Field %isting
&an! 'rder
Top of (age
A land of vast distances and rich natural resources, Canada became a selfgoverning dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. Economicall and technologicall the nation has develo!ed in !arallel with the "#, its neighbor to the south across an unfortified border. Canada$s !aramount !olitical !roblem is meeting !ublic demands for %ualit im!rovements in health care and education services after a decade of budget cuts. &he issue of reconciling 'uebec$s franco!hone heritage with the ma(orit anglo!hone Canadian !o!ulation has moved to the bac) burner in recent ears* su!!ort for se!aratism abated after the 'uebec government$s referendum on inde!endence failed to !ass in +ctober of 1,,-. Geography
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.orthern .orth America, bordering the .orth Atlantic +cean on the east, .orth /acific +cean on the west, and the Arctic +cean on the north, north of the conterminous "#
Geographic coordinates:
60 00 ., ,- 00 1
Map references:
)orth *meri a
total: 8,8,3 )m border countries: "# 8,8,3 )m 4includes 5,277 )m with Alas)a6
505,080 )m
Maritime claims:
territorial sea: 15 nm contiguous zone: 52 nm exclusive economic zone: 500 nm continental shelf: 500 nm or to the edge of the continental margin
iron ore, nic)el, 9inc, co!!er, gold, lead, mol bdenum, !otash, diamonds, silver, fish, timber, wildlife, coal, !etroleum, natural gas, h dro!ower
Land use:
continuous !ermafrost in north is a serious obstacle to develo!ment* c clonic storms form east of the ;oc) 7ountains, a result of the mi<ing of air masses from the Arctic, /acific, and .orth American interior, and !roduce most of the countr $s rain and snow east of the mountains
!nvironment - current issues:
air !ollution and resulting acid rain severel affecting la)es and damaging forests* metal smelting, coal-burning utilities, and vehicle emissions im!acting on agricultural and forest !roductivit * ocean waters becoming contaminated due to agricultural, industrial, mining, and forestr activities
!nvironment - international agreements:
party to: Air /ollution, Air /ollution-.itrogen +<ides, Air /ollution/ersistent +rganic /ollutants, Air /ollution-#ulfur 8-, Air /ollution-#ulfur ,2, Antarctic-Environmental /rotocol, Antarctic-7arine 8iving ;esources, Antarctic #eals, Antarctic &reat , Biodiversit , Climate Change, Climate Change-= oto /rotocol, >esertification, Endangered #!ecies, Environmental 7odification, ?a9ardous 1astes, 8aw of the #ea, 7arine >um!ing, +9one 8a er /rotection, #hi! /ollution, &ro!ical &imber 83, &ro!ical &imber ,2, 1etlands signed, but not ratified: Air /ollution-@olatile +rganic Com!ounds, 7arine 8ife Conservation
Geography - note:
second-largest countr in world 4after ;ussia6* strategic location between ;ussia and "# via north !olar route* a!!ro<imatel ,0: of the !o!ulation is concentrated within 160 )m of the "# border %eople
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0-14 years: 18.5: 4male 3,038,800* female 5,8,0,-7,6 15- 4 years: 68.7: 4male 11,55-,686* female 11,111,,216 5 years and over: 13: 4male 1,807,275* female 5,233,3,66 45002 est.6
Median age:
total: 38.5 ears male: 37.5 ears female: 3,.5 ears 45002 est.6
%opulation gro&th rate:
(e" ratio:
at birth: 1.0- male4s6Bfemale under 15 years: 1.0- male4s6Bfemale 15- 4 years: 1.01 male4s6Bfemale 5 years and over: 0.72 male4s6Bfemale total population: 0.,8 male4s6Bfemale 45002 est.6
Infant mortality rate:
total: 2.85 deathsB1,000 live births male: -.58 deathsB1,000 live births female: 2.33 deathsB1,000 live births 45002 est.6
Life e"pectancy at birth:
total population: 7,.,6 ears male: 76.-, ears female: 83.- ears 45002 est.6
otal fertility rate:
British Csles origin 58:, Drench origin 53:, other Euro!ean 1-:, Amerindian 5:, other, mostl Asian, African, Arab 6:, mi<ed bac)ground 56:
;oman Catholic 26:, /rotestant 36:, other 18: note: based on the 1,,1 census
definition: age 1- and over can read and write total population: ,7: 41,86 est.6 male: .A female: .A Government
Country name:
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Administrative divisions:
10 !rovinces and 3 territoriesE* Alberta, British Columbia, 7anitoba, .ew Brunswic), .ewfoundland and 8abrador, .orthwest &erritoriesE, .ova #cotia, .unavutE, +ntario, /rince Edward Csland, 'uebec, #as)atchewan, Fu)on &erritor E
1 Aul 1867 4union of British .orth American colonies6* 11 >ecember 1,31 4inde!endence recogni9ed6
#ational holiday:
17 A!ril 1,85 4Constitution Act6* originall , the machiner of the government was set u! in the British .orth America Act of 1867* charter of rights and unwritten customs
Legal system:
based on English common law, e<ce!t in 'uebec, where civil law s stem based on Drench law !revails* acce!ts com!ulsor CCA (urisdiction, with reservations
chief of state: 'ueen E8CGABE&? CC 4since 6 Debruar 1,-56, re!resented b Hovernor Heneral Adrienne C8A;=#+. 4since 7 +ctober 1,,,6 head of government: /rime 7inister /aul 7A;&C. 4since 15 >ecember 50036* >e!ut /rime 7inister Anne 7C8E88A. 4since 15 >ecember 50036 cabinet: Dederal 7inistr chosen b the !rime minister from among the members of his own !art sitting in /arliament elections: none* the monarch is hereditar * governor general a!!ointed b the monarch on the advice of the !rime minister for a five- ear term* following legislative elections, the leader of the ma(orit !art or the leader of the ma(orit coalition in the ?ouse of Commons is automaticall designated !rime minister b the governor general
Legislative branch:
bicameral /arliament or /arlement consists of the #enate or #enat 4members a!!ointed b the governor general with the advice of the !rime minister and serve until reaching 7- ears of age* its normal limit is 10- senators6 and the ?ouse of Commons or Chambre des Communes 4308 seats* members elected b direct, !o!ular vote to serve for u! to five- ear terms6 elections: ?ouse of Commons - last held 58 Aune 5002 4ne<t to be held b .A 500,6 election results: ?ouse of Commons - !ercent of vote b !art - 8iberal /art 36.7:, Conservative /art 5,.6:, .ew >emocratic /art 1-.7:, Bloc 'uebecois 15.2:, Hreens 2.3:, inde!endents 0.2:, other 0.,:* seats b !art - 8iberal /art 132, Conservative /art ,,, Bloc 'uebecois -2, .ew >emocratic /art 1,, inde!endent 5
-udicial branch:
#u!reme Court of Canada 4(udges are a!!ointed b the !rime minister through the governor general6* Dederal Court of Canada* Dederal Court of A!!eal* /rovincial Courts 4these are named variousl Court of A!!eal, Court of 'ueens Bench, #u!erior Court, #u!reme Court, and Court of Austice6
Bloc 'uebecois IHilles >"CE//EJ* Conservative /art of Canada 4a merger of the Canadian Alliance and the /rogressive Conservative /art 6 I#te!hen ?A;/E;J* 8iberal /art I/aul 7A;&C.J* .ew >emocratic /art IAac) 8AF&+.J
%olitical pressure groups and leaders:
International organi$ation participation:
ACC&, Af>B, A/EC, A;D, As>B, A#EA. 4dialogue !artner6, Australia Hrou!, BC#, C, C>B, CE 4observer6, EA/C, EB;>, E#A 4coo!erating state6, DA+, H-7, H-8, H-10, CA>B, CAEA, CB;>, CCA+, CCC, CCCt, CCD&", CC;7, C>A, CEA, CDA>, CDC, CD;C#, C?+, C8+, C7D, C7+, Cnter!ol, C+C, C+7, C#+, C&", 7CHA, 7C."#&A?, 7+."C, .A7 4guest6, .A&+, .EA, .#H, +A#, +EC>, +/C1, +#CE, /aris Club, /CA, "., ".A7#C8, ".C&A>, ".>+D, ".E#C+, ".DCCF/, ".?C;, ".7+@CC, ".&#+, "/", 1C8, 1C+, 1D&", 1?+, 1C/+, 17+, 1&o+, 1&+, GC
'iplomatic representation in the .(:
chief of mission: Ambassador 7ichael D. =E;HC. chancery: -01 /enns lvania Avenue .1, 1ashington, >C 50001 telephone: I1J 45056 685-1720 "#$: I1J 45056 685-7756 consulate%s& general: Atlanta, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, >allas, >etroit, 8os Angeles, 7iami, 7innea!olis, .ew For), and #eattle consulate%s&: Anchorage, >enver, ?ouston, /hiladel!hia, ;aleigh->urham, #an >iego, #an Drancisco 4trade office6, and #an Aose 4trade office6
'iplomatic representation from the .(:
chief of mission: Ambassador /aul CE88"CCC embassy: 2,0 #usse< >rive, +ttawa, +ntario =1. 1H8 mailing address: /. +. Bo< -000, +gdensburgh, .F 1366,-0230 telephone: I1J 46136 538--33-, 2270 "#$: I1J 46136 688-3085 consulate%s& general: Calgar , ?alifa<, 7ontreal, 'uebec, &oronto, @ancouver, 1inni!eg
/lag description:
two vertical bands of red 4hoist and fl side, half width6, with white s%uare between them* an 11-!ointed red ma!le leaf is centered in the white s%uare* the official colors of Canada are red and white !conomy
!conomy - overvie&:
Top of (age
As an affluent, high-tech industrial societ , Canada toda closel resembles the "# in its mar)et-oriented economic s stem, !attern of !roduction, and high living standards. #ince 1orld 1ar CC, the im!ressive growth of the manufacturing, mining, and service sectors has transformed the nation from a largel rural econom into one !rimaril industrial and urban. &he 1,8, "#Canada Dree &rade Agreement 4D&A6 and the 1,,2 .orth American Dree &rade Agreement 4.AD&A6 4which includes 7e<ico6 touched off a dramatic increase in trade and economic integration with the "#. As a result of the close cross-border relationshi!, the economic sluggishness in the "nited #tates in 5001-05 had a negative im!act on the Canadian econom . ;eal growth averaged nearl 3: during 1,,3-5000, but declined in 5001, with
moderate recover in 5005-03. "nem!lo ment is u!, with contraction in the manufacturing and natural resource sectors. .evertheless, given its great natural resources, s)illed labor force, and modern ca!ital !lant Canada en(o s solid economic !ros!ects. #olid fiscal management has !roduced a long-term budget sur!lus which is substantiall reducing the national debt, although !ublic debate continues over how to manage the rising cost of the !ublicl funded healthcare s stem. &rade accounts for roughl a third of H>/. Canada en(o s a substantial trade sur!lus with its !rinci!al trading !artner, the "nited #tates, which absorbs more than 8-: of Canadian e<!orts. ;oughl ,0: of the !o!ulation lives within 160 )ilometers of the "# border.
)ousehold income or consumption by percentage share:
agriculture 3:, manufacturing 1-:, construction -:, services 72:, other 3: 450006
.nemployment rate:
revenues: K328.5 billion expenditures: K325.7 billion, including ca!ital e<!enditures of .A 45003 est.6
%ublic debt:
wheat, barle , oilseed, tobacco, fruits, vegetables* dair !roducts* forest !roducts* fish
food !roducts* wood and !a!er !roducts* fish !roducts, !etroleum and natural gas
Industrial production gro&th rate:
motor vehicles and !arts, industrial machiner , aircraft, telecommunications e%ui!ment* chemicals, !lastics, fertili9ers* wood !ul!, timber, crude !etroleum, natural gas, electricit , aluminum
!"ports - partners:
machiner and e%ui!ment, motor vehicles and !arts, crude oil, chemicals,
!"change rates:
Canadian dollars !er "# dollar - 1.2011 450036, 1.-6,3 450056, 1.-288 450016, 1.28-1 450006, 1.28-7 41,,,6
/iscal year:
1,,,-0,,00 450036
elephones - mobile cellular:
13,551,800 450036
elephone system:
general assessment: e<cellent service !rovided b modern technolog domestic: domestic satellite s stem with about 300 earth stations international: countr code - 1-<<<* - coa<ial submarine cables* satellite earth stations - - Cntelsat 42 Atlantic +cean and 1 /acific +cean6 and 5 Cnters!utni) 4Atlantic +cean region6
,adio broadcast stations:
Internet hosts:
3,510,081 450036
Internet users:
Top of (age
total: 1,208,800 )m paved: 2,7,306 )m 4including 16,,00 )m of e<!resswa s6 unpaved: ,11,2,2 )m 450056
631 )m note: #aint 8awrence #eawa of 3,76, )m, including the #aint 8awrence ;iver of 3,0-8 )m, shared with "nited #tates 450036
crude and refined oil 53,-62 )m* li%uid !etroleum gas 72,,80 )m 450036
%orts and harbors:
Becancour 4'uebec6, Churchill, ?alifa<, ?amilton, 7ontreal, .ew 1estminster, /rince ;u!ert, 'uebec, #aint Aohn 4.ew Brunswic)6, #t. Aohn$s 4.ewfoundland6, #e!t Csles, # dne , &rois-;ivieres, &hunder Ba , &oronto, @ancouver, 1indsor
Merchant marine:
total: 11, shi!s 41,000 H;& or over6 1,782,55, H;&B5,6-7,2,, >1& by type: barge carrier 1, bul) -,, cargo 13, chemical tan)er 6, combination bul) 5, combination oreBoil 1, !assenger 5, !assengerBcargo 1, !etroleum tan)er 18, rail car carrier 1, roll onBroll off 11, short-seaB!assenger 3, s!eciali9ed tan)er 1 foreign-owned: Herman 3, ?ong =ong 5, 7onaco 18, "nited =ingdom 3, "nited #tates 5 registered in other countries: 23 45002 est.6
total: -03 over (,04) m: 18 *,4(+ to (,04) m: 11,5*4 to *,4() m: 1-0 ,14 to 1,5*( m: 52under ,14 m: 7- 45002 est.6
Airports - &ith unpaved run&ays:
total: 853 1,5*4 to *,4() m: 67 ,14 to 1,5*( m: 327 under ,14 m: 20, 45002 est.6
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Canadian Armed DorcesL 8and Dorces Command, 7aritime Command, Air Command
Military manpo&er - military age and obligation:
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managed maritime boundar dis!utes with the "# at >i<on Entrance, Beaufort #ea, #trait of Auan de Duca, and around the dis!uted 7achias #eal Csland and .orth ;oc)* uncontested dis!ute with >enmar) over ?ans Csland sovereignt in the =enned Channel between Ellesmere Csland and Hreenland
Illicit drugs:
illicit !roducer of cannabis for the domestic drug mar)et and e<!ort to "#* use of h dro!onics technolog !ermits growers to !lant large %uantities of high-%ualit mari(uana indoors* transit !oint for heroin and cocaine entering the "# mar)et* vulnerable to narcotics mone laundering because of its mature financial services sector
This page was last updated on 10 February, 200#