Next Generation Security Software Ltd.
Phishing is the new 21st century crime. The global media runs stories on an almost daily
basis covering the latest organisation to have their customers targeted and how many victims
succumbed to the attack. While the Phishers develop evermore sophisticated attack vectors,
businesses flounder to protect their customers’ personal data and look to external experts for
improving email security. Customers too have become wary of “official” email, and
organisations struggle to install confidence in their communications.
While various governments and industry groups battle their way in preventing Spam,
organisations can in the meantime take a proactive approach in combating the phishing
threat. By understanding the tools and techniques used by professional criminals, and
analysing flaws in their own perimeter security or applications, organisations can prevent
many of the most popular and successful phishing attack vectors.
This paper covers the technologies and security flaws Phishers exploit to conduct their
attacks, and provides detailed vendor-neutral advice on what organisations can do to prevent
future attacks. Security professionals and customers can use this comprehensive analysis to
arm themselves against the next phishing scam to reach their in-tray.
Gunter Ollmann, Professional Services Director – email: gunter[at]
By 1996, hacked accounts were called "phish", and by 1997 phish were actively being traded
between hackers as a form of electronic currency. There are instances whereby Phishers
would routinely trade 10 working AOL phish for a piece of hacking software or warez (stolen
copyrighted applications and games). The earliest media citation referring to phishing wasn’t
made until March 1997:
The scam is called 'phishing' — as in fishing for your password, but spelled
differently — said Tatiana Gau, vice president of integrity assurance for the online
—Ed Stansel, "Don't get caught by online 'phishers' angling for account information,"
Florida Times-Union, March 16, 1997
Over time, the definition of what constitutes a phishing attack has blurred and expanded. The
term Phishing covers not only obtaining user account details, but now includes access to all
personal and financial data. What originally entailed tricking users into replying to emails for
passwords and credit card details, has now expanded into fake websites, installation of Trojan
horse key-loggers and screen captures, and man-in-the-middle data proxies – delivered
through any electronic communication channel.
Due to the Phishers high success rate, an extension to the classic phishing scam now
includes the use of fake jobsites or job offers. Applicants are enticed with the notion of
making a lot of money for very little work – just creating a new bank account, taking the funds
that have been transferred into it (less their personal commission) and sending it on as an
international money order - classic money laundering techniques.
Dear friend,
Thank You,
Web Hosting............. $29.85
Setup................... $30.00
AustraIia's First Bank
The recent cases of fraudulent use of clients accounts forced the Technical services
of the bank to update the software. We regret to acknowledge, that some data on users
accounts could be lost. The administration kindly asks you to follow the reference
given below and to sign in to your online banking account:
Please do not answer this message and follow the above mentioned instructions.
• Lower-case L’s have been replaced with upper-case I’s. This is used to help bypass
many standard anti-spam filters, and in most fonts (except for the standard Courier
font used in this example) fools the recipient into reading them as L’s.
• Hidden within the HTML email were many random words. These words were set to
white (on the white background of the email) so were not directly visible to the
recipient. The purpose of these words was to help bypass standard anti-spam filters.
• Within the HTML-based email, the URL link
in fact points to a escape-encoded version of the following URL:
This was achieved using standard HTML coding such as:
<a href=></a>
• The Phishers have used a sub-domain of USERDLL.COM in order to lend the illusion
of it really being the Westpac banking site. Many recipients are likely to be fooled by
• The non-standard HTTP port of 4903 can be attributed to the fact that the Phishers
fake site was hosted on a third-party PC that had been previously compromised by an
• Recipients that clicked on the link were then forwarded to the real Westpac
application. However a JavaScript popup window containing a fake login page was
presented to them. Expert analysis of this JavaScript code identified that pieces of it
had been used previously in another phishing attack – one targeting HSBC.
• This fake login window was designed to capture and store the recipient’s
authentication credentials. An interesting aspect to this particular phishing attack is
that the JavaScript also submitted the authentication information to the real Westpac
application and forwarded them on to the site. Therefore the recipient would be
unaware that their initial connection had been intercepted and their credentials
advertising, and placing it on popular websites, all which is necessary is some simple URL
obfuscation techniques to obscure the final destination.
The Trojan key-logger was designed specifically to capture all key presses within windows
with the titles of various names including:- commbank, Commonwealth, NetBank, Citibank,
Bank of America, e-gold, e-bullion, e-Bullion, evocash, EVOCash, EVOcash, intgold,
INTGold, paypal, PayPal, bankwest, Bank West, BankWest, National Internet Banking, cibc,
CIBC, scotiabank and ScotiaBank.
For man-in-the-middle attacks to be successful, the attacker must be able to direct the
customer to their proxy server instead of the real server. This may be carried out through a
number of methods:
• Transparent Proxies
• DNS Cache Poisoning
• URL Obfuscation
• URL obfuscation
Bad Domain Names
One of the most trivial obfuscation methods is through the purposeful registration and use of
bad domain names. Consider the financial institute MyBank with the registered domain and the associated customer transactional site The Phisher could set up a server using any of the
following names to help obfuscate the real destination host:
• or even http://privatebanking.mybá
It is important to note that as domain registration organisations move to internationalise their
services, it is possible to register domain names in other languages and their specific
character sets. For example, the Cyrillic “o” looks identical to the standard ASCII “o” but can
be used for different domain registration purposes - as pointed out by a company who
registered in Russia a few years ago.
Finally, it is worth noting that even the standard ASCII character set allows for ambiguities
such as upper-case “i” and lower-case “L”.
Friendly Login URL’s
Many common web browser implementations allow for complex URL’s that can include
authentication information such as a login name and password. In general the format is
Phishers may substitute the username and password fields for details associated with the
target organisation. For example the following URL sets the username =,
password = ebanking and the destination hostname is[email protected]/phishing/fakepage.htm
This friendly login URL can successfully trick many customers into thinking that they are
actually visiting the legitimate MyBank page. Because of its success, many current browser
versions have dropped support for this URL encoding method.
Third-party Shortened URL’s
Due to the length and complexity of many web-based application URLs – combined with the
way URL’s may be represented and displayed within various email systems (e.g. extra
spaces and line feeds into the URL) – third-party organisations have sprung up offering free
services designed to provide shorter URL’s.
Through a combination of social engineering and deliberately broken longs or incorrect
URL’s, Phishers may use these free services to obfuscate the true destination. Common free
services include and For example:
Dear valued MyBank customer,
Our automated security systems have indicated that access to your online account was
temporarily blocked on Friday 13th September between the hours of 22:32 and 23:46 due
to repeated login failures.
Our logs indicate that your account received 2935 authentication failures during this
time. It is most probable that your account was subject to malicious attack through
automated brute forcing techniques (for more information visit
While MyBank were able to successfully block this attack, we would recommend that you
ensure that your password is sufficiently complex to prevent future attacks. To log
in and change your password, please click on the following URL:
If this URL does not work, please use the following alternative link which will
redirect to the full page -
Best regards,
MyBank Customer Support
In the example above, the customer has received the following URL via a Phishers email:
While the customer is indeed directed and connected to the real MyBank web application, due
to poor application coding by the bank, the ebanking component will accept an arbitrary URL
for insertion within the URL field the returned page. Instead of the application providing a
MyBank authentication form embedded within the page, the attacker has managed to
reference a page under control on an external server
Unfortunately, as with most CSS vulnerabilities, the customer has no way of knowing that this
authentication page is not legitimate. While the example URL may appear obvious, the
attacker could easily obfuscate it using the techniques explained earlier. For example,
may instead become:
Many web-based applications implement poor state management systems and will allow
client connections to define a SessionID. The web application will track the user around the
application using the preset SessionID, but will usually require the user to authenticate (e.g.
supply identification information through the formal login page) before allowing them access
to “restricted” page content.
In this class of attack the phishing message contains a web link to the real application server,
but also contains a predefined SessionID field. The attackers system constantly polls the
application server for a restricted page (e.g. an e-banking page that allows fund transfers)
using the preset SessionID. Until a valid user authenticates against this SessionID, the
attacker will receive errors from the web-application server (e.g. 404 File Not Found, 302
Server Redirect, etc.).
The phishing attacker must wait until a message recipient follows the link and authenticates
themselves using the SessionID. Once authenticated, the application server will allow any
connection using the authorised SessionID to access restricted content (since the SessionID
is the only state management token in use). Therefore, the attacker can use the preset
SessionID to access a restricted page and carryout his attack.
The following figure shows how the Preset Session Attack (sometimes referred to as Session
Fixation) is conducted:
Here the Phisher has bulk-emailed potential MyBank customers a fake message containing
the URL containing a
preset SessionID of 3V1L5e5510N and continually polls the MyBank server every minute for
a restricted page that will allow customer Fund Transfers
Until a customer authenticates using the SessionID, the Phisher will receive errors when
trying to access the page as the SessionID is invalid. After the customer authenticates
themselves the SessionID becomes valid, and the Phisher can access the Fund Transfer
contains the first three lines of a small JavaScript file (e.g. fake.js) for overwriting a pages
var d = document;
d.write('<DIV id="fake" style="position:absolute; left:200; top:200; z-index:2">
<TABLE width=500 height=1000 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=14><TR>');
d.write('<TD colspan=2 bgcolor=#FFFFFF valign=top height=125>');
This method allows an attacker to build a complete page (including graphics and auxiliary
scripting code elements) on top of the real page.
Graphical Substitution
While it is possible to overwrite page content easily through multiple methods, one problem
facing Phishers is that of browser specific visual clues to the source of an attack. These clues
include the URL presented within the browsers URL field, the secure padlock representing an
HTTPS encrypted connection, and the Zone of the page source.
A common method used to overcome these visual clues is through the use of browser
scripting languages (such as JavaScript, VBScript and Java) to position specially created
graphics over these key areas with fake information.
In the example below, the attacker uses carefully positioned fake address bar and
padlock/zone images to hide the real information. While the Phisher must use graphics that
are appropriate to the manufacturer of the browser software, it is a trivial exercise for the
attackers fake web site to determine the browser type and exact version through simple code
queries. Therefore the attacker may prepare images for a range of common browsers and
code their page in such a way that the appropriate images are always used.
Figure 6: Site impersonation with browser address bar, secure padlock and zone substitution
It is important to note that Phishing attacks in the past have combined graphical substitution
with additional scripting code to fake other browser functionality. Examples include:
• Implementing “right-click” functionality and menu access,
• Presenting false popup messages just as the real browser or web application would,
• Displaying fake SSL certificate details when reviewing page properties or security
settings – through the use of images.
Using simple HTML embedded commands, an attacker can hijack the entire customer’s
desktop (user interface) and construct a fake interface to capture and manipulate what the
customer sees. This is done using the window.createPopup() and commands.
For example:
Will download wmp2.wmz and place it in the defined folder. Unfortunately, the file wmp2.wmz
may be a java jar archive. Therefore the following applet tag:
<APPLET CODEBASE="file://c:/" ARCHIVE="Program files/Windows Media
CODE="gjavacodebase.class" WIDTH=700 HEIGHT=300>
<PARAM NAME="URL" VALUE="file:///c:/test.txt">
Will be executed with codebase="file://c:/" and the applet will have read only access to C:\.
To execute this code automatically, all an attacker had to do was get the web browser to open
a simple HTML fie such as the one below:
function f()
3.2. Client-side
The client-side should be seen as representing the forefront of anti-phishing security. Given
the distributed nature of home computing and the widely varying state of customer skill levels
and awareness, client-side security is generally much poorer than a managed corporate
workstation deployment. However, many solutions exist for use within both the home and
corporate environments.
At the client-side, protection against Phishing can be afforded by:
• Desktop protection technologies
• Utilisation of appropriate less sophisticated communication settings
• User application-level monitoring solutions
• Locking-down browser capabilities
• Digital signing and validation of email
• General security awareness
• The ability to identify common Spam delivery techniques and quarantine offending
• The ability to pull down the latest anti-virus and anti-spam signatures and apply them
to the intercepting protection software. Given the variety in spamming techniques,
this process should be scheduled as a daily activity.
• The ability to detect and block unauthorised out-bound connections from installed
software or active processes. For example, if the customers host has been
previously compromised the protection solution must be able to query the authenticity
of the out-bound connection and verify it with the user.
• The ability to detect anomalies in network traffic profiles (both inbound and outbound)
and initiate appropriate counter-measures. For instance, detecting that an inbound
HTTP connection has been made and substantial outbound SSL traffic begins on a
non-standard port.
• The ability to block inbound connections to unassociated or restricted network ports
and their services.
• The ability to identify common Spyware installations and the ability to prevent
installation of the software and/or blocking outbound communications to known
Spyware monitoring sites.
• Automatically block outbound delivery of sensitive information to suspected malicious
parties. Sensitive information includes confidential financial details and contact
information. Even if the customer cannot visually identify the true web-site that will
receive the sensitive information, some off the shelf software solutions can.
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
A message signature is essentially a sophisticated one-way hash value that uses aspects of
the sender’s private key, message length, date and time. The email recipient uses the public
key associated with the email sender’s address to verify this hash value. The contents of the
email should not be altered by any intermediary mail servers.
It is important to note that, in general, there are no restrictions on creating a public/private key
pair for any email address a person may choose and consequently uploading the public key
to an Internet key management server. Therefore it is still possible for a Phisher to send forth
an email with a spoofed address and digitally sign it with a key that they own.
There are currently two popular methods for providing digital signing. These are S/MIME and
PGP (including PGP/MIME and the newer OpenPGP standard). Most major Internet mail
application vendor’s ship products capable of using and understanding S/MIME, PGP/MIME,
and OpenPGP signed mail.
Although they offer similar services to email users, the two methods have very different
formats. Further, and more important to corporate users, they have different formats for their
certificates. This means that not only can users of one protocol not communicate with the
users of the other; they also cannot share authentication certificates.
Key points for S/MIME and PGP:
• S/MIME was originally developed by RSA Data Security, Inc. It is based on the
PKCS #7 data format for the messages, and the X.509v3 format for certificates.
PKCS #7 is based n the ASN.1 DER format for data.
• PGP/MIME is based on PGP, which was developed by many individuals, some of
whom have now joined together as PGP, Inc. The message and certificate formats
were created from scratch and use simple binary encoding. OpenPGP is also based
on PGP.
• S/MIME, PGP/MIME, and OpenPGP use MIME to structure their messages. They
rely on the multipart/signed MIME type that is described in RFC 1847 for moving
signed messages over the Internet.
Advantages Disadvantages
Figure 10: A typical fake recruitment page and supporting site for attracting “mules”
Advantages Disadvantages
3.3. Server-side
By implementing intelligent anti-phishing techniques into the organisations web application
security, developing internal processes to combat phishing vectors and educating customers
– it is possible to take an active role in protecting customers from future attack. By carrying
out this work from the server-side, organisations can take large steps in helping to protect
against what is invariably a complex and insidious threat.
At the client-side, protection against Phishing can be afforded by:
• Improving customer awareness
• Providing validation information for official communications
• Ensuring that the Internet web application is securely developed and doesn’t include
easily exploitable attack vectors
• Using strong token-based authentication systems
• Keeping naming systems simple and understandable
particular, information must be visible about how the organisation communicates securely
with their customers. For instance, a posting similar to the following will help customers
identify phishing emails sent in the organisations name.
"MyBank will never initiate a request for sensitive information from you via email
(i.e., Social Security Number, Personal ID, Password, PIN or account number). If you
receive an email that requests this type of sensitive information, you should be
suspicious of it. We strongly suggest that you do not share your Personal ID,
Password, PIN or account number with anyone, under any circumstances.
If you suspect that you have received a fraudulent email, or wish to validate an
official email from MyBank, please visit our anti-phishing page"
Advantages Disadvantages
However, this method is not recommended as it may be rendered ineffectual through the
enforcement of non-HTML or attachment emails at the customer side.
Advantages Disadvantages
To overcome a Preset Session attack, developers should ensure that their application
functions the following way:
• Never accept session information within a URL.
• Ensure that SessionID’s have expiry time limits and that they are checked before use
with each client request.
• The application should be capable of revoking active SessionID’s and not recycling
the same SessionID for an extended period.
• Any attempts to submit an invalid SessionID (i.e. one that has expired, been revoked,
extended beyond it’s absolute life, or never been issued), should result in a server-
side redirection to the login page and be issued with a new SessionID.
• Never keep a SessionID that was initially provided over HTTP after the customer has
logged in over a secure connection (i.e. HTTPS). After authenticating, the customer
should always be issued a new SessionID.
More information can be found in “Web Based Session Management” by Gunter Ollmann.
URL Qualification
For web-based applications that find it necessary to use client-side redirection to other page
locations or hosts, great care must be taken in qualifying the nature of the link beforehand.
Application developers should be aware of the techniques discussed in Section 2 of this
Best practices for URL qualification are:
• Do not reference redirection URL’s or alternative file paths directly within the
browsers URL path (e.g.
• Always maintain a valid “approved” list of redirection URL’s. For example, manage a
server-side list of URL’s associated with an index parameter. When a client follows a
link, their submission will reference this index, and the returned redirection page will
contain the full managed URL.
• Never allow customers to supply their own URL’s.
• Never allow IP addresses to be used in URL information. Always use the fully
qualified domain name, or at the very least conduct a reverse name lookup on the IP
address and verify that it lies with a domain the application should be trusted.
Authentication Processes
For many Phishing scams, a key goal of the attack is to capture the customers authentication
credentials. To do so, the attacker must be able to monitor all the information submitted
during the application login phase. Organisations can use multiple methods to make this
process more difficult for the Phisher.
Application developers should review the comprehensive guide to “Custom HTML
Authentication” by Gunter Ollmann to prevent most forms of possible attack. However,
related specifically to protecting against Phishing attacks, developers should:
• Ensure that (minimally) a two-phase login process is used. The customer is first
presented with a login screen that they must present account details that are typically
less secure (i.e. there is a high probability that the customer may use these details on
other websites – e.g. their login name and credit card number). Once successfully
passing this page, they are presented with a second page that requires two or more
unique pieces of authentication information before they can proceed to the application
• Use of anti key-logging processes such as selecting specific parts of a password or
pass phrase from drop-down list boxes is highly recommended.
• Try to used personalised content (combined with customer awareness) to identify
fake web-sites. For example, when a customer originally creates their online account
they should be able to select or upload their own personalised graphic. This
personalised graphic will always be presented to them during the second stage of the
authentication process and on any authenticated page. This graphic may be used as
a watermark of authenticity to combat faked content.
• Not make the authentication process too complex. Be aware that disabled customers
may have difficulty with some functionality such as drop-down boxes.
Image Regulation
As many phishing attacks rely upon hosting a copy of the target website on a system under
the Phishers control, there are potential avenues for organisations to automatically identify a
faked web-site.
Depending upon whether the Phisher has mirrored the entire website (including pages and
their associated graphics) or is just hosting a modified HTML page (which reference graphics
located on the real organisations servers), it may be possible to disrupt or uniquely identify
the source of the attack.
Two methods are available to application developers:
• Image Cycling
Each legitimate application page references their constituent graphical images by a
unique name. Each hour, the names of the images are changed and the requesting
page must reference these new image names. Therefore any out-of-date static
copies of the page that make reference to these centrally stored images will become
dated quickly. If an out-of-date image is requested (say 2+ hours old) a different
image is supplied – perhaps recommending that the customer login again to the real
site (e.g. “Warning Image Expired”).
• Session-bound Images
Extending the image cycling principle further, it is possible to reference all images
with a name that includes the users current SessionID. Therefore, once a fake
website has been discovered (even if the Phisher is using locally stored graphics), the
organisation can review their logs in an attempt to discover the originating source of
the copied website. This is particularly useful for fake sites that also use content that
requires authenticated access and could only be gained by a Phisher actually using a
real account in the first place.
In addition, the organisation may utilise transparent/invisible watermarking
technologies and embedding session information into the graphic itself. However,
this process would incur high performance overheads at the server-side.
Advantages Disadvantages
Due to high setup and maintenance costs, this solution is best suited to high value
transactional web applications that are unlikely to require a large number of users.
As with any authentication process, organisations must strike a balance between what
personal/confidential details are minimally required to uniquely authenticate a customer, and
how much of this information is either publicly available or likely to be used by the customer to
access another organisations web-based application. By reducing the likelihood of
authentication details being shared between multiple organisations, there is less opportunities
for an attacker to achieve an identity theft.
Advantages Disadvantages
provides their personal PIN number more effort and greater access to internal
associated with the token. resources.
Scaling Issues
A customer may need to carry multiple
tokens, one for each service to which they
are subscribed.
Advantages Disadvantages
3.4. Enterprise
Businesses and ISP’s may take enterprise-level steps to secure against Phishing scams –
thereby protecting both their customers and internal users. These enterprise security
solutions work in combination with client-side and server-side security mechanisms, offering
considerable defence-in-depth against phishing and a multitude of other current threats.
Key steps to anti-phishing enterprise-level security includes:
• Automatic validation of sending email server addresses,
• Digital signing of email services,
• Monitoring of corporate domains and notification of “similar” registrations,
• Perimeter or gateway protection agents,
• Third-party managed services.
Alternatively, through the use of Secure SMTP, email transport could be conducted over an
encrypted SSL/TLS link. When the sender mail server connects to the recipient mail server,
certificates are exchanged before an encrypted link is established. Validation of the certificate
can be used to uniquely identify a trusted sender. Missing, invalid or revoked certificates will
prevent a secure connection from occurring and not allow delivery of emails.
If desired, an additional check with the DNS server can be used to ensure that only
authorised mail servers may send email over the secure SMTP connection.
The purpose of validating the sending servers address is to help cut down the volume of
spam, and accelerate the receipt of emails known to come from a “good” source. However,
both systems can be overcome with poor server configuration – especially if the sender
server can operate as an open relay agent. It is important to note that Secure SMTP is not
commonly deployed. However, email server validation is useful in intra-corporate
communications when combined with mail server rules that block/disallow inbound emails that
use “From:” addresses which could only come from internal users.
Advantages Disadvantages
Figure 14: Digitally signed email – receiving mail server validation of authenticity
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages
Section 4: Summations
4.1. Conclusions
Phishing started off being part of popular hacking culture. Now, as more organisations
provide greater online access for their customers, professional criminals are successfully
using phishing techniques to steal personal finances and conduct identity theft at a global
By understanding the tools and technologies Phishers have in their arsenal, businesses and
their customers can take a proactive stance in defending against future attacks.
Organisations have within their grasp numerous techniques and processes that may be used
to protect the trust and integrity of their customers personal data. The points raised within this
paper, and the solutions proposed, represent key steps in securing online services from
fraudulent phishing attacks – and also go a long way in protecting against many other popular
hacking or criminal attack vectors.
By applying a multi-tiered approach to their security model (client-side, server-side and
enterprise) organisations can easily manage their protection technologies against today’s and
tomorrows threats – without relying upon proposed improvements in communication security
that are unlikely to be adopted globally for many years to come.
4.2. Resources
“Proposed Solutions to Address the Threat of Email Spoofing Scams”, The Anti-Phishing
Working Group, December 2003
“Anti-Phishing: Best Practices for Institutions and Consumers”, McAfee, March 2004
“URL Encoded Attacks”, Gunter Ollmann, 2002
“HTML Code Injection and Cross-site scripting”, Gunter Ollmann, 2001
“Web Based Session Management”, Gunter Ollmann, 2002
“Custom HTML Authentication”, Gunter Ollmann, 2003
“Phishing Victims Likely Will Suffer Identity Theft Fraud”, Gartner Research Note, A. Litan,
14 May 2004.
Information Links
Code Fish Spam Watch -
Anti-Phishing Working Group -
Technical Info –
Copyright © September 2004, Gunter Ollmann. All rights reserved worldwide. Other marks and trade names are the
property of their respective owners, as indicated. All marks are used in an editorial context without intent of