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Muthayammal College of Engineering, Rasipuram-637 408. Model Examination-Ii

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Date: 22/04/2014 Time: 1.45-4.45 pm
Subject Code/Name: EE2253/Con!o" S#$%&$ Year/em: !!/!"
Departme#t: EEE $a%. $ar&: 100
An$'%! ("" )% *+%$,on$ -.0/01002
1. State tra#'er 'u#ctio# o' a (tem.
2. )*( #e+ati,e 'eedbac& i i#,ariab-( pre'erred i# a c-oed -oop (tem.
3. )*at are t*e t*ree baic e-eme#t i# e-ectric a#d mec*a#ica- (tem.
4. De'i#e tead( tate error o' a (tem.
5. /o0 t*e (tem i c-ai'ied depe#di#+ o# t*e ,a-ue o' dampi#+.
1. De'i#e ett-i#+ time
2. $e#tio# a#( 'our 're3ue#c( repo#e peci'icatio#
4. De'i#e p*ae a#d +ai# cro o,er 're3ue#c(.
5. )*at i mea#t b( 6cor#er 're3ue#c(7 i# 're3ue#c( repo#e a#a-(i.
10. Dra0 t*e po-ar p-ot o' 89:;1/91<T:
An$'%! ("" )% *+%$,on$ -4/.61802
11. a: i. =or t*e i+#a- '-o0 +rap* +i,e# i# 'i+ure. E,a-uate t*e c-oed -oop tra#'er 'u#ctio#
o' a (tem. 912:
a: ii. )rite detai-ed #ote o# 6(#c*ro7 94:
b: >btai# t*e output tra#'er 'u#ctio# o' t*e mec*a#ica- (tem *o0# i# 'i+. Dra0 'orce
,o-ta+e a#d 'orce curre#t a#a-o+ou 911:
12. a: i. ?i#+ b-oc& dia+ram reductio# tec*#i3ue 'i#d C/@ 94:
a: ii. >btai# t*e tra#'er 'u#ctio# o' t*e 'o--o0i#+ rotatio#a- (tem a *o0# i# 'i+. 94:
12. b: i. A poitio#a- co#tro- (tem 0it* ,e-ocit( 'eedbac& i *o0#. Determi#e t*e repo#e o' t*e
(tem 'or u#it tep i#put 910:
b: ii. Deri,e a# e%preio# 'or t*e time repo#e o' a# 'irt order (tem ubjected to u#it tep
i#put. 91:
13. a: i: E%p-ai# t*e repo#e o' BC B!C BD a#d B!D co#tro--er i# detai- 911:
13. b: i. T*e ope# -oop tra#'er 'u#ctio# o' a u#it( 'eedbac& (tem i +i,e# b( 89:;D/9T<1:C
0*ere D a#d T are poiti,e co#ta#t. E( 0*at 'actor *ou-d t*e amp-i'ier +ai# D be reducedC o
t*at t*e pea& o,er*oot o' u#it tep repo#e o' t*e (tem i reduced 'rom 25F to 25F 910:
b: ii. Deri,e t*e e%preio# 'or rie time 91:
14. a: 8i,e# G-S2 1 5 %
6S-S702-S782 ,'i#d D 'or t*e 'o--o0i#+ t0o cae:
9i: 8ai# mar+i# e3ua- to 4 db
9ii: B*ae mar+i# e3ua- to 40
b: =or t*e 'o--o0i#+ tra#'er 'u#ctio# dra0 bode p-ot a#d obtai# +ai# cro-o,er
're3ue#c(C p*ae cro o,er 're3ue#c(C p*ae mar+i# a#d +ai# mar+i# 911:
89S: ;
: 4 1 :9 3 1 9
S S S + +

15. a: T*e ope# -oop tra#'er 'u#ctio# o' a u#it( 'eedbac& (tem i +i,e# b(
89S: ;
: 1 2 :9 1 9
+ + S S S
S&etc* t*e po-ar p-ot a#d determi#e t*e +ai# mar+i# a#d p*ae mar+i#.
b: Dra0 t*e po-ar p-ot 'or t*e 'o--o0i#+ tra#'er 'u#ctio# 89:;D/91<0.5:91<4: 911:
P!%8(!%9 3# C)%:;%9 3# HOD6EEE

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