In General, Information Available As of 1 January, 2004 Was Used in The Preparation of The World Factbook
In General, Information Available As of 1 January, 2004 Was Used in The Preparation of The World Factbook
In General, Information Available As of 1 January, 2004 Was Used in The Preparation of The World Factbook
Field %isting
&an! 'rder
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Between 1990 and 1992 Albania ended 46 years of xenophobic Communist rule and established a multiparty democracy. he transition has pro!en difficult as successi!e "o!ernments ha!e tried to deal with hi"h unemployment# widespread corruption# a dilapidated infrastructure# powerful or"ani$ed crime networ%s with lin%s to hi"h "o!ernment officials# and disrupti!e political opponents. &nternational obser!ers 'ud"ed parliamentary elections in 2001 and local elections in 200( to be acceptable and a step toward democratic de!elopment# but identified serious deficiencies. )any of these deficiencies ha!e been addressed throu"h bi*partisan chan"es to the electoral code in 200( and 200+# but implementation of these chan"es will not be demonstrated until parliamentary elections in ,uly 200+. Geography
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-outheastern .urope# borderin" the Adriatic -ea and &onian -ea# between /reece and -erbia and )ontene"ro
Geographic coordinates:
41 00 0# 20 00 .
Map references:
total: 220 %m border countries: /reece 212 %m# )acedonia 1+1 %m# -erbia and )ontene"ro 212 %m
(62 %m
Maritime claims:
mild temperate4 cool# cloudy# wet winters4 hot# clear# dry summers4 interior is cooler and wetter
lowest point: Adriatic -ea 0 m highest point: )a'a e 5orabit 6/olem 5orab7 2#264 m
#atural resources:
petroleum# natural "as# coal# bauxite# chromite# copper# iron ore# nic%el# salt# timber# hydropower
Land use:
deforestation4 soil erosion4 water pollution from industrial and domestic effluents party to: Biodi!ersity# Climate Chan"e# 9esertification# .ndan"ered -pecies# :a$ardous ;astes# <aw of the -ea# =$one <ayer >rotection# ;etlands signed, but not ratified: none of the selected a"reements strate"ic location alon" -trait of =tranto 6lin%s Adriatic -ea to &onian -ea and )editerranean -ea7
Geography - note:
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0-14 years: 26.48 6male 419#(6(4 female 446#+167 15-64 years: 6+.(8 6male 1#114#6204 female 1#1(0#06+7 65 years and over: 1.(8 6male 1(+#1224 female 1+1#9427 62004 est.7
Median age:
total: 21.2 years male: 22.6 years female: 21.2 years 62004 est.7
%opulation gro&th rate:
at birth: 1.1 male6s7?female under 15 years: 1.1 male6s7?female 15-64 years: 1.0+ male6s7?female 65 years and over: 0.1+ male6s7?female total population: 1.04 male6s7?female 62004 est.7
Infant mortality rate:
total: 22.(1 deaths?1#000 li!e births male: 2(.01 deaths?1#000 li!e births female: 21.+4 deaths?1#000 li!e births 62004 est.7
Life e"pectancy at birth:
total population: 22.06 years male: 24.(2 years female: 10.02 years 62004 est.7
otal fertility rate:
)I*+AI'( - adult prevalence rate: )I*+AI'( - people living &ith )I*+AI'(: )I*+AI'( - deaths:
0A 0A 0A
Albanian 9+8# /ree% (8# other 28 6@lach# Aoma 6/ypsy7# -erb# and )acedonian or Bul"arian7 61919 est.7 note: in 1919# other estimates of the /ree% population ran"ed from 18 6official Albanian statistics7 to 128 6from a /ree% or"ani$ation7
)uslim 208# Albanian =rthodox 208# Aoman Catholic 108 note: percenta"es are estimates4 there are no a!ailable current statistics on reli"ious affiliation4 all mos3ues and churches were closed in 1962 and reli"ious obser!ances prohibited4 in 0o!ember 1990# Albania be"an allowin" pri!ate reli"ious practice
Albanian 6official * deri!ed from os% dialect7# /ree%# @lach# Aomani# -la!ic dialects
definition: a"e 9 and o!er can read and write total population: 16.+8 male: 9(.(8 female: 29.+8 6200( est.7 Government
Country name:
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conventional long form: Aepublic of Albania conventional short form: Albania local long form: Aepubli%a e -h3iperise local short form: -h3iperia former: >eopleBs -ocialist Aepublic of Albania
Government type:
emer"in" democracy
Administrative divisions:
12 counties 63ar3e# sin"ular * 3ar%74 Car%u i Beratit# Car%u i 9ibres# Car%u i 9urresit# Car%u i .lbasanit# Car%u i Dierit# Car%u i /'iro%astres# Car%u i 5orces# Car%u i 5u%esit# Car%u i <e$hes# Car%u i -h%odres# Car%u i iranes# Car%u i @lores
has a ci!il law system4 has not accepted compulsory &C, 'urisdiction4 has
chief of state: >resident of the Aepublic Alfred )=&-&E 6since 24 ,uly 20027 head of government: >rime )inister Datos 0A0= 6since (1 ,uly 20027 cabinet: Council of )inisters proposed by the prime minister# nominated by the president# and appro!ed by >arliament elections: president elected by the >eopleBs Assembly for a fi!e*year term4 election last held 24 ,une 2002 6next to be held 0A ,une 200274 prime minister appointed by the president election results: Alfred )=&-&E elected president4 >eopleBs Assembly !ote by number * total !otes 116# for 92# a"ainst 19
Legislative branch:
unicameral >eopleBs Assembly or 5u!endi >opullor 6140 seats4 100 are elected by direct popular !ote and 40 by proportional !ote for four*year terms7 elections: last held 24 ,une 2001 with subse3uent rounds on 1 ,uly# 22 ,uly# 29 ,uly# 19 Au"ust 2001 6next to be held ,uly 200+7 election results: percent of !ote by party * >- 41.+8# >9 and coalition allies (6.18# >9A +.28# >-9 (.68# >B90, 2.68# >A-: 6now >AA7 2.68# >A9 2.+84 seats by party * >- 2(# >9 and coalition allies 46# >9A 6# >-9 4# >B90, (# >A-: 6now >AA7 (# >A9 (# independents 24 note * seats by party as of ,anuary 200+F >- 6+# >9 and coalition allies 46# <-& 9# >9A 6# >-9 (# >B90, (# >A-: 6now >AA7 (# >A9 (# >91# independents 1
-udicial branch:
Constitutional Court# -upreme Court 6chairman is elected by the >eopleBs Assembly for a four*year term7# and multiple appeals and district courts
%olitical parties and leaders:
A"rarian .n!ironmentalist >arty or >AA G<ufter H:E@.<&I4 Christian 9emocratic >arty or >95 G0i%olle <.-&I4 Communist >arty of Albania or >5-: G:ysni )&<<=-:&I4 9emocratic Alliance >arty or >A9 G0eritan C.5AI4 9emocratic >arty or >9 G-ali B.A&-:AI4 <e"ality )o!ement >arty or ><< G.%rem ->A:&EI4 <iberal Enion >arty or >B< GAr'an - AA=@AI4 0ational Dront >arty 6Balli 5ombetar7 or >B5 GAdriati% A<&)A9:&I4 0ew 9emocratic >arty or >9A G/enc >=<<=I4 >arty of 0ational Enity or >E5 G&da'et B.C&A&I4 Aenewed 9emocratic >arty or >9A G9ashamir -:.:&I4 Aepublican >arty or >A GDatmir ).9&EI4 -ocial 9emocracy >arty or >9- G>as%al )&<=I4 -ocial 9emocratic >arty or >-9 G-%ender /,&0E-:&I4 -ocialist )o!ement for &nte"ration or <-& G&lir ). AI4 -ocialist >arty or >- 6formerly the Albanian >arty of <abor7 GDatos 0A0=I4 Enion for :uman Ai"hts >arty or >B90, G@an"'el 9E<.I Confederation of rade Enions of Albania or 5--: G5astriot )EC=I4 Dront for Albanian 0ational Enification or DB5-: G/afur A9&<&I4 =monia G,ani ,A0&I4 Enion of &ndependent rade Enions of Albania or B->-: G/e$im 5A<A,AI ACC # B-.C# C.# C.&# .A>C# .BA9# DA=# &A.A# &BA9# &CA=# &CCt# &CD E# &CA)# &9A# &9B# &DA9# &DC# &DAC-# &<=# &)D# &)=# &nterpol# &=C# &=)# &-= 6correspondent7# & E# )&/A# =&C# =>C;#
=-C.# >D># E0# E0C A9# E0.-C=# E0&9=# E0=)&/# E>E# ;C=# ;D E# ;:=# ;&>=# ;)=# ; o=# ; =
'iplomatic representation in the .(:
chief of mission: Ambassador 9r. Datos AA&DA chancery: 2100 - -treet 0;# ;ashin"ton# 9C 20001 telephone: G1I 62027 22(*4942 !": G1I 62027 621*2(42 chief of mission: Ambassador )arcie B. A&.embassy: Aru"a .lbasanit# <abinoti J10(# irana mailing address: E. -. 9epartment of -tate# 9+10 irana >lace# 9ulles# @A 20119*9+10 telephone: G(++I 647 24221+ !": G(++I 647 (249+2 and G(++I 647 2(2222
/lag description:
Top of (age
>oor and bac%ward by .uropean standards# Albania is ma%in" the difficult transition to a more modern open*mar%et economy. he "o!ernment has ta%en measures to curb !iolent crime and to spur economic acti!ity and trade. he economy is bolstered by remittances from abroad of K400*K600 million annually# mostly from /reece and &taly4 this helps offset the si$able trade deficit. A"riculture# which accounts for one*half of /9># is held bac% because of fre3uent drou"ht and the need to moderni$e e3uipment and consolidate small plots of land. -e!ere ener"y shorta"es and anti3uated and inade3uate infrastructure ma%e it difficult to attract and sustain forei"n in!estment. he "o!ernment plans to boost ener"y imports to relie!e the shorta"es and is mo!in" slowly to impro!e the poor national road and rail networ%# a lon"*standin" barrier to sustained economic "rowth.
28 6200( est.7
G'% - per capita:
2.48 6200(7
Labor force:
a"riculture +28# non*a"ricultural pri!ate sector 208# public sector 2(8 6200( est.7
.nemployment rate:
revenues: K1.(6 billion e$penditures: K1.622 billion# includin" capital expenditures of K406 million 6200( est.7
Agriculture - products:
wheat# corn# potatoes# !e"etables# fruits# su"ar beets# "rapes4 meat# dairy products
food processin"# textiles and clothin"4 lumber# oil# cement# chemicals# minin"# basic metals# hydropower
Industrial production gro&th rate:
0A 620017
2il - imports:
0A 620017
2il - proved reserves:
0 cu m 62001 est.7
#atural gas - imports:
0 cu m 62001 est.7
textiles and footwear4 asphalt# metals and metallic ores# crude oil4 !e"etables# fruits# tobacco
!"ports - partners:
=9AF K(1+ million 6top donors were &taly# .E# /ermany7 62000 est.7
le% 6A<<7
Currency code:
!"change rates:
le%e per E- dollar * 121.16( 6200(7# 140.1++ 620027# 14(.41+ 620017# 14(.209 620007# 1(2.691 619997
/iscal year:
2++#000 6200(7
elephones - mobile cellular:
general assessment: 9espite new in!estment in fixed lines# the density of main lines remains the lowest in .urope with rou"hly 1 lines per 100 people. :owe!er# cellular telephone use is widespread and "enerally effecti!e. domestic: offsettin" the shorta"e of fixed line capacity# mobile phone ser!ice has been a!ailable since 19964 by 200( two companies were pro!idin" mobile ser!ices at a "reater density than some of AlbaniaBs
Bal%an nei"hbors international: country code * (++4 inade3uate fixed main lines4 ade3uate cellular connections4 international traffic carried by microwa!e radio relay from the irana exchan"e to &taly and /reece 6200(7
,adio broadcast stations:
Internet hosts:
4++ 620047
Internet users:
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4( %m 620047
total: 22 ships 61#000 /A or o!er7 40#121 /A ?62#626 9; by type: bul% 1# car"o 19# petroleum tan%er 1# roll on?roll off 1 foreign-owned: 9enmar% 1# :onduras 1# 0etherlands 1 registered in other countries: 2 62004 est.7
11 6200( est.7
Airports - &ith paved run&ays:
total: ( %,4&' to &,04( m: ( 62004 est.7 total: 1 over &,04( m: 1 1,5%4 to %,4&( m: 1 )14 to 1,5%& m: 2 under )14 m: 4 62004 est.7 1 6200( est.7
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Military branches:
/eneral -taff :ead3uarters# <and Dorces Command 6Army7# 0a!al Dorces Command# Air Dorces Command# 9octrine and .xercises Command# <o"istics -upport Command
Military manpo&er military age and obligation: Military manpo&er availability: Military manpo&er - fit for military service: Military manpo&er reaching military age annually: Military e"penditures dollar figure: Military e"penditures percent of G'%:
19 years of a"e 62004 est.7 males age 15-4): 9+6#102 62004 est.7 males age 15-4): 22+#422 62004 est.7 males: (6#+14 62004 est.7 K+6.+ million 6DL027 1.498 6DL027 Albania
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ransnational Issues
'isputes - international:
the Albanian /o!ernment calls for the protection of the ri"hts of ethnic Albanians in nei"hborin" countries# and the peaceful resolution of interethnic disputes4 some ethnic Albanian "roups in nei"hborin" countries ad!ocate for a M"reater Albania#M but the idea has little appeal amon" Albanian nationals
Illicit drugs:
increasin"ly acti!e transshipment point for -outhwest Asian opiates# hashish# and cannabis transitin" the Bal%an route and * to a far lesser extent * cocaine from -outh America destined for ;estern .urope4 limited opium and "rowin" cannabis production4 ethnic Albanian narcotraffic%in" or"ani$ations acti!e and expandin" in .urope4 !ulnerable to money launderin" associated with re"ional traffic%in" in narcotics# arms# contraband# and ille"al aliens
This page was last updated on 10 February, 200#