What Is Co-Firing?
What Is Co-Firing?
What Is Co-Firing?
If we look at some of the definitions for co-firing, then usually most of the
statements will refer to it as a process of combustion of two types of fuels. This
kind of combustion, which is the burning of different materials at the same time,
is related mainly to a biomass being burned with a fossil fuel. The most common
fossil fuel used in co-firing is coal.
Presently, there are two different types of co-firing, direct and indirect.
For direct co-firing, two different methods have been developed. The first method
is blending the biomass and coal in the fuel handling system and feeding the
blend to the boiler. The second method is a separate fuel handling and separate
special burners for the biomass, which thus have no impact to the conventional,
coal delivery system.
Three different types of indirect co-firing exist. These are ‘indirect co-combustion
with pre-gasification’, ‘indirect co-combustion in gas-fired power plants’, and
‘parallel co-combustion (steam side coupling)’.
Co-Firing Benefits
Co-firing can reduce the emission of a number of gases. It has already been
established that these gases pollute the environment and can cause global
warming. Co-firing, therefore, can be beneficial in a number of ways. The most
important benefit we obtain from the co-firing system is CO2 reduction, usually
associated with global warming. In addition to the above, we can benefit in the
reduction of NOx as well as reduction in flame temperature. Also, co-firing with
biomass can reduce the emission of SOx, due to the lower sulphur content in
biomass materials.
There are a number of factors which can affect co-firing in one way or another.
Some of these factors are purely technical, others are non-technical.
Many of these challenges do not apply to fossil fuels, and that is what makes co-
firing with biomass a more challenging area, trying to establish itself in a more
competitive environment where a number of systems and fuels are being tested
and marketed at the present time. Co-firing, therefore, will need more support
and more time to smooth out its various problems before it can compete
commercially with fossil fuels.
Factors which may give rise to problems are usually related to fuel preparation,
storage, delivery and fuel flexibility (quality and quantity) [2]. Also, ash
deposition (increased need for soot blowing, more intensive cleaning of heat
transfer surfaces in revisions may be required etc.), remains a problem [3].
Fouling and corrosion of the boiler (alkalis, chlorine) are other negative aspects of
co-firing. Finally and as part of the technical challenges, the negative impact on
flue gas cleaning (SCR DeNOx).
Concerning non-technical factors, these may range from economic aspects (lack
of financial incentives, uncertain fuel prices, open market) to legislative aspects
(utilization of fly ash in cement, determining green share, emission legislation),
as well as the public perception of co-firing of biomass/waste.
In addition to the above, co-firing is one of the methods used to reduce the
dependency on fossil fuels.
Generally speaking, co-firing can be used to reduce the cost of energy production,
as the use of biomass materials for generating energy tend to be cheaper than
the use of fossil fuels.
Najib Altawell
© Altawell 2008
*Co-firing should not be confused with multiple fuel boilers. Multiple fuel boilers are designed to burn
a wide range of fuels. Co-firing on the other hand is carried out in a boiler specifically designed to
burn only a specific type of coal [1].