Edge-Based Finite Element Formulation: Appendix
Edge-Based Finite Element Formulation: Appendix
Edge-Based Finite Element Formulation: Appendix
where @ are the conservative variables. If the element-based formulation for the above equation omits the stabilization terms, the weak form can be written as A@ In a fully explicit form of solution procedure, the left-hand side becomes M(A@/At) and here M is the consistent mass matrix (see Chapter 3). We can write the RHS of the above equation for an interior node I (Fig. C.l(a)) by interpolating F; in each element and after applying Green's theorem as
where AE is the area and I, J and K are the three nodes of the element (triangle) E. This is an acceptable added approximation which is frequently used in the TaylorGalerkin method (see Chapter 2). In another form, the above RHS can be written as (Fig. C.l(a))
where A I , A2 and A3 are the areas of elements 1, 2 and 3 respectively. For integration over the boundary on the RHS, we can write the following in the element formulation
jr N ' ( N k F f ) d r n B
[%(2F: + Fi).]
Appendix C
Fig. C.l Typical patch of linear triangular elements: (a) inside node; (b) boundary node.
where n is the boundary normal. The above equation can be rewritten for the node I in Fig. C. 1(b) as
(2Fj + F?)n, + r B 2 (2Fj + Ff)n2 (C.6) 6 6 where r B ] and r B 2 are appropriate edge lengths. The above equations (C.3) and (C.5) can be reformulated for an edge-based data structure. In such a procedure, Eq. (C.3) can be rewritten as (for an interior node I)
~ ~
C J n Ed " +NI'Fm=
2{C [4 + }
A E 'lvl
where mSis the number of edges in the mesh which are directly connected to the node I and the summation C E E I l , extends over those elements that contain the edges I [ T . The user can readily verify that the above equation is identically equal to the standard element formulation of Eq. (C.4) if we consider the node I in Fig. C.l(a). The inclusion of boundary sides is direct from Eqs (C.5) and (C.6).