Ariel Vs Surf Excel Research Report
Ariel Vs Surf Excel Research Report
Ariel Vs Surf Excel Research Report
Table of content
Serial # 01 02 03 0! 0' 0* 00/ 00 10 11 12 Topics
Acknowledgement Executive Summary ntroduction "esearc# $%&ective n(ormation )eeds "esearc# +esign , +ata Sources +ata .ollection Procedure Sample +esign +ata Processing , Analysis "esearc# 1indings "ecommendations Annexure
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Page 2 of 27 Nitin Agrawal
I would like to show my gratitude towards our course instructor Mr. Ahmed Butt for teaching and making us capable enough to work on this report. Without his complete guidance and support I would not have been able to complete this endeavor. I would also like to show my gratitude towards the respondents for their time and providing valuable information without which this report would have not been completed. This report contains all the relevant material required as per instruction. I hope this report meets his e pectations.
Executive summary
This research has determined the consumer!s attitude with regards to Ariel and "urf # cel$ the brand image of both the detergents in the minds of the consumers$ the level of loyalty possessed by them and their level of satisfaction. The data has been collected from the
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respondents through personal interviews and a detailed questionnaire was designed for that purpose. The interviews have been conducted from the respondents at random locations and on telephone. The sample includes %& respondents. The data gathered has been analy'ed on a question(by(question basis. The details of the research findings are mentioned after the analysis. And recommendations are given to the management based on the research findings
Ariel )rocter * +amble started its operations in the country in ,--, is marketing a range of consumer goods products. Ariel is the product of )*+. Ariel detergent gives impeccable cleaning in stain removal. Ariel contains unique ingredients that cannot be found in other detergents$ thus it is designed to remove a multitude of stains better. Ariel is perfect for everyday washing needs. The unique formula has been designed to give brilliant cleaning and long lasting freshness.
Surf Excel "urf # cel is the product of .nilever. "urf # cel is the oldest detergent brand to be present in )akistan since ,-/0. The company believes that dirt is a valuable way to enrich lives$ both young and old. To ensure that everyone$ anywhere in the country$ can share in this initiative$ .nilever invests heavily in developing a range that suits the pockets of all income groups. This has included launching
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affordable packs that not only offer the top(clean advantages of "urf # cel$ but also reduce the time$ physical effort and amount of water needed to wash clothes by hand.
Research Background and Project Overview Ariel has been in the market for ,1 years now2 however "urf # cel has a greater share in the detergent market. The consumer!s viewpoint is of great importance for the simple reason that they are the bread and butter of any organi'ation. 3ence$ this research is aimed to find out the consumers perception with regards to Ariel vis(4(vis "urf # cel. This research will also try to find the brand image of both the detergents in the minds of the consumers$ the level of loyalty possessed by the consumers and their level of satisfaction.
Researc. Ob/ectives
To determine the attitude of consumers towards Ariel vis(4(vis "urf # cel. To identify the perception of consumers about Ariel. To determine the effectiveness of Ariel vis(4(vis "urf # cel.
Information !eeds
To determine the brand image of Ariel in the minds of the consumers. To determine the brand image of "urf # cel in the minds of the consumers. To determine the satisfaction of consumers regarding the detergent they are using. To comparatively gauge the level of Brand 5oyalty possessed by consumers of Ariel and "urf # cel To determine the e tent of brand awareness and brand recall of Ariel
To determine the e tent of brand awareness and brand recall of "urf # cel
$am0le *esign
@uota sampling has been used in this research. The sample includes %& respondents. All the respondents are from +ulshan Town and are house wives.
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The factor that was considered in order to qualify the housewives as an eligible respondent was$ that she has used Ariel and "urf # cel both.
*ata Processing
The data gathered has been analy'ed on a question(by(question basis. The number of respondents highlighting a particular choice given to them in multiple choice questions have been calculated$ tabulated and elaborated graphically. The similar responses to the open ended questions were grouped together and are tabulated and elaborated graphically.
2ood /etergent
0 0 3
6. What do you $ook for when making a urchase decision for a detergent?
O tions gi!en to res ondents -erformance "o. of res ondents choosing the o tion 16
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5 0 2 0 0
8 10 4 1 0
12 7 3 1 0
). #re you satisfied with the brand you are current$y using?
O tions gi!en to res ondents
Nitin Agrawal
8es "o
21 2
1es ondents who are satisfied by #rie$
1es onse
2ood -erformance -rotects ,o$or 1es ondents who are unsatisfied by #rie$
1es onse
$urf Excel
1es onse
1emo!es %tains +est detergent 3itt$e 9uantity used #!ai$abi$ity /oes not harm the skin
1es onse
/oes not rotect co$or
Nitin Agrawal
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1es onse
:f better brand a!ai$ab$e Wi$$ try a new brand but switch back to #rie$ ,ost$y 1es ondents who said "O
1es onse
$urf Excel
1es ondents who said 8&%
1es onse
:f better brand a!ai$ab$e
Nitin Agrawal
1es onse
13. :f we seek your suggestions to im ro!e the sa$es of #rie$* what suggestions do you ro!ide?
1es onse
-romotions 1educe rice :m ro!e <ua$ity :m ro!e ackaging
14. :f we seek your suggestions to im ro!e the sa$es of %urf &'ce$* what suggestions do you ro!ide?
1es onse
-romotions 1educe rice :m ro!e <ua$ity :m ro!e ackaging 5aintain the osition in market
Researc. findings
-,A of the respondents were satisfied by the detergent they
are using.
/,A of the sample population said they might change the brand
in the future. ?ut of which /BA is willing to try a better detergent if available.
,B.=A of the sample population who use "urf # cel said that
they find it economical since they only have to use a little quantity.
All the respondents said that they look for performance when
purchasing a detergent$ those who said they look for economy also added that they look for the best quality in a reasonable price.
In the wake of the analysis and findings of this research study$ the following recommendations are e tended to the management
Ariel ads always remain focused towards lower middle class but their price is high and out of reach for lower middle class so Ariel should decrease its prices and bring it to the level of "urf # cel. )eople perceive both the detergents as equally good$ but they purchase "urf # cel since they find it more economical.
Ariel needs to improve its packaging. It can introduce container packs which are refillable and are very convenient to use. They can introduce the containers for a limited time this would increase the sales and people would get a chance to use the new and improved version of Ariel that is Ariel #n'yma . The company to introduce container packaging for its large si'e packs$ which are usually bought monthly.