Shyam Kansal Sir
Shyam Kansal Sir
Shyam Kansal Sir
till March 1987. Personal computers has just arrived on the scene in India, in 1985. Buying a PC
was a very costly proposition then. Some early astrological softwares, doing some very basic
calculations, has also arrived but very costly. Shyam came from a middle-income group family and
it was very difficult for him to manage buying a personal computer. But he managed to buy his first
computer anyhow, a PC-XT with 20 MB hard-disk and 512 KB RAM. Its cost was INR 65,000. (U.S.
$ 6,500 approx.; exchange rate was about INR 10 per US Dollar). He also spent another INR
50,000 (U.S. $ 5,000 approx.) simultaneously to buy an astrological software ("Bhrigu-IV") for help
in his astrological calculations. He started learning the "operation of a PC" thereafter. Learning to
write some lines of program-code was a dream only. There was no computer institute in the
vicinity. He bought a book on the easiest programming platform -The "Dbase3-plus" and started his
long journey alone. He upgraded to "FoxPro for Windows" in 1996 and still continues to work with
this. Without any instructor or help, it was a long learning curve. In Shyam's life, teachers had
largely come in the form of books.
He started developing a program, initially dedicated to Ashtakvarga system only, way back in 1991.
He worked hard by putting in countless hours of programming to create his first astrology software
“Rishi”, which was not meant for sale, but just for his personal use. Till 1995, it was a part-time
passion. Since 1996, astrology became a full-time job. He would read books and extract theories,
think of missing links, integrate it all in his mind and think of new interpretations and try out various
principles on as many charts as possible. Since then he had explored many techniques and tools of
Vedic Astrology along the way. Today, Shyam have a rich library of astrological texts, both by
modern astrologers and translations of the ancient masters.
A little personal background
Shyam is 1957 born, married to Neeta, with three wonderful daughters- Neha, Himani and
Kanu. Neha and Himani are also brilliant Jyotish scholars and assisting him in new products
development. He lives in Bulandshahr (U.P.), India.
Shyam completed his schooling from the prestigious Birla Vidya Mandir, Nainital. He is a meritorious
science graduate (biology and chemistry) and was offered a scholarship due to his rank in the first
30 students in whole of Meerut University. Thereafter, he got an post-graduate degree in
Economics. In his heydays, he was the President of the Debating Societies in his school as well as
college. He got opportunities to travel far and wide. He explored many places in United States,
Western Europe and South-East Asia.
Hooked to astrology
Shyam developed one of the most comprehensive astrological software "Rishi" way back in 1996,
which was capable of doing almost all the astrological calculations which any of the present day
softwares can do. But he was not satisfied with just that. He wanted to "actually use" all of those
tables and charts, in a manner in which a knowledgeable astrologer would ever strive to do for
prediction purposes. He never sold a single copy of Rishi and kept trying to standardize various
information churned out by it.
Shyam got a nice companion in the form of Arvind Singh, at this stage. The unending thirst of
applying more and more complex astrological principles in a logical way just grew. They discussed
together the basic underlying principles of astrology for hours. A lot of new innovative and most
useful tables like "natal authority index of planets over houses", "The comprehensive table of real
relationship of planets" etc. were conceptualized, standardized and programmed. Several principles
were tested on real life events thoroughly. Few of these reports went in the hands of
knowledgeable scholars of the subject. The accolades received from them were the triggering
factors to enthuse him to go deeper and deeper in the subject.
What was different from other Astrologers and programmers?
Perhaps, Shyam was more successful in his endeavours because he was programming himself
whatever he was reading and grasping personally. He was playing both the roles simultaneously, of
an astrology student and of a computer programmer; and that too, all alone for most of these
years. From conceiving an idea, to designing a report-format, and finally to program it, was done
by him, himself. A better combination could not have been, perhaps.
Most of the programmers do not know the real-astrology and unfortunately real-astrologers do not
know computer programming. Perhaps, this is the single most important reason that most of the
present day astrology softwares could not go beyond from claiming the accuracy in planetary degrees,
making horoscope charts, various related tables, calculating several types of dasas etc. The
interpretation and prediction part remained limited to the printing of some text for general astrological
conditions present in the concerned horoscope. All the tables and charts printed by them were just
ornamental pieces to be used by "some other knowledgeable astrologers". They never made use of
all those charts and tables themselves in their own software for interpretation and prediction
purposes. They programmed the software in latest computer languages (like C++), they made it
aesthetically beautiful, they calculated the most accurate planetary positions (some of them using
algorithms of NASA even); but the way, a true Indian astrologer works, remained elusive for them.
It has been a passion
Shyam has been passionately conducting researches in India's Vedic astrology since 1996.
Astrology research has given him immense satisfaction. His interest in astrology never subdued
since then. You can say that he is simply "Hooked to astrology". Astrology took him hostage and he
has been it's willing captive since then.
Innovative work
He is a thinker and is not afraid to think the unthinkable. He conceived of a system in which several
astrological principles were simultaneously integrated to gauge the benefic and malefic effects of
each planet in natal horoscope as well as in their daily transit. The natal promises of planets could
be integrated with their transit status in a very simple and elegant manner to draw a net
astrological conclusion, which he called "The net astrological effect". His program could analyze the
"each day", with reference to each house of the horoscope individually. Some of his well known
works are as follows:
He was the pioneer in developing the revolutionary astrological softwares “Vjyotish-exl”, the
concept of which has been often copied but never surpassed by other astrological software
developers till date.
He developed another pioneering product- “Stock Compass”, for the very first time any where
in the world. It is a unique personalized astrological planner for those investors in stock
market who wish to use this astral science for their financial decisions. It provides personalized
astral guidance for picking the harmonious stocks and date wise astrological suitability for
speculation. Any investor can hone up and fine tune his planning ability, re-orient his
strategies, re-allocate his resources and learn the art of being on right side of the market, with
its help.
He has programmed an innovative table, which is used extensively within his programs and to
prepare various reports. It is called "The Natal Authority chart". This table is an attempt to
quantify the authority of the nine planets over twelve houses due to various portfolios (of
varying caliber) acquired by them in relation to these houses. The more authority a planet has
got to influence a house, the more it will deliver to the house from its natal promises, at
appropriate moments. The figures in this table shows the sum of calibrated authority obtained
through various portfolios by a planet over a house. Almost all major and minor factors
(approx. 13 in total), mentioned in Jyotish classics, in proportionate ratios of their importance,
have been taken into consideration to calibrate this authority index to gauge the planet's
overall direct and indirect influences on the Houses. The concept of this table emerges from
the fact that a planet is capable of bestowing certain benefic and malefic results, at
appropriate moments during the native's life. But a planet influences several houses in a
horoscope simultaneously. Will it deliver the same quantum of its natal promises (whether
'Good' or 'Bad') to all the houses under its influence? The answer is emphatically 'NO'. This
table tries to quantify these benefic or malefic results.
He has developed very comprehensive software on "Sarvatobhadra-chakra", which is the
only one of it's kind till date on this highly complicated Swara-shastra based subject. The
"Sarvatobhadra-chakra" has always been shrouded in mystery due its complexity. Most of the
astrology softwares do not dare to touch this subject at all. A few have though tried to
incorporate the very basic calculations and vedhas of SarvatobhadraChakra. Shyam's software
have complete calculations, with all applicable parameters, as told in ancient Jyotish text
"Narapatijayacharya". Further, he has also programmed the "argha-kaand" section (the
business astrology section) of SarvatobhadrChakra in it's entirety which is highly helpful for his
team in making astonishing forecasts about future behaviour of various markets (stocks,
commodities, metals, foreign exchange etc).
The mysterious "Panch-pakshi Shastra" is a unique system of Vedic astrology, propounded
by ancient Tamil Sidha Saints thousands of years ago, which has been considered a golden
key in the hands of man which can be used with advantage in any endeavour and in any walk
of life. Shyam has written a software which can provide all vital information in a single table to
the user on daily basis.
He has designed one of the most elaborate "Astral Gem Recommendation" report, providing
complete logic with comparative astrological beneficence of various planets in a horoscope. His
work prompted Mr. R. Rao (A well known astrologer and owner of a big astrology portal) to comment
that: "This is the most comprehensive Gemstone Recommendation Report that I have come across!
Excellent work. Congratulations. You have a knack for drilling down the pile of information, making
scientific analysis and reaching a fine conclusion. I am happy that you have chosen the "Anukul"
method, which is also recommended by me. The report is highly recommended. I will have no
hesitation in scrapping my own report and replacing with yours."
He is poised to make new grounds in various areas of Vedic Astrology. He has got recognition as a
"pioneer" and has received accolades from eminent Jyotish scholars. Shyam's customized astrology
softwares, "Vjyotish-exl" and "Stock-Compass", still remains the best-seller. They have been
acclaimed to be the best of their kind by renowned astrologers across the world. To know more
about his innovative work, please read "What was innovative" .
Shyam's specialty lies in the timing of events and birth-chart analysis using Ashtakvarga,
Vimshottari dashas and Divisional charts. He has also developed some special "quantification
techniques" for reaching to the ultimate net-result for the given birth-chart concerning career and
occupation related subtle issues. Details about many of his other innovative reports may be found
on "Products and Services" page.
He also specializes in Financial astrology (predicting about Stock markets, commodity markets and
Forex markets etc.). He is well versed with all tenets of Indian Astrology though he gives special
significance to the Ashtakvarga system of Vedic Jyotish. Shyam owes his knowledge to the blessings
of the Almighty. Click here to know more about his specializations ..
Shyam feels embarrassed and disappointed by the stigma (of being a superstition) imposed on
astrology in the last century. He is thoroughly convinced that Vedic astrology is a great subject. But
it has been corrupted in the last few hundred years. He is determined to contribute to the
restoration of pristine glory of ancient Vedic Jyotish. He is convinced that a day will come when
Vedic astrology is taught at several universities. One of his goals in life is to promote scientific
temper among astrologers.
Shyam honestly admits that astrology can never change your destiny but only can provide
tendencies about life. It is just a Road Sign that warns about the forthcoming dangers, and it lies
up to the concerned person to notice it and have a smooth ride, or totally ignore it to go with the
He believes that at the right time, the right code of conduct and the right method to perform a task
always aid success whether in a career, business, marriage or even life. He firmly believe in the
Indian tenets, which say that the actions of our past lives determine the present and on the whole
the events in our life are predetermined by the combination of stellar positions at the time of our
conception, birth and then at the time of the happening.
He feels that Astrology should be used as a self management tool to achieve the vast potential
every human being possesses. He is a firm believer of the fact that "Astrology Is a Guiding Science
to a Wise Man and a Fooling Science to an Ignorant".
[To be written]
He is actively engaged in financial astrology and has done some innovative work on identifying the
intra-day, short-term and midterm "turning points" of stock markets as well as the commodity
markets. Currently, he is engaged in developing an intricate astrological model for predicting the
intraday turning points of various markets.
He has developed several other new astrology products. Whatever new products he has brought to
the marketing shelf during last few years, have become trailblazers mainly because of Shyam's firm
commitment to innovation. He is guided by the philosophy of remaining far ahead of the times.
Click here for details about all of his products.
He has developed his own style and expertise with a modern concept in astrological predictions;
through study of thousands of horoscopes during the past 24 years (since 1987). He gives much
importance to Ashtakvarga. He feels that Ashtakvarga should be studied in detail invariably before
arriving at any astrological conclusion. An expert in the Vedic astrology , Shyam employs his vast
real life experience with the tenets of Parashari to give some amazingly accurate results. He has
established a sort of brand loyalty for his accuracy of astrological predictions made possible by his
proprietary technology - "The Vjyotish Index" and "The Natal Authority Index". For his predictions,
he utilizes his knowledge and expertise of astrology to predict precisely and to help identify and
achieve objectives; to recognize the unexpected opportunities and obstacles that one may
Shyam manages two internet discussion lists called “Vjyotish” and “Stock Compass”. Both these lists
have over 1000 members each (as on December 2005) and some of the members are distinguished
scholars of Vedic astrology. He contributes much of his spare time towards teaching and guiding
those who want to learn this divine science.