Consumer Awareness
Consumer Awareness
Consumer Awareness
S.N o.
Pg. No.
Remark s
Introduction to Project
THE PROCESS of development along with the expanding glo ali!ation and li erali!ation proce!! ha! increa!ed the num er of con!umer related i!!ue!" Con!umer protection ha! earned an important place in the political# economic and !ocial agenda! of man$ nation!" In India# the %overnment ha! ta&en man$ !tep! including legi!lative# to protect con!umer!"
Consumers get exploited in the market. They respond to advertisements and buy goods. Generally advertisements do not give all the information that a consumer needs to know or wants to know about a product. Con!umer awarene!! i! ma&ing the con!umer aware of Hi!'Her right!" Con!umer awarene!! i! a mar&eting term" It mean! that con!umer! note or are aware of product! or !ervice!# it! characteri!tic! and the other mar&eting P(! )place to u$# price# and promotion*" +ith the growth of private !ector there i! a greater need for di!cipline and regulation of the mar&et" Con!umer! mu!t e aware of the !ale and purcha!e of good!# the health and !ecurit$ a!pect! al!o" En!uring the !afet$ of food item! !old in the mar&et i! e!!ential the!e da$!" The con!umer movement in India i! a! old a! trade and commerce" Even in ,autil$a-! .rtha!ha!tra# there are reference! to the concept of con!umer protection again!t exploitation $ the trade and indu!tr$ with re!pect to /ualit$# !hort weight and mea!urement# adulteration etc" Till recentl$# there wa! no organi0ed and !$!tematic movement for !afeguarding the intere!t! of con!umer!" The ordinar$ citi0en toda$ depend! on product!# de!ign and con!truction of which he or !he ma$ not under!tand" In thi! !ituation# rea!!urance i! an over1riding need2 rea!!urance that the product i! relia le and will meet the expectation! of the con!umer! in term! of performance# !afet$# dura ilit$ etc"
Collection of 3ata
4ir!t of all to collect the data# the /ue!tionnaire i! to e de!igned" I have tried to cover the variou! a!pect! of con!umer awarene!! while de!igning the /ue!tionnaire"
.fter de!igning the /ue!tionnaire# I too& the !ample of 56 hou!ehold!# 76 from the ur an area and 76 from the rural area" To ma&e the !tud$ more intere!ting and meaningful# I made rural1ur an compari!on" I collected the data through 3irect Per!onal Inve!tigation" I made 56 Re!pon!e Sheet!# 76 of ur an re!pondent! and 76 of rural re!pondent!" I per!onall$ approached each and ever$ re!pondent to collect the data"
:" Occupation 5" .re $ou aware that the product $ou
u$ !hould e a certified product li&e ISI# .%<.R,# ISO1=667> ?" 3o $ou chec& <RP# <anufacturing 3ate and Expir$ 3ate while u$ing a product> @" 3o $ou confirm the availa ilit$ of the product at 4air Price Shop!> A" .re $ou aware of con!umer court! to protect $our right!> B" 3o $ou in!i!t on Ca!h <emo at the time of purcha!e to en!ure genuine purcha!e and tax revenue to the %overnment> );ES* );ES* );ES* )9O* )9O* )9O* );ES* )9O*
Cla!!ification of 3ata
.fter collecting the data from variou! re!pondent!# I cla!!ified it with the help of tall$ ar!" +hen cla!!ified# the data a!!umed the following form1
E76 E66
Pre!entation of 3ata
.fter the cla!!ification of raw data# now come! the !tage of Pre!entation of 3ata" The pre!entation of data mean! exhi ition of the data in !uch a clear and attractive manner that the!e are ea!il$ under!tood and anal$!ed" There are man$ form! of pre!entation of data of which the following three are well &nownD )i* Textual Pre!entation )ii* Ta ular Pre!entation )iii* 3iagrammatic Pre!entation I have pre!ented the data in ta ular form on the next pageD
Extent of .warene!!
Parameter! of .warene!!1111 8" Foo&ing for certified product ISI# .%<.R,# ISO1=667 7" Chec&ing <RP# date of mfg" and expir$ date of the product :" .warene!! of 4air Price Shop! 5" .warene!! of Con!umer Court! ?" In!i!tence on Ca!h <emo! @" Gpdating .warene!! through electronic media and print media
8B 8B 9IF 88 9IF 76
67 67 76 6= 76 9IF
8B 8B 65 76 76 76
9OTED It i! a !ample !urve$ of 56 hou!ehold!# 76 each from rural and ur an area!" SOGRCED 3irect Per!onal Oral Inve!tigation"
.nal$!i! of 3ata
It mean! to further !ummari!e the data the data in term! of percentage! or average!# !o that the interpretation of data ecome! ea!$ and meaningful" I have pre!ented the !ummar$ ta le elowD
Extent of .warene!!
Parameter! of .warene!!1111 8" Foo&ing for certified product ISI# .%<.R,# ISO1=667
7" Chec&ing <RP# date of mfg" and expir$ date of the product :" .warene!! of 4air Price Shop! 5" .warene!! of Con!umer Court! ?" In!i!tence on Ca!h <emo! @" Gpdating .warene!! through electronic media and print media
8" There i! a general lac& of con!umer awarene!! among rural hou!ehold! while ur an hou!ehold! !how a high degree of con!umer awarene!!" Fac& of education among rural hou!ehold! perhap! i! the principal cau!e" 7" Foo&ing for 4air Price Shop! i! the onl$ element of con!umer awarene!! where rural hou!ehold! excel over the ur an hou!ehold!" Perhap!# it i! povert$ of the rural ma!!e! that compel! them to loo& for cheaper option! of purcha!e" :" Hoth rural a! well a! ur an hou!ehold! are almo!t completel$ ignorant of the fact that in!i!tence on ca!h memo! en!ure! genuine purcha!e! a! well a! tax revenue to the !tate" 5" Electronic <edia and Print <edia are pla$ing an important role in updating con!umer awarene!! among the ur an hou!ehold!"
Con!umer awarene!! i! ma&ing the con!umer aware of Hi!'Her right!" <an$ people are ignorant of their right! to get protected again!t the exploitation $ !o man$ other!" So when there i! a forum for !uch redre!! of grievance! there !eem! to e no !uch exploitation $ man$2 and ecome! a rare one" So in order to get a clear picture of the level of exploitation of con!umer!# the awarene!! i! re/uired" There i! an urgent and increa!ing nece!!it$ to educate and motivate the con!umer to e war$ of the /ualit$ of the product!# and al!o the po!!i le deficiencie! in the !ervice! of the growing !ector of pu lic utilitie!" In !hort# the con!umer !hould e empowered with re!pect to hi! right! a! a con!umer" He !hould e e/uipped to e vigilant with a di!cerning e$e !o a! to e a le to protect him!elf from an$ wrongful act on the part of the trader"