Share MRKT Astrology
Share MRKT Astrology
Share MRKT Astrology
Only a
few people succeed in making money. Who is best suited for the stock market
dealings? Well, the Vedic astrology seems to have the key.
A famous psychologist 'Carl Jung' has said, "Astrology represents the summation
of psychological knowledge of antiquity."
As per Vedic astrology, Mercury controls the emotional, as well as the nervous system of individuals, and Moon
controls the mind. It proves these planets and their transiting position have marked effects in the stock market
trends. So when you ask 'What are the astrological factors which trigger mass psychological reactions? Well,
whenever Mercury gets into regression mode there is an effect on mass psychology. One commonly noticed
phenomenon is the perceptible effect on the wave patterns in the oceans and seas on lunation days. 90% of the
human body contains fluid contents. If lunation can have an effect on the wave patterns in the oceans, it is also
likely to affect the psychology of the human being, which in turn affect their behavioral pattern.
Whenever Mars and Saturn unite there is a spurt of violent activities of human beings, it has been proved
statistically. It is also noted that there is an obvious increase in crime rate. Similarly eclipses that occur on
lunation days affect the stock market and make it either bearish or bullish.
Every man knows that his behavioral pattern is not the same every day. Some day he feels high and on some
day he feels low, and the reason is not known to him. It can be concluded from this that planetary movements
have an effect on mass psychology, and having said so, with reference to planetary movement, Vedic astrology
can help understand stock market fluctuations.
What bestow wealth and riches to the native is based on specific celestial laws, and the natives horoscope acts
as a source that shows the time and means of acquiring wealth. The life and fortune is based on the birth rasi or
janma lagna. In Vedic astrology, the 2nd house from the lagna is the house of wealth. The 2nd house should
have a connection with the 11th house, which brings profit. The lord of 5th house is about mind that makes the
decision. So, when the houses 2, 5 and 11 are connected in a natives horoscope that individual will shine in the
stock market.
The 10th house has the highest responsibility; Saturn in the 10th House is the planet of Karma. This house
signifies the kind of job you will do, or wish to do and how good you would do in that job.
There are combinations in the natal charts, which are conducive for a good cash flow through stock
market deals. They are:
2nd, 4th, 9th and 11th houses are well placed in your horoscope.
The Lords of the 2nd, 4th, and 9th houses are well placed and aspected by Moon.
Lords of the 2nd and 9th houses are placed in the 11th house along with Moon and Jupiter
Lord of the 2nd house situated in the 11th house and lord of the 11th house located in the 2nd
house. This is called parivarthana yoga including the 2nd and 11th houses.
Jupiter firmly placed in the ascendant and aspected by the lord of the 2nd, 5th and 9th houses.
The heavenly bodies related to wealth and their configuration in one's chart translates opulence effects. Houses
that are above the horizon and have much greater significance; this is as per rudimentary principle, because they
portray prosperity. 2nd and 11th houses are attributed to wealth irrespective of ascendant. Speculation and
fortune belong to 5th and 9th respectively. What insinuates the possible avenues for acquiring wealth and riches
is the permutation and combination between the lords of these houses
Bullish Signs: Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces are bullish signs. Whenever a
benefic or malefic planets conveyance these signs, bullish trends are anticipated in the markets.
Bearish Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, and Aquarius are deemed as bearish signs. Whenever a benefic or
malefic planets conveyance these signs, bearish trends are anticipated in the markets.
If you would like to have an expert opinion in financial astrology visit
consultancy & choose from category(finance) ; for a comprehensive analysis of your horoscope to get an insight
on factors, which contribute to your assets & remedies for any adverse effect of planets.
Trading in Stocks, commodities and currency has become quite popular to make good financial
gains in relatively short span of time.However, earning from share market trading depends upon
lot of factors like financial capacity, ability to deal with pressure, psychological health, technical
and fundamental knowledge about trading and investing and the experience in trading.
But, still it is favorable luck which is mainly required to be successful in stock or share market
trading. Vedic Astrology Readings of horoscope can be utilized to know if a person is fortunately
destined to enjoy financial gains in share market trading. Fifth house of vedic astrology
horoscope, and position of Mercury are to be analyzed in this regard. And, the role of second
and eleventh houses/lords and the strength of ascendant is also to be taken into account.
Operation of favorable planetary period in vedic astrology horoscope can bless a person with
good and easy financial gains through share market trading. On the contrary, if the relevant
planets/houses are weak in vedic astrology horoscope of a person and the main or sub-period of
negative planet is under operation the native may encounter financial loss in share market
trading despite his best efforts and knowledge.
Vedic Astrology readings of your horoscope can help a lot in this regard and you can have some
advance indication about the financial results expected from share market trading in your vedic
astrology horoscope. Given below is vedic astrology horoscope of a person who suffered major
financial loss in share market trading and became bankrupt overnight in 1996.
In this vedic astrology horoscope, the lord
of fifth is Mercury, which has gone to twelfth house along with the fourth lord Sun. Mercury also
rules over second house and is combust too. Lord of eleventh is Jupiter which is also debilitated
in ninth house of this vedic astrology horoscope. The conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn is
negative for matters related to luck and fortune. During that time, the native has just started the
Mahadasa of Ketu in his vedic astrology birth chart. Operation of a malefic planet Mahadasa and
weak planetary placement in respect of financial gains through share market trading and
speculation had resulted in disaster.
Given below is another vedic astrology horoscope of a stock broker, who has also suffered major
financial losses in share market trading. The lord of fifth Jupiter is though well placed and
reasonably strong in the birth chart; the second house is occupied by malefic Saturn and lord of
eleventh i.e. Mercury is combust. The lord of ninth house i.e. Moon has gone to sixth house.
Fifth house lord strong in Kendra gives you very sound logic and ability to
see things at a microscopic level. Jupiter, Moon and Ketu are all together
in D-9 chart which will boost this ability to a maximum level. No doubt he
can predict things with his mental abilities, albeit not with an astrological
perspective. His mind is so sharp that it might become his own enemy
sometimes. He will have to control it to use. The horses of his chariot are
very fast.
You can easily understand why these houses are important as far as share
market is concerned.
First house and lord: Gemini : Mercury (Retro), lagna lord in lagna( retro at
6:51)+ Asp(eighth lord)+fifth lord (venus)
Second house sign and lord: Cancer, Moon: Moon (2nd lord )+ Mars
(11th lord)
Fifth house sign and lord: Libra, Venus: venus( 5th lord) aspected by eight
lord + second house lord (Mercury retro)
Eight house sign and lord: Capricorn, Saturn: Saturn aspected by fifth lord
and to some extent by lagna lord.
Eleventh house sign and lord: Aries, Mars: Mars aspecting moon in fifth
You can understand through above fine combinations that why this man is
able to earn through stock markets. The number of these combinations is
on higher side and they are not defected by malefics.
As Saturn is placed in financial sign and Mercury and Ketu are in sign of
finances in D-9 it is easy to ascertain that he will employed in sector which
requires lots and lots of calculations and brain related work.
By looking at his horoscope I believe that our Prime Minister should hire
him as his finance minister.
The second ss caused havoc in 2011. This was again not good for his
elders and it was ketu dasha coinciding with SS. It got over in FEB 2012
with Venus onset and he recovered from some of his losses.
The position of Venus is very good in his horoscope and though he may
suffer from some minor health issues in coming years, he will have gains
in future. Coming years may not prove as beneficial as is perceived by
him. Earlier ss gave him the fruits of past karma, this time he has no
reserves from this life. He should be careful with coming abruptness in
markets. Markets in the world will be volatile in 2014 (second half), 2015,
2016 and Mid of year 2017. There will be highs and lows in crude oil, infra,
chemicals, medicine, oils and metals on a whole. He may suffer from
health issues related to eyes and sugar levels. His elders might suffer from
health issues during this period.
As Venus is long this span will appear just as a patch. He should play very
defensively in coming years. He might have very good gains after June of
year 2016 and December of year 2017.