Vitamins Minerals & Nutrients - Study Notes
Vitamins Minerals & Nutrients - Study Notes
Vitamins Minerals & Nutrients - Study Notes
Nutrients - Study
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The substances that are necessary for the conduction of various types of biological
functions in organisms are called nutrients. Nutrition is called the acquisition of all the
nutrients required for the growth, development, and maintenance of the organisms and
running all the functions smoothly.
SUBJECT | Biology 1 of 12
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Types of Nutrients
According to the health department of Australia, there are six major nutrients that the
body needs to function properly.
1. Carbohydrates (CHO)
2. Lipids (fats)
3. Proteins
4. Vitamins
5. Minerals
6. Water
Its chemical compounds are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Carbohydrates are organic
compounds that after digestion are converted into glucose and glucose is oxygenated by
oxygen and provides energy to the body.
Sources of carbohydrates: wheat, rice, corn, oats, sugar, jaggery, dry fruits, milk, potato,
sweet potatoes, meat, banana, juicy fruits, etc.
SUBJECT | Biology 2 of 12
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Types of Carbohydrates
1. Monosaccharides
2. Disaccharides
3. Polysaccharides
Functions of Carbohydrates:
SUBJECT | Biology 3 of 12
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2. Lack of carbohydrates reduces body weight and reduces the ability to work.
SUBJECT | Biology 4 of 12
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Types of Proteins:
Simple Protein
Conjugated Protein
Derived Protein
Simple Protein: it is made up of only Amino acids. E.g., albumins, globulins, glutelins,
albuminoids, histones, and protamines.
Functions of Protein
It promotes the growth and repair of cells.
SUBJECT | Biology 5 of 12
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Sources of protein - egg, milk, almonds, pulses, fish, meat, cheese, etc.
It is the main food that provides energy to the body. It is made up of a combination of
glycerol and fatty acid. It can be emulsified by alkali.
Types of Fats
1. Animal Fats
2. Vegetable Fats
SUBJECT | Biology 6 of 12
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Animal Fats: it can be categorized as milk fats, rendered fats, and fish oils.
Vegetable Fats: these are two types Monounsaturated fat and Polyunsaturated fat.
Sources of fats- milk, cheese, egg, fish, peanuts, coconut oil, etc.
Functions of Fats:
2. This prevents the body's heat from accumulating under the skin
Excess of fats
SUBJECT | Biology 7 of 12
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The term vitamin was first used by C. Funk in 1911. Organic matter is required in small
amounts in the human body. Vitamins are obtained from foods and lack of this causes
some diseases.
Types of Vitamins:
SUBJECT | Biology 8 of 12
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Vit. B12
Anemia occurs Meat, poultry, fish.
Causes rickets,
Vit. D (Calciferol) sunlight
SUBJECT | Biology 9 of 12
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Functions of Vitamins:
They are related to the breakdown of carbohydrates, protein, and fats in the body.
They release energy, CO2, and water as the end products of metabolism.
Mineral salts are inorganic substances. At least 29 elements are found in the human
Helpful in controlling blood pressure. Transmission of nerve impulses in the nervous
system. The main sources are common salt, fish, milk, eggs, etc.
Maintaining the electrolyte balance in the body
It combines bones and teeth with it. D.
SUBJECT | Biology 10 of 12
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Important for the development of bones
Anemia deficiency occurs.
Its deficiency causes goiter disease
Water is an important part of the human body. About 65 to 75% of the human body
weight is water. Dehydration can lead to the death of the human being. Water regulates
human body temperature by heat and vapor. Generally, an adult person should drink 4 to
5 liters of water per day.
SUBJECT | Biology 11 of 12
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1. Foods that are rich in antioxidants are found in vitamins A, C, E, and selenium-rich foods.
4. Normally, the average young person doing a normal job needs 3000 to 3500 calories of
energy-producing food.
SUBJECT | Biology 12 of 12