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Science and Education in Karakalpakstan ISSN 2181-9203



Qilishbaeva G.K. Periodic solutions of one system of differential equations with delay................................ 3
Chief Editor: Otarov A.O., Edilbekova R.M. Solution of systems of finite-dimensional equations by differential
descent............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Reymov A. Kudaybergenov A.A., Samandarov B.S. Mathematic models of channels of irrigation systems................. 11
Rakhimberdiyev Q., Khojaniyazova S. Application of A.Shamir algorithm for transmission of
Deputy editor in chief: information on open communication channels.................................................................................................. 19
Kurbanov B.T., Minajatdinov I., Tajibaev R.T. On integral formulas in the space of rectangular
B.Utemuratov matrices.............................................................................................................................................................. 24
Kalandarov I.I., Abdireymov A.R. Network planning method in an automated system inside a shop
Executive secretaru: operational management.................................................................................................................................... 32
Sh.N.Abdinazimov Rakhmonov Z.R., Urunbaev J.E., Alimov A.A. Shikhiev R.M. On the asymptotic behavior of solutions
of a system of diffusion equations with nonlinear boundary conditions........................................................... 39
Utebaev D., Nurullaev J.A. On the accuracy of the finite element method scheme for the equation of ion-
Editorial board: sound waves in an unmagnetized plasma......................................................................................................... 50
Shikhiev R.M., Samandarov B.S. To properties of solutions of one nonlinear heat conductivity problem
with absorption.................................................................................................................................................. 57
Bazarbaev J. Dr of Ph, academic TECHNICAL SCIENCES
Ayimbetov N.K. Dr of Economic Sciences Ganiev P.Kh., Namazov Sh.S., Beglov B.M., Usanbaev N.Kh., Reymov A.М. Obtaining granular humic
Turdimambetov I.R. Doctor of Geography urea based on a melt of urea and oxidized coal with hydrogen peroxide............................................. 63
Ataniyazova O.A. Dr of medical sciences Gadaev A.N., Jumamuratov D.K. Urgent Central Asian water challenge: sustainable water resources
Aleuov W. Doctor of pedagogy management...................................................................................................................................................... 70
Ubaydullaev Kh. Dr of Economic Sciences Kuchkarov A.A., Muminov Sh.A., Omonillayev B.I., Sarsenbaev D.B. Optical-geometric and energetic
characteristics of the fresnel mirror-concentrating systems............................................................................... 74
Umarova Q.U. Doctor of law
Xayrova T. Residential complexes with natural elements................................................................................ 80
Berdimuratova A.K. Doctor of Phylosophy
Kasimakhunova A.М., Zokirov S.I., Sarsenbaev D.B. Analysis of the efficiency of polycrystalline-
Abdullaeva J.A. Dr of Hist. Sciences silicon photocells mounted on a fixed and moving substrate........................................................................... 84
Allanazarov K.J. PhD in Geography Asamatdinov M.O., Ilyasov A.T., Embergenov Q. Clay-gypsum binders: heat release kinetics and
Аyimbetov M.J. PhD in Technical Sciences hydration............................................................................................................................................................ 91
Auezov O. Doctor of Tech. Sciences Isteleeva D., Shamuratova D. Decoration of jalpak and jumalak tuyme jewellery items of Karakalpak
Baimanov K.I. Dr of Technical Sciences women................................................................................................................................................................ 97
Bokieva G. Doctor of Philology Tsoi V.M., Makhamataliev I.M., Turgaev J.A. On electronic-microscopic research of a cement stone
Jarimbetov K.H. Doctor of Philology filled with fly ash.............................................................................................................................................. 100
Ismayilov K.A. Dr of phys-math sciences COMMUNITY SCIENCES
Turdimambetov I.R., Uzakbaev K.K., Niyazimbetova G. Current status of medical services in the
Kayypbergenov B.T. Dr of Tech. Sciences
Republic of Karakalpakstan............................................................................................................................... 104
Kayypbergenov A.T. Dr of Tech. Sciences Turdimambetov I.R., Seitniyazov K.M., Baltabaev O.O. Methods of toponymic researches of people's
Kuranbaev K. Doctor of Philology geographical terms in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.................................................................................... 109
Kudaibergenov K.K. Dr of phys-math sciences Zakimov.A.M. Ways to increase the export potential of the region by protecting the natural recources of
Kushiev H. Dr of Biol. Sciences licorice and creating its plantations................................................................................................................... 112
Mambetnazarov B.S. Dr of Agr. Sciences Jumakhanov Sh.Z., Toshpulatov A.M., Niyazimbetova G. Toponymic classification of enclave /
Mambetullayeva S.M. Dr of Biol. Sciences exclave areas in the fergana valley.................................................................................................................... 117
Murtazayeva A.D. Dr of Hist. Sciences HUMANITIES SCIENCES
Muslimov N. Doctor of pedagogy Sultansuynov A.S., Djankhodjaev N.Dj., Yesemuratov B.A. Studying of features of physical readiness
Nizamatdinov K.K. PhD in law sciences of pupils by means of the questioning method.................................................................................................. 122
Smaylova G. The role of grim culture in the theatre........................................................................................ 127
Nishonova Z.T. Dr of psychology sciences
Kalimbetov Sh. Some issues of polysemic and monosemic words in translation (on the materials of
Oripova M.H. Dr of Tech. Sciences english and karakalpak language)...................................................................................................................... 131
Paluaniyazov P.K. PhD History Turdymuratov Zh.A., Tashnazarov J.Yu. Efficiency modeling techniques training young greco-roman
Rakhmonov I.U. PhD in technical sciences wrestlers............................................................................................................................................................. 134
Razhapov A. Dr of Tech. Sciences Jangabaev J.J. The role of waterways in transport communication system in south aral areas in 18-19
Sadullaev A. Dr of phys-math sciences, acad centuries............................................................................................................................................................. 137
Tagaev M.B. Dr of phys-math sciences Babaniyazova N.P. Teaching foreign languages via the internet................................................................... 141
Toreniyazov E.Sh. Dr of Agr. Sciences Sarsenbaeva Z.J. Pedagogical significance of developing students’ linguocultural skills through
Utebayev T.T. Doctor of pedagogy proverbs............................................................................................................................................................. 144
Holbaev I. Dr of phys-math sciences Kalekeev K. Presentation of national values and cultural heritage in the karakalpak press............................. 148
Timofeeva S.S., Kalandarov I.I., Boboev A.A. Practice-oriented education for students directions of
Shermuhamedova N. Doctor of Phylosophy
preparation "technosphere safety" - for health and safety specialists................................................................ 152
Egamberdiev F. Dr of Economic Sciences Tajenova G.E. Level of use of foreign experience in improving the financing of export of agricultural
Tleumuratov G. PhD in Philology products............................................................................................................................................................. 158
Kubeysinova D.T. PhD in Philology Seytjanov J.E., Rakhmetova I.I. Theory and problems of translation in different 161
Kurbanbaev Dj. A. PhD in Pedagogy languages..........................................................................................................................................................
Seytjanov J.E. PhD in Philology Seytnazarov K.R., Matjanov I.A. Issues of protection of the legal interests of a witness in criminal
proceedings....................................................................................................................................................... 164
Saymanova Sh., Nurumbetova G. Effective usage of linguostylistic devices in english poetry................... 167
Erniyazova S.M. Issues of participation of the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan in the
Editorial address: formation of the government of the Republic.................................................................................................... 170
Street, 1 Ch.Abdirov, Kazakbaeva A.T. The sound similarities and differences in karakalpak and chuvach languages................... 173
Nukus, 230100, Jumanov A.O. Legal aspects of water resources protection............................................................................ 176
Phone: 223-60-19 Mambetkarimov R.R. Human morality as the basis of spirituality................................................................ 180
Nizamatdinov K.K., Utebaev S.M. Property rights to securities and the basis of their
establishment.................................................................................................................................................... 183
For the accuracy of the information presented in Bekimbetova A.A., Dzhalgasbayeva M.S. Experiments to form arithmetic notions in public pedagogy..... 186
the journal are the authors of the article. Toreniyazova D.K., Jumaniyazov D.K. Historical and ethnographic information about the population of
the lower reaches of the amudarya in the late 19th - early 20th centuries......................................................... 189
Biyimbetov J.K. Information security as an object of social philosophy......................................................... 194
Babanazarov K.R. Some problems regarding research into radiation safety in foreign countries................. 197
Khojaniyazova I.J. Characteristics of using didactic materials in teaching natural sciences for primary
school students................................................................................................................................................... 199

O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Вазирлар Махкамаси хузуридаги OAK Tartib-qoida komissiyasi qarori 24.05.2017 y., №5/2.
Постановление комиссия по регулированию ВАК Республики Узбекистан при Кабинете Министров от 24.05.2017 г. №5/2.
Resolution of the Regulation Commission of the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 24.05.2017 y. №5/2.

© Karakalpak State University

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203


UDK 517.926



Qilishbaeva G.K.
Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: In the present paper, we have studied periodic solutions of the system of
differential equations with delay. Differential equations with a deviating argument are widely used
in the theory of automatic control, the theory of self-oscillating system, laser technology, long-term
forecasting problems in economics, ecology, immunology, a number of biophysical problems, and
many others.
Key words: periodic solutions, with deviating argument, sequence of functions, dimensional

The question of periodic solutions of systems of differential equations with delay is of great
importance not only in the qualitative theory of differential equations, but also in applied
mathematics. Differential equations with a deviating argument are widely used in the theory of
automatic control, the theory of self-oscillating systems, laser technology, long-term forecasting
problems in economics, ecology, immunology, a number of biophysical problems, and many others.
Equations with a deviating argument describe processes with aftereffects. Aftereffect, for example,
in an evolving system is reflected in the fact that its state at any time affects the nature of the
evolution of this system, not only at the same time, but also in subsequent ones. Mathematically,
this means that in the differential equations that describe this phenomenon, terms with a delay
appear. Technological and design improvements require taking into account the effects of
aftereffects in traditional areas of technology [3.62].
In this paper, we consider a two-dimensional system of differential equations with delay
dx  t 
 P t  x t   f t , x t  , x t    , (1)
where x   x1, x2   R 2 , t  R   ,   ; f  t , x, y    f1 , f 2  ;   is a constant value
that characterizes the delay in the system   0 ,
 0 p t  
P  t    2  2  - dimensional matrix of the form P  t   
  p  t  0 
 
Let's assume that in the area
 t , x, y    R  D  D,
D  x 0  r  x  R, x  x1  x2
2 2

the system of equations (1) satisfies the following conditions:

1) the function p  t  is continuous, T  periodic, and satisfies the condition

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

 p  t dt  2 l ,
where l  is an integer;
2) the vector function f  t , x, y  is defined, continuous, T  periodic by t and satisfies
the conditions
f  t , x, y   M ,
f  t , x, y   f  t , x , y   K1 x  x  K 2 y  y
for all  t , x, y  ,  t , x , y   , where M , K1 , K 2 - some positive constants;
3) the following inequalities are met:
Rr T
M , Q  qK1  K 2  1,
T 2
where q  T.
Under these assumptions, the study of periodic solutions of a system of equations (1) the
algorithm for modifying the numerical – analytical method of sequential periodic approximations
[1.179] developed in this paper is used [2.483]. According to this modification, for approximate
finding of T  periodic solutions of system (1), we construct a sequence of T  periodic functions
xm  t ,    x0  t ,     X  t ,  { f  s, xm1  s,   , xm1  s  ,    
  X  t ,  f  , xm1  ,   , xm1   ,   d }ds , m  1,2,...,
1 (2)
x0  t ,   X  t  ,   1,2  , X t , s   X t  X 1  s  ,
where X (t)  is the matrix of a homogeneous linear system
dx  t 
 P  t  x  t .
Under the assumption of conditions 1)  3), it is possible to prove convergence for m   a
sequence of functions defined by the relation (2), to the function x  t ,   and to establish a
connection of this limit function with the exact T – periodic solution of the original system (1).
The following statement is true.
Theorem. Let the system of equations (1) satisfy the conditions 1)  3) and have a T-periodic
solution x  t  . Then
1) the sequence
of functions xm  t ,   of the form (2) converges m   uniformly with respect to
 t ,   R  D0 ,
 MT MT 
D0   r    R ,
 2 2 

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

to the limit function x  t ,   and for all natural m the estimate is fair
Q m MT
x  t ,    xm  t ,  

 ,
1 Q 2
where Q  qK1  K2 ;
2) the limit
function x  t ,   is T  periodic in t and satisfies the initial condition x  0,    ;
 

3) the limit
function x  t ,   is the solution of the integral equation

 T

x  t   X  t    X  t , s   f  s, x  s  , x  s       X  s,  f  , x   , x      d  ds ;
0  T0 

 

a function x  t   x t ,  is a T  periodic solution of a system of differential

equations (1) if and only if the point     is the solution of the equation
     X 1   f  , x  ,  , x   ,  d  0.

1. Самойленко А.М., Ронто Н.И Численно-аналитические методы исследования периодических
решений. К.: Вища шк. Изд-во при Киевском ун-те. 1976. С. 179.
2. Король I. I. Про перiодичнi роз вязки одного класу систем диференцiальних рiвнянь // Укр.
мат. журн., 2005. т. 57. №4. С. 483-495
3. Мышкис А.Д. Линейные дифференциальные уравнения с запаздывающим аргументом. М.-Л.:
Гостехиздат, 1951.
4. Носов В.Р. Периодические решения систем линейных уравнений общего вида с
отклоняющимся аргументом // Дифференц. уравнения. 1971. Т. 7. № 4. С. 639-650.

Rezume: Maqolada kechiguvchi argumentli differnsiyal tenglamalar sistemasining davriy

yechimi o’rganildi. Kechiguvchi argumentli differensiyal tenglamalar avtomatik boshqarish
nazariyasi, o’z-o’zidan tebranuvchi tizimlar nazariyasi, lazer texnologiyasi, ekologiya,
immunologiya bir qator biofizik muammolar, iqtisodiyotda uzoq muddatli prognozlash muammolar
muammolarini yechishda va boshqa ko’plab sohalarda keng qollaniladi.
Резюме: В данной работе изучены периодические решения системы
дифференциальных уравнений с запаздыванием.
Дифференциальные уравнения с отклоняющимся аргументом широко применяются в
теории автоматического управления, в теории автоколебательных систем, лазерной
технологии, проблем долгосрочного прогнозирования в экономике, в экологии, иммунологии,
ряде биофизических проблем и многих других.

Kalit so’zlar: davriy echimlar, chetlanuvchi argumentga ega tenglama, funksiya ketma-
Ключевые слова: периодические решения, уравнения с отклоняющимся аргументом,
последовательность функций.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Otarov A.O., Edilbekova R.M.

Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary. The problem of solving systems of nonlinear equations is reduced to solving the
equivalent Cauchy problem for systems of ordinary differential equations of the first order is
investigated in the article. Integrating this Cauchy problem by numerical methods, various iterative
methods for solving the original system are constructed.
Key words. Gradient, descent, functional, implicit function, error order, iterative method,
residual vector, convergence, integration step, geometric progression speed.

Let there be a system of equations (linear or nonlinear)

f ( x)  0, (1)

where x  ( x1 , x2 ,..., xn )  is a n  th dimensional vector, and f  ( f1, f 2 ,..., f n )  is a

given vector function, the prime sign means transposition. It is assumed that the functions
f1 , f 2 ,..., f n have a sufficient number of partial derivatives and the system of equations (1) in a
certain domain D has a unique solution x   .
As is known [1, 2, 3], with the gradient method, solving system (1) reduces to finding a point
in region D that gives a minimum to the functional constructed from the function f ( x). An ideal
gradient method would be to move to this point, which coincides with the solution x   of system
(1), along the steepest descent line, which is determined by solving the system of differential
equations [1, 2, 3]
dx  x ( x)
 (2)
ds  x ( x), x ( x) 
with initial conditions s0  0, x (0)  ( x1(0) , x2(0) ,..., xn(0) ), x (0)  D  the initial
approximation to the solution of system (1), s  is the arc of the steepest descent line and
 x ( x)  grad  ( x) .
Since obtaining a solution of system (2) in a closed form is impossible in most cases, an
approximate solution x (0) ( s ) is used. Moving along the line x (0) ( s ), they search for the point x
on this line at which the function   x (0) ( s)  has a minimum value. Then, if x (1) ( s )  is an
approximate solution to system (2) with initial conditions s1  0, x (1) , then moving along the line
 
x (1) ( s ) , we find the point x (2) on this line at which the function  x(1) ( s) has the minimum
If the k  th approximation x
(k )
to the root x   has already been found, then the
is a point on the line x ( k ) ( s ) at which   x ( k ) ( s)  has a
( k 1)
(k  1)  th approximation x
minimum value, x ( k ) ( s )  is an approximate solution of system (2) with the initial conditions
sk  0, x ( k ) .

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

As can be seen from the above, the application of the usual method of steepest descent
requires at the i  th step (i  0,1,2,...) to do a lot of computational work when finding the
minimum of the function   x(i ) ( s) .
In this paper, we consider the differential descent method [2], which does not require finding
at the i  th step (i  0,1,2,...) the minimum of the function   x(i ) (s) . This method is used to
solve a system of finite-dimensional equations (1).
We turn to the consideration of the method of differential descent. Let t    x ( s )  where
 ( x)  0  is such a functional that  ( x* )  0 if and only if x*   , x( s )  is a solution to
system (2).
The construction of the functional  ( x ) in an explicit form, generally speaking, is not
necessary. For example, you can define the functional f ( x (0) )t  f ( x). Then, if the conditions of
the implicit function theorem [4] are satisfied, then this functional defines a differential equation
  f ( x)  f ( x (0) )
with initial conditions t0  1, x (0) , where x  D  is the initial approximation to the root

x   , f ( x)  is the Frechet derivative,  f ( x )   is the inverse operation of the operation


f ( x ) . The solution x(t ) of differential equation (3) for t  0 gives the root x   , and various
methods for its numerical integration [1, 3] make it possible to construct various iterative methods
for solving the system of equations (1).
If we pass in the system (2) from the variable s to the variable t , then we obtain a system of
differential equations
dx  x ( x)
 (4)
dt  x ( x),  x ( x) 
with initial conditions t0   ( x (0) ), x (0) . The solution x(t ) of system (4) for t  0 gives the
root x   of system of equations (1), i.e. lim x(t )   .
t 0
Integrating the Cauchy problem (4) by approximate methods, one can obtain various iterative
methods for solving system (1). For example, the Euler method with step hk   ( x ( k ) ) [1,3]
(equation (4) is solved with the initial conditions tk   ( x ( k ) ), x ( k ) ) gives an iterative method
 x ( x ( k ) ) ( x ( k ) )
x ( k 1)  x ( k )  , k  0,1,2,..., (5)
 x
 ( x (k )
),  x ( x (k )
) 
and the Runge-Kutta method [1, 3] with the same step and having the error order hk3 gives an
iterative method
( k 1)  x ( x(k)  0,5 k )   ( x( k ) )
x x (k )
 , k  0,1,2,..., (6)
x ( x(k)  0,5 k ), x ( x(k)  0,5 k ) 

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

 x ( x( k ) )   ( x( k ) )
k   .
x ( x(k ) ),x ( x(k ) ) 
In the one-dimensional case, if  ( x )  f ( x ) , then formula (5) gives the Newton method
and, if we integrate (4) using the Runge-Kutta method with step hk   f ( xk ) , then iterative
methods of high orders can be obtained [1,3] .
Now we consider the application of the iterative method (5) for solving systems of linear
algebraic equations.
Let there be a system of n linear equations with n unknowns
Ax  b, (7)
where A  is a real symmetric matrix of the n  th order, b  is a column vector of free
terms, x  is a column vector of unknowns. It is assumed that the matrix A has non-zero
Will accept
 ( x)   b  Ax, b  Ax    r , r  ,
b  Ax  r  is the residual vector. Then, since  x ( x)  2 Ar , the system of differential
equations (4) and the method (5) take the form, respectively
dx Ar
 (8)
dt 2  Ar , Ar 

( k 1)
Ar ( k )  r ( k ) , r ( k ) 
x x (k )
 , r ( k )  b  Ax ( k ) , k  0,1,2,...
2  Ar , Ar 
(k ) (k )

We consider the question of choosing the step of integrating system (8) in such a way that,
integrating (8) with the Euler method, we can arrive at an exact solution to system (7) from any
initial approximation.
It is natural to take the integration step equal to hk   r ( k ) , r ( k )    , where   is some
constant satisfying the condition   1.
The following theorem answers the question of how to choose the  constant.
Theorem. Sequential approximations of the {x ( k ) }, k  0,1, 2,... method

( k 1)
Ar ( k )  r ( k ) , r ( k ) 
x x (k )
 , r ( k )  b  Ax ( k ) , k  0,1,2,...
2  Ar , Ar 
(k ) (k )

converge to the solution of system (7) with the speed of a geometric progression from any
initial approximation x if
2 2
a)      at     1;
s 1 s 1
 4 4s   4 4s 
b)   1, if     1,
s 1
 4 4s 
where s  is the Todd condition number [1, 3].
Evidence. We show first of all that if the conditions of the theorem are satisfied, then

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

 ( x ( k 1) )  r , r  1 1  r , r  A r , A r 
( k 1) ( k 1) (k ) (k ) 2 (k ) 2 (k )

 1  2   q 2  1,
r ,r 
(x )   4  Ar ( k ) , Ar ( k ) 
(k ) (k ) (k ) 2

where from

r (k )
, r ( k )  A2 r ( k ) , A2 r ( k ) 
4  Ar ( k ) , Ar ( k ) 

If condition a) is satisfied, then we obtain

 s 1   r , r  A r , A r 
2 (k ) (k ) 2 (k ) 2 (k )

     .
 4 4s  4  Ar , Ar 
(k ) (k ) 2

And the fulfillment of condition b) will lead to the following relations

 s 1   r , r  A r , A r 
2 (k ) (k ) 2 (k ) 2 (k )

 1    
 4 4s  4  Ar ( k ) , Ar ( k ) 

This shows that in both cases inequality (11) is satisfied. So,

 ( x ( k 1) )  q 2 ( x ( k ) ),  ( x ( k 1) )  q 2( k 1) ( x (0) ), q  1
Therefore,  ( x ( k 1) )  0 for k   , and therefore x
( k 1)
  , where   is the exact
solution to system (7).
Let us now estimate the length of the error vector, i.e. y ( k )    x ( k ) . As
 ( x ( k ) )   Ay ( k ) , Ay ( k )    A2 y ( k ) , y ( k )   1 y , y(k ) ,
2 (k )

 ( x (0) ) k
y(k )   y(k ) , y(k )   1

and y ( k ) tends to zero at a geometric progression rate with the denominator

1 1 s 1 
q  1   1
  2  4 4s 
Which was required to prove.
Thus, choosing an integration step that depends on the conditionality of the matrix A , it is
possible, integrating (8) by the Euler method, to arrive at an exact solution of system (7) from any
initial approximation.

1. Baxvalov N.S., Jidkov N.P., Kobelkov G.M. Chislennıe metodı. – M.: Nauka, 1987.
2. Otarov A.O. Reshenie sistem nelineynıx uravneniy metodom svedeniya k zadacham Koshi dlya
obıknovennıx differentsialnıx uravneniy //Jurnal “Vestnik” KK otdeleniya ANRUz, Nukus, 2002, №1.
3. Samarskiy A.A., Gulin A.V. Chislennıe metodı. – M.: Nauka, 1989.
4. Trenogin V.A. Funktsionalnıy analiz. – M.: Nauka, 1980.

Rezyume. Maqolada chiziqli emas tenglamalarning sistemalarini yechish masalasi, unga teng kuchli
bo’lgan, birinchi tartibli oddiy differensial tenglamalarining sistemasiga qo’yilgan Koshi masalasiga
keltiriladi. Bu Koshi masalasini sonli usullar bilan integrallab, dastlabki berilgan tenglamalar sistemasini

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
yechishning har xil iteratsion usullari yasaladi.
Резюме. В статье задача решения систем нелинейных уравнений сводится к решению
равносильной ей задачи Коши для систем обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений первого
порядка. Интегрируя эту задачу Коши численными методами, построены различные итерационные
методы решения исходной системы.

Tayanch so’zlar. Gradient, pastga tushish, funksional, aniq emas funksiya, xatoligining tartibi,
iteratsion usul, xatolik vektori, yaqinlashuvchilik, integrallash qadami, geometrik progressiya tezligi.
Ключевые слова. Градиент, спуск, функционал, неявная функция, порядок погрешности,
итерационный метод, вектор невязки, сходимость, шаг интегрирования, быстрота геометрической

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC: 511.215; 672.841


Kudaybergenov A.A., Samandarov B.S.

Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh,

Summary: Mathematical models of water distribution in the channels of irrigation systems

have been developed under conditions of discreteness of water supply, which include direct and
kinematic wave models, a convection-diffuse model, and a complete model of the steady-state
movement of water flow in the canal sections. Criteria are also developed for the quality of water
distribution in the canal sections for the side channels of water intakes. For them, discreteness
conditions, initial and boundary conditions, areas for determining variables, and restrictions on the
distribution of water in the channels are determined.
Key words: optimal control, methods, channel, water distribution, necessary optimality

The correct operation of the channel is determined by its condition, the flow rates of the water
that it passes through, and the speeds with which the water moves along the channel (1). The
implementation of consumer requirements for water and its distribution in the channels of irrigation
systems will be the basis for the development of certain provisions of the theory of optimal
distribution of water in the channels of irrigation systems.
Currently, there is no unified systematic approach to modeling the dynamics of water-
economic objects, there is only a wide class of mathematical models of individual objects of
varying degrees of complexity, therefore the choice of mathematical models that will describe the
complex processes of water supply and water distribution with the required degree of accuracy in
water facilities is a very problematic task.


Dynamic models with distributed parameters are mainly described by the Saint-Venant
equation and take into account the distribution of flow motion parameters in river and canal sections
along the length and time.
The integral form of Saint-Venant equations consists of the law of conservation of mass
x2 t2

 
t2   
 t1 dx   Qx2  Qx1 dt  0

and saving momentum

x2 t2

 Q
t2 
 Qt1 dx    2    2   dt 
 x1 x2 
t2 t2 x2

 
 g  I 1x1  I x22 dt  g     I 2    I 0  I f   dxdt
t1 t1 x1
where Q   ,

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
h x  h x 
  
I 
  h  x       x,  d , I 
  h  x       d
0 0  x  hh0
Z q
I0   , I f is the friction slope,   x, h  is the width of the cross section, and
  x, h     x  is the width of the flow along the top,  is the living section area,  is the
speed uniform across the cross section, x is the coordinate along the length of the section, t is the
time, h is the level water, Z q - bottom mark.
The differential form of the system of one-dimensional Saint-Venant equations has the form
h   1    q
 i   
x g x g t C 2 R g
 Q
  q.
t x
where C is the Shezy coefficient, R is the hydraulic radius, q is the lateral inflow.
Models based on the solution of simplified Saint-Venant equations.
The convection-diffuse model is based on neglect of the inertial terms of the equations and
has the form
Q  Q K  Q K 2  2Q
   0 (4)
t  dK h  x 2b Q  x 2
where K is the flow rate module.
In the case of neglecting the slope of the free surface, we obtain the equation of the kinematic
 Q
 0
t x (5)
Q  c Ri
The main hypothesis of the theory of small-amplitude waves, on the basis of which the
equations are derived
h 1      2B x 
   2I I   h  0,
s g t g s    h (6)
h  h
B   B  0,
t s s
where h is the deviation of the filling depth,  is the deviation of the flow velocity, I is
the surface slope with uniform water movement, B is the width of the flow above,  is the living
section area, x is the hydraulic indicator of the channel, g is the acceleration of gravity, s is the
distance, t is the time.
In the early 60s, under the leadership of Professor O.F. Vasiliev at the Institute of Geography,
of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, a scientific school was formed
(A.A. Atavin, A.F. Voevodin, M.G. Gladyshev, S.M. Shugrin), whose works include the results in
mathematical modeling of unsteady water movement [2, 3, 4]. The approximation of differential
equations using implicit difference schemes on each time layer leads to the solution of a difference
boundary value problem having essentially the same structure as the main boundary value problem.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Algorithms for solving difference equations that take this structure into account are considered the
most promising [1, 7]. When solving such problems, the main difference equations are used, which
are linearized, then using one of the variants of the sweep method, unknown coefficients are
determined through which the state parameters of the system under study are determined using
balance relations.
Consider a section of the canal (Fig. 1.) with five water intakes. The task of water distribution
should be considered as providing at time T for each water intake a water flow qi , i.e. stepwise
change in water flow, with minimal fluctuation of the water level in the channel section.


Figure 1. Discrete water supply in the canal sections

Kinematic wave model. The equation of the kinematic wave in the case of lateral taps is
written as follows
  x, t  Q  x, t 
  q  x, t 
t x , (7)
Q  x, t     x, t  c  x , t  R  x , t  i
where Q  x, t  is the change in water flow in the channel section,  is the flow velocity.
Initial condition
Q  x,0   Q0  x  ,   x,0   0  x  , (8)
where Q0  x  is the initial distribution of water flow in the channel section.
Boundary condition
Q  0, t   Q1  t  , (9)
where Q1  t  is the change in water flow at the beginning of the channel section.
Variable definition area
x  0, t  0,   0. (10)
Water consumption at the points of water intake of the channel section, q  x, t  in the
conditions of discreteness of water distribution has the form
q  x, t    qi  x  ai l  t  T  (11)
i 1
Equation (7) takes into account the main properties of the irrigation canal, such as the delay
and transformation of water flow along the length of the canal. In this case, the water flow rate
changed in the initial section of the channel section leads to a change in water flow at other sections

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

of the channel section after a certain time, this is called a delay, which gradually changes in time.
The convection-diffuse model is based on neglect of the inertial terms of the equations and
has the form
Q  Q K  Q K 2  2Q
    q  x, t  (12)
t  K h  x 2b Q x 2
where K is the flow module.
The flow module K  x, z  characterizes the magnitude of the friction forces and is
determined by the following formula:
K  C R (13)
where R   /  is the hydraulic radius of the channel;  - wetted perimeter of the channel;
C - Shezy coefficient.
To determine the Shezy coefficient, there is a whole series of empirical formulas [5].
As one of them, Pavlovsky's formula can be taken

1 y
R , y  2,5 n  0,13  0,75 R  
n  0,1 , (14)

where n is the channel roughness coefficient.

Initial condition
Q  x,0   Q0  x  ,   x,0   0  x  , (15)
where Q0  x  is the initial distribution of water flow in the channel section.
Boundary condition
Q  0, t   Q1  t  , (16)
Q1  t  - change in water flow at the beginning of the channel section
Variable Definition Area
x  0, t  0,   0. (17)
Water consumption at the points of water intake of the channel section
q  x, t    qi  x  ai  l  t  T  (18)
i 1
A complete model of the unsteady flow of water in a channel section. The state of the main
canal section is characterized by an unsteady flow of water and is described by the system of
differential equations of Saint-Venant:
In the form of conservation laws
z Q

B  q,
t x
1  Q Q    v   z

  2v   1      (19)
g  t x    c   x
 1     v  Q Q

 i     c   K 2 ,
 B  x  h const   

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Q g
where v  , c , Q  Q  x, t  - water consumption; z  z  x, t  - the ordinate of
 B
the free surface; g – gravitational constant; i - the slope of the bottom; B  B  z  - the width of
the flow along the surface of a living section;     z  - is the living cross-sectional area of the
stream, c  c  z  is the propagation velocity of small waves; K  K  z  - flow rate module.
Partial differential equations of the hyperbolic type in system (19) are the equations of
conservation of mass and momentum of the flow, and are a mathematical model of the unsteady
movement of water in the open channel section.
Here, the flow Q  x, t  and the ordinate of the free surface z  x, t  are selected here as
functions determining the flow. The independent variables are the longitudinal coordinate x and the
time t .
The channel is defined by the ordinate of the bottom z0  x  and the width of the cross section
B  x, t  at a distance z (vertical) from the bottom of the channel.
- depth of flow: h  x, t   z  x, t   z0  x  ;
- cross-sectional area of the flow:   x, h    B  x, z  dz ;
- average flow rate: v  Q /  ;
- propagation speed of small waves: c  g / B ;
- bottom slope i   dz0 / dz .
The characteristic form of equations (19) has the form [7].
Q Q  z z 
 v  c  B v c   v  c  
t x  t x 
 QQ 
   2  g   v c  q
 K 
 1     v 

  i     
 B  x  hconst   c 
Initial conditions are specified as:
z  x,0   z0  x  , Q  x,0   Q0  x  , (21)
where Q0  x  , z0  x  are known functions.
The boundary conditions at points x1  0 and x2  l are written as follows:
Q  0, t   u1  t  , Q  l , t   u2 t  (22)
The water flow at the points of intake of the channel section, the right side of equation (20)
has the form

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
q  x, t    qi  x  ai l  t  T  (23)
i 1
From the expression of the lateral water intakes (23) it is seen that consumers are provided
with a discrete water supply in time in the form of a step function. With stepped functions, to solve
the problem of optimal water distribution, it is necessary to formulate criteria for the quality of
water distribution in the channels of irrigation systems and restriction systems.
The quality control criteria for systems with distributed parameters are generally written in the
form of the sum of integral functionals [8].
T l
I   F1  x, t , Q  x, t  , u  x, t   dxdt 
0 0
  F2  t , Q  0, t  , u1  t   dt   F3  t , Q  L, t  , u1  t   dt  (24)
0 0
  F4  x, Q  x,T   dx

where Fi , i  1, 4 are given continuous functions of their arguments, the first component
representing quality criteria for distributed control actions, the second and third for boundary
controls, and the fourth for the final states of the controlled process.
Channel section. The quality criterion for hydraulic processes of water distribution in the
channel section can be written as follows
T l
I1    z  x, t   z *  dxdt ,
0 0

where z  x, t  is the actual change in water level in the channel section; z - set value of the

water level.
Functional (24) shows the quality of the change in water level in the channel section during
the entire process of water distribution. The solution to the problem of minimizing functional (24) is
to reduce the excessive fluctuation of water levels in the channel section.
The next quality criterion is the change in the water level in the channel section is the integral
deviation of the water level at the end of the process from the given distribution of the water level
z*  x  ,
I 2    z  x,T   z  ( x)  dx .
Similarly for the flow rate of water in the channel section
T l
I 3   Q  x, t   Q  dxdt ,
0 0
I 4   Q  x, T   Q ( x)  dx ,

where Q  x, t  is an actual change in water flow in the channel section; Q is a given value

of water flow.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Functionals (27) and (28) show the quality of the change in water flow in the channel section
at the beginning, total and end of the water distribution process. By solving the problem of
minimazing functionals (27) and (28), reducing excessive fluctuations in water flow in the channel
In addition to integral quality criteria, the following analogues of criteria (23)-(27) are used
I1  z  x, t   z  , I 2  z  x, T   z0 ( x)
I 3  Q  x, t   Q , I 4  Q  x , T   Q
 

Side water intakes. For lateral water intakes, the quality criteria of the water distribution
process can be selected as the root-mean-square integral deviation of the actual water flow from the
planned (limited) values for the period  0, T  of water distribution
I1     q j  t   qj  dt
j 1 0

where qi  t  is an actual value of water flow of i -th side intake; q j is an planned value of

the water flow of the i -th water intake.

An analogue of criterion (30) is the expression
I 2  q j  t   qj (31)
Technological restrictions on the operation modes of the channel sections has the form
zimin  zi  xi , t   zimax ,
Qimin  Qi  xi , t   Qimax ,
min max
where Qi , Qi are minimum and maximum allowable water flow in the i -th section of
min max
the channel; zi , zi are minimum and maximum permissible ordinates of the free surface of
water on the i -th section of the channel.
The main restrictions on hydraulic structures are
aimin  ai  t   aimax (33)
aimin , aimax are minimum and maximum permissible openings of the gates of hydraulic

Mathematical models of the irrigation canal section, criteria for the quality of water
distribution in the canal sections are developed, and restrictions on the process of water distribution
in the canals are determined, which is the basis for the development of mathematical models of the
optimal distribution of water in the channels of irrigation systems.

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5. Arkhangelskiy V.A. Rascheti neustanovivshegosya dvizheniya v otkritikh ruslakh. M.-L.:Izd.AN
SSSR, (1947), 134p.
6. Begimov I. Avtomatizatsiya kanalov Ferganskoy dolini. Tashkent: NITs MKVK, ShURS,
7. Atavin A.A., Vasiliev O.F., Voevodin A.F., Shugrin S.M. Chislennie metodi resheniya odnomernikh
zadach gidravliki //Vodnie resursi, (1983), №4, pp.3847.
8. Saretdinov T.K. Optimizatsiya sistem s raspredelennimi parametrami. M.: Nauka, (1977), 480p.

Rezyume. Kanal uchastkalarida suv oqimining to’g’ri va kinematik to’lqin, konvektiv-

diffuzion va to’liq nostatsionar harakati tenglamalaridan iborat suv taqsimlashning matematik
modellari ishlab chiqildi. Ular uchun diskretlik, boshlangish, chegaraviy va cheklanish shartlari
aniqlandi. Shuningdek, suv taqsimlash jarayonida suv olish istemolchilari va kanal bo’linmalari
uchun suv taqsimlashning sifat mezonlari ishlab chiqildi.
Резюме. Разработаны математические модели распределения воды в каналах
ирригационных систем в условиях дискретности водоподачи, в составе которых модели
прямой и кинематической волны, конвекционно-диффузная модель и полная модель
установившегося движения потока воды на участках каналов. Также разработаны
критерии качества распределения воды ёв участках каналов, для боковых каналов
водозаборов. Для них определениы условия дискретности, начальные и граничные условия,
области определения переменных и ограничения на процесс распределения воды в каналах.

Kalit so’zlar: optimal boshqaruv, metodlar, kanal, suv taqsimoti, optimallikni zaruriy
Ключевые слова: оптимальное управление, методы, канал, водораспределение,
необходимые условия оптимальности.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDK: 004.056.55



Rakhimberdiyev Q1., Khojaniyazova S2.

Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh
Nukus branch of Tashkent University Information Technologies named after Muhammad al

Summary: In this article, the general idea of sharing secure information on open
communication channels, including several changes based on asymmetric cryptography of
information protection, is an algorithm that allows the exchange of confidential information on
open communication channels without secret communication channels and secret keys. the
technology of creating public and private keys using large numbers and their application in the
transmission of information on an open communication channel using them.
Keywords: Cryptography, Asymmetric, public key, private key, channel, information,
communication, technology, e-commerce, security, subscriber, protocol, algorithm, strategy, the

1. Introduction
The goal of large-scale reforms in our country in recent years is to create a strong competitive
national economy and, consequently, to steadily increase the welfare of the population. Therefore,
the legislation adopted in the country and the state programs being developed consistently carry out
scientific and practical work on the creation of an integrated system of e-government services of
modern information technologies and communications, the introduction of new mechanisms of
communication between government agencies and the population [1].
Advances in current information and communication technologies have led to e-markets,
shops, and appeals to ensure that the population follows quarantine rules and provides basic food
and clothing in the face of a coronavirus pandemic that is widespread around the world and has not
bypassed us. Given the growing demand for many e-services, remote supply and remote provision
of other consumer services to meet the demand of the population for primary and other products,
the economic potential of entrepreneurs in quarantine conditions. The effective use of modern
information technologies in further development is a topical issue. The development of such e-
commerce and remote services has raised the issue of further accelerating the provision of
information security in open communication channels [2].
Various symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms are still used today to protect
open communication channels. A group of cryptographic algorithms that have proven themselves in
this field is asymmetric cryptosystems. Asymmetric cryptosystems are composed of a pair of public
and private keys, in which each communication participant has its own pair of secret and public
keys, which are declared publicly for all communication network users, and the secret key is the
information received. used when opening [3, 478].
The idea of asymmetric cryptosystems was proposed in 1975 at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology by W. Diffie and M. Hellman, and many world-famous cryptosystems such as RSA,
El-Gamal, Diffie-Hellman, ECC, etc. were created based on this scheme. Later, the American
mathematician A. Shamir proposed an algorithm that allows the exchange of confidential
information on new secret communication channels and open communication channels that do not
have secret keys, including several changes. A. Shamir's algorithm differs from the Diffie-Hellman
algorithm in that the Diffie-Hellman algorithm only allows the formation of a secret message,

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

requiring the use of another cryptosystem that uses the message as a key to send the message to the
recipient. We now present the Shamir algorithm as follows [4, 448].

2. Basic concepts about A. Shamir algorithm

Whether subscribers A and B need to exchange information on a common communication
channel, the process is as follows (Figure 1) [5. 382].

Figure 1. Unprotected public communication channel

In this case, subscriber must send a message to subscriber in a protected form. To do

this, subscriber randomly selects a large prime number and sends it to subscriber via an open
communication channel. Subscriber repeatedly selects the numbers in such a way as to
satisfy the following equations.

The selected numbers are kept secret by subscriber and not sent to subscriber .
Subscriber then chooses the numbers which satisfies the following equation


and keeps these numbers secret.

Subscriber A then sends its M message using a three-step protocol. The following
conditions arise from this process.
(3) According to the conditions, the change in the case when the message is greater than or
less than the number is given as follows.
First, let's look at the case , where the message is rendered
so that the condition is satisfied before subscriber sends message
to subscriber .

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

In this case, for each

The condition must be met and the encryption of each message is determined by the pair
, numbers and the procedure is repeated. If the numbers are not
recalculated, the level of cryptosystem stability of the cryptosystem decreases.
If the above protocol is executed. The sequence of execution of the protocol is as
1. Subscriber counts the number as follows
And sends to subscriber . In this case, is the given message?
2. Subscriber B receives the message and calculates the number as follows
3. After receiving the number subscriber counts the number as follows and sends it to
4. Subscriber takes and calculates the number as follows and has the following
The scheme of message exchange of subscribers A and B of Thea A. Shamir algorithm is
shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. Scheme of A.Shamir algorithm

In this case, subscriber is called the sole initiator of the message.

Confirmation 1. (Basic properties of A. Shamir protocol)
1o. If , subscriber will receive an open message.
2o. a malicious subscriber cannot know the message sent.
1o Proof. Initially, an arbitrary number satisfies the equation as follows
In this

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

(10) Based on Fermat's theorem, we perform the substitution as follows
Hence, based on the above theorem, the condition in Confirmation 1 is proved in the
form (12) using equations (1), (2) as follows.

2o Proof. The second case above is proved as follows.

The following strategy is effective for a malicious subscriber who receives a message.
Initially, subscriber calculates from equation (5)

Then calculates and calculates according to (7).

However, the implementation of this strategy will cause great difficulties for subscriber .
Because the problem of discrete logarithmization of the subscriber, (1) must be solved, but when P
is a large and prime number, it is more difficult to find a solution and in many cases, it is impossible
to determine the solution. Now let's talk about the method of calculating the pairs of numbers
and corresponding to equations (1), (2). In this process, it is sufficient to describe only the
actions of subscribers, and the actions of subscriber are performed in the same way. Now, we can
choose so that it is mutually prime with a random number we then calculate using the
Euclidean algorithm.

3. Conclusion
In summary, it has been found that open and closed keys based on the Shamir algorithm can
be applied to authentication based on transmission, identification, and authentication. In the
implementation of the Shamir algorithm, the selection of and prime numbers by subscribers
and in lengths of 128 and 256 bits led to several difficulties in performing calculations.
Therefore, the encryption of the message generated an 8-bit length prime
number that satisfies the condition and based on the algorithm, calculations were
performed by selecting the numbers , , , . The result of the calculations is the equation
. As a result, message sent by subscriber reached subscriber in full. The use of
Shamir's algorithm in the process of information exchange in open communication channels leads
to good results.

1. Milliy axborot – kommunikatsiya tizimlarining kompyuter xavfsizligini ta’minlash borasidagi
qo’shimcha chora – tadbirlar to’g’risidagi,
№ PQ – 167 , 5-sentyabr 2005 – yil.
2. Milliy axborot – kommunikatsiya tizimlarining kompyuter xavfsizligini ta’minlash borasidagi
qo’shimcha chora – tadbirlar to’g’risidagi,
№ PQ – 167 , 5-sentyabr 2005 – yil.
3. Shnayer B. Applied Cryptography. Protocols, Algorithm and Source Code in C. – M.: Триумф, 2002.
– 478-495 pp.
4. B.A.Axmetov, A.G. Korchenko, V.P.Sidenko, Yu.A.Dreys, J.K. Alimseitova “Ⱪолданбалы
Криптология” Almati: Q.I.Setbaev atindag’i ⱩазУТЗУ, 2016. – 448-470 b.
5. Харин Ю.С., Берник В.И., Матвеев Г.В., Агиевич С.В. Математические и компьютерные
основы криптологии: МЗ4 Учеб. пособие - МН.: Новое знание, 2003. - 382 с.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Rezume. Ushbu maqolada ochiq aloqa kanallarida himoyalangan axborotlarni

almashishning umumiy g’oyasi, Axborotlarni himoyalashning asimmetrik kriptografiyaga
asoslangan bir qancha o’zgarishlarni o’z ichiga olgan, maxfiy aloqa kanallari va maxfiy kalitlarga
ega bo’lmagan ochiq aloqa kanallarida maxfiy axborotlarni almashish imkotiyatini beruvchi
algortimi, algortimni katta sonlardan foydalangan holda ochiq va yopiq kalitlarni yaratish va
ulardan foydalangan holda ochiq aloqa kanalida axborotlarni uzatishda qo’llash texnologiyasi
Резюме. В этой статье общая идея совместного использования защищенной
информации по открытым каналам связи, включая ряд изменений, основанных на
асимметричной криптографии защиты информации, представляет собой алгоритм,
позволяющий обмениваться конфиденциальной информацией по открытым каналам связи
без секретных каналов связи и секретных ключей. технология создания открытых и
закрытых ключей с использованием больших чисел и их применение при передаче информации
по открытому каналу связи с их использованием.

Kalit so’zlar. Kriptografiya, Asimmetrik, ochiq kalit, yopiq kalit, kanal, axborot, aloqa,
texnologiya, elektron savdo, xavfsizlik, abonent, protokol, algoritm, strategiya, Initsiator.
Ключевые слова. Криптография, асимметричный, открытый ключ, закрытый ключ,
канал, информация, коммуникация, технология, электронная коммерция, безопасность,
подписчик, протокол, алгоритм, стратегия, инициатор.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDK 517.55


Kurbanov B.T., Minajatdinov I., Tajibaev R.T.

Karakalpak State University

Summary: The unit circle and its various multidimensional generalizations (the unitary
n  dimensional ball, the polydisc, the matrix unit disc, the classical domains of four types
according to the Cartan classification, the matrix ball) are sufficiently well studied: by now many
important questions of multidimensional complex analysis have been solved, as a description of
automorphism groups, obtaining integral formulas of Cauchy-Szego, Bergman, Poisson type, proof
of necessary and sufficient conditions for holomorphic continuability of functions from the
boundary, and so on. Extensive results obtained in these areas are presented in the works of Hua
Loken ([1]), W. Rudin ([2]), G. Khudayberganov ([3]), A.M. Kytmanov, S. Kosbergenov ([4]) and
Quite often, problems posed for a unit disk in the plane are carried over to the upper half-
plane by means of the Cayley transformation
i (1  z )
1 z
In this connection, it is important to find multidimensional analogues of the formula for the
realization of the type "unit disc-upper half-plane". In this paper, we consider the realization of a
classical region of the first type in the form of a Siegel domain of the second kind and write out
some integral formulas.
Key words: unit circle, various multidimensional, unitary n  dimensional ball, polydisc,
matrix unit disc, classical domains of four types according to the Cartan classification, matrix ball.

1. Preliminary information and statements. Let D be a complete convex bounded circular

domain centered at the origin, the Shilov boundary (skeleton)  of which is a smooth manifold, or
an unbounded homogeneous Siegel domain of the second kind with the skeleton  .
The function f belongs to the class Lp () , with given on it by the Lebesgue measure d  if
it is integrable with degree p with respect to the measure d  on , i.e. if
 f (rz ) d 

is finite.
The Hardy class H p ( D) (0  p  ) consists of all functions f holomorphic in the domain
D for which are uniformly bounded
 f (rz ) d   C f

for all 0  r  1.
We denote by O2 ( D) the space, consisting of holomorphic functions in D that are integrable
with a square with respect to the ordinary Lebesgue measure dv, i.e.
f  O2  D  if f is holomorphic in D and

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

 f ( ) dv    

Let  p  q  be the space of rectangular matrices of p rows and q columns  q  p  whose
elements complex numbers.
The domain R1, formed by the matrices Z from  p  q  satisfying the condition
I  ZZ   0
is called a classical region of the first type (according to the classification of E.
Cartan) (see [1]). Here I is the identity matrix of order p , Z   Z  is the matrix complex
conjugate to transpose matrix Z .
The Shilov boundary S1 for the domain R1, is formed by the matrices Z from p rows and q
columns with the condition that
ZZ   I .
It is known that any bounded homogeneous domain (with respect to holomorphic
automorphisms) in n has a realization in the form of a Siegel domain of the second kind. In
particular, the domain R1 is biholomorphic is equivalent to some Siegel domain of the second kind,
which is constructed with the help of the following construction (see [6]).
Let U1 be a square matrix of order p  p, and U 2 is a matrix of order p  (q  p). In the
space of pairs matrices U1,U 2  of complex dimension N  pq we consider region

 D  U  U1,U 2    p  q  : Im U1  U 2U 2  0 ,
 U  U  .
1 
where Im U1 1 1
We denote the skeleton of this domain by

G  U  U1,U 2  : Im U1  U 2U 2 . 
Following this construction, the domain R1 can be specified and in the following form:
R1  Z   Z1, Z2    p  q : I  Z , Z  0 ,
here Z , Z  Z1Z1  Z2 Z2 , and Z1 and Z 2 are matrices of order p  p and p  (q  p ),
Denote by d  and d the elements of volumes (Lebesgue measure) in D and G.
Theorem 1. The mapping  : z  u defined by correspondences
1 1
U1  i  I  Z1   I  Z1  ,U 2   I  Z1  Z 2 ,
biholomorphically maps the domain R1 onto D, with S1 passing into G.
First we prove that for Z  R1 matrix I  Z1 is non-degenerate. First of all, we note that
for Z  0, from the condition
I  ZZ   0
it follows that I  Z1Z1  0.
Let w be a p  dimensional column vector and
 I  Z1  w  0.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Then w  Z1w and w  w Z1 . Further

ww  w Z1 Z1w and 
w I  Z1 Z1 w  0. 
I  Z1Z1  0 and I  Z1 Z1  0
are equivalent (see [1]). Therefore, the left part of the last equality is positive definite for
w  0 (here we used the well-known property of matrices: Hermitian matrices: A and BAB are
simultaneously positive definite if B is non-degenerate). Hence it follows that w  0. It means
nondegeneracy of the matrix I  Z1 , i.e. Existence  I  Z1  and the holomorphy of the map
 in the domain R1
Further, from (1) we have

  
1 1 1 
Im U1   i  I  Z1   I  Z1   i I  Z1 I  Z1 
2i  

 
 I  Z1 1  I  Z1  I  Z1   I  Z1  I  Z1    
   I  Z1Z1  I  Z1 
1 1 1
 I  Z1   I  Z1  ,

 I  Z1Z1  I  Z1 
1 1
Im U1  U 2U 2   I  Z1  

 
1 1
  I  Z1  Z 2 Z 2 I  Z1 
I  I 
1 1
  I  Z1   Z1Z1  Z 2 Z 2  Z1 

  I  Z1   I  ZZ   I  Z1  .
1 1

Hence we see that for the nondegeneracy of I  Z1 , the Hermitian matrices

Im U1  U 2U 2 and I  ZZ 
are simultaneously positive definite. It means, that  holomorphically maps R1 into D.
From (1) we find the inverse mapping Z  1 U  :
1 1
Z1  U1  iI U1  iI  , Z 2  2i U1  iI  U 2 , (3)
The same way It is proved that for U  D the matrix U1  iI is non-degenerate. Therefore
1 is holomorphic in D. Of (2) it is also seen that for U  D the matrix I  Z1 , therefore,
I  ZZ   0, i.e. 1 holomorphically maps D into R1.
Thus, the map  maps biholomorphically R1 on D, and from (2) it is clear that it converts
S1 to G.
Lemma 1. A real Jacobian of the mapping Phi ( Z ) is calculated by the formula
2( p  q )
J R ( Z )  22 p det  I  Z1 
LetB    A , A  R1, B  D. Consider difference

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

  Z  A    A   I  Z1  A1 
 2iZ  I  A 
1 1
, Z 2  Z1  I  A1 

A2 .
According to the rule of differentiation of the map
 2i  I  A 1  I  A 1 A 
  A    I  A1    1 1 2
 ( q  p ) 
 0 I 
here  is the Jacobi matrix of the mapping , the sign  means the Kronecker (direct)
product of matrices. From here, using the properties of the direct product of matrices, we have

   
1 q 1
det   A  det  I  A1  det 2i  I  A1    2i  det ( p  q )  I  A1  .

2( p q )
J R ( Z )  det ( Z )  22 p det  I  Z1 
2 2

2. Integral formulas.
We define the Bergman kernel K U ,V  in the domain D as follows:
K U ,V   ,
 
 
det i U1  V1  2U 2V2 
 
ck  (1) p 2 p2 p .

Let us find out how the corresponding Bergman kernel transforms in the domain R1 under the
biholomorphic mapping (1) :  : R1  D.
As is known, the Bergman kernel in R1 has the form (see [1]):
K R1   Z ,W   .
 
det  I  Z ,W 
Direct calculations show that

    I  W1 
i U1  V1  2U 2V2  2  I  Z1 
I  Z ,W .
Then from the properties of the determinant of matrices we have:

    
det i U1  V1  2U 2V2 
 

  2   det  I  Z1   I  W1   
( pq )
 det  I  Z ,W  
p pq
 
From here
K    Z  ,  W   
ck 1
  
 
( p q )
 
 2  p
 
det  I  Z1  I  W1 

det  I  Z , W

 
( pq)

22 p

2 K R1  Z ,W   det  I  Z1  I  W1 
   .

Thus, we obtain the following assertion.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Lemma 2. Under the mapping (1), the Bergman kernel K U ,V  is transformed as follows:

 
( pq)
K    Z  ,  W   
22 p
 
K R1  Z ,W   det  I  Z1  I  W1 


Theorem 2. For every function f  O2 ( D) the following formula holds

f U    f V  K U ,V  d  (V ), U  D.
The integral in this formula defines an orthogonal projection from of the space L2 ( D) into the
space O 2 ( D).
Making the change of variables with of the mapping  with allowance for Lemmas 1 and 2,
we have:
f U    f V  K U ,V  d  (V ) 

 
 f   W   K R1  Z ,W  det  I  Z1  I  W1 

 

2( p  q )
 det  I  W1  d (W ) 

pq f   W  
  det  I  Z1    K R1  Z ,W  d (W ).
R1  det  I  W1   pq
( p q )
The last integral is the Bergman integral in R1 of the function f   W    det  I  W1  
and it is equal to
f   Z 
  1 
det I  Z
Taking this into account, we obtain the first statement of the theorem.
Any function g  L2  D  can be in the form
g  f  h,
where g  O2  D  and h  O2  D  are orthogonal:
 f V  h V d  V   0.
We must show that
 h V  K U ,V d  V   0.
We denote by f   W    f  W  , h   W    h W  .
 f V  h V d  V  
2( p  q )
  f  W  h W  det  I  W1  d W  
( p  q )  ( p  q )
  f  W   det  I  W1   h W   det  I  W1   d W   0.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
( p q )
From here h W   det  I  W1    R1  ,

 O2 i.e.
( p q )
 h W  K R1  Z ,W   det  I  W1   d W   0.

( pq) ( pq )
 h V  K U ,V  d  V    det  I  Z1    h W  K R1  Z ,W   det  I  W1   d W   0.

D R1

We define the Cauchy-Szego kernel C U ,V  in the domain D as follows:

C U ,V  
 det i U  V   2U V  
 
1 1 2 2

where U  D, V  G, ck   1 2 p 2 p .
p 2

Similar to the previous lemma, we prove the following

Lemma 3. Let U    Z  and V   W  . Under the mapping 1 , the Cauchy-Szego kernel
C U ,V  is transformed as follows:

  
C    Z  ,  W   
CR1  Z ,W  det  I  Z1  I  W1  ,
22 p
 
where CR1  Z , W  is the Cauchy-Szego kernel for the domain R1 (see [1])
CR1  Z ,W   .
 det  I  Z ,W 

Theorem 3. For every function f  H 1  D  the following formula holds

f U    f V  C U ,V d  V  , U  D.
Using the connection between the Cauchy-Sege and Poisson kernels (see.[5])
C U ,V  C V ,U 
P U ,V  
C U ,U 
we can write out the Poisson kernel of the domain D in the form

   
det i U1  U1  2U 2U 2 
 
P U ,V   ck ,
 det i U  V   2U V  
 
1 1 2 2

where U  D, V  G.
By Lemma 3.4, from [5]
P    Z  ,  W   d   W    PR1  Z ,W  d W  ,
 det  I  Z , Z 

PR  Z ,W  
 det  I  Z ,W 
1 2q

is a Poisson kernel in R1.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

On the other hand, it is not difficult to verify that

P    Z  ,  W    p PR1  Z ,W  det  I  W1  .
1 2q
From here
d   W    2 p det  I  W1  d W  .
Further, making the change V   W  , taking into account Lemma 3, we obtain:
f   W  
 f V  C U ,V  d  V    det  I  Z1    C R1  Z ,W  d W  .

G S1  det  I  W1  q
The last integral is the Cauchy-Szego integral in the domain R1 and it is equal to
f   Z 
 det  I  Z1   q

From this we get the assertion of the theorem.

1. Hua Lo-ken. Harmonic analysis of functions of several complex variables in classical domains.
Moscow, IL, 1959.
2. Rudin W. Theory function in the unit ball of . - Moscow, Mir, 1984.
3. Khudayberganov G., Kurbanov B.T. Some analysis problems in matrix domains.
Uzbek. Mat. Zh., 2012. no. 3, pp. 159-166.
4. Kosbergenov S., Kytmanov A.M., Myslivets S.G. On the Morera boundary theorem for classical
domains. Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 1999. vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 595-604.
5. Koranyi A. The Poisson integral for the generalized half planes and bounded symmetric domains. Ann.
of Math. (2)., 1965, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 332-350.
6. Fuchs B.A. Special chapters of the theory of analytic functions several complex variables. Moscow,
Fizmatgiz, 1962.

Rezyume: Birlik doirasi va uning turli o`lchovli umumlashmalari (birlik n  o`lchovli shar,
polikrug, matritsali birlik krug, Kartan tasnifiga ko`ra to`rt turdagi klassik domenlar, matritsali
shar) yetarlicha o`rganilgan: hozirga qadar ko`p o`lchovli kompleks tahlilning ko`plab muhum
masalalari hal qilindi, masalan, avtomofizm guruhlarini tavsiflash, Koshi-Sego, Bergman, Puasson
turlarining integral formulalarini olish, funksiyalarining chegaradan golomorfik doimiyligi uchun
zarur va yetarli shart-sharoitlarini tasdiqlash va hokazo. Ushbu sohalarda erishilgan keng natijalar
Xua Loken ([1]), V. Rudin ([2]), G. Xudaybergenov ([3]), A.M. Kitmanov, S. Kosbergenov ([4]) va
hokazo. Ko’pincha samolyotda krug blogi uchun yuzaga keladigan Ceyley transformatsiyasi orqali
i (1  z )
1 z
1-2 yarim sharning yuqori yarim tekisligiga yetkaziladi. Ulanish “birlik krug yuqori yarim
tekislik” turini amalga oshirish uchun formulani ko`p o`lchovli analogini topish juda muhimdir.
Ushbu maqolada biz ikkinchi turdagi Zigel domeni shaklida birinchi tipdagi klassik mintaqani
realizatsiya qilinishini ko`rib chiqamiz va ba`zi integral formulalarni yozib chiqamiz.
Резюме: Единичная окружность и ее различные многомерные обобщения (единичный
n  мерный шар, поликруг, матричный единичный круг, классические области четырёх
типов по классификации Картана, матричный шар) достаточно хорошо изучены: к
настоящему времени решены многие важные вопросы многомерного комплексного анализа,
такие как описание групп автоморфизмов, получение интегральных формул типа Коши-
Сего, Бергмана, Пуассона, доказаны необходимые и достаточные условия голоморфной

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

непрерывности функций с границы и т.д.) Обширные результаты, полученные в этих

областях, представлены в работах Хуа Локена ([1]), В. Рудина ([2]), Г. Худайберганова ([3]),
А.М. Кытманов, С.Косбергенов ([4]) и т.д. Довольно часто задачи, расматриваемые для
единичного круга в плоскости, переносятся на верхнюю полуплоскость с помощью
i (1  z )
преобразования Кэли w
1 z
В связи с этим важно найти многомерные аналоги формулы для реализации типа
“единичный круг – верхняя полуплоскость ”. В этой статье мы рассмотрим реализацию
классической области первого типа в виде области Зигеля второго рода и выпишем
несколько интегральных формул.

Ключевые слова: единичная окружность, различные многомерные, единичный

n  мерный шар, поликруг, матричный единичный круг, классические области четырёх
типов по классификации Картана, матричный шар.
Kalit so’zlar: birlik doira, turli o`lchovli, birlik n  o`lchovli shar, polikrug, matritsali birlik
krug, Kartan tasnifiga ko`ra to`rt turdagi klassik domenlar, matritsali shar.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Kalandarov I.I.1, Abdireymov A.R.2

Nukus branch of Navoi state mining Institute,
Karakalpak State University Named After Berdakh

Summary: In the article theoretical bases of algorithmization of management of production

systems (PS) on the basis of their standard description for creation of algorithmic models of
management used at management of tool shop are stated. An analysis is given of the processes of
solving problems in the construction of an algorithm for controlling the PC. The description of the
process of solving the problem of operational management of the tool shop on the basis of the
algorithmic approach is proposed, and a model for constructing the control algorithm for the PC is
given. In the automated system of operational management of the tool shop, the network planning
method and the two-tier system of priorities - priorities of orders and operations are used.
Keywords: production systems, algorithms, algorithmic control models, operational
management, network planning.

1. Introduction
The control system is usually a three-level system that implements the function of design
(planning) and process control [1]. The upper level - organizational and operational management -
forms production tasks for specific local software control systems. At this level, all the necessary
stationary tables of functioning (TF) of the production system (PS) are built. Stationary TFs are
detailed and converted into dynamic TFs of control monitors for each workplace (WP).
The second level - local control based on stationary TFs - loads the corresponding
technological cycles (TCs) into the control monitors, and then initiates the WP start-up process in
accordance with the reference stationary TFs and exercises control over the execution of operations
on the given TF control monitor.
The lower level is a control monitors in the form of machines with store memory. At this
level, sequential execution of operations is performed on a given control monitor of a dynamic TF.

2. Problem statement
Consider the control model PS. A relation of the form R: D, where R is the set of workplaces,
and D is the set of lots of parts obtained as a result of constructing a dynamic table of functioning, is
an integral part of a wider ratio R: D. Due to the transitivity of all relations, we can construct the
following TF transformation:

R : D  D : O  O : U (U  TF )

Hence R: U. Such a sequential transformation is carried out at the upper level of control,
when when planning the production process we get TF with a ratio of the form R: D, and stationary
TFs with ratios of the type D: 0 and 0: U are obtained as a result of the work of production
preparation algorithms. When constructing dynamic TFs with the ratio R: D, we will use the
scheme shown in Fig.1.
The analysis of TF on the admissibility of a solution is based on the solution of two equations
in a matrix form:

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Y1  Y0  A   , AW  0

Based on the analysis of the first equation, the existence of a non-trivial fundamental solution
system for TF is determined, defined in the form of matrix A. Matrix A is obtained from the
matrices A+ and A- that describe TF and is related to them by the relation A=A+-A-. Finding a
system of vectors W means preserving the TF during labeling by one of the vectors. Here, as the
vector Y, the initial state of the TF is used, X - is the vector of the operations performed, A is the
TF in the presented matrix farm, and the final state of the TF.
The solution of the equations is based on the methods of linear algebra described in [2]. When
determining the restrictions on the throughput of the TF, we will carry out the normalization,
calculate the upper and lower boundaries of the positions that determine the material flow in the TF:
tk ‚  ij   ij  tk 
, where ij - normalized position value in the tk-th time interval; is the value of the i-
th position for the j-th operation in the TF. Conversion to the network model is performed as

  c  c1kj  x2k j  c1kj b kj   min

m n
k 1 j 1

where is the cost of demand of the k-th product for the j-th node;
- the cost of the offer of the k-th product of the j-th node;
- the stream of the k-th product from the i-th node to the j-th node;
b kj
is the demand of the j-th node for the k-th product, provided that

n n n m
 1kj  a2k , k  1, n  S2 j  U 2 j   a2k

k 1
2j  S1 j  U 2 j , j  1, n
j 1 j 1 j 1 k 1
, ,

 k   k  bk
where a2 - suggestions of the j-th node for the k-th product, 2 j 1 j j
S 2 j  S1 j  U 2 j  U1 j   b kj
k 1
ijk , Sij  0, i  1, 2, j  1, n, k  1, 
S 2 j  U 2 j  U1 j   b kj
2 j   k
k 1
or ij
, .

The solution of this network model can be obtained by one of the methods [2] for solving the
maximum flow problem.
Thus, TFs with R:D and R:0 ratios give us the basic initial technological information
necessary for managing software. At the local control level, dynamic TFs with an R: U ratio are
loaded into the control monitors in the order prescribed by a stationary TF with R: U. Monitoring of
processing operations is carried out on a stationary TF with R: 0.
The supply of semi-finished products on the line from the warehouse, transportation and
warehousing of finished products is synchronized and controlled by local transport and warehouse
management systems based on two stationary TFs with ratios R: D and R: 0. At the lower level are
the control monitors, each of which works according to its dynamic TF C: U.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203


Synthesis of TF with
the ratio R: 0

Defining TF
bandwidth limits

Converting TF into a demand-

offer network model R: D

Network optimization
with R: D ratio

Analysis of TF on
the admissibility of Change sets R: 0
a solution

Synthesis of TF with
the ratio R: U

The end

Fig. 1 Scheme of constructing dynamic TFs with relations of the form R: O, R: U.

If the signal of the end of the operation does not enter the local control system, then in the TF
a mark about the failure of the WP is made and the TF is analyzed for the possibility of further
functioning of the SS. To do this, re-mark the TF, and solve the equation of reachability of the final
state of the network. To determine the malfunction of a particular WP in the TF there are control
points (special control operations). To determine the state of WP at the current time tm, the type of
structure between the control points is determined.
Three types of structures are considered: sequential, parallel and series-parallel.
For each type, there is a time delay for not receiving an operation completion signal.
For the serial structure of the compound WP tm  (n i)  t r where - n is the number of series
connected WP; tr is the rhythm of the system; i is the operation number of the faulty WP.
This implies t  (n  tm ) mod(t r ) . For a parallel structure, the delay time tm  i  t where
 t  tr / m
, m - the number of parallel connected WP.
tm  n  tr
i   tm /  t 
Hence we have For series-parallel structure tm  (n  i)tr   t i . Then  t  tr

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

After determining the fault number of the WP and subsequent analysis of reachability in the
event that the final state between the control points is not reachable, a decision is made to block the
WP circuit and replace the faulty WP with a backup one.
Consider the process of constructing stationary function tables with given ratios R: 0 and R:
U. The process of constructing a TF with a given ratio is based on algorithms for the synthesis of
complexes from individual elements n1. In our case, there are three sets:
и  j  where i e j - jobs, parts and operations,
R  ri , D  de , uo  oj R  ri  , D  de  O o r ,d ,o
respectively. At each workplace, you can perform a specific group of operations and, therefore,
d e : Okl 
. In turn, for the manufacture of parts requires a certain sequence of operations and,
therefore, e  k  .
d : Ol

Thus, the given relations R:O and D:O in the general case do not coincide; moreover, the ratio
R: 0 is not ordered. In this regard, the establishment of an ordered R:O ratio is closely related to the
task of establishing the D: R ratio. The synthesis algorithm allows to establish this ratio. Consider
three main cases that describe all the synthesis processes:
Let for some subset Di  de  and the corresponding Rk  ri 
the condition is satisfied
O  O   O  . This means that any part can be processed in the workplace completely, and this

trivial case does not need to be considered; note only that in this case, many parts are processed in
the same workplace.
Let Di and Rk not intersect on the set of operations O, i.e. O  O   0 ; then the process can

be stopped, and in this case the subset Di is that partition on the set R by the operation Ok .
Let Di and Rk partially intersect in the operation:
O   O  O O
1n Ookl Oom
then, to establish the relationship, one can use the RM complex synthesis algorithm.
Due to the fact that the sets D, O are finite (in practice, the number of jobs reaches several
thousand), and the relations for each element de and ri are specified by the operation Ok, we can
  r1 ,..., rm  
solve the problem in such a system, set as follows:  such that (d1 ,..., dm )  . The
algorithm for finding a solution to the problem is described as follows: we find so many jobs,
R1  ri
i 1 , which covers the maximum number of operations from d1; check the intersection of
subsets for emptiness O  O  . If the intersection is not empty, then we get a subset

O   O  ‚ O 
l i
and proceed to step 1. If the intersection is empty, then the algorithm stops. At
1k 1m

the same time, we obtain the following sequence of subsets of operations:

O   O  ‚ O 

O   O  ‚ O 
n 1k
n 1m

O   0
n 1k

The construction according to the above TF algorithm with the ratio D: R O for processing
operations, it contains, initial data for the synthesis of TF with the same ratio for transportation
operations. The synthesis algorithm in this case is simplified, since for each vehicle there is only
one operation - transportation operation O.
In this case, a correspondence is established between R and D by O. The above-described
algorithmic model for solving SS design and control problems allows us to design (plan) the SS

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

control process and manage software equipment. This scheme allows you to flexibly and without
additional cost for the development of new software tools to manage the object, taking into account
the impact of external factors on the production system, in particular on the course of the production
The main objective of the functioning of the operational management system is to organize
the movement of products and their parts [3], coordinated in time and in a route-technologically
oriented space (workshops, sections, lines and workplaces).
The criteria for achieving this goal and the correct construction of this system are as follows
-full, complete and uniform implementation of the production program in compliance with the
directive deadlines for production;
- the most rational use of equipment, equipment, production facilities and labor;
- maximum production acceleration and minimum working capital binding in work in
Due to the fact that the instrumental production of a radio industry enterprise is single, an
ordering system is used as a planning system [4], i.e. the planning and accounting unit is an order
for the production of a certain type of technological equipment in one set or in a small amount.
Formulation of the problem. The tool department presents the production program scheduled
for implementation in the planning month.
The monthly program consists of a monthly launch plan and a monthly release plan, linked by
calendar advances. Orders included in the monthly program are divided into two groups: the first is
planned for launch and release, the launch date and release date are determined for it; the second is
planned only for launch, the launch date is not specifically defined (it is assumed that the
technological cycle of machining should be completed during the planned month).
It is required to complete the machining cycle by the beginning of next month for orders
planned for launch, and by the specific date of the planning month for orders planned for launch and
release, taking into account the optimal load of equipment.
3. Results and discussion
The information model of the tool workshop section is given in the table.
As a mathematical method for planning equipment loading, the network planning method is
used [5,6], which allows you to plan the execution of an order based on the planning of work on the
processing of the most labor-intensive parts.
Consider the mathematical model of the task of planning the loading of equipment.
According to the description of the site information model (see table), the mathematical
model of the problem has the following form.
It is required: ОB→R , where В must satisfy the conditions:
1. Di=T+П→min (1)
 
S  S , S= U Si , 1  c  f, S= Si , i  1, c, a  pi  b
under the constant i 1 where Di is the duration the
production cycle (DPC) of the Pi-th order; By-the time of the I-th order; [a, b] - the boundaries in
which the priorities of orders change, for which reductions in CP are required;
Names Designations
I. Orders (products)
1.1 WPL planning period Si- order
1.2 Production program of the site on i- Order number
WPL S  {S , i  1, K}

1.3 The parameters of the order Ti-complexity of the order

Qi-order security function

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
Si  {Ti , Qi , pi , zi } Pi - priority of the order
Ti   T ji zi - order launch date

Q  1, åñëè u  U ,
i i
ut - material requirement

v V , d  ,
i i i i
Ut - availability of materials
y Y
i i vi - the need for blanks
Q 0 i
, if any of the conditions are not met Vi - availability of blanks
Q  f (u , v , d , y )
i i i i
dt-need for a 2nd-order tool

өi -availability of the 2nd order tool

yi-need for control programs (up)
Yi is the presence (up)
1.4 Details A
- details of the order j-part number

A  { A  Si / j  i, J },
j T ji
A  {(O ,..., O ), T },
i i i i - labor intensity of the part
j j1 jn j
O ijn
T ji   t ijn - technological operation

II. Operations
O  {O ijn / n  1, N } n - number of operations
2.1 Processing operations
2.2 Operation parameters t ijn
- complexity of the operation
O  {t , k , , L jn }
i i i i i
jn jn jn jn
k ijn
- type of processing by operation
 ijn
- the category of the work operation
- the priority of the operation
III. Equipment and workers
r-working space R  {rm / m  1, M }
3.1 Work place
m-the number of workplace
3.2 The parameters of the workplace Fm- available time Fund
r  {F , , G }
m m m τm -worker qualification

Gm-group of process equipment that

includes the workplace
Pm  Fm   tnm  min
2. n 1 (2)
Fm   tnm  0
Gm  k ijn ,  m   ijn
under the following restriction: if that n 1 where Pm downtime for the
t-th workplace, - the complexity of the n-th technological operation loaded on the t-th workplace.

Order priorities are set in the monthly plan and reflect the availability of the order in the first
or second group (i.e. the order is planned only for launch or for launch and release in the planned
month)and the desired order execution order. Order priorities serve as the source data for
calculating the priorities of operations on parts. The algorithm for calculating the latter is designed
so that for each order, a network schedule is formed for its execution, allowing you to complete the
machining process cycle for all the details at the same time.
The network schedule for an order is based on grouping parts by their labor intensity, which
allows you to regulate their launch into production without violating the duration of the production
cycle of the order, and reduce the work in progress.
Operation priorities are calculated in three algorithms:
1) for parts that have a critical DPC and are included in orders that are planned for launch and
release in the planned month;
2) for parts included in orders scheduled for launch and released in the planned month;

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

3) for items that are included in orders that are scheduled for launch in the planned month.
In General, the priorities of detail operations reflect the order of loading on the hardware.
The variety of approaches and methods and their unsuccessful use in real production
situations lead to the need to use heuristic methods for solving the problem of scheduling [7].
Loading of equipment is planned using two algorithms:
1) for parts included in orders scheduled for launch and release in the planned month;
2) for items that are included in orders that are scheduled for launch in the planned month.

1. Kalandarov I.I., Abdireymov A.R. Problems of decoding and search of the maximal top zero of
monotonous functions of Algerian of logic. // ISSN: 2181-9203 Science and education in Karakalpakstan,
Nukus, Vol. 3 (11), 2019 pp.69-74
2. Kalandarov I.I. Algorithm of the choice of the optimum technological route and the group equipment. //
ISSN: 2181-9203 Science and education in Karakalpakstan, Nukus, Vol. 3 (11), 2019 pp.27-32
3. Kabulov A.V, Normatov I.H.,Kalandarov I.I., Algorithmic model of managementon the basis of algebra
over functioning tables (FT). ISSN 2308-4804 Science and world International scientific journal, № 1 (17),
2015, Vol. I Volgograd, 2015, pp..10-13
4. Kabulov A.V, Normatov I.H.,Kalandarov I.I., Algorithmic method of the conversion functioning tables
(FT) for control industrial systems. ISSN 2308-4804 Science and world International scientific journal, № 8
(24), 2015, Vol. I Volgograd, 2015 pp..14-17
5. Kabulov A.V, Normatov I.H.,KalandarovI.I.,Problems of algorithmization of management of difficult
systems on the basis of algebra over functioning tables (FT) ISBN 978-3-941352-94-0 Science and Education
Materials Of the IX international Research and practice conference October 1st – 2nd, 2015 Munich, Germany
2015 pp..148-151
6. Kabulov A.V., Normatov I. Kh., Kalandarov I. I. Algorithmic control model based on algebra over
functioning tables. ISSN:2181-8460 Problems of computational and applied mathematics. Scientific and
innovative center of information and communication technologies, Tashkent, no. 2 (4), 2016, pp.. 19-23
7. Kabulov A.V., Kalandarov I. I. Description of the architecture of the ATLAS algorithmic system.
Collection of reports of the VII International scientific and technical conference within the framework of the
Ural mining decade "Innovative geotechnologies in the development of ore and non-metallic deposits". Ural
state mining University (Yekaterinburg), 2018, pp. 470-475

Резюме: Maqolada ishlab chiqarish tizimlari (IChT) boshqarishni algoritmlashtirishning

nazariy asoslari, asboblar bo’limini boshqarishda qo’llaniladigan algoritmik boshqarish
modellarini yaratish asosida ularning standart tafsifi keltirilgan. IChT nazorat algoritmini
qurishdagi masalani echish jarayonlari tahlili berilgan.. Bundan tashqari, asboblar bo’limini
tezkor boshqarish masalasini algoritmik yondashuv asosida echish jarayonining tafsifi taklif etiladi
va IChT nazorat algoritmi qurish modeli beriladi. Avtomatlashtirilgan vositalar, tezkor boshqarish
tizimi, tarmoqni rejalashtirish usuli va ikkinchi darajali ustuvor tizimlardan foydalanadi.
Резюме. В статье излагаются теоретические основы алгоритмизации управления
производственными системами (ПС) на основе их стандартного описания для создания
алгоритмических моделей управления, используемых при управлении инструментальным
цехом. Дается анализ процессов решения задач при построении алгоритма управления ПС.
Предлагается описание процесса решения задачи оперативного управления
инструментальным цехом на основе алгоритмического подхода, дается модель построения
алгоритма управления ПС. В автоматизированной системе оперативного управления
инструментальным цехом используются метод сетевого планирования и двух уровневая
система приоритетов - приоритетов заказов и операций.

Kalit so’zlar: ishlab chiqarish tizimlari, algoritm, algoritmik boshqarish modellari, tezkor
boshqarish, tarmoqni rejalashtirish.
Ключевые слова: производственные системы, алгоритмы, алгоритмические модели
управления, оперативное управление, сетевое планирование.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC: 517.956, 519.635



Rakhmonov Z.R1., Urunbaev J.E2., Alimov A A1. Shikhiev R.M3.

1National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, 2Samarkand state university,
Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: In this paper, we study the asymptotic behavior of self-similar solutions of

nonlinear parabolic equations system associated with nonlocal boundary conditions. We are
constructed various self-similar solutions to the cross diffusion problem for the case of slow
diffusion, which are the asymptotics of the solutions to the problem under consideration. The main
term of the asymptotics of self-similar solutions is obtained. For a numerical study of the problem
under consideration, a method is proposed for choosing the optimal initial approximation for the
iterative process. Using asymptotic formulas as the initial approximation for the iterative process,
numerical calculations are performed. The calculation results are visualized in time and the results
are analyzed.
Keywords: nonlinear parabolic system, diffusion, critical exponents of the Fujita type, blow-
up, asymptotic.

Introduction. In this paper, we study the qualitative properties of solutions of a nonlinear

system of filtration equations associated with nonlinear boundary conditions

u   u p1  2 u ,
 t 
x  RN , t  0,
 (1)
 p 2
t    2  , x  RN , t  0,
 
 p1  2 u
 u   q1 , x1  0, t  0,
 x1
 (2)
  p2 2    q2 , x  0, t  0,
 x1

u  x,0   u0  x  ,   x,0   0  x  , x  0, (3)

where RN   x , x | x  R
N 1
, x1  0 , pi  2, qi  0  i  1,2  , u0  x  and 0  x  are
nonnegative continuous functions with compact support in R .
Nonlinear parabolic equations (1) appear in various applications as a model of biological
populations, chemical reactions, polytropic filtration, heat distribution, diffusion, etc. For example,
u  x, t  and   x, t  represent the densities of two biological populations during migration or the
temperature of two porous materials during heat propagation [1-4].
Under the conditions of pi  2 (i  1, 2) equations (1) correspond to the case of slow
diffusion, and under 1  pi  2 (i  1, 2) the case of fast diffusion. In the case of slow diffusion,
equations (1) are degenerate, it is well known that degenerate equations need not possess classical
solutions. However, the local in time existence of the weak solution to the problem (1.1)–(1.3),
defined in the usual integral way [1,3].
In recent years have been intensively studied the problems on blow-up and global existence

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

conditions, blow-up rates to nonlinear parabolic equations [5-19]. In particular, critical exponents of
the Fujita type, which plays an important role in studying the properties of mathematical models of
various nonlinear processes, are described by nonlinear parabolic equations and a system of such
equations of mathematical physics (see [1-4] and references therein).
In [16], Yongsheng Mi, Chunlai Mu, and Botao Chen considered the following problem
 u   u n1 p1  2 u m1 
   , x  0, 0  T  0,
 t x  x x 
   (4)

     n2  m2 
p2  2

    , x  0, 0  T  0,
 t x  x x 
  
 u n p  21
u m
  q  0, t  ,
1 1

 1
0  T  0,
 x x
 x 0 (5)
 
  n
p 2
 m

 u q  0, t  , 0  T  0,
2 2


  x x
 x 0

u  x,0   u0  x  ,   x,0   0  x  , x  0 . (6)

They showed that in the case n1  n2  1 the critical global existence exponent and critical

Fujita exponent are q1q2 

 2 p1  1  m1  2 p2  1  m2  and min l1  k1 , l2  k2   0 , where
p1 p2

 p2  1 p1q1   p1  1 2q2  m2  1 ,

k1 
q1q2 p1 p2   2q1  m1  1 2q2  m2  1

k2 
 p1  1 p2 q2   p2  1 2q1  m1  1 ,
q1q2 p1 p2   2q1  m1  1 2q2  m2  1
k q  k  p  m1  2  k q  k2  p2  m2  2 
l1  2 1 1 1 ,l  1 2 .
p1  1 p2  1

Zhaoyin Xiang, Chunlai Mu and Yulan Wang [12] studied the problem (4)-(6) with
ni  mi  1 (i  1, 2) . They proved that the solutions of (4)-(6) are global if

q1q2 
 p1  1 p2  1 m1  1 m2  1 , and may blow up in finite time if
p1 p2

q1q2  1
 p  1 p2  1 m1  1 m2  1 . In the case of q q   p1  1 p2  1 m1  1 m2  1 ,
1 2
p1 p2 p1 p2
q1 p1  p2  1   p1  1 p2  1 m2  1
if y1  r1  0 or y2  r2  0 , where r1  ,
q1q2 p1 p2   p1  1 p2  1 m1  1 m2  1
q2 p2  p1  1   p1  1 p2  1 m1  1 q1r2  m1r1  p1  1
r2  , y1  ,
q1q2 p1 p2   p1  1 p2  1 m1  1 m2  1 p1  1
q2 r1  m2 r2  p2  1
y2  , then every non-negative, non-trivial solutions of (4)-(6) blow up in finite
p2  1

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Wanjuan Du and Zhongping Li [19] studied the following single equation
 
u   u m p 2 u m ,  x, t   R N   0,    ,
 t 

 m p  2 u

   u  0, t   u q  0, t  , t  0
  x1
u  x,0   u  x  , x  R N .
 0 

They obtain the critical global existence exponent q0  2( p  1) p and the critical Fujita
exponent qc  1  1 N  p  1 .
This work is devoted to the study of the conditions of global solvability, and unsolvability in
time of solutions to problem (1)-(3) based on self-similar analysis [2]. We construct various self-
similar supersolutions and subsolutions to obtain the critical global existence curve and the critical
curve of Fujita type of the system (1)-(3). We are obtained estimates and asymptotics of self-similar
solutions of the problem (1)-(3).
We introduce the following notations
q1 p1  p2  1  2  p1  1 p2  1
1  ,
q1q2 p1 p2  4  p1  1 p2  1
q2 p2  p1  1  2  p1  1 p2  1
2 
q1q2 p1 p2  4  p1  1 p2  1
q1 2  1  p1  1 q    2  p2  1
1  , 2  2 1 .
p1  1 p2  1

Main results. We shall consider the following self-similar solution to the problem (1)-(3)
u  x, t   T  t 1    ,
 (7)
   x, t   T  t     ,
 2

 1   x1  h1 T  t  1 ,  i  xi T  t  1 ,
 
where  , ,
1   x1  h2 T  t  , i  xi T  t  ,  i  2, , N  , T  0 , and functions    ,   
 2  2

are solution of following problem

 d  N 1 d
p1  2
d  d
 1 N    1  1  0,

 d   d 
d  d (8)

d  N 1 d d 
p2  2
 1 N d
     2   2  0,
 d  d d  d

 d
p1  2
   q1  h2  ,
 d 1 d 1
 1  h1 (9)
 p2  2
 d d
   q2  h1  ,
 d1 d1
1  h2

We define the conditions under which the functions (7) are bounded supersolution of the

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

problem (1)-(3). Set

 p1 1

  p1
 p1  2

     a1  b1
p1 1
 ,

   (10)
 p2 1
  p2
 p2  2
     a  b  p2 1  ,
  2 2 
  
1 1
p  2 p1 1 p  2 p2 1
where ai  0 (i  1, 2) , b1  1 1  0 , b2  2 2  0 .
p1 p2
The following theorem holds.
Theorem 5. The compactly supported solution of the system (20) has the asymptotic
       1   1  ,

       1   1  ,
p1 1 p2 1
when    a1 b1  p1 ,    a2 b2 
, where    ,    are defined in (10).

Proof. A solution to the system of equations (11) is sought in the following form
       w1   ,

 (11)
  
       2 
 w  ,
 p1
  p2

where  1   ln  a1  b1 ,  2   ln  a2  b2  w1  1  , w2  2  - are non-
p1 1 p2 1
 
 
   
p1 1 p2 1
negative and bounded functions,  1,2   at    a1 b1  p1 ,    a2 b2  p2 . Substituting
(11) into (8) the following system is obtained
d  1 1 p1  1  1b1  p1  1  p1 p1  1e 1 ( p1  1)
 L  w    1
Nb e  
 1 1
L w    w  w 
1   p 1 w1  0,
 d 1
1 1
 p1  2  p1  p1  1
p1  2  b1 p 
1 1a  e 1

 (12)
 d L w   Nb 1e  2  p2  1  L w   2b2  p2  1  p2 w  p2 w    2e  p2  1 w  0,
 2

 d 2  2   2 p2  2 
 2 2 
p2  1
2 2
p2  2  b2p 1 p2  a2  e  2 
 2  p2 
p1 1
 p1 p1 
L 
Where 1 1w    w  w
1 ,
 p1  2 p1  2 

p2 1
 p p2 
L2  w2    2 w2  w2 
 p2  2 p2  2  .

Note that the study of the solutions of the last system of equations is equivalent to the study of
those solutions of the system of equations (11), each of which in a certain interval
 0 ,    , satisfies the
p1 p1
w1  1   0, w1  w1  0 ,
p1  2 p1  2

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

p2 p2
w2  2   0, w2  w2  0 .
p2  2 p2  2
We shall show that the solutions  w1  2  , w2  2   of the system of equations (12) have
finite limits at  1,2   . Let
h1  1   L1  w1  ,

 (13)
h2  2   L2  w1  .

Then we bring the system (13) to the form
  1 1 p1  1  1b1  p1  1  p1 p1  1e 1 ( p1  1)
h1  1     Nb1 e   h1  1    w1  w1   w1  0,
  p1  2  p1  p1  1 p1  2  b1p 1 p1  a1  e 1 

h     Nb 1e  2  p2  1  h    2b2  p2  1  p2 w  p2 w    2 e  p2  1 w  0,
 2

   2 
 2 2   2
 2 2 p2  2   p2  1 p2  2  b2p 1 p2  a2  e  2 
2 2
  p2

To analyze the solutions of the last system of equations, consider the following auxiliary
  1 1 p1  1  1b1  p1  1  p1 p1  1e 1 ( p1  1)
 1 1 1
G ,      1
Nb e  
 1   w  w 
1  w1  0,
p1  2   p1  1 p1  2  b1p 1 p1  a1  e 1 
  p1

G  ,     Nb 1e  2  p2  1     2b2  p2  1  p2 w  p2 w    2 e  p2  1 w  0,
 2

 2 2 2  2
p2  2 
 2 
p2  1
2 2
p2  2  b2p 1 p2  a2  e  2 
  p2 
where  1 ,  2 are the real numbers. It can be seen that in the corresponding right-hand side
of the last identity, functions G1  1 , 1  , G2  2 ,  2  retain their sign, i.e. satisfy one of the
G1  1 , 1   0, G2  2 ,  2   0,
G1  1 , 1   0, G2  2 ,  2   0,

on a certain interval  11 ,    2 2 ,  ,  1 , 2   0 ,  
1 2
. Assume that for

functions G1  1 , 1  , G2  2 ,  2  the limits at 1,2   do not exist. Then, due to the

variability of functions G1  1 , 1  , G2  2 ,  2  , the straight line Gi   i (i  1,2) intersects the

 
graphs an infinite number of times on interval  11 ,    2 2 ,  . But, on interval

 
11 ,    22 ,  one of the inequalities (18) is fulfilled, therefore, it is impossible to
intersect the graphs an infinite number of times. Consequently, the graphs of functions G1  1 , 1  ,

G2  2 ,  2  intersect the straight line Gi   i (i  1,2) on interval 11 ,    22 ,  only 
once. Then, for G1  1 , 1  , G2  2 ,  2  exits a limit at    .

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

  p1 
p1 1
 p1
p1 1
p1 0
G1   w1  w1   w1    1 ,
  p1  1 p1  2   p1  1 
 p2 1 p1 1
  p2 p2   p2 0
G2   w2  w2   w2    1 .
  p2  1 p2  2   p2  1 
It is, therefore, necessary that
  1 1 p1  1  1b1  p1  1  p1 p1  1e 1 ( p1  1)
 lim   Nb1 e   1   w1  
w1   w1  0,
 p1  2  p1  p1  1 
p1  2  b1p 1 p1 a1  e 1 

 lim   Nb 1e  2  p2  1     2b2  p2  1  p2 w  p2 w    2 e  p2  1 w  0,
 2

 2   2  2  2
  p2  2  p2  p2  1

p2  2  b2p 1 p2 a2  e  2  2

From here, taking into account the following passage to the limit
lim e   0 ,
 

it is easy to see that w1  1 , w2  1 at  1,2   .

0 0

1. Numerical analysis of solution

Now, we shall construct a numerical scheme based on the finite difference method. For this,
the system of equations (1) are approximated with the second order of accuracy in spatial
coordinates and with the first order in t. An iterative process is constructed; in the inner iteration
steps, the node values are calculated by the sweep method. It is known that the choice of an
appropriate initial approximation for the iterative process of solving the nonlinear problem (1) - (3)
in a general case, is the main difficulty in numerical solution of the problem. When solving specific
tasks, the functions are used that reflect some properties of the sought for solutions; these functions
are obtained on the basis of a qualitative analysis of the problem. This difficulty, depending on the
value of the numerical parameters of equations, is overcome by successful selecting the initial
approximations, for which the established asymptotic formula is taken in the calculations. Based on
the above results, numerical calculations were made. Below we bring some of the numerical
schemes and results of computational experiments.
Consider the system of equations (1) with the initial (3) and boundary conditions (2) and
u  b, t   1  t  ,

  b, t   2  t  ,

For convenience, rewrite system (1)-(3) as follows
 u   u 
 t  x  K  u  x  ,
  
 (15)
     B     ,
 t x  
x 
 u
 K  u  x  0, t   u  0, t  ,

 (16)
 B     0, t    q2  0, t  , t  0,
 x
u  x,0   u0  x  ,   x,0   0  x  , x  R , (17)

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
p1  2 p 2
u  2
Where K (u )  , B    .
x x
Now construct a uniform grid S h on x with step h :
Sh   xi  i  h, h  0, i  1,2, , n, n  h  b ,
and time grid
V  t j  j   ,   0, j  1,2, , m, m    T , T  0.
We construct a difference scheme. To do this, we use the balance method and the implicit
difference scheme:
 uij 1  uij 1
   2  K i 1  u   uij11  uij 1   K i  u   uij 1  uij11   ,
 j 1 (18)
i  i  1  B    j 1   j 1   B    j 1   j 1   ,

h2 
i 1 
  i 1 i 1 i i i

i  2,3, , n  1 , j  0,1, , m  1 ,
ui0  u  xi ,0  ,
 0 i  0,1, , n, (19)
 i    i 
x ,0 ,
 u1j 1  u0j 1
 1  K  u 
  u 0 ,
j q1

 j  0,1, , m  1, (20)
 j 1
  j 1
 B   1  0j  ,
 1
unj  1  t j  ,
 j j  2,3, , m. (21)

 n   2 j
t ,
Where K  u  , B   are calculated according to one of the following formulas
  ui  ui 1 
 Ki  u   K  2  ,
  
a (22)
 B    B  i  i 1  ,
 i  
 2 
 K  ui   K  ui 1 
 iK  u   ,
b 
 B    B i   B i 1  .
 i 2
It is seen that the systems of algebraic equations (18) are nonlinear with respect to u j 1 and
 j 1 . For numerical solution of such systems of nonlinear equations, various iterative methods are
applicable. We use the simple iteration method:

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

 s j 11 s j
 ui  ui  1  K  u   u j 1  u j 1   K  u   u j 1  u j 1   ,
s s 1 s 1 s s 1 s 1

   i 1    i 1 i  i   i i 1  
h2       
 s 1 s (24)
 j 1   j 1   s   j 1 j 1 
s 1 s 1
 s   j 1 j 1  
s 1 s 1
 i i
 2  Bi 1   i 1  i   Bi   i  i 1   ,
  h       
Where s  0,1,2, .
It is known that iterative methods require an appropriate initial approximation, which ensures
fast convergence to the exact solution and preserves the physical meaning of the problems. The
above-obtained asymptotic formulas are chosen as appropriate initial approximations.
s 1 s 1
The values of initial iteration for each time step ui , i are taken from the previous time step:
0 0
u j 1  u j ,  j 1   j . When counting by an iterative scheme, the accuracy of the iteration is set,
for which the process continues until the following conditions are met

 s 1 s
max u i  ui   ,

 0i  n
 s 1 s
 max  i   i   .

 0i  n
Introduce the notations ui  ui , i  i . Then the difference equations (24) can be
j 1 j 1

written as
 s s 1 s s 1 s s 1 s
 A1i ui 1  C1i ui  B1i ui 1   F1i ,
 s s 1 s 1 s 1
 A2 i   C 2 i   B 2 i    F ,
s s s

 i 1 i i 1 2i

where A1i , A2i , B1i , B2i , C1i , C 2i , F1i , F2i with formulas (22) are obtained in the form:
 sj 1 sj 1 p1 2 sj 1 sj 1 s s p1  2 s s 
s    s  u  u u  u u j 1
 u j 1
u j 1
 u j 1
i 2 
A1i  2 Ki  u   2  i i 1 i i 1
 i 1 i 2 i 1
h   2h  h h h h 
 
 sj 1 sj 1 2 p  2 s s s s p2  2 s s 
s      i  i 1
s i  i 1 i 1  i 2
j 1 j 1 j 1 j 1
i 1  i j 21 
j 1
A2i  2 Bi    2   ,
h   2h  h h h h 
 
 sj 1 sj 1 1 p  2 s s s s p1  2 s s 
s      ui 1  ui
s j 1
ui 1  ui j 1 j 1
ui  ui 1 j 1
ui  uij11 
j 1
B1i  2 Ki 1  u   2   ,
h   2h  h h h h 
 

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

 sj 1 sj 1 p2  2 s s s s p2  2 s s 
s       
s  j 1
 j 1
 j 1
 j 1
 j 1
 j 1

B2i  2 Bi 1    2  i 1 i i 1 i
 i i 1 i i 1
h   2h  h h h h 
 
s   s  s 
C 1i  2  K i  u   K i 1  u    1,
h     
s   s  s 
C 2i  2  Bi    Bi 1     1,
h     
s s
j 1
F 1i  u i ,
s s
F 2i   i
j 1
The values of the end ordinates at the ends of the segment 0  x  b can be obtained by the
formula Milne:
u u  4u1  3u0 u 3u  4un1  un2
 2 ,  n ,
x 0 2h x n 2h
   41  30  3  4n1  n2
 2 ,  n .
x 0 2h x n 2h
which are considered more accurate.
For the numerical solution of algebraic equations (25) applies the sweep method. According
to the sweep method
ui  1i  1i  ui 1  ,

 (26)
i   2i   2i  i 1  ,

where 1i , 2i , 1i , 2i are the coefficients calculated by the formulas:
 B1i
    ,

1i 1
C1i   A
1i 1i

  B2i
2 i 1 ,
 C2i   2i A2i
 A1i 1i  F1i
 1i 1  C   A ,
 1i 1i 1i

   A2i  2i  F2i ,
 2i 1 C2i   2i A2i
where i  1,2, n . The values of 10 ,  20 , 10 ,  20 are found from boundary conditions
Numerical experiments.
Using the above numerical schemes, a computational experiment was conducted. Here are
some results of numerical experiments. The grid step is quite small h = 0.05, the number of nodes is
N = 2500, and the accuracy of the iteration is specified as . The counting was carried out up to t = 2

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

with step ., Formulas (10), (13) were taken as the initial approximation for the iterative process.
Below are some results of numerical experiments for various values of numerical parameters
and initial functions.

Fig 1. Numerical solution of (1)-(3): q1  2.67 , q2  2.78 , p1  3.5 , p2  3.6 .

Fig 2. Numerical solution of (1)-(3): q1  1.36 , q2  2.0 , p1  2.2 , p2  2.1 .

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17. Yong-Sheng Mi, Chunlai Mu, and Deng-Ming Liu. Global existence and blow-up for a doubly
degenerate parabolic equation system with nonlinear boundary conditions. Glasgow Math. J. 54, 2012, 309–
18. Mi Yongsheng, Mu Chunlai. Global existence and blow-up of solutions to a class of doubly
degenerate parabolic equations coupled via nonlinear boundary flux. Advances in Mathematics (China),
Vol.43, No.3, 2014, 398-410.
19. Wanjuan Du and Zhongping Li. Critical exponents for heat conduction equation with a nonlinear
Boundary condition. Int. Jour. of Math. Anal. vol. 7, 11, 2013, 517-524.

Rezyume: Ushbu maqolada nolokal chegaraviy shartlar bilan bog'langan nochiziqli

parabolik tenglamalar sistemasining avtomodel yechimlari asimptotikasi tadqiq qilingan.
Avtomodel yechimlar asimptotikalarining bosh hadlari olingan. Sonli yechishda iteratsion jarayon
uchun boshlang’ich yaqinlashishni tanlash usuli taklif etilgan. Iteratsion jarayon uchun
boshlang’ich yaqinlashish sifatida asimptotik formulalar tanlanib sonli yechimlar olingan.
Hisoblash natijalari vaqt bo'yicha vizuallashtirilgan va natijalar tahlil qilingan.
Резюме: В работе исследуется асимптотика автомодельных решений нелинейной
системы параболических уравнений, связанной с нелокальными граничными условиями
Построены различные автомодельные решения задачи для случая медленной диффузии,
являющиеся асимптотикой решений рассматриваемой задачи. Получен главный член
асимптотики автомодельных решений. Для численного исследования рассматриваемой
задачи предложен способ выбора оптимального начального приближения для итерационного
процесса. Используя асимптотические формулы в качестве начального приближения для
итерационного процесса, произведены численные расчеты. Результаты расчета
визуализированы по времени и проведены анализ результатов.

Kalit so‘zlar: asimptotika, nochiziqli sistema, avtomodel yechim, Fudjita tipidagi kritik
ko’rsatkich, chegaralanmagan yechim, iteratsion jarayon.
Ключевые слова: нелинейная параболическая система, диффузия, критические
показатели типа Фуджита, неограниченные решения, асимптотика.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDK 517.95:519.6



Utebaev D., Nurullaev J.A.

Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Resume. In this paper, difference schemes of the high-order precision finite element method for
the equation of Sobolev-type ion-sound waves are constructed and investigated. In particular,
boundary value problems for the equation of ion-sound waves in an unmagnetized plasma are
considered. A high order of accuracy of the scheme is achieved by special sampling of time and
space variables. The stability and convergence of the constructed algorithms are proved. An
estimate is obtained of the accuracy of the scheme under weak assumptions about the smoothness of
solutions of differential problems.
Key words: Sobolev type equation, ion-sound wave equation, difference schemes, finite
element method, a priori estimates, stability, accuracy.

1. Introduction. The solution of complex applied problems requires the creation of more
accurate numerical algorithms or improving existing ones. It manifests itself especially in the study
of complex non-stationary processes, for example, as boundary value problems for linear partial
differential equations that are unsolvable with respect to the highest time derivative, which are
called Sobolev type equations. These are problems of geophysics, oceanology, atmospheric physics,
physics of magnetically ordered structures, related to wave propagation in media with strong
dispersion, and many others [1-4].
Here are some examples.
1°. Sobolev equation describing small oscillations of a rotating liquid:
2 2  u
 3u  a  0,
t 2  x32
2 2 2
where  3    -is three-dimensial Laplace operator .
 x12  x22  x32
2°. The basic equation for the dynamics of an ideal incompressible stratified fluid has the
2 2  u 2 
  u   2
u    2
 u    2   u   0,
t 2  
  x3
3 0 2

2 2
here is 2  2  2 .
 x1  x2
3°. Equation of two-temperature plasma in an external magnetic field:
 2   2u   2   2u   2   2u
     
 t 2  1   x 2   t 2  2   x 2   t 2  3   x 2  f ( x, t )
2 2 2

  1   2   3
4°. Equation of dynamics of two-dimensional movements of a viscous stratified liquid:

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

2 
 u   22u  02 ( x3 )u x1 x1  f ( x, t )
2 2
t t
2 2
Here is  2   2  two-dimensional Laplace operator, 22 – biharmonic operator,
x1 x3

02 ( x3 ) – Veysal-Brent frequency.

5°. Equation of ion-sound waves in an unmagnetized plasma:
( 3u  u )   3u  0.
t 2
In work [5], problems of this type are reduced to two equations using a certain function (one
containing differentiation in time, the other only in space), and then these equations are solved by
the method of finite differences of the second order of approximation in both time and space. In
work [4] similar problems are solved by the method of dynamic potentials, the accuracy of which is
also not higher than two with sufficient smoothness of the solution.
This paper deals with the construction and research of high-precision difference schemes for
the non-stationary equation of ion-sound waves in an unmagnetized plasma. Based on the finite
element method, high-order precision difference schemes are constructed and investigated. A high
order of accuracy of the scheme is achieved by special sampling of time and space variables.
Estimates of the accuracy of the scheme are obtained under weak assumptions about the smoothness
of solutions to differential problems.
2. Problem statement. Consider the following problem [5]
( 3u  u )   3u  f ( x, t ), ( x, t )  QT , (1)
t 2
u  0, x  Г   ; t  (0, T ] , (2)
u ( x,0)  u 0 ( x), ( x,0)  u1 ( x), x   . (3)
2 2 2
Here is  3    - a three-dimensial Laplace operator ,     Г ,
x12 x22 x32
  {0  xk  lk , k  1,2,3} , QT  ( x, t ) : x  , t  (0,T ].
We formulate a generalized statement of the problem (1)-(3). Let's call the function a

generalized solution of the problem u ( x, t ) , which at each t  (0, T ] belongs H  W2 () , has

 2u
a derivative W21 () and almost everywhere for everyone t  (0, T ] satisfies the
t 2

 d 2u (t ) 
a1  2
,   a2 (u (t ), )  ( f (t ), ),  ( x)  H , (4)
 d t 
 du 
(u (0)  u0 ,  )  0,  (0)  u1 ,    0, u0 , u1  H . (5)
 dt 

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

 3  3
a1 (u,  )  
 
  k 1

u x k  x k  u dx , a2 (u, ) 

  k 1
u x k x k dx ,

u  u (t ) - the function of abstract argument t [0,T ] with meanings in

  3 
H  W21 () . Denote u1 
    2
u xk u 2

dx - norm in H .
  k 1 
2 2
It is obvious, that, 0  a1 (u , u )  C1 u 1 , 0  a2 (u , u )  C2 u 1 , where C1 , C 2 -
positive constants.
Questions of existence, smoothness, and uniqueness of the solution to this problem are
discussed in [2-4].
3. Discretization by space and time. We discretize the problem by spatial variables using the
finite element method. Let H h  H multiple view elements h   am  m ( x) . Here
m 1

 m   m ( x) M
a basis of piecewise polynomial functions, that are polynomial of degree p
on each finite element [6, 7].
We give an example of a basis based on polynomials of the third degree.
Let's introduce a partition of the area  on M  N1 * N 2 * N3 parallelepipeds':
ijk  (i  1)h1  x1  ih1 , ( j  1)h2  x2  jh2 , (k  1)h3  x3  kh3 ,
i  1, N1 , j  1, N 2 , k  1, N 3 , hs  l s / N s , s  1,2,3.
Let's choose a system of basic functions:
 ijk ( x1 , x2 , x3 )  i ( x1 ) j ( x2 ) k ( x3 ), i  1, N1 , j  1, N 2 , k  1, N 3 ,
where  l (x ) - basis function, built on the basis of В3- spline [6]. In this case p  3 .
Let's put it in line (4), (5) a semi-discrete task for t [0, T ] :
 d 2uh (t ) 
a3  h   a2 u h , h    f (t ),h ,
,   (6)
 dt 
 du 
(u h (0)  u 0 ,h )  0,  h (0)  u1 ,h   0, h  H h . (7)
 dt 
Problem (5), (6) corresponds to the Cauchy problem:
d 2u h (t ) duh
D  Au h (t )  f h (t ), u h (0)  u0, h , (0)  u1, h . (8)
dt 2 dt
Operators D, A operate from H h в H h . They correspond to the matrix rigidities
D  a3 ( l , m ) lM, m 1 and A  a2 (l , m ) lM, m 1  a1 ( l , m ) lM, m 1 . Besides,
u k ,h  Ph u k ( x), k  0,1, where Ph - operator of design Ph H  H h .
We approximate the problem (8) in time with the difference scheme [8]:

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

  
( D   2 A) y  y  A y  y   ,
 
  2
  
 y  y y  y
( D   2 A)  ( D   2 A)  2 ,
  2
y 0  u0 , y 0  u1.

 dy
Here y  y  y(tn ), y  y n 1 ,
y  y n  (tn ) , n  0,1,..., y n , y n  H h ,
t  tn
k  
f (t n   )k ( )d , k  1,2 ,  

, 1 ( )  1 ,

 1
2 ( )  s12(1) ( )  s 22( 2) ( ) , 2(1) ( )       ,
 2
 3 1 
2( 2) ( )     3   2    , s1  180  40 , s2  1680  280 .
 2 2 
Parameters  ,  ,  subject to the condition of the fourth order of approximation
      1/ 6 . (10)
If, except (10), the condition will be met   6  1/ 40  0 , that scheme (9) has a sixth
order of accuracy (see [8], page 50).
4. Accuracy research of discretization in space and time. The following theorem be the case.
Theorem. Let D*  D  0, A*  A  0 and the stability condition is met
D  m 2 A  D, 0    1, m  max ,  ,  , (11)
and conditions of the fourth order of approximation (10). Then, the solution of the scheme (9)
approximating solution of the problem (1)-(3) such that

u ( x, t )  L2 ([ 0, T ]; W2k 1 ()  W 12 ()) ,
u  4u
 

( x, t )  C ([0,T ]; W2k 1 ()  W 12 ()) , ( x, t )  C 0, T ; W22 () , the following
t t 4
accuracy estimate is correct
u ( x, t )  y ( x, t ) 1   u( x, t )  y( x, t )dt 

  t 2
   4u  4u  k u
 M  3  max 4 ( x, t ) 
  t t
 t 4
( x , t ) dt  

 h 
 t t ( x, t )

k 1

 2 0 2

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

t 2 t 
u 
 ( x, t ) dt    u( x, t ) dt  
 k 1
t [0,T ], M  M (С1 , С2 , T )  0.
t k 1 
0 0 
The proof of the theorem is similar to the proofs of theorem 3.27 from [8].
When selecting on each finite element on the space of a polynomial of degree k  3 we
have a third order of accuracy for both steps h,  .
Check that the stability condition (11) is met. Let's represent the operators of the scheme (9)
D  A1  A2  A3  E , A  A1  A2  A3 ,
where to operators Ak  0 correspond to the stiffness matrix
A k  bk ( l , m ) lM,m1 with the bilinear form bk (u , )   u x x dx . Condition (11)
k k

takes the form

(1   ) A1  A2  A3  E   m 2 ( A1  A2  A3 )  0 .
To fulfil it, it is sufficient that
1 
2  , где 0    1 .
The last condition is interesting because the time step is not related to the space step and is
determined by the parameters of the problem and the scheme. For scheme parameters (9), for
example, when   1 / 8,   1 / 24 we have m  1 / 8 . So that finally is   2 2(1   ) .
5. Algorithm for implementing the scheme. To implement the scheme (9), it is necessary to
 
solve a system of two equations with respect to unknown ones y , y :
   
m y  m y    , m y  m y    , (12)
 
m  D   A, m  A, m   ( D    A), m  D    A ,
 
 
    Ay  ( D   A) y ,       ( D    A) y  ( D    A) y.
 
Parameters  ,  ,  are subject to the condition (10) of the fourth order of approximation of
the scheme (11).
 
With the exception of (9) y , get the equation for finding y :

C y  F, (13)
 
C  m m  m m  D   (    )  AD  (  )  A  ,
 
F  m   m.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

The first algorithm for implementing the scheme (9) consists of directly solving the equation

(13), and then the calculations y from the first equation in (12):
  
( D   A) y     A y.

The second implementation algorithm (12) is reduced to solving two equations at each step in
Cy n  F , Cy n  F ,
   
where C  D  (   / ) AD  ( /    / ) A , and the right parts F , F
n n
calculated by known y , y и  ,   .
Matrix C factorizes: C  CC  ( D    A)(D    A) , where   ,   are the roots of
the equation
        /       /     .
For example, for    / ,    /  , we have    / ,     . Then there will
be like this
y n  C  F  CC F , y n  CC F .
For matrix inversion C , C the direct square root method is applied once at the initial point
in time. On the other layers, the solution is found by multiplying the matrix C  CC on the
vector F , F .
Note 1. Boundary value problems for equations are studied in the same way 1°-4°.
Note 2. A separate article will be devoted to computational experiments for test problems.

1. Sobolev S.L. Ob odnoy novoy zаdаshe mаtemаtisheskoy fiziki //Izvestiya АN SSSR. Ser. mаt. 1954.
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3. Gаbov S.А., Sveshnikov А.G. Lineynie zаdаshi teorii nestаtsionаrnix vnutrennix voln. – M.:
Nаukа, 1990. – 344 S.
4. Sveshnikov А.G., Аlshin А.B., Korpusov M.O., Pletner Yu.D. Lineynie i nelineynie urаvneniya
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5. Sveshnikov А.G., Аlshin А.B., Аlshina E.А., Rogov B.V. Vishisleniya nа kvаzirаvnomernix setkаx. –
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6. Mаrshuk G.I., Аgoshkov V.I. Vvedenie v proektsionno–setoshnie metodi. – M.: Nаukа, 1981. – 416 s.
7. Quarteroni A., Valli A. Numerical Approximation of Partial Differential Equations. –Berlin:
Springer–Verlag, 1994. – 544 r.
8. Moskаlkov M.N., Utebаev D. Shislennoe modelirovаnie nestаtsionаrnix protsessov mexаniki sploshnoy
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Аnnotatsiya. Bu ishda Sobolev tipidagi ion-tovushli to’lqin tenglamalari uchun chekli

elementlar usulining yuqori aniqlikdagi sxemalari qurilgan va tadqiq qilingan. Shu jumladan,
magnitlanmagan plazmadagi ion-tovushli to’lqin tenglamalari uchun chegaraviy masalalar ko’rib
chiqilgan. Yuqori aniqlikga vaqt va fazo o’zgaruvchilarini maxsus approksimatsiyalash orqali
erishilgan. tuzilgan algoritmlarning barqarorligi va yaqinlashishi isbotlangan. Differentsial
tenglamalar echimi silliqligiga minimal talabda sxemalarning aniqlik bahosi olingan.
Аннотация. В работе построены и исследованы разностные схемы метода конечных
элементов высокого порядка точности для уравнения ионно-звуковых волн соболевского

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

типа. В частности, рассмотрены краевые задачи для уравнения ионно-звуковых волн в

незамагниченной плазме. Высокий порядок точности схемы достигается за счет
специальной дискретизации временной и пространственных переменных. Доказана
устойчивость и сходимость построенных алгоритмов. Получена оценка точности схемы
при слабых предположениях о гладкости решений дифференциальных задач.

Kalit so’zlar: Sobolev tipidagi tenglama, ion-tovushli to’lqinlar tenglamasi, ayirmali

sxemalar, chekli elementlar usuli, aprior baholar, barqarorlik, aniqlik.
Ключевые слова: уравнение соболевского типа, уравнение ионно-звуковых волн,
разностные схемы, метод конечных элементов, априорные оценки, устойчивость,

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Shikhiev R.M., Samandarov B.S.

Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: Investigated properties of the solution radially symmetric equations for the
nonlinear heat conductivity equation. It is used the method of nonlinear absorption and splitting
with reference equation. There is proved a number of properties radially symmetric solution of
radially symmetric equation.
Keywords: Diffusion, thermal conductivity, asymptotic behavior, particular function,
symmetry, car model, linearity, exponential.

Formulation of the problem. In this work, in the field of Q   t , x  : t  0, x  R N  we

study the property of solutions to the Cauchy problem for a nonlinear parabolic equation that
describes heat diffusion in a medium with a nonlinear volume sink or absorption.
A  u   ut  ( x u u )   (t , x)u   0, t  0, x  R N ,
u 0, x   u 0 x   0, x  R N , sup u 0  . (1.2)
Here t  0 и x  R - respectively, temporal, spatial coordinates, (.)  grad x (.)

  0,   0 - fixed constant, 0   (t , x)  C (Q) . Regarding initial function u , in (1.2) it is

assumed that x u0 0  C  Q  , u 0 ( x)  0 at x   . A bounded solution to problem (1.1),

(1.2) exists, and solely is classical in any domain of the form  ,   R N ,   0 (see., for example,
[1]). Note that the properties of the solutions of equation (1.1) when in [1] m  0 ,  (t )  const ,
  1,   1 studied in detail.
In an unlimited thermal conductivity medium with nonlinear absorption, the thermal
conductivity of which is described by equation (1.1), some initial perturbation is introduced from
the outside u 0, x   u 0 x   0, u0  0 quite an arbitrary look. What is the fate of this perturbation?
In case of m  0 ,  (t )  1 , In [2], as an example of the heat equation, it is shown that, as a
result, after a certain time, in the medium, as a rule, a certain stable spatially inhomogeneous
formation – an unsteady thermal structure with its own laws of evolution t is formed. Each of them
has its own set of gravity  in simple initial functions, while the “laws of evolution of the solution
at large times do not depend on the specifics of the initial perturbation (that is, they are the same),
and the same for any u0  ). In other words, using the terminology [2], [3], we can say that this
nonlinear medium has its own set of stable “own functions” (in abb.”of” we will omit the quotation
marks below for quotes), which determine the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of problem (1.1
), (1.2) for sufficiently arbitrary initial perturbations u0 . It was emphasized [2] that, for (1.1), the
Cauchy problem is considered without boundary conditions, which allows us to speak precisely of
the native functions of the medium that is not subject to any external influences. Of course, this
statement is natural and from the standpoint of the qualitative theory of partial differential equations
(which, if not the equation itself, should determine the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of the
problem), they especially noted that the concept of a nonlinear medium plays an important role
in the description of complex unsteady physical, chemical, biological, and other processes, in
particular, the process of morphogenesis in active biological media (see this in [2], [4], [5]).
The main results. Below we examine radially symmetric self-similar, approximately self-

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

similar solutions of equation (1.1) of the following form:

d  s 1   d A   1 '
AR ( A )   1 s  A 
d 
    A    t   t  u
  1
 A   A   0 ,   0 , (1.3)
 d   2
  1

  x
T  t  
 1
uA t, x     A   ,  
 1
  1    t  
2 m
2 2N
  x  x 2 ,   t    u   t  dt , s  ,
2m 2m
u  t  defined as a solution to the equation
  T  t  u  .

Then  A satisfies an approximately self-similar equation.
T  0 — arbitrary constant, and the function  A    0 is an approximately self-similar
solution to the equation constructed by the method of nonlinear splitting and reference equations.
In the particular case when   t   T  t  , then

   1 1
   1   1  1
   T  t   1 , if   1    1  ,
  t      1    1    1 
  1
  1 ln T  t  , if   1    1  ,

  1
T  t   equation (1.1) becomes self-similar.
 1
а u t   
 1

  1 
d  s 1   d A   1 '  1
AR ( A ) 
d 
 A      A 
  1    1 
 A   A   0 ,   0 , (1.5)
 d   2
It has an obvious uniform solution
 A ( )   H  1 ,   0 (1.6)
all others must satisfy the boundary conditions
 A' (0)  0 ,  A ()  0 . (1.7)
By virtue of the first of them, function (1.4) is a solution of equation (1.1) everywhere in
R  R N .

Note that equation (1.5) is a special case when   0 , part  A absent, was first studied in [6].
They proved the conditions for the existence of a compact solution.
Properties of radially symmetric self-similar solutions
At the same time, it is convenient to consider the kind of Cauchy problems for the same
AR    0,   0;    0    , (1.8)
where constant   0 acts as a parameter. It is necessary to find such value   0 , that
correspond to a positive in R1 function     ;   , satisfying the condition     ;    0 .
Then   ;   it will be the desired “self-similar” function  A   .

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Lemma 1. For all the solution to problem (1.8) is strictly decreasing wherever it is positive. If
   H , then   ;    0 .
 2m
Theorem 1. Let us assume that   1+   1     ,   1  0,   0 . Then for all
 N 
   0, H  the solution of problem (1.8) is strictly positive in R1 ,   ;    0 .
Proof. Multiply equation (1.8) by  and integrate both its parts over the interval  0,   . As a
result, we obtain equality.

1  N  1 
            s 1   
s 1 s
    1   d (1.9)
2 0  2  m   1    1  
 2m N  1
In   1+   1     we have   0 and, therefore, the right-
 N  2  m   1    1 
hand side of (1.9) is strictly positive. Let us assume that     ;   , vanishes at some point
   *  0 . Then, obviously,    * ;    0 , left side (1.9) at    * non-positive and equality (1.9)
is impossible. So,   ;    0 in R1 and due to monotony   ;    0 .
 2m
In   1+   1     solutions   ;   are easy to sort by parameter value  .
 N 
 2m
Theorem 2. Let us assume that   1+   1     ,   1  0,   0 . Then solution of
 N 
  ;   monotonously depends on the parameter    0, H  , i.e. if 0  1  2   H , then
1    ; 1     ; 2    2 everywhere in R1 . (1.10)
Proof. We put z   2  1 . Suppose the contrary: let there be such    , that z  0 on *

 0,   , z    0 and, therefore, z    0 . Then from identities (1.9) for the functions 

* * *
1 and  2
it is easy to obtain
 N
  1 1
 1 

 z *    
s 1 s 1
z           ; 1   1     ; 2   d   d  0
 2  m   1    1 
0  0 

which contradicts the condition z  *   0 .

1) We first consider problem (1.8) for sufficiently small. Let us prove the
following statement:

Lemma 2. For all

  1 N   1  2m
0       , 1    1+   1    , (1.11)
   1     1  2  m   N 
there is no everywhere positive solution to problem (1.8) with asymptotics.
Proof. Suppose the contrary, let us assume that     ;    0 in R1 for some  , from the
set (1.11). Then passing to the limit in (1.9) (1.9) in    and taking into account that, when
 s  0,   s 1  0 in    , we get

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
 N  1 
   ;   
s 1
    1  ;   d  0
0  2  m   1    1  
However, due to monotony     ;   by  this integral is strictly less than the expression
 N  1 
s 1
  ;        1 d ,
0  2  m   1    1  
which, when (1.11) is satisfied, is nonpositive, which leads to a contradiction.
  2  m 
Lemma 3. Let us assume that   1,1+   1     . Then there is such a value
  N  
1   0, H  , for all    0, 1  the solution of problem (1.8) vanishes at some point       .
Proof. It is carried out by "linearization" of equation (1.8) with respect to the trivial solution
  0 . First we continue the equation to the region of negative values  , for example, as follows:
instead of (1.8) we consider the equation
 1
 s 1 
 s 1        
 1
  1    1 
 
 1
     0,   0 (1.12)

(in the field   0 it coincides with the original one). Put now
 ( ;  )
f  ( )  ,   0, ,

where     ;   — solution (1.12) with conditions (1.8). Then, it’s obvious,

f  (0)  1, f  (0)  0 (1.13)
and f     satisfies the equation:
 
  
FR ( f  )  s 1  s 1 f  f    f   
 1
  1    1 
f 
 1
  1    1 
  1 f 
 1
f  (1.14)

with a small parameter   1 with a nonlinear “disturbing” term in the right-hand side.
Consider the corresponding linear problem corresponding to the value   0 :
FR  f 0   0,   0; f 0  0   1, f 0  0   0 (1.15)

  2() 2 ,  0 , (1.16)
(1.15) reduces to a boundary value problem for a degenerate hypergeometric equation
 N   1
f 0      f 0  f  0,  0.
 2m    1    1  0
N  1
Suggestion (see. [7]). If  , then f 0    0 for all   0 . If
2  m   1    1 
N  1  2m
 , i. е.   1+   1     , then f 0   have in   0 at least one
2  m   1    1   N 
The validity of Lemma 3 follows from this proposition, as well as the continuous dependence
of the solution of the ordinary differential equation (1.14) on a small parameter   1 .
2) Let's start increasing the parameter  , now let (1.11) not be satisfied. First we prove the

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

following statement:
  2  m 
Theorem 3. In   1,1+   1     problem (1.8) has at least one positive solution
  N  
with exponential asymptotics.
Proof. Based on building a suitable top   and bottom   solutions of equation (1.8), which
we will seek in the "exponential" form
  ( )  A exp(    2 ),   0 (  (0)  0) , (1.17)
where A , a — positive constants to be determined. It’s not hard to believe that
  1
AR (  )  A exp(a 2 )  a (4a  1) 2  
   1    1 
4N  1 
 a  A 1 exp(a 2 (   1)) 
2m   1    1  
and so + will be the top decision (т.е. AR    0 in R1 ) if
1   1 4N    1   1 4N 
a  , A 1    a  exp    a   , (1.18)
4    1    1  2  m  1  4a    1    1  2  m  
and respectively   will be the bottom decision ( AR    0 in R1 ) when, for example, the
following conditions are met:
1  1 N
a  , A 1   . (1.19)
4   1    1  2  m
Note that, as follows from (1.19), an “exponential” lower solution exists only when
 1 N  2m
  0 , i. е. in   1+   1    .
  1    1  2  m  N 
For arbitrary values A , a , satisfying, respectively, (1.18) and (1.19), everywhere in R1 fair
inequality          and so (see, for example, [7]) problem (1.8) has at least one positive
solution   ;   such that        in R1 . The last inequality implies the “exponential”
  1  
character of the asymptotic behavior of this solution (for example,   o exp      2   in
  4  
   for any    0,1/ 4  ).
  2  m 
Theorem 4. Let us assume that   1,1+   1     . We put
  N  
 *  sup M  sup   0 |   ;    0 for any       , (1.20)
always  *   0, H  , function  A    ;  *  — solution of the problem (1.3), (1.7) has an
“exponential” asymptotic behavior and is minimal among all its other solutions.
Proof. By virtue of Lemma 3, the set is not empty, and it follows from Theorem 3 that it is
bounded above. Therefore, sup M exists, and  *   0, H  and   ;  *   0 in R1 . The latter
follows from the continuity of the dependence of the solution of problem (1.8) on the parameter and
on an arbitrary compact from R1 .

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

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physics. M .: Science. 1975.

Rezyume: Issiqlik o’tkazuvchanlik tenglamasi uchun etalon tenglamalar bilan radial

simmetrik echimlarning hususiyatlari chiziqsiz parchalanish va yutilish usuli bilan o’rganilgan.
Radial simmetrik tenglamaning radial simmetrik echimlarining bir qator xususiyatlari isbotlangan.
Резюме: Исследуется свойства решении радиально симметрической уравнений для
нелинейного уравнение теплопроводности с методом нелинейного поглощения и
расщепления с эталонном уравнением. Доказано ряд свойств радиально симметрических
решении радиально симметрического уравнения.

Kalit so’zlar: Diffuziya, issiqlik o’tkazuvchanlik, asimptotika, hususiy funktsiya, simmetriya,

avtomodel, chiziqlandirish, ko’rsatkichli.
Ключевые слова: Диффузия, теплопроводность, асимптотика, частная функция,
симметрия, автомодель, линейность, показательный.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC 553.96 : 665.448



Ganiev P.Kh1., Namazov Sh.S1., Beglov B.M1., Usanbaev N.Kh1., Reymov A.M2.
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, 2Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: The article presents the results of studies on the preparation of granular humic
urea by adding oxidized coal to the urea melt before granulation, it is shown that, due to the
addition of oxidized coal, the physicochemical properties of the obtained fertilizers are improved,
the strength of the granules increases and the rate of dissolution of humic urea granules in water
decreases as compared with urea.
Keywords: brown coal, oxidized coal, humic acid, fulvic acids, hydrogen peroxide.

Currently, all over the world, more and more attention is paid to the use and production of
humic fertilizers along with mineral fertilizers, their raw material base, analysis methods, methods
of application, as well as production technologies are expanding. Integrated systems for the use of
mineral fertilizers in combination with organic ones are being developed to create the most optimal
conditions for the development of plants and to obtain more and high-quality crops, taking into
account the state of the soil, plant species, and other conditions. The use of mineral fertilizers with
organic in balanced form positively affects soil fertility, productivity, and quality and does not lead
to environmental pollution. Data from research institutions and agricultural practice show that on
soils poor in organic matter, the highest crop yields are observed when using mineral fertilizers with
organic. The nutrients of readily soluble mineral fertilizers act very quickly when they are
introduced into the soil, providing the plant with nutrition from the very early period of its life, and
the elements of food from organic fertilizers usually act slowly, supplying the plant with food at a
later date. It should be noted that the currently used nitrogen fertilizers have a significant drawback,
their efficiency does not exceed 30-40%, the rest is washed out into the subsoil horizons and not
only irretrievably lost but also leads to pollution of the biosphere, subsoil waters, nearby reservoirs,
lakes, rivers, seas, atmosphere. The low efficiency of fertilizer nutrients entails an unjustified
increase in fertilizer application rates. The latter circumstance further exacerbates the negative
ecological state of the soil, the environment, and the quality of the products grown. The economic
component in this case acquires a stable negative value. When using humic-containing fertilizers,
the humic substances that make up the fertilizers contribute to better absorption of the basic
nutrients by plants. They have in their composition trace elements, physiologically-and growth-
active substances, form a loose structure in the soil, stimulate the growth and development of plants.
They can adsorb nutrients and moisture while reducing the possibility of leaching of nutrients in the
subsoil horizons, especially nitrogen. All this makes it possible to significantly reduce the rate of
application of nutrients to the soil, increase productivity, product quality, and soil fertility [1-4]. In
this regard, the development of new technologies for producing highly effective and
environmentally friendly organomineral fertilizers or obtaining them by introducing changes to
existing technologies for mineral fertilizers (urea, simple superphosphate, ammophos, and
ammonium sulfate) is relevant.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

In the patent [5], to obtain organic fertilizers, mixing in equal amounts of brown coal of the
Alexandria deposit with the content of humic acids of 32% and urea at a temperature of 75°C for 2-
3 hours is proposed to increase the efficiency of the fertilizer. The resulting product is a free-
flowing powder containing 23% nitrogen. The results of experiments on the dissolution rate show
that nitrogen from this organomineral fertilizer dissolves 8 times slower than from urea.
Agrochemical tests in field experiments with barley show that nitrogen-humus fertilizer provides
not only dosed nutrition with the nitrogen of plants but also has a stimulating effect on the growth
and development of plants due to the preserved physiological activity of humic acids of brown coal.
The resulting fertilizers were also tested on vegetable crops. The use of this fertilizer led not only to
an increase in the yield of tomato fruits by 18.2 t / ha, carrots by 10.0 t / ha but also to a decrease in
their nitrates.
In [6], a method for producing a humified mineral fertilizer is provided, according to which
urea in the form of granules 1-3 mm in size is treated with powdered humate of potassium with a
moisture content of 12% when they are mixed in a rotating drum. Mixing of urea with potassium
humate is carried out at their ratio (25-30): 1 until the pellets are black or dark brown. Then, the
fertilizer granules are sprayed with a humate shell with vigorous stirring with a 10% solution of
potassium humate and urea-formaldehyde resin, covering the primary humate shell with a second
layer. The humated fertilizer is dried and then served for packaging.
The method [7] for producing organic fertilizer in the humate shell is patented. Fertilizers are
obtained by mixing and granulating a mixture of nitrogen and/or phosphorus-containing mineral
component (urea, ammonium and calcium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, precipitate, ammonium, and
diammonium phosphate, nitrophoska, simple and double superphosphate) (20-50 wt.%), alkali
metal humate (Na, K, NH3) (0.1-10 wt.%) and soil-nutrient mixture with biohum. At the first stage,
humic substances in liquid form in an amount of 0.1-3 wt.% (in terms of dry matter and by weight
of the mineral component) are introduced into the shell of the mineral fertilizer or the pulp. Then,
the resulting mixture is dried under stirring and heating at a temperature of 80-100°C. In the second
stage, the obtained dry mineral-humate fertilizer is mixed with a soil-nutrient mixture with a
moisture content of 60-65% and subjected to granulation.
According to the author's certificate [8] organomineral fertilizer is obtained by mixing
crushed brown coal with urea. Mixing is carried out at a component ratio of 1: 1, and the resulting
mixture is subjected to high-frequency electromagnetic radiation at a frequency of 2450 ± 50 MHz
for 7-10 minutes.
According to the Australian patent [9] for the production of slow-soluble nitrogen fertilizer,
13.5 kg of finely ground brown coal is mixed with 4.1 kg of powdered urea. After that, 337 g of
concentrated HNO3 is added to the mixture, followed by 84 g of NaOH dissolved in a small amount
of water. Then 14 kg of NH4OH water solution with a specific weight of 0.880 g/cm3 is added to
the mixture. The gel is dried and used as a fertilizer.
In the German patent [10], 10-50% of earthy brown coal with resin content> 8%, xylitol <5%
and Na2O <0.2%, moisture 12-17% and grain size <0.2 mm is added to the finely ground mineral
fertilizer. The mixture is pressed under a pressure of 140 MPa at a temperature of 20-120°C.
Granulated pellets are obtained from pressed briquettes. The product is especially suitable for
fertilizing woody vegetation.
In the patent [11] a method for producing granular organomineral nano fertilizers is presented,
which includes mixing dry initial mineral components: carbamide, ammophos, diammonium
phosphate, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, double superphosphate, ammonium sulfate,
potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potash, phosphorite flour; mineral components containing
trace elements: Mg, B, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, Mo, and an organic component from several humic
substances in a rotary press granulator at a temperature of 100-125°C and a pressure of 20-35 MPa
leading to the occurrence of mechanochemical processes with the formation of nanoscale

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

complexes of humic substances with mineral components of the mixture with the properties of
growth stimulants, prolonged action, and increased biological activity.
In [12], the results of several studies on the production of various types of organic fertilizers
based on brown coal are presented and the necessity of creating the production of organic mineral
fertilizers is shown.
From the literature reviewed, it is clear that at present there are many technologies for
producing granular organic-mineral fertilizers based on mineral fertilizers and humates or humic
substances. In these works, granulation is carried out mainly by rolling and pressing in various
ratios and state of the starting materials. However, these granulation technologies and methods
cannot be used without checking and testing modes for a specific feedstock.
It is known that, at present, urea is used successfully as a highly concentrated nitrogen
fertilizer (nitrogen content reaches 46.6%) throughout the world. The results of statistical studies in
the field of production and consumption of urea indicate their increasing role in agriculture. Urea is
the most universal type of fertilizer suitable for processing almost all types of crops: grain,
vegetable, technical, fruit, and floriculture. It is used as the main fertilizer for fertilizing, with
immediate incorporation into the soil to prevent losses in the form of ammonia gas. Urea in
comparison with ammonium nitrate less burns the leaves of plants, so urea is also recommended for
foliar plant feedings. The world production of urea exceeds 200 million tons, and Uzbekistan
produces more than 650 thousand tons of urea per year [13].
As already noted, the production of mineral fertilizers with the addition of humic substances
and humates increases their agrochemical efficiency and environmental safety. Based on the
foregoing, this work aims to study the processes of obtaining granular humic urea based on urea
melt and oxidized brown coal of the Angren deposit with hydrogen peroxide in an alkaline
The main raw materials for humic fertilizers are peat and oxidized coal in natural conditions.
Coals with a humic acid content above 45% are effectively used as raw materials for the production
of humic fertilizers. And coal with a humic acid content of up to 20% must be oxidized. In the
brown coal of the Angren field, the content of humic acids is very low. Therefore, to convert the
organic part of coal into humic acids, we studied the oxidation process [14]. In the experiments,
brown coal of the Angren deposit was used, which after drying to an air-dry state and grinding in a
ball mill to the size of 0.25 mm composition (wt.%): moisture 15.66; ash 12.11; organics 72.23;
humic acids 4.24 per organic matter. The oxidation process was carried out at a concentration of
hydrogen peroxide from 10 to 30%, a solution of sodium hydroxide from 20 to 40%, and a weight
ratio of coal (organic part): H2O2: NaOH from 1: 0.1: 0.05 to 1: 1: 0.05. First, the coal was treated
in a mechanical mortar with a NaOH solution with coal ratios: NaOH = 1: 0.05 for 30 minutes.
Then, the obtained mass was added to the tube reactor, where the hydrogen peroxide solution was
preliminarily filled, and the mixture was processed for 2 hours. Under optimal conditions, i.e. when
using 30% hydrogen peroxide, 40% sodium hydroxide, and a mass ratio of coal (organic part of
coal): H2O2: NaOH = 1: 0.6: 0.05, the degree of oxidation of coal was 65.5%. In the resulting
product, the content of humic acids was 52.96% by the organic mass of oxidized coal. In this work,
to obtain oxidized coal, raw coal was oxidized under the above optimal conditions. After the
oxidation of coal was completed, the moist but loose mass was dried at a temperature of not more
than 80°C to the content of 0.5-1.0% moisture. Then it was crushed to a particle size of not more
than 0.1 mm in a ball mill. The obtained oxidized coal after drying and grinding had the following
composition: moisture - 0.78%, ash - 9.18%, organic substances - 90.04% and, based on the organic
mass of oxidized coal, humic acids - 52.96%, fulvic acids - 3.25% and residual coal - 43.79 %.
To produce humic urea, the main component was a factory product (Maxam-Chirchik JSC) -
carbamide (CO(NH2)2) grade A with a content of 46.3% N and oxidized coal of the above

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

The experiments were carried out as follows: urea was melted in a metal plate on an electric
stove, oxidized coal powder was introduced into the melt at 137°C at a mass ratio of CO (NH2)2:
oxidized coal = 100: (2.5-20), the temperature was kept constant by heating, the melt was kept after
dosing for 2-3 minutes with constant stirring until a homogeneous state, after which it was poured
into a granulator, which was a metal cup with a perforated bottom, the diameter of the holes in
which was 1.2 mm. A pump was created in the upper part of the glass and the melt was sprayed
from a height of 35 meters. In this case, granules of humic urea of black color were obtained. Then
the chemical composition and strength of the fertilizer granules were determined. The strength of
fertilizer granules with granule sizes of 2-3 mm was determined under GOST 21560.2-82 on an
IPG-1M electronic device. The nitrogen content in the products was determined using a catalyst for
the conversion of nitrogen in urea to ammonia by heating in a solution of sulfuric acid, followed by
distillation and absorption of ammonia more than a standard solution of sulfuric acid and back
titration with a solution of sodium hydroxide in the presence of GOST 2081-2010 indicator. The
yield of humic acids was determined according to GOST 54221-2010. The pH value of 10%
aqueous solutions of the starting materials and finished fertilizers was measured in an I-130M
laboratory ionomer with an electrode system of ESL 63-07, EVL-1M3.1, and TKA-7 electrodes
with an accuracy of up to 0.05 pH units. Also, to determine the rheological properties of the melt,
their density and viscosity were studied at the above ratios of CO(NH2)2: oxidized coal in the
temperature range 137-140°C. The density was determined by the pycnometric method with an
accuracy of 0.05 rel. %, kinematic viscosity - using a VPZh-1 glass capillary viscometer with an
error of 0.2 rel. % in the temperature range 137-140°C.

Table -1

The composition of humic carbamides obtained from melting urea and oxidized coal with
hydrogen peroxide in an alkaline environment

pH Pellet
Mass ratio General Organic strength,
Humic acids (10% Moistu
(NH2)2CO: N matter MPa
% solution) re
oxidized carbon % %

100 :0 46,3 - - 9,31 0,171 1,35

100 : 2,5 44,98 2,43 1,10 9,06 0,165 2,06

100 : 5 43,86 4,74 2,14 8,85 0,161 2,52
100 : 7,5 42,77 6,98 3,15 8,64 0,156 2,99
100 : 10 41,79 9,08 4,09 8,37 0,151 2,37
100 : 12,5 40,84 11,04 4,97 8,09 0,148 2,80
100 : 15 39,48 12,93 5,82 8,01 0,142 2,43
100 : 17,5 38,53 14,75 6,64 7,94 0,137 2,13
100 : 20 37,84 16,50 7,43 7,83 0,132 1,74

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Table 2

Rheological properties of the fertilizer melt obtained by introducing oxidized coal into
the urea melt

Density (g/cm3), at temperature,С Viscosity (cPz), at temperature,С

Mass ratio
(NH2)2CO: oxidized
carbon 137 138 139 140 137 138 139 140

1,18 2,67
Source (NH2)2CO 1,248 1,228 1,206 3,02 2,91 2,79
With the addition of oxidized coal
1,26 3,21
100 : 2,5 1,327 1,304 1,283 3,61 3,46 3,35
1,27 3,82
100 : 5 1,335 1,314 1,296 4,25 4,10 3,95
1,28 4,43
100 : 7,5 1,346 1,325 1,308 4,87 4,70 4,56
1,30 5,91
100 : 10 1,364 1,342 1,323 6,44 6,24 6,07
1,31 7,40
100 : 12,5 1,380 1,358 1,336 8,02 7,78 7,59
1,33 15,53
100 : 15 1,396 1,374 1,352 16,54 16,19 15,85
1,34 23,66
100 : 17,5 1,406 1,385 1,363 24,98 24,53 24,06
100 : 20 1,422 1,401 1,379 33,58 32,99 32,53 31,97

Table -3
The rate of dissolution in water of granules of humic urea obtained
based on urea melt and oxidized coal, seconds

Mass ratio The number of repeated measurements of

(NH2)2CO: oxidized the solubility of the granules
carbon 1 2 3 4 5
9 1 1 10
100:0 123 112
1 05 00 3
1 1 1 17
100:2,5 138 130
06 42 36 0
100:5 1 1 1 15
146 147
71 24 41 5
100:7,5 2 1 1 13
155 157
33 06 46 9
100:10 2 1 1 15
130 173
44 48 86 8

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

100:12,5 2 1 2 17
105 282
35 90 26 6
100:15 2 1 2 16
195 201
26 73 34 8
100:17,5 2 1 2 18
284 216
37 55 25 1
2 1 2 16
100:20 274 210
47 35 35 1

For this, the mixture of the obtained product was ground. The resulting powder was
introduced into a pycnometer and viscometer, which were then placed in a thermostat filled with
glycerin. The temperature in the thermostat rose to a predetermined value. At the same time, the
powder melted. The melt was kept for 3-4 minutes, then measurements were made. The
determination of the dissolution rate of the granules of the samples in water was carried out as
follows. The fertilizer granule was lowered into a glass with 100 ml of distilled water, in which its
complete dissolution was visually observed and recorded. Room temperature, five tests, all results
are shown in tables 1-3.
Data from table 1 show that by mixing oxidized coal with urea melt, granular nitrogen-humus
fertilizers with N content from 37.73 to 44.87%, organic matter from 2.43 to 16.50% and humic
acids from 1.10 to 7.43% were obtained. The table also shows that the introduction of oxidized coal
with hydrogen peroxide in an alkaline medium in the studied ratios increases the strength of the
granules. So, when oxidized coal is added to the urea melt at a ratio of CO (NH2)2: oxidized coal =
100: 2.5, the strength of the granules is 2.06 MPa, at 100: 5 - 2.52 MPa, at 100: 7.5 - 2.99 MPa, at
100: 10 - 2.37 MPa, and at 100: 20 - 1.74, i.e. after a ratio of 100: 10, the strength of the granules
gradually decreases, however, the strength of the granules of humic urea obtained in the studied
ratios remains high compared to standard urea. All this indicates the positive effect of oxidized coal
on the marketable properties of the obtained fertilizers.
As can be seen from the data in Table 2, the introduction of oxidized coal into the CO(NH2)2
melt affects the rheological properties of the latter. The greater the amount of oxidized coal in the
urea melt, the higher its density and viscosity. So, at 137°C, the density and viscosity of the melt of
standard urea are 1.248 kg / cm3 and 3.02 cPz. With the mass ratio of CO (NH2)2: oxidized coal =
100: 2.5, these indicators increase to 1.327 kg / cm3 and 3.61 cPs, and at 100: 10 to 1.344 kg / cm3
and 6.44 cPs, respectively. The highest values of density (1.422 kg / cm3) and viscosity (33.58 cPz)
are observed at a ratio of CO (NH2)2: oxidized coal = 100: 20. For all the above ratios of CO
(NH2)2: oxidized coal, the rheological properties of the melt are quite acceptable for pumping and
granulating the melt by prilling.
It is known that the less water solubility of urea granules, the slower nitrogen is released from
fertilizer in the soil, which exhibits a prolonged effect on the plant. So, if the complete dissolution
of the granules of the production CO(NH2)2 is on average 112 seconds, then the introduction of
oxidized coal in the form of a powder in the amount of 2.5 to 20 g per 100 g of urea reduces the rate
of dissolution of the product granules from 130 to 210 seconds, respectively (table 3).
Thus, laboratory experiments to obtain granular urea based on oxidized coal and urea melt
have shown the fundamental possibility of producing humic urea with sufficient granule strength.
Humic urea granules have weaker solubility compared to pure urea, i.e. they will gradually give
nutrients, resulting in a decrease in nitrogen loss in the soil, humic substances in the urea
composition improve the moisture supply of plants, enhance biological activity and increase the
number of microorganisms in the soil, which significantly improve the agrochemical and
agrophysical properties of the soil and increase its fertility.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
1.Votolin K.S., Stallions S.I., Ismagilov Z.R. Technologies for the production of complex granular
humate fertilizers and the effectiveness of their application // Bulletin of the Kuzbass State Technical
University, 2016. No.6 P.169-177.
2.Titova V.I. Features of the fertilizer application system in modern conditions Agrochemical Bulletin,
No. 1 - 2016. P. 1-7.
3. Usanbaev N.Kh., Namazov Sh.S., Beglov B.M. The technological scheme, the optimal mode and
material balance for the production of liquid and solid nitrogen-humus fertilizers based on brown coal of the
Angren field // Uzbek chemical. Journal, (Tashkent), 2016, No. 1 - P. 63-71.
4.Usanbaev N.Kh., Namazov Sh.S., Berezhnova V.V., Beglov B.M. The effectiveness of the use of
organic-mineral fertilizers for vegetables based on the nitric acid processing of brown coal and phosphorites
// Agrochemistry (Moscow). 2016, No. 11, - P. 39-44.
5. Patent No. 2044720 Russia. Kl. СО5F11 / 02, Method for producing organic fertilizer / V.V. Denisov,
K.E. Kovalev, L.M. Krypina, S.M. Krypina. - from 09/27/1995.
6. Patent 2110503, Russian Federation, IPC С05С9 / 02. Humated fertilizer and method for its production
/ V.Y. Semenov, B.V. Levinsky, V.N. Evdokimov, V.A. Govorin, application No. 96115600: published on
7.Patent 25874, Kazakhstan, IPC С05F11 / 02. A method of obtaining organic fertilizer in a humate shell
/ S.D. Fazylov, M.A. Abdykalykov, A.B. Moldybaev, bulletin No. 7: published on July 16, 2012
8.Auth. St. No. 1602861 of the USSR. Kl. СО5 F 11/02. A method of obtaining organic fertilizer / R.O.
Kochkanyan, A.N. Zaritovsky, L.R.Stadnik, A.V. Bondarenko, Ya.V. Demko, K.E. Kovalev, L.M. Krypina.-
RZhKhim 1991 8 L 165.
9. Patent No. 463723 Australia. Kl. СО5 F 11/02, СО5 С 3/00. Nitrogen fertilizer / Vale William Henry -
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10.Patent No. 251970 of the GDR. Kl. СО5 G 3/00, СО5 G 1/00. Long-Term Fertilizer Manufacturing /
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Schieronsky Klaus, Pietschmann Edelgard, Glowna Elke. - RZhKhim 1988, 16 L 146.
11.Patent 2479559, Russian Federation, IPC С05G1 / 00. The method of obtaining granular organic
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12. Beglov B.M., Namazov Sh.S., Zhumanova M.O., Zakirov B.S. Usanbaev N.Kh. Organomineral
fertilizers based on brown coal // Monograph. Tashkent. 2018.191p.
13. Volodin A.V. Mineral Fertilizer Market 2019 // National Research Institute, Higher School of
Economics. Russian Fertilizer Industry Association, 2019 52 p.
14.Ganiev P.Kh., Namazov Sh.S., Beglov B.M. Usanbaev N.Kh. Oxidation of brown coal of the Angren
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Moscow, 2018. No. 9 (54). - P. 65-68.

Rezyume: Maqolada granulalashdan oldin karbamid eritmasiga oksidlangan ko'mirni

qo'shildi. Granulali karbamid ishlab chiqarish bo'yicha olib borilgan tadqiqotlar natijalari
o’rganildi. Oksidlangan ko'mir qo'shilishi natijasida olingan o'g'itlarning fizik-kimyoviy
xususiyatlari yaxshilandi. Granulalarning mustahkamligi oshishi va karbamid karbamid
granulalarining suvda erishi tezligi pasayishi ko'rsatilgan.
Резюме. В статье приведены результаты исследований получения гранулированного
гуминового карбамида путем добавления окисленного угля в плав карбамида перед
грануляцией, показано что, за счет добавления окисленного угля улучшаются физико-
химические свойства полученных удобрений, увеличивается прочность гранул и уменьшается
скорость растворения в воде гранул гуминового карбамида по сравнению с карбамидом.

Kalit so'zlar: qo’ng’ir ko'mir, oksidlangan ko'mir, gumin kislota, fulfo kislotalar, vodorod
Ключевые слова: бурый уголь, окисленный уголь, гуминовая кислота, фульвокислоты,
перекись водорода.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Gadaev A.N1., Jumamuratov D.K2.

Samarkand State Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute, 2Nukus branch of Navai Mining

Summary: Central Asian (CA) specific climate and geographical location makes the water
resources limitation for the region because all CA countries are land lacked and especially
Uzbekistan is double land lacked country. They have to share many natural resources as water, air,
wild animals and other. One of the most urgent challenges in the region is transboundary water
resources management issue. The water resources management is one of the top issue and the
agenda for cooperation in region ever since the countries gained their independence from the Soviet
Union. From 1992 all Central Asian countries recognizing the importance of the issue, signed an
agreement on joint management of the regional water resources. Establishing the Aral Safe
Foundation one of the examples for sustaining development and managing natural resources in the
region and it was agreed by the all newly established independent countries. Among many
inheritaged from the Soviet planned economy period water resources management and rural
economy is very important and has high priority for the development of all states in the region.
Using ground waters and prolongation of water wells’ life time is one of the proper way to
decreasing water intake from main rivers in CA and save more water for the Aral Sea. This article
devoted to the new method of water well rehabilitation and prolongation of their life time.
Key words: water resources, transboundary, sustainable water resources, water wells, debit,
clogging, rehabilitation, reagents selective action, carbon dioxide.

1. Introduction. Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries including Kazakhstan,

Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan are struggling to come to terms with an
ecological disaster affecting the Aral Sea. The crisis has been brought about by the mismanagement
of water resources from the Aral’s main tributaries, the Amudarya and the Sirdarya Rivers. The
primary source of quality drinking water in Uzbekistan and Central Asia is ground water, which
accounts for between 85 an 90% of the general water budget. Agricultural irrigation systems have
caused high pollutions levels in the region’s (unevenly distributed) surface waters. Historically
water flow the Aral Sea was 56 km3 per year, which decreased to 47 km3 between 1966 and 1970.
Water flow plummeted to 2 km3 between 1981 and 1983, and now stands at less than 1,8 km3 [3,4].
A key question is how to balance social and economic development with natural resource
protection. Central Asian Republics utilize the same watersheds and share many water management
issues in common. It is clear that the region’s existing multination and regional water management
and environmental protection project are insufficient by themselves to meet the scale of the
problem. Further multinational agreements and joint-state/joint-agency programs will undoubtedly
be required [4].
The Central Asian region has been designated in recent years as an ecological and social
disaster zone because of Aral Sea situation. Although water resources are not a new issue, this
problem can be traced back to the beginning of civilization for a number of reasons. The beginning
of irrigated agriculture in the region dates back to the 6th-7th centuries B.C. This time period
coincides with a flourishing of the most ancient civilization where irrigation was a major decisive
factor of historical and socio-economic development [1].
Today the Aral Sea and surrounding territories are world-known for ecological disasters
attributed mainly to anthropogenesis factors. In recent years, Uzbekistan’s control under multiple
regimes and governments has made it difficult for central Asia to unite. The growth in water

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

consumption is connected to cultivation of new irrigated territories, where mainly cotton and rice
are grown. That issue combined with the increase in the population and employment in agriculture,
the flow of water to the sea from the two major river systems -the Amu Darya and Syr Darya -
completely stopped.
The improper use of the water taken from the Aral Sea has led to many consequences that the
interstate commission is trying to resolve. Unfortunately since the departure of the USSR, central
Asian economies have not been strong enough to rehabilitate the productivity of the territory. Large
and ominous hardships fall onto the responsibility of the government. Socially these include
protecting the population from adverse impacts of desertification, creating new workplaces and job
markets and trying to improve the economic and social conditions by introducing new water
efficient technology. Ecologically, each country must implement new plans for the restoration of
flora and fauna diversity and the prevention of any further degradation of the Aral Sea [1].
Methodology. Main question is how to sustain a water using and management in this region?
In particular, improving irrigation system efficiency, safe and an effective water supply
development, waste water treatment and reusing, watershed management and others are critical
needs throughout Uzbekistan and Central Asian region. An ecological disaster was set in motion in
this region beginning in the 1950s, when water was diverted from the two rivers that flow into the
Aral Sea but it was with the condition of turning Siberian rivers towards the Aral Sea [3]. For
various reasons and on the initiative of the Ural branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian
Federation (by that time it was the Soviet Union) stopped this started project, but water intake from
Amu Darya and Syr Darya continued to grow cotton and other agricultural crops in the territory of
CA. Now is almost 30 years as Soviet Union collapsed and all CA Republics became an
independent new states. All situations are changed but water deficit and Aral Sea problem is still
continuing and getting worst.
Today we need some new approaches to the water problem solving in this region and one of
them is sustainable water management by using innovative technologies which allows to save more
water in the rivers. In this article we offer one of them as an alternative approach to safe surface
water in the Syr Darya and Amu Darya by using ground water technologies. Particularly we have
developed a new water wells rehabilitation method for CA regions conditions. This alternative
method allows prolongation a life time of the existing water wells by rehabilitation their debit.
Research. Increasing of water consumption by the population and industrial enterprises, the
number and cost of water intake facilities increase accordingly. In order to stable provide water to
consumers, additional wells are often used, the cost of which is quite high. There are significant
reserves for improving the efficiency of the initial investments in existing water supply systems. In
this regard, the issue of ensuring stable operation of water wells is very relevant, which will reduce
the costs for the design and construction of new facilities and increase the fund-raising of invested
funds. At the same time, stable operation of wells is often disrupted due to failure of water lifting
equipment, peeling, clogging of filter and aquifer during drilling of well filters and filter zones with
salt deposits, chemical or electro-chemical corrosion elements, deterioration of water quality, local
or widespread reduction of water level in aquifer [2].
Operating practice shows that if a well has lost more than 25% of its original production rate
for one or another reason, regeneration is expedient. One of the main reasons for reduction of well
flow rate is clogging (colmatation) of the filter and the filter zone by salt deposits. Since
colmatation is a multi-factor and complex physical-chemical and hydrogeological processes, the
concretization of the main factors will allow to correctly determine the method of recovery of well
productivity. Methods for the well flow recovery should facilitate removal of clogging deposits
from the filter outer surface and from the filter zone. During mechanical treatment of filters
(cleaning with metal spars, scraper devices, swabbing, etc.) clogging deposits are broken only from
filters and working columns. Treatment of wells by using reagent methods allows removal of salt

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

deposits from the filter surface and at the filter zone. However, these methods do not always
guarantee the desired effect, since the permeability of the reactant solutions are negligible in the
colmatation of the filters and in the near filter zone with dense precipitates.
Using of impulsive methods can be effective only at the initial point in time of operation. At
the same time, sediments are destroyed and dispersed, and complete removal of them during
washing is impossible. Residual amount of salt deposits intensifies the process of repeated
colmatation process. In addition, the application of this method is limited by the strength
characteristics of the well elements (filters). Application of combined methods provides higher
effect of well production recovery. In this case, the combination of impulsive and vibration
techniques with reactant compensates for the disadvantages. As a result, removal of clogging
deposits from the filter surface and near filter zones is improved. However, the use of the above-
mentioned methods of recovery of the working elements of water intake structures fails to achieve
the desired result due to complications arising in the recovery of well productivity, as each method
is applicable in certain hydro geological conditions.
In this regard, research on new efficient methods of cleaning filters and near well filter space
from sediments, improvement of existing methods and technical equipment for decolmatation and
ensuring stable operation of water wells are urgently needed.
One of the promising method of cleaning filters and near filter zone from salt deposits,
corrosion products and biological fouling is the method by using complex reagents and solid carbon
dioxide [2]. In the practice of recovery of water wells high effect of filter cleaning and near filter
zones is achieved at cyclic pressing of reagent solutions beyond the well contour. Compressed air or
solid carbon dioxide is used to press solutions of reagents into the formation.
In this regard, we consider it useful to investigate the possibility of using complex reagents of
selective action (RSA) to restore the yield of water wells. As an agent for pressing the solution of
RSA behind the contours of the well filter in order to ensure cleaning of external walls of the filter
and near filter space from clogging formations and corrosion products, it is proposed to use solid
carbon dioxide. Complex studies of clogging deposits were carried out as a result chemical and
mineralogical compositions were installed. clogging well deposits consisted mainly of salts and
oxides of two and three valence metals (Ca, Mg, Zn, Fi, Si, Al, Mn, etc.). Reagents for their
removal are selected on the basis of obtained results on deposit compositions. As reagents there are
proposed RSA NTP and OEDP in the some proportion [2]. The choice of these RSA as complexing
reagents is justified by taking into account their selective effect on metals contained in the
colmatant composition.
Laboratory experiments carried out on the main factors affecting the effect of dissolution of
the clogging deposition such as concentration, temperature of the solution and duration of treatment
time, allowed to establish their optimal values. The adequacy of the main factors and the
significance of the main hypothesis were tested by the method of planning the experiment.
Corrosion activity of the proposed solution with respect to metal elements of the well is investigated
The technology of treatment of water wells with application of reagents of selective action
and solid carbon dioxide in production conditions is offered.
1. Improving the situation in the region is possible by increasing water resources management
efficiency with the main focus on ground waters. This option is more realistic by ground waters
using and by prolongation water wells’ life time because well operation and their stable debit and
standard life time doesn’t meet official standards.
2. Existing methods of recovery of well productivity justify themselves under specific hydro
geological conditions only, but require improvement.
3. The efficiency of using combined methods shows higher results.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

4. It has been found that the most respectful method for restoring the productivity of deep-
water wells by cleaning filters and near filter zones from clogging deposits represented by mineral,
chemical and biological products is the method using solid carbon dioxide as a homogeneous
substance and together with RSA.

1. Prof. Michael Edelstein, Astrid Cyrny, Abror Gadaev, Disaster by Design: Aral Sea Sustainability and
its lessons. UK, London Emerald 2012
2. Abror Gadaev,Gulmira Boboeva . Clearing the Pipes: Providing Potable Water through Well
Restoration/ Disaster by Design: Aral Sea Sustainability and its lessons. UK, London Emerald 2012
3. Aral Sea." Aral Sea, Web. 21 Oct. 2009, <>.
4. 18 "Transboundry Water and Related Energy Cooperation.", Web. 4 Nov. 2009. http://www.cawater-

Rezyume: Markaziy Osiyoning (MO) iqlimi va geografik joylashuvi mintaqaning suv

resurslarini cheklaydi, chunki suv resurslari barcha MO mamlakatlarida teng taqsimlanmagan.
Mintaqadagi dolzarb muammolardan biri - bu transchegaraviy suv resurslarini boshqarishdir. Er
usti suvlaridan foydalanish va quduqlarning xizmat qilish muddatini uzaytirish MOning asosiy
daryolaridan suv olishni kamaytirish va Orol dengizi uchun suvni tejash usullaridan biridir. Ushbu
maqola suv quduqlarining quvvatini qayta tiklash va xizmat muddatini uzaytirishning yangi usuliga
Резюме: Климат и географическое положение в Центральной Азии (ЦА) ограничивают
водные ресурсы региона, поскольку во всех странах ЦА не равномерно расположены водные
ресурсы. Одной из неотложных проблем в регионе является проблема управления
трансграничными водными ресурсами. Использование грунтовых вод и продление срока
службы водозаборных скважин является одним из способов снижения забора воды из
главных рек в ЦА и экономии воды для Аральского моря. Данная статья посвящена новому
методу восстановления дебита водозаборных скважин и продлению их срока службы.

Kalit so’zlar: suv resurslari, transchegaraviy suv resurslari barqarorligi, suv quduqlari,
debit, kol’matatsiya, qayta tiklash, maqsadli ta’sir ko’rsatish reagentlari, karbonat kislota.
Ключевые слова: водные ресурсы, трансграничные, устойчивость водных ресурсов,
водяные скважины, дебит, кольматация, восстановление, реагенты селективного
воздействия, углекислота.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC: 622.997.537.22



Kuchkarov A.A1., Muminov Sh.A1., Omonillayev B.I1., Sarsenbaev D.B2.

Fergana Polytechnic Institute, 2Karakalpak state university named after Berdakh

Summary: This article discusses the modeling, development and optimization of the optical-
geometric parameters of Linear Fresnel Mirror solar concentrators. The geometric and energy
characteristics of mirror solar concentrators are studied. The regularities of changes in the focal
plane are revealed, allowing one to choose the optimal size of the radiation receiver. The values of
the dimensions of the receiver, the length of the focal plane and the energy density in the focal plane
are determined.
Keywords: Fresnel mirrors, focus, facet and concentrator, receiver.

Prospective use of concentrators of the simplest structures to manufacture is considered their
use in installations for generating heat and steam in the range of 100-300 0С, as well as electricity in
solar photovoltaic installations at concentrations from 10 to 30. The main requirements for such
concentrators are to ensure a sufficiently high uniformity of the directly incident radiant flux of the
Sun at the receiver. Linear flat facet concentrators on flat bases can provide these requirements.
Parameters of such concentrators with flat parabolic-based compound facets were considered
in [1-4]. The disadvantage of such concentrators is the need to achieve sufficiently accurate up to 10
angles. min arrangements of elements on a parabolic base. At present, even for large-sized
composite Solar Power Station (SPS), concentrator schemes based on linear Fresnel mirrors (LFM)
with spherical-cylindrical facets are used. In [5], the parameters and concentrating characteristics of
such Fresnel mirrors (FM) with parabolocylindrical or sphere-cylindrical facets were calculated
where the possibilities of ensuring uniformity of the concentrated flow were considered.
The aim of this work is to determine the parameters in the radiation-receiving surface of the
receivers of various configurations of LFM with flat facets located on a flat base and its average
values of the degree of concentration of Сav.
In Fig.1. the course of the incoming radiant fluxes from the Sun is shown for calculating the
dimensional characteristics of individual elements of the LFM.
The main parameters of individual elements - the facet are the width L, its angular location
relative to the main optical axis (UC), the ordinate and abscissa of the center in the coordinate
system (YC), which are the diameter (width) of the receiver d and the focal length f (or the
generalized parameter df, d/f). The above calculation was carried out by iterative method.
The beginning of the iteration is the central facet for which the size corresponds to the
dimension of the receiver УС1= r and we have
tgU1  C1 (1)
L1  d , (2)
For subsequent facets, the calculated characteristics have the following changes - Ui, UCi, Li
has the form:

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Ui is set from an equation similar to (2) is determined by Li, then from equation (3) is

Li U
Z Ni  sin i (3)
2 2

From (4), tA1Ni and УNi are determined

Z  Z Ni YA1  YNi
t A1Ni  A1  (4)
aZ 1 aY 1
The УСi is determined on the basis of equation (5) and independently of (6)
YCi  YNi  i cos i (5)
2 2
YCi  f  tgUi . (6)

The difference is taken and numerically solved until у does not approach the minimum size.

Fig. 1. Scheme for calculating LFM with Fig. 2. The concentration of Сav LFM
flat facets. depending on the opening angle U and the
parameter d/f.

Certain calculated dependences made it possible to draw up an algorithm for the program for
determining the main characteristics of the facets in the "C++" language. Based on the data
obtained, it is possible to determine the gap area S3,
i n
S з  2[ d   (YBi - YNi - 1)] (7)
i 2
where n is the number of facets located relative to the optical axis, on the one hand.
The total flow Eotr reflected from the LFM is:
An increase in the dimension r due to the visible aperture angle becomes:
sin  0
r  t A2 Nn (9)
sin 
where tA2Nn is the size from point A2 to the extreme point of the facet located at a certain angle
relative to the focal plane determines the actual size of the focal spot from the Sun by the value:

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

d Ï  2  r  2  r ; (10)

The average concentration of LFM with flat facets Cav = E/(EсRz) (where E is the average flux
density of concentrated solar radiation in the spot, Eс is the direct incident radiation flux density and
Rz is the specular reflection coefficient of the facet), can be represented as


In the indicated fig. 2. The dependence of the concentration of LFM in the ratio on the
apparent angular size of the Sun, as well as the optical parameter d/f, is presented.
Based on Fig. 2. can be assumed about the achieved concentration values that can determine
the tasks. From the calculated characteristics given, it can be seen that the optimal concentration
values are approximately reached at 45 degrees. It is also seen that at opening angles greater than
750, regardless of d/f, the concentration decrease significantly [6].
Determination of the aperture angle of the LFM of the selected optical characteristic d/f LFM
taking into account the size of the resulting gaps, depending on the size of the linear elements where
they are on the structural frame.
In Fig. 3. the determination of the ratio of the area of gaps to the area of the midsection of
LFM (lЗ / (2Уn) is shown.

Fig. 3. The magnitude of the dependence of Fig. 4. Influence on the dimensions of

the area of the gaps on the area of the midsection the width of linear elements depending on
LFM. their location relative to the main optical axis
of the LFM.

From Fig. 3. it can be seen that the total gap area increases depending on the increase in the
aperture angle value. It should be noted that the optical characteristic d/f significantly affects the
size of the gap area, it is of this order and in the general case this value characterizes the efficiency
of using the area of the allocated land plot.
Under certain conditions, the gaps do not significantly affect the LFM located on a flat
surface of the Earth.
The change in the size of the facets, depending on their position based on are shown in Fig.4.
As can be seen, at small d/f, the facet dimensions change insignificantly, however, with an increase
in d/f, this change must be taken into account.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Fig. 5. The number of facets in the LFM Fig. 6. The distribution of the
depending on the opening angle and the concentration coefficient C on the receiver.
parameter d/f.

As can be seen in Fig.5. the facet number increases sharply with increasing opening angle and
the d/f parameter. Also, it is obvious that it is necessary to strive for a smaller number of facets. In
the next section, we will present calculation methods for determining the optimal dimensions of
linear elements — the facet depending on the optimal size of the radiation-receiving surface of the
receiver in order to achieve the maximum value of the LFM efficiency.
Obviously, in the considered approach, this distribution will be approximately П shaped. For
example, Fig. 6 shows the distribution of the concentration coefficient C over the receiver for a
system with parameters f = 81 cm and U = 700 for various lengths of the reflector: a = 5 cm (N =
52); a = 7 cm (38); a = 10 cm (26).
As a result of the above calculations, a solar concentrator based on Fresnel reflective elements
was developed. The main parameters of the experimental device are described below. As a result of
the measurements, it was determined that the reflection coefficients of the individual facets are

Fig. 7. Experimental setup of a flat mirror concentrator based on Fresnel mirrors [7]

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

The device has a size of 1,2x1,5 meters, a focal length of 0,86 meters. A heat pipe with a
diameter of 5 cm was used as a radiation receiver. The receiver consists of 22 flat facets with
dimensions of 5x1500 mm. The linear Fresnel hub is mounted on a biaxial tripod and can move in
azimuth and zenith directions.
Calorimetric, radiometric, photometric and other methods are used to measure the optical-
energy characteristics of reflecting systems in a radiation receiver [8]. Modern methods of remote
sensing are used to determine the distribution of radiation flux intensities on the surface of the
developed device. The measurement method used [8] was used to determine the energy parameters
of point solar concentrators. Thanks to the improvement of this method, generalized software and
hardware have been developed for remote measurement of the optical-energy characteristics of
focusing concentrators and for a comprehensive analysis of the data obtained. The essence of the
method is to digitize the image of the sun at the focus of the concentrator obtained using a digital
camera. Figure 8 shows the spatial distribution of the integrated focal plane solar radiation fluxes
obtained using Energy_View software. The results for the width (X) and length (Y) of the receiver
and energy density (Z) were obtained by processing the image in Energy_View obtained on the
focal plane of a 1,2x1,5 m Fresnel hub using a 7x60 cm screen mounted on the focal plane.

Fig. 8. Relative values of the energy intensity (X, Y, Z) in the focal plane obtained using
the Energy_View program [7].

Figure 8 shows the dimensions of the receiver, the length of the focal plane and the energy
density in the focal plane, determined using the Energy_View program from the spatial distribution
of concentrated solar energy in the focal plane. Obviously, the coordinate value (Y) is 5,5
centimeters. A 5 cm wide receiver was used in the developed setup. We can say that the accuracy of
the reflecting surface of the setup is ∆α = 4 arc minutes, and the deviation of the concentrated
energy in the center is 10%.
1. A methodology has been developed and software has been implemented for calculating the
optical - geometric and optical - energy characteristics of the optical image of the Sun in the focal
plane at various degrees of concentration of LFMs with flat linear facets on a flat basis

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

2. It was found that, when optimized, LFMs provide an average concentration of Сav=30 even
in the amount of facets up to 25 per side (with a total of 50 on two sides) from the optical axis of the
assembled concentrator.
3. The optimal dimensions of individual elements — the LFM facet on a flat basis for power
plants for converting the energy of the radiant fluxes of the Sun into other practically used forms of
energy — are determined.
1. Klychev Sh. I., Zakhidov R. A., Bakhramov S. A., Fasylov A. K., Dudko Yu. A. Solar Radiation
Concentration in Parabolocylindrical System with Focusing Wedge // Applied Solar Energy. 2009.- Vol. 45.
№. 2.-Р. 99–101.
2. Jie Zhu, Hulin Huang. Design and thermal performance of semi-Parabolic Fresnel Reflector solar
concentration collector // Energy conversion and Management. 2014. -Vol.77. -Р.733-737.
3. Jorge Facаo, Armando C. Oliveira. Numerical simulation of a linear Fresnel solar collector
concentrator // SET2009 - 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies. Aachen,
Germany. August 31st to 3rd September 2009. -P. 1-6.
4. Panna Lal Singh, Sarviya R.M, Bhagoria J.L. Effect of some parameters on linear Fresnel solar
concentrating collector // Journal of Environmental Research and Development. 2009.-Vol. 4. № 2. -Р.528-
5. Bennett C.L. Optimal Heat Collection Element Shapes for Parabolic Trough Concentrators // Journal
of Solar Energy Engineering. 2007.Р.1-27.
6. Klychev Sh. I., Abdurakhmanov A., Kuchkarov A. А. Optical-geometric para-meters of a linear
Fresnel mirror with flat facets // Applied Solar Energy. .-New York, 2014, Vol.50. № 3. pp.168-170.
7. Kuchkarov A.A., Muminov SH.A. Modelirovaniye i sozdaniye ploskogo frenelevskogo lineynogo
zerkal'nogo solnechnogo kontsentratora // Universum: Tekhnicheskiye nauki : elektron. nauchn. zhurn. 2020.
№ 3(72). URL:
8. Abdurakhmanov A.A., Akbarov R.YU., Kratenko M.YU., Sobirov YU.B., Yuldashev A.A. Sistema
tekhnicheskogo zreniya dlya operativnogo kontrolya energeticheskikh kharakteristik Bol'shoy Solnechnoy
Pechi // Geliotekhnika. 1994. № 6. S. 30-32.
9. Abdurakhmanov A.A., Akbarov R.YU., Sobirov YU.B., Yuldashev A.A. Metod izmereniya i
kontrolya optiko-geometricheskikh kharakteristik zerkal i stekol //Geliotekhnika. 2003. № 1. -S. 72-75.

Rezyume: Ushbu maqolada chiziqli Fresnel ko’zguli quyosh kontsentratorlarining optik-

geometrik parametrlarini modellashtirish, ishlab chiqish va optimallashtirish masalalari ko'rib
chiqilagan. Ko’zguli quyosh kontsentratorlarining geometrik va energetik xxarakteristikalari
o'rganilgan. Fokal tekislikdagi o'zgarishlarning qonuniyatlari aniqlangan, bu esa radiatsiya qabul
qilgichning optimal o’lchamlarini tanlab olish imkon beradi. Qabul qiluvchining o'lchamlari, fokus
tekisligining uzunligi va fokal tekislikda energiya zichligi aniqlangan.
Резюме. В данной статье рассматривается моделирование, разработка и
оптимизация оптико-геометрических параметров френелевских линейных зеркальных
солнечных концентраторов. Изучены геометрические и энергетические характеристики
зеркальных солнечных концентраторов. Выявлены закономерности изменения в фокальной
плоскости, позволяющие выбрать оптимальный размер приемника излучения. Определены
значения размеров приемника, длины фокальной плоскости и значения плотности энергии в
фокальной плоскости.

Kalit so'zlar: Frenel kozgulari, fokus, faseta va kontsentrator, qabul qilgich.

Ключевые слова: Зеркала Френеля, фокус, фацет и концентратор, приемник.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDK 72.012.6


Xayrova T.
Karakalpak state university named after Berdakh

Summary. The article substantiates the paramount importance of the complex approach in
the construction of rural residential buildings environmental, natural factors, landscape designs,
and the influence of the natural factor on the architecture of low-rise residential buildings.
Key words: ecology, natural materials, insolation, geoplastics, landscape design,

A special consideration of rural landscape design of the adjacent territory in the variety of
types of modern residential buildings and residential complexes in a hot climate shows the need to
distinguish primarily the natural components of low-rise housing.
Suburban residential buildings include: one-two-story rural houses, cottages, villas, summer
cottages, garden houses and their stretches.
The landscape design of a rural low-rise residential building is being carried out
simultaneously with the landscape design of its individual stretch. At the same time, the issue of
placing the building on the site is decided. Three cases of such placement can be noted: in the depth
of the stretch, on the red line of the building, on the corner of the stretch, if it is angular. Zoning of
the main building is done according to its placing on the site. The zones can be the following:
entrance, main (around the house), utility, area for garden, vegetable and berry fields, children's
The entrance area is a hallway which is in the open air. It can include an area for relaxing, an
entrance path, a small decorative pond, a fountain, a flowering shrub, with dense crown, high
vegetation, since the entrance area should protect the site from street noise and dust. External
landmarks of the site are also located here: identification plate, information about the owner,
mailbox, lighting fixtures, etc. The fence of the site in modern conditions may not be done. A hedge
from thorn-bush with a side stone is enough.
The central zone is, as a rule, an open territory, which allows you to bypass the main structure
around the perimeter. It can be landscaped with a rigid or semi-rigid coating with a pattern or laying
of tiles or gravel. A flower garden can also be arranged here, a trellis or pergola with vertical
vegetation can also be set up, which can cover the walls of the building. A good organization can be
given to this area by a small green sculpture or a bouquet of beautifully flowering trees.
It is advisable to build the children's playground in the central zone so that children can be
watched through the windows of the house. In this area, a set of devices is required that matches the
age of the children. This zone can be fenced with a trellis, bushes of a not thorny berry tree, a small
channel or other water models. In the same area sports equipment can also be placed: the Swedish
wall, horizontal bar, boom, table tennis, rings. Artificial coating of paths and sites of this area
should be done from “soft” materials: sand, gravel, expanded clay, small gravel, etc.
The utility zone is mainly located in the depths of the stretch, especially if there is an
additional transit or passage along the rear boundary of the plots. An exception may be a site
stretched along the street, then part of it is cut off for the utility zone, and it is desirable that the
utility zones of neighboring sections are blocked.
In areas of villas, country residences, large dachas, utility zones are sometimes located in a
semi-underground or underground space using fragments of the main building as the walls of a

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

garage, a refrigerator, a warehouse for utensils, implements, tools, etc.

In the utility zone, buildings and aviaries for keeping animals and birds may be provided. In
this case, the zone should be reliably fenced off from the rest of the territory and have phytoncide
plantings along the perimeter. In the main directions of movement through the utility zone should be
laid paved paths. The entire territory of the utility zone should be conveniently arranged, well
insulated and ventilated. In the zone, it is advisable to allocate isolated areas for drying clothes,
dedusting clothes, a garbage bin, composters. It is advisable to arrange a separate entrance from the
street into the zone and accentuate it to the external space with various flowering plants.
The area of the garden, vegetable garden and berry field, as a rule, covers the central part of
the site from several sides. Regularly planting fruit trees and bushes, beds of vegetable crops and
berry plants give it a consistently organized character. When planting in this zone first of all, the
rule of agricultural technology is strictly followed. However, one should not forget about the
aesthetics of plantations and try to give plantings a certain rhythm of alternation, composition, color
accents, replace dying plants with young ones on time, and regularly care for coverage of the zone.
Zoning of an individual section of a low-rise residential development should be made by taking into
account the natural features of the site, and above all: the slope of the relief and its exposure,
existing high vegetation, and natural water sources. At the same time, landscape design is aimed at
identifying aesthetic valuable natural data of the sites and their cleaning from unpleasant natural
The slope of the site can be so significant (more than 15 °) that you have to place the main
building on a special platform along the contour of horizontals. At the same time, it is necessary to
use the roofs of buildings for this or that above-mentioned zones. On the territory of the site looking
at the north, it is important to plant shade-tolerant, ground-covered plants, create on such territory
local elevations and geoplastics, which improve its exhibition to the countries of the world.
With the presence of natural water sources (key, spring, stream, etc.) on the site, they should
be actively included in its landscape’s design. In such sources, decorative ponds, a water garden,
and a cascade can be arranged. In this case, it is necessary to use these sources for water supply,
irrigation, waterfowl breeding, and bathhouse.
Landscape design of a low-rise building is carried out by taking into account national and
regional ideas about traditions, aesthetics and expediency. To disclose this concept, it is necessary to
pay attention to the genesis of some forms of national housing and building materials used for its
creation since ancient times.
Thus, the Indians of New Guinea for their homes use the branches and leaves of palm trees
and bamboo, stacking them as high tents. This form is not a whim, but a learned concept for
centuries about rapid removal of moisture from enclosing building after rains, which are quite
common in New Guinea. In addition to this, the rays of the sun on the cones do not heat them so
much, which create a certain comfortable temperature in hot weather. Northern peoples often
arrange domed yurts with an entrance from above. This is mainly done because the surface of the
sphere is small, and therefore, such kind of surface of the yurt keeps heat better. In addition, good
streamlining under the wind makes such a building stable, and the entrance from above naturally
makes it easier to get out of the yurt when there are large snow drifts and well removes smoke from
the hearth made inside.
The influence of the natural factor on the architecture of low-rise residential development can
be traced through the use of local building materials in public housing. So, for Ukraine huts and
wattle and daubs with the use of clay on a wattle frame are typical. This is understandable for areas
where there are no forests. Russian settlements are characterized by a hut - four- and five-walled,
the choice of which determines the size of the scaffold. Seasonal temperature fluctuations
influenced the division of living quarters and livestock housing in the south and their blocking in
the north, thus by creating a stereotype of the northern and southern huts.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

In mountainous areas rich in stone, stone structures are widely used in public housing. This
can be seen in the constructions of Svaneti and in the Georgian darbazi, and in the Armenian
housing, and the Azerbaijani karadam. In the Transcaucasian mountain villages, the natural and
climatic conditions (possible snow blockages and strong winds in the winter and excess radiation in
the summer) created a stereotype of the perimeter building with a courtyard, where the doors and
windows of the rooms lead to, covered with a conical wooden hood with through holes. Such
overlapping enclosure of the courtyard provides its good ventilation and at the same time protects
from precipitation.
The interior of residential complexes allows the use of natural components in all of the above
mentioned parts and on the roofs, free floors, terraces, in the space under the building, on balconies,
loggias and bay windows.
It is necessary to include various inserts between individual buildings in residential
complexes. These inserts - whatnots, walkways, galleries - can also be vegetated as free floors,
conservatories or roofs depending on their functional interpretation. Such inserts may have
sufficiently developed structures and will allow the active use of landscape design methods in
residential complexes, so their use in residential ensembles is highly desirable.
Special objects of landscape design research are hotels and dormitories. In addition to living
quarters, they also have communication centers: restaurants and cafes, reception halls, green areas,
libraries, etc. The presence of communication centers with possible qualified care of vegetation and
other natural components makes it possible to provide more complex landscape plans in hotels and
dormitories than in residential buildings. This can be mobile forms and compositions from them,
exotic vegetation requiring special care, water devices with fountains, sprinklers and ichthyofauna,
decorative small forms, color musical compositions, etc.
In the interiors of residential complexes should be paid more attention to landscape design of
hotel rooms, apartments, rooms. As elements of landscape design can be used indoor plants, mini-
sculptures made from natural materials: walnut shells, cones, bast, vegetation roots, aquariums,
ampel plants, dry branches and leaves, as well as ancient Japanese art “bansai”.
Natural motifs have a good effect on the human mind in the decoration of walls, floors of
residential rooms, in the upholstery of furniture, utensils and draperies. The selection of all natural
elements of the interior should create a single character in style with one dominant the
A review and study of the results shows the need for landscape design:
The use of the whole variety of natural components and their positive urban and space-
planning decisions based on the experience of research on the design and construction of housing.
Maximum consideration of extreme climatic and sanitary-hygienic environmental conditions
and social features.
Efficient and careful use of land and groundwater resources. For internal and external zoning,
special attention should be paid to landscaping and watering spaces using small architectural forms.
The regional heritage should be taken into account and it should skillfully combine it with the
active development of modern architecture, new designs, environmentally friendly building
materials, progressive construction equipment and the development of aesthetic views of the
modern way of life.
1. N. Ya Krijanovskaya «Osnoviy landshaftnogo dizaina» Rostov-na Donu «Feniks» 2005
2. V. N Tkachev Arkhitekturniy dizain Moskva «Arkhitektura-S» 2006
3. A. I Kruglova Klimat i ograzhdayushshie konstruktcii Moskva 1970

Rezyume. Maqolada xo’jalik turar joylari qurilishida kompleks yondashishning boshlang’ich

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

ahamiyati ecologik, tabiiy omillar, landshaft echimlari va tabiiy omillarning kam qavatli turar joy
binolariga ta`siri asoslandi.
Резюме. В статье обоснована первостепенное значение комплексного подхода в
строительстве сельских жилых домах экологических, природных факторов,
ландшафтное решения, и влияние природного фактора на архитектуру малоэтажной
жилой застройки.

Kalit so‘zlar. iqlim, tabiiy materiyal, insolyatsiya. geoplastik, landshaft dizayn,

Ключевые слова. климат, естественный материал, инсоляция, геопластик,
ландшафтный дизайн, консерватория/

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC 621.3/535



Kasimakhunova A.М1., Zokirov S.I1., Sarsenbaev D.B2.

Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, 2Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Annotation. In this article, daily power values are presented and average performance
indicators are analyzed, obtained from a sample of solar panels made of polycrystalline silicon
mounted on fixed bases and solar trackers relative to the direction of sunlight. Experiments have
shown that the average efficiency of solar panels mounted on a solar tracker is almost 3 times
higher than that of fixed panels.
Keywords. Solar panels, fixed base, optimal tilt angle, solar tracker, maximum power, average

I. Introduction. It is known that solar panels today are one of the most promising means of
generating electricity. However, the efficiency of direct conversion of sunlight into electricity varies
from a minimum of 5% (in organic polymers) to a maximum of 30-32% (in multilayer materials
such as GaInP / GaAs, GaInP / GaAs / Ge), with an average of 20-25% (in polycrystalline Si and
GaAs and InP, CdTe based solar cells, thin-film cells based on GaAs, GaAs / CIS, Si, etc.) [1]. The
worst part is that these indicators were obtained in the laboratory, and due to the chemical
composition of solar cells, the method of their creation, the characteristics of materials and
technologies, these values can deteriorate under the influence of a number of factors in the natural
environment and conditions.
One of the factors that must be taken into account to increase the efficiency of solar cells is its
full illumination at an optimal angle. The presence of insufficiently illuminated or completely unlit
areas (one or more elements) on the surface of a solar cell can cause this area to become a stray load
for the solar cell. As a result, the value of the output voltage received from the solar cell decreases.
This type of problem can be partially solved [3] by installing a bypass [2] on each photocell.
The fact that the efficiency of a solar cell is directly related to the angle of incidence of
sunlight on its surface, the continuous change in the angle and azimuth of the Sun causes a number
of problems in maximizing the potential of existing photovoltaic and thermoelectric devices. This
problem can be partially solved by determining the optimal angle of positioning of the solar panels
on a fixed basis or effectively, by installing the solar panel in the system for automatic detection of
solar coordinates - the solar tracker [4-7].
II. Related works. Today, the creation of solar trackers and their use in solar power plants is
widely studied. Currently, there are solar trackers with one [8] and two axial [9] rotation systems. A
mathematical model was developed [10-12] to determine their angle of inclination relative to the
solar coordinate. Widely studied [15-17] are the technical, environmental, economic and scientific-
practical issues of using trackers to increase the efficiency of solar panels in small [13] and large
[14] power plants. However, in cloudy weather conditions, due to the lack of direct incident light,
the effect of concentration of sunlight in trackers [18–20] using lenses is sharply reduced. Since
most solar trackers work automatically [21–22], one of the optimal solutions for determining solar
coordinates under such conditions was given in the work of J. Antonanzas [23] and others. There
are also other problems that can occur, especially when using large-volume solar trackers [24 - 25].
M.S.Elsherbiny [26] and others proposed a prototype of an automatic solar tracker based on
Arduino UNO controllers, which used wind sensors to minimize the effects of strong winds on
panels that are above a certain speed. In addition, the problems of application [27-29] of existing

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

solar trackers in various fields and the issues of practical and economic efficiency are also widely
studied .
Despite active research, the capabilities of existing devices are not as expected. Because
almost all devices have one of the following problems:
- overheating under the influence of inactive and direct rays on the surface of the panel;
- reduced efficiency due to a sharp increase in light intensity;
- the need to always use the same type of photovoltaic batteries in each device, etc.
The used methods. For the experiment, 6 solar cells of the same type, made on the basis of
polycrystalline silicon, were placed at an optimal angle on a fixed base, and the remaining series-
connected cells were mounted on a horizontally oriented solar tracker (Fig. 1). The location of the
experimental site is 40,25025'51'' north latitude and 71045'42'' east longitude, Fergana.
Solar cells mounted on a fixed base were installed at an angle of 600 (azimuth) to the east. The
vertical angle (zenith) of the solar tracker was 600. The output values (voltage and current) were
measured using an electronic ammeter and voltmeter, and both sensors were connected to a
computer using the Arduino Uno platform to record the results. The experiments were carried out in
August 2019.

a) b)
Figure 1. The process of selecting solar cells with the same electrophysical parameters for the
solar tracker model (a), created as part of the smart home project(b).
Determining the optimum zenith and azimuth angles for a static solar panel.
Solar panels are usually installed on roofs of buildings or on substrates with a fixed structure.
Since their position is constant, the surface of the panel is not at an optimal angle to sunlight during
the day. In addition to the tilt angle, there is also a seasonal zenith angle for the movement of the
sun, which is sharper in the winter months than in the summer. Therefore, the angles of zenith and
azimuth of solar panels should be changed throughout the year or placed in the optimal angle
between the angles of summer and winter.
Below are the optimal tilt angles of solar panels for different latitudes.
Table 1.
№ Geographical latitude Tilt angle
1 0-15 150
2 15-25 The tilt angle is equal to latitude
3 25-300 +50 to latitude
4 30-350 +100 to latitude
5 35-400 +150 to latitude
6 More than 40 +200 to latitude
Table 2 shows the percentage of energy losses allowed as a result of reflection due to errors
with respect to the optimum deflection angle.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Table 2.
Хатолик бурчаги Йўқотиш
90 1.2%
18 4.9%
40 19%
450 29%
From the data given in table 2, it is seen that the change in the percentage of losses is not
linearly related to the angle of inclination. As the angle of inclination increases, the percentage of
losses corresponding to each interval has a relatively greater value. Since the connection is
nonlinear, the approximate value of losses at a given angle is determined based on formula (1).
Here - the approximate value of losses at a given angle. is the angle between the
values of an and an+1 given in the table 2. is the percentage of losses corresponding to
each change in angle in the range from an to an+1.
- a is the percentage of loss at the angle given in table. The values of and are
determined on the basis of formulas (2) and (3), respectively.
Here, and are the percentage of losses at the angles and shown in
Table 2, respectively. Based on the above formulas, an algorithm was developed [30] to determine
the optimal angle corresponding to the latitude of the installed solar panel and the error of the angle
of inclination of the installed panel (based on Table 1), and to calculate the percentage of energy
loss based on the obtained values. The results of the experiment showed that if we assume that the
ability of the solar panel to direct conversion is usually equal to 1 unit, then when installed with an
error of up to 15 degrees relative to the optimal angle, its efficiency is 98-100%, and with an error
of more than 15 degrees the efficiency is significantly reduced. So, if the angle of inclination of
solar panels installed on the territory of the Ferghana Polytechnic Institute is 60-610, then it is
expected that the efficiency of these solar panels will be close to ideal values. However, the
influence of external factors on the effectiveness given in this study was not taken into account. The
results are suitable for a particular case for a very short period of time, and to maintain constant
efficiency, the optimal value of the angles must be ensured throughout the day.
Solar tracker
The solar tracker consists of the following set of tools and elements:
- Arduino Uno controller (Arduino UNO R3 CH340G);
- MG995 servo motor for providing horizontal rotation of the panel with solar cells (operating
voltage - 4.8-7.2 V, rotation angle 1200, torque - 8.5 kg/sm at 4.8 V and 10 kg/sm at 6 V, rotation
speed - 0.20 s/600 at 4.8 V, 0.16 s/600 at 6 V);
- 6 solar cells (round, diameter – 100 mm, area surface 77.5 sm2, power 0.7-1 W, operating
voltage 0.45V)
- 2 semiconductor photoresistors for measuring light intensity (minimum and maximum
output when connected to the analog input of the controller 0 and 1023 units, respectively).
- a rechargeable lithium-polymer battery from a GT08 smartwatch (capacity 350 mA/h,
resistivity ≤150 mΩ, charging voltage ≤4.2 V), as a load.
The controller constantly checks the signals from the photoresistors connected to its analog
access point (during the experiment, the data collection interval was 5 minutes), and the values are
compared. If the modulus of the difference in the obtained values is less than 20 units (the value of
the difference limit is selected based on the technical characteristics of the photoresistors used),

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

then we can assume that the surface of the solar cell is optimally illuminated. Otherwise, the panel
will rotate horizontally depending on the values received from the photoresistors. The rotation is
performed in very small steps, and the value of the signals from the photoresistors is compared after
each rotation. The process is repeated until the modulus of the difference in values becomes less
than or equal to 20. The system rotates at a speed of 0.16–0.2 s/600 up to 1200 and can operate
stably at temperatures from –200C to +500C.
Analysis of the results of an experiment conducted on solar cells mounted on a fixed base
and on a solar tracker.
The current and voltage at the output of solar cells placed on both types of substrates were
automatically recorded every 5 minutes.
Table 3
The results of theoretical calculations and the values obtained from solar cells mounted on a
fixed base.
Pideal, W Pideal, W
Angle Azimuth (Ideal (Ideal Wreal ηreal***
azimuth)* angle)**
07:00 14,85 85,25 0,20 0,00 0,10 1,1
08:00 26,11 95,2 0,90 0,06 0,56 6,2
09:00 37,17 106,44 2,10 0,20 1,21 13,4
10:00 47,5 120,47 2,10 0,90 2,34 26,0
11:00 56,16 139,66 3,80 2,10 4,62 51,3
11:30 59,33 152,01 6,25 3,80 5,64 62,6
12:00 61,34 166,22 3,80 5,39 5,23 58,1
12:30 61,95 181,57 2,10 6,13 4,46 49,5
13:00 61,04 196,79 1,91 4,90 3,81 42,4
13:30 58,77 210,66 0,34 3,80 2,01 22,3
14:00 55,4 222,6 0,25 2,10 1,26 14,0
15:00 46,51 241,14 0,20 0,90 0,72 8,0
16:00 36,07 254,79 0,00 0,20 0,15 1,7
17:00 24,97 265,84 0,00 0,00 0,03 0,3
18:00 13,72 275,72 0,00 0,00 0,02 0,3
Expected ideal values from solar cells placed on a vertical moving tracker with an ideal
azimuth angle.
Expected ideal values, from solar cells placed on a vertically moving tracker with an ideal
zenith angle.
Percentage of real power relative to 1 unit of power that can be obtained from selected
solar cells.
Table 4
Values derived from solar cells mounted on a solar tracker.
Angle P, W η, %
07:00 14,85 0,47 5,21
08:00 26,11 1,37 15,18
09:00 37,17 2,38 26,40
10:00 47,5 3,62 40,27
11:00 56,16 5,36 59,56
11:30 59,33 6,46 71,77
12:00 61,34 7,73 85,93

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

12:30 61,95 8,77 97,49

13:00 61,04 7,49 83,18
13:30 58,77 6,19 68,81
14:00 55,4 5,15 57,17
15:00 46,51 3,48 38,66
16:00 36,07 2,27 25,19
17:00 24,97 1,26 14,02
18:00 13,72 0,38 4,25

Figure 2. A comparative graph of the results obtained during the day from solar cells mounted on a
solar tracker(1) and from stationary elements(2).
The above results (table 3) of theoretical calculations and values obtained from solar cells
show that the maximum power received from solar cells on a fixed substrate is 5.64% W or 62.6%
of the maximum power that can be obtained with this panel. According to calculations, a high rate
should have been maintained from about 11-00 to 13-00. But in the afternoon, as a result of abrupt
heating of the air and direct exposure to the rays, the temperature of the solar panels increased
dramatically. As a result, the average value of the results obtained during the day was only 24% of
the maximum possible. The results of parallel experiments using the solar tracker are presented in
table 4. In this case, the maximum power was obtained around 12-30, and in the afternoon there was
a decrease in efficiency.
The difference between the maximum forces in both cases, which is shown in Figure 2, can be
explained as follows:
- The maximum value of the intensity of sunlight on the day of the experiment and the
geographical position is observed between 12-30 and 13-00 hours.
- the difference between the value of the zenith angle of the solar panels mounted on a fixed
base and the optimal value was the same at 11-30 and 13-30, and over time, the heating of the
panels showed its negative effect on the output parameters due to the lack of a cooling system;
- Due to the fact that the surface of the solar panels installed on the solar tracker is constantly
perpendicular to the direction of sunlight, the decrease in efficiency observed as a result of an
increase in temperature in them was observed relatively less. However, an excessive increase in
light intensity led to overheating of the panels and a sharp decrease in efficiency.
III. Conclution. According to theoretical calculations [31], if the ability of a solar panel to
convert sunlight into electricity is conditionally equal to 100%, then their efficiency can reach 98-
100% when installed with an error of up to 150 relative to the optimal angle of deviation. However,
experiments have shown that this indicator is suitable for a particular case for a very short period of
time, without taking into account the influence of external factors. The maximum efficiency of the
photocell with a fixed substrate was 63%, and the average efficiency was 24%. Such a low level of
maximum efficiency is explained by errors in theoretical calculations and technical errors when

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

installing devices. The maximum and average efficiency of solar cells installed on the solar tracker
was 97.5% and 62%, respectively. The unstable efficiency of solar cells placed on a solar tracker is
explained by an increase in temperature. This means that the use of solar cells in a
photothermogenerator [32-36] installed on a solar tracker, and their connection to an additional
cooling system can provide stable high efficiency.

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Rezyume: Ushbu maqolada polikristalli kremniy asosida tayyorlangan, bir namunadagi

quyosh panellaridan quyosh nuri yo’nalishiga nisbatan qo’zg’almas asos va quyosh trekerlariga
o’rnatilgan holda kun davomida olingan quvvatlarning qiymatlari keltirilgan va o’rtacha
samaradoriligi taxlil qilingan. Quyosh trekeriga o’rnatilgan quyosh panellarining o’rtacha
samaradoriligi qo’zg’almas asosli panellarga nisbatan deyarli 3 barobar yaxshilanishi tajribalar
asosida kuzatilgan.
Резюме: В этом статье представлены значения ежедневной мощности и
проанализированы средние показатели эффективности, полученные от одинаковых образцов
солнечных панелей, изготовленных из поликристаллического кремния, установленных на
неподвижных основаниях относительно направления солнечного света и на солнечных
трекерах. Эксперименты показали, что средняя эффективность солнечных панелей,
установленных на солнечном трекере, почти в 3 раза выше, чем у неподвижных базовых

Kalit so’zlar. Quyosh panellari, qo’zg’almas asos, optimal burchak, quyosh trekeri, maksimal
quvvat, o’rtacha samaradorlik
Ключевые слова. Панели солнечных батарей, фиксированная подложка, оптимальный
угол наклона, солнечный трекер, максимальная мощность, средняя эффективность

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203


Asamatdinov M.O., Ilyasov A.T., Embergenov Q.

Karakalpak state university named after Berdakh

Abstract. The article presents the results of studying the dynamics of heat generation during
hydration of gypsum-based binder modified by clay without additives, with addition of
superplasticizer and with the addition of setting retarder. Results in all cases are satisfactory. The
highest degree of hydration evaluated by kinetics of heat generation from a binder is with the
addition of the superplasticizer. Application of setting retarder somewhat reduces the maximum
degree of hydration and increases the hydration time. The degree of hydration of the binder with the
addition of C3 additive and retarder is observed to be above that of gypsum-based binder modified
by clay without additives. The studies confirm the possibility of using gypsum-based binder
modified by clay in the composition of dry plaster mixtures for interior decoration works in
Keywords: gypsum-based binder modified by clay, heat generation, hydration, gypsum,
additives, superplasticizer, dry plaster mixes.

Clay gypsum is a natural material of sedimentary origin, which is widespread both in the
Russian Federation and in Central Asia. In its properties, it is close to gypsum and can be used as its
substitute in plaster and masonry mortars [1, 2].
In Central Asia, clay-gypsum plaster, trimmed with elegant ornamental or fine carvings, was a
very popular decorative tool not only in mosques and palaces, but also in people’s dwelling. From
the middle of the 15th century the mural called "kundal"was applied on the walls. On the wall
surface prepared by gypsum plaster, a small relief pattern of red clay with an admixture of
vegetable glue and gypsum was applied. The relief parts were covered with gilding, and the
background was painted blue and decorated with small floral patterns [3, 4].
The initial raw material for the production of building gypsum was the gypsumwidespread in
Central Asia with a natural admixture of clay–the clay-gypsum, the so-called light, grayish or
yellowish ganch, widely used now. In addition to gypsum and clay, ganch contains a certain amount
of silica and carbonates. Ganchin Uzbekistan, for example, contains up to 25% of clay and sand and
up to 4% of carbonates, and in Turkmenistan (the Ashgabat deposit) it contains 37–61% of gypsum.
Ganch usually lies at a depth of 5-10 m, and sometimes closer to the surface and with outcrops (of
the worst quality), it is developed in quarries. The significant water resistance of the ancient ganch
mortar and the durability of brick and stone structures built from it under continuous exposure to
water were observed in14th century arch bridgeover riverMurghab (Turkmenistan), which served
until its dissembling at the end of the 19th century, another example is the 16th century bathhouse,
which is still in operation in Bukhara [5, 6].
The formation of hydration structure for a clay-gypsum binder hardening in contact with
water is the basis for mineral bindershardening. For clay-gypsum fired at a temperature of 250°C,
the basic structure-forming element is hemi-hydrate gypsum β-CaSO4 · 2H2O. As for pure gypsum,
dehydrated to 180°C, the hardening of clay-gypsum binder is determined by the conditions of the
β-CaSO4 · 0,5H2O +1,5H2O = CaSO4 · 2H2O
This process serves as a general model to elucidate the nature of clay-gypsum hardening.
Various hypothesesput forward by Le Chatelier, Michaelis, A.A. Baikov and others are the classical
representations. B. B. Ratinov studied and presented the basic patterns of crystallization hardening
structures formation [7, 8].
The thermal decomposition products of clay gypsum, which are the substances of the same

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

chemical nature - calcium sulfate, but of different dissolution rates, are of interest for studying the
role of these processes in the structure formation. In our studies conducted in the NRU, the
hydration kinetics of the clay-gypsum binder of the Khojakul deposit (Republic of Karakalpakstan)
was measured.
Determining the heat release of hydration of clay gypsum. Whendetermining heat release with
the thermos method, the ambient temperature should be constant. The temperature of the sample,
which is equal to the ambient temperature at the beginning of experiment, changes spontaneously as
a result of simultaneous occurrence of two processes: heat release during gypsum hydration; heat
transfer between the sample and the ambient.The first process causes an increase in temperature, the
second - its decrease. The total result depends on which is greater, the rate of heat release or the rate
of heat loss to the ambient.The assumption is made in the method that the temperature of the sample
is the same at all points of its volume. In fact, the temperature drops from the center of the sample
to its periphery. To level the temperature of the sample, it is necessary to create a high thermal
resistance between the sample and the ambient, on which the entire temperature drop will be
localized [9, 10].
The Dewar vessel (thermos) has the highest thermal resistance –it is a glass flask with double
walls, with a vacuum in between. The absence of matter between the walls virtually eliminates the
heat transfer by convection and conduction, but there is the third way - radiation. To reduce it, the
walls of the flask are made mirrored - coated with silver. This metal has a very high reflectivity.
In the simplest test pattern, the room air is acalorimetric medium. The air temperature and the
heat exchange coefficient (heat transfer) between the thermos and the medium must be constant [11,
12]. The heat transfer coefficient depends on the rate of washingthe thermos walls with air. It takes
the least value when the air is motionless. A characteristic of a clay-gypsum binder is the specific
heat releaseq=Q/mг. It isconvenient toperform calculations in tabular form. Based on the results of
calculations, a dependence diagram q=f(τ)is constructed. The relative degree of hydration is
determined from the relation αi = qi/qmax, wherei — is the current time interval. Then, using the
method of graphical differentiation, the dependences of the change in heat release rate (dqdτ= f(τ))
and hydration rate (dα/dτ= f(τ)) are obtained.
The kinetics of hydration is studied by thermoscalorimetry method. For testing (research), an
electronic thermometer TEN-5 was used, the length of the working measurement zone is 100 mm.
In the thermos method for determining heat release, the temperature of the ambient should be
constant. The air temperature in the room (in the laboratory) was tп= 25,6 ºС,the daily fluctuation
did not exceed ± 1.5ºС. During the whole time (interval) of the test, the windows and door were
closed, so,tп =25,6 ºС=const. Before testing, water was kept in the room for 3 days.

а b
Fig. 1. Test setup: а - installation of aweighing cup with clay-gypsum in mineral-wool heat
insulation; b - the device in the assembly (outer thermal insulation from polystyrene foam with
To exclude the heat transfer through the walls, there was a space of 1 cm between the sample
and the wall. To reduce radiation through the wall, the vessel was wrapped in silver foil. There was

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

a distance of 1 cm between the vessel and the thermos lid. A study of the kinetics of hydration
makes it possible to establish a relationship between the phase composition of the binder, the
features of its hydration and the kinetics of formation, and the strength of the hydration hardening
structures that arise on its basis.
Results. The kinetics of temperature increase for pure clay-gypsum, for clay-gypsum with 1%
of C-3 and for clay-gypsum with 1% of C-3 and 0.06% of a setting retarder wasinvestigatedin the
experiment. The results of field tests are presented in the graphs, Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The kinetics of temperature change in tests: a) - clay-gypsum binder without

additives; b) - clay-gypsum binder with 1% of C-3; c)- clay-gypsum binder with 1% of C-3 and
0.06% of a setting retarder; 1 - the temperature of the clay-gypsum binder; 2 –the ambient
Clay gypsum test results without additives show (Fig. 4a, Table 1) that at the 49 thminute the
temperature of the binder rises up to 49.1ºС and remains at that temperature for 4 minutes, tillthe
52nd minute. Then it drops gradually over 250 minutesto a constant temperature. According to the
Dewar method, the gypsum test takes 1 hour, but in our studies the cooling mode was also recorded.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

With the addition of C-3, the temperature rises at the 50th minute to 54.2ºС, lasts for 4 minutes
till the 53rd minute (Fig. 4b, Table 1)). At the end of the test, at the 310th minute, the temperature
was 34°C. With the addition of C-3 and a setting retarder, the peak of the hydration temperature
comes at the 82ndminute and lasts for 7 minutes (Fig. 4c, Table 1), the experiment endsat the
340thminute at a temperature of 34ºС.
Temperature and heat release of clay-gypsum binder
(atroom temperature, t0 = 25,6 оС)
Table 1.
Time, Clay-gypsum binder
min. without additives With1 % of С-3 With 1 % of С-3 and 0,06 %
of a setting retarder
Tempera Heat Hydra Tempera Heat Hydra Tempera Heat Hydra
ture, tx, release, tion ture, tx, release, tion ture, tx, release, tion
о о о
С q, degreeα, С q, degreeα, С q, degreeα,
kJ/kg % kJ/kg % kJ/kg %
0 25,6 0 0 25,6 0 0 25,6 0 0
10 31,9 127,5 21 33,2 170,0 28 31,2 85,0 14
20 34,4 191,2 31 37,9 255,0 41 31,2 106,3 17
30 40,8 318,8 52 44,2 403,8 66 31,3 127,5 21
40 48,0 467,5 76 54,0 595,0 97 31,8 148,8 24
50 49,1 488,8 79 54,2 616,3 100 33,4 170,0 28
60 — — — — — — 35,0 191,3 31
70 — — — — — — 45,5 425,0 69
80 — — — — — — 51,6 552,5 90
The heat release kinetics of gypsum-containing mixtures is calculated based on the
temperature drop determined by thermometers; the additive heat capacity of the mixture is
calculated based on the heat release of the mixture (q, kJ / kg). Taking into account all factors, the
additive heat capacity of the mixture is taken equal to 21.25 kJ/(kg ∙ оС). The calculation results are
presented in table 1, and their graphical interpretation in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Heat release of clay-gypsum binder in time: a - clay-gypsum binder without

additives; b - clay-gypsum binder with 1% of C-3; c - clay-gypsum binder with 1% of C-3 and
0.06% of a setting retarder
The greatest heat release is observed in mixtures with the addition of C-3, the least - in clay-
gypsum without additives. According to the rate of heat release, at the early stages the clay-gypsum
binder with the addition of C-3 manifests itself to the greatest extent (the maximum heat release rate
is in the range of 12-15 minutes). The rate of heat release of clay-gypsum binder without additives
is in a time interval of 14-16 minutes. The rate of heat release of a clay-gypsum binder with C-3 and
a setting retarder is observedin a time interval of 73–76 minutes.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Fig. 3. The hydrationdegree of gypsum binder in time: a - clay-gypsum binder without

additives; b - clay-gypsum binder with the addition of 1% of C-3; c - clay-gypsum binder with
the addition of 1% of C-3 and 0.06% of a setting retarder

The hydrationdegree (α) can be estimated as the ratio of the current heat release to the
maximum one (qmax = 616.6 kJ/kg). The calculation results of the change in the hydration degree
over time are presented in Fig. 3 and table 1. The rate of heat release per unit time (the kinetics
of heat release) of a clay-gypsum binder is presented in Table2
Heat release rate, kJ/(kg ∙ s) and hydration rate,% / s
Table 2
Time, Clay-gypsum binder
min Withoutadditives With 1 % of С-3 With 1 % of С-3 and 0,06
% of a setting retarder
q, dq/dτ α, dα q, dq/dτ α, dα q, dq/dτ α, dα
kJ/kg % /dτ kJ/kg % /dτ kJ/kg % /dτ
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 127,5 0,21 21 0,04 170,0 0,28 28 0,05 85,0 0,15 14 0,02
20 191,2 0,11 31 0,02 255,0 0,31 41 0,02 106,3 0,04 17 0,01
30 318,8 0,33 52 0,04 403,8 0,08 66 0,04 127,5 0,04 21 0,01
40 467,5 0,25 76 0,04 595,0 0,15 97 0,05 148,8 0,02 24 0,01
50 488,8 0,04 79 0,01 616,3 0,04 100 0,01 170,0 0,04 28 0,01
60 — — — — — — — — 191,3 0,04 31 0,01
70 — — — — — — — — 425,0 0,06 69 0,06
80 — — — — — — — — 552,5 0,21 90 0,04
Studies show that the greatest heat release is observed in clay-gypsum with the addition of
super-plasticizer C3. If necessary, the use of a setting retarder somewhat reduces the maximum
degree of hydration and increases the duration of this process. At the same time, the degree of
hydration of the binder with the addition of C3 and a setting retarder is higher, than of the clay-
gypsum binder without additives.
When conducting indoorplastering works, the slowing down of the hydration process allows
more efficient plastering of layers. The heat release peak during hydration of a clay gypsum binder
with a super-plasticizer and a setting retarder, which occurs at the beginning of the second hour of
hardening, will contribute to uniform and high-quality drying of the plaster coating.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
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Insulation systems of the building construtions / MATEC Web of Conferences. Vol. 86
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12. Rumjancev B.M., Zhukov A.D. Principles of creating new construction materials /VolgGASU
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Rezyume: Ushbu maqolada ganch asosidagi bog‘lovchi qo‘shimchasiz, superplasifikator va

qotish vaqtini pasaytiruvchi qo’shimcha bilan gidratatsiya vaqtidagi issiqlik ajratib chiqarish
dinamikasini tadqiq qilish natijalari ko’rsatilgan. Issiqlik ajratish kinetikasi bo’yicha gidratatsiya
darajasining eng yuqoriga ko’tarilishi plastifikatori bor bog‘lovchilariga tegishli. Qotish vaqtini
pasaytiruvchi qo’shimcha gidratatsiya darajasini bir qancha pasaytib, qp’llanish vaqtini uzaytadi.
Shuning bilan birga S-3 va qotish vaqtini pasaytuvchi qo’shimchasi bilan birga gidratatsiyalanish
darajasi yuqori boladi. O‘tkazilgan tadqiqot ishlari ganch asosidagi bog‘lovchini binoning ichki
dekorativ ishlarida qo’llanishga mumkinligini tasdiqladi.
Резюме: В статье приведены результаты исследования динамики тепловыделения при
гидратации глиногипсового вяжущего без добавок, с добавкой суперпластификатора и с
добавкой замедлителя схватывания.результаты во всех случая удовлетворительные.
Наибольшая степень гидратации, оцениваемая по кинетике тепловыделений у вяжущего с
добавкой суперпластификатора. Применение замедлителя схватывания несколько снижает
максимальную степень гидратации и увеличивает сроки этого процесса. При этом степень
гидратации вяжущего с добавкой С3 и замедлителя оказывается выше, чему глиногипсового
вяжущего без добавок. Проведенные исследования подтверждаю возможность
использования глиногипсового вяжущего в составе сухих штукатурных смесей для
внутренних декоративных работ в помещениях.

Kalit so‘zlar: bog‘lovchi gilli gips, issiqlikni qamrab olish, gidratatsiya, gips, qo‘shimchalar,
superplastifikator, quruq suvoq qorishmasi.
Ключевые слово:глино гипсовое вяжущее, тепловыделение, гидратация, гипс, добавки,
суперпластификатор, сухие штукатурные смеси.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Isteleeva D1., Shamuratova D2.

Museum of Fine arts named after I.V.Savitskiy, 2Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after

Summary: the article is devoted to the history, ornaments and technology of Karakalpak
women’s chest jewellery items such as Jumalaqtuyme and Jalpaktuyme that embellish each woman.
Key words: jewellery items, ornament, jeweller, tribe, gems, ant waistline, reedpipe.

Decoration of women’s jewellery items on the bases of Karakalpak nationalornamentsof

fineartsis considered to be an ancient type of jewellery craft.In the times of our forefathers, the
decorating methods of women’s jewelleryproducts are varied and they were made with ordinary
tools. Jewellery-making craft bequeathed from father to son. Highly varied ways of decorating
women’s jewelleryitems contributed to appearing anew type of national craft. From ancient times
till the present, women’s chest jewellery items are regarded as the most important and popular ones
among national jewellery inheritance. Every nations peculiar difference areits national clothes and
jewellery. And these kinds of national Karakalpak models of jewels are kept in the Museum of Fine
arts named after I.V.Savitskiy. There are also a very wide variety of jewellery items which differ
depending on formation, decoration and ornaments.
Karakalpak women’s chest jewellery asJumalaqand Jalpaktuyme have their own history,
techniques and ornaments that give femininity to every woman.
Of course, every Karakalpak girl wished to pick out perfect chest jewelleryitems withnational
dresses,and every family depending on their living conditions had their jewellery made with various
kinds of precious stones.On the whole, it was the custom for Karakalpak girls and women to wear
jewellery with Jumalaq and Jalpaktuyme. Jewellery-making craft is of great importance in
specifying every nations ethnographic features. Becausein each design, ornament and technique of
Karakalpakschest jewellery, we can meet unrepeatable national specifications. They differ from
each other according to their expensive, precious stones and design.Jewellers made chest jewellery
itemswith great proficiency and tried to make each ornament paying attention to the girls and
women’s age [1.,33].
Chest jewelleryof Karakalpak women are divided into specific groups. There are many types
of chest jewellery items;Karakalpak women wore them dependingon the design, where they go, and
their age. Chest jewellery like Qizhaykel, Boytumar, Ikgektuyme, Qarsiilgekwere worn by 12-13
years old girls. Matured girls wore jewellery items like Haykel, Jumalaq(circle) tuyme, Shar
(baloon) tuyme, Gilt shalgish, Onirmonshaq trying to match them according to their resources,
capability when they went tothe wedding parties. Jewellery items like Haykel, Onirmonshaq,
Shartuyme had little bells and when our Karakalpak women were walking, bells merrily
soundedaccompanying their light step. Shartuyme, Jalpaktuyme and Jumalaqtuymejewellery items
were used to button the collar, but later they became chest jewellery. Thanks to jewellers hard and
valued work,these kind of beautiful, extraordinary jewellery items are still well-maintained despite
their long history and stored in museums as rich heritage of the nation.
Admiring the jewellery items, we see that our ancestors were great jewellery-makers and
good at their work, moreover, we can feel Karakalpakslove to jewellery items. At the beginning of
XIX-XX century, the widespread jewellery items of Karakalpaks were Haykel, Onirmonshaq,
Jalpak and Jumalaqtuyme and Giltshalgish. Most Karakalpakjewellers made exactly these types of
jewellery items. There were their own jewellerin each region, they made differentjewelleryitems
according to their hometown that had unrepeatable features. For example, one of them wasjeweller

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Omar (1878-1928) who was born in Karaozek region, Kalinin Sovkhoz (Soviet state farm) area, he
lived in the place that was called Iytqiri, from the Shawjireli tribe. He gave life to JalpaktuymeКP
№ 1314-1317,Jumalaqtuyme№ 1318-1325, ShartuymeКP № 1311, OnirmonshaqКP № 1313-1331
and КP № 1491which are being preserved in the museum.
Jeweller Miyirkhan was born in Kokkol area of Karaozek region, from the Karamoyin tribe.
She mostly made Jumalaqtuyme, nowadays the specimen is stored in the museum КP № 2101 [2.,
Jeweller Sultamurat lived in Moynaq region, by the sea Aqdariya (white sea), from the
Teristamgaly tribe. He made the Haykels, Jumalaqtuyme, Ilgek (clasp) tuyme, Hulqapsirga
(earrings), Ayshiqarebek (nose ring in the shape of moon) and Tumarsha (talisman).
Jeweller Ablaysan (1871-1931 or 1855-1920) dealt with jewellery-making in Gonedariya (Old
sae), Aq-Qala (white counrty), Qaraqala (black country), Shege (nail), Talliqareas of Moynaq
region.JumalaqtuymeКP № 845-849, Shartuyme №299-300 in the museum is considered to be
ingenious works of the master [3.,80].
Jeweller Shawderbay (1852-1922) lived in Moynaq, Qonirat, Bozataw (Sarkol area) regions,
from the Qiyat tribe, Qarjawbas (The tribes were divided into smaller ones also), according to the
other records he wasfrom the Ashamaily, Sariqragan tribe. His works as the HaykelКP № 819,
GirlsHaykel КP № 807-811, Jumalaqtuyme КP № 308- 309, КP № 816-818, Jalpaktuyme № 812-
813, Shar tuyme КP № 808-809, Onirmonshaq КP № 820took place among heritage of the museum
[4., 87].
Adolescent girls wore Haykel, Jumalaqtuyme, Shartuyme, Giltshalgish,
Ogirmonshaqonjewellery items in combination with chandelier earrings; they put Taqiya with
Tobelek or Saykele (headwear) on, furthermore, they wore blue dresses sewed with red, green,
yellow fiber to look more glamourous and beautiful.
There were a lot of tuyme items of different design, ornaments and forms such as Shartuyme,
Jumalaqtuyme, Jalpaktuyme which were used as a part of chest jewellery.
People also call Jalpaktuyme as Baqa (Frog) Tuyme. Because their appearance is very much
alike. There is another type of Jalpaktuymewhich is called Ayri (divided) Tuyme because the tips of
tuyme are divided into two and it produces an impression of two Jalpaktuyme combination.

Picure 1. The look of national Karakalpak dress of daughter-in-laws with decorative items as Jalpak and
In creating Jalpaktuyme, gemstones and different ornaments are set in the shape ofjewellery
items.Vast range of motifs used in national jewellery relied on plants. The head of Jalpaktuyme is
more like the leaves of maple. We can see this motif in the Far East, to be more precise, in
Scythians of Altay. As well as a “Guelder Rose” leaf based ornament can be seen at the top of
Haykel, on the end of Shartuyme, and in the button parts of Alaqayisjuyen and belts. Jumalaqtuyme
resemblesShartuyme, but some of them a bit oval. They are made by joining two half-balls or
domes together which were made ofthin steel. To make Half-ball, jewellery workers pure hot steel

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

into the mole made fromwood or metal in the form of the jewellery and hit them with a
hammer.Then they wind thin silver wire to the place where two half-balls were bound, and attach a
small clasp at the top of the jewel.Furthermore, Jumalaqtuyme is embellished with ornament of
tying plants. Geometric figures like number 8 and patterns which is called “Ant-waistline” is
ornamented with small, thin wire at the end sides Bilezik (a national jewellery which is worn on
wrist), in the middle ofJumalaqtuyme, in the middle part of Haykeljewellery on the blank places
among the gems. They are considered to be delicate works of Karakalpakjewellery-makers [5.,57].
Shraziev Turimbet was born in Kegeyli region, from Estek tribe.He was engaged in jewellery
making in Kushana and Portaliw areas. He made Haykel, Jalpaktuyme, Jumalaqtuyme, Degment
belt, Alaqayis belt, Onermonshaq, Halqap earrings, Arebek and Bilezik. From his recordings that
got through to us, the technology of making Tuymejewellery was done in the following way: first
the small piece of silver was taken, then it was put into coal from Oleaster brunch. After it is put
into the fire and heated by force of blowing through a reedpipe.Scorched silver is sluice out in the
shape of small peas. Next, they are taken from the fire and joined all together. At the end, they are
put into the mold of the form Jumalaq or Jalpaktuyme.
According to the recordings there were about ten Jalpaktuyme that are set from top to bottom
or in double- row on the Karakalpak women’s chest jewellery. There are 5 or 6 Jalpak and
Jumalaqtuyme set on the national clothOnershe in one raw, which are kept in the museum.Some
Onershes were decorated with Shartuyme.We can see that, the position, number and arrangement of
tuymes varied according to the customs of the place of residence.
Onershe mostly were sewed from red and black cloth. The cloth was decorated with
Jumalaqtuyme, Jalpaktuyme, Khantenge which were set in different rows. There is no any strict rule
for decorating the jewellery.
Jewellerymaker Amet Nasirov lived in Takhtakopir region, in “Soviet Uzbekistan” sovkhoz,
from Baqan tribe.His jewellery making tools are still maintained. His molds for making
Jumalaqtuyme and Onirmonshaq are made of wood materials.
In conclusion, we think that we must develop some ancient types of jewellery craft, preserve
the national masterpieces of our well-knownjewellery-workers and save them to the next
generation, and of course continue the research works on jewellery making of ancient times.
Jewellerycraft can influence on handing over women’snational jewelleryitems from one generation
to another.
1. А. Алламуратов Этнография каракалпаков Ташкент, «ФАН» 1980.–с.33.
2. А. Алламуратов Этнография каракалпаков Ташкент, «ФАН» 1980. – с.84.
3. А. Алламуратов Этнография каракалпаков Ташкент, «ФАН» 1980. – с.86.
4. А. Алламуратов «Мәңгимийрас» Нөкис «Билим» 1993 ж. – б. 87.
5. А. Алламуратов «Мәңгимийрас» Нөкис «Билим» 1993 ж. – б. 57.

Резюме: Maqolada qoraqalpoq xalqi xotin-qizlarining ko’krak bezak buyumlarida yumoloq

va yalpoq tugmalarining tasvirlanishining o’ziga xos tarixi, tayyorlash texnologiyasi, har bir xotin-
qizga ko’rk bag’sihlovchi naqshlari haqida so’z yuritilgan.
Резюме: В статье идет речь об истории, орнаментах и о технологии производства
ювелирных изделии Каракалпакских женщин как Жалпак и Жумалактуиме придающий шарм
каждой женщине.

Kalit so’zlar: zargarlik buyumlar, naqsh, zargar, urug’, qimmat baho toshlar, chumolibeli,
Ключевые слова: ювелирные изделия, орнамент, ювелир, род, драгоценные камни,
талия муравья, дудочка.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC: 693.54



Tsoi V.M.1, Makhamataliev I.M1., Turgaev J.A2.

Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers, 2Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: The paper presents the results of experimental studies on the influence of fly ash
ofNovoangrenthermal power plant (TPP) on the properties of filled cement stone. In particular, an
analysis of microscopic studies of cement stone filled with fly ash has been carried out, which has
led to the conclusion that the strength of the cement composite increases with the hardening of its
Keywords: Concrete, dry building mixtures, clinker cement, fly ash, thermal power plants,
dispersion, chemical and mineral compositions.

Mineral additives are an integral component of modern mortars, concrete, dry building mixes.
Their use allows us to reduce the content of clinker cement, to modify the composition of new
formations of the binder stone, to increase the structure density, and, as a consequence, the strength,
durability and resistance of concrete in aggressive operating conditions [1]. Currently, the source of
mineral additives to concrete is mainly an industrial waste. The productions where the volume of
by-products reaches severalmillion tons per year, include thermal power plants, the enterprises of
coal mining, stone crushing, metallurgical production, etc. [2]. The annual yield of fly ash in the
world is about 650 million tons. At the same time, the ash instability in thermal power plants in
terms of its dispersion, chemical and mineral composition, the content of oxides and alkali metals
and unburned fuel, as well as itspozzolanic activity holds back their use in the concrete production
[3]. So, American standards limit the ash content in the composition of cementing material to no
more than 25% [4]. However, according to P. K. Mehta [5], a prerequisite for obtaining High
Performance Concreteis the use of pozzolanic additives in their composition in large quantities
instead of the part of cement.The traditional content of fly ash (15–20%) does not solve the
problems of increasing the sulfate resistance of concrete, its resistance to alkaline corrosion of
additives and thermal cracking. In this regard, the compositions of concrete with high volume of fly
ash were determined - High_Volume Fly Ash Concrete (HVFAC). High indices of such concretes,
their physical and mechanical properties and durability are based on the following principles: ash
amount of no less than 50% in the binder; mixing water content no more than 130 l/m 3; Portland
cement amount no more than 200 kg/m3; water-binding ratio less than 0.3 (mandatory use of
superplasticizers); the use of air-entraining additives to ensure frost resistance of concrete; partial
replacement of fly ash with a more reactive silica fume to provide early concrete strength [6].
Fly ash improves the properties of concrete in three directions: 1 - reduces water rate while
ensuring the same flow of the mix; 2 - increases the volume of cement paste, which causes an
increase in its workability; 3 - modifies the composition of cement hydration products as a result of
the pozzolanic reaction with calcium hydroxide and alkali binding [5]. An increase in the amount of
fly ash instead of a portion of Portland cement, increases the paste yield. In the systems without a
superplasticizer, the cement paste yield is largely determined by the electrostatic interaction
between the particles.
In the case when the ash consumption is high, the negative integrated charge of the particles
prevails in the system, and their electrostatic repulse occurs, which ensures an increase in the paste
flow [6]. This effect is also associated with a decrease in friction in the dispersion between spherical
ash particles, with an optimization of the grain-size composition of the cement-ash mix and with an

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

increase in the amount of binder in the concrete mix. At the same time, fly ash, as a rule, slows
down the growth of concrete strength at an early age, especially at its high contents [7].
To eliminate this undesirable phenomenon, various methods of ash activation are used:
mechanical grinding, thermal activation (concrete autoclaving), chemical (sulfate and alkaline)
activation, separation to reduce carbon content due to triboelectrostatic processing and air
classification to isolate the most reactive fine fraction (d ~ 5 μm, ignition loss= 0.8%). In the latter
case, the quality of classified fly ash approaches the quality of conditioned silica dust.
The authorshave conducted experimental studies in the Tashkent Institute of Railway
Engineers to study the influence of fly ash on the properties of filled cement stone. In the studies,
fly ash from the Novoangren TPP was used as a mineral additive.
Offered quantitative changes in the strength of concrete with the replacement of part of the
cement with waste heat and power are confirmed by the results of researches of cement stone with
different content of ash-UNOS.
For carrying out electron microscopic investigations, cement stone samples were prepared
from mixtures corresponding to normal density. Samples hardened under normal humidity
conditions (NHC).
Cement stone was made of cement without ash-UNOS, with the replacement of 10% cement
by ash-UNOS, with the replacement of 50% cement, and also of ash without cement.
The test results are presented in Table № 1.

Table №1
Composition and test results of NVCP (normal void cement paste) depending on the amount
of ash-UNOS

Amount of ash, NVCP Setting time, min

percent by weight of (normal void
(water/cement) (water/hard) start end
binder cement paste)
0 0,26 0,26 25,50 182 231
10 0,27 0,25 24,50 191 242
50 0,47 0,23 23,25 202 276
100 0 0,21 21,00 215 320

Including ash-UNOS leads to a decrease in the water demand of the cement paste and
increases its setting time.
Analysis of the cleavage of cement stone and stone containing ash-UNOS Novo Angren TPP
shows the characteristics of the development of the microstructure depending on the percentage of
Hydration of the clinker phases begins simultaneously over the entire surface of the contact of
the clinker grain with water.
In the process of interaction with cement, water is saturated with lime, gypsum and alkalis,
which change into a solution, resulting in hydrate neoplasms [1,2,3]. V.B.Ratinov and
T.I.Rosenberg confirm that the main reactions and processes leading to the formation of the
structure of a cement stone, causing its strength and deformability, proceed at the molecular level
[4]. You can see in fig № 1. The cement stone microstructure has a fibrous, plate-like shape. When
we added 10% fly ash to the cement paste the cement dust balls fill the voids formed by hexonal
plates. We can clearly see it on the micrograph. When replacing 50% of the cement with ash, the
structure of the cement stone becomes more dense. Micrographs of cement stone with different
content of ash-UNOS are shown in fig. one.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

1 2

3 4

Fig. 1. Micrographs of cement and ash stone magnification x 10,000

1 - cement + water; 2 - cement + water + 10% ash; 3 - cement + water + 50% ash; 4 - ash +
The dependence of the water-solid ratio on the amount of ash-UNOS included instead of part
of the cement is presented in table. 1 and fig. 2
Table №2
Dependence of water hard relation on the amount of fly ash included instead of part of cement
The amount of ash-UNOS, % 0 10 50 100
W/H(water/hard) 0,26 0,25 0,23 0,21
Reduction 0 4,0 13,0 23,8

Fig. 2. The influence of ash-UNOS on the reduction of water-demand W cement paste

The including ash-UNOS leads to less water demand of the concrete mix. (tab. 1. and fig. 2.)
With increasing the amount of included ash-UNOS, the percentage reduction in water-demand
increases and it is of a character close to linear. Analysis of microscopic researches of cement stone

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

with ash-UNOS allowed making conclusions about the increase in its strength due to its denser
structure. Ash particles show pozzolanic properties by binding free lime formed during the
hardening of Portland cement.
The presence of fine particles of ash-UNOS in hardening cement accelerates the hydration of
clinker minerals due to the effect of fine powders, i.e. the expansion of new growths.

1. Белякова Ж. С. Экологические, материаловедческие и технологические аспекты применения
зол в бетоне / Ж. С. Белякова, Е. Г. Величко, А. Г. Комар // Строительные материалы. – 2001. – № 3. –
С. 46–48.
2. Добавки в бетон: [справ. пособие] / [В. С. Рамачандран, Р. Ф. Фельдман, М. Коллепарди и др.].
– М. :Стройиздат, 1988. – 575 с.
3. Highpercentage replacement of cement with fly ash for reinforced concrete pipe / C. Berryman, J.
Zhu, W. Jensen, M. Tadros // Cem. Concr. Res. – 2005. – Vol. 35. – P. 1088–1091.
4. Li, G. Properties of high_volume fly ash concrete incorporating nano_SiO2 [Текст] / Gengying Li //
Cem. Concr. Res. – 2004. – Vol. 34, No 6. – P. 1043–1049.
5. Mehta P. K. HighPerformance, HighVolume Fly Ash Concrete for Sustainable Development [Текст] /
P. K. Mehta // Intern. Workshop on Sustainable Development and Concrete Technology, 20–21 May 2004 :
Proc. / Edited by Kejin Wang. –Beijing (Chine) : Iowa State University, 2004. – P. 3–13.
6. Termkhajornkit, P. The fluidity of fly ashcement paste containing naphthalene
sulfonatesuperplasticizer / P. Termkhajornkit, T. Nawa // Cem. Concr. Res. – 2004. – Vol. 34, No 6. – P.
7. Naik, T. R. Use of industrial by_products in cement_based materials [Текст] / T. R. Naik, R. N. Kraus
// Exploiting wastes in concrete : Proceedings International Conference (and Seminars) Held at the University
of Dundee, Scotland, U.K. on 6–10 September 1999 / Edited by Ravindra K. Dhir and Trevor G. Jappy. –
London : Thomas Telford, 1999. – P. 23–34.
8. Адылходжаев А.И.,Махаматалиев И.М., Цой В.М., Композиционные строительные материалы.
9. Адылходжаев А.И.,Махаматалиев И.М., Цой В.М., Общие представления о бетонных смесях с
порошковой активацией Межвузовская научно-практическая конференции «Инновационные
технологии в строительстве» вып. №10, 2015, с. 3-4
10. Адылходжаев А.И.,Махаматалиев И.М., Цой В.М., О свойствах компонентов
высококачественных бетонов с модифицированным зольным наполнителемВестник ТашИИТ №2
2017, с 3-7.
11. Кикас В. X. О гидратации фракций летучей золы сланца-кукерсита.Сборник трудов по
изучению золысланца-кукерсита IV., Труды Таллиннского политехнического института,серия А
№272, 1968, с. 49-66.

Rezyume: Ushbu maqolada Novoangren issiqlik elektr stantsiyasining (IES) uchirma kul
bilan to'ldirilgan tsement toshining xususiyatlariga ta'siri bo'yicha eksperimental tadqiqotlar
natijalari keltirilgan. Xususan, uchirma kul bilan to'ldirilgan tsement toshining mikroskopik
tekshiruvlari tahlili olib borildi, natijada tsement kompozitsiyasining mustahkamligi uning
strukturasi qotib borishi bilan ortadi degan xulosaga keldi.
Резюме: В данной статье приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований по
изучению влияния золы-уноса Новоангренской ТЭС на свойства наполненного цементного
камня.В частности выполнен анализ микроскопических исследований наполненного
цементного камня с золой-уноса, позволивший сделать вывод о повышении прочности
цементного композита в связи с упрочнениемего структуры.

Kalit so'zlar: beton, quruq qurilish aralashmalari, klinker tsement, pashsha, issiqlik elektr
stantsiyalari, dispersiya, kimyoviy va mineral tarkibiy qismlar.
Ключевые слова: Бетон, сухих строительных смесей, клинкерного цемента,
золы_уноса, тепловые электростанции, дисперсности, химическому и минеральному

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC: 910.3



Turdimambetov I.R1., Uzakbaev K.K2., Niyazimbetova G1.

Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, 2Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named
after Azhiniyaz

Summary. This article analyzes the problems of staffing in clinics, hospitals and other
stationary health care institutions, the current state of the health care system of the Republic of
Karakalpakstan and gives some recommendations for their improvement.
Key words. Service, healthcare institutions, doctors, nurses, outpatient clinics, public

Almost all of the reforms implemented by the state during the years of Independence are
aimed at improving the social living conditions of the population. Social protection is one of the
priorities of our state policy. In accordance with the Decree №5590, of the President of the Republic
of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev dated December 7, 2018 "On comprehensive measures to radically
improve the healthcare system of the Republic of Uzbekistan", the relevant program was approved.
Hospitals are being built and modernized in all regions. Along with public institutions, the field of
private medicine is also developing rapidly. The range of medical activities has been increased from
50 to 126 and 634 private medical institutions were established last year due to a number of
A centralized integrated system has been created in the area of emergency and ambulance that
people refer to the most. The number of ambulance crews was increased from 818 to about 2,000
and brought closer to the population. The specialized fleet has been renewed.
We all know the socio-economic and environmental problems caused by the drying up of the
Aral Sea in the country in recent years. The Aral Sea catastrophe is now one of the global problems,
which affects the fate of not only the Republic of Uzbekistan, but also other countries in Central
Asia. These problems are having a negative impact on human health and as a result have further
increased the demand of the population for the health system.
Emerging environmental problems have led to a decrease in natural population growth rates,
the emergence of various diseases, and an increase in the mortality rate among the population. To
overcome this situation, it is necessary to develop and improve medical services. In addition, the
development of the economy of our country depends mainly on labor resources. The health of the
population plays an important role in the development of the economy. Because if medical care is
highly developed, the economic efficiency in production will be high. In general, in order for a
person to work normally, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions for him to further
improve the areas of health, education, services.
Table 1
Health facilities of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
(As of January 1, 2020)
Total Private in
Naming private
number total (%)
Total number of medical institutions: 335 148 44,2

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

The number of medical staff in them 25682 582 2,3

of them:
- doctors 4576 271 5,9
- nurses 18027 311 1,7
- other employees 3079 - -
By types of medical institutions:
- Ambulance 16 - -
- outpatient clinics 292 145 49,6
- family clinics of them 79 - -
- rural medical centers 35 - -
- capacity of outpatient clinics (1 shift) 22165 1364 6,1
- inpatient clinics 43 3 7,0
- the number of places in them 7319 96 1,3
- disinfection institutions 8 - -
Source: Compiled by the author based on data from the Statistics Department of the Republic
of Karakalpakstan

During 1991-2020, the population of the Republic of Karakalpakstan increased from 1307.4
thousand to 1898.3 thousand people or 145.2%. Population growth is due to its natural increase.
Such a steady increase in population will further increase the demand for the social sphere.
According to the Statistics Department, 335 hospitals will serve the population in the
Republic of Karakalpakstan in 2020, including 16 ambulances, 292 outpatient clinics, 43 inpatient
clinics and 8 disinfection facilities, including 145 outpatient clinics and 3 inpatient clinics
correspond to private medicine. The number of beds in inpatient clinics was 7319, and the capacity
of outpatient clinics (1 shift) was 22 165 people. The number of doctors (doctors) serving them is
4576, medical staff with secondary education is 18 027 people. This equates to 24 and 94.96 health
workers per 10,000 population [2,132].
In recent years, significant changes have been observed in the health care system of the
Republic of Karakalpakstan. For example, in 2000-2010, the number of doctors in all specialties
decreased from 4.4 thousand to 3.6 thousand (81.1%), and in 2020 increased to 4576. From 2000 to
2010 the number of hospitals increased from 88 to 51 (58.0%), the number of dispensaries from 22
to 16 (72.7%), the total number of beds for pregnant women increased from 1.3 thousand to 0.7
thousand (58.0%). decreased. At the same time the total number of hospital beds increased from 7.2
thousand to 8.6 thousand people (119.4%), the number of women's consultations (offices) in
independent and other institutions increased from 148 to 223 (150.7%), independent and other
institutions. The number of children's polyclinics (departments) increased from 168 to 247
Territorial differences in the healthcare system in the Republic of Karakalpakstan are
significant. For example, the average level of inpatient care in the country is 38.56 per 10,000
population. This figure was 92.56 in Nukus, 32.68 in Ellikkala district, 20.79 in Beruni district,
52.19 in Nukus district, 20.07 in Turtkul district, 34.26 in Kungrad district and 37.74 in Muynak
district [ 3.59].
Table 2
Hospitals in the Republic
(in units)
Naming a year of 2018 a year of 2019
Number of available hospitals 42 43
The number of beds in hospitals 7289 7319

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Bed turnover during the year 45,4 59,2

The number of employees in hospitals 24909 25682
- doctors 4408 4576
- nurses 17654 18027
- other technical staff 3054 3079
The number of people who applied to hospitals 375389 377519
- Outpatients 46805 47992
- Inpatients 328584 329527
of which, the surgical method was used 40991 41315
- recipients of medical advice лар 46805 47992
- sent to other institutions by referral 328584 329527
The number of deaths recorded at the hospital 1329 1333
of which, the number of infant deaths 214 244
The number of deaths (%) relative to the total number of
0,4 0,4
Number of born children 40133 39607
The number of deaths of children under 1 year of age 495 408
relative to the total number of children under 1 year of age 13,2 10,3
The number of deaths in maternity hospitals 355 330
- maternal mortality 11 13
- infant mortality 345 317

Table 3
Diseases and morbidity rates
Morbidity (per 10 thousand of population)
Names of the disease in the year of
in the year of 2018
Infectious diseases: 86,1 91,3
- AIDS 0,7 0,6
- hepatitis 8,0 5,8
- influenza 0,1 0,1
- measles - -
- chickenpox 3,5 2,4
- others 73,8 82,4
Non-communicable diseases: 4583,8 4589,5
- diabetes mellitus 8,9 9,7
- Iodine deficiency 109,9 81,5
- Diseases of the stomach and intestines 523,9 516,2
others 3941,1 4073,4

In the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the average incidence of non-communicable diseases was

4,589.5 per 10,000 people, and the average incidence of infectious diseases was 91.3 per 10,000
people [2,133].
In recent years, the number of sports and health facilities in the Republic of Karakalpakstan is
growing. The number and type of sports sections is constantly increasing.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Table 4
Sports and health facilities
number of
Naming Total number
Sports facilities total: 160 -
of them:
Stadiums 19 -
Gyms 57 -
of which women's shaping halls - -
Number of sports clubs 289 -
Number of participants 19577 -
Swimming pools 9 -
- open type - -
- closed type 9 -
Tennis courts 22 -
Shooting ribs -
Small football fields with artificial turf 2 -
Other sports facilities 51 -
Children and youth sports schools 20 -
The number of participants in them 32437 -
Sports (sections) available in the district 253 -
- Rhythmic Gymnastics 1667 -
- Light Athletics 835 -
- Weightlifting (bodybuilding) 1025 -
- basketball 2190 -
- football and mini football 2733 -
- wrestling 2350 -
- Martial arts (karate, taekwondo, etc.) 1911 -
- hand-to-hand combat (boxing) 2694 -
- chess 707 -
- others 16072 -

On the instructions of President Sh. M. Mirziyoev, extensive explanatory work is being

carried out among the population to prevent diseases. Work is underway to organize walks in each
neighborhood, to involve the entire population in physical culture, to promote healthy eating among
the population.
The complications of the coronavirus COVID-19, which is shaking the world today, show that
it is necessary to constantly increase the cost of medicine, to pay special attention to the training of
doctors with high classification.
1. “O‘zbekiston Respublikasi sog‘liqni saqlash tizimini tubdan takomillashtirish bo‘yicha kompleks chora-
tadbirlar to‘g‘risida”gi PF–5590-son Farmoni
2. Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlanishining asosiy ko‘rsatkichlari. Nukus, 2020 y.
3. Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi tumanlarining ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy pasporti. Nukus, 2020.

Rezyume. Ushbu maqolada klinikalar, kasalxonalar va boshqa statsionar tibbiyot

muassasalarida tibbiy kadrlar bilan ta’minlash muammolari, Qoraqalpog‘iston Respublikasi
sog‘liqni saqlash tizimining bugungi holati tahlil qilinib, ularni takomillashtirish bo‘yicha ba’zi

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

tavsiyalar berilgan.
Резюме. В данной статье анализированы проблемы обеспечения медицинскими
персоналами поликлиник, больниц и других стационарных объектов здравоохранения, а
также сегодняшнее состояние здравохранения Республики Каракалпакстан, даны
некоторые рекомендации и предложения по их улучшению и совершенствованию.

Kalit so‘zlar. Xizmat ko‘rsatish, sog‘liqni saqlash muassasalari, shifokor, hamshira,

ambulator davolash muassasalari, aholi salomatligi
Ключевые слова. Услуги, учреждения здравоохранения, врачи, медсестры, поликлиники,
общественное здравоохранения

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Turdimambetov I.R1., Seitniyazov K.M2., Baltabaev O.O2.

Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz

Summary. The article discusses methods of toponymic research in relation to geographical

names, as well as local folk geographical terms for the Republic of Karakalpakstan. These
geographic terms associated with relief elements, hydrography, and with the features of the
vegetation cover in Karakalpaks, numerous popular geographic terms can significantly help
transcription cartographers and field researchers in the Republic. Most of the geographical names
of a given territory characterize a particular locality.
Key words. Geographic names, toponyms, landscape, locality, method, folk geographical
terms, geographical objects, research, Turkic toponyms, etymology, geographical terminology,

The geographical name is part of the toponymy of a certain territory, so its analysis can be
correct only taking into account the specifics of the whole complex of toponyms. A single name
divorced from the system cannot serve as a source of scientific analysis. Therefore, the second
requirement of toponymic research is the study of a toponym in the context of the whole toponymy.
The geographical method of toponymic research is based on the use of popular geographic
terms - words that determine the nature of a geographic object, its kind and type (for example,
mountain, forest, lake). Toponymy is a peculiar language of the landscape, its verbal expression. We
can say that through toponymy the landscape tells about itself, its history, dynamics and features.
Landscape toponymic studies contribute to the reconstruction of geographical situations of the past.
Toponyms allow you to identify and explore in dynamics such components of the natural landscape
as landforms, soils, vegetation and wildlife [3:112].
The terms are closely connected with the objects themselves, with geographical realities, they
are dictated by these realities. The connection of a popular term with geographical objects, their
essence, finds expression in toponymy, which is a kind of accumulator of a significant number of
terms. The relationship between the toponym and the term is a universal pattern of toponymy.
Popular terms and the toponyms formed by them are objective informants about the specifics
of geographical conditions, in other words, they have significant information potential. The
information potential of a popular geographical term is understood as the totality of geographical
information contained in the term, which has a scientific and practical character, which reflects the
specifics of natural conditions and resources and the peculiarities of their development in the
process of economic activity.
Popular geographical terms are one of the foundations of a toponymic nomination. Scientists
have long noticed that many toponyms are based on a simple term - a river, a mountain, a lake. The
outstanding scientist - geographer A.Humboldt, in his work “Central Asia” wrote: “The most
ancient names of mountain ranges and large rivers originally almost everywhere only referred to
mountain or water” [4:37]. This is because in ancient times the space known to primitive man was
limited, and there was no need to give the object a “personal name”. Therefore, man simply called
the river the River, and the mountain - the Mountain.
The role of terms in the toponymy of individual regions is different. So, in the Turkic
toponymy, they make up the bulk of geographical names. Popular geographical terms are the basis
of the toponymy of many regions of the Earth. They determine the specifics of real objects and are
the key to uncovering the etymology of geographical names [7:78].

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Questions of geographical terminology attract the attention of specialists of all republics. The
local geographical terms of Karakalpakstan, unfortunately, are not well understood. Often they are
spelled incorrectly, sometimes the terms are used - tracing paper, instead of the long-established
successful local geographic terms. This leads to terminological differences, different understandings
of the same terms, and confuses scientific and educational literature.
The study of local geographical terms is of great value for the development of scientific
geographical terminology. “It is a geographical term that often defines the semantic content of a
toponym and in itself, either in phrases or phrases, carries certain and rich information, social
information and, first of all, indicates geographical realities. Any geographical research cannot
ignore local terminology, but must begin with the collection and systematization of simple
geographical terms” wrote E.Murzaev [6:65].
Karakalpak geographical terms are very numerous and widespread not only in the territory of
the Republic, but also far beyond its borders. Many terms used by the Karakalpaks are also found in
other peoples speaking the Turkic-Mongolian languages. Some Karakalpak geographical terms are
also firmly included in Russian special literature and are used along with the terms already available
in the Russian language. For example, - Kum (Kizilkum, Karakum), Daria (Amu Darya, Syr
Darya), Tau (Karatau, Aktau).
Many Karakalpak geographical terms reflect the natural features of the territories of
Karakalpakstan, while the vast majority of them refer to relief elements, hydrographies, vegetation,
wildlife, and partly to climate, soil, and the landscape as a whole.
That is why the geographical terms associated with the elements of relief, hydrography, and
with the features of the vegetation cover in Karakalpaks are numerous. Here are some of them‫׃‬
Lake Karatereng, Lake Sarykamysh, Lake Mashankul, Well Terengkuduk, Well Uzunkuyi, Sands
Taskuduk. Settlements Kizilzhar, Karazhar, Akkala, Kazakhdarya, Kuksu, Kukdarya, Kazanketken,
Kanlykul, Altynkul, Koszhap, Takyrkul, Akmangit, Dautkul, Karaoi, Karazhingil, Zhanadarya,
These terms are of great value for the development of scientific geographical terminology in
the Karakalpak language, which is so needed by students and teachers of secondary and higher
educational institutions, as well as literary and scientific workers related to geographical science.
The Karakalpak geographical terms can also provide substantial assistance to cartographers -
transcriptors and fieldworkers of Karakalpakstan, since the vast majority of geographical names on
the territory of Karakalpakstan characterize this or that feature of this area.
1. Ageeva R.A. The origin of the names of rivers and lakes. – M. Science. 1985.
2. Baransky N.I. Local geographical terms. – M. Mysl. 1970.
3. Zhekulin V.S. Historical landscape science and toponymy. – L.1975.
4. Humboldt A. Central Asia. – M. 1915.
5. Karpenko Yu.A. Toponyms and geographical terms (interconnection issues). Sat Geography Issues, vol.
81. – M. 1970.
6. Murzaev E M. The Dictionary of Folk Geographic Terms. – M. 1984.
7. Murzaev E.M. Toponymy and geography. – M. 1995.

Rezyume. Maqolada geografik nomlarni tadqiq qilishning toponimik metodlari ko’rib

chiqilgan. Ayniqsa Qoraqalpog’istonning mahalliy xalq geografik terminlari haqida.
Qoraqalpog’istonda relef elementlari bilan bog’liq, gidrografiya bilan bog’liq, o’simliklar qatlami
bilan bog’liq geografik terminlar juda ko’p to’plangan. Bu xalq geografik terminlari Respublikani
dala tadqiqot xizmatchilari va kartograf-transkriptorlarning ishlarida yaqindan yordam beradi. Bu
hududning ko’pchilik geografik nomlari mahalliy o’rinning u yoki bu xususiyatlarini xarakterlaydi.
Резюме. В статье рассматриваются методы топонимических исследований

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

применительно к географическим названиям, а также местные народные географические

термины по Республике Каракалпакстан. Эти географические термины, связанные с
элементами рельефа, гидрографией и с особенностями растительного покрова у
каракалпаков многочисленные народные географические термины могут оказать
существенную помощь картографам-транскрипторам и работникам полевых исследований
Республики. Большинство географических названий данной территории характеризуют ту
или иную особенность местности.

Kalit so’zlar. Gegrafik nom, toponimlar, landshaft, mahalliy, metod, mahalliy geografik
terminlar, geografik obektlar, tadqiqot, turkiy toponimlar, etimologiya, geografik terminologiya,
Ключевые слова. Географические названия, топонимы, ландшафт, местность, метод,
народные географические термины, географические объекты, исследование, тюркские
топонимы, этимология, географическая терминология, терминология.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Resume: In this article, the relevance of the research and the need to grow licorice in the
conditions of Karakalpakstan is disclosed. Given the current state and analyzed the regulatory
framework for the development of the sphere. Also, the forecast parameters for the production of
licorice root in the Republic of Karakalpakstan are given. Taking into account the potential of the
region, the necessity of export of processed licorice with value added is justified. Based on the
results of the study, recommendations were given on further enhancing the region's potential in the
production and processing of licorice.
Keywords: Action strategy, licorice root, plantation, agriculture, free economic zone,
territorial approach, soil composition change, management efficiency, farming, export, payments,
pharmaceutical, industrial processing.

At the stage of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a lot of research is being carried
out in the field of science, which is one of the main measures aimed at solving the problem of
meeting the food needs of the population in the future. At the same time, agricultural workers have
a great responsibility, and the creation of drought, salt and disease-resistant agricultural crops is the
first task of every scientist, specialist and representative of this field. There are more than 4,500
species of plants in the country, the most important of which are industrial raw materials and
medicinal plants (650 species). It is widely used in the industry and in various sectors of agriculture.
[5], [7] Licorice root is becoming a competitive product in the world market. Today, licorice is used
in many fields, and interest in it is only growing. It is known that now there is a return to natural
products all over the world. In this regard, the wide use of licorice root and the medicinal properties
of the product make it a leader in the world pharmacology, cosmetology and food industries.

Licorice Glycyrrhiza L -
There are 13 species of
plants belonging to the Licorice is a perennial plant In food, light, metallurgy,
genus Licorice. In these widely used in the chemistry, cosmetics,
rounds manufacture of medical, agriculture, animal
Type 5 contains food and cosmetology husbandry
glycyrrhizin. The products
Kyzylkum is found at
altitudes of up to 2,000
meters above sea level

Figure 1. Advantages of the widespread use of licorice root in industry and various sectors of

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

A number of works in this direction are being carried out in our country as well. In particular,
according to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, more than thirty enterprises in the form of net
ownership in the network regions of Uzbekistan are engaged in the preparation and processing of
licorice root. [6] Most of these enterprises work mainly for the foreign market. More than 70% of
the licorice root grown and processed in our country is exported abroad. [6] In this context, in order
to further regulate the systematic organization of cultivation, collection, preparation and processing
of wild plants in the country, to create favorable conditions for businesses interested in exporting
raw licorice as raw material, as well as to further liberalize foreign economic activity. big plans and
activities are underway. In this regard, during the visit of President Sh.Mirziyoyev to
Karakalpakstan on December 15, 2017, he spoke about what to plant and how to plant. instructed
on cultivation. [8] It is planned to establish a state commission to coordinate the establishment of
plantations of licorice and industrial processing of roots. In addition, the target parameters for the
establishment of licorice plantations in the country in 2017-2025 and root cultivation in 2021-2025
have been set. It is planned to plant licorice plantations on an area of 18,510 hectares in the country
in 2017-2021 and to grow 144,878 tons of roots in 2021-2025. It is planned to plant licorice in
16010 areas in the Republic of Karakalpakstan in 2017-2021 and to grow 124878 tons of root crops
from these areas in 2021-2025. [1], [2], [3] Creation of licorice plantations in the districts of the
Republic of Karakalpakstan. The target parameters for the cultivation of raw materials are given in
the following appendix. [1] (Table 1).

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

May 16, 2017 №PD 2970

Indicators of target parameters for the creation of licorice plantations and the cultivation of
root crops in the period 2017-2021
Licorice plantation area, ha Target parameters of root preparation

All Over the years All Over the years

№ Districts
2017- 2021-
2021 y 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2025 y 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

All 18 510 2 420 3 380 3 600 4 440 4 670 144 878 18 956 26 444 28 160 34 752 36 566
Republic of 16 010 2 020 2 980 3 200 3 840 3 970 124 878 15 756 23 244 24 960 29 952 30 966
1 Amudarya 380 65 65 70 90 90 2 964 507 507 546 702 702
2 Beruni 820 115 150 175 190 190 6 396 897 1 170 1 365 1 482 1 482
3 Kanlykol 1 175 160 225 230 265 295 9 165 1 248 1 755 1 794 2 067 2 301
4 Karauzyak 1 270 165 220 250 315 320 9 906 1 287 1 716 1 950 2 457 2 496
5 Kegeyli 1 825 150 320 345 485 525 14 235 1 170 2 496 2 691 3 783 4 095
6 Kungrad 1 340 165 220 280 325 350 10 452 1 287 1 716 2 184 2 535 2 730
7 Muynak 225 30 45 45 50 55 1755 234 351 351 390 429
8 Nukus 2070 200 395 420 525 530 16146 1560 3081 3276 4095 4134
9 Takhtakupyr 1650 200 325 325 400 400 12870 1560 2535 2535 3120 3120
10 Turtkul 390 65 70 75 90 90 3042 507 546 585 7002 702
11 Khodjeyli 1250 250 250 250 250 250 3750 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950
12 Chimbay 1950 260 370 390 465 465 15210 2028 2886 3042 3627 3627

President Sh.M.Mirziyoyev also improved the socio-economic situation in the Republic of

Karakalpakstan and correctly identified the area and location of agricultural crops, made good use
of marketing and cultivated a large number of plants that can produce medicinal, bread and oil

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

products, improving their quantity and quality. was tasked to go. [8] To solve this problem, the area
under cotton in the Republic of Karakalpakstan will be reduced by 30% in the future, and the task
will be to plant more crops that could have a positive impact on the economy, which grows well in
the country. [8] The reason is that most of the soils of the Republic of Karakalpakstan are low-
yielding, and often cotton grown on soils with a fertility of less than 40 points does not justify itself.
Therefore, licorice and other medicinal and fodder crops have been replaced by them. If we
cultivate plants that are still growing naturally in the Republic and can produce good yields, are
resistant to salinity and have a positive effect on soil fertility, then The raw material of licorice from
our republic is exported to developed countries such as the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Japan,
Korea. [5], [6] It should be noted that this plant is not demanding to soil conditions, groundwater is
close, re-saline. it is undoubtedly important in terms of improving the reclamation of lands, as well
as achieving high economic efficiency by cultivating in areas left out of the agricultural cycle. Of
course, the Republic of Uzbekistan is one of the most developed agrarian countries, and great
attention is paid to boosting the economy, the use of advanced technologies in agricultural
production, targeted, economical and efficient use of water and land resources, crops, including
medicinal plants. [6]
For many years, chronic cotton planting, pre-sowing chemical treatment of seeds, excessive
use of mineral fertilizers for high yields, not only to the cotton crop, but also to the deterioration of
soil structure, composition, soil erosion and soil microflora and adversely affected its biological
activity. In addition, the salinity of soils of the country, such as desert, meadow, bald, sandy,
pasture, high temperatures, hot winds, droughts are one of the factors that directly affect soil
fertility and need to be addressed urgently in agricultural development. The plants are useful for the
human body in the effective treatment of diseases. [5] In addition, it is reliable and inexpensive to
grow on our own. In addition, they have the opportunity to export due to high demand abroad.
This year, more than 800 hectares of licorice plantations are being established in the forestries
of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm region. At present, a special association has been
established to organize the cultivation and export of licorice root to the regions of the Republic of
Uzbekistan. The association is located in Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan. [7]
At a time when licorice root is currently sold at a price of $ 3,000 per ton in world markets, if
we properly organize the cultivation of licorice root in our country, we will contribute to the
development of a very profitable industry for our people. [7] (Figure-2)
From 1 hectare of land - 6 tons of raw material (root 4–5

The price at which it is

6 x 500 $ (1 ton) = $ 3000
exported today

The root for sale is in 6 x 1 mln 200 sum (tons) = 7

the domestic market mln. 200 sums

Finished products for

1 x 800 $ (tons) = $ 800
sale (slides and

Licorice extract 1 x 5000 $ (ton) = 5000 $

Figure 2. An indicator of the export of licorice root and its products in the world market.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

In order to protect the natural resources of licorice in the region, increase its plantations and
increase the efficiency of firms and enterprises engaged in the export of root crops, a unified
regional management system is being established. Licorice cultivation has a positive impact on the
long-term sustainable development of the region. Two resolutions of the President of the Republic
of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers on the establishment of licorice plantations and the
development of the licorice production sector in the Republic of Karakalpakstan in 2017-2021 have
been adopted. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 16, 2017 No
PQ-2970 "On measures to increase the cultivation of licorice and industrial processing in the
Republic of Uzbekistan" and the Cabinet of Ministers of January 27, 2018 "On measures to increase
the cultivation and industrial processing of licorice and other medicinal plants in Uzbekistan"
Resolution No. 63 "On measures for further development" sets the task to create 25,000 hectares of
plantations of licorice and other medicinal plants in the soil and climatic conditions of the Republic
of Karakalpakstan, which requires expanding the scope of scientific and practical research in this
area. [1], [2], [3]
Producers who now grow licorice on new plantations of the licorice plant have been exempted
from dozens of fees, taxes and charges for 5 years. [2] In addition, loans with a four-year grace
period are provided to producers who wish to establish industrial plantations and enterprises
engaged in the industrial processing of licorice.
These measures are expected to bring licorice root production to a new level in
Karakalpakstan. Licorice root produced in the Republic of Karakalpakstan focuses on social,
economic and environmental impacts. [7] Growing it has many positive effects. From an economic
point of view, the expansion of licorice root production due to the increase in demand and price for
liquid products brings significant income to farmers and entrepreneurs [7]. In short, by creating
licorice root plantations, we can have a number of positive effects and benefits:
1. Creation of new jobs in rural areas; According to the calculations of the Cabinet of
Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in 2015-2018, more than 1,000 jobs were created by
entities engaged in licorice root products.
2. Attracts foreign direct investment; The Uzbek government has already set goals to
subsidize the production of consumer goods. Chinese investment is also expected to flow into the
pharmaceutical industry.
3. Increases revenues from the export of licorice products in the Republic of Karakalpakstan;
Through the development of licorice root plantations, many factories and firms engaged in the
cultivation and processing of licorice in Karakalpakstan will appear and operate. They help increase
revenue by exporting high quality products.
4. Leads the improvement of regional infrastructure; To deliver a product to end users,
manufacturers need a connected network of transportation and delivery. With the growth of licorice
root production in Uzbekistan, there will be an opportunity to develop road infrastructure in the
5. Improves the living standards of the population in rural areas; People working in
agriculture can increase their income by selling their products. Thus, small-scale production may be
a solution for local farmers, as licorice requires a “simple investment” of 16 and can be exported at
a higher price. Exports of processed or unprocessed root products increase the living standards of
farmers in rural areas of Karakalpakstan.
6. Licorise helps to reduce secondary soil salinity or prevent it from accumulating afterwards.
Accumulation of glycyrrhizic acid in migratory roots prevents the concentration of salts in the root
zone. In addition, anise root does not require much water.
7. Contributes to the sustainable development of the region; In general, the impacts on the
economy, society and the environment lead to sustainable development. There is sufficient evidence
that the Republic of Karakalpakstan has a positive impact on the economy, society and the

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

environment. Growing large quantities of licorice root can be an important step in improving the
living standards of the rural population by creating new jobs and increasing farmers' incomes in the
rehabilitation of degraded lands in the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

[1]. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №PP-2970 dated May 16, 2017 "On the
cultivation of licorice in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the increase of industrial processing."
[2]. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan №63 dated January 27, 2018
"On measures to further develop the cultivation of licorice and other medicinal plants and industrial
processing in the Republic of Uzbekistan."
[3]. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan №138 dated February 15, 2019
"On additional measures for the effective organization of cultivation and industrial processing of licorice and
other medicinal plants."
[4] .Baxiev. A. Zarosli solodki goloy v nijnem techenii Amudari.-Tashkent: Izd-vo «Fan» -Tashkent:
1976, - 114 p.
[5] A.D. Kuziev "Scientifically based manual for the cultivation of licorice in the Republic of
Karakalpakstan" Nukus-2017 5-6 p.
[6] Tashmatov.R.K. «Perspectives of industrial production and export of root crops in Uzbekistan»
«Economy and education» magazine 2017 y 47-54 p
[7] M.Yu.Ibragimov, M.X.Gaipov, A.M.Zakimov Agrotechnology for the cultivation and reproduction of
dyed plants in the regions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Methodical manual.
[8]. - Speech by Shavkat Mirziyoyev during his visit to the Republic of
Karakalpakstan on December 15, 2017.

Rezyume:Mazkur maqolada Qoraqolpogʼiston Respublikasi sharoitida qizilmiyani

yetishtirish zarurati ochib berilgan. Shuningdek, mazkur soha rivojlanishining hozirgi holati va
huquqiy-meʼyoriy bazasi tahlil qilingan. Shu bilan birga Qoraqolpogʼiston Respublikasida
qizilmiya ildizini etishtirish boʼyicha prognoz parametrlari keltirilgan. Mintaqaning salohiyatini
hisobga olgan holda qoʼshilgan qiymatga ega boʼlgan sanoat yoʼli bilan qayta ishlangan qizilmiya
mahsulotlarini eksport qilish zarurati asoslangan. Tadqiqot natijalari boʼyicha qizilmiyani ishlab
chiqarish va qayta ishlash sohasida mintaqaning salohiyatini yanada oshirish boʼyicha tavsiyalar
Резюме: В данной статье раскрыта актуальность исследования и необходимость
выращивания солодки в условиях Республики Каракалпакстана. Дано современное состояние
и проанализирована нормативно-правовая база развития сферы. Также приведены
прогнозные параметры производства корня солодки в Республике Каракалпакстан.
Учитывая потенциал региона обоснована необходимость экспорта переработанной
солодки с добавленной стоимостью. По результатам исследования даны рекомендации по
дальнейшему повышению потенциала региона в сфере производства и переработки солодки.

Kalit soʼzlar: Harakatlar strategiyasi, qizilmiya ildizi, plantatsiya ,qishloq xoʼjaligi, erkin
iqtisodiy zona,hududiy yondashuv,tuʼproqning tarkibining oʼzgarishi, boshqaruv
samaradorligi,fermer xoʼjaliklari,eksport,toʼlovlar,farmotsevtika,sanoat usulida qayta ishlash.
Ключевые слова: стратегия действий, корень солодки, плантация, сельское
хозяйство, свободная экономическая зона, территориальный подход, изменение состава
почвы, эффективность управления, сельское хозяйство, экспорт, платежи, фармацевтика,
промышленная переработка.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC 9.91.910.910.3



Jumakhanov Sh.Z1., Toshpulatov A.M1., Niyazimbetova G2.

Namangan State University, 2Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: This article analyzes the history of formation, genetic classification, and modern
features of the use of toponomas of enclave / exclave territories in Central Asia, in particular the
Fergana Valley.
Key words: enclave, exclave, toponym, anthropotoponym, ethnotoponym, phytooyconym,
toponimic relative negativity, toponymic classification.

It is important to analyze the toponymic features of geographically and geopolitically unique
enclaves / exclaves. In particular, this article describes the toponymic features of the enclave /
exclave areas formed in the Fergana Valley.
Analysis and results
The Fergana Valley is the largest and most economically developed mountain basin in Central
Asia [1, -P. 18]. As a region of natural-historical, socio-cultural integrity, it has an interconnected
economic complex that has been formed over thousands of years. However, in the 20s-30s, ethnic
divisions into "nation-states" and subsequent demarcations split them into three.
As a result of unreasonable delimitation, the territory of some states remained within another
country, and enclaves / exclaves were formed, causing many limological problems.
Therefore, this is because a part of another country surrounded by another state is an enclave
for the surrounding state and an exclave for the mainland state.
In the Fergana Valley, such territories include Sokh, Shahimardan, Chongara, Djangail (the
territories of Uzbekistan surrounded by Kyrgyzstan), Vorukh, Kayragach (the territories of
Tajikistan surrounded by Kyrgyzstan), Sarvak (the territory of Tajikistan surrounded by
Uzbekistan), Barak (the former territory of Kyrgyzstan surrounded by Uzbekistan) enclave /
The study of the toponymic genesis of these "geopolitical islands" can serve as a unique
indicator in revealing their current characteristics (Figure 1).
Sokh is an exclave of Uzbekistan located in the Batken region of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.
It covers an area of 236 km2 and has a population of 77,7 thousand people. The length of the border
is 135 km. The closest distance to the mainland state is 11 km.
Sokh is one of the ancient historical sites of Uzbekistan. Paleolithic artifacts have been found
in the Selungur Cave in the Sokh Basin. The Persian-tajik book “Hudud ul-Alam”, written in 982-
983, states that Sokh was located among the mountains and contained 60 villages [2, -P. 293].
Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur also mentioned in his book “Baburnama” that he stayed in Sokh for a
year before his trip to Kabul [3, -P. 7]. The name of the territory was also called Sokh (as well as
Sox, Sukh) in those times.
In Sogdian it means "pleasant". The toponymic genesis of oyconym is unclear. On the one
hand, it can be considered as an ethnotoponym in connection with the Sogd ethnonym formed on
the basis of the Saka and Sogdian languages of the ancient Saka-xaumavorka tribes living in the
Fergana Valley and the Pamirs. Also, the locals think that the toponym is associated with the word
sokh, sugd, which means "radiant coal".

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Figure 1. Toponymic features of enclave / exclave areas in Fergana Valley

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

This idea is also emphasized by Sh.Kamoliddin (2006) in defining the etymology of the word
Sogd. According to him, this word was considered a sacred thing known in the Avesta period - the
custom of burning (burning for purity) [4, -P. 121].
Shahimardan is an exclave of Uzbekistan located in the Batken region of the Republic of
Kyrgyzstan. It covers an area of 90 km2 and has a population of over 6 thousand people. The closest
distance to the mainland state is 14,8 km.
Shahimardan has an ancient history. This place has the status of one of the seven shrines
where the Caliph Ali ibn Talib was buried. The name of the village Shahimardan goes back to Ali
ibn Talib. Because he was called "King of the brave" by the people. Russian scholar A.Fedchenko
mentions the name Shahimardan in his “Journey to Turkestan”: “Shahimardan is located at the
confluence of two rivers, Aksuv and Koksuv. The village has a relatively small bazaar. The bazaar
is connected to the sacred mausoleum in the form of a waqf, and the place itself can be seen as a
temple. The saints buried here are called Shahimardan, the "king of men" and his name is his
nickname. Some have tried to convince us that he was Ali, one of the first caliphs (the Companion
Ali ibn Abu Talib, who died in 661 AD). Today, this mausoleum is the most sacred place in the
Kokand Khanate, and is even more famous than the sacred places of ancient Osh. Many pilgrims
visit him not only from different parts of the khanate, but also from neighboring countries. I wanted
to see the mausoleum. But I did not succeed. It is said that the caliph Ali could not see the tomb of
anyone else” [9]. This means that the word "Shahimardan" is derived from the Persian-tajik
language and is considered a linguistic compound. It is a phraseological toponym when expressing
a combination of noun + adjective + affix and etc.
Chongara (Kalacha or Northern Sokh) is an exclave of Uzbekistan located in the Batken
region of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. It has an area of 261 hectares, 240 households and a
population of more than 1400 people [10]. The closest distance to the mainland state is 2,3 km.
It can be said that the name enclave / exclave is given differently in different literatures. In
particular, they can be analyzed as follows:
• Chongara is an ethnotoponym derived from the name of the Chongar tribe of Turks [4, -P.
150], which in Kyrgyz means "native", "land of the rich". However, it is advisable not to use the
toponym in relation to the exclave. This is because to the west and to the left of the Sokh River
there is a large village called Chongara in Kyrgyzstan. Such naming may lead to international
• When the term Kalacha is used, the image of a walled castle or fortress comes to mind. But
it can also be interpreted as a small village. The name literally means "a new village separated from
a large village". This can be explained, as noted above, by the fact that the exclave was separated
from a large settlement in the west;
• Northern Sokh corresponds to the topology of the territory when the content is burned. The
reason is that it is part of the Sokh district, located to the north of the district and in the upper
reaches of the Sokh River, and so on. In this regard, the use of the toponym Northern Sokh in
relation to the enclave in the scientific literature is justified.
Djangail (Khalmion or Northern Shahimardan) is an exclave of Uzbekistan located in the
Batken region of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. It covers an area of 42 hectares, has a population of
more than 150 people, and the closest distance to the main state is 0,76 km.
This enclave is mentioned in various scientific literature under several names:
 Khalmion - in Tajik, means "middle", "middle ground", the enclave is located in the
Kadamjai region of Batken, which enters the southern part of the Fergana district in the form of a
sea bay. Although its name is topologically correct, its use in accordance with the current
delimitation and demarcation, in our opinion, creates inconsistencies. This is because such a
toponym belongs to a settlement in the west of the enclave (located in Kyrgyzstan).
 It is also called the Northern Shahimardan because the region is located north of the
Shahimardan enclave, in the upper reaches of the Shahimardan River, which flows from the Alai

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Mountains to the north. However, in our opinion, it is not correct to call the enclave by such a
name. Because, firstly, it is located not far from the enclave of Shahimardan, and secondly, it is not
directly on the bank of the river Shahimardan. However, due to the fact that Shahimardan was not a
separate district (as observed in Sokh), it could not unite Djangail as an integral part of it. It is
expedient to name Shahimardan as a separate name, as it is a part of Fergana district like Djangail;
 Djangail is a Kyrgyz word for "new village" and is suitable for use as a toponym (although
in Kyrgyz). There are no boundaries, no inconsistencies in administrative management, the name is
simple. This toponym is a compound oyconym created in the combination of adjective (jani = new)
+ noun (ayil = village) in accordance with the method of word formation in the Turkic languages,
and represents a metaphorical (analogical) method of semantic transfer.
Vorukh is an exclave of Tajikistan located in the Batken region of the Kyrgyz Republic. It
covers an area of 130 km2 and has a population of over 35 thousand people. The closest distance to
the mainland state is 3,7 km.
The territory has an ancient history. In particular, Z.M.Babur in the architectural work
"Baburnama" referred to him as Vorukh and noted that he was one of the four components of the
Isfara region [3, -P. 7]. Vorukh in the Sogdian language means vori – “fortress", "castle" [5]. On the
one hand, this means that the ancient settlement was surrounded by a wall for protection purposes,
and on the other hand, it means that the population built a stone wall to prevent floods. Such
features are found in many toponyms associated with the name of the castle, and so on.
Kayragach (Western Kalacha) is an exclave of Tajikistan located in Lailak district of
Batken region of the Kyrgyz Republic. The area is 0,88 km2, the closest distance to the mainland
state is 2,36 km. According to Ilya Buyanovsky, a tourist from Moscow, there is currently no
permanent resident of the Western Kalacha exclave [7].
The name of the area reflects the relative negativity, the toponym is derived from the name of
the most common vegetation in the area.
In this sense, it is a phytooyconym (Greek, "phytos" – plant). Linguistically, the term slate is a
root word because it is not divided into lexical parts.
The enclave is referred to in the literature as the Western Kalacha. In this case, the first part of
the toponym indicates which side of the horizon it is located, while "Kalacha" means a small
dwelling. In general, it means a small settlement in the west (compared to Kyrgyzstan).
Sarvak (Sarvan) is an exclave located in the western part of the Pop district of Namangan
region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 14 km long and 600 m wide. It covers an area of 8,4 km2, has
a population of more than 530 people, and the closest distance to the mainland state is 1,2 km [6, -P.
It is located in the foothills of the Sarvaksai Basin, which means "perfect" in Pashto and
Hindi. In some sources its toponym Sarvan is also widely used. Sarvan means "the best" in Persian
and "generous" and "loving" in Sikh. However, due to the lack of factual data, it is inappropriate to
interpret it as an anthropotoponym (Greek, "anthropo" – person). Therefore, it can be interpreted as
a metaphorical toponym, given that it has the meaning of qualitative resemblance.
Barak is former exclave of Kyrgyzstan located in Kurgantepa district of Andijan region of
the Republic of Uzbekistan. It covers an area of 230 hectares [8], has a population of 625 people
(2014), and the closest distance to the main state is 3,5 km.
Barak – Arabic, meaning "blessed". Indeed, its territory is a high-quality, productive place.
On the other hand, it is an anthroponym (people's name), and the term Barak means "lucky" in
relation to the name. Hence, it can be interpreted as an anthropotoponym associated with a person's
It should be noted that in order to eliminate the "geopolitical island" in 2018, an agreement
was reached between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan on the exchange of land on an area equal to the
enclave. According to him, Uzbekistan has allocated land from the border with Kyrgyzstan, and the
enclave will be eliminated by relocating the population of the enclave.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

The toponymic features of the enclave / exclave areas in the Fergana Valley are unique and
require toponymic research. Because, in the words of Mahmud al-Kashgari, the name of the place
speaks of the territory, that is, if it is knowledge to understand its social and territorial features, then
"speaking" is a real science.

1. Abdullaev O. Fergana Valley: Socio-economic development processes. –Namangan: “Namangan”
publishing house, 2000. –P. 294
2. Koraev S., Toponymy. Chief editor: Boyturaev R. –Tashkent: “National Society of Philosophers of
Uzbekistan” publishing house, 2006. –P. 320
3. Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur. Baburnama / Chief editor: Uktam A. –Tashkent: “Yulduzcha”
publishing house, 1989. –P. 368
4. Akhmadaliev Y., Otakulov P., Mamatisakov Z. Fergana Valley: Names of cities, villages and
neighborhoods. –Tashkent, 2017. –P. 218
5. Koraev S. Dictionary of basic terms and other words forming toponyms of Uzbekistan. –Tashkent:
"Uzbekgeodezkadastr" publishing house, 2001.
6. Bozorov Z. Enclave and exclave territories, their importance in the life of the region. –Termiz, 2018. –
P. 58
7. Buyanovsky Ilya Traveler's notes: how do Uzbeks live in Chon-Gare? 2018.02.17.
8. Pakholin Alexei Fergana Valley – the problem of enclaves goes in the past? 2018.08.21.
9. Shakhimardan is the eternal food of good hearts or the eternal legends of the great mountains.
10. Shukhrat Ganiev visited the village of Chongara , an enclave with 240 households and 1400 people.

Rezyume: Ushbu maqolada Markaziy Osiyo, hususan, Farg’ona vodiysida shakllangan

anklav / eksklav hududlar toponimlarining vujudga kelishi tarixi, genetic tasnifi va hozirgi
qo’llanish hususiyatlari tahlil etilgan.
Резюме: В этой статье анализируется история, генетическая классификация и
современные модели использования топологии анклавных/эксклавных зон в Центральной
Азии, особенно в Ферганской долине.

Tayanch so’zlar: аnklav, eksklav, toponim, antrotoponim, etnotoponim, fitoykonim,

toponomik nisbiy negativlik, toponomik tasnif.
Ключевые слова: анклав, эксклав, топоним, антропотопоним, этнотопоним,
фитоойконим, топонимический относительный негатив, топонимическая классификация.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC: 373.6



Sultansuynov A.S., Djankhodjaev N.Dj.,Yesemuratov B.A.

Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary. The paper presents the results of a survey among teeachers of physical training on
the organization and conduct of physical education lessons in secondary school. The research
results revealed a number of important issues related to the problem of improving the physical
fitness of schoolchildren. The received data confirmed the importance of physical education classes
to supporting harmonious physical education classes to supporting harmonious physical
development of pupils, their all-round physical fitness, to establish a solid base to achieve high
Key words. Experiment, questioning, opinion, students, speed-strength training,
questionnaire, exercise, age, strength, physical training lessons

Introduction. Perfection of physical readiness of pupils is carried out on specially organised

classes of physical training. The physical training is a subject provided by the curriculum in all
classes of a comprehensive school. The subject maintenance is regulated by a government program,
and practical realisation is carried out by teachers of physical training at physical training lessons.
The purpose of ascertaining experiment was definition of expediency of carrying out of
questioning for studying of physical readiness, and in particular high speed-force preparation of
Research methods. Questioning is universal way of research as allows to capture a
considerable quantity of respondents, simultaneously to consider wide enough is abrupt questions
and to do considerable generalisations. Questioning has been spent in 22 comprehensive schools of
Tashkent among 48 teachers of physical training. All teachers with higher education have taken part
in questioning, with an operational experience from 3 and more years, 12 of them have category of
Master of Sports by sports kinds.
Work of the teacher is many-sided and that is not a secret, that in monetary calculation does
not depend on quality and efficiency of its activity. However, 72 % of respondents are very happy
with the profession and work as the teacher of physical cultures.
On a question: whether «If you had to choose anew an occupation, you would repeat your
choice?», 43 % have answered immediately, but the positive relation to a repeated choice of the
trade have noted the majority of respondents - 57 %.
Continuing the given theme, on a questionnaire question: “Your opinion apropos - teacher of
physical training necessarily should...” many respondents that makes 30 %, have added such variant
of the answer: «To be able to come into contacts, confidential relations with parents». The same
quantity of respondents has answered: «to be technically grounded on several kinds of sports». 15
% of respondents have answered: “they have to possess the big physical potential” and “to master a
deep, theoretical knowledge”. 10 % of respondents have answered: “Be capable to judge
competitions”. Opinions of respondents are so various, probably because the trade of the teacher of
physical training is rather many-sided.
Questioning has shown, that 32 % of experts in the field of Physical Culture and Sports

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

consider expedient to hold testing of physical readiness of pupils 2 times a year (in the beginning
and in the end of an academic year). 30 % consider that it is necessary to carry out of 3 times
control of the level of physical readiness of pupils within an academic year. 28 % interrogated
consider, that the control over physical readiness of pupils needs to be spent necessarily, and any
frameworks and restrictions in the given aspect should not be, and 10 % of respondents at all do not
consider necessary to test schoolboys. However, the majority of respondents that makes 75 % has
answered, that testing of physical qualities promotes increase of progress of pupils on physical
training, and also focuses schoolboys on norms (due level) physical development in each age aspect
on what the state of health and state of health of children in many respects depends. Interrogation of
teachers of physical training working with children of younger school age has shown, that only 25
% of them prefer using of tests of the program “Alpomish” and “Barchinoy”.
Practically all respondents (96 %) have noticed, that the program on physical culture, in their
opinion, is calculated on the average pupil, that in turn does not allow to individualise process of
physical preparation, to use the differentiated approach in training. Therefore, lagging behind in
physical development and physical readiness children have no possibility to catch up more
developed contemporaries.
It is important to notice, that the younger school age is the sensitive period for development of
speed-power qualities. On a question: whether “you use in the lessons of exercise for development
of speed-power qualities of schoolboys?” All respondents (100 %), have answered positively.
However, on the following question of the questionnaire where it was necessary to define, what
qualities play the leading part in speed-power preparation of children of the younger school age,
many respondents have answered inadequately. Becomes obvious, that the majority of teachers does
not possess sufficient level of theoretical knowledge on the given question.
In questioning as it was already marked, we used questions, various under the form, functions
and the maintenance. Along with it we used in the questionnaire a question a trap which sounds so:
whether «you are familiar with N. Tastanova’s scientific work “problems of speed-power
preparation of children of younger school age in the course of physical training?” (actually this
work does not exist). At the answer to the given question of opinion of respondents were divided
fifty-fifty – 50 % into 50 %. Using a demographic part, we have defined that skilled teachers - 30
people that make 62,5 % whose experience of work is 10 years and more, have answered fairly, that
we are not familiar with the given scientific work. Young teachers who make up 37,5 % - whose
operational experience does not exceed 5 years, have decided to embellish level of the theoretical
formation and have answered "yes" a trap question. Further for those, who “got” into “the trap”, the
question is concretised and specified, which section (nonexistent) work has more interested our
respondents. Following data are obtained: 55.6 % of respondents have answered, that they liked
section «Speed-power preparation of younger schoolboys»; 33,3% were interested in a section
«Functional preparation» and 11,1 % have directed the attention to section «General physical
training in the course of physical training».
Continuing to consider the received results, we will stop on one of key questions of the basic
part of the questionnaire: “In what kind of sports, in your opinion, speed-power preparation is
necessary?” 21 % of respondents have answered the given question: athletics and weightlifting,
football; 32 % have answered: boxing, kinds of wrestling, sports swimming: 47 % of respondents
have answered: in all kinds of sports.
Further we will consider in more details the questions concerning to speed-power preparation,
leaning on age aspect of development of speed-power qualities. Proceeding, from the received data
it is possible to ascertain the following: 36 % of respondents consider that to develop speed-power
qualities expediently at the age of 11-12 years; 43 % have answered - in 12-13 years and 21 %
assume, that the given qualities are necessary to start to develop at the age of 8-9 years.
To an imaginary question (a “provocative” question on uselessness of SP exercises) 97 % of

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

respondents have answered a conditional kind of a question, that “they do not agree” with that. That
at lessons of physical training there is no necessity to apply exercises of speed-power character.
Only 3 % of the interrogated “agree” with the stated opinion. If to consider that fact, that the
overwhelming majority of respondents (97 %) is considered by exercises for development of speed-
power qualities by necessary section of the program on physical training at school there is obvious a
necessity of the following question, the obtained data on which it is possible to treat as follows. 62
% consider, that it is expedient to develop speed-power qualities in the basic part of a lesson, in
preparatory – 26 %, in final - 9 % and 3 % believe, that in introduction and in an intermediate parts.
Thus, according to the received biographical particulars, it is possible to ascertain, that 3 % of
respondents are characterised by professional incompetence, absence of elementary theoretical
knowledge, that can’t be not reflected in a quality of process of physical education.
The following question of the questionnaire allows to consider studied aspect in more details.
We have obtained following data: 21 % of respondents consider, that it is the most expedient to
conduct lessons of speed-power character in the first and fourth quarters of academic year. Most
likely, to a choice of the given answer has induced the respondents that the basic section of the
program in these quarters is track and field athletics. They have chosen from the general number
interrogated 30 % respondents 2 and 3 quarter, apparently, the answer associated also with the
curriculum where in the given quarters now at Republic schools are spent sports and outdoor games.
47 % of experts have answered, that for efficiency of process of training it is necessary to use all-
the-year-round in training exercises of speed-power character. Less qualified experts (2 %) have
answered, that it is better to use these exercises “on summer vacations”. In this case it is possible to
explain such answer with a carelessness at question reading. Certainly, at answering to the questions
concentration of attention is necessary, concentration and logical thinking. Under answers to
questionnaire questions it is possible not only to steal about a condition of an investigated problem
in practice, but also to analyse the efficiency of activity of physical training teacher.
Using in the questionnaire a dichotomizing question, we have defined, that 95,8 % of
respondents use in the course of physical training lessons an exercise for development of speed-
power qualities of schoolboys. And only 2 respondents that makes 4,2 % from total of the
interrogated have answered negatively to the given question. Having given possibility to
respondents to distribute time for speed-power preparation depending on age of pupils, we got
following data: 37 % of respondents consider, that at younger school age on speed-power
preparation it is necessary to take away 1525 % of time of a lesson; 23 % of respondents take away
50 % of time of a lesson; 21 % of respondents - more than 50 % of time of a lesson; 15 % of
respondents - less than 10 % of time of a lesson and 4 % from among questioned have taken away
10-15 % of time of a lesson. In middle classes of 42 % of respondents take away 50°о lesson time,
28 % of respondents - more than 50 % of time of a lesson, 15 % of respondents - 15-25 % of time of
a lesson. 10 % of respondents - 10-15? » Time of a lesson and 5 % of respondents - less than 10 %
of time of a lesson. In the senior classes of 35 % of respondents take away on the speed-power
preparation more than 50 % of time of a lesson, 21 % of respondents - 15-25 % of time of a lesson,
18 % of respondents - 50 % of time of a lesson. 14 % of respondents - 10-15 % of time of a lesson
and 12 % of respondents take away less than 10 % of time of a lesson.
And again we have asked a dichotomizing question: whether “Do you use control devices of
the level of physical readiness of pupils?” On which it is far not all respondents have answered
positively. 88 % of respondents have positively answered. The obtained data can characterise
qualification of teachers, pedagogical skill and result of activity of teachers.
Taking into account the above-stated we will cite the obtained data at the answer to a
question: “What exercises do you use for development of speed-power qualities of pupils?” 53°о
respondents have answered - run for 100 m, high jumps from running start shuttle run: 34 % of
respondents have answered – throwing of a tennis ball, jumps to length from a place and 13 % have

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

answered - press-ups and cross to 1000 m. In our opinion, some teachers insufficiently enough
orientated in the development of the combined qualities, in particular, confuse the speed-power
qualities and power endurance.
At management of formation of physical qualities, it is necessary to mean the influence of
exercises on development of this or that quality. Therefore, in a following question we have
suggested to answer, in what exercises (from enumerated in the list) speed-power qualities are most
visually shown. Answers looked as follows: 31 % of respondents have noted - a throwing of a
stuffed ball, run on 15 m about places and pulling up on a crossbeam; 42 % of respondents - jumps
in depth, jumps through a skipping rope, run with barriers. Jumps with a skipping rope: 27 % -
press-ups and performance of the gymnastic bridge for a while.
On the basic question of our questionnaire which sounds as: whether “Are you familiar with
exercise - jumps in depth?”, improbably, but the fact: that about 90 % of respondents have answered
negatively though in the previous question of 42 % of respondents have answered, that in exercises
«jumps in depth» are most visually shown speed-power qualities. As an explanation of the given
situation incompetence of teachers, inexperience, confusion can serve, non-compliance as a part of
our respondents are yesterday's graduates and an operational experience at them is still small.
Certainly, the term «jumps in depth» is used in practice not so often though it is an accessible and
widespread exercise.
Further for those who know exercise «jumps in depth» we addressed our following question
supplementing basic. It has been defined, that 48 % of respondents consider, that jumps in depth
promote development of speed-power qualities. 22 % consider, that the given exercise promotes
dexterity development; 13 % have united coordination qualities and high-speed endurance in the
given exercise; 17 % of respondents have answered, that jumps in depth promote development of
power endurance and flexibility.
On the following question of our questionnaire: whether “the term explosive strength is
positively familiar to you” 94.6 % have answered respondents. On a question (last from the basic
part of the questionnaire): “Choose definition which, in your opinion characterises explosive
force?” 15 % of respondents only have correctly answered. 54 % of respondents have mixed the
definitions characterising explosive force and the maximum force, the others - 31 %, have confused
definitions power endurance with explosive force.
Discussion of results. As a result of the spent questioning it has been revealed, that among
teachers of physical training till now there is no common opinion concerning the organisation and
carrying out of lessons of physical training in a comprehensive school in this connection, studying
of the given problem is actual and demands the further comprehensive investigation. The further
perfection is demanded also by a system of preparation of teachers of physical training in higher
educational institutions.
The conclusion. Results of our researches have allowed to reveal a number of the important
questions connected with a problem of perfection of physical readiness of schoolboys. The obtained
data have confirmed great value of lessons of physical training in maintenance of harmonious
physical development of schoolboys, their all-round physical readiness, in creation of strong base
for achievement of high sports results.
1. Ashmarin B.N. Jismoniy tarbiyada pedagogik tadqiqotlar nazariyasi va uslublari. - M.: FvS.1978. - 223 s.
2. Vilenskiy M. Ya., Safin R.S. Pedagogika mutaxassisliklari talabalarining jismoniy tarbiyasida
professional yo'naltirilganligi. - M.: "Высшая школа", 1989. - 160 s.
3. Devyatko I.F. Ijtimoiy tadqiqot usullari. - M.: Universitet, 2002. - 296 s.
4. Kerimov F.A. Sport sohasidagi ilmiy tadqiqotlar. - T .: "Zar qalam", 2004. - 336 s.

Rezyume. Ishda oʽrta maktablarda jismoniy tarbiya oʽqituvchilari oʽrtasida jismoniy tarbiya

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

darslarining tashkil etilishi haqida oʽtkazilgan soʽrov natijalari keltirilgan. Tadqiqot natijalari
talabalarning jismoniy tayyorgarligini yaxshilash muammosi bilan bogʽliq koʽplab muammolarni
koʽrsatadi. Olingan ma’lumotlar jismoniy tarbiya darslarining oʽquvchilarning barkamol jismoniy
rivojlanishini qoʽllab-quvvatlash, ularning har tomonlama jismoniy tayyorgarligini oshirishda
yuqori natijalarga erishish uchun mustahkam zamin yaratishi uchun muhimligi tasdiqlandi.
Резюме. Работа представляет результаты обзора среди преподавателей
физкультуры обучения организации и поведения уроков физкультуры в средней школе.
Результаты исследования показали многие важные проблемы, связанные с проблемой
улучшения физической подготовки школьников. Полученные данные подтвердили важность
уроков физкультуры в поддержке гармоничных классов физкультуры для поддержки
гармоничного физического развития учеников, их всесторонней физической подготовки,
чтобы установить твердую основу для достижения высоких результатов.

Kalit soʽzlar. Tajriba, soʽrov, fikr, talabalar, tezkor kuchlarni tayyorlash, anketa, mashqlar,
yosh, kuch, jismoniy tarbiya darslari.
Ключевые слова. Эксперимент, анкетирование, мнение, школьники, скоростно-силовая
подготовка, анкета, упражнение, возраст, сила, уроки физкультуры.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDС: 792.028

Smaylova G.
Nukus branch of Uzbek State Institute of Arts and Culture

Sammary. The appearance and type of makeup should be chosen based on the
characteristics of the play, the thoughts and concepts of the actor, the director's conception and the
style of decoration of the play, by learning external appearance of the hero will help to study the
inner appearance and open content.
Key word. Theatr, makeup, decoration, color, painter, stade, wig, make-up artist.

From the day that people have appeared, they always try to live their life better. By increasing
their life experiences, lots of news and changes have appeared. In the past, one of the color which
appeared naturally stuck to someone and interested in this color the found them and made some
experiments. Step by step the people of another group started to exert their influence. In the
beginning a simple play or decoration of the body increased day by day. Just now it serves to differ
the group from each other, to determine their position and to reward them.
Then with the help of these colors they started to paint pictures to the mountains, stones and
caves. Over time by using these colors people started to do make up for themselves. Step by step
with the help of these simple colors they were able to create modern types of grim. Over time
people learnt to make different types of plays in order to make their life better and they used
different colors. As a result the different types of grim like actor’s skill, tage artist have been
created. In fact, each of these types of culture and grim brought necessity to learn them very well. In
fact, as a result of tested materials and practical works from life experience and usage grim it is
important to teach young generation. Grim comes from France word, “grime” and means “Happy
old man”. In old Italian language “Grimo” means “wrinkle face”. Grim is a thing that helps to
actors to change their outward appearance with the help of different grim colors, with hairs, wigs,
hairstyles, hats, different masks and etc. Unique types of characteristics and appearance of grim will
be chosen based on the peculiarities of the plays, thoughts and opinions of the actors, the concept of
the director and the style of the play.
These colors also called grim. For example, we use frequently in the theater the words like “
I'll paint grim on my face”, “I have to clean or remove the paint from my face”, “clean the paint
spots”, “now I will use the grim”, “when I have to do the grim?“. The history of the grim originated
from different countries culture, their wedding ceremonies and different types of plays. Software
and grim colors peculiarity which are based on China, Korea, Japan and some West countries
dependent on the past military culture and rules. Actors of the Middle Ages painted their face to the
colors which obtained from plants. From many years ideal, enriched and developed version of grim
created by classic theater. Coming to XVIII century people started to strive personal types of grim.
For instance, France actors like A.Leken, F. J. Talma and Great Britain actor D.Garrik are examples
for it. It should be noted that the role of the grim in people’s life especially in the theater is very
important. As with the help of grim we can change our favorite old actor to young powerful boy and
old woman to the young beautiful girl. Usually maker-ups create different appearance with their
hand. In the theater the playwright director, actor, Goddess, make-up artist, musician create
literature play together. Creating together amazing play is very important. Grim is a mastership and
it has its own peculiarity. But it works with equipments. Working on the grim mentions painter’s
works or sculpture works. Maker-up’s responsibility also the same: they must enter actors’ inside
and describe their characters looking their outside. The aim of the grim is to describe their outside
appearance looking to their inside. And so grim is the thing that fit the actor to their character in the

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

theater. Grim is chosen based on literature, plays, scenario, actor’s characters, appearance , actors
and directors aim and so on. According to that, grim is the method which help playwright, scenarist,
director, actor and painter to describe their ideas. If an actor’s play is difficult and takes more
responsibility, grim should be simple and in different shape, also come out from actors
characteristics. It would be very useful to think about those important sides. This process should be
seen from the beginning of the play and during plays also.
In which way the painter should seen the play like author? If only painter describes people
faces with cloth or sheets, grim maker could do people’s outside appearance lively. Grim process
investigate people outside appearance from their inside characters. It will help to know more about
their inside characters.
Experiments have shown that with the help of grim unimportant face of the actor can give
audiences lots of information about the character of the actor. Grim is very important to show
actor’s inside characters. We all know that K. S. Stanislavskiy who created theater methodology
paid attention theater painters also grim makers’ works, working together with colleges, attended to
repetition and watching actor’s roles. And so if actors play their roles, their first helpful person will
be grim maker. Grim maker works together with painter. Apart from this he must learn and feel the
play. It is necessary grim maker to follow up each of their actions and repetitions. The painter
should paint images and clothes. Creating these pictures- sketches in specific way is grim makers
responsibility and duty. This responsibility is very difficult so grim makers are demanded more
knowledge and mastership.
Grim maker should know the following:
1. History of grim
2. History of the country , culture, clothes, style of life.
3. Development of the theater
4. Types of mastership
5. The ideology of the period, policy and types of mastership
6. Clothes
7. The materials of the grim
8. Techniques of preparing colors
9. Hairstyles
10. Places and time , in which country
Theater actors V.V. Samoylov, A.P.Lenskiy, V.N.Davidov, opera actors F. I. Shalyapin, I.V.
Ershov and others were popular grim masterships. K.S. Stanislavskiy paid his great attention to
grim that influence to actor’s play. In the theater life in Moscow grim is one of the way that reveal
director’s ideas in the play. From that period in the theater appeared “Painter-grim maker” rank
which was director and painter’s partner and helper. In every professions has its own masterships,
its own personalities and individuals . There are so many grim makers and painters who added their
shares to grim. By now they have been developed and in each country and culture you can see lots
of new grim types. West countries say a lot about previous grim makers. These grim makers are M.
G. Faleev, N. M. Sorokin, P. B. Livshic, I. V. Dorofeev and others. In this period grim maker and
painter R. D. Raugul worked very hard in theoretical sides of grim and achieved many results, also
opened a new grim school.
There will be talented people, founders, historical figures who brings any profession to the
level of creativity. We have several make-up artists who have contributed to the development of
make-up art. They exist in the art of every nation and they will be exist so.
In Eastern, it is generally said of the make- up artists of the past. Some of them are
M.G.Faleev, N.M.Sorokin, P.B.Livchik, I.V. Dorofev, etc. In that times, R.D.Raugul engaged in the
basic theories of make-up art, he got loads of achievements and created an unique style.
In any pies or drama performed on the stage, the biggest responsibility for creating live scene

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

are the make up artists, of course. It is the preson who know the characters' face and body structures
better than themselves.
The audience watch with interest actions of characters which made by make up artist. They
have fun with them, cry when actors cry. [1, 44-p]
There is one question. Any spectator thinks about the make up artists which create the
amazing atmosphere? They are aware of the labour of them? They generally know about make up
artists. According to the analysis, there were so few make up artists in Uzbekistan and
Karakalpakstan before.
Theatre -is the place where teach people to be kind and helpful. Authors write the plays which
developed good skill like above. Theatre provide the people these plays.
Bazarbay Sharipov, the deceased, devoted himself to the development of Karakalpak theatre.
There was given some information below:
Life is beautiful with its surprises. Daily troubles, hustle and bustles determine our life way.
Someone will get the most desirable and necessary profession in this life and forever. The life of the
Bazarbay Sharipov, one of the courageous karakalpak men, can be said is not by accident. He
found his way of life in theatre and remained faithful to it. Honoured art artist of Karakalpakstan,
make up artist B.Sharipov was one of the professionals.
He was born in 1927, Kungrad, and he was fourth child in the family of Sharip cooker. He
was influenced by his uncle Yuldash Sharipov, The National Artist of Uzbekistan and
Karakalpakstan. They emigrated to Turtkul in 1940, and had to live in theatre for some time. At that
time, the repetitions, plays, and the actors who wore casual clothes jn daytime and evening changed
into various heroes played a special role in the future of young Bazarbay. He interested in the role,
the clothes, make up of actors, not the playing in street in free times. As a result, when he was 15
teen, in summer 1942, he started to work as an assistant make up artist. I.G.Panis was the make up
artist of the theatre at that time. He taught him the secrets of this job. He also learnt how to kneet
the artificial hair, moustache and beard.
The master taught that before make up an actor, he must learnt the work, biography of
character, the time they live. He also learnt how to use the colours, how to create an image and the
methods of creating artistic harmony from masters, directors and actors. Then he began to draw the
sketch and made an image of characters. He try to express the feelings of personage through make
There were put on stage some plays like: "Maysaranin' isi" by Hamsa, "Tartyuf " by
J.B.Molier, "Revizor" by N.V.Gogol, "Awiriw tisler" by A.Kahhor, "Tabiyat sazasi" , "Kozi-
Korpesh Bayan Sulu" by G.Musrepov, "Aygul-Abat" by J.Aymurzaev, "Baxit" by S.Xojaniyazov.
B.Sharipov contributed to the success of these plays. At the end of 1950 and the beginning of 1960,
there were staged more plays about the problems after war, relationship amon people, duty to the
motherland, loyalty and so on. They are: "Tiklengen tuw" by T. Jumamuratov, "Da'slepki dawis" by
P.Tilegenov, "Russian people" by K.Simonov, "Aral qizi" by J.Aymurzaev, "Qirli soqpaqlar" by
G.Tyugay, who intersted the life of B.Sharipov, wrote an article" Vsya jizn-v teatre" in the
newspaper "Vesti Karakalpakstana". According to that, B.Sharipov as a guard. [2, 2-p]
His uncle worked as an actor. That period, there there were staged plays about the courageous
men of the nation (e.g. "Alpamis"). Furthermore, plays which about brave uzbek men who went war
against fascists (lieuntenant Elmuratov, Kurban Umarov). On May 5, 1942, his uncle Yuldash took
Bazarbay with him to the play “Alpamis”. Bazarbay, who has never been in so many spectators,
looked for his uncle among actors. But he could not find. After play he asked for his uncle: "Which
role did you play?" In that way, he first found out about the make up that completely changed his
uncle. After some time his uncle suggest teaching as a make up apprentice. Bazarbay agreed happily
and began to work. For the purpose of gaining his knowledge, he studied at State academic theatre

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

named after Khamza for 2 years during 1946-1947, especially, in the laboratory of experienced
make up artist V.P. Luchikhin, soon he became one of the popular make up artist in the Republic.
While he was working , he also graduated NSPI, the faculty of chemistry and biology.
During the war, loads of theatres evacuated inner territory of the country. Belorussian
academic theatre evacuated to Karakalpakstan. As a result, Isak Grigorevich Panis became the first
teacher of Bazarbay. He taught both doing make up and kneetting wig. In order to kneet that, hair
should be “planted” to the special string, thus is called "tresirovanie" and it is the first step of the
wig preparation. Only those who have done it know how to difficult it is. "Only after looking the
process of making wig for the play by J.B.Molev, I know how it is hard" said G.Tyugay. [3, 3-p]
As he knew what the make up artist's main job was, Bazarbay prepared for each play. "we
looked through the face of actors,-said B.Sharipov,- and we decided ehat should have been hidden
or shown. After that, we created the image for personage".
B. Sharipov also made up movie actors based on the role they played. e.g. in the films "Gum-
gum", "Qaytiw", B. Sharipov used this method. According to B. Sharipov, there is so many
differences between making up styles of the theatre and movie. e.g. in the theatre, there is a bit
freedom in creating the image of artists who play a role in the theatre. But, in the films do not so.
All of them in it should be real and clear.
B.Sharipov led the Karakalpak State make up shop, and devoted himself to develop the
Karakalpak theatre culture. During his 60-year-activity, he contributed to succeed classical,
historical and modern plays through creating a lot of images.
B. Sharipov worked for many years in Academic musical theatre named after Berdakh and
made loads of friends. He was respected among people. He made several disciples and they all work
in republic theatres. His daughter-in-law Shaxsanem Abdullaeva lead the grim shop now. Janagul
Aytnazarova, one of his disciples, works as a make up artist in the Karakalpak Republic young
audience theatre.

1. R.D.Raugul " Grim isskustvo"1947.
2. G.Tyugay."Vesti Karakalpakstana". 1993,Thursday, N77 (15 779)number ,2-page, "Vsya jizn -v
3. 2.G.Tyugay."Vesti Karakalpakstana".1993, Thursday,N77 (15 779) number, 3-page " Vsya jizn-v

Rezyume. Maqolada grim ishlashning o’ziga xos tomonlari va grim turlari, shuningdek
p’еsanıng badiiy jihatlaridan, aktyorning fikri va diqqatidan, rеjissyorning kontsеptsiyası va
spеktaklni bezatish stilidan kеlib chiqqan holda tanlanishi, grimlash jarayonida qahramonni sirtqi
ko’rinishi orqali uning ruhiy ichki tuyg’ulari ko’rinishini izlab, asar mazmunining yoritilishida
yordam berishi haqida so’z borgan. Qoraqalpoq teatrida grimyorlik qilgan B.Sharipov hayoti
haqida ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.
Резюме. В статье рассматриваются особенности и типы макияжа, а также работа
содержит вопросы художественного аспекта и идеи пьесы, освещения концепции
режиссёра в оформлении стиля пьесы. Дана информация о жизни гримёра Б.Шарипова,
работавшего в Каракалпакском театре.

Kalit soʽzlar. Teatr, grim, dekoraciya, rang, rassom, sahna, parik, boʽyoq, grimyor.
Ключевые слова. Театр, грим, декорация, цвет, художник, сцена, парик, макияж.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC 811.111: 81.373



Kalimbetov Sh.
Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary. This article deals with some problems of polysemy and monosemy words and
phraseological units in translation from English into karakalpak language.
Key words. Polysemy and monosemy words, lexical problems, translation.

Translation is one of the most ancient occupation of human. The difference of languages has
induced people so hard, but so necessary work which served and serves the purposes of dialogue
and an exchange of cultural wealth the people.
One of the main issues of translating for students are lexical problems. As we all know that
lexical translation is divided into two branches. They are polysemy and monosemy. Polysemy is a
word that has more than one meaning. It is contrast to monosemy, which describes a word with one
single meaning only. For example, “box” is a polysemy word, among whose main meanings are
container “ıdıs”, “space for writing in” “blankada toltırıw ushın bos qaldırılǵan orınlıq”, “in
theater” “teatırdaǵı orınlıq”. But the word “telephone” and “sleep” as noun have one meaning each
“telefon”, “uyqı”,. Therefore, they are monosemous [1.90].
There is no serious problem of translation with monosemous words and terms. They are
standardized and available in the target language. Most of these words and terms are of specific,
technical and scientific nature and reference. Hence, the translation into karakalpak language is the
major problems in translation.
The students of translation may know only the common meaning of polysemic word and are
usually used to translate it into karakalpak language, regardless of any of its other possible
meanings. This means that they understand it as a monosemic word, having one meaning only. In
effect, they might commit serious mistakes. The following is a discussion of two major examples,
illustrating some potential problems of translating polysemous lexical items, alongside suggested
solutions to them.
We know the common meaning of “break” as, “sındırıw”, when used as a verb and
“sındırıw”, as a noun e.g.
1. “She broke the mirror”.
“Ol aynanı sındırdı”.
2. “The burglar broke the safe”.
“Urı seyfti omard”.
3. “An explosion broke the silence last night.”
“Ótken túnde partlaw tınıshlıqtı buzdı”.
4. “The wrestler has broken his opponent’s bones”.
“Palwan oziniń qarıslasınıń súyegin sındırdı”.
We can also use “break” in other meanings.
1. “You may have a break”.
“Tánepis qɪlɪwɪńɪz múmkin”.
2. “Please do not break the promise”.
“Iltimas wádeńizdi buzbań”. (Iltimas wádeńizde turɪń).
3. “The prisoner broke jail”.
“Jɪnayatshɪ qamaqtan qashtɪ”.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

4. “Some people break the law”.

“Geybir adamlar nɪzamdɪ buzdɪ”.
5. “The referee broke between the two boxers twenty times”.
“Referi eki boksshɪnɪ jigirma márte ajrattɪ”.
6. “Go break a leg”.
“Tabɪs tilew (imtihan yaki bir is baslamastan aldɪn)” [1.100].
Without doubt, it will be difficult to memorize all these meanings for “break”. We should only
to be bear in mind that it has many meanings, not one meaning only.
Before concluding the solution to the problems of distinguishing the intend meaning of a
polysemous word, here we can see another example: the polysemous word get past form is got
(alɪw, qabɪl etiw, satɪp alɪw, h.t.b) to obtain, to receive, to buy, to acquire are the most popular
meaning .e.g.
“Ross’s father got a new job”.
“Rosstɪń ákesi taza jumɪsqa ornalastɪ.”
“Did you get tickets for the game?”
“Oyɪnǵa bilet aldɪńɪzba?”
“You get ten points for each correct answer”.
“Sizge hár bir durɪs juwap ushɪn on ball beriledi.”.
In these examples, “get” is used and translated into its common meaning (alɪw, qabɪl etiw).
That’s why we have no problem here. But if “get” is used in less common or unknown meanings
most students are mistaken in translating.
“It is getting late – I have to go”.
“Kesh bolɪp baratɪr – men ketiwim kerek”.
“If this spot gets any bigger you should go to the doctor”.
“Eger bul daq úlkenrek bolɪp baratɪrsa sen shɪpakerge kóriniwiń kerek”.
“I will get the children dressed”.
“Men balalardɪ kiyindiremen”.
“We enjoyed wonderful views when we got to the top of the mountain”.
“Bizler taw shoqqɪsɪna shɪqqannɪmɪzda ájayɪp kórinisten zawɪqlandɪq”.
“I didn't get what he said because the music was so loud”.
“Men onɪń aytqan nársesin anɪqlap esite almadɪm sebebi muzɪkanɪń sesti qattɪ shɪǵɪp turɪp
Sometimes context is decisive in guessing the more likely meaning of a polysemous word.
Remember! The context means that: (1) we must look at the preceding and following sentences, or
clauses; and 2. The general context of the whole text should also be taken into consideration when
(1) doesn’t help.
“The athlete fell down in the race. He broke his arm. That’s why he was taken to hospital”.
“Sportshɪ jarɪs payɪtɪnda jɪǵɪlɪp qolɪn sɪndɪrɪp aldɪ. Sol sebepli onɪ emlewxanaǵa alɪp ketti”.
To give the correct translation of the polysemous word “broke” we look at previous sentence
to find out that an athlete “fell down” in a race”. Then we suppose the following sentence to
discover that a hospital is mentioned.
“In the early 1980s some members of the British Labour Party broke away to form the Social
Democratic Party”. Here “broke away” is translated into karakalpak “belgili bir topardɪń aǵzasɪ
bolɪwɪn toxtatɪw yaki kelise almaǵanlɪǵɪ, sebepli bas tartɪw”. That’s why we cannot translate “break
away” into karakalpak as “sɪndɪrɪw”, because it is unclear and we should pay attention to the
context [2.23].
In conclusion, monosemic words do not bring a problem of meaning confusion whereas
polysemic words do. That’s why we teachers and students should be careful when translating both
in spoken and written.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

1. Ghazala H., Translation as problems and solutions. Saudi Arabia 1995.
2. Collins English Dictionarry, 7th ed. – Glasgow: HarperCollins Publishers, 2005.
3. Muminov O., Sunnatov O. History of translation.- T., 2008.
4. Salomov G. Tarjima nazariyasi asoslari.-T., 1990.
5. Barxudarov S. Yazik i perevod. – M., 1975.

Rezyume. Maqolada ko’p ma’noli va bir ma’noli so’zlar, frazeologik birliklar va ularning
ingliz tilidan qoraqolpoq tiliga tarjima muammolariga oid masalalar.
Резюме. Статья посвящена некоторым проблемам перевода слов полисемии и
моносемии а также фразеологический единиц с английского на каракалпакский язык.

Kalit soʽzlar. Koʽp ma’noli va bir ma’noli soʽzlar, leksik muammolar, tarjima.
Ключевые слова. Полисемия и моносемия, лексический проблемы, перевод.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC: 796.82


Turdymuratov Zh.A1., Tashnazarov J.Yu2.
Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh
Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports

Summary. The article describes how young Greco-Roman wrestlers should be taught
techniques. Teaches young Greco-Roman wrestlers the techniques of modeling their training
techniques. Learning that how to increase the effectiveness of using the modeling of young Greco-
Roman wrestlers in the training process.
Key words. Physical training, technical methods, training, training process, modeling,

Our country is focusing on a range of scientific and practical measures to study theoretical
and practical aspects of sports and to create training sessions that suit our athletes. In order to
develop the sport in our country, a number of high-level creative works are being carried out, as
well as by the standard design of sports complexes operating in developed countries. In addition to
standardizing sports facilities, they are also being studied.
The aim of the research: The role of modeling in the teaching of technical techniques of
young Greco-Roman wrestlers.
Research objectives: - To learn how to model sports in wrestling.
High sports skills require continuous technical and tactical training. Practice shows that many
wrestlers successfully participate in large contests at least 1-2 times. This is usually due to the fact
that their technical and tactical skills have ceased to exist. Wrestling has to be constantly refreshed
and improved. Unfortunately, some wrestlers think that perfectionism means eliminating the
deficiencies they have. They pay little attention to failed attacks. The principle of improving
technical and tactical skills is to influence all aspects of the skill together.
Effective management of the training process involves the use of various models. The model
word is used as a reference (standard, reference). In the broadest sense, it is an example (imaginary
and contingent) of an object's process or event. The word "model" has the same meaning in both
scientific and methodological literature and sports [1,2,3].
The model is the sum of the achievements of sportsmanship in a particular sport. As a result
of using and processing the model, a modeling process is built.
Participating in sports preparation and competition helps you learn, identify, and apply
Modeling is an important factor in the organization, planning of athlete training, creating
opportunities for achieving the desired results, correcting tasks, and using the right tools in training.
The terms "model" and "modeling" - play an important role in sports theory and practice. For
example, in the scientific and methodological literature and sports articles, the term is used almost
20 times more often than 60-70 years [1,2].
The technical training of the wrestler is characterized by the level of involvement of the
athlete in the system of actions to ensure high athletic performance [4].
In Greco-Roman wrestling, the athlete has many technical features and is different from other
sports. The classification, system, and terms of the technique of wrestling have been developed to
regulate the technical actions of the wrestling type and to enable communication among experts in
this field.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Classification is a system of interconnected concepts (classes, objects, events) in one or

another area of knowledge. The classification is based on the general character of the objects and
the legal relationship between them. Classification helps keep objects in the right order and is a
source of knowledge about them [5].
Practice shows that top-ranked athlete in these groups has the opportunity to achieve high
results in major competitions. The same situation can be seen in the long-term acclimatization of
athletes who specialize in many types of sports.
Here, teams of high-achieving athletes are divided into groups based on their equal training
and success in competitions, their individual achievements and talents. High scores in groups such
as running and jumping or throwing are often divided into groups. Even the world record holder,
two-time Olympic champion D. Thompson, has achieved excellence in many types of wrestling,
and his preparation has been disproportionate [2,3].
For example, he scored 100 m in the 100 m hurdles at the XXII Olympic Games, 46-56 in the
400 m, 8.01, 203 and 500 m in the long jump. These results are the highest in some types of
wrestling. At the same time, D. Thompson's high results in nuclear jumping and spear fell to some
extent - 15.72 and 66-24 m. According to the results of most fights, it is 19-17 and 82-14 meters.
In sport practice, three models are used. The high-end model provides a common route for
sports training and competition. Provides the basis for the athlete's performance and training
The effect of using the model's generalization and grouping skills is particularly enormous in
the training of young people or adults who have not yet reached sporting heights [1].
When preparing world-class athletes, it is not enough to consider just one of these models. A
talented athlete demonstrates the brilliant features, unique abilities and enduring will of his
Many years of preparation for model stages, macro cycles and training should include the
basic laws of sports skills. During the preparation period, it is necessary to use the specifics of the
adaptation to represent the highest sport results [1,2,3].
The regularities of the various exercises in the workout plans show that the nature of the
fatigue process depends on the high performance characteristics.
Exercises of a particular model and their complexes are built on the mechanism of
acceleration. The function of the exercise parameters (the duration of the individual exercises and
their complexity, the effectiveness of the workouts, the interruption and continuation of the
exercises, the total number of exercises) will be focused on improving the types of training.
We have also formed 3 groups of 10 to use the modeling technique to develop the technical
training of young Greco-Roman wrestlers. Each group member passed the test we developed at the
beginning of the study. Group 1 continued their work after the test. Group 2 was monitored after the
test. After the 3rd group tests, we received the workloads developed by us. Group 2 is a three-month
course of training.
The research team is in the process
1. Learn how each wrestler performs well.
2. Study and model the team of strong wrestlers who have successfully used the methods
learned in prestigious competitions.
3. Use this model to train young Greco-Roman wrestlers in the training process.
Over the course of 3 months, we have modeled the training process of three Greek Greco-
Roman wrestlers on the exercises with young Greco-Roman wrestlers, reduced the load, increased
the intensity, but the repetition of the method remained in place.
Methods (obtained at the beginning and end of the study) of young Greco-Roman wrestlers in
groups (1–3) performed in the competition in order to determine their technical skills (Table 1).

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

(Table 1)

Conclusion: The results show that when using modeling in sports, the type of sport, group,
appearance of model, skill level, athlete's training, age, and gender should be appropriate. Modeling
sports wrestling, though theoretically, is very often practiced by athletes, which in turn helps
athletes adapt the physical, technical and tactical training of other strong athletes, including
1. V.N.Platonov. – «Obshaya teoriya – podgotovka sportsmenov v olimpiyskom sporte». Olimpiyskaya
literatura. Kiev-1997.
2. N.A.Tastanov. – «Kurash turlari nazariyasi va uslubiyati» Darslik. Toshkent -2015.
3. N.A.Tastanov. – «Kurash turlari nazariyasi va uslubiyati» Darslik. Toshkent -2017.
4. Tursunov Sh.S. - Yunon-rim kurashi bo’yicha mashg’ulot asoslari. O‘quv qo‘llanma. Toshkent – 2017.
53 b.
5. Tursunov Sh.S. - Yunon-rim kurashi nazariyasi va uslubiyati. O‘quv qo‘llanma. Toshkent – 2017. 99 –
256 b.

Rezyume. Maqolada yosh yunon-rim kurashchilarining texnik usullarni oʽrgatish usullari

keltirilgan. Yosh yunon-rim kurashchilarning mashgʽulot jarayonlarida texnik usullarga oʽrgatishni
modellashtirish uslublarini oʽrganilgan. Shuningdek, yosh yunon-rim kurashchilarni mashgʽulot
jarayonlarida modellashtirish usulidan foydalanish samadarligini oshirish usullari oʽrganildi.
Резюме. В статье рассказывается, как молодые греко-римские борцы должны
обучаться техническим приемам. Изучены методы модельной подготовки юных греко-
римских борцов к технической подготовке. Также были изучены способы, с помощью
которых молодые греко-римские борцы используют методы моделирования на тренировках.

Kalit soʽzlar. Jismoniy tayyorgarlik, texnik usullar, oʽquv-mashgʽulot, mashgʽulot jarayoni,

modellashtirish, optimallashtirish.
Ключевые слова. Физическая культура, технические методы, тренировка,
тренировочный процесс, моделирование, оптимизация.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC: 908 + 930.85



Jangabaev J.J.
Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary. This article deals with the importance of waterways in development of transport
communication system in South Aral areas, especially, Aral Sea, Amu Darya and its branches. In
addition to, there are explained the role of water ways in terms of development of relations and
connection between South Aral areas and other countries in social-economic life in there. Water
connections, transports and inner branches ate clarified with the help of scientific investigation at
that period.
Key words. Amu Darya, Aral Sea, Amu Darya flotilla, Amu Darya expedition, A.I.Butakov,
X.Vamberi, Kungrad, Kuanishjarma.

Way connections and history of transport are the most important part of our nation. In terms
of economy, cultural relations and inner way connections and transports played an important role in
the past.
In Central Asia water ways and transports appeared in ancient times. Small boats appeared in
Neolithic age. That process depends on the clans which lived in the banks of river and did fishing
crafts. Based on the shipbuilding was begun in midstream and downstream areas, the owners of
Kelteminar culture in the downstream of Amu Darya are one of the founders of it. Bestobe mural
paintings situated 20 km away from Nukus can be one example for it.
The role of Amu Darya waterway in Central Asia, especially, in social-economic life,
transport communication system in South Aral areas is very important. The water ways through
Amu Darya organized some significant branches of territorial communication system, they played
an important role in territorial economic-cultural relations. Shipbuilding was not developed enough
in Middle Ages. In that period, loads of shipbuilding centers were organized as well as the
development of water ways. The main centre in downstream areas specialized in ship making and
repairing was Kat (current Beryuniy) [8.75].
According to the Russian manuscripts, at the end of 19th century,the ships in Amu Darya
divided into large,medium and small types; a large ship was 56 foot in length,14 foot in width, 4
foot in height,the interior was 1 foot in depth (1 foot is equal to 30,48cm). Other facts emphasized
that the small ships were 5 fathom, medium ships were 10 fathom, large ships were 15 fathom in
length (1 fathom is equal to 2,13meter) [7.231].
There should be paid a duty for carrying people and cargoes in Amu Darya and other rivers.
Certainly, taxes were different in different areas and periods. At the end of 19th century, there was
one quarter change for a man, half change for a donkey, 1 change for a cart (with or without cargo)
1 tenge for a camel or horse (with or without cargo) [7.232].
Because of the significance of the Amu Darya and Aral Sea in Central Asia, Russian political
and military forces took an interest in those waterways. It was happened before the occupation of
Russian Kingdom. For instance, explorer Bekovich Cherkaskiy was taken a military expedition to
Khorezm by Petr I [2.55-58], a Russian ambassadorial mission to Khiva and Bukhara which led by
Ignatev in 1858, intended using Aral Sea and Amu Darya waterways for their profit [10.200-203].
At that time, a number of ships increased in the North Khorezm oasis. Karakalpak people
sailed from upper coast of Amu Darya to Sharjau, Aral and Sir Darya delta with these ships.
Navigators sailed to the inner channel in karakalpak areas. On the right coast Kegaili,

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Kuanishjarma, Shurtanbay, Kiyatjargan, Shumanay, Khanjapon the left coast of Amu Darya used as
a inner water ways. Kuanishjarma was the most important among them. According to A. V.
Kaulbars who investigate karakalpak territories in 1873, channels named the persons name who had
them dug [3.204].
Number of navigators carried from Khodjeli to Nukus through Amu Darya. Moreover,
Kaulbars said that there was a channel through Kuanishjarma. Accordin to Danilevskiy, karakalpak
sailors also carried commercial car goes through Lake Aybuyir.
Boats are the main transport of fishers. In 1859,one of the Russian explorers informed that:
karakalpak fishers had a medium boats,they were made from woods, which combined with iron.
One can find those of 150 boats between sea and Kungrad. Huge ships could carry 150 foot cargo.
Only some fishermen had boats, but others had not [4. 110-111].
X.Vamberi who came into karakalpak territories in 1863 and investigated the traditions,
cultures and way connections in Amu Darya, informed about his journey from Khiva to Kungrad: In
summer, people usually go from Khiva to Kungrad through river. If the stream of Oksus was
powerful, they could reached within 5 days. But, the strong streams happened only during floods in
summer. There was low stream during spring and autumn, that's why, ships could sail far. But in
winter, they could not, because Oksus freezes. He also wrote following information about Amu
Darya and its branches: "There was a Ugizketken channel between Nukus and Kungrad. It pours to
the Lake Shurtakshi. Because of low water level in Oksus, it was difficult enough for sailing.
Therefore, there were a lot of but unsuccesful attempts to separate the Lake Shurtakshi from the
river. Forest ends near the grave of Saint Afakshadsha and begins Kungrad" [5. 9-11].
Vamberi did not consider that the areas between the Amu Darya and the Aral Sea as a water
way. Because, at that time, the sailors between Jumirtau and Kipshak, Kazanketken were in bad
condition. After 1873, when Russia occupied Khiva, sailors repaired the waterways. So there also
steamers could easily sail [5.20].
After occupying in 1873, there were organized Amu Darya districts on the right territory of
Amu Darya. At that time, there were 6 water branches by Shurakhan and Shimam. Four water
branches were supplied with water by Shurakhan plot organized in Chimbay. They were: Amu
Darya, Iyshanjikkan, Kegaili, Kuanishjarma [6.56]. They played an important role in transport
communication system of the area.
Works of East explorer N.V.Khanikov(1822-1878), is very advantageous researching Central
Asia's natural resources. Thus, N.V.Khanikov did that investigation. The work was named
"conception to the map of Aral Sea and Khiva khanate areas". It was the first historical-
geographically work and it based on the information of Russian and other historic manuscripts
about Aral Sea[9.51].
Russian explorer A. I. Butakov devoted himself to explore the history of the karakalpak areas,
Khorezm oasis and Aral Sea and introduced it to the Russian and world science. Explorers who first
did a scientific works are A.I.Butakov and T.G.Chevchenko. After foundation of Aral flotilla in
1847, there were appeared steamers and sailing vessels. A. I. Butakov who controlled the Aral
expedition in 1848-1849, explored an hydrographical research. Aim was making a map of Aral Sea.
Discovering for the first time of some peninsulas like "Vozrojdeniye", "Bellinsgauzen", "Lazarev",
and other areas in Aral Sea completely changed the concepts about that area [9.56]. Based on that
information, the map of the Aral Sea was published. The article of A. I. Butakov named
"Information about Aral Sea expedition" pressed in magazine "Vestnik", then article "Aral Sea
coasts" in newspaper "Turkestanskiye vedomosti" in 1853.
Some expeditions organized in 1875 in order to explore the steamer movements in Amu
Darya. That expedition led by colonel A.V. Kaulbars. Also, one more expedition through Amu
Darya by Russian geographical society controlled by N.G.Stoletov, they came to the Amu Darya
downstream in 1874, and investigated there during 5 months. Etnographical-stylistic field of

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

exploration included L.N.Sobolev, Riza-Quli-Mirza, N.A.Karazin. Expedition managed to

investigate the possibility of steamer movements from Petro-Aleksandrovsk (current Turtkul) in the
Aral Sea to Sharjau.
In 1887, "Turkestanskiye vedomosti" announced that Russian ships could go to the Sea
through Amu Darya. During 1874-1879, a large amount of ships sailed to Aral through Lake
Kuanishjarma-Daukara and Amu Darya branches, also some steamers like "Samarkand" carried to
Kazali-Nukus, Muynak, Aralski from Petro-Aleksandrovsk (current Turtkul) through Amu Darya.
In 1876-1877, scientific expeditions worked out, they used for development of Amu Darya water
way carryings [11].
Establishing of Amu Darya fleet in1887, organizing the movement of huge ships and
steamers, explained that Russian military-political forces paid a large attention to the Amu Darya
water way. At the beginning, there had been only two steamers named "Tsar" and "Tsaritsa" and two
iron barges, but at the end of 19 th century, there were 6 steamers which carried 25 tons each, 13
barges carried 50-100 tons. Besides, there moved 600 ships through Amu Darya, they carried cotton
and crop [7.243].
In the book "Voenno staticheskoe opisaniye Turkestanskogo voennogo okruga. Khivinskiy
rayon" informed about Turkstan, especially, down sides of Amu Darya, inner and outer way
connections of Khiva oasis and other ways which connected to abroad. Khiva oasis described as a
comfortable way which connected Tashkent and Central Asia's railroads from Charjau to Aral Sea
through Amu Darya, and from Amu Darya to Aral Sea landing [1.24]. There considered that" there
could be reached to the distance within 3 days inthe river branch"(350 verst) [1.26].
To sum up, the role of Aral Sea, Amu Darya and its branches is very important for developing
of transport communication system in 18-19 th centuries. They also played significant place in
progressing of country's social-economic and cultural life, and relations among Russians and other
1. Voenno – statisheskoe opisanie Turkestanskogo voennogo okruga. Xivinskoy rayon. T., 1912.
2. Gulamov X. Diplomatisheskoe otnosheniya gosudarstv SredneyAzii s Rossiey v XVIII – pervoy polovine
XIX v. T., 2005.
3. Gʽulomov Ya.Gʽ. Xorazmning sugʽorilish tarixi. Qadimgi zamonlardan hozirgacha. T., 1959.
4. Kamalov S.K. Karakalpaki v XVIII-XIX vekax. T., 1968.
5. Kamalov S.K. Vamberi qaraqalpaqlar tuwrali. N., 1995.
6. Qaraqalpaqstannin’ jan’atariyxi. N., 2003.
7. Mavlanov Oʽ. MarkaziyOsiyoningqadimgiyo’llari. Т., 2008.
8. MavlanovOʽ., Mahkamova D. Madaniyaloqalarvasavdoyo’llari. Т., 2004.
9. Tlewmuratov M. Qaraqalpaqlardıń tuwısqan xalıqlar menen mádeniy baylanısları. N.,1989.
10. Muhammedjanov A.R., Nematov T.N. Buxoro va Xivaning Rossiya bilan munosabatlari tarixiga doir
ba’zi ma’lumotlar. Т., 1957.
11. Ubbiniyazov J. Iz istorii paraxodnogo soobsheniya mejdu nizovyami Amudari i Sirdari cherez Aralskoe
more. Vestnik KKFAN UzSSR., .

Rezyume. Ushbu maqolada XVIII-XIX asrlarda Janubiy Orol hudidida transport

kommunikatsiyasining rivojlanishida suv yoʽllarining ahamiyatiga, jumladan Amudaryo va uning
ichki tarmoqlari, Orol dengizining tutgan oʽrniga urgʽu berilgan. Bu suv yoʽllari Januviy Orol
hududlarini bogʽlaganligi, qoʽshni davlatlar bilan aloqalarining oʽsishida hamda xalqning
ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy hayotining koʽtarilishida katta oʽrin tutganligi aniqlandi. Maqolada aloqa
yoʽllari, suv transporti vositalari va suv yoʽllarining ichki tarmoqlari shu davrda ish olib borgan
ilmiy ekspeditsiyalar hujjatlariga asoslanib oʽrganilgan.
Аннотация. В данной научной статье описываются события 18-19
веков,транспортная коммуникация Южного Приаралья, развитие водного хозяйства, в

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

особенности, Амударьи и её внутренней системы, роль Аральского моря. В частности, роль

водной артерии Южного Приаралья в развитии тесных взаимоотношений между соседними
государствами, а также в социально- экономической жизни народа.В статье дана
информация о транспортной коммуникации, водном транспорте и внутренней системе
водных путей,согласно документам научных экспедиций того времени.

Tayanch soʽzlar. Amudaryo, Orol dengizi, Amudaryo flotiliyasi, Amudaryo ekspeditsiyasi,

A.I.Butakov, X.Vamberi, Qongʽirot, Quvanshjorma.
Ключевые слова. Амударья, Аральское море, Амударьинская флотилия, Амударьинская
экспедиция, А.И.Бутаков, Х.Вамбери, Кунграт, Куанышжарма.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC: 811.11


Babaniyazova N.P.
Nukus state pedagogical institute named after Ajiniyaz

Summary. The article discusses major achievements in the sphere of education and depicts
the importance of using new information technologies. The author discusses some points on using
social networks in the teaching process and its effectiveness for students. Also, the techniques and
results of creating virtual classroom are analyzed.
Key words. education, technology, internet, computer, learning process, social networks,
virtual classroom.

One of the most revolutionary achievements in recent decades, which significantly influenced
the educational process around the world, was the creation of a worldwide computer network, called
the Internet, which literally means “international network” (English: international net). The use of
cyberspace in the classroom is a completely new direction. Nowadays, new information
technologies are being intensively introduced into the educational process. And if we consider the
lesson as a social order of society to the education system, today we have reached a level where
computer literacy of a higher graduate should be sufficient to work freely on a personal computer as
a user.
In teaching, special emphasis is placed today on the child's own activities in search, awareness
and processing of new knowledge. The teacher acts as the organizer of the learning process, the
leader of students’ self-activity, providing them with the necessary help and support. Today we can
say that Internet technologies are part of the General information culture of teachers and students.
Today, the Internet has become an integral interactive learning tool with huge informational
diversity. Among the basic spectrum of Internet resources it should be noted: e-mail; social
networks and instant messengers; telegram; newsgroups (use net, zoom, adobe connect); video
conferencing; Forums the ability to create a home page (homepage) and placing it on a web server;
Yahoo directories! InfoSeek / UltraSmart, LookSmart, Galaxy; search engines google, yandex, bing
and others.
One of the popular communication technologies for exchange informational messages,
became an e-mail. It can be wide used in the learning process for consultations, forwarding training
teaching materials, tests. There is also the possibility of holding using electronic classes in
asynchronous form, with pre-distribution of tasks in electronic form and subsequent consultations
by e-mail [1].
E-mail has had a huge impact on education, especially in foreign language learning, where
opportunities to interact with speakers of the target language were rare before the creation of the
Internet. Although most students have free e-mail accounts, more and more schools today offer
Internet access to their students. Unfortunately, less privileged students are still deprived of this
efficient communication technology, but I think we can hope that, in the near future, every student
will have access to the Internet tools.
The next effective way to organize the learning process can be “Virtual classrooms” through
which the necessary materials are distributed members of a specific study group. The virtual
classroom is a shared online space where the learners and the tutor work together simultaneously.
Usually, these interactions take place through videoconferencing. The participants have tools to
present learning content in different formats, as well as to implement collaborative and individual

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

activities. In this type of interaction, the teacher has the particularly important role of the moderator
who guides the learning process and supports group activities and discussions.
Another common service that exchanges information in the learning process, are newsgroups,
a kind of network forum with the goal of conducting discussions on specific topics.
When organizing training sessions, it is advisable to use newsgroups, moderated by the
teacher in accordance with the direction of training.
Opportunities and advantages contribute to improve the quality of training. Internet
- cultural and sociological;
- cognitive-epistemological;
- communicative;
- analytical.
One of the most important benefits of online learning is providing a wide range of didactic
learning opportunities of foreign languages.
The specificity of the subject “Foreign Language” determines the active and appropriate ICT
application in the classroom. The Internet provides an excellent opportunity for the teacher pre-
select certain authentic materials on various aspects teaching a foreign language, the necessary
information of a regional geographical character, as well as current news from the media. Learners
can take part in testing, quizzes, contests, video conferences, contests held on the Web. Exists
various educational resources for learning foreign languages, using which is possible on different
devices: from desktop computers to mobile devices:
English Learning Resource:
Computer tutorials have a number of advantages over traditional teaching methods. They
allow you to train different types of speech activities and combine them in various combinations;
help to understand linguistic phenomena, to form linguistic abilities, to create communicative
situations; automate language and speech actions; and also provide accounting leading
representative system, implementing an individual approach and intensification of student's
independent work [2].
One of the interactive means of lexical and grammar and communicative various video
materials, videos, educational films, both plot and descriptive, the demonstration of which and their
subsequent discussion provides the opportunity to perceive authentic speech, expand vocabulary,
memorize sentence designs specific to living, spoken language.
When studying the topic “Student’s Day” as an interactive tool for teaching English, the
educational film “London Central” was used, consisting of several short series united by common
heroes and telling about life students in London (
Fascinating dynamic plot, lively conversational speech allowed students to successfully, in to learn
new vocabulary on the topic in a relaxed form and apply it in the form of a discussion practically.
Due to its universal nature, this film may be recommended for students of all areas of study.
The next effective means of teaching foreign languages are Power point presentations, the use
of which at various stages of work (introduction of a new vocabulary, explanation of grammatical
material, generalization of knowledge on the topic) allows you to present the necessary information
more clearly, thereby ensuring highly motivated to study the subject.
In the field of learning foreign languages, the Internet can be used extremely broadly, because
it represents: - unique material of cultural and regional character; - a large number of reference
books, sensible and specialized dictionaries used in scientific and methodological work; - A whole
range of educational programs; - operational information; - the latest news of socio-political
programs that may be used for in-depth study of a foreign language.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

The interactive nature of the Internet allows the teacher and student to master certain didactic
goals faster and better:
- activation of cognitive interest of students;
- familiarization with a variety of subject matter material;
- broadening the horizons;
- providing practical orientation due to the possibilities of communication with native
speakers - development of practical skills of intercultural communication;
- ensuring accessibility of materials for students with various levels material welfare.
Thus, the Internet as an interactive learning tool is an integral factor in the study of foreign
languages. The use of Internet resources makes it possible to implement the full range of modern
information technologies for solving educational problems, in particular, management of the
learning process, automation of activities for monitoring educational activities, creating conditions
for independent work of students, for their self-education, self-realization. Proper use of
telecommunication technologies in the process training is the key to successful learning activities
and to increase efficiency and quality of education.
1. The use of ICT in foreign language lessons. 2016. -URL:;
2. Ivanova E.V., Tumbruki N.V. Information and communication technologies as a resource of
independent and creative work of foreign students. URL:

Rezyume. Maqolada ta’lim sohasidagi asosiy yutuqlar muhokama qilinadi va yangi

axborot texnologiyalaridan foydalanishning ahamiyati ochib beriladi. Muallif ijtimoiy
tarmoqlardan o’quv jarayonida foydalanishning ayrim jihatlari va ularning o’quvchilar uchun
samaradorligini muhokama qiladi. Shuningdek, virtual sinfni yaratish usullari va uning natijalari
tahlil qilinadi.
Резюме. В статье рассматриваются основные достижения в сфере образования и
раскрывается важность использования новых информационных технологий. Автор
обсуждает некоторые моменты использования социальных сетей в учебном процессе и их
эффективность для студентов. Также проанализированы методики и результаты создания
виртуального класса.

Kalit so’zlar. ta’lim, texnologiya, Internet, kompyuter, o’quv jarayoni, ijtimoiy tarmoqlar,
virtual sinf.
Ключевые слова. образование, технология, интернет, компьютер, учебный процесс,
социальные сети, виртуальный класс.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC: 811; 808.5



Sarsenbaeva Z.J.
Nukus state pedagogical institute named after Ajiniyaz

Summary. The article depicts the pedagogical prominence of improving students’

linguocultural competence and intercultural awareness skills by means of didactic approach in the
teaching process. Also, pedagogical potential and effectiveness of culture teaching using new
technologies are thoroughly analysed. The author expresses his statement about effective results of
enhancing learners’ cultural awareness skills through proverbs.
Key words. culture, competence, linguocultural skills, proverbs, teaching, didactics, cultural
awareness skills.

In the teaching process culturally responsive pedagogy can pave the way to a more reflective
professional practice presupposing teachers’ strong intercultural awareness skills, competence, and
responsiveness. Culture plays an integrative part of language is neglected or deliberately ignored in
classes. As Owens states that culture is “what one thinks is important what everyone thinks is true;
how one perceives how things are done” [1]. It is generally acknowledged that language and
culture are interdependent, and are closely associated with each other. Culture is rooted in
language deeply and contained rich cultural factors. In the eastern cultures, different countries have
different customs, traditions and different etiquettes. And also it has an influence on personal
capacity of intercultural communication.
Moreover, different cultural backgrounds will make a diverse result of intercultural
communication. It is undoubtedly challenging to have a good command of a target language
without adequate knowledge of the culture related to that language. In this sense, acquisition of
information about western etiquette is as important as language learning itself. Culture is
transmitted through language.
In language learning culture is significantly important and is an item that cannot be
disregarded because, culture acts as if the flesh and language as the heritage of a society. We
realize that language and culture are strictly intertwined and if there is no culture, there is no
language. Therefore, a language class cannot be imagined without involving cultural elements of
the language which is being taught. For instance, the first day in a classroom where the target
language is Karakalpak, the instructor of that class would most probably start with teaching how to
greet people in Karakalpak. This day of the class could vividly reflect cultural elements of
Karakalpak people since the greetings would be carried out in this way. In this case, it is the same
for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) class. In both classes, the learners might not notice and
the teacher might be fully aware, but the cultures of both languages are presented and practiced in
these classes even from the beginning of the class.
Culturally responsive pedagogy is of high importance that is explained as culturally
responsible culturally appropriate, culturally congruent, culturally compatible, and culturally
relevant. These terms indicate that teachers need to be responsive to their students by integrating
some elements of the learners’ culture in their teaching in that case, they need to meet their
teaching objective, making use of the concepts, images, and authentic materials. However, it does
not just mean to acquire the structure of the language and how to use language skills perfectly
through learning a foreign language. The main goal of culturally responsive pedagogy is students’
academic success. In order to achieve the goal teachers could apply various technologies to their

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Due to the extent of modern tendencies the acquisition of intercultural competence, which is
expressed in the ability to enhance the knowledge continuously, to change the behavior and attitude
to other cultures so that to show flexibility and open-mindedness in the dialogue with foreign
speakers of other societies, is of great importance [2.16]. New information and communication
technologies due to their didactic properties contribute to more complete realization in practice of
socio cultural, multicultural and competency-based approaches in improving students’
linguocultural competence, and create cultural environment in the classroom. For example,
culturally responsive task to do in this class might be to utilize some proverbs of students from
different countries. Students may be given a piece of paper with a list of national proverbs. They
will be asked to choose one of the proverbs (foreign cultures) and write an expository paragraph.
This kind of simple task would not only increase students’ awareness of cultural values and norms
of other cultures but also can lead them to see that there are similarities between distinctive cultures
since proverbs have similar peculiarities.
Successful intercultural interactions presuppose unprejudiced attitudes, hence learners’
linguocultural competence: tolerance and understanding of other cultures as well as cultural self-
awareness. Intercultural communicative competence can therefore be considered as one of the
central aims of foreign language education so that learners could successfully communicate with
people from different linguistic and cultural worlds. Competence is understood in contemporary
pedagogical approaches as a complex of potentials, developmental capacity of an individual who
can be educated and leads to the successful achievement of one’s own aims, needs and roles in
various fields of social and professional life, as well as to interpersonal and satisfactory
communication with others. In the field of pedagogy and education the latter is especially important
since the acquisition of competences whose key attributes are considered to be the following: the
power of analytic thinking, team working skills, professionalism followed by self-initiative, as well
as intercultural communication competence.
Pedagogical approaches and techniques that will help learners to reflect objectively on their
own culture are especially important because language teachers and learners need to be sharply
aware of their points in culture learning [3.508-524]. The significance of the learner gaining an
objective viewpoint is also evident when roles for the learner as researcher in cultural learning are
recommended [4.318]. It should be noted that more subjective elements belonging to the thinking
subject rather than the object of thought are also implicated in research on culture learning.
Didactic possibilities of modern information and communication technologies allow a
completely new look at the organization of educational process. Therefore, teachers need to
develop didactic competencies in the field of teaching-learning activities that help to create
knowledge in an open-minded manner with new perspective. The quality of teacher makes an
impact on student’s performance.
Thus, teacher should be mentally prepared for developing didactic and pedagogical
competencies in order to make students competent. For this reason, activities proposed should be
communicative and authentic, focusing on everyday events that generate repeated use. It is only
through continuous encounters and use in communicative activities that receptive knowledge of
collocations will turn into productive knowledge and learners may gradually gain confidence in
second language use. There are some reasons for considering proverbs significant to learn in the
classroom, one of the main is that proverbs help to communicate effectively and the importance of
learning English and Karakalpak proverbs for effective communication were the major focuses.
Necessity of knowing and using proverbs outside the classroom is crucially important as well.
However, the current availability of such cultural and authentic materials in today’s course material
and textbooks is quite limited. When it comes to foreign language learning, proverbs play a role in
the teaching as a part of cultural and metaphorical learning [5.147].

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

In paremiology there has been a continuous and a futile dispute about what constitutes the
phenomenon of proverbs, whether it is the fact that a proverb is a phenomenon located at the border
of linguistic and literary phenomena, or it is implied by their didactic usefulness and educative and
sententious character. Scientific pedagogy, apart from some of its subdisciplines such as theory of
education and general didactics, and in it Karakalpak or foreign language teaching methodology in
particular, has not devoted much attention to proverbs. In proverbs we should understand something
different than it is shown with words, it is an utterance saying something else and implying
something else [6]. It is only one of the fundamental characteristics of a proverb, as the remaining
ones allegory, imagery, didacticism, permanence and international universality place it at the border
of linguistic and literary phenomena, treat it as a simple literary creation and cause that a proverb is
not only a linguistic but also a literary phenomenon. Phraseological expressions contain precious
experience gathered and selected by generations. They preserve wisdom of traditional culture saved
in short and in linguistic form. In proverbs “mentality of a lengthy continuum, not a short span of
time is reconstructed. But such reconstruction is rather justified as it can help to reconstruct a
certain basis, the essence of mentality” [7.49].
Furthermore, by teaching proverbs in classes in comparison with foreign proverbs, we kill
two birds with one stone: first, introduce a new linguistic unit, thus enriching idiomatic vocabulary,
which is important for the intermediate language levels; second, increase awareness of a foreign
language culture that may be similar or different from the native one. In addition to this, there might
be the third bird (in Karakalpak language it would be a hare from the proverb “bir oq penen eki
qoyandi atip tu’siriw” translated as “to kill two hares”) the enduring value of proverbs themselves,
their meaning, the wisdom of our ancestors that reached us through the centuries.
To conclude, proverbs play an important role in developing the cultural and metaphorical
knowledge of the learners since they could match various situations in real life and can summarize
popular experience and wisdom as well. As Stern states, that words when he writes that language
learner “should be made aware of the interaction between language and culture” [8.206]. Also, since
proverbs play a cross-cultural role, this could broaden students’ minds by giving them a wider
In our assumption, proverbs can give important guidelines, warnings and advice though their
significance for pedagogy and educational sciences ought to be established based on scientific
knowledge and research, both mono and interdisciplinary. In this case, integrating intercultural
awareness into the language curriculum would give positive results. Engaging students with the
foreign culture through proverbs will be positively proved to be a powerful educational technique
for enhancing the development of intercultural competence. Therefore, it is vitally important for
teachers to be aware of the etiquette peculiarities, show understanding and respect to different
etiquettes and most importantly, build bridges across misunderstandings among different etiquette
Thus, the teaching of foreign culture etiquettes makes such an important impact on the
students that they carry those knowledge and skills with them into the intercultural communication
as a whole. Therefore, it will be significant to study what the linguocultural competence for
intercultural communication really is and to go a step further in consideration of the role of
education in the provision of the aforementioned intercultural dialogue competences. This would
evidently be a guideline for practical actions to be undertaken to make curricula more state-of-the-
art and to pay attention to other aspects of educational care.

1. Owens R.G. Organizational behavior in education. Englewoods Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall, 1987;
2. Davis N., Fletcher J., Smith S. The puzzles of practice: Initiating a collaborative research culture.
Australian Association for Research in Education. International Education Research Conference, 29 Nov.3
Dec. Australia, Canberra. 2009;

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
3. Savignon S.J., Sysoyev P.V. Sociocultural strategies for a dialogue of cultures. The Modern Language
Journal, 86, p: 508-524. 2002;
4. Bateman B.E. Promoting openness toward culture learning: Ethnographic interviews for students of
Spanish. The Modern Language Journal, 86(3), p: 317-332. 2002;
5. Mieder W. Proverbs-A Handbook. Westport C.T; Greenwood Press. p: 147. 2004;
6. Eder M. Uźródeł aforystyki polskiej. Studium o “Przysłowiach” Andrzeja Maksymiliana Fredry.
Wrocław. 2008;
7. Ivanova E.V. Mir v anglijskih i russkih poslovicah. Saint Petersburg: SPbGU; 280 p. 2006;
8. Stern H.H. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching. Oxford University Press. NY. 1987.

Rezyume. Maqolada o’quv jarayonida didaktik yondashuvdan foydalangan holda

talabalarning lingvomadaniy kompetentsiyasi va madaniy ong ko’nikmalarini oshirishning
pedagogik ahamiyati ochib berilgan. Shuningdek, pedagogik salohiyat va yangi texnologiyalardan
foydalangan holda madaniyatni o’qitishning samaradorligi sinchkovlik bilan tahlil qilinadi. Muallif
maqollardan foydalangan holda, o’quvchilarning madaniy ongini takomillashtirishning samarali
natijalari haqida o’z fikrlarini bildiradi.
Резюме. В статье раскрывается педагогическая значимость повышения
лингвокультурной компетенции и навыков межкультурной осведомленности учащихся с
помощью дидактического подхода в учебном процессе. Также тщательно проанализированы
педагогический потенциал и эффективность преподавания культуры с использованием
новых технологий. Автор высказывает свое мнение об эффективных результатах
совершенствования навыков культурной осведомленности учащихся с помощью пословиц.

Kalit so’zlar. madaniyat, kompetentsiya, lingvomadaniy ko’nikmalar, maqollar, o’qitish,

didaktika, madaniy ong ko’nikmalari.
Ключевые слова. культура, компетентность, лингвокультурные навыки, пословицы,
обучение, дидактика, навыки культурной осведомленности.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: The article explores the importance and role of the regional press in restoring
national values and cultural heritage. The author analyzes journalistic material representing the
national values, historical and cultural heritage and traditions of the Karakalpak people published
in the press.
Key words: Press, national values, historical and cultural heritage, tradition, historical
figures, topic, interview, mass-media, commentary, journalism.

Every nation realizes themselves by studying its history and thinking deeply about their past.
For this reason, the spirituality of the people, who are self-aware of the basis of the historical,
cultural heritage and traditions of their ancestors will be mature and perfect.
The role of the mass media is very important to represent the invaluable heritage created by
our ancestors who has a big role in the development of human civilization to explain the essence of
the heritage to the wider public and pass them over to the future generations.
Today “the press is encouraging compatriots to think anew and focusing on restoring our
values, which have been trampled underfoot in the conditions of a totalitarian system” [1,3]. For
example, the Russian scholar E.P.Prokhorov writes that “history, especially its aspects that are
important for the present, have always attracted the attention of a wide audience” [2,67]. Restoring
national identity has led to rise this nation’s pride.
One of the main tasks of the Karakalpak press during the period of independence was to
reveal the truth about the thousands of years of history of our people and historical figures which
distorted during the totalitarian system. Professor F.A.Muminov said; “Achieving political
independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan has allowed the scientists of the republic to develop
social sciences, free from the ideological boundaries of socialism. In short time, new articles were
published describing our national tradition, customs and spiritual values in the national press. More
exactly, our people are in the process of restoring their historical memory” [3,3].
After gaining independence, great changes, renewals and developments began to take place in
all spheres of public life. These changes are most visible in journalism and in the press. Their
thematic and structural analysis show that the media has become a social institution with a new
form of public opinion with the idea of restoring national values and historical-cultural heritage.
The reason is that the Karakalpak press is the main tool that reflects and actively influences the
social life of the society.
It should be noted that it is very important not to fall into the trap of national values and
cultural heritage through the media.
The need to strengthen national independence requires a new approach to the issues of society
and spiritual renewal, especially requires a re-objective assessment based on the past period. This
process is observed in the aspiration of the Karakalpak people to restore national pride, in particular,
the nations whose national pride and national identity have been trampled underfoot by totalitarian
system. It is important to identify a long-term directions in this process, in particular, not to fall into
the tarp of nationalism on the one hand, and not to fall into the shadow of abstract globalization on
the other.
Thus, the rich culture, national traditions and unending spiritual heritage of the Karakalpak
people, which has an age-long history were reflected in the press of Karakalpakstan during the
period of independence. Extensive articles on this topic, as about the restoration of our cultural

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

heritage and about a careful study of the matter, began to be published widely in the pages of
For instance, the interview by the reporter K.Erniyazov with the Hero of Uzbekistan, writer
Tolepbergen Qayipbergenov, which published in the newspaper “Erkin Qaraqalpaqstan”, entitled as
“Let’s study our history thoroughly” [4] as well as such kind of articles should be noted “Honouring
national heritage – the pledge of our success” [5] by academic A.Dawletov, “Spring of Spirituality”
[6] by Sh.Usnatdinov, “ Self-consciousness begins with honouring homeland’s past” [7] by
B.Utambetov and X.Dawletnazarov, “The role of national cultural heritage in the youth education”
[8] by B.Prenov, “What do we know about «Ko’k ko’ylek»?” (national dress of woman) [9] by
In the article by B.Utambetov and X.Dawletnazarov “Self-consciousness awareness begins
with reminding the homeland’s past” they address to the public with views that the study of history
of our people has not been set in the right directions and express the following rhetorical statements:
“How are these people being respected by our nation? If we do not tell the truth, it will be treachery
the dreams and spirits of our great ancestors Berdakh, Ajiniyaz, Ernazar Alakoz and other great
people made a worthy contribution to human civilization. Due to the over-politicization of the
social sciences during the communist ideology our historians, philosophers and philologists have
not been able to clearly explain the ideas of many educated people during our history. So, we have
achieved independence, who is now blocking up our way from restoring our national identity or
realizing our historical and spiritual heritage? [7], It makes the people think that we have not
worked enough much on this problem.
Journalist K.Erniyazov in his interview with the Hero of Uzbekistan writer T.Kayipbergenov
“Let’s study our history thoroughly” noted that the detailed study of our historical and cultural
heritage is one of the urgent task of our progressive-minded people.
At the same time about our epic poems (dastans), which are an example of the rich oral
literature of our people, about karakalpak handicrafts folk musicians and other cultural heritage,
about the process their transmission to today’s generations are being covered in press.
Let’s take, for example, the article published “One of the priceless gift of our cultural
heritage” by the well-known philologist, professor S.Bahadirova. In the article the author gives a
detailed characteristics the Karakalpak folk epic poem and notes that the epic poem “Edige” has its
complicated history, because in the former soviet period (1944) its improvisation and publication
was prohibited by the communist officials. The scope of the dastan (epic poem) was very large. It
could be performed within ten or twelve days. The full variant of the dastan (epic poem) was not
recorded then. Nevertheless, our scholars tried to copy out possible variant of the epic poem though
they were repressed or arrested by officials of the Communist Party. The epic poem has became as
the self-esteem of the Karakalpak people thanks to the independence republished over again”. [10].
In the article “100 volumes Book of Karakalpak folklore” by prof. S.Bahadirova is informed
about the rich culture, intellectual and philosophical ideas of our people, where have been gathered,
summarized and enriched in these volumes. Karakalpak folklore is a national treasure, including
historical, cultural and social events of the nation. The author advances the following opinion; we
began to select materials from our resource of manuscript collection and prepare “100 volumes
Book of Karakalpak Folklore” for publication in 1995. There are 5 versions of the epic poem
“Alpamis”, 7 of “Edige”, 6 of “Koblan”, 6 of “Ershora”, 3 of “Maspatsha”, 5 of “Sharyar”, 5 of
“Gorugli”, 5 of “Yusup Axmet”, 5 of “Garip Ashiq” in our manuscript collection which have not
been published yet. There are variants of previously unpublished epic in total of 98 titles. In
addition, there are about 10 volume copies of the folk song, fairy tales and myths. The uniqueness
of this 100 volume edition from the previous editions is that we also intended to publish the epics
with variants also in musical notation . Our musical resources includes about 20 epic poem copied
out by our scribes. In order to provide readers with the national treasure completely we should give

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

the people a laser discs with musical performance of these epics. If, so they will be kept safely and
easily the people use them for a long time as they like [11].
The independence gave a big impetus to revise the history of the Karakalpak peoples. The
standpoint is that the history of Karakalpak statehood dates back to the 19th century is considered as
a mistaken opinion. It has been suggested that the history of the ethnic origin of Karakalpak peoples
should be studied thoroughly from the objective point of view. Articles about the history of the
formation of our nation and statehood have been started to publish by historians and journalists. For
example, the article “A word about origin of Karakalapaks” [12] by academician J.Bazarbaev and
PhD R.Bazarbeav published in the newspaper “Erkin Qaraqalpaqstan” which is based on the study
of Chinese chronicles in the 8th and 5th centuries B.C. The northern and western parts of Chine
were inhabited by the people named “Dy”, from the 4th century A.D. they began to call themselves
“Turks” and among 44 Turkic tribes from the Chine to ancient Rome territory they were “Borikli”
or “Fufulo” tribes that lived along the Turo (Tuli) River in Mongolia and it has been considered
that on the one hand word “borikli” may be originated and associated with the name of Karakalpaks
among Turkish tribes, on the other hand the word “borikli” is also synonymous with the word
“kalpak” in Turkic.
At the same time, the authors also comment on the origin of the name “Karakalpak” that all
the historians who have studied the ethnogenesis of the Karakalpaks only have focused on the word
“borikli” but not on the meaning of the word “black” and they misunderstood it as a black colour of
the head dress. The word “qara” in Karakalpak is comprehended as “great many, great in number,
strong, firm, mighty”. As it seen, this word is not ordinary, it’s meaningful, metonymy word, that’s
why, the name was given in the pre-11th centuries to the tribe “borikli”, which is associated with
meaning “qara” as greatness, strength, a great a number, braveness so the words “borikli” and
“Karakalpak” are synonymous. The author noted that on the basis of these conceptions the
investigation of the ethnogenesis of karakalpaks could be continued to specify the ethnonym
The article “The first Khan (king) of Afuchjilo-Boriks as the founder of the Qangli tribe
Union” [13] published in the newspaper “Erkin Qaraqalpaqstan” by J.Bazarbaev and R.Bazarbaev
can be considered as a continuation of the above-mentioned article. The article mentions about
Afuchjilo as the first khan of the Boriks. The authors gave a scientific evidence that the boriks were
in the body of d of Qangli Union and lived together with pechenegs, who were the basis of the
ethnogenesis of Karakalpaks. Academician S.Kamalov considered that “the appearance of
Pechenegs is the second stage of the formation of Karakalpaks as the nation and the word
“pecheneg” can be considered as the second name of the Karakalpaks”. After gaining the
independence, the exemplary life of our great sages and thinkers, their contribution to the
development of science, culture and literature, as well as their services to the country and their
people are being evaluated and the truth about them is becoming obvious in modern Karakalpak
It is not a simple task in the Karakalpak press to represent all the lives, services and images of
historical people and to restore their former position before modern society. The authors argue with
each other by means of debates, put the question how to investigate the reality of the cases. Of
course, they are of great importance in the formation of public opinion. Directives on this problem
are also constantly being represented in the daily press. B.Karamatdinov’s live report on “Our
nationality is our pride” tells us about the national heritage preserved in the art museum named after
The art exhibitions close by the valuable works of Russian and Uzbek avant-grade artists
contains complete collection of handicrafts, which attract the attention of visitors, as well as the
representative specimens of cultural traditions of our people. The various cultural events, measures
are being carried out by the museum staffs in order to take a deep interest in exhibitions.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Today, more than four thousand spiritual and cultural monuments included in the UNESCO
system as an valuable symbol of the word heritage are one of the art treasures of the world
civilization. The activities of Karakalpak Art museum has become one of the main subjects of the
Karakalpak press.
To sum up, the Karakalpak press pays a great attention to representing different thematic
subjects on the national values and cultural heritage to the general public and explaining its
relevance. Of course, it is one of the most important tasks of the editorial staff in the current stage
of globalization.

1. Abduazizova N.A. The history of Uzbek Journalism. – T.: Akademiya, 2002. - p. 3.
2. Prokhorov E.P Vvedenie v teoriyu jurnalistiki. – М.: МGU. 2005. - p. 67.
3. Muminov F.A. Journalism as a Social Institution. – T.: University. 1998. - p. 3.
4. Erniyazov Q. Let’s learn more about our history. // Erkin Qaraqalpaqstan, 1997. on November 2 .
5. Dauletov A. Honouring national heritage is the key of our Progress. // Erkin Qaraqalpaqstan, 2000. on
May 4.
6. Usnatdinov Sh. The source of meaning. // Erkin Qaraqalpaqstan, 2012. on December 1.
7. Utambetov B., Dauletnazarov X. Self-consciousness begins with honouring the homeland’s past. //
Erkin Qaraqalpaqstan.2000, on September 23.
8. Prenov B. The role of national cultural heritage in the education of the youth. // Erkin Qaraqalpaqstan,
2014.on October 16.
9. Bayniyazova T. What do we know about “Ko’k ko’ylek” (national woman dress)? //Erkin
Qaraqalpaqstan.2014. on February 15.
10. Bahadyrova S. One of the priceless gift of our cultural taritage. //Erkin Qaraqalpaqstan, 2006. on July
11. Bahadyrova S. 100 volumes Book of Karakalpak Folklore. // Erkin Qaraqalpaqstan, 2006. on July 4.
12. Bazarbaev J., Bazarbaev R. A word about the origin of Karakalpak. // Erkin Qaraqalpaqstan, 2002. on
November 9.
13. Bazarbaev J., Bazarbaev R. Afuchjilo is the first khan of the Boriks as the founder of the Qangli
Tribe Union. // Erkin Qaraqalpaqstan, 2003. on January 14.

Rezyume: Maqolada milliy qadriyat va ma’naviy meroslarni tiklashda hududiy matbuotning

ahamiyati va vazifalari o’rganilgan. Muallif Qoraqalpog’iston matbuotida yoritilgan qoraqalpoq
xalqining milliy qadriyatlari, tarixiy-madaniy meroslari va an’analari haqidagi publitsistik
materiallar tahlil qilingan.
Резюме: В статье исследуется значение и роль региональной прессы в восстановлении
национальных ценностей и культурного наследия. Автор проанализировал публицистические
материалы о национальных ценностях, историко-культурных наследиях и традициях
Каракалпакского народа.

Kalit so’zlar: Маtbuot, milliy qadriyat, tarixiy-madaniy meros, an’ana, tarixiy shaxs,
tematika, interv’yu, ommaviy axborot vositalari, maqola, sharhlash, jurnalistika.
Ключевые слова: Пресса, национальные ценности, историко-культурное наследие,
традиция, историческая личность, тематика, интервью, СМИ, комментарии,

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Timofeeva S.S1., Kalandarov I.I2., Boboev A.A.3

Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 2Nukus branch of Navoi state mining
Institute, 3Navoi State Mining Institute

Summary: In this paper, the main directions of the teacher's activity for achieving
competence-based learning are formulated, which are used in the process of training specialists in
the technosphere safety direction at the Irkutsk national research technical University. The results of
the study of students ' motivation to choose this field of training, teaching methods used by the
authors, solutions and cases on industrial risks are described in detail. The article considers the
practice-oriented approach implemented for the characterization of industrial facilities, and the
risks for students in the learning process.
Keywords: learning technologies, competence-based approach, interactive methods, case
solving, practice-oriented approach

We are living in an era of rapid change, when it is necessary to be able to confront new
challenges and be prepared to act in emergency situations, which today the pandemic of
the coronovirus infection COVID -19 has become for mankind. A significant place among
specialists who take on the blows of a raging pandemic, in addition to medical workers, is taken
first of all by specialists responsible for labor protection. Such specialists are trained by technical
universities in the area of training “Technosphere Security”. These specialists, along with political
decisions taken at the government level, namely closing borders, restricting the movement of
people, stopping activities that are not of vital importance, and others, after the authorities relax the
restrictions, must ensure compliance with specific measures. Among them are a decrease in
physical interaction between employees or employees and visitors, maintaining a distance,
improving ventilation of the premises, conducting regular cleaning, and, if necessary, providing
protective equipment and mental health for staff.
Among the measures to counter the spread of infection is the prediction of the risks to
which workers are exposed, and measures to minimize them. Currently, in all industrialized and
developing countries in the last decade the concept of labor protection management system
(OSH) has appeared and is being implemented. In some cases, its use is legally regulated, in others
it is voluntary. Experience shows that OSH management system is a logically substantiated and
appropriate tool that contributes to the steady improvement of labor protection at the organization
level [1].
The OSHMS concept accomplishes the following goals:
- effective and consistent implementation of preventive and protective measures;
- development of appropriate policies;
- guaranteed commitment;
- taking into account all elements of the workplace when assessing hazardous production
factors and risks;
- participation of management and employees in this process, depending on the level of
In accordance with the ILO OSH Management Manual (2001), the OSH management system
should include and ensure the functioning of prevention, preparedness and response
mechanisms. These mechanisms should include forces and means to counter incidents and
emergencies, as well as measures to prevent the associated risks to safety and health.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

In order to take appropriate - and practicable - measures to protect workers from

occupational risks, employers need to assess these risks.
In practice, professional risk - a combination of the probability of occurrence of a hazardous
event and the severity of the injury or damage to human health as a result of its approach (ILO,
Therefore, in connection with the modern realities of the pandemic and the changing socio-
political, economic conditions,
the introduction of a risk-based approach, attention should be paid to the need of practice-
oriented training of specialists in the field of "Technosphere safety" for the formation of the
students of these competencies as the demand for self-improvement, professional dominance and
social responsibility, predictive ability, professional reliability and civic humanism, professional
intelligence and individual style of activity .
An important link in the formation of self-awareness of a qualified specialist is psychological
and pedagogical knowledge. The worthy fulfillment of professional duty requires a specialist to
know the peculiarities of his inner life, to understand his feelings, actions, thoughts; the ability to
establish quality relationships with other people. In addition, knowledge of the laws of training and
education, their skillful application in professional life, becomes necessary for a modern educated
person. The psychological aspect of designing such a specialist provides for the organization of
training motivation, stimulation and consideration of the emotional factor in professional activities,
the formation of intellectual interest in a future profession.
Of the many forms, methods and means of forming cognitive needs, the most effective are
the creation and resolution of problem situations, as well as the connection of the material with
practice. Equally important is the formation of the content of training for labor protection
specialists, which includes a systematic analysis of production, equipment and technology, labor
organization, selection of the nomenclature of item cycles, determination of the composition,
content and volume of items. In the learning process uses a wide range of educational
technologies [3 - 5].
The aim is current it work was to study the motivation of educational activity at training
students in the Irkutsk State Technical University and Navoi with whom Mining Institute and
assessment of the benefits of the practice-oriented approach based on case method.
Objects and research methods.
To stimulate the educational process, it is important to understand the existing reasons that
stimulate students to study certain subjects, as well as be able to direct the students' interest in the
right direction. In addition, the possibility of control motivation of teaching allows IT to increase
the effectiveness of the learning process.
A survey was conducted to evaluate the main motives for entering a university, studying and
obtaining a diploma of higher education among students of various courses at the Institute of
Subsoil Use of the Institute of Mineral Resources and Logistics of Navoi State Mining Institute. A
total of 163 respondents were interviewed, as a result, a general characteristic of this research object
was obtained.
Three questions were asked in the questionnaire, which determined the motivation for
choosing a specialty, the significance of the learning process and obtaining a diploma. Several
answers were offered to each question with the possibility of evaluating them on a five-point
scale. The questions in each group were arranged in random order, after which the processing and
analysis of the information received were made.
Students were asked to on- line mode, to solve a number of case targets for identifying the
risk of future profession and to assess their relevance to their future career.
Results and its discussion
The correct choice of a future profession is an important factor in the satisfaction of a

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

profession in the future and affects both the learning process and the achievement of success in the
upcoming professional activity. Therefore, the first question was formulated as follows:

“What contributed to your choice of this specialty?"

The results are presented in Fig. 1:

Fig. 1. Assessment of motivation for choosing a specialty

The analysis showed that the vast majority of students quite consciously made their choice,
based not only on considerations of the general nature of the prestige of obtaining higher education,
but also analyzing their interests, abilities, assessing the prospects for their future careers.
The second question of the question “What is most significant for you in your teaching”
is aimed at studying the actual cognitive, educational process, the results of the assessments are
presented in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Assessment of educational process motivation

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

The results of the survey showed that the most important task for students is the main task
facing the teaching staff - obtaining knowledge, focus on mastering the profession in order to
successfully apply the knowledge and skills in practice. Less significant are the motives for
fulfilling pedagogical requirements, adversarial (keep up with fellow students) and others.

The last question was intended to summarize and was formulated as follows: "What gives
you a diploma?"
The answers were distributed as follows (Fig. 3.):

Fig. 3. About the price of motivation for higher education.

As can be seen from the diagram, the leading motives for acquiring higher education are the
desire to become a highly qualified, sought-after specialist who is able to apply his knowledge and
adequate material and (although to a lesser extent) moral assessment of his activities.
The conclusions presented above were obtained in the period prior to the pandemic and reflect
the situation in conditions of normal life.
In a pandemic, we have offered students IRNITU evaluate risks through case solutions
job with the real situation.
The case method is a learning technology that is an analysis of a specific life situation. The
purpose of this method is to develop students' skills that include: independent or group analysis and
structuring of information; identification of key problems and the search for alternatives in their
solution; evaluation of the effectiveness of solutions, as a result of which the most optimal solutions
to problems are selected and action programs are developed
The essence of the proposed case study was that during the pandemic, there was a sharp
increase in the use of plastic and other packaging materials for the delivery of necessary goods to
the population on self-isolation, as well as an increase in the volume of medical waste, primarily
medical waste and protective clothing. What to do about it and what risks do we have additionally?
Students were invited in their decisions to give:
 a brief description of a specific aspect of the problem (in the case of a separate aspect),
 a description of the proposed solution with arguments and justification for the choice of just
such methods (with links to sources of information - if used),
 resources required for implementation (human, financial, logistical, informational,
temporary, etc.),

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

 analysis of stakeholders or stakeholders (on whom the implementation of the decision

depends or who can interfere with it),
 expected results (quantitative and qualitative: how will this affect the solution of the
problem, how many people will be reached by the solution, etc.),
 possible risks and obstacles to implementation and ways to minimize them
When deciding to use teaching aids [6-8] .
Analysis of the solutions proposed by students showed a wide range of approaches to solving
the problem and can be recommended for use in practice.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the use of modern psychological and pedagogical
technologies, starting from the study of students' motivation for learning, ending with
relevant case studies, makes it possible for a higher school to prepare highly qualified practice-
oriented specialists
1. Filimonov V.A., Gorina L.N. Features of the development of a labor protection management system
based on the process approach // Notes of the Mining Institute. 2019.T. 235.P. 113-122
2. Guide to Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (ILO-OSH 2001) Electronic resource _125017/ lang - -
en/index .htm Date of access 2.07.2020.
3. Timofeeva S.S. Training technologies in teaching students of the “Technosphere safety” direction //
Security in the technosphere No. 3, 2015.- p. 63-67
4. Timofeeva S.S. Quest- technologies as a means of immersion in a professional environment in the
preparation of bachelors in the field of "Technosphere safety" Materials VI All-Russian. Meetings
Head Departments for education in the field of technosphere safety, Belarusian Railways, environmental
protection and environmental management (p. Divnomorskoe October 10-12, 2017) Don State. tech. University
of Rostov-on-Don: DSTU, 2017.-pp. 103-107.
5. Timofeeva S.S. Risk- oriented approach in the preparation of masters in the program “Public
Saving. Management of professional, environmental and emergency risks // Astrakhan Bulletin of
Environmental Education, 2018, No. 6 (48), pp. 62-66
6. Timofeeva S.S., Timofeev S.S. Digital storytelling as a technology for training specialists in the field of
“Technosphere Security” // Life Safety, No. 6, 2019.- p. 46-51
7. Timofeeva S. S. Methods and Technologies for Environmental Risk Assessment Workshop -
Irkutsk: IRNITU Publishing House, 2017-240 p.
8. Methods and technologies for assessing production risks. Workshop. Irkutsk: Publishing House of ISTU,
2014-180 p.
9. Applied technosphere riskology Textbook. Irkutsk: Publishing House of ISTU, 2014-200 p.
UNIT WITH A DISCRETE UNIT TYPE OF PRODUCTION. International Engineering Journal For Research &
Development. 5, 4 (May 2020), 8., /article/view/996/877
11. Anvar Kabulov, Ilyos Kalandarov, Sherzod Boltaev. ISSN: 1943-023X Journal of Advanced Research in
Dynamical and Control Systems – JARDCS Vol.12, Special Issue 6, (2020), pp.778-792, DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP6/SP20201095
12. Кабулов А.В. Норматов И.Х., Каландаров И.И. Алгоритмический подход управления сложными
системами на примере производственных систем // ДАН АН РУз, г.Ташкент, №1, 2017 С.33-35

Rezyume: Irkutsk milliy tadqiqot texnik universitetida texnosfera xavfsizligi sohasida

mutaxassislarni tayyorlash jarayonida foydalaniladigan kompetentsiya asosida o'qitish uchun
o'qituvchi faoliyatining asosiy yo'nalishlari bayon etilgan. Batafsil tasvirlanadi natijalarini
issledni tayyorlash, bu yo'nalishini tanlashda talabalar Bani rag'batlantirish, o'qitish usullari,
mualliflar, qaror va kasbiy-xatar hollarda tomonidan foydalaniladi. A practice- yo'naltirilgan joriy
yondashuv, o'quv jarayonida talabalar uchun sanoat ob'ektlarini va xatarlarni tavsiflovchi
Резюме: В работе сформулированы основные направления деятельности

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

преподавателя для достижения компетентностного обучения, применяемые в процессе

обучения специалистов направления техносферная безопасность в Иркутском национальном
исследовательском техническом университете. Подробно описаны результаты
исследования мотивации студентов выбора данного направления подготовки, методики
обучения, используемые авторами, решение и кейсов по производственным рискам,.
Рассмотрен практико-ориентированный поход, реализуемый для характеристики
промышленных объектов, и риски для студентов в процессе обучения.

Kalit so'zlar: O'qitish texnologiyalari, kompetentsiyaga asoslangan yondashuv, interfaol

usullar, vaziyatlarni hal qilish, amaliyotga yo'naltirilgan yondashuv
Ключевые слова; технологии обучения, компетентностный подход, интерактивные
методы, решение кейсов, практико-ориентированный подход

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC. 330



Tajenova G.E.
Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University

Summary: The development of agricultural exports depends on improving the practice of

financing it. And this necessitates the study of the scientific and theoretical foundations of this
The article explores scientific and theoretical views on financing the export of agricultural
products and assesses their practical significance.
Key words: budget, subsidy, commercial bank, tax incentive, credit, bonding, farming, trade
and economic cooperation.

In the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan
for 2017-2021, a significant increase in the export potential of the agricultural sector is recognized
as one of the priorities of modernization and accelerated development of agriculture in the country
[1]. This requires ensuring the development of agricultural exports. In turn, ensuring the
development of agricultural exports creates the need to improve the practice of financing the export
of agricultural products.
It is noteworthy that the issue of improving the practice of financing agricultural exports has
been scientifically studied by foreign economists and relevant scientific conclusions and practical
recommendations have been formed.
Review of literature on the subject
V.Akhramovich and V. According to Bondarenko, the rapid growth of the total volume of
international trade in agricultural goods in recent years has been observed within regional
communities and accounts for about 70% [2]. Therefore, they believe that in financing international
trade in agricultural products, the main focus should be on financing international trade within
regional communities.
N.Zaruk, G.Grishin and O.Tagirov, as a result of scientific research on the issue of financing
of agriculture, came to the conclusion that financing from the state budget is an integral part of
financing of agriculture.[4]. Their conclusion is also important for the practice of financing the
export of agricultural products.
1- table
The amount of state budget expenditures in the Russian Federation, in which the share of
agricultural and fishery expenditures and agricultural export subsidies in the volume of
agricultural expenditures [5]
2015 y. 2016 у. 2017 у. 2018 у. 2019 у.
State budget expenditures, bln. ruble 15 620 16 416 16 420 16 712 18 213
Expenditures from the state budget on
agriculture and fisheries, bln. ruble 208 203 214 225 288
The share of export subsidy
expenditures in agricultural and
fisheries expenditures, % 3,4 2,8 3,1 2,7 2,3

From the data presented in Table 1, it can be seen that in 2016-2019, the amount of

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

expenditures of the state budget of the Russian Federation had an upward trend. This is explained
by the fact that the amount of social and military expenditures in the structure of state budget
expenditures increased during this period.
The volume of loans allocated from the Russian state budget to agriculture and fisheries in
2016-2019 also had an upward trend. This is explained by the fact that the industry is financially
supported by the state.
The data in Table 1 show that in 2015-2019, the share of loans to subsidize agricultural
exports from the state budget to total expenditures on agriculture and fisheries was low. Moreover,
in 2017-2019, a declining trend of this indicator was observed. This indicates that export subsidies
in Russia are not a priority in the system of state financial support for agriculture.
According to a group of foreign economists, a necessary condition for ensuring the
effectiveness of agricultural export lending is the state repayment (bonification) of a percentage of
loans issued by commercial banks to finance exports. [3].
This conclusion is of practical importance both for the practice of developed countries and for
the practice of developing countries. This is because part of the percentage of loans provided by
commercial banks to farmers and agricultural enterprises, including export loans, is bonified by the
state. In particular, this bonification practice was introduced in the Russian Federation on January 1,
2017 [6].
High interest rates on loans from commercial banks prevent farms from increasing their use of
these loans. This is because farmers ’ability to repay loans is determined by their level of
profitability. If the interest rate on the loan is higher than the farmer’s level of profitability, then the
farmer cannot repay the loan. Therefore, government intervention in the process of lending to
farmers by commercial banks is an objective necessity.
Analysis and results
Taxation of agricultural producers is one of the important instruments of agricultural
regulation by the state and plays an important role in the development of export activities of
agricultural producers.
According to Kirichenko, the main purpose of taxation in developed countries is to create a
relatively favorable environment for the development of the agricultural sector, as this sector is
considered a weak sector of the economy.
Also, tax incentives in developed countries play an important role in regulating the scientific
and technological development of agriculture. In the United States, for example, up to 25 percent of
farmers 'profits invested in production priorities are tax-exempt, while in the European Union, a
portion of farmers' taxes are paid from the state budget.
In short, economists say that the main focus in financing international trade in agricultural
products is to finance international trade within regional communities, subsidize agriculture from
the state budget, cover part of the loans provided by commercial banks to farms by the state.
(bonification), The scientific and theoretical views of agricultural entities on expanding the use of
documented letters of credit to finance exports, accelerating the process of scientific development in
agriculture through the provision of tax benefits are of practical importance in terms of improving
the practice of financing agricultural exports.

1. Appendix 1 to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 No.
PF-4947 "On the Strategy of further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" // Collection of Legislation
of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2017, No. 6, Article 70, No. 20 , Article 354, No. 23, Article 448, No. 37,
Article 982; National Database of Legislation, 31.07.2018, No. 06/18/5483/1594; 11.12.2019,
2. Axramovich V.S. Mehanizmy adaptatsii vneshnetorgovoy politiki v agrarnoy sfere otdelnyx stran i
soobshchestv k usloviyam VTO // Ekonomicheskiy bulletin Natsionalnogo issledovatelskogo instituta

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
Ministstva ekonomiki Respubliki Belarus. - Minsk, 2015. - №5. - S. 15-25 .; Yanbyx R.G. Sovremennye
trendy agroprodovolstvennoy torgovli i ee perspektivy v Evraziyskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza //
Ekonomika selskogo xozyaystva Rossii. - Moscow, 2011. - №1. - S. 86-91.
3. Korotkova S. N., Tkach Yu. B. Kreditovanie kak odno iz napravleniy finansirovaniya selskogo
khozyaystva v usloviyax chlenstva v VTO i sanksiy // Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy
konferentsii «Ayushievskie chteniya. Finansovo-kreditnaya sistema: opyt, problemy, innovatsii »i dr. -
Irkutsk: NITs «Approbation», 2016. - p. 124–130 .; Shkarupa E. A., Perexodov P. P. Kreditovanie selskogo
khozyaystva: osobennosti, problemy, tendentsii razvitiya // Regionalnaya ekonomika: teoriya i praktika. -
2015. - № 44. - p. 52–56 .; Scott J.A., Dinkelberg W.C., Dennis W.J. Credit, Banks and Small Business - the
New Century - Washington: NFIB Research Foundation, 2003. - 96 p.
4. Zaruk N.F., Grishin G.E., Tagirov O.A. Byudjetnoe finansirovanie selskogo khozyaystva v novyx
ekonomicheskix usloviyax // Niva Povoljya, 2013. - №4. - S. 112-119.
5. Execution of the federal budget of the Russian Federation.
6. Bondarenko V.S., Shishkina D.A. Neobxodimost i napravlenii gosudarstvennoy finansovoy podderjki
selxozpredpriyatiy rossiyskogo APK // Vestnik SGSEU. - Saratov, 2018. –№ 5. - С. 131-135.

Rezyume: Qishloq xo’jaligi mahsulotlari eksportini rivojlantirish bevosita uni

moliyalashtirish amalyotini takomillashtirishga bog’liq. Bu esa, ushbu amalyotninig ilmiy-nazariy
asoslarini tadqiq qilish zaruriyatini yuzaga keltiradi.
Maqolada qishloq xo’jalik mahsulotlari eksportini molyalashtirish xususidagi ilmiy-nazariy
qarashlar tadqiq qilingan va ularninig amaliy ahamiyatiga baho berilgan.
Резюме: Развитие экспорта сельскохозяйственных продуктов непосредственно
зависит от совершенствования практики его финансирования. А это, обуславливает
необходимость исследования научно-теоретических основ данной практики.
В статье исследованы научно-теоретические взгляды о финансировани экспорта
сельскохозяйственных продуктов и дана оценка их практическому значению.

Kalit so’zlar: byudjet, subsidya, tijorat banki, soliq imtyozi, kredit, bonifikatsiya, fermer
xo’jaligi, savdo iqtisodiy hamkorlik, hujjatlashtirilgan akkreditiv.
Ключевые слова: бюджет, субсидия, коммерческий банк, налоговая льгота, кредит,
бонификация, фермерское хозяйство, торгово-экономическая сотрудничества.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203


Seytjanov J.E1., Rakhmetova I.I2.

Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, 2National University of Uzbekistan named after
Mirzo Ulugbek

Summary: The article deals with the theory and problems of translation in different
languages. One of the most difficult and topical problems in translation is the study of the reflection
of culture on translation. We must know that the objective reality exists outside of human beings.
Every language classifies reality in its own way by using its vocabulary units, grammatical
Keywords: translation, interpretation, communication, grammar, human being, culture.

Historically, translation was used by Cicero to improve his oratory abilities. Jerome supported
sense-for-sense translation. The ancient Greeks and Romans needed the services of interpreters too
because only very few Romans and Greeks learned the languages of the peoples they had
conquered. At that time, most of the interpreters were slaves, prisoners of war.
However, in medieval periods the translation profession was highly valued. Interpreters were
as members of the courts. They played an important part in international negotiations in times of
war as well as peace, on trade expeditions, and translators were also useful for the spread of
Christianity. They worked in monasteries and helped preachers with translation of religious books.
The great discoveries and the expansions into Africa were also other good days for the
interpreting and translation profession. The Arabic and Hebrew interpreters employed the services
of captured natives who were taught the conquerors’ languages. They were used as interpreters on
later expeditions. They interpreted the conquerors who had been taken as prisoners. Later the
natives whose languages they had learnt during their imprisonment released them.
During the exploration of the Asian continent Chinese officials and intellectuals, the
missionaries translated both the works of Western scientists and Christian texts. At the Paris Peace
Conference, which followed the First World War, however, during negotiators they used different
languages too and needed the services of consecutive interpreters.
In Central Asia, translation has its own way of development. It is known there were two great
translation schools. One of them was Bagdad translation school, which was busy with translating,
commentating and copying out of classic Greek scientists’ works into Arabian language.
The second one was Toledo translation school, which was busy with the translation of Arabic
scientific literature into Western European languages. The great Uzbek writer scientists made an
enormous contribution to the development of translation such as Akhmad Al Farghoni, Abu Raihon
Beruniy, Mahmud Koshkari, Zamahshari, Sayfi Saroyi, Khaydar Khorazmiy, Alisher Navoi,
Zahriddin Muhammad Bobur, Muhammadrizo Ogahi, Abdulla Kodiriy, Cholpon, Gafur Gulam and
many others. The original works of scientists disappeared but the representatives of these schools
saved their translations.
The translation of the oral communication between users of different languages may be either
simultaneous or consecutive. Consecutive interpreter teaching is a frequently debated question.
One argument is that consecutive translation is gradually disappearing. Mostly Western
Europe scientists make this claim but the translators in Asia and in Eastern Europe do not support
this point of view.
Those, who are against Consecutive interpreter training, write, “Learning consecutive
translation means devoting much time and energy to the acquisition of skills. Time and energy
would be better invested in simultaneous”. They write that “simultaneous is just an "accelerated
consecutive" and that the skills of consecutive are therefore relevant to simultaneous” [1].

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Though they are both oral translations, we think Consecutive interpreting and Simultaneous
interpreting are different types of oral translation. They have their own specific methods of learning
and peculiarities. They cannot be substituted each other in all places. Some linguists write that
interpreting and translation are not synonymous. Interpreting takes a message from a source
language i.e the language which is translated into(from Uzbek into English) and renders that
message into a different target language i.e. the language which is translated from (ex: English from
Uzbek). In interpreting, the interpreter takes a complex concept from one language into another. He
renders the message emotionally and culturally.
Translation is the transference of the content of written or recorded text from one language
into another. In this case, the translator has time and access to dictionaries, glossaries, etc. to
produce a correct translation of the document, which are not possible for interpreting. Translation
has a wider meaning.
We think sometimes it is more acceptable to use the terms “ translation’ and “ interpreting” as
interchangeable words because interpreting training requires not only exercises which are done
orally but written exercises too (for example: “write dictation translation”, “write the translation
after the teacher stops reading” etc.)
During the process of translation, the speaker should focus on each message: whom the sender
of the message is, the intention or purpose of the speaker, when and where the action is taken place
and how the message is delivered.
Besides, the general view in translation studies is to define the relations of equivalents
between texts in different languages. When the languages are non-relative especially Karakalpak -
English and the grammatical structures are different, the interpreter must be more creative and be
ready to change the structure of the sentences given in the speech of the speaker. The more
interpreters are in a position to express the speaker's ideas in their own words; the better will be the
quality of communication between the speaker and the interpreter. The more creative the
interpreters they are faithful to the text the more original they are to communication.
One of the most difficult and topical problems in translation is the study of the reflection of
culture on translation. We must know that the objective reality exists outside of human beings.
Every language classifies reality in its own way by using its vocabulary units, grammatical
structure. In translation, many words, which look like equivalents, are not equivalents. They have
special connotations. For example, the word “sheep” has a negative connotation in the Russian
language (“ты- баран” – you are very dirty person), but in Karakalpak “қoй” has a very positive
connotation (“Ол Кой” – he is a very calm like sheep). In the American culture, this word has the
meaning “one who follows without thinking”. This difference is based on cultural variations and
the role that sheep plays in the society. Therefore, a translator must have a cultural knowledge
too.The term “culture” includes knowledge, belief, law, custom, habits, the way of life, history and
An American linguist and anthropologist Edward Sapir (1884–1939), and his student
Benjamin Whorf (1897–1941) first proposed the reflection of culture and its influence on the
language. Edward Sapir said: “No two languages are similar in representing the same social
reality”. The Sapir–Whorf hypothesis stated, “The way we think and view the world is determined
by our language. Instances of cultural language differences are evidenced in that some languages
have specific words for concepts whereas other languages use several words to represent a specific
concept. For example, the Arabic language includes many specific words for designating a certain
type of horse or camel. To make such distinctions in English, where specific words do not exist,
adjectives would be used preceding the concept label, such as quarter horse or dray horse”[2].
Language can be learned as means of communication only when the learners become aware
of the world of the language. Background knowledge of the new culture often helps learners to

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

understand better what is heard or read in the foreign language. In translation, two cultures collided
and we come across with the influence of cultures with each other. Therefore, it is necessary for the
future interpreters to know the history, customs, traditions, culture, and way of life of the people
who speak the language.
The Uzbek scientist Gaybullo Salomov compared an extract from Shakespeare’s “King Lear”
with its translation in Russian and Uzbek and revealed the influence of culture to translation.
Duke of Albani: Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile. Fish like but themselves. What
have you done? Tigers not daughters what have you performed?
In Russian; Добро и мудрость – плохо для плохих. Грязь любит лишь себе. Что вы
совершили? Что сделали, не дочери- тигрицы?
In Uzbek: Яхши ният, яхши ўгит – ёмонга ёмон. Балиқ фақат ўз ўзини яхши кўради.
Нима қилиб қўйдингиз, ё урғочи арслонларимиз? In Russian translation the symbol “courage,
strongest man, braveness is given by the word “tiger” because braveness is compared with a tiger.
However, “lion” (“арслон”) in Uzbek is the symbol of connotation of courage. Translation is not
the production of a text equivalent to another. It is rather complex process. It shows the difference
between one culture to another. We must teach to translate as the way people speaking the language.
The communicative intent or the pragmatic motivation of the original message may be
different. The translator, in other words, should know whether the message is a statement of fact, a
request, a command or a joke. Very often, the speaker’s communicative intent differs from what the
message means. For example, “I don’t know” – may be not only a statement of fact in which case it
would be translated “Мен билмеймен” but also an expressing of hesitation. In this case it is
translated as - “Көремиз”(«Посмотрим»). “What gives?”- In American slang may be translated-
“Жумыслар қалай” («Как дела?»).
Thus, in-depth study of the topical problems of translation analysed above especially in non-
related languages as English, Uzbek and Karakalpak languages will reveal the settlement of the
most theoretical and practical problems in translation.

1. Сheng Yang. Problems of Teaching Consecutive Interpretation between English and Chinese. Udine:
Campanotto Editore, 1989, pp189-190.
2. Э. Сепир. Коммуникация. Избранные труды по языкознанию и культурологи. -М., 1993. -C. 211.
3. Mackintosh J. Review Paper on Training Interpreter Trainers.- Mimeograph, 1989, -P. 1-15.

Rezyume: Maqolada turli tillardagi tarjima nazariyasi va muammolari muhokama qilinadi.

Tarjimadagi eng qiyin va dolzarb muammolardan biri bu tarjimada madaniyatning aksini
o'rganishdir. Biz bilishimiz kerakki, ob'ektiv voqelik insondan tashqarida ham mavjud. Har bir til
voqelikni o'z lug'aviy birliklari, grammatik tuzilishi yordamida tasniflaydi.
Резюме: В статье рассматриваются теория и проблемы перевода на разных языках.
Одной из самых сложных и актуальных проблем перевода является изучение отражения
культуры в переводе. Мы должны знать, что объективная реальность существует вне
людей. Каждый язык классифицирует реальность по-своему, используя свои словарные
единицы, грамматическую структуру.

Kalit so’zlar: tarjima, talqin, aloqa, grammatika, inson, madaniyat

Клчевые слова: перевод, интерпретация, общение, грамматика, человек, культура

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Seytnazarov K.R., Matjanov I.A.

Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: This article analyzes the issues of protecting the legal interests of a witness in
criminal proceedings. A possible list of personal interests of the witness and ways to ensure them is
also indicated.
Keywords: criminal procedure, system of personal interests, legitimate interest, ways of
ensuring legitimate interests.

Proof in criminal proceedings is the establishment of the truth. Proof consists in collecting,
checking and evaluating evidence in order to establish the truth about the circumstances that are
relevant to the lawful, reasonable and justified resolution of the case. In criminal proceedings, there
are several types of evidence and testimony is the most common type. They appear in almost every
case. The procedural nature of a witness's testimony is determined by the fact that it is based on
personal perceptions of events or actions, information about which is relevant to the case, or
knowledge about them obtained from other persons or from documents. Hence it is obvious that it is
sometimes impossible to prove without a witness. And yet, it is worth noting that the most difficult
work of an investigator is working with witnesses because sometimes a person has to become a
witness. And so, some witnesses resort to the principle of "Saw nothing, heard nothing, and say
nothing". And this can lead to a deadlock in many criminal cases.
A witness is a participant in criminal proceedings, a person who may be aware of any
circumstances relevant to the investigation and resolution of a criminal case, and who is called to
give evidence [1, 95].
To determine the procedural status of a witness, it is not enough that the person knows any
circumstances or facts that are of interest to the investigative body and the court. The fact that this
witness was called to give evidence is also important. Only after performing this procedure, the
person becomes a witness, receiving certain rights and obligations.
A person remains a witness before, during and after the end of the preliminary investigation,
during which they gave evidence. This is why there is a need to consider the legal significance of
the interests of witnesses. First, we note that the judgment that "witnesses do not have an
independent interest in the case" [2, 128], seems suboptimal in criminal proceedings. "Civil
plaintiffs, civil defendants and a number of other participants in criminal proceedings who are being
questioned as a witness have an independent interest in the case, but nevertheless have the status of
a witness, at least in cases when they receive testimony from them" [3, 10]. Other authors also write
about the possible interest of the witness [4, 142].
It should be noted that if a certain participant in the process, in advance or before the initiation
of a specific criminal case, will be aware of any facts, then this person, to the extent of their
knowledge (or possible interest), is subject to withdrawal from the process. As rightly pointed out:
"The witness is one of the most important figures in the process and his functions as a person who
knows any circumstances in the case cannot be compatible with any other procedural functions. So,
for example, if it turns out that a participant in the process (translator, specialist, witness,
investigator, etc.) is a witness in the case, then he is subject to recusal as a participant in the process
and will be questioned as a witness. For the same reason, the law does not limit the number of
persons who can be questioned as a witness to their age or physical or mental condition". [5, 146].
Thus, the witness is one of the main figures of evidence and his possible interest in the
outcome of the case does not prevent him from testifying.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Procedure law, in cases of personal interest of the witness in the outcome of the case, by
conferring responsibilities will testify, consistently, warning him about criminal liability for perjury,
said the inadmissibility of implementation of the unlawful interest of a witness in criminal
proceedings, for the personal interest of the witness in the prosecution or defense will definitely
affect the objective resolution of the case.
The structure of a witness's interests in criminal proceedings is contradictory. One part of his
interests is based on prestige, honor, and dignity. A person, fulfilling his social role, is interested in
the implementation of justice. There is also another personal interest of the witness, directly related
to the outcome of the criminal case and having a selfish, biased nature of the prosecution or
A witness is often concerned about threats from persons being held criminally responsible. In
this regard, a witness needs to be secured. If a witness is confident of being protected by law
enforcement, it is more likely that they will give truthful testimony.
The possible interest of a witness in the outcome of a criminal case is also justified by the fact
that sometimes criminal prosecution may be terminated against a suspect (or accused), and,
consequently, the decision to recognize a person as a suspect (or accused) is canceled. In such cases,
a person who was previously in the status of a suspect (or accused) may later be involved in the
case and questioned as a witness. This circumstance dictates them to be interested in the outcome of
the case.
Having an independent interest in the criminal process in the outcome of the case, the witness
seeks to implement it. Personal interest of the witness is sometimes an unfavorable case for the
criminal process, which negatively affects the objective investigation of the circumstances of the
case. For example, a close friend or relative of a person suspected or accused of committing a crime
is undoubtedly a person of interest. In cases where they are being questioned as a witness, they are
extremely interested and more likely to passively seek to protect them. To this end, they may
deliberately omit during the testimony of those circumstances that are important for an objective
investigation of the criminal case, citing their inattention, etc.
However, it is important to note that the criminal procedure law does not provide for the
recusal of an interested witness. The law only provides for persons who are not subject to
interrogation as witnesses.
Since the witness is a source of evidentiary information, it is irreplaceable. Due to the
irreplaceability of the witness, the law prohibits combining the duties of a witness with other
procedural functions (investigator, judge, expert, etc.). Here the determining factor is the possible
interest of these persons. Despite the interest of the witness in the outcome of the case, he must give
Also, close relatives of the suspect, accused or defendant may be questioned as a witness
about the circumstances concerning the suspect or accused only with their consent. Otherwise, their
testimony must be recognized by the court as obtained in violation of the law and cannot be
evidence of the guilt of the suspect or accused.
The law does not set any age restrictions for witnesses. If necessary, minors may also be
questioned as witnesses. Here, the psychological side of the problem plays a greater role. Because
the interrogation of a minor witness is probably a very delicate job in the practice of an investigator.

1. Uzbekiston yuridik enciklopediyasi / Nashr uchun mas’ul R.A.Muhitdinov va boshq.; mas’ul muharrir
N.Toychiev. – T.: Adolat, 2009.
2. Kommentariy k Ugolovno-processualnomu kodeksu Rossiyskoy Federacii. Postateyniy. / Pod obsh.
red. I.A.Petuxova, G.I.Zagorskogo. – M.: Eksmo, 2002.
3. Rijakov A.P. Svidetel i ponyatoy: ponyatie, prava, obyazannosti. Pokazaniya svidetelya: nauchno-
prakticheskoe rukovodstvo. – M.: Ekzamen, 2007.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
4. Kommentariy k Ugolovno-processualnomu kodeksu Rossiyskoy Federacii. / Pod red. V.I.Radchenko. –
M.: Yusticinform, 2003.
5. Ugolovno-processualnoe pravo: Uchebnik dlya yuridicheskix vuzov. / Pod obsh. red. V.I.Roxlina. –
SPb.: Izd-vo "Yuridicheskiy centr press", 2004.

Rezyume: Maqolada jinoyat processida guvohning qonuniy manfaatlarini himoya qilish

masalalari tahlil qilinadi. SHuningdek, guvohning shaxsiy manfaatlari tizimi imkoniyati va ularni
ta’minlash usullari kursatilgan.
Rezyume: В данной статье анализируются вопросы защиты законных интересов
свидетеля в уголовном процессе. Также указан возможность системы личных интересов
свидетеля и способы их обеспечения.

Kalit so’zlar: jinoyat protsessi, guvoh, shaxsiy manfaatlar tizimi, qonuniy manfaat, qonuniy
manfaatlarni himoya qilish usullari.
Ключевые слова: уголовный процесс, система личных интересов, законный интерес,
способы обеспечения законных интересов.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203


Saymanova Sh., Nurumbetova G.

Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: This article deals with using linguo-stylistic devices in English poetry with
examples from literary books.
Key words: stylistics, poetry, irony.

Stylistics, sometimes called linguo-sty1istics, is a branch of general linguistics. It has now

been more or less definitely outlined. It deals mainly with two interdependent tasks: a) the
investigation of the inventory of special language media which by their ontological features secure
the desirable effect of the utterance and b) certain types of texts (discourse) which due to the choice
and arrangement of language means are distinguished by the pragmatic aspect of the
communication. The two objectives of stylistics are clearly discernible as two separate fields of
investigation. The inventory of special language media can be analysed and their ontological
features revealed if presented in a system in which the co-relation between the media becomes
evident. The types of texts can be analysed if their linguistic components are presented in their
interaction, thus revealing the unbreakable unity and transparency of constructions of a given type.
The types of texts that are distinguished by the pragmatic aspect of the communication are called
functional styles of language (FS); the special media of language which secure the desirable effect
of the utterance are called stylistic devices (SD) and expressive means (EM). [1, p.1]
Ponomareva defines “linguostylistics” as the study of literary discourse from a linguistic
orientation. Linguostylistics is concerned with the language code themselves and particular
messages of interest to exemplify how the codes are constructed. [2, p.10]
Galperin divides lexical stylistic devices into 4 groups: 2 logical meanings (dictionary and
contextual): metaphor, metonymy, irony, primary and derivative meanings: zeugma, pun,
semantically false chain, logical and emotive meanings: epithet, oxymoron, hyperbole, logical and
nominal meanings: antonomasia. [2, p.76]
The relation between dictionary and contextual meanings may be maintained along different
lines: on the principle of affinity, on that of proximity, or symbol – referent relations, or on
opposition. Thus the stylistic device based on the first principles metaphor, on the second,
metonymy, and on the third, irony. [2, p.76]
Irony is a stylistic device also based on the simultaneous realization of two logical meanings –
dictionary and contextual, but the two meanings are in opposition to each other. The literal meaning
is the opposite to the intended meaning. Irony is based on the opposition of what is said to what is
meant. [2, p.76]
There are three types of irony:
Verbal (Antiphrasis) – using words to express something different from their literal meaning
for ironic effect (”I’m so excited to burn the midnight oil and write my academic paper all week
Situational – result differs from the expectation (Bruce Robertson, a character of Filth, is a
policeman. Nonetheless, he does drugs, resorts to violence and abuse, and so on).
Dramatic – situation is understandable for the audience but not the fictional character/actor
(audience sees that the fictional characters/actors will be killed now, though the characters don’t
expect it). [4, p.1]
Stylistic devices are often used in literary works as well as they are effectively used in one of
the most complicated genre of literature - poetry.
Poetry is a very popular genre of literature. Most of the readers prefer reciting and studying

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

poetry. It is, in general, brief and compact. Poetry writing and recitation contests are held among
students. It retains the flexibility of forms. There are different forms of poetry. They are lyrics,
ballads, elegies, sonnets, epics, odes, dramatic monologues, and so on. The musicality of a poem
can be realized through alliteration, consonance, assonance, rhyme, rhythm, meter and so on. It
accepts the playfulness of words. Poetry is a sort of word game, which employs the repetition of the
same word in different places with different meanings and the different words having a same
pronunciation. Therefore, a poem significantly be analyzed through diverse levels of the stylistics
analysis. [3, p.1]
Irony in the poetry is basically the selection of words which perform different meanings in
their functionalities rather their literal meanings. By the poet, it is also possible to have a condition
or a situation where the generally anticipated or prevailed the belief is taken in a total different
context to the poetic language. Yet irony is a great theme for this poem. It has total ironic
impression in all its words. The poet has represented his thought of irony through two things: the
fire and the ice. In this poem, the poet connoted the fire as the human greed and ice is human
hatred. These human concepts apparently are very concise but have a great depth. The situation the
poet has explained is a disturbed condition where this world has to be finished. The irony which
poet suggests is the ending of world through two human actions, the fire which is desires and hatred
which is ice. [6, p.29]
Irony [′aiәrәni] means using a word in a sense that is opposite of its usual meaning for a
humorous effect or for emphasis. Irony is transference of names based on the direct contrast of two
notions: the notion named and the notion meant. e.g. Oh, brilliantly done! stands for
You’ve made a mess of the things; A fine friend you are < you are a bad friend.
There are two kinds of irony: verbal and sustained. In verbal irony it is always possible to
indicate the exact word in which contextual meaning opposes its dictionary meaning. The ironical
sense of such utterances is evident to any native speaker, e.g. Why do you come so soon?
You used to come at ten o’clock
And now you come at noon.
In sustained irony we intuitively feel an ironical message but can not point the exact word in
whose meaning there is contradiction between the said and the implied. E.g. The urbane activity
with which a man receives money is really marvelous, considering that we so earnestly believe
money to be the root of all earthly ills, and that on no account can a moneyed man enter heaven.
The term “irony” is often applied not to the logical or notional but merely to stylistic opposition:
using high-flown, elevated linguistic units with reference to socially low or just insignificant topics:
e.g. Let’s go to my private thinking parlour (parlour, an old-fashioned bookish word, is used to
denote a filthy smelly office of the character).
Irony is used:
• to intensify the evaluative meaning of the utterance;
• to produce humorous effect;
• to express very subtle, almost imperceptible nuances of meaning;
• to show irritation, displeasure, pity, regret, etc, e.g. It was a normal audience.
Eighty per cent on day release from the city’s hospitals, with pulmonary wards and
ear-nose-and- throat departments getting ticket priority. [4, p.9]

2. О.Б. Пономарева, Е.Ю.Пономарева. Практический курс английской стилистики. Издательство
Тюменского Государственного Университета, 2012
3. Lok Raj Sharma. “What to consider while executing a stylistic analysis of a poem, American Research
Journal of humanities and Science”, 2019

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
5. Электронный учебно-методический комплекс по учебной дисциплине «Стилистика» для
специальности «Современные иностранные языки перевод)» 1 – 21 06 01-02 Составитель: В.А.
Зайцева, доцент кафедры теории и практики перевода, Минск 2014
6. A Stylistic Analysis of Robert Frost’s Poems: Fire and Ice & A Question

Rezyume: Ushbu maqolada adabiy asarlardan parchalar misolida ingliz tilida lingvistik-
stilistikadan foydalanish muhokama qilinadi.
Резюме: В этой статье рассматривается употребление лингвостилистических в
английском языке на примере отрывков из литературных произведений.

Kalit so’zlar: stilistika, poeziya, ironiya

Ключевые слова: стилистика, поэзия, ирония

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Erniyazova S.M.
Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: The article considers the main forms of interaction between the Supreme
Legislative Body of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the government of the republic, issues of
the participation of the Legislative Body in the development of the supreme executive authority and
their mutual responsibility, forms of parliamentary control, as well as constitutional responsibility
in the mechanism of parliamentary control over activities government.
Keywords: legislative power, government, powers, parliament, elections, relations, separation
of powers, control, democracy, deputy.

In the global legal system, issues of interaction between the authorities, in particular the
distribution of powers between the legislative and executive branches, are directly related to
improving the legal framework for their participation in these processes. In the studies carried out
by scientific legal centers of various states to study the legal status of state authorities and
government, the distribution of powers between them, special attention is paid to improving
international standards in the field of regulation of these relations, as well as the development of
legislation in the legislative and executive authorities.
For the formation of a democratic rule of law in Uzbekistan, it is important to strengthen and
improve the constitutional principle of separation of powers and the system of checks and balances
between various branches of government, in particular, between legislative and executive bodies of
state power.Therefore, an analysis of the existing forms of interaction between the highest
legislative body and the Government; the study of the possibility of the Legislative Body to
participate in the development of the executive branch and their mutual responsibility; analysis of
parliamentary oversight functions; the definition of constitutional responsibility in the mechanism
of parliamentary control over government activities is relevant.
In this regard, the Decree “On Approving the Concept of Administrative Reform in the
Republic of Uzbekistan” adopted by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on September 8,
2017 is an important step in the implementation of the Strategy for Action on the five priority areas
for the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021 and, in fact, opens a new page in
state and public construction of Uzbekistan.The Concept of Administrative Reform in the Republic
of Uzbekistan defines 6 main areas of radical reform of the public administration system. An
important place is given to increasing the independence of executive bodies and improving
mechanisms for their interaction with the Cabinet of Ministers; ensuring the practical
implementation of the principle of separation of powers in organizing the system of state power in
the field [1].
The bearer of legislative power in the Republic of Karakalpakstan is ZhokargyKenes, whose
deputies are elected by the population of the republic through general, equal and direct elections.
The legislative power in the republic has the supremacy, as it determines the main directions of its
life, fixes the legal foundations of the organization and activities of all state bodies. The laws
adopted by the JokargyKenes are of a generally binding character and the highest legal force in the
The Parliament of the Republic plays a decisive role in the formation of the Government
accountable to it - the collegial body that exercises executive power - the Council of Ministers.The
formation of the Government of the Republic of Karakalpakstan - the Council of Ministers is one of

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

the most important constitutional and legal institutions, in which the JokargyKenes is directly
involved. Of course, the formation of the Council of Ministers is a very responsible and important
process, with which the stability of the state mechanism and the effectiveness of public
administration are associated to a greater extent.
The attendance of the Highest Legislative Body in the development of the Council of
Ministers is the responsibility of the JokargyKenes.A feature of the constitutional legal status of the
JokargyKenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan is that, in addition to the sessions at which issues
falling within its exclusive competence are considered, the organizational forms of its work are the
activities of the Presidium and Chairman of the JokargyKenes. The chairman of ZhokargyKenes
heads the highest legislative body and is the Head of the republic.As a result of this, the issues of
forming the Government of the republic are distributed between them. So, in item 70 of the
Constitution of the Republic of Karakalpakstan lists the main activities of the ZhokargyKenes [2].
The exclusive powers of the JokargyKenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan include the
appointment and dismissal of the Chairperson of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Karakalpakstan on the proposal of the Chairman of the ZhokargyKenes of the Republic of
Karakalpakstan, agreed with the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Clause 6); the
appointment and dismissal of Deputy Chairmen of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Karakalpakstan and members of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the
development and abolition of ministries, state committees and other government bodies of the
Republic of Karakalpakstan (Clause 7).
The Chairman of the ZhokargyKenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, in accordance with
Item 81 of the Constitution, in consultation with the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
submits to the ZhokargyKenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan a candidate for the post of
Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.As for the Presidium, he,
as a permanent body of ZhokargyKenes between the sessions of ZhokargyKenes of the Republic of
Karakalpakstan, appoints and dismisses Deputy Chairmen of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Karakalpakstan and members of the Council of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Karakalpakstan Of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, forms and abolishes
ministries, state committees and other government bodies of the Republic of Karakalpakstan with
the subsequent introduction of decisions on these issues for approval by the JokargaKenes of the
Republic of Karakalpakstan (p. 85 of the Constitution) [3].
In the Republic of Karakalpakstan during the development of the Government of the republic,
the participation of political parties is not provided. Although the nomination of candidates for
deputies is carried out by political parties and all parties that participated in the elections are
represented in the legislature. In our opinion, in order to strengthen the role of political parties in the
further democratization of public administration, it is necessary to introduce into the Constitution of
the Republic that a candidate for the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers should be
nominated by a political party that has received the majority of seats in the ZhokargyKenes of the
republic or several political parties that have received the equal largest number of seats.
Common in many countries of the world is the practice of submitting a candidate for the post
of head of government to the legislative body of an action program. Such an order takes place in
France, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Finland, etc. Similar norms are contained in the Constitution of
Uzbekistan. This enhances government accountability to parliament. Subsequently, if after
appointment to the post, he does not fulfill the tasks that were set in the program of action, he will
have to bear responsibility for this. We consider it necessary to consolidate a similar norm in the
Constitution of the Republic of Karakalpakstan [4].
After the appointment of the Chairman, the next stage in the development of the Government
of the Republic is the approval of the members of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of
Karakalpakstan. According to Item 70 of the Constitution of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

JokargyKenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan appoints and dismisses the Deputy Chairmen of
the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and members of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Between Sessions The Presidium, as a permanent
body of Zhokargy Kenes, upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of
the Republic of Karakalpakstan, appoints and dismisses the Deputy Chairmen of the Council of
Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and members of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Accordingly, the parliament of the republic is directly involved in the development of the
Government. Membership in the Council of Ministers is incompatible with the deputy mandate.
This practice exists in many states, for example, in Austria, France, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands,
Belgium, etc. However, in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, an exception is made only for the
Chairman of the Council of Ministers. Heis a deputyofthe Zhokargy Kenes Republic.
In the literature, a number of authors propose to legislate requirements for candidates for the
post of head and members of the government. So, Alimov B.B. proposes in the Law "On the
Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan" to fix the requirements for candidates for the
post of Prime Minister and members of the Cabinet of Ministers [5]. Among them are such
requirements as citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan, their attainment of 25 years of age,
knowledge of the state language, permanent residence in the republic for at least 5 years, the
presence, as a rule, of higher education, as well as practical experience of at least 5 years in the
system of executive authorities. In our opinion, such a proposal deserves all support and can be
enshrined in the legislation of the Republic of Karakalpakstan as applied to the head and members
of the Council of Ministers of the republic. In the Government, worthy staff should be represented
that meet the requirements of today and understand all responsibility for solving the tasks assigned
to them.
1. Народное слово, 2017, № 180(6844).
2. Конституция Республики Каракалпакстан 1993 года. –Нукус, 2014.
3. Конституция Республики Каракалпакстан 1993 года. –Нукус, 2014.
4. Қарақалпақстан Республикасы Жокарғы Кеңесиниң Хабарнамасы, 2016 жыл, №3, 203ст.
5. Алимов Б.Б. Взаимоотношения Президента и Кабинета Министров в системе государственной
власти Республики Узбекистан.-Автореф. дис…..доктора философии(PhD) по юридическим наукам.-

Rezyume: Maqolada Qoraqalpog'iston Respublikasi oliy qonun chiqaruvchi organi va

respublika hukumati o'rtasidagi hamkorlikning asosiy shakllari, oliy ijro etuvchi hokimiyat organini
shakllantirishda qonun chiqaruvchi organning ishtiroki va ularning o'zaro javobgarligi, parlament
nazorati shakllari, shuningdek, hukumat faoliyati ustidan parlament nazorati mexanizmida
konstitutsiyaviy-huquqiy javobgarlik masalalari ko'rib chiqiladi.
Резюме: В статье рассматриваются основные формы взаимодействия между высшим
законодательным органом Республики Каракалпакстан и правительством республики,
вопросы участия законодательного органа в формировании высшего органа исполнительной
власти и их взаимной ответственности, формы парламентского контроля, а также
вопросы конституционно-правовой ответственности в механизме парламентского
контроля за деятельностью правительства.

Kalit so'zlar: Qonunchilik, hukumat, hokimiyat, parlament, saylovlar, munosabatlar,

vakolatlarni ajratish, nazorat qilish, demokratiya, deputat.
Ключевые слова: законодательная власть, правительство, полномочия, парламент,
выборы, взаимоотношения, разделение властей, контроль, народовластие, депутат.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDK: 811.512.1



Kazakbaeva A.T.
Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: In the article the phenomenon of sound exchange, which is one of the
morphological phenomena in the Karakalpak language, and the phenomena of rhotacizm and
lambdacism in the comparative grammar of the Turkic languages, representing the coincidence of
the sounds r // z, l-s // sh in Karakalpak and Chuvash languages are described.
Key words: morphology, sound exchange, rhotaсism, lambdacism, Turkic languages, root,

In the modern Karakalpak language, the phenomenon of exchanging of sounds is common. In

the linguistics vowels and consonants make many variants of words and suffixes. Sounds can be
exchanged for both phonetic and historical reasons. In the early scientific literature, the exchange of
sounds was learned in the branches of phonetics and morphology. In recent times, the exchange of
sounds has begun to be studied in the field of morphonology, one of the youngest branches of
linguistics. In Karakalpak linguistics, the exchange of sounds is studied as a morphonological
In this article, mainly, we will talk about remains of the phenomena of rhotacism and
lambdacism, which left a definite mark on the history of Turkic languages, in the modern
Karakalpak language.
In Turkic languages, the coincidence of r and z consonants led to the division of the Chuvash
language into r groups, while other Turkic languages were divided into z languages, and this
coincidence is known in Turkology as rhotacism. Also, the similarity of the consonant l in Chuvash
with the consonant sh in other Turkic languages is called lambdacism. The consonants r, l in
Chuvach are used where the consonants z, sh / s are used in most Turkic languages. For example:
xintir-qundiz (beaver), sir-jaz (summer), xuran-qazan (boiler), syltir-juldiz (star), untir-otiz (thirty),
kimil-gümis (silver), tilik-tüs (dream), chul-tas (stone), ilt-esit (listen), utmil-esik (door) and so on.
[5. 59].
The remains of both Rhotacism and Lambdacism can be seen not only in the comparison of
the Chuvash language with other Turkic languages, but also in the example of some words in the
lexical structure of one Turkic language. For example, in the modern Karakalpak language, the
words ko’r-ko’z (see-eye), semir-semiz (fatten-fat), sez-sergek (feel-watchful), teriw-diziw (gather-
line up), tuwri-düziw (right-straight) and many others are examples. Of course, these words did not
appear in any cases, but only in certain contexts as phonetic variants of words. The reason is that
they were fully formed as individual phonemes in the course of historical developments, even
though they were two different view of the same phoneme.
In the R-z coincidence, in some Turkic languages, the last z turned into s according to the law
of assimilation. For example, in Chuvash: par, xor, xuran, vakar, paru; are stated in other languages
like buz/muz (break/ice), qiz/qis (girl/winter), qazan (pot), buzaw/bozaw (calf), duz (salt) and
others. The coincidence of r-s in the words tur-tus (appearance) is considered two different view of
the same phoneme. This coincidence occurs not only in the composition of root words, but also in
suffixes. The affix -sar / -ser in Chuvash is pronounced as -sız / -siz in other languages. For
example, lashaser-atsız, silser-jelsiz [5. 33].
The R-z coincidence is also seen in the modern Karakalpak language as a synonym in some

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

suffixes of the degree forms of the verb, which are used in parallel, -qar / -ker, -qır / -kir and -qız / -
kiz. For example: jatqar-jatqız (to bed), ötker-ötkiz (pass), jetker-jetkiz (deliver) and so on. [6. 206].
The r-z coincidence in the suffixes is also found in other Turkic languages. For example, in
the Turkmen language, the negative form of the future tense was used in the form like 1st person –
almarın (I don’t take), 2nd person almarsın (you don’t take), 3rd person – almaz (he\she\it doesn’t
take). In this case, the phoneme z was used only in 3rd person, and in the previous two person r was
pronounced instead of it. [5. 33].
In the Karakalpak language, common Turkic z became s in according to the assimilation:
almaz-almas (blade). The personal suffixes are added in according to it: almas-pan (I don’t take). It
is also known that the affixes -sıra / -sire in the Old Turkic language and the affixes -sız / -siz in our
modern language are not only semantically, but also formally close. So, the affix -sız / -siz in the
Karakalpak language is a variant of the affix -sır / -sir in the Old Turkic language. Although there
are some differences in meaning, the similarities are obvious: suwsıra-suwsız (qal) (to be
dehydrated), kansıra-kansız (qal) (to be bloodless), tamaqsıra-tamaqsız (qalıw) (to be foodless),
uykısıra-uykısız (qalıw) (to be sleepless), ha’lsire-ha’lsiz (bolıw) (to be weak). There is a basis to
put close the affix -sıra with the affix -sız. The affix –sıra consists of three elements: -sı, -r // - z, -a.
The last “a” is followed later. (jas-a, san-a, as-a). The second element corresponds to the r-z
coincidence from the historical point of view between the modern Turkic languages. [5.126].
Rhotacism in the modern Karakalpak language is also seen in the middle of the positive form
of verb –ar\-er and the negative form mas /-mes. The r-s coincidence appeared in relation to the
subsequent effect in the negative form. For example, bolar-bolmas, oqır-oqımas, ko’rer – ko’rmes.
Оның бурылғаны да сол, еситилер-еситилмес даўыс шықты (С.Қапаев). When he turned, there
was an unhearable sound. (S. Kapaev). Ал завмаг болса: - Өз ерки менен кетип баратырған
дананың изинен тас ылақтырған ладан! –деп еситилер-еситилмес гүбирленди
(Т.Қайыпбергенов). But zavmag: - The ignorant that threw a stone after the genius who was
leaving on its own! – muttered inaudibly. (T.Qayıpbergenov).
According to N.A. Baskakov, the exchange of -r-z, l-s / sh sounds belongs to the Altai period.
[4.45-53]. Although most Turkic languages are now from S/sh-lıq variants, in Chuvash l-shıllıq is
preponderant as Mongolian languages. The remains of the l-sh / s exchange, which belong to the
Altaic period in most modern Turkic languages, are preserved in the words jıl-jas, bilek-bes as
synonyms, stated by N.A. Baskakov [1.116-117. In fact, it is not noticed that in the modern
Karakalpak language, the words jıl and jas are variants. The reason is that the two words have
changed not only in sound, but also in meaning. The word jıl means a period of twelve months,
while the word jas means the length of the lived life. Therefore, these words (although there were
variants before) cannot be a variant in the modern Karakalpak language. Also, in Karakalpak
language the meaning of the word “bes (five)” which means the number and the meaning of the
word “bilek (wrist)”which means bes (five) can be determined in the basis of a deep etymological
analysis. However, in the modern Karakalpak language, there is no similarity in meaning besides of
the difference in the forms of the words “bes (five)” and “bilek (wrist)”, each of them is accepted as
a meaningful word.[4.45].
To sum up, in the modern Karakalpak language, the remains of phenomena of rhotacism and
lambdacism are met in some words and in the form of suffixes. To research them deeply and overall
is one of the most important issues today. In this way, we can recognize the sound formation of our
native language, its history; the rules of development correctly, and it has a great importance in the
study, both theoretically and practically.

1. Baskakov N.A. Vvedenie v izuchenie tyurkskixx yazikov. Moscow, 1962.
2. Dmitriev N.K. Sootvetsviya r // z. In coll.ISGTYa, 1. Phonetics, M., 1955, st. 322-325; Sootvetsviya l //

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
sh. In coll.ISGTYa, 1. Phonetics, M., 1955, st. 320-321.
3. Qudaybergenov M. Karakalpak tili morfonologiyasinin’ ayirim ma’seleleri. IA QQB Xabarshisi, 1999,
№4-5, pp. 116-118.
4. Seydakmatov K. Kirgiz tilindegi so’z maanisinin jana barianttarinin o’nu’gu’shu’. Frunze, 1982.
5. Tomanov M. Kazak tilinin’ tarixi grammatikasi. Fonetika, morphologiya. Almaty, 1081.
6. Ha’zirgi qaraqalpaq a’debiy tilinin’ grammatikasi. So’z jasaliw ha’m morphologiya. Nökis, 1994.

Rezyume: Maqolada qoraqalpoq va chuvash tillarida p // z, l-s // sh tovushlarining mos

kelishini ifodalovchi turkiy tillarning qiyosiy grammatikasida rotacizm va lambdaizm hodisalari,
shuningdek, qoraqalpoq tilidagi morfologik hodisalardan biri bo'lgan tovush almashinuvi fenomeni
muhokama qilinadi.
Резюме: В статье рассматриваются феномен звукового обмена, являющийся одним из
морфологических явлений в Каракалпакском языке, а также феномены ротацизма и
лямбдаизма в сравнительной грамматике тюркских языков, представляющие собой
соответствие звуков р // з, л-с // ш в Каракалпакском и чувашском языках.

Kalit so’zlar: morfologiya, tovush almashinuvi, rotacizm, lambdaizm, turkiy tillar, ildiz,
Ключевые слова: морфология, звуковой обмен, ротацизм, лямбдаизм, тюркские языки,
корень, окончание.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC: 347.247

Jumanov A.O.
Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: In this article has been analyzed the legal aspects of water resources protection.
The issues of rational use of water were considered. The issues of improving water legislation are
Key words: water, law, ecology, law, state.

The complex reconstruction of the hydro-ameliorative system in Uzbekistan should be

accompanied by the improvement of methods of irrigation of agricultural products. It is known that
the method of irrigating the upper part of the land, which is popular in Uzbekistan, has serious
drawbacks, which require a lot of water wastage, as well as a lot of manual labor. If this method
continues, it will be impossible to achieve results in saving water.According to scientists, the use of
flexible and rigid pipes in irrigation, mechanization and automation methods can effectively control
the management of irrigation systems and machines, that is, in this way can save 10% of water.
Based on the above, it should be noted that the following basic principles must be followed in
the economical use of water, in other words:
А) taking into account that water resources are state property;
B) the need to organize the planned use of water resources;
V) organization of integrated use of water resources;
G) application and protection of a system of measures to increase water resources;
D) priority implementation of the issue of water consumption of the population.
In the use and protection of water, a number of legal scholars have expressed their views on
the use of water. For example: in the monograph of O.S Kolbasov in the current situation adds to
the principles of water rights the principles of indefinite and paid use [1, 21].
Especially in the current market economy, the legal status of water in the republic is
characterized by the principles of planned, targeted and integrated use of water resources.
Integrated use of water means the simultaneous use of several useful features of a water body
for different needs, ie a particular water body satisfies several sectors of the economy.
In Uzbekistan, first of all, in solving the most important problems, it is expedient to use water
resources in a complex way, because in the use of one water basin is used by several organizations..
For example, a water basin can be used simultaneously for shipping, passenger transportation,
utilities, water supply, and agriculture. The use of water in this way is very cost-effective for the
national economy.
Underlying the basis for determining the legal status of water resources, first of all, is the
possibility of organizing a comprehensive and integrated use of water.
G.A.Aksenenok states in this regard that "the determination of the legal status of a particular
water source and basin should take into account the fact that these sources and basins can be used
for different economic needs and for different purposes" [2,260]. Only such an approach, he writes,
allows for the integrated use of all available water resources, taking into account the water needs of
all sectors of the economy [2,260].
The main and basin schemes of water use and protection define the main water management
measures and other measures to be taken to meet the water needs of the population and the national
economy, as well as to protect water and prevent harmful effects of water.
In accordance with the Law of Uzbekistan on Water and Water Use, the work on state
accounting of water and its use, maintenance of the state water cadastre, compilation of water

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

balances, development of integrated water use and protection schemes is carried out at the expense
of the state.
It should be noted that discharge of wastewater into water bodies is allowed provided that the
pollutants in the water body do not exceed the established norms and the water user treats such
wastewater to the level set by nature protection and sanitary control authorities.
The use of boundary water, water economy and water protection measures are carried out on
the basis of international agreements.
Water use in the part of the border water of the Republic of Uzbekistan not regulated by an
international agreement is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of
If these requirements are violated, the bodies of ecology and environmental protection and
sanitary control must restrict, suspend or prohibit the discharge of wastewater, and even suspend the
operation of certain industrial facilities, workshops, enterprises, organizations, institutions. In cases
endangering the health of the population, the discharge of wastewater should be stopped and even
the use of production facilities and other facilities should be stopped.
Legal and ecological protection of water resources is specified in the chapter XXIV, articles
97-102 of the law "About water and water use"[3] of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
It is noteworthy that in this Law about Water, it is stated that “enterprises, organizations and
institutions whose activities affect the state of water and water facilities must carry out works on
technology, forest melioration and agricultural engineering, hydraulic engineering, sanitary-
technique in coordination with local public authorities, bodies of ecology and environmental
protection and water economy, sanitary control and other relevant agencies” (article 98).
In the current situation, water pollution is mainly the result of throwing rubbish and wastes
uncaringly. This problem is reflected in article 99 of this Law.
The following are prohibited for enterprises, organizations, institutions and citizens:
˗ throwing industrial wastes, household and other wastes and rubbish into water objects;
˗ pollution and contamination of water and water objects as a result of spills of oils, wood,
chemical and petroleum products and other products;
˗ pollution and contamination of the surface of basins, the surface of glaciers covering basins,
industrial wastes, household wastes and other wastes, as well as petroleum and chemical products
that degrade the quality of surface water and groundwater;
˗ contamination of water with fertilizers, toxic chemicals and other harmful substances;
˗ Discharge of wastewater into water bodies is allowed only in compliance with the
requirements specified in articles 74 and 75 of this Law.
Furthermore, this law also focuses on the legal ecological environmental protection of water
of small rivers and groundwater.
The article 101 of this Law represents the principles of protection of groundwater.
Agencies which deal with extraction and use of groundwater must monitor if the regimes
related to groundwater of the territories where groundwater is extracted and territories which is
linked to them are being followed or not as well as figuring out the amount and quality of water
In case of discovering of aquifers during drilling and other prospecting operations related to
search, exploration and exploitation of mineral deposits, these should be notified to environmental
protection, water economy bodies and actions needed should be taken to protect groundwater in
certain manner. The digging of wells for the discharge of industrial effluents is prohibited if they
can become a source of contamination of the aquifers.
Water controlling equipment to the wells which discharge water itself and have inconsumable
water must be fixed, this water must be suspended or stopped in accordance with the principles
specified in the Law.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

The construction of industrial, agricultural and other facilities that are likely to accumulate
solid and liquid waste, build landfills, and become a source of groundwater pollution is not allowed
near the sources where groundwater having high quality is abounded. Taking measures to protect
groundwater, including the creation of a well monitoring system, is carried out by enterprises that
affect the state of groundwater.
It is obvious that this article pays attention to the legal ecological protection of groundwater
In particular, enterprises, organizations, institutions, farms, which have a negative impact on
the condition and regime of small rivers, should take actions to protect water, its purity and quality,
together with water economy and environmental protection agencies.
Water protection zones of small rivers, the mode of economic activity of enterprises,
organizations, institutions in these regions are determined by the Laws.
The best way to protect water sources from pollution is to organize a centralized water supply.
When choosing a place to draw water from open water basins, it is necessary to take into
account the fact that the water is not polluted, enough water falls into the water basin, the perimeter
of the water basin is blocked, the shoreline is not damaged. Choosing a place to get water is a
complex sanitary issue every time. Importantly, the water intake should be located much higher than
the sewage intake and the residential area. This implies the prospects of the settlement, i.e its
expansion. Also, the water intake should be above rivers and streams. Water is taken from a place
where the river bank is at least 2.5 meters deep and the shore is not washed. This rule also applies to
Given the fact that any water source, especially open water basins, is connected to the external
environment and water quality is affected by the conditions of water flow, natural disasters,
industrial and communal facilities, economic and domestic activities of the population, it is
necessary to establish a sanitary zone.
According to the current legislation, organizations with taps must establish a sanitary
protection zone for all taps.
Water protection measures must be implemented in all open water basins, groundwater
sources, regardless of whether they are used for centralized or decentralized water supply.
It is necessary to create a sanitary protection zone in areas with access to sanitary water supply.
In such cases, the following amounts of land shall be allocated to the bodies of sanitary control and
bodies controlling the use and protection of water in the territory:
- 100 m for open water basins. Inspection roads will be constructed and planted on both banks
of the water, and within the city the shores will be additionally improved;
- 300 m square will be protected for stream and flood reservoirs;
- some wells, springs and springs used for artesian wells or groundwater shall be roofed and
covered with water-resistant materials within a radius of 30 m above the ground, the area shall be at
least 0.25 ha;
- for some wells, when using groundwater or infiltration water, the surface is covered within a
radius of 30 m, the area is at least 0.75 ha.
In some areas, such as large cities or enterprises, when toxic chemicals are widely used in
agriculture, these zones may be expanded at the request of the relevant sanitary control authorities.
Also, in the current situation in agriculture and other enterprises, institutions, organizations, as
well as in the country, a number of scientific and legal environmental solutions for the use and legal
protection of water are covered in some legal literature.
In short, the current market economy and lifestyle require the application of new legal-
scientific and environmental solutions. Legal environmental protection of water resources serves to
provide the population with clean drinking water and is hygienically important, even in preventing
the spread of disease. Ecological protection of water sources helps to preserve the flora and fauna of

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

all living things, whose life depends on water, and Mother Nature in general.

1. KolbasovO.S. Zakonodatelstvo o vodopolzovany (problem sovershenstvovanya zakonodatelstvo ob
ispolzovaniy vodnyx resursov). - M. Yuridicheskaya literatura, 1965, - P.21.
2. G.A.Aksenenok. Pravovoe obespechenye kompleksnogo ispolzovanya prirodnyx bogatstv I ix oxrane,
M, 1962 y. - P.260
3. Republic of Uzbekistan Oliy Kengash Axborotnoma, 1993y, 5-edition, 221-particle

Rezyume: Bu maqolada suvni muhofaza qilishning huquqiy jihatlari tahlil qilingan. Suvdan
oqilona foydalanish masalalari ko‘rib chiqilgan.Suv qonunchiligini takomillashtirish masalalari
Резюме: В данной статье проанализирована правовые аспекты охраны водных
ресурсов. Были рассмотрены вопросы рационального использования воды. Освещены
вопросы совершенствования водного законодательства.

Tayanch so‘zlar: suv, huquq, ekologiya, qonun, davlat.

Ключевые слова: вода, право, экология, законь, государство.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC. 1:37.01

Mambetkarimov R.R.
Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: The article describes the peculiarities of human nature, spiritual issues, the
relevance of education to human content. The role of education in social life is widely discussed.
The article provides a categorical analysis, guided by the views of scientists of our country and the
world on the problems of education.
Keywords: Education, upbringing, knowledge, science, spirituality, humanism, self-
awareness, justice, universal value, freedom, human life, objective-subjective factors, education,
etiquette, practical activity.

Throughout its life, mankind has raised a number of issues as a self-creating phenomenon.
What is the world? Is it possible to know it? Who is a person? How should a person be made? What
is the meaning of human life? What should be the relationship between people? People are puzzled
by the idea of what ideas and thoughts should be guided in their work.
At the same time, mankind today is developing various methods and theories as a solution to
the problems posed by the environment. These emerging theories and various methods also have a
special place in the development of society. In the process of development of society, the issue of
morality has always been of great importance.
Historically, these problems have been of interest to Eastern and Western scholars, and they
have given rise to a variety of views, opinions, and theories on these issues.
Morality has an important place in the scientific education of Eastern thinkers in matters of
education. From time immemorial, they have created works aimed at the development of the
spiritual world of man, with a special emphasis on the education of the individual. We can see that
Eastern thinkers in their teachings were guided not only by theoretical approaches to education, but
also by religious mythological approaches. In the works of Eastern thinkers on the education of
maturity, the cultural and spiritual development of people, the development of human qualities in
the formation of high human feelings in them is discussed as a topical issue. As an example, we can
cite many epics, legends, as well as scientific discoveries.
As for the development of early philosophical views in the Central Asian region, it focuses on
the issues of spiritual development, morality and upbringing. In particular, the book of Avesta, the
sacred source of Zoroastrianism, shows that man must live for three successful purposes. In this
case, the ultimate goal of good ideas, good words and good deeds in the Avesta is the realization of
a well-mannered and perfect person. The Avesta has served as an important source for studying the
history of the formation of moral and ethical teachings of the peoples of Central Asia.
Man acquires morality through education. Morality is not passed down from generation to
generation. A person's identity is related to himself and other factors, that is, the people around him,
social institutions, society, the city and the objective-subjective factors, and so on. In a society
where good deeds are practiced, progressive developments are evident in that society. If even one
person in a society is immoral, that is, a liar, a deceiver, a slanderer, a traitor, then these qualities of
that person can spread to the society and cause great harm to the society, leading to a regressive
situation in the society. If the upbringing is not right, then a person may be left in a struggle
between good and evil, and for gay reasons, he may move to one side or the other.
Therefore, the social role of morality is high. A society that ignores the strict rules of morality
will inevitably suffer. Moral education also shapes human discipline, cultivates human virtues,
promotes happiness, and teaches one to do good in society.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Moral education is not the introduction of certain qualities in a person, but the thorough
formation of the education of his integrity. The need for morality can be seen in its absolute
integration with human nature.
Our forefathers first of all showed that a polite person thinks positively about others, does not
go to extremes in human-to-human communication, and does not touch people in word or deed. All
of these have highlighted the idea of morality as reflecting human attitudes that are restricted to the
criteria of morality. They have been answering people's questions about how to do it, how not to go
out of their way. For example, the famous philosopher Confucius, a prominent figure in Chinese
philosophy, taught in the Confucian doctrine of "great morality" that "a child is a father, a wife is a
husband, a citizen is a leader, and a man is an adult." [1-32c] . Morality means, first of all,
education, human relations, their love for each other, human qualities.
From the point of view of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, upbringing and education
are considered to be the core of man. They complement each other, emphasizing the content of
education and upbringing of a person and forming a barrier to his moral virtues. In the words of
Socrates, "An educated person is a good person." In fact, it is clear that any morality is based on
education. The principles and norms of morality are the spiritual core of the formation of a person,
and it is impossible to establish it in an artificial way, if it is not introduced from the outside.
Morality does not just happen. This is because morality is acquired through education and
knowledge. Science is a combination of theories that lead people to goodness and provide
knowledge about the consequences of each phenomenon. Therefore, it is necessary for people to be
immersed in the process of upbringing with knowledge that impedes morality. In public life,
education and upbringing for the individual serve as a Putin. It is impossible to consider one of
them as the first or the second. This is because they are a complete system. Just as there is no break
in the system, education cannot be without education, and education cannot be without education.
Education is a purposeful process. Education is not without purpose, because man cannot do
without purpose. The goal is to meet the material needs and spiritual needs of the individual.
One of the sages of the East, Yusuf Khas Hajib, said that education prepares a person to be
free, free, and a son, as well as education: "Where there is learning, there is greatness, where there
is knowledge, there is height" [2-127 p.]. In fact, the two sides are in constant contact with each
other. Because man knows everything around him and the gifts. Applying knowledge in practice
makes it wise. As the sage said, "Learn science, science is the sun in darkness, the counselor in
trouble, the companion in loneliness, the confidant in a foreign land, the leader in difficult times, the
weapon against the enemy”.
And one of the most famous scholars, Abdullah Avloni, said about education and upbringing:
"Education is for us a matter of life or death, or salvation or disaster, or happiness or unhappiness"
[3-61p]. Abdullah Avloni's statement states that these two substances are the most essential for the
human body. It marks the existence of all the objects and gifts around man in some sense. Applying
knowledge in practice makes a person wise or, in other words, leads to greatness. And the mind
teaches a person what to do in life or becomes a paradigm that determines a person's scientific and
ethical life. The ideas of these scientists consider the intellect, morals, upbringing, and ideas
instilled in human beings as the main criteria of achievement.
Morality is the science of relationships between people and the tasks that result from those
relationships. Therefore, these rules and requirements are formed naturally and voluntarily in
accordance with the customs and traditions of the nation or people. The requirements of the Code of
Ethics are realized through public debate and influence. The rules of etiquette dictate that a person
acts as a person. Because it is a collection of strong social discipline. Morality is also reflected in a
person's attitude to his homeland, his people, his homeland and other nations. Man is a social value.
Therefore, society requires a person to be a member of society, to maintain his health, to be
responsible, to behave in an orderly manner.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

In social relations, a person performs certain duties. It is in the form of a duty imposed on
every member of society by the people, by the homeland, by the shanarak. True morality is
determined by the way individuals perform that duty. Whoever is useful to society and influences its
progress, who does not tolerate the destruction of social norms, will be moral. This is because a
person has principles of morality and is very important in caring for him. If a person mourns the
fate of the homeland as much as he does, and rejoices in the success of society as his own success,
he shows that he is capable of fulfilling his duty.
In short, the ultimate goal of moral education is to teach a person to understand the dangers of
evil and to renounce it, to show him the right path, the path of morality. Because the best person in
society is a decent person, and decent people are the priceless state and status of society. In order for
a person to live in a society, he must take into account all the factors. In this case, the relationship
between society and the individual lives and serves as an integral element in the development of
human spirituality.

1. A.K.Berdimuratova. Filosofiya (oqıw qollanba). Nókis 2010-jıl. 32 b.
2. J.Bazarbaev. «Ádepnama». - Nókis - 1994. 127 б.
3. I.A.Karimov. «Joqarı mánawiyat - jeńilmes kúsh». Tashkent - 2008-jıl. 61 b.

Rezyume: Maqolada inson ta’lim-tarbiyasining o’ziga xos hususiyatlari, ma’naviyat

masalalari, ta’lim va tarbiyaning yaxlitligi tasvirlangan. Ta’limning ijtimoiy hayotdagi o’rni keng
tahlil qilinadi. Maqolada yurtimiz va dunyo olimlarining ta’lim muammolari haqidagi qarashlarini
hisobga olgan holda kategorik tahlili keltirilgan.
Резюме: В статье описаны особенности характера человеческого образования,
духовные проблемы, актуальность образования для человеческого содержания. Роль
образования в общественной жизни широко обсуждается. В статье приведен
категориальный анализ, основанный на взглядах ученых нашей страны и мира на проблемы

Kalit so’zlar: ta’lim, tarbiya, bilim, ilm, ma’naviyat, ahloq, o’zini anglash, adolat, inson
qadr-qimmati, erkinlik, inson hayoti, ob’ektiv-sub’ektiv omillar, amaliy faoliyat.
Ключевые слова: образование, воспитание, знания, наука, духовность, мораль,
самосознание, справедливость, человеческое достоинство, свобода, жизнь человека,
объективно-субъективные факторы, воспитание, мораль, практичность.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Nizamatdinov K.K., Utebaev S.M.

Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Summary: The article analyzes the concept of property rights, its characteristics,
peculiarities of property rights to securities, the procedure for the implementation of property
rights, and its theoretical aspects.
Keywords: property rights, securities, objects of civil law, civil turnover, obligation.

It is known that the range of objects of civil law is very wide, in which each object has its
characteristics of civil behavior, as well as other economic relations, and in terms of
regulation, the content of independent industries and institutions. In particular, the fact that
property rights can be treated as an independent object in civil law relations is enshrined in
civil law.
The set of objects of this type, by its nature, determines the right of further possession use,
and disposal of certain types of objects, property. In this case, whatever the purpose of the
relevant property rights is, this material blessing is recognized as its object.
By Article 81 of the current Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, property rights are
included in the list of objects of civil law. At the same time, although Article 94 of this Code deals
with the legal description of money (currency), the Code does not disclose the legal nature of
property rights, including property rights in respect of securities.
Indeed, securities are among the independent objects that have a wider scope and volume
of circulation than other objects of civil circulation. In fact, in each case, the right of possession,
use, and disposal are determined by the property right belonging to a particular owner. In this
case, of course, it is in the owner's interest to exercise the property right at will.
This interest may directly affect him, his loved ones, or others. One can also observe the
different views of the authors on property law. For example, according to Z. Amonov, "property
rights as an object of civil law have their characteristics, they always create a certain material
interest to the owner, mainly based on civil law relations, property rights such as" possession,
use, and disposal "and it is important in that it expresses the set of legal actions that
constitute their content, often forms an intangible form, and exists beyond its material basis ”
[1. 7].
In particular, when a parent deposits in the name of a minor in a bank, even if it seems to be in
the interests of a third party the owner's action is based on the duty as a parent [2. 9].
It can be seen that the basis for the emergence of direct property rights about securities
consists of many complex rules in civil law.
After all, property law is a right that belongs to a person involved in a particular legal
relationship. Property law is formed based on objective legal norms, ie procedures established
by the state and is implemented by them [3. 32].
The emergence of property rights of subjects of civil law about securities is primarily
provided for as a general rule in national legislation. In particular, based on the grounds provided
for in the second part of Article 8 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the grounds for
the formation of property rights of legal entities directly in relation to securities can be
expressed as follows:
- on the basis of contracts and other agreements;
- on the basis of the legislation and the relevant decisions of public authorities and
administration as a result of illegal actions (inaction) of the subject;

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

- as a result of the lawful actions of the subject;

- as a result of events.
Therefore, given that the formation of property rights to securities as a basis for the
formation of certain types of civil law relations generally occurs by imperative and
dispositive rules, the economic rights to economic transactions with securities are closely linked
with property rights and obligations. can be seen.
The content of property rights in relation to security exercised on the basis of property rights
is mainly characterized by the degree of rights and obligations of individuals and legal entities in
relation to this object. However, in the case of security, the substantive right arises on the basis of
the right of ownership. In this regard, it is dif cult to imagine the existence of other property
rights without property rights [4. 82].
Besides, property rights in respect of securities may also arise from an obligation-
related relationship in which certain entities participate. The property rights of individuals
and legal entities in relation to securities based on the right of obligation are mainly
expressed as follows:
the status of performance of contractual obligations by the subject of civil law,
participating as a party to the contract on the right of compulsion, creates property rights in
respect of securities;
as a result of compensation for losses incurred in business activities in non-contractual
cases, property rights arise in respect of these securities;
on the basis of the current legislation and other normative legal acts, the property right to
securities arises.
In this regard, as long as securities are treated as objects of civil law by their nature, the
emergence of property rights of certain types of economic activity in relation to it can also be
regulated by the norms of public law. For example, per the current legislation on labor and
social protection, the emergence of property rights in respect to wages, bene ts, pensions,
and stipends is determined by the norms of public law.
The contract also recognizes property rights to securities, which is primarily governed by
national law. For example, property rights to goods under sales contracts, property rights of a
creditor to securities on debt and credit obligations, and so on. Therefore, in a contractual legal
relationship, the parties exercise the property right speci ed in the contract and ful ll the
obligations [5. 25].
In some cases, property rights may arise against the will of the individual. For example, as a
result of the reorganization of a commercial legal entity, the founders have a preferential
property right over the charter capital of the legal entity, which is being liquidated by legal
succession, the right to own securities, and so on.
In conclusion, it can be concluded that the emergence of property rights in relation to
securities can often be manifested in the form of interests, desires and the need to exercise
property rights.
This is mainly re ected in certain civil law contracts and non-contractual obligations of
property rights holders with other persons about these types of values, and ultimately in
securing the property rights and needs of participants in securities transactions.

1. Амонов З.А. Мулкий ҳуқуқлар фуқаролик ҳуқуқининг объекти сифатида: юрид. фанл.
номз.дисс…автореф. –Тошкент: ТДЮИ, 2010. – 7-б.
2. Баратов М.Х. Мулк ҳуқуқи: Ўқув қўлланма. –Тошкент: ТДЮИ, 2006. – 9-б.
3. Xo`jalik (tadbirkorlik) huquqi: Mualliflar jamoasi. Darslik. –Toshkent: TDYI, 2007. – 32-b.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
4. Эргашев В.Ё. Ашёвий ҳуқуқ объекти. // Бозор ислоҳотлари шароитида фуқаролик
қонунчилигини такомиллаштириш муаммолари: Республика илмий-назарий конференция
материаллари. –Тошкент: ТДЮИ, 2011. – 82-б.
5. Муаллифлар жамоаси. Шартнома ҳуқуқи: Ўқув қўлланма. –Тошкент: ТДЮИ, 2006. – 25-б.

Rezyume: Maqolada yuridik shaxs tushunchasi, belgilari, huquq sub’ektliligi, shuningdek,

huquq va muomala layoqatining yuridik shaxs bilan bog’liq hususiyatlari atroflicha tahlil qilinadi
Резюме: В статье дан подробный анализ понятия и характеристик юридического
лица, правосубъектности юридического лица, а также характеристик правоспособности и
дееспособности юридического лица.

Kalit so’zlar: yuridik shaxs, yuridik shaxs belgilari, tijiratchi yuridik shaxs, tijoratchi
bo’lmagan yuridik shaxs huquq layoqati, muomala layoqati.
Ключевые слова: юридическое лицо, признаки юридического лица, коммерческое
юридическое лицо, некоммерческое юридическое лицо, правоспособность,

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Bekimbetova A.A1., Dzhalgasbayeva M.S2.

Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, 2Tashkent State Dental Institute

Summary: The article is devoted to the folk experience of inculcating arithmetic concepts in
the traditions of mental education of the younger generation. The article provides information
about the history of teaching children to count, methods of forming the concept of counting.
Keywords: arithmetic concepts, natural numbers, counting, arithmetic, counting history,
mental education.

It was a great human achievement to develop a simple counting technique that enhanced the
way people think, the things and events keep the sequence and are linked internally, concepts of
analysis and synthesis. The process of counting requires from a person to understand things in a
sequence. Conception relating to the quality and quantity of objects, in turn, creates the notions
relation and movement in the universe and the sequence in counting influenced on the children’s
logical thinking.
Counting came to existence on a daily basis and was used quite simply in the life ancient
people. In earlier stages they didn’t know the number of people in their tribe and they identified the
members by their facial features and body postures, they clarified it not by the amount of total
number, but by considering the members’ figure, stature and special features.
Counting was carried out in a way like this even in those times when people’s consciousness
level was too low. The numbers were realized according to the exact things before, so people had to
know what to count ,first of all, and they based numbers on the physical characteristics of those
objects. While there was no abstract counting till “3” , it was explained like this: “One person is tall,
One person is a child, One person is woman”. It was expressed by “plenty” when explaining,
describing, interpreting wasn’t enough [1. 160].
Humankinds first invented cardinal numbers which were used to count things that can be
found in nature. Firstly, numbers “one” and “two” were created. Most scientists believe that the
number “one” came into existence in accordance with the word “wrist”. At that time a hand of a
person (precisely wrist) meant a unit. It’s believed that there’s some kind of connection between “1”
and “wrist”. It can also be realized by solving the riddle “One means a hand”.
So, the thing that one means a hand takes shape in this way, as well “ We’ve sent a person to
them” can be replaced by “We’ve given them a hand”. Thereby “1” derived from the word “hand”.
At some point in history, the synonyms appeared of the number one such as: alone,
individual, odd. People uttered it even stronger by limiting the unit of the word “lonely”. The word
“odd” was used when the numbers couldn’t be divided into two.
Two is the number after one. It appeared in relation to the words “twin” and it meant the
other hand or its twin and it’s the shortened form of the words “the next, the following, the other
At the time when this science advanced considerably, its synonyms came out such as: twin
and pair. The word “pair” meant both are of same shape. The word “pair” was created according to
the verb “plus”: one of four functions in mathematics. Ancient people carried out counting with
their hand and foot fingers [2].
Numbers more than 2 were considered “plenty”. Therefore , in the beginning , 3 meant “a lot”
and the point of a particular object. The term 3 form the statement that “The longest finger is the
point of an arm” and that’s 3rd finger.
When teaching a child to count , the term 4 derived from the word “touch” and that’s the

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

finger we use when touching somebody or something. When counted from the little finger, it is next
to thumb. That’s how the term “4” came to existence.
It’s supposed that the term “5” came from the word “main”. The word 5 means highest
number or biggest finger of the hand. The others meant “a lot”. At some point of the history “5” was
considered to be an end. In Karakalpak traditional game called “Thumb” it’s the biggest finger
when counted from the little finger. Based on this we believe “main” was the origin for the “number
The origin of number “6” also has distinctive features . It’s believed that the number “6” came
from the verb “take / front”. It was a penultimate number when there existed only 7 numbers and it
meant front. Since it stands next to the last number, it came into existence in this way [3].
The number “7” appeared in accordance with the verb to follw, reach, achieve and at the time
when 7 was considered the highest number, it meant the edn of counting. As a proof of this, we can
see that –ov,-ev affixes can only be added to those numbers till 7.
Number “8” and “9” came out then when number “7” wasn’t sufficient and counting system
was extended to “10”. 2 out of 10 meant “8”, 1 out of 10 meant 9. In Turkic language additionals
like –iz , - uz meant “10” in the past. –Sek , - ek, - eki gave the meaning that 2 out of ten, 10 lacks 2
and – tuq ,-toq, alone , single gave the meaning 1 out of 10, 10 lacks 1. The word “10” and “mish”
meant plenty in the past. The word “mish” “mush” meaning “10” whose shortened forms are “–
ma,-mi” were basic elements of the ancient Turks’ primary words. This word meant “a lot” as well.
For example , Oltmish “6 times more” / “more than 6”, Yetmish “7 times more” / “more than 7”.
With the help of affixes - mis, - mish , it was explained that something happened long time ago /
the date is unknown. So, in this way the term “10” came from those numbers [4].
When analyzing the special characterstics of counting in Turkmen traditional children’s game
“Xengal”, we’ll notice that the word “mayor” was used instead of number “10”. As a result, yhe
number 20 is said as: two- er – mayor (two times ten).
As we’ve seen above , the 1st stage contains numbers from 1 to 10 . Mastering numbers till
20 was the 2nd stage. Fingers were widely used while counting. Numbers till 10 were counted with
fingers and numbers till 20 with foot fingers.
Ancient traditions of teaching children to count with the help of hand and foot fingers are still
used among Karakalpaks to teach children to count in the form of game. Its characteristics are very
well kept in traditional game “Thumb”. It’s clear that finger has its title such as: thumb (1), duck
(2), middle tree (3) chyldie chumak (4), small infant (5).
A game called “awelemen – duwelemen” was played when it comes to teach by combining
legs and foot fingers to counting.
At the 3rd stage of counting, finger joints were also used in some nations. Later when that was
insufficient, they counted by using stones, pieces of wood, white corn twigs ( sticks ) or signs that
were carved in the wood / line. Using white corn sticks were used till the end of 1960s during the
classes as a tool of teaching arithmetics.
So, experiments of giving arithmetic concept in the traditions of how people teach younger
generation intellectually were the main sources of today’s modern math science.

1. Бекбергенов А. Қарақалпақ тилиндеги санлықлар. -Нөкис.: Қарақалпақстан, 1976. -106 б.
2. Жайпанов Ж. Халық аузындағы есептердi сабақта пайдалану. //Ж. Қазақстан мектебi. –Алматы,
3. Мухаммедова З.Б. Особенности числительных в детской считалке, произносимой при игре
«Хенгал». //Ж.Известия. 1970. №5.
4. ‘’The Formation and development of pedagogical thought in Karakalpakstan’’. Alewov. U. Nukus.
"Bilim", 1993. p.504.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Rezyume: Ushbu maqola xalqning yosh avlodga aqliy tarbiya berish an’analaridagi arifmetik
tushunchalar berish tajribalariga bag’ishlangan. Maqolada bolalarni sanashga o’rgatish tarixi,
hisoblash tushunchalarini shakllantirish usullari haqida a’lumotlar berilgan.
Резюме: Статья посвящена народному опыту привития арифметических понятий в
традициях умственного воспитания подрастающего поколения. В статье представлены
сведения об истории обучения детей счету, методикам формирования концепции счета.

Kalit so’zlar: arifmetik tushunchalar, natural sonlar, sanash, hisoblash, sanash tarixi, aqliy
Ключевые слова: арифметические понятия, натуральные числа, счет, арифметика,
история счета, умственное образование.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDK: 39.397



Toreniyazova D.K1. , Jumaniyazov D.K2.

School №8 in Nukus, 2Karakalpak state university named after Berdakh

Summary: The article analyzes the process of ethnic formation of the people of Central Asia.
Their (Uzbek, Karakalpak, Kazakh) anthropological and tribal features are based on various
Keywords: People, settlements, population formation, migration, Uzbeks, Karakalpaks,
Kazakhs, Turkmens, tribe.

In ancient times, the territory of the Amudarya region was the center for sedentary life in the
Khiva oasis. At the same time, its cultural area was much wider, going more or less far into the
depth of the sandy desert of Kyzyl-Kum. Consequently, the original population of this country was
undoubtedly Aryan, the examples of the language left by Beruni indicate the purity and antiquity of
the origin of the inhabitants of ancient Khorezm. However, we can think that long before the
Mongol invasion, nomadic tribes from the East poured a considerable admixture of Turkic blood
into the territory. The middle ages finally mixed the Aryan blood and created a nationality here,
which is still characterized by extreme uncertainty of blood mixture from the Aryans and Turks,
namely, the Sarts [1.200]. The Uzbek invasion could not make any noticeable changes in the
internal composition of the settled population, but still, it did not displace the Sarts from the right
coast of the Amudarya. Indeed, data from the time of Uzbek reign tell us that in the XVI century
there were no settlements on the right coast. Later, when agriculture began to grow stronger with
the help of slaves labor, all the cultural lands of the right coast were occupied by purely Turkic
people. This is the general description of the Amudarya region settlement.
The table below (No.1) demonstrates the distribution of farms registered in the 1912-1913
censuses in the Amudarya region among individual nationalities. Of the 33,509 farms described,
almost half (45.5%) are Karakalpaks, 24.6 % are Kazakhs, 21.6% are Uzbeks, 6.4% are Turkmen,
and the remaining 649 farms (1.9%) are distributed among more or less random inhabitants of this
region: Persians, Khojas, Arabs, Tajiks, Sarts, etc.

Districts Number of farms

Karakalpaks / %








Daukara 1560- 75-
46,3 - - - - - - - - - -
51,2% 2,5%
Chimbay 9520- 2412- 561- 57- 14- 7-
2 1 - - - - -
75,7% 19,2 4,5% 0,4% 0,1% 0,1%
Taldyk 3442- 531-
16,5 - - 37-0,8 - - - - - - -
71,7% 11%

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
213 205
1372- 36-
Shurakhan 736- 6149- 2- - 19- 137- 42- 5-
12,7 0,3 - 3 2
6,8% 56,7% 19,7 1,9 0,2% 1,2% 0,4 0,1%
% %
% %
Kyzylkum 2241- 8-
- - - - - - - - 1 - -
99,6 0,3%
213 206
42- 36-
By region 15258- 8227- 7241- 4- - 196- 137-
0,1 0,1 14 13 3 2
45,5 24,6 21,6 6,4 0,6 0,6% 0,4%
% %
% %

As we can see, the dominant ethnic group in the Khiva khanate - the Uzbeks are only on the
third place, after Karakalpaks and Kazakhs. This can be explained by the fact that after conquering
the Khiva oasis, Uzbeks chose more convenient lands on the left coast for their settlement,
neglecting the abandoned and feral right coast, which was later occupied by less demanding people
- Karakalpaks and Kazakhs, who managed, thanks to their hard work, to partially restore the
previous irrigation systems. Now we will describe in detail the nationalities inhabiting the territory
According to many scientists, the Karakalpaks are descendants or closest relatives of the
Pechenegs, who once disturbed the Russian lands with their raids. After long wanderings in the
South-East of Europe and the steppes of Central Asia, they settled in the Syrdarya, mainly in its
lower reaches. However, from there, Kazakhs pushed them little by little to the further West to
Kuvandarya and Zhanydarya, and finally at the end of the XVIII century to the lower reaches of the
Amudarya, the part of the Kokand khanate, in Fergana. It is typical that Amudarya Karakalpaks
preserved the legend of their long-ago arrival from the Crimea. In both language and appearance,
the Karakalpaks are close to the Kazakhs, but differ from them in their taller growth, broad flat face,
more prominent cheekbones, relatively large, though sparse beard and developed wrists. Among the
neighboring Turks, Karakalpak women are considered beautiful. The Karakalpaks are by nature
very peaceful people, forced to yield to their many-numbered warlike neighbors, due to constant
harassment and exploitation, they became downtrodden, but they developed hard work and
perseverance. We can think that the Karakalpaks came here from the Syrdarya region during their
entire period of gradual settlement, since many of them have preserved memories of their original
nomadic life on the territory of the Amudarya Region. Now all of them lead sedentary life engaged
in agriculture, cattle breeding (cattle) and fishing. After the Khiva campaign of 1873, the lands of
the right coast Karakalpaks were transferred under the Russian reign and were included in the
Amudarya district (since 1874 a separate region, since 1886 as a part of the Syrdarya region under
the Turkestan General government). According to the census of 1897, 87 % of Karakalpaks of the
Amudarya region were engaged in irrigation, 10 % in cattle breeding. Frequent change of
watercourse forced villages to change their locations.. Regarding the Aral sea territory, fishing was
the main occupation [2.200].
Within the Amudarya and Khiva khanate regions Karakalpaks were divided into two main
types: Kungrad and Undurt Ruw; the first of these, in turn, is divided into two: Jawingir and Chullik
and apparently, a separate type Muiten; and the second five: Mangit, Keneges, Kitay, Kangly and
Kipchak; each of these types is also divided into smaller subtypes.
The Karakalpak ethnographic group (chief T. A. Zhdanko) began its research taking into
account the work carried out by its predecessors. Pre-revolutionary research has accumulated a lot
of different information about Karakalpaks, but the ethnographic materials were sparse,
fragmentary, superficial, and often inaccurate. Only in the 1920s a professional ethnographic study
of the life of Karakalpaks started. In 1928-1929, the ethnographic expeditions of N. A. Baskakov
and A. S. were going on. In the same years, the right coast regions of Karakalpakstan underwent the

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

ethnographic expedition organized by the Community for the study of Kazakhstan, in which the
artist A. S. Melkov - the author of an album of beautiful field sketches-took part. Based on the
materials collected by various expeditions, the Karakalpak Museum of local history was established
in Turtkul in 1930. With the transition of the Republic to the RSFSR, its scientific life revived. The
historian-orientalist P. P. Ivanov delved into the study of the primary sources of the history
Karakalpaks and in 1935 he published his remarkable "Essay on the history of the Karakalpaks", the
significance of which for the study of the ethno genesis of the Karakalpaks and their historical past
in the XVII-XIX centuries can hardly be overestimated. In addition, S.P. Tolstov was also deeply
interested in the historical ethnography of the Karakalpaks. In particular, the study of the early
stages of ethno genesis of the Karakalpaks attracted his attention. In his broad historical and cultural
research in the field of primitive and ancient history of Central Asia, he often referred to the
analysis of the survival phenomena of life of these people [3.72].
Kazakhs are people of ancient origin. Many elements influenced in its formation as a nation:
Mongol, Finn Ugric, possibly Aryan, but mainly Turkic. This has resulted in a very strong tribal
diversity, which is still not fully understood even by experts, the research is hardly possible not
taking into consideration the ancient rather contradictory legends about many numerical, Turkic and
other tribes, let us just say that the difference from the actual Kirghiz or as Russian say, Karakirgiz
from the total mass of the Uzbek Turkic tribes occurred in the XV century. Parts of individual
genera and some genera in their entirety, dissatisfied with Khan Abulkhayirkhan, went East to the
borders of the present Semirechensk region and soon received the name of Uzbeks, Kazakhs, i.e.
free Uzbeks, and then just Kazakhs. While the Uzbeks initially formed a fairly strong khan's power,
the Kazakhs, on the contrary, if they had at times khans, still could never unite into a single solid
state mass. Since the beginning of the XVII century, they were divided into three hordes: the Big
(Ulli Zhuz), the Middle (Orta Zhuz) and the Small (Kishi Zhuz). This division has not been
forgotten until now. In the XVII and XVIII centuries, a significant part of the Kazakhs were
conquered by the Kalmyks, and the Middle and Small hordes were even completely forced to leave
to Russian lands. Following the destruction of the Kalmyks by the Chinese at the beginning of the
second half of the XVIII century, the Kazakhs occupied little by little the places of their current
nomads. Even earlier in 1732, the Small Horde had already accepted Russian citizenship, nominally
soon followed by the Middle Horde, but in fact it still maintained its independence for a long time.
A large Horde after the destruction of the Kalmyks remained in the possession of China, then
recognized the power of the Kokand khanate and finally in the second half of the XIX century had
to follow Russia. The Amudarya region was occupied almost exclusively by the Kazakhs of the
Small Horde. According to Levshin, before it was made up of a strong tribe Alchin and seven small
clans that were united by the Kazakh Khan Tyavki in one generation. Now the Small Horde is
simply divided into three types: the 1st generation of Alimuly, the 2nd generation of Bayuly, and the
3rd generation of Jeti urug or “Semirodskoe”. Alimuly consists of 6 types: Karasakal, Karakesek,
Kiyat, Durdar, Chumaka and Chiikli. Bayuly consists of 12: Aday, Jappas, Alacha, Baybakty,
Maskar, Bersh, Tazlar, Issen-Temir, Cherkes, Tana, Kyzyl Kurt, Shikhlar. Semirodskoe of 7: Tabyn,
Tama, Kerderi, Jagal-Bayly, Kereit, Teleu and Ramadan. A researcher V.V.Radlov enumerating
these genera of the Small Horde, adds that Alimuly wander on the Kuvandarya, on Anadara, in the
sandy steppe of the Kara-Bursak, on the mouth of the Emba river; Bayuly between the Ural and the
Emba river to the Caspian sea, part of Aday on the Peninsula of Mangyshlak, Samartsev Jagal-Baily
wander in the vicinity of the villages of Upper Orsk and Upper Ural; Kepte (Kerderi) and Tama
around Orenburg and Uralsk; Tabyn partially on the Tobol, and Emba; Kereiti-on the Syrdarya; and
finally, Teleu and Ramadan wander in the winter with the Kereits, in the summer, with the Tabyn.
N.A. Aristov in his "Notes on the ethnic composition of the Turkic tribes and nationalities" to say
that a Small Horde had been formed by a tribe Alchin ("motley"), which consisted of hybrids of the
Turks known in ancient times by people of mysterious origin dinlins and fair-haired with the same

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Finn-Ugors who lived in the lands of little Horde. Having determined the possible origin of
individual Small Horde genera, N.A.Aristov in conclusion points to a very “motley” overall
composition of this Horde, since “it apparently included many parts of different Turkic tribes
thrown by fate from Mongolia and from the East of the steppe to the West”.
According to local research, representatives of all three of the above-mentioned main types of
the Small Horde are found in the Amudarya region. At the same time, in the research materials, only
the tribal name is given for Bayulins. Of the clans of Alimuly called Kara-Sakal, Durtkara,
Chumekey and Ciikli (Ciicla) and Semirodskoe generation: Tabyn, Tama and Kereit. In addition, in
the Tamdyn township along with the Small Horde live Kazakhs of the Middle Horde of the Uysun-
Kipchak type.
We can think that the Kazakhs are the latest inhabitants of the Amudarya region, since they
came here in the mass, probably after some time when the Karakalpaks were forced to leave the
lower Syrdarya.
The Uzbeks, as we already know, before the XV century were one with the Kazakhs, i.e. a
conglomerate of numerous Turkic nomadic tribes that inhabited the endless steppes to the North and
East of the Entre Rios(Междуречье). Soon after the separation of the Kazakhs at the beginning of
the XVI century, after conquering the Transoxiana(Мавераннахр) under the leadership of
Abulkhair's grandson Sheibani Khan, the Uzbeks accepted the Turkic people who came here earlier.
Thus, they have a very complex tribal composition. It is common to say that the Uzbeks themselves
number at least 100 separate genera. Due to this, the physical type of Uzbek is very diverse.
"Vamberi also notes that there is no sense of tribal solidarity between the Uzbeks who share the
same family name, but live in different localities, which is more or less alive between parts of the
clans and the Kazakhs and Turkmens. This is explained first by the historical formation of the
Uzbeks who passed over the Syrdarya not as whole clans or significant parts of them, but as squads
consisting of small particles of different genera, and second by the long-standing decline in their
ancestral life due to the abandonment of the nomadic lifestyle and the transition to sedentary life"
On the territory of the Amudarya region, the following Uzbek tribes and types are found:
Kongrad (Balgaly), Uyghur, Kipchak, Nukyuz(Baymak), Naiman, Uyshun, Ktay, Durmen, Mangyt,
and some others. On the other hand, the disintegration of family ties and the corrupting influence of
domination over other peoples made it treacherous, cunning and greedy. It should be noted,
however, that in the character of individual Uzbek tribes there is the same diversity as in their
appearance; this is why some researchers consider the Uzbeks honest and straightforward (Vamberi,
Reklyu). In any case, the Uzbeks of the Khiva oasis, who preserved their external tribal features in
the greatest purity, retained in their character a typical feature that was once common to all Uzbeks.
Their centuries-old habit of anarchy had bred in them a hostility to any solid way of life, and only
the Russian government was able to calm their restless instincts. This same reason has made the
Uzbeks little receptive to culture; despite their sedentary lifestyle, literacy among them was very
poorly developed. A common feature with the Kirghiz is their marked indifference to religion,
although they are still more zealous Muslims than nomads. Just like the Kazakhs, the Uzbeks are
very musical and receptive to poetry; poets, singers and storytellers of epics are held in high esteem
by them. The Uzbek way of life is similar to that of the Sarts, and the position of women among
them is much worse than that of the Kirghiz. In the Amudarya region, the Uzbeks do not settle in
villages, but in separate farms that have the appearance of small fortifications; but still the Uzbek
soul has nomadic memories, and he likes to spend most of the year in a yurt.
The last significant group of the population of the Amudarya region is represented by
Turkmens. Their origin is lost in ancient times. One of the Turkmen tribes—the salors - was known
to the Arabs in the VII century. Most scholars tend to think that the Turkmens are descendants of the
Oghuz or Guz, a Turkic tribe that during the Arab government and later moved North from

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Turkestan. And since the Oghuz were of the same tribe as the Kanglis and Kipchaks, therefore, the
Turkmens come from the same mass of nomadic Turkic tribes that later formed the Kazakh and
Uzbek people. Turkmen clans (or rather, tribes) have never felt their national unity, so they have
never played a major political role and have no history. Before the arrival of the Russians, the
Turkmens used to raid their neighbors, mainly Persians, and sell captives into slavery. With the
calming of the region, necessity forced them to take up agricultural labor; the process of settling of
the Turkmens is still continuing at an accelerated pace, but the family ties are still very strong. Due
to their close proximity to Khiva and their restless nature, during the Uzbek government they did
not interfere in the internal life of this country and gained considerable influence here. This is the
reason for relocation of part of the Turkmen tribes to Khiva and the Amudarya region. In the latter
we meet the genera of Iomud, Goklen, Ata and Arbach. In appearance, the Turkmen is distinguished
by hight and a strong, slender figure. His character has better features than those of the Uzbeks, he
is good-natured, reasonable, hospitable, more sincere, but at the same time irascible, vindictive and
lazy; most of the work is done by a woman who, however, like the Kazakhs, enjoys relative
freedom. Usually Turkmens live in yurts, but in the Amudarya region almost all have the same
housing mostly mud-brick buildings often with windows and sometimes with stoves. Food of
Turkmens is mainly of the plant and milkweed; the meat is considered a luxury. Due to the lack of
women and the considerable high price of the kalym, there are quite a lot of unmarried men among
them. The rest of the inhabitants of the region are represented in too insignificant numbers. So 206
farms of Persians, descendants of Persian slaves, 196 farms of Khojas and 137 farms of Arabs,
leading their original lifestyle of the Arabs - conquerors of the region and still jealously guarding
the purity of their blood and several dozens of Tajiks, Sarts, Armenians, Tatars, Russians and
Afghans are registered [4.68].
As for the distribution of individual nationalities on the territory of the Amdarya region, it is
entirely due to the conditions of immigration: each nation is most densely settled in the places of its
original settlement in this region. Uzbeks and Turkmens who came from the West, from Khiva and
Urgench, occupied the Shurakhan district, i.e. the center of the ancient Khorezm settlement. The
Karakalpaks settled in the lower reaches of the Amudarya, in the Daukari, Chimbay, and Taldyk
districts, and finally the Kazakhs who followed them were forced to settle in the Eastern outskirts of
the listed areas and mainly the Daukari and Kyzyl-Kum Sands. Small ethnic groups who migrated
mainly from Khiva, settled also in Shurahan area and only Khoja due to their role in the spiritual
and religious lives of the local population (qualities of Mullah, Imam, etc.) settled throughout the
whole Amudarya region.
1.Aristov.A. Trudi po istory I itnisheskomu sostavu tyrkskih plemen. Bishkek. 2003. 200-p.
2. H. Esbergenov, T.A. Zhdanko
3. Jdanko.T.A. Etnograficheskiye issledovanie i etnografi Xorezmskoy ekspedicii. 72-p
4.Strani narodi vostoka. Moskva. 1987. 68-p

Rezyume. Maqolada Oʼrta Osiyo xalqlarinining etnik shakllanish jarayoni tahlil qilingan.
Ularning (oʼzbek, qaroqalpoq, qazoq millatlari) antropologik, urugʼchilik xususiyatlari
manbalarga asoslangan holda yaritilgan.
Резюме. В статье анализируется процесс этнического формирования народов
Центральной Азии. Их антропологические и племенные характеристики (узбекский,
каракалпакский, казахский) основаны на источниках.

Kalit su’zlar. Millatlar, oʼtroqlashish, xalq shakllanishi, migratsiya, uzbek, qoraqalpoq,

qazoq, turkman, urugʼ.
Ключевые слова. Народы, поселения, формирование населения, миграция, узбеки,
каракалпаки, казахи, туркмены, племя.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

UDC. 101.1.316


Biyimbetov J.K.
Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh

Resume: The article provides a detailed analysis of information security as an object of social
philosophy. Particular attention is paid to the problems of information security. The most important
criterion in ensuring the security of communication is the interaction of the state, society and the
individual. At the same time, there is a comprehensive analysis of socio-psychological differences
and the importance of social factors in the communication system in ensuring the security of
Keywords: Information, information security, threat, individual, society, state, spiritual
distribution, information psychological security, globalization, information factors, political and
social conditions, instability, dysfunctional factors, social processes, manipulation.

In today's age of information civilization, the «information» is becoming one of the

strategically important resources of society. Today, access to information is considered essential for
members of society.
The growing role of information in public life is becoming a barrier to various scientific
research. Many theories have been proposed that show the place and importance of the information
in public life.
Many researchers say that the development of modern society has a revolutionary
significance, and as a result of the informatization of society has moved to a new level. Changes in
society, in particular, the growing role of information and education, the daily development of
communications, the development of branch systems and other processes are leading to changes in
An in-depth study of these changes will allow us to study the impact of today's information on
the human mind, identify issues related to it, as well as identify threats and ways to prevent them
from external factors affecting the information society in a globalized world.
Every society pays close attention to security in its development. At the same time, states, at
any stage of development of society, are taking appropriate measures in this regard. Ensuring the
security of the state and society is carried out not only in the military and other spheres, but also in
the media. This is where the concept of information security comes into play. In today's globalized
world, the issue of information security is becoming increasingly important for public life. The
socio-philosophical study of the problem of information security of the individual, society and the
state, first of all, provides ample opportunity to ensure the sustainable development of society, its
security in political, economic, spiritual, social and other spheres.
In uncovering the essence of the problem of information security, we need to pay attention to
security issues. "Threat" refers to the presence and action of various factors that have dysfunction,
instability or destructiveness in relation to a system [1.133]. Factors such as dysfunction, instability
or destructive factors that disrupt the normal life of the system (leading to failure and complete
destruction of the system) are considered. Threats are differentiated according to the facts, the
driving forces, the objects of their influence, the degree of development of threats. It should also be
noted that the probability of the appearance of threats may vary depending on the specific situation.
Threats have the same content in the broadcast. There is a growing need to ensure the security of
communications in the process of advancing society. Therefore, there is a problem with information

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Ensuring the security of communications is primarily associated with the dynamic changes in
the spiritual, political, socio-economic situation. It, in turn, is considered in connection with the
strata of society, psychological differences and personal circumstances of the individual. The
creation of a normally developing information center will depend on these factors.
The security of the information is not only associated with the absence of the threat of the
information, but also with the person's condition, feelings, apologies [2.115]. Communication
security means protection from all kinds of communication threats.
Information security is considered as a case of protection of individual, group and social
psychology, the corresponding units, social entities of different levels from the influence of
information factors that cause dysfunctional (destructive) social processes [3.46]. Information and
psychological security of a person is a protection against the action of various communication
factors, which contribute to the positive formation of human behavior.
Various factors and social processes that impede a person's ability to act as a free citizen are
conditionally taken into account in ensuring the security of information. In the information and
psychological protection of the individual, first of all, we need to study the range of functions of the
individual, which explains the combined structural-functional system. In this combined system, we
can distinguish the interconnected components - that is, the worldview, skepticism, emotionality,
principledness and other components of the will, which include the views and beliefs of the
individual in his work.
Manipulation processes are also important in the issue of information security. The concept of
manipulation is often equated with psychological influence, which motivates people to perform
certain actions, changing their psychological characteristics and conditions. Objects of manipulative
influence are considered to be social subjects at different levels of social unity (from the individual
to society). We must be guided by human interests and requirements when analyzing the
psychological conditions of a person's increased susceptibility to manipulative influences.
Information and psychological security of a person means a person's integrity as an active
social entity and protection from information-influencing factors in relation to the environment.
The origin of the problem of information security is primarily due to the following
circumstances: First, the transition of states to the next stage of development creates social needs for
the information. Second, every member of society is the object of threats in the field of information.
Third, the increase in information flows increases the need to ensure the authenticity of any
information. Fourth is the emergence of a information center with a large and complex structure.
Analyzing the concept of information security as a branch of national security, some scholars
try to explain its meaning through the use of the concepts of psychological security, ensuring the
psychological security of the population, national security, personal security. In fact, the security of
the information is both psychological and psychological. The problem of ensuring security in the
broadcast is very important for the state and society.
The issue of broadcast security is also directly linked to democratic principles. It is of
particular importance in the legal framework of information security. Our country has adopted a
number of regulations related to information security. Countries around the world are guided by
three principles in ensuring the security of communications. The first is confidentiality, integrity and
In conclusion, when studying the problem of information security, it is necessary to take into
account all the above differences. The peoples of the world today are more at risk of internal threats
than we are aware of them. In fact, such problems in the field of news and information security are
evident in today's example (internal problems between the United States, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey,
Russia and other countries). Therefore, it is important to take into account the specifics of this

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203
1. Fisenko P.I. Personally-psychological sources of dangers in society and psychological aspects of
national-state security. Moscow, 1994.S. 133.
2. Roshchin S.K. Sosnin V.A. Psychological safety: a new approach to the safety of man, society and the
state. Moscow - 1995.115
3. Fisenko P.I. General safety theory (relevant methodological and socio-political problems). Moscow.
4. Moslou A. Toyard A. Psychologist of Being. N.Y. 1968.

Rezyume: Maqolada ijtimoiy xavfsizlik falsafasi ob'ekti sifatida axborot xavfsizligi batafsil
tahlil qilingan. Axborot xavfsizligi muammolariga alohida e'tibor beriladi. Aloqa xavfsizligini
ta'minlashning eng muhim mezoni bu davlat, jamiyat va shaxsning o'zaro ta'siri, shu bilan birga,
ijtimoiy-psixologik farqlar va aloqa tizimidagi ijtimoiy omillarning aloqa xavfsizligini
ta'minlashdagi ahamiyati har tomonlama tahlil qilinadi.
Резюме: В статье дан подробный анализ информационной безопасности как объекта
социальной философии. Особое внимание уделено проблемам информационной безопасности.
Важнейшим критерием обеспечения безопасности общения является взаимодействие
государства, общества и личности, а также социально-психологические различия и
важность социальных факторов в системе связи для обеспечения безопасности общения.

Kalit so'zlar: Axborot, axborot xavfsizligi, tahdid, shaxs, jamiyat, davlat, ma'naviy tarqalish,
axborot va psixologik xavfsizlik, globallashuv, axborot omillari, siyosiy va ijtimoiy sharoitlar,
beqarorlik, disfunktsional omillar, ijtimoiy jarayonlar, manipulyatsiya
Ключевые слова: Информация, информационная безопасность, угроза, личность,
общество, государство, духовное распространение, информационно-психологическая
безопасность, глобализация, информационные факторы, политические и социальные
условия, нестабильность, дисфункциональные факторы, социальные процессы,

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203


Babanazarov K.R.
Retrаining аnd in-service institute оf mаnаgers аnd speciаlists оf system оf public educаtiоn nаmed
аfter A. Avlоni
Summary: The article is devoted to the analysis of foreign legislation and regulations of
international organizations in the field of radiation safety. The article directly examines the
experience of foreign legislation in this area and the results of scientific research on their features.
Keywords: radiation, radioactive waste, radiation safety, foreign legislation, regulations of
international organizations.
The national legislation of states on the treatment of radioactive waste has a certain influence
on the development of international law. The greater the political power of the state, the brighter the
provisions of its legislation are reflected in international documents. For example, in the United
Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, the United States, and Canada, environmental protection laws
and hazardous waste management laws were adopted in 1965-1970, setting out the basic
requirements for the treatment of radioactive waste [1].
Study of the experience of foreign legislation The manufacturers of national legislation in the
field of radioactive waste management must be registered with special representative bodies, they
must take full responsibility for handling such waste, specialized organizations for the disposal of
radioactive waste must accept containers containing radioactive waste and radiation safety to be
fully responsible for their processing and disposal in accordance with the requirements of the
regulations, to develop a system of monitoring and regulation by regulatory authorities, to be
responsible for the activities of radiation-hazardous facilities, including work with radioactive
substances, licensing, state concludes that norms should be included, such as that bodies be
responsible for the implementation of national policies in the field of radioactive waste
management.In our opinion, taking into account the dangers of radioactive substances and wastes
from their use in the country and the risk of ionizing radiation due to their negative impact, the need
to ensure guaranteed protection of the population, to develop a "Program of additional measures to
ensure medical and epidemiological well-being." and acceptance is expedient. Because today, as a
result of the growing development of industry and production, the negative consequences associated
with the use of radioactive waste, their storage, transportation, disposal or other treatment of these
wastes pose a serious threat to public health. The program "On medical and epidemiological well-
being of the population" includes medical and epidemiological examination of products, works and
services in the field of environmental protection, products with a source of ionizing radiation, in
particular, clothing and goods with radioactive particles, medical and hygienic standards,
construction raw materials and materials that are considered to contain radioactive substances
should also be subject to examination.
As mentioned above, scientific research and studies on this topic in foreign countries are very
interesting and can be carried out by various state and public organizations or public-private
partnerships or individual environmental scientists, discussed at international conferences and
implemented through various programs, projects and activities. observed to increase. In particular,
the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), as an international center for nature
protection, works to address environmental issues around the world. This international fund, in
cooperation with the United States and Ecuador, has developed and implemented an international
nature protection law. Today, the International Community Foundation is working with India,
Australia, Cameroon, Colombia and other countries to improve conservation laws and regulations.
The problem of protecting the environment from the effects of radiation is widely discussed in

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

international scientific sources. In particular, according to the official website of the CELDF
Foundation, pollution and degradation of the environment is becoming more and more acute around
the world [2]. The term "environmental protection law" has received special attention in scientific
research and views in the twentieth century. For example, in 1956, the "Clean Air Movement -
1956" established a procedure for controlling and taking action on light, odors (mainly the smell of
coal at that time) emitted into the air from residential and industrial organizations.
The International Atomic Energy Agency's 15-chapter "Radiation, Humans, and the
Environment" (MGKlark, ADUriksson, I. Barraklou, Austria, 2004) The issues of implementation
of the developed programs on use have been seriously analyzed. In particular, it provides
information on the causes of radiation, its types, its impact on human life, the lifestyle of plants and
animals, scientific research on the prevention of diseases caused by radiation and their results.
In his research, Professor D. Uvedhead studied the effects of radioactive radiation on plants
and animals and, as a follow-up to the study, also analyzed the effects of the Chernobyl tragedy [3].
In 2006, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in cooperation with the
International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP), raised the issue of the need to update
international standards for radiation protection and nuclear safety. In particular, the Basic Safety
Principles, published in 2006, include the principle of "protection of people and the environment
from ionizing radiation, both now and in the future."
According to research by the Australian Agency for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety
(ARPANSA, 2015), the general principles of protection from ionizing radiation (radiation) include
as one of the categories of exposure to the environment. The study defines the general principles of
the environment as follows: “... the wild world and all sources of radiation are the result of human
activities. This wildlife needs to be protected in order to preserve biodiversity, offspring or the
status and health of natural habitats, public spaces or ecosystems. ”
Analysis of foreign experience shows that the field of protection of the environment from the
harmful effects of ionizing radiation (radiation) has developed significantly over the past two
decades. There is a need to further increase the level of human activity exposure to the environment
and to better understand the effects of this exposure and the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. In
order to effectively organize and address this situation, it is expedient to implement measures to
protect the environment from radiation and to apply appropriate legal approaches, the
implementation of its advanced aspects into national legislation is promising.
2. https: //
3. Европа уюшмаси комиссияси. Радиактив нурланиш бўйича олиб борилган илмий тадқиқотлар
тўплами. Брюссель: 2000

Rezyume: Maqola radiatsiyaviy xafvsizlikni ta’minlash sohasida horijiy davlatlar

qonunchiligi va xalqaro tashkilotlar me’yoriy hujjatlari tahliliga bag’ishlangan. Maqolada bevosita
ushbu sohada horijiy davlatlar qonunchiligi tajribasi va ularning o’ziga xos hususiyatlari bo’yicha
olib borilgan ilmiy izlanishlar natijalari o’rganilgan.
Резюме: Статья посвящена анализу зарубежного законодательства и нормативных
актов международных организаций в области радиационной безопасности. В статье
непосредственно исследуется опыт зарубежного законодательства в этой сфере и
результаты научных исследований по их особенностям.
Kalit so’zlar: radiyatsiya, radioaktiv chiqindilar, radiatsiyaviy xavfsizlik, xorijiy davlatlar
qonunchiligi, xalqaro tashkilotlar me’yoriy hujjatlari.
Ключевые слова: радиация, радиоактивные отходы, радиационная безопасность,
иностранное законодательство, нормативные акты международных организаций.

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203



Khojaniyazova I.J.
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz

Summary: The article discusses the features of the use of didactic methods and tools in
teaching natural subjects to primary school students.
Keywords: pedagogy, educational process, didactics, primary school, natural subjects,
pedagogical technologies, methods and means of teaching.

Effective use of various pedagogical technologies in the process of teaching primary school
students in pedagogy is one of the important tasks of today. In this regard, it is necessary to form the
initial skills of the teacher in the selection of the initial model of teaching by the teacher in the
teaching of lessons in different subjects directly to the students of this class.
In particular, in the teaching of natural sciences to primary school students, it is important for
students to determine the degree of mastery of lessons in the classroom, the degree to which
students have formed their initial understanding of the subject through the use of various didactic
games, pedagogical technologies.
Indeed, in the field of pedagogy, didactics as a separate field of science has its own
characteristics, subject and object of research [1. 11]. In particular, the initial examination of
primary school students' knowledge of natural sciences can be determined by the following didactic
- to form students' specific ideas based on the scope of their initial understanding of science;
- Conduct an initial conversation with students about the natural environment and the beauties
of nature around them;
- The choice of pedagogical technologies for teaching a particular subject of science,
depending on the scope of knowledge of students in the classroom;
- The use of traditional didactic methods and tools in teaching the relevant topic of the subject
on the basis of selected pedagogical technology;
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the didactic methods and tools used by testing students'
On the basis of the scientific analysis of these didactic processes, it is necessary to further
deepen and constantly strengthen the knowledge of primary school students on the topics studied in
science lessons. At the same time, the teacher should have a thorough knowledge of the types of
teaching technologies on the relevant topics of science lessons, taking an individual approach to
each student.
It should be noted that in the field of pedagogy today there are new pedagogical technologies
for teaching science. In particular, special attention is being paid to improving the knowledge and
skills of primary school teachers in the application of new modern teaching technologies, their
retraining and vocational training.
In particular, the process of scientific research in the field of pedagogy, the solution of
didactic problems shows that the application of didactic methods and tools in teaching science to
primary school students is considered to be more systematic and effective:
- The practice of imparting modern knowledge and concepts to primary school students in this
subject through the use of the latest information and communication technologies;
- There is a growing objective need for the use of visual aids and didactic tools in this subject;
- The practice of teaching in accordance with the age and physical and mental abilities of
students, etc. [2].

Science and Education in Karakalpakstan 2020 №2 ISSN 2181-9203

Indeed, the main issues of today's didactics are directly related to the targeted organization of
teaching, the provision of clearly targeted teaching effectiveness in schools, in particular, the
development of uniform criteria for the formation of primary school students' initial understanding
and perception of certain subjects.
This necessitates the development of a modern approach to the use of traditional didactic
methods and tools in the teaching of science to primary school students.
At the same time, special attention should be paid to the continuous improvement of teachers'
knowledge, skills and pedagogical skills in the application of new pedagogical technologies in the
educational process, in particular, in the teaching of science to primary school students. To do this,
it is necessary to increase the number of practice-related classes for students of pedagogical
education, who are considered to be future primary school students.
1. Терехова Н.В. Дидактика началного образования. – Тюмен: Издательство Тюменского
государственного университета, 2013. – С.11.
2. Теория обучения. / под.ред. И.П.Андриади. – М., 2010.

Rezyume: Maqolada boshlang’ich sinf o’quvchilariga tabiatshunoslik fanidan darslarni

o’qitishda didaktik usullar va vositalardan foydalanish hususiyatlari to’g’risida so’z yuritilgan.
Резюме: В статье рассматриваются особенности использования дидактических
методов и средств в преподавании естественных предметов учащимся начальных классов.

Kalit so’zlar: pedagogika, ta’lim jarayoni, didaktika, boshlang’ich sinf, tabiatshunoslik,

pedagogic texnologiyalar, o’qitish usullari va vositalari.
Ключевые слова: педагогика, учебный процесс, дидактика, начальная школа,
естественные предметы, педагогические технологии, методы и средства обучения.


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