Vitamin is organic compounds that needed body to life straighand normal function.The body need vitamins is relative very little, it is about some michrogram until some milligram. But, vitamins is must together with food, because the body is can not make self except vitamin K. Less of vitamin or not any vitamin in our body will caused disturb vital process in body. This is caused the function of almost vitamin is as a coen!im" from en!im that used to chemistry reaction in the body.
Vitamin #
$roperties % Vitamin # is a alcohol compound with weight molecule high. &n nature, vitamin # get in provitamin #, it is karotenoid in plants. $rovitamin # will change become vitamin a in a intestine. Vitamin # is easy damage with hit, light of sun and air.
(ilk, fish oil, butter, vegetables )especially have green and yellow colour*, and fruits )especially have red and yellow colour, like chili, carrot, banana and papaya*.
To stand a structure and function of epithel net and influence in eye to see.
The damage of ephitel net, short-sighted and xerophothalmi beside delay grow.
Vitamin ,
&n chemistry, vitamin , is a steroid compound group. &n nature, vitamin , in form provitamin , that divided between provitamin ,. )ergosterol* that get in plants and provitamin ,/ )0 dehidrokolesterol* in animal net )fish oil, butter, egg yellow*. Both of them be activated with ultraviolet become vitamin ,. and ,/.
+ish oil, butter, egg yellow )for vitamin ,/*, vegetables, chicken fungus and pipe fungus )for vitamin ,.*.
To increase calcium adsorption and phosphor in digestion. To help in metabolism of calcium and bone minerali!ation.
The decrease rate of calcium and can increase rate of phosphatase alkali en!im in the plasma. 1an to cause rachitis and osteomaisia ) in bone, calcium and phosphore is too loose*.
Vitamin 2
&n 34/5, 2vans and 2merson found . compounds that have activities vitamin 2, it is alfa and tokoferol. The both of compound have physical and chemistry properties same. Tokoferol is soluble in fat. Th chemistry characteristic of vitamin 2 is as antioxidant. This is usually used to prevent the oxidated of fat or unsaturated oil caused by oxigen from air.
Keep healthy of some net in the body, like skin net, eye, eritrosite until heart. Vitamin 2 can to keep humans lung from pollution.
1ause healthy damage in the body, the are can caused sterile for men or woman. Beside that, nerve and muscle will damage in long time.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K can get in leaves that have green colour and in microorganism. 6umans can make vitamin K in fungus fluosa.
Blood clotted if happen hurt or blooded. The 7ear +ounded of 8atural vitamin and 'ource Year 3494 343. 343. 343; 34.9 34.. 34.5 34.4 34/3 34/3 34/> 34/5 34>3 Vitamin Vitamin #3 Vitamin B3 Vitamin 1 Vitamin , Vitamin B. Vitamin 2 Vitamin B3. Vitamin K Vitamin B= Vitamin B0 Vitamin B5 Vitamin B/ Vitamin B4 Biochemichal Name :etionol Tiamin #scorbic acid Kalsiferol :iboflavin Tokoferol 1ianocobalamin +ilokuinona $antotenic acid Biotin $iridoksin 8iasin +olic acid Source 1arrot (ilk 1itrun orange 1heese 2gg <il from wheat 2gg 2gg yellow (ilk 6eart peanut 7east 6eart