Eurocodes For The Design of Bridges PDF
Eurocodes For The Design of Bridges PDF
Eurocodes For The Design of Bridges PDF
TheEuropeanStandardFamily Trafficactionsonbridge Illustrationofbasicelementdesign W.Hensen,M.Feldmann,G.Hanswille,G.Sedlacek 1. (1) Sustainabilityisakeyissueforthedesignofbridgesincludingsteelbridges.Themost important sustainability indicator for bridges is durability with its effect on life cycle costsforanintendedservicelifeofabout100years. Durabilityisproducedbyvariouselementsincluding (3) Therefore this report does not focus only on design rules in Eurocode 3, but also comprises the other elements of the European Standard Family affecting durability, amongstwhichEurocode3playsanimportantrole. AccordingtothegeneralconceptoftheEurocodesthesecodesconsistofaEuropean part (the ENcodes) and National Annexes to the ENcodes, that complement the harmonizedEuropeanENcodesbyNationalchoices. In conclusion the practical design of a bridge on a certain territory is not possible withouttheuseoftheNationalAnnexvalidforthatterritory. ThechoicesthatarecontainedintheEurocodescomprisethefollowing: 1. National responses to opening notes to Eurocode rules that include technical classes or factors related to safety, climatic, cultural and other aspects (see GuidancePaperLUseandapplicationofEurocodes). Responsetoinformativeannexeswithtechnicalrulesandsetsofalternative technical rules in the main codetext for which no agreement could be achieved during the codewriting phase and from which CEN/TC250 expects either National acceptance or better founded National Alternatives thatcould 1 asustainabledefinitionoftheserviceconditionincludingthebridgeloading, choiceofthebridgesystem,itsstructuralandnonstructuralcomponentsand productsandappropriatedetailingalsoconsideringfatigue, designandexecutionforaqualityofstructurethateffectsdurability. Introduction
(5) (6)
be used by CEN/TC250 for further harmonisation of the rules and the reductionofcomplexityandvolume. 3. Non conflicting complementary informations, (NCCIs) that comprise National choices of additional technical rules necessary for filling gaps in the Eurocodes and to make them fully operable. From these NCCIs CEN/TC250 expectsimportantimpulsesforthefurtherdevelopmentoftheEurocodes.
(7) Therefore in this report reference is made to the Nationally Determined Parameters, which are recommended in the Eurocodes for the design of Steel bridges and in some cases to the draft German National Annex, that may be considered as an example for the variations that may be induced by the many NationalAnnexesintheEU. Contentsofthereport Figure 1 gives the structure of the report with a short introduction to the European Standard Family, the aspect of durable load assumption in particular from traffic on road bridges, an example how to overcome shortcomings in the Eurocoderules for the technical specifications for the delivery of bearings, the background and use of EN 1993110 for the choice of steel to avoid brittle fracture and the core of the design of steel elements in bridges, that encompasses the stability rules, the fatigue rulesandrulesfortensionelements,e.g.forstayedcablebridge.
2. (1)
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1. The European Standard Family and Steel bridges 2. Load assumptions for steel bridges 3. Modelling of steel bridges 4. Specification of bearings 5. Choice of steel 6. Design of bridge elements 6.1. Stability rules 6.2. Fatigue rules 6.3. Rope structures
3. (1)
GeneralremarkstotheEuropeanStandardFamilyforthedesignofsteelbridges Steel bridges for roads comprise full steel bridges with steel decks (orthotropic plates) and steelconcretecomposite bridges with a concrete deck, see Figure 2 and Figure3.
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Inbothexamplesthemainstructureisastiffenedboxgirderwithcantileveringplates withtheassemblyofsectionsprefabricatedintheworkshopononeshoreonsiteand erectionbylaunching. There is a criticism that the design of bridges would become more and more complicatedbecauseofthelargeamountandlargevolumesofthestandardsmaking theuserslifedifficult. As the detailing of rules that produces the volumes is however required by the users therearetwopossibilitiestocreateabettersurvey:
1. 2. to develop appropriate navigation systems through the standards (as practicede.g.fortheENstandardsforenergyefficiency), to develop consolidated handbooks from the standards for particular application fields as e.g. bridges, in which the technical rules and references from the Eurocodes are assembled in a way suitable for watertight contracting and security of use. Examples for such handbooks in bridge designare No.1: Basisanddesignofactionsforbridges No.2: Designofconcretebridges No.3: Designofsteelbridges No.4: Designofcompositebridges aspracticedinAustriaandGermany.
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Load combination EN 1990 Safety aspects G/Q-values Imperfections Stability of plates Fatigue Seismic design Materials Welding
EN 1991-1-1 EN 1991-2 EN 1991-1-4 EN 1991-1-5 EN 1993-2 EN 1993-1-8 EN 1993-1-11 EN 1337 EN 1090-2 EN 1337 EN 1090-2 EN 1090-2 EN 1337-10
product conformity
Figure4 4
(4) Figure 4 shows a shortened example for a navigation system related to actions, design,executionandproductconformitythatallowstheusertogoogletherulehe needs.
EN 1990 Eurocode: Basis of Design EN 1992 to EN 1996 EN 1991 Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures Eurocode 2: Concrete structures 1-1 Self weight Eurocode 3: Steel structures 1-2 Fire Actions Eurocode 4: Composite structures 1-3 Snow Eurocode 5: Timber structure 1-4 Wind Eurocode 6: Masonry structures 1-5 Thermal Actions 1-6 Construction Loads 1-7 Accidential Actions 2 Traffic on bridges 3 Loads from cranes EN 1997 and EN 1998 4 Silo loads Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design Eurocode 8: Design in seismic areas EN 1999 Eurocode 9: Aluminium structures
Figure5 Figure5givesasurveyonallEurocodesfromwhichtheusershouldselectthoserules relevanttohisdesignworks: Under the general principles in EN 1990 Basis of Design there are on one side the various generic rules for actions (as snow and wind) and the specific action rules as e.g. traffic loads on bridges and on the other side the materialdependant rules for various materials and types of structures. EN 1997 Geotechnical Design and EN 1998 Design in seismic areas comprise both generic rules for actions and specific rulesforresistancesandmaterials.
EN 1090 Part 1 Delivery Conditions for prefabricated steel components hEN product standards for steel materials, semi- finished products etc. Eurocode: EN 1990 Basis of structural design Eurocode 1: EN 1991 Actions on structures Eurocode 3: EN 1993 Design rules for steel structures EN 1090 Part 2 Execution of steel structures
Figure6: (6) The umbrella standard for Delivery Conditions for prefabricated steel components ontheglobalmarketwithapartfortheconformityassessmentisEN1090Part1. (7) Eurocode 3 comprises in a similar way as the actioncode generic design rules in its central part 1 addressing e.g. plate buckling and fatigue, and specific additional rules inperiphericapplicationpartsasforbridges(Eurocode3Part2),thattakereference tothegenericrulesinPart1. hEN product standards that give product properties from testing methods definedbystatisticalcharacteristicsthataresuitableforareliabledesign, the Eurocodes that give design rules both for prefabricated components and forstructuralworks, EN 10902 that contains the rules for execution in the workshop and on site withrulesforgoodworkmanship,tolerancesetc. Thisparttakesreferenceto Figure 6 shows the organisation of the family of standards for the design of steel bridges.
Load combination Safety aspects G/Q-values Imperfections Stability of plates Fatigue Seismic design Materials Welding Corrosion protection CE-marking Traceability
product conformity
Figure7: In this report only rules for actions and for design are addressed as demonstrated in Figure7,whereasrulesforexecutionandproductconformitythataremainlyusedby thecontractorsarenotdealtwith.
Figure8 Figure 8 gives the design rules in Eurocode 3 which are relevant for the design of steelbridges. 7
The controlling part for design is Eurocode 3 Part 2, with reference to Eurocode 3 Part 11, in particular to general rules for structural analysis, crosssectional verifications, use of imperfections for stability checks e.g. flexural buckling, and lateral torsional buckling, to Part 15 for plate buckling, to Part 18 covering connections, to Part 19 for fatigue, to Part 110 for choice of material and to Part 1 11forropestructures. (10) EN19932hasanAnnexCwithrecommendationsforthedesignandtheexecutionof orthotropicsteelbridgedeckscoveringnow50yearsofexperiencewithdurabledeck plates,thatmaymakespecificnumericalfatiguechecksunnecessary. EN19932containsalsotheannexesAandBforthepreparationofspecificationsfor the delivery of bearings and transition joints, for which EN 1990 Annex A 2 did not give specific rules. These annexes are material independent so that they are applicable to concrete, steel and compositebridges. Therefore in the future they will be transferred to EN 1990, and the tentative titles Annex E1 and E2 have been agreed. These new Annexes should in particular contain appropriate rules for the representative values of actions and their combinations to give design values of forces andmovementsthat are in compliancewith the evaluations of measurements as obtained from many decades of use; the values now recommended in the Eurocodeswouldproducemovementsthatareintherangeof1.52.0ofthevalues experienced in the past and also would not be suitable for the specification of bearingcharacteristicsfromanintegralanalysisofthetotalsystemofsuperstructure, bearings,piersandfoundations. (13) Therefore the draft of German National Annex related to Requirements for bearings and transition joints is related to the future Annexes E1 and E2 and contains a proposalthatpreventstheproblemsasdescribedabove.
Limit State Concept ULS Ed Rd SLS Ed Cd Fatigue E c Choice of material based on fracture mechanics (EN 1993-1-10) Stability of members and plates Single -value for combined actions, FEM-methods (EN 1993-1-1) (EN 1993-1-5) Fatigue assessments unless recommended details are used (EN 1993-2) (EN 1993-1-9)
Figure9 ThebasicassessmentsthatabridgedesignerhastoaccomplisharelistedinFigure9: CheckscomprisetheLimitStatesULS,SLSandFatigue. A particularity of steel structures exposed to external climate actions and fatiguefromtraffic,windandrainisthechoiceofsteeltoavoidbrittlefailure. Another particularity is the use of thinwalled slender components, which needstabilitychecksforoutofplanestabilityaslateraltorsionalbucklingand platebuckling,suitableforcomputeraideddesign. Fatigue assessments are necessary because of the fatigue effects of traffic actions, unless structural details successfully timetested are used that need nofurthernumericalfatiguecheck.
4. 4.1 (1) The loading model LM1 as specified in EN 1991Part 2 gives a European uniform geometric pattern of concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads the magnitudesofwhichhavebeendecidedtoleavethemtothechoiceofeachMember Statetoobtainasustainableloadingmodel,seeFigure10. Howtogetasustainableloadingmodel Loadingmodeland100yearsofservicelife
900 kN
500 kN 275 kN
11,0 m
Load-model LM1
(2) The loading pattern as well as the recommended values for the loads originate from a common European study made under the chairmanship of H. Mathieu in the 1st phase and Prof. J.A. Calgaro in the final phase, that was carried out by specialists of various EUmembers on the basis of measurements in the various countries undertakeninthelate1980ths. The composition of the road traffic in the Highway ParisLyon at Auxerre has been decided to be the statistical basis for defining recommendations for characteristic values, as this composition seemed to be representative for future developments in allEurope. The characteristic values were defined with a return period of 1000 years instead of the usual values of 50 years because of the prevailing requirement of serviceability onthislevelandsustainabilityofdecision. Whereas a 50 yearsreturn period would have meant a 98%fractile of the annual distributionofextremevaluesinthemean(i.e.for50%ofthebridgepopulation),the 1000 yearsreturn period means a 98%fractile of the annual distribution of extreme valuesfor95%ofthebridgepopulation. The responses of Member States intheir NAs are expectednot to be homogeneous, because Figure10
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trafficconditionsareveryregional, some countries use extraordinary loads in addition to the standard load model, somecountriesuseloadclassesfortheirroadnetwork.
1000 kN
600 kN
300 kN
11,0 m
2. 3.
(7) This example is specific for Germany being the largest transit country at the crossing pointofNorthSouthandEastWesttrafficandwithlimitedcontrolsontheroads. 11
4.2. (1) (2) Ithasbeenusedwithotherstatisticaldatatoperformdynamicnumericalsimulations withbridgesofvariousinfluencesurfacestoobtainarealisticviewonthestatisticsof action effects in the bridges. To this end the dynamic behaviour of vehicles has been modelled by rigid bodies with non linear springs, dampers and friction elements and the surface roughness of the asphalt was artificially generated with Power Spectral DensityclassificationsaccordingtoISOTC108,seeFigure13. The statistical background of traffic measurements on the highway in Auxerre has beendocumentedasgiveninFigure12. Background of the load model LM1 and of the recommended characteristic load values
Modelling of bridges
(3) Bridges were modelled as elasticmasssystems with an eigenfrequencyspan characteristicgiveninFigure14.ThisFigurealsogivestheresultsofmodelcalibration withtestscarriedoutatEMPAZrich. The results of the simulations are given in Figure 15 for the case of midspan moments of a three span continuous bridge. Apparently the effects of load model 13 Figure14
LM1 are safesided in this case to cope for other requirements from other influence lines.
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Dynamic effects
(5) A byproduct of the simulations is a comparison of static and dynamic action effects as given in Figure 16. The distribution lines show that dynamic effects cause Figure16
an additional M value (constant shift) rather than an amplification by a dynamic factor.ThatisthereasonwhydynamicfactorsareincludedinloadmodelLM1. 4.3 (1) Reliability analysis of load model LM1 was performed with two medium spanned steel bridges with orthotropic decks that were built in Germany with the National LoadingCodeDIN1072,seeFigure17.
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K 210
K 138
P r o b a b ilis t ic d e s ig n
E C 1 - P art 2 L o ad M o d el
r e q u ire d
f y W
req u
w h e re
= 1 .1 0 = 1.3 5
Definition of Q-value
Figure19 16
(4) The probabilistic design gives for various shapes of influence lines and spans theresistances Wrequired ofthemaingirdersthatcomplywith =6.00. Inusingthedefinitions: Figure19givesthemethodforidentifying Q [Bez]:
M G =
= =
adesignvalue M Qd canbedefinedfromtheprobabilisticdesignononehand. In using on the other hand load model LM1 the moment caused by traffic
LM loads M Q can be determined and the design value is defined by LM M Qd = Q M Q .
(5) Figure21 Figure 20 gives the distributions of Q values obtained in this way for various influence lines, spans and road widths. It shows the large scatter of values and also that Q =1.35isthemaximum. (6) (7) 4.4 (1) Figure 22 gives a forecast of the year 2000 for the future development of freight volumeofterrestictrafficthathasbeenexceededin2010byfar. Tendencyoftrafficdevelopment This effect was one of the reasons for the choice of values in the draft German NA. Thescatterof Q issmallerandthemaximumvaluesareintherangeof1.25,sothat Figure 21 demonstrates what happens if in the load model LM1 the uniformly distributedloadinlane1isslightlyreducedandinlane2enhancedbyafactorof2:
M couldbereducedto M =1.00.
Figure23givesthedevelopmentofrequestsforpermanenttravellingpermissionsfor heavy vehicles exceeding the legal weight limits, resulting in about 100 requests per day.
Forecast of freight-volume
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Figure 24 gives the vehicle and axle loads and accumulated number of vehicles as measured by weighinmotion (WIM) methods in an access highway to Rotterdam in theNetherlandsfor1year.
Results of WIM-measurements in NL
(4) 1. 2. 3. therecommendationsforLM1arenotovercautious, therearetendanciestoincreasethetrafficloadsbydevelopinglargervehicles toreduceCO2emissions, a clear picture of a future loadmodel can only be obtained where clear decisions from transportpolitics are made. Such decisions should not ignore the large impact of such decisions on the sustainability of the loading model fortheexistinginfrastructure. Allthesemeasurementsshowthat Figure24
4.5 (1) the fatigue load, in general given with a frequency distribution or as a constantdamageequivalentload, thenumberofloadreversalsintherequiredservicetime. 20 A numerical means to assess durability is the fatigue assessment, that requires the definitionofthetwodimensionalfatigueactionsintermsofapairofvalues: TheloadmodelFLM3forfatigueverifications 4.5.1 General
EN 19912 specifies a damageequivalent vehicle FLM3 with a symmetric geometric loadingpattern,thatcontainstwotandemaxleloadswithanaxleloadof120kNand avehicleloadof480kN. EN19912alsogivestheannualnumberofheavyvehiclesdependingonthecategory ofhighway,Figure25.
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Traffic Category
1: 2-Lane Highways with a high rate of heavy vehicles 2: Highways and roads with a medium rate of heavy vehicles 3: Main roads with a low rate of heavy vehicles 4: Country roads with a low rate of heavy vehicles
structure, before the damage attains a size critical for the ultimate resistance of the structure.
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fa t
m ax
Concept for fatigue assessment with equivalent constant amplitude stress ranges
s a fe ty fa c to r f o r f a t ig u e s tr e n g th
r e fe r e n c e f a t ig u e s t re n g th a t 2 1 0 6 c y c le s
m a x im u m s tr e s s r a n g e f r o m E C 1 -2 lo a d m o d e l
d a m a g e e q u iv a le n c e fa c t o r r e p r e s e n t in g t h e s p e c t ru m
crack size a
d a m a g e e q u iv a le n t im p a c t f a c t o r
s a f e ty fa c t o r f o r fa tig u e lo a d
Ff = 1.00 Mf = 1.00 1.15 for damage tolerance Mf = 1.25 1.35 for safe life method
Figure26 The fatigue resistances c are based on constant amplitude tests with large scale specimens,thatcontainallfeaturesofweldedstructures(discontinuitiesandresidual stresses). Figure 27 gives an example for detail categories c as specified in EN 199319 and evaluations of test results that support the choice of c made in EN 199319.
The comparison shows that for some details there may be a large scatter of tests, fromwhichthechoiceshavebeenmadeandthatforotherdetailsthebasisoftestsis rathersmall. Theremaybealsotheproblem,thatfordetailschoseninaprojecteitherthefatigue loading or the fatigue resistance may only be roughly estimated, so that ways of fatigue assessment other than by the numerical way are preferred, e.g. prescriptive rulesforfatigueorsubstitutiverulesforserviceability.
Required moment of inertia from ULS and fatigue design for detail category 71
= 1 ,0
= 0 ,8
F a tig u e
S pa n L [m ]
(2) (3)
c =71MPa,
to define a minimum span length from which on numerical assessments are necessary.
Figure 29 gives another example for descriptive rules for certain details. In this case theconnectionofhangersoftiedarchbridges,forwhichvariousdetailsarecommon couldbestandardisedinsuchaway,thatfatiguefrom: vortexinducedvibrations rainwindinducedvibrations fatiguefromimposeddeformationsfromthepassingoffatiguevehicleonthe bridge
2 3 4
A particular case for descriptive rules is the orthotropic steel deck of bridges, see Figure 31. The most critical hot spot for such plates is the welded connection of the deckplatetothetroughsortothewebsofthecrossbeams.
Standard orthotropic steel deck with continuous stringers with cope holes in the web of the cross beam
design life load model 4 without layer < 10 years asphaltic 30 - 50 years sealing PmB 45 thermosetting 70 - 90 years resin PmB 25
fr t = 6 mm
Also the analysis model for fatigue is not sufficient, if it is restricted to modelling the steelstructureonly. (7) Figure 32 demonstrates in what way the steeldeck adhesively connected with the asphaltlayerisaffectedbythestiffnessofthelayeranditssensitivitytotemperature andloadingfrequency. Taking Polymer modified Bitumen PmB45 into account produces an enhancement of servicelifebyafactorof3to5andPmB25generatesanenhancementbyafactorof 7to9. ThereforeAnnexCtoEN19932givesprescriptiverulesforthemostcriticaldetailsof orthotropic plates, e.g. deckplate thickness, distance of troughs, weld preparations forweldedjointsofstiffenersetc.tosecureasufficientfatiguelife.
tLtrough = 6 mm tweb = 10 - 16 mm; verification of net web section required hcrossbeam 700 mm
Figure33 An example for the structural details dealt with in Annex C is the interconnection of troughs and webs of crossbeams according to Figure 33 and the definition of a minimum depth of crossbeams and minimum thickness of webplate to avoid the formation of cracks at the cutout for which a toothassessment in the critical horizontalsectionbetweenthecutoutsisnecessary.
4.5.3 Examplesforindirectfatigueassessments (1) A particular protection aim for orthotropic steel decks is to avoid cracks in the asphaltlayer that could lead to corrosion of the deckplate and in case of disintegrationofthelayertosecurityproblemsoftheroadusers. Thecausesofsuchcracksare
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(2) insufficientstrainabilityoftheasphaltinparticularduringwinter, excessive flexibility of the deckplate in particular due to differential deflectionsofthetroughs,seeFigure34.
5 A 4
second moment of area IB of the stringers including deckplate [m4] Condition for curve A
1,20m 1
IB 2
(4) (5)
Figure35 This minimum stiffness requirement, specified in EN 19932, also protects the deck platefromexcessivefatiguestresses. Another indirect fatigue assessment given in EN 19932 is the verification to excessive webbreathing, that may lead to cracking at the welded edges of the web plateandalsoavoidsthehungryhorseappearance. Figure 36 shows the relevant platebucklingformula applied for stresses on the servicelevel.
Plate buckling
Verification to web breathing
x ,Ed ,ser k E
Ed ,ser + 1 .1 1.15 k E
a2 aG
longitudinal edge
4.5.4 BackgroundinformationtotheEurocodespecificationsfortrafficloads (1) The JRC has prepared a background document to EN 1991Part 2 Traffic loads for roadbridgesandconsequencesforthedesign,seeFigure37,thatiscurrentlybeing extendedtoincludealsothebackgroundofthetrafficloadsforrailwaybridges.
That background document gives the origine of the load specifications and could be used as a source for determining tendencies from more recent traffic measurements orfromstudiesthatincludefurtherdevelopmentsofheavyvehicles. Modellingofsteelbridgesfortheanalysis General Two examples for models used for the design of steel bridges are presented in this report,thatareconnectedwithdurabilitychecks: Modelforshearlagforwideflangese.g.thebridgedeckcooperatingwiththe maingirdersastopflange, Modelforfatiguedesign.
5. 5.1 (1)
5.2 (1) (2) the bending theory of beams with loads Pz and bending moments M z apply to the full crosssection with the full geometric flange width b . It gives the warpingdistribution z , an additional warping distribution w for longitudinal stresses x is found, the distribution of which complies witha linear shear distribution flangeandhasthefollowingproperties: it is orthogonal to the warping distributions w1 = 1 for normal forces andforbending w2 = z ,inthattheequations: Figure38showstheprinciple: The basis for the model of shear lag in EN 199315, to which EN 19932 makes reference,isthebeamtheoryextendedtocoversheardeformations. Modelforshearlag
w in the wide s
w dA = w dA + k A = 0 w z dA = w z dA + k A
0 1w 0 zw
apply, it gives a vertical deformation v that can be determined from the second order analysis model of a beam with the bending stiffness
E Aww where
Aww = w 2 dA
and the tension force G S , representing the shear stiffness of the wideflange. this analysis model also gives warping moments M w that may be usedtodeterminetheselfequilibratingstresspattern
w =
Mw w Aww
Mz z Azz
z =
w =
Mw w Aww
gives the final stress distribution in equilibrium with external forces takingaccountofthenonlinearstressdistributioninthewideflange, the equivalence to this nonlinear stress distribution is a constant stress distribution in the wide flange however reduced to the effective width beff = b
Figure39 (3) (4) For the ease for use however the moment distribution of the continuous beam is divided into various unit distributions, each of which can be modelled by a simply supported beam with a combination of uniformly distributed load and concentrated load,where istherelevantshapeparameterforthemomentshape. Figure 39 shows a moment distribution for a continuous beam where this model couldbeapplied:
iscalculatedonthebasisof M z fromabeamanalysis is calculated from M w determined from 2nd order theory for a continuousbeamwiththetensionforce G S .
Figure40 Figure 40 gives the algebraic solution for for various shapes taking account of thepossibleorthotrophyofthewideflangeby 0 b ,where 0 =1 forisotropicflangeplates for orthotropic flange plates, where the longitudinal stiffness is larger thantheshearstiffness forcrackedconcreteslabs,wherethelongitudinalstiffnessfortension issmallerthantheshearstiffness
0 >1 0 <1
Figure 40 also shows the formulae for specified in EN 199315 for the extreme valueenvelopesofbendingmoments,forwhichareferencelengthofbeamanda valuehasbeenchosen.
5.3 (1) Whereas the modelling of the structures for ultimate limit state verifications may be simplified, e.g. by hinged connections at the junction of deckplate and vertical stiffeners of crossframe, fatigue assessments need a modelling of the monocoque structure taking into account the continuity of deformations of the deckplate and of thetransverseframetotaketherestrainingmomentsintoaccount,seeFigure41. Modellingforultimatelimitstateverificationsandforfatigueassessments
Differences in modelling
Modelling for ULS Modelling for fatigue
Figure41 Also small curvatures of a bridge in plan view normally neglected in the analysis for ULS may induce lateral forces in the hogging and sagging moment regions of the maingirdersthatmayenhancetherestrainingmomentsinthetransverseframe. Fatigue damages have also been observed at the connections of longitudinal stiffeners in webs of maingirders, that normally are designed for plate buckling underperfectloadingconditionsforULS,howeverincaseofflexibledeckplatesmay receive lateral imposed deformations from deflections of the crossbeams under trafficloads,seeFigure42.
Differences in modelling
Modelling for ULS Fatigue effects on web stiffeners
Differences in modelling
Modelling for ULS Frame and distorsional effects
Figure43 A typical difference in modelling for ULS and fatigue is given in Figure 43 for box girderbridges, where transverse frames are usually designed for load distributing forces calculated on the basis of rigid crosssection shapes, whereas for fatigue the distortion of the crosssection and secondary moments induced by the continuity of deformationsofthedeckplateandthetransverseframemayberelevant.
6. 6.1 (1)
Specificationsforbearings General EN 1990 Annex A2 does not give rules for the determination of action effects as forces, moments and movements for specifying the performance conditions for the deliveryofbearings. Therefore the preparation of such rules is a first priority task for Nonconflicting complementaryinformationtoEN1990A2tomaketheEurocodesfullyoperablefor thedesignofbridges. EN 1993 Part 2 gives in its Annex A Requirements for bearings that are meant to beindependentondifferentmaterialsandwaysofconstruction. ThisAnnexneedshoweverfurtherdevelopmenttoachievethefollowinggoals: the rules should give realistic results in that they comply with measurements offorcesandmovementsfrommanydecades, the rules should be applicable for all types of fixed, sliding, rolling and deformingbearings, the rules should allow to derive the specifications for bearings from a global analysis of the bridge for ULS comprising the interaction of superstructure, bearings,piers,foundationandthesoil.Thisspecificationshouldbeconsistent with the design of the support area of the superstructure (e.g. for eccentricities), the design of the piers (e.g. loading and excentricities) and of thefoundations.
(3) (4)
(5) (6) 6.2 (1) Figure 44 gives the design principles for the preparation of construction documents neededtoorderthedeliveryofbearingsaccordingtoEN1337. Designprinciplesforthepreparationofconstructiondocuments In the following the main contents of such a future Annex E to EN 1990, that would substitutethenowAnnexAtoEN19932ispresented. Therulesshouldalsobeconsistentwiththepropertiesofbearings,asspecifiedinthe productstandardforbearings,i.e.EN1337.
Design principles for individual bearings - Permission of movements minimizing the reaction forces - No tensile forces - No significant redistribution of forces to other bearings from accomodation to installation tolerances - Specification of installation conditions with details of construction sequence and time variable conditions - Measure to avoid unforeseen deformation of the bearings (non uniform contact)
Construction documents
Bearing plan (drawing of the bearing system) Bearing installation drawing (structural details) Bearing schedule (characteristic values from each action, design values from combination of action)
6.3 (1)
Preparationofbearingschedules Afterthechoiceofthe bearingplanwithselectionofthetypesofbearing,seeFigure 46, bearing schedules need to be prepared, for which Figure 47 and Figure 48 give models.
sliding displacement
Figure46 In Figure 47 the characteristic values of actioneffects (forces, moments and movements) are given for each individual action, so that load combinations can be performed that allow to define either extreme values together with simultaneous accompanyingactionsorconservativecombinationsofextremevaluesonly.
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(3) (4)
Figure48 Figure 48 gives an example for the indication of design values from the combination ofextremecharacteristicvalues. Thebearingschedulesarethenusedbythebearingproducerstodesignthebearings accordingtotherulesinEN1337.
The reference standards for the preparation of the bearing schedules are given in Figure 49 and Figure 50. For accidental design situations also EN 19912 should be taken into account with particular rules for the impact scenarios for bridges to be considered. The National Annex may give descriptive rules (e.g. limitation of bridge movementsbystructuralmeasures)thatapplyinsteadofnumericalassessments.
For transient design situations reduction of variable actions due to limited duration EN 1991-2, 4.5.3. For steel bridges also actions from installation of hot asphalt according to technical project specifications.
Actions in accidental design situations Specifications according to EN 1991-2 Limitation of bridge movements by structural measures, e.g. stop devices at abutments
6.4 (1)
Particularitiesofcombinationrules Figure 51 gives the principles for the determination of design values of movements andbearingforceswhenusingthecombinationrules.
Determination of design values of movements and bearing forces Principles Combination according to EN 1990, (2) with partial factors according to EN 1990, A.2 and particular rules for climatic temperature effects Movements due to creep and shrinkage by multiplying mean values in EN 1992-2 and EN 1994-2 by a factor of 1.35 Verification of static equilibrium (uplift of bearings) and anchoring devices by applying 0.05 GK spanwise Consideration of deformations of foundation, piers and bearings in the modelling of the structure, see EN 1991-2, Use of 2nd order theory for accounting for deformations of piers after installation of bearings if required by EN 1992-1-1, 5.8.2 (6). For calculation of pier deformations ky = 0,5 may be applied to geometric member imperfections in EN 1992-1-1, 5.2.
Figure51 In order to comply with the requirement of realistic behaviour the following particularitiesshouldbetakenintoaccount: the F value for climatic temperature effects cannot exceed the value
F = 1.35 , so that this value should be chosen instead of the recommended
value F = 1.5 . (3) For determining the design values of movements from the design values of extreme temperatures TEd ,min and TEd ,max the safety system in Figure 52 should be used. It comprisestwoelements thedesignvalues F TN with F = 1.35 42 Creep and shrinkage should be taken into account by using mean values multipliedwithafactorof1.35. Non uniform distribution of permanent loads should be considered by applying 0.05 Gk ontheinfluencelineforupliftandforanchoring. Equivalent geometric imperfections with only 50 % of the geometric member imperfectionsspecifiedinEN199211,5.2shouldbeapplied.
the reference temperature T0 T with T from uncertainties of the temperature of the structure during installation, where TN depends on type of construction and the typical hour of measurement (e.g. early morning for steelstructures,afternoonforcompositestructures).
Determination of design values of movements and bearing forces Climatic temperature effects Maximum and minimum constant temperature component: Ted, min = T0 - F TN,con - T0 Ted, max = T0 + F TN,exp + T0
additional safety element charact. Values EN 1991-1-5, partial factor F = 1.35 reference temperature during installation of the bearings, e.g. +10C
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Reaction forces at fixed points resulting form resistance of the bearing system For sliding bearings:
Figure53 43
For continuous bridges over deep valleys with tall piers the fixed bearings may be installedononeortwoofthetallpiersinthemiddleofthebridge. In this case the horizontal forces from braking and friction in the bearings to be appliedtothesefixedbearingsmaybetakenfromFigure53. This Figure also gives the horizontal forces for the case that bearing may not be causedbyfrictionbutbyelasticrestraints(elastomericbearings). Choiceofmaterialtoavoidbrittlefracture General All design rules for steelstructures are based on the evaluation of large scale tests thathavebeenperformedatroomtemperature. Atthistemperature(~20C)steelnormallyexhibitsaductileplasticbehaviour,sothat large plastic strains occur at the ultimate limit state, that cause stressredistributions in the crosssection and make the use of nominal stresses without geometric and metallurgic notch effects and without consideration of secondary moments possible andhencemakethedesignrulessimple. Not so in the low temperature region where ferritic steels may show in dependancy of their toughness properties a fracture mechanism under tension loads that macroscopically may be classified as brittle, because plastic deformations are small andfailureoccurswithoutsignificantplasticdeformations. The choiceof material to avoid brittle fracture therefore mainly aims atchoosing the toughness properties of steel such, that only ULSverifications in the ductile domain are necessary and other failure mechanisms in the low temperature region can be ignored. To meet this goal the toughness of steel that is required, needs to be determined by afracturemechanicsassessmentofthecomponent,takingaccountof thegeometricshapeanddimensionsofthecomponent, thestressesinthecomponent, the hypothetical presence of a crack at the hot spot where the geometrical metallurgical and stress situation gives the highest probability for the formationofacrack, 44
a shape and size of the crack that complies with oberservations in testing and with the accuracy of the testing method as it should be at the limit of detectability, thefatigueloadingandinspectionmanagementtoaccountforpossible crack growthinserviceuntilthecrackisdetected, thelowesttemperatureinthecomponent.
This fracture mechanics assessment is not a fitness for purpose check, as the assumptions e.g. the presence of cracks are only hypothetical. It has the character of acheckforanaccidentaldesignsituationand henceproducesrobustnessforthe unprobablecasethatoneormoreofthehypotheticalassumptionswouldholdtrue. Whereastherequirementofrobustnessisoftendescribedinqualitativeterms,e.g. by the requirement to avoid progressive collaps, the robustness from the choice of materialtoavoidbrittlefractureisexpressedquantitatively. Inputforthechoiceofmaterialforsteelbridges A particularity of the choice of material for steelbridges is that the design value of crack a d assumedatthehotspotofastructuralcomponentisverymuchaffectedby fatigue,seeFigure54.
7.2 (1)
(2) Hencetheinitialcracksize a0 overlookedintestingafterfabricationisassumedtobe enhanced by crack growth due to fatigue actions. The fatigue action taken into accountisonequarterofthefullfatiguedamage
3 D = c 2 10 3
Choice of material
Assumption for a0
c 3 2 10 6 a d = a0 f 4
a0 ad
Ed = 1 E ,ULS
according to the combination rules for accidental design situations, and on the resistanceside which includes the temperature T27J from CharpyVnotch impact tests that produce animpactenergyof27Joule. This assumption makes it possible to establish a link between the fracture mechanics assessment and the necessary number of inspections during the service life of the structure. (5) It also produces structures that are damage tolerant, because the crack growth from hypothetical cracks is sufficiently slow, to provide long inspection intervals, and 46
K mat ,d
the inspections create a prewarning system, so that in case unforeseen damages are detected, there is sufficient time to intervene before damages attain a critical size. 7.3 (1) (2) This Figure shows the toughnesstemperature curve with the upper shelf domain B1 and the transition temperature domain A1 with low toughness values. It also shows the loaddeformation characteristic from large scale tests to determine design resistancesintheductiledomain B3 andintheelasticdomain A2 . (3) For persistent and transient design situations the load level B2 applies for normal temperatures resulting in upper shelf behaviour and ductile structural responsesintests. For the accidental design situation at extremely low temperatures the load levelisatfrequentloads, A2 ,withtoughnesspropertiesinthelowerpartof the toughnesstemperaturetransition domain, A1 , and elastic structural responseintests, A3 ,compatiblewiththeuseofstressintensityfactors K .
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The third graph in Figure 55 gives the lines of equal probability of action effects from combinationsofactionsforbridges:
Toughness-temperature - Load-strain-diagram
Design situations in the upper-shelf region B and the transition region A of the toughness-temperature diagram
Figure55 47
Dissemination of information for training Vienna, 4-6 October 2010 57
Assessment scheme
Action side
TEd = Tmin + Tr + T + TR + [T + Tpl ]
lowest air temperature in combination with Ed: Tmin = -25 C radiation loss: Tr = - 5 C influence of stress, crack imperfection and member shape and dimension:
14 K beff appl 20 10 25 kR6 T = 52ln [C] 70
TRd = T100
Influence of material toughness T100 = T27J 18 [C]
Figure56 (4) Figure 56 shows the basic formula for the determination of the minimum toughness properties in EN 1993110 which results from the transformation of the equation withstressitensityfactors K totemperatures T . This temperature oriented equation allows to take additional strain rate effects and coldformingeffectsintoaccountbysimpletemperatureshifts T . (5) The basic formula with temperatures has been used to calculate the maximum thicknessvaluesofsteelproductsdependingonthegradeandsubgradeofsteel.,the referencetemperature TEd andthenominalfrequentstress Ed ,seeFigure57.
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Figure57 At present this table with maximum thickness values is extended to make it applicable to coldformed hollow sections structures, stainless steel and also for the choiceofmaterialforplasticdesign(uppershelfbehaviour). Requirementsforuppershelfbehaviour Sofarafracturemechanicsproceduretoidentifythenecessarytoughnessproperties intheuppershelfbehaviourisnotyetavailable. Therefore EN 1993Part 2 contains an opening for National decisions with a recommendationthatmaybeattributedtothefollowingprocedure. Figure 58 shows the characteristic of a nonharmonized threepointbending test withamaterialsamplethathasgotaweldseamonthesurfaceintension.Thisseam madewithanonductileelectrodeisintendedtoinitiateacrackduringbending. Featuresofthecrackgrowthuptoaplasticangle arethenusedtoclassifythetest resultaspassedorfailed.
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Figure59 Figure 59 gives the results of such tests from quality tests of steel producers related to the CharpyVnotch impact energy and the thickness of the product from which thesamplesweretaken.
The conclusion from Figure 59 is the recommendation in Figure 60, according to whichthechoiceoffinegrainsteelsisnecessaryforproductthicknessesgreaterthan 30mm. ThischoicesupersedesthechoiceaccordingtothetableinFigure57.
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7.5 (1)
Figure60 ExamplesforuseofEN1993110forchoiceofmaterialinsteelbridges Aconventionalsteelbridge,withcompositeboxgirdersectionisgiveninFigure61. The plate thickness of the upper flange and the bottom plate of the box girder that attainvaluesupto135mmhavebeenchosentoEN1993110.
Dissemination of information for training Vienna, 4-6 October 2010 62
Example: Thick plates for the composite Elbebridge Vockerode (EN 1993-1-10)
Cross section
Bottom plates
30 70 70 95 45 40 40 50 70 70 50 40 70 95 45 30 40 70
Construction at supports
Dissemination of information for training Vienna, 4-6 October 2010 63
Figure62 A nonconventional composite bridge consisting of two separate bridge parts with a triangle crosssection (and an open joint between the decks in the middle) is the St. KilianbridgeinFigure62. The bottom chord of this truss bridge with circular hollow sections is a single tube withnodesmadeofcaststeel.
(3) 52
The robustness of this structural concept is assured by the choice of material according to EN 1993110 that produces damage tolerance together with the usualinspectionregimeforbridges. In conclusion the crosssection with a single bottom chord made of steel with sufficient toughness is robustnessequivalent with other crosssections with more than 1 bottom chord or bottom chords made of steel lamellas (because of redundancies) that have low toughness values (as experienced for existing riveted bridges).
(5) (6) Figure 63 gives an impression of the erection work, Figure 64 shows the weld preparation between the cast steel nodes and the tubes (with small tolerances) and Figure65givesanimpressionofthecastnodes. A particular feature of this robustness concept is the appropriate choice of the fatigueclass,whichismainlyinfluencedbytheexecutionquality.
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7.6 (1)
Figure65 Furtherinformation More details of the background of the choice of material for bridges may be taken from the JRC report Commentary and Worked examples to EN 1993110 Material toughness and through thickness properties and other toughness oriented rules in EN1993,seeFigure66. 54
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Forthesebucklingphenomenaingeneraltwoassessmentapproachesareapplicable: 1. 2nd order assessment with initial equivalent imperfections, that cover the various structural and geometric imperfections a structural member may have, use of buckling formulas for uniform structural member with defined loading andboundaryconditionswhichshouldhavebeenderivedfrom1.
2. (3)
For practical use buckling formulas for standard cases are very important. Figure 67 gives the common verification concept applicable to the various buckling phenomena,wherethedefinitionsare:
ult ,k =
magnification factor to design action effects to obtain the characteristic resistance Rk without considering outofplane imperfectionsandoutofplanebuckling.
crit = = =
magnification factor to design action effects to obtain elastic critical resistances Rcrit globalslenderness reduction coefficient for buckling, depending on the buckling phenomenon,theimperfectionfactor andtheslenderness .
Common design rules for column, lateral torsional, plate and shell buckling
Ed sk Ed
Ed lk
b E d /2 a
r t
plate buckling
shell buckling
Rk = R crit
1,2 1,0
ult , k crit
EN 1993-1-5
a0 b
1,2 1,0
EN 1993-1-1
a0 a b c d
EN 1993-1-1
a b c
p [-]
EN 1993-1-6
0 ,8 0