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API Spec 4F - Specification for Drilling and Well Servicing Structures

Last update: July 25, 2013 Standard Edition Section Inquiry # Question Can the design wind velocity (Vdes) be used in the place of the Structural Safety Level (SSL) and reference wind velocity (Vref) in all records i.e. quotations, contracts, and design input? 4F 4th Edition, Jan 2013 General 4F-01-13 Reply Yes, design wind velocity (Vdes) is a function of the reference wind velocity (Vref) and a constant multiplier () that is determined by the SSL. The intent of the SSL and Vref is to allow the design engineer to determine the correct Vdes. If necessary Vdes can be used to determine the correct Vref for a given SSL. Further, API SPEC 4F, 4th edition does not specify SSL and Vref as required information for the nameplates of mast, derricks, and substructures. Various 4F-01-08 Question: When reading Sections 6, 7, 8.2, 8.1.3, 8.3.1, 8.6, 8.7, and 8.8 of API 4F, these sections begin by saying "Each drilling structure . . . ." or "Drilling structures . . . ". Do these sections apply only to drilling structures and not well servicing structures, or does the term "drilling structures", as used in API 4F, meant to include well servicing structures? Question: The second paragraph of Section 1 states that API 4F is applicable to all new designs. For 4F Monogrammed equipment, is it the intent of this statement to grandfather structure designs to the second edition to be compliant with the third edition of 4F? In Table 7.1, is the 100% hook load in Case 1a the same as the maximum rated static hook load as defined in 3.22? Question: The AISC Manual of Steel Construction, Allowable Stress Design, 9th Edition, Section A4.2, specifies the use of impact factors. API 4F defines rated hook load as static. Does one need to increase the hook load that is considered live to be increased by the impact factors specified in AISC 9th Ed? These sections apply to all structures covered in the scope of API 4F.


3rd Edition Jan. 2008


3rd Edition Jan. 2008


No. All designs of API 4F Monogrammed equipment must comply with the third edition. Additionally, API 4F Monogrammed equipment manufactured after the effective date of July 1, 2008, must comply with the third edition as well. Yes. The AISC Manual of Steel Construction, Allowable Stress Design, 9th Edition, Section A4.2, applies to specific building design issues and is not applicable to API 4F structures. The range of impact factors for drilling structures is large, from very slight impact factors typically for maximum hook and rotary loads to large factors for operations such as jarring. The ratings under API 4F are established for static loading; guidance for operations with impact loading are given in API 4G, Section 5.2. Reply 1: Section 8.1.1 applies to both members and connections.

4F 4F

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4F-03-09 4F-02-08


3rd Edition Jan. 2008



Question 1: Does 8.1.1 apply to members only, connections only, or to members and connections? It appears that members and connections are referenced and that the 20% increase in allowable stresses applies to both. Question 2: Does API 4F require, mandate, or suggest that the base of a derrick be designed as fully fixed, fully pinned, or somewhere in between?

Reply 2: No; it is up to the engineer to determine the appropriate boundary conditions for design just as with any other connection in the structures.

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API Spec 4F - Specification for Drilling and Well Servicing Structures

Last update: July 25, 2013 Standard 4F Edition 3rd Edition Jan. 2008 Section 8.2 Inquiry # 4F-05-08 Question Question: In API 4F, maximum rated static hook load is defined in 3.22 as the weight of the traveling equipment and a static load applied to the traveling equipment. Section 8.2 defines operating loads to include "maximum rated static hook load". Does the term static mean the maximum static load that can be applied to the mast that stresses the structure to its full extent, or does it mean the maximum load that can be applied and then hoisted without over stressing the mast including the increased fastline tension (per API 9B) ? Nowhere in API 4F regarding mast rating definitions is the application of API 9B mentioned. Reply Maximum static rated hook load is intended to mean static. It is unclear what you mean by "stresses the structure to its full extent, but the API 4F Task Group assumes you mean stresses in accordance with API 4F requirements. It is a requirement of equilibrium that the total load suspended from the blocks is a constant (inertial loads are presumed to be essentially zero, i.e. static loading). When the block fastline load increases due to friction, the block deadline must correspondingly decrease similarly to maintain equilibrium. The total block load remains constant whether lowering or raising the block. The specification recognizes this fact implicitly in its ratings. The shifting of load centroid from that of a raising load to that of a lowering load is generally small and often negligible; however, the engineer must consider this effect in meeting specification requirements. Although API 9B is a normative reference in API 4F, it is not cited in Section 8.2. The use of the increased fastline tension for the design of the fastline and deadline sheaves and their supports is a requirement if the increased loading due to friction is relevant in the design of these components. 4F 3rd Edition Jan. 2008 8.3.1 4F-01-10 Question 1: Are the onshore-expected wind speed values given in Table 8.3 inclusive of 3-second gust at 10 meters for a 50-year storm period as required in Reply 1: The values in Table 8.3 are minimum design wind speeds; they are not "expected wind speed values", nor are they related to any averaging time period or return period. If the user specifies the purchase based on minimum design values (or specifies a locale and an SSL such that Vdes calculated per is less than the minimums per Table 8.3, then the designer would use the values from this table for his design. Vdes is factored for elevation per and wind loads are calculated per 8.3.2 and 8.3.3. Vdes would also be the nameplate value. Reply 2: By your use of the term "3-second gust factor", it is presumed that you are speaking of a factor to convert from one averaging period to a 3-second averaging period. This would only be relevant if the meteorological data for the design locale needed to be converted to a 3-second gust as required by to define an appropriate Vref. Since the values in Table 8.3 are Vdes, no conversion is necessary or appropriate other than as specified in 8.3.2 and 8.3.3.

Question 2: Does the 3-second gust factor need to be applied to the onshore-expected wind speed values given in Table 8.3, thus resulting in a higher wind speed?

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API Spec 4F - Specification for Drilling and Well Servicing Structures

Last update: July 25, 2013 Standard 4F Edition 3rd Edition Jan. 2008 Section 8.3.3 Inquiry # 4F-01-09 Question Background: In section and it states that the shielding factor Ksh and the gust factor Gf shall only be applied when calculating the total wind force on the structure Ft, and not the individual member wind force Fm. However, in Annex B it states under the second last paragraph of B. that individual members are required to meet the allowable stress requirements for the unshielded member wind load superimposed on the global truss loading with shielding considered. This last statement is tough to interpret but makes it sounds like you are allowed to include the global shielding factor for the structure when determining if members meet their allowable stress requirements after all the individual member loads Fm are applied. Question 1: When determining if individual members in a structure meet the allowable stress requirements can we include the factors Ksh and Gf which affect the total wind force and average it over all members in the structure? In other words do we use the loads on each member that result from the total wind force Ft when determining if individual members meet the allowable stress requirements, or does each individual member have to meet the allowable stress requirements considering only the individual member loads Fm superimposed on the structure? Question 2: If we cannot use both factors in determining whether individual members meet the allowable stress requirements, can we include the shielding factor Ksh based on the statement in B. Reply Reply 1: API 4F does not address the distribution of shielding over the global structure. It allows the reduction of overall global loading based on the use of Ksh and Gf, but it recognizes that any individual member or assemblage of members may be unshielded and thus exposed to the full member wind loads, while the overall structure is subject to the shielded loads. The design engineer should assess whether individual members or partial assemblies will be overstressed if those members are subjected to the full wind member loading without shielding. This requirement is similar to the ASCE 7 requirement for local wind loadings of certain portions of roofs and structures that are likely to see higher than the average wind loading of the structure. Reply 2: Generally, individual members in drilling structures are insensitive to stresses due to local member wind loads and for most structures this check might be reasonably completed by simple methods such as performing a global analysis using the global shielded wind forces. On structures where this is overly conservative, more rigorous ways to address the additional local loading should be considered. Similarly, alternate methods should be considered where a local assembly of members might be unshielded and sensitive to the additional loading.

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API Spec 4F - Specification for Drilling and Well Servicing Structures

Last update: July 25, 2013 Standard 4F Edition 3rd Edition Jan. 2008 Section 8.6 Inquiry # 4F-03-08 Question Question 1: In regards to the shape coefficients for wind-walls shown in Table 8.6, using the three-sided enclosure as an example, a wind blowing directly at Wall I ( = 0) produces a shape coefficient of 0.8 towards Wall I. For Wall II and Wall III it indicates a shape coefficient of 0.5. What direction does the 0.5 refer to? Question 2: If Walls II and III are the same shape and area, are they both pulling in the same direction or do they cancel each other out (with regards to their effect on the mast structure)? Question 3: At wind angle = 45, Wall I and Wall II show a shape coefficient of 0.5 Wall III has a 0.5 coefficient. Assuming that towards is relative to the wind, in this case it appears that wall II has wind pressure on it that is opposed by wind suction on wall III. For equal sized walls, the wind effects of the two walls oppose each other and their effect on the mast structure cancels out. Is this correct? Question 4: As you move towards = 135, the upwind wall (II) has positive pressure of 0.5 which is opposed by a coefficient of -0.9 on Wall III. This would indicate (for equal sized walls II and III) that the suction force on Wall III is greater than the direct pressure force on Wall II. Is this correct? Question 5: I believe that towards cant be defined relative to the wind, but instead is defined as pointing inward (towards the middle of the cube). This seems intuitively right at all angles except for = 180 where it seems wall I should be 1.2 (instead of 1.2). Is this assumption correct? 4F 3rd Edition Jan. 2008 8.8 4F-05-09 Question 1: Are derrick base plates classified as dual-load path connections as described in Sections 8.8 and B.8.8, or as tie down clamps? Question 2: What structures are classified as freestanding offshore drilling structures? 4F 3rd Edition Jan. 2008 11.3.4 4F-06-08 Background: API 4F, Section 11.3.4, requires all full- or partialpenetration welds loaded in tension to 70% or greater of their allowable stress, as determined by design, be ultrasonically or radiographically inspected in accordance with Section 6 of AWS D1.1. The problem is there are no acceptance criteria or procedures for partial joint penetration welds for the UT or RT methods in AWS D1.1. Question: Are there UT or RT acceptance criteria for full- or partialpenetration welds loaded in tension to 70% or greater of their allowable stress in API 4F? Reply Reply 1: Forces on wind walls are always normal to the surface, i.e. the force on Walls II and III would be normal away (meaning outwards from surface, because of negative sign) from surface. Reply 2: Yes, the forces on Wall II and Wall III would cancel each other. Reply 3: No. A positive coefficient means the force will be normal to the surface and towards the inside of the mast or derrick. A negative sign means the force will be outward from the inside of the mast or derrick. Thus the force on Wall II will be towards the inside of the mast (towards Wall III) the force on Wall III will be outwards from the mast and thus will be additive to that on Wall II. Reply 4: The force on Wall III is outward from inside of mast, so forces are not opposed, but additive. The coefficient values can be rationalize as follows: the force on the front of Wall III adds to the suction on the back side giving the total coefficient of 0.9; the force on the front face of Wall II would be similar to that on the front of Wall III, but the suction force would be greatly reduced (or actually switch signs) on the backside due to the positive pressurization inside the mast, thus giving a lower total coefficient of 0.5 on Wall II vs. 0.9 on Wall III. Reply 5: It appears you are correct about the sign error. The API task group responsible for 4F will review the shape coefficients to clarify all wind-wall coefficients for a future addendum/edition of the standard. Reply 1: Derrick base plates are classified as dual-load path connections.

Reply 2: A freestanding structure is any drilling structure whose attachment to its support structure allows rigid body movement in one or more loading directions. No. With the absence of acceptance criteria in the specification, each user must develop its own acceptance criteria. The API Subcommittee on Drilling Structures & Equipment will consider a new work item to study this issue further to determine if a change in the standard is required. Any changes resulting from this agenda item will appear in a future edition or addendum to API 4F.

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API Spec 4F - Specification for Drilling and Well Servicing Structures

Last update: July 25, 2013 Standard 4F Edition 3rd Edition Jan. 2008 Section 11.7.3 Inquiry # 4F-04-08 Question Question: API 4F, Section 11.7.3, stipulates that wire rope end connections used for erection purposes shall be proof tested to 50% of nominal wire rope assembly strength. Does this statement imply that the wire rope assembly is to be proof tested to 50% of nominal assembly strength or that the end connections (in this case the lugs on the mast where the above rope attaches to) need to be proof tested to 50% of nominal assembly strength? Question 1: API 4F, Section 11.7.4 states cylinders and winches used for erection of masts or substructures shall be pressure tested to 1.5 times the system design working pressure and the test pressure shall be maintained for 10 minutes. Must the cylinder used for erection of masts or substructures be a hydraulic pressure cylinder or a cushion cylinder used for erection of anchor rope mast or substructure by girdle brake or disc brake drawwork, or both? Reply Wire rope end connections refers to end connections on the wire rope assembly such as spelter or swaged sockets connections. It does not refer to the mast lugs where such an assembly is to be attached.


3rd Edition Jan. 2008



Reply 1: Section 11.7.4 applies to hydraulic or air actuated cylinders and winches that apply the motive force for raising a mast or substructure. A cylinder that raises the mast directly or powers a linkage to raise the mast or substructure requires testing. Similarly, a winch used to power a wireline assembly to raise a structure would require testing of any hydraulics used in the powering of the drum. It does not require testing of the control systems, winch brakes, or other safety devices; it is left to the manufacturer and/or user to determine the means to validate and test these components. Reply 2: Either type of winch can be used at the discretion of the manufacturer; the hydraulic winch would require pressure testing. If the cylinder is used for erection of a mast or substructure and it is used in extension and retraction to do so, the cylinder must be tested for both extension and retraction in accordance with 11.7.4.

Question 2: Must winches used for erection of masts or substructures be hydraulic or girdle disc brake electric winches? 4F 3rd Edition Jan. 2008 11.7.4 4F-02-10 In reference to API 4F, 11.7.4, concerning the pressure test of hydraulic cylinders, it is mentioned that we have to pressure test the mast cylinders 1.5 times the system design working pressure and maintain for a duration of ten minutes. Does the pressure test have to be performed in extend and retract positions, or only in extend?

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