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Related Topics: Affection, Freedom, Marriage, Women.

1. God thought of sex before man did, & when man leaves God out of his sexual thinking he is in

2. The first sexual thought in the Universe was God's, not man's.

3. Burgess Meredith gave the commencement address at Middlebury College in Vermont & his
speech was hardly typical. Rather than throwing out the usual bromides to the 425 graduating seniors, the
actor had only one piece of advice. "Make love, propagate," he said. "That's what we're here for!" (Dad:
Hallelujah! First Commandment! Genesis 1:28!)

4. A sociology professor says that many of Winnipeg's better class prostitutes are suburban
housewives who help out with the family budget. Prof. William Morrison, head of the sociology
department of the University of Winnipeg, is conducting research in sex-for-hire among housewives. He
reports that he interviewed more than 50 prostitutes who said that they were happily married, and many had
Some said that their husbands know what they are doing and don't mind because it brings more
money to support their families. The women and their clients are upper-middle-class people. The
housewife-prostitutes actually believe that they are doing service to society. Mr. Morrison says that he sees
no reason why prostitution should not be made legal in Canada. He is writing a book that will give the
prostitute "a better name than she has been labeled with in the past."

5. Prostitutes make "better mothers" than most women because their flexible working hours allow
them to spend plenty of time with their children, an inquiry was told. The inquiry into prostitution by the
government of the State of New South Wales heard testimony Tuesday that prostitutes are just like "girls
next door," but with more freedom to look after children. Roberta Perkins of the Collective of Australian
Prostitutes told the Commission that "most women who enter prostitution don't see it as seedy, wrong or
evil--they simply see it as a job." High earnings, flexible routines & lack of steady relations with men
allows prostitutes to lavish much of their time on their children & furnish all their needs, she said. "This
may shock a lot of people, but when you weigh up all these facts, you can't help coming to the conclusion
that prostitutes would make better mothers than most women," she claimed. Ms. Perkins said up to 44% of
Australian prostitutes had children & that many were single mothers who regarded their work as a career.
6. The World with all of its sex knows very little about real Love!

7. Ninety-eight per cent of life is not sex! So why not enjoy the other 98% instead of letting 2%
ruin all your enjoyment of life & your pleasure?

8. Some are eunuchs made so by man, others are eunuchs just naturally. Others are eunuchs for the
Lord's sake, so devoted to His Work & His kingdom that they simply forsake sex & don't worry about it.
(Mat.19:12) They fill up their time & strength with things far more profitable than sex! Sex is not the
greatest thing in life!

9. Sex isn't necessarily a sign of Love, but affection is always a sign of Love. That's real Love,
genuine Love & it can even be sacrificial Love!

10. Dr. Thomas Hackett, Chief of Psychiatry at Massachusetts' General Hospital in Boston, says,
"Sex is one of nature's finest tonics. It is not only possible after a heart attack, but seems to help with
recovery. People who return to a sexual life almost invariably have a better prognosis in terms of returning
to work & to socialising after heart attacks." It is a damaging myth that once you have a heart attack you're
over the hill & there's no sense in even talking about sex because you can't have it any more. Hackett is a
co-author of a Heart Association booklet on sex & heart disease. He said, "Sex is relatively safe in so far as
its effect on the cardiovascular system."

11. Social scientist, Dr. Virginia Satir, says that four hugs a day will help you survive the blues, but
a dozen is better. Speaking to the annual meeting of the American Orthopsychiatric Association, she said
more would make people happier. She says that four daily hugs were necessary for survival, eight were
good for maintenance, & twelve for growth. "Our pores are places for messages of love, & being able to
have physical contact is very important."

12. Dr. Arne Gjorgov, medical researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, has said that, "Making
love is the best way to prevent breast cancer. Sex is not just enjoyable, but the seminal fluid released during
love-making seems to play a vital role in maintaining the right hormone balance in a woman's body.
Celibacy or other barrier methods of contraception should be avoided. More than 12,000 women die of
breast cancer each year in Britain," Gjorgov said. The findings were the result of a six-year research project
paid for by the United Nations. Dr. Gjorgov said seminal fluid was probably a primary importance in
preventing breast & possibly ovarian cancer. "The seminal fluid has the most beneficial effect, & may
prevent 55 to 65% of cases of breast cancer."

13. Dr. Earl Marsh, sexual behaviour specialist, says that sex not only can cure everything that ails
you, it can actually help you live longer. "There is evidence that sex can cure arthritis, insomnia, ulcers,
heart disease & hypertension."

14. George Ehrlich, of Temple University Medical School in Philadelphia, says that, "One loving
act of sex can relieve the pain of arthritis for up to six hours. We're not exactly sure how it works, but our
studies show it does work." Ehrlich says there are three possible reasons why sex relieves arthritis pain:
1) It releases cortisone into the body to stop pain in joints,
2) during sex the brain sends out pain-killing hormones into the blood stream, &
3) the act of love provides rejuvenating psychological benefits.

15. Jessie Potter of Chicago's National Institute for Human Relationships, says that, "Studies in
European hospitals have shown that even a back-rub has made elderly patients feel so much better that
hospitals could eliminate the need for pain killers & other medicines, particularly sleeping pills. Sex is one
of our healthiest natural resources, but too many people leave it untapped."
Dr. Marsh, Medical Director of the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, agrees. He
says, "If Americans would get more sensually involved with those they care for they would have less
illness, would sleep better & there would be fewer of them in hospitals or in an early grave. Hugging,
kissing, touching, anything like that will do. We have found that sex is one of the most efficient treatments
in relieving the tension which is the root cause of so many ailments. Once the tension is gone, then the
intimacy of sex continues to cure & remove all the symptoms. Sex in any form works to bring relief to the
whole body. The trouble with our culture today is that those over 50 have been conditioned to think sex is
taboo as a person gets older. But as people get older they get into a tense mental state caused by things like
loneliness & anxiety about the future. That's when hugging, kissing or touching could bring new meaning
to their lives."

16. Elderly people who have suffered a heart attack should resume their normal sex life twelve to
sixteen weeks after being taken ill, according to the National Institute on Aging. The institute, in a report
entitled, "Sexuality in Later Life," seeks to destroy myths about sex in old age & says that regular sexual
activity after a heart attack can help to prevent a second attack. George Burns has been named in a
surprising list of the United States" "Sexiest Men," published in Playgirl magazine. "We're looking for men
who are accomplished & self-confident without being egotistical," executive editor Diane Grosskopf
explained. The magazine said that Burns, at 87 the oldest man on the list, still "burns the candle at both
ends" & is "still going strong & is sexier than most men half his age."

17. Peruvian psychiatrist Hildebrando Salazar has found that kissing stimulates the heart, which
gives more oxygen to the body's cells, keeping the cells "young & vibrant." Salazar also found that kissing
produces anti-bodies in the human body that in the long run can protect the body against certain infections.

18. Male fetuses have frequent erections, which signifies that sexuality begins before birth, a
prominent American sexologist said in Washington. Dr. Mary Calderone, head of the U.S. Sex Information
& Education Council, told an international congress that sonograms have established that male fetuses, like
sleeping male adults, have an erection approximately every five hours. This proved that sexual activity is as
natural as walking or breathing.

19. The number of women in the United States who either have a child before marriage, or are
pregnant when married, has doubled since World War 11, according to a new Census Bureau study. The
increase, from between 4.5% & 5.5% in 1945 to 10.7% between 1970 & '74 reflects "social views in the
lessening of the social stigma attached to bearing a child outside of marriage", the study said.

20. Some quotes from Playmates, of what they think is their sexiest feature: "My eyes. Eyes reveal
the soul. I think my eyes tell a lot. I can seduce a man with my eyes. Or I can tell him 'no' the same way;
my sexiest feature is my eyes, I'm able to talk with my eyes, I can tell a story with my eyes. I can let a man
know if I like him with my eyes; my eyes have always told the story of my feelings for anyone. A man can
always read how I feel about him in my eyes."

21. Psychologists say that twelve minutes in your day could make or break your marriage. The
first four minutes are among the most important of the day. And the other two crisis points are the first four
minutes when you're home & the last four minutes before you go to bed. "Inconsiderate behaviour in the
morning means you won't feel close to each other in the evening & resentments can interfere with your sex
life," says one of Britain's top marriage therapists.

22. One of the main problems is that men & women are in the mood for love at different times of
the day. Psychologist David Mias says, "Men are psychologically sexiest in the morning when their
hormone levels are at their highest. Their hormones are at their lowest at night.

23. President Reagan says he keeps his romance with Nancy alive with little notes. Revealing his
secret to romance in his marriage with Nancy, Reagan said, "We've always been very close & have
developed over these thirty odd years things that are kind of traditional or have meaning to us. We leave
notes for each other. It just depends--on a breakfast tray--& on certain occasions send cards." One way the
President exhibits common courtesy to the First Lady, he said, "Is by trying to slip out of bed without
waking her when I know she's tired."

24. A five-year study of about 10,000 British men showed that lack of affection was found to be
more of a killer than lack of exercise, bad diet & smoking.
25. Men who jog too much are running the risk of affecting their sex life, according to a research
team. Pounding the pavement can cause impotence. Men who run more than fifteen miles a week suffer a
drop in the level of the male hormone testosterone, which governs the sex drive. The farther the men ran,
the more dramatic the reduction in hormone level.

26. Omar Sharif said, "What I dislike about women's lib is that it has made so many women in the
Western world less romantic. Many of them don't go for the romantic type of men any more--they go for
the straight-to-bed scene. Though apparently it may save time to be so direct, it takes away a lot of


28. Scriptures against sodomy:

Genesis 9:20-25; (19:1-5; 18:20; 19:24,25).
Leviticus 18:22-25.
Deuteronomy 22:5; 23:17.
(Judges 19:15-28; 20:1-11)
1Kings 14:24; 15:11,12; 22:45,46.
2Kings 23:3,7.
Romans 1:22-28,32.
1Corinthians 6:9.

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