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Peaceful Message For Vietnam War 1970S in "Imagine" and "Give Peace A Chance" Song Lyrics Popularized by John Lennon

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TITLE 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

FRONTIESTPIECE 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ii DEDICATION PAGE 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 iii MOTTO 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 iv DECLARATION PAGE00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 v APPROVAL SHEET 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 vi AC1NOWLEDGEMENT 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 vii SUMMARY 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000viii TABLE OF CONTENTS 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 x

CHAPTER 10 INTRODUCTION 101 T2# B+345 6)$( 67 "2# S")(& 10/ P 6%*#8s "6 D!s3)ss 10. T2# S369# 67 "2# S")(& 10: G6+*s 67 "2# S")(& 10- A99 6+32 "6 Us#


/01 T2# P #;!6)s S")(!#s /0/ S63!6*65& 67 L!"# +") # /0. H+**' E$36(!$5<D#36(!$5= I(#6*65&= +$( H#5#86$&

CHARAPTER .0 THE METHOD OF RESEARCH .01 T&9# 67 R#s#+ 32 .0/ T&9# 67 D+"+ C6**#3"!6$ +$( T&9# 67 D+"+ .0: M#"26( 67 A$+*&s!s

CHAPTER :0 DISCUSSION .01 T2# B !#7 E>9*+$+"!6$ 67 A8# !3+$ I$;+s!6$ "6 V!#"$+8 3.1.1 Encoding/Decoding of Imagine and Give Peace a Chance Song Lyrics .0/ T#>" +s + P6 " +!" 67 R#+*!"& 3. .1 !he "ego#ia#ed $eaning in Imagine and Give Peace a Chance Song Lyrics 3. . Imagine and Give Peace a Chance Lyrics as !he Por#rai# of %ie#nam &ar 3. .3 'egemonic $ode( on Imagine and Give Peace a Chance Song Lyrics 3. .3.1 Ce(e)ri#y and Po*er 3. .3. !ex# and Po*er



CHAPTER 10 INTRODUCTION 101 T2# B+345 6)$( 67 "2# S")(& Every +(ace has so many ,inds of m-sic. *hich rare(y )ecome one of i#s iden#i#ies. $-sic is of#en (in,ed #o #he song. !he song i#se(f is a mix#-re of rhy#hm. me(odies. and (yric #ha# is +erformed )y singer /***.merriam0 *e)s#er.com/dic#ionary/m-sic1. !hro-gho-# i#s (yric. song )ecomes a medi-m for someone #o share his or her ex+eriences or fee(ings. !here are so many +eo+(e -sing #heir song (yrics #o ex#end #heir s#ories. or #heir vie*s a)o-# socia( (ife. Some#imes. m-sic has )een concerned *i#h socia( and +o(i#ica( *or(d. Leyshon. $a#(ess and 2evi(( /13341 men#ion on The Place of Music. #he -se of song (yric is #o affec#. dis#-r). ro-se. and s-)d-e #he grea# +o*er of armies and governmen# #hro-gho-# his#ory. I# can )e seen in Eng(and na#iona( an#hem en#i#(ed God Save #he 5-een as fo((o*s6 God save o-r gracio-s 5-een Long (ive o-r no)(e 5-een God Save #he 5-een Send her vic#orio-s 'a++y and g(orio-s Long #o reign over -s God Save #he 5-een !his (yric has an im+ression for 7ri#ish #o )e a(*ays o)edien# #o #he 5-een. Inside #he )andage of #he harmoni8a#ion of m-sic. -nconscio-s(y. #hey agree *i#h #he ideo(ogy of monarchy. !h-s. i# can )e said #ha# song (yric can give a grea#

inf(-ence #o im+(an# some ,no*(edge or ideo(ogies #o #he socie#y. 9-r#hermore. #he song )ecomes an ins#r-men# of +ro+aganda *i#hin i#s advan#ages. Lyric is a(so one of +oe#ry genres. Poe#ry is divided in#o #*o ma:or ca#egories6 #hey are narra#ive and (yric +oe#ry. ;(arer men#ions on his *or, An Introduction to Literary Studies6 !he genre of +oe#ry is of#en s-)divided in#o #he #*o ma:or ca#egories of narra#ive and (yric +oe#ry... !he shor#er (yric +oe#ry. #he foc-s of #he fo((o*ing commen#s. is main(y concerned *i#h one even#. im+ression. or idea / <<46 =1. Song (yric is a(so a ,ind of (i#erary genre )eca-se i# concerns in one even#. im+ression. or idea of someone for socia( condi#ions. E#ymo(ogica((y. #he #erm of (yric is derived from an ancien# Gree, *ord of Lyra. or harp *hich +oin#s #o an ancien# Gree, m-sica( ins#r-men#. Poe#ry i#se(f is a(so derived from #he *ord >poieo? />#o ma,e? or >#o +rod-ce?1. *hich is in #he $idd(e @ges accom+anied )y >(yre? or o#her m-sica( ins#r-men#. Song*ri#ers )ring many messages or ideo(ogies #hro-gh #heir (yrics s-ch as $ichae( Aac,son?s song en#i#(ed 'ea( #he &or(d. !hro-gh #his song (yric. he #ries #o say #ha# #he )ro,en *or(d co-(d )e fixed )y res+ec#ing each o#her. 'e #ries #o convey h-mani#y messages #hro-gh his song (yric. as he )e(ieves in his socia( (ife. !his )e(ief can )e ca((ed as an ideo(ogy. !he ideo(ogy i#se(f is a sys#em of )e(ief of an individ-a( or gro-+ #ha# is concre#ed in #heir (ives as #heir )ehaviors. and has an exis#ence and his#orica( ro(e in i#s socie#y /***.merriam0 *e)s#er.com/dic#ionary/ideo(ogy1. !his research disc-sses #*o song (yrics #ha# are +o+-(ari8ed )y Aohn Lennon in 13B<sC #hey are Imagine and Give Peace a Chance. 7y 13B<. !he 7ea#(es *ere finished and Lennon moved #o "e* Dor,. In 13B1. he re(eased #he so(o a()-m Imagine #o m-ch acc(aim. !he nex# year )ro-gh# #he ex#reme(y +o(i#ica( a()-m Some#ime in "e* Dor, Ci#y. *hich addresses racia( iss-es. Lennon #ransformed in#o an an#i*ar ac#ivis# d-ring #he %ie#nam &ar *i#h #he song Give Peace a Chance. 'is ins+ira#ion came from 7o) Dy(an. ano#her singer and *ar +ro#es#er. In 13B . Lennon #o-red #he E.S. #o inf(-ence yo-#h #o

vo#e agains# #he *ar. agains# 2ichard "ixon. !he "ixon @dminis#ra#ion fo-nd o-# and #ried #o de+or# him. F#her exam+(es of his an#i*ar effor#s *ere #he )ed0in for +eace. *here Lennon and Fno /his *ife1 *o-(d s#ay in )ed shro-ded in *hi#e +romo#ing +eace *i#h signs reading 7ed Peace and 'air Peace. Lennon and Fno a(so *ore *hi#e )ags over #heir )odies. sa#iri8ing +re:-dice and s#ereo#y+es. !hey f-nded )i(()oards a(( over @merica deno-ncing *ar. 'is song GGive Peace a ChanceG remains an an#hem for #he an#i0*ar movemen#. @# #his ra#e. #here are #*o songs s-ng )y Aohn LennonC #hey are Imagine and Give Peace a Chance. !heir (yrics #ry #o re+resen# #hose a(( condi#ions in #he form of #ex#. !hey sho* an#i*ar +o*er #o @merican invasion #o %ie#nam. 2e(a#ed #o #he disco-rse of #hose song (yrics. #he re+resen#a#ion in #hose song (yrics has )een fixed #o f-(fi(( #he reg-(a#ion of *ar as #he main disco-rse of #hose song (yrics. Fn #he o#her hand. #his reg-(a#ion a(so re(a#es #o #he socia( condi#ion of @merican im+eria(ism in %ie#nam in 13B<s #ha# *as c(assified as services socie#y. Song (yric as a (i#erary genre has a reci+roca( re(a#ion *i#h #he socie#y. I# means #ha# a (i#erary *or, is no# on(y inf(-enced )y #he socie#y. )-# a(so in vice versa /Levin. 13H 61 H1. Fn #he o#her hand. &arren and &e((e, /134H63I1 men#ion #ha# a (i#erary *or, is #he mirror of socie#y. !hro-gho-# #he conce+#s of >mirror?. #he re+resen#a#ion in Lennon?s song (yrics cond-c#s #*o meanings. *hich are very con#ras#ing and asymme#ric. 'a(( ex+(ains in his *or,. $eaning s#r-c#-res 1 and meaning s#r-c#-res rea(i#y. In order #o ge# an o):ec#ive -nders#anding of #he re+resen#a#ion of an an#i*ar +ro#es# in Imagine and Give Peace a Chance song (yrics. #his research -ses 'a((?s #heory of re+resen#a#ion #o ana(y8e #hose song (yrics. I# is a(so -sed #o sho* #he re(a#ion )e#*een song (yrics and i#s socie#y #ha# has ma#eria(is#ic socie#y as #heir main disco-rse. 10/ P 6%*#8s "6 D!s3)ss may no# )e #he same. / <<461131 or i# can )e said #ha# #he re+resen#ed condi#ion in song (yrics is no# #he rea( condi#ion in

Song (yric is a h-man crea#ion #ha# has a com+(ex re(a#ion *i#h i#s socie#y. !h-s. #hey canno# )e se+ara#ed from #he socie#y and i#s c-(#-re. !his research disc-sses more a)o-# #he re+resen#a#ion of %ie#nam &ar in 13B<s crys#a((i8ed in Imagine and Give Peace a Chance song (yrics. 9or i#s re(a#ion. #his research #ries #o connec# #he re+resen#a#ion of #he *ar on #hose song (yrics *i#h #he rea( condi#ions of %ie#nam &ar in 13B<s. !his ac#ion is )o-nd -+ )y a *ar as #he main disco-rse of #hose song (yrics. $oreover. #his research des#r-c#s #he domina#ion of #he main disco-rse in order #o find #he o):ec#ive -nders#anding of #he re+resen#a#ion of %ie#nam &ar in 13B<s crys#a((i8ed on Imagine and Give Peace a Chance song (yrics +o+-(ari8ed )y Aohn Lennon. 10. T2# S369# 67 "2# S")(& !he sco+e of #he s#-dy aims #o (imi# #he so-rce #ha# *i(( )e in#er+re#ed. so i# is no# #oo m-ch or #oo genera(. !his research #a,es #he re+resen#a#ion of %ie#nam &ar in #hose song (yrics as #he da#a #ha# are ana(y8ed )y S#-ar# 'a((?s #heory of re+resen#a#ion. I# is im+ossi)(e #o finish #he #hesis *i#ho-# (imi#ing +ro)(ems #o disc-ss. !hose #*o song (yrics are #a,en from Aohn Lennon?s songs. !his research #a,es #*o song (yrics #ha# are ana(y8ed *i#h #he #heory of re+resen#a#ionC #hey are Imagine and Give Peace a Chance. !hose #*o song (yrics sho* #he condi#ions of *ar es+ecia((y @merican inven#ion #o %ie#nam. !herefore. )o#h of #hose song (yrics are chosen as re+resen#a#ive sam+(es #ha# are a)(e #o re+resen# #he %ie#nam &ar in 13B<s. 10: G6+*s 67 "2# S")(& !his research is *ri##en #o reach some goa(sC #hey are #he genera( and s+ecific goa(s. !he genera( goa( is #o a++(y #he #heories #ha# have )een ga#hered in #he Eng(ish De+ar#men#. 9ac-(#y of Le##ers. $ean*hi(e. #he s+ecific goa( of #his research is #o find o-# #he o):ec#ive -nders#anding of %ie#nam &ar in 13B<s re+resen#ed in #*o Lennon?s song (yrics.

!his research is a(so in#ended #o ge# some significan# informa#ion a)o-# (i#erary research. and is ex+ec#ed #o )e #he reference for o#her researchers *ho concern *i#h #he same #o+ic. !he researcher ex+ec#s #ha# #he res-(#s of #his research can enrich #he *ay of ana(y8ing #he re(a#ionshi+ )e#*een (i#erary *or, and socie#y. !his research is a(so aimed #o give an -nders#anding for #he readers in reading a (i#erary *or, re(a#ed #o socie#y.


A99 6+32 "6 Us# In order #o ge# an -nders#anding of *ar re+resen#ed in Lennon?s song

(yrics. #his research -ses socio(ogica( a++roach. !his a++roach is -sed #o ge# a c(ear disc-ssion a)o-# #he re(a#ion )e#*een Lennon?s song (yrics as a (i#erary *or, and i#s socie#y. Siege( men#ions. @ socio(ogica( a++roach #o (i#era#-re #ha# vie*ed *or,s of (i#era#-re or ar# as #he +rod-c#s of his#orica( forces #ha# can )e ana(y8ed )y (oo,ing a# #he ma#eria( condi#ions in *hich #hey *ere formed. /h##+6//***.,ris#isiege(.com/#heory.h#m1. !herefore. socio(ogica( #heory is -sed #o s#reng#hen #he socia( condi#ion *hen #he *or, revea(ed. Socio(ogica( a++roach is he(d in #he fie(d of socio(ogy of (i#era#-re. In here. (i#erary *or,s can )e assessed )eca-se #here are se#s of r-(es. conven#ions. or codes inside #hem. 'ence. #his research #ries #o a++(y S#-ar# 'a((?s #heory re+resen#a#ion >Encoding/Decoding? #o -nders#and #he re+resen#a#ion of %ie#nam &ar in 13B<s re+resen#ed in Imagine and Give Peace a Chance song (yric.



P #;!6)s S")(!#s Do,o Fno / <<41 has a(ready disc-ssed a)o-# Aohn Lennon in her )oo, In

Memories of John Lennon. In disc-ssing Lennon +henomenon. she #ries #o connec# Lennon?s songs and #he im+ac# of his songs #o an#i*ar or +eacef-( message #o socie#y es+ecia((y for %ie#nam &ar in 13B<s. Do,o Fno says6 &hen I firs# heard Imagine. and #he sof#. gen#(e voice of Aohn singing. I *as J-i#e over*he(med. !he song seemed #o enca+s-(a#e a(( *e in #he 13B<s dreamed of6 a *or(d *i#h no vio(ence. no racism. no *ar. no assassina#ionsKa *or(d +ossi)(e #hro-gh envisioning i# #o )e so. I s#i(( )e(ieve i#. and every #ime I hear #he song. i# enforces my )e(ief. &e can have +eace. harmony. )ea-#y and (ove if *e ma,e #ha# o-r cons#an# vision for #he f-#-re. if *e imagine i# and (ive i# o-rse(ves every day. !ha# *as Aohn?s gif# #o -s. a(( #hro-gh his remar,a)(e song. /+age 31. i!e Peace a "hance *as os#ensi)(y an im+ersona( +(ea #o a *arring *or(d. in rea(i#y i# *as a(so a +riva#e cry #o #he #-r)-(en# demons inside himse(f. /+age <31. 'is song Give Peace a ChanceK*ri##en and firs# +erformed on #he (as# nigh# of his $on#rea( )ed0in in 13H3K*as s-ng days (a#er in &ashing#on )y Pe#e Seeger a(ong *i#h more #han ha(f a mi((ion +ro#es#ers and immedia#e(y )ecame #he an#hem of #he +eace movemen#. /+age <I1. Aohn Lennon added more #han songs #o #he +o(i#ica( movemen#s of his #imes. 'e ins+ired +eo+(e *i#h his #a(,s. his an#ics. his commi#men#. his ne#*or,ing and his ma:or dona#ions #o vario-s co-n#erc-(#-re. :-s#ice0 )ased ca-ses. /+age <I1.

7y revie*ing #ha# *or,s. #his research #ends #o do a f-r#her s#-dy on Lennon?s songs. !his research -ses song (yrics and #he +resence of Lennon as #he o):ec# of s#-dy. !his research a(so -ses a differen# #heory #o ana(y8e #he o):ec# of s#-dy. !his research no# on(y foc-ses on #he re+resen#a#ion of %ie#nam &ar offered in Imagine and Give Peace a Chance song (yrics. )-# a(so #he re(a#ionshi+ of Lennon as #he +o+0ce(e) *i#h #he *ar on #hose song (yrics.


S63!6*65& 67 L!"# +") # Socio(ogy of (i#era#-re is a )ranch of (i#erary s#-dy #ha# examines #he

re(a#ionshi+s )e#*een (i#erary *or,s and #heir socia( con#ex#s. inc(-ding +a##erns of (i#eracy. ,inds of a-dience. modes of +-)(ica#ion and drama#ic +resen#a#ion. and #he socia( c(ass +osi#ions of a-#hors and readers. Li,e socio(ogy. (i#era#-re a(so has a con#ac# *i#h socie#y #o ada+# and change #he socia( (ife. !here)y. (i#erary *or,s can )e ass-med as an effor# #o crea#e or re#-rn #he socia( *or(d s-ch as #he +eo+(e?s re(a#ionshi+ *i#h #heir fami(ies. environmen#. and co-n#ry. !hose +ro)(ems of socio(ogy can )e sim+(ified in (i#erary *or,s. In o#her *ords. socio(ogy enhances #he -nders#anding a)o-# (i#era#-re. @s &e((e, and &arren men#ions on #heir *or, a)o-# #he socio(ogy of (i#era#-re. 9-r#hermore. (i#era#-re >re+resen#? >(ife?C and >(ife? is. in (arge meas-re. a socia( rea(i#y. even #ho-gh #he na#-ra( *or(d and #he inner or s-):ec#ive *or(d of #he individ-a( have a(so )een o):ec#s of (i#erary >imi#a#ion?. !he +oe# himse(f is a mem)er of socie#y. +ossessed of a s+ecific socia( s#a#-sC he receives some degree of socia( recogni#ion and re*ardC he addresses an a-dience. ho*ever hy+o#he#ica(. /134H63I1. 9-r#hermore. #his research (eads #he disc-ssion #o #he re+resen#a#ion of %ie#nam &ar in 1<B<s as #he o):ec# of ana(ysis. &o(ff men#ions on her *or, #ha# an im+or#an# +ar# of #he -nders#anding of socio(ogy of ar# and c-(#-re is an ana(ysis of i#s socie#y as #he c-(#-ra( cons-mers /13=16341. $oreover. she a(so gives #he reason a)o-# her arg-men#a#ion as fo((o*s6 !he reader. vie*er. or a-dience is ac#ive(y invo(ved in #he cons#r-c#ion of #he *or, of ar#. and *i#ho-# #he ac# of rece+#ion/cons-m+#ion. #he c-(#-ra( +rod-c# is incom+(e#e. !his is

no# #o say #ha# cons-m+#ion is sim-(#aneo-s *i#h +rod-c#ion. )-# #ha# i# com+(emen#s and com+(e#es i# ... I sha(( a(so (oo, a# some +ro)(ems #his raises for any no#ion of #he >o):ec#ive? meaning of #ex#s or o#her c-(#-ra( +rod-c#s /&o(f. 13=163403H1. !here are a n-m)er of +rocesses of ge##ing #he meaning in *hich +eo+(e ca(( i# as in#er+re#a#ion of a (i#erary *or, s-ch as c-(#-re. +oin# of vie*. and fai#h or ideo(ogy. @ccording #o #he J-o#a#ion a)ove. i# can )e sim+(ified #ha# +eo+(e have read com+rehensive(y *hen #hey *an# #o ge# an o):ec#ive meaning from some (i#erary *or,s. /0/ H+**' E$36(!$5<D#36(!$5= I(#6*65&= +$( H#5#86$& !his s-)cha+#er ex+(ains a)o-# S#-ar# 'a((?s #heory of re+resen#a#ion. !his #heory )ecomes #he main #heory #o ana(y8e Lennon?s song (yrics. $arxism affec#s his *or,. *hich is *a(,ing hand in hand *i#h +os#0s#r-c#-ra(ism inside his vein. as 2o:e, men#ions on Ed*ards? *or,. !he ne* em+hasis on #he +ro+osi#ion #ha# c-(#-re is s#r-c#-red (i,e a (ang-age in 'a((?s (a#er *ri#ings s-gges#s #ha# >#he c-(#-ra( #-rn? accom+(ished in #he 7irmingham years *as s-cceeded. af#er #he mid =<s. )y >#he (ing-is#ic #-rn?. in *hich +os#0s#r-c#-ra(ism ra#her a*,*ard(y si#s side )y side *i#h $arxism in 'a((?s #ho-gh#. /Ed*ards. <<B6 B11. In his *or,. as #he descri+#ion a)ove. 'a(( is rea((y inf(-enced )y @(#h-sser?s conce+# of Ideo(ogy and #he ex+(ana#ion of 'egemony #ha# is cons#r-c#ed )y @n#onio Gramsci. 'a((?s a++(ica#ion of $arx g-ides him #o s-gges# ideo(ogy as +ermanen# mo#iva#ion #o co(oni8e (ang-age. @s 2o:e, J-o#es 'a((?s idea *ri##en do*n on Ed*ards *or,. I -se ideo(ogy as #ha# *hich c-#s in#o #he infini#e semiosis of (ang-age. Lang-age is +-re #ex#-a(i#y. )-# ideo(ogy *an#s #o ma,e a +ar#ic-(ar meaning L i#?s #he +oin# *here +o*er c-#s in#o disco-rse. *here +o*er overc-#s ,no*(edge and disco-rseC a# #ha# +oin# yo- ge# a c-#. a s#o++age. yo- ge# a s-#-re. yo- ge# an over0 de#ermina#ion. !he meaning cons#r-c#ed )y #ha# c-# in#o (ang-age is never +ermanen#. )eca-se #he nex# sen#ence *i(( #a,e i# )ac,. *i(( o+en #he semiosis again. @nd i# can?# fix i#. )-# ideo(ogy is an a##em+# #o fix i#. /Ed*ards. <<B6 B31. !hose s#a#emen#s +rove #ha# 'a((?s #ho-gh# is rea((y inf(-enced )y Gramsci and $arx. !his ac,no*(edgmen# of #he >s-#-re? or #he >c-#? in ideo(ogy is a +rod-c# of

'a((?s engagemen# *i#h #he +hi(oso+hy of (ang-age and $arxism. 'is (a#er *or, re#-rns reg-(ar(y #o #he arg-men# #ha# iden#i#y is +ermanen#(y >-nder eras-re?. !his ne* em+hasis on #he -nforeseen even# of iden#i#y s-gges#s a condi#iona( reading of #he inf(-ence of ideo(ogy. !hen. if iden#i#y is +ermanen#(y >-nder eras-re?. #he no#ion of #he ideo(ogica( de#ermina#ion of s-):ec#ivi#y canno# )e acce+#a)(e. !he main >o):ec#? from #his #heory is meaning or message in #he form of sign as a s+ecific ,ind organi8ed (i,e any form of comm-nica#ion or (ang-age.

Program as >meaningf-(? disco-rse

encoding meaning s#r-c#-re 1

decoding meaning s#r-c#-re

frame*or,s of ,no*(edge re(a#ion of +rod-c#ion #echnica( infras#r-c#-re

frame*or,s of ,no*(edge re(a#ion of +rod-c#ion #echnica( infras#r-c#-re

Diagram.1 /'a((. <<461 <1 !he diagram a)ove is an i((-s#ra#ion a)o-# 'a((?s o+inion sho*ing ho* meaning is +rod-ced and has )een received )y #he socie#y. 'e ca((s i# as #he momen# of +rod-c#ion/circ-(a#ion of meaning /'a((. <<4611B1. Fn #he diagram. >meaning s#r-c#-res 1? /encoding1 and >meaning s#r-c#-res ? /decoding1 may no# )e #he same. !hen. #he codes of encoding and decoding may no# )e +erfec#(y symme#rica(. I# means #ha# #here are >-nders#anding? and >mis-nders#anding? degrees in #he comm-nica#ion. I# de+ends on #he re(a#ion )e#*een >encoder0 +rod-cer? and >decoder0receiver?. Fn #he o#her hand. #his circ-(a#ion is )orro*ed from $arx?s conce+#ion of >momen#? of +rod-c#ion. @s his s#a#emen# on his *or,. 7-# i# is a(so +ossi)(e /and -sef-(1 #o #hin, of #his +rocess in #erms of a s#r-c#-re +rod-ced and s-s#ained #hro-gh #he ar#ic-(a#ion of (in,ed )-# dis#inc#ive momen#s0+rod-c#ion. circ-(a#ion. dis#ri)-#ion/cons-m+#ion. re+rod-c#ion. !his *o-(d )e #o #hin, of #he +rocess as a >com+(ex s#r-c#-re in dominance?. s-s#ained #hro-gh #he ar#ic-(a#ion of connec#ed +rac#ices. each of *hich. ho*ever. re#ains i#s dis#inc#iveness and has i#s o*n s+ecific moda(i#y. i#s o*n forms and condi#ions of exis#ence... /'a((. <<46 11B1. 9rom #he ex+(ana#ion a)ove. 'a(( infers #ha# #here is -ns#a)(e meaning cons-med )y #he socie#y. )eca-se #here is >-nders#anding? and i# #-rns o-# #o )e >mis-nders#anding? a# #he same #ime. @s he conc(-des on his *or,. &e s-s+ec# #ha# #he grea# ma:ori#y of so0ca((ed >mis-nders#andings? arise from #he con#radic#ions and dis:-nc#-res )e#*een hegemonic0dominan# encodings and nego#ia#ed0cor+ora#e decodings. I# is :-s# #hese misma#ches in #he

(eve(s *hich mos# +rovo,e defining e(i#es and +rofessiona(s #o iden#ify a >fai(-re in comm-nica#ions?. /'a((. <<46 1 B1. 7y #he J-o#a#ion a)ove. he offers some *ays #o read some ac#ions +rod-ced )y media. Peo+(e have #o read #ha# ac#ion /!% +rogram. adver#isemen#. song (yric. (i#erary *or,s. and fi(m1 as #he con#radic#ion #ha# a++ears on #ha# *or,. Fvera((. #he re(a#ionshi+ among ideo(ogy. hegemony. and #he +rod-c#ion of meaning. is rea((y c(osed. )eca-se ideo(ogy #ha# is )ro-gh# )y #he re+resen#a#ion is #he message i#se(f. !here are >-nders#anding and mis-nders#anding? on #he meaning s#r-c#-re. M$is-nders#anding? i#se(f is #he o#her name of ideo(ogy. $oreover. +eo+(e a(*ays ignore #he >mis-nders#anding? #hey on(y #a,e #he >message? as common(y #hey do. In o#her *ords. #here is no +rocess on #heir mind #o ge# i#. !hey on(y #a,e #he message -nchanging and no more J-es#ions a)o-# i#. Li,e >ideo(ogy? i#se(f. #hey #a,e i# as -s-a(. or i# can )e ca((ed as a >common sense?. !hey regard as a >na#-ra(? and s#i(( do no# ,no* if #here is +o*er con#ro((ed #heir ass-m+#ion. *hich is ca((ed as a disco-rse.



T&9# 67 R#s#+ 32 !his research -ses J-a(i#a#ive research me#hod. 5-a(i#a#ive me#hods are

effec#ive in iden#ifying indefina)(e fac#ors. s-ch as socia( norms. socioeconomic s#a#-s. gender ro(es. e#hnici#y. and re(igion. 5-a(i#a#ive me#hod a(so can he(+ #he researcher in#er+re# and give a )e##er -nders#anding a)o-# #he com+(ex rea(i#y of a given si#-a#ion +or#rayed in some #ex#-a( da#a. In #his sense. J-a(i#a#ive research differs s(igh#(y from scien#ific research in genera(. Cres*e(( /133I6 1I41 s#a#es.

5-a(i#a#ive research is descri+#ive dea(ing *i#h *ri##en informa#ion ra#her #han *i#h n-m)ers. .0/ T&9# 67 D+"+ C6**#3"!6$ +$( T&9# 67 D+"+ !he #y+e of da#a in #his #hesis is J-a(i#a#ive da#a. 7(eger and Ger(ach /133H6 3B1 +oin# o-#. 5-a(i#a#ive da#a -sed ver)a( re+or#s #o descri)e a #rai#. charac#eris#ic. or +henomenon. 5-a(i#a#ive da#a consis#s of a se# of in#er+re#a#ive. ma#eria( +rac#ices #o ma,e #he *or(d visi)(e. !hey #-rn #he *or(d in#o a series of re+resen#a#ions inc(-ding fie(d no#es. in#ervie*s. conversa#ions. +ho#ogra+hs. memos. and a(so a(( of #he *ri##en #ex#. 9-r#hermore. #he da#a of ana(ysis in #his s#-dy are in #he form of *ords. +hrases. or sen#ences. #a,en from Imagine and Give Peace a Chance song (yrics. @(( of song (yrics are co((ec#ed from h##+6//***.a)so(-#e(yrics.com. !his is a(so ca((ed as (i)rary research. )eca-se #he da#a co((ec#ion is co((ec#ed from )oo,s. no#es. :o-rna(s. and in#erne#. .0. M#"26(s 67 A$+*&s!s @s #he +ro)(em #o disc-ss men#ioned )efore. #his research sho*s #he re+resen#a#ion of %ie#nam &ar in 13B<s crys#a((i8ed in Imagine and Give Peace a Chance song (yrics +o+-(ari8ed )y Aohn Lennon. In #his case. #he researcher has seen *ar as a ma:or disco-rse #ha# mani+-(a#es #he re+resen#a#ion on #hose song (yrics. !herefore. #his research -ses ind-c#ive me#hod. Ind-c#ion #ries #o es#a)(ish a genera( #r-#h from #he o)serva#ion of fac#s. 9rom a s-fficien# n-m)er of #hese fac#s. +ar#ic-(ars. #he ind-c#ive +rocess of reasoning reaches a +rinci+(e or conc(-sion. Ind-c#ive me#hod is an a++ro+ria#e me#hod #o ana(y8e #he re(a#ionshi+ )e#*een (i#erary #ex# and socie#y. @s #he descri+#ion a)ove. #he researcher has #o *rec, #he cons#r-c#ion as he/she demo(ishes #he )-i(ding and recons#r-c# i# #o ge# #he conc(-sion. @s #he ex+(ana#ion a)ove. #his research -ses S#-ar# 'a((?s #heory a)o-# Encoding/Decoding #o ge# a c(ear -nders#anding of #he re+resen#a#ion in Imagine and Give Peace a Chance song (yrics. 'ence. #his research *an#s #o sho* ho* #hose song (yrics re+resen# %ie#nam &ar in 13B<s. !herefore. #his

research #ries #o #a,e a +osi#ion as an ac#ive reader #o ge# an o):ec#ive -nders#anding of #he re+resen#a#ion of ma#eria(is#ic socie#y in #hose song (yrics. !his research a(so *an#s #o sho* rea( condi#ions in %ie#nam &ar s-ch as *or(dvie*. c-(#-re. and economic condi#ions. 7y #hose condi#ions. song (yrics are +osi#ioned as an ins#i#-#ion. *hich has +ossi)i(i#ies inf(-enced )y *or(dvie*. condi#ion and c-(#-re of #he decade. !his research ex+(ores #he meaning of #hose song (yrics re(a#ed #o #he con#ex# of #he si#-a#ion #ha# ha++ened in %ie#nam *i#ho-# ignoring Aohn Lennon as #he singer of #hose songs. *hich has a con#ri)-#ion #o dis#ri)-#e #hose song (yrics in a *ider area.

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