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Ph; x 040-23;>J202B f 23237581 F. ; 040-23299206 f 23230974 {'-mall :~I~Q@exc;~~-ll~.


C.No. IT/3/4/2008-Bstt.CC(!fZ)PF
Dated 29/() )/20 I I

SUbjeCf: Ink,. -:lollal Tn'"N/i'" I'oli\,y -. 20 IJ it, Ill(' ('on"IlU" flH/r" of ' Insl'CC(o,' or Hydcl'Mull' VizlIg ZOIlCN _ Hcglll'{Jing.


Following is the IUfcl'-ZlIlllll Trllllsfcl' J'olicy A



the cadrc of Iuspectors.

Hydcl'lIbad Zonc to Vizalt ZOIl('

(,) 1"6,

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Zonc and Vizag ZOlle III the ralJo of vaclIllcics ill thc (n" ;:ones While doing so, request fbr posting to Vi;:ag Zone will he gencrally considered, Tilis is illustrated in tile

(d) III situations where the DR inspcctors liS at (c) abovc are not available and there is no possibility for pro11l0tionas at (b) alJOve, ol1lecrs wbo have never worked earlicr in Vizag Zonc will be transferred in {lrder of their z.onal scniority for two ycars to Vizag Z~ne to maintain the parity in vacancy seniority) Thel eallcr, if necessary, the long-standing ( i e. zonal

oflicers of HYllerabad Zone will be transfcrred to Vizag Zone for a period of For this purpose, a

two years so as to maimain tile parity in vaeallcy in the two zones

roster for such scniority will be maintaincd, Tr;llIsfers under this clause (d) will be resorted to in the case of adillinisll alive exigencies ollly. (c) The olTieers of llyderabad Zone tmnsferred to Vizag Zone may be trans felTed back to Hyderabad Zone pre11latUielyinlwo siluations:

to acconnnodale Ille ollicels trans/erred to Vi;.;agZone on promotion; and, extreme eompassionale grounds including lllcdiealcxigencies.


The oj]jeers who arc premillurely transferred back to Hyderabad on the gH)llnd of extrcme compassionate grounds including mcdical exigencies will be liable for transfcr

back lo Vizag Zone in the nexl AGT or wl10n the compassionale

. gmund including the

in Vizag Zon;,.

medical exigencies no more e"dsts so as lo complele their residuallenure

(I) OHicers, who during their tenme in Vizag Zone proceed on deputation or arc posted to ROlA, will be, on completion of the deputation/RGIA posting posted in Vizag Zone so as tQ complete tlieir residual tenure in Vizag Zone

IfrolJl VizHg Zoue 10 lIydenlblld Zone

(a) Oflieers with minimum lenure of foUl' years in the cadlc of inspector in Vizag Zone Hlay apply for transler to Hyderabad Zone. Such request will be generally considered except

where the request is not acceptable on administrative grOunds or cxigencies. On such transler, the officers will be placed at the bottom of Hyderabacl Zonal seniority of longstanding of omeers as on the dale ofjoiuing. The condition oflhe said four years may be waived or reeluced in the case of exlreme compassionate ground including mcdieal


In the case of DR inspectors, tllC peJiod will be six years instead of {()Ill

(b) Request for transfer 1i"l)[J1 Vizag Zone tu IlydemlJad Zone will be generally considercd at thc timc uf AGT exccpt nl tbc case uf' extrcme cum passionate ground inciudillg medical eXigencies C Exemptions (a) Ofilcers retiring within two years will not be transferrcd Ir'om Hyderabafl Zone to ~jzag Zune except where there is a request hom the individual. The cut-uff dule for calculating the period 01'2 years will be 30lh June lor tbe purpose ofAGT. (b) DOPT guidelines on transfer and postings on sponse gronnd will be followed as far as possible keeping in view tbe local conditions also Ol1lcers retained in Hyderabad Zone

un this ground will be assigned a table job for two years {j'OlTI the date uf such retention. (c) Request fiom single parent Jiom ilyderabad zone iOI retention in lIyderabad Zotle on the ground of child studying ill class XII or equivalent will be cOllsidered alld on 5uch retention the officer will be assiglled a table job for two yems from tire date of SUc11 retention. D T"'llIsilion period (a) The normal tenure of 2 years in Vizag Zone for long-stallding olTlcers of Hyderabad Zone will be efrective frolll transfers

Vizag Zone made during 2013 AGT onv-;ards.

(b) The facility oflhe reduced tenure of2 years in Vizag Zone for ihe officers ofHyder;bad Zone transferred on promotion to Vizag Zone will be available to tire officers wlto coml~lete the two year tenure nom20 14 AGT onwards. E

(a) A COlllmittee consisting of all the Executive Commissioners ofHyderabad Zone and one COlllmissioner tl'Otll Vizag Zone nominated by the Chief Commissioner, Vizag Zone will consider the re<]llestBof officers of Hyderabad Zone dlle for transfer to Vizag Zone and make recommendations to the Chief Commissioner, Hyderabacl Zone.

(b) For t1le purpose


II above (i.e

Ii'llii Vi/'[1g 7,olle


!-Jyderabad Zone), a COIIIIll;l[ee or Vizag ZOIlC

Dum Vila.'! Zone cUIlSlilU[cd by [he ChicI' Commissioner,

will consider thc rClJucsls of ollice! s liom Villg ZOJle and make recollllJlclldal ions 10 tlle Chief COlllmissioner, Vizag Zone (e) NOlwithstanding anything contained herein before, the Administration reserves exigencies whichever the right

10 elTecl any lransfe! or nollo (ransler on the ground of administrative (d) T1Ie Transfer Policy, 2013 will be reviewed is earlier.

in 2018 or on cadre restrucluring





Nu.mber of off;e:;;;;;aJ1~-catedtojiyJerabad
ruaillla.illing parity in vacancies - ._- --- ....




this illustration, first three (}fJicel"~ frol11 the scniorily list of 25 oHicers will be allocated 10 HydenJbad Zone and o[J1c,,)at sr. no. 'j will be allocated to Vizag Zone. The sa.rne sequence of allocation will be repealed lill 1I1e nUtIlber of officers aJloeated lo one of the zOUes is e'lll1 10 the nUlflb<'r drl<"'tn.illcd at D or C above. The "clJlaiuing offjwrs iu the Iisl will be aJlocatcel tho olher zone. To furlllcr illusLraleIII

Officers opting for Vizag Zone:

The request of olllcers opting for Vizag Zone will be considered. However to rnaintain parity in vacancies, he wilJ be replaced by an officer allocated to Vizag Zone in order of his seniority. To furllle,' iJluslTate-

'II sr. 110. J 4 opts for Vizag, OUeof the oflicer allocated to Vizag zone (ie. sr. no. 4, 8, 12, 10, 20, 24, 25) will be given option fOr retention in Ilyderabad, in tile ol-der of seniority in the list.

In case omcer


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