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7/24/2019 OpenText VIM

OpenText VIM: Basic

confguration or Document
Processing (DP) document
created by Pankaj Pareek on Feb 10, 2014 6:36 PM, last modifed by Pankaj Pareek on Feb
10, 2014 6:48 PM
Version 1

Audience: "!is is #or t!ose $!o are #amiliar $it! %&en"e't V(M)

%&en"e't V(M is &acka*ed sol+tion #or mana*in* inoices) -it! %&en"e't V(M
one can better mana*e t!e $ork.o$ o# t!e inoices, &ay correct amo+nt to
endors, create ario+s ty&es o# inoices, *et t!e a*in* re&ort, kee& c!eck
and ario+s alidations /doc+ment ty&e, inoice in#ormation etc),
elimination o# errors and d+&licate c!eck) ain* a !i*!ly conf*+rable
desi*n allo$s V(M to accommodate ario+s b+siness scenarios and cater
needs to ario+s or*aniations)
V(M &re&rocess data be#ore creatin* P doc+ment) %nce system alidates
all t!e b+siness r+les and &ass t!e doc+ment t!en doc+ment in P is
created) P com&rises o# #ollo$in*:
omponents Description

i*!est leel attrib+te) (t determines screen layo+t and P

oc+ment "y&e transaction to be called)
5ac! doc+ment ty&e needs at least one &rocess ty&e) (t aects
&rocess .o$) (t determines initial actors and collaboration o&tio
Process "y&e aailable to actors)
ets o# lo*ical conditions re9+ired #or alidatin* data #rom e'te
7+siness +les systems)
oles ro+&in* o# actors in ario+s cate*ories
%&tions and  "!e t$o basic o&tions are: ctions and e#errals) ctions are ba

o&tion ty&es transactions or $ork.o$ tasks)

+&licate ;!eck
in#rastr+ct+re For conf*+rin* dierent d+&licate c!eck lo*ic
onfguring DP document types
%&en"e't &roides standard doc+ment ty&es #or most o# t!e scenarios
!o$eer one can create a c+stom doc+ment ty&e by #ollo$in* belo$ ste&s: 1/7
7/24/2019 OpenText VIM

1) ;reate P rc!ie<ink oc "y&es: o to "=;ode %;2 and create ne$ P
rc!ie<ink doc+ment ty&e by &roidin* al+es #or oc+ment "y&e,
escri&tion and oc+ment ;lass)

(t is recommended to maintain one P rc!ie<ink #or eac! P doc ty&e

een i# t!e &rocess is same as it allo$s se&aration o# database and c+stom
2) ;reate ne$ P oc "y&e:
  a) o to "=code >n>%P">V(M?1;@1
  b) ;lick on ABe$ 5ntriesA b+tton /(n case yo+ $is! to edit e'istin* one t!en
do+ble click on t!e doc+ment ty&e
  c) 5nter #ollo$in* details: escri&tion, oc+ment (nde' "y&e /(nde'in*
+sin* %;, %nline (nde'in*, Bo (nde'in*, and (nde'in* +sin* (%;, (noice
 "y&e, B+mber an*e, P F( oc ty&e, rc!ie oc "y&e, <ine (tem ata,
+&licate ;!eck ro+&, +&licate ;!eck ole, e#a+lt Process ty&e, Postin*
ole, escan ole, ;!eck is&lay (nde' ata c!eckbo', ;!eck ki&
as!board c!eckbo' and ;!eck is&lay (ma*e c!eckbo') 2/7
7/24/2019 OpenText VIM

B%"5: (nde'in* is a &rocess o# fllin* +& t!e inoicin* details in t!e P

3) efne Process "y&e:
  a) ot to "=;ode >n>%P">V(M?1;@1) elect t!e created P oc+ment "y&e
  b) o+ble ;lick on oc+ment Process and select t!e &rocess ty&e) ;lick on
etails b+tton

  c) ;!eck t!e ctie c!eckbo' b+tton) elect t!e al+e o# 7; transaction
( and 7ack*ro+nd "ran ( /7; transaction ( is +sed to &rocess an P
transaction to create P doc+ment in +ser conte't) 7ack*ro+nd "ran ( is
+sed to &rocess P transaction to create P doc+ment in back*ro+nd)
5nter al+e o# +to&ost .a* /@: #or back*ro+nd &rocessin* and &arkin*
reason) 3/7
7/24/2019 OpenText VIM

4) ;onf*+re (nde' screen o&tion:

  a) o to "=;ode >n>%P">V(M?1;@1) elect t!e created P oc+ment "y&e)
  b) o+ble click on (nde' creen %&tion and click on Be$ 5ntries 7+tton)
  c) Proide #ollo$in* details: Process "y&e, escri&tion, ;+rrent ole /ole
$!ic! &rocesses t!e -ork (tem, ;!eck on llo$ ;!an*es c!eck bo', c!eck
!o$ +&licates c!eck bo', select (nitial "ab /as!board and (nde' ata,
elect 5nable im+late in case yo+ $ant to ski& certain b+siness r+les, c!eck
isable %bsolete c!eck bo' in case yo+ $ant to !ide obsolete b+tton in
das!board and c!eck isable escan c!eck bo' in case yo+ $ant to !ide
escan b+tton in das!board)

C) ;onf*+re +tomatic (ma*e is&lay:

  a) o to "=;ode M30 and enter >P"-F(>D?;%B" in "able>Vie$ and ;lick
  b) Ender &rod+ct code 00C do+ble click constant
7%?(M5?E"%) 5nter al+e @ and sae)
6) efne Process "y&e determination se9+ence:
  a) o to "=;ode >n>%P">V(M?1;@1) elect t!e create doc+ment ty&e and
do+ble click on Proc) "y&e) et) e9+ence) 4/7
7/24/2019 OpenText VIM

  b) 5nter #ollo$in* details: te& (d, Process ty&e, c!eck 5'cl+de #rom
im+late c!eckbo' to e'cl+de b+siness r+le #rom sim+lation and c!eck
7y&ass &ossible c!eckbo' to enable by&ass o# b+siness r+le

  c) elect t!e ste& and do+ble click on e9+ence te&s) 5nter al+e #or
te& e9+ence, Field Bame #or t!e feld t!at needs to be alidated, c!eck
ty&e /"able Field, ;!eck F+nction, ;onstant Val+e, e9+ired Field

) Maintain P% line etermination: -!en data is ca&t+red #rom e'ternal

system t!en P% line n+mber mi*!t not be s+&&lied t!+s t!is ste& !el&s to
determine t!e P% line n+mber in s+c! scenario)
  a) o to >n>%P">V(M?P%<
  b) 5nter P% <ine et) ( /s!o+ld start $it! 1, ;!eck F+nction /c+stom
standardto determine
#+nction P% line
mod+le n+mber) (t is blank by de#a+lt and %&en"e't
is +sed)
  c) o+ble click on P% <ine etermination Fields and maintain felds yo+ to
bed +sed #or P% line determination and sae)

  d) o to >n>%P">V(M?1;@1) o+ble click on oc+ment "y&e and enter t!e

al+e #or etermination <o*ic () ae)
8) Maintain "a' ;ode etermination: 5/7
7/24/2019 OpenText VIM

  a) o to "=;ode >n>%P">V(M?1;@1) o+ble click on oc+ment "y&e and

select t!e radio b+tton #or re9+ired o&tion) (n order to *et t!e ta' code #rom
endor master t!en select A"a' ;ode #rom Vendor MasterA)
  b) (n case ta' is determined +sin* %&en"e't ta' table /table:
>%P">V(M?"@?;F +se t=code >n>%P">V(M?7<?"@?;F
c) elect a&&licable
"a' ate, c!eckbo'
and llo$ $it!o+t#or ta' calc+lation /+to ;alc+late "a', llo$

G) ;onf*+re +&licate ;!eck: "!is is to c!eck in case a d+&licate doc+ment

is created) #ter identi#yin* t!e doc+ment can be ro+ted back to t!e
&redefned role #or #+rt!er &rocessin*)
  a) o to "=;ode >n>%P">V(M?1;@C
  b) ;lick on Be$ 5ntries b+tton and enter t!e +&licate ;!eck ro+&
n+mber, escri&tion, +&licate ;!eck "y&e /F+nction Mod+le and (nde' ata
Field and 5't) +&) ;!eck F+nction) elect +n +&licate ;!eck in ;entral
ystem 6/7
7/24/2019 OpenText VIM

  c) elect t!e created *ro+& and do+ble click on *ro+& feld and mention
t!e felds #or d+&licate c!eck

10) etermine
contains endorsP%t!at
send by
P% Vendor "able: "able
based inoices) >%P">V"?%;?5"
Vendor can send inoices
$it!o+t &roidin* P% n+mber) (# endor is not #o+nd in t!is table t!en system
c!ecks #or P% n+mber) 7/7

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