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Cisco 640-911

Introducing Cisco Data Center Networking Version: 5.0 Cisco 640-911 Exa !1 "#ic# two networking de$ices o%erate at &a'er 1 o( t#e )*I /. re%eater 0. 1ridge C. switc# D. router E. #u1 /nswer: /2E Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 5 "#ic# two networking de$ices (orward data 1ased on destination 6/C address, -C#oose two.. /. re%eater 0. 1ridge C. switc# D. router E. #u1 /nswer: 02C Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 7 "#ic# two network to%o+ogies are t#e /. 1us 0. token %assing 1us C. star D. extended star E. ring /nswer: C2D Ex%+anation: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co !3E*4I)N N): 4 5 Cisco 640-911 Exa ost %o%u+ar in switc#ing, -C#oose two..

ode+, -C#oose two..

"#ic# de$ice wou+d 'ou se+ect to %artition a network into V&/Ns, /. re%eater 0. 1ridge C. switc# D. router E. #u1 /nswer: C Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 5 /t w#ic# +a'er o( t#e )*I /. 1 0. 5 C. 7 D. 4 E. 5 /nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 6 "#ic# two +a'ers o( t#e )*I ode+ re+ate to t#e trans ission o( 1its o$er t#e wire and %acket (orwarding 1ased on destination I9 address, -C#oose two.. /. 1 0. 5 C. 7 D. 4 E. 5 /nswer: /2C Ex%+anation: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co !3E*4I)N N): : "#ic# +a'er o( t#e )*I /. datagra 0. routing C. network D. data +ink E. trans%ort ;. trans ission <. session ode+ is associated wit# t#e re+ia1+e trans ission o( datagra s, 7 Cisco 640-911 Exa ode+ does 4C9 o%erate,

/nswer: E Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): = "#ic# t#ree ter s are used to descri1e data at &a'ers 12 52 and 4 o( t#e )*I /. 9D3s 0. 1its C. se>uences D. seg ents E. %ackets ;. (ra es /nswer: 02D2; Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 9 "#ic# two +a'ers o( t#e )*I two.. /. 5 0. 7 C. 4 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co D. 5 E. 6 ;. : /nswer: D2E Ex%+anation: !5 "#ic# two +a'ers o( t#e )*I -C#oose two.. /. 1 0. 5 C. 7 D. 4 E. 5 ;. 6 <. : /nswer: /20 Ex%+anation: !7 In an IEEE =05.7 Et#ernet (ra e2 w#at is t#e signi(icance o( t#e D*/9 (ie+d, /. 4#e D*/9 (ie+d s%eci(ies t#e 4C9 or 3D9 %ort t#at is associated wit# t#e trans%ort %rotoco+. 0. 4#e D*/9 (ie+d is on+' used on 3nited *tates De%art ent o( De(ense networks to indicate t#e 4 Cisco 640-911 Exa ode+ are co 1ined in t#e Internet %rotoco+ suite a%%+ication +a'er, -C#oose ode+, -C#oose t#ree..

ode+ are co 1ined in t#e Internet %rotoco+ suite network access +a'er,

in(or ation c+assi(ication +e$e+. C. 4#e D*/9 (ie+d is on+' used in Et#ernet II (ra es. D. 4#e D*/9 (ie+d indicates t#e network +a'er %rotoco+. /nswer: D Ex%+anation: !4 "#ic# (ie+d in an Et#ernet II (ra e %er(or s t#e sa e (unction as t#e D*/9 (ie+d in an =05.7 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co Et#ernet (ra e, /. start o( (ra e 0. Et#er4'%e C. (ra e c#eck se>uence D. *u1network /ccess 9rotoco+ E. &ogica+ &ink Contro+ /nswer: 0 Ex%+anation: !5 "#at are two (eatures o( a 1ridge, -C#oose two.. /. re+ia1+e trans ission 0. o%erate at )*I &a'er 5 C. o%erate at )*I &a'er 7 D. create u+ti%+e 1roadcast do ains E. create u+ti%+e co++ision do ains ;. (+ood in%ut %ackets to a++ %orts <. dro% I9 %ackets wit# in$a+id destination %orts /nswer: 02E Ex%+anation: !6 "#at are t#ree reasons t#at switc#es su%ersede 1ridges, -C#oose t#ree.. /. * a++er (ra e 1u((ers decrease +atenc'. 0. ;orward2 (i+ter2 or (+ood (ra es. C. 6u+ti%+e si u+taneous co unications 1etween %orts. D. &arger ins%ection engine a++ows (or #ig#er t#roug#%ut. E. *witc#es #a$e an' %orts. /nswer: 02C2E Ex%+anation: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 6 Cisco 640-911 Exa !: "#at action does a switc# take i( t#e destination 6/C address is unknown, 5 Cisco 640-911 Exa

/. discard (ra e 0. send IC69 unreac#a1+e essage to source C. (+ood %acket on a++ %orts D. co %are destination I9 address against an /C& to deter ine i( it is %er itted E. send gratuitous /?9 on a++ %orts and wait (or re%+' 1e(ore (orwarding /nswer: C Ex%+anation: != "#ic# state ent descri1es t#e %ur%ose o( t#e 6/C address (orwarding ta1+e o( a switc#, /. 4#e switc# consu+ts t#e (orwarding ta1+e to deter 0. 4#e switc# consu+ts t#e (orwarding ta1+e to deter C. 4#e switc# consu+ts t#e (orwarding ta1+e to deter D. 4#e switc# consu+ts t#e (orwarding ta1+e to deter /nswer: 0 Ex%+anation: !9 "#at are two attri1utes o( a V&/N, -C#oose two.. /. / V&/N de(ines a co++ision do ain. 0. / V&/N de(ines a 1roadcast do ain. C. 0roadcasts are (+ooded to a++ V&/Ns. D. Co++isions are (+ooded to a++ V&/Ns. E. / &a'er 7 de$ice is re>uired to route %ackets 1etween V&/Ns. ;. / &a'er 5 de$ice is re>uired to route %ackets 1etween V&/Ns. /nswer: 02E Ex%+anation: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co : Cisco 640-911 Exa !10 "#ic# (our state ents indicate uni>ue %ro%erties o( V&/N 1 on Cisco Nexus switc#es, -C#oose (our.. /. V&/N 1 is used to (+ood u+ticast tra((ic. 0. V&/N 1 cannot 1e de+eted. C. V&/N 1 is used (or Cisco Disco$er' 9rotoco+. D. V&/N 1 is used (or V49 ad$ertise ents. E. V&/N 1 de(ines a co++ision do ain. ;. V&/N 1 de(ines a 1roadcast do ain. /nswer: 02C2D2; Ex%+anation: !11 "#ic# co and dis%+a's t#e 4runking Nati$e 6ode V&/N on %ort Et#ernet 1@1=, /. s#ow running-con(ig switc#%ort e1@1= 0. s#ow running-con(ig e1@1= switc#%ort ine t#e 1est route to a destination. ine t#e out%ut %ort. ine i( t#e %acket is routa1+e. ine i( access contro+ %er its t#e %acket.

C. s#ow inter(ace e1@1= D. s#ow inter(ace e1@1= switc#%ort E. s#ow inter(ace e1@1= nati$e /nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 50 "#ic# V49 ode disa++ows t#e creation o( +oca+ V&/Ns,

/. trans%arent 0. tunne+ing C. ser$er D. c+ient E. o(( ;. nati$e /nswer: D 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 51 "#ic# t#ree state ents are true concerning ?;C 191= I9 addresses, -C#oose t#ree.. /. 4#e' are g+o1a++' routa1+e. 0. 4#e' are not g+o1a++' routa1+e. C. 4#e' ust not 1e (i+tered at Internet 1order inter(aces. D. 4#e' s#ou+d 1e (i+tered at Internet 1order inter(aces. E. 4#e' inc+ude 1: and 195.16=.1.0@54. ;. 4#e' inc+ude 1: and 195.16=.0.0@16. /nswer: 02D2; Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 55 "#ic# two state ents descri1e t#e %ur%ose o( ?;C 191=, -C#oose two.. /. Esta1+is# a range o( I9 addresses t#at are dedicated to t#e growing use o( u+ticast $ideo. 0. Esta1+is# a range o( I9 addresses t#at are dedicated to t#e growing use o( %eer-to-%eer (i+e- s#aring a%%+ications. C. Esta1+is# a range o( I9 addresses t#at are dedicated to use on interna+ networks. D. Esta1+is# a range o( I9 addresses to address t#e s#rinking %oo+ o( g+o1a++' routa1+e addresses. E. De+a' t#e transition to I9$6. /nswer: C2D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 57 = Cisco 640-911 Exa

"#at are t#ree reasons to

igrate (ro

I9$4 to I9$6, -C#oose t#ree..

/. I9$6 e+i inates t#e re>uire ent (or N/4. 0. I9$6 inc+udes enoug# I9 addresses to a++ocate eart#. C. I9$6 e+i inates t#e need (or V&/Ns.

ore t#an (our 1i++ion I9 addresses to e$er' %erson on

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 9 Cisco 640-911 Exa D. Aosts can 1e assigned an I9 address wit#out DAC9. E. Aosts can 1e assigned an I9 address wit#out DN*. /nswer: /202D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 54 "#ic# two o%tions descri1e ser$ices t#at are %ro$ided 1' 4C9, -C#oose two.. /. session u+ti%+exing 0. Et#er4'%es identi(' destination ser$ices C. connection-oriented D. 1est-e((ort %acket de+i$er' E. 1inar' trans+ation /nswer: /2C Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 55 "#ic# two o%tions descri1e ser$ices t#at are %ro$ided 1' 3D9, -C#oose two.. /. session u+ti%+exing 0. seg entation C. connection-oriented D. re+ia1+e %acket de+i$er' E. 1est-e((ort %acket de+i$er' /nswer: /2E Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 56 "#ic# two o%tions re%resent a su1net a su1net, -C#oose two.. /. 555.555.555.540 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 0. 555.555.555.195 C. 555.555.540.0 D. 555.555.195.0 E. @14 10 Cisco 640-911 Exa ask t#at a++ows (or a axi u o( 14 a$ai+a1+e #ost addresses on

;. @51 <. @56 A. @5= /nswer: /2A Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 5: "#at is t#e 1inar' $a+ue o( t#e #exadeci a+ nu 1er 0x511, /. 10100011001 0. 10101010101 C. 10110010001 D. 10100010001 E. 10100110011 /nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 5= "#at is t#e 1inar' $a+ue o( t#e deci a+ nu 1er 1567, /. 11011101101 0. 10011101111 C. 10011101011 D. 11010001111 E. 10111101111 /nswer: 0 Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 59 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 11 Cisco 640-911 Exa "#ic# o%tion is an exa %+e o( a distance $ector routing %rotoco+, /. ?I9 0. )*9; C. /?9 D. I*-I* /nswer: / Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 70 "#ic# o%tion is an exa %+e o( an ad$anced distance $ector routing %rotoco+, /. EI<?9 0. ?I9 C. )*9;


= 4 5 1 5-=B0 1 1-5B02 1-1B1 B 0101

D. /?9 /nswer: / Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 71 "#ic# o%tion is an exa %+e o( a +ink-state routing %rotoco+, /. EI<?9 0. ?I9 C. )*9; D. /?9 /nswer: C Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 75 "#at is t#e axi u a++owa1+e #o% count (or ?I9$1, 15 Cisco 640-911 Exa

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co /. 4 0. = C. 15 D. 15 E. 16 /nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 77

"#at is t#e de(au+t %eriodic inter$a+ at w#ic# ?I9$1 sends routing u%dates, /. 15 seconds 0. 70 seconds C. 45 seconds D. 60 seconds E. 90 seconds ;. ?I9$1 on+' sends routing u%dates w#en t#e to%o+og' c#anges. /nswer: 0 Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 74 "#at does ?I9$1 send to its neig#1ors, /. in(or ation a1out c#anged routes 0. in(or ation a1out new routes C. t#e entire routing ta1+e D. in(or ation a1out de+eted routes

/nswer: C Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 75 "#at are two ad$antages o( e %+o'ing an externa+ router (or inter-V&/N routing o$er an IEEE =05.1! trunk +ink, -C#oose two.. 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 17 Cisco 640-911 Exa /. &a'er 7 (unctiona+it' is not re>uired on t#e switc#. 0. 4#e router (aci+itates co V&/Ns. C. 4#e sing+e tra((ic %at# is o%ti iCed. D. &atenc' is reduced as %ackets +ea$e t#e switc#. E. E>ua+-Cost 6u+ti%at# is su%%orted. /nswer: /20 Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 76 "#ic# state ent correct+' descri1es an *VI, /. /n *VI is a &a'er 5 inter(ace and uses a d'na ic 6/C address. 0. /n *VI cannot #a$e an I9 address assigned to it. C. /n *VI %ro$ides &a'er 7 routing 1etween V&/Ns. D. Eac# switc# %ort re>uires an *VI assign ent. /nswer: C Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 7: "#at is t#e Cisco Nexus )%erating *'ste /. %ort routed 0. no switc#%ort C. +7 switc#%ort D. %ort switc#ing o(( /nswer: 0 Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 7= "#ic# state ent is correct regarding a routed %ort on a /. / routed %ort re>uires an *VI de(inition. 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 14 Cisco 640-911 Exa 0. ?outed %orts cannot 1e con(igured on a u+ti+a'er switc# t#at uses *VIs. C. / axi u o( 75 routed %orts can 1e %ro$isioned on a gi$en u+ti+a'er switc#. D. / routed %ort is a %#'sica+ %ort t#at su%%orts &a'er 7 routing. u+ti+a'er switc#, co and to de(ine a %ort as a &a'er 7 %ort,

unication 1etween

/nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 79 )n a new Cisco Nexus switc#2 'ou recei$e an error t#e (irst co and 'ou ust use to create t#e *VI, /. inter(ace $+an -$+anDid. 0. $+an -$+anDid. C. (eature s$i D. inter(ace routed /nswer: C Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 40 "#ic# co and s#ou+d 'ou use to con(igure a Cisco Nexus switc# %ort (or &a'er 5 o%eration, essage w#en 'ou atte %t to create an *VI. "#at is

/. nexus-con(ig-i(.Eswitc#%ort 0. nexus-con(ig-i(.E+a'er-5 C. nexus-con(ig-i(.Erouted D. nexus-con(ig.Einter(ace $+an 10 nexus-con(ig-i(.Eswitc#%ort /nswer: / Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 41 "#ic# $ersion o( Cisco Nexus )%erating *'ste switc#es and Cisco 6D* storage switc#es, 1eca e a co on o%erating s'ste (or Cisco Nexus

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co /. 5.: 0. 7.7 C. 7.9 D. 4.1 E. 5.01<D ;. 6.5 /nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 45

15 Cisco 640-911 Exa

"#at are two core (eatures o( Cisco Nexus )%erating *'ste , -C#oose two.. /. *N69$7 0. ?6)N C. *'ste 6anager

D. 9** E. V?; ;. 4?I&& /nswer: C2D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 47 "#at is t#e acron' ex%ansion o( t#e 3D&D (eature o( Cisco Nexus )%erating *'ste ,

/. 3niDirectiona+ &ink Detection 0. 3ni(ied Data &ink Distri1ution C. 3ni(ied Data &oss Detection D. 3ni(ied Directiona+ &ink Distri1ution E. 3nidirectiona+ Data &oss Detection /nswer: / Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 44 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 16 Cisco 640-911 Exa "#at are (our securit' (eatures t#at are inc+uded in Cisco Nexus )%erating *'ste , -C#oose (our.. /. Cisco 4rust*ec 0. IEEE =05.1!au C. Co99 D. %ort securit' E. 9I6 ;. **& V9N <. I9sec V9N A. /C&s /nswer: /2C2D2A Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 45 "#at are t#ree odu+ar &a'er 5 %rocesses in Cisco Nexus )%erating *'ste , -C#oose t#ree..

/. 3D&D 0. 9I6 C. A*?9 D. *49 E. Cisco Disco$er' 9rotoco+ ;. )*9; /nswer: /2D2E Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 46

"#at are t#ree

odu+ar &a'er 7 %rocesses in Cisco Nexus )%erating *'ste , -C#oose t#ree..

/. 3D&D 0. 9I6 C. A*?9 D. *49 E. )*9; ;. Cisco Disco$er' 9rotoco+ 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co /nswer: 02C2E Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 4: "#at are two de(au+t user ro+es in Cisco Nexus )%erating *'ste , -C#oose two.. /. /d in 0. Network )%erator C. )%erator D. *torage )%erator E. ?oot ;. *'ste 6anager /nswer: /2C Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 4= )n ost ke'1oards2 t#e 3% arrow and Down arrow ke's o$e t#roug# t#e co ke' se>uences can 1e used as a+ternati$es, -C#oose two.. /. /+t-/ 0. /+t-; C. /+t-N D. /+t-E E. /+t-9 /nswer: C2E Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 49 "#at is t#e (unction o( t#e 4a1 ke' on t#e Cisco Nexus )%erating *'ste /. redis%+a's t#e current co 0. de+etes a++ c#aracters (ro and +ine t#e cursor to t#e end o( t#e co co and-+ine inter(ace, and #istor'. "#ic# two 1: Cisco 640-911 Exa

and +ine

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 1= Cisco 640-911 Exa C. c+ears t#e ter ina+ screen D. co %+etes a %artia++' entered co and i( enoug# c#aracters are %resent E. word to t#e rig#t

o$es t#e cursor one

/nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 50 "#ere does Cisco Nexus )%erating *'ste /. ?/6 0. (+as# C. 1oot(+as# D. $o+ati+e E. NV?/6 /nswer: / Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 51 "#ere does Cisco Nexus )%erating *'ste /. ?/6 0. (+as# C. 1oot(+as# D. $o+ati+e E. NV?/6 /nswer: E Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 55 "#ic# two co ands wou+d 'ou use to erase t#e Cisco Nexus )%eration *'ste return t#e switc# to (actor' de(au+ts, -C#oose two.. 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co /. nexusE write erase 1oot 0. nexusE erase con(iguration C. nexusE erase running-con(iguration D. nexusE erase startu%-con(iguration E. nexusE re1oot ;. nexusE re+oad <. nexusE s#utdown /nswer: /2; Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 57 "#at is t#e ini u re>uired co and to enter g+o1a+ con(iguration ode on a Cisco Nexus switc#, 19 Cisco 640-911 Exa con(iguration and store t#e startu% con(iguration (i+e, store t#e running con(iguration (i+e,

/. nexusE con 0. nexusE con(igure

C. nexusE con(igure g+o1a+ D. nexusE con(igure ter ina+ /nswer: / Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 54 "#ic# o%tion wou+d 'ou use to exit t#e Cisco Nexus )%erating *'ste return to t#e exec %ro %t, /. nexus-con(ig-i(.ECtr+-C nexusE 0. nexus-con(ig-i(.ECtr+-F nexusE C. nexus-con(ig-i(.ECtr+-E nexusE D. nexus-con(ig-i(.Eexit nexusE /nswer: / Ex%+anation: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co !3E*4I)N N): 55 "#at is t#e correct (or at o( an access contro+ +ist on a Cisco Nexus switc# to den' unencr'%ted "e1 tra((ic (ro an' source to destination #ost, /. N5G-/-con(ig.Ei% access-+ist 101 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E den' tc% an' #ost e> =0 0. N5G-/-con(ig.Eaccess-+ist 101den' tc% an' #ost e> =0 C. N5G-/-con(ig.Eaccess-+ist 101den' tc% an' #ost e> =0 N5G/-con(ig.Eaccess-+ist 101%er it i% an' an' D. N5G-/-con(ig.E i% access-+ist 101 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E den' tc% an' #ost e> =0 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E %er it i% an' an' /nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 56 "#at is t#e correct (or at o( an access contro+ +ist on a Cisco Nexus switc# to den' ;49 tra((ic (ro source to destination #ost, an' 50 Cisco 640-911 Exa inter(ace con(iguration ode and

/. N5G-/-con(ig.E i% access-+ist 101 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E den' tc% an' #ost e> (t% 0. N5G-/-con(ig.Eaccess-+ist 101den' tc% an' #ost e> (t% C. N5G-/-con(ig.Eaccess-+ist 101den' tc% an' #ost e> (t% N5G/-con(ig.Eaccess-+ist 101den'i% an' an' D. N5G-/-con(ig.E i% access-+ist 101 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E den'ud% an' #ost e> 51 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E %er it i% an' an' E. N5G-/-con(ig.E i% access-+ist 101 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E den' tc% an' #ost e> 51 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E %er it i% an' an'

/nswer: E Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 5: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 51 Cisco 640-911 Exa "#at is t#e correct (or at o( an access contro+ +ist on a Cisco Nexus switc# to den' #osts on t#e 1: network (ro accessing A449 %rox' ser$ers +istening on %ort =0=0, /. N5G-/-con(ig.E i% access-+ist 101 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E den' tc% 1: 0.0.:.555 an' e> =0=0 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E %er it i% an' an' 0. N5G-/-con(ig.E i% access-+ist 101 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E den' tc% an' 1: 555.555.54=.0 e> =0=0 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E %er it i% an' an' C. N5G-/-con(ig.Eaccess-+ist 101 den' tc%1: e> =0=0 D. N5G-/-con(ig.E i% access-+ist 101 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E den' tc% an' #ost 1: e> =0=0 /nswer: / Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 5= "#at is t#e correct (or at o( an access contro+ +ist on a Cisco Nexus switc# to on+' %er it unencr'%ted "e1 tra((ic (ro t#e 1: network to destination #ost, /. N5G-/-con(ig.E i% access-+ist 101 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E %er it tc% #ost 1: an' e> =0 0. N5G-/-con(ig.E i% access-+ist 101 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E %er it tc% 1: 555.555.555.15= an' e> =0 C. N5G-/-con(ig.E i% access-+ist 101 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E %er it tc% 1: an' e> =0 D. N5G-/-con(ig.Eaccess-+ist 101 %er it tc% 1: e> =0 E. N5G-/-con(ig.E i% access-+ist 101 N5G-/-con(ig-ac+.E %er it tc% an' 1: 555.555.54=.0 e> =0 /nswer: C Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 59 "#ic# de$ice (orwards data 1ased on t#e destination I9 address, /. re%eater 0. 1ridge 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co C. switc# D. router E. #u1 /nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 60 55 Cisco 640-911 Exa

"#ic# network to%o+og' is /. 1us 0. token %assing 1us C. star D. extended star E. ring /nswer: / Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 61 "#ic# network to%o+og' is /. 1us 0. token %assing 1us C. star D. extended star E. ring /nswer: E Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 65 "#ic# +a'er o( t#e )*I /. datagra

ost c+ose+' associated wit# c+assica+ C*6/@CD,

ost c+ose+' associated wit# ;DDI,

ode+ is associated wit# 4oken ?ing 6edia /ccess Contro+,

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 0. routing C. network D. data +ink E. trans%ort ;. trans ission <. session /nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 67

57 Cisco 640-911 Exa

"#en de%+o'ing 100/*E-5 Et#ernet2 w#ic# t'%e o( connector is used, /. /3I 0. 349 C. *49 D. 0NC E. ?H-11 ;. ?H-45 <. *4

A. DC /nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 64 "#en de%+o'ing 100/*E-5 Et#ernet2 w#at is t#e /. 100 eters 0. 100 (eet C. 150 eters D. 150 (eet E. 1=5 eters ;. 1=5 (eet /nswer: E Ex%+anation: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co !3E*4I)N N): 65 Aow an' I9 address ranges are s%eci(ied in ?;C 191=, 54 Cisco 640-911 Exa axi u ca1+e +engt#,

/. 1 in C+ass /2 5 in C+ass 02 and 4 in C+ass C 0. 5 in C+ass /2 4 in C+ass 02 and = in C+ass C C. 4 in C+ass /2 = in C+ass 02 and 16 in C+ass C D. 1 in C+ass /2 16 in C+ass 02 and 556 in C+ass C /nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 66 "#at is re>uired to a++ow de$ices t#at are using ?;C 191= addresses to co unicate o$er t#e Internet,

/. / %ri$ate to %u1+ic V&/N ust 1e de(ined on t#e Internet 1order de$ice. 0. 4#e Internet (irewa++ ust %er it ?;C 191= addresses. C. V&/N trans+ation is re>uired on t#e Internet 1order de$ice. D. Network address trans+ation is re>uired on t#e Internet 1order de$ice. /nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 6: "#at is t#e addressing (or at o( I9$6, /. 4=-1it dotted deci a+ 0. 4=-1it co+on-de+i ited #exadeci a+ C. 64-1it dotted deci a+ D. 64-1it co+on-de+i ited #exadeci a+

E. 15=-1it dotted deci a+ ;. 15=-1it co+on-de+i ited #exadeci a+ /nswer: ; Ex%+anation: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co !3E*4I)N N): 6= "#ic# state ent descri1es t#e (unction o( t#e )*I trans%ort +a'er, /. It seg ents data (ro t#e s'ste o( t#e sending #ost and reasse 1+es t#e data into a data strea on t#e s'ste o( t#e recei$ing #ost. 0. It %ro$ides t#e connecti$it' and %at# se+ection 1etween two #ost s'ste s t#at a' 1e +ocated on geogra%#ica++' se%arated networks. C. It de(ines #ow data is (or atted (or trans ission and #ow access to t#e %#'sica+ edia is contro++ed. D. It esta1+is#es2 anages2 and ter inates sessions 1etween two co unicating #osts. /nswer: / Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): 69 "#ic# trans%ort %rotoco+ re>uires a t#ree-wa' #ands#ake to esta1+is# a new connection, /. /?9 0. 3D9 C. I9 D. 4C9 /nswer: D Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): :0 "#at is t#e su1net /. 555.555.0.0 0. 555.555.555.540 C. 555.555.54=.0 D. 555.555.555.54= E. 555.555.54=.540 ;. 555.555.555.0 /nswer: C Ex%+anation: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co !3E*4I)N N): :1 56 Cisco 640-911 Exa ask (or t#e network 1:, 55 Cisco 640-911 Exa

"#at is t#e dotted #exadeci a+ re%resentation o( t#e I9 address 1:, /. /C.0D.67.E1 0. /0.67.99.D5 C. E5.1D.E1.66 D. 0C.0C.C7.1; E. CC.0D.;7.51 /nswer: / Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): :5 "#at is t#e deci a+ $a+ue o( t#e #exadeci a+ nu 1er 0x:1=, /. :1= 0. 1=16 C. 590: D. 7511 /nswer: 0 Ex%+anation: !3E*4I)N N): :7 A)4*9)4 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 5: Cisco 640-911 Exa

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co

5= Cisco 640-911 Exa

/nswer: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 59 Cisco 640-911 Exa

Ex%+anation: 4#e V49 %asswords are set incorrect+'. 3se t#e s#ow V49 %assword co !3E*4I)N N): :4 A)4*9)4 and2 one side is set to cisco t#e ot#er is cisco157.

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co

70 Cisco 640-911 Exa

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co

71 Cisco 640-911 Exa


Ex%+anation: 5 3se t#e s#ow $+an co

and to see t#e nu 1er o( V&/Ns con(igured in t#e 1006-4094 range.

!3E*4I)N N): :5 A)4*9)4 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 75 Cisco 640-911 Exa

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co

77 Cisco 640-911 Exa

/nswer: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 74 Cisco 640-911 Exa

Ex%+anation: 4#is V&/N range is not a++owed on E5@11 3se t#e 8s#ow inter(ace trunk8 to see t#e V&/Ns a++owed on t#e E5@11 inter(ace. 4#e :50-:60 V&/N ranges are not inc+uded. !3E*4I)N N): :6 A)4*9)4

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co

75 Cisco 640-911 Exa

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co

76 Cisco 640-911 Exa


Ex%+anation: 992 :50-:592 9902 1006-1010 3se t#e 8s#ow s%anning tree8 co !3E*4I)N N): :: A)4*9)4

and to see w#ic# switc# is t#e root (or eac# V&/N.

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co

7: Cisco 640-911 Exa

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co

7= Cisco 640-911 Exa

/nswer: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 79 Cisco 640-911 Exa

Ex%+anation: 9ort-c#anne+ 501 is o%erating correct+'. 9ort-c#anne+ 501 is o%erationa++' u% wit# one sing+e !3E*4I)N N): := A)4*9)4

e 1er.

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co

40 Cisco 640-911 Exa

/nswer: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 41 Cisco 640-911 Exa

Ex%+anation: N:010-C1 wi++ re%+' to /?9s t#at are recei$ed on V+an11 !3E*4I)N N): :9 A)4*9)4 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 45 Cisco 640-911 Exa

89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co /nswer: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co

47 Cisco 640-911 Exa

44 Cisco 640-911 Exa

Ex%+anation: N:010-C1 cannot %ing 195.16=.10.91 1ecause it +acks a &a'er 5 address to w#ic# to 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co !3E*4I)N N): =0 A)4*9)4 45 Cisco 640-911 Exa


89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co

46 Cisco 640-911 Exa

/nswer: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 4: Cisco 640-911 Exa

Ex%+anation: 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co !3E*4I)N N): =1 A)4*9)4 4= Cisco 640-911 Exa


89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co

49 Cisco 640-911 Exa

Ex%+anation: i% route 0.0.00@0 89ass /n' Exa . /n' 4i e.8 - www.actua+tests.co 50

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