Diplo), Ta in Early Childhood Care and Education Term-End Examination June, 2OO8 DEC E-2: Child Health and Nutrition
Diplo), Ta in Early Childhood Care and Education Term-End Examination June, 2OO8 DEC E-2: Child Health and Nutrition
Diplo), Ta in Early Childhood Care and Education Term-End Examination June, 2OO8 DEC E-2: Child Health and Nutrition
Time : 3 hours Note: Q. 7 is compulsory. questions. Maximum Marks : 700 Answer any other four
Write short ,,oi", on any eight of the following in about 250 words each : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Interaction between malnutrition and infection Functions of proteins Food groups and their use Immediate care of the newborn Risk factors in pregnancy Services provided by one nutrition and one health programme in our country 8x5:40 )
(vii) Symptoms and managementof severediarrhoea (viiil Importance of breast feeding (ix) Social and mental dimensionsof health (x) Any two mortality indicators Explain the concept of 'recommendeddietary intake'
(vi) Beri-beri (b) Describe the clinical features and symptoms of any three of the above mentioneddiseases. 3+3+3
List the six nutrients the requirernent of which increasesduring pregnancy. List two food sourceseach of the above nutrients. Suggest one nutritious snack that you can give to a pregnant lady in the interval between lunch and dinner. What are the nutrients provided by the different ingredientsin the snack ? 'supplementaryfeeding' ? At what What is meant by age should it begin and why ?
(b) (c)
5 '
List two supplementary foods that can be given to 2+2+2 each of the following | (i) (ii) A five month old infant A nine month old infant
(iii) Explain the rationalefor the foods that you have . selectedfor the two age grou:s. (c) 6. (a) Discussthe role of child-careworker in infant feeding. and preventionof List the causes (i) (ii) (b) any one skin infection any one respiratory system infection 2; +Z ! 4 5+5
List the first aid to be provided in case of (i) (ii) fractures burns
List four commonly used anthropometric measures. Describe any one of the above mentioned anthropometric measuresin detail.
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(iii) rq qtf $il{ sftfi1 nqhr (iv) qqurkr 61 drd'rfus fusqld
(v) rnrt+*qr t at + q,rcs (vi) Hrt tvr + \$ myq sil{ qs Hr{{zT ql*Fq
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7. (6) {Aq q {dr{q : (i) 'qmqFrfiq q[g' irr 3T{ (ii) {q qrqf irt s+tq (s) sil:rah qt TgF Af qrA qmqFrfrq qrfi * q.fiqq dfqq |
(r) ffiffiqrfifrtffiqsHr