Chapter 6 Security Survey Inspection and Investigation

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This lesson provides information on pertaining security survey and inspection.

Moreover, provides also information such as Basic Security Principles in VIP Security,
Authority in Conducting Security Survey, Defense-in-Depth Theory, Security Preparation in
Local/Foreign Travel Other Guidelines for VIP Security such as Security Formations, VIP
Security Measures in all Areas, Threat evaluation, the Need for Close - in /Escort security
officers, and threat analysis and reaction.

What is Security System?

The information pertaining to one of the most important security services offered to a
head of office is the conduct of security surveys and security inspections. Every unit chief
desires a security system that will reduce to an absolute minimum the possibility of
espionage, sabotage and compromise of classified information on his office or unit. Since
there are many security countermeasures to be considered, heads of offices should utilized
specially trained personnel, if the efforts of espionage and sabotage agents and other
criminal elements are to be negated. Security is an extremely complex program an
objective analysis of an office head’s security program by security survey and inspection
personnel can be of great assistance in determining the efficiency of any established
security program.

What is a Security Survey?

It is an estimate of the security standards of a unit, and is conducted to enable the
responsible officer to recognize and evaluate security hazards and determine protective
measures necessary to the prevention of sabotage, espionage, subversive activities and
other criminal acts inimical towards the interest and/or mission of the unit and/or command.

What is Security Inspection?

It is a check of how well existing security measures and regulations are being carried
out within a command. A security inspection may also include an investigation of alleged or

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suspected security violations. Physical security is concerned with forces, entrances and
exits, guards, traffic control, lighting, fire control, and with such other physical measures,
which, if properly established and maintained, will deny access to, unauthorized persons.

Security Survey Distinguish with Security Inspection

The terms “Security Survey” and “Security Inspection” to accentuate the particular
differences between the two types of services, are defined as follows:

Security Survey is defined as a counterintelligence service to assist heads of office in

determining the security measures required to protect key installations from possible
sabotage, espionage, subversion, and unauthorized disclosures of, or access to, classified
information or material contained therein.

Role of Security Officer in Offices

With the exception of the office head, the security officer is more interested in the
survey that any other individual of the office. It is the security officer who is directly
responsible to the head of office for proper maintenance of security of the security program
of the office.
A survey Specialist must be cognizant of established security procedures relative of
the office since much of the survey including the resulting recommendations will be affected
by these measures.

Authority in Conducting Security Survey

The Unit head may request a survey of his entire office or of specific function of a
unit within the office. When higher authorities directs a security survey to be conducted for
one of its subordinate office, an information copy of the correspondence may also be
forwarded to the unit to be surveyed. It must be remembered that a security survey is not
conducted solely for the purpose of establishing a security program of an office. The head
of office is directly responsible for establishing a security system for his office after which a
survey may be conducted to determine if the program is adequate in comparison with the
importance of the office to the overall national objective.

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Executive/VIP Security
Are those measures taken by Agents, Security Officers, Law Enforcement officers or
an Agency /officers to protect heads of state, foreign, national or local dignitaries, civilian or
military against any personal injury, assassination, sabotage, and espionage. These may
include the protection of any government or civilian officials and individual utilized as
government witnesses.

Basic Security Principles in VIP Security

Every phase of security must be carefully in advance, to include the importance of
the individual to be protected, political attitude of the population, obstacles involved, means
of transportation, and duration of the security mission.
Physical protection should consist of a series of protection cordons. These protective
cordons may be composed of a combination of personnel or physical security barriers.

Central direction and unity of effort

The officer in charge should be given full responsibility for all phases of the security
mission. Close coordination must be established with all local military and civilian
authorities. Civilian authorities will include police and other interested city, municipal or
other local officials. The agencies responsible for each of the security plan must be clearly
defined. Arrangements should be made for local police to control local inhabitants. All
available intelligence channels should be used to obtain information of potential danger
areas, persons, or groups. Coordination must be accomplished by an advance party after
the official itinerary is received.
Protective measures must be through but inconspicuous and afford security without
impending the protectee/VIP’s performance of his functions.
The degree of protection is dependent upon the degree of contact with the general
public desired by the protectee. A basic element of VIP/Executive protection is the
identification and the elimination of possible sources of danger against a VIP/Executive
before the danger becomes real. Plans for a perimeter of protection must be surprise proof
and flexible enough to allow a quick response to any emergency.

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Defense-in-Depth Theory
There is no impenetrable barrier. If an unfriendly individual, organization or
government can devote time, money, personnel, material or imagination to passing a
barrier, he can succeed.
To achieve the ultimate results from a physical security system, it is necessary to
add barrier to barrier, delay time, until sufficient delay time has been accumulated to allow
control of any foreseeable penetration. Therefore, rather than attempting to achieve
exclusion through the use of a single barrier, security must be built upon accumulated time
or a system of “Defense-in-Depth.

Contingency Planning
Security planning should be flexible. Weather conditions, mechanical failures and
failure of lighting systems are three-ever-present potential hazards. The unexpected arrival
of large numbers visitors, audience is another situation frequently encountered. Last-minute
changes in the security plan or schedule of events occur routinely. The security plan
therefore must be sufficiently fluid to cover these and other eventualities, all of which
present hazards.

Mission Orientation
An orientation/briefing must be conducted by the officer in charge or the protection
plan, during which he explains fully the contents of the plan.

Some topics to be emphasized are:

Conduct of Security Personnel. Police/Security personnel assigned to these duties are
selected to the basis of the appearance, alertness, and intelligence, as well as their ability
to act quickly and correctly in unforeseen circumstances.
Restriction on the circulation of the individuals should be strictly enforced. Before
any person maybe allowed getting near the protectee or his effects, the person is checked
carefully for identification and the authority for his presence is established.

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Use of Weapons. There is always the danger of accidental discharge and injury of innocent
persons when weapons are carried. All protective personnel must be qualified to fire the
weapons with which they are armed.

Crowd Control. Protective personnel should understand the principles of crowd control.
They should not show not show prejudice or sympathy, or become involved in any
grievances expressed by the crowd.

Security Preparation in Local/Foreign Travel

Advance Preparations
Advance preparation refers to the activities of arranging timetable/ itinerary and
coordinating with those concerned with visit local or foreign law enforcement security men.
Conduct security survey and inspection of routes, quarters, conference, luncheon and or
inaugural site. Arrange for security measures for motorcade routes, quarters, conference
site, etc. Confer with local or foreign security men about potential danger to the Executive,
such as persons, organizations or obtain copies of photographs and place these persons
under surveillance.

Select and consider the best motorcade route, preferably the most direct route to
destination. Select a route which affords a chance to have alternate routes if something
happened on the motorcade route.
Review or dry run the route and take notes on the requirements for controlling the
crowd and traffic and deployment of foot patrolmen and motorcycle police at various
positions along the route. Arrange for police or buildings custodian to inspect buildings
along the motorcade routes.

Security in Inaugural/Conference/Luncheon sites

1. Control access to the building/sites
2. Closing off and policing areas around it,
3. Securing rooftops and adjoining buildings.
4. Ensure the presence of numerous police officers inside and around the building/site.

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Security in VIP Office/Quarters/Residence

1. “Defense-in-Depths” Barriers – Concentric Patterns (any attack will have to penetrate
layer after layer of defenders, the heaviest layer of defense, being closest, being closest to
the Executive/VIP.)
2. Outer ring – sidewalks, stationed in front of quarters/residence/office, covering all
entrances, front, center, side and rear
3. Middle ring – inside quarters, office/residence, covering all stairways and elevators.
4. Inner ring- immediately outside executive/VIP’S door, or close to Executive/VIP if

VIP Security Measures in all Areas

1. Establish screening points to allow only authorized persons access to the protected
area/person and to keep out those who have no valid reasons to enter same.
2. Duty stations or posts should be marked on a floor/ground plan or sketch/map.
3. If an unusually large crowd are expected along a parade route security men may call on
the armed forces to station troops along the line of march.
4. If the VIP travels by train, a pilot engine must run the trucks IN advance of the VIP train.
5. Every manhole and sewer along the route should be sealed.
6. Every single building and all its occupants along the route should be checked.
7. Bellboys, waiters, cooks should be cleared.
8. Food to be cooked must be examined and samples be sent to laboratory for analysis.
9. Inspect for time bombs, radio - active materials and fire hazards.
10. Inspect closets and under the tables.
11. Never allow the VIP to stop his car in a crowd if it can be avoided.
12. Drivers for the VIP can be competent, reliable, and well trained in protective driving and
must be alert for dangers and to take instant action.
13. While walking, it is necessary to increase the number of guards because the VIP
becomes an easy target.
14. In case the VIP is going to speak at hasty made stage, its strength and capacity should
be inspected to limit the persons going up to stage.
15. During afternoon sessions, lightning facilities must be checked or installed. It is
estimated that the program may reach up to nighttime.

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16. An alternate generator for emergency use is made available if source of electric power
is from a central source. Designate qualified electrician to watch main source or switch.
17. If traveling by air, close the door of VIP plane when parked and place constant guards
every time.
18. If traveling by watercraft, select boats of type and size capable of facing danger at the
ocean. Thorough inspection should be made on the ship and check the adequacy of
lifesavers and emergency facilities.
19. All non- uniformed men must wear signs or countersigns for identification.
20. Checklist of all security hazards noted in the course of security survey or inspection
should be given to the OIC for reference/planning.
21. Security plans and specific duties of men assigned or details must be stated.
22. All written instructions must be classified SECRET.

Other Guidelines for VIP Security

Security Formation. Assist in allowing the VIP to have the best possible protection and
defensible position even for the limited amount of manpower while protectee is mobile/in
transit, or static.

Threat evaluation. Is to ascertain at varying times and function which will give the best
formation sequence or set. Other considerations are threat levels and type and advance
planning for staff levels.

The Need for Close - in /Escort security officers. Such as first aid requirements (which
differs from location to location) and special weapons (a real headache-the less you need to
rely on them, the better), and other logistical needs must be considered. One must have the
ability to use a lot of common sense and attention to detail, to give the possible protection,
without overbearing or on top of the protectee/principal. Fully aware with this information,
the Close-in/Security Escort team will be well equipped, with an understanding of their
respective position, alternatives and functions. These could be varied hourly, in response to
current threat level, and areas of coverage or occasion in any of the following:
✓ Crowds, restaurants, home, office
✓ Public transport, bus, taxi

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✓ Friends of protectee/principal, business

✓ Movie theatre
✓ Functions: private, public, business
✓ Huge crowds: a tight-packed area of swirling bodies
✓ Elevators: opening a door to the unknown, stopping at unknown floors.
✓ Escalators: progressing into the unknown, Turn side on, so that you can see
the front at one side and the area behind you. As you rise with the escalator, you
will become level with the floor behind before you, giving you something to watch.
✓ Stairs: give way, standing, doors on way
✓ Doors: can’t see through them, an unknown reality.
✓ Street lights: workmen, doorways, shops you are walking past, hotels or clubs
and doorways should always be covered the protectee/Principal walks past

Threat Analysis and Reaction

1. Concentrate – concentration do not get loss or be left behind, it takes only a second or
two {to get killed}
2. Anticipation – anticipate your fellow officer/Escort’s moves, you can keep the protective
formation together nice and well-coordinated. Because of obstacles, obstructions, and
areas of threats, the movement of Close-in security/Escorts will be spasmodic and
3. Relaxation/Observation – observation should be done in a relaxed manner. Be very
attentive but looking relaxed.
4. Common sense – common sense comes from using your brain, foresight, experience,
and good training.

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Agas, J.L. Notes on Industrial Security Management. (Reviewer).

Delizo, D.B.S., & Corpuz, W.M. (2011). Industrial Security Management Manual. (2011 ed.).
Quezon City, Wiseman’s Book Trading.

Domingo, C.G., & Manwong R.K. (2020). Industrial Security Management (A Textbook for
Criminology and Security. (2020 ed.). Quezon City, Wiseman’s Book Trading.

Ajero, J.M. (2014). Industrial & Corporate Security Management. (2014 ed.). Quezon City,
Wiseman’s Book Trading.

Manwong, R.K., & Domingo, C.G. (2020). Industrial Security Management.

(2020 ed.). Quezon City, Wiseman’s Book Trading, Inc.

Corpuz, W.M., & Delizo, D.B. (2011). Industrial Security Management Manual. Quezon City,
Wiseman Book Trading, Inc.

Hipolito, L.M., & Manwong, R.K. (2008). A Primer in Industrial Security Management.
Quezon City, Wiseman’s Book Trading.

Peckley, M.F. (2013). Security Management Principles and Practices. Quezon City,
Wiseman’s Book Trading.

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