Question Bank For Mid Sem Exam
Question Bank For Mid Sem Exam
Question Bank For Mid Sem Exam
1. Determine the resultant of three forces F 1 = 3i+2j+5k and F2= -2i-j+4k and F3 = 7i-3j+6k hich are concurrent at the !oint "1#-6# 5$. %he forces are in & and the distances are in meters. 2. ' force F= 5i+2j+4k is actin( at a !oint ' hose !osition )ector is (i)en *+ "4i+2j+3k$. Find the moment of the force a*out the ori(in. 3. Find the )ector 2'+3,+5- in terms of i# j# k and its ma(nitude. '= i-2j-3k. , = 4i-3j+2k and - = /.5i+j-k. 4. Find the unit )ector alon( the line throu(h the !oint "2#1#6$. hich ori(inates at the !oint "3#4#-3$ and !asses
5. Find the dot !roduct and cross !roduct of the follo in( )ectors. '=3.3i-4.6j+5.5k and ,=5.4i-7.6j-3.7k. 6. ' force F= 6i+4.35j+2k is a!!lied at !oint ' "6# 4.35# 2$. Find the moment of the force a*out the !oint , "6.5# 3.75# -/.5$. 7. % o forces 6/ & and 65 & acts on a scre at an an(le of 25 / and 05/ from the *ase. Determine the ma(nitude and direction of their resultant. 0. Find the resultant of an 0// & force actin( to ards eastern direction and a 5// & force actin( to ards north eastern direction. 1. Distin(uish the follo in( t+!es of forces -o!lanar. ith suita*le sketch. "i$ -ollinear and "ii$
10. ' -ar is !ulled *+ means of t o cars as sho n in fi(. 2f the resultant of the t o forces actin( on the car ' is 4/3& *ein( directed alon( the !ositi)e direction of 4 a5is# determine the an(le of the ca*le attached to the car at ,# such that the force in the ca*le ', is minimum. hat is the ma(nitude of force in each ca*le hen this occurs 6
11. Define 7rinci!le of transmissi*ilit+ of forces. 12. Find the ma(nitude of t o forces# such that if the+ act at ri(ht an(les# their resultant is 81/ k&. ,ut if the+ act at 6/o# their resultant is 813 k&. 13. Distin(uish *et een statics and d+namics. 14. 9hat is the difference *et een a !article and a ri(id *od+. 15. Define :ami;s theorem ith suita*le e5am!le. 16. <tate 7arallelo(ram la of forces. 17. <tate trian(ular la of forces. 10. Define =ari(non;s theorem.
1. ' ei(ht of 1// & is su!!orted *+ t o chains of len(ths 4m and 3m as sho n *elo . Determine tension in each chain.
Fi(ure 2
2. 2f fi)e forces act on a !article as sho n in the fi(ure 3# determine the resultant force *+ anal+tical method.
Fi(ure 4.
4.' s+stem of forces '# ,# - and D of ma(nitudes 1/ k&# 15 k&# 10 k& and 12 k& actin( on a *od+ are sho n in rectan(ular coordinates as sho n in fi(ure. Find the moments of the ori(in.
5. ' strin( ',-D attached to t o fi5ed !oints ' and D has t o e>ual ei(hts of 1/// & attached to it at , and -. %he ei(hts rest ith the !ortions ', and -D inclined at an(les 3/o and 6/o res!ecti)el+# to the )ertical as sho n *elo . Find the tensions in the !ortions ',# ,- and -D of the strin(# if the inclination of the !ortion ,- ith the )ertical is 12/o.
1. Fi(ure sho s c+linders# ' of ei(ht 1// & and , of ei(ht 5/ & actin( on smooth inclined !lanes. %he+ are connected *+ a *ar of ne(li(i*le ei(ht hin(ed to each c+linder at their
(eometric centres *+ smooth !ins. Find the force 7# as sho n# that holds the s+stem in (i)en !ositon.
1/. % o rollers# each of ei(ht 5/ & and radius 1/ cm in a hori?ontal channel of idth 36 cm as sho n in fi(ure *elo . Find the reaction on the !oint of contact '# , and -.
11. %he three ca*les are *uckle at - as sho n in tension of 1.6 k&. the tension in ca*le ',
secured to a rin( at , and the turn fi(ure is ti(htened until it su!!orts a -alculate the moment @# !roduced *+ a*out the *ase of the mast at D
12. %he resultant of the force s+stem sho n in fi(ure is 52/ k& alon( the ne(ati)e direction of A a5is. Determine 7 and B.
13. ' c+lindrical roller has a ei(ht of 1/ k& and it is *ein( !ulled *+ a force hich is inclined at 3/o ith the hori?ontal as sho n in fi(ure. 9hile mo)in( it comes across an o*stacle 1/ cm hi(h. -alculate the force re>uired to cross this o*stacle# if the diameter of the roller is 1m.
14. ' <trin( ',-D# attached to t o fi5ed !oints ' and D has t o e>ual ei(hts of 1///& attached to it at , and -. the ei(hts rest ith the !ortions ', and -D inclined at an(les of 3/C and 6/C res!ecti)el+# to the )ertical as sho n in fi(. Find the tensions in the !ortions ',# ,- '&D -D of the strin(# 2F the inclination of the !ortion ,- ith the )ertical is 12/C.
15. ',-DD is a li(ht strin( hose end ' is fi5ed. %he ei(hts 91 and 92 are attached to the strin( at , and - and the strin( !asses round a small smooth heel at D carr+in( a ei(ht 4/3& at the free end D.2n the !osition of e>uili*rium# ,- is hori?ontal and ', and -D make an(les 15/C and 12/C ith hori?ontal.
Find "1$ the tensions in ',#,- and DD of the (i)en strin(. "2$ ma(nitudes of 91 and92.
16. %he four co!lanar forces are actin( at a !oint as sho n in fi(. Determine the resultant in ma(nitude and direction.
17. Fi)e forces are actin( on a !article. %he ma(nitude of the forces are 3//&# 6//////& and 7 and their an(les ith hori?ontal are /C#6/C#135C#21/C and 27/C. 2f the )ertical com!onent of all forces is -1///&# find the )alue of 7. 'lso calculate the ma(nitude and the direction of the resultant# assumin( that the first force acts to ards the !oint# hile all the remainin( forces act a a+ from the !oint.
10. Fi)e forces act on a *olt E,; as sho n in fi(. Determine the resultant of the forces on the *olt.
11. ' road roller of ei(ht 5///&# hich is of c+lindrical sha!e# is !ulled *+ a force F at an an(le of 3/C ith the hori?ontal as sho n in fi(. 2t has to cross an o*stacle of hei(ht 3 cm. -alculate the force F re>uired to just cross this o*stacle. %he radius of the roller is e>ual to 3/ cm.
2/. %hree co!lanar forces are actin( at a !oint as sho n in fi(. Fne of the forces is unkno n and its ma(nitude is sho n *+ 7. %he resultant is ha)in( a ma(nitude 5//& and is actin( alon( A a5is "!ositi)e direction$. Determine the unkno n force 7 and its inclination ith 4 a5is.
21. % o ca*les hich ha)e kno n tensions are attached to the to! of the to er ',. ' third ca*le '- is used as a Gu+ ire as sho n in fi(. Determine the tension in '- if the resultant of the forces e5erted at ' *+ the three ca*les acts )erticall+ do n ards.
22. %he forces 1/&# 2/&# 3/& and 4/& are actin( on one of the )ertices of a re(ular !enta(on# to ards the other )ertices taken in order. Find the ma(nitude and the direction of the resultant force H.
23. % o c+linders of diameters 25 cm and 7/cm ei(hin( 5/& and 2//& res!ecti)el+ are !laced as sho n in fi(. 'ssumin( all the contact surfaces to *e smooth# find the reactions "a$ 9hen the surface ', is hori?ontal and "*$ for the case hen the surface ', is made 3/C ith the hori?ontal.
24. % o identical rollers# each of ei(ht 5/&# are su!!orted *+ an inclined !lane and a )ertical all as sho n in fi(. Determine the reactions at the !oints of su!!orts '# ,# and - assumin( all the surfaces to *e smooth. 'lso find the reaction force *et een the s!heres.
24. % o smooth s!heres rest *et een t o )ertical columns as sho n in fi(. %he lar(e and small s!heres ei(h res!ecti)el+ 12//& and 36/&. %he diameters of the lar(e and small s!heres res!ecti)el+ are 6/cm and 32cm. Determine the reactions at 1# 2# and 4.
25. %hree smooth !i!es each ei(hin( 2/3& and of diameter 6/cm are to *e !laced in a rectan(ular channel ith hori?ontal *ase as sho n in fi(. calculate the reactions at the !oints of contact *et een the !i!es and *et een the channel and the !i!es. %ake idth of the channel as 16/cm.
27. Determine the reactions at the su!!orts 7# I# % '&D = for the *eam su*jected to loadin( as sho n in fi(.
20. Determine the reactions at the su!!orts ' and D for the *eam as sho n in fi(.
21. 7# I and H are the concurrent forces. @a(nitude of 7 and I are 3/ k& and 4/ k& res!ecti)el+. 7 and I are on the hori?ontal !lane actin( alon( !ositi)e side of 5 a5is and ne(ati)e + a5is res!ecti)el+. H acts alon( the !ositi)e J a5is. -alculate the resultant force if the ma(nitude of the force H is 3 7.5 k& and the direction cosines.
3/. %he com!onents of force F are F 5 = 225 &# F+= - 3// & and F? = 45/ &. Determine its ma(nitude F and the an(le made *+ F ith three co ordinate a5es.
Heferences 1. Natarajan. K.V., Engineering Mechanics, Dhanalakshmi Publications, Chennai. 2. amesh !abu. V, Engineering Mechanics, V ! Publishers P"t., #t$., %. Kottis&aran, Engineering Mechanics, 'ri !alaji Publications, Coimbatore.