CMH 5-2-1 Fall of The Philippines
CMH 5-2-1 Fall of The Philippines
CMH 5-2-1 Fall of The Philippines
The soldier reading these pages would do well to reflect on the wisdom of the
statement exhibited in a Japanese shrine: "Woe unto him who has not tasted
defeat." Victory too often leads to overconfidence and erases the memory of
mistakes. Defeat brings into sharp focus the causes that led to failure and
provides a fruitful field of study for those soldiers and laymen who seek in the
past lessons for the future.
The statesman and the informed citizen reading these pages will realize that
our military means as well as our estimates and plans must always be in balance
with our long-range national policy. This lessonsignposted by the Battle of
Manila Bay; the Treaty of Paris, signed in December 1898 when we decided to
keep the Philippines; the Washington Conference of 1921-22; and the Manchurian Crisis of 1931we ignored before Pearl Harbor. The result was defeat
on the field of battle and the loss of the Philippine Islands.
The author of The Fall of the Philippines, Louis Morton, served overseas as
a historical officer in the South Pacific area and in the Philippines during World
War II. Since 1945 he has been chief of the Pacific Section, Office of the Chief
of Military History, Department of the Army. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy
degree from Duke University, is the author of a volume on American colonial
history, and has written a number of articles dealing with military affairs.
Work on this volume was begun in early 1947. The reader may gain some
idea of the size of the task of writing this history by an appraisal of The Sources.
Maj. Gen., U. S. A.
The author's debts for aid in preparing this volume are numerous and heavy.
The largest is to those officers who survived the campaign and the ordeal of prison
camp. Their memories, and the precious notes they had hidden so carefully
during the bitter days of Japanese imprisonment, provided material without
which the record of this campaign would have been forever lost. These officers
gave freely of their time and their contribution is apparent on every page and
in almost every footnote. In a sense, they are as much the authors as the writer
of this preface.
Special acknowledgments must be made to Mr. Stanley L. Falk and Dr.
George C. Groce who, with ingenuity and perseverance, aided the author in his
search for the materials needed for this work. The search was an exciting and
rewarding adventure and is described in full at the end of the book. Both men
also labored long and mightily to mold the fragmentary materials thus assembled
into a form which greatly eased the author's work and performed cheerfully the
many other arduous and time-consuming tasks which are the lot of every author.
Without Mr. Falk's special knowledge of the enemy's records and operations,
reinforced by information willingly furnished by the enemy himself, this volume
would have been less precise and far longer in preparation.
The author owes a large debt also to many individuals who directly and
indirectly gave him much valuable assistance: to Dr. Kent Roberts Greenfield,
Chief Historian and General Editor of this series, for his wise counsel and
guidance, for encouragement and never-failing support; to Mr. Wsevolod
Aglaimoff and his staff who spent many months at the drafting boards to provide
the maps to guide the reader through the jungles and mountains of the Philippines;
to Miss Margaret E. Tackley who searched diligently and in remote corners for the
pictures with which to illustrate this volume; to Miss Ruth Stout, the editor, and
Mr. Ronald Sher, the copy editor, who edited the manuscript and guided it
through the printers; to Mr. Leonard B. Lincoln, the indexer; to Mr. Israel Wice
and his aides who patiently filled the author's numerous requests for aid in
securing records; and to those of his colleagues, in and out of uniform, who read
this volume in manuscript and made numerous and helpful suggestions. All these
and others placed their special knowledge and skill freely and generously at the
disposal of the author, but he alone is responsible for any shortcomings this volume
may possess.
L. M.
Washington, D. C.
26 June 1952
I . T H E PHILIPPINE ISLANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e Philippine Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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T h e Japanese Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Plan of Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Last Days of Peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
V I . T H E FIRST LANDINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Batan Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Landings on North Luzon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e Legaspi Landing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Landings in the South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e Lingayen Landing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Consolidating the Lingayen Beachhead . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Lamon Bay Landings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I X . STRATEGY A N D LOGISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e Pensacola Convoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Far East and Pacific Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Base in Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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XIV. T H E E N D O F A N E R A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Occupation of Manila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Strategic Views on the Philippines . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e American Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e Status o f Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Enemy and His Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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T h e Orion-Bagac Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Fight for Trail 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e Pocket Fights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
X X . COMMAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Evacuation of MacArthur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wainwright Assumes Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Food a n d Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Morale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Running t h e Blockade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Last Efforts
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e American Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Japanese Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prelude t o Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Capture o f M t . Samat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 April: The Day of Decision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 April: Disintegration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 April: Chaos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
XXVI. SURRENDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e Japanese Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e American Defenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e Preliminary Bombardment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Health a n d Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e Preassault Bombardment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
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T h e Surrender o f Corregidor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surrender i n t h e South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e Philippine Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Signing the Constitution of the Philippine Commonwealth . . . . . .
Manila Harbor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Philippine Scouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ceremony a t Camp Murphy, Rizal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aircraft in the Philippines, December 1941 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clark Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General MacArthur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Japanese Air Attack on 10 December 1941 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Luzon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
155-mm. G u n Emplacement Near Dagupan . . . . . . . . . . . .
26th Cavalry (PS) Moving into Pozorrubio . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lt. Gen. Masaharu Homma, 14th Army Commander . . . . . . . .
Villasis-Carmen Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Agno River . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tarlac Railroad Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bicycle-Mounted Japanese Troops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Motorcycle Messenger Catnapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Camouflaged 155-mm. Gun M1917 (GPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mount Arayat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calumpit Bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T h e Open City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Japanese Light Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brig. Gen. Maxon S . Lough . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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. . 40, 41
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influence and control gave to the Philippines a strange mixture of Oriental and Occidental institutions. The original inhabitants were pushed back into the mountains
and the Malayans became the dominant
racial type. From later invasions came the
Mohammedan religion and the Moslem customs prevalent in the south; from China
came the impetus to trade and commerce,
still largely controlled by the Chinese; and
from Spain came the dominant religion,
Christianity, the Roman law, and other features of Western civilization.
The United States seized the Philippine
Islands from Spain in May 1898 after AdEuropean interest in the Philippine Armiral Dewey's victory in Manila Bay, durchipelago began with the visit of a Spanish
ing the Spanish-American War. Formal
expedition under Ferdinand Magellan in
title to the Islands was granted the United
1521. But it was not until 1565 that the
States by the Treaty of Paris in December of
Spaniards established a permanent settlethat year. By the acquisition of the Philipment in the Islands, on Cebu. Five years
pines the United States at one step advanced
later they conquered Manila and then gradits frontiers nearly 7,000 miles across the
ually extended their control over many of
Pacific Ocean and "gave hostages to forthe Islands. Late in the sixteenth century
tune in a sense which the American people
the military ruler of Japan, Hideyoshi,
have never fully realized." 1 Possession of
claimed suzerainty, over the Islands. This
the Islands made the United States an
claim was apparently neither intended nor
Asiatic power, with full responsibility for
taken seriously, but the Spanish did pay
maintaining the peace and status quo in
"tribute" for a short time to avoid trouble,
that area.
secure trading rights in Japan, and protect
The government of the Islands was placed
the Jesuit missionaries there. Until 1898,
in the hands first of a Philippine commission
despite unsuccessful efforts by the Portuand later of a governor general, both apguese and Dutch and one successful effort
pointed by the President of the United
by the British (1762-1764) to wrest the Islands from her, Spain ruled the Philippines.
The impress of these centuries of foreign
Hector C. Bywater, Sea Power in the Pacific
(rev. ed., Boston and New York, 1934), p. 254.
States. The Filipinos, once their opposition then "the matter of naval reservations and
ended, were allowed an increasingly large fueling stations," the Act provided, "shall
measure of self-rule and elected the members remain in its present status." 3
of the lower house of the legislature, the
A year after the passage of the TydingsPhilippine Assembly. In 1913, they were McDuffie Act, the Filipinos adopted a libgranted free trade with the United States, eral constitution based on the American
and three years later, in the Jones Act, were model and established an interim governpermitted a limited autonomy.
ment known as the Commonwealth. ElecA succession of able American governors tions in which Manuel Quezon was chosen
established a happy relationship between the as president followed soon after, and before
two countries, and a steadily increasing the end of 1935 the Philippine National
sentiment for Philippine independence Assembly met to draft plans for local defound ready support in the American Con- fense.
gress. A bill for Philippine independence
The Islands
was passed by Congress, over President
Comprising almost 7,100 known islands
Hoover's veto, in January 1933, but vetoed
by the Philippine legislature. It was passed and islets, the Philippine Archipelago lies
again, with some changes, as the Tydings- approximately 500 miles off the Asiatic
McDuffie Act, on 24 March 1934, and this mainland and extends 1,150 miles almost
time approved by the Philippine legislature.
due north and south from Formosa to
The Tydings-McDuffie Act provided for Borneo. Strategically situated in the geothe recognition of Philippine independence graphic heart of the Far East, the Islands
after a ten-year transitional period. Dur- are centrally located in relation to Japan,
ing these ten years the United States would China, Burma, French Indochina, Thaibe allowed to "maintain military and other land, Malaya, and the Netherlands Indies.
reservations and armed forces" in the Is- They lie athwart the trade routes leading
lands, and the President of the United from Japan and China through the South
States would have the power "to call into China Sea to southeast Asia and the rich
the service of such armed forces all military supplies of oil and minerals in the Indies.
forces organized by the Philippine Govern- Vital areas in Japan and along the Chinese
ment." 2 When the transitional period was coast are within quick striking distance
over, the United States would abandon all by sea and air of the Philippines. Over
military installations in the Islands.
5,000 miles from Honolulu and 7,000 miles
The Tydings-McDuffie Act left open the from San Francisco, Manila, the chief city
question of naval reservations, but author- and capital of the Islands, is only 1,800
ized the President to negotiate with the miles from Tokyo. Formosa and Hong
Philippine Government for American naval Kong are less than 700 miles distant, Singabases in the Islands. The closing date for pore 1,500 miles, and Truk in the Caroline
such negotiations was set at two years after Islands 2,100 miles.4 The Caroline, Marithe recognition of independence. Until anas, and the Marshall Islands, stretching
across the Central Pacific, lie along the
48 U.S. Statutes at Large, H.R. 8573, pp. 456-
65, The Philippine Commonwealth and Independence Law, P.L. 127, Sec 2 ( a ) 12, approved 24
Mar 34.
SIGNING THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PHILIPPINE COMMONWEALTH, 23 MARCH 1935. Seated, left to right: George H. Dern, Secretary of
War; President Franklin D. Roosevelt, signing the Constitution of the Philippine
Commonwealth; Manuel L. Quezon, President, Philippine Senate; standing, left to
right: Brig. Gen. Creed F. Cox, Chief, Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department;
Frank Murphy, Governor General of the Philippine Islands; Cordell Hull, Secretary
of State; Key Pittman, Chairman, Foreign Relations Committee, U. S. Senate;
Pedro Guevara, Philippine Resident Commissioner; Miguel Cuaderno, Vice President,
Philippine National Bank, Manila, P. I.; Manuel Roxas, Representative, Philippine
Legislature, Delegate, Constitutional Assembly; Francisco A. Delgado, Philippine
Resident Commissioner.
United States lines of communication with
the Philippines.
The land area of the archipelago totals
about 115,000 square miles. Only 460 of
the Islands have an area greater than one
square mile, and only eleven boast an area
greater than 1,000 square miles. These
eleven islands account for 94 percent of the
total land area in the archipelago. The
largest and most important is Luzon
(40,420 square miles) in the north, where
and with many beaches suitable for the
landing of a military force.
The central portion of Luzon is composed of a plain extending north about 120
miles from Manila Bay to the Lingayen
MANILA HARBOR. The Bataan peninsula, partly shrouded in fog and clouds, is
visible twenty-five miles across Manila Bay.
equipment for the new army was to be of a
type suitable to the economy and terrain in
the Philippines.11
The staff of the Military Advisor was always small. In addition to the officers he
took with him, General MacArthur secured
the services of four other officers from the
Philippine Department when he reached
Manila. He also employed as a civilian
assistant a retired naval officer, Sidney L.
Huff, to advise in naval matters. On the
death of Colonel Ord in an airplane accident in 1938, Lt. Col. Richard K. Sutherland was brought into the staff, and when
Colonel Eisenhower returned to the United
States the next year, Lt. Col. Richard J.
Marshall was chosen to replace him. In
October 1937, Capt. Hugh J. Casey joined
MacArthur's staff to advise in engineer matters, and later Maj. William F. Marquat
was designated antiaircraft officer. All
of these men remained with General MacArthur through the war years.12
The first legislative measure of the Philippine National Assembly was the passage, on
21 December 1935, of the National Defense
Act, which embodied the plan proposed by
General MacArthur. In explaining the bill
to the Assembly, President Quezon emphasized that the defense program must be carried out economically and should be "passively defensive." It would be impossible
Memo, Maj Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower for
President Quezon, 22 Jun 42, Operations Division,
WDGS, Executive Office files (hereafter cited as
OPD Exec O). This memorandum with accompanying notes is included in an article by Louis
Morton, "The Philippine Army 1935-1939: Eisenhower's Memorandum to Quezon," Military Affairs,
XII (1948), 103-07.
Intervs, author with Maj Gen Richard J. Marshall, ret., 7 Apr 48, and with Col LeGrande A.
Diller, formerly aide to Gen MacArthur, 28 Apr 48.
The author's notes on these and certain other interviews are on file in OCMH. Interviews on which
no notes were taken have no file designation.
Message to the First National Assembly on National Defense, 25 Nov 35, in Joseph R. Hayden,
The Philippines, A Study in National Development (New York, 1942), p. 738.
The Philippine Army: Its Establishment, Organization, and Legal Basis, pp. 4, 18. The Constabulary was separated from the Army in 1938,
but again made a part of it late in 1941.
Catherine Porter, "Preparedness in the Philippines," Far Eastern Survey, April 7, 1941, pp. 6566.
Philippines Herald, January 26, 1940, quoted
in Hayden, The Philippines, pp. 740-41.
manned and prepared would present to
any attacking force a practically impossible
problem of penetration."
Notes on the Philippine Army, 1941-1942, a
typescript, undated and unsigned, evidently prepared in Hq USAFFE during the war, pp. 1-3,
OCMH; memo, Eisenhower for Pres Quezon, 22
Jun 42, OPD Exec O.
boat had been completed. Meanwhile,
with the assistance of the U.S. Navy, the
training of boatmen and mechanics continued.22
No military plan for the defense of an
archipelago such as the Philippine Islands
could have had serious prospects of success
against a determined enemy with a powerful fleet without great reliance on more effective naval support than that provided by
patrol boats. The Philippine Government
had neither the industrial capacity nor the
wealth to build and support a navy which
could compete with that of a first class naval
power. President Quezon had frankly admitted this in November 1935. Such naval
support could come only from the United
States. No provision, it is true, had been
made in the Tydings-McDuffie Act for the
use by the U.S. Navy of naval bases in the
Islands after 1946. But such a possibility
had not been specifically denied and it was
undoubtedly believed that arrangements for
their use would be made at a later date.
Certainly, the Philippine Government did
not anticipate that the United States would
stand idly by if the security of the Philip,
pines was threatened.
Porter, "Preparedness in the Philippines,"
Far Eastern Survey, April 7, 1941, p. 66; interv,
author with Gen R. J. Marshall, 7 Apr 48; ltr,
MacArthur to Gen George C. Marshall, Chief of
Staff, U. S. Army, 28 Oct 41, WPD 4477-2.
By a coincidence, on the same day that
Stimson talked with Stevenot, Maj. Gen.
George Grunert, the Philippine Department
commander, asked permission from the War
Department to include representatives of
the Commonwealth Government in conferences then being held in Manila. The purpose of these meetings was to formulate
plans, based on the expected use of $52,000,000 in sugar excise funds, for improving the defenses of the Islands. The reason
for Grunert's request was to permit him to
work more closely and directly with General
MacArthur without going through official
government channels. Close contact between the department commander and the
Military Advisor, he pointed out, was an
obvious necessity in making defense plans.
General Marshall approved Grunert's request without question, adding that "MacArthur's support will be invaluable to you
in the accomplishment of the difficult task
with which you are confronted." 3
The first direct bid for the recall of General MacArthur came from the former Chief
of Staff himself and was contained in a letter to General Marshall.4 In this letter
Frazier Hunt, in his book MacArthur and the
War Against Japan (New York, 1944), page 12,
states that MacArthur offered his services to President Roosevelt early in the spring of 1941. The
author has been unable to find the documentary
evidence in the files of the Department of the
Army to support this assertion.
Ltr, Marshall to Grunert, 29 May 41, WPD
The author has been unable to find a copy of
this letter in the files of the War Department but
its contents are summarized in a memorandum
written by General Gerow and addressed to the
Chief of Staff on 6 June 1941 (WPD 3251-50).
From internal evidence it appears that MacArthur
on the same day wrote a letter covering the same
subjects to the President and the Secretary of War.
See also ltr, Marshall to MacArthur, 20 Jun 41,
WPD 3251-50.
MacArthur stated that since the Philippine
Army was to be absorbed by the U.S. Army
in the near futurea step not yet contemplated by the War Departmenthe intended to close out the office of Military
Advisor. A new American military command embracing all U.S. Army activities in
the Far East, comparable to the British command in that area, should be established, he
told the Chief of Staff, and he, MacArthur,
be named commander.
The idea of creating a high command in
the Far East had been broached before, but
never by so influential a source. In January 1941 the intelligence officer of the
Philippine Department had recommended
to his superior in Washington that such a
command be established. This proposal
differed from MacArthur's in that the department commander was to be designated
commander in chief of such a command,
while MacArthur put forward his own nomination.5 The Philippine Department G-2
continued to urge this move during the first
six months of 1941, but there is no evidence
that it was ever considered by the General
Staff in Washington until June of that year,
after General MacArthur's letter to the
Chief of Staff.6
MacArthur's proposal was sent to the
War Plans Division of the General Staff for
study. On 6 June Brig. Gen. Leonard T.
Gerow, acting chief of the division, sent his
recommendations to the Chief of Staff. He
agreed that the British had created such a
command, but pointed out that their situation was quite different from that faced by
WPD 3251-50.
sent stated: "This letter is also an acknowledgment of your letters to the President and to the Secretary of War. Please keep its contents confidential for the present."
The writer has been unable to find a copy of
this letter. A summary of its contents can be
found in a memo, Gerow for CofS, 14 Jul 41, sub:
Includes 15 Philippine Scout Officers: 2 Hq, 2 Sp Trs, 3 45th Inf, 1 57th Inf, 5 24th FA Regt, 1 12th QM Regt. and
1 14th Engr.
Source: Phil Dept, Machine Rcds Unit Station Strength and Misc., Officers and Enlisted Men, Jul 41.
inate command. The headquarters staff
was left largely intact, although General
MacArthur designated some of its members
to serve on his staff in addition to their regular duties, but the mission of the Department was narrowed until its principal task
became the training and supply of the
Philippine Army. In effect, it became a
service command, "an administrative echelon," MacArthur explained, "analagous to
a Corps Area." 22 Planning and the tactical control of field troops, organized into
task forces, were now centered in USAFFE.
Under the circumstances, there seemed
little need for the services of so senior an
officer as General Grunert, and MacArthur recommended that he be relieved and
another officer "who had not enjoyed such
high command" be appointed to the position. Pointing out that Grunert would
complete his tour of duty in less than four
months, MacArthur declared, "It would be
advantageous to relieve him, as I am loath,
as long as he is here, to contract the functions of the Department Commander.
..."23TheWarDepartment accepted
this suggestion and on 23 October named
MacArthur commander of the Philippine
Department, relieved Grunert, and ordered
him back to the United States.24 Thus, the
Philippine Department, which had been for
so long the highest Army command in the
Far East, became, in fact first and later in
name, a service command. The headquar22
Extract of rad from CG USAFFE in memo,
Maj Gen William Bryden, DCofS for ACofS G-1,
13 Oct 41, OCS 18136-78; see also memo, Bryden
for WPD, 7 Oct 41, OCS 18136-71.
Extract of rad from CG USAFFE in memo,
Bryden for ACofS, G-1, 13 Oct 41, OCS
Memo, Bryden for TAG, n.d., sub: Order for
Gens Grunert and MacArthur, AG 210.311. Note
on memo: "Action taken, October 23, 1941."
Source: Phil Dept, Machine Rcds Unit Station Strength and Misc., Officers and Enlisted Men, Jul 41.
CEREMONY AT CAMP MURPHY, RIZAL, 15 August 1941, marking the induction of the Philippine Army Air Corps. Behind Lt. Gen. Douglas MacArthur, from
left to right, are Lt. Col. Richard K. Sutherland, Col. Harold H. George, Lt. Col.
William F. Marquat, and Maj. LeGrande A. Diller.
ters which had made the plans and preparations for war had no tactical control when
war came.
of pay, and promotion list; would requisition through their own supply channel until
1 December; but would be paid by the U. S.
Army. The Regular Army of the Philippine Commonwealth and the Constabulary
were not to be inducted immediately.
A construction program was to be started
immediately since there was only enough
housing for about one third of the 75,000
men scheduled for induction. Camp sites
would have to be selected and facilities for
training built. The first units called would
use existing or temporary quarters and, as
camps were completed, additional units
pany commanders, platoon leaders, first
sergeants, cooks, and company clerks. In
addition to specialized training, each student took the basic infantry course.30
Coast artillery schools were established at
Fort Mills (Corregidor) and Fort Wint
(Grande Island), and field artillery cadres
were trained at the Philippine Army training center at Camp Dau, near Fort Stotsenburg. Two engineer schools were established, with instructors from the 14th Engineer Regiment (PS), the engineer component of the Philippine Division. A signal
and a medical school were organized at Fort
William McKinley; a second medical
school was established for the training of
nondivisional cadres; and in the port area
of Manila was a quartermaster motor transport school.31
The training of the Philippine Army was
beset with numerous difficulties. In many
units there was a serious language barrier,
not only between the American instructors
and the Filipinos but also among the Filipinos. The enlisted men of one division
spoke the Bicolanian dialect, their Philippine officers usually spoke Tagalog, and the
Americans spoke neither.32 In the Visayas
the problem was even more complicated
since most of the officers were Tagalogs from
central Luzon and the men spoke one or
more of the many Visayan tongues. Transfers were made to alleviate the situation, but
no real solution to the problem was ever
USAFFE-USFIP Rpt of Opns, pp. 3-4; interv,
author with Brig Gen Clifford Bluemel, 14 Apr
48, OCMH. General Bluemel commanded the 31st
Division ( P A ) .
USAFFE-USFIP Rpt of Opns, p. 8.
SLF and II Corps Rpt of Opns, p. 6.
Visayan-Mindanao Force (V-MF) Rpt of
Opns, p. 17, Annex XI, USAFFE-USFIP Rpt of
Discipline in Philippine Army units left
much to be desired, according to U.S. Army
officers. Until war was declared there were
no courts-martial. Since the Philippine
Army retained its national integrity after
induction, Philippine Army headquarters
was responsible for discipline and punishment. Many of the officers and noncommissioned officers were untrained and unqualified for their assignments. There
were some first sergeants and company
clerks who could neither read nor write.
Training facilities and equipment were
almost nonexistent. Target ranges had
been hurriedly improvised but many units
went into battle without ever having fired
their weapons. There was a serious shortage in almost all types of equipment. The
clothing was old and much of it not fit for
use; shoes were rubber soled and quickly
wore out. The uniform usually consisted
of the blue fatigue suit, and when that wore
out, anything that could be found. There
were serious shortages in personal equipment, blankets, mosquito bars, and shelter
halves. The supply of Enfield and Springfield '03 rifles was adequate but that of
many other weapons, entrenching tools, gas
masks, and steel helmets was not. After
the outbreak of war, units secured supplies
wherever and whenever they could, and the
amount was usually dependent upon the
initiative and energy of the individual supply officers.34
The difficulties of mobilizing and training
the Philippine Army can best be shown by
following the experiences of a single division.
The 31st Division (PA) was organized on
18 November at a camp near San Marcelino
sue or replacement. The division received
no steel helmets, but did have gas masks.
Rations were purchased by the individual organizations with funds furnished the
unit commanders by the Philippine Army.
Zambales Province, where the 31st Division
was located, did not produce enough food
for its own needs, and as additional units
joined the division the procurement of food
became a difficult problem. The division
railhead scheduled to open on 1 December
did not begin operations until a week later,
after the war had started, because of the inexperience of Filipino supply officers.
The training program of the division
began theoretically on 1 September, when
the 31st Infantry was mobilized, but it was
not until 24 November that the men first
fired their rifles on the target range at the
Olongapo Naval Station. One battalion
fired fifty rounds per man, and another
twenty-five rounds. The third battalion
never fired at all, for permission to use the
range was withdrawn by the Navy when the
4th Marine Regiment arriving from China,
was stationed at Olongapo. No other
range was available for the division, and the
one under construction was not completed
when war came.
The men in the 31st Infantry were more
fortunate than those in the other regiments,
many of whom never even fired a rifle before entering combat. Nor had their previous five and a half months' training under
Philippine Army supervision been of much
value, according to Colonel Bluemel. Practically none of the men, he observed, had
fired as many as five rounds with the rifle or
the .30-caliber machine gun. None had
fired the .50-caliber-machine gun or the
mortar. Bluemel's judgment of the value of
the early training program was borne out
The Reinforcement of
the Philippines
When General MacArthur assumed command of U.S. Army Forces in the Far East,
there was no program in the War Department for any immediate large-scale reinforcement of the Islands. As a matter of
fact, the War Department specifically told
MacArthur that he could have "no additional forces, except approximately 400 reserve officers to assist in training the Philippine Army. . . ." 1 Within a few days,
there was a complete reversal of policy in
the War Department. The first sign of
this change came on 31 July when General
Marshall approved a proposal by the War
Plans Division to reinforce the Islands' defense "in view of the possibility of an attack." 2 The next day MacArthur was informed that he would receive substantial reinforcements and Marshall told his immediate staff, "It was the policy of the
United States to defend the Philippines."
This statement so impressed the Chief of the
War Plans Division that he entered it in
his office diary.3
The reasons for this change of policy are
nowhere explicitly stated. Undoubtedly
Rad, TAG to CG USAFFE, No. 1712, 28 Jul
41, OCS 18136-39.
Memo, WPD for CofS, 31 Jul 41, sub: Additional Armament for Phil, OCS 18812-61.
many factors both political and military contributed to the American Government's
firm stand in July and August 1941. One
of these was recognition of the potentialities
of air power and especially of the Army's
new heavy bomber, the B-17, called the
Flying Fortress. In Stimson's opinion, the
success of B-17 operations in Europe was
responsible for creating an optimistic view
in the War Department that the Philippines
could be successfully held.4 A striking force
of such heavy bombers, it was argued, would
act as a deterrent to Japanese advances
southward and would strengthen the United
States position in the Far East.
Another cause for optimism was the recall
of General MacArthur to active duty. No
one knew as much as he about the Philippines and no one believed more completely
that it could be held if the Japanese allowed
sufficient time for reinforcement.
The possibility of establishing an effective
defense against Japan in the Philippines
and thereby preventing Japanese domination of the Western Pacific without altering
the major lines of strategy already agreed
upon "had the effect," Stimson said, "of
making the War Department a strong proponent of maximum delay in bringing the
Henry L. Stimson and McGeorge Bundy, On
Active Service in Peace and War (New York:
Harper & Brothers, 1948), p. 388.
Ground Forces
The first official War Department program for a large-scale reinforcement of the
Philippines during this period was proposed
by War Plans on 14 August. In a memorandum for the Chief of Staff, General
Gerow argued that those reasons which had
limited the size of the Philippine garrison
lack of funds, personnel, and equipment,
plus the inability of the Navy to support a
large forcewere no longer entirely valid.
With its present strength, he pointed out,
there was a real doubt if the Philippine garrison could resist a Japanese attack, a contingency which he considered probable in
view of Japan's attitude. To strengthen
the garrison and increase its chances of holding Luzon and especially Manila Bay, General Gerow recommended that the Philippines be reinforced by antiaircraft artillery,
modern combat planes, and tanks. The
amount that could be sent, Gerow admitted,
would be limited by the number of ships
available for transport duty to the Far East.
"The best that can be done at the moment,"
therefore, would be "to adopt a definite plan
of reinforcement and carry it forward as
availability of shipping permits." 6
Gerow's recommendations were approved and two days later, on 16 August,
General MacArthur was notified that the
following units would sail from San Francisco between 27 August and 5 September:
Philippines be placed in highest priority pelled mounts for 75-mm. guns were to be
for equipment including authorized de- sent.
fense reserves for fifty thousand men."
These reinforcements reached MacArAs a result, General MacArthur's re- thur before the end of September. The
quests for men and supplies during the next
arrival of the 200th Coast Artillery Regifew months received almost instant ap- ment (AA) gave him 12 additional 3-inch
proval by the War Department. "I wish guns, 24 37-mm. guns, and a similar numto express my personal appreciation for the ber of machine guns. Armored reinforcesplendid support that you and the entire ment consisted of the 192d and 194th Tank
War Department have given me along Battalions each with 54 tanks. And he
every line since the formation of this com- could count on 25 more 75-mm. guns on
mand," he told the Chief of Staff in a per- self-propelled mounts (SPM) already en
sonal letter. "With such backing the de- route and due to arrive in Manila on 15
velopment of a completely adequate de- October.12
fense force will be rapid." 10
The arrival of the two tank battalions
Through no fault of the War Depart- with their 108 light tanks, M-3, were a welment or a lack of desire on the part of the come addition to the Philippine garrison.
Chief of Staff, General MacArthur's confi- On 21 November a Provisional Tank
dence in the rapid development of an ade- Group consisting of the 192d and 194th
quate defense for the Philippines was not Tank Battalions and the 17th Ordnance
entirely justified. The task was a heavy Company (Armored) was established, with
one and limited by many factors beyond Col. James R. N. Weaver in command.
the control of the military. The industrial
As Military Advisor, MacArthur had procapacity of the United States was only just posed a plan to protect the inland seas by
beginning to turn to the production of war emplacing heavy coastal guns at the enmaterial; the needs of a rapidly expanding trance to the key straits leading into these
citizen army had to be met; Great Britain waters. The War Department had apand Russia were in critical need of supplies; proved this plan and sent 24 155-mm. guns
and shipping space was extremely limited. (without fire control equipment) to the
The reinforcements promised MacAr- Philippine Commonwealth to carry out this
thur on 16 August were dispatched with program, scheduled for completion in April
the greatest speed and by 12 September
1942. MacArthur now proposed to extend
General Marshall was able to report consid- this plan to include northern Luzon and
erable progress. The antiaircraft artillery asked the War Department for 4 12-inch
regiment, the tank battalion of 54 tanks, and 4 8-inch railway guns, 22 more 155and reserve supplies had already been mm. guns, and 30 searchlights. When emshipped from San Francisco. During the
Memo, Marshall for Stark, 12 Sep 41, OCS
month, 50 more tanks, and 50 self-pro- 18136-56-1/2.
Ltr, MacArthur to Marshall, 17 Nov 41, WPD
Ltr, Marshall to MacArthur, Dec 41 (not
Ltr, Mac Arthur to Marshall, 28 Oct 41, WPD
sent), WPD 4477-2.
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, No. 354, 17 Sep 4477-2.
Rad, MacArthur to TAG, No. 465, 2 Oct 41,
41, AG 320.2 (7-28-41) Orgn and Reinf for
AG 320.2 (7-28-41) Orgn and Reinf of USAFFE.
Rad, TAG to CG USAFFE, No. 506, 12 Nov
41; memo, WPD for CofS, 12 Nov 41, sub: Machine Guns, 37-mm. Guns and 75-mm. Guns for
Ten Phil Army Div; rad, TAG to CG USAFFE,
Rad, QM USAFFE to TQMG, no number, 1
Oct 41; memo, SGO for G-4, 9 Oct. 41, sub:
tute arrangement in spite of lowered efficiency for any types available in the United
By mid-November, the War Department
had taken action to ship 40 105-mm.
howitzers to the Philippines.
weapons were to be given to U.S. Army
units and would release to Philippine Army
units a like number of 75's. In addition,
10 75-mm. pack howitzers were to be taken
from the vital Canal Zone and 48 British
75-mm. guns and 123 .30-caliber machine
guns from the equally important Hawaiian
garrison for the Philippine Islands, an indication of the importance which the defense
of the archipelago had acquired in the eyes
of the War Department. From the United
States itself would come 130 75-mm. guns,
35 37-mm. guns (M1916) and 14 .30-caliber machine guns.24
No action was taken until October to
supply the thousands of vehicles MacArthur had requested. During that month
a large number of jeeps, ambulances, trucks,
and sedans became available and on the
15th the War Department released these
vehicles for the Philippine Army, "subject
to the availability of shipping." 25 A request for clothing for the Philippine Army
was also approved, as was the equipment
for ten 250-bed station hospitals and 180
Ltr, TAG to QMG, 15 Oct 41, sub: Issue of
Equip to USAFFE, AG 400 (8-12-41) Supplies
pointing out to the Chief of Naval Opera- ters in Washington had been urging for
tions that it would delay the delivery of some time that additional planes be sent to
much-needed reinforcements to MacArthur the Philippines and the Joint Board, early
by over two months.28 Despite the favor- in 1940, had proposed an increase in air
able outcome of this protest, a large back- strength for the island garrison.31 The follog of troops and approximately 1,100,000 lowing July 1941 Maj. Gen. Henry H.
tons of equipment destined for the Philip- Arnold, chief of the newly created Army Air
pines had piled up in U.S. ports or depots by
Forces, came forward with the strongest
November. A group of shipping experts,
proposal yet made for the reinforcement of
including representatives from the War Dethe Philippines. This proposal called for
partment General Staff, Office of the Quartermaster General, the Navy, and Maritime the transfer to the Philippines of four heavy
Commission, met on 10 November to dis- bombardment groups, consisting of 272 airand two pursuit
cuss ways of breaking the shipping block. craft with 68 in reserve, 32
These planes,
As a result of this meeting a shipping schedwrote
chief of the
ule was established which recognized the
priority of the Philippines over Hawaiian
defenses and advanced the troop movements mission, but to maintain "a strategical descheduled for mid-January to 17 and 20 De- fensive in Asia.33
cember. Altogether, nine vessels were asGeneral Arnold's recommendations, apsigned to the Manila route, to sail in No- proved in August, were not easily carried
vember and December. They would bring out.34 To have raised that number of
to MacArthur one light and one heavy bomplanes in the summer of 1941 would have
bardment group, a pursuit group, one meant stripping the fields in the United
reconnaissance squadron, a regiment of in- States as well as all other overseas bases.
fantry, a brigade of field artillery, two bat- Moreover, many of the heavy bombers were
talions of light artillery, together with still on the production lines. What could
ground and air service units.29 Had these be scraped together was shipped immediatevessels, the last of which was to leave the ly and by mid-August General Gerow reUnited States on 20 December, reached the
F. Craven and James L. Cate, eds., The
Philippines the Japanese would have faced ArmyWesley
Air Forces in World War II, Vol. I, Plans and
a far stronger force when they landed on Early Operations: January 1939 to August 1942
(Chicago, 1948), 177.
Mark Skinner Watson, The Office
Air Forces
of the Chief
p. 12.
MacArthur on 31 July had already been told
of plans to send him a squadron of B-17's. Rad,
TAG to CG USAFFE, No. 1197, 31 Jul 41, AG
320.2 (7-28-41) Orgn and Reinf for USAFFE.
Douglas B-18A
Martin B-10B
Republic P-35
Boeing B-17D
Curtiss P-40E
Boeing P-26A
CLARK FIELD looking westward. In the upper left center, abutting the foothills
of the Zambales Mountains, lies Fort Stotsenburg. The rectangular, tree-lined
area is the parade ground.
provide the city of Manila with additional protection from air attack by splitting the 200th and
forming another regiment, the 515th Coast Artillery
of Manila Bay.
Hart's fleet consisted of the flagship, the
heavy cruiser Houston; 1 light cruiser; 3
destroyer divisions with 13 overage fourstack, flush-deck destroyers of World War I
vintage; and 17 submarines. The underwater craft were organized into Submarine
Squadron 20, supported by tenders and 1
rescue vessel. Air elements of the fleet were
under Patrol Wing 10, composed of 24
PBY's and 4 seaplane tenders. Patrol and
miscellaneous craft included 7 gunboats, 1
yacht, 6 large minesweepers, 2 tankers, and
1 ocean-going tug. Also a part of the fleet
but stationed in Shanghai was the U.S.
Marine Corps' regiment, the 4th Marines.57
Obviously such a force was not capable
of withstanding even momentarily the Jap-
pp. 56-58.
Navy Basic War Plan, RAINBOW 5, in Pearl
Harbor Attack Hearings, Part 18, Exhibit 129,
p. 2932. The vessels in the Southeast Pacific Force
were added to those of the Pacific Fleet in these
computations. These figures should be compared
with those presented at the Joint Congressional
May 1941 that he would receive no additional surface ships for his fleet, he was able
to do much to put his force in readiness for
action before the outbreak of war. Beginning in July, three to six PBY's maintained
constant watch along the southern boundary
of the archipelago and later linked with the
Dutch Navy's air patrol north of Borneo.
The mining of Manila and Subic Bays was
pushed through to completion, in co-operation with the Army, by the end of August
and provided security against all but sub-
the Wake, stripped and ready for demolitionit was later seized by the Japanese
and the Tutuila for the Chinese. Two
President liners were chartered and sent to
The Navy's base at Mariveles, on the southern tip of Bataan, was rapidly built up and
on 22 July the drydock Dewey was moved
there from Olongapo. By the end of the
month the base at Olongapo was being used
by the navy only as an auxiliary air base and
as a station for Marines and some naval personnel.61
In the six months before war the Asiatic
Fleet was reinforced strongly in underwater
craft. On 8 November 8 large submarines
of the Pacific Fleet arrived in Manila and
In a letter prepared on 5 December 1941
Bombardment Group ( H ) .
The military force in the Islands at the
beginning of December, while not as large
as MacArthur soon hoped to have, was considerably larger than it had been five months
earlier. The air force had been reorganized, modern bombers and fighters had
been brought in, and a start made on the
creation of a balanced force. The strength
of air force troops on 30 November was
5,609, more than double the July strength.
The Far East Air Force had more than 250
aircraft, concentrated largely on Luzon.
Source: Phil Dept, Machine Rcds Unit Station Strength and Misc., Officers and Enlisted men, Nov 41.
Prewar Plans,
Japanese and American
By the summer of 1941, as the United
States was beginning to strengthen the
Philippines, Japan had reached "the crossroads of her fate." l The economic sanctions imposed by America, Great Britain,
and the Netherlands had cut her off from
the strategic materials necessary to support
the war in China and threatened eventually
to so weaken the Japanese economy as to
leave Japan defenseless in a struggle with
a major power. The leaders of Japan were
faced with a difficult choice. They could
either reach agreement with the United
States by surrendering their ambitions in
China and southeast Asia, or they could
seize Dutch and British possessions by force.
The second course, while it would give
Japan the natural resources so sorely needed,
almost certainly meant war with Great Britain and the Netherlands. In the view of
the Japanese planners, the United States
would also oppose such a course by war,
even if American territory was not immediately attacked. Such a war seemed less
dangerous to Japan in the fall of 1941 than
Interrogations of Former Japanese Officers, Philippines-Japanese Invasion, Mil Hist Div, GHQ
Far East Command (FEC) and Supreme Commander Allied Powers (SCAP), 2 vols., II. Joint
Statements of Col Takushiro Hattori and Capt
Sadatoshi Tomioka, chiefs of the Army and Navy
Operations Sections, respectively, of Imperial GHQ,
3 May 49, ATIS Doc 50459, and of Lt Gen Shinichi Tanaka and Col Hattori, 3 May 49, ATIS
Doc 52361, both in Statements of Japanese Officials on World War II, GHQ FEC, Mil Intel Sec,
bodied in one document, it can be reconstructed from separate Army and Navy
plans completed by the beginning of November 1941. Thereafter it was modified
only in minor respects.3
Strategic Concepts
The immediate objective of Japanese
strategy was the capture of the rich Dutch
and British possessions in southeast Asia,
especially Malaya and the Netherlands
Indies. (Map 1) To secure these areas
the Japanese believed it necessary to destroy
or neutralize the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl
Harbor, deprive the United States of its
base in the Philippines, and cut America's
line of communications across the Pacific
by the seizure of Wake and Guam. Once
the coveted area to the south had been secured, Japan would occupy strategic positions in Asia and in the Pacific and fortify
them immediately with all the forces available, chief reliance being placed on mobile
The plan of operations worked out by Imperial
GHQ about the middle of November 1941 was
destroyed by fire. Certificate of Yozo Miyama,
Chief, Archives Sec, 1st Demobilization Bureau,
Defense Doc 2726, International Military Tribunal
for the Far East (IMTFE).
The description of Japanese strategic concepts
is derived from the following documents: (1)
Central Agreement Between the Japanese Navy
and Army, (2) The Imperial Navy's Course of
Action in Operations Against U.S., Great Britain,
and the Netherlands, (3) Combined Fleet Top
Secret Operation Order 1, 5 November 1941, and
(4) Comments of Former Japanese Officers regarding The Fall of the Philippines. The first
two are reproduced in United States Strategic Bombing Survey (USSBS), The Campaigns of the Pacific War (Washington, 1946), Apps. 13 and 14,
pp. 43-49; copies of the last two are in OCMH.
The orders and plans of the Army General Staff
can be found in Hist Army Sec, Imperial GHQ;
History of Southern Army 1941-1945, Japanese
Studies in World War II, No. 21; 14th Army Opns,
2 vols., Japanese Studies in World War II, Nos. 1
and 2.
Brigades include all brigade size units, i. e., garrison forces in China and Manchuria, South Seas Det., etc.
Command of the General Defense Command over each district army and the 1st Air Army in the Homeland was
Although the 21st, 33d and 56th Divisions were assigned to the Southern Army, they were still in North China,
Central China and Kyushu, respectively, on 1 December 41. Their departures from the above areas were 20 January 1942
13 December 1941 and 16 February 1942, respectively. 56th Division was placed under the command of 25th Army on
27 November 1941.
Source: Compiled by the Reports and Statistical Division of the Demobilization Bureau, 14 January 1952.
from the 14th Army Opns, I and II. The translation has been checked against the original Japanese
study prepared by the 1st Demob Bureau.
Japanese estimates of the strength and composition of the Philippine garrison, military installations, terrain, and weather, are discussed in 14th
(WPO-3), was
Unless otherwise noted, this section is based
on the Philippine Department Plan ORANGE, 1940
Revision. (Short title: HPD WPO-3), AG 326.
The author has also had the benefit of conversations with the Philippine Department Commander,
General Grunert, with Generals Sutherland and
Marshall, and with various division commanders
and staff officers who participated in the planning
and execution of the plan.
something could be done, some plan improvised to relieve or rescue the men
stranded 7,000 miles across the Pacific.17
The MacArthur Plan
General MacArthur had the answer to
those who saw no way out of the difficulty
in the Philippines. The defeatist and defensive WPO-3 was to be transformed into
an aggressive plan whose object would be
the defeat of any enemy that attempted the
Interv, author with Col Diller, 20 May 49.
Wainwright mentions also that as Philippine Di21
Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan RAINvision commander he worked during May, June,
5, Joint Board (JB) 325, Serial 642-5, OPD
and July 1941 to secure revisions of WPO-3.
General Jonathan M. Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story, the Account of Four Years of Humiliating Defeat, Surrender, and Captivity (New
York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1946), p. 10.
Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story,
p. 21.
Reg Doc.
Ltr, MacArthur to TAG, 1 Oct 41, sub: Opns
Plan R-5, WPD 4178-18. MacArthur repeated
the same request, in virtually the same language, in
a personal letter to Marshall on 28 October 1951,
WPD 4477-2.
pected within the next ten days." Mac- RAINBOW revisions requested by MacArArthur's recommendation that the Philip- thur was forwarded from Washington on
pine Coastal Frontier be redefined to 21 November. In the accompanying letter,
include all the islands in the archipelago, General Marshall made the significant obMarshall continued, would also be pre- servation that air reinforcements to the
sented to the Joint Board for approval. Philippines had "modified that conception
The assignment of a broader mission than [purely defensive operations] of Army acthat contained in RAINBOW, Marshall ex- tion in this area to include strong air operaplained, was made possible because of the tions in the furtherance of the strategic
He also told MacArthur to
increased importance of the Philippines "as defensive."
a result of the alignment of Japan with the go ahead with his plans "on the basis of
Axis, followed by the outbreak of war be- your interpretation of the basic war plan."
tween Germany and Russia." 23 General
In the revised joint RAINBOW plan, the
Marshall took advantage of the fact that Philippine Coastal Frontier, which had been
Brereton was just then leaving for the Far defined as consisting of Luzon and the land
East to send his reply to MacArthur by and sea areas necessary to defend that
personal courier.
island, was redefined to include "all the
Brereton arrived in Manila on 3 Novem- land and sea areas necessary for the defense
ber and was warmly greeted by his com- of the Philippine Archipelago." 27 In effect,
mander in chief. After reading Marshall's this gave MacArthur authority to defend
note, MacArthur, in Brereton's words, all of the Philippine Islands.
The Army task originally assigned in
"acted like a small boy who had been
told that he is going to get a holiday from RAINBOW was simply to defend the coastal
school." He jumped up from his desk, frontier. The November revision not only
threw his arms around Brereton and ex- enlarged the coastal frontier but gave Macclaimed, "Lewis, you are just as welcome Arthur the following additional tasks:
as the flowers in May." Turning to his
1. Support the Navy in raiding Japanese
chief of staff, General Sutherland, he said, sea communications and destroying Axis
"Dick, they are going to give us everything forces.
we have asked for."24
2. Conduct air raids against Japanese
With this notice that his plans would soon forces and installations within tactical operatbe approved by the Joint Board, Mac- ing radius of available bases.
3. Co-operate with the Associated Powers
Arthur immediately organized his forces to
the defense of the territories of these
execute the larger mission. On 4 November
Powers in accordance with approved policies
he formally established the North and South and agreements.28
Luzon Forces, and the Visayan-Mindanao
Ltr, CofS to CG USAFFE, 21 Nov 41, sub:
Force, all of which had actually been in
Co-operation in the Far East, WPD
existence for several months already.
4402-112. The first draft of this letter used the
Approval by the Joint Board of the phrase "strong offensive air action" in the place of
Source: Ltr Orders, CG USAFFE to CG NLF, SLF, V-MF, 3 Dec 4l, AG 381 (12-3-41) Phil Rcds; USAFFE-USFIP
Rpt of Opns, pp. 17-18.
Luzon would not have had any decisive results, no mention was made of the necessity
of holding the beaches.31
The Visayan-Mindanao sector would also
include the coastal defenses of the inland
seas when these were completed and General Sharp was to provide protection for
these as well. One battalion of the force
was to be prepared to move to Del Monte
in Mindanao with the mission of guarding
the recently completed bomber base there.
Ltr Order, CG USAFFE to CG V-MF, 3 Dec
41, sub: Defense of Phil, AG 381 (12-3-41) Phil
ipinos and the strictest standards were followed in selection. To provide the training
for the new Scout units, as well as Philippine Army units, a large number of officers
was authorized for USAFFE. By the fall of
1941 they began to arrive in Manila.
Training of U.S. Army units was also intensified during this period. By the beginning of December, General Wainwright
later wrote, "the American and Philippine
Scout organizations were fit, trained in combat principles and ready to take the field in
any emergency." The omission of Philippine Army units is significant.33
BOW 5. . . .35
At the same time the Navy Department
sent to its Pacific commanders an even
stronger message, to be passed on to the
Army commanders in Hawaii and the Philippines. "This dispatch," it read, "is to
be considered a war warning. Negotiations with Japan . . . have ceased and
an aggressive move by Japan is expected
within the next few days." Navy commanders were alerted against the possibility
of a Japanese invasion of the Philippines,
Thailand, or Malaya, and were told to take
appropriate defensive measures,36
Immediately on receipt of the 27 November warning, MacArthur, Hart, and
the Hon. Francis B. Sayre, U.S. High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands, met
to discuss the measures to be taken. Sayre
presented the President's view to Mr. Quezon and told him that Roosevelt was relying upon the full co-operation of the Com-
The duty officer at Asiatic Fleet headquarters in the Marsman Building in Ma6
Pearl Harbor Attack Report, p. 65.
down of casualties is as follows:
nila on the night of 7-8 December (Philippine time) was Lt. Col. William T. Clem-
The break-
Hart, Narrative of Events, Asiatic Fleet, pp.
36-37; Morison, Rising Sun in the Pacific, pp. 168-
69. Captain Morison secured additional information from Admiral Hart by interview after the war.
Hunt, MacArthur and the War Against Japan,
p. 27; Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story,
p. 18; intervs, author with Col Diller, 24 Aug
49, Gens Sutherland and Marshall, 12 Nov 46 and
7 Apr 48, OCMH. Admiral Hart states that
Colonel Clement, unable to "get response from
USAFFE Headquarters," passed the news "to one
of the staff duty officers at his home." Ltr, Hart
to Maj Gen Orlando Ward, 19 Dec 51, OCMH.
Prologue to Attack
On Formosa airfields, 500 miles away,
Japanese Army and Navy pilots were standing by, their planes gassed and ready to
take off for Luzon, when the first news of
Pearl Harbor reached Manila. Around
midnight of the 7th dense clouds of heavy
fog had closed in on the island, blanketing
airfields and preventing the scheduled takeoffs at dawn.
This unforeseen development filled the
Japanese commanders with nervous apprehension. The timetable for the attack was
extremely close and left little leeway. As
the early morning hours rolled by, anxiety
increased. By this time, the Japanese believed, the American high command in the
Philippines would have received news of
Pearl Harbor and either sent the Far East
Air Force southward or set up an effective
defense against the impending raid. All
hope of surprise would be lost.
Even more frightening was the possibility
Brereton, Diaries, pp. 38-39. It is evident from
internal evidence that the diary for this period was
put in its present form at a later date and cannot
therefore be considered always a contemporaneous
Mallone, Bataan Diary, I, 34.
No. 3, p. 6.
Lt. Col. Allison Ind, Bataan, The Judgment
Seat (New York, 1944), p. 92. Material used with
the permission of The Macmillan Company, publishers.
On his first visit to USAFFE headquarters about 0500, General Brereton had been
unable to see MacArthur and had talked
with Sutherland. At that time he had requested permission to carry out a daylight
attack against Formosa. MacArthur's chief
of staff had told him to go ahead with the
necessary preparations, but to wait for MacArthur's authorization before starting the
attack. Brereton returned to his headquarters at Nielson Field, where he talked with
Colonel Eubank, who had just flown down
from Clark Field. Orders were issued to
get the B-17's ready. At about 0715 Brereton apparently went to MacArthur's headquarters again to request permission to attack Formosa. Again he was told by
Sutherland to stand by for orders.14
of "harried field conditions." Despite the imperfections of this document it remains one of the few
written contemporary sources for the events of
8 December 1941. Ltr, Col Wilfred J. Paul, Air
University Hist Off, to Gen Ward, 7 Dec 51,
OCMH. The official air force account in Craven
and Cate, The Army Air Forces in World War II,
I, 206 note, takes cognizance of the mistakes in
dating in this document. Edmonds, "What Happened at Clark Field," pages 24-26, contains an
excellent account of the discussions at air force
headquarters that morning.
Gen. Henry H. Arnold, Global Mission (New
York: Harper & Brothers, 1949), p. 272.
Brereton, Diaries, p. 40. The author has also
used a letter written by Brereton to the AAF Hist
Off expanding the diary entries. 1st Ind, Brereton
to Paul, 30 Jan 43, Air University Hist Off. See
also Edmonds, "What Happened at Clark Field,"
p. 25.
No sooner had those orders been issued
than Brereton received a telephone call
from General MacArthur. He told MacArthur that since Clark Field had not yet
been attacked, he would hold the bombers
in readiness until he received reports from
the reconnaissance mission already authorized. They agreed that if no reports
were received, the bombers would attack
Formosa late that afternoon. MacArthur
left to Brereton "the decision for offensive
Brereton called in his staff and told them
of his conversation with MacArthur. Orders were then dispatched to Clark Field to
call in the heavy bombers. Three were to
be readied for the photo reconnaissance
mission; the others were to be briefed for
offensive missions. At 1120 Field Order
No. 1 of the Far East Air Force was sent
by teletype to Clark Field. It confirmed
Brereton's instructions to Eubank, given at
1045, to attack southern Formosa with two
heavy bombardment squadrons "at the
latest daylight hour today that visibility will
permit." By 1130 the bombers were
back on the field, being loaded with 100and 300-pound bombs; the fighters had
also returned to base for refueling. At 1156
Brereton gave Sutherland a full report of
the situation over the telephone, and informed him that he planned to attack Formosa fields late that afternoon.18
General Sutherland's account of the pro17
Summary of Activities, Far East Air Force,
entry of 8 Dec 41. General Brereton omits entirely any mention of his conversation with General
MacArthur, and states that he received the authorization to attack Formosa at 1100 from General
Sutherland. In an interview with the present
author in June 1951, Sutherland declared that he
does not recall that Brereton spoke with MacArthur
that morning. Brereton, Diaries, p. 41.
Summary of Activities, Far East Air Force, entry
of 8 Dec 41.
On Brereton's proposal to bomb Formosa, General MacArthur expressed himself most clearly. When Brereton's diaries
were published in 1946, MacArthur released a statement to the press recounting
in full his recollection of the events of 8
December 1941. The press release, issued
on 27 September 1946, read:
General Brereton never recommended an
attack on Formosa to me and I know nothing
of such a recommendation having been
made. . . . That it must have been of a most
nebulous and superficial character, as no official record exists of it at headquarters. That
against Formosa, to take place that day, ceeding north," apparently referred to these
was finally authorized; (4) that the heavy Japanese Army planes.
By the time the false report of approachbombers were back on Clark Field after
1130 on the morning of 8 December; and ing B-17's had been received on Formosa,
(5) that MacArthur planned an attack the fog had lifted sufficiently to permit the
against Formosa for the morning of 9 naval planes of the 11th Air Fleet to take
off. At 1015, a force of 108 twin-engine
bombers escorted by eighty-four Zeros set
out for Clark and Iba. Only the very best
The Attack
and most experienced pilots had been asThe Japanese, fearing an air attack signed to this important mission.31
As the Japanese planes approached northagainst Formosa, had meanwhile made
haste to get their planes off the ground. The ern Luzon, the airborne American aircraft
fog, which had grounded the 11th Air received the all-clear signal and were inFleet, had lifted to the east at dawn, per- structed to land. By 1130 nearly all the
mitting twenty-five twin-engine Army planes were back at their bases. The two
squadrons of B-17's were on Clark Field,
bombers to take off for Luzon.29
Shortly before 0900 the Japanese Army loading with gas and bombs for the raid
against Formosa. The 20th Pursuit Squadbombers were reported by the aircraft warnron was also at Clark after its vain attempt
ing service on Luzon to be heading south
to intercept the last Japanese flight. At
over Lingayen Gulf in the direction of Nichols, the 17th Pursuit Squadron, which
Manila. It was probably this report that had been covering Clark, was landing to
sent the B-17's at Clark Field aloft without refuel. The 3d and 34th Pursuit Squadbombs. The 20th Pursuit Squadron at rons were standing by at Iba and Del CarClark took off to intercept the strike and
the 17th Pursuit Squadron rose from NichShortly before 1130, reports of an apols Field to cover Clark. But the Japanese proaching enemy formation began comArmy planes, limited to targets north of ing in to the plotting board at Nielson.
the 16th latitude, turned east as they ap30
Meanwhile, Colonel George at Nielson
had dispersed his fighters to meet the attack. The 34th Squadron was ordered to
cover Clark Field; the 17th, the Bataan peninsula; and the 21st, the Manila area. The
3d Squadron at Iba was dispatched to intercept a reported enemy formation over
the South China Sea.37 At Clark Field, two
squadrons of B-17's and the 20th Pursuit
Squadron were still on the ground. Sometime shortly before 1145 the fighters were
ordered aloft as soon as refueling was completed to cover their own base.38
The 3d Pursuit Squadron took off from
Iba to intercept the enemy flight over the
South China Sea. A thick haze of dust
prevented the 34th at Del Carmen from taking off, and at 1215 the 20th Pursuit Squadron at Clark, whose planes had just completed refueling, made ready to take off.39
At that moment the first formation of
Japanese bombers appeared over Clark
book contains the following entry: Sgt. Alfred H.
Eckles, Hopkinsville, Ky., was on duty with Maj.
Sam Lamb's communication detail Hqrs. F. E. A. F.
Dec. 8th and carried message to Teletype operator
re flight of planes heading toward Clark Field, saw
it sent and acknowledged as received by them.
This at about 11:45 (?) A. M., about 30-45 min.
before arrival of bombers and bombing of Clark
Field. I, together with Coyle, George and Sprague
watched this particular flight for considerable length
of time. I kept urging them to do something about
it, but they insisted on waiting until they reached
a certain distance from field. Sprague typed wrote
out message showed it to George and myself. I
asked what "Kickapoo" meant in message. Was
told it meant, "Go get 'em." Sprague then took
message into Teletype Room for transmission, about
15 minutes before bombing.
Craven and Cate, The Army Air Forces in
The catastrophe of Pearl Harbor overshadowed at the time and still obscures the
extent of the ignominious defeat inflicted on
American air forces in the Philippines on
the same day. The Far East Air Force had
been designed as a striking force to hit the
enemy before he could reach Philippine
Ibid.; Brereton, Diaries, p. 50. General Sutherland has no recollection of such a telephone-call.
Interv, author with Sutherland, 12 Jun 51.
Japanese Naval Opns in Phil Invasion, p. 7.
An additional fighter of the 4th Carrier Squadron
nications at this critical juncture. There
is no way of resolving this conflicting
Assuming that Colonel Eubank did not
receive the warning from Nielson Field,
there still remains one final question. Were
the aircraft on the field adequately dispersed for wartime condition? It is not
possible to state definitely how the aircraft
were dispersed when they came in at 1130.
There surely must have been some recognition of the danger of an enemy air attack at
any moment. The Japanese state that they
were "surprised to find the American aircraft lined up on the field." 54 And at least
one flight of four B-17's was lined neatly
on the field when the Japanese came over.
Captain Ind tells of finding photographs,
one of which was taken by an American
pilot flying over the field, showing the
planes inadequately dispersed for any but
high-level bombing attacks. "This entire
set of photographs," he says, "was removed
from my desk a few nights later, No one
seemed to know what had happened to
them." 55 This question, like the others,
remains unanswered.
The full story of the events which preceded the Japanese air attacks against the
Far East Air Force on the first day of the
war will probably never be known. There
was no time for reports, and if any records
ever existed they have since been lost. The
historian must rely on the memories of participants whose stories conflict at numerous
points. General Arnold, eight years after
the event, wrote that he was never able "to
get the real story of what happened in the
Philippines." Brereton's diary, in his opin-
ion, did not provide "a complete and accurate account," and General Sutherland's
story "does not completely clear it up, by
any means." 56
Whatever the answers to the questions
one may ask about the events of 8-9 December 1941 on Luzon, the significance of
these events is clear. As at Pearl Harbor,
the Japanese had removed in one stroke the
greatest single obstacle to their advance
southward. The Philippine garrison could
expect little help in the near future. It was
now almost entirely surrounded. The only
path open lay to the south, and that, too,
soon would be closed.
Asiatic Fleet were on patrol off the Luzon
coast, 1 in Lingayen Gulf and another in
Sorsogon Bay. Patrolling to the south and
linking up with the Dutch patrols from
Borneo were 2 small aircraft detachments,
1 at Davao and another on a small island
south of Palawan.60
On the morning of 8 December, the only
portion of the Asiatic Fleet to come under
fire was the small aircraft detachment at
Davao with the tender Preston. After the
attack from the Ryujo-based dive bombers
and fighters, Preston let pass four Japanese
destroyers, and then slipped out of Davao
Gulf to escape southward.
Before noon of the 8th, Rear Adm. William A. Glassford, commander of Task
Force 5 and recently arrived from China,
left by plane for Iloilo to hoist his flag
aboard the Houston. He was joined there
by the Boise from Cebu. That evening the
aircraft tender Langley, protected by two
destroyers, slipped out of Manila Bay under
cover of darkness to join the cruisers at
Panay. From there Glassford, on orders
from Admiral Hart, led his small fleet south
to Dutch Borneo to pick up oil and to assemble the rest of his force. He met no
enemy ships on the way, only a long line
of merchant vessels making good their escape.61 Thus, by the end of the first day
of war, the striking force of the Asiatic
Ltr, Hart to Ward, 19 Dec 51, OCMH. The destroyers at Balikpapan were ordered to Batavia on
6 December, and en route were redirected to Singapore. They were later recalled to Borneo to join
the rest of Task Force 5. Hart, Narrative of
Events, Asiatic Fleet, pp. 36, 41.
The disposition of the fleet is also covered in
The Java Sea Campaign, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) Combat Narratives, pp. 1-6.
Hart, Narrative of Events, Asiatic Fleet, p. 37;
The Java Sea Campaign, ONI Combat Narrative,
pp. 4-6.
The weather over Formosa on the morning of 10 December was threatening, but
the Japanese, anticipating a change for the
better, decided to press their advantage.
Naval planes took off about 1000 to strike
Luzon again. This time the target was the
Manila Bay area.69 First warning of the
approach of Japanese planes reached the
Interceptor Command at Nielson Field at
1115, and fighters were immediately dispatched to cover Manila Bay, the port area,
and Bataan. A half hour later, the enemy
aircraft hit the Del Carmen Field near
Clark, and the Nichols and Nielson Fields,
near Manila. So severe was the attack
against Nichols and so great the number
of bombs dropped that the men at Nielson,
nearly two miles away, thought the bombs
were falling on their own field. The pattern set at Clark Field two days earlier was
repeated. High-level bombers came in first
and hit the barracks, offices, and warehouses. The fighters then came in at low
level to strafe the grounded planes and installations. American planes returning to
refuel were attacked by Zeros and destroyed.
There was no antiaircraft fire and no fighter
protection over the field; all the pursuits
were engaged over Manila Bay.70
The naval base at Cavite received no
less attention than Nichols Field. The
Japanese force had divided north of Manila,
and part had turned east toward the army
installations. The rest, 54 bombers, had
continued south toward Cavite on the south
shore of Manila Bay. Half of these bombers attacked ships and small craft in the
bay and the remainder went on toward the
enemy had control of the air, but promised Cavite were burning more fiercely than
to "continue submarine and air operations ever. Evidently there was no chance of
as long as possible." 74 He then sent 2 de- saving the yard. When Rockwell reported
stroyers, 3 gunboats, 2 submarine tenders, to Hart in Manila that day the two men
and 2 minesweepers south to join Task agreed to salvage as much as possible from
Force 5. "It is unfortunate," he noted in the ruins. Remaining supplies were to be
his report, "that two or three additional distributed among the installations at
small ships were not sent south at this Manila, Corregidor, and Mariveles. The
base at Sangley Point was to be maintained
time." 75
as long as possible, and when no longer
The naval vessels were not the only ships
to move south. At the start of the war tenable the radio station and fuel supply
were to be moved to Corregidor.78
there had been about forty large merchant
Meanwhile, the Japanese air force conships, many with valuable cargoes, in Matinued the systematic destruction of the air
nila Bay. The Navy had promptly closed
and naval forces remaining in the Philipthe bay to all outbound traffic, and had
pines. There had been no raids on the
extinguished the lighthouses on Corregidor
11th, largely because the weather over
and two other outlying islands.76 FortuFormosa had been bad. The planes renately the merchant vessels had escaped
attack during the first day of operations. turning from the raid on the 10th had been
In the next two days, many commercial forced to set down wherever they could,
thus scattering units among the many Forvessels sought protection in Manila Bay and
mosan fields. The next day was spent in
were guided through the mine fields by the
On the 12th
inshore patrol. During the attack of the reassembling the units.
10th, the Japanese had dropped a few
bombs among these ships, scoring one hit.
Admiral Hart had told the shipmasters on
targets on Luzon at will in a final effort to
the 11th that their vessels would be safer
in Visayan ports, and that evening the com- destroy the remnants of the Far East Air
Force and the Asiatic Fleet.
mercial vessels began to steam out of Manila
By this time American air power was at
Bay. All but one finally escaped.77 The
a low ebb. There were only 22 P-40's in
Japanese had missed a golden opportunity
commission, with 6 more promised if they
to cripple Allied shipping.
could be repaired in time. In addition,
On the morning of the 11th the fires at
between 5 and 8 P-35's and a handful of
Rad, GINCAF to OPNAV, 10 Dec 41, 101330,
the obsolete P-26's were operational. SixWar Diary of 16th Naval Dist, Off of Naval Rcds.
teen heavy bombers were still in commisThe Navy Department approved Hart's action and
sion but 5 of these were suitable only for
at a meeting of the Joint Board on 10 December
informed the Army of Hart's decision. Min, JB
low-altitude flights and another 4 were not
Mtg, 10 Dec 41, OPD Reg Doc.
fit for tactical missions. With the Far
Hart, Narrative of Events, Asiatic Fleet, p.. 39.
East Air Force thus reduced in strength it
Harbor Defenses Rpt of Opns, p. 17. Later,
on 16 December, limited use of the lighthouse on
Corregidor was allowed.
Ibid.; Hart, Narrative of Events, Asiatic Fleet,
pp. 39-40.
was decided to use the remaining planes
for reconnaissance in order to conserve them
planes flew over Clark; the remainder delivered the main attack against Iba, reporting the destruction of ten planes on the
That morning, the PBY's at Olongapo
had been dispatched on a fruitless search
for a nonexistent Japanese carrier reported
could of the Asiatic Fleet for later operations in the defense of the Malay Barrier.
On 14 December he sent out the remaining
between Mindanao and Luzon, playing "a
game of hide-and-seek that wore out men
as well as planes." 87
Under these conditions, it was evident
that the remaining heavy bombers could
not operate efficiently in the Philippines.
General Brereton therefore requested authority on 15 December to move the B-17's
to Darwin in northwest Australia, 1,500
miles away, where they could be based
safely and serviced properly. His intention
was to operate from fields near Darwin, using Clark and Del Monte as advance bases
from which to strike enemy targets in the
Philippines. Sutherland approved the plan
the same day and secured General MacArthur's concurrence. The planes were immediately prepared for the long flight
southward, and two days later the first group
of B-17's left Del Monte airfield. By the
following evening ten of the bombers had
reached Batchelor Field outside Darwin.
They had left Mindanao none too soon,
for on the 19th the field at Del Monte received its first major air attack from Japanese planes based on the carrier Ryujo88
By 15 December the air strength of the
Philippines had been reduced to a handful
of fighters. All hopes for preventing the
main Japanese landings soon to come and
for keeping the supply routes open rested
now on these few planes and on the submarines of the Asiatic Fleet.
Rad, MacArthur to AGWAR, No. 1135, 9 Dec
41, AG 381 (11-27-41 Gen) Far East.
along the forefinger is Vigan. Both were
next on the Japanese timetable for invasion.
Aparri was, before the war, a fairly large
port with a population of 26,500. Located
at the mouth of the Cagayan River and at
the head of the Cagayan valley, with
formidable mountain ranges to the east,
west, and south, Aparri could be reached
from the central plains only by way of
Balete Pass from the south or by the coastal
road around the northern tip of Luzon.
The most direct route from Manila to
Aparri, along Route 5 through the pass,
was 275 miles long; the more circuitous
route along the coast was 100 miles longer.
The Americans could safely assume that
any force landing at Aparri would not have
Manila as its destination. The Cagayan
valley was not the route of invasion.
Vigan, the capital of Ilocos Sur Province,
lies on the western shore of Luzon, about
220 miles north of Manila on Route 3. To
the east lie the Cordillera Mountains separating the Cagayan valley from the narrow
coastal plain. About three miles south of
Vigan is the mouth of the Abra River, one
of the five principal waterways of Luzon.
The port for Vigan is Pandan, on the north
bank of the river's mouth, linked to the
provincial capital by a hard-surface, allweather road.
Both Aparri and Vigan were in the area
defended by General Wainwright's North
Luzon Force. With only three Philippine
Army divisions, a Philippine Scout cavalry
regiment and infantry battalion, one battery of field artillery, and a quartermaster
troop, General Wainwright had to defend
an area about 625 miles long and 125 miles
wide at its widest point. The most he could
spare for the entire northern portion of
one light cruiser, two destroyers, and a converted seaplane tender. He left Mako on
8 December with his fleet, and on the morn-
Japanese Naval Opns in Phil Invasion, pp.
10-11; Morison, Rising Sun in the Pacific, pp. 161,
174; interrog of Capt Kawakita Ishihara, 3d Fleet
Staff, 22 Oct 45, USSBS, Interrogations of Japanese Officials, I, 83.
thought was a large battleship, later presumed to be the Haruna. Of the three
bombs, one is supposed to have been a direct
hit; two, near misses. As the B-17 flew
away, the vessel appeared to have stopped,
with black smoke rising in a heavy cloud
above it.22 On return to base, the plane was
jumped by two enemy fighters and shot
down. All of the crew except Kelly bailed
out safely. Captain Kelly's body was later
recovered in the wreckage.
Actually Captain Kelly had not attacked
a battleship, and certainly not the Haruna.
Nor had he sunk any vessel of the Japanese
fleet. There were no battleships in Philippine waters at this time; the Haruna was
hundreds of miles away supporting the
Malayan invasion. Only Admiral Takahashi's cover force, with the heavy cruisers
Ashigara and Alaya, was in the vicinity,
and it was 200 miles off the west coast of
Luzon. Kelly was nowhere near this force,
although the Japanese report it was attacked by heavy bombers that day.23
The air attacks did not seriously hinder
the Japanese landing at Gonzaga. Two
other attacks against shipping resulted in
the reported sinking of a transport. Actually, the Japanese suffered only minor damage ; one minesweeper run aground and another heavily damaged.24
Hist of Fifth Air Force, p. 18; Army Air Action
in Phil and NEI, pp. 63-65.
Japanese Naval Opns in Phil Invasion, p. 11;
Interrog of Capt Ishihara, 22 Oct 45, USSBS, Interrogations of Japanese Officials, I, 83. American
sources do not mention an attack against the cover
Japanese Naval and Merchant Shipping Losses
During World War II, Joint Army-Navy Assessment
Committee, p. 1; interrog of Capt Mitsugo Ihara,
3d Fleet staff, 10 Nov 45, USSBS, Interrogations of
Japanese Officials, I, 275; Japanese Naval Opns in
Phil Invasion, p. 10.
The Tanaka Detachment was ashore and
in Aparri by 1300, when it reported the
capture of the airfield. In Aparri it was
joined by the two companies that had
landed there earlier. By evening elements
of the detachment had penetrated six miles
south to occupy the strip at Camalaniugan.25
Construction troops and air service units
moved in immediately and began to extend
the airfields, establish depots, and ready the
strip for operations. It had not been possible to bring much heavy equipment ashore
that day because of the air attacks, and
some supplies, such as drummed oil, had
been lost or floated ashore because of the
transport crews' anxiety to retire.26
Early the next morning the Tanaka Detachment began to march south toward Tuguegarao, along Route 5. Aircraft from the
50th Fighter Regiment and the 16th Light
Bombardment Regiment flew over the highway, bombing likely targets. The 3d Battalion of the 12th Infantry retreated quickly down the Cagayan valley, offering no opposition, and by 0530 on 12 December elements of the Tanaka Detachment had
reached Tuguegarao airfield, fifty miles to
the south.27
Craven and Cate, The Army Air Forces in
World War II, I, 215 and n.. 60.
14th Army Opns, I, 43; 5th Air Gp Opns, pp.
13, 17-18.
Craven and Cate, The Army Air Forces in
World War
I, 215; Brereton, Diaries, pp. 46-4
following evening that town and its airfield
had been occupied.37
The Japanese now had a firm foothold
in northern Luzon, with planes of the 5th
Air Group operating from fields, however
inadequate, at Aparri, Vigan, and Laoag.38
Originally Homma had intended to leave
the Tanaka and Kanno Detachments in
position, but the American reaction had
made it evident that there would be no
counterattack. He decided therefore to
leave only small garrisons to hold the seized
airfields and to send the bulk of the two detachments, forming substantially the 2d
Formosa Regiment, to Lingayen Gulf to
meet the main force of the 14th Army when
it came ashore. Colonel Tanaka was to
march around the north tip of Luzon along
Route 3 to Vigan, and there join forces with
Kanno. The combined force would then
move south along the coastal road to Lingayen Gulf. At the same time Homma sent
his chief of staff, General Maeda, to Luzon
for a personal inspection and to brief the
commanders on the change in plans.
Maeda arrived at Aparri on 14 December
and after talking with Colonel Tanaka
placed him in command of both detachments and gave him his new mission.39
By 20 December the Tanaka and Kanno
Detachments had joined and were ready to
move south toward Lingayen Gulf. At
1300 that day Colonel Tanaka led his reconstructed regiment (less three companies)
14th Army Opns, I, 42-43; 5th Air Gp Opns,
p. 18.
5th Air Gp Opns, pp. 18-20. The 5th Air
Group moved into Vigan on 11 December and into
Laoag the next day.
14th Army Opns, I, 39; On Phil Landing Opns
(Amphibious), prepared by 2d Demob Bureau in
answer to a series of questions by Lt Comdr Henry
Salomon, Jr., ATIS Doc 1989-6A.
miles east of Davao. From here, the carrier
Ryujo launched the attack against Davao
which the Preston had evaded. Following this strike Takagi turned northeast and
early the next morning joined Kimura's
transports, which had left Palau at 0900 the
day before. Accompanying the transports
was the Legaspi Attack Force; to the rear,
en route from Palau, was the 17th Minelayer Division.46
By 1100, 11 December, this combined
force was 135 miles east of San Bemardino
Strait. Here the minelayers broke formation. Escorted by 2 destroyers, one column
headed for San Bemardino Strait; another
column, accompanied by 1 light cruiser
and 2 destroyers, turned south for Surigao
Strait. By midnight both groups had
reached their destinations and had begun
laying mines. The U.S. submarines S-39
on patrol in San Bemardino Strait, was
attacked and driven off by 2 Japanese
destroyers without inflicting any damage
on the Japanese force.47 From a point
about 100 miles offshore, planes of the
Ryujo covered the convoys as it moved
toward the shores of Albay Gulf. Admiral
Takagi's force remained behind to provide
distant cover. As the convoy approached
the beaches, the Japanese planes shifted
operations to the Legaspi area.48
The Kimura Detachment began to land
at Legaspi early on the morning of 12
December. No difficulty was experienced
and there was no opposition; the nearest
American and Filipino troops were 150
miles away. By 0900 the Japanese were in
control of the airfield and the terminus of
the Manila Railroad. A few hours later,
Viking Press, 1943), p. 73; interv, author with
Clark Lee, Apr 51.
14th Army Opns, I, 31-32; interrogs of Gen
Morioka, 24 Apr 47 and Col Nakajima, 25 Apr 47,
in Interrogations of Former Japanese Officers, Mil
Hist Div, GHQ FEC, I; Comments of Former Japanese Officers Regarding The Fall of the Philippines,
pp. 25-26, OCMH.
The Jolo Island Opns, Japanese Studies in
World War II, No. 23, p. 1, 1st Demob Bureau,
FEC; Japanese Naval Opns in Phil Invasion, p. 17.
14th Army Opns, I, 43; Japanese Naval Opns
in Phil Invasion, pp. 15-16; Morison, Rising Sun
in the Pacific, pp. 163, 182.
along the road leading northwest into the
hills, leaving behind three of the eight 2.95inch guns which constituted the artillery of
the Visayan-Mindanao Force. The troops
remaining in Davao were directed to withdraw also and set up defensive positions
along the heights surrounding the city.64
The Sakaguchi Detachment apparently
met no resistance southwest of the city.
Moving northeast along the coastal road, it
entered the city and made contact with
Colonel Miura's force early in the afternoon. By 1500 the city and its airfield were
occupied. That evening a seaplane base
was established south of the city, and the
next morning naval shore units began bringing Japanese nationals into Davao.65
General Sakaguchi lost no time in dispatching the Jolo Force, consisting of one
infantry battalion (less two companies),
with attached artillery, engineer, and communications units, and the Kure 2d Special
Naval Landing Force. Its departure was
delayed first by the unexpected casualties
to the Miura Detachment and then by a
B-17 attack. Nine of the bombers had
come from Batchelor Field near Darwin,
Australia, and they hit the Japanese at sunset of the 22d. The raid came as a complete surprise to the Japanese. Fortunately,
for them, visibility was poor and the Jolo
Force suffered only minor damage. The
next morning the convoy set out from
Davao, reaching its destination on Christmas Eve.66
First warning of the approaching force
reached the defenders, 300 Constabulary
troops, at 1700 of the 24th. The landings
began three hours later. The Constabulary
were able to offer only slight resistance, and
by the following morning, the Japanese were
(New York,
time, about a dozen fishing boats were observed in the bay, just outside the breakwater. They formed a circle with their
lights pointing toward the center. The
straight line from this point to the blazing
automobile formed a line which the Japanese bombers presumably followed to reach
the field.11
Similar stories are told about the raids on
Clark Field and Cavite. One witness states
that he learned from an unnamed cavalry
officersince killedthat a Filipino who
operated a bar near Clark Field was largely
responsible for the success of the Japanese
attack on 8 December. This Filipino is supposed to have had a powerful short-wave
transmitter with a beam director in a room
in back of the bar and to have informed
the Japanese when all the B-17's were on
the ground. He was discovered at the dials
of his transmitter after the raid and a "grim
sergeant from the 26th Cavalry went into
the place with a tommy gun." 12 The presence of collaborators at Clark is also mentioned by Lt. Joseph H. Moore, commander
of the 20th Pursuit Squadron, who states
that he found a mirror tied to a tree above
his quarters. Presumably the reflections
from the mirror guided the Japanese aircraft to the field.13
A variation of the Clark Field story was
told of the raid on the Cavite Navy Yard.
Here a secret radio transmitter was also
supposed to have been found. The operators, according to this account, were an
American with a Japanese wife, both later
discovered and arrested. At Cavite, also, an
attractive girl of Japanese ancestry, who was
employed in a trusted position at the yard,
was "caught red-handed in act of treachery." Someone decided she had to be executed immediately and the officers drew
lots. The task fell, so the story goes, to a
young naval officer who was in love with the
beautiful spy. He led her outside and performed the sentence "without hesitation." 14
Official records do not support any of the
stories told about secret radio transmitters,
beautiful spies, or fifth columnist barkeepers.
Reports of paratroops were frequent also,
but upon investigation all proved to be
false. A drop of 20,000 paratroops about
ten miles east of Clark Field was reported
on 10 December.
USAFFE placed
enough reliability on the report to order
the Philippine Division there to meet and
destroy the enemy. When the reported
Japanese paratroopers failed to appear, the
division was ordered elsewhere.15
Interrogation of Japanese officers after
the war and a study of Japanese and American records fail to support the belief that
a Japanese fifth column existed in the
Philippines. There is not a shred of evidence to indicate that any organized effort
was made by the Japanese to utilize the
sympathies of the Japanese population in
the Islands or of Filipino collaborators. To
have done so would have involved knowledge by a Japanese organization in the
Philippines of the 14th Army's detailed
plans well in advance of the attack, communications with the airfields on Formosa,
and an elaborate organization to receive information from agents and relay it on to
Japanese headquarters on Formosa. Such
an organization did not exist. If an effort
maining units were immediately mobilized.
Those divisional elements not yet in service,
usually the third infantry regiment and the
field artillery regiment, were brought in immediately. A provisional Constabulary
regiment, later designated the 4th, was
formed and, with the 1st and 2d Regiments, became the basis for the 2d Regular
Division, organized early in January and
consisting entirely of Constabulary troops.
The 1st Regular Division (PA), which in
peacetime consisted mainly of cadres for
training reservists, was brought up to
strength and inducted, without an artillery
regiment, on 19 December. It was assigned to the South Luzon Force and its 1st
Infantry moved at once to the Mauban
area along Lamon Bay.21
In the Visayas and in Mindanao, mobilization was about one-half completed when
war came. On orders from MacArthur's
headquarters, the 72d and 92d Infantry
batteries of one hundred men each. The
coast artillery reservists at Fort Wint in
Subic Bay were similarly organized.23
In some cases, units were formed to utilize
armament or equipment lying in warehouses or elsewhere. At the suggestion of
General King, Mac Arthur's artillery officer,
the 301st Field Artillery (PA) was formed
from two groups of volunteers, altogether
700 men, and equipped with 24 woodenwheeled 155-mm. guns of World War I
type, and 2 155-mm. howitzers of the same
vintage. These were the 155's that had
been sent to the Philippines to protect the
straits leading into the inland seas and were
the only weapons of this caliber in the Philippines, outside of Corregidor. Col. Alexander S. Quintard was brought from Mindanao to command the unit.24 At about the
same time, three separate provisional battalions of field artillery of four 4-gun batteries each were formed. These units were
armed with 48 of the 50 75-mm. guns on
self-propelled mounts that had been shipped
to the Philippines in October. Personnel
was secured from the Philippine Scouts,
Philippine Army reservists, and the 200th
Coast Artillery (AA). Two of the battalions were assigned to the North Luzon
Force, and one to the South Luzon Force.25
Immediately upon the outbreak of war,
USAFFE ordered all procurement agencies
to fill their needs by purchase in the local
Notes on Phil Army, 1941-42. For a list of
units inducted with dates and stations, see Plan
of Induction of Phil Army; Arrival of Units from
the United States, Annex II, USAFFE-USFIP
Rpt of Opns.
USAFFE-USFIP Rpt of Opns, pp. 8, 22;
USAFFE GO's 45 and 49, 17 and 21 Dec 41;
Collier, Notebooks, II, 13-18; Col Quintard, CO
Ibid., pp. 3-6; QM Rpt of Opns, pp. 13-23.
301st FA (PA), Diary, entries of 8-12 Dec 41.
Alfred A. Weinstein, Barbed-Wire Surgeon,
This diary was borrowed from Colonel Quintard
(New York, 1948), pp. 5-6; Brig Gen Charles C.
and a photostat copy is on file in OCMH.
Drake, Comments on Draft MS, Comment 5,
Collier, Notebooks, II, 18-23.
p. 4, OCMH.
Rad, MacArthur to AGWAR, 12 Dec 41, AG
381 (11-27-41 Gen) Far East.
Rad, MacArthur to AGWAR, 13 Dec 41, AG
381 (11-27-41 Gen) Far East.
This view was expressed also in Col.
Charles A. Willoughby's intelligence estimate to the War Department on 13 December 1941. He expected the Japanese
forces at Aparri, Vigan, and Legaspi to be
reinforced, but pointed out that the landing areas were not suitable for the employment of strong forces in offensive operations. The purpose of the landing, he
correctly analyzed, was to establish advance airbases. "As soon as air support
is established," he warned, "a major landing effort can be expected; it is estimated
after 15 days."35
The only change in plans made by MacArthur as a result of the Japanese landings
was the new mission given the North Luzon
Force on 16 December. Before that time
General Wainwright had been charged
with the defense of all northern Luzon, and
his orders were to meet the enemy at the
beaches and drive him back into the sea.
The main line of resistance was the beach.
Such a mission was impossible of execution
with the available means and in the absence of air and naval support. On the
16th the North Luzon Force was relieved
of responsibility for the defense of that por35
Rad, Willoughby to War Dept G-2, 13 Dec
41, AG 381 (11-27-41 Gen) Far East.
Gulf and dropped anchor.
sault was on.
Ltr, Chief, Hist Div SSUSA to G-2 GHQ
FEC, 9 Nov 48, 3d Ind, 16 Aug 49. The breakdown of the troops landing between 22 and 28
14 Army Opns, II, 1-5, 8, Untranslated Charts
1 and 5; Handbook of Japanese Mil Forces, pp.
Answers by 1st Demob Bureau to Questionnaire on Phil Campaign prepared by author, 5
Aug 49, ATIS Doc 49692.
a small valley through the mountains.
Through this valley ran a partially surfaced
road which led from Aringay to Rosario,
one of the key road intersections in this
area. South of the landing beaches was
the central plain of Luzon. Route 3 opened
directly on to the road network leading into
Once ashore the troops were to destroy
any American forces in the vicinity and
move inland without waiting to consolidate
the beachhead. Later waves would perform that task. The Kamijima Detachment
at Bauang was to send one element north
to occupy San Fernando, La Union, and
another east along the Bauang-Baguio
Road, to seize the Naguilian airfield and
then press on to Baguio. By seizing Baguio,
the Japanese would prevent an American
counterattack from the east through the
defile. The occupation of San Fernando
to the north would effect a consolidation
with Colonel Tanaka's force moving south
from Vigan and would protect the rear of
the Japanese southward advance.
The forces landing at Caba and Agoo
were to press south toward Damortis and
Rosario. Two roads would be used: the
coastal highway to Damortis, and the partially surfaced road which paralleled the
Aringay River and led to Rosario. Once
at their objectives, these troops were to assemble and "prepare to advance" toward
the bank of the Agno River, the first formidable obstacle to a force moving south from
Lingayen Gulf to Manila.
The Landing
The voyage of the Lingayen Force to the
target was uneventful. In an effort to avoid
detection and to create the impression that
Under cover of cruiser and destroyer gunfire, the troops began going over the side
shortly after 0200. By 0430 two battalions
of the 47th Infantry and one battalion of
the 48th Mountain Artillery were in the
landing craft, ready to strike out for shore.
At 0517 the first troops touched down on
the beach south of Agoo. Less than fifteen
minutes later, at 0530, the 1st Formosa Infantry, the main strength of the 3d Battalion, 48th Mountain Artillery, and tanks
began landing at Aringay, about two miles
south of Caba. Two hours later part of the
Kamijima Detachment came ashore near
Bauang; the rest of the Detachment landed
at Santiago, three miles to the south, at
The transfer of the troops to the landing craft had proved extremely difficult
because of high seas. The light craft were
heavily buffeted on the way to shore and
the men and equipment soaked by the
spray. The radios were made useless by
salt water, and there was no communication with the first waves ashore. Even
ship-to-ship communication was inadequate. The men had a difficult time in the
heavy surf, and it proved impossible to
land heavy equipment. The high seas
threw many of the landing craft up on
the beach, overturning some and beaching
others so firmly that they could not be put
back into operation for a full day. The
northernmost convoy finally had to seek
shelter near San Fernando Point, where the
sea was calmer. The second wave could
not land as planned, with the result that
the entire landing schedule was disrupted.
The infantry, mountain artillery, and some
of the armor got ashore during the day, but
few of the heavy units required for support were able to land.
Luckily for the Japanese, they had been
able, by skillful handling of the transports,
to enter shoal waters before the American
submarines could get into action. Once
inside, however, the vessels were strung out
for fifteen miles, presenting a perfect target
for those submarines that could get into the
gulf. The S-38 pushed into shallow waters
and sank the Army transport Hayo Maru
while it was following the gunboats which
were preparing to lay mines a few miles
west of the anchorage. But on the whole
the results obtained by the submarines were
To increase the Japanese worries, four
of the B-17's that had come up from
Batchelor Field to bomb the Japanese at
Davao flew on to Lingayen Gulf and
managed to slip through the covering
screen of the 24th and 50th Fighter Regiments that morning to strafe the cruisers and destroyers and inflict some damage
on the Japanese. Even Admiral Takahashi's cover force, now about 100 miles
northwest of Lingayen Gulf, came under
attack. PBY's and Army planes went for
the flagship Ashigara, mistaking it for the
Haruna. Although they scored no hits, the
planes reported the Haruna, sunk. The
cover force finally slipped away into a rain
Meanwhile, the rising sea had forced
many of the Japanese ships to shift anchorage and they moved into the inner bay.
There they ran into more trouble when they
came into range of the 155-mm. guns of the
86th Field Artillery Battalion (PS). This
battalion had two guns at San Fabian and
Interrog of Capt Ishihara, 3d Fleet staff, 22
Oct 45, USSBS, Interrogations of Japanese Officials, I, 83.
Apparently many of the transports were shallow draft, converted fishing vessels, presenting difficult targets for the undersea craft.
pushed ahead and established a foothold on
shore, whereupon the Filipinos withdrew.21
Behind the beach at Bauang was Lt. Col.
Donald Van N. Bonnett's 71st Infantry
(PA). On the 21st Bonnett had been given
orders to halt Colonel Tanaka's 2d Formosa
at San Fernando, La Union. One battalion, with a battery of 75-mm. guns
(SPM) attached, was to move up the coastal
road to meet the 2d Formosa head on. Another battalion was to advance along a secondary road to the east and attack
Colonel Tanaka on his left flank. This
maneuver, if well executed, might have destroyed the 2d Formosa, but the inexperienced and poorly equipped Filipinos were
not capable of a swift and sudden onslaught.22
Before the 71st Infantry could complete
its movement the Japanese landed. Patrols
from the Kamijima Detachment immediately moved north along Route 3 and at
1100 made contact with a 2d Formosa
patrol. By 1400 the main bodies of both
units had joined. Meanwhile, Colonel
Kamijima's 2d Battalion, 14th Army reserve, had pushed into Bauang immediately
after landing and by 1700 had secured the
town and surrounding area. The 3d Battalion, in accordance with the plan, moved
USA vs. Homma, p. 3054, testimony of
Homma; Interrog of Gen Maeda, 10 May 47; Phil
Landing Opns (Amphibious), ATIS Doc 19896A; interv, author with Col Blackburn, 13 May
49. The ammunition had been buried in the sand.
The remainder of the regiment was at Bauang.
71st Infantry (PA), extract from the diary of Maj
William J. Priestley, pp. 1, 2, copy on file in
campaign he describes.
Thus, by afternoon of the 22d, the Japanese had pushed ashore elements of three
infantry regiments, with supporting artillery and tanks; the main force of the 14th
Army was still aboard the transports. Hard
fighting lay ahead before the initial objec-
tives of the Lingayen Force would be attained and the Japanese freed from the
vance. Bonnett's orders now were to with- danger of being driven back into the sea.
draw through Baguio to the south, clearing
the Philippine summer capital by dark.23
Consolidating the Lingayen Beachhead
Farther south Col. Hifumi Imai's 1st
north of Damortis.
The landing at Agoo, where Col. Isamu
Yanagi's 47th Infantry with a battalion of
the 48th Mountain Artillery had come
ashore, was unopposed initially. Without
waiting for motor transportation, Colonel
Yanagi moved inland toward the Aringay
Road, thence south to Rosario. Meanwhile, Brig. Gen. William E. Brougher,
11th Division commander, had sent forward a battalion of infantry to meet the
to Damortis.24
Ibid., p. 1.
While his troops at Lingayen were pushing ahead, General Homma remained
aboard ship in Lingayen Gulf. He had
done all he could in the planning and preparation for the invasion. Now his troops
were committed and their failure or success
was out of his hands. His anxieties, the lot
of any commander during the amphibious
stages of an operation, were increased by
lack of communications with the men
earlier, the bolder 14th Army staff officers
felt that the advantages gained from continuing the advance were great enough to
justify the risk. If the plan succeeded, the
Japanese would gain bridgeheads across the
Agno and would be in position to advance
rapidly on Manila. Also, it would assure
the safety of the beachhead. The views of
the more aggressive won out, and General
Homma agreed to continue the advance as
As the first day passed and no word came
from the advancing troops, General Homma's fears increased. With no prospect of
a calm sea in which to land his artillery and
heavy equipment next day, and still fearing
an American counterattack, he determined
to shift anchorage. At 1730 of D Day he
ordered the convoy to move farther south
during the night, to a point off Damortis,
and continue landing operations there the
next day. Fearing artillery fire at the new
anchorage, he ordered General Tsuchibashi, the 48th Division commander, to
take San Fabian, where there were two
155-mm. guns, thus extending the Japanese
drive southward along the Lingayen coast.27
Cavalry (PS) from Pozorrubio to Rosario
and by 0500 the Scouts were on their way.
While the main body of the 26th Cavalry
advanced toward Rosario, the Scout Car
Platoon (less detachments) moved ahead
quickly to Damortis. When it found the
town unoccupied it pushed northward along
the coastal road. A few miles to the north
the Scout platoon ran into the forward
elements of the 48th Reconnaissance and
4th Tank Regiments and fell back to
Meanwhile the rest of the 26th Cavalry
at Rosario had been ordered to Damortis
and directed to hold that town. Upon its
arrival the regiment established defensive
positions, which would permit a delaying
action in the event of a forced withdrawal.
At 1300 the cavalrymen came under attack
from Japanese ground units supported by
planes of the 5th Air Group.
Colonel Pierce, who now had, in addition
to his own cavalry, a company of the 12th
Infantry and one from the 71st under his
command, was hard put to hold his position
and called on General Wainwright for help.
At about the same time Wainwright received word that an enemy force mounted
on cycles or light motor vehicles was approaching Damortis. To meet this emergency, Wainwright requested a company of
tanks from Brig. Gen. James R. N. Weaver,
the Provisional Tank Group commander.
Because of a shortage of gasoline, Weaver
could furnish only a platoon of five tanks
from Company C, 192d Tank Battalion.
These moved out to the threatened area and
near Agoo met the enemy's light tanks. The
command tank, maneuvering off the road,
received a direct hit and burst into flames.
The other four, all hit by 47-mm. antitank
fire, succeeded in returning to Rosario but
were lost by bombing later in the day. At
fantry was content to wait for the 1st Formosa and the tanks, a few miles west of the
town on the Damortis road.
Things had gone no better for Major
Bonnett's force at Baguio. Busily tracking
down rumors of Japanese units approaching in every direction, Bonnett spent the
night at Baguio instead of pushing south
to Rosario. Lt. Col. John P. Horan, the
commander of Camp John Hay at Baguio,
kept MacArthur's headquarters informed
by radio of Japanese movements in the
area and of the predicament of the force
under Bonnett.29 A few minutes before
midnight of the 22d Horan radioed that
the Japanese were "reported in Rosario"
and that Bonnett desired "to move south at
once if way is clear." "Can you contact
Selleck by radio," he asked, "and inform
us?" 30
Although Horan received no reply,
Wainwright, about midnight of the 22d,
ordered Pierce to hold the junction of the
Baguio and Rosario roads. Bonnett, unaware of this effort and believing that the
Japanese held Rosario, remained at Baguio,
and the 26th Cavalry finally had to withdraw the next morning when the position
became untenable.31 Bonnett later moved
east over the mountains into the Cagayan
valley, but Horan remained at his post
throughout the 23d. The next morning,
with the Japanese advancing from all sides,
Horan pulled out after sending a final message to MacArthur: "My right hand in a
vise, my nose in an inverted funnel, con29
Colonel Horan's radios to MacArthur are in
AG 370.2 (19 Dec 41) Phil Rcds.
Rad, Horan to CG USAFFE, 22 Dec 41, AG
370.2 (19 Dec 41) Phil Rcds.
stipated my bowels, open my south paw.
. . ." 32 So ended the American occupation
of the Philippine summer capital.
Thus, by the end of D Day, the Japanese
had secured most of their objectives. They
had landed safely along the beaches between
Bauang and Agoo, and, pushing north,
south, and east, had seized the defiles
through the mountains, effected a juncture
with Colonel Tanaka's force, and occupied
Damortis and Rosario. The Japanese were
now in position to debouch on to the central
plain. Only their inability to get artillery
and supplies ashore marred the day's
All the honors in the first day's fight had
gone to the Japanese. Only the Scouts of
the 26th Cavalry had offered any serious
opposition to the successful completion of
the Japanese plan. The untrained and
poorly equipped Philippine Army troops
had broken at the first appearance of the
enemy and fled to the rear in a disorganized
stream. Many of them, moving back along
the coastal road, had passed through the
21st Field Artillery command post at the
bend of the gulf. Col. Richard C. Mallonee, American instructor with the regiment, thought, "Their presence presages
disaster." Although he reorganized them
and sent them back to division headquarters,
few of them, he felt sure, ever arrived.
Their stories were always the same.
Always they were subjected to terrible, hor-
Mallone, Bataan Diary, I, 62-63.
Collier, Notebooks, II, 35-38.
See also
called and it was agreed that the 71st Division would have to withdraw to a line just
north of Pozorrubio. The 91st Combat
Team, it was hoped, would reach that place
in time to set up a line there. The 26th
Cavalry in 71st Division reserve at Pozorrubio was to retire to Binalonan where it
would set up an outpost line through which
the remainder of the division could fall
back if necessary.
At 1900, as the Japanese entered Sison,
the 26th Cavalry began to move out toward
Binalonan and the 91st Combat Team
reached Pozorrubio. That night the enemy
attacked the 91st and drove it out of the
town. With its rout, all hopes of holding
a line at Pozorrubio came to an end.
Even before the Japanese had entered
Sison that afternoon, General Wainwright
had telephoned MacArthur's headquarters
at Manila. After explaining that further
defense of the Lingayen beaches was "impracticable," he requested permission to
withdraw behind the Agno River. This
request was readily granted. Believing that
he could launch a counterattack if he had
the Philippine Division, then in USAFFE
reserve, Wainwright also asked for the division and for permission to mount an attack
from the Agno. He was directed to submit his plans. "I'll get my plans there as
soon as possible," he replied, but asked for
an immediate answer on whether he would
get the Philippine Division. After a slight
delay, he was told that his chances of securing the division were "highly improbable."
Nevertheless he began to make his plans for
a counterattack.34
The action of 24 December placed the
Japanese in position for the final drive toward the Agno River. At about 0500, with
the 4th Tank Regiment in the lead, the
Japanese made contact with the 26th Cavalry outposts north and west of Binalonan.
Although the Scouts had no antitank guns,
they were able to stop the first attack. The
tanks then swung west to bypass the American positions, leaving the infantry to continue the fight for Binalonan. By 0700 the
26th Cavalry had blunted the assault and
inflicted many casualties on the enemy.
Pursuing their advantage, the Scouts counterattacked and the Japanese had to send in
more tanks to stop the 26th Cavalry. Even
with the aid of tanks, the Japanese made
no progress. Sometime during the morning
the 2d Formosa joined the attack, and the
cavalrymen found themselves in serious
trouble. Too heavily engaged to break off
Ibid., p. 39.
monan, and Siain. General Morioka expected to take the Americans by surprise,
but was ready, if necessary, to make an assault landing. His troops were to rout any
American forces on the beaches, rapidly
cross the Tayabas Mountains, and then concentrate in preparation for an expected
counterattack. In order to avoid congestion on the narrow beaches and during the
crossing of the mountains, the troops were
to move ahead rapidly in several columns
immediately after landing, without waiting for supporting troops or for the consolidation of the beachhead. The main force
of General Morioka's division was to advance west along Route 1, then sweep
around Laguna de Bay to drive on to Cavite
and Manila from the south.
The force scheduled to land at Mauban
USA vs. Homma, p. 3232, testimony of
was the 2d Battalion, 20th Infantry, and a
Homma. The strength of the division at this time
battery of the 22d Field Artillery under Lt.
is computed from Order of Battle information and
Col. Nariyoshi Tsunehiro. After landing,
from Japanese tables of organization.
Except as otherwise noted the account of the
it was to strike out to the west to Lucban,
Lamon Bay landings is based upon: 14th Army
where it would be in position to move southOpns, I, 28, 32, 54-55; II, 6-7; Luzon Campaign
of 16th Division, 24 Dec 41-3 Jan 42, ATIS east to support the Atimonan force. If such
Enemy Pub 355, pp. 1-3; Japanese Naval Opns in
support proved unnecessary, Tsunehiro was
Phil Invasion, p. 15; Jones, Diary, pp. 8-11; and
to turn northwest to Laguna de Bay, skirt
SLF and II Corps Rpt of Opns, pp. 12-15.
the southern shore, then strike north along
Route 1 to Manila.
The main force of the 16th Division, under direct command of General Morioka,
was to make the assault on Atimonan. Included in this force were the 20th Infantry
(less than 2d and most of the 1st Battalion);
the way were, so far as possible, to be bypassed and mopped up later. The main advance was not to be held up.
Simultaneously with the landing at Ati-
By accepting the difficulties of a Lamon Bay
landing, the Japanese unconsciously gained
a great advantage.
Thus, during the night of 23-24 December, as the Japanese were loading into
the landing craft, the Lamon Bay area
was without artillery support and was the
scene of confusion, with several units in
the process of movement from one place to
another. Fortunately, the 1st Battalion,
1st Infantry, was in position at Mauban,
and Headquarters and Company A of the
1st Battalion, 52d Infantry were at
News of the approach of the Japanese
reached the defenders at 2200 on the night
of the 23d, when the transports off Atimonan were sighted. Four hours later troops
were reported debarking there and at
Siain. First word of a landing at Mauban
was received by General Jones of the 51st
Division at 0400. All these reports greatly
overestimated the strength of the Japanese
force. The Atimonan force was thought
to be a reinforced division, and the troops
coming ashore at Mauban were estimated
as a reinforced brigade.
Under cover of aircraft from the seaplane
carrier Mizuho, Colonel Tsunehiro's 2d
Battalion, 20th Infantry, came ashore at
Mauban, northernmost of the three landing
sites, in the first light of dawn. Immediately
it ran into an effective crossfire from the 2d
Battalion, 1st Infantry, dug in along the
beach. At about this time, American planes
struck the Japanese, inflicting heavy casualties on the troops and causing considerable
damage to the ships.40 By 0800, after much
along Route 1 toward Pagbilao, the next
objective of the 16th Division.41
By the evening of 24 December the Japanese had successfully completed the first and
most difficult part of their plan for the conquest of the Philippines. In the south, at
a cost of 84 dead and 184 wounded, General Morioka had landed his reduced division of 7,000 men. American resistance
had held up the advance of some units, but
the main force of the 16th Division had
swept ahead, with the armored cars of the
16th Reconnaissance in the van. Unloading had progressed satisfactorily, and many
of the service and supporting units had already landed. The roads leading westward
through the Tayabas Mountains had been
secured, and the troops of the Lamon Bay
Force were in position to reach Tayabas
Bay the following morning. General Homma had not expected much from this force.
Notebooks, OCMH.
Its success came, therefore, as "quite a surprise" to 14th Army headquarters at Lingayen Gulf, and, as the Japanese later confessed, "The result realized was more than
North of Manila the Lingayen Force
stood ready to drive on to the Agno River.
After several days of difficulties, the beachhead had been organized and heavy supplies and equipment brought ashore. San
Fabian to the south had been occupied and
the American artillery there driven out.
The north and east flanks of the coastal corridor had been secured, and Japanese troops
were pouring out on to the central plain to
add their weight to the advance on Manila,
100 miles away. That day, 24 December,
General Homma brought his staff ashore at
Bauang, where he established 14th Army
headquarters. The Japanese were evidently in the Philippines to stay.
Phil Landing Opns (Amphibious), ATIS Doc
in the Philippines, and General MacArthur's name became a symbol of American resistance to a foe who was meeting
with success everywhere.
At the very start of the war there was a
general acceptance among military and
naval authorities in Washington of the
tion and supplies.1 The convoy was immediately ordered to put in at Suva in the
Fiji Islands until a decision could be made
on its ultimate destination.
The decision was made on 9 December
at a meeting of the Joint Board. The chief
planners of the Army and Navy, General
Gerow and Rear Adm. Richmond K.
Turner, wanted the convoy brought back
General Gerow's
position was more extreme than that of his
naval counterpart. He suggested that if
the convoy was not sent to Hawaii it should
be brought back to the United States. Following discussion, the Joint Board approved
the plan to recall the Pensacola convoy to
While the safety of the Hawaiian Islands
was undoubtedly of prime importance, the
decision to bring back the Pensacola convoy
make every effort to send aircraft, ammunition, and other critical material to the
On 12 December the commander of the
Pensacola convoy was ordered to proceed to
Brisbane, his later movements to be determined "following arrival and depending
upon the situation." 6 At the same time,
the U.S. military attache in Melbourne, Col.
Van S. Merle-Smith, was notified of the
impending arrival of the vessels and given
instructions to be passed on to the senior
Army commander in the convoy, Brig. Gen.
Julian F. Barnes. In these instructions
The seven vessels were the Holbrook, Republic,
Meigs, Bloemfontetn, Admiral Halstead, Farmer,
and Chaumont. The vessels carried a field artil-
lery brigade with 20 75-mm. guns; the ground elements of the 7th Heavy Bombardment Group; 18
P-40's; and 52 A-24's, 500,000 rounds of 50-caliber armor-piercing and tracer ammunition; 9,600
rounds of high explosive for 37-mm. antiaircraft
guns; 2,000 500-pound and 3,000 30-pound bombs;
and miscellaneous vehicles and equipment. The
total number of U.S. troops aboard was 4,600.
Rad, Marshall to MacArthur, No. 776, 12 Dec 41,
WPD 4628.
Arthur reported, "he [Hart] seemed to be
of the opinion that the islands were ultimately doomed." 9 MacArthur's own view
was that there was no serious obstacle to the
safe convoy of vessels from Brisbane to
Manila "provided reasonable naval and
air protection are furnished." 10
While the matter of the Pensacola convoy was being settled in Washington, MacArthur made specific requests for reinforcements based upon his ideas for offensive action. On the recommendation of General
Brereton he asked for 300 pursuit planes, together with air warning equipment. If the
aircraft in the Pensacola convoy could be
ferried to Luzon and be ready for operations
by 1 January, he felt he could meet the immediate situation with 250 dive bombers.
At this time, 14 December, he first advanced the idea that the planes be brought
within operating distance of the Philippines
by means of aircraft carrier. He asked also
for additional .50-caliber ammunition and
Navy's willingness to convoy the vessels
northward was necessary. "If the ships can
go directly to Manila, the supplies, except
aircraft, should not be unloaded in Australia," Gerow noted. "Admiral Stark is
the only one that can make the decision." 12
Marshall had already discussed this
problem with Stimson, who felt that to
abandon the Philippines would "paralyze
the activities" of the Allied forces in the Far
East. The question was discussed at the
White House, and the President instructed
the Navy to do all in its power to assist the
Army in reinforcing General Mac Arthur.13
General Marshall thereupon assured MacArthur that there would be "no wavering
in the determination to support you." Although naval losses had complicated the
problem of reinforcement, he declared that
fighters and bombers would be rushed to the
Philippines as quickly as possible.14
Quick action followed the President's instructions to send help to the Philippines.
Orders were issued to load the transport
Polk in San Francisco harbor and the
Coolidge, due in port soon, with pursuit
planes and ammunition and dispatch them
immediately to Australia. Two additional
shipments were scheduled to reach Brisbane
early in January. The arrival of these vessels would place in Australia 230 aircraft.15
At the same time, two Pan American clippers were loaded with .50-caliber ammunition and dispatched to Australia via the
WPD 4622-28.
resulted in such unexpectedly rapid advances. He expected that with the fall of
Singapore and Luzonwhich he seemed to
regard as inevitablethe Japanese would
move into the Netherlands Indies. To him,
the essential problem was to hold the Malay
Barrierthe line Malay Peninsula-Sumatra-Java-Australialong enough to
build up the defenses of northwest Australia. Apparently the defense of Luzon
did not, in his opinion, contribute to this
Stark approved Hart's orders sending the
major surface units of the fleet to Borneo,
and cautioned the Asiatic Fleet commander not to delay his own withdrawal
lest the Japanese mine the exits of Manila
Bay. There was no indication in his messages to Manila of any intention to carry
out offensive operations against the Japanese Navy or of a determination to hold
the Philippines, although Hart was reminded of his obligation to support the
Army's defense of Luzon as long as it was
On the all-important question of getting
reinforcements to the Philippines, Admiral
Stark merely told Hart what he already
knewthat a convoy was soon to arrive in
Brisbane and that he was to get in touch
with General MacArthur "as to present
orders for this force." The Chief of Naval
Operations pointed out that the convoy
carried aircraft and artillery which, he
added significantly, "may be very important for the defense of Port Darwin and
vicinity." He said nothing about the necessity of bringing the convoy to Manila.
This is a surprising omission, since the reinforcements were intended for MacArthur, and every effort was being made in
Rad, OPNAV to CINCAF, 14 Dec 41, copy in
AG 381 (11-27-41 Gen) Far East.
Stimson's Diary, 17 Dec 41, cited in Stimson
and Bundy, On Active Service, pp. 396-97.
Ibid., p. 395.
Rads, CINCAF to OPNAV, 101330 and
131026, 10 and 13 Dec 41, War Diary, 16th Naval
Dist, Off of Naval Rcds.
Chief of Staff, "the entire structure will col-
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, 13 Dec 41, OPD
Exec O.
Stimson and Bundy, On Active Service, p. 396.
Rad, OPNAV to CINCAF, 170105, 17 Dec
41, War Diary, 16th Naval Dist, Off of Naval Rcds.
serted categorically, "is the locus of victory
or defeat." "If the Philippines and the
Netherlands East Indies go," he warned, "so
will Singapore and the entire Asiatic continent."29
MacArthur's solution was to concentrate the resources of the Allies against Japan and so reverse the basic strategic decision of the war. Japan, he pointed out,
The Base in Australia
The discussions over strategy did not interrupt the efforts to send supplies to the
Philippine garrison. These efforts inevitably involved the use of Australia as a base of
operations for American forces. With the
line of communications across the Central
first as head of the Pacific Section of the
War Plans Division and then as chief of the
division, he devoted himself almost exclusively to the task of reinforcing the Philippines.
By 17 December Eisenhower had developed and Marshall had approved a plan
for establishing the base in Australia.34 The
forces in the Pensacola convoy were to form
the nucleus for the new commands which
was to be essentially an air base. Barnes,
when he arrived in Brisbane, was to be relieved by Brig. Gen. Henry B. Claggett,
then commanding the Interceptor Command in the Philippines. Clagett was ordered to Australia immediately. Ultimately, the base, to be known as U.S. Army
Forces in Australia, was to be commanded
by Maj. Gen. George H. Brett, who was in
Chungking attending an Allied conference.
Col. Stephen J. Chamberlin, a highly qualified G-4 officer on duty with the General
Staff, was sent to Australia to serve as
Brett's chief of staff.
While the establishment of this new
command implied a larger purpose than
the support of the forces in the Philippines,
the War Department made it clear that the
primary mission of U.S. Army Forces in
Australia was to get vitally needed supplies
to General MacArthur. General Brett was
informed that his command was to be considered as an advanced base of a communications zone "for the support of
USAFFE" and that he would operate under the orders of General MacArthur. He
was further instructed to co-operate with
U.S. naval authorities "in assuring the
safety of sea routes used," and to fly the
planes in the Pensacola convoy northward
Memo, WPD for CofS, 17 Dec 41, sub: Plan
for Australian Base, WPD 4628-1.
reported later.
Philippine waters."
Rads, MacArthur to Marshall, Nos. 22 and
40, 22 Dec 41, AG 381 (11-27-41 Gen) Far East.
Memo, Stark for Marshall, 23 Dec 41, sub:
Transportation of Aircraft to Phil, AG 381 (1127-41 Gen) Far East; rad, Marshall to MacArthur,
23 Dec 41, OPD Exec O.
Rad, CINCAF to OPNAV, 220830, 22 Dec 41,
War Diary, 16th Naval Dist, Off of Naval Rcds.
Rad, OPNAV to CINCAF, 231601, 23 Dec 41,
War Diary, 16th Naval Dist.
Hart's reply, dated the 24th, was that until he
received reports from the submarines still at sea he
CINCAF to OPNAV, 241225, 24 Dec 41, War
Diary, 16th Naval Dist.
Hart, Narrative of Events, Asiatic Fleet, pp.
45-46; rad, CINCAF to OPNAV, 241225, 24 Dec
41, War Diary, 16th Naval Dist.
Rad, MacArthur to AGWAR, 26 Dec 41, AG
381 (11-27-41 Gen) Far East; Rockwell, Naval
Activities in Luzon Area, pp. 6-8;ltr,Hart to
MacArthur, 25 Dec 41, sub: Move of Comd Post,
War Diary, 16th Naval Dist.
Rockwell, Naval Activities in Luzon Area, p. 7.
left Manila Bay.47 Thus ended the activities of the underwater craft in Philippine
waters. Constituting the largest single undersea force in the Navy, the submarines
were expected to exact an impressive toll
from any approaching Japanese fleet. In
the eight separate landings the Japanese
made in the period between 8 and 25 December, the submarines proved unable to
impede the enemy or even inflict any serious
damage. Their record, like that of the
B-17's, was most disappointing.
The withdrawal of the Asiatic Fleet coincided with the movement southward of
the Far East Air Force whose heavy bombers were already based in Australia. On
24 December, General Brereton was called
to MacArthur's office and told that he was
to go to Australia with his headquarters to
"organize advanced operating bases from
which . . . you can protect the lines of
communication, secure bases in Mindanao,
and support the defense of the Philippines." 48 Brereton offered to stay on, but
MacArthur told him that he would be more
useful in Australia.
Brereton closed his headquarters at Fort
McKinley at 1600 of the 24th, and in a
PBY left that evening to join his bombers
at Batchelor Field near Port Darwin. To
the War Department General MacArthur
radioed "Operations heavy bombardment
no longer possible from bases here. B-17's
have been moved to Australia and Netherlands East Indies bases. Brereton with skeleton staff departed on 24th." 49
Rpt, COMSUBS to COMINCH, War Activities, Submarines, U.S. Asiatic Fleet, 1 Dec 41-1
Apr 42, Off of Naval Rcds.
Ltr Order, USAFFE to CG FEAF, 24 Dec 41,
reproduced in Brereton, Diaries, p. 62.
Rad, MacArthur to AGWAR, 25 Dec 41, AG
381 (11-27-41 Gen) Far East.
By 24 December every effort to bring supplies and reinforcements to General MacArthur had failed. The Pensacola convoy had reached Australia, but no way had
been found to move its cargo northward.
General MacArthur had not received a
single piece of equipment or one additional
man to reinforce his garrison. The supplies and men destined for the Philippines
remained in Australia, which was rapidly
being developed into an advanced Allied
air and supply base.
Within a period of three weeks, from 8
December to 25 December, the Japanese
had achieved astounding results in the
Philippines. They had completed one
major amphibious assault and at least seven
minor landing operations; they had placed
tactical placement of the guns. He seemed
concerned, instead, with the location of the
ammunition and supply routes, selected to
conform with the mission of holding at the
beaches. "He took a look at our ammunition disposition and the dangerous supply
routes," wrote Colonel Mallone, instructor
of the 21st Field Artillery, "and very violently announced that it would be impossible to withdraw the ammunition in time
to save it. . . ." 2 This was the first time,
remarked Mallone, that he heard the
word "withdraw." He explained to Colonel Irwin that his orders were to hold at
all costs, and repeated Wainwright's order:
"We must die in our tracks, falling not
backward but forward toward the enemy."
The answer of the G-3 officer was, "Don't
believe everything you hear." 3
Colonel Mallone, as well as the chief of
staff and senior instructor of the 21st Division, was now thoroughly confused about the
mission and after a conference decided to
request clarification from General Wainwright's headquarters. They were told that
the mission was still to hold at all costs, but,
added Colonel Mallone, "by the manner
in which it was issued it was evident that
there is considerable doubt in the minds of
the North Luzon Force command as to
whether the mission is actually as given." 4
Mallone, Bataan Diary, I, 56; see also ltr, Brig
Gen. Constant L. Irwin, ret., to Ward, 13 Jun 51,
OCMH. The author discussed the question of the
Mallone, Bataan Diary, I, 56. The conversation between Irwin and Mallone took place in the
presence of the senior American instructor of the
21st Division (PA), Col. Ray M. O'Day, the division chief of staff, and several other officers. Colonel
O'Day did not get the idea of a withdrawal from
ber of Japanese troops who landed at Lingayen between 22 and 28 December was about 43,000.
Ltr, O'Day to
to hold." 6 General Marshall immediately zon. Realizing that his opponent's air and
replied that his proposed line of action naval forces were far superior to his own,
was approved and that he was doing his that American ground forces were free to
land on any beaches they chose, and that
utmost to send aid.7
The fighting in North Luzon on 22 and their superior mobility and fire power
23 December and the rapid advance by were too great for him, he concluded that
the Japanese to Rosario apparently con- the Japanese would be unable "to conduct
vinced MacArthur that the time had warfare on flat land." Yamashita, therecome to put the scheme for withdrawal fore, decided to withdraw from Manila
into effect. General Wainwright's request and the central Luzon plain, and to fight
on the afternoon of the 23d for permission a delaying action to "divert American
to withdraw behind the Agno River must forces in Luzon so as to keep them from
have confirmed this decision. To these attacking Japan as long as possible."
military considerations must be added Unlike General MacArthur, Yamashita
General MacArthur's desire to save the hoped to accomplish his objective by
withdrawing into the mountains of northcity of Manila from destruction.
But the chief reason for the withdrawal ern Luzon. He might have been more
order was the failure of the troops to hold successful if he had retired to Bataan, as
the Americans had four years earlier.
the enemy. Up to this time General MacArthur seems to have had the greatest From there he could have maintained his
confidence in the fighting qualities of the forces intact and have denied the AmeriPhilippine Army reservists and in the cans, for a time at least, the use of
ability of his forces to hold the central Manila Bay.
The decision having been made to withLuzon plain. The events of the 22d and
23d forced a revision of this view. "Gen- draw to Bataan, USAFFE notified all force
eral MacArthur, viewing the broken, flee- commanders that "WPO-3 is in effect."10
ing North Luzon Force," wrote Colonel Nothing more was required. WPO-3 was
Collier, a sympathetic observer, "realized an old plan, well known to all U.S. Army
that his cherished plan of defeating an officers who had been in the Philippines six
enemy attempt to advance toward Manila months or more. Under it, the Philippine
from the north was not now possible. Department headquarters, after the experiMacArthur's position on 23 December ence of numerous maneuvers, had selected
1941 was somewhat akin to the position
in which General Yamashita found himself three years later, when the victorious
Americans were preparing to invade Lu6
the decision and stated that the headquarters was to be moved to Corregidor that
evening. Each man was to take with him
only field equipment and one suitcase or
bedroll. By special order all officers in the
headquarters, except those of high rank who
had been promoted a few days earlier, were
promoted one grade. To the War Department General Mac Arthur sent news of his
city, despite the order that all Commonwealth officials would remain at their posts.13
The headquarters began to move out on
the Don Esteban after 1900 that day. "It
was a beautiful moonlit night," wrote Colonel Collier, "and the cheerful, peaceful
murmuring of the rippling waves from the
cutting prow of the ship belied the havoc of
J. Marshall, Deputy Chief of Staff, remained behind in Manila to close out the
headquarters and supervise the shipment of
supplies and the evacuation of the remaining troops.16
There was much to do in the days that
followed to prepare Bataan for the troops
destined to make their last stand there. On
the morning of the 24th, Col. Lewis C.
open city.12
On the afternoon of the 24th, President
Quezon and High Commissioner Sayre,
with their personal and official families,
sailed to Corregidor aboard the interisland
steamer Mayan. Many Philippine officials
381 (11-27-41 Gen) Far East. MacArthur mistakenly reported that the Japanese were standing
off Nasugbu.
Ibid., 44; rad, MacArthur to AGWAR, 25 Dec
41, AG 381 (11-27-41 Gen) Far East.
USAFFE-USFIP Rpt of Opns, pp. 33, 40;
interv, author with R. J. Marshall, 7 Apr 48.
Wainwright's North Luzon Force was to
hold the Japanese north of the key city of
San Fernando, Pampangawhere Route 7,
the main highway leading into the Bataan
peninsula, beganuntil 8 January, then
withdraw into Bataan.19 This would provide
time for the South Luzon Force to move up
past Manila and into Bataan and give those
troops already on Bataan an opportunity to
establish a line. The withdrawal was to be
in five phases, or along five lines. On each
line Wainwright's men were to hold only
long enough to force the enemy to prepare
for an organized attack. The object was to
delay, not defeat, the enemy and to reach
Bataan intact.20
General Parker's South Luzon Force was
to withdraw west and north along successive defense lines through and around
Manila, across the Pampanga River,
spanned by the two bridges known collectively as the Calumph Bridge, to San
The first specification in the charge against General Homma when he was tried as a war criminal in
Manila in 1946 was the violation of an open city.
Since Manila was used as a base of supplies, and
since a U.S. Army headquarters was based in the
city and troops passed through it after 26 December,
it is difficult to see how Manila could be considered
an open city between 26 and 31 December 1941.
Nevertheless, the charge against General Homma
stood. USA vs. Homma, specification of charges.
the withdrawal of the 51st Division ( P A ) ,
one regiment of the 1st Division, the 42d
Infantry, plus supporting tanks and SPM's,
passed to General Jones.22
The only troops in Bataan when Parker
reached there at 1700 of the 24th were the
Philippine Division (less 57th Combat
Team and one battalion of the 45th Infantry) and a provisional air corps regiment.
The 14th Engineers (PS) marked out the
defensive positions and the Philippine Army
troops, when they arrived on the peninsula,
moved into these positions and began to dig
foxholes and put up wire. Brig. Gen. Clifford Bluemel's 31st Division ( P A ) , stationed along the Zambales coast was the
first into Bataan. Its movement was completed by 26 December. Two days later the
41st Division ( P A ) , less elements, took up
its position along the skeleton line.23
The plan for the withdrawal of the forces
in north and south Luzon called for a difficult maneuver requiring accurate timing
and the closest co-ordination. Should the
forces in north and south Luzon fail to pull
back to Bataan, or should the Japanese seize
the road net leading into the peninsula,
then the strategic objective of the withdrawal, the denial of Manila Bay to the
enemy, would be jeopardized.
The North Luzon Force Plan
The North Luzon Force plan of withdrawal was based on the five delaying positions or lines selected and reconnoitered
during peacetime. Separated by the estimated distance which could be covered in
one night's march, these lines utilized the
Force could slip behind the North Luzon
Force, up Route 3, into San Fernando.25
During its withdrawal to Bataan, the
North Luzon Force was to be supported by
General Weaver's Provisional Tank Group,
whose job it would be to cover the withdrawal, sweep enemy avenues of approach,
and halt hostile mechanized movement.
The tanks were deployed on alternate sides
of the road, at curves and bends, to achieve
maximum sweep of their weapons with a
minimum of exposure. Always they were to
take care that they left themselves a route of
escape. When required to withdraw, the
tanks were to move back one at a time, under cover of the forward tank. The tankers
were to select their positions after a careful
reconnaissance, and with an eye to fields of
fire, alternate positions, avenues of approach, and emergency escape routes.26
The success of the withdrawal would depend to a large degree on the engineers.
Their task was twofold: to maintain roads
and bridges ahead of the retreating columns, and to destroy the bridges and block
the roads already passed to halt the enemy
advance. Demolitions and the construction
of obstacles before the D-1 line were to be
accomplished by the front-line units; North
Luzon Force engineers, consisting principally of the engineer battalion of the 91st
Division (PA), were made responsible for
all work south of that line. The destruction
of railroad bridges was left to a special detachment of demolition experts from MacArthur's headquarters, attached to North
Luzon Force. Demolitions were to be exe25
these arms.
By occupying these positions successively
and holding them with a shell while the bulk
of the force retired to the safety of a prepared position to the rear, Mac Arthur
hoped to force the enemy to halt and deploy
for an attack before each position. By the
time he was ready to attack, the line would
be evacuated. In this way, the Japanese advance southward would be considerably
delayed, and time would be gained to prepare defenses on Bataan and to permit the
South Luzon Force to pass into the penin27
Memo, NLF Engineer for CofS NLF, 1 Aug 42,
sub: Orgn and Opns of NLF Engineers 8 Dec 41-6
Jan 42, pp. 1-10, copy made for author by Col
Harry A. Skerry, the NLF Engineer, and on file in
OCMH. This memo will hereafter be cited as
Skerry, NLF Engineer Rpt of Opns.
crossing and had joined the 91st Division
(PA) and the remnants of the 71st.30
West of Tayug, holding the center of the
North Luzon Force line from Urdaneta to
San Carlos, was General Brougher's 11th
Division ( P A ) . Also in the center was the
192d Tank Battalion, at this time the only
armor in support of the North Luzon Force.
On the afternoon of the 24th it was moving
south toward the Agno, under orders to
deploy along the south bank. Already on
its way toward the river was the 194th,
which had left Manila that morning with
orders to assemble in the vicinity of
Extending the North Luzon Force line
west from San Carlos to the Zambales
Mountains, straddling the Agno, was General Capinpin's 21st Division (PA). Stationed initially along the southern shore of
Lingayen Gulf, this division had not yet
come in contact with the enemy. Its orders
were to withdraw at 1900 on the 24th in
two columns along the two roads, one on
each side of the river.
Withdrawal to the Agno
At the appointed hour, 1900 of 24 December, the 21st Division began to withdraw.32 Wire communication between the
Lt. Col. William E. Chandler, "26th Cavalry
(PS) Battles to Glory," Part 2, Armored Cavalry
Journal (May-June 1947), p. 11; Skerry, NLF
Engineer Rpt of Opns, pp. 3, 5, 9.
Miller, Bataan Uncensored, pp. 88-91; Prov
Tank Gp Rpt of Opns, pp. 10-11; 11th Inf ( P A ) ,
Beach Defense and Delaying Action, 8 Dec 41-5
Jan 42, p. 19, OCMH. The latter is Part 2 of an
unsigned and undated account entitled. The 11th
Infantry Regiment ( P A ) . Part I is entitled
Mobilization and Training.
The plan of withdrawal of the 21st Division
( P A ) can be reconstructed in some detail from
personal papers loaned to the author and on file
in OCMH. Mallone, Bataan Diary, I, 62, 67-70;
division command post and front-line units
was discontinued and signal troops began
reclaiming the wire for later use. The first
units to move out were the 22d Infantry and
the 1st Battalion, 21st Field Artillery. Blowing the large bridges to the rear, they retired
down the road toward San Carlos.
West of the Agno, the 21st Infantry began to withdraw from its beach positions at
about 1900. By 2130 of Christmas Eve, division headquarters had reached its new
command post on Route 13, eleven miles
south of San Carlos. So quiet had the night
been that Col. Ray M. O'Day, division instructor, turning on his radio to hear the
midnight mass, "looked up at Heaven and
could hardly believe it was a war-torn
world." 33
The withdrawal continued all through
the night. By about 0400 of 25 December
the bulk of the 21st Infantry had reached
Aguilar and, when the sun rose, its 3d Battalion moved across the Agno in bancas to
take up positions along the east-west road
to San Carlos. It was not until late afternoon that the last covering units reached the
D-1 line. They had been held up by delays
in the destruction of many small bridges,
and in one case, premature demolition of a
bridge had forced the abandonment of
precious vehicles. There had been no hostile
contact during the withdrawal.
The rest of the North Luzon Force spent
a less peaceful Christmas. The enemy, prevented from reaching the Agno on 24 December by the stiff defense of the 26th CavO'Day, 21st Div (PA), II, 10-11; Brief History of
22d Infantry (PA), p. 3; Rpt on Opns of 21st Inf
(PA), 7 Dec 41-9 Apr 42, p. 2; Capt Grover C.
Richards, Outline of Steps to a POW Camp, pp.
3-4; ltr, [CO, 21st Inf] to TAG PA, 30 Dec 45,
sub: Opns of 21st Inf (PA), 7 Dec 41-9 Apr 42,
p. 2.
Maj William E. Chandler, An Outline History
of the 26th Cavalry (PS), p. 4, OCMH; see also
the same author's article, "26th Cavalry (PS)
Battles to Glory," Part 2, Armored Cavalry Journal
Prov Tank Gp Rpt of Opns, p. 11 ; Miller,
Bataan Uncensored, pp. 89-91; Engineers of the
Southwest Pacific 1941-1945, Vol. I, Engineers in
Theater Operations (Washington, 1947), p. 6 illustration, and p. 15 n. 24; NLF and I Corps Rpt of
Opns, p. 8; 11th Inf ( P A ) Beach Defense and
Delaying Action, p. 19, OCMH; ltr [CO, 21st Inf]
to TAG PA, Opns 21st Inf (PA), p. 2.
p. 1, OCMH.
Bayambang, foreground,
from the 37-mm. guns of the 194th Tank
Battalion, which, having only armor-piercing shells, was unable to hold up the Japanese advance.40
Late in the afternoon of the 26th, when
news of the withdrawal of the 26th Cavalry
on the right reached Wainwright, he ordered the 11th Division to fall back through
Carmen to Route 3, then south to the D-3
line. Before the move could get under way,
the Japanese shattered the 1st Battalion,
21st Infantry, at Carmen, inflicting two
hundred casualties and capturing Maj.
Robert Besson, the battalion commander.
By 1930 Carmen was in enemy hands. The
Japanese pushed on vigorously, a battalion
of the 1st Formosa striking the 92d Combat
Team on the right of the 11th Division line.
Two hours later the enemy was in Resales,
three miles to the east of Carmen.
With Route 3 in Japanese hands, the 11th
Division was forced to fall back via the
Manila Railroad, which extended along the
western (left) edge of its sector. There was
no other route of retreat in this area. Behind
the division front was a large, roadless area
covered with rice fields. The only routes
leading to the rear were on the division
flanksRoute 3 on the east and the Manila
Railroad on the west. Swift action on the
part of General Brougher in commandeering and dispatching a locomotive and several freight cars from Tarlac that night
made possible the escape of the troops.41
SPM's swept the highway and adjoining
ditches. The Japanese were taken completely by surprise and after fifteen minutes
pulled back. Fearing encirclement by Japanese infantry, Miller and Peck then struck
out for Moncada.46
The tanks and the SPM that had formed
the roadblock moved slowly down Route 3
in the dark hours before dawn. They
reached the rail crossing in Moncada only
a scant ten minutes before the 11th Division
troop trains entered the town. Once the
trains had cleared the danger point, Colonel
Miller continued his march south and
reached the D-3 line at Gerona at. about
0830 on the morning of 27 December. Here
he was joined by the survivors of the battalion's Company D. Cut off from retreat,
the company had come south along an old
carabao cart trail, the Manila Railroad
tracks, and Route 3. It found the bridge just
The D-3 Line
Approximately forty miles in length, the
D-3 line stretched across the Luzon central
plain midway between Lingayen Gulf and
San Fernando, Pampanga, from a point just
west of Santa Ignacia on Route 13 to San
Jose in Nueva Ecija Province, at the junction of Routes 5 and 8. Deployed along this
line were the 91st, 11th, and 21st Divisions
(PA), supported by the Provisional Tank
Group and the 75-mm. guns (SPM).
The right (east) flank, resting on the
foothills of the Sierra Madre, was held by
the 91st Division which had taken up positions across Route 5 and on the south bank
of a small river in the vicinity of San Jose.48
Between Route 5 and Gerona on Route 3
were the 11th Division and the bulk of the
Tank Groupthe 194th at Gerona and the
192d to its right. The 21st Division, whose
two columns had reunited at Camiling, was
in position between Gerona and Santa
Ignacia at the edge of the Zambales
Despite occasional alarms there was no
action on the D-3 line on 27 December.
That night the North Luzon Force made
ready to fall back to the D-4 line. The 91st
Division began pulling out at about 1730
and by 0430 had reached the south bank
then shown that Company D had reached the Mon-
As the front-line units moved back, the
troops to the rear began to carry out the
supply plan. On 24 December General
MacArthur's headquarters had ordered the
evacuation of Fort Stotsenburg and the destruction of its 300,000 gallons of gasoline
and large amounts of high octane fuel. Lt.
Col. Wallace E. Durst, Post Quartermaster,
was able to save about 50,000 gallons of gas
by shipping some of it to the rear and issuing the rest to vehicles in the immediate
area. "No material amount of gasoline," reported Durst's assistant, Lt. Col. Irvin
Alexander, "was abandoned to the enemy." 51 In addition to gasoline, Stotsenburg stocks included 8,000 pounds of fresh
beef, about 100,000 components of dry rations, large supplies of clothing, and air
corps ammunition and equipment. When
the post was finally abandoned, almost
nothing of value was left, according to Colonel Alexander. All supplies, he said, had
been shipped to Bataan or issued to troops
in the Stotsenburg area.52
The evacuation of Fort Stotsenburg long
before the approach of enemy forces,
aroused much criticism from officers who
disagreed sharply with Colonel Alexander's
optimistic statements on the amount of supplies saved. Colonel Collier exaggeratedly
described the evacuation of Stotsenburg as a
This done, Lawrence and his men left for
The evacuation of Stotsenburg and
Tarlac was typical of the hurried movement
of supplies once the plan of withdrawal had
gone into effect. "The troops withdrew so
fast," reported General Drake, "that we
could not put into operation any of our
withdrawal plans to cover this movement." 57 There was scarcely time to remove "a few defense reserve supplies" from
McKinley and Stotsenburg and no time to
evacuate the depots established before the
war at Tarlac and Los Banos. Fortunately,
many of the supplies left behind were picked
up by the units as they withdrew, and much
of the remainder was destroyed.
Closely related to the difficulty of supply
and evacuation was the scarcity of motor
vehicles on Luzon. Even the addition of
civilian vehicles did not solve this problem.
"The fact is," wrote Colonel Lawrence,
"that there was not sufficient motor equipment in the Philippines to begin to meet
fully all the requirements." 58 This shortage
was made more serious by the failure of
commanders to return the vehicles which
brought their supplies. Even more reprehensible was the hijacking and commandeering of vehicles along the highways, often
by commanders who feared that they would
not have the transportation to move their
troops and equipment in an emergency.
These practices "resulted in confusion and
caused a complete interruption in motor
transport service during the period of
evacuation of supplies to Bataan." 59
would soon end. The enemy, he warned,
was "undoubtedly setting up a powerful
attack both north and south simultaneously
designed to pin me down in place and
crush me." 63
General Mac Arthur's estimate of the
enemy's intentions was correct. The arrival
of the 48th Division at the Agno River had
completed the landing phase of the operation. General Homma was now ready to
drive on through Cabanatuan and Tarlac
to Manila.
As of noon, 27 December, the North
Luzon Force position seemed to the Japanese to favor a rapid advance. American air
power had been knocked out and the Philippine garrison was effectively cut off from
reinforcement. Three of the divisions which
had opposed their landings, the 11th, 71st,
and 91st, as well as armor and cavalry, the
Japanese believed, had suffered decisive
defeats. The Japanese were also aware of
General Mac Arthur's move to Corregidor
and of the transfer of at least one division
the 31stto Bataan. On the basis of his
intelligence estimate General Homma reasoned correctly that MacArthur planned a
delaying action "in one corner of Bataan"
and on Corregidor.64
Despite this correct evaluation of American intentions, the consensus in the 14th
Army staff was for a continuation of the
drive on Manila. The mission assigned by
Imperial General Headquarters was to take
Manila, and it is doubtful that Army had
the authority to divert any of its forces from
to that city." 65 Some even felt that, since
Manila was the main objective, the withdrawal to Bataan "expedited the completion of our mission." 66
The plan finally adopted for the advance
from the Agno River utilized one division,
reinforced, supported by armor and aircraft.
The main effort was to be made on the east,
along Route 5, and the immediate objective
Tank Regiments, a battalion of the 2d Formosa, and a battalion of the 48th Mountain
Artillery which advanced through San
Quintin to San Jose. From there, they struck
southeast, crossed the Pampanga at Rizal,
and by 29 December had reached Bongabon, in position to threaten the right flank
of the D-4 line.
The 48th Division followed in two columns. The west column, consisting of the
1st Formosa supported by a battalion of
artillery, left Resales before dawn of the
29th and marched southeast through
Guimba, then east to Baloc on Route 5,
north of Cabanatuan. The east column, consisting of the 2d Formosa, 47th Infantry,
48th Reconnaissance, and artillery and engineer units, followed behind the tank regiments to San Jose, where Route 5 intersected Route 8, and then followed the
former toward Cabanatuan.68
At Cabanatuan, the main strength of the
91st Division, the 92d Combat Team,
14th Army Opns, I, 60-61, 83; Statement of
Gen Kawagoe, ATIS Doc 62707, Statements of
Japanese Officials on World War II, pp. 128-30.
Infantry control, there was no way to keep
them in position. The Japanese immediately unleashed a heavy barrage, threatening the American positions. Major Volckmann, who was on the scene, organized a
counterattack with the battalion reserve.
The counterattack opened at 1500 and,
although no ground was gained, it evidently
surprised the Japanese and led them to believe the defenders were stronger than they
actually were. When the Japanese fire
slackened, the 3d Battalion withdrew again,
this time about 1,500 yards to the west
along the La Paz road. By 1360 the men
were in their new positions.
No sooner had the 3d Battalion taken up
its new position than it received orders to
pull back. These orders originated in Wainwright's headquarters, where it had become
apparent during the day that the entire line
in OCMH.
of Gen Maeda, 10 May 47, Interrogations of Former Japanese Officers, Mil Hist Div,
14th Army Opns, I, 63; Interrog of Gen Maeda,
10 May 47, Interrogations of Former Japanese Officers, Mil Hist Div, GHQ FEC, I; USA vs. Homma,
Mallone, Bataan Diary, I, 101-02; O'Day, 21st
Div (PA), II, 13-14; separate, unsigned one-page
history, entitled 194th Tank Battalion, OCMH;
Miller, Bataan Uncensored, p. 111. The identity of
Katsumi Takahashi's 8th Field Heavy Artillery Regiment. This greatly increased
Japanese force spent the day preparing to
push south along Route 3.82
In the brief period of seven days, from
Christmas Eve to the year's end, there had
been a radical change in the situation in
northern Luzon. The Japanese, who on 24
December had just secured their beachhead,
now threatened Manila and the road net
into Bataan. The enemy had broken out of
his initial lodgment and was now moving
rapidly in two columns down the broad
central plain of Luzon.
The North Luzon Force had withdrawn
approximately fifty miles from its first de". . . every man of the 21st Infantry fense line to its D-5 positions at Bamban
who came out of Tarlac . . . alive should get and Arayat. The left and center had redown on his knees and thank God for that red- tired with moderate success, but the right
headed son of a bitch [Savoie]. He was everywhere he was needed at the right time. . . . flank was in grave danger. On that flank,
He kept the guns in almost three hours after General Homma had placed the main
he could have withdrawn to give us a chance strength of the 48th Division supported by
to break off. We were all out and the enemy two regiments of tanks and increasing
back into Tarlac before he pulled up a gun." 81 amounts of artillery and other supporting
By dawn, 31 December, the 21st Division arms. Should the right flank give way, the
was on the D-5 line. The 21st Infantry at withdrawal of the South Luzon Force to
Bamban, fifteen miles south of Tarlac, was Bataan might well be imperiled.
here joined by its 1st Battalion. This batThe first part of the withdrawal had been
talion had been detached and placed in completed. Although it had been successNorth Luzon Force reserve earlier and had ful, there had been difficult moments. Comseen action on the Agno line in the fighting munications had broken down at times, suparound Carmen. The Japanese 9th Infanply had proved difficult, and some of the
try was also reinforced when its 3d Battalion bridges had been blown too soon. The decaught up with the rest of the regiment. fense lines had sometimes been hastily and
The enemy force at Tarlac was further inadequately manned, or not occupied at
strengthened on the 31st by the arrival of all. "Not a single position," wrote the asthe Kanno Detachment and by Lt. Col. sistant G-3 of USAFFE, "was really occupied and organized for defense. Troops were
Mallone, Bataan Diary, I, 105; O'Day, 21st barely stopped and assigned defensive sec-
in position to cover the infantry's withdrawal. Long after its scheduled hour of
retirement, the artillerymen, led by their
American instructor, 1st Lt. Carl J. Savoie,
continued to fire.
To the rear the division covering force
waited impatiently and anxiously for the 3d
Battalion to pass through its line. When the
trucks and guns of the battalion finally came
down the road, Colonel Mallone noted
that the men "were tired, worn, hungry
but cocky, proud, aggressive." 80 They had
good reason to feel cocky. The battalion,
unaided, had held up the Japanese advance
and made possible the successful withdrawal
of the 21st Infantry.
peded, and there were numerous instances
of heroism under fire and determined stands.
For the most part, the withdrawal was conducted as well as it could be with the untrained and ill-equipped Philippine Army
The force under General Jones's command was much smaller than Wainwright's
North Luzon Force. It consisted primarily
of the 1st Infantry of the 1st Division (PA)
turned over command of the South Luzon equipped 51st Division (PA), which had
Force to General Jones and left for Bataan. for its artillery component only one batJones, who retained command of the 51st talion of eight British 75's. The 42d InDivision (PA), inherited four American fantry, 41st Division (PA), was assigned to
officers from Parker's staff. It was fortunate beach defense on the west side of the island.
that he did, for there were none on his The rest of the division had gone with Gendivision staff.1
eral Parker to Bataan. Artillery support for
Jones' orders when he assumed command the South Luzon Force was provided by the
Infantry, the 16th Reconnaissance Regiment, and supporting arms and services.
Withdrawal From Mauban
Of the two Japanese columns moving
west from Lamon Bay, the northernmost,
which had landed at Mauban, was the
weaker, its mission the less important. This
force, led by Colonel Tsunehiro, was numerically small, about the size of a battalion
combat team, and consisted of the 2d Battalion, 20th Infantry, supported by a battery
of the 22d Field Artillery. Unless it was
allowed to advance entirely unchecked,
Tsunehiro's force could have no decisive
effect on the outcome of the action. Its mission was merely to advance along the south
shore of Laguna de Bay toward Manila. If
necessary, Tsunehiro could turn south
shortly after capturing Lucban to aid the
main force of the 16th Division advancing
from Atimonan.6
Opposing Colonel Tsunehiro was the 1st
Infantry (less 3d Battalion) of the 1st Regular Division (PA), dug in near Sampaloc,
seven miles west of Mauban. At 0300 on
Christmas Day it began an unauthorized
withdrawal toward Lucban, about eight
miles to the west. General Jones did not
learn of this move until noon when, as he
was about to begin his Christmas dinner,
a motorcycle messenger from the half-track
patrol of Company C, 194th Tank Battalion, came in with the news. He immedi6
In addition to the sources cited below, the account of the withdrawal from south Luzon is based
upon: Jones, Diary, pp. 11-16; MacDonald, Supplement to Jones Diary, pp. 11-13; Shreve, Diary,
pp. 9-18; Maj Alfredo M. Santos, CO 1st Inf, The
1st Regular Div ( P A ) in Battle of Phil (paper prepared for School of Logistics, Command and General Staff College, 7 Jun 4 7 ) , pp. 32-34; ltr, Col
Boatwright to Groce, research asst to author, 25
Mar 49, OCMH; intervs, author and Falk with
Jones, 25 Oct 49, 15 Dec 49, 15 Mar 50, 5 Apr 50,
and on other occasions; / 4 t h Army Opns, I, 54-55,
69-70; II, 12; 16th Div Opns, 24 Dec 41-3 Jan 42,
ATIS Enemy Pub 355, pp. 4-9.
had been halted by a combination of rain,
darkness, and enemy fire.8
On his return to the 1st Infantry lines
late that night General Jones ordered Major
Rumbold to fight a delaying action until he
was forced to withdraw. He was to retire
northwest along Route 23 to a point above
Luisiana and hold there until further
The next morning, 26 December, Rumbold ordered the 2d Platoon, Company C,
194th Tank Battalion, which General Jones
had attached to the 1st Infantry the previous evening, to attack the Japanese in Piis.
Lt. Robert F. Needham, the platoon leader,
suggested a reconnaissance first, but was
told that it would be unnecessary since the
enemy was understood to have nothing
larger than .50-caliber machine guns. Advancing in column along the narrow road,
the tanks ran into a strong Japanese roadblock consisting of antitank guns, 75-mm.
guns, and several machine guns. The enemy block had been prepared the previous
evening, after the fight with General Jones's
half-track, in expectation of an American
mechanized attack. During the action that
followed, the platoon's lead and rear tanks
were knocked out, immobilizing the others
on the narrow road, and Lieutenant Needham and his crew in the lead tank killed.
The surviving tankers managed to escape,
to drift back finally into the American lines
at the end of the month.9
Deprived of tank support, the 1st Infantry fell back to the junction of the Mauban
road and Route 23. Here it was joined
shortly before noon by more than three hun8
Jones states in his diary, pages 11-12, that the
155-mm. GPF's were in support here, but these guns
were actually to the west, according to Colonel
Shreve. Shreve, Diary, pp. 9-13, OCMH.
QM Rpt of Opns, p. 22. Shreve's original orders had been to destroy the guns, but he was determined to get them out "by hook or crook." Shreve,
Diary, p. 9.
Ltr, Gen R. J. Marshall to author, 31 Oct 49,
Cabanatuan. About twelve miles south of
Plaridel, on Route 3, Company C of the
194th Tank Battalion held the road against
enemy pursuit from the south. Below Manila, at Fort McKinley, General de Jesus'
1st Brigade ( P C ) was preparing to withdraw toward Bataan under cover of darkness. "Manila," reported General MacArthur to the War Department, "will be
uncovered by nightfall." 24
The withdrawal of the South Luzon
Force had been eminently successful. With
little loss, the Filipino and American troops
had retreated approximately 140 miles
through rugged terrain from Lamon Bay
to Plaridel. Most of the South Luzon Force
had already gone to Bataan. Although Jones
had inflicted no major damage on the
enemy, he had shown great skill in hampering Morioka's pursuit. After the 28th of
December the Japanese had been unable to
maintain contact with the withdrawing
South Luzon Force. Indeed, on New Year's
Day, their advance elements were still near
Santiago and in no position to influence the
struggle for Luzon. So effective had been
Jones's destruction of highway and railroad
bridges that he thought "the South Luzon
Force could have effectively delayed the
enemy's advance on Manila for a considerably longer period had it been necessary." 25
The correctness of this conclusion is amply
confirmed by General Morioka, who complained frequently of his inability to bring
up armored cars, artillery, and supplies because of the destruction of roads and bridges
Rad, Mac Arthur to TAG, 31 Dec 41, AG 381
(11-27-41) Far East; Prov Tank Gp Rpt of Opns,
p. 14; ltr, Maj John Curtiss, Jr., To Whom It May
Concern, 5 Jun 45, written in Manchukuo while
Curtiss was a prisoner of war. A copy of this letter
was obtained from General Jones.
Jones, Diary, pp. 17-18.
and the back-breaking task confronting his
overworked engineers.26
By the last day of the year most of Luzon
was in the hands of the enemy, but General
MacArthur's forces were still intact. The
first part of the double retrograde movement to Bataan had been successfully accomplished, and the USAFFE commander
could report to Washington that "the South
Luzon Force had made firm contact with
the North Luzon Force in the San Fernando area." 27 All that now remained to
NLF and I Corps Rpt of Opns, p. 13; USAFFEUSFIP Rpt of Opns, p. 39; ltr, Selleck to Board
of Officers, 1 Feb 46, sub: Reinstatement of Rank;
ltr, Col Fowler, CO 71st FA, to author, 30 Apr 49,
OCMH; Capt Albert W. Erickson, 71st Inf (PA),
pp. 2-3, and Bentz, 92d Inf (PA), pp. 1-2, both
in Chunn Notebooks.
Jones, Diary, p. 16. These instructions were
passed on to General de Jesus, commander of the
1st Brigade (PC), for his was the only unit not yet
in position to clear Calumpit rapidly.
14th Army Opns, I, 84; statements of Col Moriji
Kawagoe, CofS 48th Div, 9 Mar 50, ATIS Doc
56354 and of Maj Makoto Nakahara, Opns Officer,
48th Div, 13 Mar 50, ATIS Doc 56372, in Interrogations of Former Japanese Officers, Mil Hist
USAFFE-USFIP Rpt of Opns, p. 39; NLF and
I Corps Rpt of Opns, p. 13; Prov Tank Gp Rpt of
Opns, p. 14; ltr, Fowler to author, 30 Apr 49,
artillery opened up on Baliuag and continued to fire until 2200 when Fowler and
Babcock pulled their men back to Plaridel
and then west across the Pampanga. The
last of the tanks crossed the Calumpit bridge
at about 0230 on 1 January.9
Holding the unimproved road from Plaridel to Calumpit was the untried 51st Infantry. When at 0300 the 1st Brigade
(PC) cleared the Calumpit bridge General
Jones sent his chief of staff to Plaridel with
orders for the 51st to withdraw immediately.
The retirement began at 0400, 1 January.
Meanwhile, the Japanese had entered Baliuag and were pushing cautiously toward
Plaridel. At 0400 they were close enough
to hear the sound of motors as the 51st
Infantry began to pull out, and immediately
rushed forward to attack. Firing into the
truck column the Japanese hit the rearmost vehicles but inflicted no damage.
Lacking motor transportation they were unable to follow. Colonel Stewart pushed
ahead rapidly and crossed the Pampanga
with his 51st Infantry at about 0500 on
the morning of the 1 st, the last unit to cross
the Calumpit bridge.10
What the Japanese could not accomplish on the ground they might have accomplished with their air force. On 31 December the highway and railroad bridges spanning the Pampanga at Calumpit presented
to the Japanese air force the most inviting
target since Clark Field. Heavily laden
with dynamite charges for rapid demolition and protected by only two gun batteries of the 200th Coast Artillery ( A A ) , the
bridges were extremely vulnerable to air
attack.11 Indeed, like marriage, in Shaw's
classic definition, they combined the maximum of temptation with the maximum of
The Japanese failed to take advantage of
this opportunity for a decisive blow from
the air. The 48th Division urged that the
Calumpit bridges be bombed and there
were heated discussions over this question,
but the view of Col. Monjiro Akiyama, 14th
Army air officer, that the destruction of the
bridges would prove of little value, prevailed. The 14th Army's order of the 30th,
therefore, directed the 5th Air Group simply
to attack the retreating enemy and to make
The account of this action is based on the folan effort to destroy the bridges west of Lulowing sources, many of them in conflict with each
just above the base of the Bataan
other: Prov Tank Gp Rpt of Opns, p. 14; ltr,
Weaver to author, 30 Jan 50; Jones, Diary, p. 17;
interv, author and Falk with Jones, 31 Oct and
Even with this limited mission, the Japa1 Nov 49, 24 Jan 50; ltr, Maj Curtiss (forward
air forces made only a desultory effort.
observer for the 75-mm. SPM's), To Whom It
Harry A. Skerry, the North Luzon
May Concern, 5 Jun 45, copy in OCMH; Collier,
Notebooks, II, 78-80; Lt Col Thomas Dooley, The
First U.S. Tank Action in World War II (paper
prepared for Advanced Officers Class No. 1, The
Armored Force School, 1 May 48), p. 12; ltr,
Weaver to Wainwright, 20 Nov 45, copy in OCMH ;
14th Army Opns, I, 84.
Jones, Diary, p. 17; 14th Army Opns, I, 84;
ltr, Col Skerry, NLF Engineer, to Lt Col George A.
Meidling, 4 Jun 49, Comment 9. Col Skerry's comments, altogether numbering twenty-one, pertain to
Chapter II of Combat Engineer Operations, a
projected volume in the series Engineers of the
Force engineer and the man directly responsible for blowing the bridges, later
wrote that he was "amazed" by the "weak
air efforts" the Japanese made and "the few
planes seen in the sky, despite the previous
almost total destruction of our air force and
the resulting enemy air superiority." 13
At about 0500 on New Year's Day, as
the 51st Infantry cleared the Calumpit
bridge, General Wainwright asked Generals
Jones, Stevens, and Weaver if all their units
were safely across. He received affirmative
Skerry, Comments on Engineer Hist, No. 9, p.
5; interrog of Lt Col Hikaru Haba, Intel Officer,
14th Army, Apr 47, Interrogations of Former Japanese Officers, Mil Hist Div, GHQ FEC, I.
The account of the blowing of the bridge is based
on Colonel Skerry's Comment 9; Wainwright, Gen-
of Manzano's detachment, Wainwright extended the time for blowing the bridges to
As dawn broke, the noise of enemy rifle
fire from the south increased. General
Wainwright, unaware that the main Japanese force was pushing toward Manila
and that less than a regiment had been sent
toward Calumpit, believed that this fire
presaged a major Japanese effort to cross
the Pampanga. Blowing the bridges would
place the deep, unfordable river squarely in
the path of the advancing enemy and give
the Bataan forces time to prepare for defense. Wainwright then made his decision;
Manzano and his men would have to reach
Bataan by other routes. He turned to his
engineer. "Skerry," he said, "we cannot
wait any longer. Blow the bridges."
The covering force withdrew to a safe
distance, the explosives were checked, and
at 0615 the charges were detonated. The
air was filled with a roar and a rushing
noise, a flash lit up the sky, and the Calumpit bridges disappeared in a mass of falling
debris. In front of the defenders flowed the
deep Pampanga; to their rear lay San Fernando, where the road to Bataan began.
San Fernando, nine miles north of Calumpit, was as vital to the successful completion of the plan of withdrawal as Plaridel.
Not only did the South Luzon Force have
to pass through it before turning southwest
to Bataan, but almost the entire North
Luzon Force would funnel through that
town also.
Thirty-five miles northwest of Manila,
and strategically second in importance only
to the capital, San Fernando is an important
road and rail junction. It is there that Route
7, the main road to Bataan, joins Route 3.
The troops from Calumpit would have to
travel northward along Route 3 to reach
San Fernando; those on the D-5 line would
withdraw south along this road and Route
10. At San Fernando both groups would
pick up Route 7 for the final lap of their
journey to Bataan.
The 21st Division on the west flank of the
D-5 line was the only unit which could escape into Bataan without going through San
Fernando. At Angeles, midway between
Bamban and San Fernando, it would leave
Route 3 and follow Route 74 to Bataan. All
other units north and south of San Fernando
would reach Bataan via San Fernando and
Route 7.
Even if the enemy did not impede the
The D-5 Line: Bamban-Arayat
march to Bataan, the roads over which
By the first day of the new year the bulk the tired soldiers must travel to reach the
of the American and Filipino forces had peninsula would present many obstacles.
escaped from the enemy pincer movement From Calumpit north to San Fernando,
designed to trap them on the plain before and from there south to Bataan, the road
Manila. Calumpit had been passed suc- was packed with a "solid stream of traffic,"
cessfully and the troops from the south had military and civilian.14 Vehicles of all
side-stepped the Japanese and withdrawn typescars, buses, trucks, artillery, and
in good order across the Pampanga. Mactanksfilled the center of the road. In some
Arthur's men no longer faced the main places, there were stretches of several miles
strength of Homma's 14th Army, which was
pushing rapidly toward Manila.
Collier, Notebooks, I, 73-74.
crossed the road." 16 But he saw no divebombing or strafing attacks. "Had the
bombers struck the jammed columns with
bombs and strafing," he wrote, "our withdrawal into Bataan would certainly have
been seriously crippled." 17
Since 30 December General Homma had
been strengthening his forces in front of the
D-5 line. By New Year's Eve he had on
Route 3, in and around Tarlac, the entire
9th Infantry Regiment, the Kanno Detachment (3d Battalion, 2d Formosa), 8th Field
Artillery (less one battalion), two batteries
of the 22d Field Artillery, and a battalion
of the 48th Mountain Artillery. The mis16
sion of this force was to drive south toward
Along the D-5 line stood two Philippine
Army divisions, the 11th on the right and
the 21st on the left. Between the high
ground on each end of the line the terrain was flat, the vegetation consisting of
cane fields and uncultivated grassland. As
the troops reached this position they began
to clear fields of fire and, when they could
get the wire, erect barbed-wire entanglements.19
The 21st Division held the left (west)
portion of the flatlands along the south bank
of the Bamban River from the MagalangConcepcion road to the Zambales Mountains/On the right was the 22d Infantry;
to its left was the 21st Infantry, with the 3d
Battalion on the right and the 2d Battalion
on the left. Along the front, between the
two battalions, were two high multiplespan steel bridges (one railroad and one
highway) fording the Bamban River. The
engineers had destroyed both bridges, but
the river, practically dry at this season of
the year, presented no obstacle to advancing
infantry and only a slight one to vehicles.
To strengthen the river line, therefore,
Company C, 23d Infantry, was posted on
the high ground north of the Bamban River
and west of Route 3, in position to dominate the road and railroad south of the
town. The 21st Field Artillery was in general support.20
The wisdom of placing Company C in
this position was soon confirmed. At about
The account of 21st Division operations at
Bamban is based upon O'Day, 21st Div (PA), II,
15; Brief Hist of 22d Inf (PA), p. 4; Opns of 21st
Inf ( P A ) , p. 2; Richards, Steps to a POW Camp,
pp. 7-8; 14th Army Opns, I, 65 84; ltr, O'Day to
Ward, 14 Jan 52, OCMH.
(PA), II, 6.
NLF and I Corps Rpt of Opns, p. 14, 14th
Army Opns, I, 65, 84; USA vs. Homma, p. 3055,
testimony of Homma.
Into Bataan
lonee, to number 120,000 men.1 Actually,
Japanese strength on Luzon was about half
that size, and only two reinforced regiments
with tanks and artillery faced the men on
the Guagua-Porac line.
From Cabanatuan, where Homma had
moved his headquarters on New Year's
Day, 14th Army issued orders to attack the
line before Bataan.2 A force, known as the
Takahashi Detachment after its commander, Lt. Col. Katsumi Takahashi, and
consisting of the 9th Infantry (less two
companies), two batteries of the 22d Field
Artillery, and the 8th Field Heavy Artillery
Regiment (less one battalion), was to strike
The Guagua-Porac Line
out from Angeles along Route 74, smash the
Along the ten-mile line from Guagua to American line at Porac, and go on to seize
Porac, paralleling the road between the two Dinalupihan, an important road junction at
barrios, General Wainwright had placed the entrance to Bataan. To support Takathe 11th and 21st Divisions (PA), as well hashi's drive down Route 74, Homma oras armor and cavalry. (Map 9) On the dered the 9th Independent Field Heavy
left (west), around Porac, was the 21st Artillery Battalion, then approaching TarDivision with the 26th Cavalry (PS) to its lac, to push on to Porac.
A second force, drawn largely from the
rear, in force reserve. On the east was the
11th Division, its right flank covered by 48th Division, was organized for the drive
almost impenetrable swamps crisscrossed by down Route 7 through Guagua to Hernumerous streams. In support of both di- mosa, a short distance southeast of Dinavisions was General Weaver's tank group. lupihan. This force, organized at San FerThe troops along this line, the best in the nando and led by Colonel Tanaka, was
North Luzon Force, though battle tested composed of the 2d Formosa and a batand protected by mountains on the west and talion of the 47th Infantry supported by a
swamps on the east, felt exposed and in- company of tanks and three battalions of
secure. They were convinced that they
Bataan Diary, I, 113. This estimate
were opposing the entire Japanese 14th cameMallone,
from G-3 USAFFE.
Army, estimated, according to Colonel Mal14th Army Opns, I, 66.
23d Infantry. But darkness fell before the
attack could be mounted and the 2d Battalion, 23d Infantry, the unit selected for the
counterattack, was ordered to move up at
dawn and restore the line on the left. When
the 2d Battalion moved into the line, the
21st Infantry would regroup to the right,
thus shortening its front.
That night the stillness was broken only
by fire from the Philippine artillery which
had pulled back about 600 yards. When
morning came the enemy was gone. Reports from 21st Infantry patrols, which
had moved forward unmolested at the first
sign of light, encouraged division headquarters to believe that the original main line of
resistance could be restored without a fight
and orders were issued for a general advance when the 2d Battalion, 23d Infantry,
tied in with the 21st Infantry.
American plans for a counterattack
were premature. The evening before, the
main force of the Takahashi Detachment
had left its assembly area midway between
Bamban and Angeles and marched rapidly
toward Porac. The 8th Field Heavy Artillery Regiment (less one battalion), with
its 105-mm. guns, had accompanied the
force and by morning was in position to
support the infantry attack. Thus, when
the 2d Battalion, 23d Infantry, began to
advance it was met first by punishing smallarms fire from the infantry, then by fire
from the 105-mm. guns of the 8th Field Artillery. At the same time three Japanese aircraft swung low to strafe the road in support of the enemy attack. The momentum
of the advance carried the Japanese below
Pio, where they were finally stopped.
When news of the attack reached General Wainwright's headquarters, the most
alarming item in the report was the presence of Japanese medium artillery, thought
to be heavy guns, on the left of the American line. This artillery represented a serious threat, and the 21st Division was ordered to "hold the line or die where you
are." 8 General Capinpin did his best, but
he had only two battalions of the 23d Infantry, an unseasoned and untrained unit,
left in reserve. One of these battalions was
in North Luzon Force reserve and it was
now ordered to move to the 11th Division
sector near Guagua where a heavy fight
was in progress.
Meanwhile, Colonel Takahashi had
launched an assault against the 21st Infantry. First the battalion on the left gave
way and within an hour the reserve line also
began to crumble. By noon the left flank of
the 21st Infantry was completely disorganized. The right battalion, though still intact,
fell back also lest it be outflanked. This withdrawal exposed the left flank of the 22d
Infantry on its right.
Colonel Takahashi lost no time in taking advantage of the gap in the American
line. Elements of the 9th Infantry drove in
between the two regiments, hitting most
heavily the 1st Battalion, 22d Infantry, on
the regimental left. The action which followed was marked by confusion. The noise
of artillery fire and the black smoke rising
from the burning cane fields reduced the
troops to bewildered and frightened men.
At one time the 21st Infantry staff was
nearly captured when the onrushing enemy
broke through to the command post. A
group of tanks from the 11th Division sector, ordered to attack the Japanese line in
front of the 21st Division, showed a marked
disinclination to move into the adjoining
sector without orders from the tank group
commander. Before the ferocity of the Jap8
ing the day fired on the rear areas. Fortunately, their marksmanship was poor and
although they made life behind the front
lines uncomfortable they inflicted no real
On the afternoon of the 4th, as a result of pressure on the 11th Division to the
was considerable confusion during the withness closed in, the left portion of the 21st drawal. By daylight of the 5th, however, the
Division line was held by the guns of the troops were across the Gumain where they
21st Field Artillery alone, firing at close began to prepare for their next stand. Divirange across open fields. "As attack after sion headquarters, the 23d Infantry, the
attack came on, broke, and went back,"
wrote Colonel Mallone, "I knew what
Cushing's artillerymen must have felt with
vision. Part of the 194th Tank Battalion
and Company A of the 192d provided additional support.11
The Japanese attack on the right flank
of the Guagua-Porac line came on 3 January. Leaving San Fernando at 0400 the
reinforced Tanaka Detachment had advanced cautiously along Route 7. At about
0930 the point of the Japanese column
made contact with a platoon of tanks from
Company C, 194th, posted about 1,000
yards north of Guagua. Under tank fire
and confined to the road because of the
marshy terrain on both sides, the Japanese
halted to await the arrival of the main
force. About noon, when the force in front
became too formidable, the American tanks
fell back to Guagua. The Japanese continued to advance slowly. Forced by the
nature of the terrain into a frontal assault
along the main road and slowed down by
the numerous villages along the line of advance, the attack, the Japanese admitted,
"did not progress as planned." 12 Artillery
was brought into support and, late in the
afternoon, the 75-mm. guns opened fire,
scoring at least one hit on the 11th Infantry
command post. The defending infantry
were greatly cheered by the sound of their
own artillery answering the Japanese guns.
Organized after the start of the war and inadequately trained, the men of the 11th
Field Artillery, firing from positions at
Guagua and Santa Rita, made up in enthusiasm what they lacked in skill.13
The Japanese artillery fire continued during the night and increased in intensity
the next morning, 4 January, when a battalion of 150-mm. howitzers joined in the
fight. In the early afternoon an enemy
column spearheaded by tanks of the 7th
Tank Regiment broke through the 13th
Infantry line along Route 7 and seized the
northern portion of Guagua. Another column hit the 3d Battalion, 11th Infantry,
to the left of the 13th, inflicting about 150
casualties. The two units held on long
enough, however, for the 1st and 2d Battalions of the 11th Infantry to pull out.
They then broke contact and followed the
two battalions in good order.14
During this action Company A, 192d
Tank Battalion, and elements of the 11th
Division attempted to counterattack by
striking the flank of the Japanese line before Guagua. This move almost ended in
disaster. The infantry on the line mistook
the tanks for enemy armor and began dropping mortar shells on Company A, and General Weaver, who was in a jeep attempting
to co-ordinate the tank-infantry attack, was
almost hit. The mistake was discovered in
time and no serious damage was done.
11th Inf ( P A ) , Beach Defense and Delaying
Action, pp. 22-23; Townsend, Defense of Phil,
p. 13.
The account of this action and those that follow
are reconstructed from a large number of records
which present at best a confusing picture. The main
sources used in this reconstruction are: NLF and I
Corps Rpt of Opns, pp. 14-15; Prov Tank Gp Rpt,
p. 15-16; Miller, Bataan Uncensored, pp. 126-32;
Rpts of S-2 and S-3, 194th Tank Bn in Diary of
The account of the action around Guagua is
based on Townsend, Defense of Phil, p. 13; 2d Lt
James, 11th Inf (PA), p. 8, and Liles, 12th Inf
(PA), p. 13, both in Chunn Notebooks; 11th Inf
(PA), Beach Defense and Delaying Action, pp. 2223; Miller, Bataan Uncensored, pp. 124-32; Prov
Tank Gp Rpt of Opns, pp. 15-16; Dooley, The
First U.S. Tank Action in World War II, p. 13; Col Miller, copy in OCMH; 14th Army Opns, I,
86; Weaver, Comments on Draft MS, Comments
Mallone, Bataan Diary, I, 124-25.
14th Army Opns, I, 85.
22-25, OCMH.
When news of the Japanese breakthrough at Guagua reached General Wainwright on the afternoon of the 4th he decided it was time to fall back again. The
next line was to be south of the Gumain
River, and orders were issued to the 11th, as
well as the 21st Division, to withdraw to the
new line that night.
General Brougher's plan of withdrawal
called for a retirement along Route 7
through Guagua and Lubao to the new line.
The rapid advance of the Tanaka Detachment through Guagua and down Route 7
toward Lubao late that afternoon, however,
cut off this route of retreat of the 11th Infantry and other elements on the line. A
hasty reconnaissance of the area near the
highway failed to disclose any secondary
roads or trails suitable for an orderly retirement. To withdraw cross-country was to invite wholesale confusion and a possible rout.
The only course remaining to the cutoff
units was to traverse a thirty-mile-long, circuitous route through San Jose, in the 21st
Division sector, then down Route 74 to
Dinalupihan. There the men would turn
southeast as far as Layac Junction and then
north along Route 7 to a point where they
could form a line before the advancing
Tanaka Detachment.
That evening, 4 January, the long march
began. Those elements of the 11th Division
cut off by the Japanese advance, and Company A, 192d Tank Battalion, reached San
Jose without interference from the enemy
but not without adding to the confusion
already existing in the 21st Division area.
Meanwhile at San Jose, General
Brougher, the 11th Division commander,
had collected all the trucks and buses he
could find and sent them forward to carry
his men. With this motor transportation,
the 11th Infantry was able to take up a posi-
at a block along the Sexmoan-Lubao road.
At about 1600 Peck and Miller had observed a large enemy force approaching.
This force, estimated as between 500 and
800 men, supported by machine guns, mortars, and artillery, was led by three Filipinos carrying white flags, presumably under duress. The tanks and SPM's opened
fire, cutting the Japanese column to pieces.
The 194th Tank Battalion then left burning
Guagua and Lubao and moved south to
positions a mile or two above Santa Cruz.
The tanks and SPM's at the block covered
its withdrawal.
Some time after midnight, between 0200
and 0300 on 5 January, the covering force
was hit again, this time by infantry and artillery of the Tanaka Detachment. Attacking in bright moonlight across an open field
and along the road, the enemy came under
direct fire from the American guns. Driven
back with heavy casualties, he attacked
again and again, and only broke off the
action about 0500, at the approach of daylight. Later in the day the Tanaka Detachment, seriously depleted by casualties, was
relieved by Col. Hifumi Imai's 1st Formosa Infantry (less one battalion) to
which were attached Tanaka's tanks and
By dawn of 5 January, after two days of
heavy and confused fighting, the GuaguaPorac line had been abandoned and the
American and Filipino troops had pulled
back to a new line south and west of the
Gumain River. The 21st Division on the
west had retired to a position about eight
miles below Porac and was digging in along
the bank of the river; to the east the 11th
Division had fallen back six miles and stood
along a line about a mile south of the river.
But the brief stand on the Guagua-Porac
line had earned large dividends. The Japanese had paid dearly for the ground gained
and had been prevented from reaching their
objective, the gateway to Bataan. More important was the time gained by the troops
already in Bataan to prepare their positions.
would require the most precise timing, and, Thinly manned in one place, congested in
if the enemy attacked, a high order of road another, the position was poorly organized
and incapable of withstanding a determined
assault. In one section, infantry, artillery,
and tanks were mixed together in complete
Through the Layac Bottleneck
disorder. "Everyone," said Colonel MalThe withdrawal from the Gumain River lonee, "was in everyone else's lap and the
through Layac Junction, although made whole thing resembled nothing quite as
without interference from the enemy, was much as the first stages of an old fashioned
attended by the greatest confusion. On the southern political mass meeting and free
east, where the 11th Division was in position barbecue." 16
astride Route 7, there were a few skirmishes
Fortunately for General Capinpin, the
between patrols on 5 January but no serious Takahashi Detachment on Route 74 did
action. General Brougher had received a not advance below Pio. This failure to adbattalion of the 71st Infantry to strengthen vance was due to an excess of caution on
his line but the battalion returned to its the part of the colonel who, on the 4th,
parent unit at the end of the day without had been placed under the 65th Brigade
ever having been engaged with the enemy.15 for operations on Bataan.17 It is, entirely
In the 21st Division area to the west there possible that Japanese caution and lack of
was much milling about and confusion on vigor in pressing home the attack may have
the 5th. Work on the Gumain River posi- been due to a mistaken notion of the strength
tion progressed very slowly during the morn- of the defending forces and a healthy reing, and the troops showed little inclination spect for American-led Filipino troops. Had
to extend the line eastward to make contact Takahashi chosen this moment to launch a
with the 11th Division. During the day con- determined attack against the 21st Division
tradictory or misunderstood orders sent the he would almost certainly have succeeded
men forward and then pulled them back, in trapping the forces before Bataan.
sometimes simultaneously. Shortly before
The troops had hardly taken up their
noon General Capinpin, needlessly alarmed positions behind the Gumain River when
about the situation on the 11th Division General Wainwright issued orders for the
front and fearful for the safety of his right withdrawal into Bataan through Layac
(east) flank, ordered a withdrawal to a Junction, to begin at dark. First to cross
point about a mile above Dinalupihan. The the bridge over the Culo River below Layac
movement was begun but halted early in would be the 11th Division, followed closely
the afternoon by an order from General by the 21st. To cover the withdrawal of
Wainwright to hold the Gumain River line the 11th, one battalion of the 21st Division
was to sideslip over in front of the 11th
until further orders.
By midafternoon the division had once Division, while the 26th Cavalry would
flank of the 21st during its
more formed a line south of the river. protect the left
The execution of such a maneuver seemed
impossible under the conditions existing
along the front. The 23d Infantry, in division reserve, was already at Dinalupihan
and Colonel O'Day, senior American instructor in the 21st Division, proposed instead to place a battalion of this regiment
astride Route 7 behind the 11th Division.
General Brougher's troops could then fall
back through the covering battalion. This
proposal was accepted, and after considerable difficulty "the equivalent of a battalion" was placed in position by dark.19
When night fell the 11th Division withdrew from its positions and moved southwest along Route 7 toward Layac Junction
and the road to Bataan. Soon the town
was crowded with men and vehicles and as
the withdrawal continued became a scene
of "terrible congestion," of marching men,
trucks, buses, artillery, tanks, horses, and
large numbers of staff and command cars.
"It looked," remarked one observer, "like
the parking lot of the Yale bowl." 20
At about 2030 Col. John Moran, chief of
staff of the 11th Division, reported that his
division had cleared Layac and was across
the Culo bridge. The 21st Division was
now ordered across. Observing the passage of men, Colonel O'Day wrote: "It was
a painful and tragic sightour soldiers
trudging along, carrying inordinate loads of
equipment and personal effects. Many had
their loads slung on bamboo poles, a pole
between two men. They had been marching almost since dark the night before, and
much of the daylight hours had been spent
in backing and filling. . . ." 21
By about midnight of the 5th, the last
guns of the 21st Field Artillery had cleared
the bridge, and within the next hour all of
the foot troops, closely shepherded by the
Scouts of the 26th Cavalry, were across.
Last to cross were the tanks, which cleared
the bridge shortly before 0200 of the 6th.
General Wainwright then ordered Capt.
A. P. Chanco, commanding the 91st Engineer Battalion, to blow the bridge. The
charges were immediately detonated and
the span demolished. All of the troops were
now on Bataan, and the last gate slammed
shut. The Japanese had lost their opportunity again to cut off the retreat. Colonel
Imai was still at Santa Cruz and Takahashi
still hung back at Porac.22
14th Army Opns, I, 73, 86; O'Day, 21st Div
(PA), II, 21; Skerry, Comments on Engineer History, No. 9, p. 11; Chandler, "26th Cavalry (PS)
Battles to Glory," Part 2, Armored Cavalry Journal
(May-June 1947), p. 13.
nied the Japanese as long as possible. He
recommended to General Sutherland,
therefore, that a strong delaying action, or,
failing that, "definite reference to preparing strong delaying positions . . . should
be made." 23
These recommendations were apparently
accepted, for the same day General MacArthur ordered Wainwright to organize a
delaying position south of Layac Junction
along Route 110. On completion of this position, control would pass to General Parker, who was to hold until forced to withdraw by a co-ordinated enemy attack.24
Responsibility for the establishment of
the Layac Junction line was given to General Selleck who had just reached Bataan
with his disorganized 71st Division (PA).
The troops assigned were the 71st and 72d
Memo, Casey for CofS USAFFE, 2 Jan 42,
sub: Defense of Bataan, AG 381, Phil Rcds; ltr,
Parker to Ward, 16 Jan 52, OCMH; ltr, Col Olson
to author, 10 Jan 52, OCMH. Colonel Maher,
Wainwright's chief of staff, states that the Layac
Junction position would have been occupied "as a
matter of course," and that Colonel Casey had
nothing to do with its use. Ltr, Maher to Ward,
24 Dec 51, OCMH.
Except where otherwise indicated this section
is based upon: ltr, Selleck to CG II Corps, 3 Feb
43, sub: Action at Layac Junction, in Selleck,
Notes on the 71st Div (PA), pp. 20-22. Attached
to this letter are accounts of the 31st Infantry (US)
by Col. Charles L. Steel and of the 26th Cavalry
(PS) at Layac Junction by Lt. Col. Lee C. Vance,
and a memo, Weaver for Selleck, 1 Feb 43, sub:
Action Prov Tank Gp in Connection with Layac
Delaying Position; ltr, Selleck to Board of Officers,
1 Feb 46, sub: Statement for Reinstatement of
Rank, OCMH; USAFFE-USFIP Rpt of Opns,
pp. 41-42; SLF and II Corps Rpt of Opns, pp.
22-27; and Chandler, "26th Cavalry (PS) Battles
to Glory," Part 2, Armored Cavalry Journal (MayJune 1947), pp. 13-14; Weaver, Comments on
Draft MS, Comments 29 and 30, OCMH; ltr,
Miller to Ward, 31 Dec 51, OCMH; Skerry, Comments on Draft MS, Comment C, OCMH.
Japanese sources for this action are scanty and
the author had to rely on 14th Army Opns, I, 86,
and the American sources cited.
ern extremity of the 71st Infantry sector
was protected by swamps and a wide river;
on the west was the 72d Infantry, straddling Route 110. Its sector was about
1,000 yards below Layac Junction and
faced north and east.
Next to the 72d Infantry was the 31st Infantry, with the 1st and 2d Battalions extending the line to the southwest, about 3,000
yards from the nearest hill mass. This exposed left flank was to be covered by the
26th Cavalry, then pulling back through
Layac Junction with the 11th and 21st Divisions. In reserve was the 3d Battalion, 31st
Infantry, about 1,000 yards to the rear. Supporting the 31st was the 1st Battalion, 88th
Field Artillery, on the west, and the 1st Battalion, 23d Field Artillery, to its right, west of
Route 110. The 71st Division infantry regiments each had a battalion of the 71st
Field Artillery in support.
At approximately 0330 of the 6th of
January the 26th Cavalry reached the new
line south of Layac Junction and fell in on
the left of the 31st Infantry, to the foothills of the Zambales Mountains. It was followed across the bridge by the tanks, which
took up supporting positions southwest of
Hermosathe 194th Battalion on the left
(west) and the 192d on the right. The
75-mm. SPM's, which withdrew with the
tanks, were placed along the line to cover
possible routes of advance of hostile tanks.
The line when formed seemed a strong
one. In Colonel Collier's opinion, it had
"a fair sized force to hold it," and General
Parker declared, referring probably to the
31st Infantry sector, that it "lent itself to a
good defense . . . was on high ground and
had good fields of fire."25
General Selleck did not share this optimism about the strength of his position. To
him the front occupied by his troops seemed
excessive, with the result that "all units
except the 26th Cavalry were over-extended." 26 Colonel Skerry's inspection on
the 5th had led him to the conclusion that
the length of the line held by the disorganized 71st and 72d Infantry was too extended
for these units. Selleck thought that his line
had another, even more serious weakness, in
that part of the right portion faced northeast
and the left portion northwest, thus exposing
the first to enfilade from the north and the
second to enfilade from the east.
Admittedly the position chosen had weaknesses, but no more than a delaying action
was ever contemplated along this line. As
in the withdrawal of the North Luzon Force
from Lingayen Gulf, all that was expected
was that the enemy, faced by an organized
line, would halt, wait for artillery and other
supporting weapons, and plan an organized,
co-ordinated attack. By that time the objectivedelaywould have been gained, and
the line could pull back.
At 0600, 6 January, when all the troops
were on the line, Wainwright released General Selleck from his command to Parker's
control. After notifying MacArthur of his
action he withdrew to Bataan, stopping
briefly at Culis where Selleck had his command post. North Luzon Force had completed its mission. Like the South Luzon
Force it was now in position behind the
first line on Bataan. Only the covering force
at Layac Junction denied the enemy free
access to Bataan.
Action along the Layac line began on
the morning of 6 January with an artillery
Collier, Notebooks, III, 11; SLF and II Corps
Rpt of Opns, p. 25; ltr, Parker to Ward, 16 Jan 52,
Ltr, Selleck to CG II Corps, 3 Feb 43, Action
at Layac Junction, in Selleck, Notes on 71st Div
(PA), p. 25.
Rad, MacArthur to TAG, No. 14, 6 Jan 42,
AG 381 (11-27-41 Sec 1) Far East.
The Japanese, supported by artillery fire,
continued to push into the gap, hitting the
right of Company C, 31st Infantry, and
Company A of the 72d on the left. Lt. Col.
Jasper E. Brady, Jr., the 3d Battalion commander, ordered Companies I and L, 31st
Infantry, into the sector previously held by
Company B. As Company I moved forward,
it was caught in the enemy's artillery fire,
badly disorganized, and forced back to the
rear. Company L, however, continued to
press forward. Within thirty minutes from
the time it had jumped off to the attack, it
had succeeded in restoring the line.30
Outwardly the situation seemed well in
hand. But General Selleck was in serious
trouble. His overextended line had been
partially penetrated, his reserves had been
committed, and his artillery was practically out of action. The Japanese were continuing to press south across the Culo
River. Should they attack successfully
through the 72d Infantry line, they would
gain control of the road and cut off Selleck's
route of escape. Colonel Steel recommended
withdrawal and General Selleck informed
Parker that he would not be able to hold
out without artillery and infantry reinforcements and that a daylight withdrawal
might prove disastrous. At 2200 of the 6th,
General Parker ordered a withdrawal under
cover of darkness.
Although both the American and Japanese commanders had tanks at their disposal
neither had employed them that day. Possibly the Japanese had failed to use armor
Maj Donald G. Thompson, Opns of Co L,
31st Inf (US) in Battle of Layac Junction (paper
prepared for Advanced Infantry Officers Course,
1947-48, The Infantry School), pp. 10-14. Major
Thompson commanded L Company during this
because there were no bridges over the Culo
River. Some of the American tanks had been
hit by the Japanese artillery, but not seriously enough to prevent their use. They had
not been used to support the attack by the
3d Battalion, 31st Infantry, General Selleck
noted caustically, because "the terrain was
not considered suitable by the lank commander." 31 At about 1830, when it appeared that the Japanese might cut off the
route of escape, Colonel Miller, senior tank
commander in the area, had moved the
tanks toward the highway. They arrived
there about 2100, and were met by General Weaver's executive with orders for a
further withdrawal southward into Bataan.32
The tanks were already well on their
way when the units on the line received
orders to pull back. The 71st Division elements experienced no difficulty in withdrawing down the road. The 31st Infantry,
leaving three companies on the line as a covering shell, pulled out about 0130 on the
morning of the 7th. An hour later, as the
shell began to move out, the Japanese
launched an attack against Hermosa, cutting off Company E and almost destroying
it. The Japanese reached their objective
by 0500, but the survivors of Company E
Ltr, Selleck to Board of Officers, 1 Feb 46, sub:
Statement for Reinstatement of Rank, p. 11,
OCMH. General Weaver does not mention this
matter in his memo to Selleck, cited above, or in
his report. Colonel Miller speaks of the impossibility of tank action in this area in Bataan Uncensored, p. 139. In his comments on a draft of this
manuscript, General Weaver states that no request
for tanks was ever made to him. Comment 29,
Miller, Bataan Uncensored, pp. 140-41; Prov
Tank Gp Rpt of Opns, pp. 16-17; ltr, Miller to
Ward, 31 Dec 51, OCMH; Weaver, Comments on
Draft MS, Comments 29 and 30, OCMH.
and hungry. Before the fight began again
they were accorded a brief rest while the
enemy reorganized. To Colonel Collier this
interlude seemed but an intermission between the acts of a great tragedy entitled
"Defense of the Philippines." But before
the curtain could go up on the second act,
certain off-stage arrangements had to be
completed. While these did not directly affect the action on-stage, they exerted a powerful influence on the outcome of the
JAPANESE LIGHT TANKS moving toward Manila on the day the city was entered.
of Manila restaurants were also shut. News- Philippine General Hospital. All British and
paper publication was briefly suspended Americans were ordered to report for internand then began again under Japanese con- ment, and nearly 3,000 were herded totrol. The few stores that were open did a gether on the campus of Santo Tomas Uniland-office business with Japanese officers versity. "Thereafter," reported the Japawho bought up brooches and watches with nese, "peace and order were gradually restored to Manila." 28
colorful occupation pesos.27
The restoration of "peace and order" reGovernmental departments of the Philippine Commonwealth were placed under quired the Japanese to place many restric"protective custody." The courts were tem- tions on the civilian population. On 5 Januporarily suspended, utilities were taken over ary a "warning" appeared in heavy black
by the Japanese, and a bewildering list of li- type across the top of the Manila Tribune.
censes and permits was issued to control the "Any one who inflicts, or attempts to ineconomic life of the Islands. Japanese sick flict, an injury upon Japanese soldiers or inand wounded were moved into the Chinese dividuals," it read, "shall be shot to death";
General Hospital and three wards of the but "if the assailant, or attempted assailant,
The Sunday Tribune (Manila), January 4,
1942; Utinsky, Miss U, p. 4.
Hersey, Men on Bataan, pp. 152-54; 14th
Army Opns, I, 77.
cannot be found, we will hold ten influential
persons as hostages who live in and about
the streets or municipalities where the event
happened." The warning concluded with
the admonition that "the Filipinos should
understand our real intentions and should
work together with us to maintain public
peace and order in the Philippines."29
With the occupation of Manila," General
Homma had successfully accomplished the
mission assigned by Imperial General Headquarters. But he could draw small comfort
from his success, for MacArthur's forces
were still intact. The newly formed Philippine Army, the Philippine Scouts, and the
U.S. Army garrison had successfully escaped
to Bataan and Corregidor. So long as they
maintained their positions there, the Japanese would be unable to enter Manila Bay
or use the Manila harbor. The Japanese had
opened the back door to Manila Bay but
the front door remained firmly closed.
Sunday Tribune (Manila), January 5, 1942;
see also USA vs. Homma, Prosecution Exhibit 16.
Rad, MacArthur to TAG, 27 Dec 41, AG 381
(11-27-41) Far East.
their support or withdraw in shame from
the Orient." 32
Just a week later, as his forces withdrew
behind the first line of defenses on Bataan,
MacArthur outlined for the Chief of Staff
the preparations he was making for the arrival of an expeditionary force in Mindanao.
These included transfer of equipment for
one division, the movement of nine P-40's
and 650 men of the 19th Bombardment
Group to Del Monte, and plans to develop
additional landing fields there. It was essential, he wrote, to inaugurate a system of
blockade-running to Mindanao since supplies were low.
Our air force bombardment missions from
south should quickly eliminate hostile air from
Davao and our pursuit should go into Del
Monte without delay. Establishment of air
force will permit immediate extension into
Visayas and attacks on enemy forces in Luzon.
. . . An Army Corps should be landed in
Mindanao at the earliest possible date. . . .
Enemy appears to have tendency to become
overconfident and time is ripe for brilliant
thrust with air carriers.33
MacArthur's pleas for a major Allied effort in the Southwest Pacific were received
with sympathy in Washington, where the
first wartime United States-British conference on strategy was in session. The British
recognized the importance of the threat in
the Far East and agreed that munitions and
supplies should go there, even though such
shipments represented a diversion from the
agreed strategy that the main effort should
be made against Germany first. "The
President and Prime Minister, Colonel
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, Nos. 2 and 3, 1
Jan 42, WPD 4639-2. Apparently MacArthur excluded from his estimate of combat strength the
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, No. 20, 7 Jan
42, AG 381 (11-27-41) Far East.
Stimson and Colonel Knox, the British
Chiefs of Staff and our corresponding officials," General Marshall told MacArthur,
"have been surveying every possibility looking toward the quick development of
strength in the Far East so as to break the
enemy's hold on the Philippines."
Though all were agreed on the need for
action in the Southwest Pacific, little could
be done. The loss in capital ships, Marshall
explained, prevented naval convoys for
heavy reinforcements and the concentration of strong naval forces in the Southwest
Pacific such as MacArthur was requesting.
Heavy bombers were on the way, via Africa
and Hawaii, and pursuit planes were being
sent by every ship, so that the Allies should
soon have aerial supremacy in the Southwest Pacific. "Our great hope," Marshall
told MacArthur, "is that the rapid development of an overwhelming air power on the
Malay Barrier will cut the Japanese communications south of Borneo and permit an
assault in the southern Philippines." The
naval carrier raids MacArthur was asking
for were not ruled out entirely but little hope
was offered for such an effort. Marshall
closed his message on a note of encouragement for the future and the assurance that
"every day of time you gain is vital to the
concentration of overwhelming power necessary for our purpose." 34
Actually, the American and British staffs
in Washington had already agreed upon the
strategy for the Far East: to hold the Malay
Barrier from the Malay Peninsula through
Sumatra and Java to Australia. This line
was considered the basic Allied defensive
position in the Far East, and the retention
of its east and west anchors, Australia and
Burma, was therefore regarded as essential.
Quoted in Robert E. Sherwood, Roosevelt and
Hopkins: An Intimate History (New York, 1948),
p. 454.
Rad, Marshall to MacArthur, No. 93, 11 Jan
42, WPD 4639-14.
the task of organizing it for a last-ditch
IPhilippine Corps
NLF and I Corps Rpt of Opns, pp. 16-17; SLF
Moron line. When their report was in,
Grunert ordered Wainwright, then commanding the Philippine Division, to prepare plans for a line from Mt. Natib to the
west coast of Bataan, in the vicinity of
Moron or Mauban. Officers of the 45th Infantry (PS) had then visited the area and
decided to place the western anchor of the
line at Mauban, where a 50- to 75-foot
ridge commanded the beach and offered a
clear field of fire for several hundred yards.
The line established when the troops moved
into Bataan, therefore, utilized the plans developed before the war, and the first draft
of the field order outlining positions on
Bataan at the beginning of January 1942
anchored the line at Mauban.15
In commenting on the first draft of the
field order establishing this line, Colonel
Casey, MacArthur's engineer officer, urged
that the main line be placed further north,
at Moron. Noting the excellent beach between Moron and Mauban and recognizing the danger of envelopment at Moron,
he pointed out that "if the rear position
[Mauban] only is held, it permits the concentration of enemy on these beaches for
attack on this flank." 16 He had recommended therefore that Moron be "organized and defended" and the Mauban line
used as a switch position.
Although Mauban remained the anchor
of the main line of resistance when the final
plan was drawn up, an effort was made to
meet Casey's objections. Two units, Company I of the 1st Infantry and Troop G,
26th Cavalry, were posted at Moron and
along the stretch of sandy beach to the south
to prevent enemy landings and to deny the
landing beaches at Moron to the enemy.17
The outpost line of resistance in the I
Corps sector extended from the barrio of
Bayandati, a mile and a half northwest of
Mauban, eastward to a point about halfway
up the slopes of Mt. Silanganan. The 3d Infantry held this line, which paralleled its
sector on the main line of resistance. To the
rear, behind the main line, was the 2d Battalion, 1st Infantry, forming a regimental
reserve line which stretched from the beach
defense below Mauban across the West
Artillery support for Wainwright's corps
was provided by the 71st Field Artillery
(less 1st Battalion), two batteries of the 91st
Field Artillery, one battery of the 23d Field
Artillery, a battery of 75-mm. guns (SPM),
and two 155-mm. guns. Colonel Fowler,
who commanded this force, had altogether
thirty-three pieces, all but two of which were
75-mm. guns or 2.95-inch mountain howitzers. The 75's were emplaced along Mauban Ridge, just behind the main line of
resistance, and along the high ground to the
northeast. The SPM's were disposed along
a ridge about 300 yards to the south, and
the shorter range 2.95-inch guns placed farther forward. The two 155-mm. guns were
emplaced along the high ground near Mauban Point to cover the sea approaches as
well as those by land. Secondary positions
for the artillery, located about 3,000 yards
and disorganized. Since there were no replacements for its animals and only a limited supply of forage, it was shortly reorganized into a motorized squadron of riflemen
and a mechanized unit equipped with scout
cars and Bren carriers.22
critical portion of the line. The enemy, advancing unopposed down the East Road,
was expected to make his first attempt to
breach the main battle position at this point.
In this sector, therefore, Parker placed the
fresh, well-trained Scouts of the 57th Infantry. They were to hold a line from
Manila Bay across the road and approxiIIPhilippine Corps
mately 2,000 yards inland as well as a porDefending the eastern half of the Bataan tion of the beach as far south as Balanga.25
peninsula was General Parker's II PhilipNext to the 57th Infantry, extending the
pine Corps, holding a line approximately main line of resistance 6,500 yards to the
15,000 yards in length from Manila Bay to west, was Brig. Gen. Vincente Lim's 41st
the I Corps boundary at Mt. Natib.23 Un- Division (PA). One of the first units to
like the western half of Bataan, the eastern reach Bataan, the division was as yet uncoast was low and swampy and devoted tried in battle. Its three infantry regiments
largely to the growth of rice. Here the were disposed abreast to give maximum
cleared ground provided good fields of fire, protection to the division front, which exand when the troops reached their posi- tended along the precipitous heights of the
tion the flat ground to the front, consisting gorge above the shallow Balantay River.26
mainly of rice paddies, was flooded. The
The rest of the II Corps main line, from the
East Road was an excellent highway com- left of the 41st Division to the slopes of Mt.
pared to the West Road and passed through Natib, was held by Jones's 51st Division
many small, thriving communities such as which had reached Bataan during the night
Cabcaben, Lamao, Orion, Pilar, and Abu- of 3-4 January. The division, less its 52d
cay. Inland, the II Corps sector became Infantry, which was on beach defense until
more mountainous and rugged as it ap- 11 January, held a front of more than 5,000
proached the high volcanic mass in the yards along the Balantay River. On the
right was the 51st Infantry. On the west,
center of the peninsula.24
The main battle position in the II Corps holding down the corps left flank and trailsector, as in the I Corps sector, consisted ing off into scattered foxholes, was the 53d
of a main line of resistance, with an outpost
USAFFE FO 1, 6 Jan 42, AG 300.4 (28 Dec
41) Phil Rcds; SLF and II Corps Rpt of Opns, p.
23; Maj John E. Olson, Opns of 57th Inf (PS) at
Abucay, 10-23 Jan 42, pp. 9, 11, and Maj Ernest
L. Brown, Opns of 57th Inf (PS), Abucay, Jan 42,
p. 8 (papers prepared for Advanced Officers Course,
in 1947-48 and 1946-47, respectively, The Infantry
School) ; Phil Div Rpt of Opns, pp. 10-11, Annex
SLF and II Corps Rpt of Opns, p. 21 and map,
App. 5; ltr, Col Malcolm V. Fortier to Hist Rcds
Sec Bd, Hq Fourth Army, 14 May 46, sub: Opns
of 41st Div (PA), p. 1, copy sent to the author by
Colonel Fortier, formerly senior instructor of the
41st Division, OCMH.
Infantry. The 52d was placed in reserve
when it rejoined the division.27
Fortifications along the II Corps line
were far stronger than in Wainwright's
sector. At least as far west as the 51st Division there was a double apron of barbed
wire. Working with only a small number
of picks, shovels, and axes, and substituting bayonets and the covers of mess kits
for individual entrenching tools, the men
were able to clear fields of fire, dig foxholes,
trenches, and gun emplacements, and construct camouflage overhead. The Japanese
later wrote that they found "the strongest
sort of field fortifications on the II Corps
line." "Covered rifle pits and machine gun
emplacements had been constructed," they
reported, "and these formed the main structure of the fire network; between them were
placed foxholes. . . . The fields of fire had
been cleared of cover; camouflage was
thorough; the rear communications network had been carefully and thoroughly
Only in the 51st Division sector, on the
corps left, were the fortifications inadequate.
Here the establishment of a military line
along the jungled slopes of Mt. Natib
proved impossible in the time and with the
tools available. No regular line was organized in this area where patrols operated with
the greatest difficulty. Mt. Natib remained
an insuperable barrier to the establishment
of physical contact between the two
SLF and II Corps Rpt of Opns, pp. 21-23,
29 and App. 5; Shreve, Diary, pp. 21-22; Col
Alexander S. Quintard, The 301st FA ( P A ) , p. 4,
OCMH; ltr, Capt Willard A. Smith to author,
SLF and II Corps Rpt of Opns, pp. 21, 31;
23 May 49, OCMH; copy of parts of a narrative by
interv, Falk with Jones, 13 Jun 50; Jones, ChronoCol Quintard, CO 301st FA, p. 2; 2d Bn, 24th
logical Order of Events, 51st Div (PA), 29 Dec FA (PS), extract from Priestley Diary, Notebook 1,
41-26 Jan 42, pp. 1-2, copy lent the author by
p. 15; Olson, 57th Inf (PS) Opns at Abucay, pp.
General Jones, OCMH.
11, 12; Brown, 57th Inf (PS) Opns at Abucay,
65th Brig, Combat in the Mt. Natib Area,
p. 9; ltr, Lt Col Charles E. N. Howard, Jr., to
Bataan 9-27 Jan 42, ATIS Enemy Pub 151, 13 Jul
TAG, n.d., sub: Unit Hist, 2d Bn, 88th FA (PS),
44, p. 1; SLF and II Corps Rpt of Opns, p. 20.
7 Dec 41-9 Apr 48, pp. 2, 5-6, copy of this letter
SLF and II Corps Rpt of Opns, p. 20; Jones,
and a longer draft sent to author and on file in
51st Div (PA) Order of Events, p. 2.
21st Field Artillery, detached from its parent unit for beach defense. The rest of the
21st Division was in corps reserve.31
By the end of the first week in January
the main battle position on Bataan was organized and the troops in place. The Japanese, who on the 7th had taken Layac Junction, the gateway to Bataan, were already in
position to move against the American line.
"It was felt," wrote Colonel Collier, "that
the enemy would continue his close follow
up of our troops and launch an early push
against the right of the II Corps [along]
the East Road." 32 Unlike the rest of Luzon, Bataan offered no room for maneuver
and little space for withdrawal. The Japanese would have to be held as long as possible at each position. Except for the few
who would be fortunate enough to reach
Corregidor, there was no retreat from Bataan.
supplies were shipped to Bataan. An inventory of 5 January revealed that the supply of ammunition was satisfactory and
that the shortages anticipated would not
Also loaded, but still lying out in the bay develop.38
at this time, were another 150 barges and 3
The shortage of rations proved to be even
freighters. These vessels were unloaded dur- more serious than expected, and from the
ing the weeks that followed at times when start the scarcity of food was the most
they would be safe from Japanese attack, alarming fact in the situation of the 80,000
usually at night. But large quantities of food, troops on Bataan. The transfer of rice to
supplies of all kinds, and gasoline were left Bataan had proved difficult because of
behind on the docks and in commercial stor- Commonwealth regulations which stipulaage. What the civilians in Manila did not ted that neither rice nor sugar could be
take away with them just before the Japa- removed from one province to another.
nese entered the city, the conquerors ap- When the time came to move supplies to
Bataan, authority was requested to take
At the time the decision was made to these commodities but permission was not
withdraw to Bataan, ammunition and food received in time. In this way 10,000,000
appeared to be the most critical items of pounds of rice at the Government Rice
supply and they were accorded first prior- Central at Cabanatuan was lost.39 Even the
ity. Second priority went to defense mate- seizure of Japanese-owned stocks was prorials and to gasoline. All other supplies were hibited. At Tarlac Lt. Col. Charles S. Lawgiven third priority. When rations and am- rence, commander of the depot there,
munition had been shipped, medical sup- planned to take over about 2,000 cases of
plies, demolitions, barbed wire, and gaso- canned food, mostly fish and corned beef, as
line moved to the top of the priority list.
well as a considerable quantity of clothing
The movement of ammunition and ord- that belonged to Japanese firms. He was
nance supply to Bataan progressed swiftly. informed by MacArthur's headquarters
Before the war all units had been issued one that he had no right to do so and that he
unit of fire and a second was issued when would be court-martialed if he did. These
units moved into defensive positions along supplies were later destroyed during operathe beach. Some ordnance materials had tions.40
been stored at Forts Stotsenburg and McOn 3 January an inventory of the food
Kinley, but two thirds of the ammunition in the hands of the quartermaster on
reserves, about 15,000 tons, as well as six
Gen McBride, Notes on the Fall of Bataan;
carloads of replacement parts for the tanks,
Weaver, Comments on Draft MS, Comment 34,
were already in Bataan on 8 December. OCMH. General McBride, Service Command
During the last week of the year another Luzon Force commander, died in prison camp. A
of this report was borrowed from Colonel
15,000 tons of ammunition and ordnance copy
Selleck and is on file in OCMH. It will be here37
ply of food, he wrote, "I had to do a tailoring job on my waistband twice. . . ." 43
Heroic measures to augment the food
supply were obviously necessary if the
troops on Bataan were to hold out for the
required six-month period. No sooner had
the withdrawal been completed than the
quartermaster began to exploit every possible resource on the peninsula to increase
his stores. Fortunately, it was the harvest
season and the rice stood ripe in the fields.
It was only necessary to bring it to the mills,
which the engineers were ordered to build
near Lirnay. Plans were made to secure
fresh meat by slaughtering carabao, the
Philippine draft animal, and a large abattoir was established by the veterinarians.
In addition, the units in the field butchered
whatever carabao or other animals they
could capture. A fishery was established at
Lamao, and plans were made to utilize the
catch of the local fishermen who went out
each night until prevented from doing so by
Japanese fire. Salt was secured by boiling
sea water in large iron cauldrons. Before the
troops had been on Bataan long, no local
resource that would yield any additional
amount of food was being overlooked.44
So serious was the shortage of food after
the first few weeks on Bataan that the search
for food assumed more importance than the
presence of the enemy to the front. Every
man became a hunter, and rifle shots could
be heard at all hours far from the Japanese
lines. Lt. Col. Irvin Alexander, a quartermaster officer, wrote:
Any carabao which was encountered in the
jungle was classed as wild and neither his an43
cestry nor his ownership was investigated.
The wild game was not too numerous and it
was very shy so that only the cunning and
lucky hunters were successful in bringing in
meat. Lack of success did not discourage the
hunters. . . . One Filipino . . . caught a
snake and ate it one day to die unpleasantly
the next. There were always plenty of experimenters ready to try any kind of native flora
or fauna which might prove edible ... although the experimenting individual frequently paid a high price.45
QM Rpt of Opns.
Engineer Supply, p. 9, n. 6.
Engineers in Theater Operations, p. 19.
BRIDGES ON BATAAN. Top left, straw ready to be set on fire is piled over a
wooden bridge; top right, remains of a steel bridge; bottom, foundation for a
temporary bridge is prepared.
in northern Luzon.56 On 27 December,
Homma ordered Lt. Gen. Akira Nara, the
brigade commander, to sail from Takao
with all the troops then scheduled to reinforce 14th Army. Delayed in his departure by a typhoon, Nara finally set sail with
his convoy of fourteen ships and naval escort
installations in the Mariveles area.69 The
16th Division was to "cooperate" with the
65th Brigade by "sending a portion of the
division to occupy the strategic ground in
the vicinity of Ternate and Nasugbu." 70
The occupation of Ternate, on the south
shore of Manila Bay, and of Nasugbu to its
south would have the effect of cutting communication between Corregidor and southern Luzon.
At noon 4 January General Homma had
ordered the 65th Brigade to move down
Route 74 to the main battle position to relieve the 48th Division and take command
of the Takahashi Detachment and the 9th
Description of the Japanese plan is based on
65th Brig Opns Order, Series A, No. 42, 1800,
8 Jan 42, 65th Brig Opns Rpt, Mt. Natib, App.
3, pp. 44-48.
engineers had repaired the bridges and removed the roadblocks along the East Road.
General Nara's hopes for a quick victory
rested on the combat team that was sent
against the western portion of the II Corps
line. This force, under Col. Susumu Takechi, consisted of the experienced 9th Infantry, reinforced by a battalion of artillery, an antitank gun battery, plus service
and support troops. Takechi's orders were
to "overwhelm" Parker's left flank, take Album, then send an encircling force around
the flank to join Colonel Imai's 141st Infantry coming down the East Road. To assure the success of this maneuver Nara
placed his reserve, the 142d Infantry, behind the 9th along the narrow trail leading
from Dinalupihan to Album, in position to
exploit the expected breakthrough of Takechi's troops.
Artillery support for the advance against
II Corps would be provided by Col. Gen
Irie's Army artillery, attached to the brigade for the operation.4 The guns were initially emplaced north of Hermosa, in posi-
The Mt. Natib trail extended from Mabatang
westward to the slopes of Mt. Natib. The 57th Infantry and part of the 41st Division had placed their
main line of resistance along this trail. Farther
west the trail ran below the main line of resistance.
The Balantay River appears in many sources and
on some maps as the Lavantan or Labangan River.
A tributary of the Calaguiman River, it is formed
by two streams joining about a mile west of Abucay
Hacienda; it then flows northeast until it joins
the Calaguiman. The Balantay is shallow and
easily fordable; its virtue as a military obstacle was
due to the fact that it flows through a deep gorge.
MAP 11
before they were met by punishing fire from
II Corps artillery which had the road under
interdiction.6 To the west the movement of
the 9th Infantry was unopposed and
Colonel Takechi reached the vicinity of Album without any difficulty or opposition.
INSPECTION. General MacArthur and Brig. Gen. Albert M. Jones with members
of their staffs, 10 January 1942.
the west the rest of the 141st Infantry,
under less intense artillery fire but delayed
by the rugged terrain, finally reached the
41st Division outpost line along the Calaguiman River four miles west of the East
Road, sometime during the night of 10-11
The 57th Infantry, under the command
of Col. George S. Clarke, was the first unit
on the II Corps line to come under heavy
infantry attack. Along the main line of resistance were the 1st Battalion on the right
and the 3d Battalion on the left. The 2d
Battalion was in reserve. On 11 January
a reinforced company of the reserve battalion, which had established an outpost
line south of the Calaguiman, came under
attack by the advance elements of Colonel
Ibid., p. 21.
The threat to the eastern anchor of the
line was still too serious to be ignored.
Though the 57th Infantry had beaten back
all attempts by the 2d Battalion, 141st In-
50, OCMH.
Infantry (PA) from corps reserve and gave
it to Colonel Clarke. With these fresh troops
Clarke made plans for an attack the next
morning with the 21st Infantry's 2d Battalion and the same numbered battalion of
the 57th. That night the 2d Battalion, 21st
Infantry, took over the left of the line and
the 3d Battalion went into reserve to free the
2d Battalion, 57th Infantry, for the counterattack.16
At 0600, 13 January, on the heels of a
rolling artillery barrage, the 2d Battalion,
21st Infantry, jumped off in the counterattack. Its task was made more difficult
by the fact that the Japanese had pushed a
deep salient into the left of the 57th line
during the night. The Filipinos advanced
quickly and aggressively, pushing the Japanese back across the bloodied ground. It
soon became evident to Capt. Philip A.
Meier, the battalion's American instructor,
that the gap was too large to be filled by his
men alone and he moved east to tie in with
the 1st Battalion, 57th Infantry, on his
right, thus creating a hole between his
men and the 41st Infantry on his left. Colonel Clarke, the 57th commander, thereupon ordered the 3d Battalion of the 21st
Infantry from reserve to plug the gap. As
the battalion began to move up at about
1300 it came under Japanese artillery fire
and was pinned down. When the artillery
The date of the attachment of the 21st Division
units to the 57th is variously given in the sources
used. The weight of evidence as well as the sequence
of events and Japanese sources point to the evening
of the 12th as the most likely date. On this point as
well as the action which follows, in addition to the
sources already cited in note 11, see: O'Day, 21st
Japanese, at the end of the day, still retained their foothold on the south bank of
the Balantay. With the 9th Infantry in position about 1,000 yards to the west, the
prospects for the next day were distinctly
General Jones was in a serious position.
Although his division was still in place, his
troops were "very perceptibly weakening." 22 Unless he received reinforcements,
he told General Parker, he might have to
fall back from the main line of resistance.
To meet this demand for more men, the II
Corps commander, who had already committed his reserve, was forced to request additional troops from MacArthur's headquarters.
This request had apparently been
anticipated. The center of the AbucayMauban line, where the fight was now becoming critical and where the terrain made
physical contact between the two corps extremely difficult if not impossible, had been
a matter of concern to high-ranking officers in MacArthur's headquarters from the
very start. After his visit to Bataan with
MacArthur on the 10th, General Sutherland
had criticized the disposition of the troops
and expressed the fear that the enemy
"would attack down the center of the penin21
The account of the action on the left of the
II Corps line is reconstructed from: Jones, 51st
Div (PA) Order of Events, pp. 1-4; Col Virgil
N. Cordero, My Experiences During the War with
Japan (Nuremburg, privately printed, n.d.), pp.
20-23; MacDonald, Supplement to Jones Diary,
pp. 16, 17; 52d Inf (PA), p. 36; Bluemel, 31st Div
(PA) Rpt of Opns, pp. 8-9; Phil Div Rpt of Opns,
pp. 11-12; Maj William R. Nealson, Opns of a
Prov Bn, 41st Div (PA) at Abucay, 15-25 Jan 42
(paper prepared for Advanced Officers Course,
1947-48, The Infantry School), pp. 9-11; Cummings, 53d Inf (PA), p. 4, Chunn Notebooks;
Funk, Comments on Draft MS, p. 3, OCMH.
MacDonald, Supplement to Jones Diary, p. 16.
sula over the roughest terrain and not along
the coast where the roads were located." 23
The bulk of the forces on Bataan, he noted,
was not deployed to meet such an attack,
and he had suggested to the two corps commanders that they shift their troops so as to
strengthen their interior flanks. The following day, 11 January, the subject had been
raised again in an order which directed that
contact between the two corps "be actual
and physical" and that all avenues of approach, including "the rough area in the
center of the Bataan Peninsula," be covered.24
After an inspection of the front line on 12
January, General R. J. Marshall, USAFFE
deputy chief of staff and commander of the
Bataan echelon of that headquarters, also
became concerned over the weakness of the
center of the line. He discussed the problem
with General Wainwright who, he wrote,
"did not agree entirely, saying that he
thought that the center of our position was
too difficult terrain for the major attack." 25
Seriously disturbed, Marshall turned to
Sutherland for aid. "I don't believe," he de23
Sutherland made this statement in an interview
with the author on 14 November 1946, five years
after the events. Contemporary sources support
Sutherland's foresight in predicting Japanese
Ltr Order, USAFFE, 11 Jan 42, sub: Plans
for Counterattack, AG 381 (10 Nov 41) Phil Rcds.
General Parker did not recall later any discussion
with Sutherland on this subject, but added that he,
too, was greatly concerned at the time and never
able to work out a satisfactory solution to the
problem. "There were just not enough units . . .
to cover the front effectively," he later wrote.
Those in the line were already overextended and
lacked sufficient deployment in depth. He felt then
and still did after the war that it would have been
unwise to weaken his line at any point to shift
troops to the west, to the center of the peninsula.
Ltr, Parker to Ward, 16 Jan 52, OCMH.
Memo, Marshall for CofS USAFFE, 13 Jan 42,
AG 370.2 (19 Dec 42) Phil Rcds.
Natib." 26
Parker's request for reinforcements,
therefore, came as no surprise to Sutherland and Marshall who had already ordered
various units into the II Corps area. From
USAFFE reserve came the Philippine Divi-
sion (less 57th Infantry) and from Wainwright's corps came the Philippine Army
31st Division (less elements). When Parker
learned of these reinforcements he made
plans to use the former when it arrived for
a counterattack to restore the line and the
latter initially as corps reserve and later to
own position immediately. Should he push
ahead after the 51st he might well leave his
own left flank exposed to attack by the 43d
Infantry, whose strength he did not know.
He decided against this risk and after a brief
pause for reorganization sent the bulk of his
regiment eastward against the 41st Division.
The 43d Infantry, on the left, was now
forced to refuse its flank back to the reserve
line, where, under the calm guidance of Lt.
Col. Eugene T. Lewis, regimental instructor, it held against the repeated onslaughts
of Imai's men. Lewis was given additional
men to hold the refused flank when a hastily organized provisional battalion, consisting of the 41st Engineer Battalion, signal
and quartermaster troops, and stragglers,
was thrown into the action.
While a portion of the 141st Infantry was
pressing the attack against the 43d and 51st
Infantry, other elements of Colonel Imai's
regiment were pushing the 42d Infantry, on
the east (right) of the 43d, threatening to
drive between the two. To halt the Japanese
here, a battalion of the 23d Infantry was attached to the 42d and the attackers were
beaten off. Farther east elements of the
142d Infantry joined with the 2d Battalion,
141st Infantry, which had borne the brunt
of the fighting in the 57th Infantry sector
earlier, in an attack against the 41st Infantry, on the division right flank. Here the
Japanese were repulsed only after the 3d
Battalion, 32d Infantry, the first element of
the reserve 31st Division (PA) to reach II
Corps, was sent into action.
The disintegration of the 51st Infantry
had exposed not only the left flank of the
43d but also the right of the 53d Infantry,
westernmost unit on the II Corps line. Colonel Boatwright, 53d Infantry commander,
attempted to maintain contact with the 51st
on his right by pulling back his regimen-
tal flank to conform to that of the adjacent unit. This effort proved unsuccessful.
Behind and to the left rear of the 51st
Infantry was the 3d Battalion, 21st Infantry, in position to support the 53d and
available for a counterattack if necessary.
This battalion, which had been given General Jones by corps as division reserve before
the counterattack, had arrived in the 51st
Division sector late on the morning of the
16th, and without Jones's knowledge had
taken up a position behind the critical portion of the line. Throughout the action of
the 16th, Jones was unaware of its presence
and firmly believed that he was operating
without a reserve.30 Consequently the 3d
Battalion, 21st, saw little action during the
16th and withdrew later to Guitol.
Though the situation in the 53d Infantry
sector appeared desperate, it was not as dangerous as it seemed, partly because of the
presence of the 3d Battalion, 21st Infantry,
and partly because of the Japanese dispositions. Neither Boatwright nor General Jones
knew that Colonel Imai had decided to
throw the bulk of the 141st Infantry against
the 43d Infantry rather than against the
53d. Nor did either know that the 9th Infantry, which was in front and to the right
of the 53d, had halted at this critical moment to reorganize after its long march
through the jungled heights of central Ba30
There is a good deal of confusion and controversy in contemporary records and in diaries and
interviews over the movements and action of the
3d Battalion, 21st Infantry. Since it did not take
an important part in the counterattack of the 16th,
the activities of this battalion have not been covered
in detail here. Richards, Steps to a POW Camp,
pp. 17-19; Jones, 51st Div (PA) Order of Events;
O'Day, 21st Div (PA), II, 25; Oster and Richards,
21st Inf (PA), p. 3, Chunn Notebooks; ltr, Jones
to Ward, 3 Jan 52, OCMH; ltr, MacDonald to
Jones, 21 Dec 51, OCMH.
Ltr, Parker to Ward, 16 Jan 52, OCMH. For
the movements of the 31st and 45th Infantry, see:
Phil Div Rpt of Opns, p. 12; Conrad, 2d Bn, 31st
Inf, Opns of 31st Inf (US), pp. 12-13; Maj John
I. Pray, former CO Co G, Action of Co G, 31st
Inf (US) Abucay Hacienda, 15-25 Jan 42, pp.
6-7, Maj Louis B. Besbeck, Opns of 3d Bn, 45th
Inf (PS) at Abucay Hacienda, 15-25 Jan 42, pp.
MAP 12
then the corps might yet gain time for a
planned and orderly withdrawal.
In occupying Grande Island the Japanese acquired possession of Fort Wint, the
"little Corregidor" of Subic Bay. Strategically situated to guard the entrance to the
bay and control the northwest shore of
Bataan, this fort had been part of General
Moore's Harbor Defenses and had been
manned by coast artillery personnel under
Col. Napoleon Boudreau. On 24 December
Colonel Boudreau had been ordered to
abandon the fort by the next day and join
the troops then entering Bataan. He had
completed the evacuation in time, but only
at the expense of several thousand rounds of
155-mm. ammunition, some mobile guns,
and the fixed guns of larger caliber.34
While the support or retention of Fort
Wint was probably impossible once the decision had been made to fall back on the
Mabatang-Mauban line, its evacuation
without a struggle gave the Japanese an important objective at no cost. An American
ultimately lost, might well have paid substantial dividends and certainly would have
given the Japanese many uncomfortable
moments. From Fort Wint the Americans
with their large guns could have disputed
Japanese control of the bay and of Olongapo, which later became an important
enemy supply base, and would have constituted a threat to the flank of any Japanese
Collier, Notebooks, II, 48-49; ltr, Boudreau to
author, 12 Dec 47, OCMH; Harbor Defenses Rpt
of Opns, p. 23. Neither Boudreau nor General
Moore mentions the loss of armament or ammunition but Colonel Collier states there was such a
loss and the Japanese claim that they captured a
number of guns and a large supply of ammunition
when they seized the island. 14th Army Opns, I,
88-92. General Bluemel states that four 155-mm.
guns were moved to Olongapo and from there
moved by tractor into Bataan. Bluemel, Comments
on Draft MS, Comments 14 and 16, OCMH.
coast of Bataan. Altogether he had a force
of about 5,000 men.38
On the morning of 18 January General
Kimura reached Moron and assumed control over operations. For the assault against
Wainwright's line along the ridge south and
southeast of the town he organized three
forces. The 122d was to attack frontally
down the West Road; the 3d Battalion, 20th
Infantry, was to swing east of Moron in an
attempt to take the ridge position on the
flank. The third force, one company of the
3d Battalion, was sent far up the mountain
around the I Corps flank to cut the PilarBagac road and did not participate in the
ensuing action. The 2d Battalion, 20th Infantry, Kimura held in reserve.
In the belief that his force was not strong
enough for a successful stand along the
ridge, Wainwright on the 18th directed a
withdrawal. The 1st Infantry and the 1st
Engineers fell back through the outpost line
to take up a position along the main line
of resistance between the 3d Infantry and
the battalion of the 31st Field Artillery on
the slopes of Mt. Silanganan. The Japanese
followed closely and that night drove in the
corps outpost line "without much effort." 39
A counterattack the next morning restored
the line but another Japanese assault on the
night of the 19th gave the Japanese final
and permanent possession of the outpost line.
As the 122d Infantry continued to push
against the 1st Division troops on the left
of the Mauban line, the 3d Battalion, 20th
Infantry (less one company), which had
been sent around the east flank of the ridge
14th Army Opns Order, Series A, No. 167,
2200, 15 Jan 42, App. 21, 65th Brig Opns Rpt, Mt.
line on the 18th, swung back to the southwest into the I Corps area. Unopposed, the
battalion, led by Lt. Col. Hiroshi Nakanishi,
either infiltrated through the I Corps line
along the slopes of Mt. Silanganan or advanced through a gap between the 1st Infantry and 31st Field Artillery. At about
1000 of the 21st it reached the West Road,
three miles east of Mauban in the vicinity
of Kilometer Post (KP) 167, and established a roadblock behind the 1st Division.40
By this move the Japanese placed themselves squarely athwart the only major road
suitable for transporting heavy equipment
and supplies. Though the enemy force was
a small one, less than a battalion, the danger
to Wainwright's position was a grave one.41
To meet the threat Wainwright was
obliged to shift units in his sector. The transfer five days before of the 31st Division (less
31st Field Artillery) to II Corps had left
Wainwright with no reserves, and the commitment of the Philippine Division made it
impossible to secure reinforcements from
USAFFE. He would have to fight the battle
with what he had. Most of the 91st Division, including the attached elements of the
71st, had replaced the 31st on beach de-
the two lead tanks of the 194th were disabled by mines, the remaining tanks of the
weapons at all.
Against this array of units Colonel Nakanishi had only a single battalion, less one
company. Moreover, the Japanese probably
suffered greater hardships than their opponents. It is extremely doubtful that Kimura was ever able during this period to
establish a supply route over the mountains
and through the I Corps line to the men at
the roadblock. Nor is there any definite evidence of enemy air drops to Nakanishi's
troops. His men probably had no supplies
Collier, Notebooks,
Officers Course in 1947-48 and 1949-50, respectively, The Infantry School) ; interv, Stanley Falk,
65th Brig Opns Order, Series A, No. 82, 1800,
19 Jan 42, App. 11, 65th Brig Opns Rpt, Mt.
did." 53
General Nara misread entirely the significance of the advance of his men on the
22d. He felt that the action had not gone
well and that progress had been slow.
"Indignant in a towering rage," he could
see no hope of victory in sight.54 General
Parker made a more accurate estimate of
the situation. "It was now evident," he
wrote, "that the MLR [main line of resistance] in the 51st Division Sector could
not be restored by the Philippine Division." 55 The counterattack of the Philippine Division, on which Parker had based
his hopes for restoring the left portion of
his line, had failed.
Not only had the Japanese driven in the
II Corps left flank but they now threatened
to envelop the entire line and pin the corps
against the sea. On the 17th, the 9th Infantry (less two companies) had entered
the Abo-Abo River valley on its journey
southeast toward Orion, far behind the line.
Though handicapped by inadequate maps,
lack of communications with brigade headquarters, shortage of rations, and the difficult terrain, Colonel Takechi's men had,
by 19 January, reached a position on the
flank and in the rear of the line.56 Their
advance, though observed, had been unchallenged.
All General Parker had to meet this new
threat was Bluemel's 31st Division (less
elements), the 3d Battalion, 21st Infantry,
and the remnants of Jones's 51st Division.
These units were in the vicinity of Guitol,
about four miles south of Abucay Hacienda.
Still in position astride the Guitol trail, which
joined Guitol with Abucay Hacienda, was
the covering force consisting of remnants
of the 51st Infantry and most of the 21st
Engineer Battalion. So weak was this covering force that it could do little more, in
Jones's words, than hold the trail "with
both flanks open." 57
By the morning of 19 January the commanders at Guitol were receiving reports of
the approaching enemy force. Patrols of
the 21st Infantry attempted to hold up advance elements of the 9th Infantry but were
easily routed. During the middle of the
afternoon the Japanese met and engaged
elements of the 21st and 31st Divisions before Guitol. The former promptly withdrew,
but the green untried 31st Division troops
remained in place to fire indiscriminately
at friend and foe through the night. The
small enemy force withdrew the next morning and was gone when General Bluemel
finally quieted his hysterical troops and organized a counterattack with the 3d Battalion, 31st Infantry.58
On 21 January Takechi's men appeared
behind the covering force along the Guitol
trail and seized the high ground, from which
they could dominate the Abo-Abo River
to prepare the final line to the rear.64 That
line extended generally along the PilarBagac road, "a baked clay road with a
double track," crossing it at various points
to take advantage of favorable terrain.65
Under the withdrawal plan, II Corps
was to move first, on the night of the 23d24th, leaving only one night for the withdrawal of I Corps. As Wainwright's men
had been moving back since the 22d, little
difficulty was expected in this sector. The
withdrawal of II Corps required a complicated plan, calling for the shift of the 45th
Infantry and the 11th Division (less artillery ) from Parker's to Wainwright's sector.
The first elements to abandon their position would be the heavy artillery and service installations which would begin to move
out the first night, 23-24 January, and
would arrive at their new positions by daylight of the 25th. A covering force, led by
General Lough of the Philippine Division,
was to protect the retirement of II Corps'
combat elements from the main line of resistance by establishing a thin line extending from the vicinity of Balanga westward
to Guitol. Along this line, from east to west,
would be posted the remnants of the 51st
Division, the 33d Infantry (PA), a battalion
of the 31st Infantry (PA), one third of the
57th Infantry (PS), and one third of the
This supposition is supported by Colonel Collier, who, in his notebooks and in an interview
with the author, declared that the orders had been
prepared in advance. Collier, Notebooks, III, 37;
interv, author with Collier, 20 Nov 46.
The quotation is from a poem entitled "Abucay
BRIG. GEN. MAXON S. LOUGH, left, with Col. Harrison C. Browne (CofS Phil
Div) and Capt. Joseph B. Sallee (ADC), near the front lines.
impossible to maintain any semblance of
order or organization. At times movement
of vehicles and men stopped altogether, despite the best efforts of American and
Philippine officers. "It was impossible,"
wrote Colonel Miller, commander of a tank
battalion, "to do anything but keep the mass
moving to the rearprayinghoping
talking to yourself out loudgesticulatingand trying to make yourself understood. It was a nightmare.67 Had the enemy
chosen this moment to register artillery on
the road junction, the cost in lives would
have been shocking and the withdrawal
might well have ended in a rout.68
On the left of the line the pressure which
had been building up against the Philippine Division on the 23d and 24th reached
its climax just as the Scouts and Americans
began their withdrawal that night. As the
men began to move out of the line, heading
east toward Abucay and the East Road, the
Japanese hit the thin covering shell. Against
determined Japanese onslaughts the shell
held long enough to permit the bulk of the
men to withdraw. At about 0300 of the 25th
the last of the Americans of the 31st Infantry, covered by heavy fire from the 194th
Tank Battalion, staggered out of their positions, looking "like walking dead men."
"They had a blank stare in their eyes,"
wrote an officer of the regiment, "and their Atop a knoll at the southern end of the
faces, covered with beards, lacked any sem- column were the 75-mm. guns (SPM),
blance of expression." Unwashed and un- which, with the tanks, were designated as
shaven, their uniforms in shreds, "they the last elements of the covering force to
looked like anything but an efficient fighting withdraw. Between 0930 and 1030 that
morning the tankers came under attack
The withdrawal continued throughout from the 141st Infantry, which moved in on
the night of 24-25 January, all the the column from the west. In the fight that
next day and on through the night, with followed, the SPM's added their accurate
the Japanese in full pursuit. On the 25th fire power to the armor-piercing 37-mm.
Japanese aircraft were out in full force, shells of the 194th. Unable to advance,
bombing and strafing the retreating soldiers. Colonel Imai called for artillery support and
From early morning until dusk, enemy soon enemy shells were falling near the roadplanes buzzed unopposed over the long col- bound tanks. The enemy's mortars joined
umns of men, dropping bombs and diving the battle and by noon shells were falling
low to spray the road with machine gun dangerously close to the Americans. Though
bullets. The Philippine Army soldier, in the two disabled tanks had not yet been
dusty blue denims, coconut hat, and canvas pulled out, the tank column was forced to
shoes, watched "with apprehensive eyes" fall back and leave the two behind. Pursued
for the first far speck of approaching planes. by low-flying aircraft, the SPM's and then
When the attacks came and the road the tanks withdrew to the safety of the new
erupted "in a sheet of death," the "untrained line. Though they had delayed the Japanese
denim men" milled "like sheep in a slaughter only a few hours, they had given the disorto dig in for the expen." 70 The reaction of the American in- dered units a chance
fantryman, with his scarred and tilted hel- pected onslaught.
While II Corps was withdrawing under
met and shredded khaki trousers black with
pressure, I Corps fell back with little
dirt, was more expressive. At the first alarm,
Cut off from the corps comhe threw himself to the ground and "in a
Berry, it will be recalled,
tone of hurt disgust" cursed
decided to withdraw
. . . the noble Japanese
Wainwright, in the
With four letter Saxon obscenities. . . .
instructions from
As the II Corps units moved into posiGeneral
evacuate the
tions along the new line on the morning of
behind the
26 January, they were covered by the two
tank battalions. The tanks of the 194th were
stretched out for nearly a mile along the
north-south Back Road, near Bani, with in- had anticipated Sutherland's order for a
structions to hold until two disabled tanks general withdrawal. Wainwright thereupon
along the narrow road could be moved back.
Miller, Bataan Uncensored, pp. 161-70; Prov
When the troops of I and II Corps
reached the reserve battle position, they
were on the final line. Since 24 December,
a month earlier, they had fallen back from
position after position to reach the safety of
Bataan. Here they had held off the overconfident enemy along a line which, because
of the terrain in the center, was soon turned.
After two weeks of hard fighting the American and Filipino troops had fallen back
again. Bataan had been saved,
. . . . . saved for another day
Saved for hunger and wounds and heat
For slow exhaustion and grim retreat
For a wasted hope and a sure defeat. . . .75
Ltr, Wainwright to TAG, 27 Jun 47, sub: Recommendation for DSC for Col Berry, copy in
OCMH; USAFFE-USFIP Rpt of Opns, pp. 48-49.
65th Brig Opns Rpt, Mt. Natib, pp. 33, 38.
Each infantry regiment entered combat with 1,919
men. The 122d Infantry, which fought on the west
coast, suffered 108 casualties; the 141st, 700; and
When the American line was first established on Bataan on 7 January, defense of
the southern tip of the peninsula, designated
the Service Command Area, had been assigned to Brig. Gen. Allan C. McBride,
minutes' notice.3
General Selleck reported to McBride on
the 9th and was told then "what I was to do
and what I had to do it with." 4 His task was
to defend ten miles of the western coast of
reached Bataan and ordered to train as infantry. They had two weeks to make the
transformation. During this time, to quote
one of their number, they "charged up and
down mountains and beat the bush for
Japs" in an effort to master the rudiments
of infantry tactics.6 Their attempts to acquire proficiency in the use of the strange
tion. One was at the northern extremity of
his sector; the other, in the south. The third
was to have been put in at Quinauan Point
but the cement base was still hardening
when the Japanese attacked. The road cut
through the jungle to bring the gun in, however, proved invaluable later. Selleck also
planned to install searchlights atop prominent headlands to forestall a surprise night
landing but never received the equipment.9
On 22 January Selleck was still frantically
seeking more men and more weapons for his
Memo, Selleck for McBride, in McBride, Notes
Bataan Service Command, p. 131; intervs, au7
Dyess, The Dyess Story, p. 39.
thor with Selleck at various times in 1947 and
Morison, Rising Sun in the Pacific, p. 200. 1948; ltr, Selleck to Board of Officers, 1 Feb 46,
Morison states there were one hundred marines but
sub: Statement on Reduction in Rank; Col Alexanthis number is too high. Lt. William F. Hogaboom,
der, Personal Recollections of Bataan, pp. 52-53,
who commanded these marines, put the number at
copy in OCMH.
forty. Hogaboom, "Action Report: Bataan," MaMemo, Selleck for McBride in McBride, Notes
rine Corps Gazette (April 1946), p. 27.
on Bataan Service Command, p. 131.
Longoskawayan and Quinauan Points
The Japanese scheme for a landing behind the American lines, a maneuver which
General Yamashita was then employing
with marked success in Malaya, originated
with General Homma. On 14 January,
when General Kimura, commander of the
force driving down the West Road against
Wainwright's I Corps, came to call on him,
Homma had expressed his concern over the
unexpected resistance along the east coast
and the "stalemate" on the west coast.
Though he did not apparently issue orders
for an amphibious move, he pointed out to
Kimura the advantages of a landing to the
enemy's rear and told him that landing
barges had already been ordered from Lingayen to Olongapo.11 With his detachment
of about 5,000 men, including most of the
20th and 122d Infantry, Kimura had then
advanced down the west coast and on 21
Januarywhen the 3d Battalion of the 20th
Infantry established itself firmly on the West
Road behind Wainwright's main line of resistanceappeared to be in an excellent position to reach Bagac from where he could
move east to take II Corps from the rear.12
That his drive on Bagac could be continued "without difficulty" seemed certain
to Kimura. But to forestall a possible enemy
reaction south of Bagac and to protect his
right (south) flank once he started to move
east along the Pilar-Bagac road, Kimura
decided to follow Homma's suggestion and
send a portion of his detachment by water
from Moron to Caibobo Point, five air miles
below Bagac. Selected to make this amphib-
Statement of Lt Col Shoji Ohta, Intel Officer,
16th Div, in Comments of Japanese Officers Regarding The Fall of the Philippines, pp. 58, 130,
copy in OCMH.
14th Army Opns, I, 97.
For a full discussion of this action, see above,
USA vs. Homma, pp. 3060-61, testimony of
Ch. XVI, pp. 278-285.
MAP 14
Visibility on the ground is limited by creepers, vines, and heavy undergrowth to a few
yards; travel, to the narrow footpaths. The
Longoskawayan Point, a fingerlike prom- base of the point is less than 2,000 yards
ontory jutting out into the South China Sea from Mariveles, the major port of entry for
and only 3,000 yards west of Mariveles HarBataan.
bor, is the southern coast of a small bay
Just inland from Lapiay Point is the 617whose northern shore is formed by Lapiay foot high Mt. Pucot, dominating the West
Point. (Map 14) Four hundred yards wide Road and the harbor of Mariveles. Though
at its tip and twice that at the base, Longos- within range of Corregidor's heavy guns, its
kawayan Point is only 700 yards long. Skirt- possession by the enemy would enable him
ing its narrow coast are rocky cliffs about to control the southern tip of Bataan with
100 feet high, covered with tall hardwood light artillery. This fact had been recognized
trees and the lush vegetation of the jungle. early by the Navy and Commander Bridget
had posted a 24-hour lookout on the summit
Rpt, Comdr, Torpedo Boat Sq Three, to Comdt,
of Mt. Pucot. He had, moreover, by agree16th Naval Dist, 27 Feb 42, sub: Action of PT 34,
22-23 Jan 42, Off of Naval Rcds; ltr, Comdr John ment with General Selleck, promised to send
D. Bulkeley to author, 5 Mar 48 OCMH; White,
his naval battalion into the area should the
They Were Expendable, p. 11.
Japanese make an effort to seize the hill.17
The Landings
Bridget, Action at Longoskawayan Point, p. 2,
Off of Naval Rcds; interv, Groce with Maj John
McM. Gulick, 20 Apr 48.
The presence of a Japanese force in the
vicinity of Mt. Pucot was first reported by
the naval lookout at 0840 of the 23d. The
300 Japanese, first estimated as a force of
200 by the Americans, had by this time
moved inland from Longoskawayan and
Lapiay Points and were approaching the
slopes of the hill. Though Bridget had 600
men at Mariveles, only a portion of this
force was available initially to meet the
Japanese threat. As soon as he had dispatched a small force of marines and sailors
to the hill he therefore requested reinforcements from Selleck, who promptly dispatched one pursuit squadron and a 2.95inch mountain pack howitzer, with crew,
from the 71st Division. Later in the day
Bridget was further reinforced by a portion
of the American 301st Chemical Company.18
When the first elements of Bridget's battalion reached Mt. Pucot they found an advance detachment of Japanese already in
possession. Before the enemy could dig in,
the marines and bluejackets cleared the
summit, then mopped up the machine-gun
nests along the slopes. The 3d Pursuit
Squadron to the north suffered a few casualties the first day, when a squad, sent to
investigate the firing, ran into a Japanese
patrol. That night the men of the 301st
Chemical Company took up a position
along the north slope of Mt. Pucot and
established contact with the 3d Pursuit.
Marines and sailors were posted on Mt. Pucot and along the ridges to the south. The
MAP 15
the enemy. The gun crews, awakened by the
sound of the Japanese coming ashore in
pitch blackness and unable to fire their .50caliber machine guns, put up no resistance.
After giving the alarm, they "crept back to
their CP."21 By the time the squadron
was alerted the enemy had completed the
hazardous landing and was safely on shore.
News of this landing reached General
Selleck at his command post at KP 191 at
0230, six hours before the Longoskawayan
landing was reported. He immediately dispatched Colonel Alexander, recently assigned American instructor of the 1st Philippine Constabulary, with the 3d Battalion of
that regiment to drive the enemy back into
Lt Paulger (first name unknown), Hist of 34th
Pursuit Sq, p. 52, Chunn Notebooks; Selleck, Comments on Draft MS, 8 Jan 52, OCMH.
the sea.22 In the time it took the Constabulary to reach the scene of action, the Japanese dug in and constructed defensive positions near the base of the point. When the
Constabulary attacked at about 1000 of the
23d, therefore, it ran into strong opposition
and was finally halted about 600-yards from
the tip of the 1,000-yard-long peninsula.
Alexander then tried to flank the Japanese
position but that move, too, proved unsuccessful. Before the end of the day Alexander had reached the conclusion that he
was facing a reinforced battalion, about
seven hundred Japanese, and called on Selleck for tanks, artillery, and more infantry,
preferably Americans or Scouts.23
Back at Selleck's headquarters on the
West Road, the 23d was a hectic day. McBride was there and so was General Marshall, MacArthur's deputy chief of staff.
By that time news of the landing at Longoskawayan Point had been received and
Sutherland had telephoned from Corregidor to say that the Japanese were landing
at Caibobo Point. This last report, evidently based on the documents picked up by
Lieutenant Bulkeley, was quickly proved erroneous. The three men were discussing
plans for containing the Japanese at the
two points and driving them back into the
sea when Alexander's request for reinforcements was received. McBride turned to
Marshall and asked for tanks to send to
Quinauan Point, but the urgent need for
mander of the South Sector, now came directly under Wainwright's command.29
Despite these administrative changes and
the arrival of additional reinforcements
including the rest of the 21st Pursuit Squadronthe situation on Quinauan Point remained the same on the 25th and 26th. It
was evident that trained infantry troops
supported by artillery and tanks would be
required to clear out the entrenched Japanese on both Quinauan and Longoskawayan Points. On the 26th USAFFE ordered the 2d Battalion, 88th Field Artillery
(PS), which had withdrawn to I Corps
from the Abucay line, to the west coast to
support the troops on beach defense. One
battery of the Scout battalion's 75-mm.
guns went to Longoskawayan Point; another battery, to Quinauan Point.30
The dispatch of trained infantry troops
into the threatened area was hastened when,
on 27 January, the Japanese attempted to
reinforce their stranded men at Quinauan.
MacArthur's headquarters quickly concluded that this move presaged a major
enemy drive to cut the West Road and ordered Wainwright to clear the area as soon
as possible. Wainwright thereupon ordered
two Scout battalions, released from
USAFFE reserve the day before, to move in
and take over these sectors. The 2d Battalion, 57th Infantry, was to go to Longoskawayan Point; the 3d Battalion, 45th, to
Quinauan Point.31 When the movement of
USAFFE FO 10, 25 Jan 42, AG 300.4 (28 Dec
41) Phil Rcds.
Ltr, Col Howard to TAG, sub: Unit Hist 2d Bn,
88th FA (PS), p. 5. A copy of the letter, as well
as a lengthier draft, is on file in OCMH.
these units was completed Wainwright
hoped to wind up the action on both points
in short order.
Diary of Col Bunker, entry of 25 Jan 42. Colonel Bunker died in prison camp and the diary was
during the morning but halted when it became apparent that the artillery, its field of
fire masked by Mt. Pucot, could not support
the attack. A platoon of machine guns was
set up on an adjoining promontory to the
88th Field Artillery, the two 81-mm. mor- left to cover the tip of the point, and a platars of the 4th Marines, the 2.95-inch pack toon of the 88th Field Artillery moved to a
howitzer from the 71st Field Artillery, and new position from which it could fire on the
the 12-inch mortars of Battery Geary Japanese.40 By nightfall the Scouts had adopened fire with a deafening roar. The bar- vanced about two thirds of the length of
rage lasted for more than an hour and when Longoskawayan Point.
it lifted the infantry moved out to take the
At dawn of the 29th, the Scouts moved
back to their original line of departure to
Though it seemed that nobody "could be make way for a thirty-minute artillery prepleft alive" after so heavy a shelling, the aration, to begin at 0700. Again the 12-inch
marines and sailors who attempted to mortars on Corregidor joined the guns off
occupy Longoskawayan found the Jap- the point.41 A unique feature of this prepaanese active indeed.38 Not only were all at- ration was the participation by the minetempts to push ahead repulsed but, when a sweeper USS Quail which stood offshore
gap was inadvertently left open in the and fired at specified targets on land.42 Still
American line, the Japanese quickly infil- supported by the Quail, which continued
trated. For a time it appeared as though firing until 0855, the Scouts moved out
they would succeed in cutting off a portion again at 0730 only to discover that the Japaof the naval battalion and only the hasty ac- nese had occupied the area won the day
tion of the 81-mm. mortars and the pack before. It was not until 1130 that the Scouts
howitzer saved the situation. At the end of regained the line evacuated earlier in the
the day Bridget was no nearer success than morning. That afternoon Colonel Granhe had been before the attack opened.
berry put Company F into the line and
Prospects for the next day were consid- within three hours the 2d Battalion was in
erably improved when, at dusk, the 500 possession of the tip of Longoskawayan
Scouts of the 2d Battalion of the 57th Infan- Point. Except for mopping up, a job left
try, led by Lt. Col. Hal C. Granberry, largely to the naval battalion and to arreached Longoskawayan Point. That night mored launches, the fight for Longoskathey relieved the naval battalion and early wayan Point was over.43 Next day the Scout
the next morning moved out to the attack.39
Ltr, Howard to TAG, sub: 2d Bn, 88th FA
In the line were Companies E and G, with F
(PS), p. 5.
in reserve. The Scouts advanced steadily
Bunker, Diary, entry of 29 Jan 42; Harbor DeArtillery arrived and next morning the guns
were in place, ready for action.37
At 0700, 27 January, all the guns that
could be brought to bear on Longoskawayan Pointthe 75-mm. battery of the
battalion rejoined its regiment at sector
headquarters on the West Road, carrying
with it a supply of canned salmon and rice,
the gift of a grateful Commander Bridget.44
The cost of the action had not been excessive. In wiping out a force of 300 Japanese
the Americans had suffered less than 100
casualties; 22 dead and 66 wounded. Half
of the number killed and 40 of the wounded
had been Scouts. Once again the Americans
had learned the lesson, so often demonstrated during the campaign, that trained
troops can accomplish easily and quickly
what untrained soldiers find difficult and
costly. But had it not been for the prompt
action of the naval battalion, Mt. Pucot
might well have been lost during the first
day of action.
Although the Americans had not known
it, the Japanese on Longoskawayan had
never had a chance to inflict permanent
damage for their location was unknown to
higher headquarters. Indeed, neither Kimura, who had sent them out, nor Tsunehiro,
the battalion commander, seems to have
been aware, or even to have suspected, that
a portion of the 2d Battalion had landed so
far south. Later, the Japanese expressed
amazement and disbelief when they learned
about this landing. One Japanese officer
would not be convinced until he was shown
the Japanese cemetery at Longoskawayan
Point.45 Thus, even if they had succeeded in
gaining Mt. Pucot, there was little likelihood that the small force of 300 Japanese
Lt Col Harold K. Johnson, Anyasan and Silaiim
Points (paper prepared for School of Combined
Arms, 1946-47, Command and General Staff College), p. 12.
USA vs. Homma, p. 3060, testimony of Homma; ltr, Col Stuart Wood to author, 23 Mar 48,
OCMH; interv, Groce with Selleck, 2 Apr 48.
On the 29th, shortly after dawn, the attack was resumed. Two platoons of Com-
the battalion right flank; the rest of the reinforcing company was in reserve. Despite the
strengthened line no more progress was
made on this day than had been made the
day before. Again casualties were heavy,
especially in the center where resistance was
The battle continued throughout the 30th
and 31st, with about the same results. The
Japanese were being pushed slowly toward
the sea, but only at very heavy cost. No
headway could be made at all against the
enemy positions along the cliff and on the
high ground about 200 yards inland from
the tip of the point.
Hindering the advance as much as the
enemy was the jungle. The entire area was
covered with a dense forest and thick undergrowth that made all movement difficult
and dangerous. Even without enemy opposition the troops could move through the
jungle only with great difficulty, cutting
away the vines and creepers that caught at
their legs and stung their faces and bodies.
The presence of concealed enemy riflemen
and light machine-gun nests, invisible a few
feet away, added immeasurably to the difficulty of the attacking troops. In such terrain,
44, OCMH.
Dyess, The Dyess Story, p. 43.
Infantry (PS) in routing out the holed-up
Japanese. Fifty-pound boxes of dynamite
fired with time fuzes were lowered over the
cliff to the mouth of the caves. After a Scout
engineer sergeant was fatally wounded while
lowering one of the boxes, this method was
abandoned in favor of throwing dynamite
hand grenades (four sticks of dynamite with
a 30-second time fuze) along the length of
the cliffs close to the bottom edges from
where the Japanese fire had come. By this
means most of the Japanese (about fifty)
were forced into one large cave that was
completely demolished by dynamite. All of
the enemy had not yet been exterminated
and when patrols entered the area, they encountered spasmodic fire.57
It was not until 8 February that the Japanese were finally exterminated. The job was
done from the seaward side, as at Longoskawayan Point. Two armored naval motor
launches armed with 37-mm. and machine
guns, and two whaleboats, each with ten
men from the 21st Pursuit Squadron on
board, sailed from Mariveles at 0600 that
morning. In command of the boats was Lt.
Comdr. H. W. Goodall; Captain Dyess led
the landing parties. At about 0800 the small
flotilla arrived off Quinauan Point and the
navy gunners took the beach under fire.
Sheets lowered over the face of the cliff
marked the Japanese positions. When the
opposition on shore had been neutralized,
the whaleboats, waiting a mile off the coast,
came in to land the airmen. One group
landed on the northern side of Quinauan
Point, the other along the southern beaches.
Both moved cautiously toward the tip of the
peninsula while Scout patrols from the battalion on the cliffs above worked their way
down through the ravines. Despite attacks
by three enemy dive bombers which hit the
small boats and the men on shore, the operation was successfully concluded during the
The end of resistance on Quinauan Point
marked the destruction of the 2d Battalion,
20th Infantry. Three hundred of that battalion's number had been killed at Longoskawayan; another 600, at Quinauan. In
the words of General Homma, the entire
battalion had been "lost without a trace." 59
But the cost had been heavy. The 82 casualties suffered at Longoskawayan were less
than one fifth of the number lost at Quinauan. On 28 January when the 3d Battalion, 45th Infantry, took over that sector
it had numbered about 500 men. It marched
out with only 200; 74 men had been killed
and another 234 wounded. The other Scout
unit, Company B, 57th Infantry, left Quinauan Point with 40 men less than it had
had ten days earlier. Other units suffered
correspondingly high losses. Total casualties
for the Quinauan Point fight amounted to
almost 500 men.60 It was a heavy price to
pay for the security of the West Road, but
there was still a payment due, for the Japanese, on 27 January, had landed at yet another point on the west coast behind Wainwright's front line.
Morioka's 16th Division was scattered at this
time. The 9th Infantry was under General Nara's
control on the east coast of Bataan; two battalions
of the 20th Infantry were already in Bataan and
operating under General Kimura, infantry group
commander of the division. The third regiment of
the division, the 33d Infantry, was split: one battalion was in Manila, one in southern Luzon, and
the third was on Mindanao. 14th Army Opns, I,
MAP 16
auan, the only landing of which the Japanese had knowledge, was made by General
Morioka, Kimura's immediate superior. To
him, as to Kimura, the landing held out the
promise of large results. Even before he left
Manila, he ordered one company of the
small force at his disposal to go to the aid
of the 2d Battalion, 20th Infantry. The company selected was from the same regiment's
1st Battalion. It was to move with all speed
from Manila to Olongapo and there pick up
supplies for the trapped and hungry men
"fighting a heroic battle" against a "superior enemy" on Quinauan Point.62
The reinforcing company reached Olongapo at the head of Subic Bay on the night
of 26 January. At midnight it embarked in
Ibid., 107-08.
The beach on which the Japanese craft
ran aground was little different from that
at Longoskawayan and Quinauan. The
coast line here presented the same irregular
appearance as that to the south. Dense
tropical forest and thick undergrowth extended almost to the shore line, and the foot63
hills of the Mariveles Mountains formed
steep cliffs about 100 feet high just in front
of the beach. The two rivers, Silaiim on the
north and Anyasan about 1,000 yards to the
south, emptied into shallow bays, each bearing the name of the river. Separating the
two bays was Silaiim Point, a narrow headland which formed the upper shore of the
southern bay. The lower coast of the bay
received its name from the southernmost of
the two rivers. Thus, from north to south,
presenting a confusion of identically named
geographic features, were: Silaiim Bay,
Silaiim River, Silaiim Point, Anyasan Bay,
Anyasan River, and Anyasan Point. This
confusion of points, when combined with
those to the north and south, was as bewildering to the troops as it is, probably, to
the reader. Their plight was most aptly expressed by one member of a wire crew,
perched atop a telephone pole who, when
asked where he was, replied, "For Christ's
sake, sir, I don't know. I am somewhere between asinine and quinine points." 64
Inland, the ground was even more difficult than at Longoskawayan and Quinauan.
Small streams branched off from the two
rivers, dry at this time of the year, to create
additional hazards to troop movements and
to provide cover for the enemy. With only
one access trail from the West Road to the
beach, the task of maintaining communications and supplying troops to the front
would be a difficult one. The absence of
roads would also limit the effective use of
tanks in formation and require their employment singly or in small numbers at isolated points. Similarly, the dense forest, by
restricting observation and increasing the
Maj Achille C. Tisdelle, Diary, entry of 6 Feb
42, copy in OCMH. Major Tisdelle was aide to
General King, Chief of the Artillery Section,
charge of the operation and gave him the
1st Battalion, 1st Philippine Constabulary,
and the 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry
(PA)both of which had just been relieved at Quinauan Pointto clear out the
Japanese. To guard the West Road and insure the safety of the line of communication,
he placed Company A, 57th Infantry (PS),
on patrol to the rear.70
On 30 January, after a personal reconnaissance to locate the Japanese, Captain
Biedenstein opened the attack. Calling for
support from the 75-mm. guns of the 88th
Field Artillery, whose Battery D was in position to assist the men in both the Quinauan
and Anyasan-Silaiim sectors, he sent his
Scouts out to regain the beach near the
mouth of the Silaiim River. Either the battalion's front line had been incorrectly reported to the artillery or plotted inaccurately, for the result of the preparation was
almost disastrous. Without adequate communication between infantry and artillery
and with high trees limiting observation and
causing tree bursts, the Scouts soon found
themselves under fire from their own guns.
Before the artillery command post could be
reached, four Scouts had been killed and
sixteen more wounded. The offensive of the
30th came to an end even before it had
fairly begun.71
That night the 57th Infantry (less de- Point, the promontory south of the river
tachments) was moved to South Sector bearing the same name. Its new mission was
headquarters on the West Road with orders to establish contact with the enemy on the
to prepare for operations in the Anyasan- point in an effort to determine his strength
Silaiim sector. Hardly had the regiment ar- and locate his positions.
rived when General Pierce called for a volJohnson's efforts on the 31st were diunteera lieutenant colonel or major rected primarily toward securing informato co-ordinate the activities of the troops tion about the strength and disposition of
already engaged on that front. Maj. the enemy. While Company A of the 57th
Harold K. Johnson, who had been re- Infantry reconnoitered Anyasan Point to
lieved as S-3 of the regiment a week earlier the south, the 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry,
and had "nothing else specific to do," vol- pivoted on its right (west) flank and swept
unteered for the job. "When I reported to in on the beaches of Silaiim Bay. At the
General Pierce at 7:30 P. M.," he wrote in same time the Scouts and Constabulary behis diary, "I found about as complete a lack tween the Anyasan and Silaiim Rivers
of knowledge of conditions on the coast pushed westward toward the sea. The 17th
along which the Japanese had landed as Pursuit remained in place, keeping open the
line of supply and communications. Unopcould be imagined." 72
A personal reconnaissance on the night of posed, the Scout and Philippine Army batthe 30th did not greatly increase his knowl- talions cleared the area north of the Silaiim
edge of the enemy but it did give him a River during the morning, thus reducing
clearer picture of the disposition of the units the beachhead by about one third. The
now under his control. On the north, be- Constabulary troops, however, were stopped
tween the Silaiim River and Canas Point, cold after an advance of about 100 yards.
was the 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry (PA), The Scout company moving out toward
facing almost due north and with its right Anyasan Point failed to make any contact
flank on the sea. Facing west and holding a that day. Johnson now knew where the Japline from the Silaiim River to the trail lead- anese were dug in. But he still had no
ing from Silaiim Point to the West Road, knowledge of their strength or defenses.
With this scanty information, Major
was the 2d Battalion, 45th Infantry. Below
concluded that there was no hope
it, to the left of the trail and extending the
the area with the force he had.
line south as far as the Anyasan River, was
45th Infantry, was in poor
the 1st Battalion, 1st Constabulary. To the
the Anyasan-Silaiim
rear, along the trail, was the 17th Pursuit.
march from Abucay
Since there were no troops south of the
Anyasan River, Johnson asked for and re- where it had been badly mauled. One of its
ceived permission to relieve Company A of companies had been hard hit and disorganthe 57th Infantry from its patrolling mission ized by fire from friendly artillery and casualong the West Road and send it to Anyasan alties throughout the battalion had been
heavy. The unopposed Scout company to
Bell, Opns in South Subsector. The present acthe south could not be expected to make
count is based on these sources in addition to those
rapid progress through the jungle and it was
cited below.
too weak to attack alone if it should meet
Johnson, 57th Inf (PS) Diary, p. 11.
Ibid., p. 13.
to cut the West Road was incorrect. Events
soon proved it prophetic, however, for on
the evening of 27 January General Homma
had for the first time lent his support to the
landings. That day, in an order to General
Morioka, he had directed that the beachhead at Quinauan Point be reinforced and
that the augmented force drive inland to
seize the heights of Mariveles and then the
town itself.74
Morioka's first efforts to comply with
Homma's orders were limited to attempts
to drop rations, medicine, and supplies from
the air to his beleaguered forces on the
beaches. But the Japanese aircraft were unable to locate their own troops in the jungle.
Supplies fell as often on Americans and Filipinos as they did on the starved Japanese.
The Scouts of the 45th Infantry one day
picked up twelve parachute packages containing food, medicine, ammunition, and
maps. The rations consisted of a soluble
pressed rice cake, sugar, a soy bean cake, a
pink tablet with a strong salty taste, and
"other ingredients [which] could not be
determined." 75
While these efforts to supply the troops by
air were in progress, Morioka assembled the
troops he would require to reinforce the
beachhead and push on to Mariveles. On 31
January he ordered the 1st Battalion, 20th
Infantry, one company of which was already
in the Anyasan-Silaiim area, to undertake
this dangerous mission. Maj. Mitsuo Kimura, battalion commander, immediately
14th Army Opns Order, Series A, No. 220, 27
Jan 42, 65th Brig Opns Rpt, Mt. Samat, ATIS
made his preparations to sail the next more barges. Sighting the target, they
swooped low to release their 100-pound
By this time Morioka had tipped his hand. antipersonnel bombs, then turned for a
First warning of the impending Japanese strafing run over the landing boats.
move had reached the Americans on the
By now the Japanese were nearing Quin28th when a Filipino patrol on the opposite auan Point. Their reception from the men
side of Bataan had found a mimeographed on shore, themselves under fire from a Japorder on the body of a slain Japanese officer. anese vessel thought to be a cruiser or deWhen translated, it revealed the Japanese stroyer, was a warm one. Artillery shell fragintention to reinforce the beachheads and ments churned the sea around the landing
drive toward Mariveles. Thus warned, boats as Battery D of the 88th Field ArtilUSAFFE took measures to counter the ex- lery and Battery E of the 301st let go with
pected landings. Observers on the west coast their 75's and 155's. Together, the two batwere alerted and General Weaver, the tank teries fired a total of 1,000 rounds that
commander, was directed to send one of his night. Fire from the heavy machine guns
two tank battalions (less one company) to and small arms of the Scout battalion on
the threatened area. The few remaining the point peppered the small boats and
P-40's were gassed, loaded with 100-pound caused numerous casualties among the luckantipersonnel bombs and .50-caliber am- less men on board.
While the landing boats were being atmunition, and ordered to stand by for a
tacked by air, artillery, and infantry weaptake-off at any time.77
The night of 1-2 February was clear, ons, PT 32 moved in to attack the Japawith a full moon. As the enemy flotilla sailed nese warship, actually a minelayer, stationed
south it was spotted by American observers off Quinauan Point to cover the landing
and a warning was flashed to MacArthur's of Major Kimura's battalion. The enemy
headquarters. The land, sea, and air forces vessel turned her searchlight full on the
so carefully prepared for just this moment, patrol boat and let go with four or five salvos
were immediately directed to meet and an- from two guns, thought to be of 6-inch calinihilate the enemy. The result was the first ber. The PT boat sought unsuccessfully to
knock out the searchlight with machine gun
large co-ordinated joint attack of the campaign. While the motor torpedo boats sought fire, and then loosed two torpedoes. As she
targets offshore, the 26th Cavalry moved retired the men on board observed exploout from I Corps reserve to Caibobo Point sions on the enemy vessel, which later reto forestall a landing there. The four P-40's, ported only slight damage from shore bat78
all that remained of the Far East Air Force, teries.
took off from the strip near Cabcaben,
USAFFE-USFIP Rpt of Opns, p. 52; ltr, Howcleared the Mariveles Mountains, and ard to TAG, Hist, 2d Bn, 88th FA (PS), p. 13;
headed for the enemy flotilla of twelve or NLF and I Corps Rpt of Opns, p. 25; Croom, Hist,
3d Bn, 45th Inf (PS), pp. 12-12, Chunn Notebooks; Collier, Notebooks, III, 45-46; rad, 16th
Naval Dist to OPNAV, 2 Feb 42, War Diary, 16th
Naval Dist, Off of Naval Rcds; Rockwell, Naval
Activities in Luzon Area, p. 15; ltr, Bulkeley to
author, 5 Mar 48, OCMH; Chandler, "26th Cavalry
(PS) Battles to Glory," Part 3, Armored Cavalry
14th Army Opns, I, 108.
the north, its right flank resting on the dry
bed of the Silaiim River, was the 2d Battalion, 45th Infantry, now led by its commander, Lt. Col. Ross B. Smith. To its south
(left) was the 3d Battalion, 57th, and next
to it the 1st Battalion (less Company B, at
Quinauan) of the same regiment. The mission of the northernmost battalion was to
seize the mouth of the river and the north
side of Silaiim Point. The center unit, between the two rivers, would take the point
itself while the 1st Battalion on the south
was directed to take Anyasan Point. Guarding the north flank of the advance was the
1st Battalion, 12th Infantry, assigned to
beach defense above Silaiim River. The
17th Pursuit Squadron remained astride the
trail to the West Road to secure the line of
communication. In reserve was the 2d Battalion of Colonel Lilly's 57th Infantry, recently arrived from Longoskawayan Point,
and the Constabulary battalion.
The attack jumped off at daybreak, as
the first rays of light filtered through the
leafy branches of the high hardwood trees.
Advancing cautiously through the luxuriant
undergrowth, the two right (northern) battalions met resistance almost immediately.
The southernmost battalion, however, met
no opposition that day or during the four
days that followed. But its progress was slow
for the ground before it was exceedingly
rough and difficult. The battalions to the
north, after small gains, concluded that the
force opposing them was a strong one and
spent the rest of the day developing the hostile position.
On the 3d tanks joined in the action. In
answer to a request of the day before, Com-
pany C, 192d Tank Battalion (less one platoon at Quinauan), consisting of nine tanks,
had been sent forward from sector headquarters. Colonel Lilly placed them between
37-mm. guns was released from Quinauan,
where the fight ended that day. The guns
were emplaced on a promontory overlooking Anyasan Point from where they would
take the Japanese supply dumps under fire.
The end of resistance at Quinauan also
made possible the return of Company B,
57th Infantry, to the heavily engaged 1st
Battalion on Anyasan Point.83
By this time the debilitating effects of the
half ration instituted a month earlier were
becoming apparent. Some of the men grew
listless and less eager to fight. Each day it
became more difficult to push the front-line
troops into aggressive action, and after the
first five days it became necessary to rotate
the assault battalions. Even the procurement of additional rations by the 57th Infantry, a Scout unit of high esprit de corps,
did not improve matters much.
The necessity of feeding the troops during the daylight hours imposed further restrictions on combat efficiency by shortening
the fighting day. The two meals were served
shortly after daybreak and just before dark
so that the action was usually broken off in
time to set up defensive positions against
night attacks and eat the last meal of the
day. Even when operations were proceeding
favorably, it was necessary to follow this
procedure for, with the meager ration, it
was essential that every man get his full
share to maintain his efficiency in combat.
Fortunately, even with the half ration,
the morale of the Scouts did not deteriorate.
They understood, as many did not, that
they were receiving all the food that a determined commander could get for them,
and there was little looting or stealing from
the kitchens. But the effect of the ration on
the performance of troops in combat was
7th the engineers, in thirty boats of varying sizes, left Olongapo for the beachheads.
As they came in to shore to search for their
stranded fellows they were met by artillery
and machine-gun fire, as well as bombs
from two P-40's. In the face of this strong
opposition they returned empty-handed to
Olongapo. The next night they tried again
and this time succeeded in evacuating
thirty-four of their wounded comrades.
This was their last trip.86
Unable to evacuate his men, Morioka
finally decided to relieve them from their
assignment so that they could make a last
desperate effort to save themselves. In orders sealed in bamboo tubes and dropped
from the air, he instructed Major Kimura
to bring his decimated battalion out by sea,
on rafts or floats, and get them to Moron.
If no other means were available the men
would have to swim. Included in the orders
was detailed information on tides, currents,
the time of the rising and setting of the sun
and moon, and directions for the construction of rafts. Unhappily for Kimura, copies
of the orders fell into American hands, were
quickly translated, and circulated to the
troops on the front line. Thus alerted, riflemen along the beaches north of Silaiim got
valuable target practice firing at Japanese
swimmers and machine gunners were on the
watch for rafts and floats. Only a few of the
enemy were able to escape by sea. Most of
those who were not shot or captured probably drowned.87
But before his final annihilation Major
Kimura made one last effort to break out of
by the routed 17th Pursuit and finally tied
in with the north company of the 2d Battalion, 45th Infantry. About noon the
Scouts attacked the Japanese and during
the afternoon advanced steadily against
stiff but disorganized resistance. The next
morning the attack was resumed and by
1500 all units reached the beach, now littered with the equipment and clothing of
those Japanese who had taken to the water
to escape. The only enemy left were dead
ones, and the beach was befouled with
bloated and rotting bodies.
Few of the Japanese had been taken
prisoner. As at Longoskawayan and Quinauan they showed a reluctance to surrender
though their cause was hopeless. MacArthur's headquarters, in its first effort to use
psychological warfare, made available a
sound truck and two nisei and urged
Colonel Lilly to broadcast appeals to the
Japanese to give themselves up. But the
higher headquarters failed to provide a
script for the nisei and placed on the regiment responsibility for the truck and the
To the regiment's reluctance to accept
this responsibility was added its disinclination to take prisoners. The Scouts
had found the bodies of their comrades behind Japanese lines so mutilated as to discourage any generous impulse toward those
Japanese unfortunate enough to fall into
their hands. Some of the bodies had been
bayoneted in the back while the men had
had their arms wired behind them. One
rotting body had been found strung up by
the thumbs with the toes just touching the
ground, mute evidence of a slow and tortured end. Nor did the Japanese show any
signs of gratitude when their lives were
spared. When one of them was brought to
a battalion headquarters he had promptly
attempted to destroy both himself .and the
headquarters with a hand grenade. It is
not surprising, therefore, that "a passive
resistance to the use of the sound truck developed and there were sufficient delays so
that it was not used."89
About eighty of the enemy had made good
their escape from the beachhead during the
counterattack of the 12th. Hiding out in the
daytime and traveling only at night, they
made their way northward by easy stages.
Four days later they were discovered about
seven miles from Silaiim Point and only one
mile from the I Corps main line of resistance. Their undetected four-day march
through the congested area behind I Corps
can be attributed to the wildness of the
country and to their skill in jungle warfare.
Only the defensive barbed wire and cleared
fields of fire along the front had prevented
them from reaching their own lines. A
squadron of the 26th Cavalry was sent from
corps reserve on the 16th to root them out.
It took two days and the help of troops from
the 72d and 92d Infantry to do the job.90
The three-week-long struggle to destroy
the Japanese who had landed by accident at
Anyasan and Silaiim Points was over. The
cost on the American side was about 70
killed and 100 wounded. The 2d Battalion,
45th Infantry, which had been in action
continuously since 29 January and had
borne the brunt of the final counterattack,
lost 68 men: 26 killed and 42 wounded. The
General Nara, "was extreme and the men
experienced great difficulty in movement." 2
When the sun set the temperature dropped
sharply and those who had sweltered in the
tropical heat during the day shivered with
cold under their army blankets.
Forming the boundary between the two
corps was the Pantingan River which flowed
generally northward from the Mariveles
peaks. On the east side of the river, in the II
Corps area, was 1,920-foot-high Mt. Samat,
four miles from the coast and a short distance south of the Pilar-Bagac road. Along
its slopes and on its summit were high hardwood trees, luxuriant creepers, and thorny
vines. Though movement through this jungled fastness was difficult, the heights of Mt.
Samat afforded excellent observation of the
entire battlefield below.
North of Mt. Samat, as far as the PilarBagac road, the ground was similar to that
on the slopes. Beyond, in the area held by
the enemy, it was low and swampy. To the
east of the mountain lay a plateau and along
the coast were sugar-cane fields, thickets,
and a plain. Flowing from the high ground
in the center, through the coastal plain,
were several large rivers and numerous
small streams, many of them dry at this
time of the year. But their steep, forested
banks provided natural barriers to the advance of a military force.
Wainwright's I Corps was west of the
Pantingan River. Here there were no plains
or sugar-cane fields. The ground sloped
sharply from the Mariveles Mountains al-
corps also, for divisions and lesser units reported now to the sector commanders. There
was, it is true, a natural tendency toward
building up a large staff in the sectors, but
this inclination was quickly discouraged
by MacArthur's headquarters, which explained that the sector organization had
been adopted "for the purpose of decreasing
rather than increasing overhead." 3
General Parker's II Corps line stretched
from Orion on the east coast westward for
about 15,000 yards. Initially the corps was
organized into four sectors, lettered alphabetically from A through D. Sector A on the
was made with a full realization of the advantages offered by the commanding
held a front of about 4,500 yards. The remaining 6,000 yards of the II Corps line
River westward to the South China Sea.
Separating the two sectors was the northsouth Trail 7. The Right Sector, with a
front of about 5,000 yards to and including Trail 7, was held by the 11th Division
(PA) and the attached 2d Philippine Constabulary (less one battalion). Brig. Gen.
William E. Brougher commanded both the
11th Division and the Right Sector. Between Trail 7 and the sea was the Left Sector, commanded by Brig. Gen. Albert M.
Jones, who had led the South Luzon Force
into Bataan. The eastern portion of his
sector was held by the 45th Infantry (PS);
the western by Brig. Gen. Luther Stevens'
91st Division (PA). Like Parker, Wainwright was given responsibility for the
beach defenses in his area and on the 26th
he established a South Sector under General
Pierce. For corps reserve, Wainwright had
the 26th Cavalry (PS) which had helped
cover the withdrawal from the Mauban
I Corps had considerably less artillery
than the corps on the east. Corps artillery
consisted of one Scout battalion, less a battery, equipped with 75-mm. guns. Jones had
for his Left Sector the guns of the 91st Field
Artillery and attached elements of the 71st
which had lost most of its weapons at Mauban. Supporting the Right Sector was the
artillery component of the 11th Division
and one battery of Scouts. Only a few miscellaneous pieces had been assigned initially
to beach defense but after the Japanese
landings Pierce obtained additional guns
and two 155-mm. howitzers.5
When it established the Abucay-Mauban line early in January, USAFFE had
(PS), p. 5.
could be brought in, but it was not until the
next day that the troops actually occupied
their positions.
When these shifts were completed the
line-up along the main battle position was
as follows: In II Corps, from right to left:
Sector A, 31st Infantry ( P A ) ; Sector B,
Provisional Air Corps Regiment; Sector C,
unsettled but temporarily held by the 32d
Infantry, one battalion of the 31st, and the
51st Combat Team; Sector D, 21st and 41st
Divisions (PA) and the 33d Infantry (less
1st Battalion). In I Corps: Right Sector,
2d Philippine Constabulary and 11th Division (PA); Left Sector, elements of the 1st
Division (PA) and the 91st Division. The
reserve of the two corps remained unchanged but was backed up now by the
Philippine Division in USAFFE reserve.
The American 31st Infantry was located
just north of Limay on the east coast, from
where it could support II Corps should the
need arise. The 45th Infantry was in bivouac
near the West Road, about three miles south
of Bagac, in position to aid I Corps. The
57th Infantry was near Mariveles, ready for
a quick move to either corps.12
Opposing the Filipino troopsthe entire
line, except for Sector B, was now held by
the Philippine Armywere the same Japanese who had successfully breached the
Abucay-Mauban line in the first battle of
Bataan. On the east, before Parker's II
Corps, was General Nara's 65th Brigade and
attached 9th Infantry; facing Wainwright
was the Kimura Detachment. While General Kimura's force of approximately 5,000
men was comparatively fresh, Nara's troops
Collier, Notebooks, III, 39; Phil Div Rpt of
Opns, p. 16; Col Thomas W. Doyle, CO 45th Inf
(PS), copy of lecture delivered at Army War College, 30 Jul 42, p. 6, OCMH.
waiting for the artillery to move into position to support the attack.14
Unfortunately for the Japanese their captured map was incorrect or they read it incorrectly. The first line they met was not the
outpost at all but the main line of resistance.
The Japanese did have the good fortune,
however, to hit the line where it was weakest and at a time when the disorganization
resulting from the withdrawal of the Philippine Division was greatest.
vs. Homma, p.
3059, testimony of
of the 31st Field Artillery, acting as infantry
and armed only with Enfields, into the unoccupied area. It was not until 1730, however, that these units were able to complete
their move. Thus, for a period of almost ten
hours on the 26th, there had been no troops
cast of the important Trail 2. Only good
fortune and the action of the tanks of the
covering force averted disaster. Had General Nara pushed his men down the trail
during these hours he might have accomplished his mission and reached Limay even
more rapidly than the misinformed Army
commander expected him to.
Bluemel's troubles were not yet over. Only
thirty minutes after he had closed the gap
left by the transfer of the 33d Infantry, he
received orders at 1800 from General
Parker to transfer the 1st Battalion, 31st Infantry (PA), which he had sent back into
the line early that morning, to Sector A.
Bluemel had no choice now but to allow the
battalion to leave. Parker promised him the
41st Infantry (less 1st Battalion) from the
adjoining sector, but that unit would not
reach him until late the next day. In the
meantime he would have to fill the new gap
with one of his own units. He finally decided
to use the reserve battalion of the already
overextended 32d Infantry. Thus, on the
night of 26 January, the entire 31st Division
area was held by only the three battalions
of the 32d Infantry and the artillery headquarters battery. In reserve was the 31st Engineer Battalion with 450 men whose armament consisted exclusively of rifles.
The shifts in the line had been completed
none too soon, for by 1900 of the 26th advance patrols of the 65th Brigade had penetrated down the Orion cutoff to Trail 2,
almost to the main line of resistance.
General Nara received Homma's orders
for the attack on the morning of the 27th,
too late to take advantage of the confusion
in the American line. At that time the bulk
of his force was concentrated in front of
Sector C. Colonel Takechi's 9th Infantry,
the "encircling unit" of the Abucay fight,
was in position to advance down Trail 2,
and the 141st Infantry was bivouacked
about one mile to the east. Above Orion
probing Parker's right flank was the 1st
Battalion, 142d Infantry. The remainder of
the regiment was south of Pilar, along the
Pilar-Bagac road. Too far to the rear to
support the attack was the artillery.
At 1100, 27 January, Nara issued his own
orders for the forthcoming attack. These
were based on 14th Army's erroneous assumption that the American positions in
front of him constituted an outpost line and
that the main objective was a line at Limay.
Nara's plan was to make the main effort in
the area held by Bluemel's men. The center
of the attack was to be Capot, a small barrio
near Trail 2 in front of the main line of
resistance. Making the attack would be two
regiments, the 9th on the right (west) and
the 141st on the left. They were to advance
as far as the Pandan River where they
would make ready for the assault against
the supposed main line of resistance near
Limay. The advance of these two regiments
would be supported by Col. Masataro Yoshizawa's 142d Infantry (less 1st Battalion) on
the brigade right, which was to drive southeast across the slopes of Mt. Samat to the
Pandan River. Having reached the river,
Yoshizawa was to shift the direction of his
attack and advance down the river in a
northeasterly direction to take the defenders
in the rear. The regiment's initial advance
would bring it to the American main line of
resistance at the junction of Sectors C and D.
The attack jumped off at 1500, 27 January, with a feint by Maj. Tadaji Tanabe's
MAP 18
headquarters battery of the 31st Field Artillery ( P A ) . One company of the 41st, Company F, was placed on Trail 2, well behind
the main line of resistance, in position to
support the troops on either side of the trail.
The 2d Battalion (less Company F) went
into regimental reserve.
When all units were in place, Bluemel's
sector was organized from right to left (east
to west), as follows: 32d Infantry (less
points to be, and requested support from the
artillery. The 141st Infantry, which was
east of the 9th, was directed to move west of
that regiment, between it and the 142d, thus
shifting the weight of the attack westward.
Tanabe's battalion remained on the East
As before, the attack began at dusk. At
1830 of the 29th the 142d Infantry on the
brigade right waded the Tiawir River, in
front of the 22d Infantry (Sector D), but
was stopped there. The 141st, which was to
attack on the left (east) of the 142d, failed to
reach its new position until midnight, too
late to participate in the action that night.
Colonel Takechi's 9th Infantry was
hardly more successful than the 142d in its
advance down Trail 2. Most of the regiment had crossed the Pilar River during
the day to join the battalion in the bamboo
thickets just in front of Bluemel's sector.
From there the regiment had advanced by
sapping operations as far as the wire entanglements on the front line. Thus, when
Takechi's men moved out for the attack,
after an hour-long preparation by the artillery, they were already at the main line
of resistance.
The fight which followed was brisk
and at close quarters. The 41st Infantry
east of Trail 2, supported by machine
gun fire from Company H, 32d Infantry,
held its line against every onslaught, with
Company K, on the trail, meeting the
enemy at bayonet point. West of the trail,
elements of the 51st Combat Team were
hard hit and in danger of being routed.
Fortunately, reinforcements arrived in time
to bolster the extreme right of its line, closest
to the trail, and the enemy was repulsed.
Next morning when a count was made the
Filipinos found about one hundred dead
Japanese within 150 yards of the main line
opened fire on the ford over the Pilar River ammunition of the 3-inch Stokes mortar had
and the area to the north in what the Jap- proved "so unreliable as to be practically
anese described as "a fierce bombardment." worthless." 20 Since then General Parker
Simultaneously, according to the same
source, "a tornado of machine gun fire"
swept across the right portion of the Japanese infantry line assembling for the attack, effectively ending Japanese plans for
an offensive that night. The careful preparation by aircraft and artillery had been
wasted and the attack, mourned General
Nara, "was frustrated." 19
Even before he issued orders for the at- lew River to but not including Trail 7, was
tack, General Homma had made arrange- initially assigned to the 45th Infantry (PS),
ments on 25 January to increase the size of but when that regiment was withdrawn on
the force arrayed against I Corps. Hoping 26 January, on orders from USAFFE, Wainto take advantage of Kimura's easy victory wright assigned the area to General Segunon the Mauban line, he had directed Gen- do's 1st Division (PA). Although two hasteral Morioka in Manila to hasten to Olong- ily organized battalions of the 1st Infantry
apo and assume command of operations and one of the 3d Infantry moved into the
line vacated by the 45th, a gap still rein western Bataan. Morioka, 16th Division
mained in the center. The next afternoon,
commander, was to take with him two bat27 January, the 2d Battalion, 1st Infantry,
talions of infantryone of which was the
was withdrawn from its position on beach
1st Battalion, 20th Infantry, later lost in the defense near Bagac and sent in to fill the
Battle of the Pointsand the 21st Indegap.21
pendent Engineer Regiment headquarters.
Wainwright's new main line of resistance
This move, Homma directed, was to be ran through a thick jungle where it was excompleted on 27 January. Thus, in the at- tremely difficult for units to establish physitack against I Corps that followed, com- cal contact. Flowing in every direction
mand quickly passed from Kimura, who through this area was a confusing network
of streams. The Gogo River flowed into the
initiated the fight, to General Morioka.
Wainwright's main line of resistance, it Bagac River to form one continuous stream
will be recalled, was organized into two sec- along the Left Sector main line of resistance.
tors, a Right Sector under General Brougher South of this east-west water line were three
and a Left Sector commanded by General tributaries of the Gogothe Tuol, Cotar,
Jones. Brougher's line extended from the and Camilew Rivers. Behind the line was an
Pantingan River to Trail 7, which led south- equally confusing network of trails, intersecting each other as well as the main trails
ward from the Pilar-Bagac road through
running south from the Pilar-Bagac road.
the American positions to join the intricate
New Trail 5 paralleled the main line of renetwork of trails to the rear. Responsible
sistance and connected the West Road with
for both the river and the trail on his flanks,
Brougher placed the Constabulary on the
In addition to the sources cited below, this secright to guard the approach by way of the tion is based on two reports by General Jones: The
Pocket Fights, pp. 1-3, and Pocket Battles, pp. 1-4;
river and to tie in with the left flank of II
Townsend, 11th Inf (PA), pp. 2-4, and Part II,
Corps. Next to it was the 13th Infantry The Tuol Pocket, pp. 6-16, copy in OCMH; MacNotes on Left Subsector, I Phil Corps, pp.
(PA) of the 11th Division and on the left Donald,
1-6; Berry, Hist of 3d Inf ( P A ) , pp. 5-6; Lt Col
of Brougher's sector, defending Trail 7, was Adrianus Van Oosten, Opns of 1st Bn, 45th Inf
(PS) in Battle of Tuol Pocket (paper prepared for
the 11th Infantry led by Col. Glen R.
Advanced Officers Course, 1947-48, The Infantry
School), pp. 8-18; Lt Col Leslie T. Lathrop, Notes
Responsibility for the area west of Trail on Tuol Pocket, copy in OCMH; Collier, Note7 rested with General Jones. On the left he books, III, 51-52; 14th Army Opns, I, 100-102,
107-15; 65th Brig Opns Rpt, Mt. Samat, Opns
placed General Stevens' 91st Division. The Orders in Supps. 23 and 27; intervs, author with
eastern portion of the sector, from the Cami- Gens Jones and Berry at various times.
Trail 7. Below it and generally parallel to
it was another trail, called Old Trail 5. So
bewildering was the river and trail system,
especially in the 1st Division area, that few
of the troops knew precisely where they were
at any given moment. It was in this area that
the Japanese penetration came.
impression and a hasty call was put in for
additional troops. USAFFE made available to corps the 1st Battalion of the 45th
Infantry (PS) and by 2000 that night advance elements of the Scout battalion had
reached the trail junction, ready to join in
the fight the next day.
Attacks against the Big Pocket during
the next few days by the Scouts on the
South and the 11th Infantry troops on the
north made little progress and only confirmed the fact that the enemy was strong
and well entrenched. Yoshioka's troops had
by now dug their foxholes and trenches and
connected them with tunnels so that they
could move freely without fear of observation. They had skillfully emplaced their machine guns behind fallen trees and had
taken every advantage of the jungle to
strengthen and conceal their defenses. They
had even taken the precaution to dispose
of the earth from the foxhole so as to leave
no telltale signs of their position.
Artillery availed the Americans as little
here as it had in the Battle of the Points.
Poor visibility, inadequate maps, and the
lack of high trajectory weapons resulted in
shorts, overs, and tree bursts, some of which
caused casualties among friendly troops. So
dense was the jungle that one 75-mm. gun,
originally emplaced to provide antitank defense at the trail junction, was unable to
achieve any observable results though it
poured direct fire on the enemy at a range
of 200 yards. The value of the mortars was
limited by the high percentage of duds as
well as the thick jungle. Again, as on the
beaches, the fight was to be a rifleman's
fight backed up by BAR's and machine
guns whenever they could be used.
The location of the Big Pocket created
difficulties of an administrative nature. Although the pocket blocked the trail in the
11th Infantry area, on the internal flank of
Brougher's Right Sector, it extended over
into Jones's Left Sector, where the 1st Division was having difficulties of its own with
the Japanese in the Little Pocket. Moreover,
the pockets were not entirely surrounded
and Yoshioka's men moved at will from one
to the other. Just where the Big Pocket
ended and the Little Pocket began was not
yet clear and the 1st Division was as much
engaged against the former as was the 11th
Infantry. To clarify this situation, General
Wainwright, who was present almost daily
at the scene of the fighting, placed General
Brougher, Right Sector commander, in
charge of all troops operating against the Big
Pocket. Colonel Townsend was given command of the forces immediately engaged.
The position of the Japanese in the two
pockets was not an enviable one. Since 31
January, when 1st Division troops had shut
the gate behind them, Colonel Yoshioka's
men had been cut off from their source of
supply. Though they had successfully resisted every effort thus far to drive them out,
and had even expanded the original Big
Pocket westward, their plight was serious.
Without food and ammunition they were
doomed. General Morioka attempted to
drop supplies to them, but, as had happened during the Battle of the Points, most
of the parachute packs fell into the hands
of the Filipinos and Americans, who were
grateful for the unexpected addition to their
slim rations.
Only one course remained to Morioka if
he was to save the remnants of Yoshioka's
regiment. He must break through the main
line of resistance again and open the way
for a retreator further advance. All efforts by the 122d Infantry, which had been
pushing against the 1st and 11th Divisions
since the start of the attack, had thus far
sion. Present were Generals Jones, Brougher, and Segundo, Col. William F. Maher,
Wainright's chief of staff, and Col. Stuart
C. MacDonald, Jones's chief of staff. First
Wainwright made the point that though the
pockets overlapped sector boundaries the
forces engaged would have to be placed under one commander and be treated as a single operation. All available forces, including
the reserves, he asserted, would have to be
thrown into the fight. Brougher was to be
relieved and Jones would take command
of all troops already engaged against the
pockets. This decision gave the new commander the following force: 1st Battalion,
45th Infantry; the Provisional Battalion,
51st Division; Companies C and G, 11th
Infantry; the 1st and 2d Battalions, 92d
Infantry; the 1st Division; and the remaining tanks.
General Jones had a plan ready. First he
would isolate the pockets and then throw a
cordon of troops around each. The main attack against the Little Pocket would follow,
and after it had been reduced he would
throw all his troops against the Big Pocket.
The entire operation would be a co-ordinated one with the main attacks against
each pocket delivered along a single axis of
advance. Wainwright approved the plan
and directed that it be put into effect not
later than 7 February.
Jones immediately made preparations for
the reduction of the two pockets. All 1st
Division troops who could be released from
their posts along the main line of resistance
were given to Colonel Berry, commander of
the 1st Infantry, who was directed to make
his own plans to take the Little Pocket. Lt.
Col. Leslie T. Lathrop, commander of the
1st Battalion, 45th Infantry, was given tactical command of the troops for the assault
against the Big Pocket. Jones himself worked
nese on the morning of the 9th, General
Jones was free to concentrate his entire force
on the Big Pocket. But the situation had
changed radically for earlier that morning
General Morioka had received orders to
pull back his troops to the heights north of
Bagac.26 Immediately he directed Colonel
Yoshioka to discontinue his efforts to hold
the pocket and to fight his way back through
the American lines. To cover the retreat,
the 2d Battalion, 33d Infantry, in the Upper
Pocket was to redouble its efforts to break
through the holding force and join Yoshioka's men. Thus, as General Jones was making ready for the final attack against the Big
Pocket, Yoshioka was hurriedly making his
own preparations for a withdrawal.
On the American side the 9th and 10th
were busy days. Colonel Berry, who now
commanded the 1st Division, brought his
force from the Little Pocket into the fight
against the Big Pocket. On Jones's orders
he placed his men in position to prevent a
juncture between the enemy in the Upper
Pocket and Yoshioka's troops. The rest of
the 1st Division spent these days selecting
and preparing a more favorable line along
the south bank of the Gogo River. Meanwhile units surrounding the Big Pocket kept
pressing in until they were so close that fire
from one side of the pocket became dangerous to friendly units on the other side. Pushing in from the west were the two battalions
of the 92d Infantry; on the opposite side
of the pocket were the Scouts and Company
C of the 11th Infantry. The Provisional
Battalion, 51st Division, was pressing northward along Trail 7, while Company G,
11th Infantry, pushed south down the trail.
The weakest link in the chain encircling the
The decision was made at 14th Army headquarters on the 8th and is discussed below in
Chapter XIX.
pocket was on the north and northeast
where the almost impenetrable jungle prevented close contact between the two 11th
Infantry companies and the adjoining flank
of the 45th Infantry. It was against this
link, where a break was already evident, that
Yoshioka's men would have to push if they
hoped to escape.
Yoshioka's position was critical. A withdrawal in the face of these converging attacks would be a difficult and dangerous
maneuver under the most favorable circumstances. With his exhausted troops the
task would be even more hazardous. His
men, who had been living on a diet of horseflesh and tree sap for days, were half starved,
sick, and utterly worn out by two weeks of
continuous fighting in the jungle. Until the
10th Yoshioka had been able to draw a
plentiful supply of water from the Tuol
River, but the advance of the 92d Infantry
had closed off this source to him and he was
feeling the effects of the shortage. Over one
hundred of his men were wounded and
would have to be carried or helped out during the withdrawal. Many of his officers had
been killed and the maintenance of march
discipline in the thick jungle promised to be
a difficult task.
On 11 February the Filipinos were remarkably successful in pushing in the
pocket. By 1000 that day all of Trail 7
had fallen to the Scouts. On the south the
Provisional Battalion made excellent progress during the day while the two battalions
of the 92d continued to push eastward
against light opposition. By evening, wrote
Jones's chief of staff, "it was quite obvious
that the end was in sight." 27 The attackers,
unaware that Yoshioka had begun his
weary trek northward, attributed their suc27
MacDonald, Notes on Left Subsector, I Phil
Corps, p. 6.
of the platoon from Company F, 11th Infantry, which had been overrun in the initial
attack. Holding the east side of the .penetration was Company A, 92d Infantry, which
Brougher had taken from Jones on the
morning of the 7th, and five platoons from
the disorganized 12th Infantry. The 2d Battalion, 2d Constabulary, was south of the
salient. Not only had this conglomerate
force held the Japanese in check, but it
had pushed them back about fifty yards
before the fight for the Big Pocket ended.
On 13 February Brougher sent forward
a portion of the force that had participated
in the fight against Yoshioka to join the
troops holding back the Japanese in the salient. The 1st Battalion, 45th Infantry, took
up a position to the south while the Provisional Battalion, 51st Division, and troops
from the 92d Infantry attacked on its left in
a northeasterly direction. At the same time,
11th Infantry units and the Constabulary
pushed in from the east. By evening of the
14th, despite stubborn resistance and the
difficulties presented by the jungle, the salient had been reduced by half and was only
350 yards long and 200 yards wide. An attack from the South the next day cut that
area in half.
USAFFE-USFIP Rpt of Opns, p. 54; Bluemel,
31st Div (PA) Rpt of Opns, p. 17; 65th Brig Opns
Rpt, Mt. Samat, pp. 28-29; 14th Army Opns, I,
Rad, MacArthur to TAG, No. 371, 26 Feb 42,
AG 381 (11-27-41 Sec 2C) Far East.
14th Army Opns, I, 96, 104, 113-15; 14th Army
Opns Order, Series A, No. 270, 13 Feb 42, Supp. 28,
65th Brig Opns Rpt, Mt. Samat. For a day-by-day
Nara Inf Gp, 14 Feb 42, App. 31, both in 65th Brig
Opns Rpt, Mt. Samat; 14th Army Opns, I, 115,
Army, ATIS Doc 56113, App. II, in translation of Japanese Doc II,
virtually destroyed. The single battalion of
the 33d Infantry that participated in the
offensive had lost 125 men in the Upper
Pocket. The 9th Infantry had seen action
on both sides of the peninsula and had suffered about 700 casualties. By 24 February
the effective infantry strength of the 16th
Division on Bataan did not exceed 712
The 65th Brigade had not fared much
better than the 16th Division. Entering
Bataan early in January with about 5,000
infantrymen, its three two-battalion regiments, the 122d, 141st, and 142d, had been
in continuous combat until the last week
of February. The brigade had borne the
brunt of the fighting in the first battle of
Bataan and had lost a large number of
men before 26 January. Between 25 January and 15 February, the 122d Infantry
had been attached to Morioka's force and
had sustained over 300 casualties. During
the same period the 141st Infantry lost 80
killed and 253 wounded. Casualties in the
142d were somewhat lighter. By the middle
of February the brigade and its attachments had lost altogether over 4,000 men:
1,142 killed and 3,110 wounded. Many of
those who survived were exhausted and sick
and could hardly be considered effective
The 14th Army was indeed, as Homma
remarked at his trial in Manila four years
later, "in very bad shape." Altogether Homma had in his army at that time, he estimated, only three infantry battalions capable of effective action. Had MacArthur
chosen that moment to launch a large-scale
counterattack, Homma told the Military
14th Army Opns, I, 116; USA vs. Homma, Defense Exhibit Y.
65th Brig Opns Rpt, Mt. Natib, p. 111; 65th
Brig Opns Rpt, Mt. Samat, p. 114.
Lt. Col.
Points and the pocket fights.12 A naval intelligence officer, whose opinion of the
Philippine army was not high, wrote to his
Ltr, Galbraith to Beebe, 5 Feb 42, AG 319.1
(8 Jan 42) Phil Rcds.
While the situation on Bataan was never
more favorable to the Allied cause than it
was in mid-February, there was little hope
in Washington that the Philippine garrison
could withstand the Japanese assault for
more than a few months. What would happen to General MacArthur then? Was he to
be allowed to fall into Japanese hands or
should he be saved for the Allied war effort
still to come? The decision reached in
Washington, presumably early in February,
was that the general's services were too valuable to be sacrificed in a hopeless cause, that
he must be rescued to lead other forces in
the war against Japan.
But there were difficulties to this solution.
MacArthur would undoubtedly raise objections to any orders which might affect
his reputation. And he might show an understandable reluctance to desert his troops
in the midst of battle. Brig. Gen. Patrick J.
Hurley, former Secretary of War and an
old friend of MacArthur's, summarized
these difficulties when he told General
Wavell during a trip to the Indies that MacArthur would not leave the Philippines until "both the public and the troops were
assured that command had passed to competent leadership." He explained also "that
it would be necessary for the President to
definitely order MacArthur to relinquish
command and proceed elsewhere, and that
even if such orders were issued MacArthur
might feel that he had destroyed himself by
leaving his beleaguered command." Mac-
The reaction from Washington was
prompt and emphatic. On 9 February, one
day later, President Roosevelt in a personal
message to Quezon repudiated the scheme
and declared that the United States Government would never agree to such a solution to the war in the Philippines.5 At the
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, Nos. 226 and 227,
CofS Phil Situation File. The first part of the mes-
signed by MacArthur.
Rad, Roosevelt to MacArthur, No. 1029, 9 Feb
42, CofS Phil Situation File. The message was
addressed to MacArthur alone because it went
through Army channels.
same time he expressed his sympathy for
Quezon and the Philippine people and
pledged American support "whatever happens to the present American garrison."
"So long as the flag of the United States
flies on Filipino soil," Roosevelt assured
Quezon, ". . . it will be defended by our
own men to the death ... we shall not
relax our efforts until the forces which are
now marshalling outside the Philippine Islands return to the Philippines and drive
the last remnant of the invaders from your
soil." To General MacArthur, Roosevelt
sent a personal message authorizing the surrender of the Filipino troops if necessary,
but forbidding the surrender of American
troops, "so long as there remains any possibility of resistance." 6 The President then
went on to express his belief in the importance of the fight in the Philippines and the
role of that garrison in the war against the
I have made these decisions [he wrote] in
complete understanding of your military estimate that accompanied President Quezon's
message to me. The duty and the necessity
of resisting Japanese aggression to the last
transcends in importance any other obligation
now facing us in the Philippines.
There has been gradually welded into a
common front a globe-encircling opposition
to the predatory powers that are seeking the
destruction of individual liberty and freedom
of government. We cannot afford to have this
line broken in any particular theater.
As the most powerful member of this
coalition we cannot display weakness in fact
or in spirit anywhere. It is mandatory that
there be established once and for all in the
minds of all peoples complete evidence that
the American determination and indomitable
will to win carries on down to the last unit.
I therefore give you this most difficult
mission in full understanding of the desperate
situation to which you may shortly be re6
duced. The service that you and the American members of your command can render
to your country in the titanic struggle now
developing is beyond all possibility of appraisement. I particularly request that you proceed
rapidly to the organization of your forces and
your defenses so as to make your resistance as
effective as circumstances will permit and as
prolonged as humanly possible.
For an account of the reorganization of the
ABDA area and the establishment of the Southwest Pacific Area, see Matloff and Snell, Strategic
Planning for Coalition Warfare 1941-1942, and
Samuel Milner, Victory in Papua, a volume in
preparation for the series UNITED STATES
Rad, TAG to MacArthur, No. 1083, 24 Feb 42,
WPD 4639-54.
Rad, Marshall to MacArthur, 21 Feb 42,
WDCSA 370.05 (3-17-42) Phil. General Eisenhower, who was handling the dispatches to MacArthur during this period from his post as Chief
of the War Plans Division, makes it clear that the
impetus to get MacArthur out of the Philippines
came from the White House. Eisenhower, Personal
Hunt, MacArthur and the War Against Japan,
p. 64. The writer has been unable to find confirmation of this conference in the official records or
in interviews.
Adm. Francis W. Rockwell and General
Sutherland, and the officers to accompany
him carefully selected. Instead of waiting
for the submarine which the Navy had
placed at his disposal and which could not
reach Corregidor until 15 Marchby which
time the Japanese might have established
an effective blockadeMacArthur decided
to go to Mindanao by PT boat. Rockwell
assigned four of these small craft to the operation and rushed preparations for the
journey. Lieutenant Bulkeley, aboard the
boat carrying the general, was in tactical
command of the group, but Rockwell assumed personal command of the operation.24
During the negotiations leading to MacArthur's reassignment no mention had been
made of the size or character of the staff he
would take with him. It was assumed that
his family would go, and Marshall had inquired specifically about them. Only two
officers had been mentioned by name as being included in the official transfer: General Sutherland and General George, the
latter asked for specifically by the Air Forces
who were "anxious to profit by [his] experience." 25 The group finally selected to
make the trip from Corregidor to Australia
via Mindanao numbered twenty-one persons. In addition to his wife, young son,
and the nurse for the child, MacArthur
selected from his staff seventeen officers to
accompany him. They included his chief
and deputy chief of staff, the G-1 and G-2,
the signal, engineer, antiaircraft artillery,
and air officers, a public relations officer,
Luzon Area, Folder IV (Evacuation of Gen MacArthur), Off of Naval Rcds. The orders and plans
for the voyage to Mindanao are included in this
Rad, Marshall to MacArthur, 6 Mar 42,
PT 41 (Lt J. D. Bulkeley)
General MacArthur
Mrs. MacArthur
Arthur MacArthur, son
Chinese nurse
General Sutherland, CofS
changes." 32 These changes, it appeared, did
not include the appointment of another
commander for the forces in the Philippines. MacArthur would continue to exercise this control from Australia through
his G-4, Colonel Beebe, who would be
given a star and designated deputy chief
of staff of USAFFE.
The entire force, Sutherland told Wainwright, would be organized into four commands. In addition to the two already
created in the south and General Moore's
Harbor Defenses, a new command would be
established for the troops on Bataan and
those still holding out in the mountains of
Luzon. This command, to be known as Luzon Force, would be led by General Wainwright. General Jones, who had demonstrated his ability in guiding the South
Luzon Force during its withdrawal to
Bataan and in the pocket fight, was to be
promoted and given Wainwright's old command, I Corps.33 These arrangements,
Sutherland concluded, would become effective the day after MacArthur's departure.
The briefing completed, Sutherland
took Wainwright in to see General MacArthur. After outlining the organization to
be established on his departure and asserting his determination to "come back as
soon as I can with as much as I can," MacArthur cautioned Wainwright to defend
Bataan "in as great depth as you can."
"You're an old cavalryman, Jonathan," he
said, "and your training has been along
thin, light, quick hitting lines. The defense of Bataan must be deep." "And be
sure," he continued, "to give them everything you've got with your artillery. That's
the best arm you have." Before the cav32
Wainwright "lined up" the general officers
in his I Corps and told them what MacArthur had said to him. "They realized
as well as I," he noted, "what the score
was."37 He then turned over command
of the corps to General Jones and left for
his new headquarters which would control
both the corps on Bataan. Two days later
a general order announced the creation of
Luzon Force, General Wainwright commanding.38
Although the War Department was
fully informed about MacArthur's movements from 12 March on, it was completely
ignorant of the command arrangements
which went into effect on his departure.
Whatever the reason, MacArthur neglected
to inform the War Department of his plans
to control operations in the Philippines
from Australia. It was therefore assumed
in Washington that Wainwright, the
senior officer in the islands, was now in
command. All correspondence was addressed to him as commander and dispatches spoke of him as the successor to
The War Department's ignorance of the
organization of forces in the Philippines
placed Colonel Beebe, promoted to brigadier
general on 17 March, in a difficult situation.
His own orders from General MacArthur
made Wainwright a subordinate commander to USAFFE. As deputy chief of
staff of USAFFE and MacArthur's representative on Corregidor he was superior to
Wainwright. But higher headquarters was
now directing its correspondence and orders
to Wainwright as commander. His position
the message was written." Again he urged
that General Marshall be informed of the
command in the Philippines and asked for
instructions on what to do about the Chief
of Staff's order for a daily report.43
The next day the situation became even
more confused. First came a message from
President Roosevelt for General Wainwright. The President was obviously addressing Wainwright as commander of the
forces in the Philippines. He told him that
he had been nominated for appointment to
the rank of lieutenant general "because of
the confidence I have in your leadership and
in the superb gallantry of the devoted band
of American and Filipino soldiers under
your command." There was no mistaking
the President's belief that he was addressing
MacArthur's successor when he told Wainwright that the whole nation realized the
"extreme difficulty" and "vast importance"
of his task and pledged "every possible
means and method" to send him help.44
Later in the day Beebe received two messages from the Chief of Staff for "CG
USAFFE" but clearly intended for Wainwright. In the first, Marshall told Wainwright that the Senate had confirmed his
nomination to lieutenant general.45 The
second message made it clear that the War
Department considered Wainwright the
successor to MacArthur. No confusion was
possible in the wording of this message.
"Upon the departure of General MacAr-
thur," Marshall wrote, "you became commander of U.S. forces in the Philippines.
You are to communicate directly with the
War Department in rendering daily operational reports." These reports, he told
Wainwright, "are to be dispatched over your
name." 46
Beebe had no choice now but to turn
over command to Wainwright.47 Late on the
night of the 20th he telephoned the Luzon
Force commander at his headquarters on
Bataan and informed him of his promotion
and designation as commander of U.S.
forces in the Philippines. The next morning
Wainwright pinned the third star on his
shoulders and moved to Corregidor where
Beebe turned over to him the messages from
General Marshall and the President.48
Wainwright's first official act was to assume command of U.S. Forces in the
Philippines (USFIP), the name of his new
headquarters, and to make Beebe his chief
of staff.49 His command, like MacArthur's,
included Navy as well as Army elements.
Under Admiral Hart and for a time under
his successor, Admiral Rockwell, naval
forces in the Philippines had been organized as an independent command, not subject to orders from USAFFE. Joint operations had been conducted on the basis of
co-ordination between the two headquarters. At the end of January General Mac46
The author has been unable to find MacArthur's
replies to Beebe. Internal evidence of the radios
311.23 (4 Feb 42) GHQ SWPA.
cited makes it clear that throughout he was acting
Rad, Roosevelt to CG USAFFE, No. 1198, 19 under instructions from MacArthur.
Mar 42, Msgs to Wainwright, OPD Exec O. The
Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story, pp.
message was sent on the recommendation of General
Rad, Wainwright to AGWAR, No. 538, 21 Mar
Rad, Marshall to Wainwright, No. 1204, 19
42, AG 381 (11-27-41 Sec 3) Far East. The mesMar 42, OPD 381 PI, Sec 1, Case 14. In tracing
sage was sent at 0620. At the same time he accepted
this correspondence, the reader must keep in mind
his appointment as lieutenant general. A similar
the 13 hours' difference between Washington and
Manila time.
message went to General MacArthur in Australia.
Arthur had asked that naval forces, includ- intention that Wainwright should command
ing the marines, be placed under his all the forces in the Philippines.53
General Marshall's comments on Maccommand "due to restricted area of combat
and the intimacy of liaison that is re- Arthur's plan were made to the President
quired." Army and Navy authorities in on 22 March. The four separate commands,
Washington quickly agreed to this request Marshall pointed out, would have to report
and on 30 January all naval forces in the to MacArthur in Melbourne, 4,000 miles
Philippines had been put under Mac- away. In the Manila Bay area alone there
Arthur's control. Unity of command had would be two separate commanders, and
thus been established for the first time in it was Marshall's opinion that MacArthur
the campaign.50 Wainwright inherited this would have to arbitrate matters between
arrangement, with Capt. Kenneth M. these two from Australia.54 Although the
Chief of Staff did not know it, the disadHoeffel as naval commander.
Wainwright's assumption of command vantages of the arrangements had already
brought from General MacArthur an in- been noted by Wainwright, who, on the
quiry for the basis of the action. Wain- 15th, had gone to Corregidor to try to get
wright explained that he had received a more supplies for his Luzon Force. In this
message from the President and instructions effort he had been unsuccessful. "I had no
from the Chief of Staff, and had had no control over it [supplies]," he noted,
choice but to assume command. "I trust "which irked me a bit. MacArthur had left
you will understand and appreciate my posi- the matter of Bataan supplies in the hands
tion in this matter," he wrote. "The ap- of ... Beebe, over on Corregidor."55
pointment came as a surprise to me without
General Marshall found MacArthur's arany previous intimation that I was to be rangements for command in the Philippines
selected for this command." 51
unsatisfactory and told the President so. He
Now, on 21 March, General MacArthur was "fearful," he said, that they would have
for the first time informed General Mar- "a very depressing effect" on General Wainshall about his own arrangements for four wright, "on whom we must now depend for
separate commands and his intention to the successful continuance of the fight on
control operations in the Philippines from Bataan." 56 These arrangements, Marshall
his headquarters in Australia through a observed, were also contrary to the principle
deputy chief of staff on Corregidor.52 This
Interv, author with Sutherland, 12 Nov 46.
arrangement, he explained, was based upon
Wainwright's appointment, Sutherland said, had
"special problems" and "deemed most ad- been made by the War Department "after Mac-
42, AG 381 (11-27-41 Gen) Far East, and Marshall to MacArthur, 30 Jan 42, WPD 3251-75.
Memo, Marshall for Roosevelt, 22 Mar 42, sub:
Comd in Phil, Msgs from Gen MacArthur, OPD
Exec O.
of combined command. As a supreme commander of Allied forces in Australia, MacArthur was no longer eligible to command
directly U.S. forces any more than he could
command those of other nations. Such command would properly be exercised through
a U.S. Army headquarters.57 Marshall therefore recommended to the President that
MacArthur be informed that his plan was
unsatisfactory and that Wainwright should
continue in command of the Philippines.
The President agreed and that day, 22
March, a conciliatory message went out to
Melbourne. Refraining from specific criti-
cism of the earlier arrangements, the message nevertheless made it clear that unless
there were strenuous objections Wainwright
would remain in command.58
MacArthur expressed no objections. He
This principle was well established and was incorporated in the doctrine for joint operations, Joint.
Action of the Army and Navy, 1927.
Rad, Marshall to MacArthur, No. 810, 22 Mar
42, Msgs from Gen MacArthur, OPD Exec O. The
President's agreement is assumed from the fact that
the text of the message formed part of Marshall's
memorandum to the President.
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, No. 19, 24 Mar
For a detailed description of MacArthur's
command in Australia see Milner, Victory in
Papua, Ch. II. Unlike most subordinate commanders, Wainwright was authorized to commu-
King assumed command 21 March 1942 on the
basis of oral instructions from Wainwright. A general order followed later. Luzon Force Rpt of Opns,
p. 1.
AR 30-2210.
in the inventory.
AG 319.1 (29 Jan 42)
AG 319.1 (29 Jan 42)
sisting of little more than platforms over
rapidly running fresh-water streams. In the
absence of refrigeration the carabao were
kept in enclosures until a fresh meat issue
was due, then quickly slaughtered and issued
to the troops. Toward the end of the campaign about 600 of the butchered carabao
were sent to Corregidor for storage in the
refrigeration plant and later returned to
Bataan for issue. When forage for animals
was exhausted, the 250 horses of the 26th
Cavalry and 48 pack mules were regretfully
At full strength this division did not have
more than 6,500 men.26 But despite the
strictest orders and the most careful procedures, the number of rations issued continued to exceed the troop strength.
Even within units rations were sometimes
distributed unequally. Reports that complete ration components were not being
pushed forward from division quartermaster dumps to the front-line troops reached
USAFFE and on 17 January commanders
were told that "in some cases subsistence
has been forcibly diverted from the units
for which it was intended."27 This reminder, like most dealing with the ration,
was ignored when it was safe to do so.
While such practices existed the fare of
units was uneven. Some ate well, others
poorly, and it is a truism of warfare that the
units to the rear always live best. "There is
nothing quite so controversial as the Bataan
ration," wrote one reflective officer. "Some
units got corned beef, others none. Some had
corned beef hash in lieu of fish. Some got
eight ounces of rice, others 3.7. Some got
flour in place of bread, some hard tack. But
there is nothing controversial about the fact
that the ration was grossly inadequate." 28
Even when no irregularity interrupted
the normal distribution of rations, the confusion and hazards of war often robbed men
of their food. General Stevens justly complained that his 91st Division was receiving
an unbalanced ration when, by some misadventure, the quartermaster issued for his
5,600 men 19 sacks of rice, 12 cases of sal26
mon, 3 sacks of sugar, 4 carabao quarters,
plus a few miscellaneous items. That same
day another division received nothing but
canned goods.29 Sometimes a change in assignment would leave one unit without a
ration for one day while another received a
double issue. The movement of units from
one sector to another, usually made at night
when the rations were issued, resulted as
frequently in a double issue as in none at all.
The long and difficult supply lines on
Bataan often slowed up the delivery of food,
and vehicles carrying supplies broke down
on the mountain trails. The distribution of
fresh meat was extremely difficult under
these conditions. Since refrigeration and an
adequate road net were lacking, the meat
had to be transported in open trucks during
the heat of the tropical day on hauls lasting
as long as twelve hours. It is not surprising
that the meat which reached the front-line
troops was not always fresh.
Sometimes an accident could have tragic
results for the starved garrison. A lucky hit
by a Japanese bomber knocked out a freezing unit in the Corregidor cold-storage
plant, and 194 carabao quartersabout
24,000 pounds, almost one day's supply
was thereupon sent to Bataan for immediate issue. Five successive air raids delayed
the loading of the meat which did not reach
Bataan until the next morning. Since it
could not be unloaded during daylight the
meat remained on the barge the entire day.
By evening it was unfit for distribution.30
The difficult supply routes and the everpresent threat of starvation were responsible
for large-scale pilferage, looting, and hijack29
Memo, Asst G-4 for G-4 USAFFE, 13 Jan 42,
AG319.1 (8 Jan 42) Phil Rcds.
Memo, CG USFIP for G-4, 29 Mar 42, with
ind, AG 431 (17 Jan 42) Phil Rcds.
front-line soldier received less than one cigarette a day.38 Deprived of the solace of
tobacco and coffee, the soldier living on 17
ounces of food a day could be very miserable indeed.
To the lack of food and tobacco must
be added the shortage of clothing, as well
as personal and organizational equipment
of every kind. General Wainwright tells
how, at the beginning of January, his ex-
Accustomed to the omnipresent and ominous shortages of Bataan, he found Corregidor relatively a land of plenty. The troops
there, it is true, ate two meals a day and subsisted on half rations, but it was a full half
ration and its components provided a wellbalanced diet. It included such "luxury
items" as bacon, ham, fresh vegetables, and
occasionally coffee, milk, and jamfoods
which had long since disappeared from the
Bataan diet.45
The disparity between the Corregidor
and Bataan rations was sharply raised when
the Bataan military police halted a supply
truck and confiscated its waybill. This truck
was delivering food to three antiaircraft
batteries stationed on Bataan but receiving a
Corregidor ration, to which they were entitled as organic elements of the harbor defense. What they were not entitled to was
the Bataan ration, which they were also
drawing. Such an irregularity would not
have been surprising but when the waybill
was examined it revealed a scandalous situation. The items listed in the shipment would
make any Bataan soldier envious. They included a case each of ham and bacon, 24
cans of Vienna sausage, one sack of cracked
wheat, 25 pounds of raisins, 33 pounds of
lard substitute, 24 cans each of peas, corn,
tomatoes, and peaches, 6 cans of potatoes,
24 bottles of catsup, 50 cartons of cigarettes,
and even 600 pounds of ice.
The news of this sumptuous fare, so
unlike the Bataan ration, spread rapidly to
the front-line troops, adding fuel to their
smoldering resentment. The incident was
noted by all headquarters and the matter
In the wake of starvation and want came
dread disease. Malaria, dengue, and the
evil consequences of avitaminosis (vitamin
deficiency)scurvy, beriberi, and amoebic
dysenterymade their appearance soon
after the troops reached Bataan. On 10
January General King's aide wrote prematurely in his diary that the effects of the
enforced diet of half rations was already
becoming evident in the condition of the
15 Mar 42.
Ind, Bataan, The Judgment Seat, p. 296.
Memo, CO Far East Air Service Comd for Med
Officer, Far East Air Service Comd, 2 Feb 42, sub:
Ration Deficiency, AG 430 (25 Dec 41) Phil Rcds.
The alarm of medical and combat officers became so great during the next few
weeks that Lt. Col. James O. Gillespie, the
medical officer in the Bataan echelon of
USAFFE, told his chief on Corregidor, Col.
Wibb E. Cooper, that "it appears to be the
consensus of surgeons attached to American front line troops that the diet provided
is inadequate for the maintenance of health
and combat efficiency." The lack of protein, fat, minerals, and certain vitamins, he
pointed out, was resulting in common diarrhea and dysentery. The effects of the unbalanced diet on the Filipino, accustomed
to the food and climate, were not as pronounced. Colonel Gillespie's recommendations included an increase in the allowance of beef, vegetables, and fruit, the issue
of four ounces of evaporated milk daily, and
the procurement of native fruits and vegetables. If these foods could not be secured
in adequate amounts, he urged strongly
that vitamin concentrates should be secured
for the American troops at least.51
Memo, Surg Bataan Ech for Surg USAFFE, 27
Feb 42, sub: Diet of American Soldiers, AG 430.2
(11 Sep 41) Phil Rcds.
Ltr, Wainwright to CG USAFFE, 26 Feb 42,
sub: Rations, AG 430.2 (11 Sep 41) Phil Rcds.
For an account of these efforts, see Chapter
XXII below.
Luzon Force Rpt of Opns, pp. 1-2; memo, Surg
LF to CG LF, 28 Mar 42, sub: Vitamin Deficiencies, OCMH.
occupied by the troops contained native villages where mosquitoes could breed freely,
and there were always large numbers of Filipino civilians behind the lines. These civilians were "a reservoir for malaria," and
nullified the effect of any limited control
program adopted by the troops.55
Malaria did not affect the efficiency of the
troops until the beginning of March, but at
the end of January most of the men were
already infested with malarial parasites.
Medical officers made gloomy predictions
for the future, when the supply of quinine
would give out. "If all troops take the prescribed 5 grams prophylactic dose," wrote
a medical officer to General R. J. Marshall
on 26 January, "the supply will be exhausted
in a month." 56 As early as the beginning of
February there were signs that the disease
would soon increase at an alarming rate.
Only the regular dosage of quinine kept the
disease in check that month, but the supply
of this drug dwindled rapidly. During the
first week of March, its use as a prophylactic
in most units was discontinued. Thereafter
the drug was administered only to those actually ill with the disease.
The consequences were frightful. The
number of daily admissions to the hospitals
for malaria alone jumped to 500 during the
first week in March.57 After an inspection of
fortifications on Bataan, General Casey reported that the incidence of malaria was as
Lt Col William J. Kennard, Observations on
Bataan, notes taken at conf held by Lt Col Roger
tracted starvation diet.68 It was Colonel
Cooper's judgment that "the basic cause of
all the trouble was the lack of food, of
proper food." 69 At the time he wrote, 2
April, there were no vitamin concentrates
on hand in the medical depot.
Less tangible but fully as serious as any
of the diseases prevalent on Bataan was
nerve fatigue. The majority of the combat
troops had received no rest in a rear area
since the first Japanese attack on 8 December. Even reserve units behind the line had
been subjected to daily air and artillery bombardment. In the opinion of Colonel Glattly, "The fatigue resulting from constant
nervous tension definitely decreased the ability of these troops to endure heavy bombardment." 70 The physical signs of this
ailment were observed toward the end of
the campaign when many of the men proved
unable to stand the nervous strain of combat. At an earlier period stragglers had been
rallied and sent back into battle. Later in
the campaign stragglers discarded arms and
equipment and could not be returned to the
front except by force. "They were surly and
physically exhausted as well as mentally unequal to further combat duty," said one
medical officer.71
The number of men hospitalized for
psychotic disorders was remarkably small
and presented no serious problem to the
medical authorities.72 This may have been
due to the fact that there was "no possible
sary," one medical officer recalled, "for the not inflict as serious a wound as the Amerinurses to walk around patients when assist- can .30-caliber rifle. It was one doctor's
ing in the operations." 75 After the with- opinion, after examining men with eight
drawal, the hospital was moved back to and ten wounds in their arms, shoulders,
Little Baguio, on the slopes of the Mariveles, and chest, that these men would have been
near the ammunition and quartermaster de- killed if similarly wounded by .30-caliber
pots. When these installations were bombed, bullets.78
Abdominal wounds were the most comthe hospital area, though clearly marked by
a large cross, was vulnerable to air attack. mon. There was no established method of
treatment; each surgeon used his own judgment. But there was an adequate supply of
sulfa drugs for external use and no necessity
for unusual methods. It was only when gas
gangrene set in that difficulties arose because
of the lack of antitoxin. Wounds healed
slowly because of the weakened condition of
the men, and the period of hospitalization
was normally longer than might otherwise
have been the case if there had been enough
food for a proper diet.79
The large and ever-increasing number of
sick and wounded strained all medical installations to the utmost. Fortunately, the
number of battle casualties in the period between 15 February and 3 April was small
and the beds ordinarily used by the wounded
could be given to the starved and malariaridden soldiers. The capacity of the two general hospitals, designed to accommodate
1,000 patients each, was steadily increased
until it reached a figure three times that
The sick rate continued to outstrip even
this notable expansion. This fact, combined
with the shortage of gasoline, made it necessary at the beginning of March to limit
evacuation to the general hospitals to two
types of cases: first, those requiring medical or surgical treatment not available at
the clearing stations: and, second, those in
Waterous, Statement of Experiences, pp. 83-84.
Cooper, Med Dept Activities, pp. 32-33. See
also Luzon Force Rpt of Opns, Annex II, p. 1.
Tisdelle, Diary, entry of 14 Mar 42.
Skerry, Comments on Engineer Hist, No. 18.
wrote the regimental surgeon, "that they
could hardly carry the packs and in our last
move I saw more Scouts fall out of the line
of march than I had ever seen fall out any
march before."85
The 31st Infantry, composed entirely of
Americans, was as badly off as most other
units. Though it had been in the front
lines for only short periods during the campaign, and from 8 February to 3 April had
By 3 April "what had once been an effective fighting unit was only a pitiful remains."87 When the 31st Infantry, in
Luzon Force reserve, was ordered into the
line on 4 April, it was necessary to leave
behind for evacuation to the hospital more
than one third of the men. Some left sick
beds to join their outfits. The efficiency of
those who moved out was estimated at less
than 50 percent. Along the line of march,
many dropped out. "Hunger and disease,"
wrote the service company commander,
"were greater enemies than the Japanese
Ibid., p. 21; Bess, Opns of Service Co, 31st Inf
(US), 5 Jan 42-9 Apr 42, p. 40; Mead, Opns of
31st Inf (US), pp. 24-25.
The ability of the men on Bataan to fight
could not be measured by physical standards
alone. Where all men bore the signs of enforced privation and suffering, there was no
question of separating the fit from the unfit.
Only necessity and the will to fight could
give meaning to the tactical dispositions
assumed by the troops.
The Japanese knew this and made crude
attempts to corrupt the spirit of resistance.
Flying low over Bataan, their aircraft often
dropped propaganda leaflets instead of
bombs on the Americans and Filipinos below. These leaflets appealed to the basest
emotions: race prejudice, jealousy, hate,
SLF and II Corps Rpt of Opns, p. 48, Annex
V, USAFFE-USFIP Rpt of Opns.
NLF and I Corps Rpt of Opns, p. 28, Annex
Ibid., 69.
Mallone, Bataan Diary, II, 69. See also Samuel I. Rosenman, compiler, The Public Papers and
Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Humanity on
5 Jan 42, WPD Msg File. At the time all submarines but one, "which was lost about then," were
to the north on other missions. Ltr, Hart to Ward,
19 Dec 51, OCMH,
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, No. 26, 9 Jan 42,
WPD Ready Ref File, Phil. Admiral Hart points
out that he never accepted "complete blockade"
with regard to submarines. Ltr, Hart to Ward, 19
Dec 51, OCMH.
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall No. 72, 17 Jan 42,
AG 381 (11-27-41 Sec 1) Far East.
deems advisable. I direct its use for this purpose. Arrange for advance payments, partial
payments for unsuccessful efforts, and large
Maj Gen Julian F. Barnes, Rpt of Orgn of
USAFIA, 7 Dec 41-30 Jun 42, AG Opns Rpt F-17.
Rads, Brereton to TAG, and Marshall to Brereton, 19 Jan 42, both in AG 381 (11-27-41 Sec 1)
Far East.
Rad, Barnes to TAG, No. 154, 2 Feb 42, AG
381 (11-27-41 Sec 2A) Far East.
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, No. 201, 4 Feb
42, WDCSA 381 (2-17-42) Phil.
victory was not necessary; "the threat alone
would go far toward the desired end." He
predicted that the plan to build a base and
acquire supremacy in the Southwest Pacific
would fail and that the war would be indefinitely prolonged. The only way to defeat
the enemy was to seek combat with him.
"Counsels of timidity," he warned, "based
upon theories of safety first will not win
against such an aggressive and audacious
adversary as Japan."
This was bold counsel indeed and was
carefully considered in Washington from
where the effort to send MacArthur the
supplies he needed was being pushed with
vigor and determination. General Marshall replied that he welcomed and appreciated MacArthur's views and "invariably"
submitted them to the President.17
Summarizing the considerations which
had determined Allied strategy, Marshall
went on to explain that everyone recognized
the advantages of an attack against Japan's
line of communications. Two grim disasters
had prevented the adoption of such a course.
First, the Japanese had achieved flank security at the start of the war by seizing
Wake and Guam and additional protection by their control of the Marshall and
Gilbert Islands. At all these places they
had strong air protection. Secondly, by
their initial attack on Pearl Harbor, the
Japanese had virtually eliminated the Battle Force of the Pacific Fleet. Much of the
remaining naval strength of the Pacific
Fleet was required to keep open the Allied
line of communications to Australia and to
assist in the establishment of bases in the
South Pacific.
Rad, Marshall to MacArthur, 8 Feb 42,
WDCSA 381 (2-17-42) Phil.
motor ships were used. The need for such
a transport system had been recognized early
in the campaign and General Sharp, commander of the Visayan-Mindanao Force,
had requisitioned the best of the small boats.
Altogether, about twenty-five boats, ranging in capacity from 300 to 1,000 tons, were
The plan for running the blockade
through the inland seas provided for the
transfer of the cargo brought in from Australia and the Netherlands Indies to the
smaller interisland craft. This would be
done at night, at places rarely visited by the
Japanese air and surface patrols. The small
boats would then move northward in easy
stages, traveling during the hours of darkness only. American officers would be placed
aboard each vessel with orders to make certain that a real effort was made to run the
blockade and to scuttle the ship rather than
let it fall into enemy hands.22
The plan called also for the transportation to Corregidor of such food as could be
procured locallyrice, sugar, fruits, coffee,
and meat. In Manila Bay, for example, two
400-ton motor ships picked up the food collected by agents in southern Luzon and ran
it across the bay to Corregidor. These two
vessels were able to make several round
trips, raising the total quantity of rice stocks
by 1,600 tons.23 But the bulk of the ships
and supplies came from Cebu where the
Army Transport Service and the Cebu Advance Depot were located. Originally estab21
V-MF Rpt of Opns, pp. 23, 35; QM Rpt of
Opns, p. 39.
V-MF Rpt of Opns, p. 36. The boats were first
under the control of Sharp's headquarters, but on 8
February were placed under a branch of the Army
Transport Service established in Cebu. Rad,
USAFFE to Sharp, 8 Feb 42, Sharp Papers,
QM Rpt of Opns, pp. 39-40.
The Japanese invasion of the Netherlands Indies and the Allied naval defeats
in the waters of the Dutch archipelago in
late February and early March released
Japanese naval and air forces for patrol of
the seas just north of Australia. With that
continent now under direct attack and in
danger of invasion all plans to run the
blockade from Australia came to an end.
Ships and cargoes were desperately needed
in Australia itself to meet the threat of
hostile landings. This possibility had been
foreseen earlier, and General Hurley, when
he reached Java on 17 February, had told
the Chief of Staff that the sea routes north
of Australia were becoming increasingly
hazardous. On his return to Melbourne a
few days later he again made this point in
a message to Marshall and referred to the
"almost insuperable difficulties" in getting
supplies to MacArthur.27
Oh 2 March Batavia in Java fell to the
Japanese and the Dutch Government
moved to the mountains. Clearly the end
of resistance in the Netherlands Indies was
in sight, and both Brett and Hurley agreed
that it was no longer possible to continue
the blockade-running program. This view,
they told the Chief of Staff in a joint
message, was shared by the officers directly
responsible for running the blockade. In
their opinion,
Rad, Hurley for Marshall, ABDACOM No. 2,
17 Jan 42, ABDACOM Msgs, SWPA Collection,
OPD; memo, Hurley for Marshall, 21 Feb 42, OPD
381 PI, Sec 1, Case 21.
than here. . . . The quantities involved are
not great but it is imperative that they be
made instantly available in the United States
and that the entire impulse and organization
be reenergized and controlled directly by you.
If it is left as a subsidiary effort it will never
be accomplished.30
Memo, Somervell for Marshall, 22 Feb 42, sub:
Supply of U.S. Forces in Phil, OCS 18136-258.
Memo, Marshall for Roosevelt, 24 Feb 42,
WPD 4560-26; memo, Marshall for Roosevelt, 28
Feb 42, sub: Blockade-Runners via Hawaii, OCS
ary.39 During that month three more submarines made the voyage to the Philippines: Swordfish arrived on the 19th and
evacuated President Quezon; Sargo
brought one million rounds of 30-caliber
ammunition to Mindanao; and Permit,
sent to evacuate General MacArthur, took
on instead torpedoes and naval personnel.
The next month only two submarines
reached the Islands. Seadragon, en route
to patrol off the Indochina coast, was ordered to Cebu to carry a load of rations to
Corregidor. Though she picked up 34 tons
of rations and almost 12,000 gallons of
petroleum, she was able to unload only one
fifth of her cargo before being ordered out.
Snapper, assigned the same mission, succeeded in unloading 46 tons of food and
29,000 gallons of diesel oil before leaving.
The Swordfish made one more trip.
Leaving Fremantle in Australia on 1 April
with a cargo of 40 tons of food, she was
diverted en route and after a short patrol
returned to port and unloaded her cargo.
Searaven left the same port a day after the
Swordfish with 1,500 rounds of 3-inch antiaircraft ammunition, but was also diverted and failed to deliver any of the shells
to Corregidor. The final trip was made at
the beginning of May, when the Spearfish,
on patrol off Lingayen Gulf, picked up
twenty-five men and women, including
twelve nurses, just before the surrender.40
One other submarine from Hawaii attempted to reach Corregidor with a cargo
under way. The route northward from Mindanao and the Visayas to Manila Bay was
blocked not long after. Thereafter, no matter
how many tons reached the depot at Cebu
or the airfield at Del Monte, they would be
of little use to the men on Bataan.
While the effort to run the blockade may
not have paid dividends in terms of tonnages
delivered to the troops, it was nevertheless
understood was there." 44 When Wainwright's reply arrived it proved even more
startling than his first statement. On Bataan
and Corregidor alone, the strength of the
command, including naval elements and
civilians subsisted by the Army, was
There was not the slightest possibility that
sufficient food for even a fraction of this
force could be sent, but Marshall told Wainwright not to hesitate to ask for any assist-
personal attention."
No one could be sure in January and February that the blockade would prove unbreakable; politically, strategically, and morally
it was necessary to make the attempt. The
gallant stand of the Philippine garrison required it; MacArthur demanded it; and the
Similar assurances
merit," he told the War Department G-4,
"are subsistence and limited medical supplies, particularly quinine sulphate." 47
The urgency of the request was emphasized in a separate message to the War Department in which he spoke of the high
incidence of malaria and other diseases on
Bataan and asked for a one-month supply of
various drugs essential to the health of his
command.48 Two days later he bluntly
warned the Chief of Staff that disaster was
imminent unless supplies arrived soon.
There was only enough food on Bataan, he
stated, to last until 15 April "at one-third
ration, poorly balanced and very deficient
in vitamins." If, by that time, supplies did
not reach him, "the troops there will be
starved into submission." 49
To this estimate, MacArthur, who received a copy of the message, took sharp exception. Without minimizing the critical
conditions on Bataan he maintained that
there had been enough food there before he
left to last until 1 May. "It is of course possible," he told the Chief of Staff, "that with
my departure the vigor of application of
conservation may have been relaxed." 50 To
Wainwright he expressed his confidence that
the efforts then being made to break the
blockade would bring in enough food to last
for an indefinite period and categorically
repudiated any idea of surrender. "I am utterly opposed," he asserted, "under any
circumstances or conditions to the ultimate
capitulation of this command. If food fails,"
Bataan garrison for one month, to Corregidor. All he needed to carry out this ambitious plan, he told MacArthur, was heavy
bombers.59 On the 4th MacArthur told him
that the planes were being prepared and
would "be available sometime the following week."60
Days passed but no planes came. At Cebu
and Iloilo eight ships, fully loaded with
rations and medicine, lay at anchor. They
were still there when the Japanese occupied
Cebu on the morning of 10 April. The
bombers finally reached Mindanao the next
day, too late to help the men on Bataan.61
Rad, Wainwright to MacArthur, No. 154, 4
Apr 42, AG 384.1, GHQ SWPA.
Rad, MacArthur to Wainwright, No. 25, 4 Apr
42, AG 384.1, GHQ SWPA.
pp. 43, 50, 54; Craven and Cate, The Army Air
The ships, fortunately, had been scuttled before
Forces in World War II, I, 417-18.
the Japanese arrived. Cook, Cebu Depot QM Opns,
Luzon Force Rpt of Opns, p. 1.
p. 3, App. A, QM Rpt of Opns; QM Rpt of Opns,
gan River across the heights of the Mariveles Binuangan River. Defense of the beaches
and thence to Mariveles Bay via the Pani- below this river was assigned to the 1st Constabulary, a battalion of the 88th Field
kian River.4
Parker's corps on the Manila Bay side of Artillery (PS), and miscellaneous Air
the peninsula consisted in mid-March of Corps units. Jones's reserve consisted of the
approximately 28,000 men. The eastern 45th Infantry (PS) and the horseless 26th
anchor of the line was still held by Col. Cavalry. Total strength of the corps was
John W. Irwin's 31st Infantry (PA), which 32,600 men.
Elements of the Philippine Division,
was stretched along the coast from Limay
northward to Orion. To its left was the pro- which never saw action as a unit during
visional regiment composed of Air Corps the campaign, were retained by General
troops and led by Col. Irvin E. Doane. The King in Luzon Force reserve. Numbering
31st Division (less most of two regiments) over 5,000 men, this reserve force was comextended the line about a mile westward posed of the American 31st Infantry, the
where the remnants of the 51st Division, 57th Infantry (PS), and the Provisional
organized as a combat team, tied in with it. Tank Group. During the first days of April
The left anchor of II Corps was formed by two engineer battalions were taken off conthe 21st and 41st Divisions (PA) deployed struction work on the trails and road and
in front of Mt. Samat. Guarding the beaches brought into reserve as combat troops. One
from Limay southward to the corps bound- of these was the 14th Engineer Battalion
(PS) of the Philippine Division; the other,
ary were the 2d Division (less the 1st and
2d Philippine Constabulary Regiments), a the American 803d Engineer Battalion.
The inadequacy of communications and
company of tanks, and a battery of SPM's.
large number of separate units on the
In corps reserve Parker had the 33d Infanline
made it necessary to continue the sector
try (PA), less its 1st Battalion, and two
established late in January. In
engineer battalions.
sectors were designated as
In the I Corps sector, from east to west,
from A to E. Sectors
were the 2d Philippine Constabulary RegiA
two right elements
ment, the 11th, 1st, and 91st Divisions
commander was
(PA), the last with the 71st and 72d Inalso
fantry attached. The 2d Constabulary held
the important position on the right flank,
tying in with II Corps in the Pantingan
River valley, a potentially dangerous cor- Combat Team. Sector D coincided with the
ridor leading deep to the rear of the Orion- front held by the 21st and 41st Divisions
Bagac line. On the I Corps left, the 91st and was commanded by General Lough
Division was responsible not only for that who used his Philippine Division staff as
portion of the line which included the West the sector staff. The beach defenses were
Road but for the coast as far south as the organized as Sector E under General Francisco, commander of the 2d Division.
The description of the line is from Luzon Force
The sector organization in I Corps difRpt of Opns, G-3 Annex, pp. 1-3; NLF and I
from that of the corps to the right.
Corps Rpt of Opns, pp. 22 ff; SLF and II Corps
Here only three sectors were established. On
Rpt of Opns, pp. 37-46, 50.
Dominating the battlefield and offering
excellent observation over a large portion of
the front was Mt. Samat, on the left of II
Corps. From the coastal plain on the east
the ground rises gently at first, then more
precipitately, to a height of almost 2,000
feet at the peak of Samat. The mountain
and the surrounding country is covered with
heavy, hardwood timber. Huge trees, six
feet in diameter, rise to a height of 80 to 100
feet. Beneath, the foliage is dense, much of
it covered with large thorns to impede the
soldier and tear his clothing to shreds. Numerous streams and rivers drain the northern slopes of the Mariveles Mountains, cutting across the Orion-Bagac line and
forming river valleys which provided pathways to the south. Heavy forests line the
steep banks of the rivers and the undergrowth makes movement difficult even
along the narrow trails. Only on the east
coast, with its swamps and cane fields, is
the ground flat and clear enough to offer
fields of fire.
Movement throughout this forbidding
area was limited to pack trails and the
coastal road. In front and paralleling the
line was the Pilar-Bagac road, to which the
engineers had constructed a cutoff from KP
136 in front of the 51st Combat Team to
Orion on the coast. From the Pilar-Bagac
road a number of trails led south. In the II
Corps sector, the main north-south trails
were 2 and 4 on the east slopes of Mt.
Samat and 6 and 29 on the west. Connect-
the east and intersected the north-south
trail system. But all movement, though free
from observation, would be closely restricted by the nature of the roads.6
Radiating in all directions from the Mariveles Mountains are a large number of
rivers and streams which trace their way,
like the veins on the back of a man's hand,
across the southern portion of Bataan. The
Pantingan, which formed the corps boundary, flows north from the Mariveles Mountains to meet the Tiawir River near the
Pilar-Bagac road. The Tiawir flows east,
changes its name to Talisay, then continues
on to Manila Bay. Parallel to the Pantingan
and only a short distance to the east is the
Catmon which also flows north from the
Mariveles Mountains to join the TiawirTalisay River. Flowing northeast and east
from Mt. Bataan and Mt. Limay to Manila
Bay are numerous rivers, the largest of
which are the San Vicente, Mamala, Alangan, and Lamao. These rivers derived their
military importance from the fact that they
lay across the axis of an enemy advance
from the north. Only the southernmost of
these rivers, however, the Lamao, which
flows between steep, heavily wooded banks,
presented a serious obstacle. The others,
reduced to a trickle during the dry season,
could only delay an enemy momentarily.
Since the middle of February, when the
pocket fights had ended, there had been
little action on Bataan. During this lull
every effort had been made to improve the
battle line and to train the Philippine Army
soldier. Schools were established and a
training program organized which utilized
fully the knowledge of the enemy acquired
through bitter experience during the preceding months. Success in jungle warfare,
Skerry, Comments on Engineer Hist, Nos. 10
and 15; SLF and II Corps Rpt of Opns, p. 37.
In attacking through the jungle the
troops were taught to advance slowly. Japanese foxholes and machine gun nests, it
was pointed out, would have to be reduced
one by one, usually by individuals armed
with hand grenades. These men would have
to be supported by continuous fire from the
squad or platoon. The necessity for halting
the advance one to two hours before darkness was stressed in all training. At that
time defensive perimeters would be established to prepare for the customary Japanese night attack. The period before nightfall, it was noted, was the best time to serve
the one cooked meal of the day.
During the advance the infantry was advised it could not expect close support from
the artillery. To provide this support an
elaborate wire communications system extending to each assault company would be
required, an obvious impossibility on
Bataan where wire was in short supply.
Battalion commanders were told that artillery units would be placed in direct support and that they could call for fire as
needed. Unlike the artillery, mortars could
be used with effect in close combat in the
jungle when ammunition was available.
One of the most valuable lessons learned
during the early days of the fighting was
that the light tanks of the Provisional Tank
Group could be extremely useful in jungle
warfare. Many infantry commanders had
expressed dissatisfaction with the support
received from the tanks, while the tankers
felt that their arm was not understood by
the others. Part of the difficulty undoubtedly stemmed from the fact that the tanks
were under the control of the group commander who was himself subordinate only
to MacArthur's headquarters. Contributing
to the misunderstanding was the relative
newness of armor and the lack of apprecia-
tion by infantry commanders of the potentialities and proper use of tanks.
USAFFE headquarters attempted to
remedy this shortcoming. Tanks and infantry, it taught, should operate as a team,
with the foot soldier following close behind
the tank. This advice was based upon the
observation that the Japanese usually remained in concealed positions until the
tanks had passed and then opened up on the
infantry at a moment when it was deprived
of armored support. Experience had shown
that, except under unusual circumstances,
armor was most effective in attacks against
limited objectives where it could be supported by infantry fire. Although a co-ordinated infantry-tank attack would of necessity be slow, the advantage gained by the
tank's ability to destroy the enemy's prepared positions, it was believed, would more
than compensate for the loss of speed.
Under no circumstances, warned USAFFE
in a training memorandum, were the tanks
to be employed as pillboxes or left forward
without infantry protection.
The Americans learned valuable lessons
from the Japanese landings behind I Corps
late in January. The best defense against
these landings, it had been observed, was the
occupation of all bays and beaches with
"vigilant and aggressive" troops armed with
machine guns.11 Since there were not enough
men to cover all possible landing sites, only
the most likely could be covered in this
manner. Mobile reserves could be used in
the event of a landing at an unguarded
beach. As the enemy approached close to
shore he would be extremely vulnerable to
automatic weapons fire. "Get the Japanese
before he lands," advised USAFFE. "Ten
minutes of accurate fire placed on the Japa-
Tng Memo 14, USAFFE, 25 Feb 42, AG 353
(10 Jan 42) Phil Rcds.
ued throughout March. Trained technicians of the 14th Engineer Battalion (PS)
visited all units on the line and gave instruction and assistance in fortifications.15
was made on 28 March under cover of darkness.18 In I Corps General Jones ordered
the establishment of four switch positions
in the Pantingan River valley, on his right
flank, on the assumption that the main effort, as before, would be made between the
two corps.19
that he received orders to move out. By the
27th of the month the first convoy, comprising division and infantry group headquarters, one infantry regiment, plus artillery
and service troops, had reached Lingayen
Gulf. The remainder of the division followed
in successive convoys and by 15 March
almost the entire 4th Division was on Luzon.
The arrival of the 4th Division did not
produce any great enthusiasm at 14th Army
headquartersthe division was poorly
equipped and numbered only 11,000 men;
its infantry battalions had three instead of
four rifle companies; it lacked antitank guns
and two of its four field hospitals.29 In General Homma's opinion, Kitano's division
was the "worst equipped" division in the
entire Japanese Army, and, he later noted,
had he been forced to rely on it alone to
begin his offensive he would not have been
"competent to attack." 30
On 26 February, the day before Kitano's
first group landed, a strong detachment
from the 21st Division arrived in the Philippines. This force, led by Maj. Gen. Kameichiro Nagano, 21st Infantry group commander, and called the Nagano Detachment, numbered about 4,000 men and was
composed of the group headquarters, the
62d Infantry, a battalion of mountain artillery, and a company of engineers. Nagano
had been en route from China to French
Indochina with the rest of the 21st Division
when he had received the orders from
Southern Army that sent him to the Philippines.31 Arriving too late to participate in
the final offensive was the 10th Independent
Garrison which landed at Lingayen Gulf
on 2 April. Intended as an occupation
force, this organization consisted of five
independent battalions of infantry but
lacked supporting arms and services.32
Artillery reinforcements began to reach
the Philippines in the middle of February
and continued to arrive in increasing numbers until the first week in April. Included
among these units were a balloon company
and an artillery intelligence regiment. To
control the large number of artillery units,
Homma was also given the 1st Artillery
Headquarters, led by Lt. Gen. Kishio Kitajima, which was shipped from Hong Kong
late in March.33 Imperial General Head31
Hist of Indo-China Opns, 1941-45, Japanese
Studies in World War II, No. 24, pp. 12-13,
OCMH; Southern Army Opns, pp. 4-5, 19.
14th Army Opns, I, 119. The unit was led by
Col. Torao Ikuta and is referred to in some sources
as the Ikuta Detachment.
In addition to the strong reinforcements sent to
Luzon, Imperial General Headquarters dispatched
units to other portions of the Philippine Archipelago to hasten the occupation of the Visayas and
Mindanao. Thus far only Mindoro, a portion of
Mindanao, and a few small islands seized at the
start of the war were in Japanese hands. On 10
March elements of the 5th and 18th Divisions from
Malaya and Borneo were assigned the task of occupying the central and southern Philippines. In
early April these units arrived in Lingayen Gulf,
were augmented by 14th Army supporting and service troops and organized into two detachments for
operations in the south. See below, Ch. XXVIII.
14th Army Opns, I, 119-20; USA vs. Homma,
p. 2635, testimony of Kitajima. The artillery reinforcements consisted of the following units:
1st Arty Hq
1st Field Heavy Arty Regt (240-mm. howitzers)
2d Independent Heavy Arty Btry (240-mm.
3d Independent Mountain Arty Regt (75-mm.
mountain guns)
3d Mortar Bn
14th Independent Mortar Bn (300-mm. mortars)
MAP 20
artillery-air assault along a narrow front,
with Mt. Samat as the initial objective.
From here the Japanese would push on to
the Mt. Limay line, supported, if necessary,
by an advance along the East Road. Once
this line was gained, 14th Army would
bring the campaign to an end by seizing
Mariveles. Preparations for the assault
against Corregidor would begin immediately thereafter.36
Instructions for the coming offensive
were issued to all major commanders on 23
March at a meeting in San Fernando. General Kitano, commander of the 4th Division, was told that his division would carry
the burden of the main assault in front of
Mt. Samat and that he would receive close
support from General Nara's 65th Brigade.
Protection of the left (east) flank of the
advance was assigned to General Nagano's
21st Division detachment, and the 16th Division commander, General Morioka, was
given the mission of making a feint attack
in front of I Corps. Beginning the next day,
24 March, General Mikami's 22d Air Brigade, aided by naval aircraft, would begin
an intensive air assault against the American line, and just before the ground assault
opened General Kitajima's artillery would
join in the attack to soften up the opposition.
There was no disagreement over the selection of 3 April as D Day. But zero hour was
not fixed without a good deal of discussion.
General Kitano and his 4th Division staff
urged that the ground assault begin at noon.
To delay until later in the day, they argued,
would needlessly expose the troops to enemy
artillery fire before the attack. The 65th Brigade commander, General Nara, with three
months' experience on Bataan, felt that the
Americans would take advantage of the
daylight hours to mass their extremely effective artillery fire against the advancing
infantry if the attack jumped off too early.
He preferred to delay zero hour until dusk
and move forward under cover of darkness.
Since no agreement could be reached,
Colonel Nakayama, 14th Army operations
officer, presented a compromise plan fixing
the time of the infantry attack at 1500. A
disagreement over the objectives of the first
day's attack was also settled by compromise;
about the results of the initial attack. Once
Mt. Samat had been taken and the II Corps
front rolled back, he believed, only "a pursuit of the Americans" would be required.38
For once the more optimistic of the Japanese estimates proved correct.
Prelude to Attack
During the second week of March the
month-long lull which had followed the
Japanese withdrawal from the OrionBagac line came to an end. American and
Philippine patrols now began to meet opposition from a counterreconnaissance screen
which Homma had thrown forward to mask
preparations for the coming offensive. As
the days passed Japanese patrols became
more active, and troops along the outpost
line reported skirmishes with the enemy who
was already moving out to the line of departure. By the last week of March the
Japanese had pushed forward their screen
to within 1,000 yards of the American line.39
There were other equally obvious signs
after the middle of March that the Japanese would soon renew the attack. Observers reported that they were moving supplies and troops into Bataan and building
roads. Enemy aircraft, rarely seen in the
month following the Japanese withdrawal,
now began to appear in increasingly large
numbers, attacking front-line troops, artillery positions, and supply areas to the rear.
(PA), II, 35-36; 14th Army Opns, I, 122-23; Luzon Force Rpt of Opns, G-2 Annex. A daily report
on the enemy build-up is contained in the messages
of General Beebe to MacArthur, and Wainwright to
the War Department in G-3 USFIP Journal, 19
Mar-19 Apr 42, AG 461 (1 Apr 42) Phil Rcds.
The presence of many small boats and native craft at the mouth of the Pampanga
River on the north shore of Manila Bay
hinted at the possibility of amphibious attacks along the east coast of Bataan, similar
to those made earlier against I Corps.
Through the month the Japanese shelled
the American positions intermittently with
75-mm. guns mounted on the largest of
these boats. Though their marksmanship
was poor, their fire increased apprehension
of a landing behind the lines.40
Japanese artillery activities increased
also. The Japanese guns which had been
silent for several weeks began to sound
again and an observation balloon floating
over the high ground west of Abucay gave
notice of the arrival of larger Japanese
pieces than the Americans had yet encountered.41
To these portents of a new Japanese offensive General Homma added a direct
warning of dire consequences if the Bataan
defenders did not surrender. In a message
to General Wainwright, copies of which
were dropped over Bataan in beer cans,
Homma praised the valiant stand made by
the Americans and Filipinos but declared
that he now had large enough forces and
supplies "either to attack and put to rout
your forces or to wait for the inevitable starvation of your troops. . . ." He urged
Wainwright to be sensible and follow "the
defenders of Hongkong, Singapore and the
Netherlands East Indies in the acceptance
of an honorable defeat." To do otherwise,
he pointed out, would be disastrous. The
Exhibit 421.
Luzon Force Rpt of Opns, G-2 Annex; SLF
and II Corps Rpt of Opns, p. 47; Emerson, Opns of
II Phil Corps, 10 Jan-8 Apr 42, pp. 21-22; Fortier,
Notes on 41st Div (PA), p. 5; ltr, Fowler to author,
22 Mar 49, OCMH.
Mallone, Bataan Diary, II, 80.
place near, it sounds like an express train
bearing down on you for a few seconds before they hit."47
On 28 March, 14th Army issued final
orders for the offensive, and all troops began to move forward to the line of departure. The 65th Brigade, with elements on
both sides of the Pantingan River, pushed
in the outpost line of the 21st and 41st Divisions and took up a favorable position for
the attack, To its east, the 4th Division advanced from the assembly area to the front
and by 2 April both wings of the division
were posted along the north shore of the
Tiawir-Talisay River. The Nagano Detachment, the easternmost unit of the Japanese
advance, was already in position to carry
out its mission. Far to the west, in front of
I Corps, the 16th Division had already tied
On Good Friday the sun rose in a cloudless sky and gave promise of another hot,
dry day so like those which had preceded
it with endless monotony. From the top of
Mt. Samat two American officers serving as
artillery observers could plainly see the
heavy Japanese guns, two to three miles
behind the line, making ready to fire. Before their view was obscured they counted
nineteen batteries of artillery and eight to
ten mortar batteries. Observers to their east
reported many more batteries of light artillery massed in close support of the infantry.2
At 0900 this large array of guns, howitzers,
and mortars, altogether almost 150 pieces,
began to register on their targets.
The Japanese began firing for effect at
1000 and continued to fire with only one
Japanese sources used in the preparation of this
half-hour pause until 1500, in what was unchapter include: 14th Army Opns, I, 147-50, 156doubtedly
the most devastating barrage of
63, II, Maps 12 and 13; 5th Air Gp Opns, pp. 7274; USA vs. Homma, p. 2651, testimony of Kitathe campaign, equal in intensity, many
jima; Statements of Col Oishi, 2 Oct 50, ATIS Doc
thought, to those of the first World War.3
62639, and Col Yoshida, 28 Jul 49, ATIS Doc
the bombers of the 22d
62642, both in Statements of Japanese Officials on
Mallone, Bataan Diary, II, 81; Ellis, 23d Inf
World War II, GHQ FEC, Mil Intel Sec, III, Air Brigade came out in force to add the
113-15, IV, 548-51.
American sources of a general nature include:
USAFFE-USFIP Rpt of Opns, pp. 57-59; Luzon
Force Rpt of Opns, pp. 3-4; SLF and II Corps Rpt
of Opns, pp. 50-56; Collier, Notebooks, III, 71-74;
Quintard, Diary, entries of 3-6 Apr 42; Phil Div
Rpt of Opns, pp. 24-27; Mallone, Bataan Diary,
II, 81, 90-91. References to the detailed accounts
of operations are cited below.
weight of their bombs to the constant stream
of shells falling upon the defenders huddled
in their foxholes. In the 150 sorties flown
that day, General Mikami's air force
dropped more than sixty tons of bombs.
Smaller aircraft swooped low over the front
lines, strafing troops and vehicles at will,
while far above them observation planes
guided the bombers toward those batteries
brave enough to reply to the Japanese
barrage. "It was agonizing," wrote the
commander of an antiaircraft battery, "to
watch the heavies sail serenely over us,
1,000 yards beyond our maximum range." 4
The effect of the air-artillery bombardment was devastating. So violent and continuous were the explosions, so thunderous
the din that it seemed as though "all hell"
had broken loose.5 Many of the defenses so
carefully constructed during the weeks preceding the attack "were churned into a
worthless and useless mess."6 Telephone
lines and artillery positions were knocked
out. Fire spread rapidly when the cane fields
and bamboo thickets were set ablaze and
the smoke and dust lay so thick over the
battlefield that observers atop Mt. Samat
were unable to direct fire. By 1500 the
artillery and aircraft had done their work.
At that time the infantry and armor moved
out to the attack.
The air and artillery preparation which
had begun at 1000 that morning had been
concentrated against the comparatively
narrow front on the extreme left of II Corps,
MAP 21
of the Tiawir-Talisay River. About 1,500
yards to the rear was the regimental reserve
line. With their three regiments on the line
and with the few remaining elements deployed elsewhere, both divisions would be
hard pressed if the need for reserves should
In the 21st Division area General Capinpin had placed two of his regiments, the
division and sector flank along the Pantingan. Across the river, on the extreme
right of the I Corps line, was the 2d Philippine Constabulary.
Against this front the Japanese had
massed the entire force committed to the
assault, the 65th Brigade and the 4th Division both heavily reinforced. With the exception of one battalion west of the Pantingan, all of General Nara's reinforced
brigade was concentrated before the 42d
Infantry where Trail 29 joined the PilarBagac road. The Right Wing of the 4th
Division, led by General Taniguchi and
consisting of tanks, the 61st Infantry, a
battalion of the 8th Infantry, plus supporting and service elements, had taken up a
position north of the Tiawir, opposite the
center of Sector D, and was poised to strike
down Route 6 and the Catmon River valley.
The division's Left Wing (8th Infantry),
which was not scheduled to attack until the
5th, was farther to the east and north,
facing the two right regiments of the 21st
At 1500, when the air and artillery
bombardment shifted south, the 65th
Brigade and Taniguchi's Right Wing
moved out to the assault. Nara's troops on
the left (west) bank of the north-flowing
Pantingan, supported by heavy mortar fire,
pushed hard against the 2d Philippine Constabulary to reach the I Corps main line
of resistance. Though it was unable to penetrate the I Corps line, this force, a reinforced battalion, presented a real threat to
Jones's right flank and prevented him from
coming to the aid of the adjacent units in
Parker's corps. Nara's main effort, however,
was made against II Corps. Here, the bulk
of his brigade, led by tanks, pushed down
against the center of the 41st Division and
by late afternoon reached the 42d Infantry
this battalion stood in the path of Taniguchi's powerful Right Wing, and when the
enemy tanks appeared the Filipinos, "shattered by incessant shelling and bombing,
weak from dysentery, malaria, and malnutrition," fled to the rear.9 The right battalion
of the regiment, however, held firm. Hurriedly organizing the scattered elements of
the left battalion, the regimental commander, Lt. Col. William A. Wappenstein,
was able by nightfall to re-establish his line
with a refused left flank along the east bank
of the Catmon.
News of the rout of the 41st Division and
the disintegration of the corps left flank
reached General Parker, the corps commander, late in the afternoon of Good Friday. The danger was immediate and compelling and he quickly released the only unit
he had in reserve, the 33d Infantry (PA),
less the 1st Battalion, to General Lough,
commander of Sector D. The regiment, led
by Maj. Stanley Holmes, moved out at dusk,
under orders to establish a defensive position
across Trail 6 between Mt. Samat and the
Catmon River by morning of the 4th.
Sector D headquarters, too, took prompt
measures to stem the rout of the 41st Division and set up a line in front of the advancing Japanese. The 42d Infantry, hopelessly
disorganized and scattered, it apparently
wrote off as a total loss, but General Lough
O'Day, 21st
Div was
II, a5.chance to salvage
the shattered 43d and use it against the Japanese. On the evening of the 3d he sent Col.
Malcolm V. Fortier, senior instructor of the
41st Division, northward to help reorganize
the regiment and lead it back up the Catmon valley to a position west of the 33d
Infantry. Later that night, the sector G-3,
Col. Robert J. Hoffman, learning that the
41st Infantry had retreated to the junction
regimental reserve line. Thus, by the morning of the 4th, if all went well, there would
be three regiments, the 41st, 43d, and 33d,
in position to oppose a Japanese advance
remnants of the 42d Infantry on the western slopes of Mt. Samat on the night of
the 3d, he found the men still bewildered
and demoralized. American officers had
sought vainly to calm them and restore some
semblance of order, and Fortier was able to
round up only several hundred men from
the two regiments. After the men had been
served hot coffee, they started advancing
along the trail in the darkness toward their
new position west of the Catmon River.
There was no difficulty with the 41st Infantry. This regiment, which Colonel Hoffman had ordered forward on the night of
3-4 April, reached its former regimental
reserve line between Trail 29 and the Pantingan River without incident by 0930 of
the 4th.
Major Holmes's 33d Infantry, numbering about 600 men, had begun its march
west along the section of Trail 429 which
extended south of Mt. Samat early on the
evening of the 3d.10 The men, many of
whom had just risen from sick beds, moved
slowly in the darkness, passing large numbers of stragglers pouring back to the rear.
"Few had arms of any kind. . . . Few even
had packs . . .," wrote Capt. Robert M.
Chapin, 3d Battalion commander. "I asked
several what unit they were from but they
just looked at me blankly and wandered
on." 11 When the regiment turned north on
Trail 6, the stream of stragglers ended and
the advance was more rapid. At a zigzag
about a mile north of the intersection Major
In addition to the general sources cited, the
account of the 33d Infantry (PA) is based upon:
Maj Holmes, Hist, 33d Inf ( P A ) , p. 27A, and
Harris, 41st Engineer Bn ( P A ) , p. 34, both in
Chunn Notebooks; Chapin, Hist of 33d Inf (PA),
3-9 Apr 42, pp. 1-4, 9, OCMH.
Chapin, Hist of 33d Inf (PA), p. 3.
Holmes found a platoon of the 41st Engineer Battalion busily constructing tank obstacles and decided to set up his line there,
in position to block the Japanese advance in
the Catmon valley. By dawn the regiment
was deployed in depth across the trail with
flank guards out to warn of an unexpected
General Lough's troops now held only about
one-third of the original main line of resistance in Sector D.13
That same morning the third column of
the Japanese assaulting force, the Left
Wing of the 4th Division, composed of
Colonel Morita's reinforced 8th Infantry
(less one battalion), entered the action for
the first time. Jumping off from the north
bank of the Tiawir-Talisay, opposite the 23d
and 22d Infantry (the only two units in
Sector D still on the main line of resistance),
Morita's men crossed the river under cover
of artillery and air support at about 0900,
occupied the line of departure, and prepared to attack south later in the day. The
23d Infantry, already under pressure from
the tank column to the west, and now threatened by a strong force on its front, began to
fall back at about 1000. The 22d, on the
division and sector right flank, followed
suit soon after, thus completing the withdrawal of the last unit from the sector main
line of resistance.
Though the Japanese had already scored
important gains, neither of the 4th Division's two columns had yet begun the day's
offensive. The advance of the Right Wing's
tanks along the Pilar-Bagac road and the
Left Wing's main force across the Tiawir
had been designed to secure positions from
which the infantry would jump off at noon.
At 1100 General Taniguchi asked for an
hour's grace, explaining that he needed
more time to prepare after the rapid advance of the day before. This request was
readily granted.
This account of action in the 21st Division area
is based upon the general sources cited in note 1
and upon the following records dealing with the
21st Division ( P A ) : O'Day, 21st Div ( P A ) , I,
(PA), p. 14, and Oster and Richards, 21st Inf 62639, Statements of Japanese Officials on World
War II, GHQ FEC, Mil Intel Sec, III, 114.
(PA), p. 10, both in Chunn Notebooks.
Easter Sunday
Homma's original plan for the seizure of
Mt. Samat had called for a regrouping of
the 4th Divisions two columns once the
northern foothills of the mountain had been
reached, shifting the strength of the division
from the right to the left wing, then attacking in force along the east slopes down Trail
4. At the same time the 65th Brigade was to
continue its drive west of Mt. Samat toward
Mariveles, while the 16th Division and the
Nagano Detachment prepared to join in the
attack against the Limay line. The only
change made in this plan as a result of the
unexpected gains won on 3 and 4 April was
to move the schedule ahead. Anticipating
an earlier attack against the Limay line
than originally planned, Homma, on the
night of the 4th, ordered the 16th Division
to move east "as soon as possible" and the
The attack began at 1000 when both
columns of the 4th Division moved out. The
strengthened Left Wing, making the main
attack against the right flank of the 21st
Division, soon ran into unexpectedly stubborn resistance. The Filipinos, supported by
two battalions of the 41st Field Artillery on
the south slope of Mt. Samat and by artillery
from the adjoining sectors, put up so stiff
a fight that one Japanese officer described
it as "the fiercest combat in the second Bataan campaign." 18 Against this determined
opposition, Taniguchi's men made little
headway and by early afternoon were still
pinned down on Trail 4, far short of their
The Right Wing under Colonel Sato had
meanwhile been pushing ahead unopposed
on the exposed left flank of the 21st Division, up the northwest slopes of Mt.
Samat. Near the summit it met a single
platoon of the 21st Infantry which it easily
routed and at 1250 secured possession of
the mountain top. The position of the 41st
Field Artillery, whose fire was so effectively
pinning down General Taniguchi's Left
Wing on Trail 4, was now untenable, and
the artillerymen were forced to evacuate.
Before they did, they destroyed their equipment and rolled their guns over the cliffs.
No longer pinned down by the artillery
General Taniguchi promptly resumed the
offensive. At 1400 he sent one of his battalions across the northeast slopes of the
mountain in a flanking movement while increasing pressure on the defenders to his
front. The disorganized but hard-fighting
21st Division troops, deprived of their artillery support, were in no condition to stand
against the powerful Left Wing alone and
Statement of Col Oishi, 2 Oct 50, ATIS Doc
62639, Statements of Japanese Officials on World
War II, GHO FEC, Mil Intel Sec, III, 114.
it had become evident that, if the Japanese
were to be stopped and the main line of
resistance regained, fresh troops would have
to be thrown into the battle.
At the start of the attack Luzon Force had
in reserve the American 31st Infantry, the
Scouts of the 57th Infantryboth a part of
the Philippine Divisionthe Provisional
Tank Group, and two battalions of combat
engineers. The third regiment of the Philippine Division, the 45th Infantry (PS), was
in I Corps reserve. Only a few days before,
General King, the Luzon Force commander,
had ordered the 31st to Lamao, behind
II Corps, and the 45th Infantry to the junction of Trails 7 and 9, behind I Corps. The
57th remained farther south, in position to
move to the support of either corps.
When news of the Japanese attack first
reached General King on 3 April he ordered
the 31st Infantry to move under cover of
darkness to "a position of readiness" near
the junction of Trails 10 and 2.20 From there
it could move north on Trail 2 or west on
Trail 10 to almost any point along the front.
At the same time King ordered the Provisional Tank Group (less two companies) to
move to the direct support of Parker's imperiled corps. There was nothing more that
General King could do that day. Parker had
already released his reserve to the Sector D
commander and every effort was being
made to re-form the shattered 41st Division and to establish a line in front of the
advancing Japanese.
When, on the morning of 4 April, the 21st
Division fell back from the main line of resistance, General King took prompt measures to avert the threatened disaster in II
Corps. He gave to Parker, who already had
the support of the Provisional Tank Group,
the American 31st Infantry, possibly the
most carefully hoarded unit of the Philippine campaign, and ordered the battletested 45th Infantry (PS), less the 1st
Battalion, east across the Pantingan to
the junction of Trails 29 and 8 in the II
Corps area. The 57th Infantry King retained in force reserve, but ordered it to
move forward that night to the bivouac area
vacated by the 31st Infantry. The 14th Engineer Battalion (PS), part of the Philippine Division, and the Americans of the
803d Engineer Battalion (US) were ordered to discontinue all engineering activities and to assemble immediately in preparation for combat. Thus, at the end of the
second day's attack, Luzon Force had given
General Parker two regiments of the Philippine Division, placed the third in "a position of readiness" behind his line, and ordered the tanks to give him direct support.
With these forces the corps and sector
commanders made their plans for a counterattack.21 On the 4th, before the reinforcing
units had reached their designated assembly
nese. The 31st Infantry, when it moved out yards east of the original starting position.27
from its bivouac area at Lamao on 3 April, The regiment now would have to recapture
had to leave behind about one third of the Trail Junction 4-429 before it could even
men for evacuation to the hospital. Many begin its counterattack along Trail 4.
On the evening of the 5th the regiment
who should have remained behind rose from
their sick beds to join their comrades. Along moved out from its bivouac near the San
the line of march, men fell out of rank, too Vicente River toward its new assembly area,
exhausted to continue. The efficiency of with the 1st Battalion in the lead. The batthose who reached the front line could not talion's mission was to secure Trail 44 from
have been more than 50 percent.25 It is not its starting point on Trail 2 to its junction
surprising, therefore, that General Wain- with Trail 429, a distance of about 1,300
wright, when he visited Bataan on the 5th, yards. The remaining battalions were to
approved the plans for the morrow's pass through the 1st, the 2d taking position
counterattack "with misgivings as to the west of the trail junction and the 3d to the
south. As it passed through the 1st Battalion
shortly after midnight, the 2d Battalion
came under fire from the Japanese who had
The American Counterattack
secured Trail Junction 4-429 and were adThe mission of the 31st Infantry in the vancing along Trail 429 toward the 31st
counterattack of the 6th was to advance Infantry's new assembly area. If unchecked
north on Trail 4, east of Mt. Samat, to the they might seize Trail Junction 44-429
reserve line of the 21st Division. The regi- too, depriving the Americans of even this
ment, in position at the intersection of the jump-off point. Lt. Col. Jasper E. Brady,
San Vicente River and Trail 2 when it re- Jr., now commander of the 31st Infantry,
ceived its orders, was to move to Trail Junc- ordered his 2d Battalion to press forward
tion 4-429, the designated jump-off point, quickly to occupy this last trail junction besometime during the evening of the 5th and fore the Japanese. The battalion accommove out from there at 0600 the next plished its mission, but only with difficulty
and after a fight lasting several hours.28
Almost immediately this plan miscarried.
Trail 44 extended from the intersection of
Late on the afternoon of the 5th General Route
2 and the San Vicente River southward along
Taniguchi's powerful Left Wing, advancing the west bank of the river to Trail 8.
In addition to the sources cited in the precedsouth on Trail 4, had routed the 21st Diviing section, this account is based upon: Amato
sion elements along the trail and Colonel and Murphy, 2d Bn, 45th Inf (PS), pp. 14-15,
Sato's Right Wing had hit the division com- Croom, Hist, 3d Bn, 45th Inf (PS), pp. 15-16, and
mand post on Trail Junction 4-429. When Anderson, 57th Inf (PS) Opns, p. 6, all three in
Chunn Notebooks; Lt Col Joaquin Esperitu, Brief
informed of these events, sector headquar- Hist of 22d Inf (PA), p. 8; ltr, C. A. McLaughlin
to author, 14 Jun 49, OCMH; Col Young, CO 51st
ters changed the 31st Infantry's jump-off
Combat Team, Opns of 51st Combat Team, in
point to Trail Junction 44-429, about 1,300 Bluemel,
31st Div (PA) Rpt of Opns, p. 23; Capt
Brady, Diary, entry of 6 Apr 42, and Farrell,
Notes for Regtl Hist, pp. 20-21, both in Brady
Papers, OCMH.
On the west, along the line of the Pantingan, the counterattack of 6 April got off
to a good start. Shortly after midnight, 5
of the march they were expected to continue east along Trail 8, then fight their
way through the roadblock at Trail Junction 6-8 to re-establish contact with the
57th Infantry. Until they did, General
Lough and his forces west of the block
would be separated from the rest of Sector
D and from II Corps.
81-mm. mortar shells, succeeded in disengaging the enemy and rejoined the regiment which by nightfall was in its new
position. There was nothing now to prevent
a juncture between Taniguchi's men and the
37th Infantry advancing south on Trail 2.
By 1600 of the 6th it was evident that a
line in front of the San Vicente could not
be held and at that time General Parker
directed a general withdrawal to the river.
Bluemel, who had three times before requested permission to pull back to the San
Vicente, was given command of the 31st
Infantry and the 3d Battalion, 57th, and
directed to establish his line along the river's
east bank.
From the main line of resistance in
Sector B, the new line would extend in
a southwesterly direction through Sector C
to link up with the 57th Infantry troops
facing the Japanese on Trail Junction 6-8.
On the north, to the left of Sector B, was
the 32d Infantry (PA). Next to it, across
Trail 2, were the remaining elements of the
51st Combat Team and some 31st Division
(PA) troops. Below the trail was the
American 31st Infantry with the 31st Engineer Battalion (PA) to its left. The 3d
Battalion, 57th Infantry, under Major
Johnson, which moved up to the San
Vicente on the night of the 6th, took up a
position on the left of the engineers, on the
south flank.
Southwest of this line, east of Trail Junction 6-8, was the rest of the 57th Infantry.
In the same order which established the San
Vicente line, Parker placed all the Sector D
troops east of Trail 6 under Col. Edmund J.
Lilly, Jr., the 57th commander, and gave
him the 201st and 202d Engineer Battalions
(PA) from corps reserve. Lilly's mission was
to recapture the trail junction and establish
contact with the 45th Infantry to the west.
The two engineer battalions were to move
up that night and take a position on the
right of the 1st and 2d Battalions of the
57th, to tie in Lilly's force with the 3d Battalion of the regiment on the south flank of
the San Vicente line. When this move was
completed, the II Corps line would extend
west from Orion along the Orion cutoff,
then southwest behind the San Vicente
River across Trail 2 to Trail 8 east of the
trail junction.
When the action of the 6th was over the
Americans and Filipinos found themselves
in a desperate situation. The carefully prepared counterattack launched that morning
had failed dismally and the enemy had
quickly seized the initiative to score decisive
gains. He had secured the vital Trail Junction 6-8 to cut off General Lough, with the
45th and 41st Infantry, from II Corps. All
of the important north-south trails in Sector
D29, 6, and 4as well as Trail 44 and a
portion of Trail 2, were now in his hands.
He had driven in the left half of the II
Corps line, split the two corps, occupied
Mt. Samat, and threatened to turn the unhinged II Corps flank and push on to the
To forestall this move the Americans had
established a sharply bent and shortened
line behind the San Vicente River. The men
on this line were already weakened and
partially disorganized. Two entire divisions
and a regiment had been lost. Another two
regiments and a sector headquarters had
been cut off. The remaining troops, in poor
condition at the start, were hardly fit for
combat. Most of the reserves had been committed, and additional forces would have to
come largely from Jones's intact I Corps.
The outlook was bleak.
(4-13-42) MB.
and routed three Philippine Army divisions.
To MacArthur these events signified imminent disaster. "It is apparent to me," he
told the Chief of Staff, "that the enemy has
driven a wedge between I and II Corps and
is still advancing." 35 By the time this estimate reached Washington, disaster had
already overtaken the luckless men on
Juanita Redmond, I Served on Bataan (New
York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1943), p. 111. See
also Cooper, Med Dept Activities, pp. 56-57. The
Japanese later apologized for the bombing.
Trail 46 extended about five miles in a northeasterly direction from Trail Junction 8-44, across
Trails 2 and 38, to join the East Road about a
half mile south of Orion.
Ibid., p. 21.
II, 9
That night General Wainwright could report to Washington only a succession of retreats.
Continued heavy enemy pressure, constant
bombing, strafing, and shelling of front line
units [he wrote] forced all elements of the right
half of our line in Bataan to fall back. A new
defensive position is forming on the high
ground south of the Alangan River. . . . The
left half of our line, due to an exposed flank,
withdrew on orders and is taking up a defense position south of the Binuangan River.
Fighting is intense, casualties on both sides
Filipinos, who were digging their foxholes
when the planes came over, fled for cover
and had to be rounded up after the planes
had passed. When the bombers came back
again, the men again threw down their entrenching tools and fled, and again they had
to be brought back. With each successive attack, the number of men on the line, some
of them forced into position at pistol point,
became fewer. The Constabulary troops east
of the 31st Infantry also fled, and by about
1500, before a single Japanese soldier had
appeared, Colonel Irwin's portion of the
line was entirely deserted.
Enemy planes did not limit their attacks
that morning to the men along the Alangan
River. They struck at artillery positions,
supply points, troops, and vehicles. The most
profitable targets were the trails, clogged
with dazed and weakened men stumbling
to the rear. A Japanese pilot could hardly
miss on a strafing run over this uninterrupted line of disorganized troops, and the
ditches along the trails were lined with the
dead and wounded.24
The Japanese infantry reached the Alangan River at about 1400, when advance
patrols appeared in front of the 57th Infantry. Before long the enemy infantrymen
found the exposed right flank and began to
filter to the rear of the Scouts. At about the
same time other small groups of Japanese
struck the 31st Infantry (US) to the west.
The Americans, reduced to less than company strength, were forced to fall back at
1700, and the 57th, with both its flanks
exposed, followed suit.
The main Japanese effort that afternoon
was made against the 14th Engineer Battalion and the 26th Cavalry by a force
consisting of the 8th Infantry and the 7th
already south of the river and pushing forward rapidly along the East Road and
Trail 20.
The brigade had been formed on 7 April from
Groupment A and consisted of the 200th Coast
Artillery (AA) and the 515th Coast Artillery (AA),
orders from General Parker to form a line
along the Lamao River and within the hour
he had his men across the river and in an
assembly area.30 But the establishment of a
line was not so easily accomplished. None
of the officers knew the area and the moonless night made it difficult to find defensible
positions along which to deploy the troops.
After a discouraging reconnaissance in the
darkness Bluemel, who by now was using the
26th Cavalry staff as his own, concluded
that a line behind the Lamao "was not feasible." 31 Unable to reach either corps or
Luzon Force headquarters, he finally turned
for aid to General Wainwright, who could
only advise him to use his own judgment.32
Even without precise information on
Bluemel's situation it was already evident to
General King that II Corps had disintegrated. Reports from officer patrols and
from the tanks and the self-propelled 75's
clearly reflected the chaotic state of the com-
condition of his troops was such that an attack under any condition was impossible.
General King accepted this estimate without question and with it the responsibility
for refusing to transmit to Jones an order
which he knew could not be executed.37
Apparently he did not inform General
Wainwright of this decision.
As the precious hours went by and no
word reached Corregidor about the attack,
General Wainwright had his chief of staff,
General Beebe, telephone directly to General Jones to ask if he had received the order.
When Jones replied that the order had not
been transmitted, Beebe told him that he
would probably receive instructions to attack shortly. General King soon learned of
Beebe's call and at three o'clock in the morning, 9 April, he telephoned USFIP at Corregidor to inquire if I Corps had been removed from his command. Through his
chief of staff who took the call, Wainwright
assured the Luzon Force commander that
he was still in command of all the forces on
Bataan. There was no further discussion of
the attack order, but Wainwright apparently still believed that an effort would be
made to carry it out.38 This telephone call at
0300 of the 9th was the last conversation
Wainwright had with King. Already two
emissaries had gone forward with a white
flag to meet the Japanese commander.
38 37 Cooper, Med Dept Activities, p. 35; Luzon
Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story, pp.
Force Rpt of Opns, p. 6; Collier, Notebooks, IV, 2;
intervs, author with Gen King, 12 Feb 47, Gen
Jones, and Col Collier, 20 Nov 46, OCMH;
Brougher, 11th Div (PA) Surrender, p. 1; Alexander, Personal Recollections of Bataan, p. 122.
81-82; USAFFE-USFIP Rpt of Opns, p. 61. Colonel Alexander, who was in King's command post
that night, confirms this telephone conversation.
King, he says, declared, "I want a definite answer
as to whether or not General Jones will be left in
my command regardless of what action I may take."
Alexander, Personal Recollections of Bataan, pp.
When, late in the evening of 8 April,
General Wainwright ordered a counterattack by I Corps in the direction of Olongapo, General King had already reached
the conclusion that he had no alternative
but to surrender. By that time all chance
of halting the Japanese advance, much less
launching a successful counterattack, was
gone. The last of his reserves as well as those
of the two corps had been committed. On
the left, I Corps was still intact but was in
the process of withdrawal in an effort to tie
in its right flank with the rapidly crumbling
II Corps. General Parker's corps on the right
had completely disintegrated and no longer
existed as a fighting force. Efforts to hold at
the Alangan River had failed and General
Bluemel had reported soon after dark that
his small force of 1,300 Scouts and Americans was in retreat. The Provisional Coast
Artillery Brigade (AA) had been ordered
to destroy its antiaircraft equipment and
form as infantry along the high ground just
south of the Cabcaben airfield, near the
southern tip of the peninsula. On the night
of 8 April this unit formed the only line between the enemy and the supply and service
elements around Cabcaben and Mariveles.
"II Corps as a tactical unit," wrote King's
G-3, "no longerexisted."1
The deterioration of the line in the II
Corps sector gave the enemy free passage
to the south where the hospitals with their
Ibid., IV, 2.
physical effort necessary for a successful
General Wainwright was well aware of
the disintegration of the Luzon Force. His
messages to Marshall and MacArthur on
the 8th gave a clear picture of impending
doom. Late that night he had told MacArthur, "with deep regret," that the troops
on Bataan were "fast folding up," and that
the men were so weak from malnutrition
"that they have no power of resistance." 3
MacArthur, in turn, had alerted Washington to the danger. "In view of my intimate
knowledge of the situation there," he
warned the Chief of Staff, "I regard the
situation as extremely critical and feel you
should anticipate the possibility of disaster
there very shortly." 4 By the time this warning reached Washington silence had fallen
on Bataan.
If the situation appeared critical to those
on Corregidor and in Australia, how much
blacker was the future to General King on
whom rested the responsibility for the fate of
the 78,000 men on Bataan. As early as the
afternoon of 7 April, when the last of the
Luzon Force and I Corps reserves had been
committed without appreciably delaying
the enemy, he had realized that his position
was critical. It was then that he sent his
chief of staff, General Funk, to Corregidor
to inform Wainwright that the fall of Bataan was imminent and that he might have
to surrender. Funk's face when he told
Wainwright about the physical condition of
the troops and the disintegration of the line,
"was a map of the hopelessness of the Ba3
Rad, Wainwright to MacArthur, No. 199, 8 Apr
42, USFIP G-3 Journal, AG 461 (1 Apr 42) Phil
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, No. 116, 8 Apr 42,
Msgs from Gen MacArthur, OPD Exec O. A note on
this copy states that only one copy of the radio
exists, in the Chief of Staff files.
taan situation." 5 While he never actually
stated during the course of his conversation
with Wainwright that General K i n g
thought he might have to surrender, Funk
left the USFIP commander with the impression that the visit was made "apparently with a view to obtaining my consent
to capitulate." 6
Though Wainwright shared King's feelings about the plight of the men on Bataan,
his answer to Funk was of necessity based
upon his own orders. On his desk was a message from MacArthur which prohibited surrender under any conditions. When Wainwright had written ten days earlier that if
supplies did not reach him soon the troops
on Bataan would be starved into submission, MacArthur had denied his authority
to surrender and directed him "if food fail"
to "prepare and execute an attack upon the
enemy." 7 To the Chief of Staff he had written that he was "utterly opposed, under any
circumstances or conditions to the ultimate
capitulation of this command. ... If it is
to be destroyed it should be upon the actual
field of battle taking full toll from the
enemy." 8
Rad, Wainwright to MacArthur, No. 398, 4 May
42, AG 384.1, GHQ SWPA. This message was written almost a month after the surrender in answer to
MacArthur's request for a complete explanation of
King's action.
Rad, MacArthur to Wainwright, No. 68, 4 Apr
42, AG 384.1, GHQ SWPA; Wainwright, General
Wainwright's Story, p. 79.
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, No. 56, 1 Apr 42,
AG 384.3, GHQ SWPA. In this message MacArthur
had explained that he had "long ago" prepared a
"comprehensive plan," and that he had not told
Wainwright about it "as I feared it might tend to
shake his morale and determination." He offered
also to attempt to return to the Philippines "to rejoin
this command temporarily and take charge of this
movement." General Marshall's reply was noncom-
OPD Exec O.
At just what point in the last hectic days
of the battle of Bataan General King made
his decision is not clear. He may already
have decided to surrender on the 7th when
he sent Funk to Corregidor, for even at that
time it was evident that defeat was inevitable. The next day, sometime during the
afternoon, King instructed his senior commanders to make preparations for the destruction of all weapons and equipment,
except motor vehicles and gasoline, but to
wait for further orders before starting the
actual destruction. At the same time he
told General Wainwright that if he expected
to move any troops from Bataan to Corregidor, he would have to do it that night
"as it would be too late thereafter." 14 When
Colonels Constant Irwin and Carpenter
came to Bataan to discuss the withdrawal
of the 45th Infantry (PS) with the Luzon
Force staff they "gained the impression"
after a conversation with King that he felt
the decision to surrender "might be forced
upon" him.15
The inability of General Bluemel's force
to hold the line at the Alangan River on the
8th must have been the deciding factor in
General King's decision to surrender. He
learned of Bluemel's predicament after dark
when General Parker reported that the
May 42, AG 384.1, GHQ SWPA; interv, Lt J. C.
Bateman with Maj Tisdelle, aide to Gen King, 22
Jan 46, copy in OCMH; Tisdelle, Diary, entry of
8 Apr 42.
Alangan River position had been turned
from the west and that all units were withdrawing. As a last desperate measure he
ordered Colonel Sage's antiaircraft brigade
to establish a line south of the Cabcaben airfield. By 2300 it was evident that it would
be impossible to reinforce the last thin line,
which was still forming, and that there was
nothing to prevent the enemy from reaching
the congested area to the south. It was at this
time that General King held "a weighty,
never to be forgotten conference" with his
chief of staff and his operations officer.16
At this meeting General King reviewed
the tactical situation very carefully with his
two staff officers and considered all possible
lines of action. Always the three men came
back to the same problem: would the Japanese be able to reach the high ground north
of Mariveles, from which they could dominate the southern tip of Bataan as well as
Corregidor, as rapidly if the Luzon Force
opposed them as they would if their advance
was unopposed. The three men finally
agreed that the Japanese would reach Mariveles by the evening of the next day, 9 April,
no matter what course was followed. With
no relief in sight and with no possible
chance to delay the enemy, General King
then decided to open negotiations with the
Japanese for the conclusion of hostilities on
Bataan. He made this decision entirely on
to MacArthur,
No. the
and with
Collier, Notebooks, IV, 2; Luzon Force Rpt of
Opns, p. 6; intervs, author with Gen King, 12 Feb
47, and Col Collier, 20 Nov 46, OCMH. Colonel
Alexander, who was in King's command post that
night, states that as soon as General King finished
his telephone conversation with Jones, presumably
in connection with Wainwright's order to counterattack, he sent for General Parker and his chief of
staff. Parker, therefore, may have been present at the
conference. Alexander, Personal Recollections of
Bataan, p. 122.
cifically the following points if he discussed
terms with the Japanese:
a. The large number of sick and wounded
in the two General hospitals, particularly Hospital #1 which is dangerously close to the area
wherein artillery projectiles may be expected
to fall if hostilities continue.
b. The fact that our forces are somewhat
disorganized and that it will be quite difficult
to assemble them. This assembling and organizing of our own forces, necessary prior to their
being delivered as prisoners of war, will necessarily take some time and can be accomplished
by my own staff and under my direction.
c. The physical condition of the command
due to long siege, during which they have been
on short rations, which will make it very difficult to move them a great distance on foot.
d. . . .
e. Request consideration for the vast number of civilians present at this time in Bataan,
most of whom have simply drifted in and
whom we have to feed and care for. These
people are in no way connected with the
American or Filipino forces and their presence
is simply incidental due to circumstances under
which the Bataan phase of hostilities was
Bluemel told his regimental commanders
and directed them to alert their own officers
immediately. Not all units were informed
so promptly, and it was only by a narrow
margin that these units escaped disaster the
next morning.
When Colonel Williams and Major Hurt
finally started toward the front lines about
0330 of the 9th, the destruction of equipment was already under way.22 Depot and
warehouse commanders had been alerted
about noon of the 8th to prepare for demolitions and about midnight the order to
begin the destruction was given by Luzon
Force headquarters. Some commanders
anticipated the order and destruction of
equipment began somewhat earlier than
midnight. The Chemical Warfare depot began to dump chemicals into the bay during
the afternoon and completed the task during
the night.23
As though nature had conspired to add
to the confusion, an earthquake of serious
proportions shook the peninsula "like a leaf"
at about 2130.24 About an hour later the
Navy started to destroy its installations at
Mariveles. "Pursuant to orders from General Wainwright," Captain Hoeffel informed the Navy Department, "am destroying and sinking Dewey Drydock, Canopus,
Napa, Bittern tonight." 25 Soon the rumble
of explosions could be heard from Mariveles
Memo, King
8 of
42, sub:
while flames shot high above the town,
lighting up the sky for miles around. The
climax came when the Canopus blew up
with a tremendous roar: "She seemed,"
wrote an observer, "to leap out of the water
in a sheet of flame and then drop back down
heavily like something with all the life gone
out of it."26
The Navy's fireworks were but the prelude to the larger demolitions that were to
follow when the Army's ammunition was
destroyed. Though stored in the congested
area adjacent to General Hospital No. 1,
the engineer and quartermaster depots, and
Luzon Force and II Corps headquarters,
the TNT and ammunition had to be destroyed where they were. There was no
time to move them to a safer place and
hardly time to transfer the hospital patients
away from the danger area. In the dumps
were hundreds of thousands of rounds of
small-arms ammunition and artillery shells
of all calibers. Powder trains were laid to the
separate piles of ammunition, and shells of
larger caliber were set off by rifle fire.
Destruction began shortly after 2100 and
at 0200 the first TNT warehouses went up
with an explosion that fairly rocked the area.
Then followed a most magnificent display of
fireworks. Several million dollars worth of
explosives and ammunition filled the sky
"with bursting shells, colored lights, and
sprays of rainbow colors. . . . Never did a
4th of July display equal it in noise, lights,
colors or cost." 27 After the explosion shell
fragments of all sizes fell like hail and men
in the vicinity took refuge in their foxholes.
The headquarters building at King's command post, a flimsy structure about 200 by
and bullets from a lone Japanese plane
reached Corregidor in safety.30
Altogether about 2,000 persons, including
300 survivors of the 31st Infantry (US),
Navy personnel, some Scouts from the 26th
Cavalry, and Philippine Army troops, escaped from Bataan in small boats and barges
that night. The remainder of General King's
force of 78,000 was left behind to the tender
mercy of the Japanese.31
Meanwhile, Colonel Williams and Major
Hurt had gone forward to meet the Japanese commander. They began their journey
in a reconnaissance car with motorcycle
escort, but, unable to make progress against
the heavy traffic moving away from the
front lines, were soon forced to abandon the
car. Williams climbed on the back of the
motorcycle and continued forward, leaving
Hurt to make his way as best he could on
foot. "After talking to myself," wrote the
major in his diary, "saying a few prayers,
wondering what is in store for me in the
future, bumming rides and a lot of walking"
against the tide of "crouching, demoralized,
beaten foot soldiers," he met Williams again
on the East Road, two miles south of the
front lines.32 By this time the Colonel had
acquired a jeep and driver and the two men
started forward again. Except for the far-
Lt. Col. Joseph Ganahl with some tanks,
two 75-mm. guns (SPM), and a few troops.
At 0530 Ganahl and his men withdrew,
leaving Williams, Hurt, and the driver
alone. An hour later, as the sky was turning
light, they drove forward into Japanese-held
territory. Soon after about thirty "screaming" Japanese with "bayonets flashing"
rushed at them.33 Waving a bedsheet, their
improvised white flag, both men descended
from the jeep with raised hands. For the
moment the entire mission was in jeopardy
but fortunately a Japanese officer arrived
and Williams was able to make him understand by signs and by waving his instructions in the officer's face that he wished to
see the commanding officer. The Japanese
got into his car, motioning for Williams and
Hurt to follow. With a sigh of relief they
drove on, past American prisoners with
wrists tied behind them and Japanese
On Corregidor General Wainwright
spent the night in ignorance of these events.
At 0300 he spoke to King on the telephone
but King did not mention his decision to
surrender.36 It was only three hours later, at
Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story, p.
81. General King's aide states that King spoke to
General Beebe, not Wainwright, at this time. This
is borne out by Wainwright, who explained in a
message to General MacArthur that he could not
hear well because of a poor connection and had
given the phone to Beebe. Rad, Wainwright to
MacArthur, No. 398, 4 May 42, AG 384.1, GHQ
SWPA; interv, Bateman with Tisdelle, 22 Jan 46.
Colonel Alexander reports that after this telephone conversation King told his staff that Wainwright would not agree to the surrender of Bataan
but that he would not interfere. King then went on
to say, Colonel Alexander recollects, that if he
survived he expected to be court-martialed, and he
was certain that history would not deal kindly with
At 6 o'clock this morning General
King . . . without my knowledge or approval sent a flag of truce to the Japanese
commander. The minute I heard of it I disapproved of his action and directed that there
would be no surrender. I was informed it
was too late to make any change, that the
action had already been taken. . . . Physical
exhaustion and sickness due to a long period
of insufficient food is the real cause of this
terrible disaster. When I get word what terms
have been arranged I will advise you.39
"We had direct communication with General King
by telephone and radio up to the time of initiation
of move to surrender." There is some disagreement
over this point, and many of the officers claim that
communications with Bataan were not interrupted
until later in the day and that they talked with
other officers on Bataan after 0600.
Rad, Wainwright to MacArthur, No. 200, 9
Apr 42, AG 384.1, GHO SWPA.
so informed, they were, in fact, hostages and
not prisoners of war.
Colonel Collier and Major Hurt, accompanied by a Japanese officer, were sent back
to headquarters to pass on the news of the
surrender to General Funk. On the way,
they were to inform all troops along the
road and along the adjoining trails to march
to the East Road, stack arms, and await
further instructions. Orders for the final
disposition of the troops would come from
Homma. Meanwhile, by agreement with
Nagano, the Japanese forces along the east
coast would advance only as far as the
Cabcaben airfield.50
The battle for Bataan was ended; the
fighting was over. The men who had survived the long ordeal could feel justly proud
of their accomplishment. For three months
they had held off the Japanese, only to be
overwhelmed finally by disease and starvation. In a very real sense theirs had been
"a true medical defeat," the inevitable outcome of a campaign of attrition, of "consumption without replenishment." 51 Each
man had done his best and none need feel
Interv, author with Collier, 20 Nov 46, OCMH;
Collier, Notebooks, IV, 12-13; Funk, Comments on
Draft MS, p. 11, OCMH; USA vs. Homma, Prosecution Exhibit 425, testimony of King.
Rpt, Surg LF to CG LF, 30 Jun 42, sub:
Med Aspects of the Surrender, prepared in prison
camp and lent to the author. A copy is on file in
quarters, grouped around the traditional parade grounds. The ground was high almost
to the beach line where it dropped precipitously to the water's edge. Cutting into the
cliffs were two ravines, James and Cheney,
which gave access from the beaches to the
crowded area above. These ravines, together
with Ramsey Ravine which led to Middleside, were the critical points in the defense
of Corregidor against hostile landings.
driven cold-storage plants. The large seacoast gun batteries, though equipped with
emergency power sets, relied on the power
plant, and ventilation for the vast underground tunnels depended on electrically
operated blowers. Although there were sixty-five miles of roads and trails on the island,
much of the heavy equipment was moved
over an electric railroad with thirteen and
a half miles of track which led to all important military installations. The garrison,
the garrison. Later, 200 sailors from Corregidor were added to the marine detachment
and Comdr. Francis J. Bridget, who had
commanded the naval battalion in the Battle of the Points, assumed command of the
beach defenses. His force was almost doubled
when the crews of four gunboats, about 225
men, were sent to the island. By the end of
FORT DRUM. El Fraile Island before the concrete battleship was constructed, above;
and after, below.
Field on the tail of the tadpole were destroyed. Power, communication, and water
lines were temporarily disrupted but little
permanent damage was wrought. Casualties for the day were twenty killed and eighty
After the first bombings there was a
marked change in the reaction of the men.
Before the 29th, despite warning, they had
crowded the doorways and windows to
watch the planes and speculate about probable targets, safe in the knowledge that Corregidor would not be hit. "All of us," wrote
Captain Ames, "were too careless of bombs
and bullets at first." 11 But that attitude
quickly changed. "Now," noted Colonel
Bunker, commander of the Seaward Defenses, "they all stampede for the nearest
cover and get as far under it as possible." 12
As a matter of fact, it soon became difficult
to get some of the men out of their shelters,
even when there were no planes overhead.
There was a marked change, too, in the
and bent sheet iron." 9 Fire sprang up at attitude toward the weather after the first
many points so that to an observer on Ba- attack from the air. Bright moonlight, "by
taan the island appeared to be enveloped which we had wooed our sweethearts and
"in clouds of dust and black smoke." 10 Al- wives," carried the threat of night attack.
together about 60 percent of all wooden It gave away the position of vessels and
buildings on Corregidor were destroyed dur- made the large searchlights of the harbor
ing the first bombings. Headquarters, defenses nearly useless. The beautiful sunUSAFFE, promptly moved into Malinta rise and sunset of the tropics lost their atTunnel the next day.
tractiveness when enemy planes chose that
Fortunately, damage to military installa- time for attack. In the muted light of dawn
tions, the major target of the Japanese air- and dusk it was difficult to pick out the atcraft, was comparatively slight. Two of the tacking aircraft. Clouds, unless they were
gun batteries suffered minor damage which high and solid, were considered "a curse"
was repaired within twenty-four hours. Sev- by the antiaircraft gunners, and cloud foreral of the small vessels docked at Bottom- mations through which enemy aircraft could
side and at anchor near the island were hit, drop for a bombing run were a "pet hate."
and two Philippine Army planes at Kindley The feared typhoons, on the other hand,
were eagerly awaited. "We prayed for them
that "the whistle of my descent must have
rivalled that of the falling bomb." 8 Others
were equally surprised and displayed a tendency to head for the corners of the rooms
where they fancied they were safer than
elsewhere. Fortunately windows and entrances had been sandbagged and broken
glass caused few casualties.
The first bombs hit the vacated station
hospital and many of the wooden structures
on Topside and Middleside. One bomb
struck the post exchange, went through the
roof and three concrete floors, buried itself
in eight feet of earth, and left a crater about
twenty feet in diameter. Fully half the barracks and headquarters buildings were demolished and only a part of the foundation
of the officers' club remained after the
bombing. Many of the structures were of
corrugated iron, and the danger from flying
bits of metal was often as great as that from
the bombs. Bottomside, after the bombing,
appeared to be "one huge mass of jagged
Ibid., 96.
He did not have long to wait. On 5 February, his orders arrived and next morning
at 0800 the Kondo Detachment opened fire
against the fortified islands. Fort Drum was
the principal target that day and the Japanese guns hit it almost one hundred times
during the three-hour attack. By accident or
design, the choice of the early morning hours
for the attack placed the sun behind the
Japanese and made observation by the
Americans difficult. They replied as best
Regiment, the 2d Independent Heavy Artillery Battery, both equipped with 240mm. howitzers, and the 3d Tractor Unit
with prime movers for the heavy guns. The
Kondo Detachment had been dissolved and
a new organization, the Hayakawa Detachment, formed. Col. Masayoshi Hayakawa,
commander of the 1st Heavy Artillery, led
the reorganized force, and, according to the
usual Japanese practice, gave it his name.
By 15 March all preparations for the
stepped-up artillery bombardment of the
harbor defenses had been completed.
The attack opened at 0730 of the 15th
with a volley from the 240-mm. howitzers
and continued throughout the day. Although all four islands came under fire,
Forts Frank and Drum bore the brunt of
the bombardment. Approximately 500
shells fell on Fort Frank alone; another 100
on Fort Drum. Two of Frank's batteries,
one of 155-mm. guns and the other of 3-inch
antiaircraft guns, were almost entirely destroyed, and two other batteries were put
out of commission temporarily. Fort Drum
escaped more lightly. Its only damage came
when a shell penetrated the armor of the 6inch battery on the south side and burst inside the casemate, filling the concrete battleship with flames, smoke, and fumes. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Despite
every effort during the day to neutralize the
enemy fire, the bombardment continued
until afternoon. "It hurt me like blazes,"
wrote Colonel Bunker on Corregidor, "to
see my friends under fire and be so powerless to help them." 21
The attack continued with unabated
vigor the next day and with varying inten-
bombardment, when Ivey's reports appeared inconsistent, the fire control center
asked him how he knew there was a Japanese gun in the position. "He replied,"
wrote Colonel Bunker, "that he couldn't
see it, but judged by the sound that it was
there." 24 When fire was shifted to another
target, the observer's instructions, which
failed to distinguish between deflection and
about forty-five bancas, were later destroyed range, were just as confusing and the fire
was discontinued.
by 75-mm. gunfire from Fort Frank.
Throughout the long-range artillery duel
Rarely was General Moore able to secure
the effectiveness of American counterbat- the services of the few remaining aircraft to
tery fire was limited by the difficulty of fly reconnaissance. When he did the results
locating the Japanese guns. There was no were most gratifying. One such occasion
flash during daylight, and both Kondo and came on 9 February, when Capt. Jesus A.
Hayakawa were careful to take every pre- Villamor, in an obsolete Philippine Army
caution to avoid giving away their position. training plane equipped with a camera, set
They camouflaged their guns skillfully, out to take photographs of the Ternate area.
moved them when necessary, and even sent Protecting his slow and unarmed biplane
up false smoke rings when their batteries were six P-40's. Villamor completed his
were in action. The American and Filipino mission, but on the way back the formation
artillerymen tried to fix the enemy's posi- was attacked by six enemy fighters. While
tion by the use of sound waves, but this Villamor came in with his precious photomethod proved too delicate and compli- graphs, the P-40's engaged the enemy in a
cated. Another method, admittedly less ac- spectacular fight over Bataan. In the space
curate but easier to use, was to compute the of a few minutes the American pilots
enemy's position by the line of falling duds. brought down four of the enemy fighters
The results could rarely be checked, but the and fatally damaged the remaining two.
batteries of all four forts fired daily, hope- Only one P-40 was lost.25 Meanwhile the
ful that they might knock out some of the photographs taken by Villamor were printed
Japanese guns with a lucky hit.
and rushed to Corregidor where they were
For a time firing data was received from collated with reports from observers on the
a small group of volunteers on the mainland ground. The counterbattery fire that folled by Capt. Richard G. Ivey of the 60th lowed proved remarkably accurate and sevCoast Artillery (AA). Ivey had established eral direct hits were scored.
an observation post on high ground along
The difficulties of counterbattery fire
the south coast of the bay and, until he was were further increased when the Japanese
driven out on 15 February, served as a moved their guns to the Pico de Loro hills
spotter, sending his information by walkie24
Ibid., entry of 15 Feb 42. The italics are Colotalkie radio. Even this observed fire proved
nel Bunker's.
of doubtful effectiveness. During one
Ind, Bataan: The Judgment Seat, pp. 288-92.
caution was a wise one, for the Japanese
did actually plan to capture both Forts
Frank and Drum, and had even designated
the unit which was to make the assault.
General Homma canceled this plan, however, in order to strengthen the force he
was assembling late in March for the final
attack against Bataan. The landing craft
which had been collected for the attack,
A small quantity of additional instantaneous fuze ammunition was obtained as a
result of experiments made by Colonel Bunker, He modified the fuze of the 1,070pound shells used in the 12-inch guns by removing the .05-second delay pellet, thus
detonating the shell more quickly. When he
test-fired two such shells he got "beautiful
results, up to my wildest hopes." The effect,
he noted, was equal to that of a personnel
shell, "both in dirt thrown up and in noise
made." 27 But though the modified projectile exploded on impact, it had only a small
bursting charge and a limited effect. Thus,
despite every effort to secure effective counterbattery fire, the Americans were never
able to prevent the Japanese from firing almost at will.
The artillery duel which had begun early
in February came to an end on 22 March.
Though the Americans reported artillery
fire from the Cavite shore until early in
April, it could not have come from the
strengthened by the addition of an 8-inch
gun with a range of 24,000 yards and a 360degree traverse. This gun was brought over
from Bataan and mounted on a prepared
concrete base near Malinta. Though it was
tested and ready for use by 4 March, no
crew was available and the gun never fired
a shot at the enemy. At Fort Hughes, one
155-mm. gun facing the sea was dis- time," observed one battery commander,
mounted, moved through the tunnel, and
emplaced on the opposite side of the island,
pointing toward Bataan.
Vital installations were strengthened in
various ways. Around the large well at the
west end of Malinta Tunnel the engineers
placed a circular parapet of sandbags, and
over the gasoline storage area on Morrison
Hill they placed two feet of heavily reinforced concrete, which they then camouflaged. Similar protection was given the
ians followed the routine of the military garrison, but an exception was made for the
women, who were assigned special facilities
in an area known as the "ladies' lateral." 35
For the men outside, a trip through the
tunnel was an interesting experience and
never failed to rouse wonder. Milling about
were Philippine and American government
officials, officers of all services and all ranks,
nurses in white starched uniforms, war correspondents, laborers, repair and construc-
Life everywhere on the islands went underground and the symbol of the new molelike existence was Malinta Tunnel. "Everyone who doesn't need to be elsewhere,"
observed Captain Ames, "was in a tunnel
chiefly Malinta." 34 During the bombings
Such unfair judgments were perhaps inevitable where some men were exposed to
danger and others, by reason of their assignment, enjoyed the safetyand discomfort
heavy artillery and aerial preparation, starting on 24 March and continuing until victory was achieved. To the air forces he had
assigned a threefold mission: to support the
advance of ground units, bomb forward and
rear installations, and cut the line of supply
between Bataan and Corregidor. All aircraft were given targets on Bataan; but the
60th and 62d Heavy Bombardment Regiments and the Navy were directed to bomb
Corregidor as well. Careful plans were made
for the period from 24 to 28 March and an
agreement was concluded between the Army
and Navy which made possible a unified
plan of air action and the joint bombardment of targets by the aircraft of both services. After the 28th the bulk of the heavy
bombers were to concentrate on Bataan,
but, "in order to demoralize the enemy and
to boost the fighting spirit of our army," a
small number of planes would continue to
bomb Corregidor every few hours around
the clock.39
The aerial attack opened on schedule
simultaneously with the artillery preparation on Bataan, at dawn of the 24th, when
the first of the Army's six bomber squadrons
rose from Clark Field and headed toward
Corregidor. At the same time two navy
squadrons (twenty-four Bettys) stood by to
take off from their base at Clark near Manila to join in the attack. At 0924 the airraid alarm, the seventy-seventh of the campaign, sounded on Corregidor. One minute
later, the first enemy flight of nine Army
bombers came over the island to drop their
550- and 1,100-bombs. They were followed
by the remaining Army squadrons which, in
turn, gave way to the Navy's planes. The
attack continued during the day and
that night, when three more planes made
a nuisance raid against the island. Alto39
gether, forty-five of the sixty twin-engine
bombers of the 60th and 62d Heavy
Bombardment Regiments and the two
squadrons of naval land-based bombers
participated in the first day's attack to drop
a total of seventy-one tons of bombs.
The next day the Japanese sent only three
Army squadrons, twenty-seven planes,
against Corregidor; the Navy, a similar
number. This pattern continued until the
29th, the Navy planes alternating with the
Army bombers. In addition small groups of
planes came in over Corregidor every two
or three hours "to carry out the psychological warfare and destroy the strong points,
without failure." 40 The routine bombings
continued steadily until 1 April, with at least
one Army squadron attacking during the
day and another at night. The Navy planes,
which had no missions on Bataan, continued
their bombardment of the island fortress in
undiminished strength.
For the men on Corregidor it seemed as
though they were living "in the center of a
bull's-eye." 41 During the last week of March
there were about sixty air-raid alarms lasting for a total of seventy-four hours. Bombings begun in the morning were usually resumed in the afternoon and again at night.
Since the Japanese planes were now based
on Clark Field or near Manila, they were
able to remain over the target for longer
periods than they had during the first bombardment in December. A graphic picture
of the intensity of the bombardment can be
gained from General Moore's summary of
the first day's action.
guns], and Koehler [Ft. Frank, 12-inch mortars] opened fire on Cavite targets.
0924Air Raid Alarm No. 77 sounded.
0925Nine heavy bombers, a new type
in the area, bombed Middleside and Morrison
0945Twenty-seven heavy bombers
came in over tail of Corregidor and bombed
Middleside, closely followed by 17 heavies
bombing Topside.
0950Twenty-five planes followed by 9
more made another attack. Meanwhile, artillery shells from enemy batteries in Cavite were
bursting on Corregidor.
Several fires were started, communication
cable and water mains cut, and an ammunition dump of 75-mm. shells on Morrison
Hill was set off. These shells were exploding
for hours. Battery Wheeler [12-inch guns] had
a direct bomb hit on the racer of No. 1 gun
putting it out of action temporarily.
1110All clear sounded.
1435Air Raid Alarm No. 78. Nine
heavy bombers approached Corregidor from
the southeast. Bombs dropped on Kindley
1438Seven more planes from southeast
with more bombs. Shelling from mainland
1529All Clear.
1552Air Raid Alarm No. 79. Nine
heavy bombers hit Kindley Field again.
1620All Clear.
1640Air Raid Alarm No. 80. Mariveles
and Cabcaben areas [Bataan] hit by 9 heavies.
1703All Clear.
2053Air Raid Alarm No. 81.
2115First night air raid. Two medium
24 March:
profited from the earlier air attacks and
0707Batteries Woodruff [Ft. Hughes,
underground shelters. They had also
14-inch guns], Marshall [Ft. Drum, 14-inch
learned how effectively sand could cushion
Ibid., p. 65.
Tisdelle, Diary, entry of 3 Jan 42.
ing runs out of the sun, changing course and
altitude immediately after the moment of
release. Earlier the antiaircraft gun batteries had been able to get in about ten
Installations of all kinds and critical sup- form a ring around the defended area, or a
plies had also been placed under bomb- line in front of it, from where they can
proof protection, and these suffered little
objective. On Corregidor it was not possible, for obvious reasons, "to follow the
book." The antiaircraft guns could not
engage the enemy until he was almost over
our indicators to show "in range", and take
cover (duck behind our splinterproofs) just
as the bombs begin to whistle.46
The most serious limitations on the effectiveness of the 3-inch guns arose from the
shortage of mechanically fuzed ammunition,
which could reach to a height of 30,000
feet. There was an adequate supply of ammunition with the powder train fuze, effective to a height of about 24,000 feet, but
only enough of the longer range type for
one of the ten antiaircraft batteries. On 3
February a submarine had brought in 2,750
more rounds of mechanically fuzed ammunition, and it became possible to supply an
additional battery. Thus, when the enemy
planes came in at an altitude of more than
24,000 feet, only two batteries could reach
them. The remaining batteries of the antiaircraft command, equipped with powder
train fuzes, could only watch idly while the
Japanese leisurely dropped their bombs.
Nonetheless, the contribution of these batteries, though negative, was a valuable one.
By forcing the enemy to remain at extremely
high altitude, they decreased his accuracy
and diminished the effectiveness of the bombardment.
From the outset it had been necessary to
conserve even the powder train fuzed shells,
30 percent of which were duds. This had
been accomplished by limiting each gun to
six rounds for any single target on any given
course. The opening weeks of the war
proved the most expensive in terms of
rounds fired to planes destroyed, 500 rounds
being required for each plane. This inaccurate fire was due to inexperience, the irregular functioning of powder train fuzes, and
variation in the muzzle velocity. Between 8
December and 11 March the 3-inch gun
batteries in the harbor defenses expended
fered by the men who had had two months
to prepare. All eyes were now turned to
Bataan, upon which the Japanese had concentrated their entire air and artillery
strength in preparation for the final assault.
For the next ten days, while the fight for
Bataan ran its grim course to a bloody and
tragic end, the men on Corregidor and its
sister fortresses were granted a brief respite.
Their turn, they knew, would come soon.
Army troops. Of the five divisions mobilized, in the south, only three, the 61st, 81st,
and 101st, remained in the area. The other
two divisions, the 71st and 91st, moved to
Luzon, leaving behind their last mobilized
regiments, the 73d and 93d. In addition,
a large number of provisional units and
some Constabulary units were formed on
the outbreak of the war.
General Sharp's problems were similar to
those faced by the commanders on Luzon.
His untrained men lacked personal and organizational equipment of all types. There
portant of which are Cebu, Panay, Negros, were not enough uniforms, blankets, or
Leyte, and Samar. Most of these islands mosquito bars to go around, and though
consist of a central mountain area sur- each man had a riflethe Enfield '17
rounded by coastal plains. Panay, split not all understood its use. Moreover, many
north and south by a comparatively large of the rifles were defective and quickly
central plain between two mountain ranges, broke down. Machine guns of .30- and .50has the largest level area of the group. Cebu, caliber were issued, but many of these were
the most mountainous, has the least.
defective also and had to be discarded.
The road net throughout the Visayas is Spare parts for all weapons were lacking
generally the same: a primary coastal road and guns that ordinarily would have been
all or part way around each island, with easily repaired had to be abandoned. There
auxiliary roads linking important points in were no antitank guns, grenades, gas masks,
the interior to the ports along the coast. or steel helmets for issue, and the supply of
None of these roads, in 1941, had more ammunition was extremely limited.3
than two lanes, and most were poorly surGeneral Sharp's most serious shortage
faced and winding. On the most highly de- was in artillery weapons. At the start of the
veloped of the islandsCebu, Negros, and war he had not a single piece in his entire
Panaythere were short stretches of rail- command and as a result organized the arroad. Coastal shipping supplemented the tillery components of his divisions as infanroad and rail system in the islands and try. On 12 December he received from
linked the islands of the Visayan group with Manila eight old 2.95-inch mountain guns,
each other and with Mindanao.
three of which were lost two weeks later at
The defense of Mindanao and the Vis3
The account of shortages in the Visayan-Minayascomprising a land area half again as
danao Force is based on V-MF Rpt of Opns, pp.
large as Luzonrested with the Visayan- 16-26, 41-42, 47-48, 68-71; Gen Chynoweth,
Mindanao Force, commanded by Brig. 61st Div (PA) and Visayan Force Rpt, pp. 1-7,
Gen. William F. Sharp, who had his head- OCMH; Col Hiram W. Tarkington, There Were
Others, Chs. I-II. The last is a manuscript volume
quarters initially on Cebu. This force was which Colonel Tarkington has made available to
composed almost entirely of Philippine the author.
MAJ. GEN. WILLIAM F. SHARP AND HIS STAFF, 1942. Back row, standing
left to right: Maj. Paul D. Phillips (ADC)
and Capt. W. F. O'Brien (ADC).
Front row, sitting left to right: Lt. Col. W. S. Robinson (G-3), Lt. Col. Robert D.
Johnston (G-4), Col. John W. Thompson ( C o f S ) , General Sharp (CG), Col.
Archibald M. Mixson ( D C o f S ) , Lt. Col. Howard R. Perry, Jr. (G-1), Lt. Col.
Charles I. Humber (G-2), and Maj. Max Weil (Hq Comdt and PM).
Davao. The remaining five pieces constituted Sharp's entire artillery support
throughout the campaign.
To alleviate the shortages in clothing,
spare parts for weapons, and other equipment, factories, staffed and operated by
Filipinos, were established. They were able
to turn out such diverse items as shoes, hand
grenades, underwear, and extractors for the
Enfield. Unfortunately there was no way to
manufacture small-arms ammunition or artillery pieces, and these remained critical
items until the end.
General Sharp's mission, initially, was to
defend the entire area south of Luzon.
When organized resistance was no longer
Chynoweth, 61st Div (PA) and Visayan Force
Rpt, pp. 7, 12-15; Tarkington, There Were Others,
pp. 47-49.
Tarkington, There Were Others, p. 48.
Ibid., p. 23.
in the mountains, and when his supply of
rice gave out there was a mill to thresh more.
Almost immediately he began to send his
men out on hit-and-run raids. These so
33d Infantry, plus miscellaneous troops,
had remained on Mindanao.21 Time and
again Colonel Miura had attempted to extend his control into the interior but without success. Indeed, had he not had air and
artillery support and had his men not been
equipped with automatic weapons, it is
doubtful if he could have remained on the
Since General Sharp's arrival on Mindanao early in January much had been
done to prepare the island's defenses. With
the additional troops transferred from the
Visayas, Sharp had organized the island
into five defensive sectors: the Zamboanga
Sector; the Lanao Sector, in the northwest;
the Cagayan Sector, in the north-central
portion of the island; the Agusan Sector, in
the east; and the Cotabato-Davao Sector
in the central and south portion of the
island. The last was the largest of the
sectors and was divided into three subsectors: Digos, Cotabato, and Carmen
Ferry. To each sector was assigned a force
of appropriate size whose commander reported directly to Mindanao Force headquarters at Del Monte, ten miles inland
from the northern terminus of the Sayre
Highway and adjacent to the Del Monte
Airfield. (Map 24)
Despite occasional flurries along the
Digos and Agusan fronts and, in March,
some action in Zamboanga, which the Japanese occupied early that month, the troops
on Mindanao continued their training.22
The landing at Davao is described above, in
Chapter VI.
The landing at Zamboanga was made by about
accomplish his principal mission, which was
to protect the routes north of Route 1. The
decision made, he ordered the destruction
of roads and bridges and placed small covering forces along the main trails to cover
his withdrawal. There was nothing to prevent Kawaguchi now from consolidating
his control of the entire stretch of Route 1
from Cotabato to Pikit.
Kawaguchi's rapid advance eastward toward the Sayre Highway, which intersected
Route 1 at Kabacan, eight miles east of
Pikit, placed him in an excellent position
to cut off the escape route of the troops in
the Digos Subsector. These troops, who were
retreating westward along Route 1 before
the Miura Detachment, would have to pass
through Kabacan before they could make
their way north along the Sayre Highway.
If Kawaguchi could reach Kabacan ahead
of the Filipinos, he might not only cut them
off but take them from the rear. Indeed,
the Japanese appear to have anticipated
this possibility and Colonel Miura's orders
were to keep the Digos force engaged long
enough to allow Kawaguchi to reach
The Digos force had been under pressure
since the middle of April. Led by Lt. Col.
Reed Graves, this force consisted of the 101st
Field Artillery (PA), less one battalion, and
the 2d Battalion, 102d Infantry (PA). By
the 28th of the month, after a particularly
heavy attack, it was clear to Colonel Graves
that the Japanese on his front were about
to make a major effort. The next morning,
simultaneously with the landing of the
Kawaguchi Detachment at Cotabato, Colonel Miura began his advance westward to29
93, 272-85.
thus relieve the pressure on the left. The attack, though it gained some ground, failed
in its objective, for the Japanese had brought
more troops as well as artillery into position
before the Mataling line.
The diversionary attack having failed,
Colonel Mitchell decided to place his entire
force in the threatened area. To do this he
had to abandon the right portion of the line
and call in his reserve. It was a gamble but
his only alternative was to give up the Mataling line entirely. Orders for the attack
went out late on the afternoon of the 30th,
just before the Japanese attacked again. Advance elements of the reserve battalion arrived in time to participate in the fight that
followed, but the right battalion never received its orders, and at 2000 Colonel
Mitchell was forced to abandon the Mataling line.
The route of withdrawal was along Route
1. With one company as rear guard, the
right and reserve battalions withdrew in an
orderly fashion to a new position four miles
to the north. The left battalion, unable to
use Route 1, withdrew by a circuitous route
along a back trail and did not join the rest
of the regiment until the next afternoon.
Save for patrol and rear guard action there
was no fighting that night.
The Japanese attacked Colonel Mitchell's
new position at 0730 the next day, 1 May.
Again they struck at the flank of the Filipino line and at 1030 Mitchell was forced
to order a second withdrawal. This time he
fell back five miles. In the confusion one
company was cut off, but Colonel Mitchell
was compensated for this loss by the addition of two companies of the 1st Battalion
of the 84th Provisional Infantry Regiment,
which joined him when he reached his new
position. Later in the day the 120 survivors
of the battalion which had withdrawn from
rest of the Japanese column came to an
abrupt halt and the troops poured out of the
trucks. Before they could deploy and take
cover, they were hit by withering fire from
the far side of the stream, "which made up
in its concentration at point-blank range
what it lacked in accuracy." 33 The toll on
the Japanese side was heavy.
Despite this first setback the men of the
Kawaguchi Detachment continued to press
forward. Soon they had the support of artillery and a single plane, which alternately
attacked and observed the 73d Infantry position. Unable to make any headway by
frontal assault, the Japanese sought to turn
the enemy's flanks. Their efforts proved successful before the morning was out and
shortly after noon Colonel Vesey gave the
order to withdraw.
The record of the 73d Infantry for the
rest of that day, 3 May, is one of successive
withdrawals. Each time Colonel Vesey put
his two battalions into position, the Japanese
broke through. So closely did the enemy
motorized column pursue the Filipinos that
they scarcely had time to organize their defenses. By midnight Vesey had taken his
men back in the hills north of Lake Lanao,
where he paused to reorganize his scattered
forces. The Japanese made no effort to follow. The victory was theirs and the road
along the north shore lay open.
Between 29 April and 3 May, General
Kawaguchi with a force of 4,852 men and
some assistance from the Miura Detachment had gained control of southern and
western Mindanao. Only in the north, in
the Cagayan Sector, were the Filipinos still
strong enough to offer organized resistance.
But already on the morning of 3 May, the
third of the forces General Homma had as33
signed to the Mindanao operation, the
In the critical Cagayan Sector, which included the northern terminus of the Sayre
Highway and the vital Del Monte Airfield,
reserve, none of which had yet been com- Japanese troops began coming ashore at
mitted, and the 102d Division (PA). This both extremities of the line, at Cagayan and
division, formed from existing and pro- at the mouth of the Tagoloan River. Supvisional units after the outbreak of war, con- ported by fire from two destroyers offshore,
sisted of the 61st and 81st Field Artillery, the Japanese by dawn had secured a firm
organized and equipped as infantry, and the hold of the beach line between the Tagoloan
103d Infantry. Col. William P. Morse, the and the Sayre Highway.
division and sector commander, believing
Those of Kawamura's men who came
that an attack in his sector would most likely ashore in the vicinity of Cagayan met a
come from the sea and have for its objec- warm reception. Unable to prevent the
tive the seizure of the Sayre Highway, had enemy from landing, Major Webb attacked
posted his troops along Macajalar Bay, between the Tagoloan and Cagayan Rivers.
Holding the four miles of coast line from
the Tagoloan west to the Sayre Highway
was Lt. Col. John P. Woodbridge's 81st
Field Artillery and a 65-man detachment
from the 30th Bomb Squadron (US). The
stretch of coast line from the highway to the
Cugman River, equal in length to that held
by Colonel Woodbridge, was defended by
the 61st Field Artillery under Col. Hiram
W. Tarkington. On the left (west), extending the line to the Cagayan River, was Maj.
The account of operations in the Cagayan Sector is based upon: V-MF Rpt of Opns, pp. 54-61;
Col Morse, Rcd of Action and Events, in V-MF Rpt
of Opns, pp. 349-54; Tarkington, There Were
the beachhead with two companies. So successful was the attack that only the withdrawal of the 61st Field Artillery on his
right prevented him, Webb believed, from
driving the enemy back into the sea. With
his right flank exposed, Webb was forced
to break off the engagement and pull his
men back.
Meanwhile General Sharp had sent additional troops to hold the Sayre Highway.
Up until now he had refused to commit his
troops within a dozen miles of his headquarters, he decided that the time had come to
throw all available troops into the fight.
Closest to the scene of action was a detach-
The optimism at force headquarters was
quickly dissipated when reports of Japanese
progress during the day began to come in.
The enemy, it was learned, had pushed
back the 61st and 81st Field Artillery. The
103d Infantry had resisted more stoutly but
was also falling back and in danger of being
outflanked. General Sharp's hopes for a
counterattack were dealt the final blow
when, at 1600, Colonel Morse ordered a
general withdrawal to defensive positions
astride the Sayre Highway, about six miles
south of the beach. The move was to be
made that night under cover of darkness.
Before this plan could be put into effect
it was changed by General Sharp, who,
after a conference with Morse, Woodbridge,
and Webb, decided to establish his next line
even farther south than the line already
selected. The position selected paralleled
the Mangima Canyon, a formidable natural
barrier east of the town of Tankulan, and
the Mangima River. At Tankulan the Sayre
Highway splits, one branch continuing
south then east, the other east then south.
Before the two join, eight air miles east of
Tankulan, they form a rough circle bisected
from north to south by the Mangima
Canyon and River. East of the junction of
the canyon and the upper road lies the town
of Dalirig; to the south the river cuts across
the lower road before Puntian. Possession
of these two towns would enable the defenders to block all movement down the
Sayre Highway to central Mindanao.
At 2300, 3 May, General Sharp issued
orders for the withdrawal to the Mangima
line. The right (north) half of the line, the
Dalirig Sector, was to be held by the 102d
Division which had been reorganized and
now consisted of the 62d Infantry, the 81st
Field Artillery, the 2.95-inch gun detachment, and the two Philippine Scout com-
virtually ceased to exist. Except for 150 survivors of the 2.95-inch gun detachment in
(north) but during the confusion which position five miles east of Dalirig, the upper
marked the fighting that night he lost con- branch of the Sayre Highway lay open to
tact. In an effort to relieve the pressure on the invaders.
Thayer's regiment he launched his own atAlong the southern branch of the hightack the next morning. Though the attack way Colonel Dalton and his two regiments
was successful it failed to achieve its pur- still held firm at Puntian. But already Kawapose, for the disorganized 62d Infantry was mura was sending additional troops to this
sector and increasing the pressure against
already in full retreat.
Undeterred by Colonel Dalton's gains in the Puntian force. Whether Dalton would
front of Puntian, General Kawamura con- be able to hold was doubtful, but even if he
tinued to press his advantage in the north. did his position was untenable. The enemy
At about 1130 of the 9th, as the 62d In- could sweep around his north flank from the
fantry began to withdraw through Dalirig, direction of Dalirig or take him from the
May, Dalton had been able to maintain con-
Mountains and along the shore near Cabcaben, only two miles across the channel
from Corregidor." Arrows indicate planned Japanese landings.
This description of Japanese plans and preparations is based upon: 14th Army Opns, I, 173-210;
II, Annexes 7-12; 5th Air Gp Opns, pp. 78-84;
USA vs. Homma, pp. 3089-94, 3178-79, testimony
of Homma, p. 2635-63, testimony of Gen Kitajima,
Arty Officer, 14th Army.
the attack on Bataan." 5 It was with considerable surprise, therefore, that the 4th
Division staff learned unofficially from Col.
Motoo Nakayama, Homma's senior operations officer, on 9 April, that their division
had been chosen instead. That day 14th
Army orders directed the 4th Division to
advance toward Mariveles and, after routing the enemy to its front, "make preparations to land on Corregidor Island." 6 This
was the first time, asserted Yoshida, that
the division staff "began to deliberate on
the matter." 7
While the 4th Division staff was deliberating "on the matter," 14th Army, in a
series of orders issued between 9 and 13
April, outlined the basic plan and defined
for its major elements their role in the forthcoming campaign. The 4th Division was
officially designated as the assault unit and
was reinforced with the 7th Tank Regiment
and additional artillery taken from the 16th
Division. It was ordered to assemble its main
force in the area north of Cabcaben and
there make preparations for the coming attack while taking all precautions to insure
secrecy and provide defense against artillery
fire from Corregidor. The division was to
send patrols to Cabcaben and along the
coast to the south to reconnoiter "the enemy
situation and topography," and to train for
landing operations, removal of beach obstacles, and climbing cliffs such as would be
found at the target.8
Statement of Col Yoshida, 28 Jul 49, ATIS Doc
62642, Statements of Japanese Officials on World
War II, GHQ FEC, Mil Intel Sec, IV, 551.
Ibid., 170.
defenses" at each end of the island. Kitajima was to bring all his guns to southern
Bataan, to the vicinity of Cabcaben and the
high ground just north of Mariveles, with
the greatest secrecy. There the guns were to
be dispersed and placed under the ample
concealment provided by the jungle for protection against counterbattery fire. Provision
would also be made, 14th Army directed,
for diversionary fire to deceive the enemy as
to the time and place of landing. To support the 16th Division in its feint attack
against El Fraile and Carabao, one battery
of heavy guns located near Ternate was ordered to cooperate with the division and
shell these islands to heighten the impression
of an attack from the Cavite shore.
Kitajima received strong reinforcements
for the operation. Between 9 and 13 April
14th Army assigned to him additional batteries of 150- and 105-mm. howitzers, most
of the 22d Field Artillery Regiment, and,
somewhat later, the 4th Division's artillery
regiment. When the full-scale bombardment
of Corregidor began, Kitajima had under
his command eighteen batteries, a balloon
company, an artillery intelligence regiment,
and a company of prime movers.11 The
eighteen batteries consisted of 116 field
pieces, ranging in size from 75-mm. guns to
240-mm. howitzers. In detail, this armament included:12
be very cautious about bringing the Army's
landing boats through the channel.14
On 14 April the Army conducted its own
test to determine whether small boats could
enter Manila Bay through North Channel.
The trial run was made at night with about
a half-dozen vessels and was accompanied
by air and artillery attacks to drown out the
noise of the engines and divert the attention
of the Corregidor garrison. The test proved
successful and Homma decided to bring the
bulk of the small craft at Lingayen, Na-
The Plan
By 17 April the preliminary phase of the
planning had been completed, ten days later
the plan itself was ready, and on 28 April
narrow neck of the tadpole. If all went well,
Corregidor would be in Japanese hands on
the second day of the attack, after which
the 4th Division would occupy Caballo. El
Fraile and Carabao Islands would be seized
next, if necessary by elements of the 16th
Division from Cavite.
The tactical scheme had not been settled
without debate. The 14th Army planners
had first contemplated only one landing on
Corregidor, on the head of the tadpole, and
had relayed this decision to the 4th Division
staff. Reconnaissance by the division soon
disclosed that the area selected faced the
precipitous cliffs which dropped from Topside to the water's edge. A landing here
would be difficult and dangerous, and the
division staff argued that the initial landing
should be made by a small force along the
tail of the island where the ground was low
and flat. Once a foothold was secured, then
the main force could land on the head.
Though two landings would create difficulties, the division staff felt that these would
be offset by the early seizure of a beachhead
and the support the main force would have
from the initial landing party. The army
planners finally agreed to this solution, and
it became a part of the final plan.20
For the operation 14th Army attached to
Kitano's 4th Division two sea operation
units, each consisting of an independent engineer regiment with attached elements.
The 1st Sea Operation Unit (23d Independent Engineer Regiment) was to transport the assault force and to assist in the
landing. It numbered about 110 small boats
of various types, equipped with heavy machine guns. The 2d Sea Operation Unit,
Statement of Oishi, 2 Oct 50, ATIS Doc
62639, Statements of Japanese Officials on World
War II, GHQ FEC, Mil Intel Sec, III, 115.
Ibid., 195.
President Roosevelt, "Our flag still flies on
this beleaguered island fortress." "I meant
to see," he added later, "that it kept flying." 24 All that he or anyone else could do
was to prepare for the inevitable attack
with the determination to make it as costly
as possible to the enemy.
Beach Defense
Until the evacuation of Manila at the
end of December, local defense of the island
had been provided by a small number of
artillerymen, who performed this task in
addition to their other duties. Such an arrangement had not permitted an effective
defense or left time for the construction of
strongly fortified positions. This deficiency
had been recognized but it was not until
Admiral Hart made the 4th Marine Regiment available on 24 December that steps
were taken to correct the weaknesses of
Corregidor's defenses.25
By chance, Col. Samuel L. Howard, commander of the 4th Marines, was in Manila
when Hart turned the regiment over to the
Army "for tactical employment." He reported immediately to General MacArthur
and then to General Sutherland who gave
him his orders. They were brief and to the
point: "Proceed to Corregidor and take
over the beach defenses of that island." 26
This tabulation
is probably not HARBOR
entirely correct,
it represents
a summary ABOUT
of the best15
The reserve, which had formerly consisted of the Headquarters and Service
combat duty." 28
With the ragged and weakened refugees
special skills, years of service and high ratings, but none knew even the fundamentals
of infantry fighting. They were mature and
serious, however, and learned quickly.
Training facilities were limited and equipment meager but the incentive was great.
The men spent their days training; their
Dalness, Opns
4th Marines
of Prov Bn,
4th of
Opns, p.p.7. 16,
Hopkins, Personal and Official Notes of Btry C,
60th CA (AA), entry of 19 Mar 42, p. 185. The
2d of the month Colonel Bunker noted in
his diary that "our water situation is getting
critical," 38 and on the 3d, in anticipation of
the fall of Bataan, all units were directed
to lay in a reserve supply. At that time there
was in the reservoirs a total of 3,000,000 gallons, but that would not last long if the
pumps or power plant failed.39
The men on Corregidor ate two meals a
day. The morning meal, prepared the night
before and served before daylight, usually
consisted of toast and coffee, when there was
coffee, and occasionally a piece of bacon or
sausage. Supper was served after dark, about
2000, and consisted of salmon, canned vegetables, and rice pudding. Sometimes there
was fresh beef or stew. Most units were able
to serve half a sandwich and a cup of hot
beverage or soup during the noon hour, but
many men kept pieces of bread in their
pocket to gnaw on during the long interval
between meals.40
The ration, though adequate to maintain
health, did not provide sufficient bulk to
satisfy the appetite. Men no longer had the
"comfortably full" feeling provided by the
peacetime ration, and missed certain foods
such as sugar, canned milk, coffee, and
canned or dried fruits, which were by now
extremely scarce.41 Rice had become an increasingly important part of the ration and,
though it was not favored by the Americans,
it did provide bulk in the diet. Fortunately
there were always enough other foods on
hand to add flavor and variety to the rice
dishes. But the American soldiers never became fond of rice and complained fre39
The Siege of Corregidor, Mil Rpts on UN, No.
12, 15 Nov 43, pp. 42, 45, MID WD.
of Marines
2 Apr
at Corregidor,"
2, Marine
1946), p.
32; Barr, Hist of Btry M, 60th CA (AA), p. 4.
Barr, Btry M, 60th CA (AA), p. 4.
was no more effective than earlier bombings, but one lucky hit landed among the
The Siege of Corregidor, Mil Rpts on UN, No.
12, 15 Nov 43, p. 50, MID WD.
Bunker, Diary, entry of 9 Apr 42; 14th Army
Quoted in Baldwin, "The Fourth Marines at Opns, I, 169.
Corregidor," Part 2, Marine Corps Gazette (DeHarbor Defenses Rpt of Opns, pp. 52-53, 55;
cember 1946), p. 35.
Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story, pp. 923
The Siege of Corregidor, Mil Rpts on UN, No.
12, 15 Nov 43, p. 50, MID WD.
14th Army Opns, I, 178.
was, wrote Colonel Bunker, "a rough day
all day." 9
During the next week, when the 150-mm.
howitzers joined the attack, the tempo of the
Japanese bombardment increased steadily.
For the first time the armament of the
island received heavy damage. The first
guns to be put out of action were the seacoast guns on the north shore facing Bataan
and visible to the Japanese. By the 14th
three 155-mm. gun batteries, each with two
guns, and one 3-inch battery of four guns
had been destroyed. The vulnerable directors and height finders on Topside were
badly damaged, too, but the operators were
able to keep at least one in operation at all
The Japanese did not neglect the searchlights. Whenever one showed its light, they
quickly "shot hell out of it." 10 Apparently
they had their guns registered on the fixed
Seacoast searchlights. To test this theory
Colonel Bunker ordered one light to be
turned on for fifteen seconds, scarcely
enough time for the enemy to register, load,
and fire. After that time a man turned off
the light and ran. He was scarcely twenty
yards away when Japanese shells fell on the
searchlight. "Which proved," noted Colonel Bunker, "that the Japs had their guns
to the sources cited below, this section is based
upon: Harbor Defenses Rpt of Opns, pp. 53-72;
The Siege of Corregidor, Mil Rpts on UN, No. 12,
15 Nov 43, pp. 43-50, MID WD; Baldwin, "The
Fourth Marines at Corregidor," Part 2, Marine
Corps Gazette (December 1946), pp. 32-35; Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story, pp. 86-114:
Col Chase, AA Defense Comd Rpt of Opns, pp. 1617, Exhibit F, Harbor Defenses Rpt of Opns;
intervs, author with Col Stephen M. Mellnik, Gen
Drake, Col Chase and Lt Col John McM. Gulick,
at various times.
Bunker, Diary, entry of 14 Apr 42.
loaded, laid, and men at the lanyards with
orders to shoot instantly when the light
Casualties during the first days of the
bombardment were low. At the first sign of
an air attack or artillery bombardment those
men whose batteries were not in action
would take shelter in one of the numerous
tunnels that had been and were still being
built. But only the thick reinforced concrete
shelters could provide protection against a
direct hit. On the 15th seventy Filipinos
died a terrible death when they took shelter
in excavations behind their battery on Morrison Hill. So intense was the enemy fire that
the overhanging cliffs collapsed and sealed
the entrances to the shelters, burying the
Filipinos alive.
There were moments of heroism as well
as tragedy. On the 16th, four men of Battery
B, 60th Coast Artillery (AA)Capt. Arthur E. Huff and three volunteersearned
Silver Stars when they left shelter during an
intense bombardment to raise the American
flag. A shell fragment had struck the 100foot flagpole on the Topside parade ground
and severed the halyard. "Slowly, terribly,
the flag began to descend," but before it
reached the ground the four men gathered
it into their arms. Quickly repairing the
broken halyard, they raised the flag and ran
back to shelter.12
The intensity of the air and artillery attacks increased during the latter part of
April. After the 18th the 240-mm. howitzers
which had been moved from Cavite added
their weight to the bombardment. With
1500 to continue with varying intensity
almost until midnight. Usually by 1000
most telephone communications had been
knocked out. Crews repaired the lines during the night but the next morning they
would be cut again.
Air attacks usually accompanied the
shelling from Bataan and followed the same
schedule. Between 9 April and the end of
the month there were 108 air alarms, totaling almost eighty hours. Practically all of
the attacks were directed against Corregidor. At first the planes came in at high altitude, over 20,000 feet and beyond the range
of all but two of the antiaircraft batteries.
But as the days passed and damage to equipment and installations mounted, the Japanese pilots became bolder. They came in at
lower altitudes and bombed more accurately. It became more and more difficult for
trated fire against both portals of the tunnel and on the North Dock. While an
observation plane hovered overhead, the
Japanese artillery shifted fire to Topside at
0820. After a brief lull Japanese aircraft
came over the island again, and the artillery
registered hits on targets on Middleside. At
1000 Japanese shells reached two ammunition dumps which blew up with a tremendous explosion.
The attacks continued without letup
through the afternoon, and by evening large
sections of Corregidor lay shrouded under a
dense cloud of smoke or dust. Grass fires
Frank were of the open, disappearing-carriage type, easily blanketed by fire from
Cavite, and could fire only sporadically. The
14-inch guns at Fort Drum were of the turret type and fired steadily. They were still
firing at 5-minute intervals at the time of the
surrender, when every other gun on the
fortified islands had been silenced.
The most effective counterbattery fire was
were burning everywhere and ammunition delivered by Corregidor's Batteries Geary
from the two dumps was still exploding. In- and Way, both with 12-inch mortars.15 The
stallations on Malinta Hill were a shambles. former consisted of two pits, each with four
Observation stations had been destroyed; pieces. Battery Way, with only one pit of
the power plant for the large Seacoast three mortars, had been out of service for
searchlight was burned out; and three of several years, and it was not until Battery
the 75-mm. beach defense guns, as well as E of the 60th Coast Artillery (AA) from
a 1.1-inch quadruple mount, were demol- Bataan became available that these mortars
ished. That night two Navy PBY's brought were reconditioned for use. On 28 April the
in some medicine and 740 mechanical fuzes weapons were test-fired and reported ready
from Australia, an empty gesture for a gar- for action.
rison which was reeling under the effects of
Both 12-inch mortar batteries had an
the heaviest bombardment of the war.
ample supply of the standard armor-piercing
Brave efforts were made to deliver coun- shells with the .05-second delay fuze. But
terbattery and antiaircraft fire. About 18 these shells could do little damage to the
April the 155-mm. gun batteries were taken Japanese artillery. For that, the instantaneout of their exposed positions, organized ous fuze 670-pound personnel shell was reinto one-gun mobile units, and placed in quired, and there were only 400 rounds on
defiladed positions. Called "roving guns," Corregidor. Ordnance could modify the deeach was equipped with a prime mover. lay fuze of the armor-piercing shell so that
After firing from one location until the en- it would explode on impact, but the process
emy discovered their presence and had time was a slow one. All the men that could be
to mass his own fire, the roving guns would spared were put on the job, but the output
move out. They were, in General Moore's for a single day never exceeded twenty-five
opinion, "our main dependence for counter- shells.
battery fire . . .," and were supplemented
Harbor Defenses Rpt of Opns, p. 58.
after 20 April by "roving lights"two
Bunker, Diary, passim.
tunnels under Malinta Hill, and the garrison could not, as General Wainwright observed, fight back from there.17 By now life
in Malinta Tunnel had become almost intolerable. Dust, dirt, great black flies, and
vermin were everywhere, and over everything hung the odor of the hospital and
men's bodies. During an air attack, when
the large blowers were shut off, the air,
Life outside the tunnel was less uncomfortable but more precarious. Those on
beach defense or in gun positions could, if
they wished, sleep in the fresh air and escape
the dust occasionally. They were less crowded and had more freedom of movement.
But the strain on them was great, too. When
the shells came over or the bombs dropped
they took cover and hoped for the best. All
movement on the island became hazardous
and uncertain. The roads, which at one time
had been effectively camouflaged by trees,
"were now bare and clearly visible shelves
along the steep side of the island." 19 At any
moment artillery fire might fall on men and
Gulick, Memoirs of Btry C, 91st CA (PS), pp.
Statement of Lt Comdr Ernest Marion, in
Hayes, Rpt on Med Tactics. Off of Naval Rcds.
Carrier note, G-3 to CofS USFIP, 14 Apr 42,
no sub, AG 430.2 Phil Rcds.
Ibid., with attached pencil notes initialed
W [Wainwright] and LB [Lewis Beebe].
are from Guerrero, "The Last Days of Corregidor," The Philippine Review (May 1943). See also
Redmond, I Served on Bataan, p. 149.
Gulick, Memoirs of Btry C, 91st CA (PS), pp.
145, 153-54.
The task of bringing the sick and
wounded to the Malinta Hospital had
always been a difficult one. Now it became
hazardous as well. There had been only two
ambulances at the start of the campaign,
and one of these had been quickly destroyed.
The other, "in some mysterious way," had
escaped destruction and was still in operation.31 Its services had to be supplemented
by the vehicles of those units whose men
required hospitalization, a fact which the
men did not always appreciate.
The effects of the continuous bombardment could be seen not only in the mounting
toll of wounded but in the haggard faces of
the men. Shelling robbed men of sleep; short
rations, of needed vitamins and energy.
"The strain," wrote an officer, "is beginning to tell. The men looked and acted
weary." 32 For the first time cases of battle
fatigue were reported to the hospital. Some
men, such as the one whose friend's "shelltorn head flew past his face," went out of
their minds.33 But the number of mental
cases reported was surprisingly small. The
Corregidor surgeon noted only "six to eight"
throughout the campaign. He could not account for the low rate of psychotic and neurotic disorders but offered the theory that it
was due to the fact that there was no rear
area to send the men for rest, no letup in
the bombardment. "Here the war was
always with us," he explained, "and once
the adjustment was made, there were no
new adjustments to be made." 34
Cooper, Med Dept Activities, p. 11, Annex
Barr, Btry M, 60th CA (AA), p. 17, copy in
Redmond, I Served on Bataan, p. 142.
Cooper, Med Dept Activities, pp. 18, 84. In this
connection see the report by Sitter, Psychiatric Reactions Observed on Corregidor and Bataan and in
Japanese Captivity, copy in OCMH.
Perhaps the most alarming consequence
of the Japanese bombardment was the damage to the power plant which operated the
water pumps and searchlights, raised and
lowered the big guns, and supplied Malinta
Tunnel with fresh air and light. The main
power plant at Bottomside had been damaged repeatedly but never so seriously that
it could not be repaired. The large Seacoast
batteries had their own emergency generators but their use required fuel "and the
Staff," as Colonel Bunker observed, "won't
give us enough gas for that." 35 There was a
reserve dynamo in the tunnel and another
smaller engine for emergency use in the hospital, but even these sometimes would fail
and more than once surgery was performed
by flashlight. By the end of April the main
power plant was operating at only a fraction
of its capacity and General Moore estimated
that Corregidor would be without power in
another month.
The supply of water, already critical, became the most important single problem for
the men on Corregidor. It was the dry season and there had been no rain for months.
The level of the reservoirs on the islands
dropped rapidly and there was no way to
replenish the supply. Enemy shells were constantly striking the pumps, puncturing the
water pipes, or damaging the power plant.
So frequently did this occur that it was possible to pump water into the reservoirs only
one day during the month of April. The rest
of the time either the pumps or the power
plant were out of commission.
So serious had the shortage of water become by the end of the month that the daily
allowance for personal use had been reduced
to one canteen. For men who had to do
in the
on (PS),
a sunGulick,
of Btry
C, 91st
The Preassault Bombardment
At the beginning of May, Japanese artillery and aircraft opened the final phase of
the bombardment, the phase in which,
Homma's orders read, they would "overwhelmingly crush" the island's defenses and
"exterminate" its defenders, "especially the
ones concealed in wooded areas." 37 By that
time all forces were ready and began to
move into position for the assault. As soon
as the remaining guns, searchlights, and
pillboxes had been destroyed and the beach
obstacles blasted out of the way, the troops
of the 4th Division would embark for
The Americans received their first hint
of the Japanese landing plan on 1 May
when artillery fire from Bataan was con156.
Topside. The rate of fire of the 240-mm.
howitzers alone was twelve shells per minute. "Moore and I," wrote General Wainwright, "delving further into the mathematics of the fury, estimated . . . that the
Japs had hit the rock with 1,800,000 pounds
of shells," in addition to the bombs dropped
by Japanese aircraft during thirteen air
raids.41 It was the heaviest concentration of
fire yet experienced on Corregidor.
As on the day before, the attacks of the
2d were directed at the north shore in those
areas where the landing would be made.
It was on this day that the Battery Geary
magazine was hit and the entire battery
destroyed with a "shock like that of an
earthquake." 42 The entire shore line facing
Bataan was heavily worked over and Bottomside, "except for the Power Plant and
Cold Storage Plant which had an almost
charmed life," was thoroughly saturated
with shells of all calibers. "It was a nasty
place to cross . . .," wrote one man. "One
felt positively in the spotlight for artillery
batteries on Bataan as he walked from the
Power Plant to the tunnel."43
Malinta Hill and the area to the east
received a heavy shellacking also on the 2d.
At the end of the day the whole tail of the
island was covered by a cloud of dust and
small fires were burning everywhere, "in
the shell-scarred tree trunks and stumps,"
and in the woods. Fanned by a brisk west
wind, the fires spread rapidly and were
brought under control only after all the men
in the area had turned fire fighters.44
Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story, pp.
110-12. Wainwright states that this weight of shells
fell on 4 May, not the 2d, but he attributes his
figures to General Moore who places the attacks on
the 2d. Harbor Defenses Rpt of Opns, p. 65.
Hopkins, Personal and Official Notes of Btry C,
60th CA (AA), entry of 2 May 42, Gen Info.
Rad, Wainwright
Defenses Rpt
to MacArthur,
of Opns, pp. No.
tinuous shelling of the past three weeks was
doubtful. There had been six hundred casualties since 9 April and those who had escaped injury were in poor physical condition. Most of the coastal guns and search-
lights had been destroyed and the beach defenses had suffered extensive damage. The
sandbagged machine gun positions had been
so battered that they presented "a topsyturvy appearance." 49 "Considering the present level of morale," Wainwright informed
General Marshall on the 4th in response to
lery fire while bombers, in six separate attacks, concentrated on the east end of the
island and on the few remaining vessels of
the inshore patrol.
During the day observers on Topside had
sighted fifteen landing barges off the southeast coast of Bataan, moving north. The observers thought the enemy vessels were trying to get out of range of American counterbattery fire; more probably they were
headed toward Lamao to pick up the assault troops. There was little doubt by now
that a Japanese landing would soon come.
The ability of the Corregidor garrison to
withstand a Japanese assault after the con-
of shells
is estimated
of CorGulick,
of in
91st Siege
CA 69.
regidor, Mil Rpts on UN, No. 12, 15 Nov 43, p.
In a message to
General MacArthur on the 3d, Wainwright summarized his losses to date. He had left at that time four
12-inch guns; one 12-inch mortar; sixteen 155-mm.
guns, only nine of which bore on Bataan; and seven
From Corregidor there was little answering fire. Only three 155-mm. guns remained
in operation; practically all the other seacoast artillery, the famous batteries of Corregidorthe 12-inch mortars and rifles, the
6-, 8-, and 10-inch disappearing guns
were silent. The 14-inch guns of Forts Drum
and Frank were still able to fire, but targets
on Bataan were at extreme range and, except for the guns on Fort Drum, their fire
heavy over the island that the men on Topside could hardly make out the features of
Bottomside below them. Beyond that they
could not see. Even the topography of the
island had changed. Where there had been
thick woods and dense vegetation only
charred stumps remained. The rocky
ground had been pulverized into a fine dust
and the road along the shore had been
literally blown into the bay. Portions of the
cliff had fallen in and debris covered the
was sporadic.
The bombardment of the 5th destroyed entire island. The Corregidor of peacetime,
the little that was left to stop a Japanese as- with its broad lawns and luxuriant vegetasault. Those beach defense guns along the tion, impressive parade ground, spacious
north shore which had given away their barracks, pleasant shaded clubs and bungapositions were knocked out, searchlights lows, its large warehouses and concrete
were put out of action, land mines deto- repair shops, was, gone. The island lay
nated, barbed wire entanglements torn up, "scorched, gaunt, and leafless, covered with
and machine gun emplacements caved in. the chocolate dust of countless explosions
By the end of the day, wrote General Moore, and pitted with shellholes."
Men were living on nerve alone, and
the beach defenses on the north side of the
morale was dropping rapidly. All hope of
island "were practically non-existent." 52
All wire communication was gone by late reinforcement had long since disappeared.
munication, he added, which was "uncertain under the heavy and continuous artillery and air action."54
When the bombardment let up momentarily late in the afternoon the dust lay so
layed to H Station, General Moore's command post in Malinta Tunnel, which alerted
all units and ordered beach defense troops
to their stations. About an hour later barges
Defenses Rpt of Opns,
p. 71.Memoirs o
were observed approaching the tail of the
island and at 2230 the order went out to
"prepare for probable landing attack."58
The full moon, "veiled by streaks of heavy
black clouds," was just rising when, shortly
before midnight, the Japanese artillery fire
suddenly ceased and "its bass roar was replaced by the treble chattering of many
small arms." 59 A few minutes later a runner from the beach defense command post
arrived at H Station with the news that the
Japanese had landed at North Point.
p. 188.
f Btry C
, 91st C
A (PS),
fantry, an element of the 7th Tank Regiment, several artillery units, and service elements. It was to land the following night on
the beach below Topside, near James
Ravine.2 (Map 23)
14th Army had completed its preparations for the coming assault during the latter part of April. Ammunition, heavy equipment, and landing boats had been brought
to the assembly area, working parties organized to handle the supplies, and combat
troops put through the final stages of training. When the landing boats of the 1st Sea
Operation Unit had been assembled and
equipped, the 4th Division began amphibious training along the east coast of Bataan,
north of Limay, and the 16th Division did
the same in the Cavite area. Rehearsals had
been held and equipment tested at the end
of the month to put everything in order for
the final test.
The Japanese fully expected the fight to
be a hard one. The troops making the landing had been carefully trained in landing
operations and close-in fighting. Special attention had been given to methods of removing beach obstacles and reducing strongly
fortified positions, and provision was made
for the use of smoke screens. Enough rations,
This account of Japanese plans and preparations
is based upon: 14th Army Opns, I, 173-207, II,
Annexes 7-12; 5th Air Gp Opns, pp. 78-84; USA
vs. Homma, pp. 3089-94, testimony of Homma;
Statement of Col Yoshida, 9 Feb 50, ATIS Doc
62644, Statements of Japanese Officials on World
War II, GHQ FEC, Mil Intel Sec, IV, 553-57.
units in the Lamao River valley, near Cabcaben, and the next day marched them to
Lamao where, at dusk, they began to embark for Corregidor. The run to the island
was made in darkness, the troops expecting
to land about 2300, an hour before moonrise. Earlier that day, after Sato moved out,
General Taniguchi's right wing assembled
near Cabcaben in preparation for their assault the next night, 6 May.
Colonel Sato's plan was to land the first
along the north shore of Corregidor and on the north shore of the narrow tip of the
enemy shipping in the bay. On 5 May Maj. island. Later waves were to come in shortly
Gen. Kizo Mikami, commanding the 22d after and land to the right (west), between
Air Brigade, had had reconnaissance and Cavalry and Infantry Points. As soon as the
bombardment aircraft over Corregidor con- beachhead was secure, the troops in the first
stantly to report on the movement of troops wave, about a battalion in size, would drive
on the island and to soften up the enemy south toward Kindley Field. The rest of
Sato's force would push west toward Madefenses.
The artillery had begun its preparatory linta Hill which was to be occupied by dayfire on 1 May and by the evening of the 5th break, 6 May. (Map 25)
On the night of 6 May, General Tanihad laid waste the entire north shore of
had embarked at Lamao, the artillery concentrated first on the remaining mobile
guns and searchlights on the island and then
on the stretch of beach between Infantry
and Cavalry Points. Just before the landing,
the artillery had shifted its fire westward, to
Malinta Hill. To assist in artillery fire that
night and next day, General Kitajima had
placed a liaison group of sixty men in the
assault boats. They would go ashore with
the first waves and establish artillery observation posts on Malinta Hill as soon as it
was taken.
By the time the artillery and air forces
had opened the final phase of the bombardment, the 4th Division had won its fight
against malaria and was ready to move into
the assembly area. On 4 May, X minus 1,
MAP 25
particular landmark." 4
Most of the 4th Division staff attributed
their difficulty in part to the 1st Sea Operation Unit. They felt that the boats were
handled inefficiently and that the commander did not have the unit under control
during the embarkation and the journey to
the target. Because the men of the 1st Sea
of Yoshida,
9 FebOfficials
50, ATIS
of Japanese
on World
War II, GHQ FEC, Mil Intel Sec, IV, 554.
Ibid. See also Statement of Col Oishi, 2 Oct 50,
ATIS Doc 62639, ibid., III, 116.
current and tide, brought the Japanese to
the wrong beaches and in the wrong order.
The 2d Battalion, which had "strayed" to
the right, never recovered from its initial
error and came in late. The 1st Battalion arrived somewhat east of the place designated
for the 2d Battalion, which found itself
coming in toward a strange shore near the
tail of the island and far from the area upon
which the artillery had laid down its pre-
on drifting to the left without even knowing the exact location of the landing point." 6
This confusion during the approach, plus
the failure to make proper allowance for
of Yoshida,
of Btry
C, IV,
CA 555.
also USA vs. Homma, pp. 3091-92, testimony of
the scene," wrote an observer, "reported that
the slaughter of the Japanese in their barges
was sickening."9
By this time the moon had risen and the
clouds had drifted away. Thus, when the
2d Battalion of Colonel Sato's 61st Infantry
approached the shore shortly before midnight, it was clearly visible to the men on the
beach. There was now enough light for artillery fire, and the Americans opened up with
everything they had. The remaining 12-inch
mortar of Battery Way went into action with
a boom, followed by the shriek of the rotating bands. From nearby Fort Hughes came
fire from the mortars of Battery Craighill
the narrow neck between Infantry and Cavalry Points. There the Japanese established
a north-south line across the island.15 Already the tanks and artillery were coming
Thus far, the fighting had been confused
and un-co-ordinated. The 1st Battalion, 4th
Marines, holding the East Sector and a
shore line about 10,000 yards long, had only
one company on the north shore, with one
platoon posted in the area where the Japanese landed. Opposition at the beaches,
therefore, had been slight and the Japanese
had been able to advance swiftly. It was
only when he heard voices "not American"
that a marine on Denver Hill realized the
enemy had reached that point. "The place,"
he wrote, "seemed to have Japs all over
it." 16 Not until 0200, when the situation
had clarified, was it discovered that only
two platoons stood between the enemy and
Malinta Tunnel. At that time the first elements of the reserve, two companies, were
Dalness, Opns of the Prov Bn, 4th Marines,
p. 20.
Marines, plus miscellaneous Army and Navy control of this hill, the landing of the 4th
troops. In reserve were sixty men of the 59th Division's right wing, scheduled for 2330 of
Coast Artillery led by Capt. Herman H. the 6th, would be a risky undertaking. The
problem was discussed at 4th Division headHauck.
Preparations for the counterattack were quarters early that morning and some memcompleted by 0600 and fifteen minutes later bers of the staff argued strongly for a
the men moved out. The Japanese, sur- one-day postponement of the attack schedprised by this "obstinate and bold counter- uled for that night. The proposal was seriattack," 19 fell back, and the Americans ously considered but final decision deferred,
made gains along both flanks. In the center, pending the outcome of the day's action.
where the Japanese had emplaced a heavy Nothing more was done than to urge "the
machine gun in one of Denver Battery's gun left flank unit to keep on attacking." 21
The Japanese were worried, too, about
pits, the counterattack stalled. Other means
failing, Lt. Bethel B. Otter, USN, com- their supply of ammunition, which was danmander of Company T, 4th Provisional gerously low. The amount originally allotted
Battalion, and five volunteers set out "with for the assault was adequate but the small
the strong determination to get the gun that boats which were to have brought ammudealt so much misery to Company T and the nition ashore after the landings were in such
rest of the Battalion." 20 Armed with hand haste to get out of range of American fire
grenades the six men crawled to within that they "threw the ammunition into the
thirty yards of the gun pit, then hurled the nearby waters and returned to Bataan." By
grenades. Their aim was accurate and the 1100, it was estimated, the Japanese on
machine gun was put out of action, but shore would have been out of ammunition.
other Japanese troops moved in and opened "When I recall all this," wrote Colonel
fire on the Americans, killing Otter and four Yoshida, "I cannot but break into a cold
of the men.
Back at 14th Army headquarters on
On the north end of the line, the advancing men of Company Q discovered two Bataan, General Homma spent a sleepless
assault boats, loaded with Japanese troops, night waiting for the news that Malinta Hill
hung up on the rocks. A small group of had been taken. Repeatedly he sent his aide
men was sent down to the beach to pick off to 4th Division headquarters to ask about
the helpless enemy. It took thirty minutes the progress of operations on Corregidor
and the expenditure of several thousand and "every time I was disappointed." Even
rounds of ammunition for the untrained division headquarters had no clear picture
sailors to complete the job.
of the situation "because the lines of the
To the Japanese the situation on Cor- hostile troops got mixed up." With the
regidor seemed desperate. They were still 2,000 men he believed had been put ashore
some distance from Malinta Hill, which was facing a force estimated at 14,000 men,
to have been occupied by dawn. Without there was a real danger, Homma felt, that
his troops might be driven back into the sea.
Statement of Oishi, 2 Oct 50, ATIS Doc 62639,
"I had plenty of troops on this side of the
Statements of Japanese Officials on World War II,
of Yoshida,
of Sec,
the IV,
Bn, 4th Marines,
FEC, Mil
p. 16.
sea," he explained later. "[But] I could not
send reinforcements with the 21 boats
which were left." The news that the Americans were counterattacking, therefore,
threw him into a panic. "My God," he exclaimed, "I have failed miserably on the
Homma need not have been so concerned. Actually, the assault had not failed
and the counterattackers had already run
into serious trouble. Small detachments of
Japanese had infiltrated the left of the
American line and were firing at the rear
of the advancing troops. The Japanese had
also set up their light artillery and were now
using it with devastating effect against the
American troops on the line. Finally, at
0800 Colonel Howard had decided to commit the last of his reserves, Captain Hauck
and the sixty men of the 59th Coast Artillery. By this time the counterattack, though
netting the Americans about 300 yards in
some sectors, had bogged down for lack of
supporting weapons and reinforcements.
The final blow came shortly before 1000
when the Japanese sent the three tanks they
had brought ashore into action. The tanks
advanced to the ridge line and, according
to Colonel Yoshida, "annihilated the powerful enemy in the vicinity." "This action,"
he went on to explain, "not only made it
possible for the two battalions to establish
liaison with each other but also caused the
enemy commander to ... report this fact
to the United States." 24 Though this sweeping claim for the tanks is not borne out by
the facts, it is true that the first appearance
of armor on the front panicked the troops
and caused some to bolt to the rear. It took
the combined efforts of commissioned and
of 4th
Bn, 4th
USA vs.Opns
pp. Prov
Statement of Yoshida, IV, 555.
Corregidor would be lowered and burned
and the white flag hoisted. These arrangements made, Wainwright announced his decision to President Roosevelt and General
With broken heart and head bowed in sadness but not in shame [he told the President],
I report . . . that today I must arrange terms
for the surrender of the fortified islands of
Manila Bay. . . . Please say to the nation that
my troops and I have accomplished all that is
humanly possible and that we have upheld
the best traditions of the United States and
its Army. . . . With profound regret and with
continued pride in my gallant troops, I go to
meet the Japanese commander.29
Rad, Wainwright to Roosevelt, 6 May 42. A
copy of this message as well as the one to General
MacArthur is reproduced in Wainwright, General
Wainwright's Story, pp. 122-23.
"to fight as long as there remains any possibility of resistance." 1 On that day, the day
of General King's surrender, the President
modified this order and gave General Wainwright full authority to act on his own
The decision to change Wainwright's instructions had been initiated in Washington
just before the surrender of Bataan. Alerted
by reports from MacArthur and Wainwright, Maj. Gen. Joseph T. McNarney,
acting in Marshall's absence, had informed
the President on 8 April (Washington time)
that the situation on Bataan was extremely
serious and the collapse of its defense imminent. Reminding President Roosevelt of his
instructions to MacArthur, "issued at a time
when it appeared necessary to make very
clear . . . the nature of the defense expected," McNarney suggested that the
President might wish now to modify these
instructions. "It is possible," he wrote, "that
in the literal execution of these orders General Wainwright may be tempted to carry
them through to an illogical extreme. I think
there should be no doubt that his resolution
and sense of duty will preclude any untoward or precipitous action, but on the
other hand, it is possible that greater lati1
42, AG 384.1, GHQ SWPA. Reproduced in Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story, pp. 83-84.
Wainwright's Story, pages 83-84, does not contain
the instructions to MacArthur. Apparently Wain-
Wainwright's instructions.5 In effect, this
was a "non-concurrence" of the President's
message to Wainwright, which remained on
his desk.
But the progress of events had already
invalidated MacArthur's decision. The
President, on hearing news of the surrender
of Bataan and before receiving MacArthur's
reply, apparently decided that Wainwright
needed assurance of support immediately
and he sent him the text of his message, including the instructions given MacArthur,
from whom, he explained, no reply had yet
been received. "Whatever decision you have
made," Roosevelt told Wainwright, "has
been dictated by the best interests of your
troops and of the country." He then went on
to express the hope that Wainwright would
be able to hold Corregidor, but assured him
"of complete freedom of action" and "full
confidence" in any decision he might be
forced to make.6
ta Tunnel. At 1100 and again at 1145 the
message was rebroadcast, in English and
Japanese, but still there was no reply.
Promptly at noon, the white flag was hoisted
over the highest point of the island and the
troops on the four islands ceased fire.13
During the morning all arms larger than
.45-caliber had been destroyed. The marines, misreading the order, had begun to
smash their small arms as well, and others
had followed suit until an officer had halted
the destruction. All classified papers and
maps had been torn or burned and lay in
shreds and ashes on the floor of the tunnel.
The codes and radio equipment had been
smashed beyond recognition and the treasury of the Commonwealth Government re-
down and went to sleep; others stared vacantly into space. "Such a sad, sad
day . . .," wrote Mrs. Williams. "I can't
tell you just how terrible this is." 15
When the Japanese failed to reply to the
noon broadcast or to honor the flag of truce,
Wainwright was faced with the terrible
threat of the total destruction of his now defenseless force. He made one last effort at
Bataan, told Captain Clark that if Wainwright would come to his headquarters he
would make arrangements to send him to
p. 2.
4, Marine'The
at Corregidor,"
43; Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story, p.
USA vs. Homma, Prosecution Exhibits 418 and
419, Depositions of Moore and Wainwright.
The source of this quotation is unknown. It appears in a Japanese propaganda book and was copied
by a colleague who neglected to note the title and
has since forgotten the location.
staff officer to Sharp," he replied. "I will
furnish a plane." 26
The argument over command continued
several minutes more but Wainwright would
not budge from his position, asserting repeatedly that he did not have the authority
to surrender the Visayan-Mindanao Force.
Finally Homma rose, looked down at Wainwright, and said, "At the time of General
King's surrender in Bataan I did not see
him. Neither have I any reason to see you
if you are only the commander of a
unit ... I wish only to negotiate with my
equal. . . ." 27 He seemed ready to leave.
Wainwright was in no position to bargain. Uppermost in his mind was the
thought that the troops on Corregidor were
disarmed and helpless. If Homma refused
now to accept his surrender, these men faced
certain death. After a hurried conference
with Beebe and Pugh, he agreed to surrender the entire Philippine garrison.28
General Homma now refused to accept the
surrender. "You have denied your authority . . .," he told Wainwright, "I advise
you to return to Corregidor and think the
matter over. If you see fit to surrender, then
surrender to the commanding officer of the
division on Corregidor. He in turn will bring
you to me in Manila." 29 With these words
Homma left the meeting.
After General Homma's departure,
Wainwright offered his unconditional surrender to Colonel Nakayama, who had remained behind to take the Americans back
to Corregidor. He agreed also to send one
of his officers to Mindanao in a Japanese
plane to persuade Sharp to surrender. "But
in the back of my mind," he explained later,
"was the strong hope that some way would
still be found to avert the surrender of all
forces." 30
Colonel Nakayama refused to accept
Wainwright's proposal and told him he
would have to wait until he reached Corregidor. Homma's instructions, he explained, authorized only the commander of
the Japanese forces on Corregidor to accept
the surrender.31 He then took the Americans
back to Cabcaben by car and thence by boat
to Corregidor, where they arrived late in the
evening of 6 May.
The trip across the channel had been a
long and stormy one, but not long enough
for Wainwright to find a way out of his
dilemma. MacArthur, he knew, expected
Sharp's force to continue the fight as guerrillas and to keep alive resistance on Mindanao. He had done his best to achieve this
aim, and Sharp was now free to conduct
guerrilla operations. "But each time I
thought of continued organized resistance
on Mindanao," Wainwright recalled, "I
thought, too, of the perilous position of close
to 11,000 men and the wounded and nurses
and civilians on Corregidor." 32 The lives of
these men and women might well be the
price of Sharp's freedom.
The dilemma in which Wainwright
Uno, Corregidor: Isle of Delusion, p. 26. Uno
acted as interpreter on this occasion.
Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story, p.
ment to avoid the useless slaughter of the
already defeated Americans and Filipinos
was a demand that the tunnel be cleared
in ten minutes, an obvious impossibility.
After some bickering, during which the
principals' words had to be translated first
into Russian and then English or Japanese,
it was agreed that the men could remain
in the tunnel but that a lane would be
cleared down the center.
In the time between General Wainwright's departure from Corregidor and his
return late that night, much had happened
on the island. The Japanese had filtered
around Malinta Hill, cutting it off from the
rest of the island, and entered the tunnel
by way of the east entrance. By about 1600
they had cleared out all Americans and
Filipinos, except the hospital patients and
staff officers, and were in complete possession of the tunnel. 35 Later that night, in
accordance with their original plan, the
Japanese had landed additional troops on
the island.
The task of clearing the tunnel had not
been an easy one. In the absence of Moore
and Wainwright, General Drake, the
USFIP quartermaster, had sent his assistant, Lt. Col. Theodore Kalakuka, who
spoke Russian, to contact the commander
of the approaching enemy force at about
1400. Ten minutes later Kalakuka had returned with a Japanese major and a Rus-
There was no discussion of terms. The
surrender was unconditional and the document drawn up by the two men contained
all the provisions Homma had insisted upon.
Wainwright agreed to surrender all forces in
the Philippines, including those in the Visayas and on Mindanao, within four days. All
local commanders were to assemble their
troops in designated areas and then report to
the nearest Japanese commander. Nothing
was to be destroyed and heavy arms and
equipment were to be kept intact. "Japanese
Army and Navy," read the closing paragraphs, "will not cease their operations until
they recognize faithfulness in executing the
above-mentioned orders. If and when such
faithfulness is recognized, the commander in
chief of Japanese forces in the Philippines
will order 'cease fire' after taking all circumstances into consideration." 37
It was midnight by the time the job was
letter is published
The surrender
document inis its
in itsibid.,
entirety in Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story,
p. 135-36.
and steadfast
courage. The calm determination of your personal leadership in a desperate situation sets a
standard of duty for our soldiers throughout
the world.38
Promptly on the morning of 7 May Homma's intelligence officer, Lt. Col. Hikaru
Haba, called on General Wainwright to discuss measures required to fulfill the terms of
the surrender agreement. The most important step toward carrying out these terms
was for Wainwright to reassume command
p. 140.
the letter was completed, Colonel Haba announced that the general would go to Manila that afternoon to broadcast the surrender instructions. General Wainwright objected strenuously, but finally gave in when
he realized that it would give Sharp an additional twenty-four hours to make his preparations and to inform General MacArthur
of the situation.40 At 1700, when Haba
called for him, he was ready. Accompanied
by five of his staff officers he left for Manila,
Ibid., p.after
140. many delays, shortly before
instructions over
Ltr, Horan
to Wainwright,
Wainwright's 24
Jun p.42,147.
copy in
and comparatively safe retreats in the mountains, from where they hoped to wage guerrilla warfare for an indefinite period. Any
effort to drive them from these strongholds
would involve the Japanese in a long and
expensive campaign. On Mindanao, where
the Japanese had committed larger forces
and scored more important gains than elsewhere in the south, General Sharp's troops
had been defeated, but elements of his force
were still intact and capable of continuing
organized resistance. Plans for their withdrawal to the more remote portions of the
island, out of reach of the enemy, had already been made and the sector commanders were ready to put these plans into execution on orders from General Sharp.
On the morning of 6 May General Sharp
received two messages. The first was the one
in which Wainwright relinquished command of the Visayan-Mindanao Force and
directed Sharp to report to MacArthur for
orders. The second was from General MacArthur who, on learning of the surrender
of Corregidor and without knowledge of
Wainwright's instructions to Sharp, immediately ordered the commander of the
Visayan-Mindanao Force to "communicate
all matters direct to me." 46 With this dispatch MacArthur assumed command of the
Visayan-Mindanao Force.
The first intimation Sharp had of Wainwright's intention to reassume command
came from the latter's radio broadcast on
midnight of the 7th. He immediately repeated the gist of the broadcast, which directed him in unmistakable terms to surrender, to MacArthur and asked for further in-
Rads, MacArthur to Sharp, No. 167, 6 May 42,
and Sharp to MacArthur, 0415/Z/7, 7 May 42,
both in AG 384.1, GHQ SWPA.
Rad, MacArthur to Sharp, No. 676, 9 May 42,
AG48 384.1, GHQ SWPA.
Rad, MacArthur to Marshall, No. 677, 9 May
AG 384.1, GHQ SWPA.
The Japanese were not a signatory to the
Geneva Convention, but in February 1942, through
to the provisions relating to prisoners of war, reserving the right to make changes when necessary.
if Sharp did not surrender.50 On the same
occasion Wainwright testified that the Japanese told him they did not regard the
Americans as prisoners of war but as hostages, "held to insure the success of the
negotiations with forces in the south. . . ."
"My principal concern," he said then, "was
for fear that they would do what they said
they would do; that is, slaughter all those
people in the fortified islands unless the
troops all over the Archipelago surrendered." 51
Added to the threat, real or imagined,
of what might happen to these men, practically all of whom were concentrated in a
small area on the beach at Corregidor, was
the threat reported to have been made to
the men on Corregidor. For every day that
the surrender was delayed, they were told,
ten American officers would be executed.
Wainwright admits he did not know of this
threat at the time, and if made it was
certainly never carried out.52
General Sharp's position on 8 May was
not an enviable one. First Wainwright had
released him and now sought to reassert his
control. He had reported to MacArthur
and from him had received complete authority to act on his own judgment. His
legal right to ignore Wainwright's reassump50
rescinding his earlier instructions and directing his subordinate commanders to cease
all operations at once, stack arms, and raise
the white flag. One of his staff officers, he
told them, would soon arrive with written
orders and with detailed instructions. These
The detailed instructions to each commander were sent by courier on the 11th.
In each case the commander was directed
to assemble his men at a designated point
and at a certain time. General Chynoweth,
for example, was to bring his men to the
announced his decision to General Mac- ban and Catbalogan. Land mines and other
Arthur. "I have seen Wainwright's staff explosives that might cause injury or damofficer," he explained, "and have with- age to the Japanese were to be removed
drawn my order releasing commanders on within twenty-four hours, and those that
other islands and directed complete sur- could not be removed were to be plainly
render. Dire necessity alone has prompted marked. All commanders were warned
this action." 56
It was with great relief that General
Wainwright heard from Colonel Traywick
when that officer returned to Manila on 11
The surrender on Mindanao was genMay that General Sharp had decided to erally without incident, although here, as
place his forces again under Wainwright's elsewhere, a large number of troops precommand and to accept the order to sur- ferred to leave their units rather than berender. This decision, he believed, averted a come prisoners. Colonel Chastaine, unable
massacre and saved the Corregidor garri- to get his regiment to the appointed place in
time, requested, and presumably secured,
Wainwright's relief was premature. Gen- permission to arrive at a later date. Others
eral Sharp's surrender orders proved far may have had similar difficulties.59 The most
more difficult to enforce than had been anticipated. His troops were scattered among
many islands; most of them were untrained
Filipinos; and those who were safe in their
mountain hide-outs showed no disposition
striking commentary on the enforced surrender came from General Fort, commander
of the 81st Division (PA), who wrote to
General Sharp: "Many of my officers encouraged me to disobey orders and continueand strange to relate, Filipino and
V-MF Rpt of Opns, pp. 99-103. Copy of the
document of surrender is in Sharp Papers. Rad,
Sharp to Chynoweth, Hilsman, Christie, Cornell,
Blancas, 11 May 42, Sharp Papers.
Rad, Chastaine to Sharp, No. 1, 13 May 42,
Sharp Papers.
Moro officerswhich I'll admit was a temptation as my own small force was undefeated and was growing stronger with the
reorganization which I had undertaken. . . .
I had difficulty in holding some of them true
to discipline." 60
The surrender of Chynoweth's troops on
Cebu was not accomplished as easily as the
surrender of those on Mindanao. Chynoweth had heard Wainwright's surrender
broadcast on 6 May and received General
Sharp's clear text message to surrender four
days later. Reasoning that this order was
either an enemy ruse or that it had been
given at bayonet point, he decided to ignore
it and instructed his communications officer
not to acknowledge this or any further messages.61 He next received a letter from the
commander of the Japanese forces on Cebu
urging immediate surrender to save lives.
Chynoweth acknowledged receipt of the letter but made no move to surrender his force.
During the next two days the two commanders exchanged polite notes without
reaching agreement. The correspondence
came to an end when General Chynoweth
asserted that he did not consider the order
to surrender, "legally binding" since it had
been given under duress. "We do not feel,"
he wrote, "that we can honorably surrender." 62 Copies of the correspondence were
sent to the various units on Cebu, and the
men were told that they could surrender individually if they wished to do so. Only two
Filipinos and two Americans took advantage of this opportunity. General Chyno60
Ltr, Fort to Sharp, no date, V-MF Rpt of Opns,
pp. 285-86. General Fort was later executed by the
The account of the surrender on Cebu is based
65 Chynoweth, 61st Div (PA) and Visayan Force
Ibid., p. 36. Up until February 1949 General
Rpt, pp. 33-37, OCMH.
Ibid., p. 34.
otherwise it may be treason." He closed his
message with an appeal to General Sharp
to give him a free hand in dealing with the
enemy on Panay.68
General Sharp refused to accept Christie's
answer and directed him to hoist the white
flag and cease all operations at once. "Your
failure to comply," he warned, "will produce disastrous results." Neither Wainwright's nor his surrender, he explained, had
yet been accepted, and unless all the island
commanders capitulated the Japanese
would resume offensive operations. MacArthur, he told Christie, had been informed
of his actions, and an officer, Colonel
Thayer, was leaving by plane for Panay with
written instructions and a personal message.
He concluded his message with instructions
for an immediate reply "indicating your
compliance and actions." 69
Colonel Christie persisted in refusing to
accept Sharp's order, arguing, first, that it
was unnecessary, second, that it would have
an adverse effect on the civil population,
and third, that he doubted the authority of
either General Wainwright or General
Sharp to order his surrender. He felt that to
comply with Sharp's directions would "tend
toward treason," and questioned whether
the surrender of one island meant the automatic surrender of others. "I strongly urge
you," he told General Sharp, "to have the
approval of the War Department through
MacArthur," adding that he intended to
consult his immediate commander, General
Chynoweth. He closed his message with a
plea. "In this delicate situation please do
not issue me any peremptory orders that will
embarrass or get us into mutual conflict.
Ibid., p. 37.
Ltr, Sharp to Christie, 12 May 42, V-MF Rpt
of Opns, pp. 108-09. Italics are General Sharp's.
May, Sharp's courier, Lt. Col. Charles I.
Humber, Jr., arrived on Negros with these
instructions. Immediately, the sector commanders were called into conference by
Hilsman and told that if all troops in the
Philippines did not surrender within a specified time, a certain number of the men captured on Corregidor would be executed
each day that the surrender was delayed.78
Although Sharp's instructions required
the commanding officer to go to Iloilo to
arrange for the surrender, Colonel Hilsman
accepted Colonel McLennan's offer to go in
his stead. Accompanied by Humber, McLennan left on the morning of 20 May and
reached Iloilo that night. He was received
aboard a Japanese freighter, loaded with
troops and ready to sail, by Col. Kumataro
Ota, and the next day returned to Negros
with the Japanese. The Japanese ran into
scattered fire when they landed, but had no
Despite his best efforts, Hilsman was unable to restore order or compel the Filipino
troops to accept the surrender. Sharp's
courier, Colonel Humber, finally had to ask
that Brig. Gen. Manuel A. Roxas, Quezon's
deputy in the Philippines, be sent to Negros
to prevent an uprising "due to feeling and
sentiment among civilian population . . .
and the fear of Filipino troops and officers
of being placed in concentration camps." 81
In his reply General Sharp did his best to
allay the fear of the Filipinos. He pointed
out that the Japanese on Mindanao had
been "most lenient" in their treatment of
civilians, and had asked civilian officials to
remain at their posts. "Treatment of military forces," he added, "had been strictly
in accordance with the Geneva Convention
as indicated in our rules of land warfare." 82
To this Hilsman replied that he was doing
everything in his power to follow the instructions he was receiving from General Sharp
and from the Japanese.83
General Wainwright, too, was greatly
concerned over the situation in Negros.
There were approximately 200 Japanese internees on the island and the fear that they
might be harmed by the rebellious troops
was Wainwright's chief worry. "It was a
fantastically ticklish situation," he recalled
later, "with the lives of countless Americans
and Filipinos hanging by the thread of the
mutineers' unpredictability."84 Momentarily he expected the Japanese to turn their
guns on the Corregidor prisoners.
to right:
Generals Moore, King, and Wainwright; two Japanese officers; Generals Parker and
Jones. Standing, left to right: Japanese messenger; Generals Lough, Funk, Weaver,
Brougher, Beebe, Bluemel, Drake, McBride, and Pierce; Colonel Hoffman (interpreter); and two Japanese soldiers.
In the context of global war, the Philippines did not in 1942 possess great strategic
significance. The Japanese tide had already
swept around the Islands and over southeast Asia and the Indies, through the Bismarck Archipelago and the Solomons to
Guadalcanal, and eastward across the Pacific as far as the Gilbert Islands. At the
beginning of June the Japanese stood ready
to move on Port Moresby, Midway, and the
Aleutians, and to sever the line of communication between Australia and the United
States. Everywhere, they had achieved
phenomenal success, sweeping all resistance
before them. Only in the Philippines had
they been halted, and in this successful,
though hopeless, resistance lay the real importance of the campaign. It demonstrated
that the Japanese were not invincible, that
The Sources
Few military disasters of modern times
are as sparsely documented or inadequately
recorded in the official records as the defeat
of America's forces in the Philippines in the
first six months of World War II. Cut off
from the United States almost immediately
and encircled by a tightening blockade, the
turned, by officer courier, to General MacArthur and has remained in his possession
since. Though its contents are not known,
there is reason to believe that the footlocker
contains material of value on the early part
of the campaign.
The second shipment of records came in
April 1942 when General Wainwright took
advantage of the presence of two small aircraft on Corregidor to send to General
Official Records
Among senior commanders in the Philippines there was a strong desire to justify their
conduct of the campaign to their countrymen. This, they realized, could be done only
if the record was preserved, and on at least
three occasions during the course of the bat-
The evidence that these records were received in Melbourne and placed in a vault
in General Sutherland's office is indisputable. Their disposition thereafter is not
known. The seven packages of G-4 records
may have reached Washington, for there
exist in the files of The Adjutant General,
eight feet (one file cabinet) of records sent
from Corregidor. These records, which deal
largely with supply matters, have been used
extensively in the preparation of this volume
and were especially valuable in the study
of shortages in food and medicine. When
used, they were physically located in the
Departmental Records Branch, AGO (Accession No. A51-75), and designated
USAFFE-USFIP Records.* They have
been cited throughout this volume by title
and AG number, followed by the abbreviation Phil Rcds.
Assuming that the USAFFE-USFIP
Records are a part of those sent from Corregidor in April 1942, the disposition of the
remainder of the fifteen packagesthe G-2
and G-3 journals, General Wainwright's
diaries, and supporting papers (altogether
eight packages)remains a mystery. A
careful search of the files of The Adjutant
General in Washington and of GHQ, Far
East Command (FEC) in Tokyo, successor to the 1942 headquarters in Australia,
has failed to produce them, and the principals, Generals Wainwright and Sutherland, assert they have no knowledge of their
The third shipment of records from Corregidor was by submarine on 3 May, just
*A detailed compilation of these records has been
made by Dennis W. Ladd, entitled Inventory of
Certain Records of United States Army Forces in
the Far East and United States Army Forces in
the Philippines, July 1941-May 1942, Finding Aid
No. 31, DRB AGO.
of regularsAmericans and Philippine
Scoutstrained and disciplined and accustomed to maintain records. Though subjected to air and artillery bombardment,
they were in fixed positions and had ample
were ultimately collated into a single report
by General Wainwright and a group of his
former staff officers at Fort Sam Houston in
Entitled Report of Operations of
USAFFE and USFIP in the Philippine
and under the eyes of the Japanese, had begun the preparation of an operations report
in anticipation of the day when they could
present their own account of the disaster
special staff sections, and six with miscellaneous matters, such as citations, lists of
Despite its deficiencies and its uneven nature Wainwright's report contains much of
value. Some of the annexes are ambitious
reports in their own right with numerous
appendixes of their own. Annex XI, Maj.
Gen. William F. Sharp's report on the
Visayan-Mindanao Force, for example, contains thirty-seven appendixes and fills more
than seven hundred pages. Comparable reports are those by Maj. Gen. George F.
Moore, commander of the Harbor Defenses
ANNEX II: Plan of Induction of Philippine
of Manila and Subic Bays, Brig. Gen.
Army; Arrival of Units from the United States
ANNEX III: Headquarters Philippine DepartCharles C. Drake, the quartermaster; and
ment Staff
Col. Wibb E. Cooper, medical officer on
ANNEX IV: Report of Operations of North LuMacArthur's and later Wainwright's staff.
zon Force and I Philippine Corps in the Defense
of Luzon and Bataan, 8 December 1941-9 April
Unfortunately, not all the annexes are as
adequate, the most deficient being those of
ANNEX V: Report of Operations of South Luthe
tactical commands. The report of the
zon Force, Bataan Defense Force and II Philippine Corps in the Defense of South Luzon and BaLuzon Force, for example, which covers the
taan from 8 December 1941-9 April 1942
critical period of the fighting on Bataan beANNEX VI: Report of Operations of Luzon
12 March and 9 April, is only eight
Force, 12 March 1942 to 9 April 1942
pages long, and the supporting reports of the
ANNEX VIII: Report of Philippine Coast Argeneral staff fill only ten more pages.
tillery Command and the Harbor Defenses of MaOfficial records on the prewar period, and
nila and Subic Bays, 14 February 1941-6 May 1942
ANNEX IX: Report of Operations of Provisional on the place of the Philippines in the stratCoast Artillery Brigade in the Philippine Cam- egy of the war are far more plentiful than
ANNEX X: Report of Operations of the Pro- those dealing with the campaign itself. Most
of these are in the custody of The Adjutant
visional Tank Group, 1941-1942
ANNEX XI: Historical Report, Visayan-MinGeneral, filed at this writing in the Departdanao Force, Defense of the Philippines, 1 Septemmental
Records Branch. The most useful
ber 1941-10 May 1942
for this volume were those numbered: 320.2
ANNEX XII: Report of Operations of the
Philippine Division
(7-28-41), which deals with the organizaANNEX XIII: Report of Operations Quartertion and reinforcement of USAFFE; 381
master Corps, United States Army in the Philip(11-27-41) Far East, which consists of
pine Campaign, 1941-1942
ANNEX XIV: Medical Department Activities seven separate bulky folders and contains
in the Philippines, 1941-6 May 1942, and Includmost of the messages sent to the Philippines;
ing Medical Activities in Japanese Prisoner of War
and 400 ( 8 - 1 2 - 1 ) , which contains maCamps
ANNEX XV: Report of Operations, Finance
terial on the supplies sent to the Islands.
Officer, USFIP, 8 December 1941-6 May 1942
The organizational records of GHQ,
ANNEX XVI: United States Forces Stationed
Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA), Macin the Philippines, 7 December 1941
ANNEX XVII: Report of Operations, Signal
Arthur's headquarters during the war, also
Corps, United States Army, 8 December 1941-6
contain some material of value, especially
May 1942
those files numbered 370.05, 384.1, and
ANNEX XVIII: Citations
384.3, Philippine Islands. When used they campaign, the most useful of which are the
were physically located in the Kansas City messages between General Marshall and
Records Center, AGO. Wherever cited in Generals MacArthur and Wainwright. Mathe text, these files have been indicated by terials from these files are identified in the
notes by the abbreviations OPD Exec O
the symbol GHQ SWPA.
Most of the strategy and policy papers re- and OPD Reg Docs.
Many relevant documents are included
lating to the Philippines were filed originally
the forty volumes produced as a result of
in the War Plans Division (WPD), or its
hearings of the Joint Committee (79th
wartime successor, the Operations Division
(OPD, now G-3) of the General Staff. Congress) which investigated the attack on
These files when used were located in the Pearl Harbor. Eleven of the volumes conOperations Division, but, with certain ex- sist of hearings, eighteen of exhibits preceptions, have now been transferred to the sented during the course of the hearings, and
Departmental Records Branch, AGO. one of the majority and minority reports of
Their integrity has been maintained, how- the committee.
For air operations the author has relied
ever, and they still bear the original WPD
and OPD file numbers, which have been largely on secondary accounts, but where
used throughout this volume. Included in necessary has extended his research into the
this collection is the WPD Message File, the files. In the case of the attack on Clark Field,
WPD Ready Reference File (Philippines), the author has gone beyond the official Air
and the OPD 381 Philippine Islands File, Forces account, and has used all available
all of which were particularly useful. The files as well as interview material. ParticuChief of Staff files were handled in the same larly valuable were the author's interviews
manner and are now also located in the De- with Lt. Gen. Richard K. Sutherland, the
partmental Records Branch, AGO. Those notes on which are filed in the Office of the
files prepared before March 1942 are iden- Chief of Military History.
The Office of Naval Records also contified by the symbol OCS preceding the
number; thereafter, by the symbol WDCSA. tains some material of value for this camMost valuable for this volume are those paign. The reports of Admiral Thomas H.
designated OCS 18136, WDCSA 370.05 Hart and Rear Adm. Francis W. Rockwell,
(3-17-42) Philippines, and WDCSA 381 the former as commander of the Asiatic
Fleet and the latter as 16th Naval District
(3-17-2) Philippines.
Though most of the WPD and OPD rec- commander, were especially useful. Rockords of the 1941-1942 period have been well's report, which covers the period from
turned over to The Adjutant General, G-3 1 December 1941 to 19 March 1942, constill retains possession of certain files dealing tains a number of supplementary reports as
with strategy and policy. Those used in the well as a portion of the War Diary of the
preparation of this volume are the former 16th Naval District.
The operations of the 4th Marines are
executive office files and the highly confidential strategy papers of the Registered covered briefly in the postwar report of its
Documents Collection of the Operations Di- commander, Col. Samuel L. Howard, filed
vision. The former contains about a half- in the Historical Division, USMC. Its regidozen folders relating to the Philippine mental records, like those of Army units,
were destroyed when Corregidor surrendered, and the story of the 4th Marines must
be reconstructed from memoirs and interviews. Fortunately, this task had been accomplished in part for the author by Hanson
W. Baldwin in a four-part article entitled
"The Fourth Marines at Corregidor," published in the Marine Corps Gazette (November 1946-February 1947).
in the files of the Office of the Chief of Military History, and the original returned to
the owner. Where the owner had carbon
copies there was no necessity for reproduction. In rare instances, the originals were
presented to the author as representative of
the Office of the Chief of Military History.
One such gift came from the widow of General Sharp who turned her husband's papers
over to the author on that officer's death
from a heart attack in 1947.*
The nature of this collection almost defies
description. Included in it are letters written
over a three-year period in prison camp but
never sent, diaries, notes, poems, unit histories, reports, memoranda, accounts of
single incidents or battles, memoirs, and preliminary narratives intended as the basis for
a later, larger work which the writer hoped
would be published. They vary widely in
size and quality. Some are only one page
long and others are ambitious works numbering several hundred pages. Some are
written in the dullest prose imaginable;
others have real literary merit. Some are accurate and detailed; others replete with loose
generalizations. Common to all is the note
of bitterness at what they believed to be their
abandonment by their government and the
desire to justify themselves to the future.
Among the records thus secured were accounts, written in prison camp, of the operations of most of the divisions and a large
number of the regiments that fought on
Luzon. Brig. Gen. Kearie L. Berry lent the
author his account of the operations of 3d
Infantry, 1st Regular Division (PA), which
is actually a history of that division. From
Col. Ray M. O'Day, senior instructor of the
*Mrs. Sharp later gave additional papers to The
Adjutant General's Office. These are located in
Departmental Records Branch, Accession No.
A51-229, RG 499.
21st Division (PA), came a history of that
division in two thin typescript volumes.
Brig. Gen. Clifford Bluemel's report on the
operations of the 31st Division (PA), with
its supporting documents, proved extremely
sated for, in the case of Brig. Gen. William
E. Brougher's 11th Division, by regimental
reports as well as excellent accounts of the
division's most important engagement on
Bataan, the Pocket Fights.
Supporting these unofficial division histories, as well as the official history of the
Philippine Division, are unofficial accounts
of the operations of many of the regiments
and battalions. Perhaps the best are those of
the 31st (US), 45th (PS), and 57th Infantry (PS), Philippine Division. In the case
of the 45thwhich figured largely in the
Abucay fight, the Battle of the Points, the
Pocket Fights, and the counterattack of 6
Aprilthere is an account for each of the
battalions. The operations of the 11th Infantry, 11th Division, are well covered in
three separate reports, two of which were
written by Col. Glen R. Townsend, the regimental commander. Operations of its sister
regiments, however, are only sketchily covered in brief accounts. Reports from the regiments of other divisions are similar to those
already noted, the weakest usually being just
those where the division report itself is inadequate. There are accounts also of the operations of nondivisional units, such as the
26th Cavalry (PS), including a separate report by the commander of the 2d Squadron;
the 192d and 194th Tank Battalions (US);
and the 86th, 88th, and 301st Field Artillery. Unfortunately, the commander of the
Provisional Air Corps Regiment, which for
more than two months held a sector of the
second line on Bataan, never prepared a report but the operations of other Air Corps
units serving as infantrythe 17th, 21st,
and 34th Pursuit Squadrons, which fought
in the Battle of the Pointsare briefly covered in separate accounts.
The most valuable single collection of
small unit historiesincluding some of those
thoughtful and accurate account which
deals with many more matters than one
would expect from an officer who saw the
war from a regimental headquarters.
Though called a diary, it is actually a sus-
tained narrative. Col. Paul D. Bunker's 190page diary, closely written on sheets measuring 12 by 16 inches, is a true diary and consists of daily entries. Colonel Bunker was
commander of the Seaward Defenses of
Corregidor and his diary was especially valuable for those chapters dealing with operations there. Unfortunately, it contains no
entries for the critical period between 29
April and 17 May 1942, when the Japanese
landed and took the island.
The diary of Maj. William J. Priestley is
unlike either Mallone's or Bunker's. It is a
compilation of the activities of various units,
written by Priestley in prison camp on the
basis of information supplied by other officers. Organized in a haphazard manner, it
contains all sorts of miscellaneous information difficult to obtain elsewhere. Other
diaries useful for a study of the campaign
are those of Col. Alexander Quintard, commander of the 301st Field Artillery; Lt. Col.
Arthur L. Shreve, artillery officer of the
South Luzon Force; Maj. Achille C. Tisdelle, General King's aide; Maj. John
McM. Gulick, commander of Battery C,
91st Coast Artillery (PS)a work of genuine literary merit; and Capt. Roland G.
Ames, commander of Battery Chicago, 60th
Coast Artillery ( A A).
After the reconquest of the Philippines
and the release of the prisoners of war, a
section was formed in MacArthur's headquarters for the processing of the survivors.
This section, called the Recovered Personnel
Section, G-1, soon began to receive finance,
personnel, hospital, and prison records, as
well as diaries and notebooks, prepared in
the same way as those mentioned above, all
of which had been carefully wrapped and
buried on Bataan, Corregidor, and the
prison grounds to keep them out of Japanese
hands. Before these records were sent to
Washington or, in those cases where the
papers were of no official value, returned to
their owners or heirs, they were carefully
screened for any information of value they
might contain about the enemy. The entire
collection was then microfilmed and deposited in the Records Administration
Center, AGO. The author, however, has
avoided references to the microfilm file and
has used the originals, or photostat and
typed copies, which, together with an 80page index to the entire collection, is available in the Office of the Chief of Military
Despite the large amount of material thus
collected, there was still little information
on the operations of small units, of company
and battalion size. In some cases the action
of these units had been decisive and an
accurate account was essential. This gap
vision, which was officered by Americans.
The rest cover operations of elements of the
1st, 11th, 41st, and 91st Divisions, and miscellaneous units. Among this group is the
only report of the Provisional Air Corps
Regiment, prepared by Lt. Sheldon H. Mendelson while he was a student at The Infantry School, as well as an account entitled
The First U.S. Tank Action in World War
II, prepared by Lt. Col. Thomas Dooley,
General Wainwright's aide, during his assignment to The Armored Force School.
All of these papers were borrowed from
those schools where they were prepared and
returned there after they were used. Their
location is indicated in the footnotes.
Though the unofficial unit histories, diaries, notebooks, and term papers made possible for the first time a reasonable reconstruction of the Philippine campaign, there
were still many gaps which needed to be
filled before a complete and authentic account could be written. Only the officers
who had participated in the actions for
which the accounts were incomplete or
nonexistent, or who had been present when
an important decision was made, could provide the missing information. This information the author secured in two ways, by letter and by interview. The letter-writing
method was used when information of an
operational nature was required, or when
the distance was too great to permit personal conversation. Interviews were conducted with those officers who were readily
available, or where the information needed
could not easily be put in writing. The response to both methods was very gratifying
and yielded an important body of records
dealing with the campaign.
The correspondence file is of especial
value, and the author has relied on it more
heavily than on the interview. Those asked
produced more complete and accurate answers than those who gave their information
orally. Often they drew sketches to illus-
many cases made his own notes of the interview to remind him of the more important
points. It was felt that the presence of a
secretary or the taking of notes would inhibit
Chief of Military History, together with
copies of the Japanese originals which were
checked in every important case.
The second major category of Japanese
source material for the campaign is the collection of the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) of General MacArthur's headquarters. During the war this
section screened all enemy documents taken
on the field of battle, translating and publishing those of immediate value. At the
conclusion of hostilities, ATIS turned its attention to records of a historical nature and
interrogated a large number of Japanese officers about their part in the war. These,
like the wartime translations, were published in the ATIS series and distributed to
interested agencies and commands. A complete set of these publications is on file in
the Office of the Chief of Military History,
as well as in the Military Intelligence Library, Department of the Army.
Those ATIS documents most useful in
the preparation of this volume were the after
action reports of the 65th Brigade and 16th
Division. For the brigade there are two reports, one for the period 9-27 January
1942, when it fought in the Mt. Natib area,
and another for the period 26 January-29
February 1942, covering operations in the
vicinity of Mt. Samat (ATIS Enemy Publications 151 and 289). Together they provide a complete account of the brigade's
operations during the first part of the siege
of Bataan, as well as casualty figures, operations orders, maps, and similar material.
The report of the 16th Division (ATIS
Enemy Publication 355) covers the period
24 December 1941 to 3 January 1942 and
was issued two days after the conclusion of
the operations it describesthe Japanese
landings at Lamon Bay and the advance
through south Luzon to Manila. Unfortu-
tion of 65th Brigade officers was inadequate,
but this deficiency was no handicap to the
historian who had the two excellent after
action reports of that brigade.
The third major Japanese source consists of the transcript and exhibits of the
trial of General Homma by an American
military tribunal held at Manila in January
and February of 1946. The thirty volumes
of testimony and more than four hundred
exhibits constitute a storehouse of information on the campaignon plans, operations,
the condition of Japanese troops, the "death
march," the occupation of Manila, and the
American surrender. Its chief value, however, lies in the fact that Homma's testimony
constitutes a statement by the enemy commander of his conduct of the campaign,
together with an explanation of the factors
which influenced his most important decisions. In this respect, the enemy sources
are more rewarding than the American.
The records of the trial when used were in
the custody of The Judge Advocate General but have recently been transferred to
the Departmental Records Branch, AGO.
Citations of the testimony at the trial and
to interviews and statements retain the rank
of the officers at the time of the action described in the text. In almost all cases, however, these officers had been demobilized
and had no military status.
In addition to these three categories of
Japanese material, the author has used a
number of other enemy sources in the preparation of this volume. These include the
numerous postwar interrogations and reports of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey (USSBS), which conducted a
detailed study of many facets of the Japanese war effort. The published work of the
survey consists of a summary report, two
volumes of naval interrogations, and a large
number of volumes on the Japanese war
effort. There are also many unpublished
interrogations in the USSBS files, copies of
which are available in the Office of the
Chief of Military History.
In The National Archives of the United
States is a large collection of untranslated
Japanese military and naval documents obtained at the end of the war and returned to
this country. These consist mainly of war
diaries, usually of small units, and in some
cases of collections of orders. The systematic
use of these records would have required the
services of a staff of translators for several
years, a project which was neither practical
nor profitable. Little use was made of this
collection, therefore, except to scan it for
the most relevant and useful documents.
To the difficulties of securing material on
the tactical level must be added the lack of
the type of maps and overlays required by
the military historian. At the start of the war
there were only four militarily significant
maps of the Philippines in existence. Two of
these were U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
maps: one for the entire archipelago at the
scale of 1:600,000; and the other, a topographic map consisting of seventeen sheets
and covering the major islands, scaled at
1:200,000. The other two maps had been
prepared by the Army engineers. The first of
these was a topographic map and was based
on a military survey made between 1911 and
1914. It covered only a portion of Luzon
and was scaled at 1:63,360. The other, also
a topographic map, was based on a more
recent survey made in 1934 and 1935.
Scaled at 1:31,680, it covered an even more
restricted area than the 1:63,360, being
limited to certain sectors of Luzon consid-
ered most critical for defense. There were
enough copies of the first three of these maps
for ordinary needs, but the last was available
only in blueprint and in limited quantities.
The disadvantages of so inadequate a
map coverage were perhaps not as serious
as might be supposed. Many of the troops
were fighting on their home islands in country they knew well. The Americans and
Scouts had been over the ground many times
before and had maneuvered on Bataan as
late as January 1941. Those Filipinos who
came from islands other than Luzon found
the terrain little different from their own.
Maps in the quantities needed by American
forces in the Pacific later in the war were
therefore not required in this campaign.
Facilities for map reproduction in the
Philippines were excellent. The plants of the
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey and of the
Commonwealth Bureau of Public Works
were both available to the military and operated until the evacuation of Manila, though
the first was bombed on 23 December. Part
of the equipment was then moved, with
much difficulty, to Corregidor where the
printing of maps on a limited basis was continued several months longer.
Facilities for the making of maps were not
nearly as satisfactory. There was no headquarters base map plant, such as existed
later in the war, in the Philippines at that
time, no aerial photography, and only a few
small mapping detachments in the field.
Men trained to make maps were scarce, and
in those days the making of maps was a long
and arduous task. Little had been done during the years of peace to remedy these deficiencies. Like other military activities, map
making had been severely curtailed for
reasons of economy. It was fortunate indeed
that the few areas mapped were those where
most of the action took place and where
tions, the location of gun emplacements,
fields of fire, wire entanglements, demolitions, and the like. If the maps have survived, their owners treasure them too highly
to allow their use by others. The author has
found copies of the 1:63,360 and 1:31,680
engineer maps, but these lacked the information needed. Moreover, the latest maps
of Bataan found are dated February 1942
and do not show the trails built between that
time and the end of the campaign. Two of
the engineer sketches showing the location
of gun emplacements, demolitions, and similar installations, have been found, but these
lack exact terrain information and troop
To secure the information required in a
tactical account the author has utilized
every source open to him. Officers interviewed were asked to place their units on a
map and to make whatever corrections or
additions they could. With the numerous
letters requesting material went maps and
an added request to supplement and correct the information shown. Sketches drawn
by others and data from later maps were
also used. All this information was collated,
but the result was not entirely satisfactory.
Terrain descriptions varied; trails were differently numbered or named; the same
name or number was applied to different
trails; rivers were named and located differently on various maps and by different officers ; boundaries between units could not be
exactly fixed; and even the front lines described in the various accounts could not be
reconciled. No final resolution of these and
other discrepancies is possible since the
original map and overlays have been lost.
The Japanese had difficulties of their own
with maps, and for the invasion probably
used a road map of the Philippines and
hydrographic charts of their own. This lack
was filled soon after the occupation of Manila when they captured a detailed U.S.
Coast and Geodetic Survey photostat map
of Bataan. This they lithographed and
printed, then distributed to their own troops.
A copy of this map, with Japanese troop dispositions and place names marked on it,
was introduced as evidence in the trial of
General Homma. It proved invaluable for
fixing enemy positions and following enemy
movements; without it the account of Japanese operations would have been less exact
in many places.
Published Works
The number of books and articles dealing
with the Philippine campaign and its aftermath is especially large, but of limited use.
The dramatic defense by the Philippine garrison captured the imagination of the American public immediately, and articles began
to appear early in 1942 as officers, public
officials, and correspondents made their way
by submarine and aircraft through the Japanese blockade. Throughout the year articles
on the Philippines continued to appear in
service journals and elsewhere, but in
steadily diminishing numbers as American
forces embarked on new ventures in North
Africa, in the Solomons, and in New Guinea.
Thereafter until the end of war, a period
when those who could have written authoritatively about the Philippine campaign
were in prison camp, there were few published works on the Philippines. To this
early period belong such works as Lt. Col.
William E. Dyess, The Dyess Story (New
York, 1944); John Hersey, Men on Bataan
(New York, 1942); Lt. Col. Allison Ind,
Bataan, The Judgment Seat (New York,
1944) ; and Carlos P. Romulo, I Saw the
Fall of the Philippines (New York, 1942).
School Quarterly.
At about the time these books and articles
were published, the memoirs and histories
of the war began to appear. Many of the
former, written by men who had occupied
high political and military posts during the
war, touched briefly on the Philippines and
cast additional light on obscure points. The
most useful of these are: Manuel L. Quezon,
The Good Fight (New York, 1946); Lt.
Gen. Lewis H. Brereton, The Brereton
Diaries (New York, 1946); Dwight D.
Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe (New York,
1948); and Henry L. Stimson and McGeorge Bundy, On Active Service in Peace
and War (New York, 1948).
Histories of the period first appeared in
print in 1948, and, like the memoirs, were
still coming out at the time this volume was
completed. Most of these were and still are
being prepared under the sponsorship of the
armed forces, each of which maintains its
own historical program. The Army's program, under which this volume was prepared, contains several volumes which deal
with this period. Three of these, Mark
Skinner Watson's Chief of Staff: Prewar
Plans and Preparations, Ray S. Cline's
Washington Command Post: The Operations Division, and Maurice Matloff's and
Edwin M. Snell's Strategic Planning for
Coalition Warfare, 1941-1942, have already been published in this series. Others
which were used in manuscript and which
are scheduled for early publication are
Richard M. Leighton and Robert W. Coak-
ley, The Logistics of Global Warfare, 1941- (New York, 1950); and Herbert Feis, The
1943, and Rudolph A. Winnacker, The Road to Pearl Harbor (Princeton, 1950).
In the Air Forces series, nominally part of
With What They Had (Boston, 1951) belongs, in a sense, to this category since the
author, a well-known novelist, secured much
of his material during the war on a special
mission for the Air Forces. The 14-volume
history of naval operations, written by
Samuel Eliot Morison and published by
Little, Brown & Company, includes eight
volumes on the Pacific. The first of these
(Volume III of the series), The Rising Sun
in the Pacific, covers the first four months of
the war and includes naval operations in
the Philippine campaign.
In addition to these service histories, each
of which presents a segment of the same war
from a different point of view, there are
other histories which provide valuable material and fresh points of view. These include
J. F. C. Fuller, The Second World War,
1939-45 (London, 1948); Robert E. Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate
History (New York, 1948); Hanson W.
Baldwin, The Great Mistakes of the War
It is impossible to write about the Philippine campaign without dealing with the
controversial figure of General MacArthur.
Even before his relief from the Far East
command in April 1951 he had already become the subject of numerous books and
articles, few of which were objective in tone.
His relief was the signal for a fresh flurry of
books and articles dealing with his career,
and some of these reviewed his conduct of
the Philippine campaign. Like the earlier
works, almost all of these were by stanch
champions or violent critics. None contained
any significant new material on the campaign. At the time this volume was completed at least two more books about MacArthur were scheduled for early publication
and there was every indication that others
would appear in the near future.
In this connection, one final note must be
added. The manuscript and published
sources here described represent the best
material available at the time of writing.
Undoubtedly additional material will appear. Some of the missing records may turn
up in private collections or be found in some
obscure corner of The Adjutant General's
files. Still to be heard from are General MacArthur and his principal staff officers, most
of whom are now retired; General King;
and the men who commanded corps and
some of the divisions on Bataan. Only then,
when the full story of these men is known,
will it be possible to fill in the gaps and
round out the tactical detail of this volume.
Military UnitsIdentification
Antiaircraft Artillery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Armored Command
Army Air Forces
Artillery, except Antiaircraft and Coast Artillery
Cavalry, Horse .
Cavalry, Mechanized .
Chemical Warfare Service
Coast Artillery . . . .
Engineers . . . . . .
Medical Corps
. .
Ordnance Department
Quartermaster Corps .
Signal Corps . . . .
Tank Destroyer . . .
Transportation Corps .
Veterinary Corps
. .
. . . . .
*For complete listing of symbols see FM 21-30, from which these are taken.
Size Symbols
The following symbols placed either in boundary lines or above
the rectangle, triangle, or circle inclosing the identifying arm or service
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Platoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Company, troop, battery, A i r Force flight
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Corps o r A i r Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Group o f Armies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The letter or number to the left of the symbol indicates the unit
designation; that to the right, the designation of the parent unit to which
it belongs. Letters or numbers above or below boundary lines designate
the units separated by the lines:
Company A, 137th Infantry . .
. .
. .
Machine g u n . . . . . . . . . . . . .
G u n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
G u n battery . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Howitzer o r Mortar
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Self-propelled g u n . . . . . . . . . . .
ABDA Theater of Operations: 242, 356, 392, 399
Abe, Maj. Gen. Koichi: 183, 236
Abo-Abo River: 277, 287, 289, 289n
Abucay: 252, 263, 293, 316, 352, 418. See also
Abucay-Mauban line.
Abucay Hacienda: 266, 266n, 274, 277, 286, 287, 288,
289, 290, 293
Abucay Line. See Abucay-Mauban line.
Abucay-Mauban line: 247-48, 266-78, 278-85, 285290, 291, 294, 296, 304, 305, 312, 325, 326, 328,
329, 337, 345, 348, 351-52, 379.
Agno River: 107, 128, 133, 137-38, 144, 163, 169,
170-77, 178, 182, 186, 187, 195
Agno River line. See Agno River.
Agoo: 127, 128, 129, 132, 134, 136
Aguilar: 166, 169, 170
Agusan River: 596
V Bomber: 42
V Interceptor: 42-43, 81, 85, 87, 94, 153, 156,
2d Observation: 50
3d Pursuit: 42, 84, 85, 87, 299, 302
14th Bombardment: 38, 42
Allied: 46, 78
Japanese: 60, 60n, 78, 112-13
Aircraft losses
American: 88, 88n, 95-96, 488
Japanese: 88n, 480, 488
Aircraft reinforcements
American: 37-45, 146n
fighters: 38, 39, 42, 43, 48, 85-88, 88n, 92, 95-96,
106, 142n, 146n, 318, 322, 488
heavy bombers: 31, 38, 38n, 39, 42-43, 48, 64, 8081, 81n, 82-86, 88-90, 92, 92n, 97, 97n, 105, 106,
111, 113, 155-56, 358, 360, 400, 403-04
light bombers: 42, 115, 145-46, 146n, 147, 400
naval: 46, 48, 91, 92, 94, 129, 156, 540
Batchelor Field: 97, 113, 129, 156,
Clark Field: 23, 38, 43, 44, 48, 58, 59, 79-90, 92,
92n, 96, 97, 100, 105, 107, 117, 118, 208, 213,
255, 263, 414, 493, 494
Del Carmen Field: 94
Del Monte: 43, 70, 88, 92n, 96, 97, 111, 238, 239, 360,
400, 401, 403, 501, 508, 516
Hickam Field: 38, 78
Iba Field: 96
Kindley Field: 481, 494, 547, 548, 553, 555
Naguilian: 128, 132
Nichols: 23, 43, 58, 84, 92, 94, 96, 107, 117, 234
Wheeler Field: 78
Akin, Brig. Gen. Spencer B.: 359n
Akiyama, Lt. Col. Monjiro: 58n, 208
Amami Oshima: 61, 123, 138, 140
Ames, Capt. Roland G.: 373n, 480, 481-82, 491,
491n, 495
Artillery, AmericanContinued
lack of: 141, 284
losses: 28, 285, 487, 537, 538, 540, 541, 549-50,
observation: 306, 320, 549
strength: 119-20, 226, 250, 252, 327-28, 407, 474,
475, 476, 478n, 499, 531
support: 190, 199, 250, 252-54, 267, 272, 284, 286,
288, 306-07, 320, 327-28, 334-35, 4
tree burst: 314n, 320, 339
withdrawal operations: 136, 168-69, 187-88, 199,
220-21, 227-28, 269
Artillery, Japanese: 185-86, 219, 221, 227-29, 263-64,
265-66, 271, 272, 279, 288, 294, 334-35, 416,
418, 4 2 1 - 2 2 , 424-25, 428, 429, 433, 444, 445,
446, 484-85, 518, 522-23, 526, 536-41, 546-51,
553, 558. See also Antitank guns; Field artillery,
Japanese; Mortars.
camouflage: 488
emplacements: 265-66, 485, 520, 523
reinforcements: 414
strength: 126, 228, 263, 421, 485, 486, 523, 538
Ashigara: 103, 105, 129
Asiatic Fleet (US): 45-46, 48-49, 78-79, 90-92, 95,
96, 97, 149, 155, 157, 583. See also Pacific Fleet;
U. S. Navy.
Inshore Patrol: 478
Off Shore Patrol: 11
Patrol Wing 10: 46, 91, 92, 96, 299
Submarine Squadron 20: 46
4th Provisional Battalion: 558
16th Naval District: 46, 91, 130
Atimonan: 109, 112, 139, 140, 142, 143, 164, 191,
Atimonan-Padre Burgos line: 109
Australia: 116, 149, 150, 239, 377, 378, 455, 501, 535,
563, 570, 584
bombers from Philippines removed: 97
Baguio: 10, 21n, 27, 28, 84, 96, 128, 132, 134
Balanga: 251, 252, 263, 264, 291, 348, 448, 527
Balantay: 272
Balantay River: 251, 266, 266n, 272-73, 276, 286, 287
Balantay River line. See Balantay River.
Balete Pass: 102, 105
Balikpapan: 91, 91n
Baliuag: 183, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 265
Bamban: 166, 188, 203, 210, 212, 213, 219
Bamban River: 212
Barbed wire: 212, 226, 249, 252, 259, 270, 299, 324,
528, 529
Barnes, Maj. Gen. Julian F.: 146-47, 153, 154, 393
Barr, Lt. Col. Earl L.: 547
BAR's. See Browning automatic rifles.
Bataan. See Terrain and geography.
Bataan Defense Force: 63, 225, 247
Bataan Service Area: 63
Bataan Service Command Area: 247, 248, 296-99,
305, 405. See also McBride, Brig. Gen. Allan C.
East Sector: 296
South Sector: 305, 316, 317, 320
West Sector: 296, 298, 299, 304, 305
Batan Island: 57, 98, 100, 104
Batangas: 96, 235
Batangas Bay: 139, 141
Battle of the Points: 325, 337, 339, 340, 347, 351, 476.
See also Bataan Service Command Area; Anyasan
Point; Longoskawayan Point; Quinauan Point;
Silaiim Point.
Battleships: 46, 60, 78, 126
Bauang: 125, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 132n, 136, 144
Baus Au. See Operation Baus Au.
Bayandati: 250, 279
Beach defense: 104-14, 131-32, 252, 298-324, 410,
411, 476, 478, 513, 528-31, 550, 555-56, 557
Beebe, Brig. Gen. Lewis C.: 164, 350, 361, 362, 363,
363n, 364n, 372, 375, 376, 453, 462n, 561, 564,
565, 567, 568, 569, 570
Bentz, Lt. Louis I.: 183
Borneo: 47, 90, 91, 91n, 112, 114, 154, 156, 238, 240,
356, 414n, 501, 503, 583
Bottomside: 472, 480, 490, 494, 539, 547. See also
Boudreau, Col. Napoleon: 279, 279n, 485, 486
Brady, Lt. Col. Jasper E.: 229, 434, 435, 439, 445
Brereton, Maj. Gen. Lewis H.: 39, 45, 72, 73, 79, 80,
92n, 97, 147, 156, 392, 393. See also Far East Air
and Clark Field attack: 87-88, 89
Far East Air Force commander: 39, 42
and Formosa attack plan: 81-84, 89
Brett, Lt. Gen. George H.: 153, 154, 156-57, 358, 360,
392, 397
Bridget, Comdr. F. J.: 298, 301-02, 302n, 306, 307,
Brisbane: 146, 147, 148, 149, 152, 153, 154, 395
British Borneo: 145
British Malaya: 52, 56, 77
Brougher, Brig Gen. William E.: 102, 132, 169, 176,
186, 213, 222, 224, 225, 342, 344, 345. See also
Divisions (PA), 11th.
commander of Right Sector: 328, 337, 340, 342
Browning automatic rifles: 29, 299, 339
Bulkeley, Lt. John D.: 300, 301, 304, 359, 359n
Bunker, Col. Paul D.: 306, 306n, 478, 481, 482, 487,
488, 489, 490, 491, 534, 536, 537, 538, 541, 546
Burma: 4, 52, 238, 240, 242
Carmen Ferry Subsector: 508, 513
Caroline Islands: 4, 79
Carpenter, Lt. Col. Frank F., Jr.: 117, 371, 376, 457
Carroll, Sgt. Hubert: 567
organization: 247
shipment of supplies: 95, 155, 164-65, 199-200,
and Pocket Fights: 325, 328, 329, 336-46
255, 255-56, 259, 378, 390, 391-92, 393, 395-96,
Right Sector: 328, 329, 337, 340
399-400, 402, 403-04
second Japanese attack: 424, 441
surrender: 564-74
South Sector: 305, 316, 317, 320, 328, 407
terrain and geography: 245, 472-73
withdrawal: 290-95, 454
Topside: 473, 480, 481, 482, 490, 494, 528, 529,
531, 538, 540, 547, 549
Corps, II Philippine: 296, 312, 325, 326, 337, 383,
West Sector: 529, 530, 558
384, 452. See also Parker, Maj. Gen. George
Cothran, Maj. Wade: 464
Bataan Defense Force redesignated: 247
Cotabato: 498, 499, 510, 511, 512
Cotabato-Davao Sector: 508, 510-16
counterattack failure: 434-37
deployment and preparation for attack: 249, Cotar River: 337, 338, 339
251-54, 282, 328-29, 351, 405-07, 410-11, Croom, Capt. Clifton A.: 310
Crow, Maj. Judson B.: 342
431-32, 434, 442, 451-52
disintegration and collapse: 444-47, 452, 454
Allied: 45, 48, 91, 145-46
failure of Japanese operation: 347-48, 350
Japanese attack Abucay line: 265, 266-77, 279,
Japanese: 60, 103, 107, 110, 112, 126-27, 318, 503
281, 285-90
Culis: 227
Japanese deployment and attack plans: 261-64, Culis Creek: 226
Culo 433
River: 223, 224, 226, 228, 229
265-66, 281, 300, 329-30, 348-49, 413-17,
Japanese penetration: 422-30, 437-41
new defense line: 326, 327
organization: 247
Dagupan: 130
Parker in command: 247
Dalirig: 517, 518
Sector A: 327, 329, 331, 406, 444, 447
Dalirig Sector: 517-18
Sector B: 327, 329, 330, 406, 439, 444, 447
Dalton, Col. William F.: 518, 519
Sector C: 3 2 7 , 329, 330, 332, 347, 406, 423, 433,Damortis: 127, 128, 132, 133-36, 174
435, 437, 438, 439, 444, 445
Darwin: 38, 97, 97n, 113, 154, 157, 360, 392, 400
Sector D: 327, 329, 332, 334, 406, 416, 4 1 7 , 422,Davao: 57, 60, 89, 91, 98, 110, 112, 113, 114, 145,
424, 426, 428, 429, 431, 433, 435, 437, 438, 439, 239, 241n, 498, 500, 502, 503, 508
443, 444
Defense lines, D-1, D-2, D-3, D-4, D-5. See Task
Sector E: 327, 406, 407
forces, North Luzon Force.
Corregidor: 12, 22, 27, 45, 58, 63, 91, 92, 247, 254, Defense plan. See War Plan ORANGE-3.
262, 263, 268, 290, 301, 304, 348, 377, 385, 389, Del Carmen: 84, 85, 87, 96
401, 410, 452, 453, 455, 462, 584. See also Forts, Denver Hill: 558, 566
Mills; MacArthur, Gen. Douglas; Malinta Hill; Destroyers
Malinta Tunnel; Moore, Maj. Gen. George F.;
Allied: 46, 48, 90, 91, 91n, 95, 97, 155
Wainwright, Lt. Gen. Jonathan M.
Japanese: 60, 100, 103, 110, 112, 113, 126, 127, 141,
aid to Bataan: 306-07, 369, 372, 373, 375, 411, 440
318n, 349n, 516
Bottomside: 472, 480, 490, 494, 547
Devereux, Maj. James P.S.: 77
command: 361-66
Dewey: 47, 90, 459
defenses: 45, 119-20, 473-76, 478-79, 527-31
Digos: 498, 508
East Sector: 529, 530, 531, 557
Digos Subsector: 508, 512
evacuation to: 161, 162, 164, 165, 238, 457, 458, Diller, Lt. Col. LeGrande A.: 359n
Dinalupihan: 216, 220, 222, 223, 224, 228, 279, 348,
Japanese air attacks: 479-84, 493-97, 539-40,
Dinalupihan-Hermosa line: 264
Japanese artillery bombardment: 448, 484-89, Disease. See Medical problems.
536-41, 546-51
Diuata Mountains: 498, 499
Japanese assault plans: 58, 415-16, 493, 521-27, Divisions (PA)
1st Regular: 27, 119, 141, 166, 191, 247, 280, 281,
Japanese landings: 553-60
282, 283, 284, 284n, 285, 329, 337, 338, 339, 340,
MacArthur's evacuation: 353-54, 355-56, 357-60
341, 342, 343, 405, 406, 407, 513n
Middle Sector: 529, 530, 558
2d Regular: 119, 298, 405, 406, 411
Middleside: 472, 473, 481, 482, 494, 529, 531, 54011th: 69, 70, 102, 104, 108, 131, 132, 169, 170, 171,
problems of surrender threaten garrison: 575-76,
176, 177, 178, 181, 183, 212, 213, 214, 216, 219,
577, 579, 580
220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 247, 252, 29
rations: 257, 369, 375-76, 534-35, 543-44
328, 329, 345, 373-74, 405, 406,
Corps, I PhilippineContinued
293n, 327, 328, 329, 330, 361, 389, 406, 409, 431,
285, 298, 305, 306, 307, 315, 318, 320, 327, 328,
432, 433, 535
339, 407, 476, 486, 488, 490, 531, 540, 555, 556
41st National Guard: 32
75-mm. pack howitzers: 36
Doane, Col. Irvin E.; 327, 406
75-mm. (SPM): 33, 120, 131, 133, 177, 178, 187,
Dobrinic, 1st Lt. Matt: 112
190, 195, 199, 201, 205, 207, 222, 223, 226, 227,
Don Esteban: 164
247, 248, 250, 285, 293, 294, 407, 451, 461
Don Isidro: 393, 394
105-mm. howitzers: 35, 407
Don Jose: 121
155-mm. GPF: 190, 195n, 197, 252, 327, 407, 474,
Dona Nati: 393, 396
475, 476, 478, 487
Dooley, Lt. Col. Thomas: 567, 568
155-mm. guns: 33, 48, 120, 129, 133, 141, 250, 268,
Doyle, Col. Thomas W.: 286, 436, 437, 443
285, 318, 449, 487, 490, 531, 536, 537, 540, 541,
Drake, Brig. Gen. Charles C: 164, 179, 180, 257, 368,
549n, 556-57
155-mm. howitzers: 48, 120, 252, 320, 328, 407
Duisterhof, Maj. Helmert J.: 213, 340, 346
Field artillery, Japanese
Dunckel, Maj. Gen. William C.: 11n
75-mm.: 126, 185, 194, 221, 228, 263, 418, 523, 536,
Duque, Col. Calixto: 513
537, 538
Durst, Lt. Col. Wallace E.: 174
75-mm. mountain gun: 125, 263
Dutch Borneo: 91, 112
105-mm. gun: 126, 219, 220, 263, 348, 485, 487
Dyess, Capt. William.: 310, 311
105-mm. howitzers: 523
150-mm. howitzers: 126, 183, 221, 228, 263, 486,
522, 523, 537
East Sector. See Bataan Service Command Area; Cor240-mm. howitzers: 486, 523, 538, 541, 547
Edmands, Lt. Col. Howard J.: 503, 505
Field artillery units, American
Edmonds, Walter D.: 42n
Group, 2d Provisional: 190, 195
Eisenhower, Brig. Gen. Dwight D.: 9, 10, 13, 152,
Regiments (PA)
153, 356n
11th FA: 220, 221, 222
El Fraile. See Forts, Drum.
21st FA: 107, 136, 161, 170, 187, 212, 213,
Elcano: 396
214, 218, 220, 225, 252-53, 257, 327, 449
Mills: 22, 24, 27, 50, 119, 357, 362, 368, 472, 480,
Wint: 12, 22, 27, 45, 120, 128, 279, 478, 486
Fortier, Col. Malcolm V.: 286, 425, 426, 427
Fowler, Lt. Col. Halstead C.: 134, 136, 207n, 208,
250, 284
Francisco, Maj. Gen. Guillermo B.: 298, 305, 327,
227, 228, 250
406. See also Divisions (PA), 2d Regular.
81st FA: 513, 516, 517, 518
Fremantle: 394, 395, 399
91st FA: 250, 328
French Indochina: 4, 14, 15, 17, 52, 56, 77, 128, 255,
101st FA: 510, 512
399, 413
301st FA: 120, 252, 327, 449
Funk, Col. Arnold J.: 273, 274n, 455, 456, 457, 460,
Regiments (PS)
23d FA: 21, 22, 226, 227, 228, 250
24th FA: 21, 22, 252, 270
Galbraith, Col. Nicoll F.: 350, 351, 460, 574
26th FA: 21
Ganahl, Lt. Col. Joseph: 461
86th FA: 22, 24, 50, 70, 129, 141, 190, 252, 327
Gapan: 183, 213
88th FA: 22, 24, 50, 226, 227, 228, 252, 305,
Geneva Convention: 466, 575n, 582
307, 320, 406
Gentry, Lt. William: 207
Field artillery units, Japanese
Geography. See Terrain and geography.
George, Brig. Gen. Harold H.: 42, 85, 85n, 156, 359,
1st Field Heavy Artillery: 126, 183, 227, 263,
266n, 414, 414n, 486
Germany: 14, 67, 119, 145, 152
3d Independent Mountain Artillery: 414n
Gerona: 166, 178
8th Field Heavy Artillery: 126, 188, 2 1 1 , 216,
Gerow, Brig. Gen. Leonard T.: 15n, 16, 17, 32, 37,
219, 263, 266n
146, 147, 148
22d Field Artillery: 109, 126, 139, 140, 187, 191,
Gillespie, Lt. Col. James O.: 377
195, 216, 349, 522, 523
Glassford, Rear Adm. William A.: 91, 358
48th Mountain Artillery: 125, 129, 132, 134, 135,
Glattly, Col. Harold W.: 377, 378, 380
182, 183, 184, 185, 211, 214, 228, 235n
Gogo River: 337, 343, 348
Gonzaga: 104-06
9th Independent Field Heavy Artillery: 126, 216, Goodall, Lt. Comdr. H. W.: 311, 312n
263, 264, 266n, 486
GPF (Grande Puissance Filloux) 155-mm. gun: 190n.
20th Independent Mountain Artillery: 414n
See also Field Artillery, American.
21st Field Heavy Artillery: 414n
Granberry, Lt. Col. Hal C.: 307
Fifth column: 117-19
Grande Island. See Forts, Wint
Florence D.: 465
Graves, Lt. Col. Reed: 512, 513
Food. See Rations.
Great Britain: 14, 33, 51, 54, 65
Formosa: 4, 55, 58, 60, 100, 291n, 583
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere: 471, 582-83
as Japanese base of operations: 60, 80, 84, 92, 94, Green, Maj. Gen. Joseph A.: 45
95, 96, 98, 100, 118, 123, 126, 138-39, 140, 261,
Grimes, Lt. Col. Arthur J.: 502, 505, 506
Grunert, Maj. Gen. George: 15, 23, 69
plans for American air attack: 69, 80-84, 89, 94
Guagua: 213, 214, 215, 216, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223
Fitch, Maj. A. L.: 284
Guagua-Porac line: 216-23
Fort, Brig. Gen. Guy O.: 514, 577
Guam: 7, 52, 65, 71, 77, 145, 238, 394
Fort Santiago: 121, 471
Guerrilla operations: 502-03, 506, 579, 581
Fort Stotsenburg: 12, 21, 22, 27, 34, 45, 63, 72, 73, 85,
Guimba: 166, 182
179, 180, 255, 256, 257, 366
Guitol: 276, 289, 290, 291
Fort William McKinley: 12, 21, 27, 30, 34, 63, 156, Gulick, Capt. John McM.: 542, 544, 545, 546
180, 194, 199, 200, 201, 234, 255, 256
Gumain River: 220, 222, 223, 224
Forts. See also Corregidor; Harbor Defenses of Manila Gunboats
and Subic Bays; Moore, Maj. Gen. George F.
American: 48, 91, 95, 97, 155
Drum: 22, 47, 476, 478, 482, 485, 487, 488, 494, Japanese: 60
522, 526, 529, 531, 540, 550, 557
Guns. See Field artillery, American, Japanese.
Frank: 22, 45, 476, 478, 482, 485, 486 487, 488,
494, 522, 523, 526, 529, 531, 540, 541, 550
Hughes: 22, 476, 478, 480, 490, 494, 529, 539, 541, Haba, Lt. Col. Hikaru: 58n, 572, 573, 576
Hadley, Lt. Alvin C.: 105, 105n
Field artillery units, AmericanContinued
Regiments (PA)Continued
31st FA: 28, 29, 249, 278, 281, 282, 285, 285n,
331, 332-33
41st FA: 327, 428, 430
51st FA: 196, 199, 200
61st FA: 502, 516, 517, 518
71st FA: 134, 136, 205, 206, 207, 207n, 226,
Harbor Defenses of Manila and Subic Bays: 22, 24,
50, 58, 62, 63, 70, 71, 279, 376, 474, 476, 478,
Chinese General Hospital: 237
478n, 544, 570. See also Corregidor; Forts; Moore,
General Hospital No. 1: 258, 380, 459, 460
Maj. Gen. George F.
General Hospital No. 2: 380, 381, 444, 460
Haruna: 105, 129
Malinta: 545
Harwood, Lt. Col. Otto: 254
Philippine General Hospital: 237
Hart, Admiral Thomas C.: 72, 73, 79, 91, 92, 363,
Houston: 46, 91
528. See also Asiatic Fleet (US).
Howard, Col. Samuel L.: 91, 528, 529, 530, 531, 557,
Asiatic Fleet commander: 46-47
558, 560
on Philippine reinforcements: 96, 147, 151, 154, Howitzers. See Field artillery, American, Japanese.
Huff, Capt. Arthur E.: 538
390-91, 390n, 398-99
on withdrawing fleet from Philippines: 95, 95n, Huff, Lt. Col. Sidney L.: 10, 161n, 359n
Hull, Cordell: 78
96-97, 149, 150, 155-56, 155n
Humber, Lt. Col. Charles L, Jr.: 581
Hauck, Capt. Herman H.: 560
357, 358n
Hawaii: 14, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 48, 71, 71n, 77,
Hurley, Brig. Gen. Patrick J.: 353, 392, 397
149, 240, 241, 360, 397, 399, 402
Hurt, Maj. Marshall H. Jr.: 458, 459, 461, 462, 464,
Hayakawa, Col. Masayoshi: 486
Hayo Maru: 129
Health. See Medical Problems.
Hermosa: 216, 223, 226, 227, 229, 230, 265, 266, 267
Iba: 43, 44, 84, 85, 88, 86n
Hill, Col. Milton A.: 548
Ikuta, Col. Torao: 414n
Hilsman, Col. Roger B.: 113, 578, 580, 581, 582
Iloilo: 91, 404, 507, 581
Hilton, Col. Donald B.: 310
Imai, Col. Hifumi: 132, 223, 225
Hoeffel, Capt. Kenneth M.: 364, 459, 478
Imai, Col. Takeo: 265, 267, 269, 270, 271, 273, 275,
Hoffman, Col. Robert J.: 425-26
276, 287, 288, 294. See also Japanese ground units,
Holbrook: 146n, 154
Regiments, 141st infantry.
Holbrook, Maj. Gen. Lucius R.: 9
Ind, Capt. Allison: 80, 90
Holland: 47
Indochina. See French Indochina.
Holmes, Maj. Stanley: 425, 426-27, 444
Infantry Point: 553, 554, 557
Homma, Lt. Gen. Masaharu: 57, 177n, 413, 414, 415,
Infantry units. See also Divisions.
471, 493, 502, 582. See also Japanese ground
Brigade, 1st Philippine Constabulary: 199, 199n,
units, 14th Army.
201, 206, 206n, 208
Bataan plans and operations: 261-64, 280-81, 330,
Regiments, Philippine Army
332, 334, 337, 405, 411, 413, 417, 418, 420, 421,
426, 429, 431, 433, 448
Provisional Air Corps: 327, 329, 444
and Bataan surrender: 464, 465, 466, 467
1st (1st Division PA): 119, 141, 142, 190, 191,
commands 14th Army: 57
193, 194, 195, 199, 200, 250, 278, 279, 280,
Corregidor plans and operations: 479-80, 484, 486,
281, 284, 329, 337, 338, 345, 513n
488, 493, 521-25, 527, 552, 557, 559-60
2d (1st Division PA): 513, 513n
demands American surrender: 268-69, 418
3d (1st Division, PA): 249, 250, 278, 279, 281,
discontinues Bataan offensive: 347-48, 349-50,
284, 337, 345
11th (11th Division, PA): 171, 178, 183, 184,
Luzon plans and operations: 57-58, 59, 60-61, 98185-86, 213, 214, 220, 221, 222, 337, 339,
340, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346
100, 103, 109, 125, 130, 139, 144, 162, 177n, 181,
12th (11th Division, PA): 102, 105, 106, 131,
182, 188, 200, 203, 210, 211, 216, 218, 230n
134, 213, 214, 220, 222, 315, 316, 319
and occupation of Manila: 235, 238
13th (11th Division, PA): 170, 171, 187, 213,
and Philippine surrender: 561, 564, 565, 566-67,
214, 220, 221, 337
567-70, 575, 576n
14th (11th Division, PA): 574
relieved of command: 582
21st (21st Division, PA): 170, 171, 176, 186,
role in Battle of the Points: 312, 317, 319
187, 188, 212, 218, 219, 220n, 271-72, 273,
southern Philippines plans and operations: 498,
274, 274n, 276, 276n, 277, 289, 423, 424,
501-02, 503, 507
425, 427, 430
war crime charge: 165n
22d (21st Division, PA): 170, 186, 187, 212,
Hong Kong: 4, 7, 54, 77, 121, 145, 238, 414, 418
218, 219, 220, 273, 334, 423, 426, 428
Honolulu: 4, 36, 398
Horan, Col. John P.: 135, 573, 574
23d (21st Division, PA): 186, 187, 214, 218-19,
Hoshi, Col. Komataro: 263
220, 225, 272, 275, 423, 426, 427, 428
Hospitals: 36, 50, 444, 454, 475, 491, 528, 532, 54431st (31st Division, PA): 28, 29, 225, 226, 227,
45. See also Medical problems.
277, 291, 329, 331, 332, 446, 449, 450
Infantry unitsContinued
Regiments, Philippine ArmyContinued
Infantry unitsContinued
Regiments, Philippine ScoutsContinued
57th (Philippine Division)Continued
Legaspi: 57, 60, 98, 109, 110, 111, 112, 122, 123, 141,
330, 379, 381, 406, 407, 408, 416, 417, 447, 448,
484, 489, 520
346, 411, 424, 427, 428, 429, 431, 432, 438, 444,
Mako: 60, 61, 103, 123, 126
Malay Barrier: 96, 147, 157, 240, 242, 583
525, 529, 531, 532, 534, 538, 539, 546, 547, 551,
557, 558, 565, 565n, 566, 572. See also Corregidor.
Mallone, Col. Richard C.: 26n, 107, 136, 162, 162n,
188, 216, 218, 220, 224, 257, 269n, 370, 387, 388
Mamala River: 296, 417, 438, 445, 446, 446n, 447,
Manchuria: 56, 60
Mangima Canyon: 517, 518, 519
Manila: 120, 121, 363n, 385, 413, 569, 573, 576, 577
as communication center: 5, 7, 255
evacuation of: 161, 165, 199, 200, 200n, 201, 255,
256, 258
and impact of war: 115-22
Japanese drive on: 102, 128, 130, 132, 133, 138,
139, 140, 141, 157, 166, 181, 182, 188, 191, 195,
199, 203, 206, 210, 223
as military and naval installation: 18, 19, 22, 23,
33, 34, 42, 43, 44, 45n, 57, 58, 59, 60n, 61, 63,
69, 70, 71, 85, 92, 94, 95, 97, 104, 104n, 128, 149,
163, 471
occupation by Japanese: 232-38, 261, 385, 412-13,
open city: 161, 162, 163, 164, 190
Manila Bay: 163, 263, 348, 349, 446n, 449n, 525n. See
also Harbor Defenses of Manila and Subic Bays,
blockade-running: 348, 395, 396, 397, 401, 402
defenses deny Japanese use of: 22, 32, 45, 47, 62, 65,
Mauban: 119, 139, 141, 142, 142n, 164, 191, 195, 247,
249, 296. See also Abucay-Mauban line.
Mauban line. See Abucay-Mauban line.
Mauban Ridge: 249, 278, 284
Maya: 103, 105
Mayan: 164
Medal of Honor: 270, 341
description of: 6, 7
Maps, need and use: 270, 271, 277, 280, 289, 289n,
300, 313, 330, 338, 339, 525
Marblehead: 91
Marett, 1st Lt. Samuel H.: 106n
Marines, 4th Regiment. See Infantry units, Regiments,
United States.
Mindanao: 358, 359, 520
conquest of: 507-19
landings on: 98, 112, 123, 145, 238
Mariveles: 7, 47, 91, 95, 155, 263, 300, 301, 302, 306,
311, 317, 318, 329, 414, 415, 429, 453, 454, 457,
459, 460, 473, 494, 523, 537
terrain: 6, 498-99
Murasame: 107
use as military base: 10, 11, 43, 70, 88, 92, 92n, 97, Myers, Capt. Gordon R.: 339
97n, 119, 156, 239, 360
Naga: 111, 505, 506
Mindanao Force. See Task forces.
Nagano, Maj. Gen. Kameichiro: 413, 416, 433, 444,
Mindanao River: 511
461, 462, 463, 464, 466, 467
Mindanao Sea: 359, 499
Nagumo, Vice Adm. C.: 78
Mindoro: 10, 349, 414n
Naka: 107
Minelayers: 110, 126
Nakajima, Lt. Col. Yoshio: 58n, 181, 230n, 350n,
Mines: 95, 283, 320, 411, 436, 537, 550
Minesweepers: 46, 91, 95, 126, 141, 150, 155, 307
Nakanishi, Col.: 283, 284
Mitchell, Col. Eugene H.: 513, 514
Miura, Lt. Col. Toshio: 112, 507, 508, 510, 511, 512 Nakar, Col. Guillermo: 573, 574, 574n
Nakayama, Col. Motoo: 347, 416, 464-66, 566-67,
Mizuho: 142
568, 570
Moncada: 177
Napa: 459
Monkey Point: 555, 557
Moore, Maj. Gen. George F.: 22, 44-45, 71, 279, Nara, Lt. Gen. Akira: 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267-68,
271, 272, 273, 275, 277, 279, 280-81, 287, 289n,
279n, 360, 361, 375, 478, 479, 486, 486n, 488,
294n, 295, 296, 312n, 325-26, 329-30, 331, 332,
494, 535, 540, 546, 547, 547n, 550, 551, 557, 561,
333, 334, 335, 336, 340, 347, 348, 416, 424, 427,
567, 571
437, 442
Moore, Col. Joseph H.: 87n, 117
Morale: 245, 247, 293-94, 321-22, 350-51, 354, 384- Nasugbu: 164n, 264, 524
89, 419, 424-25, 436, 444, 445, 449, 454-55, Nasugbu Bay: 141
National Defense Act (1935): 10-11
527-28, 531, 547, 549, 550, 558
Naval losses: 105, 106, 107, 129
Moran, Col. John: 225
Naval strength
Morehouse, Maj. C. H.: 359n
Allied: 46, 47, 90-91
Morioka, Lt. Gen. Sasumu: 138-39, 139, 140, 142,
190, 191, 196-97, 201-02, 202n, 218, 235, 236, Japanese: 103, 110, 112, 126-27
236n, 312-13, 312n, 317, 322, 337, 340, 340-41, Naval Task Force 5: 91, 91-92, 91n, 95
Naval units. See Asiatic Fleet (US).
341, 342, 343, 347-48, 348, 349-50, 417, 522
Navy Basic War Plan. See RAINBOW 5.
Morita, Col. Haruji: 416, 426, 428, 445, 446
Navy Department, U.S.: 47, 73, 95n, 149, 459
Mormacsum: 393, 395
Moron: 245, 248, 249, 250, 263, 266, 279, 281, 300 Needham, Lt. Robert F.: 194
Negros: 5, 7, 11, 499, 502, 507, 578, 581
Morrison Hill: 494, 527, 538
Nelson, Lt. Col. R. J.: 511
Morrison Point: 527
Netherlands Indies: 4, 52, 54, 56, 59, 98, 145, 150,
Morse, Col. William P.: 516, 517, 518
152, 155, 156, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 356, 357,
Mortars: 221, 223, 288, 294, 335, 339, 436, 444, 475
365, 390, 391, 392, 393, 395, 396, 397, 400, 401,
ammunition: 321, 335, 339, 496, 540
3-inch Stokes: 288, 321, 335
Niagara: 145
3-inch trench: 29
12-inch: 306, 307, 474, 476, 478, 487, 489, 494, 496, Nichols Field. See Airfields.
Nieto, Col. Manuel: 161n
540, 541, 549n, 550, 556
Nininger, 2d Lt. Alexander R., Jr.: 270
60-mm.: 321
Nishimura, Rear Adm. Shoji: 122
81-mm.: 35, 306, 307, 321, 436, 439
Nomura, Kichisaburo: 78
Motor torpedo boats: 9, 11, 12, 13, 47, 48, 60, 91, 97,
100, 126, 155, 300-01, 318, 322n, 359, 359n, 361 North Channel: 8, 523
North Dock: 540
Mount Arayat: 166, 203, 213, 215
North Luzon Force. See Task forces.
Mount Banahao: 191
North Point: 549, 551, 554, 555, 557
Mount Bataan: 245
Nueva Ecija Province: 178
Mount Limay: 446n, 448
Mount Natib: 245, 247, 248, 251, 252, 266, 266n, 274,
276, 325, 379
Obata, Lt. Gen. Hideyoshi: 57, 479, 480
Mount Natib trail: 266, 266n
Observation: 228, 274, 306, 315, 326, 407, 418, 421,
Mount Pucot: 301, 302, 303, 306, 307, 308
422, 488, 540, 548, 549, 553
Mount Samat: 326, 327, 330, 332, 333, 406, 407, 414, aircraft: 228 422, 449, 540, 541, 549
415, 416, 417, 418, 432, 434, 438, 440, 441, 443 balloon: 523n, 537, 539
capture of: 421-31
post: 298, 306, 541
Mount Santa Rosa: 248, 265
visibility: 113, 301, 309, 314, 315, 338, 339
Mount Silanganan: 248, 249, 250, 278, 281, 282, 283,O'Day, Col. Ray M.: 162n, 170, 225, 385
O'Donnell, Maj. Emmett, Jr.: 38
Office of Military Advisor: 9, 11, 19. See also Mac-
Roads and trailsContinued
9, 16-17
and MacArthur's evacuation: 353, 354, 355, 356,
message to Wainwright: 572, 574
"no surrender" order: 354-55, 355, 456
obligation to aid Philippines: 145, 146, 148, 150,
Sayre Highway: 498, 508, 510, 511, 512, 513, 516,
517, 519, 576
Schumacher, Lt. (jg) V. S.: 359n
Scudder, Col. Irvine C.: 502
Sculpin: 141
Seacoast Artillery. See Coast Artillery guns.
Seacoast defenses. See Corregidor.
Searchlights: 33, 45, 299, 318, 474, 475, 476, 481, 531,
537-38, 540, 555
Searight, Col. Hamilton F.: 196, 197
S-38: 129
S-39: 110
Sage, Col. Charles G.: 451, 457
Sakaguchi, Maj. Gen. Shizuo: 112
Samal: 269, 270
Shark: 155
Sharp, Brig. Gen. William F.: 69, 70, 238, 356, 360,
395, 395n, 499, 500, 501, 502, 508, 510, 516, 517,
519, 562, 564, 569, 570, 572, 573, 575, 576, 577,
578, 579, 580, 581, 582
Commander, Visayan-Mindanao Force: 69, 506
131, 165n
Shoemake, Capt. Andrew D.: 419n
Short, Lt. Gen. Walter C.: 71
Shortages: 28-30, 134, 180, 284, 321, 367-76, 376-84, Strickler, Maj. Dudley G.: 308, 309
401-02, 489, 496, 499-500, 508, 526, 559. See also Subic Bay: 12, 22, 45, 47, 62, 65, 71, 91, 96, 120, 128,
Ammunition; Rations; Supply.
278, 279, 313, 403, 452, 478, 523
Shreve, Lt. Col. Arthur L.: 195n, 197, 201
Siain: 139, 142
Sierra Madre: 178
Signal Corps: 22, 50, 120
12th Signal Regiment: 22
Si-Kiang: 255
Submarine tenders: 95
American: 46, 47, 49, 90-91, 91, 94, 95, 97, 110,
129, 130, 131, 141, 155, 156, 358, 390, 398, 399,
402, 403, 548
Japanese: 59, 78
Silaiim Bay: 314, 316, 323
Sulu Archipelago: 6, 10, 112, 238
Silaiim Point: 312-24, 345, 347, 347-48
Sumatra: 52, 54, 240, 356
Silaiim River: 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 319, 323
Supply: 36, 63, 152, 164-65, 179-80, 197, 254-59,
Silen, Bert: 232
317, 340, 352, 361, 485, 486, 528, 533, 533-34,
Silver Star awards: 361n
546, 552-53. See also Blockade-running; Pensacola
Singapore: 4, 56, 72, 77, 91n, 145, 147, 150, 152, 238,
convoy; Rations; Shipping; Shortages.
241, 350n, 356, 418
Surabaja: 154, 157
Singora: 77
Sutherland, Maj. Gen. Richard K.: 10, 67, 73, 79, 81,
Sipoco: 111
82, 82n, 83, 88, 88n, 89, 90, 115, 121, 164, 206,
Sison: 136, 137, 138
207, 225, 226, 268, 273-74, 290, 290n, 291, 294,
Skardon, 1st Lt. Beverly N.: 282
304, 305, 328, 358n, 359, 359n, 360, 361, 364,
Skerry, Col. Harry A.: 208-09, 209, 210, 226, 227,
364n, 365, 479, 528
245, 248, 248-49, 383
Army background: 19
Sloan, Capt. Raymond: 323
Chief of Staff, USAFFE: 19
Smith, Lt. Col. Ross B.: 319
Suzuki, Col. Tatsunosuke: 348, 349
Snapper: 399
Swordfish: 399
Solomon Islands: 365, 584
Somervell, Maj. Gen. Brehon B.: 398, 401
Tacloban: 577
Sonoda, Col. Seinosuke: 206, 207
Takagi, Rear Adm. Takeo: 109, 110, 112
Sorsogon Bay: 91
Takahashi, Vice Adm. Ibo: 57, 60, 103, 105, 126, 129
South Channel: 8
Takahashi, Lt. Col. Katsumi: 188, 216, 219, 220, 224,
South China Sea: 4, 7, 64, 85, 100, 128, 248, 296, 310,
328, 548, 583
Takao: 60, 61, 100, 123, 261, 262
South Dock: 539
Takao Maru: 107
South Luzon Force. See Task forces.
Takechi, Col. Susumu: 266, 267, 270, 271, 272, 277,
South Sector. See Corps, I Philippine.
287, 289, 289n, 332, 334, 335, 340
Southeast Pacific Force: 46n
Tala River: 429, 430
Soviet Union: 14, 33, 67, 150
Talisay River: 348, 408, 420, 429, 433
Spaatz, Brig. Gen. Carl A.: 37
Tanabe, Maj. Tadaji: 332, 334
Spearfish: 399
Tanaka, Col. Toru: 103, 108, 128, 131, 178, 215, 216
Stark, Admiral Harold R.: 36, 46, 94, 148, 149, 150, Taniguchi, Maj. Gen. Kureo: 416, 424, 425, 426, 427,
151, 155
429, 430, 434, 435, 438, 439, 552, 553
Station Hospital: 24, 50
Tank action
Steel, Col. Charles L.: 228, 229, 286
American: 33, 58, 134-35, 168, 176, 176n, 177,
Stevenot, Joseph: 15, 120
177n, 178, 184-85, 185-86, 187, 194, 207-08,
Stevens, Brig. Gen. Luther: 170, 174, 207, 209, 214,
219, 220n, 221, 222-23, 223, 225, 227, 229, 247250, 328, 337, 371-72, 373, 405, 407. See also Di- 48, 283, 287, 293, 294, 310, 314, 318, 319-20,
visions (PA), 91st.
341, 346, 409-10, 418, 433, 436, 451
Stewart, Lt. Col. Loren P.: 201, 208
Japanese: 126, 126n, 135, 138, 207, 221, 229, 424,
Stilwell, Lt. Gen. Joseph W.: 403
427, 433, 438-39, 444, 450, 512, 515, 560
Stimson, Henry L.: 15, 16, 17, 17n, 31, 31-32, 39, 145, Tank units
148, 150, 239-40, 241
Provisional Tank Group: 33, 121, 168, 176, 178,
Stingray: 131
405, 406, 409, 431
Stivers, Col. Charles P.: 359n
192d: 33, 50, 134, 135, 169, 171, 176, 178, 183n,
Strafing: 86, 87, 94, 106, 129, 294, 318, 425, 427, 450,
184, 205, 218, 227, 319, 346
480, 512, 519
194th: 32, 33, 50, 73, 169, 171, 176, 177, 178, 178n,
181, 205, 214, 221, 222, 223, 227, 283, 293, 294
American: 61-64, 64-71, 145-57, 238-42, 353-66,
Tank-infantry co-operation: 310, 320, 321, 341, 346,
390, 393-94, 401
205, 206, 207, 210, 214, 215, 227, 230, 266, 328, 531
Luzon: 22, 162, 162n, 239, 239n
Visayan Force: 501, 502, 506
Visayan-Mindanao Force: 49, 67, 69, 70, 1 13, 360,
Tydings-McDuffie Act (1934): 4, 13, 61
Uegirna. See Kamijima, Col.
Umingan: 174, 176
Upper Pocket. See Pocket Fights.
Urdaneta: 134, 166, 169, 170, 178
U. S. Army: 9, 12, 15, 26, 35, 36, 48, 49, 50, 58, 62, 64,
70, 71, 238, 239n, 258, 529
U. S. Army Forces, Far East (USAFFE): 34, 44, 48,
174, 176, 180, 190, 199, 200, 203, 205, 206, 207,
209, 210, 216, 219, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227, 230