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In general, information available as of 1 January, 2004 was used in the preparation of The World Fa tboo!


This page was last updated on 10 February, 200#



Field %isting

&an! 'rder


Top of (age

A land of vast distances and rich natural resources, Canada became a selfgoverning dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. Economicall and technologicall the nation has develo!ed in !arallel with the "#, its neighbor to the south across an unfortified border. Canada$s !aramount !olitical !roblem is meeting !ublic demands for %ualit im!rovements in health care and education services after a decade of budget cuts. &he issue of reconciling 'uebec$s franco!hone heritage with the ma(orit anglo!hone Canadian !o!ulation has moved to the bac) burner in recent ears* su!!ort for se!aratism abated after the 'uebec government$s referendum on inde!endence failed to !ass in +ctober of 1,,-. Geography

Top of (age

.orthern .orth America, bordering the .orth Atlantic +cean on the east, .orth /acific +cean on the west, and the Arctic +cean on the north, north of the conterminous "#
Geographic coordinates:

60 00 ., ,- 00 1
Map references:
)orth *meri a


total: ,,,82,670 s% )m land: ,,0,3,-07 s% )m water: 8,1,163 s% )m

Area - comparative:

somewhat larger than the "#

Land boundaries:

total: 8,8,3 )m border countries: "# 8,8,3 )m 4includes 5,277 )m with Alas)a6

505,080 )m
Maritime claims:

territorial sea: 15 nm contiguous zone: 52 nm exclusive economic zone: 500 nm continental shelf: 500 nm or to the edge of the continental margin

varies from tem!erate in south to subarctic and arctic in north


mostl !lains with mountains in west and lowlands in southeast

!levation e"tremes:

lowest point: Atlantic +cean 0 m highest point: 7ount 8ogan -,,-, m

#atural resources:

iron ore, nic)el, 9inc, co!!er, gold, lead, mol bdenum, !otash, diamonds, silver, fish, timber, wildlife, coal, !etroleum, natural gas, h dro!ower
Land use:

arable land: 2.,6:

permanent crops: 0.05: other: ,-.05: 450016

Irrigated land:

7,500 s% )m 41,,8 est.6

#atural ha$ards:

continuous !ermafrost in north is a serious obstacle to develo!ment* c clonic storms form east of the ;oc) 7ountains, a result of the mi<ing of air masses from the Arctic, /acific, and .orth American interior, and !roduce most of the countr $s rain and snow east of the mountains
!nvironment - current issues:

air !ollution and resulting acid rain severel affecting la)es and damaging forests* metal smelting, coal-burning utilities, and vehicle emissions im!acting on agricultural and forest !roductivit * ocean waters becoming contaminated due to agricultural, industrial, mining, and forestr activities
!nvironment - international agreements:

party to: Air /ollution, Air /ollution-.itrogen +<ides, Air /ollution/ersistent +rganic /ollutants, Air /ollution-#ulfur 8-, Air /ollution-#ulfur ,2, Antarctic-Environmental /rotocol, Antarctic-7arine 8iving ;esources, Antarctic #eals, Antarctic &reat , Biodiversit , Climate Change, Climate Change-= oto /rotocol, >esertification, Endangered #!ecies, Environmental 7odification, ?a9ardous 1astes, 8aw of the #ea, 7arine >um!ing, +9one 8a er /rotection, #hi! /ollution, &ro!ical &imber 83, &ro!ical &imber ,2, 1etlands signed, but not ratified: Air /ollution-@olatile +rganic Com!ounds, 7arine 8ife Conservation
Geography - note:

second-largest countr in world 4after ;ussia6* strategic location between ;ussia and "# via north !olar route* a!!ro<imatel ,0: of the !o!ulation is concentrated within 160 )m of the "# border %eople

Top of (age

35,-07,872 4Aul 5002 est.6

Age structure:

0-14 years: 18.5: 4male 3,038,800* female 5,8,0,-7,6 15- 4 years: 68.7: 4male 11,55-,686* female 11,111,,216 5 years and over: 13: 4male 1,807,275* female 5,233,3,66 45002 est.6
Median age:

total: 38.5 ears male: 37.5 ears female: 3,.5 ears 45002 est.6
%opulation gro&th rate:

0.,5: 45002 est.6

Birth rate:

10.,1 birthsB1,000 !o!ulation 45002 est.6

'eath rate:

7.67 deathsB1,000 !o!ulation 45002 est.6

#et migration rate:

-.,6 migrant4s6B1,000 !o!ulation 45002 est.6

(e" ratio:

at birth: 1.0- male4s6Bfemale under 15 years: 1.0- male4s6Bfemale 15- 4 years: 1.01 male4s6Bfemale 5 years and over: 0.72 male4s6Bfemale total population: 0.,8 male4s6Bfemale 45002 est.6
Infant mortality rate:

total: 2.85 deathsB1,000 live births male: -.58 deathsB1,000 live births female: 2.33 deathsB1,000 live births 45002 est.6
Life e"pectancy at birth:

total population: 7,.,6 ears male: 76.-, ears female: 83.- ears 45002 est.6
otal fertility rate:

1.61 children bornBwoman 45002 est.6

)I*+AI'( - adult prevalence rate:

0.3: 45003 est.6

)I*+AI'( - people living &ith )I*+AI'(:

-6,000 45003 est.6

)I*+AI'( - deaths:

1,-00 45003 est.6


noun: Canadian4s6 ad!ective: Canadian

!thnic groups:

British Csles origin 58:, Drench origin 53:, other Euro!ean 1-:, Amerindian 5:, other, mostl Asian, African, Arab 6:, mi<ed bac)ground 56:

;oman Catholic 26:, /rotestant 36:, other 18: note: based on the 1,,1 census

English -,.3: 4official6, Drench 53.5: 4official6, other 17.-:


definition: age 1- and over can read and write total population: ,7: 41,86 est.6 male: .A female: .A Government
Country name:

Top of (age

conventional long form: none conventional short form: Canada

Government type:

confederation with !arliamentar democrac



Administrative divisions:

10 !rovinces and 3 territoriesE* Alberta, British Columbia, 7anitoba, .ew Brunswic), .ewfoundland and 8abrador, .orthwest &erritoriesE, .ova #cotia, .unavutE, +ntario, /rince Edward Csland, 'uebec, #as)atchewan, Fu)on &erritor E

1 Aul 1867 4union of British .orth American colonies6* 11 >ecember 1,31 4inde!endence recogni9ed6
#ational holiday:

Canada >a , 1 Aul 418676


17 A!ril 1,85 4Constitution Act6* originall , the machiner of the government was set u! in the British .orth America Act of 1867* charter of rights and unwritten customs
Legal system:

based on English common law, e<ce!t in 'uebec, where civil law s stem based on Drench law !revails* acce!ts com!ulsor CCA (urisdiction, with reservations

18 ears of age* universal

!"ecutive branch:

chief of state: 'ueen E8CGABE&? CC 4since 6 Debruar 1,-56, re!resented b Hovernor Heneral Adrienne C8A;=#+. 4since 7 +ctober 1,,,6 head of government: /rime 7inister /aul 7A;&C. 4since 15 >ecember 50036* >e!ut /rime 7inister Anne 7C8E88A. 4since 15 >ecember 50036 cabinet: Dederal 7inistr chosen b the !rime minister from among the members of his own !art sitting in /arliament elections: none* the monarch is hereditar * governor general a!!ointed b the monarch on the advice of the !rime minister for a five- ear term* following legislative elections, the leader of the ma(orit !art or the leader of the ma(orit coalition in the ?ouse of Commons is automaticall designated !rime minister b the governor general
Legislative branch:

bicameral /arliament or /arlement consists of the #enate or #enat 4members a!!ointed b the governor general with the advice of the !rime minister and serve until reaching 7- ears of age* its normal limit is 10- senators6 and the ?ouse of Commons or Chambre des Communes 4308 seats* members elected b direct, !o!ular vote to serve for u! to five- ear terms6 elections: ?ouse of Commons - last held 58 Aune 5002 4ne<t to be held b .A 500,6 election results: ?ouse of Commons - !ercent of vote b !art - 8iberal /art 36.7:, Conservative /art 5,.6:, .ew >emocratic /art 1-.7:, Bloc 'uebecois 15.2:, Hreens 2.3:, inde!endents 0.2:, other 0.,:* seats b !art - 8iberal /art 132, Conservative /art ,,, Bloc 'uebecois -2, .ew >emocratic /art 1,, inde!endent 5
-udicial branch:

#u!reme Court of Canada 4(udges are a!!ointed b the !rime minister through the governor general6* Dederal Court of Canada* Dederal Court of A!!eal* /rovincial Courts 4these are named variousl Court of A!!eal, Court of 'ueens Bench, #u!erior Court, #u!reme Court, and Court of Austice6

%olitical parties and leaders:

Bloc 'uebecois IHilles >"CE//EJ* Conservative /art of Canada 4a merger of the Canadian Alliance and the /rogressive Conservative /art 6 I#te!hen ?A;/E;J* 8iberal /art I/aul 7A;&C.J* .ew >emocratic /art IAac) 8AF&+.J
%olitical pressure groups and leaders:

International organi$ation participation:

ACC&, Af>B, A/EC, A;D, As>B, A#EA. 4dialogue !artner6, Australia Hrou!, BC#, C, C>B, CE 4observer6, EA/C, EB;>, E#A 4coo!erating state6, DA+, H-7, H-8, H-10, CA>B, CAEA, CB;>, CCA+, CCC, CCCt, CCD&", CC;7, C>A, CEA, CDA>, CDC, CD;C#, C?+, C8+, C7D, C7+, Cnter!ol, C+C, C+7, C#+, C&", 7CHA, 7C."#&A?, 7+."C, .A7 4guest6, .A&+, .EA, .#H, +A#, +EC>, +/C1, +#CE, /aris Club, /CA, "., ".A7#C8, ".C&A>, ".>+D, ".E#C+, ".DCCF/, ".?C;, ".7+@CC, ".&#+, "/", 1C8, 1C+, 1D&", 1?+, 1C/+, 17+, 1&o+, 1&+, GC
'iplomatic representation in the .(:

chief of mission: Ambassador 7ichael D. =E;HC. chancery: -01 /enns lvania Avenue .1, 1ashington, >C 50001 telephone: I1J 45056 685-1720 "#$: I1J 45056 685-7756 consulate%s& general: Atlanta, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, >allas, >etroit, 8os Angeles, 7iami, 7innea!olis, .ew For), and #eattle consulate%s&: Anchorage, >enver, ?ouston, /hiladel!hia, ;aleigh->urham, #an >iego, #an Drancisco 4trade office6, and #an Aose 4trade office6
'iplomatic representation from the .(:

chief of mission: Ambassador /aul CE88"CCC embassy: 2,0 #usse< >rive, +ttawa, +ntario =1. 1H8 mailing address: /. +. Bo< -000, +gdensburgh, .F 1366,-0230 telephone: I1J 46136 538--33-, 2270 "#$: I1J 46136 688-3085 consulate%s& general: Calgar , ?alifa<, 7ontreal, 'uebec, &oronto, @ancouver, 1inni!eg
/lag description:

two vertical bands of red 4hoist and fl side, half width6, with white s%uare between them* an 11-!ointed red ma!le leaf is centered in the white s%uare* the official colors of Canada are red and white !conomy
!conomy - overvie&:

Top of (age

As an affluent, high-tech industrial societ , Canada toda closel resembles the "# in its mar)et-oriented economic s stem, !attern of !roduction, and high living standards. #ince 1orld 1ar CC, the im!ressive growth of the manufacturing, mining, and service sectors has transformed the nation from a largel rural econom into one !rimaril industrial and urban. &he 1,8, "#Canada Dree &rade Agreement 4D&A6 and the 1,,2 .orth American Dree &rade Agreement 4.AD&A6 4which includes 7e<ico6 touched off a dramatic increase in trade and economic integration with the "#. As a result of the close cross-border relationshi!, the economic sluggishness in the "nited #tates in 5001-05 had a negative im!act on the Canadian econom . ;eal growth averaged nearl 3: during 1,,3-5000, but declined in 5001, with

moderate recover in 5005-03. "nem!lo ment is u!, with contraction in the manufacturing and natural resource sectors. .evertheless, given its great natural resources, s)illed labor force, and modern ca!ital !lant Canada en(o s solid economic !ros!ects. #olid fiscal management has !roduced a long-term budget sur!lus which is substantiall reducing the national debt, although !ublic debate continues over how to manage the rising cost of the !ublicl funded healthcare s stem. &rade accounts for roughl a third of H>/. Canada en(o s a substantial trade sur!lus with its !rinci!al trading !artner, the "nited #tates, which absorbs more than 8-: of Canadian e<!orts. ;oughl ,0: of the !o!ulation lives within 160 )ilometers of the "# border.

!urchasing !ower !arit - K,-8.7 billion 45003 est.6

G'% - real gro&th rate:

1.7: 45003 est.6

G'% - per capita:

!urchasing !ower !arit - K5,,800 45003 est.6

G'% - composition by sector:

agriculture: 5.5: industry: 5,.5: services: 68.6: 45003 est.6

Investment 0gross fi"ed1:

1,.-: of H>/ 450036

%opulation belo& poverty line:

)ousehold income or consumption by percentage share:

lowest 10': 5.8: highest 10': 53.8: 41,,26 31.- 41,,26

'istribution of family income - Gini inde": Inflation rate 0consumer prices1:

5.8: 45003 est.6

Labor force:

17.02 million 45003 est.6

Labor force - by occupation:

agriculture 3:, manufacturing 1-:, construction -:, services 72:, other 3: 450006
.nemployment rate:

7.8: 45003 est.6


revenues: K328.5 billion expenditures: K325.7 billion, including ca!ital e<!enditures of .A 45003 est.6
%ublic debt:

77: of H>/ 450036

Agriculture - products:

wheat, barle , oilseed, tobacco, fruits, vegetables* dair !roducts* forest !roducts* fish

trans!ortation e%ui!ment, chemicals, !rocessed and un!rocessed minerals,

food !roducts* wood and !a!er !roducts* fish !roducts, !etroleum and natural gas
Industrial production gro&th rate:

0.5: 45003 est.6

!lectricity - production:

-66.3 billion )1h 450016

!lectricity - consumption:

-02.2 billion )1h 450016

!lectricity - e"ports:

38.2 billion )1h 450016

!lectricity - imports:

16.11 billion )1h 450016

2il - production:

5.738 million bblBda 45001 est.6

2il - consumption:

1.703 million bblBda 45001 est.6

2il - e"ports:

5.008 million bblBda 450016

2il - imports:

1.12- million bblBda 450016

2il - proved reserves:

-.115 billion bbl 41 Aanuar 50056

#atural gas - production:

186.8 billion cu m 45001 est.6

#atural gas - consumption:

85.5- billion cu m 45001 est.6

#atural gas - e"ports:

10, billion cu m 45001 est.6

#atural gas - imports:

2.26 billion cu m 45001 est.6

#atural gas - proved reserves:

1.6,1 trillion cu m 41 Aanuar 50056

Current account balance:

K18.63 billion 450036


K57,.3 billion f.o.b. 45003 est.6

!"ports - commodities:

motor vehicles and !arts, industrial machiner , aircraft, telecommunications e%ui!ment* chemicals, !lastics, fertili9ers* wood !ul!, timber, crude !etroleum, natural gas, electricit , aluminum
!"ports - partners:

"# 86.6:, Aa!an 5.1:, "= 1.2: 450036


K520.2 billion f.o.b. 45003 est.6

Imports - commodities:

machiner and e%ui!ment, motor vehicles and !arts, crude oil, chemicals,

electricit , durable consumer goods

Imports - partners:

"# 60.6:, China -.6:, Aa!an 2.1: 450036

,eserves of foreign e"change 3 gold:

K36.57 billion 450036

'ebt - e"ternal:

K1., billion 450006

!conomic aid - donor:

+>A, K1.3 billion 41,,,6


Canadian dollar 4CA>6

Currency code:

!"change rates:

Canadian dollars !er "# dollar - 1.2011 450036, 1.-6,3 450056, 1.-288 450016, 1.28-1 450006, 1.28-7 41,,,6
/iscal year:

1 A!ril - 31 7arch Communications Canada

Top of (age

elephones - main lines in use:

1,,,-0,,00 450036
elephones - mobile cellular:

13,551,800 450036
elephone system:

general assessment: e<cellent service !rovided b modern technolog domestic: domestic satellite s stem with about 300 earth stations international: countr code - 1-<<<* - coa<ial submarine cables* satellite earth stations - - Cntelsat 42 Atlantic +cean and 1 /acific +cean6 and 5 Cnters!utni) 4Atlantic +cean region6
,adio broadcast stations:

A7 -3-, D7 -3, shortwave 6 41,,86

elevision broadcast stations:

80 4!lus man re!eaters6 41,,76

Internet country code:

Internet hosts:

3,510,081 450036
Internet users:

16.11 million 450056 ransportation


Top of (age

total: 28,,0, )m standard gauge: 28,,0, )m 1.23--m gauge 450036


total: 1,208,800 )m paved: 2,7,306 )m 4including 16,,00 )m of e<!resswa s6 unpaved: ,11,2,2 )m 450056

631 )m note: #aint 8awrence #eawa of 3,76, )m, including the #aint 8awrence ;iver of 3,0-8 )m, shared with "nited #tates 450036

crude and refined oil 53,-62 )m* li%uid !etroleum gas 72,,80 )m 450036
%orts and harbors:

Becancour 4'uebec6, Churchill, ?alifa<, ?amilton, 7ontreal, .ew 1estminster, /rince ;u!ert, 'uebec, #aint Aohn 4.ew Brunswic)6, #t. Aohn$s 4.ewfoundland6, #e!t Csles, # dne , &rois-;ivieres, &hunder Ba , &oronto, @ancouver, 1indsor
Merchant marine:

total: 11, shi!s 41,000 H;& or over6 1,782,55, H;&B5,6-7,2,, >1& by type: barge carrier 1, bul) -,, cargo 13, chemical tan)er 6, combination bul) 5, combination oreBoil 1, !assenger 5, !assengerBcargo 1, !etroleum tan)er 18, rail car carrier 1, roll onBroll off 11, short-seaB!assenger 3, s!eciali9ed tan)er 1 foreign-owned: Herman 3, ?ong =ong 5, 7onaco 18, "nited =ingdom 3, "nited #tates 5 registered in other countries: 23 45002 est.6

1,3-7 45003 est.6

Airports - &ith paved run&ays:

total: -03 over (,04) m: 18 *,4(+ to (,04) m: 11,5*4 to *,4() m: 1-0 ,14 to 1,5*( m: 52under ,14 m: 7- 45002 est.6
Airports - &ith unpaved run&ays:

total: 853 1,5*4 to *,4() m: 67 ,14 to 1,5*( m: 327 under ,14 m: 20, 45002 est.6

15 45003 est.6 Military

Military branches:

Top of (age

Canadian Armed DorcesL 8and Dorces Command, 7aritime Command, Air Command
Military manpo&er - military age and obligation:

16 ears of age for voluntar militar service 450016

Military manpo&er availability:

males age 15-4,: 8,217,312 45002 est.6

Military manpo&er - fit for military service:

males age 15-4,: 7,176,625 45002 est.6

Military manpo&er - reaching military age annually:

males: 512,653 45002 est.6

Military e"penditures - dollar figure:

K,,801.7 million 450036

Military e"penditures percent of G'%:

1.1: 450036 ransnational Issues

'isputes - international:

Top of (age

managed maritime boundar dis!utes with the "# at >i<on Entrance, Beaufort #ea, #trait of Auan de Duca, and around the dis!uted 7achias #eal Csland and .orth ;oc)* uncontested dis!ute with >enmar) over ?ans Csland sovereignt in the =enned Channel between Ellesmere Csland and Hreenland
Illicit drugs:

illicit !roducer of cannabis for the domestic drug mar)et and e<!ort to "#* use of h dro!onics technolog !ermits growers to !lant large %uantities of high-%ualit mari(uana indoors* transit !oint for heroin and cocaine entering the "# mar)et* vulnerable to narcotics mone laundering because of its mature financial services sector
This page was last updated on 10 February, 200#

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