Sample of The Oral Presentation Evaluation Form: (For Mentor Teacher and Student Audience)
Sample of The Oral Presentation Evaluation Form: (For Mentor Teacher and Student Audience)
Sample of The Oral Presentation Evaluation Form: (For Mentor Teacher and Student Audience)
(For mentor teacher and student audience) Group No.: ______ Please tick . 4 = very good Item Effective use of visual aids Clear and interesting?
3 = good 2 = fair
Date: _________________
1 = unsatisfactory 4
0 = poor 3 2 1 0
Clear and loud? Correct pronunciation? Good use of vocabulary? Well prepare?
Organization and structuring Well organized? of presentation Subtotal Total Any other comment?
Highest Level 4
Lowest Level 0
Capable to explain and give Unable to select the relevant relevant information. Able and essential information to to distinguish and convert essential information for completing the project. Topic was dealt with in enough depth, i.e. points clearly made, enough A very superficial project with no knowledge of the subject under study, i.e. concepts, complete the project. Many factual errors are detected.
Mastery of content
examples given and shows facts and terms. a good understanding of concepts, facts and terms Display originality and creativity of idea; a unique approach that truly enhanced the project Accuracy 4 3 2 1 0 Provide accurate and updated information; all facts were precise and explicit. Unable to develop ideas in interesting ways. Show unwillingness to learn and overcome difficulties. Provide completely inaccurate and outdated information; the facts in this project are misleading to the audience. Relevant and essential information present in logical and interesting sequence. Remarkable ability in drawing conclusions. Lively discussion of alternatives. Consider several alternatives. Conclusion goes beyond documents and adds Do not consider alternatives. Consider only one aspect of issue. Conclusion relies on own opinions only. Incorporate irrelevant information into the content; make no attempt to organize the scattered and fragmented information.
Critical Thinking
Sample of the Process Evaluation Form (For mentors evaluation of students performance) Notes: Process is to be evaluated on more than one occasion for more reliability. Refer to the notes on the back for detailed level of achievements. Group No.: _______________ Date: ___________________
Score by student
0 = very poor, 1 = poor, 2 = fair, 3 = good, 4 = very good
Critical thinking
4 = Highest Level
Clear understanding of scope and the tasks assigned. Engage in a number of approaches to the task.
Unable to make u se of the learned information in relevant Ability to use learned information in relevant situations. situations. Dominating in group discussion. Seldom express ideas. Enthusiasm in group interaction is missing. Insensitive to others feeling and abilities. Shows disruptive behavior. Democratic in group discussions. Express ideas actively. Enthusiasm in group interaction is noted. Actively help each other to accomplish the project, solve problems. Complete the project task on time. Lively discussion of alternatives. Consider several aspects of the issue. Go beyond documents and adds several ideas.
Do not complete the project task on time. Do not consider alternatives. Consider only one aspect of issue. Relies on own opinions only.
Sample of the Student End of Project Self-Evaluation Form Group No.: _____ Class: ______ Name of Student: _______________ ( )
Comment on the following statements that may help you to think and organize what you have learnt while doing and after completing the project. (Please check the appropriate box for each statement.) Uncertain Disagree Strongly disagree Items
Subject matter I am more interested in the subjects related to the project. Working in a group I cooperate well with my group members. Conducting an investigation I can evaluate the relevance and importance of information. Presentation I can present information in a logical way. I am more confident in oral presentation in class. I can communicate my ideas effectively in writing. Others (hands-on experience, character/personal development) I can finish requested task on time. I have improved in time management. I can exercise my strengths adequately. I have greater initiatives in self-learning. I have become more creative. I want to investigate more about the daily life. I gain satisfaction from the involvement in the project. Overall, I am satisfied with my group project. What have you learnt from the project? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Identify two or three things that you consistently did well in the project. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Strongly agree
What are the difficulties encountered in doing the project? How are they overcome? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ What are the things that you still do not understand and feel difficult to do? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ What could be improved if a similar project were to be organized in the future? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Other comments: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________
Sample of the Peer Evaluation Form Group No.: ________ Name: _________________ ( 1. Explanatory Notes on Criteria of Evaluation
SCORES 0 Gather Information Does not collect any information on the topic 1 Collects very little information on the topic 2 Collects some basic information on the topic 3 Collects a great deal of information on the topic
Date: ______________
Participate in discussion
Willing to participate in Enthusiastically discussion to accomplish task participate in discussion to accomplish task
Very willing to listen and is sensitive to others feelings and learning needs
Takes up some tasks Willing to take up assigned when urged most tasks assigned
Overall performance
Evaluation forms
Gather Information
Participate in discussion
Total Score