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The document outlines the product description, functional principles, safety considerations, installation instructions and programming interfaces for KUKA.RobotSensorInterface.

KUKA.RobotSensorInterface is a software interface that allows reading and processing of sensor signals on KUKA robots. It provides functions for signal processing, data exchange and programming motions based on sensor values.

Examples provided include ANDing and ORing of signals, linking signals to create new signals, configuring filters for information output. Signal processing can be activated/deactivated and units are used to standardize values.

KUKA System Technology

KUKA Roboter GmbH

KUKA.RobotSensorInterface 2.3
For KUKA System Software 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0

Issued: 13.05.2009

Version: KST RSI 2.3 V1 en

KUKA.RobotSensorInterface 2.3

Copyright 2009 KUKA Roboter GmbH Zugspitzstrae 140 D-86165 Augsburg Germany This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties without the express permission of the KUKA Roboter GmbH. Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. The user has no claims to these functions, however, in the case of a replacement or service work. We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and software described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not able to guarantee total conformity. The information in this documentation is checked on a regular basis, however, and necessary corrections will be incorporated in the subsequent edition. Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function. Translation of the original operating instructions KIM-PS5-DOC

Publication: Label:

Pub KST RSI 2.3 en KST RSI 2.3 V1

Book structure: KST RSI 2.3 V1.1

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1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Introduction ..................................................................................................
Target group .............................................................................................................. Robot system documentation .................................................................................... Representation of warnings and notes ...................................................................... Trademarks ................................................................................................................ Terms used ................................................................................................................

5 5 5 5 6

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2

Product description .....................................................................................

KUKA.RobotSensorInterface overview ...................................................................... Functional principle of signal processing ................................................................... Functional principle of data exchange ....................................................................... Data exchange via a field bus ............................................................................... Data exchange via Ethernet .................................................................................

7 8 9 9 9

3 4
4.1 4.1.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3

Safety ............................................................................................................ Installation ...................................................................................................

System requirements ................................................................................................. PCI slot assignment .............................................................................................. Installing or updating KUKA.RobotSensorInterface ................................................... Modifying the IP address for KSS 5.x ................................................................... Modifying the IP address for KSS 7.0 ................................................................... Uninstalling KUKA.RobotSensorInterface ..................................................................

11 13
13 14 14 15 15 15

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

Configuration ...............................................................................................
Units for signal processing ......................................................................................... Creating a new unit .................................................................................................... Configuring the RSI message display ........................................................................ Reconfiguring KRL resources ....................................................................................

17 18 19 19

6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6

Programming ...............................................................................................
Programming overview signal processing .............................................................. Declaring variables ............................................................................................... Creating RSI objects and containers .................................................................... Linking signals ...................................................................................................... Reading / setting object parameters ..................................................................... Activating/deactivating RSI objects or containers ................................................. Deleting RSI objects or containers ....................................................................... Overview of RSI motions ...................................................................................... Programming an RSI motion ................................................................................ Activating / deactivating signal processing ........................................................... Programming overview data exchange via Ethernet .............................................. Structure of the configuration file .......................................................................... Creating ST_ETHERNET ..................................................................................... Object parameters of ST_ETHERNET ................................................................. Communication parameters of ST_ETHERNET ................................................... Object inputs of ST_ETHERNET .......................................................................... Activating the internal read function ......................................................................

21 22 22 24 25 25 26 26 29 29 31 32 32 33 35 35 37

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6.2.7 6.2.8

Object outputs of ST_ETHERNET ....................................................................... Activating the internal write function .....................................................................

38 40

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.7.1 7.7.2 7.7.3 7.7.4

Example ........................................................................................................
Example program for RSI motions ............................................................................ Example program for sensor-guided motion ............................................................. Example program for path correction ........................................................................ Example program for adapting the maximum path correction ................................... Example program for transformation ......................................................................... Example of a sensor application ................................................................................ Example application for real-time communication ..................................................... Implementing the example application ................................................................. Server program ServerApplication.exe ................................................................. Configuration file RSIEthernet.xml ....................................................................... KRL program RSIEthernet.src .............................................................................. Structure of the XML string when sending data (KrcData.xml) ............................. Structure of the XML string when importing data (ExternalData.xml) ................... Sample source code C#_ServerApplication.cs ....................................................

43 44 45 46 46 50 57 57 58 60 60 60 62 64 7.7.5

8.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.2.5 8.2.6 8.2.7 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.4 8.5

Diagnosis ......................................................................................................
Overview of diagnosis ............................................................................................... Overview of signal display ......................................................................................... RSI monitor .......................................................................................................... Installing KUKA.Router ......................................................................................... Configuring KUKA.Router ..................................................................................... Configuring RSI monitor ....................................................................................... Displaying signals on the robot controller ............................................................. Displaying signals on external PC ........................................................................ Example program for displaying signals ............................................................... Overview of RSI information output on Telnet and/or in a LOG file .......................... Configuring filters for information output ............................................................... Opening Telnet ..................................................................................................... Displaying the IP address .......................................................................................... Checking communication via VxWorks .....................................................................

65 65 65 66 66 67 69 69 70 71 72 73 73 73


Messages ......................................................................................................
Error messages .........................................................................................................



KUKA Service ...............................................................................................

77 77

10.1 Requesting support ................................................................................................... 10.2 KUKA Customer Support ...........................................................................................

Index .............................................................................................................


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1. Introduction


Target group
This documentation is aimed at users with the following knowledge and skills:

Advanced KRL programming skills Advanced knowledge of the robot controller system Advanced knowledge of field bus and network connections Knowledge of XML Knowledge of digital technology

For optimal use of our products, we recommend that our customers take part in a course of training at KUKA College. Information about the training program can be found at www.kuka.com or can be obtained directly from our subsidiaries.


Robot system documentation

The robot system documentation consists of the following parts:

Operating instructions for the robot Operating instructions for the robot controller Operating and programming instructions for the KUKA System Software Documentation relating to options and accessories

Each of these sets of instructions is a separate document.


Representation of warnings and notes

Warnings marked with this pictogram are relevant to safety and must be observed. Danger! This warning means that death, severe physical injury or substantial material damage will occur, if no precautions are taken. Warning! This warning means that death, severe physical injury or substantial material damage may occur, if no precautions are taken. Caution! This warning means that minor physical injuries or minor material damage may occur, if no precautions are taken.


Notes marked with this pictogram contain tips to make your work easier or references to further information. Tips to make your work easier or references to further information.


Suse Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds. VxWorks is a trademark of Wind River Systems Inc.

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Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.


Terms used
Term Container Description Containers are used to group RSI objects together and structure them. All RSI objects in a single container can be deleted, activated or deactivated simultaneously. Human/Machine Interface KUKA.HMI is the KUKA user interface. The object ID is the identifier of an RSI object. The value for the object ID is automatically assigned by the robot system when the RSI object is created. The unique object ID can be used to address a specific RSI object by means of RSI commands. The object parameters of an RSI object influence its functionality. The number of object parameters is specific for each RSI object. A parameter ID is the number of an object parameter. The object parameters of an RSI object are numbered consecutively, always commencing with 1. A parser is a program that syntactically interprets textual components of a document and replaces them with commands or codes. The RSI context is the entire signal processing programmed with KUKA.RobotSensorInterface and consists of RSI objects and links between the RSI objects. The RSI monitor can record and display up to 24 signals from the RSI context. Each RSI object has a functionality and corresponding signal inputs and/or outputs. Tool-based technological system The TTS is a coordinate system that moves along the path with the robot. It is calculated every time a LIN or CIRC motion is executed. It is derived from the path tangent, the tool direction (+X axis of the TOOL coordinate system) and the resulting normal vector. The tool-based moving frame coordinate system is defined as follows: XTTS: path tangent YTTS: normal vector to the path tangent and tool direction ZTTS: negative tool direction The path tangent and the tool direction must not be parallel, otherwise the TTS cannot be calculated. Real-time operating system Extensible Markup Language Standard for creating machine- and human-readable documents in the form of a specified tree structure.


Object parameters Parameter ID


RSI context

RSI monitor RSI object TTS

VxWorks XML

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2. Product description


Product description
KUKA.RobotSensorInterface overview
KUKA.RobotSensorInterface is an add-on technology package with the following functions:


Configuration of signal processing in the real-time system of the robot controller. Influence on the robot motion or program execution by means of the signal processing. Display of the signals via a monitor. Configuration of real-time data exchange between the robot controller and an external system via Ethernet. Influence on the robot motion or path planning by means of the data exchange via Ethernet.


Signal processing:

Cyclical signal processing and evaluation in the interpolation cycle (12 ms) parallel to program execution. Configuration of the signal processing in the KRL program via RSI commands. Library with function blocks for signal processing (e.g. filters, logic gates, transformations, controllers, etc.). Creation of signal processing with up to 256 active RSI objects. Combination of different sensor technologies. As basic technology for real-time sensor applications with cyclical signal processing and evaluation Implementation of external applications (e.g. transferring computing processes to an external system) Implementation of extensive diagnosis and analysis functions on an external system Integration of microprocessor-supported sensors with a network connection Monitoring of the position of the robot with an external system The robot controller communicates with the sensor system via a field bus. The sensor data and signals are read by the field bus. KUKA.RobotSensorInterface accesses the data and signals and processes them.

Areas of application


Further information about the field buses can be found in the corresponding KUKA documentation.

Only if the data exchange is configured via Ethernet: the robot controller communicates with the external system via a real-time-capable network connection. The exchanged data are transmitted via the Ethernet TCP/IP or UDP/IP protocol as XML strings. Characteristics:

Cyclical data transmission from the robot controller to an external system in the interpolation cycle of 12 ms parallel to program execution (e.g. position data, axis angles, operating mode, etc.) Cyclical data transmission from an external system to the robot controller in the interpolation cycle of 12 ms parallel to program execution (e.g. sensor data)
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KUKA.RobotSensorInterface 2.3


Functional principle of signal processing

Signal processing is established using RSI objects. An RSI object has a functionality and corresponding signal inputs and/or outputs.


Fig. 2-1: Schematic structure of an RSI object The following groups of RSI objects exist:

Data access objects Signal processing objects Action objects

The RSI context is derived from the links of the functionalities of multiple RSI objects. The RSI context is a freely configurable signal flow and is generated from the KRL program.

Fig. 2-2: Schematic structure of an RSI context The KRL program also activates and deactivates calculation of the signal processing parallel to program execution.

Fig. 2-3: Interaction between KRL program and signal processing

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2. Product description


Functional principle of data exchange

Data exchange via a field bus
The sensor data and signals are read by a field bus, processed in the RSI context and forwarded by this field bus to the robot controller. The following RSI objects are used for this:


ST_ANAIN and ST_DIGIN access the field bus and transfer the sensor data and signals to the signal processing. ST_ANAOUT and ST_DIGOUT access the processed signals and transfer them to the field bus.

Fig. 2-4: Functional principle of data exchange via a field bus 1 Field bus


Data exchange via Ethernet

Data exchange via Ethernet must be configured in the KRL program. The RSI object ST_ETHERNET is used for this.


Fig. 2-5: Functional principle of data exchange via Ethernet If signal processing is activated with ST_ETHERNET, the robot controller connects to the external system as a client. The robot controller initiates the cyclical data exchange with a KRC data packet and transfers further KRC data packets to the external system in the interpolation cycle of 12 ms. The external system must respond to the KRC data packets received with a data packet of its own.
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Fig. 2-6: Data exchange sequence via Ethernet A data packet received by the external system must be answered within approx. 12 ms. If the data packet is not received by the robot controller within this period, the response is classified as too late. When the maximum number of data packets for which a response has been sent too late has been exceeded, the robot stops. If signal processing is deactivated, data exchange also stops. If the communication object ST_ETHERNET is deleted, the connection between the robot controller and the external system is interrupted. Both sides exchange data in the form of XML strings.

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3. Safety



All persons working with the robot system must have read and understood the robot system documentation, including the safety chapter.

Further information is contained in the operating and programming instructions, in the robot operating instructions and in the robot controller operating instructions.

KUKA.RobotSensorInterface is a software package and contains no hardware components. The system integrator is responsible for correct selection of the necessary components. The system integrator can generate complete applications with this technology package. For this, the system integrator must configure the technology package as appropriate for the specific application. The robot system with KUKA.RobotSensorInterface must be operated in accordance with the applicable national laws, regulations and standards. The user must ensure that the system can be operated in complete safety. If used incorrectly, KUKA.RobotSensorInterface can cause personal injury and material damage. In sensor-assisted operation, the robot may move unexpectedly in the following cases:

Robot system

Sensor-assisted operation

Incorrectly parameterized RSI objects Hardware fault (e.g. incorrect cabling, break in the sensor cable or sensor malfunction)

Unexpected movements may cause serious injuries and substantial material damage. The user is obliged to minimize the risk of injury to himself/ herself and other people, as well as the risk of material damage, by adopting suitable safety measures (e.g. workspace limitation). At the start of signal processing with KUKA.RobotSensorInterface, the system generates the following acknowledgement message in T1 or T2 mode: !!!Attention RSI sensor mode active!!! New or modified programs must always be tested first in operating mode T1. If the reduced velocity in T1 mode is insufficient for the process, a program can be tested in T2 mode, as long as there is no-one in the danger zone of the robot. During programming, the presence of persons within the danger zone of the robot is to be avoided. The robot must only be moved at reduced velocity (max. 250 mm/s) in T1 mode during programming in the danger zone of the robot. This is to give the operator enough time to move out of the way of hazardous robot motions or to stop the robot. In T1 and T2 modes, an enabling switch and a Start key must be held down in order to move the robot. In the event of unexpected movements, the robot can be stopped immediately by releasing the enabling switch or pressing it down fully (panic position). The axis ranges of all robot axes are limited by means of adjustable software limit switches. These software limit switches must be set in such a way that the workspace of the robot is limited to the minimum range required for the process. The KUKA System Software (KSS) allows the configuration of a maximum of 8 Cartesian and 8 axis-specific workspaces. The user must configure the workspaces in such a way that they are limited to the minimum range
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Workspace limitation

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KUKA.RobotSensorInterface 2.3

required for the process. This reduces the risk of damage caused by unexpected movements in sensor-assisted operation to a minimum. Further information about configuring workspaces is contained in the Operating and Programming Instructions for System Integrators. Path correction limitation

By default, KUKA.RobotSensorInterface limits the maximum path correction to +/- 5 mm for translational direction corrections and +/- 5 for orientation or axis corrections. If the signal processing with KUKA.RobotSensorInterface results in a larger path correction than the limitation will permit, the correction is rejected and the following error message is generated:

For a Cartesian path correction (ST_PATHCORR): SEN: ST_PATHCORR correction out of range XXX For an axis angle correction (ST_AXISCORR): SEN: ST_AXISCORR correction out of range XXX

If the preset correction range is not sufficient for the process, it can be adapted. To do so, the RSI command ST_SETPARAM is used to assign correspondingly adapted values to the object parameters of the RSI objects ST_PATHCORR or ST_AXISCORR.

More detailed information about the RSI objects and commands can be found in the file ...\DOC\rsiCommands.chm on the CD-ROM.

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4. Installation


System requirements


KR C2 edition2005 or KR C2 sr robot controller Only for real-time communication via Ethernet:

Processor-supported external system with real-time-capable operating system and real-time-capable network card with 10/100 Mbit in full duplex mode Microprocessor-supported sensor with real-time-capable network card for use in sensor applications Network cable for switch, hub or crossed network cable for direct connection KUKA network card

Field bus

The following field bus systems can be used for communication between the robot controller and the connected periphery:

Interbus Profibus DeviceNet ProfiNet Sensor system components according to the specific application KUKA System Software 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 or 7.0 XML parser for the data exchange between an external system and the robot controller Recommended parser:

Sensor system Software

Microsoft .Net XML parser Gnome parser, SuSE LINUX

Compatibility KRL resources

Real-time communication via Ethernet cannot be used in the RoboTeam.

The following KRL resources must be free: KRL resource Outputs Function generators Interrupts Number $OUT[16] 1 11

The KRL resources can be reconfigured following installation. (>>> 5.4 "Reconfiguring KRL resources" page 19)

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PCI slot assignment


Fig. 4-1: PCI slots The PC slots can be fitted with the following plug-in cards: Slot 1 Plug-in card

Interbus card (FOC) (optional) Interbus card (copper) (optional) LPDN scanner card (optional) Profibus master/slave card (optional)

2 3 4 5 6

CN_EthernetIP card (optional) LPDN scanner card (optional) KVGA card DSE-IBS-C33 AUX card (optional) MFC3 card Network card (optional)

LPDN scanner card (optional) Profibus master/slave card (optional) LIBO-2PCI card (optional)

KUKA modem card (optional) free


Installing or updating KUKA.RobotSensorInterface


CD-ROM with additional software Only required if there is no CD-ROM drive on the control cabinet: Bootable USB CD-ROM/DVD drive User group Expert

It is advisable to archive all relevant data before updating a software package. Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Setup > Install Additional Software. 2. Press the New SW softkey. If the technology package RSI is not yet displayed, press the Refresh softkey.
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4. Installation

3. Select RSI and press the Install softkey. Answer the request for confirmation with Yes. 4. Select the installation type in the Realtime (RT) Ethernet support window. Installation type Install RT Ethernet Description For the network connection with the real-time operating system VxWorks. No network connection is established with the real-time operating system VxWorks.

Keep actual configuration

5. Press Next to proceed. If the installation type Keep actual configuration has been selected, the files are copied onto the hard drive. Continue with step 8. 6. If the installation type Install RT Ethernet has been selected: enter the IP address of the robot controller in the KUKA - Kernel System Network Setup window. If an IP address is already displayed in the window, a network interface has already been installed. The displayed IP address can be changed. The IP address range 192.01.x is disabled for configuration of the network connection with VxWorks. Entering an IP address in this range results in a system error. It is then no longer possible to boot the robot controller. 7. Confirm with OK. The files are copied onto the hard drive. 8. Reboot the robot controller. The installation is resumed and completed. LOG file A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.


Modifying the IP address for KSS 5.x


User group Expert Windows interface (CTRL+ESC)


1. Open the file C:\Windows\vxWin.ini. 2. Modify the IP address under e={......}. 3. Save and close. 4. Reboot the robot controller.


Modifying the IP address for KSS 7.0


User group Expert Windows interface (CTRL+ESC)


1. Open the file C:\KRC\ROBOTER\INIT\progress.ini. 2. Modify the IP address under IPADDR_ELPCI. 3. Save and close. 4. Reboot the robot controller.


Uninstalling KUKA.RobotSensorInterface


Expert user group

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It is advisable to archive all relevant data before uninstalling a software package. Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Setup > Install Additional Software. All installed additional programs are displayed. 2. Select RSI and press the Uninstall softkey. Answer the request for confirmation with Yes. De-installation prepared is displayed in the State column. 3. Reboot the robot controller. Uninstallation is resumed and completed. LOG file A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

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5. Configuration


Units for signal processing
For signal processing with KUKA.RobotSensorInterface, the signals must be assigned units. When RSI objects are linked, the assigned units are used to carry out a plausibility check of the signal flow. A check is made to see whether a signal with the permissible unit has been applied to the input of an RSI object. The plausibility check only recognizes different units, not different unit prefixes (e.g. km, mm, etc.). The units for the signals include the base SI units: Variable Length Mass Time Electric current Temperature Luminous intensity Amount of substance No unit Unit Meters [m] Kilograms [kg] Seconds [s] Amperes [A] Kelvin [K] Candelas [cd] Moles [mol] ----RSI constant RSIUNIT_m RSIUNIT_kg RSIUNIT_s RSIUNIT_A RSIUNIT_K RSIUNIT_Cd RSIUNIT_mol RSIUNIT_No


Additional units can be derived from the base SI units. The following derived units are already included in KUKA.RobotSensorInterface: Variable Force Torque Electric potential difference Pressure Unit Newtons [N] Newton-meters [Nm] Volts [V] Pascals [Pa] RSI constant RSIUNIT_N RSIUNIT_Nm RSIUNIT_V RSIUNIT_Pa

The unit of a signal is displayed with a 32-bit INTEGER variable. There are 4 bits available for each base SI unit. The 4 bits can be used to raise each base SI unit to the power of -8 to +7.

Fig. 5-1: Unit scheme of KUKA.RobotSensorInterface LSB MSB Least significant bit Most significant bit

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Creating a new unit


User group Expert Operating mode T1 or T2. No program is selected.


1. Express the new unit is base SI units. Example: electric field strength [V/m] in base SI units corresponds to [kg]*[m]/[A]*[s]3 2. Calculate the hexadecimal value of the new unit in accordance with the unit scheme. Example: electric field strength [kg]*[m]/[A]*[s]3 corresponds to the hexadecimal value FD11Hex 3. Open the file ...\R1\TP\RSI\RSILIB.DAT. 4. Create the new unit as a global constant in the Composite Units section and assign the calculated hexadecimal value.
;Composite Units: GLOBAL CONST INT RSIUNIT_N='HE11' ;[N] Newton GLOBAL CONST INT RSIUNIT_Nm='HE12' ;[Nm] Newtonmeter GLOBAL CONST INT RSIUNIT_V='HFD12' ;[V] Volt GLOBAL CONST INT RSIUNIT_Pa='HE1F' ;[Pa] Pascal GLOBAL CONST INT RSIUNIT_E='HFD11' ;[V/m] Volt per meter ;End Composite Units

5. Save changes in the file by pressing the Close softkey. The new RSI unit [V/m] can be used in the signal processing. Example The unit Newton [N] is derived from the base SI units [kg]*[m]/[s]2. Base SI unit [kg] [m] [s]-2 Total Bit range in the unit scheme 000000X0Hex 0000000XHex 00000X00Hex Power 1 1 -2 Value 00000010Hex 00000001Hex 00000E00Hex 00000E11Hex

The base SI units [kg] and [m] appear in their basic form in the formula for the unit Newton [N] and are not raised to a power. The resulting hexadecimal value in the corresponding bit range of these units is thus 1Hex (=0001Bin). The base SI unit [s] appears in the formula for the unit Newton [N] as the denominator and is raised to the power -2Dec. The hexadecimal value for the unit [s]-2 is derived as follows: 1. The power, not preceded by a sign, specifies the binary starting value of the base SI unit: 2Dec = 0010Bin 2. For the negative sign of the power, the ones complement of the binary value must be formed: Ones complement of 0010Bin = 1101Bin 3. A 1Bin is added to the ones complement and the twos complement is formed: 1101Bin + 0001Bin = 1110Bin

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5. Configuration

4. The calculated binary value 1110Bin for the unit [s]-2 corresponds to the hexadecimal value EHex. The calculated hexadecimal values of the individual units must now be grouped together using the unit scheme. -0 [mol] 0 [cd] 0 [K] 0 [A] 0 [s] E [kg] 1 [m] 1

For the unit Newton [N], this results in the hexadecimal value 00000E11Hex.


Configuring the RSI message display

The display of the RSI-specific messages in the message window can be deactivated if required by means of the variable RSIERRMSG. Variable RSIERRMSG Description TRUE: The RSI-specific messages are displayed in the message window. (Default) FALSE: The RSI-specific messages are deactivated and are not displayed in the message window.



User group Expert Operating mode T1 or T2. No program is selected.


1. Open the file ...\R1\TP\RSI\RSILIB.DAT. 2. Set the global variable RSIERRMSG to TRUE or FALSE in the RSI global Variables section.
;RSI global Variables: GLOBAL INT OV_RSI=30 ; Override for ST_SKIP/RET... movement after interrupt GLOBAL INT RSIBREAK=16 ;Index of break motion condition GLOBAL BOOL RSIERRMSG=TRUE ;Flag for enabling BOF RSI error messages GLOBAL INT RSITECHIDX=1 ; Tech Channel used for RSI ;End RSI global Variables

3. Save changes in the file by pressing the Close softkey.


Reconfiguring KRL resources

The following KRL resources required by KUKA.RobotSensorInterface can be reconfigured:


Digital output $OUT[16] Function generator 1

Interrupt 11 must not be modified.


User group Expert Operating mode T1 or T2. No program is selected.


1. Open the file ...\R1\TP\RSI\RSILIB.DAT.

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2. To modify digital output $OUT[16], assign the new number of the digital output to the global variable RSIBREAK in the RSI global Variables section.
;RSI global Variables: GLOBAL INT OV_RSI=30 ; Override for ST_SKIP/RET... movement after interrupt GLOBAL INT RSIBREAK=20 ;Index of break motion condition GLOBAL BOOL RSIERRMSG=TRUE ;Flag for enabling BOF RSI error messages GLOBAL INT RSITECHIDX=1 ; Tech Channel used for RSI ;End RSI global Variables

3. To modify the function generator, assign the new number of the function generator to the global variable RSITECHIDX in the RSI global Variables section.
;RSI global Variables: GLOBAL INT OV_RSI=30 ; Override for ST_SKIP/RET... movement after interrupt GLOBAL INT RSIBREAK=16 ;Index of break motion condition GLOBAL BOOL RSIERRMSG=TRUE ;Flag for enabling BOF RSI error messages GLOBAL INT RSITECHIDX=3 ; Tech Channel used for RSI ;End RSI global Variables

4. Save changes in the file by pressing the Close softkey.

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6. Programming


Programming overview signal processing
Step 1 2 3 4 5 Description Declaring variables. (>>> 6.1.1 "Declaring variables" page 22) Creating RSI objects or containers. (>>> 6.1.2 "Creating RSI objects and containers" page 22) Linking signals (optional). (>>> 6.1.3 "Linking signals" page 24) Reading / setting object parameters (optional). (>>> 6.1.4 "Reading / setting object parameters" page 25) Activating / deactivating RSI objects or containers (optional). (>>> 6.1.5 "Activating/deactivating RSI objects or containers" page 25) Deleting RSI objects or containers (optional). (>>> 6.1.6 "Deleting RSI objects or containers" page 26) Programming RSI motions. (>>> 6.1.8 "Programming an RSI motion" page 29) Activating / deactivating signal processing. (>>> 6.1.9 "Activating / deactivating signal processing" page 29)


6 7 8


The following elements are required for signal processing:

RSI objects Links Containers RSI commands (optional)

More detailed information about the RSI objects and commands can be found in the file ...\DOC\rsiCommands.chm on the CD-ROM. The RSI objects must be created in the KRL program. Each RSI object has a functionality and corresponding signal inputs and/or outputs. An RSI object can also have object parameters to adapt the functionality of the RSI object. The signal inputs and outputs of the RSI objects must be linked to one another for a signal flow. Vital inputs must be linked when the RSI object is created (e.g. the first 2 inputs of an AND operation). Additional optional inputs can be linked subsequently. Containers are used to group RSI objects together and structure them. All RSI objects in a single container can be deleted, activated or deactivated simultaneously. The RSI objects for the signal processing must be located in a container. Global container 0 is automatically created and activated when the system is booted. All RSI objects created in container 0 are calculated when signal processing is activated. Other containers with other RSI objects can be created inside container 0. A container can contain a maximum of 254 RSI objects.

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If other containers are created in global container 0, these other containers and all RSI objects inside them are initially deactivated. To activate them, the RSI command ST_ENABLE is used.

Fig. 6-1: Signal processing example Element $IN[1] ... $IN[3] $OUT[1] AND OR Description RSI objects for reading the states of digital inputs $IN[1] ... $IN[3]. RSI object for setting digital output $OUT[1]. ANDing ORing


Declaring variables
The following variables must be declared: Variable Variable for the return values of the RSI commands Variables for the object IDs of the RSI objects Variables for the object parameters If RSI commands are used, variables for the RSI commands Data type RSIERR INTEGER Dependent on the RSI object Dependent on the RSI command



Creating RSI objects and containers

Precondition Procedure

Expert user group

1. Open a program. 2. Create RSI objects and containers for the signal processing. 3. Save changes in the program by pressing the Close softkey.


Return_value=ST_Object_name(Object_ID,Container_ID,<[ObjectX1_ID,ObjectX 1_OUT_Index,...,ObjectXn_ID,ObjectXn_OUT_Index]><[Parameter 1,...,Parameter n]>)

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6. Programming

Explanation of the syntax


Description Type: RSIERR The return value contains the error code that is transferred after an RSI command has been executed. Name of the RSI object, e.g. ST_ANAIN, ST_AND, ST_MAP2DIGOUT, etc. Type: INT Variable for the object ID in order to access the RSI object. The value for the object ID is automatically assigned by the robot system when the RSI object is created. Number of the container in which the RSI object is created. Object ID of the RSI object that serves as the signal source. The object ID of the signal source must be specified for each signal input of an RSI object. Number of the signal output of the RSI object that serves as the signal source. The signal output of the signal source must be specified for each signal input of an RSI object. Object parameter for adapting the function of the RSI object.

Object_name Object_ID

Container_ID ObjectX1_ID

ObjectXn_ID ObjectX1_OU T_Index

ObjectXn_OU T_Index Parameter 1

Parameter n


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

DEF Program( ) DECL RESIERR RET DECL INT OBJECT1_ID,OBJECT2_ID,OBJECT3_ID,OBJECT4_ID INI RET=ST_DIGIN(OBJECT1_ID,0,1,0,RSIUNIT_No) RET=ST_DIGIN(OBJECT2_ID,0,2,0,RSIUNIT_No) RET=ST_OR(OBJECT3_ID,0,OBJECT1_ID,1,OBJECT2_ID,1) RET=ST_MAP2DIGOUT(OBJECT4_ID,0,OBJECT3_ID,1,3,0) PTP HOME Vel= 100 % DEFAULT 100 m/s 0.5 0.5 100 % PDAT1 Tool[1] Base[1] CPDAT2 Tool[1] Base[1] m/s CPDAT3 Tool[1] Base[1] m/s CPDAT4 Tool[1] Base[1] % PDAT2 Tool[1] Base[1]


Vel= 100 % DEFAULT

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Line 6

Description RSI object ST_DIGIN reads a digital input. Parameters:

OBJECT1_ID: Object ID of ST_DIGIN 0: RSI object in container 0 1: Reads value of bit 1 0: Reads value of a single bit

RSIUNIT_No: No unit RSI object ST_DIGIN reads a digital input.


OBJECT2_ID: Object ID of ST_DIGIN 0: RSI object in container 0 2: Reads value of bit 2 0: Reads value of a single bit

RSIUNIT_No: No unit RSI object ST_OR links the signal outputs of the ST_DIGIN RSI objects with a logic OR. Parameters:

OBJECT3_ID: Object ID of ST_OR 0: RSI object in container 0 OBJECT1_ID: Object ID of the signal source 1: Number of the output of the signal source OBJECT2_ID: Object ID of the signal source

1: Number of the output of the signal source RSI object ST_MAP2DIGOUT sends the result of the OR operation to a digital output. Parameters:

OBJECT4_ID: Object ID of ST_MAP2DIGOUT 0: RSI object in container 0 OBJECT3_ID: Object ID of the signal source 1: Number of the output of the signal source 3: Outputs value of bit 3

11 19

0: Outputs value of a single bit Programmed motions


Linking signals
The optional signal inputs of an RSI object can be linked subsequently. The following RSI commands are available: RSI command ST_NEWLINK Description Links the signal output of an RSI object to an optional signal input of a different RSI object.


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6. Programming


Description Deletes the link between a signal output of an RSI object and the optional signal input of a different RSI object. Modifies the signal source of a link to an optional signal input. Precondition:


Signal processing is deactivated.

Precondition Procedure

Expert user group

1. Open a program. 2. Program RSI commands after the RSI objects. 3. Save changes in the program by pressing the Close softkey.


Reading / setting object parameters

The object parameters of an RSI object can be used to influence its functionality. The object parameters are set when the RSI object is created. If an object parameter is not set when the RSI object is created, the default value automatically applies. The object parameters of an RSI object can be read using their parameter ID. The following RSI commands are available: RSI command ST_GETPARAM ST_GETPARAMINT ST_SETPARAM Description Reads the REAL value of an object parameter. Reads the INT value of an object parameter. Sets the object parameter of an RSI object to a user-defined value.


Precondition Procedure

Expert user group

1. Open a program. 2. Program RSI commands after the RSI objects. 3. Save changes in the program by pressing the Close softkey.


Activating/deactivating RSI objects or containers

Individual RSI objects or entire containers can be activated or deactivated in the signal flow. The following RSI commands are available: RSI command ST_ENABLE Description Activates an RSI object or a container in order to integrate the RSI objects into the signal processing. Deactivates an RSI object or a container in order to exclude the RSI objects from the signal processing.




User group Expert For activation of an RSI object: the preceding RSI objects in the signal flow are active.
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For deactivation of an RSI object: the subsequent RSI objects in the signal flow are deactivated.


1. Open a program. 2. Program RSI commands after the RSI objects. 3. Save changes in the program by pressing the Close softkey.


Deleting RSI objects or containers

Individual RSI objects or entire containers can be deleted. Precondition:


An RSI object can be deleted if it is not followed in the signal flow by other RSI objects.

The following RSI commands are available: RSI command ST_DELOBJ ST_RESET Precondition Procedure

Description Deletes an RSI object or a container. Deletes the entire RSI context in the program.

Expert user group

1. Open a program. 2. Program RSI commands after the RSI objects. 3. Save changes in the program by pressing the Close softkey.


Overview of RSI motions

KUKA.RobotSensorInterface can be used to influence the programmed path of the robot by means of sensor data. The following RSI commands are used for programming the RSI motions:

RSI motion ---RSI motion to the next point but one


Description The RSI object defines the sensor event that is used to terminate an RSI motion. When the sensor event occurs, the robot stops the RSI motion and moves directly to the next point but one. (>>> Fig. 6-2) When the sensor event occurs, the robot stops the RSI motion and moves directly back to the start point of the RSI motion. (>>> Fig. 6-3) The robot follows the coordinates of the RSI motion relative to the current position. When the sensor event occurs, the robot stops the relative RSI motion and moves directly to the next point but one. (>>> Fig. 6-4)

RSI motion back to the start point

Relative RSI motion

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6. Programming

RSI motion Sensor-guided motion


Description The robot moves solely in accordance with the sensor data and does not move to a defined end point. If KUKA.RobotSensorInterface calculates a path correction or axis angle correction, the robot moves. If there is no path correction or axis angle correction, the robot remains stationary. (>>> Fig. 6-5) When the sensor event occurs, the robot stops the sensor-guided motion:

ST_SKIPSENS: the robot moves directly to the next point but one. ST_RETSENS: the robot moves directly back to the start point of the sensor-guided motion. ST_MOVESENS: the response of the robot is defined with the parameter MODE:

0: the robot moves directly to the next point but one. 1: the robot moves via the interrupt to the next point but one.

Path correction, axis angle correction


2: the robot moves directly back to the start point of the sensor-guided motion. If the robot is moving along the programmed path and KUKA.RobotSensorInterface calculates a path correction or axis angle correction, the robot corrects its path or axis angles. The path or axis angle correction can be absolute in relation to the programmed path, or relative to the correction of the previous interpolation cycle. (>>> Fig. 6-6)

Paths RSI motion to the next point but one:

Fig. 6-2: Path of an RSI motion to the next point but one 1 2 3 RSI motion to the next point but one Sensor event Programmed path (terminated by sensor event)

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RSI motion back to the start point:

Fig. 6-3: Path of an RSI motion back to the start point 1 2 3 RSI motion back to the start point Sensor event Programmed path (terminated by sensor event)

Relative RSI motion relative to the current position:

Fig. 6-4: Path of a relative RSI motion

1 2 3 PAct P2Rel

RSI motion to the next point but one Sensor event Programmed path (terminated by sensor event) Current position: start point of the relative motion End point of the relative motion

Sensor-guided motion:

Fig. 6-5: Path of a sensor-guided motion 1 P1 Sensor-guided robot motion Start point of the sensor-guided motion

Path correction:

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6. Programming

Fig. 6-6: Path of a path correction 1 2 3 Path corrections calculated with KUKA.RobotSensorInterface Programmed path Corrected path


Programming an RSI motion


User group "Expert" Program is selected.


1. Move the TCP to the position that is to be taught as a point. 2. Teach point, e.g. P8. 3. Note the name of the taught point. 4. Replace motion instruction with RSI motion command, e.g. ST_SKIPLIN. 5. The coordinates of the taught point are saved in the data list, e.g. with the variable name XP8. Accept the variable name as the point name in the RSI motion command. 6. Save changes in the program by pressing the Close softkey.



PTP P1 CONT Vel= 100 % PDAT1 Tool[1] Base[1] ... PTP P7 CONT Vel= 100 % PDAT2 Tool[1] Base[1] ST_SKIPLIN(XP8) PTP HOME END Vel= 100 % DEFAULT


Activating / deactivating signal processing

Once the signal processing has been completely created, it must be activated and then deactivated again. Signal processing with KUKA.RobotSensorInterface can be activated and deactivated more than once within a program.


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The following RSI commands are available: RSI command ST_ON Description Activates the signal processing. The signals are processed and evaluated in the interpolation cycle. Path corrections with the RSI object ST_PATHCORR always refer to the BASE coordinate system. Activates the signal processing. The signals are processed and evaluated in the interpolation cycle. Path corrections with the RSI object ST_PATHCORR can refer to the following coordinate systems.


BASE coordinate system TOOL coordinate system Tool-based technological system (TTS coordinate system) WORLD coordinate system

ST_OFF Precondition Procedure

The path corrections can be absolute with respect to the programmed path or relative to the corrected path. Deactivates the signal processing.

Expert user group

1. Open a program. 2. Activate signal processing before the RSI motions by means of ST_ON or ST_ON1. 3. Deactivate signal processing after the RSI motions by means of ST_OFF. 4. Save changes in the program by pressing the Close softkey.



PTP P1 CONT Vel= 100 % PDAT1 Tool[1] Base[1] ... PTP P7 CONT Vel= 100 % PDAT2 Tool[1] Base[1] RET=ST_ON() ST_SKIPLIN(XP8) RET=ST_OFF() PTP HOME END Vel= 100 % DEFAULT

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6. Programming


Programming overview data exchange via Ethernet

Step 1 2 3 Description Create RSI object ST_ETHERNET. (>>> 6.2.2 "Creating ST_ETHERNET" page 32) Set object parameters. (>>> 6.2.3 "Object parameters of ST_ETHERNET" page 33) Define communication parameters. (>>> 6.2.4 "Communication parameters of ST_ETHERNET" page 35) Configure XML structure for sending data. (>>> 6.2.5 "Object inputs of ST_ETHERNET" page 35) Activate internal read function (optional). (>>> 6.2.6 "Activating the internal read function" page 37) Configure XML structure for receiving data. (>>> 6.2.7 "Object outputs of ST_ETHERNET" page 38) Activate internal write function (optional). (>>> 6.2.8 "Activating the internal write function" page 40)


4 5 6 7


The real-time communication between the robot controller and the external system is implemented using the RSI object ST_ETHERNET. The RSI object ST_ETHERNET must be created and configured in the KRL program. The RSI object ST_ETHERNET has the following functionalities:

Message in the event of late data packets arriving acyclically Mode for data exchange: Normal Mode and Fast Mode Definition of the communication parameters in an XML file User-defined assignment of the object inputs and object outputs Selection of the transfer protocol: TCP or UDP Bidirectional and unidirectional communication

On creating the RSI object, the connection with the external system is established. The connection is only terminated when ST_ETHERNET is deleted. If the RSI object ST_ETHERNET is deleted in the KRL program, it cannot be created again until 2 s after it has been deleted. If ST_ETHERNET is created within the 2 s, the network interface may become blocked. Elements of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET:

Object parameters: for adapting the function of ST_ETHERNET Object inputs: for loading data from the RSI context and forwarding them to the external system Object outputs: for forwarding data received from the external system to RSI objects XML file: for configuring the object inputs and outputs and the communication parameters With signal processing activated, ST_ETHERNET sends and receives a user-defined data set in the interpolation cycle. No fixed data frame is specified. The user must configure the data set in an XML file.

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Fig. 6-7: RSI object ST_ETHERNET


Structure of the configuration file

To enable the robot controller to communicate with the external system, the user must define an XML file in the directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\INIT. The configuration file is specified and loaded when the RSI object ST_ETHERNET is created. The structure of the XML file is fixed:


Section <CONFIG ... </CONFIG> <SEND> ... </SEND>

Description Definition of the communication parameters (>>> 6.2.4 "Communication parameters of ST_ETHERNET" page 35) Definition of the object inputs of ST_ETHERNET (>>> 6.2.5 "Object inputs of ST_ETHERNET" page 35) Definition of the object outputs of ST_ETHERNET (>>> 6.2.7 "Object outputs of ST_ETHERNET" page 38)




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6. Programming

Explanation of the syntax


Description Type: RSIERR The return value contains the error code that is transferred after an RSI command has been executed. Type: INT Variable for the object ID in order to access the RSI object. The value for the object ID is automatically assigned by the robot system when the RSI object is created. Number of the container in which the RSI object is created. Type: CHAR Variable for the name of the configuration file. The name of the configuration file can also be entered directly, e.g. RSIEthernet.xml.


Container_ID Configuration _file


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

DEF Program( ) DECL RSIERR RET DECL INT hEthernet INI RET = ST_ETHERNET(hEthernet,0,"RSIEthernet.xml") END

Line 2 3 7

Description Variable for the return values Variable for the object ID Creation of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET


Object parameters of ST_ETHERNET

The object parameters of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET are used to adapt the function in the program sequence. The object parameters are set using the RSI command ST_SETPARAM. Object parameter eERXmaxLatePackages Description Maximum number of data packets in a block that may arrive late at the robot controller.


1 65,000 (default value: 10)


If the value is exceeded, an error message is generated and data exchange in the RSI context is terminated. Maximum percentage of data packets in the sample which are allowed to arrive late.

1 65,000 (default value: 10)

If the value is exceeded, a message is generated only if the output of RSI-specific messages has been enabled.

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Object parameter eERXmaxFieldOfView

Description Sample size

1 65,000 (default value: 1,000)


Example: If the default value is used, 1,000 communication cycles are monitored and the data packets that arrive late are counted. If the parameter eERXmaxLateInPercent is set to 10, a message is generated after 101 late data packets. Number of the flag that is set in the case of a transmission error
1 999 (default: flag deactivated) FALSE: The RSI object operates in Normal Mode (default).


The external system has 12 ms to respond to a data packet. If the robot controller receives no response within this period, the data packet is classified as late. TRUE: The RSI object operates in Fast Mode. Sent and received data are processed within the same cycle. The external system has 2 ms to respond to a data packet. If the robot controller receives no response within this period, the data packet is classified as late. Precision of the transferred values, with reference to the number of decimal places


0 16 (default value: 4) 0: Value transferred = 1 4: Value transferred = 1.2345

Example: Value to be transferred = 1.23456


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

DEF Program( ) DECL RSIERR RET DECL INT hEthernet INI RET=ST_ETHERNET(hEthernet,0,"RSIEthernet.xml") RET=ST_SETPARAM(hEthernet,eERXmaxLatePackages,3) RET=ST_SETPARAM(hEthernet,eERXmaxLateInPercent,8) RET=ST_SETPARAM(hEthernet,eERXmaxFieldOfView,2345) RET=ST_SETPARAM(hEthernet,eERXFastCycle,1) RET=ST_SETPARAM(hEthernet,eERXerrorFlag,99) RET=ST_SETPARAM(hEthernet,eERXprecision,4) END

Line 2 3 7 9 ... 14

Description Variable for the return values Variable for the object ID Creation of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET Setting the object parameters of ST_ETHERNET

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6. Programming


Communication parameters of ST_ETHERNET

The following communication parameters can be defined in the section <CONFIG ... </CONFIG> of the configuration file: Parameter IP_NUMBER PORT PROTOCOL Description IP address of the external system Port number of the external system Type of transfer protocol


TCP: When ST_ETHERNET is created, a connection to the external system is established.


UDP: When ST_ETHERNET is created, no connection to the external system is established. Identifier of the external system; freely selectable


The robot controller checks this identifier for every data packet it receives. Transmission of the byte length of the protocol before an XML string is sent. This can simplify the programming of stream sockets.

ON: The protocol length is sent


OFF: The protocol length is not sent Direction of data exchange TRUE: The robot controller sends data and may not receive any data. The object outputs of ST_ETHERNET are reset. FALSE: The robot controller sends and receives data (default).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Line 2 3 4 5 6 7

Description IP address of the external system: Port number of the external system: 6008 Protocol: TCP Identifier of the external system: ImFree The protocol length is not sent Data exchange in 2 directions: send and receive


Object inputs of ST_ETHERNET

To configure the XML structure for sending data, up to 64 object inputs of ST_ETHERNET can be freely defined. For this, the inputs are linked to RSI objects from the RSI context. The XML format to be sent is generated automatically by the robot controller in accordance with the configuration. The data at the object inputs are sent in an XML string to the external system.
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KUKA.RobotSensorInterface 2.3

The following parameters of the incoming RSI signal must be defined in the section <SEND> ... </SEND> of the configuration file: Parameter TAG Description Name of the tag that is to be generated The following notations are possible:

TAG="Out": The following tag is generated in the XML string: <Out></Out>


TAG="Out.o1": The following tag with attribute is generated in the XML string: <Out o1='''' /> Data type of the incoming RSI signal BOOL LONG

Permissible data types are:


DOUBLE Number of the object input


INDX="54": The value of the RSI signal is read from object input 54.


Note: The numbering of the object inputs must be consecutive. Unit of the RSI signal A decimal or hexadecimal value must be entered.



The following XML structure is generated by the robot controller and sent to the external system:
<Rob TYPE="KUKA"> <Out o1="0" o2="1" o3="1" o4="" o5="0" /> <FTC Fx="1.234" Fy="54.75" Fz="345.76" Mx="2346.6" My="" Mz="3546" /> <Override>90</Override> <IPOC>123645634563</IPOC> </Rob>

The keyword IPOC sends the time stamp and is generated automatically.

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6. Programming


Activating the internal read function

Large data sets can be structured by activating the internal read function of ST_ETHERNET. This simplifies linking with the RSI objects from the RSI context and saves space in the object inputs of ST_ETHERNET. The read function is activated using keywords in the TAG attribute in the section <SEND> ... </SEND> of the configuration file. The keywords must not be used for freely parameterizing the object inputs from the RSI context. The following keywords are available: Keyword DEF_RIst DEF_RSol DEF_AIPos DEF_ASPos DEF_EIPos DEF_ESPos DEF_MACur DEF_MECur DEF_Delay DEF_Tech.C1 ... DEF_Tech.C6 DEF_Tech.T1 ... DEF_Tech.T6 Description Send the Cartesian actual position Send the Cartesian command position Send the axis-specific actual position of robot axes A1 to A6 Send the axis-specific command position of robot axes A1 to A6 Send the axis-specific actual position of external axes E1 to E6 Send the axis-specific command position of external axes E1 to E6 Send the motor currents of robot axes A1 to A6 Send the motor currents of external axes E1 to E6 Send the number of late data packets Send the technology parameters in the advance run with the function generators 1 to 6 Send the technology parameters in the main run with the function generators 1 to 6


Notation in the configuration file:


If the read function is activated, the robot controller generates the following XML structure in the send protocol:

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<RIst X="0.0" Y="0.0" Z="0.0" A="0.0" B="0.0" C="0.0" /> <RSol X="0.0" Y="0.0" Z="0.0" A="0.0" B="0.0" C="0.0" /> <AIPos A1="0.0" A2="0.0" A3="0.0" A4="0.0" A5="0.0" A6="0.0" /> <ASPos A1="0.0" A2="0.0" A3="0.0" A4="0.0" A5="0.0" A6="0.0" /> <EIPos E1="0.0" E2="0.0" E3="0.0" E4="0.0" E5="0.0" E6="0.0" /> <ESPos E1="0.0" E2="0.0" E3="0.0" E4="0.0" E5="0.0" E6="0.0" /> <MACur A1="1.0" A2="1.0" A3="1.0" A4="1.0" A5="1.0" A6="1.0" /> <MECur E1="1.0" E2="1.0" E3="1.0" E4="1.0" E5="1.0" E6="1.0" /> <Delay D="" /> <Tech T11="0.0" T12="0.0" T13="0.0" T14="0.0" T15="0.0" T16="0.0" T17="0.0" T18="0.0" T19="0.0" T110="0.0" /> ... <Tech T61="0.0" T62="0.0" T63="0.0" T64="0.0" T65="0.0" T66="0.0" T67="0.0" T68="0.0" T69="0.0" T610="0.0" /> <Tech C11="0.0" C12="0.0" C13="0.0" C14="0.0" C15="0.0" C16="0.0" C17="0.0" C18="0.0" C19="0.0" C110="0.0" /> ... <Tech C51="0.0" C52="0.0" C53="0.0" C54="0.0" C55="0.0" C56="0.0" C57="0.0" C58="0.0" C59="0.0" C510="0.0" />

_ _



The following XML structure is generated and sent by the robot controller:
<Rob TYPE="KUKA"> <Out o1="0" o2="1" o3="1" o4="" o5="0" /> <RIst X=12.6 Y=234.456 Z=645.79 A=2.4 B=456.814 C=65.33 /> <FTC Fx="1.234" Fy="54.75" Fz="345.76" Mx="2346.6" My="" Mz="3546" /> <Override>90</Override> <IPOC>123645634563</IPOC> </Rob>


Object outputs of ST_ETHERNET

To configure the XML structure for receiving data, up to 64 object outputs of ST_ETHERNET can be freely defined. For this, the outputs are linked to RSI objects from the RSI context. The robot controller expects an XML format which conforms to the configuration. The data at the object outputs are sent in an XML string to the robot controller.


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6. Programming

The following parameters of the outgoing RSI signal must be defined in the section <RECEIVE> ... </RECEIVE> of the configuration file: Parameter TAG Description Name of the tag that is to be generated The following notations are possible:

TAG="Out": The following tag is generated in the XML string: <Out></Out>


TAG="Out.o1": The following tag with attribute is generated in the XML string: <Out o1='''' /> Data type of the outgoing RSI signal BOOL STRING LONG

Permissible data types are:


DOUBLE Number of the object output


INDX=3: The value of the RSI signal is sent to object output 3.


Note: The numbering of the object outputs must be consecutive. Unit of the RSI signal A decimal or hexadecimal value must be entered. Behavior of the object output with regard to invalid data packets that arrive late

HOLDON=0: The output is reset. HOLDON=1: The most recent valid value to arrive remains at the output.



The following XML structure is generated and is expected by the robot controller:

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<Sen Type="ImFree"> <RKorr X="4" Y="7" Z="32" A="6" B="" C="6" /> <AK A1="2" A2="54" A3="35" A4="76" A5="567" A6="785" /> <EK E1="67" E2="67" E3="678" E4="3" E5="3" E6="7" /> <DiO>123</DiO> <IPOC>123645634563</IPOC> </Sen>

The time stamp set with the keyword IPOC at the object output is checked. The data packet is only valid if the time stamp corresponds to the time stamp sent previously.


Activating the internal write function

The internal write function of ST_ETHERNET is activated using keywords in the TAG attribute in the section <RECEIVE> ... </RECEIVE> of the configuration file. The keywords must not be used for freely parameterizing the object outputs from the RSI context. The following keywords are available: Keyword DEF_EStr Description Generation of a message in the message window If <EStr> ...</EStr>: Message for information If <EStr>Error: ...</EStr>: Acknowledgeable error message; the robot is stopped. Write the technology parameters in the advance run with the function generators 1 to 6 Write the technology parameters in the main run with the function generators 1 to 6


DEF_Tech.C1 ... DEF_Tech.C6 DEF_Tech.T1 ... DEF_Tech.T6

Notation in the configuration file:


If the write function is activated, the robot controller expects the following XML structure in the receive protocol:
<EStr>Message!</EStr> <Tech T11="0.0" T12="0.0" T17="0.0" T18="0.0" ... <Tech T61="0.0" T62="0.0" T67="0.0" T68="0.0" <Tech C11="0.0" C12="0.0" C17="0.0" C18="0.0" ... <Tech C51="0.0" C52="0.0" C57="0.0" C58="0.0" T13="0.0" T14="0.0" T15="0.0" T16="0.0" _ T19="0.0" T110="0.0" /> T63="0.0" T69="0.0" C13="0.0" C19="0.0" T64="0.0" T65="0.0" T66="0.0" _ T610="0.0" /> C14="0.0" C15="0.0" C16="0.0" _ C110="0.0" />

C53="0.0" C54="0.0" C55="0.0" C56="0.0" _ C59="0.0" C510="0.0" />

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6. Programming



The following XML structure is generated and is expected by the robot controller:
<Sen Type="ImFree"> <EStr/> <RKorr X="4" Y="7" Z="32" /> <Tech C11="0.0" C12="0.0" C13="0.0" C14="0.0" C15="0.0" C16="0.0" _ C17="0.0" C18="0.0" C19="0.0" C110="0.0" /> <IPOC>123645634563</IPOC> </Sen>

Since the <EStr/> tag is empty, no message is generated. The data in the <RKorr .../> tag are available at the output of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET. The technology parameters are written directly to the controller.

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7. Example


Example program for RSI motions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 23 24 25 26 27 28 DEF Program( ) DECL RSIERR RET DECL INT OBJECT1_ID,OBJECT2_ID,OBJECT3_ID,OBJECT4_ID,OBJECT5_ID INI RET=ST_DIGIN(OBJECT1_ID,0,1,0,RSIUNIT_No) RET=ST_DIGIN(OBJECT2_ID,0,2,0,RSIUNIT_No) RET=ST_OR(OBJECT3_ID,0,OBJECT1_ID,1,OBJECT2_ID,1) RET=ST_MAP2DIGOUT(OBJECT4_ID,0,OBJECT3_ID,1,3,0) RET=ST_BREAKMOVE(OBJECT5_ID,0,OBJECT3_ID,1) PTP HOME Vel= 100 % DEFAULT 100 m/s 0.5 0.5 100 % PDAT1 Tool[1] Base[1] CPDAT2 Tool[1] Base[1] m/s CPDAT3 Tool[1] Base[1] m/s CPDAT4 Tool[1] Base[1] % PDAT2 Tool[1] Base[1]


Vel= 100 % DEFAULT

Line 3 11

Description Variables for the object IDs RSI object ST_BREAKMOVE for defining the sensor event that is used to terminate the RSI motion. Sensor event: the RSI object ST_OR generates a HIGH level signal. RSI motion to the next point but one RSI motion back to the start point Relative RSI motion in X direction

23 24 25

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Example program for sensor-guided motion

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 DEF Program( ) DECL RSIERR RET DECL INT OBJECT1_ID,OBJECT2_ID,OBJECT3_ID,OBJECT4_ID, _ OBJECT5_ID,OBJECT6_ID,OBJECT7_ID INI RET=ST_DIGIN(OBJECT1_ID,0,1,0,RSIUNIT_No) RET=ST_DIGIN(OBJECT2_ID,0,2,0,RSIUNIT_No) RET=ST_OR(OBJECT3_ID,0,OBJECT1_ID,1,OBJECT2_ID,1) RET=ST_MAP2DIGOUT(OBJECT4_ID,0,OBJECT3_ID,1,3,0) RET=ST_BREAKMOVE(OBJECT5_ID,0,OBJECT3_ID,1) RET=ST_DIGIN(OBJECT6_ID,0,2,1,RSIUNIT_m) RET=ST_PATHCORR(OBJECT7_ID,0) RET=ST_NEWLINK(OBJECT6_ID,1,OBJECT7_ID,1) PTP HOME Vel= 100 % DEFAULT 100 m/s 0.5 0.5 100 % PDAT1 Tool[1] Base[1] CPDAT2 Tool[1] Base[1] m/s CPDAT3 Tool[1] Base[1] m/s CPDAT4 Tool[1] Base[1] % PDAT2 Tool[1] Base[1]

PTP P1 CONT Vel= LIN P3 Vel= 0.5 CIRC P4 P5 Vel= LIN P6 CONT Vel= PTP P7 CONT Vel=


Line 3 11

Description Variables for the object IDs RSI object ST_BREAKMOVE for defining the sensor event that is used to terminate the sensor-guided motion. Sensor event: the RSI object ST_OR generates a HIGH level signal. RSI object ST_DIGIN for recording the sensor data via digital inputs $IN[9] ... $IN[16] with a width of one byte RSI object ST_PATHCORR for calculating the path correction from the recorded sensor data RSI command ST_NEWLINK for creating a link between the RSI objects ST_DIGIN 6 and ST_PATHCORR RSI command ST_ON1 for activating the signal processing and making the path correction relative to the TOOL coordinate system Sensor-guided motion If the sensor-guided motion is terminated by the sensor event, the robot moves via the interrupt to the next point but one.

13 14 15 25


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7. Example


Example program for path correction

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 DEF Program( ) DECL RSIERR RET DECL INT OBJECT1_ID,OBJECT2_ID,OBJECT3_ID,OBJECT4_ID, _ OBJECT5_ID,OBJECT6_ID INI RET=ST_DIGIN(OBJECT1_ID,0,1,0,RSIUNIT_No) RET=ST_DIGIN(OBJECT2_ID,0,2,0,RSIUNIT_No) RET=ST_OR(OBJECT3_ID,0,OBJECT1_ID,1,OBJECT2_ID,1) RET=ST_MAP2DIGOUT(OBJECT4_ID,0,OBJECT3_ID,1,3,0) RET=ST_DIGIN(OBJECT5_ID,0,2,1,RSIUNIT_m) RET=ST_PATHCORR(OBJECT6_ID,0) RET=ST_NEWLINK(OBJECT5_ID,1,OBJECT6_ID,1) PTP HOME Vel= 100 % DEFAULT 100 m/s 0.5 0.5 100 % PDAT1 Tool[1] Base[1] CPDAT2 Tool[1] Base[1] m/s CPDAT3 Tool[1] Base[1] m/s CPDAT4 Tool[1] Base[1] % PDAT2 Tool[1] Base[1]

PTP P1 CONT Vel= LIN P3 Vel= 0.5 CIRC P4 P5 Vel= LIN P6 CONT Vel= PTP P7 CONT Vel=


Line 3 12 13 14 24

Description Variables for the object IDs RSI object ST_DIGIN for recording the sensor data via digital inputs $IN[9] ... $IN[16] with a width of one byte RSI object ST_PATHCORR for calculating the path correction from the recorded sensor data RSI command ST_NEWLINK for creating a link between the RSI objects ST_DIGIN 6 and ST_PATHCORR RSI command ST_ON1 for activating the signal processing and making the path correction relative to the tool-based coordinate system (TTS) LIN motion with path correction


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Example program for adapting the maximum path correction

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 DEF Program( ) DECL RSIERR RET DECL INT OBJECT1_ID,OBJECT2_ID,OBJECT3_ID INI PTP HOME RET=ST_DIGIN(OBJECT1_ID,0,1,1,RSIUNIT_m) RET=ST_PATHCORR(OBJECT2_ID,0) RET=ST_NEWLINK(OBJECT1_ID,1,OBJECT2_ID,1) RET=ST_SETPARAM(OBJECT2_ID,1,-25) ;Min corr. in x: -25 mmm RET=ST_SETPARAM(OBJECT2_ID,7,25) ;Max corr. in x: 25 mmm LIN P1 RET=ST_ON() ST_MOVESENS(1) END

Line 3 9 12

Description Variables for the object IDs RSI object ST_PATHCORR for calculating the path correction from the recorded sensor data RSI command ST_SETPARAM to assign the value -25 to object parameter 1 of ST_PATHCORR; object parameter 1 defines the lower limit for a correction in the X direction. RSI command ST_SETPARAM to assign the value +25 to object parameter 7 of ST_PATHCORR; object parameter 7 defines the upper limit for a correction in the X direction.



Example program for transformation

Here, the programming of a transformation of position data acquired by a sensor is described.


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7. Example

Fig. 7-1: Example of a transformation 1 2 Mounting flange Sensor 3 4 Tool Workpiece

In addition to the tool, a sensor is mounted on the mounting flange of the robot. This sensor, e.g. a camera, acquires the position of a workpiece. These sensor data must be transformed from the sensor coordinate system to the current BASE of the robot controller.

Fig. 7-2: Schematic structure of the RSI context for example transformation

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Description The RSI object ST_ANAIN reads the point coordinates acquired by the sensor. The RSI object ST_TRAFO_USERFRAME transforms the acquired coordinates from the sensor coordinate system to the TOOL coordinate system of the robot controller. The position of the TOOL coordinate system relative to the origin of the sensor coordinate system must be known and specified when the RSI object is created. The RSI object ST_TRAFO_ROBFRAME transforms the TOOL data transferred by the RSI object ST_TRAFO_USERFRAME to the BASE coordinate system of the robot controller. The RSI object ST_MAP2SEN_PREA writes the transformation data to the system variable $SEN_PREA[]. They can be viewed via the variable display.




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

DEF Program( ) DECL RSIERR err DECL INT hIN1,hIN2,hIN3 DECL INT hTrafo1,hTrafo2 DECL INT hMap DECL FRAME T INI err=ST_ANAIN(hIN1,0,1,RSIUNIT_No) err=ST_ANAIN(hIN2,0,2,RSIUNIT_No) err=ST_ANAIN(hIN3,0,3,RSIUNIT_No) T={X 80,Y 0,Z -100,A 0,B 0,C 180} err=ST_TRAFO_USERFRAME(hTrafo1,0,hIn1,1,hIn2,1,hIn3,1,0,T) err=ST_TRAFO_ROBFRAME(hTrafo2,0,hTrafo1,1,hTrafo1,2, _ hTrafo1,3,0,#TCP,#BASE) err=ST_MAP2SEN_PREA(hMap,0,hIn1,1,1) err=ST_MAP2SEN_PREA(hMap,0,hIn2,1,2) err=ST_MAP2SEN_PREA(hMap,0,hIn3,1,3) err=ST_MAP2SEN_PREA(hMap,0,hTrafo1,1,4) err=ST_MAP2SEN_PREA(hMap,0,hTrafo1,2,5) err=ST_MAP2SEN_PREA(hMap,0,hTrafo1,3,6) err=ST_MAP2SEN_PREA(hMap,0,hTrafo2,1,7) err=ST_MAP2SEN_PREA(hMap,0,hTrafo2,2,8) err=ST_MAP2SEN_PREA(hMap,0,hTrafo2,3,9) err=ST_ON() wait sec 1 err=ST_OFF() END

Line 2 3

Description Variable for the return values of the RSI commands Variables for the object IDs of ST_ANAIN

Parameter ---------

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7. Example

Line 4

Description Variables for the object IDs of ST_TRAFO_USERFRAME and ST_TRAFO_ROBFRAME Variable for the object ID of ST_MAP2SEN_PREA Variable for the transformation data of the TOOL coordinate system relative to the sensor coordinate system Creation of the RSI objects ST_ANAIN

Parameter -----

5 6


10 12



Position of the TOOL coordinate system relative to the origin of the sensor coordinate system Creation of the RSI object ST_TRAFO_USERFRAME

hIN1 hIN3: object IDs 0: RSI objects in container 0 1 3: numbers of the analog inputs to be read. RSIUNIT_No: No unit -----


Creation of the RSI object ST_TRAFO_ROBFRAME

20 22

Creation of the RSI objects ST_MAP2SEN_PREA for displaying the position data in the sensor coordinate system

24 26

Creation of the RSI objects ST_MAP2SEN_PREA for displaying the position data in the TOOL coordinate system

hTrafo1: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 hIN1 hIN3: IDs of the signal source for the signal input 1: output index of the signal source 0: transformation type (translation and rotation) T: transformation data of the TOOL coordinate system hTrafo2: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 hTrafo1: ID of the signal source for the signal input 1 3: output indices of the signal source 0: transformation type (translation and rotation) #TCP: original coordinate system ($TOOL) #BASE: target coordinate system ($BASE) hMap: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 hIN1 hIN3: IDs of the signal source for the signal input 1: output index of the signal source 1 3: output indices of the system variable $SEN_PREA[] hMap: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 hTrafo1: ID of the signal source for the signal input 1 3: output indices of the signal source 4 6: output indices of the system variable $SEN_PREA[]

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Line 28 30

Description Creation of the RSI objects ST_MAP2SEN_PREA for displaying the position data in the BASE coordinate system

Parameter hMap: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 hTrafo2: ID of the signal source for the signal input 1 3: output indices of the signal source 7 9: output indices of the system variable $SEN_PREA[] ---------

32 34

Activation of signal processing with the ST_ON() command Deactivation of signal processing with the ST_OFF() command


Example of a sensor application

The programming of a sensor application is described here using the example of force control with a force sensor. A precondition for this example is that the field bus interfacing of the force sensor and tool to the robot system has been carried out correctly.


Fig. 7-3: Example of a sensor application 1 2 3 4 FX v Workpiece that is to be deburred along the edge under force control Tool with force sensor Robot Robot controller Measured force in the X direction of the BASE coordinate system, perpendicular to the programmed path Direction of motion

A force sensor, which supplies the sensor data for the force control, is mounted between the mounting flange of the robot and the tool. The robot moves to the workpiece and then moves in the Y direction of the BASE coordinate system. At the same time, the robot moves in the X direction of the BASE coordinate system because of the force control. Once contact is made with the
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7. Example

workpiece, the robot continues to move in the X direction of the BASE coordinate system under force control and maintains the force setpoint value throughout the motion. The maximum deviation from the programmed path is limited. If the robot exceeds the maximum permissible deviation, an output is set.

Fig. 7-4: Path of the example sensor application The following signals are displayed on the RSI monitor:

Measured value of the force sensor Path correction of the robot Output for monitoring the maximum permissible deviation from the programmed path

For a real sensor application with force control, the KUKA.ForceTorqueControl technology package is recommended. Block diagram

Fig. 7-5: Block diagram of the example sensor application RSI object ST_ANAIN Description The RSI object ST_ANAIN records the 10 V analog voltage supplied by the force sensor and assigns the signal the unit [V]. The RSI object ST_P converts the recorded analog voltage to a force value in Newtons and changes the unit of the signal to [N]. The RSI object ST_SUM calculates the control difference from the deviation between the actual force value and the force setpoint.
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KUKA.RobotSensorInterface 2.3

RSI object ST_P

Description The RSI object ST_P calculates the correction velocity on the basis of the control difference. The RSI object ST_P also converts the unit of the signal to [m/s]. The RSI object ST_I calculates the correction distance by integrating the correction velocity. The RSI object ST_I also adds the calculated correction of the current cycle to the correction of the previous cycle. The RSI object ST_LIMIT limits the correction distance with a maximum and minimum value. The RSI object ST_PATHCORR superposes the correction distance onto the programmed path. The direction in which the path is corrected depends on which signal input of the RSI object ST_PATHCORR is linked. The RSI objects ST_GREATER and ST_LESS compare the correction distance with a constant. The output is set if the correction distance is greater or less than the constant. The RSI object ST_OR establishes an OR operation between the signal outputs of the RSI objects ST_GREATER and ST_LESS. The RSI object ST_MAP2DIGOUT sets a digital output. The RSI object ST_MONITOR records the signals that are to be displayed with the RSI monitor. The RSI object ST_ACTPOS reads the position of the current tool (TCP) in the BASE coordinate system.







The example sensor application can be programmed in several different ways. Here, the programming has been implemented as follows:

The sensor application does not contain subprograms. All RSI objects are situated in global container 0. The variable for the return values is declared in the KRL program; i.e. the variable cannot be read in the variable display.

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7. Example

1 DEF RSI_Example( ) 2 3 ; Declaration of KRL Variables 4 DECL RSIERR RET;Return Value of RSI Commands 5 DECL INT HAI;ObjectID for ST_ANAIN 6 DECL INT HP1;ObjectID for ST_P 7 DECL INT HSUM;ObjectID for ST_SUM 8 DECL INT HP2;ObjectID for ST_P 9 DECL INT HI;ObjectID for ST_I 10 DECL INT HLIM;ObjectID for ST_LIMIT 11 DECL INT HPC;ObjectID for ST_PATHCORR 12 DECL INT HMON;ObjectID for ST_MONITOR 13 DECL INT HGR;ObjectID for ST_GREATER 14 DECL INT HLE;ObjectID for ST_LESS 15 DECL INT HOR;ObjectID for ST_OR 16 DECL INT HM2DO;ObjectID for ST_MAP2DIGOUT 17 DECL INT HAP ;ObjectID for ST_ACTPOS 18 DECL CHAR IP[16];IP-Address for RSIMonitor 19 20 INI 21 22 PTP {A1 0, A2 -90, A3 90, A4 0, A5 45, A6 0} 23 24 ; Create RSI Context 25 RET=ST_ANAIN(HAI,0,1,RSIUNIT_V) 26 RET=ST_P(HP1,0,HAI,1,1,RSIUNIT_N) 27 RET=ST_SUM(HSUM,0,HP1,1,0,0,-50) 28 RET=ST_P(HP2,0,HSUM,1,GAIN,'HF01') ;Unit m/s 29 RET=ST_I(HI,0,HP2,1,0.012,1) 30 RET=ST_LIMIT(HLIM,0,HI,1,-20,20) 31 RET=ST_PATHCORR(HPC,0) 32 RET=ST_NEWLINK(HLIM,1,HPC,1) 33 RET=ST_GREATER(HGR,0,HI,1,0,0,20,0) 34 RET=ST_LESS(HLE,0,HI,1,0,0,LOWERLIMIT,0) 35 RET=ST_OR(HOR,0,HGR,1,HLE,1) 36 RET=ST_MAP2DIGOUT(HM2DO,0,HOR,1,1,0) 37 RET=ST_ACTPOS(HAP,0) 38 IP[]="" 39 RET=ST_MONITOR(HMON,0,IP[],6000,1) 40 RET=ST_SETPARAM(HMON,1,1) 41 RET=ST_NEWLINK(HOR,1,HMON,2) ;Chart 1 red: Signal-Correction exceeded limitation 42 RET=ST_NEWLINK(HLIM,1,HMON,3) ;Chart 1 green: Correction 43 RET=ST_NEWLINK(HSUM,1,HMON,4) ;Chart 1 blue: Offset 44 RET=ST_NEWLINK(HAP,1,HMON,5) ;Chart 2 red: Position in X 45 RET=ST_NEWLINK(HAP,2,HMON,6) ;Chart 2 green: Position in Y 46 RET=ST_NEWLINK(HAP,3,HMON,7) ;Chart 2 blue: Position in Z 47 48 PTP {A1 0, A2 -90, A3 90, A4 0, A5 90, A6 0} 49 50 ;Move Base in actual position 51 $BASE.X=$POS_ACT.X 52 $BASE.Y=$POS_ACT.Y 53 $BASE.Z=$POS_ACT.z 54 55 ; Start RSI execution 56 RET=ST_ON() 57 LIN_REL {Y 100} 58 RET=ST_OFF() 59 60 PTP {A1 0, A2 -90, A3 90, A4 0, A5 45, A6 0} 61 62 END

Line 4 5 ... 17

Description Variable for the return values of the RSI commands Variables for the IDs of the RSI objects

Parameter ---------

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Line 18

Description Variable for the IP address of the Windows operating system to enable creation of the RSI monitor Creation of the RSI object ST_ANAIN

Parameter -----



Creation of the RSI object ST_P


Creation of the RSI object ST_SUM


Creation of the RSI object ST_P


Creation of the RSI object ST_I

HAI: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 1: number of the analog input to be read. RSIUNIT_V: unit of the output signal HP1: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 HAI: ID of the signal source for the signal input 1: output index of the signal source 1: scaling factor for the conversion of voltage to force RSIUNIT_N: unit of the output signal HSUM: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 HP1: ID of the signal source for the signal input 1: output index of the signal source 0: second signal input of the RSI object is not assigned 0: second signal input of the RSI object is not assigned -50: constant that is added to the input signal HP2: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 HSUM: ID of the signal source for the signal input 1: output index of the signal source 0.001: scaling factor for the conversion of force to velocity 'HF01': coding of the unit m/s according to the unit scheme HI: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 HP2: ID of the signal source for the signal input 1: output index of the signal source 0.012: integration time in [ms], in which the correction velocity is calculated and added 1: integration type, to ensure that the integration is only carried out during a CP motion

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7. Example

Line 30

Description Creation of the RSI object ST_LIMIT

Parameter HLIM: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 HI: ID of the signal source for the signal input 1: output index of the signal source -20: lower limit of the signal 20: upper limit of the signal HPC: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 HLIM: ID of the signal source 1: output index of the signal source HPC: ID of the target object 3: index of the signal input of the target object HGR: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 HI: ID of the signal source for the signal input 1: output index of the signal source 0: second signal input of the RSI object is not assigned 0: second signal input of the RSI object is not assigned 20: upper limit of the signal 0: hysteresis deactivated HLE: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 HI: ID of the signal source for the signal input 1: output index of the signal source 0: second signal input of the RSI object is not assigned 0: second signal input of the RSI object is not assigned -20: lower limit of the signal 0: hysteresis deactivated HOR: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 HGR: ID of the signal source for the signal input 1 1: output index of the signal source HLE: ID of the signal source for the signal input 2 1: output index of the signal source HM2DO: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 HOR: ID of the signal source for the signal input 1: output index of the signal source 1: number of the digital output that is set 0: the RSI object ST_MAP2DIGOUT sends a bit to its signal output

31 32

Creation of the RSI object ST_PATHCORR Linking of signal input 1 of the RSI object ST_PATHCORR


Creation of the RSI object ST_GREATER


Creation of the RSI object ST_LESS


Creation of the RSI object ST_OR


Creation of the RSI object ST_MAP2DIGOUT

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Line 37 38 39

Description Creation of the RSI object ST_ACTPOS IP address of the Windows operating system Creation of the RSI object ST_MONITOR

Parameter HAP: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 ----HMON: object ID 0: RSI object in container 0 IP[]: IP address of the Windows operating system 6000: port to which the RSI object ST_MONITOR sends the data packets 1: the signals displayed in the RSI monitor are refreshed every 12 ms HMON: ID of the RSI object whose object parameters are to be set 1: number of the object parameter to be set 1: value to be assigned to the object parameter HOR: ID of the signal source for the signal input 2 1: output index of the signal source HMON: ID of the target object 2: index of the signal input of the target object HLIM: ID of the signal source for signal input 3 1: output index of the signal source HMON: ID of the target object 3: index of the signal input of the target object HSUM: ID of the signal source for signal input 4 1: output index of the signal source HMON: ID of the target object 4: index of the signal input of the target object HAP: ID of the signal source for the signal input 5 1: output index of the signal source HMON: ID of the target object 5: index of the signal input of the target object HAP: ID of the signal source for the signal input 6 2: output index of the signal source HMON: ID of the target object 6: index of the signal input of the target object


Activation of data transfer of the RSI object ST_MONITOR to the RSI monitor


Linking of signal input 2 of the RSI object ST_MONITOR


Linking of signal input 3 of the RSI object ST_MONITOR


Linking of signal input 4 of the RSI object ST_MONITOR


Linking of signal input 5 of the RSI object ST_MONITOR


Linking of signal input 6 of the RSI object ST_MONITOR

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7. Example

Line 46

Description Linking of signal input 7 of the RSI object ST_MONITOR

Parameter HAP: ID of the signal source for the signal input 7 3: output index of the signal source HMON: ID of the target object 7: index of the signal input of the target object -------------------------

48 51 53 56 57 58 60

Motion to workpiece Offset of the BASE to the current position of the tool (TCP) Activation of signal processing with the ST_ON() command Relative LIN motion Deactivation of signal processing with the ST_OFF() command Motion away from the workpiece


Example application for real-time communication

KUKA.RobotSensorInterface includes a sample application that can be used to establish real-time communication between a server program and the robot controller. The software is located on the CD-ROM, in the DOC\Example\RealtimeEthernet directory. The sample application consists of the following components: Component Server program ServerApplication.exe KRL program RSIEthernet.src Configuration file RSIEthernet.xml Sample source code C#_ServerApplication.cs Directory ...\Server_app ...\SRC_KRL\PROGRAM ...\SRC_KRL\INIT ...\SRC_Server



Implementing the example application


CD with technology package User group Expert


1. Copy the contents of the ...\Server_app directory to a Windows system with installed .NET Framework. 2. Copy the KRL program RSIEthernet.src with the data list RSIEthernet.dat into the directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\KRC\R1\Program of the robot controller. 3. Copy the configuration file RSIEthernet.xml to the directory C:\KRC\ROBOTER\INIT of the robot controller. 4. Start the server program ServerApplication.exe on the external system. 5. In the server program, select the network adapter (NetcardIndex) to be used for communication. 6. Set the IP address of the external system in the configuration file RSIEthernet.xml.

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If no external system is available, communication can be carried out via the Shared Memory of the robot controller. In the server program, the network adapter (NetcardIndx) must be set in such a way that the network address is displayed.


Server program ServerApplication.exe

The server program ServerApplication.exe makes it possible to test the connection between an external system and the robot controller by establishing permanent communication to the robot controller. For this purpose, the received data are evaluated and the current interpolation cycle counter (the time stamp of the packet) is copied to the form that is to be sent. Depending on the setting in the server program, the form can be sent with correction data from the Moving group or with zero values.


Stable communication: transmission and receipt of data in the interpolation cycle (12 ms) Motion correction in X: TOOL, BASE or WORLD

The reference system for motion correction is set in the KRL program RSIEthernet.src.

Free Cartesian motion correction using operator control elements Display of the data received Display of the data sent

Fig. 7-6: Server program

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7. Example

Item 1

Description Display box

If the option Data - Robot is selected, the received data are displayed. If the option Data - Server is selected, the sent data are displayed.

These data are refreshed at the interpolation cycle rate (12 ms). NetcardIndx Input box for the number of the network adapter Default value: 0 Use Port Input box for port number of the socket connection. The external system awaits the connection request from the robot controller at this port. A free number that is not assigned as a standard service must be selected.

Default value: 6008 Listen! Button establishes the socket connection: data exchange between the server program and the robot controller is evaluated. The first incoming connection request is connected and used as a communications adapter. Abort! Button terminates the communication and resets the server. Moving Option for the motion correction

5 6

Button move: free motion in space by an incremental 0.01 mm per interpolation cycle (12 ms) when the -/+ button is pressed with, for example, X' = -/ +0.01 mm

SineX move: correction in the X direction of the set reference system in the sine range with X' = sin(2*PI*0.00133*IPO cycle)

Note: These correction values apply with Gain = 100%.

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Item 7

Description Gain Input box for modifying the correction value for motion correction as a percentage Example: Gain = 70%

Button move: increment of 70% * 0.01 mm = 0.007 mm per interpolation cycle

SineX move: correction in the X direction of sin(2*PI*0.00133*IPO cycle) * 70% Options for data exchange

Only Receive: If the check box is active, data can now only be received and no longer sent. TCP: When the RSI object is created, a connection is established with the external system. UDP: When the RSI object is created, no connection is established with the external system.

Note: The protocol selected here must correspond to the protocol set in the configuration file RSIEthernet.xml.


Configuration file RSIEthernet.xml

The configuration file RSIEthernet.xml contains all the parameters required for configuring the communication between the server program and the robot controller. It also contains the definitions of the object inputs and object outputs of ST_ETHERNET for configuring the XML structures for sending and receiving data. (>>> 6.2.1 "Structure of the configuration file" page 32)


KRL program RSIEthernet.src

The KRL program RSIEthernet.src receives the corrections of the external system and sends them to the robot. Motion of the robot is controlled purely by means of the corrections, i.e. without a programmed path. Warning! By activating the motion correction, the external system controls the direction of motion and the orientation of the robot. The instructions in the safety chapter must be followed and workspaces must be created! Serious injuries and substantial material damage may otherwise result. The cyclical correction is activated and the reference system for the motion correction is set in the line 'err = ST_ON1(#BASE,1)'.



In the case of #BASE and #TOOL, the base or tool most recently used by the robot controller is accepted. Structure of the XML string when sending data (KrcData.xml) The XML string sent to the external system has the following structure:
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7. Example

<Rob TYPE="KUKA"> <RIst X="1620.0008" Y="0.0000" Z="1910.0000" A="0.0000" _ B="90.0000" C="0.0000"/> <RSol X="1620.0000" Y="0.0000" Z="1910.0000" A="0.0000" _ B="90.0000" C="0.0000"/> <AIPos A1="0.0000" A2="-90.0000" A3="90.0000" A4="0.0000" _ A5="0.0000" A6="0.0000"/> <AIPos A1="0.0000" A2="-90.0000" A3="90.0000" A4="0.0000" _ A5="0.0000" A6="0.0000"/> <ASPos A1="0.0000" A2="-90.0000" A3="90.0000" A4="0.0000" _ A5="0.0000" A6="0.0000"/> <EIPos E1="0.0000" E2="0.0000" E3="0.0000" E4="0.0000" _ E5="0.0000" E6="0.0000"/> <ESPos E1="0.0000" E2="0.0000" E3="0.0000" E4="0.0000" _ E5="0.0000" E6="0.0000"/> <MACur A1="0.0000" A2="0.0000" A3="0.0000" A4="0.0000" _ A5="0.0000" A6="0.0000"/> <MECur E1="0.0000" E2="0.0000" E3="0.0000" E4="0.0000" _ E5="0.0000" E6="0.0000"/> <Delay D="0" /> <Tech C11="0.000000" C12="0.000000" C13="0.000000" C14="0.000000" _ C15="0.000000" C16="0.000000" C17="0.000000" C18="0.000000" _ C19="1.000000" C110="0.000000" /> <DiL>0</DiL> <Digout o1="0" o2="0" o3="0" /> <ST_SOURCE>17.232147</ST_SOURCE> <IPOC>4208163634</IPOC> </Rob>

TAG in the XML string Rob TYPE RIst RSol AIPos ASPos EIPos

Description Protocol identification, version Cartesian actual position Cartesian setpoint position Axis-specific actual position of robot axes A1 to A6 Axis-specific setpoint position of robot axes A1 to A6 Axis-specific actual position of external axes E1 to E6 Axis-specific setpoint position of external axes E1 to E6 Motor currents of robot axes A1 to A6 Motor currents of external axes E1 to E6 Number of late packets Technology parameter in the advance run of function generator 1 Input of data type LONG 3 inputs of data type BOOL

Function ----Internal read function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET Internal read function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET Internal read function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET Internal read function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET Internal read function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET Internal read function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET Internal read function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET Internal read function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET Internal read function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET Internal read function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET KRL link to RSI object ST_DIGIN KRL link to RSI object ST_DIGOUT


MACur MECur Delay Tech

DiL Digout

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TAG in the XML string ST_SOURC E IPOC

Description Input of data type DOUBLE Current time stamp of the data packet

Function KRL link to RSI object ST_SOURCE Internal function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET

The XML format to be sent is generated automatically by the robot controller in accordance with the definition of the object inputs in the configuration file RSIEthernet.xml:

Structure of the XML string when importing data (ExternalData.xml) The XML string imported from the external system has the following structure:
<Sen Type="ImFree"> <EStr>ERX Message! Free config!</EStr> <RKorr X="0.0000" Y="0.0000" Z="0.0000" A="0.0000" B="0.0000" _ C="0.0000" /> <AKorr A1="0.0000" A2="0.0000" A3="0.0000" A4="0.0000" _ A5="0.0000" A6="0.0000" /> <EKorr E1="0.0000" E2="0.0000" E3="0.0000" E4="0.0000" _ E5="0.0000" E6="0.0000" /> <Tech T21="1.09" T22="2.08" T23="3.07" T24="4.06" T25="5.05" _ T26="6.04" T27="7.03" T28="8.02" T29="9.01" T210="10.00" /> <DiO>125</DiO> <IPOC></IPOC> </Sen>


Tag in the XML string Sen Type EStr

Description Protocol identification Generation of a message in the message window If <EStr> ...</EStr>: Message for information If <EStr>Error: ...</EStr>: Acknowledgeable error message; the robot is stopped.

Function ----Internal write function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET. No output exists.

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7. Example

Tag in the XML string RKorr

Description Data array of data type DOUBLE

Function Object output 1 ... 6 of ST_ETHERNET linked to the RSI objects ST_PATHCORR and ST_MAP2SEN_PREA. The values received are saved in $SEN_PREA [1 ... 6]. Without link. Object outputs 7 ... 18 are not further processed in the RSI context. Without link. Object outputs 7 ... 18 are not further processed in the RSI context. Internal write function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET. Object output 19 of ST_ETHERNET. This is linked in the KRL program to the RSI object ST_MAP2SEN_PINT. The data are saved in $SEN_PINT [1]. Internal function of the RSI object ST_ETHERNET


Data of data type DOUBLE


Data of data type DOUBLE



Technology parameters in the main run on function generator 2 Data of data type LONG


Current time stamp of the data packet

The robot controller expects an XML format corresponding to the definition of the object outputs of ST_ETHERNET in the configuration file RSIEthernet.xml:

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Sample source code C#_ServerApplication.cs

The sample source code contains the programming of a network connection to the robot controller in the programming language C#. Simple integration is possible, for example, with a console project. For this, the member function private static void anyfunction() must be called. The program generates a second process which communicates with the robot controller, independently of the server program. The basic functionality, the mirroring of the interpolation cycle, is already implemented. Port 6008 and network card (NetcardIndx) 0 are set by default. The data to be sent are loaded via the XML model class. The file ExternalData.xml from the directory ...\Server_app must be integrated into the project for this purpose.

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8. Diagnosis


Overview of diagnosis
There are 2 options available for diagnosis of an error within the RSI context:


Displaying signals with the RSI monitor. (>>> 8.2 "Overview of signal display" page 65) Displaying information about the RSI commands on Telnet and/or in a LOG file. (>>> 8.3 "Overview of RSI information output on Telnet and/or in a LOG file" page 71)

Telnet is used for diagnosis of errors occurring during configuration or communication with the real-time operating system VxWorks.

Display and check IP address. (>>> 8.4 "Displaying the IP address" page 73) Check communication of the robot controller with the external system. (>>> 8.5 "Checking communication via VxWorks" page 73)


Overview of signal display

Step 1 Display on robot controller Configure the RSI monitor. (>>> 8.2.4 "Configuring RSI monitor" page 67) 2 Display signals on the robot controller. (>>> 8.2.5 "Displaying signals on the robot controller" page 69) ----Display on external PC Install KUKA.Router on the robot controller. (>>> 8.2.2 "Installing KUKA.Router" page 66) Configure KUKA.Router. (>>> 8.2.3 "Configuring KUKA.Router" page 66)



Copy the program ...\KRC\TP\RSI\UTIL\RSIMonitor.exe from the robot controller to the external PC. Configure the RSI monitor. (>>> 8.2.4 "Configuring RSI monitor" page 67) Display signals on external PC. (>>> 8.2.6 "Displaying signals on external PC" page 69)



RSI monitor
The RSI monitor can record and display up to 24 signals from the RSI context. The signals can be recorded directly to the robot controller by the RSI monitor or via a network to an external PC. If the signals are recorded by the RSI monitor on an external PC via a network, the KUKA.Router program is required.


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If the signals are recorded directly on the robot controller, they cannot be viewed until the program has been terminated. If an external PC is used, the signals can be viewed while the program is being executed.

Fig. 8-1: Example of a recording with the RSI monitor The data for the recording are acquired using the RSI object ST_MONITOR and sent to the RSI monitor. The signals to be displayed can be applied to signal inputs 2 to 25. The recorded signals can be distributed over up to 5 diagrams. The parameter ID 1 of the RSI object ST_MONITOR activates the data transfer. Signal input 1 of the RSI object ST_MONITOR can be used additionally to control the activated data transfer by means of a Boolean signal.


Installing KUKA.Router


Network connection in Windows between robot controller and external PC

Further information about KUKA.Router can be found in the KUKA_Router directory on the CD-ROM. Procedure 1. Start the program Setup.exe in the KUKA_Router directory on the CDROM. 2. Accept the license agreement and press Next. The Router will then be installed. 3. Reboot the robot controller.


Configuring KUKA.Router


User group Expert Windows interface (CTRL+ESC)


1. On the Windows interface, open the program KUKA.Router by selecting the menu sequence Start > Programs > Startup > Router.

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8. Diagnosis

2. Add a new route using the menu sequence File > New.

Fig. 8-2: KUKA.Router program 3. Using the arrow keys, select the IP address and press the Enter key. The Configure target window is opened. 4. In the Target host box, enter the target address and press OK. 5. Using the arrow keys, select the port and press the Enter key. The Configure route window is opened. 6. Enter the source port in the Source Port box. 7. Enter the target port in the Target Port box, and press OK. 8. Minimize the KUKA.Router window. Do not close the program, as otherwise no data will be sent.


Configuring RSI monitor

Precondition Procedure

If the RSI monitor is configured on the robot controller: user group Expert.

1. Select the menu sequence Monitor > RSIMonitor. The RSI monitor opens. 2. In the RSI monitor, select the menu sequence Edit > Settings.... 3. In the Settings window, configure the RSI monitor. 4. Accept the settings by pressing OK. 5. To modify the properties of the lines for the signals, select the menu sequence Edit > Line Settings... in the RSI monitor. 6. Set the line properties in the Line Properties window. 7. Accept the settings by pressing OK.

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Fig. 8-3: Settings window Parameter Vertical Grid Horizontal Grid Number of Charts Horizontal Range Port Description Number of vertical lines per displayed chart Number of horizontal lines per displayed chart Number of charts displayed Value for the time axis of the charts in [ms] Number of the port at which the RSI monitor is expecting data packets The port of the RSI monitor must correspond to the target port in KUKA.Router.

Fig. 8-4: Line Properties window Parameter Line Index Description Number of the signal diagram

0 24


Signal diagram at signal input 2 26 Check box not activated: the selected signal diagram is displayed as a line in the RSI monitor. Check box activated: a point is set in the selected signal diagram in the RSI monitor after every measurement cycle.

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8. Diagnosis

Parameter Chart Index

Description Number of the chart in which the signal diagram is displayed. Automatically changes if the signal diagram number is changed. By default, 3 signal diagrams are displayed per chart.



Signal diagram 0 3 signal diagram 22 24 Color of the selected signal diagram. Automatically changes if the signal diagram number is changed.


Displaying signals on the robot controller


User group Expert Signal processing is programmed.


1. Open a program. 2. Create the RSI object ST_MONITOR and apply the required signals to the signal inputs of the RSI object ST_MONITOR. (>>> 8.2.7 "Example program for displaying signals" page 70) 3. Save changes in the program by pressing the Close softkey. 4. Select the menu sequence Monitor > RSIMonitor. The RSI monitor opens. 5. Select and execute the program. The recording of the RSI monitor starts and finishes automatically with the selected program. If the program is reset, the recording of the RSI monitor is deleted. 6. To save the recording as a MON file, select the menu sequence File > Save as... in the RSI monitor and specify a target folder and file name. 7. To save the recording as a DAT or TXT file, select the menu sequence File > Export in the RSI monitor and specify a target folder and file name. 8. To open a recording, select the menu sequence File > Open and the desired MON file. Only MON files can be opened in the RSI monitor.


Displaying signals on external PC


User group Expert Signal processing is programmed. Network connection between robot controller and external PC is established.


1. Open a program. 2. Create the RSI object ST_MONITOR and apply the required signals to the signal inputs of the RSI object ST_MONITOR. (>>> 8.2.7 "Example program for displaying signals" page 70)

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3. Save changes in the program by pressing the Close softkey. 4. Start the RSIMonitor.exe program on the external PC. 5. Select and execute the program. The recording of the RSI monitor starts and finishes automatically with the selected program. If the program is reset, the recording of the RSI monitor is deleted. 6. To save the recording as a MON file, select the menu sequence File > Save as... in the RSI monitor and specify a target folder and file name. 7. To save the recording as a DAT or TXT file, select the menu sequence File > Export in the RSI monitor and specify a target folder and file name. 8. To open a recording, select the menu sequence File > Open and the desired MON file. Only MON files can be opened in the RSI monitor.


Example program for displaying signals

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 DEF Program( ) DECL RSIERR RET DECL INT OBJECT1_ID,OBJECT2_ID,OBJECT3_ID,OBJECT4_ID, _ OBJECT5_ID,PORT,CYCLE DECL CHAR IP[16] INI PTP HOME Vel= 100 % DEFAULT


Line 3

Description Variables for the RSI object ST_MONITOR:


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CYCLE Variable for the IP address of the Windows operating system

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8. Diagnosis

Line 15 16 17

Description IP address of the Windows operating system Port to which the RSI object ST_MONITOR sends the data packets Factor for the cycle time in which the RSI object ST_MONITOR sends the data packets (CYCLE=1 corresponds to 12 ms, CYCLE=2 corresponds to 24 ms, etc.) Creation of the RSI object ST_MONITOR Link to signal input 2 of the RSI object ST_MONITOR The ST_SETPARAM command is used to set the object parameter of the RSI object ST_MONITOR and to activate transmission of the data packets. The ST_SETPARAM command is used to set the object parameter of the RSI object ST_MONITOR and to deactivate transmission of the data packets.

19 20 21



Overview of RSI information output on Telnet and/or in a LOG file

Information about the RSI commands can be output on Telnet and/or in RSIspecific LOG files. The RSI-specific error messages are always output on Telnet and in the LOG file rsiErrors.log. The following RSI-specific LOG files are located in the folder ...\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG: LOG file rsiErrors.log rsiAll.log Description Contains the RSI-specific error messages, irrespective of the filter settings. Contains information about each RSI command in accordance with the filter settings.


The entries in the LOG files cannot be deleted. When the LOG file reaches a file size of 200 kB, a backup file is created in the folder ...\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG. Example: backup file of rsiAll.log is renamed rsiAll.bkp. Overview Step 1 Information on Telnet Set filter for information output. (>>> 8.3.1 "Config uring filters for information output" page 72) Open Telnet. (>>> 8.3.2 "Openin g Telnet" page 73) Select and execute the program. Information in LOG file Set filter for information output. (>>> 8.3.1 "Config uring filters for information output" page 72) Select and execute the program. Information on Telnet and in LOG file Set filter for information output. (>>> 8.3.1 "Config uring filters for information output" page 72) Open Telnet. (>>> 8.3.2 "Openin g Telnet" page 73) Select and execute the program.

Reset program in order to be able to write information to the LOG file.

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Step 4

Information on Telnet Reset filter for information output to the default value. (>>> 8.3.1 "Config uring filters for information output" page 72) -----

Information in LOG file Reset filter for information output to the default value. (>>> 8.3.1 "Config uring filters for information output" page 72) -----

Information on Telnet and in LOG file Reset program in order to be able to write information to the LOG file.

Reset filter for information output to the default value. (>>> 8.3.1 "Config uring filters for information output" page 72)

It is advisable to reset the filter to the default value when the diagnostic function is no longer required. The performance of the system may otherwise be reduced in program mode.


Configuring filters for information output


User group Expert Operating mode T1 or T2. No program is selected.


1. Open the file ...\KRC\ROBOTER\INIT\amSysObj.ini. 2. In the [ALog] section, assign the desired value to the Filter parameter.
[ALog] MQueueSize=1000; Message queue size Filter=0x0 ; 0x73F for all types & shell, file1, file2

Value for Filter 0x0

Description Only the RSI-specific error messages are output on Telnet and in the LOG file rsiErrors.log. (Default value) The information about every RSI command is output on Telnet. The information about every RSI command is output in the LOG file rsiAll.log. The information about every RSI command is output on Telnet and in the LOG file rsiAll.log.

0x33F 0x63F 0x73F 3. Close and save file.

4. Select the menu sequence Configure > I/O Driver > Reconfigure I/O Driver.

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8. Diagnosis


Opening Telnet

Precondition Procedure

Windows interface (CTRL+ESC)

1. Select the menu sequence Start > Run.... 2. In the Open box, enter.

Windows 95: Telnet Windows XP Security Patch 2 or higher: Telnetk

3. Click on OK. The Telnet window is opened. In all Telnet entries: observe upper/lower case!


Displaying the IP address

Precondition Procedure

KUKA System Software 5.x

1. Open Telnet. 2. Enter the command version. The IP address is displayed in the Boot line under e=....
-> version VxWorks (for VxWin RTAcc) version 5.4.2. Kernel: WIND version 2.5. Made on Mar 7 2005, 11:13:54. Boot line: esmc(0,1)pc:vxworks h= b= e= u=target pw=vxworks value = 92 = 0x5c = '\'


Checking communication via VxWorks

1. Open Telnet. 2. Enter the IP address of the external system with the command ping "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx".


Connection present:

-> ping "" PING 56 data bytes 64 bytes from pc ( 64 bytes from pc ( 64 bytes from pc ( 64 bytes from pc ( ...

icmp_seq=0. icmp_seq=1. icmp_seq=2. icmp_seq=3.

time=0. time=0. time=0. time=0.

ms ms ms ms

To terminate communication, close the Telnet window.

No connection:

-> ping "" PING 56 data bytes no answer from

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9. Messages


Error messages
Cause Error in programming of RSI command XXX The Cartesian path correction resulting from the signal processing is too great. Remedy Correct the RSI command in the program. Expand the permissible correction range. To do so, adapt the object parameters of ST_PATHCORR with ST_SETPARAM. Expand the permissible correction range. To do so, adapt the object parameters of ST_AXISCORR with ST_SETPARAM.

Message RSI: Error in Function XXX SEN: ST_PATHCORR correction out of range XXX

SEN: ST_AXISCORR correction out of range XXX

The axis angle correction resulting from the signal processing is too great.

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10. KUKA Service


KUKA Service
Requesting support
The KUKA Roboter GmbH documentation offers information on operation and provides assistance with troubleshooting. For further assistance, please contact your local KUKA subsidiary. Faults leading to production downtime should be reported to the local KUKA subsidiary within one hour of their occurrence.



The following information is required for processing a support request:

Model and serial number of the robot Model and serial number of the controller Model and serial number of the linear unit (if applicable) Version of the KUKA System Software Optional software or modifications Archive of the software Application used Any external axes used Description of the problem, duration and frequency of the fault


KUKA Customer Support

KUKA Customer Support is available in many countries. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Ruben Costantini S.A. (Agency) Luis Angel Huergo 13 20 Parque Industrial 2400 San Francisco (CBA) Argentina Tel. +54 3564 421033 Fax +54 3564 428877 [email protected] Marand Precision Engineering Pty. Ltd. (Agency) 153 Keys Road Moorabbin Victoria 31 89 Australia Tel. +61 3 8552-0600 Fax +61 3 8552-0605 [email protected]

Availability Argentina


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KUKA Automatisering + Robots N.V. Centrum Zuid 1031 3530 Houthalen Belgium Tel. +32 11 516160 Fax +32 11 526794 [email protected] www.kuka.be KUKA Roboter do Brasil Ltda. Avenida Franz Liszt, 80 Parque Novo Mundo Jd. Guan CEP 02151 900 So Paulo SP Brazil Tel. +55 11 69844900 Fax +55 11 62017883 [email protected] Robotec S.A. (Agency) Santiago de Chile Chile Tel. +56 2 331-5951 Fax +56 2 331-5952 [email protected] www.robotec.cl KUKA Flexible Manufacturing Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Zone No. 502 Tianying Rd. 201712 Shanghai P.R. China Tel. +86 21 5922-8652 Fax +86 21 5922-8538 [email protected] www.kuka.cn KUKA Roboter GmbH Zugspitzstr. 140 86165 Augsburg Germany Tel. +49 821 797-4000 Fax +49 821 797-1616 [email protected] www.kuka-roboter.de





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10. KUKA Service


KUKA Automatisme + Robotique SAS Techvalle 6, Avenue du Parc 91140 Villebon S/Yvette France Tel. +33 1 6931660-0 Fax +33 1 6931660-1 [email protected] www.kuka.fr KUKA Robotics, Private Limited 621 Galleria Towers DLF Phase IV 122 002 Gurgaon Haryana India Tel. +91 124 4148574 [email protected] www.kuka.in KUKA Roboter Italia S.p.A. Via Pavia 9/a - int.6 10098 Rivoli (TO) Italy Tel. +39 011 959-5013 Fax +39 011 959-5141 [email protected] www.kuka.it KUKA Robotics Japan K.K. Daiba Garden City Building 1F 2-3-5 Daiba, Minato-ku Tokio 135-0091 Japan Tel. +81 3 6380-7311 Fax +81 3 6380-7312 [email protected] KUKA Robot Automation Korea Co. Ltd. 4 Ba 806 Sihwa Ind. Complex Sung-Gok Dong, Ansan City Kyunggi Do 425-110 Korea Tel. +82 31 496-9937 or -9938 Fax +82 31 496-9939 [email protected]





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KUKA Robot Automation Sdn Bhd South East Asia Regional Office No. 24, Jalan TPP 1/10 Taman Industri Puchong 47100 Puchong Selangor Malaysia Tel. +60 3 8061-0613 or -0614 Fax +60 3 8061-7386 [email protected] KUKA de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. Rio San Joaquin #339, Local 5 Colonia Pensil Sur C.P. 11490 Mexico D.F. Mexico Tel. +52 55 5203-8407 Fax +52 55 5203-8148 [email protected] KUKA Sveiseanlegg + Roboter Bryggeveien 9 2821 Gjvik Norway Tel. +47 61 133422 Fax +47 61 186200 [email protected] KUKA Roboter Austria GmbH Vertriebsbro sterreich Regensburger Strasse 9/1 4020 Linz Austria Tel. +43 732 784752 Fax +43 732 793880 [email protected] www.kuka-roboter.at KUKA Sistemas de Automatizacin S.A. Rua do Alto da Guerra n 50 Armazm 04 2910 011 Setbal Portugal Tel. +351 265 729780 Fax +351 265 729782 [email protected]





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10. KUKA Service


OOO KUKA Robotics Rus Webnaja ul. 8A 107143 Moskau Russia Tel. +7 495 781-31-20 Fax +7 495 781-31-19 kuka-robotics.ru KUKA Svetsanlggningar + Robotar AB A. Odhners gata 15 421 30 Vstra Frlunda Sweden Tel. +46 31 7266-200 Fax +46 31 7266-201 [email protected] KUKA Roboter Schweiz AG Riedstr. 7 8953 Dietikon Switzerland Tel. +41 44 74490-90 Fax +41 44 74490-91 [email protected] www.kuka-roboter.ch KUKA Sistemas de Automatizacin S.A. Pol. Industrial Torrent de la Pastera Carrer del Bages s/n 08800 Vilanova i la Geltr (Barcelona) Spain Tel. +34 93 814-2353 Fax +34 93 814-2950 [email protected] www.kuka-e.com Jendamark Automation LTD (Agency) 76a York Road North End 6000 Port Elizabeth South Africa Tel. +27 41 391 4700 Fax +27 41 373 3869 www.jendamark.co.za




South Africa

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KUKA Robot Automation Taiwan Co. Ltd. 136, Section 2, Huanjung E. Road Jungli City, Taoyuan Taiwan 320 Tel. +886 3 4371902 Fax +886 3 2830023 [email protected] www.kuka.com.tw KUKA Robot Automation (M)SdnBhd Thailand Office c/o Maccall System Co. Ltd. 49/9-10 Soi Kingkaew 30 Kingkaew Road Tt. Rachatheva, A. Bangpli Samutprakarn 10540 Thailand Tel. +66 2 7502737 Fax +66 2 6612355 [email protected] www.kuka-roboter.de KUKA Robotics Hungaria Kft. F t 140 2335 Taksony Hungary Tel. +36 24 501609 Fax +36 24 477031 [email protected] KUKA Robotics Corp. 22500 Key Drive Clinton Township 48036 Michigan USA Tel. +1 866 8735852 Fax +1 586 5692087 [email protected] www.kukarobotics.com KUKA Automation + Robotics Hereward Rise Halesowen B62 8AN UK Tel. +44 121 585-0800 Fax +44 121 585-0900 [email protected]





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Issued: 13.05.2009 Version: KST RSI 2.3 V1 en


A ANDing 22 Areas of application 7 B Base SI units 17 Base units 17 Block diagram, example sensor application 51 C C#_ServerApplication.cs 57, 64 Characteristics 7 Communication 7 Communication parameters, ST_ETHERNET 35 Configuration 17 Configuration file, structure 32 Configuring filters for information output 72 Configuring KUKA.Router 66 Configuring RSI monitor 67 Container 6, 21 Containers, activating 25 Containers, creating 22 Containers, deactivating 25 Containers, deleting 26 D Data exchange, functional principle 9 Data exchange, programming 31 Diagnosis 65 Diagnosis, overview 65 Documentation, robot system 5 E Error messages 75 Example 43 Example application, implementing 57 Example of signal processing 22 Example program, displaying signals 70 Example sensor application 50 ExternalData.xml 62 F Field bus 13 Functional principle, data exchange 9 Functional principle, signal processing 8 Functions 7 H Hardware 13 I Installation 13 Installing KUKA.Router 66 Installing RobotSensorInterface 14 Introduction 5 IP address, displaying 73 IP address, modifying 15 K Knowledge, required 5 KrcData.xml 60 KRL resources, reconfiguring 19 KUKA Customer Support 77 KUKA.HMI 6 KUKA.RobotSensorInterface overview 7 KUKA.Router, installing 66 L LOG file, rsiAll.log 71, 72 LOG file, rsiErrors.log 71, 72 M Message display, Configuring 19 Messages 75 Messages, configuring filters 72 N New unit, creating 18 O Object ID 6 Object inputs, ST_ETHERNET 35 Object outputs, ST_ETHERNET 38 Object parameters 6, 12, 21 Object parameters, reading and setting 25 Object parameters, ST_ETHERNET 31, 33 ORing 22 Overview of signal display 65 Overview, KUKA.RobotSensorInterface 7 P Parameter ID 6 Parser 6, 13 Path correction, adapting (example) 46 Path correction, maximum 12 PCI slot assignment 14 Ping 73 Product description 7 Programming 21 Programming an RSI motion 29 Programming, data exchange 31 Programming, signal processing 21 R Read function, activating 37 Real-time communication, example application 57 RSI commands 12, 21, 24, 25, 26, 30 RSI context 6 RSI monitor 6, 65 RSI monitor, configuring 67 RSI monitor, data transfer 66 RSI monitor, signal inputs 66 RSI motion, programming 29 RSI motions, overview 26 RSI motions, paths 27
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KUKA.RobotSensorInterface 2.3

RSI object 6 RSI objects 12, 21 RSI objects, activating 25 RSI objects, creating 22 RSI objects, deactivating 25 RSI objects, deleting 26 RSIBREAK (variable) 20 RSIERR (data type) 22 RSIERRMSG (variable) 19 RSIEthernet.src 57, 60 RSIEthernet.xml 57, 60 RSITECHIDX (variable) 20 RSIUNIT_ (RSI constant) 17 S Safety 11 Safety instructions 5 Sample source code 64 Sensor application example 50 Sensor system 13 Sensor-assisted operation, safety 11 Server program 58 ServerApplication.exe 57, 58 Service, KUKA Roboter 77 Signal inputs, optional 21, 24 Signal inputs, RSI monitor 66 Signal processing example 22 Signal processing, activating / deactivating 29 Signal processing, functional principle 8 Signal processing, programming 21 Signal processing, units 17 Signals, displaying 65 Signals, linking 24 Signals, recording 65 Software 13 Software limit switches 11 ST_CHANGELINK 25 ST_DELLINK 25 ST_DELOBJ 26 ST_DISABLE 25 ST_ENABLE 22, 25 ST_ETHERNET, creating 32 ST_ETHERNET, functionalities 31 ST_ETHERNET, object inputs 35 ST_ETHERNET, object outputs 38 ST_GETPARAM 25 ST_GETPARAMINT 25 ST_MONITOR 66 ST_NEWLINK 24 ST_OFF 30 ST_ON 30 ST_ON1 30 ST_RESET 26 ST_SETPARAM 25 Support request 77 System requirements 13 T Target group 5 Telnet 71, 72 Telnet, opening 73
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Terms 6 Terms used 6 Trademarks 5 Training program 5 TTS 6 U Uninstalling RobotSensorInterface 15 Unit scheme 17 Units, derived 17 Updating RobotSensorInterface 14 V Variables, declaring 22 VxWorks 6 W Warnings 5 Write function, activating 40 X XML 6 XML string, structure when importing data 62 XML string, structure when sending data 60

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KUKA.RobotSensorInterface 2.3

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