This document summarizes a study conducted on identifying weak areas in operations at Iceberg Foods Ltd through a customer satisfaction survey. The study was conducted in Warely city and included surveying various retail outlets through a questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to collect data from 500 people including retailers and institutional consumers. The main objectives of the study were to examine the supply chain management efficiency, identify weak areas in manufacturing quality, and study warehousing and inventory operations. The findings will help the company understand customer expectations and requirements to improve quality of service.
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This document summarizes a study conducted on identifying weak areas in operations at Iceberg Foods Ltd through a customer satisfaction survey. The study was conducted in Warely city and included surveying various retail outlets through a questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to collect data from 500 people including retailers and institutional consumers. The main objectives of the study were to examine the supply chain management efficiency, identify weak areas in manufacturing quality, and study warehousing and inventory operations. The findings will help the company understand customer expectations and requirements to improve quality of service.
This document summarizes a study conducted on identifying weak areas in operations at Iceberg Foods Ltd through a customer satisfaction survey. The study was conducted in Warely city and included surveying various retail outlets through a questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to collect data from 500 people including retailers and institutional consumers. The main objectives of the study were to examine the supply chain management efficiency, identify weak areas in manufacturing quality, and study warehousing and inventory operations. The findings will help the company understand customer expectations and requirements to improve quality of service.
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This document summarizes a study conducted on identifying weak areas in operations at Iceberg Foods Ltd through a customer satisfaction survey. The study was conducted in Warely city and included surveying various retail outlets through a questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to collect data from 500 people including retailers and institutional consumers. The main objectives of the study were to examine the supply chain management efficiency, identify weak areas in manufacturing quality, and study warehousing and inventory operations. The findings will help the company understand customer expectations and requirements to improve quality of service.
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SATISFACTION SURVEY IN ICEBERG FOODS LTD 1 INTRODUCTION Iceberg foods Ltd. The study of any subject is made easier by examining it in an organized fashion. There are various factors invoved in understanding behavior of consumer that can be retaiers or end consumer aso. They are business stimuus! res"onse and intervie#ing variabes. Customers or retaiers res"onse can ead to many concusions. It generates a sensory in"ut to consumers. Res"onse variabes resut menta and $ or "hysica reactions for individuas #ho are infuenced by stimuus variabes. %or e.g. & "urchasing a "roduct or forming attitudes about it coud be vie#ed as res"onsive variabes. 'any of the affecting consumer(s factors )such as "ersonaity! earning! "erce"tion of externa situations! motive and so forth * can(t be directy observed. The "roject #as carried out under the guidance of +rof. mr ,u-arni. In this re"ort! various factors to ascertain the "resent scenario of ./TUD0 O% ID1NTI%IC2TION O% 312, 2R12 IN O+1R2TION/ T4ROU54 CU/TO'1R /2TI/%2CTION /UR610 IN IC171R5 %OOD/ 8TD9 #ere anayzed. 2s far as executive summary is concerned i #as #or-ing in iceberg foods td. Indore #hich is a sma "ant #hich "roduces ,ingfisher 2 drin-ing #ater in Uttar +radesh state and accounts for considerabe : of its share .Its im"ortance ies in a fact that it is an ony "ant in Uttar +radesh and su""ies to #hoe of the state #hich is very hot region in northern "art of India . The botted #ater industry is one of the most thriving sectors in India. The mar-et is 5ro#ing at a #ho""ing rate of about ;; "er cent annuay and according to a survey it is ex"ected to cross Ru"ees <===>crore mar- #ithin the next cou"e of years. 2most a major nationa and internationa brands have ta-en a "unge in this sector. The "resent re"ort is a uni?ue effort to highight #ea- areas in #hich com"any shoud ma-e im"rovements. There #ere various "robems in com"any #hich are externa eg. Trans"ortation and saes system or interna eg. 'anufacturing system of bottes. In this study the survey of various retai outets #ere conducted for #hich the sam"e areas #ere randomy seected in 7areiy city .@uestionnaire #as formed according to objective of study #hich #as the main too for data coection .The ?uestionnaire incuding cosed ended ?uestion and o"en ended ?uestion #as formed and res"onse of A== "eo"e )retaiers as #e as institutiona consumers* in the city. 3 I aso visited institutiona consumers i.e. hotes! bars and other cafes for res"onse ./ome of the area near bus stand and rai#ay station #hich consist of various retai sho"s #ere aso covered in the survey. The main com"etitors of ,ingfisher are 7iseri! 4eath "us! ,iney! 2?uafina ! and 7aiey etc. but sti ,ingfisher hods a considerabe mar-et share. 2s ,ingfisher is mainy -no#n for acoho and airines but no# it is ca"turing mar-et in fied of drin-ing #ater very ra"idy. They are trying to ma-e uni?ue efforts to "romote and se the "roduct. /"ecificay in a minera #ater section 7iseri has created its brand image in a "eo"es mind. 3henever "eo"e #ants to as-ed about the #ater botte they generay as- for 7iseri and there is one oca brand .4eath "usB is aso have good mar-et share due to o# "rice and exceent deivery system. Overa the "roject gives fine insight of "robems and #ea- areas of "ac-aged drin-ing #ater of -ingfisher com"any. 4 Objective of Project: Objectives <. To study /u""y chain management efficiency if Iceberg foods td. A. To /tudy the #ea- areas in manufacturing i-e @uaity of #ater ! 7otte ?uaity for ,ingfisher +D3. C. To study about #arehousing and Inventory efficiency in Com"any. D. To study various #ea- areas in o"erations management #ithin the com"any . 5 Scope of the project: The mar-et survey #as done to be #ithin .7areiy 9 area. This "roject is usefu for the understanding the #ea- areas of O"eartions. There are many advantages the com"any gets from this "roject re"ort. These finding he"s the com"any ! as The study #as carried in 7areiy city. To understand the ex"ectation and re?uirement of the retai outets. To im"rove ?uaity of service i-e in trans"ortation and deivery and manufacturing etc.. This "roject gave the good o""ortunity to interact #ith the retaiers. 'ar-eting survey is a the thing #here a "erson can earn from anybody. This "roject "rovide a good mar-et ex"osure to me #hie undergoing this "roject because every retaier came for#ard #ith a different o"inion and that #as very im"ortant to -no# the "erce"tion of the retaiers. 2nd being my first rea ex"osure to the cor"orate environment! the training "eriod "roved to be very educating and 6 offered me a great chance to earn the "ractica #or-ings of the %'C5 industry. Limitations of Project:- This "roject has faced some of the imitations. 2s imitations coud im"ure the "roject(s Trans"arency! it #as necessary to minimize the imitation to extent. /ome of the imitations cannot be minimized #hereas it #as "ossibe in some cases and due ste"s #ere ta-en to increase the reiabiity of "roject. 8imitationsE The study area #as restricted to ony 7areiy city. 2s it is a sma segment of the mar-et covered for the research "ur"ose! so the concusion cannot be generaized. +oor res"onse from retaiers #as a hurde in carrying research #or- effectivey. They may be "artia or they can refuse to coo"erate. The data coected cannot be free from errors! since some of the res"ondents faied to give correct information. 7 Due to time constraints! a sam"e #as chosen on the basis of convenience so a the shops, bars and hotels could not be covered. INTRODUCTION 3ater is the most im"ortant i?uid in the #ord. 3ithout #ater! there #oud be no ife! at east not the #ay #e -no# it. In todayFs iving condition! the need for +ure Drin-ing 3ater is becoming the issue for the common 'an. 1ighty "ercent of the human metaboism consists of #ater. This is the reason #hy G=: of human diseases are #ater born. There are C ty"es of #ater im"urities! #hich are root cause of #ater borne diseases. <. 'icrobioogica>7acteria $ virus. A. Dissoved im"urities > chemica. C. Imbaance of 'inera Content. There are ra"id changes that are ta-ing "ace in our environment since ong and the air and the #ater "oution is on an increase. The main source of drin-ing #ater is river and do#nstream #hich aso have not been abe to esca"e the "oution. 3hen a consumer became a#are of 8 the "robems caused by #ater "oution the mar-et sa# an advent of ceramic #ater fiters! #hich fiters the dust and sus"ended "artices but dissoved im"urities and microbioogica im"urities are not ceared out. The minera baance is aso not maintained. <GH=Fs #itnessed more changes by a ta" attachment #herein Iodine resin is used to fiter the #ater. It deactivates microbioogica im"urities to an extent but has side effects due to iodine and it does not ta-e care of dissoved im"urities minera baance. 8ate <GH=Fs #itnessed Utra 6ioent based "urifier! #hich fiters dust and deactivates bacteria to a great extent. It maintains the odor and coor of #ater but does not cear out the dissoved im"urities and minera "artices. Thus came advent of minera #ater. 4istoricay! the need for "urified #ater #ithin Indian homes had been -e"t do#n to a minimum. 1ssentiay! there #ere three ty"es of #ater that #as used for different "ur"oses. The first ty"e #as used for rinsing. The second ty"e! #hich #as used for coo-ing! #as ceaner and -e"t covered. The third ty"e #as the ceanest & drin-ing #ater & and #as very often boied before use. /ince an average famiy needed a sma ?uantity! not more than five or six iters a day! boied and fitered #ater had been a convenient soution for some time .The faouts #ere obvious. It #as very difficut to convince the "eo"e that "urification system #as #orth the "rice. 9 There #as no visibe #ay to demonstrate the benefit. The other#ise somnoent mar-et began to change once com"anies i-e 1ure-a %orbes targeted the office segment! #hie the minera #ater "ayers #ent after traveers. Ion 1xchange #as the ony com"any! #hich had any measure of success in entering homes #ith Iero>7. 7ut cean drin-ing #ater returned on the nationa agenda a itte ater. 2round <GHG! drin-ing #ater became an issue again. .2round eary <GG=s! Time did a story on India as a -ey emerging mar-et and that #as the trigger for a the "ayers eyeing this mar-et9. .3ater is every#here! but not a cean dro" to drin-J9 #ho #oud have thought that there #i be a day #hen sanitation of avaiabe #ater #oud be more of a concern than avaiabiity of #ater itsefK 4ygiene is of great concern to everyone today! and this is evident #ith the surging rise in the consum"tion of "ac-aged$botted #ater. India has <L "ercent of #ord(s "o"uation! A.; "ercent of the and mass and D "ercent of the #ord(s #ater resources. These imited #ater resources are de"eting ra"idy #hie the demand on them are increasing. Drin-ing #ater su""ies in many "arts of India are intermitted. Transmission and distribution net#or- for #ater are generay od and bady maintained! and as resut! are deteriorating. 10
FIG ! "#$%&' $&"#() F*$ #"I+G ,-./-G&0 0$I+/I+G 1-)&$ 2bove survey resut sho#s that most of the "eo"e are becoming heath conscious and major "ercent of "eo"e find #ater as substitute for other beverage. India is one of the biggest and most attractive #ater mar-ets in the #ord. The boom time for India botted #ater industry is to continue> more so because the economics are sound! the bottom ine fat and Indian government hardy cares for #hat ha""ens to the nation(s #ater resources. Cor"orate contro over #ater and #ater distribution in India is going ra"idy! the "ac-aged #ater business is #orth MA;= miion! and it(s gro#ing at huge D=>;=: annuay. 2round <!A== botting 11 "ants <== brands of "ac-aged #ater across the country are batting over the mar-et! overdra#ing ground#ater! and robbing oca communities of their #ater resources and iveihoods. 'ost muti> nationa )'NC* com"anies vie# India as the next big mar-et #ith a ot of "otentia and goba #ater mar-et into India. There is a huge mar-et being ex"oit by the "ac-age #ater industry and its gro#ing D=: "er annum. 3ith over a thousand botted "roducers! the Indian botted #ater industry is big by even internationa standards .There are more than A== brands! neary N=: of #hich are oca. 'ost of sma scae "roducers sae non branded "roduct and serve sma mar-et. In fact! ma-ing botte #ater is today a cottage industry in the country. There is investment #orthy mid> ga" com"any in the segment! from being confined to the u""er most echeons of society "ac-age #ater has no# become a common "ace commodity an amost the necessary metros after #itnessing historic gro#th is recent years! it has become Rs.C=== > crore industry! one that is sated to ony "ost heathy gro#th rate to become a <= thousand crore . 12 FIG. &")I2-)&0 3**2 I+ ,-./-G&0 0$I+/I+G 1-)&$ I+0#")$' 7usiness in just a year! the bu- #ater industry! or #ater in <! A! A= A; iters "ac-ages has aso #itness a "arae gro#th of N==><=== crore. 7asicay the mar-et can be divided into t#o segment>the retai consumer mar-et #here the "ac- sizes are A== m! ;==m! <iter! Aiterand ;iter.and the househod and institutiona mar-et #ere the "ac- size is usuay are A= to A; iters. The bureau of Indian standards )7I/* is governing authority and "roduction reguation reated to natura minera #ater as #e as "ac-age drin-ing #ater. The a India mar-et for "ac-age #ater is bet#een M<D; miion )Rs.H biion* and MA< miion )R/.<=biion* and is gro#ing at the rate of neary D= : "er annum. 1ven though it accounts for ony ; : tota beverage mar-et in India .7randed botted #ater is the fastest gro#ing 13 industry in the beverage sector. #hie the singe argest share in the minera #ater mar-et might sti beong to Indian brandO+are(s M;Amiion! )RsA.; biion* 7iseri brand has D=: share & mutinationa cor"oration are not for behind. Neste and Danone are eying to "urchase 7iseri ! +e"si(s 2?uafina ! Co-e(s ,iney brand(s have been extremey successfu is edging out many of the sma and medium "ayer to buy>outs and excusive icensing deas. In ess than t#o year since its aunch! 2?uafina has concerned <<: of the mar-et and ,iney has aso a third of the mar-et. ,ingfisher one of the major "ayers of acoho industry is aso eying for this +D3 sector. It has aunched ,ingfisher "remium "ac-aged drin-ing #ater as their beverage. 2nd due to its uni?ue efforts it is becoming "o"uar b$# various consumers in India. Ne#s re"ort indicates that other 'NC9s i-e Uniever are aso eying the mar-et. 3e can say that it a de"ends on the situation. 0ou can as- "oitey for ice #ater! if that is #hat you "refer! or a gass of #ine! or beer. The cost is amost the same for a the three! or you can com"ain to management that "rices charged for botted #ater are ridicuous as is the case #ith #ine. 14
Company Profile IC171R5 %OOD/ 8I'IT1D
2bout the Com"anyE> Iceberg %oods 8td. is ?uaity "et "erforms manufacturers in India #ith state of the art technoogy hus-y injection moding system. It can offer "erforms in AH mm "co in AD! AN.N! DA P DH 5'. 15 2 "erforms are a""roved by +e"si. It uses <== : virgin materia )+e"si a""roved*. It can sign ong term contract and has a manufacturing faciity at "resent of C==!=== +erforms $ day. Company Name:- Iceberg %oods +vt. 8td.! Country / Territory :- India Address:- CND ,ohat encave C rd foor main road +itham"ur ! Ne# Dehi <<==CD 16 Products/Services We Offer:- It offers internationa ?uaity )+e"si a""roved* "et "erforms in AH mm "co nec- in AD!AN.N!DAP DH 5' "rocessed on hus-y injection moding system. It Can manufacture C==!=== "erforms $day Business Type:- 'anufacturer Industry Focus:- +ac-aging +roduct /toc-s! +ac-aging Reated! 'achinery! +ac-aging! +rinting +rojects. Geographic Markets:- 3ord#ide Annual Sales Range (USD):- U/M< 'iion > U/MA.; 'iion Year Established:- <GGH 17 Legal Representative/CEO:- 'r. 7harat /hah Iceberg %oods 8td. is a t#eve years od com"any in the industry and they are one of the eading com"any having a India rights for manufacturing P mar-eting "ac-aged Drin-ing #ater #ith a brand name .,ingfisher9 trademar- o#ned by famous .U79grou" P .RC Coa9 trademar- o#ned by .Roya Cro#n Coa9 #hich third argest seing soft drin- brand in the #ord #ith a "resence in amost a the countries of the #ord. They are one of those fe# brands that have got I/I certification and are committed to su""y "ure and hygienic #ater. Their "ac-aged drin-ing #ater is manufactured under "erfect hygienic conditions as "er I/I /tandards and they have been consistent in su""ying @uaity "roduct to a the customers. 3e have one of the best distribution infrastructures in the business to "rovide timey services to a our vendors. Their "roduct comes in a #ide range of "ac-ages i-e A==m! A;=m! ;== m! <tr! A tr! ; iters! A= iters P L==m P <.; iters /oda. 18 Their "ac-aged drin-ing #ater is botted in fuy automatic "ant #ith reverse osmosis! organization P utra fitration "rocess. 2ong #ith atest "esticides remova system through activated carbon fitration "rocess as "er 1U norms. They "rocess #ater #ith the most modern! high tech e?ui"ment sodium fitration resuting in not ony heathy but aso s#eeter "ac-aged drin-ing #ater. Their "ac-aged drin-ing #ater is manufactured under a very strict in house ?uaity contro system! ensuring that #hat #e drin- is #hat nature intended. 19 Company Name: Iceberg %oods +vt. 8td.! Country/Territory: India Address: <<N! Cor"orate 2venue! /ona#aa 8ane! 5oregaon )1* 'umbai & D== =LC. +h ED==C=AN<$NA$NC 1>mai E 4b5l6u67red4556a4l.co6 Products/Services We Offer: ,ingfisher "ac-ages! drin-ing #ater! soda and rc coas Business Type: 'anufacturer $ /u""ier Industry Type: %'C5! %oods P 7everages Geographic Markets: 3ord#ide No. of Employees: << > ;= +eo"e Annual Sales Range (USD): U/M< 'iion > U/MA.; 'iion Year Established: <GGH M.D. 'r. Umesh maaya Legal Representative/CEO: 'r. ,ishore 2gra#a 20 Fig 1.2.1 - Packed drinking water Product Quantity available Natura /"ring 3ater A==m! ;==m! <tr +ac-aged Drin-ing 3ater A==m! ;==m!<tr! Atrs! ;trs! A=trs /oda C==m! L==m P Atrs R C Coa C==m! L==m P Atrs /oda Table 1.2.2 Product Range 21 PARENT COMPANY UNITED BREWERIES GROUP (UB GROUP) %ig <.A.A & U7 grou" ogo United Breweries Group! based in 7angaore! is the #ordFs And argest bre#er and the argest in India. The com"any mar-ets most of its beer under the ,ingfisher brand and has aso aunched ,ingfisher +remium +ac-aged Drin-ing 3ater P soda! in India. The grou" is headed by Dr. 6ijay 'aya #ho is aso a member of the Indian +ariament. United 7re#eries no# has a near>mono"oy over the Indian bre#ing mar-et! than-s to its recent ta-eover of the riva /ha#>3aace com"any. The grou" o#ns the 'endocino 7re#ing Com"any in the United /tates and the grou" no# is eying to sho# its mere "resence in "ac-aged Drin-ing 3ater as #e. 22 Mission The group Mission Statement embodies these objectives : To assess the com"any(s image in vie# of retais! boo-ing counter agent! and consumer. To ist com"etitors o"erating in the mar-et. To be the "referred em"oyer #herever #e o"erate To recognize the vaue of our human assets. To be the "artner of choice for customers! su""iers. To greater information about com"eting com"any(s "erformance and mar-eting 1fforts in +une city. 'a-e recommendation about mar-eting efforts for "romoting saes .,ingfisher9 +ac-aged drin-ing #ater P soda in retai P bu- segment in +une city. 23 Achievements The argest seing 7eer in India. Commands a AG: mar-et share in the country. L bottes of ,ingfisher are sod every second in India. 2vaiabe in ;A countries across the gobe. 3on the 3ordFs best 8ite 8ager 2#ard at the /toc-hom 7eer %estiva in <GGD>G;. 3on the 7ronze 2#ard at the F2ustraian Internationa 7eer 2#ardsF in the BInternationa +ac-aged 7eer /ection for the year A===.B %irst +rize in the Internationa 7eer 2#ards organised by the Ne# Ieaand 4o" 'ar-eting 7oard. %irst +rize for the abe #or- category at the 2sian 5rand +rix Cyre A=== 8abe a#ard. 5od 'eda at the 3ord 7eer Cham"ionshi" hed in Chicago in <GGN. 3ordFs 7est 8ite 8ager 2#ard at the /toc-hom 7eer %estiva in <GG;. 24 ABOUT KINGFISHER LTD .The ,ing of 5ood Times9 is India(s best>seing beer! and from 'umbai to Dehi! the ocas guzze through miions of bottes annuay. 7ut athough the brand commands u" to AG: of its domestic mar-et! uness you(ve visited India or are a "art>time connoisseur of curries! you may not have recognized ,ingfisher(s ?uaities as the "erfect accom"animent to a chic-en 6indaoo. The 7eer brands manufactured and mar-eted by United 7re#eries 8td. have a#ays been recognized for their internationa ?uaity. ThatFs 7eer at its best for the discerning consumerJ 1.1 FUNCTIONAL AREA OF THE PRO1ECT Industry type - FMCG / Food & Beverages Functional area of working - Sales & Marketing There are many areas of mar-eting to #or- in i-e Design! 2dvertising! +romotions! Consumer a#arenessQ +roduct a#areness etc. 25 and these a area are originated through the '2R,1TIN5 'IR #hich consists of D +(s i.e. +RODUCT> under this decision ta-en areE The "roduct itsef )design! ?uaity! "ac-aging etc* The diversification of the existing +roduct +RIC1 > under this decisions ta-en are E /etting +rices Discounts Credit rues +82C1 > under this decisions ta-en are E The best #ay to se the "roducts to the customers )Channes of Distribution* The trans"ort system +RO'OTION > under this decisions ta-en areE 2dvertising /aes +romotion +ubic Reations 'y %unctiona area consisted of anaysis of a the above areas of ,ingfisher(s +ac-aged Drin-ing 3ater in res"ect to the other mar-et 26 "ayers. Thus! my focus #as to -no# the mar-et share of -ingfisher(s "ac-aged drin-ing #ater in various regions of +une city aong #ith the mar-et share of other eading brands i-e Oxyrich! ,iney etc. This area of #or- #as more or ess simiar to! doing a mar-et research for the com"any. In other #ords! #e can say that my area of function and study #as a "art of Com"any(s 'ar-et research De"artment. (evera84n8 on 4ts advanced 4n5rastructure Iceber8 Foods (464ted 9IF(:, the 5la8sh4p co6pan; o5 Iceber8 8roup 4s 6a<4n8 a stron8 head=a; 4n the 6anu5actur4n8 and 6ar<et4n8 pac<a8ed dr4n<4n8 =ater us4n8 >/I+GFI"?&$@ brand and 5lavored bevera8e us4n8 the >$. .*(-@ brand. 2r. /4shore -8ar=al 4n the ;ear 2002 planned out h4s o=n bus4ness venture 4n the 54eld o5 F2.G related products and la4d the 5oundat4on stone o5 Iceber8 Foods (464ted. In a short span o5 10 ;ears, there has been a s48n454cant eApans4on o5 the bus4ness b; the co6pan; l4<e sett4n8 up state!o5!the!art bottl4n8 plants 4n d455erent parts o5 the countr; e.8. 0elh4, ?;derabad and 3an8alore. *=4n8 to 4ts broad and d4verse net=or< o5 dealers and d4str4butors, Iceber8 4s pursu4n8 4ts act4v4t4es 4n Ind4a ver; e554c4entl;. Iceber8 Group has 4ts o554ces 4n 27 6aBor c4t4es o5 Ind4a, =h4le 4t has set up a separate plant 5or the product4on o5 ,&) 3ottles and ,re!5or6s 4n 0elh4. *ne o5 the 6ost s48n454cant bus4ness deals o5 Iceber8 has been =4th Royal Crown Cola 9$. .ola: ran<ed th4rd a6on8st the cola brands o5 the =orld. )he un4Cue ran8e o5 th4s re5resh4n8l; so5t dr4n<s 4s 466ensel; popular =4th the consu6ers. Iceber8 be4n8 the lar8est l4censee o5 $. .ola 4n Ind4a 4s leav4n8 no stone unturned to pro6ote the brand 4n the countr;. $. .ola Cuenches the th4rst o5 several Ind4an consu6ers 4n a 6ost re5resh4n8 6anner. In order to popular4De th4s 3rand, the co6pan; has carved out 6et4culous plans and a46s to launch 4t all across the nat4on 4n a s;ste6at4c =a;. 2ov4n8 ahead, another 46portant brand =4th =h4ch Iceber8 4s assoc4ated 4s >Kingfisher@, a brand that 4s pos4t4oned co65ortabl; 4n the charts o5 popular4t; o5 pac<a8ed dr4n<4n8 =ater. Iceber8 Foods (464ted e6bar<ed 4ts bus4ness vo;a8e 10 ;ears bac< =4th an 4dea o5 product4on and 6ar<et4n8 o5 -Cua 9=ater: products, s4nce then 4ts endeavors have 28 6ult4pl4ed =4th t46es. Iceber8 has a pr4v4le8e o5 =or<4n8 =4th t=o 6aBor consu6er brands =h4ch stand 5or the4r un4Cueness. IF( strate84Des 4ts operat4ons 4n order to ach4eve opt46al output. Iceber8 4s the lar8est 5ranch4see 5or 6anu5actur4n8 and 6ar<et4n8 o5 >/4n854sher@ ,ac<a8ed 0r4n<4n8 1ater and "oda, trade6ar< o=ned b; #3 8roup. &Atend4n8 th4s l4st o5 acco6pl4sh6ent 4s the 6anu5actur4n8 and 6ar<et4n8 a8ree6ent =4th the popular >$. cola,@ the th4rd lar8est sell4n8 cola brand 4n the =orld, trade6ar< 4s o=ned b; >$o;al .ro=n .ola Internat4onal@, #n4ted "tates o5 -6er4ca. )o e6brace a Cual4t; or4ented approach, the co6pan; has earned the I"* cert454cate, reco8n4t4on 5or 4ts co664t6ent to pure and h;84en4c products. ,o=ered b; 4ts eAcellent d4str4but4on s;ste6, Iceber8 ensures on! t46e serv4ces to reta4l vendors. )he bottl4n8 o5 Kingfishers pac<a8ed dr4n<4n8 =ater 4s done 4n a 5ull; auto6ated plant eCu4pped =4th all 6odern a6en4t4es 5or reverse os6os4s, 4on4Dat4on E ultra 54ltrat4on process. In add4t4on the plant also has the 6ost advanced pest4c4des re6oval s;ste6 that e554c4entl; erad4cates the ele6ents o5 pest4c4des 5ro6 the =ater 29 throu8h carbon 54ltrat4on process 4n accordance =4th the prescr4bed nor6s. For process4n8 o5 =ater, Iceber8 uses soph4st4cated and ultra 6odern 6ach4nes so as the resultant 4s pure, sa5e and s=eet pac<a8ed dr4n<4n8 =ater. 1hen 4t co6es to re5resh4n8 dr4n<s, RC Cola =4th 4ts 5resh and 4nv48orat4n8 taste 4s =4nn4n8 the heart o5 ever; consu6er =orld over. )he un4Cue aspect o5 th4s dr4n< 4s 4ts eAc4t4n8 taste that re6a4ns 4ntact even 45 4t 4s not cold. "tr4ct Cual4t; test4n8 6ethods are e6plo;ed b; the co6pan; 5or anal;s4s o5 =ater sa6ples and other 4n8red4ents, so as to 84ve 4ts consu6ers an outstand4n8 bevera8e.
%-(#&" We are truthful. *ur =ords are not onl; techn4call; correct but are true and 5orthco64n8 to the core. 1e 6a4nta4n transparenc; 4n all our bus4ness transact4ons and openness 4n our co66un4cat4ons =4th each other. We are reliable. 1e <eep our pro64ses and 5ul54ll the co664t6ent 6ade to cl4ents and assoc4ates. #nco6pro64s4n8 stand on upr48htness help us 4n ta<4n8 30 the r48ht5ul act4ons all the t46e. &ver; step 4s ta<en to erase an; chance o5 46propr4et;. We are spirited. 1e support r48hteous deeds. 1e report a8a4nst 64sconducts and unBust act4ons. We are conscientious. 1e accept the conseCuences o5 our deal4n8s. 1e o=n up our 64sta<es and Cu4c<l; rect45; the6. 1e donFt str4<e bac< a8a4nst those =ho are do4n8 r48ht th4n8 b; as<4n8 Cuest4ons or ra4s4n8 concerns. We respect every individual.)he contr4but4on o5 ever; assoc4ated person 4s valued b; us. 1e bel4eve 4n pa;4n8 attent4on to v4e=po4nts and 6a4nta4n4n8 5a4rness 4n all relat4onsh4ps. We use rightful verdicts. 1e th4n< be5ore =e act. *ur behav4or 4s 8u4ded b; 6orals values and eth4cs.
,?I(*"*,?' -t IF( our values and ph4losoph; are at the heart o5 ever; act4on that =e per5or6. IF( bel4eves 4n opportun4t4es =h4ch lead to success =4th 4nnovat4ons 4n do4n8..
31 .*((-3*$-)I*+" 9a: #n4ted 3re=er4es Group *ne o5 the s48n454cant collaborat4ons o5 IF( 4s the a8ree6ent =4th #3 Group, the o=ners o5 the popular G/4n854sherF brand. )h4s arran8e6ent sanct4ons Iceber8 as be4n8 the 6aBor 5ranch4see to carr; out product4on and 6ar<et4n8 o5 /4n854sherHs pac<a8ed dr4n<4n8 =ater and soda. )h4s assoc4at4on o5 Iceber8 =4th #n4ted 3re=er4es Group 4s an outco6e o5 the trust=orth; status o5 Iceber8 4n Ind4a. )o8ether both the enterpr4ses are a464n8 at a co66on 8oal o5 cons4stent success.
9b: $o;al .ro=n .ola Internat4onal Increas4n8 4ts l4st o5 bus4ness assoc4at4ons, IF( has struc< a deal =4th $o;al .ro=n .ola Internat4onal 9$..I: a d4v4s4on o5 .ott 3evera8es Inc, 4n the 5or6 o5 3ottlers -8ree6ent and trade6ar<s l4cens4n8 arran8e6ent. -s per the nor6s o5 these a8ree6ents, Iceber8 has earned the r48hts to 6anu5acture and 6ar<et $. .ola products to a8reed terr4tor4es. 32
K! PR"O##$ 9c:"hr4 /4shore -8ar=al Iceber8 Group 4s thr4v4n8 under the co6petent leadersh4p o5 "hr4 /4shore -8ar=al =ho started h4s 4ndependent venture 4n F2.G se86ent =4th a deter64nat4on and 5ocus. It =as h4s <een 4nterest 4n brand pro6ot4on 4n F2.G sector that 4nsp4red h46 to venture 4nto 5lavored bevera8e and =ater bus4ness. 3; adopt4n8 a sp4r4ted and ded4cated outloo< to=ards =or<, he has s4n8le handedl; ta<en the 8roup to he48hts o5 reco8n4t4on. "hr4 /4shore -8ar=al h46sel5 superv4ses all the cr4t4cal and strate84c aspects o5 Iceber8I had 4t been dec4s4on 6a<4n8, overall plann4n8 or eAecut4on o5 ne= proBect plans. In add4t4on to these proceed4n8s he h46sel5 6ana8es the relat4onsh4p =4th representat4ves o5 the $o;al .ro=n .ola Internat4onal, #"- 9o=ners o5 $. .ola 1orld 14de: and #3 8roup 9o=ners o5 /4n854sher 3rand:. -ss4sted b; a pro54c4ent 6ar<et4n8 tea6, 2r. -8ar=al also loo<s a5ter brand 6ana8e6ent and var4ous brand develop6ent 5unct4ons. 33 Iceberg %oods 8td. is a seven years od com"any in "ac-aged drin-ing #ater manufacturing industry and it is one of the eading com"any having a India rights for manufacturing P mar-eting "ac-aged Drin-ing #ater #ith a brand name .,ingfisher9 trademar- o#ned by famous .U79 grou" P .RC Coa9 trademar- o#ned by .Roya Cro#n Coa9 #hich third argest seing soft drin- brand in the #ord #ith a "resence in amost a the countries of the #ord. Its cients are s"read a over the country. It is one of those fe# brands that have got I/I certification in India and it is committed to su""y "ure and hygienic #ater. It(s "ac-aged drin-ing #ater is manufactured under "erfect hygienic conditions as "er I/I /tandards and it has been consistent in su""ying @uaity "roduct to a our customers. It has one of the best distribution infrastructures in the business to "rovide timey services to a our vendors. It has hundreds of distributors a over the India #ho are further su""ying it(s stoc-s to thousands of retaiers than to our end users. It(s "roducts come in a #ide range of "ac-ages i-e A==m !< iter ! A iter ! ; iter ! A= iter in drin-ing #ater P L==m P <.; iter in /oda. It(s "ac-aged drin-ing #ater is botted in fuy automatic "ant #ith Reverse Osmosis! Ozonization P Utra fitration "rocess. 2ong #ith atest "esticides 34 remova system through activated carbon fitration "rocess as "er 1U norms. It is understood that throughout India G=: of the stress reated diseases are caused due toconsum"tion of contaminated food P #ater. It "rocesses #ater at our "ant #ith the most modern! high tech e?ui"ment sodium fitration resuting in not ony heathy but aso s#eeter "ac-aged drin-ing #ater. Its "ac-aged drin-ing #ater is "rocessed and "ac-ed in a so"histicated and chemica free "ant to maintain highest eve of hygiene. Its "ac-aged drin-ing #ater is manufactured under a very strict in house ?uaity contro system! ensuring that #hat you drin- is #hat nature intended.
Distribution network It has a distribution net#or- consisting of three eves bet#een the com"any to CP% and then to the consumers! i.e. Distributors and 35 retaiers. +ant su""ies directy to the CPf and then to the distributors from #here it generates it(s "rimary saes. It has various Distributors that are scattered a over Uttar +radesh. . SALES DEPARTMENT:-
3e have foo#ing saes staff in Indore saes team E /aes 'anager & one )'r. /achin +achouri * 2rea /aes 'anager & one )mr. Devendra 7hargav* /aes Officers & four ,IN5%I/41R 8I'IT1DE>
36 .The ,ing of 5ood Times9 is India(s best>seing beer and from 'umbai to Dehi! the ocas guzze through miions of bottes annuay. 7ut athough the brand commands u" to A;: of its domestic mar-et! uness you(ve visited India or are a "art>time connoisseur of curries! you may not have recognized ,ingfisher(s ?uaities as the "erfect accom"animent to a chic-en 6indaoo. 4o#ever! a that coud change in the future as ,ingfisher(s o#ners! United 7re#eries! havedeivered their "remium brand to the #eb in an effort to increase goba a#areness of theircoveted fagshi" "roduct. The ,ingfisher home"age is everything you #oud ex"ect from the Indian>based brand. It iscoorfu and noisy )athough the score sounds more Caribbean than Indian* and there(s "enty of animation to enhance the vie#ing ex"erience. 2reas of the site that are #e #orth a visit incudethe %un and 7eer section! #here you can send 1>cards to your friends or have a chuc-e at the 7eer So-esQ the %ood section! #hich is a must for overs of Indian cuisineQ and the 3ord section!#hich contains information about the history of United 7re#eries and the ,ingfisher brand itsef. Unfortunatey! the faciity to order ,ingfisher beer and a""areonine ony exists forresidents of 7angaore at "resent! so from 37 an 1>tai "ers"ective! the site is imited to a fraction of its o#n indigenous mar-et. This feeing of constraint is aso extended to other site areas and there are severa sections #ithin, that are #ea- in terms of content and #i need substantia embeishment if United 7re#eries are to ma-e fu use of the #eb as a mar-eting too. The /"ort "ages are a good exam"e of this as they sim"y contain a handfu of "aragra"hs on ,ingfisher(s s"onsorshi" of "ast s"orting events! rather than evangeizing #hat associates the emotiona as"ects of the,ingfisher brand #ith its chosen recreationa "artners. Name of the Organization United 7re#eries 5rou" )U7 5rou"* Name of the Company ,ingfisher 8imited Manufactured & Marketed By Iceberg %oods 8imited Product information 38 Iceberg foods td has rights of manufacturing and saes of ,ingfisher imited. +roduct #hich are manufactured in Indore "ants are 1. Kingfisher 1 liter pdw
2. Kingfisher 200 ml packaged drinking water
39 3. Kingfisher 20 liter 1AR
Its "ac-aged drin-ing #ater is botted in fuy automatic "ant #ith Reverse Osmosis! Ozonization P Utra fitration "rocess. 2ong #ith 40 atest "esticides remova system through activated carbon fitration "rocess as "er 1U norms. It is understood that throughout India G=: of the stress reated diseases are caused due to consum"tion of contaminated food P #ater. It "rocesses #ater at its "ant #ith the most modern! high tech e?ui"ment sodium fitration resuting in not ony heathy but aso s#eeter "ac-aged drin-ing #ater. Its "ac-aged drin-ing #ater is "rocessed and "ac-ed in a so"histicated and chemica free "ant to maintain highest eve of hygiene. Its "ac-aged drin-ing #ater is manufactured under a very strict in house ?uaity contro system! ensuring that #hat you drin- is #hat nature intended. RATE LIST PACKAGED DRINKING WATER Size Brand Name Rate Per Case (RS.) A==m ,ingfisher G= )A= bottes* < 8iter ,ingfisher G= 2?uafina <<; 7iseri <<; 4eath "ush N= 7aiey <A= ,iney <<= Narmada L= 41 A 8iter ,ingfisher <A= )G bts.* 7iseri <;C 7aiey <D= A= 8iter ,ingfisher ;; 7iseri L= LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1.1 INTRODUCTION: WATER INDUSTRY The tradition of botted #ater and minera #ater is not very od. 1ven in #estern countries the "ractice of botted drin-ing #ater started ony in <G;=s. /ince ancient time "eo"e have used #ater from minera s"rings! es"eciay hot s"rings! for bathing due to its su""osed thera"eutic vaue for rheumatism! arthritis! s-in diseases! and various other aiments. De"ending on the tem"erature of the #ater! the ocation! the atitude! and the cimate at the s"ring! it coud be used to cure different aiments. This started the trend of using minera #ater for drin-ing "ur"oses in order to ex"oit its thera"eutic vaue. /ince mid<GN=s arge ?uantities of botted #ater from minera s"rings in %rance and other 1uro"ean countries began to be ex"orted. The conce"t of botted #ater is reativey successfu in #estern countries due to greater heath consciousness. 42 The internationa standards regarding botted #ater are so stringent that for a "articuar brand of #ater to be certified as botted #ater! in most countries! muti"e eves of a""rovas are re?uired. %or exam"e! in the United /tates! the 1+2 )1nvironment +rotection 2gency* reguates "ubic #ater systems. The %D2 of U/ has aso set standards for botted #ater. World Bottled Water Market Annually consumption 189billion liter Estimated sales $ 200 billion Consumption growth 7 per year 43 Fig 2.1.1 - Growth of Bottled Water industry in the world Government Parameters for Water Industry The government has aid certain "arameters for the #ater industry. They are as foo#s! <* There shoud be a good #ater tabe in the "ant area! #here extraction #i be done. A* The "rocessed #ater shoud be recyced through! #ater harvesting techni?ues. C* The "rocesses are revie#ed by government agencies from time to time and issued certification thereafter. Fig: 2.1.2- Growth in Demand in India 44 HISTORY OF MINERAL WATER +O+U82RIT0 O% 'IN1R28 32T1RE The tradition of botted #ater and minera #ater is not very od. 1ven in #estern countries the "ractice of botted drin-ing #ater started in <G;=s. The trend of having minera #ater gained grounds in the mar-et. /ince ancient time "eo"e have used #ater from minera s"rings! es"eciay hot s"rings! for bathing due to its su""osed thera"eutic vaue for rheumatism! arthritis! s-in diseases! and various other aiments. De"ending on the tem"erature of the #ater! the ocation! the atitude! and the cimate at the s"ring! it can be used to cure different aiments. This started the trend of using minera #ater for drin-ing "ur"ose to ex"oit the thera"eutic vaue of the #ater. This trend started gaining momentum in mid <GN=s and since then arge ?uantities of botted #ater from minera s"rings in %rance and other 1uro"ean countries are ex"orted every year. The conce"t of botted has been ?uite "revaent in #estern countries due to greater heath consciousness and higher a#areness about heath and hygiene. The internationa standards regarding botted #ater are so stringent that for a "articuar brand of #ater to be certified as botted #ater it has to get a""rovas on four evesE federa! state! trade association and individua com"any eves. 45 In United /tates! the botted #ater industry is reguated on four evesE federa )by the U./. %ood and Drug 2dministration as a food "roduct*! state! industry association! and individua com"any. 1+2 )1nvironment +rotection 2gency* reguates "ubic #ater systems. %D2 reguates botted #ater that crosses state ines. /O'1 O% T41 /T2ND2RD/ 5O61RNIN5 T41 7OTT81D 32T1R INDU/TR0 2R1E 3ater is cassified as botted #ater or drin-ing #ater! if it meets a a""icabe federa and state standards! is seaed in a sanitary container and is sod for human consum"tion. 7otted #ater cannot contain s#eeteners or chemica additives )other than favours! extracts or essences* and must be caorie> free and sugar>free. %avours! extracts and essences >> derived from s"ice or fruit >> can be added to botted #ater! but these additions must com"rise ess than one "ercent by #eight of the fina "roduct. 7everages containing more than the one>"ercent>by>#eight favour imit are cassified as soft drin-s! not botted #ater. 7otted #ater may be sodium>free or contain Bvery o#B amounts of sodium. 46 Ta" #ater uses Chorine as disinfectant botted #ater uses Ozone as a disinfectant. 7otted #ater shoud not contain chorine. 2.1.3 HOW IS BOTTLED WATER DIFFERENT FROM TAP WATER? Consistent ?uaity and taste are t#o of the "rinci"a differences bet#een botted #ater and ta" #ater. 3hie botted #ater originates from "rotected sources > argey from underground a?uifers and s"rings > ta" #ater comes mosty from rivers and a-es. -nother 5actor to cons4der 4s the d4stance tap =ater 6ust travel and =hat 4t 8oes throu8h be5ore 4t reaches the tap. In co6pl4ance =4th 4nternat4onal re8ulat4ons, bottled =ater 4s sealed and pac<a8ed 4n san4tar; conta4ners. I5 a bottled =ater product 4s 5ound to be substandard, 4t can be recalled. )h4s canHt happen 4n case o5 tap =ater. 2ccording to reguations in the U/! #hen botted #ater is source from 47 a community #ater system the "roduct abe must state so ceary. 4o#ever! if the #ater is subject to distiation! deionization or reverse osmosis! it can be categorized that #ay! and does not have to state on its abe that it is from a community #ater system or from a munici"a source. +rocessing methods such as reverse osmosis remove most chemica and microbioogica contaminants. TYPES OF BOTTLE DRINKING WATER 1. Mineral Water: 7otted #ater containing not ess than A;= "arts "er miion tota dissoved soids may be abeed as minera #ater. 'inera #ater is distinguished from other ty"es of botted #ater by its constant eve and reative "ro"ortions of minera and trace eements at the "oint of emergence from the source. No mineras can be added to this "roduct. 2. Purified water 3ater that has been "roduced by distiation! de>ionization! reverse osmosis or other suitabe "rocesses. 3. Spring water: 48 7otted #ater derived from an underground formation from #hich #ater fo#s naturay to the surface of the earth. /"ring #ater must be coected ony at the s"ring or through a borehoe ta""ing the underground formation finding the s"ring. 4. Artesian Water/ Artesian Well Water 2n artesian a?uifer is a confined a?uifer containing ground#ater that #i fo# u"#ards out of a #e #ithout the need for "um"ing. 2n a?uifer "rovides the #ater for an artesian #e. 2n a?uifer is a ayer of soft roc-! i-e imestone or sandstone that absorbs #ater from an inet "ath. +orous stone is crushed bet#een im"ermeabe roc-s or cay. This -ee"s the "ressure high! so #hen the #ater finds a hoe! it overcomes gravity and goes u" instead of do#n. 5. Distilled Water +urified #ater is #ater from any source that is "hysicay "rocessed to remove im"urities. Distied #ater and deionized #ater have been the most common forms of "urified #ater! but #ater can aso be "urified by other "rocesses incuding reverse osmosis! carbon fitration! micro "orous fitration! utra fitration! utravioet oxidation! or eectro diaysis. In recent decades! a combination of the above "rocesses have come into use to "roduce #ater of such high "urity that its trace 49 contaminants are measured in "arts "er biion or "arts "er triion. +urified #ater has many uses! incuding in science and engineering aboratories and industries! and is "roduced in a range of "urities. 6. Sparkling Water 2 s"ar-ing #ater is "ain #ater into #hich carbon dioxide gas has been dissoved! and is the major and defining com"onent of most Bsoft drin-sB. The "rocess of dissoving carbon dioxide gas is caed carbonation. It resuts in the formation of carbonic acid )#hich has the chemica formua 4 A CO C *. 7. Well Water 3ater #e is an artificia excavation or structure "ut do#n by any method such as digging! driving! boring! or driing for the "ur"oses of #ithdra#ing #ater from underground a?uifers 3e #ater may be dra#n via an eectric submersibe "um" or a mechanica "um"! from a source beo# the surface of the earth. 2ternativey! it coud be dra#n u" using containers! such as buc-ets that are raised mechanicay! or by hand. 2though not essentia! usuay a storage tan- #ith a "ressure of D=>L= "si is aso added to the system! so the "um" does not need to o"erate constanty. 3es can vary greaty in de"th! #ater voume and #ater ?uaity. 3e #ater ty"icay contains more mineras in soution than surface #ater and may re?uire treatment to soften the #ater by removing mineras such as arsenic! iron and manganese. 50 MANUFACTURING PROCESS Purification Process +urity and safety are t#o major factors ta-en care in sourcing and "rocessing of ,ingfisher #ater. Underground s"ring is carefuy seected based on its "ortabiity and "athogen free #ater. 5reat care goes in ta""ing this source. Ony #ater beo# A; meters is ta""ed. This is to avoid any surface contamination to "ercoate and mix #ith underground #ater source. 2rea surrounding the #ater coection tube at the surface is "rotected and -e"t cean. Processing and Quality Assurance The casing tube itsef is "rotected #ith stainess stee mesh to give a "reiminary fitration to the #ater. Utra fitration gives #ater reduction in turbidity and adds s"ar-e activated carbon "urifier to remove coor and odour in #ater Reverse osmosis membrane has "orosity of ess than =.=< micron the "rocess renders #ater free o microorganisms and aso reduces dissoved soids 51 To ensure ,ingfisher "ac-aged drin-ing #ater is hed safe free from contaminations! utravioet treatment and ozonisation "rocess is carried out. Ozone is unstabe trivaent oxygen! a very "o#erfu bactericide #ith no side effect! as it disintegrates into oxygen #ithin cou"e of hours. /teriization effect of ozonised #ater continues even after #ater is "ac-aged! thereby ensuring safety of ,ingfisher u" to its fina "ac-ing. To ensure high ?uaity of "ac-ing materias! com"onents i-e ca"s and bottes are manufactured in>house from resins of ?uaity su""iers. 5ood 'anufacturing +ractices are stringenty foo#ed at a times. +rocessing is reigiousy monitored at every stage. Testing source #ater! "rocessing "arameters! microbia ?uaity! "ac-aging materia integrity and finay! shef ife studies! forms an integra "art of ?uaity and safety assurance "an. @uaity chec-ingE @uaity is chec-ed by sam"ing method as a batched test at every stage of beer manufacturing even ?uaity of botte is aso chec-ed before actuay using. +roductionE N=!=== to H=!=== bottes "er day. 2.1.4 COMPETITORS OF KINGFISHER IN INDIA 52 The botted #ater industry effectivey com"etes #ith both the #ater> "urifiers as #e as the soft drin-s industry. The #ater "urifier industry )"rimariy the 2?ua 5uard brand of the 1ure-a %orbes* is credited to have done the s"ade#or- for creating the safety and heath consciousness in #ater consum"tion! and is a serious com"etitor in the househod and institutiona consum"tion mar-et! #hereas the soft drin-s industry is a strong com"etitor in the retai consum"tion mar-et. COCA COLA The com"any had entered the business in 'ay A=== through its extending its soda #ater brand! ,iney. The com"any has tied u" #ith ,othari 7everages! of 0es brand of minera #ater! for manufacturing ,iney botted #ater at 0esF faciities. The brand is avaiabe in "ac- sizes of ;== m! <>itre! <.;>itre! A>itre! ;>itre! A=>itre and A;>itre. 3ith the gro#ing mar-et! Coca>Coa is "anning to scae u" its botting ca"acity! u" from the <; existing "ants. Coca Coa has identified <= to <; sites for additiona "ants for setting u" a combination of com"any> o#ned "ants! franchisee o"erations and contract "ac-ers. 53 PEPSI CO. The com"any entered the botted #ater business in /e"tember <GGG under the 2?uafina brand. The com"any began by targeting its "roduct to#ards the youth #ith a N;=>m "ac-. It no# retais in conventiona retai "ac- sizes of ;==>m and <>itre bottes. The brand has the strong bac-ing of a distribution channe of L=!=== outet and the refrigerators at +e"si(s retai Outets! #hich stoc- its cod drin-s. Though the com"any is "resent ony in seected mar-et as of no#! it has "ans of increasing share in the mar-et by ex"anding its /,Us "ortfoio as #e as its distribution reach. /ources say +e"siCo India has been investing in additiona ca"acity at its "ants in 7angaore and Chennai for the bu- #ater foray. BAILLEY The brand is a "roduct of +are 2gro! the com"any that aunched %rooti )mango drin- in tetra "ac-s*. 7aiey is credited #ith creating a ne# 54 segment of CC=m /,U )the right ?uantity to ?uench the thirst of an adutJ* in the mar-et. NESTLE 'utinationa Neste has aready started ma-ing forays into the botted #ater industry #ith its brand +ure 8ife. Neste is a big "ayer in the minera #ater mar-et internationay! #ith brands i-e +errier and /an +eegrino in its stabe. Neste has set>u" t#o botting "ants in 'umbai and Ne# Dehi! to service the mar-ets in these regions. It "ans initiay to ta" ony the huge mar-et for botted #ater in arge cities and to#ns. OXYRICH Dhari#a Industries 8td > %ood P 7everages division has one of the most modern and com"rehensive "ac-aged drin-ing #ater faciities s"read across India. The faciities are fuy integrated #ith in house faciities for manufacturing of +erforms! Cosures$Ca"s and 7otte 7o#ing. The abes and cartons are aso made in the grou" com"anies to ensure tota contro on ?uaity and "rocesses. Oxyrich )C==: more 55 oxygen* is cear! smooth! "ure #ater #ith a refreshing boost of extra Oxygen. BISLERI 'inera 3ater under the name F7iseriF #as first introduced in 'umbai in gass bottes in t#o varieties > bubby P sti in <GL; by 7iseri 8td.! a com"any of Itaian origin. This com"any #as started by /ignor %eice 7iseri #ho first brought the idea of seing botted #ater in India. +are bought over 7iseri )India* 8td. In <GLG P started botting 'inera #ater in gass bottes under the brand name F7iseriF. 8ater +are s#itched over to +6C non>returnabe bottes P finay advanced to +1T containers. LOCAL PLAYERS IN MARKET ,ate a?ua /umeru /aiganga 56 Rea a?ua ,evino Oxygen Oxybue 2viva /agar Cap cost Rs =.A; Bottle cost Rs <.; > Rs A.; Treatment cost Rs =.< > Rs =.A; Label cost Rs <.; > Rs =.A; Carton cost Rs =.;= Transportation cost Rs <.= > =.A; Others Rs =.;= Total cost (excluding labour, marketing & tax) Rs A.H; > D.A; Selling cost Rs <= & <A 57 Section I.1 Table 2.1.1 - Cost of producing 1 liter branded bottled drinking water 58 Research Methodology Definition Of Research Research is a scientific and systematic search for "ertinent information on a s"ecific to"ic. In fact research is an art of scientific investigation. The search for -no#edge through objective and systematic method of finding soution to a "robem is research. Cifford 3oody defines Research as .Research com"rises of defining and redefining "robems! formuating hy"othesis or suggested soutionsQ coecting! organizing and evauating dataQ ma-ing deductions and reaching concusionsQ and at ast carefuy testing the concusions to determine #hether they fit the formuating hy"othesis. .Research is a carefu investigation or in?uiry es"eciay through search for ne# facts in any branch of -no#edge9 RESEARCH PROCESS Define the research problem Review concepts and theories Formulate Hypothesis Research design Select the data collection method (s) Select the measurement technique Select the sample (primary considerations) 59 Select the analytical approach Interpretation and report SOME IMPORTANT CONCEPTS Population 2 items of any fied of is in?uiry constitute a TUniverse( or T+o"uation( Sample Design 2 sam"e Design is a definite "an for obtaining a sam"e from a given "o"uation. It refers to the techni?ue or the "rocedure the researcher #oud ado"t in seecting items for the sam"e. There are many sam"e designs from #hich a researcher can choose. DIFFERENT TYPES OF SAMPLE DESIGN Non-Probability sampling It is that sam"ing in #hich sam"ing "rocedure in #hich sam"ing does not affords any basis for estimating the "robabiity that each item 60 in the "o"uation has of being incuded in the sam"e. It is aso -no#n by different names such as deiberate sam"ing! "ur"osive sam"ing and judgment sam"ing. Probability Sampling +robabiity sam"ing is aso -no#n as TRandom sam"ing( or TChance sam"ing(. Under this sam"ing design! every item of the universe has an e?ua chance of incusion in the sam"e. It gives each sam"e combination an e?ua "robabiity of being "ic-ed u" and each item in the "o"uation to have an e?ua chance of being incuded in the sam"e. SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTION: The research can be carried out #ith the he" of t#o ty"e of data nameyE "rimary and secondary. Primary Data: The "rimary data are those #hich are coected a fresh and for the first time! and thus ha""ened to be origina in character. The "rimary data #as coected by survey. 7asic methods of data coection under survey #ereE> Observation method Interview method Questionnaires 3ith the he" of these! first hand information can coected. This method is needed for meeting the objective of research study. +rimary data #as coected #ith the he" of the senior manager! cor"orate 61 communication and other various retaiers and distributors in the cities. It #as coected from face to face interaction! intervie#s! of the concerned "ersons. Secondary Data: /econdary data are those #hich have aready been coected by someone ese and #hich have aready been "assed through statistica "rocess. This data #as coected #ith the he" of . Reference books. Brochures and checklist. Booklets and pamphlets. Websites of companies 3ith the he" of above sources of data the re?uired information #as coected. 62 RESEARCH INSTRUMENT: Research instrument refers to the "hysica aids by the research is carried out. The main research instrument used in this "roject is a structured ?uestionnaire. 3ith reference to the "roject! the ?uestionnaire is "re"ared in order to study the "robems and #ea- areas for com"any in the city. Our @uestionnaire incudes o"en ended and cose ended ?uestions. %or Observation saes and trans"ort routine broacher #ere used. Sample Selection: Sampling techniques E The sam"ing techni?ue used for this study #as convenience sam"ing #hich comes under non "robabiity sam"ing. It #as based on the convenience of the researcher #ho #as to seect the sam"e. The sam"e #ere incuded merey on account of being avaiabe on or near the "ace #here the survey #as being conducted. /am"e seected in this "roject #ere aso on the basis of convenience sam"ing because retaiers #ere seected #ith convenience of researcher. Target population :> Target "o"uation #as the retaiers and institutiona consumers of 7areiy city. retaiers from various "aces in 7areiy such asE>
63 Sample size E Out of A=== ony A== res"ondents )retaiers* #ere seected in sam"e for the "roject . Geographical extentE 7areiy ! Uttar +radesh Data analysis and Interpretation 2fter data are obtained through ?uestionnaire! intervie#s! observation! or through secondary sources they need to be edited .2fter coecting data next ste" comes Data 2naysis. In Data 2naysis foo#ing things shoud be chec-ed <. %ee for data 'ean /tandard Deviation Correation %re?uency distribution A. 5oodness )testing* of data Reiabiity 6aidity C. 4y"othesis testing 2""ro"riate /tatistica mani"uations 64 These are the things #hich comes under data anaysis. 2fter data anaysis inter"retation of resut is done. These inter"retations ead to research ?uestions( ans#ers.
Data Interpretation And Analysis 65 Factors for preferring any particular brand INTERPRETATIONE > The above gra"h sho#s that majority of retaiers are infuenced by the brand name i.e. DN: and CA: retaier 66 %actors Res"ondents )out of A==* /hare in terms of : 7rand name GD DN: +rofit margin L; CA: 1asy avaiabiity << L: Customer demand C= <;: are infuenced by the "rofit margin. Ony <;: of retaier are infuenced by customer demand. 3hie easy avaiabiity remain ess concern for the retaier "reference. Promotional scheme`s effect on preference of retailers Res"onse No. of res"ondents )Out of A==* +ercent share 0es NG CG: No <A< L<: INTERPRETATION > %rom the above gra"h it is observed that <A< retaiers are not infuenced by the "romotiona schemes and ony NG 67 retaiers are infuenced by the "romotiona schemes. /o major share is of the "eo"e #ho are stuc- #ith a "articuar brand . No. of the delivery from distributor (per week) 68 No. of deivery Res"ondents )out of A==* /hare in terms of : Once CL <H: T#ice HD DA: Thrice ;N AH: 'ore than three AC <A: INTERPRETATION:- %rom the above chart it is cear that majority of retaiers get deivery t#ice in a #ee- i.e. DA: foo#ed by the "eo"e #ho get deivery thrice in #ee- ! once in #ee- and more than three times deivery in a #ee- #ith AG:! <H: and <A: res"ectivey. Satisfaction with the quality of Kingfisher Packaged drinking water 69 INTERPRETATION:- 2bove gra"h sho#s that ,ingfisher "ac-aged drin-ing #ater is not having good image in terms of ?uaity. DH: retaiers and <G: of retaiers are not satisfy #ith ?uaity. 3hie some of the "eo"e are there #ho are satisfy #ith the ?uaity of the "roduct. 70 /atisfaction Res"ondents )out of A==* /hare in terms of : /trongy satisfy CH <G: /atisfy AL <C: Neutra <H G: dissatisfy GN DH: /trongy dissatisfy A< <<: Customer complaints for Kingfisher packaged drinking water 71
72 Res"onse Res"ondents )out of A==* /hare in : 0es AH <D: No <NA HL: INTERPRETATION: - There are ony fe# no. of retaiers #ho get com"ains about the ,ingfisher "ac-aged drin-ing #ater i.e. <D : of retaiers. Response of the company towards complains 73 Res"onse Res"ondents )out of AH* /hare in : 0es L A<: No AA NG: INTERPRETATION : - 2bove gra"h sho#s that com"any is not much bothered about the com"ains and suggestions given by the retaiers. Satisfaction with the profit margin of Kingfisher packaged drinking water 74 75 /atisfaction Res"ondents )out of A==* /hare in terms of : /trongy satisfy CA <L: /atisfy AH <D: Neutra AN <C: dissatisfy DC AA: /trongy dissatisfy N= C;: INTERPRETATION:- 2bove gra"h sho#s that major no. of "eo"e are strongy dissatisfy #ith the "rofit margin given by ,ingfisher "ac-aged drin-ing #ater i.e. C;:. /ome of the retaiers #hich are seing ,ingfisher "ac-aged drin-ing #ater are satisfy #ith that. Image of Kingfisher packaged drinking water in mind of retailers 76 Image Res"ondents )out of A==* /hare in terms of : 1xceent CA <L: 5ood CH <G: 2verage AA <<: +oor <=H ;D: INTERPRETATION:- This gra"h aso verifies concusions given by above figures . ,ingfisher is not having good image in mar-et because of its brand name .,ingfisher9 #hich is -no#n mainy for acoho industry. There are ;D: of the retaiers #ho say ,ingfisher is having "oor image in their mind. Suggestions given by retailers to the Kingfisher packaged drinking water
77 INTERPRETATION:- 2bove gra"h sho#s that majority of the retaiers are not ha""y #ith the "rofit margin given by com"any they #ant to #or- on it by the com"any and it consist of DH: of "eo"e. 3hie "ac-aging of botte is aso one of the main concern #ith the retaiers #ith A< : of res"ondents. 78 Changes Res"ondents )out of A==* /hare in terms of : +ac-aging DA A<: 2dvertisement <A L: +rofit margin GL DH: Distribution D= A=: @uaity <= ;: Finding and Suggestion 79 %inding
<. Consumers #ho use ,ingfisher "roduct are just because of the brand name of ,ingfisher grou" and its rationa "ricing. A. +ac-aging of ,ingfisher drin-ing #ater is not at a attractive as com"are to its com"etitor. C. 'ost of the retaiers are not sti ha""y #ith "rofit margin given by ,ingfisher +D3. D. ,ingfisher is having "oor image in mind of retaiers. ;. Deivery of bottes or trans"ortation is not good. L. 7otte ?uaity is aso "oor. 80 /uggestion 2fter sae services shoud be im"roved Reguar visits shoud be maintained for "ro"er su""y. 'ore schemes on bottes shoud be aunched by the com"any . One #ee- credit faciity or one bi due system shoud be introduced. Retaiers are not getting 7rochures! +osters that(s #hy they can(t "romote the "roduct. /aes "romotion toos such as -ey chains! "ens! banners! rac-s! note "ads! stic-ers shoud be given to the retaiers. Counters outside hos"itas! cinema has! bus stands P at the tourists areas shoud be given s"ecia consideration. +ac-aging shoud be standardized P made attractive. 81 Concusion 82 Concusion The "ur"ose of research carried out #as to /tudy of buying behavior and "erformance of retaiers. %or this a ?uestionnaire #as designed and target sam"e #as seected #hich #as from retai outets! hotes! restaurants and hos"itas. 2fter thorough research! #e have come to the concusion that ,ingfisher has very o# mar-et share as com"are to 7iseri and 4eath +us in 7areiy and Indore city. 'ost of retaiers "refer 7iseri and 4eath "us for seing. ,ingfisher aso have a good mar-et share and there are many areas #here retaiers i-e to se oca brand due to o# cost! and .4eath "us9 is it(s great exam"e. 2s 7iseri is the most trusted brand in the mar-et and having a strong hod in "ac-aged drin-ing #ater mar-et. ,ingfisher is having its strong hod in a mar-et in a bre#eries sector #hich created the im"act on a "eo"e(s mind #hich infuences the "eo"e to thin- about ,ingfisher as a bre#ery brand. It #as found in the survey that retaiers a#ays "refer that brand(s "ac-aged drin-ing #ater! #ho "rovides good deivery system and 83 "ac-aging .+rice and "rofit margin are aso dominating factors #hich are "referred by retaiers in seection of "ac-aged drin-ing #ater.. It is observed from survey that most of retaiers sae in range of <;> D= bottes "er day. %rom the study it seems that com"any(s distribution is not that much effective as com"ared to its rivary ho#ever com"any "rovides the faciities i-e a stand! dis"ensers! banners! re"acement faciity! and good margin as com"ared to its rivary. Com"any shoud try to create a strong and trusted image in the "ac-aged drin-ing #ater segment. It #i certainy ta-e some time for "eo"e to recognize the ,ingfisher in +D3 section. 4ence ,ingfisher shoud -ee" in mind a the needs and desires of the retaiers P customers and shoud satisfy them #ith the "referabe "rice and their demands.. 84 Bibliography Consumer behavior E /chiffmans and ,aun- 'ar-eting 'anagement E +hii" ,oter Research methodoogy EDr. C.R. ,othari Research 'ethods for 7usiness E Uma /e-aran 3ebsites ###., ###.#i-i" 85
Annexure Name of retaiers > /ho" name & 2rea > contact no. >
<.3hich brand $s do you "refer to seK 2 ,ingfisher. 7 ,iney. C 2?uafina. D 7iseri. 1 7aiey % 4eath +us 5 other ) UUUUUUUU* If you are seing more than one brand then #hich is other +D3 com"anyK 2 ,ingfisher. 7 ,iney. 86 C 2?uafina. D 7iseri. 1 7aiey % 4eath +us 5 other ) UUUUUUUU* A* #hat is your daiy seing of brands )"ease mention for a brands .. in terms of < iter botte "er day * 8ess than <= 7et#een <= and A= 7et#een A=and ;= 'ore than ;= 7iseri 4eath "us ,ingfisher 2?uafina ,iney 7aiey Others C* 3hy do you "refer the "articuar brandK 2 7rand name 7 +rofit margin C 1asy avaiabiity 87 D Customer demand 1 Others D*. On #hat basis you infuence customers to "urchase a "articuar brandK a. @uaity. b. +rice. c. 7rand d. 2vaiabiity. ; * Does any "romotiona scheme affect your "referenceK 2. yes 7. No If yes then "ease s"ecify the reason < .%ridge faciity A. /chemes on botte C. Credit faciity D. +ersona attention of distributor L* 4o# fre?uenty do you get the deivery from distributorK 2 Once in #ee- 7 T#ice a #ee- C Thrice a #ee- D 'ore than three times 88 N* 2re you satisfied #ith the ?uaity of our "roductK 2 /trongy satisfied 7 satisfied C neutra D not satisfied 1 strongy dissatisfied H* Do you get any customer com"aint for ,ingfisher +D3K 2 yes 7 no if yes then are your suggestions considered by the com"anyK 2 0es 7 No G* 2re you satisfied #ith the "rofit margin of our "roductK 2 /trongy satisfied 7 satisfied C neutra D not satisfied 1 strongy dissatisfied <=* 3hat sort of image do you have regarding our "roduct K 89 2 1xceent 7 5ood C 2verage D +oor <<* 3hat changes do you #ant us to #or- onK 2 +ac-aging 7 2dvertising C +rofit margin D Distribution 1 If any other then "ease s"ecifyUUUUUU. <A* If any com"any gives you more "rofit margins then #oud you i-e to s#itch to that com"anyK 2 0es 7 No )due to customer demand or any other reason*