ou!d /e a huge demand for < /= *o$t$ %in +ie- of re3uirement$ in 'er+ice ta#, '"6$& -ith +er( !itt!e increa$e in *o$t$ at higher !e+e!$. 8n the !ong run, thi$ -i!! /e *ro+e to /e a t-o *ronged a**roach a$ thi$ -i!! addre$$ the $tagnation concern$, at /oth )rou* I<: and )rou* IB: !e+e!. 'imi!ar change$ cou!d /e made in the 3uota ratio at the 8n$*ector !e+e!, 2.1 to 1.1. <$ $uch the minimum educationa! re3uirement for /oth the *o$t$ +iB ,< a$ -e!! a$ 8n$*ector %PO/"O& i$ no- graduation. Aurther a$ a one time mea$ure, the +acancie$ ari$ing at the !e+e! of < /= in the !a$t >ii? adre 0e$tructuring. si&i:5! '53!es. Page23 cou!d /e fi!!ed /( -a( of *romotion$, granting one time re!a#ation, a$ -a$ done
<nother $ugge$tion /( the Pre+enti+e Aederation i$ that the minimum time *eriod for *romotion from PO to 'u*erintendent
Report of Study Group-III %"ight Lear$& and "O to <**rai$er %three (ear$& /e /rought on *ar.
,he $ugge$tion a**ear$ to /e fair. ,here a**ear$ to /e an anoma!( in the e!igi/i!it( criteria for the t-o cadre$. ,he criteria for /oth $hou!d /e changed to uniform !e+e! $a( 8 or 5 or 3 (ear$. 8t i$ fe!t that the time frame of *romotion from the grade of PO to 'u*erintendent /e /rought do-n. >iii? Me!#e! o A$$!5ise! 5n3 P!e7enti7e C53!es= ,he merger
ha$ /een $ugge$ted /( the Pre+enti+e Aederation and o**o$ed /( the <**rai$ing Aederation. >i7? A$$oint&ents on Co&$5ssion5te G!oun3s . <$ !ong a$ the
*o$t$ e#i$t, and the de*endent$ of the decea$ed Officer are other-i$e 3ua!ified, the *o$t$ cou!d /e fi!!ed immediate!(. 8t i$ o/$er+ed that there i$ a !ong *ending !i$t of $uch ca$e$. ,he$e *o$t$ ma( /e fi!!ed on humanit( ground$ in thi$ >7? adre 0e$tructuring /( -a( of increa$ing the 3uota a$ a one time mea$ure. P5!itD 4ith se$oDs in the Cent!5: Po:i'e O!#5niL5tion $osts in the G!53e o Assist5nt SuA i+i! 'er+ice$ entra! 5n3 '!e5tion o
0e+i$ed Pa( 0u!e$ 2008, initia!!( a!! )rou* = em*!o(ee$ $hou!d /e *!aced in the 71' Pa( Band -ith the a**ro*riate )rade Pa(. ,hereafter tho$e )rou* = em*!o(ee$ -ho a!read( *o$$e$$ the minimum re+i$ed 3ua!ification$ -ou!d /e *!aced in the Pa( Band that -a$ a**!ica/!e to )rou* . ,ho$e e#i$ting )rou* = em*!o(ee$ -ho did not *o$$e$$ the minimum 3ua!ification$ *re$cri/ed -ou!d /e trained and after re7training -ou!d /e *!aced in the Pa( Band that i$ a**!ica/!e to )rou* . <n( change in their cadre need$ to /e & need$ to ta@en in the !ight of the$e de+e!o*ment$. ,herefore it i$ fe!t that /e de*!o(ed in a *ro*er manner entru$ted -ith, mu!ti7$@i!!ed ta$@$.
Report of Study Group-III 'ome of the ta$@$ -hich need to /e inc!uded in their dutie$ cou!d /e
recei*t and di$*atch of !etter$ and fi!e$, communication -or@ !i@e attending *hone ca!!$, $ending fa#, /a$ic com*uter o*eration$ etc. >7i? *u5:i Din# se!7i'e o TA o! e:i#iAi:itD to the $ost o
Ins$e'to!= 8t ma( /e reduced from the *re$ent 10 (ear$ to 5 (ear$. 8t i$ argued that thi$ $ugge$tion$ merit$ con$ideration a$ the mode of $e!ection and educationa! 3ua!ification for /oth 8n$*ector and ,< are $ame. ,he *o$t of ,< i$ fi!!ed a!mo$t entire!( /( direct recruitment through <!! 8ndia !e+e! e#am$ conducted /( the 'taff 'e!ection ommi$$ion. ,he minimum *re$cri/ed 3ua!ification for om*uter$. recruitment a$ a ,< i$ )raduation -ith @no-!edge of
Aurther the 3ua!if(ing $er+ice re3uired for *romotion to the *o$t of ',< from ,< i$ on!( three (ear$ and that from the *o$t of ',< to 8n$*ector i$ on!( t-o (ear$. >7ii? The $ost o STA . DOS shou:3 Ae &e!#e3 4ith entra! i+i! 'er+ice$
0e+i$ed Pa( 0u!e$ 2008 MOn account of merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs. 5000-8000, Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500, some posts which presently constitute feeder and promotion grades will come to lie in an identical grade. herefore, the posts in these three scales should !e merged. "n case it is not feasi!le to merge the posts in these pay scales on functional considerations, the posts in the scale of Rs. 5000-8000 and Rs. 5500-9000 should !e merged, with the post in the scale of Rs. 6500-10500 !eing upgraded to the ne#t higher grade in pay !and $%-&.' <$ *er the ne- *a( ru!e$, the *o$t$ of ',<, =O', < <O, PO and "O ha+e /een /rought on *ar -ith the $ame $a!ar( $tructure. <$ *er the recommendation of the $hou!d /e merged and the < <O / PO / "O $hou!d /e u*graded to
Report of or Study Group-III the ne#t higher $ca!e %0$ 5300734800, )rade Pa( 0$ 4F00& a!! the
0e+i$ed Pa( 0u!e$, 2008, it i$ argued that the *o$t of ',< & =O'
fi+e *o$t$ of ',< / =O' / < <O / PO / "O $hou!d /e merged into a $ing!e cadre. >7iii? Co&&uni'5tions O i'e!s Asso'i5tion. ,he
u$tom$ )r. I :
Officer$ <$$ociation re*re$ented that the( ma( /e a/$or/ed into the main $tream e#ecuti+e cadre$ !i@e PO/"O. '8E ha$ a!read( recommended for their merger into other cadre. >i6? C!e5tion o 5 se$5!5te C53!e Cont!o::in# Autho!itD 5t
De:hi= 8t -a$ re*re$ented that the i$$ue of cadre contro! $hou!d /e re+am*ed and the -ho!e of 8ndia $hou!d /e di+ided into a fe- Bone$ !i@e "a$t / De$t / hennai. =e!hi %Pre+&, %< entra! etc. <t *re$ent there are on!( three *ure!( u$tom$ -ith +ariou$ 7"#*ort&, %< ommi$$ionerate$ !i@e %8 =$& and huge u$tom$ ,here i$ u$tom$ cadre contro!!ing Bone$ in 8ndia at Mum/ai, 1o!@ata & 78m*ort & )en&,
re+enue$ in e#ce$$ of 0$ 10,000 crore$ doe$ not ha+e a cadre contro!, rather it i$ contro!!ed /( therefore a need for a $e*arate e$ta/!i$hed at =e!hi. 5.2 cadre$ i$ e+en /eing *ro+ided /( Mum/ai adre u$tom$.
o**ortunit( for career *rogre$$ion. <$ $tated ear!ier, the 'tud( )rou* fe!t that cadre re$tructuring e#erci$e ma( not /e a too! for fu!fi!!ing the career *rogre$$ion a$*iration of +ariou$ 'taff and Officer$. ,herefore, )rou* did not go into an( $ignificant detai!$ on thi$ a$*ect and it -a$ fe!t that the$e i$$ue$ $hou!d /e a**ro*riate!( !oo@ed into /( the a!tering the recruitment and *romotion ratio at +ariou$ !e+e!$. Aor
Report ofat Study Group-III e#am*!e changing the ratio of =irect +/$ Promotee Officer$ )rou*
: <: entr( !e+e! from *re$ent 1.1 to 1.2 dra$tica!!( change the $cenario of career *rogre$$ion of officer$ at a!! !e+e!. 9o-e+er the )rou* fe!t that a minimum career *rogre$$ion i$ a mu$t to @ee* the moti+ation of an Officer a!i+e throughout hi$ career. 8n thi$ regard )rou* fe!t that career *rogre$$ion on fo!!o-ing !ine$ -ou!d go a !ong -a( in fu!fi!!ing the a$*iration of *er$onne! in the G!53e STA PO/ EO ,< PO/"O 5 7 10 7 u$tom$ admini$tration. C5!ee! P!o#!essionB Nos. in De5!s Su$3t t/ AO 20 10 30 20 34 24 7 25 7 34 AC DC HC ADC
<ccording!( the ratio of officer$ /( recruitment. /( *romotion u*to the !e+e! of )rou* I<: $hou!d /e fi#ed in $uch a -a( that the career *rogre$$ion on the a/o+e !ine$ cou!d /e a$$ure.
Ch5$te! 0 STAFFING NORMS FOR MODEL COMMISSIONERATES F.1 ,he )rou* de!i/erated u*on the i$$ue of $taff norm$ for a mode!
ommi$$ionerate in great detai! -ith officer$ -or@ing at +ariou$ !e+e!$ in the fie!d formation$ acro$$ the countr(. 8nitia!!( data/information a$ regard -or@ !oad, *endenc( of ca$e$ for ad2udication, <**ea!$, Bond$/B) etc. -a$ o/tained in the form of a ?ue$tionnaire circu!ated to each of the fie!d formation$ in formation$ did not re*!(. F.2 ,he )rou* too@ note of the *re+iou$ re*ort made /( the 'taff u$tom$. ,he re*!ie$ -ere recei+ed from mo$t of the fie!d formation$. 9o-e+er, $ome of the fi!ed
8n$*ection Enit %'8E& a$ regard$ time $tud(, i.e. a+erage time ta@en for *roce$$ing of document$C the -or@ !oad in a cu$tom$ fie!d formation and re3uirement of $taff etc. ,he )rou* de!i/erated -ith officer$ of each $ection, to a$certain the -or@ !oad, the *roce$$ing time ta@en on an a+erage /a$i$, the time ta@en for attending to current and non current -or@ $e*arate!(C the im*act of change$ ha**ening in the u$tom$ -or@ing en+ironment, i.e., 0M', P <, ontainer 'canner 8nitiati+eC J ra( $canning at air cargo and air*ort$C e#*an$ion of air*ort$C certain o*eration$ /ecoming 24JG, automation of /u$ine$$ *roce$$e$C rationa!iBation and of dut( of rate$ etc. of Ba$ed -or@ on the$e on de!i/eration$ 3uantum a$$e$$ment N/a$ed
information *ro+ided /( 0M=/ =) O'($tem and fie!d formation$P $taff $trength of mode! %i& %ii& %iii& %i+& ommi$$ionerate$ ha$ /een -or@ed out for each of ommi$$ionerate, name!(,7 ommi$$ionerate %'ea&C ommi$$ionerate %<ir&C ommi$$ionerate %<ir&
Report of Study Group-III
ommi$$ionerate %'ea&C
ommi$$ionerate %-ith
ourier termina!&
GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS. A. E6$o!t/I&$o!t 5n3 Co&$osite Co&&issione!5teBSe5 1 =ocument$. ,he minimum num/er of Bi!!$ of "ntr( or 'hi**ing Bi!!$ that -arrant $etting u* of a "#c!u$i+e 8m*ort or "#c!u$i+e "#*ort o /i::s o ommi$$ionerate %'"</<80& ha+e /een $ti*u!ated in the Mode! 'tructure. The &ini&u& nu&Ae! Ent!D 4hi'h 45!!5nt est5A:ishin# 5n E6':usi7e I&$o!t Co&&issione!5te >Se5? is 1@%1@<<< 5n3 &ini&u& Shi$$in# /i::s 4hi'h 45!!5nt settin# u$ o 5n E6':usi7e Ba$ed on E6$o!t the Co&&issione!5te and the is ,@<<@<<<. 1 $ame fo!!o-ing
a$$um*tion$ the cadre -i$e /rea@u* ha$ /een formu!ated. 0M' Aaci!itated document$. ,he *ercentage of 0M' faci!itation ha$ /een ta@en on an a+erage to /e 50H for a!! ommi$$ionerate$ though the $ame i$ o/$er+ed to /e higher for air ommi$$ionerate$. 8n other -ord$ 50H ontainer a!$o document$ -ou!d not /e $ent to the <$$e$$ing <O for a**rai$ement /ut the $ame re3uire 'ea! and $tage. 1 Aurther 0 com*!iance at thi$ num/er /mar@$ and num/er chec@ at the e#amination !e+e! nece$$itate$ increa$ed $trength of $taff. ,ime for current -or@. ,he -or@ing hour$ ta@en for com*utation are 52 %-ee@$&KF da($ %for air& or 5 da($ %for ,a@ing into account !o$$ of man hour$ on account of
Report of Study Group-III
a/$ence/!ea+e, ho!ida($ and fatigue the $taff re3uired at e+er( 'ection ha$ /een -or@ed out. 1 ,ime for non current -or@. "+er( Officer ha$ to attend to mammoth 3uantit( of non7current -or@ !i@e fi!ing a**ea!$ or *re*aring ground$ of <**ea!, com*i!ation of Month!( technica! re*ort$, monitoring of P= Bond$/B)$ etc. Ai#ed num/er$ of man hour$ are re3uired to /e de+oted to them on a dai!( /a$i$. 8t ha$ /een decided that a minimum 3 hour$ dai!( /e a!!ocated to $uch -or@. 1 ,ime for a$$e$$ment of document$. ,he a+erage time ta@en for a$$e$$ment of document$ ha$ /een ta@en at a/out F minute$. 'imi!ar!( the time ta@en at +ariou$ grade$ ha$ /een /a$ed on the '8E $tud( on 'taff re3uirement$ for 8 =$/ A'$. ,a@ing into account other re!ated acti+itie$ $uch a$ interaction -ith re*re$entati+e$ of trade for 3uerie$ rai$ed and +erification of document$, detai!ed e#amination of con$ignment$ $uch a$ that of con$umer good$ etc it -a$ found that an <$$e$$ing Officer cou!d a$$e$$ 25/30 /i!!$ a da( -ithout com*romi$ing on 3ua!it(. 'imi!ar!( an e#aminer cou!d e#amine a/out 40 M2u$t container num/er chec@Q/no *h($ica! e#aminationQ /i!!$ of entr( a da(. 'imi!ar!( on the e#*ort $ide of thing$ e#amination of 40 $hi**ing /i!!$ and their out of charge /( the e#amining officer -a$ con$idered to /e o*timum.. <$ far a$ P < -a$ concerned it -a$ found that the o*timum num/er of Bi!!$ of entr( that an Officer cou!d $ati$factori!( audit i$ around 40 a$ he a!$o ha$ to dea! -ith forma!itie$ $uch a$ i$$uance of onci!iator( >etter, <d+i$or( etc.. ,he < /= in charge of Page23 P < cou!d audit a $!ight!( higher num/er of document$ a$ the $ame ha+e a!read( *a$$ed $crutin( at the *rimar(
of Study Group-III at audit !e+e!. Ba$ed on the $aid '8E norm$ Report $taff re3uired
to 'e*o($ ha$
/een -or@ed out. 9o-e+er it ma( /e /orne in mind that ommi$$ionerate ha$ it$ o-n uni3ue re3uirement$ ommi$$ionerate$& on account of de*ending u*on the geogra*hica! di$*er$ion, $en$iti+it( to $ecurit( ri$@$ %Pre+enti+e a !ong coa$t!ine or Border!ine or $u$ce*ti/i!it( to narcotic or contra/and or A8 N $mugg!ing. 1ee*ing the$e factor$ in mind 1 i$ a/$o!ute!( nece$$ar( and ma( nece$$itate additiona! $taff $trength at a *articu!ar cadre. ontainer $canning re3uirement. )i+en the $ecurit( and $mugg!ing ri$@$ in+o!+ed in the *re$ent $cenario of our trade it ha$ /ecome a/$o!ute mandator( to ha+e container $canning faci!it( at e+er( u$tom$ Port e$*ecia!!( in re$*ect of 'cra*, haBardou$ -a$te and con$ignment$ from certain countrie$ $uch a$ Pa@i$tan, 1orea 0P, etc <$ $uch u$tom$ Port$ $hou!d ha+e a $e*arate 'canning =i+i$ion -hich o*erate$ in 2 /atche$. ,he Officer$ *o$ted there $hou!d ha+e nece$$ar( training in reading and inter*retation of $canning re*ort$. ,hi$ i$ a!$o true in re$*ect of J7ra( machine$ in$ta!!ed or *ro*o$ed to /e in$ta!!ed at 8nternationa! <ir*ort$. ommi$$ioner %<ir*ort& 'ahar during the meeting he!d made $*ecific mention of in$ta!!ation and de+e!o*ment of e#*erti$e in thi$ conte#t. 8n fact a$ *er the !ate$t guide!ine$ E'< i$ $oon to ma@e it mandator( for a!! $hi*ment$ to and from that countr( to undergo $canning. 'o 'taff ha$ to /e a!!otted to hand!e thi$ $*ecia!iBed and nece$$ar( function. 1 O*eration$ at of A'$. "ach of the t-e!+e Ma2or Port$ and Page23 $ome of the minor *ort$ act a$ )ate-a( *ort$ for a num/er A'$ -hich in mo$t ca$e$ are *ri+ate!( o-ned.
Report of Study Group-III for Nece$$ar( arrangement$ for de*!o(ment of $taff
e#amination, gate dut(, $am*!e co!!ection, monitoring *erformance of the A'$ etc ha+e to /e made. ,he A'$ go a !ong -a( in faci!itie$ *ro+ided /( the$e increa$ed num/er of
$moothening o*eration$ and thu$ faci!itating ,rade. 'o an A'$ at a *articu!ar )ate Da( Port -ou!d re3uire additiona! $taff de*!o(ment +i$7R7+i$ a *ort -hich ma( ha+e the $ame num/er of tonnage /ut !e$$er or no A'$ attached. ,he geogra*hica! !ocation$ of the A'$, i.e. di$tance from the !oad Port -ou!d a!$o entai! a higher $taffing re3uirement. /. E6$o!t/I&$o!t 1 Co&&issione!5te@ Co&$osite
Co&&issione!5teBAi! C5!#o= ,he minimum num/er of Bi!!$ of "ntr(/ 'hi**ing Bi!!$ -arranting the $etting u* of a $e*arate "#c!u$i+e 8m*ort/"#*ort f!edged 'a!ar( the the 1 ommi$$ionerate ha$ a!read( /een out!ined
a/o+e. 8n either of the $cenario it i$ *re$umed to /e a fu!!7 ommi$$ionerate hand!ing a!! it$ function$ $uch a$ %Pa( and <ccount$&, %Pre+enti+e <** %M&%tran$fer$ and
*o$ting$&, Vigi!ance, Pro$ecution, =i$*o$a! etc. 9o-e+er )ate Officer$ Officer$/ entra! "#ci$e 8n$*ector$& and 'e*o($ *o$ted cou!d /e from either one of ommi$$ionerate$. om*o$ite ommi$$ionerate the +o!ume of 8n the ca$e of a
documentation /eing !o- $ome of the function$ $uch a$ Vigi!ance/*ro$ecution, '88B, P<O, =i$*o$a!, <** %M& cou!d /e centra!iBed. C. Ai!$o!t Co&&issione!5te= 1 ,hi$ mode! *re$ume$ that the <ir*ort hand!e$ ourier ommi$$ioner a!$o
Report of Study Group-III e!! and APO. Dhi!e formu!ating a $taff
<ir*ort to $mugg!ing of currenc(, drug$ a$ a!$o a+ai!a/i!it( of J7ra( machine$ -hich $creen a!! /aggage, mai!$, the num/er of ,ermina!$ and the num/er of Be!t$ in a ,ermina! ha+e /een ta@en into con$ideration. 'o a $ing!e ,ermina! ha+ing 4 /e!t$ -ith -ou!d re3uire $taff 4 /atche$ of 1F for 'u*erintendent$ and 20 Pre+enti+e Officer$/ entra! "#ci$e 8n$*ector$ additiona! /eing *o$ted 8nte!!igence O*eration$ %<8E&. 9o-e+er for <ir*ort$, -ith increa$ed ri$@ *ercei+ed or increa$ed f!o- of in /ound and out /ound f!ight$, the $taff $trength need$ to /e augmented further. D. Gene!5: Co&&issione!5te= 1 ,he )enera! ommi$$ionerate ha$ on!( /een en+i$aged u$tom 9ou$e or -here there are a ommi$$ionerate to hand!e genera! 0 Ao!der$ 8nter ommi$$ionerate -here there i$ a !ot of hi$torica! /aggage of ca$e$ $uch a$ the Mum/ai 6one78 num/er of ommi$$ionerate$ at a $ing!e Port/'tation -hich
<dmini$trati+e function$ $uch a$ cadre contro!, maintaining tran$fer$ -ithin the 6one/ u$tom$ 'tation, =P $ etc. ,he three Port$ found to -arrant $uch a e#i$ting E. ommi$$ionerate are hennai, Nha+a 'he+a and Banga!ore in addition to the ommi$$ionerate )enera! at Mum/ai.
P!e7enti7e Co&&issione!5te= 1 Pre+enti+e ommi$$ionerate$ dea! -ith the different @ind Page23 of geogra*hica! /order$ and anti7$mugg!ing acti+itie$ in different *art$ of the countr(. Aor e#am*!e the *rofi!e$ of Pre+enti+e
Report >uc@noof Study Group-IIIare ommi$$ionerate at Patna and
<mrit$ar, 1o!@ata, ;amnagar or the Mum/ai Pre+enti+e $et a!! Pre+enti+e com*ri$e$ of mi# of $taff from ,he $taff re3uirement for entra! "#ci$e and each of the
in the grade of /oth )rade IB: gaBetted and non7gaBetted. Pre+enti+e ommi$$ionerate -ou!d de*end u*on the !ength of the oa$t!ine and Border!ine, the $en$iti+it( of the /order$ -ith regard to infi!tration %though *o$t 2F/11 the Na+( ha$ /een de$ignated 'u*reme&C the ri$@ of $mugg!ing contra/and from remote area$ of the coa$t!ine -ou!d decide the $trength of the $uch $taff. a$ and <dditiona! "ngineer$, '@i**er$ to $*ecia!iBed man $taff the re3uirement$ ommunication$
coa$ta!/*atro!!ing +e$$e! ma( /e -arranted in ca$e of ommi$$ionerate manning $ea /order$. ,he ommi$$ionerate. ,he )rou* ha$ ado*ted the ommi$$ionerate for -here+er the the no concerned concerned further for of ha$ man*o-er /een re3uirement, from -here+er 'tud( )rou* ha$ not $ugge$ted an( $tandardiBed norm for Pre$ent $anctioned $trength of the$e recei+ed
ommi$$ionerate$. ommi$$ionerate$
9o-e+er, ha+e
augmentation or re7$tructuring, the )rou* ha$ de!i/erated u*on $uch *ro*o$a! and if, $ufficient rea$oning i$ a+ai!a/!e for $uch augmentation, the $ame ha$ /een incor*orated in the 0e*ort. 5.4 ,he re3uired $taff $trength for each of the$e t(*e$ of Page23
Report of Study for Group-III ommi$$ionerate$, -ith detai!$ of $ection -i$e re3uirement$ each
cadre i$ at Anne6u!e D. ,hi$ re3uired $taff $trength doe$ not ta@e into account the a$*ect of out$ourcing a$ -a$ recommended /( the 'taff 8n$*ection Enit. 9o-e+er, if the out$ourcing i$ con$idered there -ou!d /e $ignificant reduction in man*o-er re3uirement at )rou* !e+e!. 5.5 t(*e$ ,he $tandard man*o-er norm $o -or@ed out for each of the$e ommi$$ionerate$ i$ indicated /e!o-. and =
Desi#n5tions E6':usi7 e I&$o!t Co&& Se5 E6':usi7 e E6$o!t Co&& Se5 E6':usi7 e I&$o!t Co&& Ai! E6':usi7 e E6$o!t Co&& Ai! Ai!$o! t Co&& Co&$osit e Co&& Se5/Ai!CCC Gene! 5: Co&& CCCC
Co&&issione ! A33:/HC DC/AC A$$!5ise! Su$e!inten3 ent EO PO CAO AO Steno STA/TA DOS D!i7e! Se$oD
K <n( additiona! man *o-er re3uirement in the grade of dri+er/$e*o( $hou!d /e met through out$ourcing in term$ of '8E recommendation
CC G5te 3utD@ 5t CFS #5tes is t5"en into 5''ount un3e! E6$o!t Co&&issione!5te. This 4ou:3 Ae 5 'o&&on un'tion CC CNo!&5::D Co&$osite Co&&issione!5te 5!e s&5::e! in siLe th5n the e6':usi7e I&$o!t 5n3 E6$o!t Co&&issione!5tes. CCCC This is e6':u3in# the st5 th5t &5D Ae 5t the 3is$os5: o Co&&issione! >Gene!5:? on:D o! the $u!$ose o '53!e 'ont!o::in# e.#. Su$ts@ P!e7enti7e O i'e!s@ EOs@ 5n3 TAs/STAs
the +o!ume of -or@ !oad for cu$tom$ ha$ increa$ed tremendou$!( in the !a$t decade. 8n certain !ocation$, thi$ -or@ i$ hitherto hand!ed /( the entra! "#ci$e formation. 9o-e+er, in +ie- of the increa$ed -or@ u$tom$ formation$. Aurther, the +o!ume of -or@ in the hennai, Banga!ore, !oad, the 'tud( )rou* fe!t that the$e !ocation$ re3uire to /e manned /( fu!! f!edged e#i$ting u$tom$ !ocation$, !i@e Na+a 'he+a,
<hmeda/ad and =e!hi ha$ in the *a$t fe- (ear$ mu!ti*!ied $e+era! fo!d$. Aurther, ne- cha!!enge$ /efore u$tom$ and the ne- initiati+e$ ha*ter 1, ha+e a!$o that ha+e /een ta@en, a$ di$cu$$ed in detai!$ in -here u$tom$ -or@ !oad ha$ increa$ed.
nece$$itated creation of additiona! fie!d formation$ at the !ocation$ ,he *ro2ected *icture$ for )ate-a( Port$ in the ne#t 15 (ear$ ref!ect$ the fo!!o-ing
+ie- of heightened $ecurit( concern and the higher *ercei+ed concern re!ating to $mugg!ing of narcotic$, fa@e currenc( counterfeit$ and 8,"' item. 8n thi$ conte#t, the 'tud( )rou* i$ of the +ie- that u$tom$ $hou!d nece$$ari!( ha+e ade3uate *re$ence acro$$ the entire oa$t !ine. 8n thi$ conte#t, it -a$ fe!t that a !ong coa$t !ine in the "a$t, a!ong the 'tate of <ndhra Prade$h and Ori$$a ha$ not /een ade3uate!( manned /( the u$tom$. ,o man thi$ coa$t !ine, there i$ a need for ommi$$ionerate. Aurther the creation of a $e*arate *re+enti+e
e#i$ting Pre+enti+e formation$ are re3uired to /e $trengthened. 8n thi$ regard, the 'tud( )rou* in+ited recommendation from Pre+enti+e ommi$$ionerate$ at ;odh*ur, <mrit$ar, >uc@no-, Patna, Mum/ai, ,uticorin, $tructuring ochin, ;amnagar and 1o!@ata a$ regard$ need for re7 and $trengthening for creation of of e#i$ting neformation. u$tom$ ,he$e
recommendation$ ha+e /een $tudied /( the )rou* for ma@ing 0ecommendation$ ommi$$ionerate$. 2.% and Re'o&&en35tion Fo! Ne4 Co&&issione!5tes. ,he 'tud( air*ort commi$$ionerate, /a$ed on e#ten$i+e %Pre+enti+e ommi$$ionerate$& and for $trengthening the e#i$ting *re+enti+e
)rou* ha$ -or@ed out norm$ for creation of e#c!u$i+e im*ort/e#*ort di$cu$$ion/de!i/eration and $tudie$ carried out in *a$t /( the '8E$. Ba$ed on the increa$ing +o!ume of document$ *roce$$ed/the tonnage hand!ed, and a!$o @ee*ing in +ie- the geogra*hica! re3uirement$, creation of fo!!o-ing neu$tom$ ommi$$ionerate$ i$ recommended.
Re'o&&en35tions o! ne4 Custo&s Co&&issione!5tes >I? (D3e!5A53BA ne4 Co&$osite Custo&s Co&&issione!5te u$tom$ 9ou$e in 9(dera/ad and 0angaredd( =i$trict
Report of Study Group-III
S 'ham$ha/ad 8nternationa!
8 =,
Husti i'5tion o! '!e5tin# this Co&&issione!5te= <. ,he Dor@ >oad at. %i& 9(dera/ad < Ye5! i$ Re7enu e >in C!s? 2G3 550 450 44G No o /s/E 38542 4G02G 5155F 48821 No. o S//s 3GG58 42F35 5218G N<
%ii& 9(dera/ad 8 = i$ Ye5! Re7enu e >in C!s? 104 250 385 421 No o /s/E 5835 GF18 514F N< No. o S//s 2225G 24G32 28G50 N<
%iii& 'ham$hada/ad 8nternationa! <ir*ort. ,he -or@!oad for 200G708 -a$. No. o Te!&in5:s No o in'o&in# $5ssen#e!s No o out#oin# $5ssen#e!s Nu&Ae! o :i#hts $e! 5nnu& 1 8 !a@h$ F.3 !a@h$ 5000 < $e*arate u$tom$, Page23
/. Chie Co&&issione!Ms !e'o&&en35tion= u$tom 9ou$e / ha$ u$tom$ /een *ro*o$ed /( the hief
!etter No.
P!e7enti7e 1a@inada
Husti i'5tion o! '!e5tin# this Co&&issione!5te= 1a@inada *ort doe$ not cater to containeriBed cargo and i$ /a$ica!!( a /u!@ cargo *ort. ,herefore, num/er$ of 8m*ort / "#*ort document$ are !e$$. >A? ,he -or@!oad at 1a@inada Ye5! u$tom 9ou$e i$ a$ /e!oNo o /s/E 18FF 2253 24G5 B No. o S//s 11FF 1GFF 2508 B
>/? Pre+enti+e Aormation. ,he *re+enti+e $et u* of =e*artment need$ to ha+e *re$ence on the entire coa$t!ine. 9o-e+er, a$ of no-, on the ea$tern coa$t, the *re+enti+e formation doe$ not ha+e ade3uate *re$ence a!ong the <ndhra u$tom 9ou$e / ha$ u$tom$ oa$t. < $e*arate u$tom$, >C? Chie Co&&issione!Ms !e'o&&en35tion= /een *ro*o$ed /( the hief
!etter No.
>III? Chenn5i >Ai!?B/i u!'5tion o e6istin# Co&&issione!5te Husti i'5tion= >A?>i?Wo!":o53 5t ACC@ Chenn5i Ye5! Re7enu e >in C!s? No o /s/E >in :5"hs? No. o S//s Tot5: Tonn5#e Report of Study Group-III >in :5"h Mts? Page23
>ii? Wo!":o53 5t Chenn5i Ai!$o!t= %<<0B<2 >in :5"hs? %<<2B<8 >in :5"hs? 1F.GG 1G.G5 2541G 1T1 534F5 28.48 %<<8B<; >u$ to No7 <8? 11.G3 12.58 18108 1T1 58505 31.85
No o in'o&in# $5ssen#e!s No o out#oin# $5ssen#e!s Nu&Ae! o :i#hts No o Te!&in5:s No o Cou!ie! 3o'u&ents Re7enue !o& Cou!ie! >C!o!e? P!o$os5:=
ommi$$ionerate ma( /e
/ifurcated on fo!!o-ing !ine$. Ai! C5!#o >I&$o!ts?B Aor hand!ing im*ort cargo, E.B. Bond$ Ai! C5!#o >E6$o!ts?B Aor hand!ing e#*ort, 8nternationa! Page23 <ir*ort and ourier ,ermina!, APO and <dmini$tration
Report of Study Group-III
>I)? Chenn5i >Se5? B E6istin# t4o Co&&issione!5te Ae s$:it into th!ee Co&&issione!5te.
Husti i'5tion= >A? Dor@!oad at Ye5! hennai u$tom$ 9ou$e No o /s/E >in :5"hs? 2.05 2.3G 2.G8 2.G5 No. o S//s Re7enu e >in C!o!es? G582 10540 13F2G 13FF5
,he third termina! -ith a ca*acit( of 1.5 mi!!ion ,"E$ i$ coming u* thi$ (ear -hich -i!! enhance the ca*acit( to 3 mi!!ion ,"E$. 8t manage$ 24 A'$. Ba$ed on the a/o+e -or@!oad, it i$ *ro*o$ed to ommi$$ionerate$, i.e., 8m*ort and "#*ort into three ommi$$ionerate$. ,-o $*!it e#iting t-o ommi$$ionerate
ommi$$ionerate$ for hand!ing 8m*ort$, inc!uding )rou* V88. One ommi$$ionerate -ou!d !oo@ after e#c!u$i+e!( e#*ort$. >)? Chenn5iB C!e5tion o 5 ne4 Co&&issione!5te >Gene!5:? 7 -ith *ro*o$ed change$ there -i!! /e fi+e hennai. ,hi$ -ou!d -arrant creation of one ha+ing cadre contro! o+er a!! $taff of ommi$$ionerate$. ,hi$ the Po!ic( $ection %i.e. ommi$$ionerate in ommi$$ioner %)& a!! the hennai A'$
in cit(, ad2udication of =08 ca$e$ and doc@$ *re+enti+e. >)I? HNC(@ Nh575 Co&&issione!5te She75B She75B /i u!'5te /i u!'5te e6istin# e6istin# i&$o!t e6$o!t Page23
>)III? HNC(@ Nh575 She75B C!e5tion o 5 ne4 Co&&issione!5te Report of Study Group-III >Gene!5:?= ,hi$ ommi$$ionerate -ou!d !oo@ after admini$tration, '=, 0 & 8, di$*o$a!, *re+enti+e, A' management, P), Po$t !earance
<udit and entra!iBed refund etc. Aurther, once the ne- <ir*ort come$ into e#i$tence, thi$ air*ort, in the initia! (ear$ cou!d !oo@ after the <ir*ort and <ir argo at ne- <ir*ort. >A? Wo!":o53 5t HNC( >I? Ye5! Re7enue >in C!s? No o /s/E >in :5"hs? 2.5G 3.F5 4.55 4.FF No. o S//s >In :5"h? 8.15 5.43 10.35 10.40
>/? Husti i'5tion o! >)I? to >)III? Wo!" Lo53= ,here ha$ /een an e#*onentia! increa$e in the -or@!oad in e#*ort$ a$ -e!! a$ im*ort$ at ;N 9. 8t hand!e$ more than F0H of the a!! 8ndia container traffic. ,he focu$ of ;NP, /eing on containeriBed cargo the range of good$ /eing im*orted /e#*orted at ;N 9 i$ a!$o +er( +a$t re3uiring !arge com*!ement of $taff. 25H of the a!! 8ndia u$tom$ re+enue co!!ection come$ from ;N 9. ,hi$ formida/!e ta$@ i$ /eing achie+ed (ear after (ear -ith a $taff that com*ri$e$ !e$$ than 1.5H of the a!! 8ndia u$tom$ $taff $trength. ,hi$ affect$ the A':$, and $ome of 3ua!it( of -or@ at a!! !e+e!$. ,here are 24
them are +er( !arge. ;N 9 hand!e$ more than 10 !a@h 'hi**ing Bi!!$, 5 !a@h Bi!!$ of "ntr(, garner$ re+enue of 0$ 20,000 crore$ and dut( foregone under "P 'cheme$ i$ in e#ce$$ of 0$ 10,000 crore$. Be$ide$ the AOB +a!ue of e#*ort$ at ;N 9 e#ceed$ 0$ 1 !a@h crore. 8t i$ a!$o o/$er+ed that in the *ro*o$a! for !a$t 0e$tructuring, t-o adre ommi$$ionerate$ for e#*ort -ere *ro*o$ed, ,he future *ro2ection$ are
Report of Study Group-III
ha+e increa$ed to more than 10 !ac$. that the ca*acit( of the Port
o*erationa!i$ation of the fourth container termina!, from 4.1 mi!!ion ,"E$ to 8.5 mi!!ion ,"E$ /( 2013. ,he tota! no. of A'$ i$ 24 -herea$ 11 more a-aiting a**ro+a!$. Aurther the Ne- air*ort %*ro*o$ed& at Pan+e! -ith a ca*acit( to hand!e 55 mi!!ion *a$$enger$ annua!!(, ma( not come in the ne#t 5 (ear$ /ecau$e of g!o/a! economic $!o-do-n and a**ro+a! hurd!e$% No concrete *rogre$$ (et&. >I-? 5n3 >-? /5n#5:o!e= into th!ee Co&&issione!5te S$:it the e6istin# Co&&issione!5te E6':usi7e I&$o!t Co&&issione!5te
3e5:in# 4ith Ai! C5!#o E6$o!ts@ Inte!n5tion5: Ai!$o!t@ Cou!ie!@ A3&n@ FPON >III? ICD 5n3 the e6istin# Custo&s Di7ision
Husti i'5tion= >A? Wo!":o53 5t ACC@ /5n#5:o!e Ye5! Re7enue >in C!s? No o /s/E >in :5"hs? 2.40 2.G3 3.11 No. o S//s >in :5"hs? 1.GG 1.55 2.24
>/? /5n#5:o!e Ai!$o!t= %<<1B<0 %<<0B<2 >u$ to De' <0? 4.51 4.F5 Page23
4.G5 4.54
No. o
>D? Wo!" Lo53 5t Custo&s Di7ision 7/5n#5:o!e S,hi$ unit hand!e$ the -or@ re!ating to "OE$ under the 2uri$diction of Banga!ore u$tom$.
Re'o&&en35tion= < and <ir*ort, Banga!ore ma( /e $*!it into t-o %8m*ort&C %ii& < %"#*ortT<ir*ort& ommi$$ionerate %8& < < $e*arate
>-I? De:hi O A se$5!5te Ai!$o!t Co&&issione!5teB Pre$ent!(, 8nternationa! <ir*ort at =e!hi i$ managed /( the <ir )enera!& argo %8m*ort and ommi$$ionerate. 9o-e+er, o+er a *eriod of time the +o!ume
of *a$$enger$, f!ight and courier +o!ume ha$ increa$ed $ignificant!( at =e!hi 8nternationa! <ir*ort. Husti i'5tion= >A? Ai! C5!#o= Ye5! Re7enue >in C!o!es? 3F54 45GG 55F0 No o /s/E >in :5"h? 2.50 3.14 3.F5 %<<1B<0 No. o S//s >in L5"h? 5.44 5.28 5.3F %<<0B<2 >u$ to De' <0? 4.51 4.F5 Report of Study Group-III
,he $ignificant increa$e in the +o!ume of -or@ in the <ir om*!e#, 8nternationa! <ir*ort and to create an e#c!u$i+e <ir*ort *ro*o$ed <ir*ort, >-II? >A?
ommi$$ionerate -i!! !oo@ after the -or@ re!ating to ourier termina!, APO, Bond$ and )enera! Dor@. /i u!'5tion o e6istin# Ah&e35A53 Custo&s
Co&&issione!5te= Wo!":o53 o! Ah&e35A53 ICD = Ye5! Re7enu e >in C!s? 1F5.20 244.44 325.3G 2F8 No o /s/E GFG4 1021G 13028 1112G No. o S//s 45333 521G2 53515 N<
Wo!":o53 Ah&e35A53 ACC= Ye5! Re7enu e >in C!s? 325.FF 32G.4F 3F2.18 353 No o /s/E 143F2 15553 182G8 15084 No. o S//s 15G0G 25035 3011F N<
u$tom$ =i+i$ion$ at <hmeda/ad, 'urat, and Va!$ad, one om*!e# at <hmeda/ad, an 8nternationa! <ir*ort at ontainer =e*ot$
%8 =& at 'a/armati in <hmeda/ad, 'urat , Va!+ada, Vadodara and <n@!e$h-ar. 8t a!$o ha$ one Aoreign Po$t Office %APO& at <hmeda/ad. Aurther, <hmeda/ad u$tom$ ommi$$ionerate
Report of Study Group-III
ha$ *re+enti+e $et u* in the form of +ariou$ unit$ $uch a$ 'hore )uard %'.).& *artie$, 0oad hec@ing Partie$ %0 P&, etc., at
<hmeda/ad. ,here i$ a
coa$ta! /e!t fa!!ing in it$ 2uri$diction. 8n +ie- the -or@ !oad it i$ *ro*o$ed to $*!it the e#i$ting u$tom$ ommi$$ionerate into t-o ommi$$ionerate$, on the fo!!o-ing !ine. >A? Ah&e35A53 Custo&s Co&&issione!5te >Ah&e35A53? P!o$ose3 Eu!is3i'tion < 8 = 'a/armati, <hmeda/ad A$ <da!a2, <hmeda/ad , <hmeda/ad
>/? Se'on3 Co&&issione!5te >$!o$ose3 he53Iu5!te! 5t Su!5t? P!o$ose3 Hu!is3i'tion >-III? 8 = =a$hrath, Vadodara 8 = Va!+ada, Va*i 8 = 'achin, 'urat 8 = <n@!e$h-ar 'urat u$tom$ =i+i$ion
Futu!e P!oEe'tions=
,he -or@!oad at Mundra a!ong -ith the huge future *!an$ of the Mundra Port -herein the ca*acit( i$ $!ated to increa$e manifo!d -arrant a $e*arate ommi$$ionerate. Mundra *ort ha$ four mu!ti*ur*o$e /erth$ that hand!e a!! t(*e$ of dr( and !i3uid /u!@ cargo. 8n addition, there are 2 container /erth$ at the Mundra 8nternationa! ontainer ,ermina! %M8 ,&, -hich are ca*a/!e for hand!ing container cargo -ith a ca*acit( of 1.2 mi!!ion ,"E$ *er annum. ,he *ort, *re$ent!(, hand!e$ 800000 ,"E$ *er annum. ,he *ort hand!e$ 35 mi!!ion M, cargo *er annum and *!an$ to enhance the ca*acit( to 100 mi!!ion M, /( 2013. ,he e#*ort$ are, at *re$ent, much more than im*ort$. Mundra Port come$ under the 2uri$diction of 1and!a ommi$$ionerate. 1and!a ommi$$ionerate ha$ re+enue of more than 0$. G500 crore. Mundra Port, at *re$ent, hand!e$ more of /u!@ cargo and therefore, re+enue i$ high though Bi!!$ of "ntrie$ are not that high. 9o-e+er, the container hand!ing ca*acit( i$ a!$o /eing enhanced at the Port. Mundra Port ha$ in recent time$ $ho-n a/o+e a+erage +o!ume gro-th7 in fact the highe$t in the countr(. >C? Fi#u!e o! K5n3:5 Custo&s >E6':u3in# Mun3!5? 0e+enue ,ota! Bi!!$ of "ntr( ,ota! 'hi**ing Bi!!$ No of A' U 0$. 5153.5F crore U 48F3G U F1221 U G %"#c!uding 8
Report of Study Group-III
A'$ of Mundra&
>D? Chie
ommi$$ioner of
>-I)? Custo&s P!e7enti7e Co&&issione!5te in Si:i#u!i= ,he 2uri$diction of 1o!@ata % u$tom$& inc!ude$ the 'tate$ of De$t Benga!, 'i@@im, Enion ,erritor( of <ndaman and Nico/ar 8$!and$ and concurrent 2uri$diction -ith %P&, Patna in the di$trict$ of Purnea, 1atihar, )odda and 'aha/gan2 in the $tate of Bihar. 8t co+er$ 18 > '$ and 55 Pre+enti+e Enit$ -hich $*an 221F 1m$ of 8ndo7Bang!a Border %inc!ude$ 350 @m$ of ri+erine route&, 1G0 1m$ of 8ndo7Ne*a!, 220 @m$ of 8ndo7 hina /order and 150 @m$ of 8ndo7Bhutan /order. ,hi$ 2uri$diction i$ too !arge for one $ing!e ommi$$ionerate to hand!e con$idering the increa$ing trend of $mugg!ing acti+itie$ inc!uding i!!icit trade in arm$ ,narcotic$, fa@e currenc(, etc a!ong the !ong *orou$ /order and difficu!t terrain -ith the ad2oining four countrie$ and the $trategic !ocation of thi$ area from the nationa! $ecurit( *er$*ecti+e and a!$o the fact that in !a$t fe- (ear$ a !arge num/er of > '$ ha+e /een o*ened. 8n thi$ conte#t a *ro*o$a! for creation of a neommi$$ionerate entra! "#ci$e %Pre+&, North Benga!, 'i!iguri had /een mooted /( merging cu$tom$ -or@ in the North Benga! area -ith the 8t -ou!d /e a**ro*riate that an entire $e*arate of ommi$$ionerate. But it i$ fe!t that the $ame ma( not /e *ro*er. ommi$$ionerate u$tom$ %Pre+&, 'i!iguri /e created to ta@e /etter care of thi$ hangra/andha, ;aigaon and 'herthang. ,hi$
2uri$diction, -hich -ou!d inc!ude 5 ma2or > ' name!( Panitan@i, Phu!/ari, ommi$$ionerate cou!d a!$o then !oo@ after the ne- 8nternationa! increa$e in the near future.
of Study Group-III ,he additiona! man*o-er *ro2ected for Report creation of thi$
ommi$$ionerate i$ a$ fo!!o-$.
A33ition5: st5 1 1 G 2 25 15
,he re$t of the man*o-er re3uirement cou!d /e met -ith the e#i$ting man*o-er $trength of 1o!@ata % u$tom$& Pre+enti+e ommi$$ionerate.
S:. No.
(D3e!5A53 Custo&s
% ,
< om*o$ite ommi$$ionerate inc!uding 9(dera/ad 8 =$/ A', 9(dera/ad < and 'ham$hada/ad 8nternationa! <ir*ort i$ *ro*o$ed. < com*o$ite ommi$$ionerate %Pre+enti+e& ha+ing charge of <dmn./)enera! a!$o. ,he e#i$ting ommi$$ioner Port %8& ma( /e $*!it into 2 ommi$$ionerate$ on the /a$i$ of <$$e$$ing )rou*$ inc!uding "P im*ort$. ,o !oo@ after the genera! admini$tration of a!! the F ommi$$ionerate$, after creation of *ro*o$ed ommi$$ionerate$, a Report of Study Group-III ommi$$ionerate %)& ma( /e created for !oo@ing after other functiona!itie$ $uch a$
A'$ management.
,he e#i$ting ommi$$ionerate ma( /e made a$ e#c!u$i+e ommi$$ioner <ir %8m*ort& and a $e*arate ommi$$ionerate for hand!ing "#*ort, ourier, APO and <ir*ort /e created. ,he e#i$ting ommi$$ioner %8& ma( /e $*!it into 2 ommi$$ionerate$ on the /a$i$ of <$$e$$ing )rou*$. ,he e#i$ting ommi$$ioner Port %J& ma( /e $*!it into 2 ommi$$ionerate$ < neommi$$ionerate to hand!e admini$tration, '=, 0 & 8, di$*o$a!, *re+enti+e and A' management. Aurther, once the ne- <ir*ort come$ into e#i$tence, thi$ air*ort, in the initia! (ear$ cou!d !oo@ after the <ir*ort and <ir argo at ne- <ir*ort. ,he e#i$ting ommi$$ionerate %< and 8 =& ma( /e $*!it a$ one hand!ing "#c!u$i+e 8m*ort %<ir argo& and the other hand!ing e#*ort a!ong -ith <ir*ort. < $e*arate ommi$$ionerate hand!ing Banga!ore u$tom$ a!ong -ith 8 =$ ma( a!$o /e $et u*. ,he *re$ent ommi$$ioner < %8 &)& hand!ing <ir*ort and 8m*ort$ at < %=e!hi& ma( /e remode!ed a$ ommi$$ioner %8& < and a $e*arate ommi$$ioner %<ir*ort& -ith <dd!. harge of )en i$ *ro*o$ed. < om*o$ite ommi$$ionerate $*!it 1and!a ommi$$ionerate i$ *ro*o$ed from
/5n#5:o!e ACC >-?@ Ai!$o!t /5n#5:o!e ICD 5n3 EP De:hi Custo&s >Ai!$o!t . Gene!5:?
1< 11
Mun3!5 Custo&s
Ah&e35A53 Custo&sBII
,he e#i$ting ommi$$ioner %<hmeda/ad& /e named a$ ommi$$ioner %<hmeda/ad&78. ,hi$ ommi$$ionerate i$ *ro*o$ed a$ a om*o$ite ommi$$ionerate ha+ing 2uri$diction of 8 = 'a/armati, A' <da!a2, 'ardar Pate! 8nternationa! <ir*ort, < <hmeda/ad and Pa!di u$tom$ -ith re$*on$i/i!it( of management of !and /order -ith Pa@i$tan. < $e*arate ommi$$ionerate %<hmeda/ad&788 i$ *ro*o$ed -ith the 2uri$diction a$ Vadodara, 8 = Va!+ada, Va*i, 8 = 'achin, 'urat, 8 = <n@!e$h-ar, 'urat u$tom$ =i+i$ion, '"6 'achin, 'urat, 'urat 9ira Bour$e, Va!$ad u$tom$ =i+i$ion re$*on$i/i!it( of coa$ta! $ecurit( i$ a!$o *ro*o$ed. ,hi$ 2uri$diction of 1o!@ata %Pre+enti+e&, -ith 18 > ', 55 Pre+enti+e unit$, Border -ith Aour ountrie$, i$ too !arge for one $ing!e ommi$$ionerate to hand!e con$idering the increa$ing trend of $mugg!ing acti+itie$ inc!uding i!!icit trade in arm$ ,narcotic$, fa@e currenc(, etc a!ong the !ong *orou$ /order and difficu!t terrain -ith the ad2oining four countrie$ and the $trategic !ocation of thi$ area from the nationa! $ecurit( *er$*ecti+e and a!$o the fact that in !a$t fe- (ear$ a !arge num/er of > '$ ha+e /een o*ened. 9ence, /ifurcation of e#i$ting ommi$$ionerate i$ *ro*o$ed.
St!en#thenin# o e6istin# P!e7enti7e Co&&issione!5te= >i?Lu'"no4== ,he 2uri$diction of thi$ ommi$$ionerate e#tend$ u$tom$ to-ard$ on the 8ndo7Ne*a! Border $ituated acro$$ the 'tate of EP and Ettara@hand and there i$ reduced contro! of the citie$ and to-n$ e$*ecia!!( on -e$tern $ide of Ettara@hand. on$idering mo$t of the =i+i$ion/ irc!e/MPP$ are to-ard$ /order of Ettara@hand !ea+ing man( area$ *rone to $mugg!ing acti+itie$ e$*ecia!!( narcotic$ often attended. <t *re$ent there i$ one irc!e Page23 of Pithoragarh and2 > ' at =harchu!a and ;hu!aghat %8ndo7Ne*a! Border&, /ut the( are far from =ehradun. Report >oo@ing to the of Study Group-III $en$iti+it( of thi$ area from the $mugg!ing *oint of +ie- of gan2a
and chara$ and mo+ement of other contra/and$ there i$ a need to $trengthen anti7$mugg!ing -or@ *articu!ar!( in the area$ of 9arid-ar/0i$hi@e$h. P!o$os5:s= reation of 3 ne- =i+i$ion office$ at =ehradun, <!mora and Pithoragarh %/( changing $tatu$ of thi$ =i+i$ion&. >uc@noS No. 1 2 3 4 5 F G 8
irc!e to
,hi$ -ou!d re3uire additiona! $taff of 105 for the ommi$$ionerate a$ *er detai!$ /e!o-.
C53!e A33ition5: ReIui!e&ent , ; 11 , %1 + , 1+
$, 1 <ir*ort, 1 APO, 5
u$tom$ =i+i$ion and 1 > '. ,he fo!!o-ing ,a/!e ref!ect$ the ommi$$ionerate. No. o S//s No o E6$o!t Cont5ine! s No.o I&$o!t Cont5ine !s Re7enu No. o e /s/E Re5:iLe 3 >Rs in C!s? FF.14 10F08 F1.3F 11111
8G413 G3348
F2G13 45853
5F33 G255
,hough the 8ndo7Pa@ 8nternationa! Border i$ fenced and nomanned /( B'A, a fe- in$tance$ of ro$$ Border $mugg!ing ha+e Report of Study Group-III /een noted. <$ $uch 0a2a$than Border i$ high!( $en$iti+e. 8t ha$
ommi$$ionerate on the
; /<=
< /=
A33ition5: Husti i'5tion ReIui!e&e nt 1 Pro*o$a! for $etting u* of 8 =$ at Bi@aner, 1i$hangargh and Neemrana are under con$ideration. 8 20 *re$ent!( functioning and add! re3d gi+en the e$ta/!i$hment of 8 =$T 1 fu!! time < /= re3uired to man the <ir*ort and 8 =' run on co$t reco+er( /a$i$.
P5tn5. ,hi$
u$tom$ Pre+enti+e Enit, )a(a 8nternationa! <ir*ort ,he fo!!o-ing factor$ ha+e -arranted ommi$$ionerate
8ncrea$e in the +o!ume of im*ort$ and tran$it cargoC on$truction of four !ane Nationa! 9igh-a( connecting North "a$t 'tate$ -ith =e!hi *a$$ing through North Bihar and increa$ed 0ai!-a( traffic through acti+itie$C hatauni 0ai!-a( Bridge, ha$ !ed to an increa$ed *o$$i/i!it( of $mugg!ing
Pro*o$a! for o*ening a ne- 0i+erine /an@ of ri+er )angaC reation of <dd!
> '$ and <ir*ort$ etc.C <dditiona! re3uirement of $taff for )a(a 8nternationa! <ir*ortC Pro*o$ed F ne- > '$ /ordering Ne*a! /order to cur/ the *o$$i/i!it( of e#*ort/im*ort of *rohi/ited/re$tricted good$ *a$$ing through M hhoti Bhan$ar$Q of the$e areGroup-III a!read( Report3 of Study functiona! /ut re3uire additiona! $taff for *ro*er contro!C Page23
reation of 8 P$ %8ntegrated
;og/ani -hich ha+e /een $et u* a$ 'ing!e DindoAaci!itator for "#*ort$ and 8m*ort$ at Border Point$ -hich inc!ude$ u$tom$, 8mmigration$C Pro*o$ed 8 =$ at Aatuha, Patna, ;am$hed*ur, 0anchi, =han/ad and )iridh -hich ha+e /een identified a$ gro-th center$ for containeriBed traffic. ,he fo!!o-ing additiona! man*o-er i$ recommended. G!53e DC/AC Su$e!inten3ent Ins$e'to! AO/ACAO/EA G!ou$ C G!ou$ D A33ition5: St!en#th 3 25 30 3 20 25
u$tom$ o*eration$ in the 'tate$ of Pun2a/, 9imacha! Prade$h and the Enion ,erritor( of handigarh. ,he ommi$$ionerate dea!$ -ith *a$$enger faci!itation formation$ at > ', <ttari 0oad, > ' <ttari 0ai!, 0a2a$an$i 8nternationa! <ir*ort, <mrit$ar and -ou!d a!$o hand!e that at the 8nternationa! <ir*ort at -hen o*erationa!. 8t a!$o ha$ and P=, Pathan@ot a$ a!$o handigarh u$tom$ Pre+ =i+i$ion$, <mri$t$ar
of narcotic$. 8n +ie- of the fact that there ha$ /een con$idera/!e increa$e in the /i!!$ of entr( and $hi**ing /i!!$ fi!ed a$ Page23 a!$o other -or@,
A33ition5: St5
!eIui!e&ent 1 3 20 5 30 24 30
inc!ude$ the 'tate$ of De$t Benga!, 'i@@im, Enion ,erritor( of <ndaman and Nico/ar 8$!and$ and concurrent 2uri$diction -ith %P&, Patna of the di$trict$ of Purnea, 1atihar, )odda and 'aha/gan2 in the $tate of Bihar. 8t co+er$ 18 > '$ and 55 Pre+enti+e Enit$ -hich $*an 221F 1m$ of 8ndo7Bang!a Border %inc!d 350 @m$ of ri+erine route&, 1G0 1m$ of 8ndo7Ne*a!, 220 @m$ of 8ndo7 hina and 150 @md of 8ndo7Bhutan /order. <$ 2uri$diction of di$cu$$ed in ommi$$ionerate i$ too !arge, it ha$ /een *ro*o$ed ommi$$ionerate at 'i!iguri, -hich ha$ /een a/o+e. Aurther, additiona! man*o-er detai!$ to create a ne-
re3uirement ha$ /een *ro2ected, for 1o!@ata % u$tom$& -ith fo!!o-ing re7organiBation. %i& %ii& ,rifurcation of the e#i$ting 1ri$hnagar =i+i$ion into 3 ,rifurcation of the *re$ent Bara$at =i+i$ion into three reation of a fu!! f!edged di+i$ion at Ma!da and %P&, DB, 1o!@ata =i+i$ion =i+i$ion$ %iii& %i+&
$e*arate < $ for 9i!!i > ' and Mahadi*ur > '. 'trengthening of the '08 Enit at 9?
,he additiona! $taff $trength ta@ing into account a!! the *oint$ a/o+e a!ong -ith the *re$ent '' i$ ta/u!ated /e!o-.
Report of Study Group-III
A33ition5: &5n$o4e!
!eIui!e&ent 1 5 3 20 20
ommi$$ionerate co+er$ the coa$t!ine of Mum/ai, 0aigad and ,hane =i$trict$. ,he Pre+enti+e t-o -ing$ name!( the Marine and Pre+enti+e Ding %M & P Ding& and 0ummaging & 8nte!!igence Ding %0&8 Ding&. ,he former i$ engaged in 'ea Patro!!ing and for *re+ention of outright $mugg!ing -hich i$ on the dec!ine. 'o thi$ di+i$ion i$ mo$t!( engaged in 2oint $ea *atro!!ing. ,he 0& 8 -ing i$ com*ri$ed of three *re+enti+e unit$ %N'PE, <PE, and 0'0& -hich are in+o!+ed in in+e$tigation $mugg!ing in containeriBed cargo and commercia! fraud$. Dith increa$e $ecurit( concern, *o$t 2FJ11, there i$ a need for augmentation of man*o-er at +ariou$ !e+e!$ for the fo!!o-ing rea$on$. %i& <c3ui$ition of 15 ne- craft$ for $ea *atro!!ing i$ !i@e!( in near future. 'u/$e3uent!( $ea *aro!!ing -ou!d /e carried out in three $hift$. %ii& on$idera/!e increa$e in the num/er of ommercia! fraud$ detected. %iii& ,here i$ on!( one =og 9and!er -ho i$ -or@ing for the Narcotic$ e!! -hich i$ not a $anctioned *o$tC thi$ *o$t ha$ /ecome mandator( gi+en the increa$ed $mugg!ing in drug$. %i+& 0e3uirement for 24KG o*eration$ ,he additiona! man*o-er re3uirement$ *ro2ected are a$ fo!!o-$. C53!e Su$e!inten3ent A$$!5ise! A33: St5 St!en#th !eIui!e&ents 20 8
Report of Study Group-III
S"i$$e! En#inee!
30 30
2.1 of
Ne4 Custo&s 9ones. hief ommi$$ioner O, <**ea!, u$tom$ in <hmeda/ad ha+ing 2uri$diction o+er
>I? Ah&e35A53 . <t *re$ent there i$ one *o$t of <hmeda/ad, 1and!a and ;amnagar %P&. *ro*o$ed ;amnagar 88% u$&. >II? Chenn5i= <t *re$ent there i$ one /( a hief hennai to create an additiona! 6one
+o!ume of -or@ and *ro*o$ed increa$e in the ommi$$ioner ha+ing 2uri$diction of u$tom$, and the "P
ommi$$ionerate *ro*o$ed.
inc!ude$ ,uticorin %P&, ,rich( %P& -ithin it$ 2uri$diction. )i+en the e#*onentia! increa$e in the +o!ume of -or@ and the increa$e in the num/er of ommi$$ionerate$ it i$ recommended to create an hief < ommi$$ioner %J&, hennai788 ha+ing ommi$$ioner < %8&, %)en&, additiona! 6one headed /( a 2uri$diction o+er %<**ea!&. >iii? /5n#5:o!e. Pre$ent!( there i$ one Banga!ore -hich inc!ude$ Banga!ore inc!uding < e$ta/!i$hed. >i7? (D3e!5A53= Pre$ent!( 9(dera/ad 8, 88, 888 and 8V come under one entra! "#ci$e 6one, 8t i$ recommended to create a $e*arate
Report of Study Group-III
ommi$$ioner 6one in
u$tom$ under it$ 2uri$diction. 8t i$ no- *ro*o$ed that a 'e*arate 6one %8& and < %J& and <ir*ort under it$ 2uri$diction /e
9(dera/ad 9(dera/ad
u$tom$ 6one ha+ing 2uri$diction o+er the %i& *ro*o$ed u$tom$ ommi$$ionerateC %ii& *ro*o$ed 1a@inada ommi$$ionerate a$ *ro*o$ed
PRINCIPAL C(IEF COMMISSIONER IN T(E GRADE OF (AG K SCALE o! APE- SCALE= ,he u$tom$ -or@ ha$ increa$ed manifo!d in !a$t fe- (ear$ -ith increa$e in the +o!ume of trade and ne-er re$*on$i/i!itie$ !i@e e+er e+o!+ing A,P, en+ironmenta! !a-$, 8P0, trade agreement$, $u**!( chain $ecurit(, and +a!uation i$$ue$. <!! thi$ ha$ increa$ed the need for $u*er+i$ion at higher !e+e!. 8n thi$ conte#t the )rou* fe!t that for the $a@e of /etter command and contro!, uniformit( in /u$ine$$ and a$$e$$ment *ractice$, fo!!o-ing *o$t of Prinici*a! hief ommi$$ioner$, in the grade of 9<) T'ca!e %0$ G5,500780000& or <*e# 'ca!e %0$ 80000 fi#ed& /e created at the 6ona! !e+e!, a$ *er the detai! /e!o-. %8& Princi*a! hief ommi$$ioner, %North 6one& at =e!hi ha+ing 2uri$diction of =e!hi, 9ar(ana, Pun2a/, 9imancha!, ;& 1, EP, 0a2a$than. %88& Princi*a! %888& hief ommi$$ioner %De$t 6one& at Mum/ai ha+ing ommi$$ioner %'outh 6one& at hennai 2uri$diction of Mahara$tra, M.P., )u2arat and )oa. Princi*a! 1arnat@a. %8V& Princi*a! hief ommi$$ioner %"a$t 6one & at 1o!@ata ha+ing 2uri$diction of De$t Benga!, North "a$t, Ori$$a, Bihar, hati$garh and ;har@ahnd. %+& Princi*a! hief ommi$$ioner7 om*!iance +erification/<udit Page23 hief ha+ing 2uri$diction of <ndhra Prade$h, ,ami!nadu, 1era!a,
2.0.1 U$B#!535tion o
Report =) of Study Group-III *rofi!e of the =irectorate !i@e =)08, =) "8, =) %<udit&, %N< "N&,
that the *o$t of =) in the$e =irectorate$ /e *!aced at higher *ede$ta! a$ com*ared to u$tom$ fie!d formation$ for de$ired !e+e! of command and co7ordination. ,herefore, it i$ *ro*o$ed that the *o$t of =) in the$e =irectorate$ /e u*graded to the grade of 9<) T'ca!e %0$ G5,500780000& or <*e# 'ca!e %0$ 80000 fi#ed&. KKKKK
re3uire$ ma2or re$tructuring i$ <udit. O+er the (ear$ <udit ha$ emerged a$ the mo$t $ignificant too! -ith ta# admini$tration for com*!iance +erification, com*!iance re$earch, +erification of !egi$!ati+e effecti+ene$$, ri$@ a$$e$$ment and *rofi!ing of a $ector. On e#ci$e $ide audit *rogram i$ -e!! $ett!ed no-. 9o-e+er on cu$tom$ $ide ti!! 3 (ear$ /ac@ it -a$ com*!ete!( a tran$action /a$ed con7current audit. 9o-e+er a$ -e ha+e mo+ed to 0M' /a$ed a$$e$$ment, -herein accredited c!ient and !e$$ ri$@ con$ignment are /eing c!eared -ithout cu$tom$ inter+ention at the a$$e$$ment $tage, the audit *rogram ha$ /ecome e#treme!( $ignificant. 9o-e+er, the Po$t !earance <udit *rogram that u$tom$ i$ /eing carried out /( the de*artment ha$ $o far fai!ed to de!i+er the de$ired re$u!t. 8n an( ca$e it i$ tran$action /a$ed audit, at the 9ou$e !e+e!, and therefore cannot /e a com*rehen$i+e @ind of audit. En!e$$ a record /a$ed audit i$ *erformed at ta#*a(er:$ *remi$e$ it -ou!d not /e an effecti+e com*!iance +erification a$ -e!! a$ com*!iance re$earch *rogram. Aurther, on!( -ith record /a$ed auditing, it -ou!d /e fea$i/!e to ha+e an effecti+e ta#*a(er *rofi!ing *rogram. De ha+e to rea!iBe that the manner of doing /u$ine$$ i$ /ecoming more and more com*!e# o+er the (ear$ a$ ad+ance techno!ogie$ i$ ace no- acce$$i/!e ea$i!( to the ta#*a(er. Bu$ine$$ dea!$ are $tuc@ on internet, order$ are *!aced e!ectronica!!(, *a(ment$ are made e!ectronica!!( and each and e+er( noo@ and corner i$ no- -e!! connected e!ectronica!!(. Bu$ine$$ entitie$ ha+e e$ta/!i$hment acro$$ the g!o/e. ,herefore there are re!ated *art( tran$action$C i$$ue$ re!ating to tran$fer *ricingC i$$ue$ ta# /arrier$. ,he +o!ume of -or@ ha$ increa$ed $u/$tantia!!( and
Report of Study Group-III de!i+er( e#*ectation$ of ta#*a(er$ are no- $ignificant!( higher. <dmit$
ma@e an( effecti+e +erification/a$$e$$ment at the time of c!earance of cargo. ,he a$$e$$ment, -here+er it i$ done i$ mere!( to com*are the *rice$ -ith contem*oraneou$ im*ort$, a**!( certain (ard$tic@ /( thum/ ru!e to arri+e at tran$action +a!ue, -hich ma( not /e !ega!!( tena/!e, and to en$ure com*!iance of other !a-$ to the e#tent the cu$tom$ officer i$ a-are. < huge *ercentage of con$ignment noe$ca*e$ e+en thi$ a$$e$$ment on account of 0M'. ,herefore u$tom com*!iance +erification /urden $hift$ to *o$t c!earance audit. 9o-e+er, mere!( doing a tran$action /a$ed *o$t c!earance audit in the 9ou$e doe$ not $er+e an( meaningfu! *ur*o$e. ,here i$, therefore a $trong need for on $ite %cu$tomer *remi$e$& audit, 2u$t !i@e the audit a!read( /eing carried out in centra! e#ci$e and $er+ice ta# and a *ractice that ha$ /een ado*ted in other de+e!o*ed admini$tration$. 8.2. 8n thi$ regard, after detai!ed de!i/eration$ the 'tud( )rou*
arri+ed at the conc!u$ion that <udit organiBation of de*artment need$ to com*!ete!( re+am*ed and re7$tructured. ,he /u$ine$$ *roce$$ of cu$tom$ $ide audit a!$o need$ to /e re7engineered !i@e "< 2000 on "#ci$e $ide. 8.3. ,he recommendation of thi$ 'tud( )rou* i$ that the organiBation u$tom$ <udit $hou!d /e common. Aor thi$ *ur*o$e ommi$$ionerate$ for <udit and om*!iance +erification
for centra! "#ci$e <udit, 'er+ice ,a# <udit %in the coming (ear$ )', <udit& and e#c!u$i+e
$hou!d /e created. 8n thi$ regard the internationa! /e$t *ractice a!$o re+ea!$ that a!! de+e!o*ed/mature ta# admini$tration$ ha+e a $e*arate organiBation $etu*, di$tinct from ta# office$, for audit/com*!iance +erification. 8.4. for ,he 'tud( )rou* recommend$ the fo!!o-ing organiBationa! $etu* om*!iance Verification/ <udit i$ *ro*o$ed to ha+e the fo!!o-ing Page23
$tructure. OPTION I
Report of Study Group-III
<. Princi*a!
% om*!iance
ommi$$ioner$ % om*!iance +erification/<udit& om*!iance +erification/ audit commi$$ionerate$ -i!! ha+e <= /; , = /< $, 'u*erintendent$/<**rai$er$, and = )rou* $taff. 8n$*ector$ a$ auditor$ and other
OPTIONBII O*tion 88 -ou!d /e ha+e $e*arate <udit e#i$ting 6ona! hief ommi$$ioner$. ommi$$ionerate$ under the
9o-e+er, the $tud( )rou* i$ of the +ie- that the O*tion78 -ou!d /e more a**ro*riate. ,hi$ -ou!d en$ure an <udit organiBation under co!!ection, di$*ute re$o!ution and ta#*a(er $er+ice$. B" that i$ di$tinct from the $et u* engaged in a$$e$$ment, re+enue P!acing hief om*!iance Verification/<udit Programme under a Princi*a!
ommi$$ioner % om*!iance Verification& ha$ a di$tinct ad+antage that he -i!! /e the noda! and $ing!e *oint of co7ordination a$ regard audit *rogramme and the Board -i!! not ha+e to interact at mu!ti*!e !e+e!. ,hi$ -ou!d en$ure /etter command and im*!ementation of com*!iance +erification *rogramme. Aurther, creating thi$ @ing of organiBation -ou!d /e in con$onance -ith the internationa! /e$t *ractice$ -herein com*!iance +erification/audit i$ @e*t $e*arate from ta# office$ dea!ing -ith ta#*a(er for co!!ection of ta#e$ and ta#*a(er $er+ice$. 8.5. ,hi$ audit $etu* -ou!d /e re$*on$i/!e for the fo!!o-ing in con$u!tation -ith =.). %<udit& and =.). %N< "N& -here+er nece$$ar(,7 1 1 =e+e!o*ing <udit Po!ic(, 'tandard$ and $trategie$, =e+e!o*ing $trategie$ for ri$@ a$$e$$ment,
Report of Study Group-III
Pre*aring com*!iance,
1 1
onducting audit$ onducting com*!iance re$earch7 ,he o/2ecti+e$ of the com*!iance re$earch acti+itie$ -ou!d /e to a$$e$$ !e+e!$ of com*!ianceC identif( $ector$ and area$ -here com*!iance i$ a *ro/!emC a$$e$$ factor$ contri/uting to com*!iance and non7com*!ianceC and de+i$e method$ to identif( area$ of non7re*orting.
1 1
=e+e!o*ing in7hou$e $@i!!$ in audit and com*!iance re$earch. =e+e!o*ing training *rogramme for auditor$ and for $en$itiBing the higher !e+e! officer$ regarding audit$/com*!iance +erification. "n$ure de!i+er( of training *rogramme$ through N< "N.
o!!ecting, a$$imi!ating and uti!iBing information from third *art( $ource$ for cro$$ +erification of com*!iance.
1 1
=e+e!o*ing 8ndu$tr( "#*ert$ %'enior auditor$ -ho ac3uire $ector $*ecific e#*erti$e& . Pro+iding feed/ac@ of !egi$!ati+e effecti+ene$$7 ,hi$ initiati+e -ou!d /e to re+ie- the effecti+ene$$ of e#i$ting !egi$!ation and to identif( the re3uired change$ -ith a +ie- to achie+e higher com*!iance !e+e!. a-arene$$ and education.
Report of Study Group-III
ommi$$ionerate$ ha+e 10715 audit team$. "#c!u$i+e 'er+ice ,a# ommi$$ionerate$ ha+e u* to 30 audit team$. on$idering that u$tom$ audit -or@ i$ a!$o a$$igned to $ame grou* of officer$, -e need to ha+e a/out 2000 audit team$ in the countr(. <n <udit/ om*!iance Verification ommi$$ionerate need$ to /e created ommi$$ionerate$. for e+er( 50 audit team$. <ccording!( )rou* recommend$ for creation of 40 <udit/ om*!iance +erification )rou* a!$o fe!t that four $uch under a hief for creation of 10 *o$t of de$ignated a$ "ach <udit 1 hief ommi$$ionerate$ $hou!d /e *!aced ommi$$ioner, -hich -ou!d /e
*rogram&. ,he *rogram -ou!d /e headed /( a Mem/er in the Board. ommi$$ionerate $hou!d ha+e fo!!o-ing man*o-er.
Au3it Co&&issione!5te
S. No. 1 % , + 1 0 2 8
Desi#n5tion ommi$$ioner ;oint/<dditiona! ommi$$ioner = /< 'u*erintendent$/ <**rai$er 8n$*ector$ )rou* %',</,< etc& )rou* = Tot5:
Chie Co&&issione! >Au3it/Co&$:i5n'e )e!i i'5tion? o i'e %1& <dditiona! /;oint ommi$$ioner71 %2& < /= 71 %3& 'u*erintendent/<**rai$er 73T1 %4& 8n$*ector74 %5& )rou* 7 F %F& )rou* =7G <$ creation of audit $et u* -ou!d reduce the -or@ of e#i$ting Page23
ommi$$ionerate$ con$idera/!(, it i$ fe!t that at the !e+e! of <= /; , ha!f of the tota! re3uirement cou!d /e di+erted from e#i$ting $et Report of Study Group-III u*/other-i$e re$tructured $et u*. <t the !e+e! of 'u*erintendent$,
<**rai$ing Officer and 8n$*ector, G5H of the re3uired $trength cou!d /e di+erted from e#i$ting $et u*/other-i$e re7$tructured $et u*. <t )rou* I : and I=: !e+e! $u/$tantia! re3uirement cou!d /e out$ourced. <ccording!( tota! additiona! $trength recommended for <udit / om*!iance +erification $et u* in the countr( for 'er+ice ta# and u$tom$. entra! "#ci$e,
The A33ition5: M5n$o4e! !eIui!e&ent o! $!o$ose3 !eB o!#5niL5tion o Au3it/'o&$:i5n'e 7e!i i'5tion= S. Desi#n5tion Tot5: A33ition5: St!en#t M5n$o4e!C No. h C ReIui! e3 1. hief ommi$$ioner 10 10 2. 3. 4. 5. F. G. 8. 5. ommi$$ioner <dditiona!/;oint < /= 'u*erintendent$ <**rai$ing Officer 8n$*ector$ )rou* )rou* = Tot5: ommi$$ioner 40 130 410 2030 F10 5040 12F0 10G0 1<1;< 40 F5 205 50G 155 12F0 315 2F8 %8%1
CC Assu&in# h5: o the !eIui!e&ent 5t the :e7e: o ADC/HC 5n3 DC/AC is 3i7e!te3 !o& the e6istin#B !est!u'tu!e3 st!en#thN Th!ee ou!th o !eIui!e&ent 5t the :e7e: Su$e!inten3ent@ A$$!5ise! 5n3 Ins$e'to! is 3i7e!te3 !o& e6istin#@ !est!u'tu!e3 st!en#thN Th!ee ou!th o the !eIui!e&ent 5t the :e7e: o G!ou$ C 5n3 G!ou$ D 'ou:3 Ae &et !o& e6istin# st5 /$!oEe'te3 st5 AD Stu3D G!ou$ o! AD outsou!'in#. 8.8. Aor ta@ing a fina! +ie- a$ regard$ nature of re7organiBation of Page23
<udit $etu* in the de*artment, it -ou!d /e nece$$ar( that the recommendation$ of a!! the three $tud( )rou* are con$o!idated, at the !e+e! of =irectorate of 90=.
Report of Study Group-III
Ch5$te! ; SINGLE WINDOW INDIRECT TA- ADMINISTARTION IN RESPECT OF SE9/EOUs/E(TPs/STPs 5.1 ,he '"6 *o!ic( -a$ fir$t introduced in 8ndia in the (ear 2000, a$ a on$idering the need
to enhance foreign in+e$tment and *romote e#*ort$ from the countr( and rea!iBing the need that !e+e! *!a(ing fie!d mu$t /e made a+ai!a/!e to the dome$tic enter*ri$e$ and manufacturer$ to /e com*etiti+e g!o/a!!(, the )o+ernment of 8ndia in <*ri! 2000 announced the introduction of '*ecia! "conomic 6one$ *o!ic( in the countr( deemed to /e foreign territor( for the *ur*o$e$ of trade o*eration$, dutie$ and tariff$. ,o *ro+ide an internationa!!( com*etiti+e and ha$$!e free en+ironment for e#*ort$, unit$ -ere a!!o-ed /e $et u* in '"6 for manufacture of good$ and rendering of $er+ice$. <!! the im*ort/e#*ort o*eration$ of the '"6 unit$ i$ on $e!f7certification /a$i$. ,he unit$ in the 6one are re3uired to /e a net foreign e#change earner and are not $u/2ected to an( *re7determined +a!ue addition or minimum e#*ort *erformance re3uirement$. 'a!e$ in the =ome$tic ,ariff <rea /( '"6 unit$ are $u/2ect to *a(ment of fu!! *o!ic( 5.2 in u$tom =ut( and a$ *er im*ort force.
2oint $ector or /( 'tate )o+ernment$. 'ince im*!ementation of thi$ *o!ic(, the then e#i$ting "#*ort Proce$$ing 6one$ ha+e /een con+erted into '*ecia! "conomic 6one$. <ccording!(, the )o+ernment ha$ con+erted "#*ort Proce$$ing 6one$ !ocated at 1and!a and 'urat %)u2arat&, ochin %1era!a&, 'anta ruB %Mum/ai7Mahara$htra&, Aa!ta %De$t Benga!&, Madra$ %,ami! Nadu&, Vi$a@ha*atnam %<ndhra Prade$h& and Noida %Ettar Prade$h& into a '*ecia! "conomic 6one$. O+er a *eriod a num/er of '"6$ ha+e come into e#i$tence. Page23
!e+e! of < /= $, 'u*erintendent$/<**rai$er$/PO, *o$ted to '"6 on de*utation /a$i$ and are under admini$trati+e contro! of de+e!o*ment ommi$$ioner. 9o-e+er for technica! matter the( re*ort to concerned ommi$$ioner of u$tom$ or entra! "#ci$e a$ the ca$e ma( /e. 9o-e+er, in recent *a$t a *oo! of cu$tom$ officer$ for *o$ting to '"6$ ha$ /een $e*arate!( created. Ender thi$ arrangement it ha$ /een *re$cri/ed that a team of one < /= , one 'u*erintendent, one <**rai$er, three PO -ou!d /e *o$ted to '"6$. 8n thi$ regard, initia!!( the *ro*o$a! -a$ that $uch officer$ $hou!d /e *o$ted to '"6$ on de*utation /a$i$. 9o-e+er, =oP, ha$ ta@en a $tand that additiona! cadre cannot /e created for de*utation a!one. 9ence, the +ie- ta@en /( =oP, i$ that thi$ additiona! *oo! -ou!d remain on the $trength of B" %and not treated on de*utation&. <ccording!( it i$ rea$ona/!e to u$tom$ Officer$. 8n a$$ume that in the coming time$ the admini$trati+e contro! on u$tom$ Officer *o$ted to '"6$ -ou!d +e$t -ith ommi$$ioner of ,he fact *o$ting of $uch officer$ -ou!d /e decided /( the 2uri$dictiona! u$tom$. 8n thi$ conte#t, a !arge num/er of officer$ at u$tom$ officer *o$ted to )rou* I<: entr( !e+e! ha+e a!read( /een inducted in *a$t t-o (ear$. u$tom -or@ that i$ dea!t -ith /( the '"6$ i$ a$ fo!!o-$. 1 <$$e$$ment of good$ im*orted /( '"6 de+e!o*er or '"6 unit from out$ide 8ndia % B/e i$ fi!ed&, to en$ure that good$ are *rocured dutr( free are re!e+ant to authoriBation i$$ued to $uch unitC 1 <$$e$$ment of good$ im*orted /( '"6 de+e!o*er or '"6 unit from -ithin 8ndia % recei+ed on /i!! of e#*ort$&C Page23 1 Proce$$ing and di$/ur$a! of dra-/ac@ on good recei+ed from dome$tic mar@et, *a(ment in re$*ect of -hich i$ made in foreign e#changeC
Report of Study Group-III
Proce$$ing a$ regard$ a!!o-ing other /enefit$ !i@e =A8<, "P ) etc on good$ *rocured /( '"6 unit$ from dome$tic mar@et, *a(ment in re$*ect of -hich i$ made in foreign e#changeC
1 1
Proce$$ing of $hi**ing /i!!$ for e#*ort$C o!!ection of centra! e#ci$e dut( on good$ c!eared to dome$tic mar@etC
1 1
0eco+er( of dut(, -here unit fai!$ to fu!fi!! e#*ort o/!igationC Aurther 2e-e!r( a**rai$er$ are a!$o attending to the -or@ of '"6$, for a**rai$ement of 2e-e!r(.
,he 'er+ice ta# -or@ re!ating to '"6$. 1 '"6 unit$ are !ia/!e to *a( $er+ice ta# on $er+ice rendered /( them for dome$tic con$um*tion. ,hi$ $er+ice ta# !e+( i$ admini$tered /( the 2uri$dictiona! "#ci$eC 1 '"6 unit$ are entit!ed to refund c!aim$ of $er+ice ta# *aid on $er+ice$ recei+ed /( it from out$ide '"6 -hich con$umed in re!ation to it$ authoriBed o*eration. ,he$e refund c!aim$ are *roce$$ed 2uri$dictiona! 1 =ra-/[email protected] <!! the entra! "#ci$e ommi$$ionerate. are $ent to the ommi$$ioner of entra!
ommi$$ionerate office for *re7audit in term$ of Board:$ ircu!ar No. 83/557 u$ dated 20.0G.1555 -hich, in tern ommi$$ionerate office. /( the ;oint/ /e, in the increa$e $u/$tantia! -or@!oad in the 1
<d2udication.7 ,he '"6 ca$e$ are ad2udicated <dd!./ ommi$$ioner, a$ the ca$e ma( ommi$$ionerate.
"',<, matter
=i$*o$a!/ 0eco+er(/ 0efund.7 ,he$e -or@$ are a!$o monitored /( and *roce$$ed in the ommi$$ionerate office. Variou$ audit 3uerie$ re!ating to
<udit/ P<
cu$tom,m$ matter concerning '"6/'"6 Enit$ rai$ed /( audit/ from time to time and are dea!t /( u$tom$ office. ommi$$ioner of
entra! "#ci$e remain$ one of the mem/er of Enit ommittee -hich, after due e#amination, acce*t$ or i$ he!d in the office of the =e+e!o*ment
re2ect$ the *ro*o$a! e$ta/!i$hment of a unit in '"6. ,he ommi$$ioner at regu!ar inter+a!. ,he *roce$$ in+o!+e$ $tud( of *ro$ and con$ of the *ro*o$ed *ro2ect$, it:$ direct and indirect im*!ication on trade/ im*ort/ e#*ort etc., thu$ in+o!+e$ a con$idera/!e time.
entra! "#ci$e or
ma( /e. "OE$ fi!e month!(/*eriodica! return$, -hich are $crutiniBed /( ommi$$ionerateC a+ai! of $er+ice ta# on e#*ort$C dut( free *rocurement from dome$tic tariff area unit$ and dut( free im*ort$. Aurther, "OE$ are !ia/!e to *a( dut( on good$ and $er+ice$ c!eared to =,<C $u/2ect to routine audit$. 9ence 3uantum of -or@ in re$*ect of "OE$ i$ 3uite $ignificant. ;.+.1 <$ 8ndia, ha$ recogniBed the im*ortance of faci!itating the unit$ engaged in e#*ort$ of good$ and $er+ice$, e.g., '"6$/"OE$/',P$/"9,P', for the $u$tained gro-th of the econom( and increa$ed contri/ution to the )=P of the nation, it i$ nece$$ar( the -hich can addre$$ the i$$ue$ concerning indirect ta#e$ e#*editiou$!(
Report Study Group-III to and admini$ter the indirect ta# !a-$ in a manner a$ i$ of conduci+e
ommi$$ionerate$ ma( /e
created to admini$ter indirect ta# !a-$ for '"6$/"OE$/',P$/ "9,P$ in the fo!!o-ing $i# !ocation$, in +ie- of the concentration of '"6B/"OE$/ "9,P$/',P'.
SL. NO. E6$o!t P!o&otion Co&&issione!5t e 1 2 3 4 5 F <ndhra Mahara$htra )u2arat ,ami! Nadu 1arnata@a N 0 1G1 205 54 135 120 140 APPRONO.OF SE9s :i"e:D No o EOUs >5s on ,1.,.<8 ? 243 3G4 285 435 358 288 'tate of <ndhra Prade$h 'tate of Mahara$htra 'tate of )u2arat 'tate of ,ami! Nadu 'tate of 1arnata@a Nationa! a*ita! 0egion Hu!is3i'tion
<$ man*o-er re3uirement$ for '"6 -or@ ha$ a!read( /een $anctioned = /< , 'u*erintendent, <**rai$er$ and 8n$*ector$, the the *ro*o$ed $taff $trength and additiona!
re3uirement$ for the$e grade$ -ou!d /e met from the *o$t$ a!read( <ccording!(, man*o-er re3uirement for a "#*ort faci!itation -ith '"6$/"OE$/ "P6$/ A,P$ i$ a$ fo!!o-$. CADRE Re'o&&en3e3 St!en#th o! 5 'o&&issione!5te A33ition5: &5n$o4e! !eIui!e&ent o! si6 Co&&issione!5tes F 18 7 7 7 7 FTF 24T120 Report of Study Group-III 48 T300 1%8 ommi$$ionerate, dea!ing
Co&&issione! ADC/HC DC/AC A$$!5ise! Su$e!inten3ents E65&ine!/PO CAO/AO Steno K STA/TA D!i7e! KSe$oD Tot5:
1<.1 St!en#thenin# o Di!e'to!5te o )5:u5tion= ,he =irectorate of Va!uation -a$ created in 155G and -a$ u*graded to =irectorate )enera! of +a!uation in the (ear 2002. ,hi$ directorate ha$ /een entru$ted -ith the fo!!o-ing -or@. %i& %ii& and <do*ting /e$t *ractice$ for uniformit( in u$tom$ +a!uation and de+e!o*ing a nationa! data/a$e for the $ame. Monitoring the +a!uation trend$ of $en$iti+e commoditie$ ta@ing correcti+e actionC *ro+iding feed/ac@ to fie!d
formation on +a!uation trend, and *o$$i/!e under+a!uation of im*ort con$ignment$ and o+er +a!uation of e#*ort con$ignment$C %iii& arr(ing out +erification a$ regard$ +a!uation at u$tom$ $tation$ to en$ure that the +a!uation !a- and *rocedure$ are effecti+e!( a**!iedC %i+& %+& 8nternationa! cu$tom$ co7o*eration on +a!uation matter$C Pro+iding a$$i$tance for ma@ing *o!ic( a$ regard$ cu$tom$
+a!uation 10.1.1 O+er a *eriod of time, a com*rehen$i+e Nationa! 8m*ort =ata/a$e %N8=B& and "#*ort created /( the =irectorate. crucia! ro!e in ommodit( =ata/a$e %" =B& ha$ /een ,he =irectorate ha$ no- /een *!a(ing u$tom$ Va!uation a$ a
re$u!t uniformit( i$ a$$e$$ment cou!d /e achie+ed in the entire u$tom$ <dmini$tration to a great e#tent. 10.1.2 9o-e+er, u$tom$ Va!uation, /oth im*ort$ and e#*ort$ ountr( of Origin/ mi$7dec!aration to Page23
Report of Study Group-III $ti!! remain a $ignificant concern for the admini$tration. Aurther, there
a+oid anti7dum*ing dutie$/higher rate of dutie$. ,he cu$tom$ on their o-n cannot effecti+e!( ta@e care of thi$ *ro/!em. =08 i$ one organiBation -hich ha$ $ome *re$ence out$ide 8ndia in the form of O8N *o$ting. 9o-e+er, the focu$ area of =08 i$ anti7$mugg!ing, anti7 drug traffic@ing, and anti mone( !aundering etc. =08 in norma! cour$e doe$ not do an( com*!iance re$earch a$ regard$ cu$tom$ +a!uation and other a$*ect$ re!e+ant to co!!ection of u$tom$ re+enue. 8n the circum$tance, the )rou* i$ of the +ie- the $trengthening of the =irectorate of Va!uation -ou!d /e e$$entia! to addre$$ the$e concern. =OV i$ re3uired to /e $trengthened /( creating certain *o$ition in the 9igh ommi$$ion/ =i*!omatic mi$$ion in countrie$, from -here good$ *rone to under+a!uation are im*orted to 8ndia or good$ *rone to o+er+a!uation are e#*orted from 8ndia, -ith $ignificant ri$@ to re+enue. ,he Officer$ *o$ted for the$e a$$ignment$ -ou!d underta@e re$earch and co!!ect data a$ regard$ the *re+ai!ing *rice$ of $en$iti+e commoditie$, trend ana!($i$ and mar@et ana!($i$, -hich cou!d /e u$ed in 8ndia for fair cu$tom$ +a!uation of good$. 'uch *o$ition ma( /e created in hina, "a$tern "uro*e %one& and De$t <$ia %one&.
1<.% St!en#thenin# o i'e o Co&&issione! >A$$e5:?= Pre$ent!( the norm$ fi#ed /( the Board for ommi$$ioner %<**ea!& are G5 ca$e$ *er month$. 9o-e+er, )rou* fe!t that thi$ i$ a huge num/er and cannot /e achie+ed rea!i$tica!!(. More $o in +ie- of the fact that ommi$$ioner %<**ea!& i$ no more em*o-ered to remand the ca$e. <$ a re$u!t, ommi$$ioner %<**ea!& ma( /e re3uired to do origina! -or@, ommi$$ioner %<**ea!& -hich $hou!d ha+e other-i$e /een done in fir$t $tage of ad2udication. ,herefore, the norm for di$*o$a! of ca$e$ /( recei*t of ca$e$ /efore /een a$ fo!!o-$1.
Report of Study Group-III
ma( /e con$idered for re+i$ion to 50 ca$e$ *er month$. ,he annua! ommi$$ioner %<**ea!$& in !a$t three (ear$ ha$ Page23
KK u$tom$/e#ci$e/', com/ined 1ee*ing in +ie- the$e figure$, at *re$ent there ma( not /e an( need to create further *o$t$ of ommi$$ioner %<**ea!$&. 9o-e+er, re7 orgain$ation of ommi$$ioner %<**ea!$& *o$t i$ de$ira/!e ta@ing into ommi$$ioner
account the Bona! *endenc(. Aurther the office of that ommi$$ioner %<**ea!& attending to u$tom$
%<**ea!& i$ re3uired to /e $trengthened. 8n thi$ regard it i$ *ro*o$ed matter ma( /e *ro+ided %i& < /= 7oneC %ii& %i+& ',</,<7 ,-oC %+& P'7One. 1<., St!en#thenin# o CDR O i'e in CESTAT 5n3 Di!e'to!5te o Le#5: A 5i!s= Aor effecti+e and efficient di$*ute re$o!ution, not on!( it i$ nece$$ar( that the fie!d formation$ are $trengthened ade3uate!( /ut a!$o the $trengthening of =0$ office and =irectorate of >ega! <ffair$ -ou!d /e an utmo$t nece$$it(. More $o, the augmentation of fie!d formation$ a$ *er the *ro*o$a!$ contained in thi$ 0e*ort -ou!d en$ure that *ending ca$e$ are decided e#*editiou$!( /( the concerned fie!d formation. 9o-e+er, thi$ -ou!d re$u!t in *i!ing of ca$e$ at the !e+e! of ,ri/una! and ourt$. ,herefore, to hand!e $uch increa$ed num/er$, it i$ fe!t that =0:$ office and =irectorate of >ega! <ffair$ are $trengthened ade3uate!(. ,he *endenc( in ca$e$. Pendenc( in 9igh "',<, a$ on 31.3.2005 -a$ 1335F ourt it -a$ ourt -a$ G083 and in 'u*reme 'u*erintendent7OneC %iii& <**rai$er7OneC
1GG5. ,he$e num/er$ /( them$e!+e$ 2u$tif( the $aid augmentation of $taff. 8n thi$ regard, =) 90= ma( o/tain a $e*arate *ro*o$a! from KKKKK
Report of Study Group-III
11.1 ,he man*o-er re3uirement *ro2ection for )rou*, ta@ing into account the *ro*o$ed ne$trengthening of e#i$ting *re+enti+e the fo!!o-ing ,a/!e.
ommi$$ionerate$, /a$ed on man*o-er norm$ identified /( the 'tud( ommi$$ionerate$ and ommi$$ionerate$, i$ ref!ected in
Total' Fou# Total' T(el e Total' Total' T)#ee Exclusi e Ex"o#t Co!!issione#ate $Sea%&& Total' Fou# Sta++ St#engt) o+ existing an* Ne( CCO Exclusi e Co!!issione# $Gen%&& Total' Fou# Existing st#engt) Total' T)i#teenExisting P#e Co!! (it) aug!entation Exclusi e I!"o#t Co!!issione#ate $Sea%&& Total' Fi e Total'T(oNe( P#e Co!!issione#ates "#o"ose* A**itional #e,ui#e!ent TOTAL Re,ui#e!ent
Co!"osite Co!!issione#ate&&
P#inci"al C)ie+ Co!!issione# C)ie+ Co!!issione# Co!!issione# ADC4JC DC4AC A""#aise# Su"e#int*tt Exa!ine# Ins"4P O++ice# CAO AO Steno STA4TA. Ot)e# G#ou" C DOS D#i e# ASI (ea"on: Se"o; an* ot)e# G#ou" D TOTAL
__ __ 12 60 240 420 600 300 720 24 24 120 564 48 216 1080 0056
Ai#"o#t Co!!issione#ate&&
14 __ 19 19 19 57 38 124 581
/0 -/ 503 627 /568 27// 805 -350 83 /26 068 5850 505 805 3535 526/5
. /1 2/-6 075 751 22-3 232 -186 01 53/ 215751 276 7-2 -715 51702
CC In':u3es the $!o$ose3 ne4 Custo&s Co&&issione!5tes P Shou:3 Ae &et th!ou#h outsou!'in# 5s !e'o&&en3e3 AD SIU PP Assu&in# th5t 533ition5: &5n$o4e! !eIui!e&ent in the #!53e o 3!i7e!s 5n3 G!53e QDM 4ou:3 Ae &et AD outsou!'in#
11.2 ,he man*o-er re3uirement *ro2ection on account of *ro*o$ed <udit ommi$$ionerate i$ a$ fo!!o-$. S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. F. G. 8. 5. hief ommi$$ioner Desi#n5tion A33ition5: M5n$o4e! ReIui!e&ent CC 10 40 ommi$$ioner F5 205 50G 155 12F0 315 2F8 %8%1
ommi$$ioner <dditiona!/;oint < /= 'u*erintendent$ <**rai$ing Officer 8n$*ector$ )rou* )rou* = Tot5:
CC Assu&in# h5: o the !eIui!e&ent the :e7e: o ADC/HC 5n3 DC/AC is 3i7e!te3 !o& the e6istin#B !est!u'tu!e3 st!en#thN Th!ee ou!th o !eIui!e&ent 5t the :e7e: Su$e!inten3ent@ A$$!5ise! 5n3 Ins$e'to! is 3i7e!te3 !o& e6istin#@ !est!u'tu!e3 st!en#thN Th!ee ou!th o the !eIui!e&ent 5t the :e7e: o G!ou$ C 5n3 G!ou$ D 'ou:3 Ae &et !o& e6istin# st5 /$!oEe'te3 st5 AD Stu3D G!ou$ o! AD outsou!'in#.
11.3 ,he man*o-er re3uirement *ro2ection on account of e#c!u$i+e "#*ort Aaci!itation <=0" ommi$$ionerate i$ a$ fo!!o-$ <dditiona! man*o-er re3uirement for $i# ne- "#*ort faci!itation ommi$$ionerate$ Co&&issione! F ADC/HC 18 DC/AC 7KK A$$!5ise! 7KK Su$e!inten3ents 7KK E65&ine!/PO 7KK CAO/AO FTF STA/TA 120 Steno 24 D!i7e! 48 G!ou$ D 300 Tot5: 1%8 CC To Ae 3i7e!te3 !o& s5n'tione3 st!en#th o! SE9 4o!" 11.4 ,he other *ro*o$a!$, a$ contained in ha*ter 13 -i!! a!$o re3uire
augmentation of man*o-er. 9o-e+er, $uch re3uirement -ou!d not /e $ignificant @ee*ing in +ie- the o+era!! cadre $trength. KKKKKK
ha*ter 12 RECOMMENDATIONS SUMMARISED 12.1 The >i? !e'o&&en35tions &53e AD the G!ou$ 5!e 5s
su&&5!iLe3 Ae:o4= The G!ou$ h5s !eB4o!"e3 out the st5 !eIui!e&ent no!&s o! Custo&s Co&&issione!5te@ 5::in# un3e! the '5te#o!ies o E6':usi7e I&$o!t >Se5?@ E6':usi7e E6$o!t >Se5?@ E6':usi7e I&$o!t >Ai!?@ E6':usi7e E6$o!t >Ai!?@ Co&$osite Co&&issione!5te@ Ai!$o!t Co&&issione!5te 5n3 Co&&issione!5te >Gene!5:? As !e#5!3s P!e7enti7e Co&&issione!5tes@ theD 75!D so &u'h in the #eo#!5$hi'5: 3is$e!sion 5n3 ie:3 units@ the G!ou$ h5s :5!#e:D #one AD the !e'o&&en35tions &53e AD the !es$e'ti7e P!e7enti7e Co&&issione!5tes@ 4hi:e &5"in# the !e'o&&en35tion 1<.,?. >ii? G!ou$ h5s $!o$ose3 Co&&issione!5tes@ o! '!e5tion o in':u3in# 1+ ne4 Custo&s t4o P!e7enti7e o! thei! st!en#thenin# > P5!5
Co&&issione!5tes 5s $e! 3et5i:s Ae:o4= Co&$osite Custo&s Co&&issione!5te@ (D3e!5A53 Custo&s >P!e7enti7e? K5"in535 Chenn5i > I&$o!tBII?B >Se5? Chenn5i FACC >E6$o!ts?G Chenn5i >Gene!5:? Co&&issione!5te HNC( >I&$o!tBII? HNC( >E6$o!tBII? HNC( >Gene!5:? /5n#5:o!e ACC >I? Page23 /5n#5:o!e ACC >-? Fthe e6istin# Co&&issione!5te 4ou:3 :oo" 5 te! ICD@ Custo&s Di7ision@ Gene!5: 4o!"?
Report of Study Group-III
Ah&e35A53BII > (* 5t Su!5t? Mun3!5 Custo&s Custo&s >Ai!$o!t?BDe:hi Custo&s F P5!5 2.% G >P!e7enti7e? Si:i#u!i
Au#&ent5ion o e6istin# $!e7enti7e Co&&issione!5tes 5t A&!its5!@ Ho3h$u!@ Mu&A5i@ Ko:"5t5@ P5tn5 5n3 Lu'"no4 FP5!5 2., G
C!e5tion o $osts o P!in'i$5: Chie Co&&issione!s 5t De:hi@ Mu&A5i@ Chenn5i@ "o:"5tt5@ P!in'i$5: Chie Co&&issione! Au3it/Co&$:i5n'e 5n3 5:so u$#!53in# 'e!t5in $osts to PCC :i"e DGRI@ DGCEI@ DG >Au3it?@ DG >NACEN?@ DG >SDste&?@ DG >ST?@ DG>Ins$e'tion? 5n3 DG >(RD?. FP5!5 2.0 G
>7ii? Co&$:ete !eBo!#5nis5tion o Au3it setBu$ in C/EC h5s Aeen !e'o&&en3e3@ AD shi tin# !o& e6istin# t!5ns5'tion A5se3 PCA@ 5t Custo& (ouses to !e'o!3 A5se 5u3it 5n3 Co&&on 5u3it/'o&$:i5n'e 7e!i i'5tion The $!o$os5: is to '!e5te 1< ne4 9ones 5n3 +< ne4 Co&&issione!5tes. In this 'onte6t@
Report of Study Group-III
!eIui!e&ents h57e Aeen $!oEe'te3 "ee$in# in 7ie4 th5t 5 si#ni i'5nt nu&Ae! o &et 4ith AD 3i7e!tin# st5 st5 !eIui!e&ents 'ou:3 Ae FP5!5 8.1 G >7iii? C!e5tion o si6 e6':usi7e Sin#:e Win3o4 Co&&issone!5tes o! SE9s/EOUs/STPs FP5!5 ;.1 G >i6? Re'o&&en35tions o! st!en#thenin# o >5? Di!e'to!5te Gene!5: o )5:u5tionN >A? Co&&issione! >A$$e5:?Ms o i'eB5n3 !e7isin# the no!&s o! 3is$os5: o '5ses AD Co&&issione!N >'? CDRMs o i'eN >3? Di!e'to!5te o Le#5: A 5i!s. >6? F P5!5 1<.1 G !o& e6istin# o!&5tions.
O7e!5:: i&$:i'5tions o the !e'o&&en35tions &53e AD the G!ou$@ 5s !e#5!3s the &5n$o4e! !eIui!e&ents h57e Aeen 4o!"e3 out.
FP5!5 11.1 G
>K. R. /h5!#575?