CV Magne

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VITAE 2008
Family name MAGNE
First name Pascal
Birth date May 6th, 1966
Origin Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Citizenship Swiss
Marital status Married, with daughter
Home Address 1214 14th Street, #204
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Home Phone & Fax (310) 393-6889
Prof. Address University of Southern California
School of Dentistry
3151 S. Hoover St., Suite E201
Los Angeles, CA 90089-7792
Prof. Phone & Fax (213) 740-4239 Fax (213) 821-5324
E-mail : [email protected]
Languages French, English, Italian, German, Spanish

1972 - 1984 Primary and secondary schools in Neuchâtel, Switzerland
1984 "Maturité Fédérale" (BD), type C scientific, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
1989 "Diplôme fédéral de médecin-dentiste" (DMD.), University of Geneva Dental
School, Switzerland
1990 "Doctorat en médecine dentaire" (MSc.), University of Geneva Dental School,
1998 Introductory course in Finite Element Analysis (FEM)(MARC/MENTAT
Advanced course in Nonlinear FEM and Contact Analysis (MARC/MENTAT)
Marc Analysis Research Co. Ann Harbor (Michigan) and Minneapolis (Minnesota)
2002-2008 “Privat-docent pour l’enseignement de restaurations dentaires” (PhD)
University of Geneva Dental School, Switzerland
2003 “Formation de tuteur APP” (facilitation in Problem-Based Learning),
University of Geneva Dental School, Switzerland
2005 Certificate for Problem-Based Learning facilitation
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
2006 Dean’s Leadership Training Course
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
1989-1997 Lecturer at the University of Geneva Dental School
- Division of Operative Dentistry & Endodontics (Prof. Jacques HOLZ)
- Division of Fixed Prosthodontics (Prof. Urs BELSER)
1992-1995 Academic activity (above) combined to part time private practice
1997-1999 Visiting Associate Professor at the Minnesota Dental Research Center
for Biomaterials and Biomechanics (Prof. William H. Douglas),
University of Minnesota, School of Dentistry, USA, supported by the
Swiss Science Foundation, Grant 81GE-50071 and the
Swiss Foundation for Medical-biological Grants
1999-2004 Senior Lecturer at the University of Geneva Dental School,
Division of Fixed Prosthodontics (Prof. Urs BELSER)
Since February 2004 Tenured Associate Professor and Don and Sybil Harrington Foundation
Chair in Esthetic Dentistry, University of Southern California School of
Dentistry, Los Angeles.
Intramural Practice at the USC Oral Health Center
1984 Maturité Fédérale (BD).
1989 Med. Dent. (Médecin-dentiste) (DMD)
1991 Dr. Med. Dent. (Doctoral thesis) (MSc)
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1997-1998 Scholar of the Swiss Science Foundation

1998-1999 Scholar of the Swiss Foundation for Medical-biological Grants
December 2001 Privat-docent habilitation thesis) (PhD)
• Active member: “Christian Dental Society” (CDS) since 2007
• Active member: “American / International Association for Dental Research” (AADR/IADR) since 1998
• Associate member : “European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry” (EAED) 1996-2000
• Honorary member: “Accademia Italiana di Conservativa” (AIC) since 1994
• Ordinary member : “Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Dentale Okklusion und Rehabilitation” (ADOR) since 1994
• Ordinary member : “Association des Anciens Etudiants de l'Ecole de Médecine dentaire de Genève”
(AAE EMDG) since 1990
• 1ST prize of the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) for the best grades at the first year of Medicine 1990.
• Restaurations des dents antérieures: crescendo des possibilités thérapeutiques.
2ND prize of the « Association des Anciens Etudiants de l'Ecole de Médecine dentaire de Genève »
(AAE EMDG), 10th Meeting, October 6. 1993 – Geneva (Switzerland)
• Honorary Professor at the “Centre de Perfectionnement en Odonto-Stomatologie de Provence Cote-d’Azur”,
June 15 1996 – Marseille (France)
• Recipient of the 2002 International Association for Dental Research (IADR) Young Investigator Award
• Recipient of endowed Chair (2006) - Don and Sybil Harrington Foundation Chair in Esthetic Dentistry
University of Southern California School of Dentistry
• Recipient of the 2007 Judson C. Hickey Scientific Writing Award (for the best research article of the year
published in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry)
1989-1997: Pre-Graduate and Postgraduate teaching :
- Division of Operative Dentistry & Endodontics (Prof. Jacques HOLZ) (pre-graduate : 224 hours/year)
- Division of Fixed Prosthodontics (Prof. Urs BELSER) (pre-graduate : 224 hours/year)
Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Continuing education courses (given):
- TC 403 : Composites sur les dents antérieures
- PROFI 601 : Facettes en céramique
Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
- ESTHETIC REHABILITATIONS: Annual course, University of Southern California (Los Angeles) - Director
- POSTERIOR ESTHETIC RESTORATIONS: Annual course, USC (Los Angeles) – Director
(Los Angeles) – participation
- IMPLANT THERAPY IN THE ESTHETIC ZONE: Annual course, USC (Los Angeles) – participation

Para-medical teaching :
To dental technicians, dental hygienists and dental assistants (occasional)
Faculty at the Interdisciplinary Dental Education Academy (San Francisco)
Dr. Magne is one of only 31 practitioners selected worldwide to serve on the Faculty
Visiting Faculty at the Pankey Institute for Advanced Dental Education (Key Biscayne)
Dr. Magne is one of only 102 practitioners selected worldwide to serve on the Visiting Faculty
Visiting Faculty at the Global Institute for Dental Education
Dr. Magne serves for WebLIVE! Interactive Certificate Programs via the Web (World)
Visiting Faculty for DentalED
Dr. Magne serves for DentalED Interactive Certificate Programs via the Web (Australia/USA)
Visiting Faculty for Seattle Study Club WebLive program.
Dr. Magne serves for the SSC Network Lecture Programs via the Web (USA).
Instructor at the Center for Advanced Dental Learning (Seattle)
Dr. Magne is one of the practitioners selected by Dr. John Kois to teach for “Creating Restorative Excellence”
Faculty at the USC Odontic Seminar (Los Angeles)
Visiting Faculty for the Postgraduate Esthetic Continuum (University of Minnesota)

Lectures by invitation:
Dr. Magne has been invited and has participated to nearly 300 international continuing education courses and
conferences in the field of oral esthetics and adhesive dentistry
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“In vitro evaluation of bonded restoration seal : a multifactorial analysis".
# 496, June 3. 1991 - Geneva
Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva
“Esthetic restorative dentistry for the anterior dentition: optimization of bonded ceramic restorations and
biomimetic recovery of the crown”.
Privat-docent thesis, December 2001 - Geneva
Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva
G R A N T S & A W A R D S
• Swiss Science Foundation, Grant 81GE-50071
Amount : CHF 33’500.-- Approved February 20. 1997
• Swiss Foundation for Medical-biological Grants, Advanced Researcher Award
Amount : CHF 52’000.-- Approved June 11,. 1998
• International Association for Dental Research (IADR), Young Investigator Award
Amount : USD 2’000.— Received March 6., 2002
• University of Southern California, School of Dentistry (USCSD), Start-up Grant
Amount : USD 100’000.— Received October, 2004
• MSC.Software - Research Support Gift (FEA software package)
Amount : USD 54’000.— (commercial value) Received received for 2004-2008
• Multicompany industry support for the Center for Dental Technology at USCSD
Amount : USD ca. 300’000.— Pledged for 2004-2009
• Gus Swab Memorial Gift in Gnathology
Amount : USD 10’000.— Received for 2004 and 2005
• Materialise Software - Research Support Gift (3D graphics software package)
Amount : USD 95’833.— (commercial value) Received for 2005-2008
• IADR Bloc Travel Grant Award
Amount : USD 1’000.— Received for 2008
• 2007 JC Hickey Scientific Writing Award (Editorial Council of the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry)
Amount: USD 2’500.- Received for 2008
S C I E N T I F I C A P P O I N T M E N T S & S E R V I C E
• Director of Esthetic Dentistry - F.E.U. Faculty Esthetic Update: literature review and evidence-based revision
of D.D.S. curriculum in restorative dentistry at USC School of Dentistry
• Peer review and member of the Editorial Board for the “European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry” (Publisher:
• Peer review and member of the Editorial Board for the “Clinics - International Journal of Brazilian Dentistry”
(Publisher: EditoraPonto)
• Peer review and member of the Editorial Board for the “Journal of Esthetic Dentistry” (Publisher: B.C. Decker)
• Peer review and member of the Editorial Board for the “Schweizer Monatsschrift für Zahnmedizin”
• Peer review and member of the Editorial Board for “The Electronic Journal for Dentistry” (1998-2001)
• Member of the Editorial Board for “Spectrum” (Publisher: Palmeri Publishing)
• Member of the Editorial Board for “TeamWork” (Publisher: Palmeri Publishing)
• Consultant on “Swiss Science Foundation” grants
• Peer review for the “Journal of Biomedical Materials Research” (Publisher: Wiley)
• Peer review for the “Biomaterials” (Publisher: Elsevier)
• Peer review for the “Journal of Biomechanics” (Publisher: Elsevier)
• Peer review for the “Journal of Dentistry” (Publisher: Elsevier)
• Peer review for the “International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry” (Publisher:
• Peer review for the “Journal of Adhesive Dentistry” (Publisher: Quintessence)
• Peer review for the “European Journal of Oral Sciences” (Publisher: Munksgaard)
• Peer review for the “Journal of Oral Rehabilitation” (Publisher: Munksgaard)
• Peer review for the “Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry” (Publisher: Elsevier)
• Expert and teacher for the “Swiss Federal Master in Dental Technique”
• Consultant on Whitaker Foundation grant « The Role of Fatigue Crack Growth in Dentin on Dental
Restoration Failures » by Dr. Dwayne D. Arola, University of Maryland, Baltimore
R E S E A R C H M E N T O R I N G & T H E S E S
1) Wear characteristics of veneering ceramics (2000)
Student : Won-Suck Oh (Resident in Prosthodontics, University of Minnesota)
Director : Dr. Ralph DeLong DDS, MS, PhD (Associate Professor, Minnesota Dental Research Center for
Biomaterials and Biomechanics)
Co-director : Pascal Magne, Dr. Med. Dent. (Visiting Associate Professor, Minnesota Dental Research Center
for Biomaterials and Biomechanics)
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2) Interactions of bioactive glasses in the oral environment (2001)

Student : Sarah E. Efflandt (Graduate Student, Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota)
Director : Dr. Lorraine Francis (Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota)
Co-director : Pascal Magne, Dr. Med. Dent. (Visiting Associate Professor, Minnesota Dental Research Center
for Biomaterials and Biomechanics)
3) Stress distribution and optimization of inlay-anchored adhesive FPDs: a finite element study (2002)
Student : Nicolas Perakis (Teaching Assistant, University of Geneva) – thesis #621 University of Geneva
Director : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent. (Senior Lecturer, Division of Fixed Prosthodontics)
Co-director : Prof. Ivo Krejci (Professor and Chairman, Division of Cariology, Endodontics and Pedodontics)
4) Modeling and characterization of the CEJ for the optimization of esthetic implant design (2005)
Student : Gerrman Gallucci (ITI Scholar, Rosario, Argentina) – thesis # 637 University of Geneva
Director : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent. (Senior Lecturer, Division of Fixed Prosthodontics)
Co-director : Prof. Urs Belser (Professor and Chairman, Division of Fixed Prosthodontics)
5) Immediate dentin sealing and indirect bonded restorations (2006)
Students : Woong-Seup So (Visiting scholar, Korea) – University of Southern California
Domenico Cascione (Dental Technologist) – University of Southern California
Tae Kim (Faculty) – University of Southern California
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.
6) Incisor compliance following operative procedures: a rapid 3-D FEA using micro-CT data (2007)
Student : Derek Tan (Graduate Prosthodontic resident) – University of Southern California
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.
7) 3D geometry acquisition using an interactive medical image control system (2007)
Student : Tevan Oganesyan (DDS student) – University of Southern California
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.
8) Fatigue resistance of CAD-CAM onlay restorations on endondontically-treated molars (2007)
Student : Alena Knezevic (Visiting scholar, Croatia) – University of Southern California
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.
9) Optical integration of incisoproximal restoration using the natural layering concept (2007)
Student : Woong-Seup So (Visiting scholar, Korea) – University of Southern California
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.
10) Immediate dentin sealing and delayed restoration placement of indirect restorations (2007)
Student : Woong-Seup So (Visiting scholar, Korea) – University of Southern California
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.
11) Direct dentin bonding technique sensitivity using air/suction drying steps (2007)
Students : Ramin Mahallati (Graduate Prosthodontic Resident) – University of Southern California
Panaghiotis Bazos (Visiting Scholar, Greece) – University of Southern California
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.
12) Fatigue resistance of CAD-CAM onlay restorations on endondontically-treated premolars (2008)
Student : Alena Knezevic (Visiting scholar, Croatia) – University of Southern California
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.
13) Premolar cuspal deflection following operative procedures: efficient 3-D finite element analysis using
micro-CT data (2008)
Student : Tevan Oganesyan (DDS student) – University of Southern California
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.
14) Microtensile bond strength of 2-step etch-and-rinse and 1-step self-etching dentin bonding agents
Student : Roger Lucas (Pediatric Dentistry resident) – University of Southern California
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent. and David Good, DDS
15) Premolar cuspal flexure as a function of restorative material and occlusal contact location (2008)
Student : Tevan Oganesyan (DDS student) – University of Southern California
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.
16) Interaction between impression materials and dentin bonding agent using IDS (2008)
Student : Brik Nielsen (DDS student) – University of Southern California
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.
17) Bond strength between a resin cement and laser-treated zirconia ceramic (2008)
Student : Maria Paula Gandolfi Paranhos (PhD student, Visiting scholar, Korea)) – Catholic University of
Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre (Brazil)
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.
18) Fatigue resistance of type III porcelain veneers bonded to screw-retained customized CAD/CAM zirconia
abutments (2008)
Student : Maria Paula Gandolfi Paranhos (PhD student, Visiting scholar, Brazil) – Catholic University of Rio
Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre (Brazil)
Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.
19) Fatigue resistance of molars restored with ceramic and composite resin occlusal coverage of minimal
thickness (2008)
Student : Luis Henrique Schlichting (PhD student, Visiting scholar, Brazil) – Federal University of Santa
Caterina, Florianopolis (Brazil)
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Mentor : Pascal Magne, PD, Dr. Med. Dent.


Dr. Pascal Magne has been invited and has participated to nearly 200 international courses and conferences in
the field of oral esthetics and adhesive dentistry. Among these:

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M., BELSER U. Il trattamento estetico dei settori anteriori. Tecniche indirette - Diagnosi, indicazioni e varie
fasi della realizzazione di faccette, corone e ponti adesivi. Accademia Italiana di Conservativa. Il Simposio "Estetica in
conservativa: ricerca e clinica". Corso di aggiornamento. Naples (Italie), June 17. 1994.

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.*, BELSER U.Patient, clinician and ceramist: the esthetic triad. CIDE 94 - 3e Congrès International de
Dentisterie Esthetique. "Mastering esthetic treatments". Paris (France), October 7. 1994.

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.*, BELSER U. Estetica orale naturale e restaurativa. XIII Congresso Internazionale dell' Accademia
Italiana di Odontoiatria Protesica. Bologne (Italie), November 11. 1994.

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.*, BELSER U. Natural and restorative oral esthetics. Annual Congress of the Turkish Dental
Association. Ankara (Turquie), November 19. 1994.

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.*, BELSER U. Approche simplifiée et rationelle des réhabilitations esthétiques. XIe Journées
Dentaires Internationales de Nice-Côte d’Azur. Nice (France), May 6. 1995

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.*, BELSER U. Prospettive dell’integrazione estetica. XXXVIII Congresso degli Amici di Brugg. Rimini
(Italie), May 20. 1995

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.*, BELSER U. Approche diagnostique des réhabilitations esthétique. Congrès Esthec 702, Update in
Esthetic Dentistry. Genève, September 16. 1995

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.*, BELSER U. La clave de los elementos en la comprensión de tratamiento de los conceptos estéticos.
Dental Técnic, Fira International de Pròtesis Dental, Jornades Catalanes de Pròtesis-Dental. Barcelone (Espagne),
October 13. 1995

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.*, BELSER U. Current Treatment Options in Anterior Esthetic Dentistry. The American Academy of
Restorative Dentistry, 66 Annual Meeting. Chicago (USA), February 24. 1996

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.*, BELSER U. Team Approach in Esthetic Dentistry / Clinical workshop : ceramic laminate veneers.
European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, 10 Scientific Meeting. St. Moritz (Suisse), March 11. 1996

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.*, BELSER U. Oral Design : une perspective de l’intégration esthétique. Les Journées Dentaires du
Québec 1996. Montréal (Canada), May 25. 1996
MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.*, BELSER U. Prospect of Esthetic Integration. American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, 21 Annual
Meeting. Aspen (USA), August 9. 1996

MAGNE P.*, BELSER U. Restaurative Zahnheilkunde - Ästetische Frontzahnversorgung. Europäisches Forum Zahnmedizin,
Hessischer Zahnärztetag ’96 (Quintessenz). Frankfurt (Germany), November 9. 1996

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M., BELSER U. Restorative Dentistry - Esthetic front tooth care. The Greater New York Academy of
Prosthodontics, 42 Scientific Meeting. New York City (USA), December 7. 1996

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.*, BELSER U. Restorative Dentistry - Esthetic front tooth care. The Israel Academy of Esthetic
Dentistry & The Israel Association of Dental Technicians, 2 Annual Meeting. Tel Aviv (Israel), December 18. 1996

MAGNE P*., MAGNE M.*, BELSER U. Die Interaktion zwischen Patient, Zahnarzt und Zahntechniker – ein kreatives Konzept.
Dentechnica’97, Neue Technologien-Aesthetik-Kommunikation, IDS Köln. Köln (Germany), April 11. 1997

MAGNE P.*, BELSER U. Esthetic aspects in standard sites. European Association for Osseointegration(EAO), Annual
Scientific Congress’97. Bern (Switzerland), April 12. 1997

MAGNE P.*, DOUGLAS W.H. Biomimetics of bonded porcelain veneers. The American Ceramic Society, Annual Workshop
of the Minnesota Section: « Ceramics in Biomedical Applications ». Minneapolis (USA), December 17. 1997

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M. Esthetic for the natural dentition. University of Southern California, Perio-Symposium. Los Angeles
(USA), January 17., 1998

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.* Esthetic Rehabilitation / Ceramic Laminate Veneers: demonstration workshop. 1998 Dallas Mid-
Winter Dental Clinic. Dallas (USA), January 23.-24., 1998
MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M. Creating restorative success. 5 Annual Seattle Study Club National Symposium. Seattle (USA),
January 31., 1998
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MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.* The esthetic width. 47 Annual Scientific Session of The American Academy of Fixed
Prosthodontics. Chicago (USA), February 20., 1998

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M., BELSER U. Strategic bases for successful esthetic rehablitations.
The Newport Harbor Academy of Dentistry. Newport Beach (USA), October 16. 1998

MAGNE P.*, DOUGLAS W.H. Biomimetics and continuous evolution of porcelain veneers. The Northeastern Gnathological
Society and The Northeastern Periodontology Society. New York (USA), November 6. 1998

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.*, BELSER U. The diagnostic template: key-element for a comprehensive esthetic treatment concept.
The Great Wieland Seminar. Dussedorf (Germany), November 14. 1998
MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M. Biomimetics and continuous evolution of porcelain veneers. 6 Annual Seattle Study Club National
Symposium West Palm Beach (USA), January 16., 1999
MAGNE P.*, DOUGLAS W.H. Ceramics in the veneer technique. 50 Anniversary Quintessence Publishing Symposium.
Berlin (Germany), February 6.-7., 1999

MAGNE P.*, DOUGLAS W.H. Rationalization of esthetic restorative dentistry based on biomimetics. Closed Meeting of the
Brazilian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), April 10., 1999 and Federal University of Santa Catarina.
Florianopolis (Brazil), April 16., 1999

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M. * The esthetic width in fixed prosthodontics. Star of The North Meeting, Minnesota Dental
Association. Minneapolis (USA), April 25., 1999

MAGNE P.*, DOUGLAS W.H. Rationalization of esthetic restorative dentistry based on biomimetics. The Academy of
Prosthodontics. Calgary (Canada), May 14., 1999

MAGNE P.*, DOUGLAS W.H. Facettes en céramique étape par étape. Les Journées Dentaires du Québec 1996. Montréal
(Canada), May 30. 1999

MAGNE P.*, DOUGLAS W.H. Evolution of bonded ceramics for the anterior dentition : stiffer and stronger is not better ! The
International Symposium on Ceramics. Orlando (USA), July 16. 1999

MAGNE P.*, BELSER U. Aesthetic restorations. The American Academy of Periodontology. San Antonio (USA), September
28. 1999

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M*. Newly emerging concepts in Aesthetic and adhesive dentistry. The European Prosthodontic
Association, Sevilla (Spain), October 9.1999

MAGNE P*, BELSER U. Biomimetic–based restorative dentistry. The American College of Prosthodontists. New York City
(USA), October 21.1999

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M*. Restoration of anterior teeth : evolution of materials and techniques. XVIII Congresso Internazionale
dell' Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Protesica. Bologna (Italia), November 17. 1999

MAGNE P*, BELSER U. Implications biologiques, fonctionnelles et mécaniques des restaurations esthétiques. Association
Dentaire Française (ADF). Paris (France), November 26. 1999

MAGNE P*, BELSER U. Bonded ceramic restorations for the anterior dentition: biomimetics and continuous evolution of
indications. The 9 Annual Sherril Ann Siegel Memorial Lecture – Goldblatt Memorial Lecture. Washington DC (USA),
December 1.1999
MAGNE P*, BELSER U. Rationalization of esthetic dentistry based on biomimetics. ADVANCE 2000, 6 International Forum
AdE Symposium. Amsterdam (Holland), January 21. 2000

MAGNE P*, BELSER U. Evolution and design optimization of bonded ceramic restorations for the anterior dentition. 14. Berliner
Zahnärztetag, 49. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für zahnärztliche Prothetik und Werkstoffkunde, 10.
Berliner Zahntechnikertag. Berlin (Deutschland), February 4.-5. 2000

MAGNE P*, BELSER U. Redefinition of esthetic dentistry based on adhesion and biomimetics. The Academy of Operative
Dentistry. Chicago (USA), February 25.2000

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M*. Le concept biomimétique appliqué à l’esthétique des dents antérieures. Evolution des collages de
céramique. Journées Odontologiques Rhône Alpes 2000, Lyon (France), March 11. 2000

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M. Rationalization of Esthetic Dentistry. Brazilian Society of Esthetic Dentistry, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil),
May 6. 2000

MÖRMANN WH*, MAGNE P*. Porcelain laminates. Conseuro 2000, Bologna (Italia), May 13. 2000
MAGNE P*, BELSER U. Biomimetics and continuous evolution of porcelain veneers. The 7 International Symposium on
Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, Boston (USA), June 4. 2000

MAGNE P*, BELSER U. Bonded ceramic restorations for the anterior dentition: biomechanics and new spectrum of
indications. 25 jaar Prothetische Tandheelkunde K.U. Leuven, Leuven (Belgium), November 25. 2000
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MAGNE P*, BELSER U. Prothèses conjointes transitoires: leur rôle dans la réhabilitation esthétique et fonctionnelle.
ADF/FDI World Dental Congress, Paris (France), November 29. 2000

MAGNE P.*, BELSER U. Uncharted territory in bonded porcelain restorations. The American Academy of Restorative
Dentistry, 71 Annual Meeting. Chicago (USA), February 24. 2001

MAGNE P*. Biomimetics and continuous evolution of porcelain veneers. Brazilian Society of Esthetic Dentistry, Santa
Caterina (Brazil), April 7. 2001

MAGNE P.* Stratificazione dei restauri in composito. Accademia Italiana di Conservativa. Riva Del Garda (Italie), April 28.

MAGNE P.* Ultraconservative esthetic treatment options in esthetic dentistry. British Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Newport
/ Wales (U.K.), September 20. 2001

MAGNE P.* The biomimetic approach in restorative dentistry: the optimal biologic/functional/mechanical and esthetic solution.
Joint Meeting of the Israeli Society of Prosthodontics (ISOP) and the Israeli Perio Society (IPS). Tel Aviv (Israel), February
20.-21. 2002

BELSER U, MAGNE P.* Attuali orientamenti in odontoiatria restaurativa e ricostruttiva: possibilità e limiti. Accademia Italiana di
Conservativa. Montecatini (Italie), April 20. 2002

BELSER U., MAGNE P.*, DIETSCHI D. Evolution in treatment strategies through up-dated technologies. International College
of Dentists. Lausanne (Switzerland), June 6.-8. 2002
MAGNE P.* Treatment of extended crown fractures. The 2 International Symposium on Sport Dentistry and Dental
Trauma. Bern (Switzerland), June 29. 2002
MAGNE P.*, BELSER U. Evidence-based bonded porcelain restorations. The American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, 27
Annual Meeting. Beaver Creek Colorado (USA), August 7. 2002

MAGNE P.* 1. Indications and use of bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition / 2. Most conservative esthetic
treatment modalities. The South African Dental Association. Durban (South Africa), August 20. 2002
MAGNE P*. A team approach for esthetic restoration. The 4 World Dental Meeting in Japan 2002. Yokohama (Japan),
October 19. 2002

MAGNE P*, BELSER U. Evolution des facettes de céramique. Association Dentaire Française (ADF). Paris (France),
November 28. 2002
MAGNE P.* Restoration of the traumatized tooth with bonded porcelain. The 3 International Symposium on Sport Dentistry
and Dental Trauma. Kyoto (Japan), July 27. 2003

MAGNE P.* The biomimetic principle and bonded porcelain restorations. 27. Annual Conference, The European
Prosthodontic Association, Geneva (Switzerland), September 4.-6. 2003

MAGNE P*, BELSER U. Causes d’échec des restaurations adhésives en céramique sur dents antérieures. Association
Dentaire Française (ADF). Paris (France), November 26. 2003

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M*. Operatory laboratory endeavor in esthetic dentistry. Mekkai University. Tokyo (Japan), February 21.-
22., 2004

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M*. Bonded porcelain restorations. School of Dentistry, University of Liege. Liege (Belgium), April 24.

MAGNE P.* Master’s Forum. The Pankey Institute. Key Biscayne (Florida), March 24.-25. 2004
MAGNE P*, BELSER U. Outcome prediction in bonded porcelain restorations. The 8 International Symposium on
Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, Boston (USA), June 11. 2004

MAGNE P*. Bonded porcelain restorations. The Pacific Northwest Dental Conference. Seattle (WA), July 23. 2004

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M*. Esthetic rehabilitations and bonded porcelain restorations. IDEA - Interdisciplinary Dental Education
Academy. San Francisco (CA), September 1.-4. 2004

MAGNE P*. Restaurations adhésive en céramique sur dents antérieures. Société française de parodontologie et
d’implantologie orale. St. Malo (France), September 25. 2004

MAGNE P*. What makes anterior bonded porcelain restorations fail ? 2004 Annual Session, American College of
Prothodontists. Ottawa (Canada), October 30. 2004

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M*. Operatory-laboratory endeavor in esthetic adhesive restorations. Colorado Prosthodontic Society.
Denver (CO), November 8. 2004
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MAGNE P*. Restauraciones de porcelana adherida. European University of Madrid. Madrid (Spain), November 19. 2004

MAGNE P. New frontiers in the use of bonded porcelain restorations. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid (Spain),
November 20. 2004

MAGNE P*. Ceramics: new developments and their application in your practice. Los Angeles Academy of Periodontics. Los
Angeles (CA), December 3. 2004

MAGNE P*. Biomimetic approach in the anterior dentition. Southwest Dental Conference. Dallas (TX), January 21. 2005

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M*. Importance of a direct relationship between patients and dental technologists in the treatment planning
of esthetic restorations. USC Periodontal and Implant Symposium. Los Angeles (CA), January 22. 2005

MAGNE P.* Why are 7% of bonded porcelain restorations failing after 15 years? 2005 Annual Seattle Study Club National
Symposium. Cancun (Mexico), January 29. 2005

MAGNE P*. Bonded porcelain restorations. Alpha Omega Nathan Styrt Excellence in Dentistry Seminar 2005. Los Angeles
(CA), March 16. 2005

MAGNE P*. Restaurations adhésives antérieures et postérieures : le point sur les tendances actuelles. Faculty in-service and
postgraduate program, School of Dentistry, University of Geneva. Zermatt (Switzerland), April 6-9. 2005

MAGNE P*. Virtual simulation method for dental restorations using micro-CT data. MSC Software Customer Day. Redwood
City (CA), April 29. 2005

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M*. The dynamics of ceramics. British Society for Restorative Dentistry - 2005 Spring Scientific
Meeting. London (U.K.), May 6-7. 2005

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M*. Patient-clinician-ceramist: the triad of success for bonded porcelain restorations. Dialogue 2005.
Anaheim (CA), May 14. 2005

FRADEANI M., MCLAREN E., MAGNE P*. All-ceramic solutions on teeth and implants. Global Institute for Dental Education,
Weblive course. Los Angeles (CA), May 25. 2005

MAGNE P*. Uncharted terrirories in bonded restorations. The Century Club Continuing Education Course, University of
Southern California, School of Dentistry. June 18. 2005

MAGNE P*. Novel-design bonded porcelain restorations. 2005 Annual Meeting and Scientific Session of the Pacific Coast
Society for Prosthodontics. Marina Del Rey, June 23. 2005
MAGNE P*. Functional esthetics with bonded ceramics: outcome prediction and tooth preparation. 21 International
Symposium on Ceramics. San Diego, June 24. 2005

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M.* Patient-clinician-ceramist: the harmonic basis of esthetic dentistry. American Academy of Esthetic
Dentistry, 30 Annual Meeting. Hawaii (USA), August 3. 2005

MAGNE P*. Bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition. Sociedad Espanola de Protesis Estomatologica
(SEPES), Almeria (Spain), October 14. 2005

MAGNE P*. The art of dentistry. University of Southern California 125th Anniversary, Los Angeles, October 7. 2005.

MAGNE P*. Bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition. Minnesota Academy of General Dentistry, Minneapolis,
October 28.-29. 2005

MAGNE P*. Bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition. Korean Academy of Prosthodontics, Seoul (South Korea),
November 26. 2005

MAGNE P*. Bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition The Calgary and District Dental Society. Calgary, January
20. 2006

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M. Bonded Porcelain restorations in the posterior dentition. USC Periodontal and Implant Symposium.
Los Angeles, January 27. 2006

MAGNE P*. Ceramics, adhesion and biomimetics. Arizona Dental Association. Phoenix, March 17. 2006.

MAGNE P.* Uncharted territories in adhesive dentistry. Star of the South Dental Meeting. Houston, April 22. 2006

MAGNE P*. Bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition. Swiss Symposium on Esthetic Dentistry. Montreux, May
5. 2006.

MAGNE P*. Restorative dentistry for the future: the biomimetic principle using bonded porcelain restorations. Iranian American
Dental Association. Los Angeles, May 10, 2006

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M. Patient-clinician-ceramist relationship: the triad of success for anterior bonded porcelain restorations.
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, San Diego, May 19. 2006
CVPM - 9

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M. Patient-clinician-ceramist relationship: the triad of success for anterior bonded porcelain restorations.
World Esthetic Congress 2006. London, June 10. 2006.
MAGNE P*. Anterior veneers and posterior ceramic restorations. 3 Annual Hinman/MCG Fellow in Esthetic Dentistry.
Atlanta, Albany, Augusta, August 25.-28. 2006

MAGNE P.* Restauraciones de porcelana adherida. Gruppo de Estudios Odontologico de Monterrey. Monterrey, September
8.-9. 2006.

MAGNE P*. Bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition. The Florida Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Orlando,
September 15. 2006.
MAGNE P.* Do we still need retention and resistance form? Visionary Therapy - 56 Annual Scientific Session of The
American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics. Chicago (USA), February 23., 2007
MAGNE P.* Uncharted territories in biomimetic restorative dentistry. 1 Congresso International da Revista Clinica .
Florianopolis (Brazil), April 21., 2007

MAGNE P.* Bonded porcelain restorations. The Toronto Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Toronto (Canada), May 4., 2007

MAGNE P.* Excellence in aesthetic restorations through biomimetic restorative dentistry. Dental Studio Mission. Auckland
(New Zealand), May 18.-20., 2007
MAGNE P.* Think different, think biomimetics. The 7 International Symposium on Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry,
Boston (USA), June 10. 2007

MAGNE P.* Anterior and posterior bonded restorations. Christian Dental Society, San Diego (USA), June 21.-22. 2007

MAGNE P.* Bonded porcelain restorations. Editorial Providence International Symposium. Buenos Aires (Argentina), July 4.-
5., 2007

MAGNE P.*, MAGNE M. Bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition. The Swedish Association of Cosmetic
Dentistry. Stockholm (Sweden), October 13., 2007

MAGNE P.* Biomimetic restorative dentistry: the adhesive revolution. International Convention of Vietnamese Physicians,
Dentists and Pharmacists, San Jose, CA (USA), August 9. 2008
MAGNE P.* Bonded Porcelain Restorations. 7 Annual Nic Marineau Memorial Lecture, Oregon Health & Science
University, Portland (USA), May 17. 2008

MAGNE P.* Biomimetic restorative principles applied to posteriors teeth. 22nd International Symposium on Ceramics, Los
Angeles (USA), June 8. 2008

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M. Bonded porcelain restorations. Joint Meeting British Society of Occlusal Studies (BSOS) and
British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD). Edingburgh (Scotland), June 20. 2008.

MAGNE P*. Esthetic and biomimetic restorative dentistry. Gloucestershire Independ Dentists (GID). Cheltenham (England),
June 27. 2008.

MAGNE P*. Advances in adhesive restorations and ultraconservative teratment options. British Dental Association Seminar
Series. London, September 12. 2008.

MAGNE P*. Bonded restorations in the anterior & posterior dentition. Victoria District Dental Society. Victoria BC (Canada),
September 26. 2008.

MAGNE P*, MAGNE M. Predictable esthetics and longevity with bonded porcelain restorations. DentalED Dental Events.
Melbourne (Australia), October 16-19. 2008.


Peer-review journals
01. HESS D., MAGNE P., BELSER U. Forme de rétention et de résistance des préparations dentaires. Revue
de la littérature et implications cliniques. Rev. Mens. Suisse Odontostomatol. 102:917-923, 1992
02. DIETSCHI D., MAGNE P., HOLZ J. An in vitro study of parameters related to marginal and internal seal of
bonded restorations. Quintessence Int. 24:281-291, 1993
03. MAGNE P., MAGNE M., BELSER U. Restaurations des dents antérieures. Rev. Mens. Suisse
Odontostomatol. 103:318-324, 1993
04. MAGNE P., MAGNE M., BELSER U. Natural and restorative oral esthetics. Part I: Rationale and basic
strategies for successful esthetic rehabilitations. J. Esthet. Dent. 5:161-173, 1993
05. MAGNE P., MAGNE M., BELSER U. Natural and restorative oral esthetics. Part II: Esthetic treatment
modalities. J. Esthet. Dent. 5:239-246, 1993
CVPM - 10

06. MAGNE P., MAGNE M, BELSER U. Natural and restorative oral esthetics. Part III: Fixed partial
dentures.J. Esthet. Dent. 6:14-21, 1994
07. DIETSCHI D., MAGNE P., HOLZ J. Recent trends in esthetic restorations for posterior teeth.
Quintessence Int. 25:659-677, 1994
08. HESS D., MAGNE P., BELSER U. Traitement combiné parodontal et prothétique. Rev. Mens. Suisse
Odontostomatol. 104:1109-1113, 1994
09. MAGNE P., HOLZ J. Restauration des dents antérieures. Principe, indications et limites des techniques de
traitement. Rev. Mens. Suisse Odontostomatol. 104:1247-1254, 1994
10. DIETSCHI D., MAGNE P., HOLZ J. Bonded to tooth ceramic restorations: in vitro evaluation of the
efficiency and failure mode of two modern adhesives. Rev. Mens. Suisse Odontostomatol. 105:299-305,
11. MAGNE P., MAGNE M., BELSER U. Empreintes et réhabilitations esthétiques: travail préparatoire, gestes
cliniques et matériaux. Rev. Mens. Suisse Odontostomatol. 105:1303-1312, 1995
12. MAGNE P., DIETSCHI D., HOLZ J. Esthetic restorations for posterior teeth: practical and clinical
considerations. Int. J. Periodont. Rest. Dent. 16:105-119, 1996 (English, translated in Italian and French),
Int. J. Periodont. Rest. Dent. Japan 5:115-129, 1997 (Japanese)
13. MAGNE P., MAGNE M., BELSER U. The diagnostic template: key element of a comprehensive esthetic
treatment concept. Int. J. Periodont. Rest. Dent. 16:561-569, 1996 (English, translated in Italian and
14. MAGNE P., BELSER U. Esthetic improvements and in vitro testing of In-Ceram alumina and spinell
ceramic. Int. J. Prosthodont. 10:459-466, 1997 (English, translated in Italian), Quintessenz 49:151-158,
1998 (German), Quintessence 12;250-257, 1999 (Spanish)
15. BELSER U., MAGNE P., MAGNE M. Ceramic laminate veneers: continuous evolution of indications. J.
Esthet. Dent. 9:209-219, 1997
16. MAGNE P., KWON K.R., BELSER U., HODGES J.S., DOUGLAS W.H. Crack propensity of porcelain
laminate veneers: a simulated operatory evaluation. J. Prosthet. Dent. 81:327-334, 1999
17. MAGNE P., VERSLUIS A., DOUGLAS W.H. Effect of luting composite shrinkage and thermal loads on the
stress distribution in porcelain laminate veneers. J. Prosthet. Dent. 81:335-344, 1999
18. MAGNE P., VERSLUIS A., DOUGLAS W.H. Rationalization of incisor shape : experimental-numerical
analysis. J. Prosthet. Dent. 81:345-355, 1999
19. MAGNE P., DOUGLAS W.H. Rationalization of esthetic restorative dentistry based on biomimetics. J.
Esthet. Dent. 11:5-15, 1999
20. MAGNE P., DOUGLAS W.H. Additive contour of porcelain veneers : a key-element in enamel
preservation, adhesion and esthetic for the aging dentition. J. Adhesive Dent. 1:81-91, 1999 (English),
Quintessenz 11;1133-1143, 1999 (German)
21. MAGNE P., DOUGLAS W.H. Porcelain veneers : dentin bonding optimization and biomimetic recovery of
the crown. Int. J. Prosthodont. 12:111-121, 1999
22. MAGNE P., MAGNE M., BELSER U. The esthetic width in fixed prosthodontics. J. Prosthodont. 8:106-118,
23. BORGES C.F.M., MAGNE P., PFENDER E., HEBERLEIN J. Diamond burs made with a new technology.
J. Prosthet. Dent. 82 :73-79, 1999
24. MAGNE P., DOUGLAS W.H. Design optimization and evolution of bonded ceramics for the anterior
dentition : a finite element analysis. Quintessence Int. 30:661-672, 1999 (English), Quintessence 13;615-
625, 2000 (Spanish), Quintessence 19;51-59, 2000 (Japanese)
25. MAGNE P., DOUGLAS W.H. Optimization of resilience and stress distribution in porcelain veneers for the
treatment of crown fractured incisors. Int. J. Periodontol. Rest. Dent. 19:543-553, 1999 (English, translated
in Italian), Int J Parodontol Rest Zahnheilk 1999;19:523-533 (German)
26. MAGNE P.,OH W.-S., PINTADO M.R., DELONG R. Wear of enamel and veneering ceramics following
laboratory and chairside finishing procedures. J. Prosthet. Dent. 82:669-679, 1999
27. MAGNE P., DOUGLAS, W.H. Cumulative effects of successive restorative procedures on anterior crown
flexure: intact versus veneered incisors. Quintessence Int. 31:5-18, 2000 (English), Quintessence 19:59-
71, 2000 (Japanese)
28. MAGNE P., DOUGLAS W.H. Interdental design of porcelain veneers in the presence of composites
fillings: finite element analysis of composite shrinkage and thermal stresses. Int. J. Prosthodont. 13:117-
124, 2000 (English, translated in Italian)
29. MAGNE P., PERROUD R., HODGES J.S., BELSER U. Clinical performance of novel-design porcelain
veneers for the recovery of coronal volume and length. Int. J. Periodontol. Rest. Dent. 20:441-457, 2000
(English, translated in Italian), Int J Parodontol Zahnheilk 20:425-441, 2000 (German)
30. MAGNE P.: Conservative restoration of compromised posterior teeth with direct composites: a 7-year
report. Pract. Periodont. & Aesthet. Dent. 12:747-749, 2000
31. EFFLAND S.E., MAGNE P., DOUGLAS W.H., FRANCIS L.F. Interaction between bioactive glasses and
human dentin. Mater. Sci. & Mater. Med. 13;557-565, 2002
32. MAGNE P., PERAKIS N., BELSER U., KREJCI I. Stress distribution and optimization of inlay-anchored
fixed partial dentures : a finite element analysis. J. Prosthet. Dent. 87:516-527, 2002
33. MAGNE P., BELSER U. Rationalization of shape and related stress distribution in posterior teeth : a finite
element study using nonlinear contact analysis. Int. J. Periodontol. Rest. Dent.22:425-433, 2002 (English,
translated in Italian), Int J Parodontol Zahnheilk 22:409-417, 2002 (German)
CVPM - 11

34. MAGNE P., GALLUCCI G.V., BELSER U. Anatomical crown width/length ratios of unworn and worn
maxillary anterior teeth in white subjects. J. Prosthet. Dent.89 :453-461, 2003
35. MAGNE P., BELSER U. Porcelain vs. composite inlays/onlays : effect of mechanical loads on stress
distribution, adhesion and crown flexure. Int. J. Periodontol. Rest. Dent.23:543-555, 2003, Int J Parodontol
Zahnheilk 23:531-543, 2003 (German), Dental iQ 1:48-59, 2004 (Russian)
36. GALLUCCI G.V., BELSER U., MAGNE P. Modeling and characterization of the cementoenamel junction
for the optimization of esthetic implant design. Int. J. Periodontol. Rest. Dent. 24;19-29, 2004
37. MAGNE P., BELSER U. New simplified porcelain laminate preparation driven by mock-up. J Esthet Restor
Dent 16 :7-18, 2004
38. PERAKIS N., BELSER U., MAGNE P. Final impressions: a review of material properties and a current
technique. Int. J. Periodontol. Rest. Dent. 24:109-117, 2004
39. MAGNE P. Immediate dentin sealing: a fundamental procedure for indirect bonded restorations. J Esthet
Restor Dent 17:144-155, 2005
40. MAGNE P., MAGNE M. Treatment of extended anterior crown fractures using type IIIA bonded porcelain
restorations. J Calif Dent Assoc 33:387-396, 2005
41. STAVRIDAKIS M., KREJCI I., MAGNE P. Immediate dentin sealing of onlay preparations: thickness of
pre-cured dentin bonding agent and effect of surface cleaning. Operative Dent 30:747-757, 2005
42. MAGNE P., KIM T.H., CASCIONE C., DONOVAN T.E. Immediate dentin sealing improves bond strength
of indirect restorations. J Prosthet Dent 94;511-519, 2005
43. MAGNE P. Composite resins and bonded porcelain: the end of the “amalgam era”? J Calif Dent Assoc
34:135-147, 2006
44. MAGNE P., MAGNE M. Use of additive waxup and direct intraoral mock-up for enamel preservation with
porcelain laminate veneers. Eur J Esthet Dent 1:10-19, 2006
45. MAGNE P. Immediate dentin sealing: a fundamental procedure for indirect bonded restorations. Inside
Dentistry April:20-25, 2006 (Authorized reproduction of reference #39)
46. MAGNE P., MAGNE M. Treatment of extended anterior crown fractures using type IIIA bonded porcelain
restorations (part one). Private Dentistry 11:30-34, 2006. (Authorized reproduction of reference #40)
47. MAGNE P., MAGNE M. Treatment of extended anterior crown fractures using type IIIA bonded porcelain
restorations (part two). Private Dentistry 11:24-29, 2006. (Authorized reproduction of reference #40)
48. MAGNE P. Immediate dentin sealing: a fundamental procedure for indirect bonded restorations. Aesthetic
& Implant Dentistry 8:39-50, 2006. (Authorized reproduction of reference #39)
49. MAGNE M., MAGNE P., CASCIONE D., MUNCK I. Optimized laboratory-fabricated provisionals. Dental
Dialogue 6(April):68-77, 2006
50. CASCIONE C., MAGNE P. Custom-made removable implant analogs for soft-tissue casts. J Prosthet Dent
95:399-400, 2006
51. MAGNE P. Composite resins and bonded porcelain: the postamalgam era? Part one. Private Laboratory.
1(3): 16-21, 2006 (Authorized reproduction of reference #43)
52. MAGNE P. Composite resins and bonded porcelain: the postamalgam era? Part two. Private Laboratory.
1(4): 17-21, 2006 (Authorized reproduction of reference #43)
53. MAGNE P. Composite resins and bonded porcelain: the postamalgam era? Part three. Private Laboratory.
1(5): 25-28, 2006 (Authorized reproduction of reference #43)
54. MAGNE P., CASCIONE C. Post-etching cleaning and connecting porcelain influence the bond strength to
feldspathic porcelain. J Prosthet Dent 96:354-361, 2006
55. MAGNE P., MAGNE M. Uso de enceramento por acréscimo e ensaio direto intraoral para preservação de
esmalte com facetas laminadas de porcelana. Clinica Int J Brazilian Dent 3:24-31, 2007 (Authorized
reproduction of reference #44)
56. MAGNE P. 3-D rapid finite element analysis of dental restorative procedures using micro-CT data. Dent
Mater 23:539-548, 2007
57. MAGNE P., SO W.S., CASCIONE C. Immediate dentin sealing supports delayed restoration placement. J
Prosthet Dent 98:166-174, 2007
58. MAGNE P., MAGNE M., BELSER U. Adhesive restorations, centric relation and Dahl’s principle:
minimally-invasive approached to localized anterior tooth erosion. Eur J Esthet Dent 2:260-273, 2007
59. MAGNE P. Immediate dentin sealing: a fundamental procedure for indirect bonded restorations. The
Journal of Dental Research & Applications November/December:20-26, 2007. (Authorized reproduction of
reference #39)
60. MAGNE P., MAGNE M., JOVANOVIC S.A. Novel esthetic solution for single-implant restorations – Type III
porcelain veneer bonded to screw-retained custom abutment: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 99:2-7,
61. MAGNE P., MAHALLATI R., BAZOS P., SO W.S. Direct dentin bonding technique sensitivity when using
air/suction drying steps. J Esthet Restor Dent 20:130-138, 2008
62. MAGNE P. TAN D.T. Incisor compliance following operative procedures: a rapid 3-D finite element
analysis using micro-CT data. J Adhesive Dent , 10:49-56, 2008
63. RESHAD M. CASCIONE D., MAGNE P. Diagnostic mock-ups as an objective tool for predictable
outcomes with porcelain laminate veneers in esthetically demanding patients: a clinical report. J Prosthet
Dent 99:333-339, 2008
64. SIMON H., MAGNE P. Clinically diagnostic-based wax-up for optimal esthetics. J Calif Dent Assoc 36:355-
362, 2008
CVPM - 12

65. MAGNE M., MAGNE I., MAGNE P. Diagnostic waxing transfer from diagnostic casts to soft tissue
definitive casts. J Prosthet Dent 100:70-71, 2008
66. MAGNE P., SO W.S. Optical integration of incisoproximal restorations using the natural layering concept.
Quintessence Int, 39;633-643, 2008
67. MAGNE P., MAGNE M., BELSER U. Adhesive restorations, centric relation and Dahl’s principle:
minimally-invasive approached to localized anterior tooth erosion. QDT 33:1198-1208, 2008 (Japanese,
authorized reproduction of reference #58).
68. MAGNE P., KNEZEVIC A. Simulated fatigue resistance of composite resin vs. porcelain CAD-CAM
overlay restorations on endodontically-treated molars. Quintessence Int, in press, 2009
69. MAGNE M., BAZOS P., MAGNE P. The alveolar model. A laboratory procedure for creating a dento-
gingival alveolar master working cast with multipurpose removable dies. QDT, in press, 2009
70. MAGNE P, OGANESYAN T. Premolar cuspal flexure as a function of restorative material and occlusal
contact location. Quintessence Int, in press, 2009.
71. MAGNE P., KNEZEVIC A. Composite resin overlays increase the fatigue resistance of endodontically-
treated molars. Int J Prosthodont (submitted)
72. MAGNE P, OGANESYAN T. Efficient 3D finite element analysis of premolar cuspal deflection following
operative procedures. Int J Periodontol Rest Dent (submitted)

73. MAGNE P., BELSER U. Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition – A Biomimetic
Approach. Quintessence Publishing Co. (Chicago), 2002
74. Adhäsiv Befestigte Keramikrestaurationen – Biomimetische Sanierungen im Frontzahnbereich. Quintessenz Verlags-
GmbH (Berlin), 2002
75. Restaurações Adesivas de Porcelana na Dentição Anterior – Uma Abordagem Biomimética. Quintessence Editora Ltda.
(São Paulo), 2002
76. Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition – A Biomimetic Approach (Japanese). Quintessence Publishing
Co. (Tokyo), 2002
77. Restauri Adesivi in Ceramica dei Denti Anteriori – Un approccio biomimetico. Quintessenza Edizioni srl (Milano), 2003
78. Restaurations Adhésives en Céramique sur Dents Antérieures – Approche Biomimétique. Quintessence International
(Paris), 2003
79. Restauraciones de Porcelana Adherida en los Dientes Anteriores – Método Biomimetico – Editorial Quintessence
(Barcelona), 2004
80. Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition – A Biomimetic Approach (Korean). Quintessence Publishing
Co. (Seoul), 2005
81. Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition – A Biomimetic Approach (Polish). Quintessence Publishing
Co., in preparation
82. MAGNE P., et al. 2005 Manual for posterior esthetic restorations. University of Southern California
Bookstores (Los Angeles), 2005

83. MAGNE P. Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry. Global Institute for Dental Education. (Los Angeles), 2006
84. MAGNE P. Think Different, Think Biomimetic. Quintessence Publishing Co. (Chicago), 2007

Book chapters and participation to books

85. MAGNE P., DIETSCHI D., HOLZ J (1991). An in vitro evaluation of marginal seal of Cerec overlays. In :
MÖRMANN W.H. : International symposium on computer restorations. State of the Art of the CEREC-
Method. Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc. (Germany) pp 425-440
86. BELSER U., MAGNE P (1995). Corretto uso delle ceramiche dentali: una sfida continua in campo
protesico. In: BASSI F., PERA P., PRETI G.: Progressi in protesi. Piccin Nuova Libreria S.p.a. (Italia) pp 1-
87. EFFLANDT S.E., MAGNE P., DOUGLAS W.H., FRANCIS L.F (1999). Bonding of bioactive glasses to
human dentin. In LEGEROS R.Z., LEGEROS J.P. : Bioceramics, Volume 11. World Scientific (Singapore -
New Jersey – London - Hong Kong) pp 571-574
88. MAGNE P (2001). Advances in bonded ceramic restorations for the anterior dentition. In: Advances in
Operative Dentistry: contemporary clinical practice - Volume 1. Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc.
(Germany) pp 135-152
89. MAGNE P (2005). Papilla loss – Prosthetic rehabilitation with veneers. In: WOLF H.F., RATEITSCHAK
E.M., RATEITSCHAK K.H. Color Atlas of Dental Medicine - Periodontology. Thieme (Berlin) pp 497-499
90. MAGNE P (2005). Papilla loss – Prosthetic rehabilitation with crowns. In: WOLF H.F., RATEITSCHAK
E.M., RATEITSCHAK K.H. Color Atlas of Dental Medicine - Periodontology. Thieme (Berlin) pp 500-501
91. LINDHE J., KARRING T., LANG N.P (2003). Clinical periodontology and implant dentistry. Blackwell
Munksgaard, Oxford. Participation to illustrations in chapter 40 by Belser et al. pp.916-935
92. CARDOSO AC (2007). Atlas clinico da corrosao do esmalte e da dentina. Santo Editora, Sao Paulo.
Participation with a clinical case pp.168-171

Non peer-review journals

CVPM - 13

93. MAGNE P., MAGNE M, BELSER U. Presupposti per le riabilitazioni estetiche. Riv. It. degli Odontotecnici -
Dental Press 30:23-44, 1994
94. MAGNE P., MAGNE M., BELSER U. Riabilitazioni estetiche. Dental Cadmos 20:36-54, 1994
95. MAGNE P., HOLZ J. Restauration des dents antérieures. Inf Den 77:1561-1569, 1995
96. MAGNE P., HOLZ J. Stratification of composite restorations: systematic and durable replication of natural
aesthetics. Pract. Periodont. & Aesthet. Dent. 8:61-68, 1996
97. ROBIN C., ANTONIOLI G., MAGNE M. : Préparation des piliers. Les Cahiers de Prothèse 96:27-33, 1996
98. SCHERRER S., MAGNE P., NERONI M. Empreintes pour réhabilitations prothétiques. Les Cahiers de
Prothèse 96:37-41, 1996
99. MAGNE P. Facettes en céramique : procédure. Les Cahiers de Prothèse 96:97-105, 1996
100. MAGNE P., BELSER U. Les préparations coronaires périphériques : approche rationnelle et adaptée aux
techniques modernes de restauration en prothèse conjointe. Réalités Cliniques 7:447-457, 1996
101. MAGNE P. Megabrasion: a conservative strategy for the anterior dentition. Pract. Periodont. & Aesthet.
Dent. 9:389-395, 1997
102. MAGNE P., MAGNE M. Facettes en céramique à l’aube de l’an 2000 : une fenêtre ouverte sur la
biomimétique. Réalités Cliniques 9:329-343, 1998
103. MAGNE P., DOUGLAS W.H. : Optimisation des concepts mécanique en médecine dentaire esthétique. Inf
Den 81:373-381, 1999
104. MAGNE M., MAGNE P.: Schlüsselelemente eines umfassenden ästhetischen Behandlungskonzeptes.
Dental Labor XLVII:545-555, 1999
105. TUCKER L.M., MAGNE P.: Symposium ’99 synopsis: continuous evolution of porcelain veneers and
biomimetics. Seattle Study Club Journal, 3(3):29-34, 1999
HORNBROOK D., MCLEAN J.W., MILLER L.P., AHMAD I. Stone models without faces--Part II: An
international interview. Clinical Perspectives. Interview by Douglas A. Terry. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent
13:391-394, 2001
107. MAGNE P., BELSER U. Masterpiece October 2002. Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior
Dentition – A Biomimetic Approach. QDT 27(10), 2002
108. MAGNE P. Klinisher Fall – Okklusalfüllung Klasse 1. Up-to-Dent (3M ESPE) 2(October):4, 2002
109. TUCKER L.M., MAGNE P.: Symposium 2002 synopsis: Bonded porcelain restorations. Seattle Study Club
Journal 6(4):35-40, 2002
110. KRIEGER G., MAGNE P.: Symposium 2003 synopsis: De- and re-programming the patient for improved
aesthetic integration. Seattle Study Club Journal 8(1):29-33, 2003
111. MAGNE P., BELSER U. Watch nature… CH Creatio Helvetica-Paradise 4;2004

Letters to the editor, interviews, prefaces

112. MAGNE P., HOLZ J. A propos des restaurations des dents antérieures. Inf Den 77:2893-2894, 1995
113. MAGNE P., BELSER U. Correspondance. Int. J. Prosthodont. 11:193, 1998
114. MAGNE P. Interview: Current Perspectives in Esthetic Dentistry. QDT 86-89, 2000
115. MAGNE P. Prefácio. In: BARATIERI et al.: Odontologia Restauradora: Fundamentos e Possibilidades.
Livraria Santos Editora / Quintessence Editora Ltda. (São Paulo) pIX, 2001
116. MAGNE P., MAGNE M., RUFENACHT C., NADA L. Interview : A la poursuite de la dent blanche.
Emission de la Télévision Suisse Romande “Mise au point”, 20 octobre, 2002.
117. MAGNE P., LUSSI A., GRADOUX F. Interview : Les sodas rongent les dents. Magazine l’Illustré, p.85, 20
novembre, 2002
118. MAGNE P. Interview : Front Dental Science Person. The Quintessence (Japan) 22:3-7, 2003
119. MAGNE P. Entrevista – Dr. Pascal Magne. Clinica – International Journal of Brazilian Dentistry 2:10-12,
120. JAURIQUI V., URQUIJO A., MAGNE P., MAGNE M., SLAVKIN H. Smile as nature intented. Cover story in
USC Health Magazine spring:7-9, 2008
121. LOPEZ K., MAGNE P. The Good Life/Looking Good. The Imperfectly Perfect Smile. Singular Magazine
Sept/Oct, Issue 1, p.59-60, 2008
122. SIMON H., MAGNE M. Origin of Esthetic Technique in Question. J Calif Dent Assoc 36:475, 2008

123. MAGNE P., DIETSCHI D., HOLZ J. An in vitro evaluation of marginal seal of Cerec overlays.
International Symposium on computer restorations. State of the Art of the Cerec-Method
Zurich, May 3.-4. 1991
124. MAGNE P. Empreintes et esthétique. IFW/SSO - Semaine de Formation complémentaire
interdisciplinaire. Basel, June 8.-11. 1993
125. MAGNE P., KWON K.-R., BELSER U., DOUGLAS W.H. : Crack propensity of porcelain veneers : an in
vitro evaluation. J. Dent. Res. 1998 ;77 :118 (abstr. #100). American Association for Dental Research
(AADR), Minneapolis, March 4.-7. 1998
126. MAGNE P., VERSLUIS A., DOUGLAS W.H. Rationalization of incisor shape : experimental-numerical
analysis. J. Dent. Res. 1998 ;77 :660 (abstr. #225). International Association for Dental Research (IADR),
Nice, June 24.-27. 1998
CVPM - 14

127. DOUGLAS W.H., MAGNE P. Masticatory functioning and biomechanics of dentition. 22nd Annual
Conference, European Prosthodontic Association. Turku, August 1998
128. EFFLANDT S.E., MAGNE P., DOUGLAS W.H., FRANCIS L.F. Bonding of bioactive glasses to human
dentin. Bioceramics 11th conferences (abstr. #134). New York, November 5.-8. 1998
129. MAGNE P., DOUGLAS W.H. Porcelain veneers: dentin bonding optimization and biomimetic recovery of
the crown. J. Dent. Res. 1999 ;78 :297 (abstr. #1534). American Association for Dental Research (AADR),
Vancouver, March 10.-13. 1999
130. EFFLANDT S.E., MAGNE P., DOUGLAS W.H., FRANCIS L.F. Evaluation of bonding between bioactive
glasses and human dentin (abstract # S-A-016-99). 101st Annual Meeting and Exposition of The American
Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, April 25.-28., 1999
131. OH W.-S., MAGNE P., PINTADO M.R., DELONG R. Wear of enamel and veneering ceramics following
laboratory and chairside finishing procedures. The American College of Prosthodontists, October 21., 1999
132. MAGNE P., DOUGLAS W.H., BELSER U.C. Design optimization of wrap-around porcelain veneers in the
presence of interdental composites. J. Dent. Res. 2000 ;79 :260 (abstr. #930). International Association for
Dental Research (IADR), Washington DC, April 6. 2000
133. GALLUCCI G.V., BELSER U., MAGNE P. Should we change the traditional implant design for the esthetic
zone? ITI World Symposium, San Diego, October 25.-26. 2002
134. MAGNE P. 3-D rapid finite element analysis of dental restorative procedures using micro-CT data.
MSC.Software’s VDP (Virtual Product Development) Conference, Huntington Beach, July 18. 2006
135. OGANESYAN T., MAGNE P. 3D Geometry acquisition using an interactive medical image control system.
USC School of Dentistry, Research Day 2007, Los Angeles, February 15. 2007
136. TAN D., MAGNE P. Incisor compliance following operative procedures: a rapid 3D finite element analysis
using micro-CT data. USC School of Dentistry, Research Day 2007, Los Angeles, February 15. 2007
137. KNEZEVIC A., MAGNE P. Simulated fatigue of porcelain/composite resin CAD/CAM overlays on
endodontically-treated molars. USC School of Dentistry, Research Day 2008, Los Angeles, February 13.
138. OGANESYAN T., MAGNE P. Premolar cuspal deflection following operative procedures: 3D finite element
analysis using micro-CT data. American Association for Dental Research (AADR), Dallas 2008
139. KNEZEVIC A., PARANHOS M.P., MAGNE P. Composite resin overlays increase the fatigue resistance of
endodontically-treated molars. International Association for Dental Research (IADR), Miami 2009
140. OGANESYAN T., MAGNE P. Premolar cuspal flexure as a function of restorative material and occlusal
contact location. International Association for Dental Research (IADR), Miami 2009

P A S C A L M A G N E P D , D r . M e d . D e n t .

• From 1989 to 1997, Lecturer at the division of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics (Prof. Jacques Holz)
and at the division of Fixed Prosthodontics (Prof. Urs Belser), University of Geneva, School of Dentistry,
• From May 1997 to July 1999, Visiting Associate Professor at the Minnesota Dental Research Center for
Biomaterials and Biomechanics (Prof. William H. Douglas), University of Minnesota, School of Dentistry,
• From 1999 to 2004, Senior Lecturer at the division of Fixed Prosthodontics (Prof. Urs Belser), University
of Geneva, School of Dentistry, Switzerland
• Since 2002, Privat-docent (Ph.D.) for the teaching in Restorative Dentistry, University of Geneva, School
of Dentistry, Switzerland
• Since February 2004, Tenured Associate Professor and Don&Sybil Harrington Foundation Chair in
Esthetic Dentistry at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles
• Authored the book « Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition – A Biomimetic Approach »
by Quintessence Publishing (2002), translated in 8 languages.
• Dr. Magne has internationally presented numerous lectures and continuing education courses, and
authored more than 100 publications in the field of esthetic and adhesive dentistry.

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