Gold 2

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For September 29th chart : Atmakarak (AK) Mercury - Amatyakarka (AmK) Saturn - BhratriKaraka (BK) Jupiter - MatriKaraka (MK)

Moon - PutraKaraka (PK) Sun - GnatiKaraka (GK) Venus - DaraKarka (DK) Mars For October 15th chart : AK Moon - Amk Sun - BK Saturn - MK Jupiter - PK Mercury - GK Mars - DK Venus If we look at the fortnightly chart cast for 29-9-08, 13-42-08hrs IST, Delhi, we can observe that the lagna is Dhanu the 9th house from Mesha. The Sun falls in the 10th house from fort night lagna Dhanu with an excellent Dharma-Karmadipati sangam rajayoga. Jupiter being the lord of lagna well placed in his moolatrikona. In navamsha Sun is in exaltation & in a kendra from Libra lagna of D-9. Those who know Jaimini system can observe AatmKaraka & PutraKaraka raja yoga repeated in D-9 as well. So in this fortnight gold price went to high of year 2008 which was Rs.14300 on 9-10-2008. As I had written in the last article soon after Jupiter becoming direct gold price started moving upwards. Now let us analyze another F.N. chart of 15-10-2008 at 1-32-33 IST, Delhi. Here the Sun falls in the 3rd house from afflicted Karka lagna along with 3rd &12th lord Mercury. Jupiter falls in the 6th from lagna. In D-9 Sun falls in the 8th house from Kumbha lagna. Jupiter is heavily afflicted in D-9. Except one Jaimini rajayogas each in rashi & D-9 which are very week, other factors are very bad. So in this fort night gold price went down to Rs.11200 on 24th of October 2008 which was the lowest price of last year (2008). When I wrote the last article on 20-8-2008 the price was Rs.11600 per 10 grams. When it appeared on this website it was around Rs.12000/10 gram. Here one natural question arises. When the gold price went down to Rs. 11200/10 gram why did I write it on a day when it was 11600. First of all I had written it for the sake of national interest for a moderate terms investment. Secondly from 11600, it went up to 14300 which price was totally unexpected.Twice in 2008 & now for the third time in 2009 Jan gold prices crossed the mark ofRs.13500/10gm which was given by me. Today it is

around Rs.14000/10gm. Those who are well versed in the trade of commodities booked the profit thrice after the date of my article. A student studying in seventh standard can calculate the percentage of profits (or profit who are going to book now) per year. As you can calculate it is more than what I had given in my last article (25 to 30%). At least Rs.5 billion collected from temples could be invested on gold by our government & imagine about the returns our nation could have enjoyed. From the day one of Independent India (15-8-1947) two astrologers helped all the Indians by selecting the proper muhurtha within the limited time they had (read Jyothish the Super Science.. by Sh. K.N.Rao for more details). After wards many astrologers predicted a lot but the question is whether they helped people amass in hundreds or thousands? Probably the predictions given by Shri Rao about meteorology could help people in millions. But when he gave perfect predictions about them technology & media were not like this. I think mine is one of such articles which helped hundreds of people to gain some practical money. Lot of people staying in different countries, including some big jewel shop owners are benefited by my article as many of them somehow traced my telephone numbers after reading my article. About the same subject I had written for Karnataka's No.1 daily & the article was edited in an improper style. So I recommended some people of Bangalore to read the proper article which appeared on this website. They gave my e-mail ID shankar@com to many. Some analysts argued how the gold price can go up when the global recession is affecting the investors? According to many analysts oil & gold prices are interconnected which rise or fall together. But astrology has given them the answer.

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