Format For Synopsis: (Name of The Department)

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Format for Synopsis

Title page: 1. Name of Student and PTU registration No cum Roll No 2. Present official Address with E-mail, tele hone No !. "ranch #. Session $. Name of %om an& '. Pro osed Pro(ect To ic) *. Name of +e artment,%ollege Intro !"tion to #ompany-ma& not e.ceed ! ages including /igs.0 $rief Intro !"tion to Pro%e"t -ma& not e.ceed ! ages0 Design of sol!tion -ma& not e.ceed ! ages0 Met&o ology' Planning of (or) -ma& not e.ceed # ages0 Fa"ilities pro*i e for t&e propose (or)+


FORMAT / -,IDE.INES FOR MIDTERM REPORT (Size = 20, Times, Bold, Small Caps) Contents of 1idterm Re ort (Size = 13, Times) The midterm re ort must contain the elements gi2en in the listing 3elow) 1) #o*er s&eet 2) Title page 3) A4stra"t 5) Ta4le Of #ontents 6) Intro !"tion 7) Title of t&e pro%e"t'Assignment 8) O4%e"ti*es 9) S"&e !le of a"ti*ities :) #on"l!sions 1;) A"&ie*ements till ate+ 11) Remaining <or)+ 12) Sol!tion to pro4lems (if any) -,IDE.INES FOR PREPARIN- MIDTERM REPORT: 10 Students ma& use descri ti2e, informati2e section and su3section titles for the 3od& of midterm re ort. Use the a ro riate tense to descri3e the acti2it&) 4 ast wor5 was done64 7 4future wor5 will 3e done.4 20 The midterm will include se2eral 3od& sections that include continuing wor5, so ea"& 4o y se"tion of t&e mi term= s&o!l 4e i*i e into 48or5 %om leted to +ate4, in which student will descri3e tas5s, anal&ses, results and their significance, and /uture 8or5, in which student will descri3e what remains to 3e done, how long the& e. ect the tas5s to ta5e, and student9s lan to o2ercome antici ated o3stacles.

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3. Suggested Standards for Project Report 1 Paper Size = A4 2 Spacin !et"een #ines = 1$% inc& 3 'ont Size = 13 4 'onts = Times( )armond or an* compati!le font in case of +na,aila!ilit* of recommended fonts$ % #eft -ar in = 1$% inc& . /i &t -ar in = 0$% inc& 0 Top -ar in = 1$2% inc& 1 Bottom -ar in = 1$2% inc& 2 3ard Bo+nd 'ile 10 3eader Contents4 /eport Title 11 'ooter Contents4 Colle e name and pa e n+m!er

Page ! of 2'

Sample Report A sample report follo"s on t&e ne5t pa e$

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Title of Major Project (Size = 20, Times, Bold)

S+!mitted in partial f+lfillment of t&e re6+irements for t&e a"ard of de ree of (Size = 12, Times) BACHEL R ! TECH" L #$ %" C MP&TER SC%E"CE ' E"#%"EER%"# (Size = 12, Times, S+!title co,er, Bold) Su(mitted B)* (Size = 12, Times) ST&+E"T "AME (Size = 14, Times, Bold) &ni Roll "o* ,-3./012 (Size 12, Times) 7+l* 2011 8 9o, 2011 (Size = 14, Times 9e" /oman)

C:##;); #:):

+EPARTME"T "AME (Size = 14, Times 9e" /oman, Bold) C LLE#E "AME (Size = 14, Times, Bold)



Er.Ro3ini Ma3ajan H + CSE

"ame of t3e student &ni4. Roll "o.

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+ECLARAT% " (Size = 20, Times, Bold, Small Caps) Contents of <eclaration (Size = 13, Times 9e" /oman)

Si nat+re of Candidate (9ame of Candidate) (Size = 13, 'ont4Times 9e" /oman)

Page ' of 2'

AC5" 6LE+#ME"T (Size = 20, Times, Bold, Small Caps) Contents of Ac=no"led ment (Size = 13, Times) 9ame of Candidate (Size = 13, Times)

SAMP.E A#>NO<.ED-EMENT ; am highl& grateful to the <<<<< < < < , =>+ %SE, Shaheed Udham Singh %ollege of Engineering 7 Technolog&,Tangori-1ohali0, for ro2iding this o ortunit& to carr& out the 1a(or Pro(ect at <<<<< < < < <. ; would li5e to e. resses m& gratitude to other facult& mem3ers of %om u ter Science 7 Engineering de artment of SUS%ET, Tangori for ro2iding academic in uts, guidance 7 encouragement throughout this eriod. The author would li5e to e. ress a dee sense of gratitude and than5 < <<< < < +irector,%E> of %om an&, without whose ermission, wise counsel and a3le guidance, it would ha2e not 3een ossi3le to carr& out m& ro(ect in this manner. The hel rendered 3& 1r,1s <<<<<<< < < e. erimentation is greatl& ac5nowledged. < , Su er2isor -<<<<< << 0 for

/inall&, ; e. ress m& inde3tedness to all who ha2e directl& or indirectl& contri3uted to the successful com letion of m& ma(or oro(ect.

9ame of Candidate (Size = 13, Times)

NOTE: Students ma& modif& the sam le ac5nowledgement mentioned a3o2e to meet his,her re?uirements.
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CERT%!%CATE (Size = 20, Times, Bold, Small Caps)


; here3& certif& that <<<<< < < <<-Name of the student0,Roll No . <<< < < of Shaheed Udham Singh %ollege of Engineering 7 Technolog&,Tangori-1ohali0, has undergone 1a(or Pro(ect from<<<<<<< < to <<< < < < <<at our organi@ation to fulfill the re?uirements for the award of degree of ".Tech. -"ranch0.=e,She wor5ed on<<<<<<< < < ro(ect during this eriod under the su er2ision of<<<<<< < < < <. +uring his,her tenu re with us we found him,her sincere and hard wor5ing. 8e wish him,her a great success in the future.


Pro(ect ;n-charge at com an&) -Name of Trg ;ncharge0

Co+ntersi ned !* (3ead of <epartment) Stamp

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ABSTRACT (Size = 20, Times, Bold, Small Caps) Contents of A!stract (Size = 13, Times) (200> 2%0 ? ords)

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TABLE ! C "TE"TS (Size = 20, Times, Bold, Small Caps) Contents (Size = 14, Times, Bold) CHAPTER "&MBER (Size = 1%, Times, Bold, Small Caps) CHAPTER "AME (Size = 1%, Times, Bold, Small Caps) Contents 3 Contents 4 (Size = 13, Times)

Page "o. , -

Page 1B of 2'

L%ST ! !%#&RES (Size = 20, Times, Bold, Small Caps) Contents (Size = 14, Times, Bold) 'i +re 1$14 <escription of 'i +re 'i +re 2$14 <escription of 'i +re 'i +re 2$14 <escription of 'i +re (Size = 13, Times)

Page "o. 12 23 23

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SAMPLE Ta(le of Contents* CHAPTER , (Size = 21, Times, Bold, S&ado", Small Caps) Sample C3apter Title (Size = 11, Times, Bold, S&ado", Small Caps) ,., Section Su(title (Size = 13, Times, Bold) ?rite somet&in a!o+t t&e c&apter$ T&ere is a fi +re named 'i +re 2$1$ 'i +re 2$14 Some <ia ram of an e6+ipment$ ,.,., Su(7Su(title T&is "or= &as !een carried o+t at 5*z corp$, as t&e pro@ect "or= for si5 mont&s trainin $ ,.,.- Anot3er Su(7Title T&is is anot&er s+!title A1B$ 3ere A1B means "e are referrin from a doc+ment( Paper( !oo=( "e!site mentioned in t&e references section at serial n+m!er$

Page 12 of 2'

RE!ERE"CES (Size = 20, Times, Bold, Small Caps) A1B &ttp4(("""$s+scet$ac$in A/ef$ 9o$B A+t&ors, Book / Research Paper Name, P+!lis&er( 7o+rnal 9ame, Col+me, Pa e no$, Dear$ (Size = 13, Times)

Page 1! of 2'

Detaile -!i e .ines for Pro%e"t Report+ Please Note : The font details of the Project Report is as under: Paper Size : A-4 Text Style: Times Ne Roman !ont Size: Title : "4 pt# $old% A$stract : "& pt# 'eadin( : ") pt# *old % Text : ") pt# +ar(in : ,eft +ar(in : % ) on Top% *ottom%/ Ri(ht : "#).cm ,ine Spacin( : "#.0 Sin(le side printin( T&e Ma%or Pro%e"t Report m!st "ontain t&e follo(ing: 1. %o2er age information on the hard 3ound and as first age in the re ort as er Anne.ure 1. 2. Ta3le of %ontents as er Anne.ure 2. !. Ac5nowledgement #. Attested hotoco & of certificate from the organi@ation. $. +eclaration 3& the student. '. A3stract *. ;ntroduction of the organi@ation ) -i0 "rief introduction of the >rgani@ation -ii0 >rgani@ation %hart -iii0 "rief introduction of the de artment under which the ro(ect was underta5en. -i20 +etails of the Pro(ect Cuide. :. ;ntroduction of the Pro(ect) -i0 Ceneral introduction -ii0 Pro(ect ;nitiation Note as er Anne.ure !. A. Pro(ect Plan as er Anne.ure #. -i0 >ut ut , or +eli2era3les for ro(ect. -ii0 Run Time En2ironment Re?uirements -s ecifications0) =ardware) Software) -iii0 ;n uts for ro(ect. -i20 Training , 5nowledge , 7 S5ills needed. -20 Procedures. -2i0 Performance standards -a0 Dualit& -30 %ost-in2estments,e. enses,costs0 -c0 Schedule -d0 Team -e0 ;m ro2ement ;nitiati2es -f0 %lient9s Res onsi3ilities -2iii0 Software 1odel Used.

Page 1* of 2'

1B. Pro(ect Phased documentation ) -i0 Pre construction documentation ) -a0A software ro(ect lan -30 Standard +ocumentation s ecif&ing +ata +ictionar&. -c0Algorithms , /lowcharts -20 End Pro(ect +ocumentation containing -a0 Acce tance test re ort. -30 +efect Re ort -c0 /inal ins ection re ort -d0 %onfiguration -e0 Naming %on2entions -f0Suggested Enhancements -g0 %onclusions 11. "i3liogra h&.

Page 1: of 2'

Anne?!re I ; The co2er age must contain the following ) 1a(or Pro(ect Re ort >n ETo icF At E>rganisation Name and addressF E%ollege G>C>F Su3mitted in artial fulfillment of the re?uirements for the award of degree of "achelor >f Technolog& ;n Name of the "ranch >f Pun(a3 Technical Uni2ersit& , Halandhar.

Su3mitted To) Name of the =>+ S.U.S.%.E.T., Tangori

Su3mitted 3&) EStudent Name F ERoll NoF Name of the +e artment S.U.S.%.E.T., Tangori

Page 1A of 2'

Anne?!re 2

TA"GE >/ %>NTENTS PRE/A%E -i0 -ii0 -iii0 %ha ter ; organi@ation %ha ter ;; . .. . . Ac5nowledgement Attested co & of %ertificate from >rgani@ation. +eclaration 3& the student. ;ntroduction a3out the ;ntroduction a3out the ro(ect. EPage noF EPage noF

Page 1* of 2'

Anne?!re 3

Pro%e"t Initiation Note #lient: D!ration (#alen ar): Efforts (Man@ ays): A!ality Re*ie(er: Internal A! itor: Team Mem4er(s): Pro%e"t Name:

Initiate 4y: Date:

Anne?!re 5 PROBE#T P.AN

a) Title / S"ope of Pro%e"t Title : Pro%e"t #o e: Initial A"ti*ity: Final A"ti*ity: Referen"e to "ontra"t :CCCCC C Date :CCCCCCC (mention "onfi ential (&ere*er appli"a4le) C

4) Pro%e"t #oor inator Designation A ress


") R!n Time En*ironment ReD!irements(spe"ifi"ations) Har (are Soft(are

) Training = >no(le ge = / S)ills nee e :

e) Pro"e !res: E Pro"e ! re for <&o efin es ReD!irements Responsi4ility Planne Date A"t! al ate Remar)s

f) #ost: De*elopment #ost g) S"&e !le : -antt+ #&art ' PERT+

&) Team E Responsi4ility Area Names From To

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P+/ to 8ord

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