Va/Us History Webb Unit 4 Test
Va/Us History Webb Unit 4 Test
Va/Us History Webb Unit 4 Test
1. A B C D 2. A B C D 3. A B C D 4. A B C D 5. A B C D 6. A B C D 7. A B C D 8. A B C D
New England was settled by ________ seeking freedom from religious erse!ution in Euro e" Puritans Catholics Mormons Baptists T#e $ost %olony is t#e name gi&en to t#e settlement at' Jamestown. Roanoke Island. Williamsburg. Hampton. W#i!# of t#e following was not one of t#e !#ief settlement grou s in t#e (iddle Atlanti! )egion* English utch !erman "panish +lymout# %olony was settled by' debtors seeking economic #reedom. separatists #rom the Church o# England seeking religious #reedom. separatists #rom the Church o# England looking wealth and riches. $uakers wanting to practice their religion more #reel%. W#i!# of t#e following !olonies was establis#ed as an e!onomi! &enture* Pl%mouth Jamestown Penns%l&ania Massachusetts Ba% Englis# nobility t#at re!ei&ed large land grants in eastern Virginia from t#e ,ing of England were !alled' Ca&aliers Con'uistadors Puritans $uakers T#e first ermanent Englis# settlement in Nort# Ameri!a was at' Pl%mouth "alem Jamestown Williamsburg T#e first ele!ted assembly in t#e New World was t#e' Ma%#lower Compact Massachusetts !eneral (ssembl% Penns%l&ania House o# Burgesses )irginia House o# Burgesses
T#e introdu!tion of sla&ery in t#e New World o!!urred due to' an agricultural econom% based on large landholdings in the "outhern colonies and in the Caribbean a decline in European immigration a rise in *ati&e (merican re&olts an increase in small #arms owned b% small #amilies T#e first Afri!ans were broug#t to -amestown in ./.0 to' become household ser&ants work on tobacco plantations increase rice production work on indigo plantations W#i!# of t#e following does N1T des!ribe t#e New England !olonies* rock% soil #ishing and shipbuilding industries rich+ #ertile soil natural harbors+ swi#t ri&ers+ ,agged coastline T#e e!onomy of t#e New England !olonies was !#ara!teri2ed by w#at two essential elements* sla&er% and plantation agriculture shipping and #ishing staple e-port crops and shipping manu#acturing and #inancial institutions roblems* "outhern Western *ew England Middle .Mid/(tlantic0 T#e (iddle !olonies de&elo ed e!onomies based on' plantations that grow cash crops to be e-ported to Europe shipbuilding+ #ishing lumbering+ and manu#acturing small/scale subsistence #arming+ hunting and trading shipbuilding+ small/scale #arming+ and trading +ennsyl&ania was establis#ed to allow w#i!# grou of eo le to wors#i as t#ey wanted* Pilgrims "eparatists $uakers Puritans New England !olonial so!iety was based on' religious tolerance and had a thri&ing middle class #amil% status and ownership o# land religious standing and was intolerant o# dissenters allegiance to the Church o# England and close ties to England
13. 3n w#i!# grou of !olonies did t#e !olonists #old town meetings to dis!uss oliti!al and !i&i! A B C D 14. A B C D 15. A B C D 16. A B C D
T#e e!onomy of t#e Sout#ern !olonies was based on' gold and sil&er mining trade with other English colonies plantations and subsistence #arming banking and in&estment W#i!# was N1T a result of t#e 4reat Awakening of t#e .566s* rapid growth o# e&angelical religions challenges to the e-isting religious and go&ernmental order the de&elopment o# a social #oundation #or the (merican Re&olution the abandonment o# established religions in the colonies W#i!# of t#ese traits did N1T de&elo as art of t#e lantation e!onomy* landed aristocrac% cash crops indentured ser&itude township s%stem toba!!o7 !otton7 ri!e7 and indigo" *ew England Middle Western "outhern T#e e!onomy of t#e !olonies of t#e Sout# de ended on' #ishing. skilled cra#tsmen. a cash crop. trade. by _________7 w#o worked in order to #a&e relief from t#eir debts" headrighters speculators sla&es indentured ser&ants T#e &oyage t#at broug#t Afri!ans to t#e West 3ndies and Nort# Ameri!a was referred to as t#e' 1Middle Passage2 1Columbian E-change2 1Mercantilism2 1Human 3rade2 3ndentured ser&ants were' born into sla&er% and remained sla&es. #ree at the end o# their contract to repa% passage to *orth (merica. e-pected to work without pa% #or the entire time the% were in *orth (merica. cra#tsmen who tra&eled #rom colon% to colon%.
20. T#e warm7 mild !limate and le&el7 fertile land made t#e ________ !olonies ideal for growing A B C D 21. A B C D
22. T#e growt# of a lantation8based agri!ultural e!onomy in t#e Sout# #ad its labor needs met in art A B C D 23. A B C D 24. A B C D
9:" A!!ording to t#e ma 7 !olonies de&elo ed t#eir e!onomies by e; orting w#at !ro s to England*
rice and rum tobacco and indigo sugar and molasses #lour and meat