Peoplesoft Country Extension For India

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Managing your workforce globally often requires region or country specific features and functions in Human Resources and Payroll. Oracles PeopleSoft Human Resources and Global Payroll applications help make this possible. Being compliant with HR regulations is essential. Making timely payments to your workforce while lowering your total cost of ownership is a business goal your
Simplified payroll processing Lower total cost of ownership Statutory requirements met Manage payroll over the

organization can achieve. With PeopleSoft country extensions, you have complete control over all aspects of your local HR and payroll operations, including statutory payroll and reporting requirements. The foundation of Oracles PeopleSoft country extension products is Oracles PeopleSoft Human Resources application and Oracles PeopleSoft Global Payroll, a state-of-the-art, internet-based payroll solution that is built on a truly global architecture with a single rules-based engine and all information in one place. The benefits of this architecture include streamlined application maintenance and easy deployment and management across borders.
Country Extension Strategy The Global Payroll core application provides the flexibility to create country extensions that are isolated from the core engine. We are able to bring the country extensions quickly to market because of the independence of each country extension and our ship-when-complete release strategy. Country Extension Content Each country extension consists of statutory and customary rules, such as payroll and absence rules, including earnings, deductions, absence entitlements, and absence takes. Human Resources In order to best support our customers, we often create country-specific features within our Human Resources product. These features work in collaboration with our Global Payroll and Global Payroll country extension products to form a cohesive and robust payroll solution that enables local compliance. Global Architecture Global Payroll is a comprehensive, flexible payroll solution. You can run payroll in a central location for multiple countries using a single database. You can enter and access payroll and absence data from any location around the world. You can use Global Payroll for a single country, or have separate databases for some or all

Flexible earnings and

Deploy software globally,

store data centrally

End-to-end tax administration Detailed tax reporting Termination processing Segmentation and proration Retroactive processing Payslips Payroll reports


countries in a multinational environment. Regardless of your implementation architecture, Global Payroll is a truly global product, not a multi-local product with a single code line for all countries. Rules-Based Product Global Payroll is a rules-based product. All payroll processes, calculations, and results are determined by a set of rules that you can easily build. You can reuse the rules throughout the application to save time and space. All rules are external to the delivered code line. The core engine contains no payroll rules, no preset sequence, and no tax algorithms. Instead, the rules are stored in the system, so no program modifications are required to tailor the solution to your requirements. You build a payroll solution unique to your needs by entering data into various online pages. In addition, Global Payroll provides sample rules that are meaningful and useful for customers seeking to utilize best practices for common payroll requirements when using Global Payroll Core for configuring their own country extensions. User-defined elements are the base component of any rule. Because you can assemble elements in countless ways, Global Payroll is flexible enough to accommodate almost all payroll and absence rules. To define and execute payroll and absence calculations, you can use a flexible high-level language. There is no programming required. Payroll rule elements have attributes that you can use to calculate, accumulate, group, sequence, and aggregate pay items. Earnings and deductions, the heart of any payroll solution, are defined in PeopleSoft Global Payroll as calculation rules. We provide Global Payroll country extension products to alleviate the extensive development and maintenance time and expense that would be required to configure our core Global Payroll product for a specific countrys payroll needs. This dramatically speeds implementation and still provides you with the ability to customize and configure your payroll application to meet your unique needs. Flexible Earnings and Deductions Your organizations unique payroll management requirements demand the ability to configure a payroll solution without losing the benefits of a standard, supported package. Our Global Payroll country extension products provide a unique, datadriven approach that enables you to define and manage your diverse payroll requirements that reflect your business policies. Earnings and deductions are defined as calculation rules with flexibility for total control over both their content and processing. Payroll Reports Each Global Payroll country extension product provides a comprehensive set of standard reports. Oracle also offers a broad range of flexible reporting tools to create and customize your own reports. PeopleSoft ePay Complement Global Payroll with PeopleSoft ePay. Employees can view their


payslips online and can easily manage their net pay distribution to their own bank accounts. Other Global Payroll Features Our core Global Payroll product also has the following features available to all country extensions.

Processing Calculations. To accommodate all your payroll processing calculations, Global Payroll enables you to create customized, flexible formulas using mathematical and logical elements in a simple and intuitive interface. You can define sophisticated rules and mathematical formulas simply by entering the appropriate attributes into online tables. Using a formula element gives further flexibility to define complex organizational needs.

Accumulators. Global Payroll makes it easy to track accumulated amounts or balances over time.

Segmentation and Proration. With Global Payroll, you can choose the events (such as leave of absence, transfer, salary change, or job change) that should trigger segmentation of pay components during a pay period.

On Demand Processing. Global Payroll allows you to process a payment for any payee at any time using On Demand payment processing.

Retroactive Processing. Global Payroll enables you to choose the events that trigger the flexible, user-defined retroactive process.

Absence Processing. Global Payroll delivers a robust set of integrated absence management tools to give you complete control over absence management for your organization.

Payroll Processing Framework. Global Payroll offers a flexible method for organizing your payroll elements into payroll runs. You can define all elements of the payroll process, including pay groups, eligibility groups, calendars, run types, pay periods, and process lists.

Calculation Monitoring. The Global Payroll and Absence Monitor allows you to define your own alerts to monitor significant variations in Gross and Net payment calculations, as well as in Absences, and to compare with previous or against historical calculations. The Monitor provides embedded analytics and the ability to drill down to Departments and to the Employees results to identify any issue in payroll or absence calculation.

Multilingual Functionality. Global Payroll offers a robust set of multilanguage features that enable you to work in your preferred language.

Multicurrency Functionality. Global Payroll smoothly handles multiple currencies for even the most complex calculations. You can state, calculate, and distribute an employees pay in multiple currencies.

Complete, Integrated Solution. Global Payroll integrates with other PeopleSoft solutions such as Human Resources, Time and Labor, and Financials.


Data Archive/Purge Templates. We deliver templates with documentation for archiving Global Payroll data, under specific conditions, to help you implement an archiving strategy to address the large amount of data that ERP applications create as well as to comply with regulatory requirements.

Move Data and Rules Quickly. Use the Create Rule Package utility to package elements that you want to move between databases.

Key Human Resources Features for India Our Human Resources product has country-specific features to assist our India customers with their Human Resources and payroll-related needs.

The Employees Tax Detail page lets you enter the data related to the calculation of the employees income tax as well as professional tax.

The key Human Resources features for India include:

Claims Management to address the requirement to manage claims for India. This feature lets the user record and track different kinds of compensation claims, process payee work rehabilitation plans, and record medical examination data. With the Human Resources Monitor Health and Safety business process, you can track all the data related to a claim incident including claim details, charges, and provider, while also tracking the claim status. In addition, you can track the claim details with respect to the claimants and recipients, and the statutory act under which the claim has been filed.

Capture information related to employment accident claims. Personal data specific to India included such as national identification (NID) types, religions, and languages specific to India, along with the Indian states and union territories.

Provision to capture the details of education information of employees delivered for India. Every employee being considered for any position in the


Company has to meet the Educational requirements for that position as specified. You can capture the Education details of an employee and use this information for training, job allocation, career planning, and so on.

Meeting of Union management requirements of a company by providing the ability to record, track, and maintain union information. Captures the information related to the details of the unions that are pertinent to the company to record employee affiliation with a union and track the details of any union agreements.

Key Global Payroll for India Features We have developed pre-built rules, processes and application pages to meet the unique needs of our customers managing their India payrolls.

Enter basic establishment registration data including the type of the establishment and other data like the ESI, PF, LWF, Income Tax and Professional Tax registration details.

The key Global Payroll for India features include:

Delivered earning types which are paid, taxed, stored, and managed per legislative requirements. With the earnings provided, one can routinely calculate regular pay, overtime, and so on.

Delivered generic functionality enables you to create the deductions required. This combined with the core functionality controls the deduction process in the Global Payroll application and helps to manage all facets of deductions, from initial deduction setup to deduction processing through payroll calculation.


Delivered pages to capture important establishment information like registration under Factories Act, Shops and Establishments Act, Employee State Insurance, Workmen's Compensation Act, Provident Fund, Profession Tax and Income Tax.

Delivered functionality for processing of leave travel claims and medical claims and the allowance calculations.

The Employee State Insurance feature provides enrollment of employees as per the ESI Act, capture relevant personal information of payees and their dependents, and ensure the contributions from employer and employees are deducted from their pay each month.

The Provident Fund feature, a program to ensure retirement savings for the workforce, defines the type of Provident Fund chosen by the company (Statutory Provident Fund or Recognized Provident Fund), ensures employees are enrolled for Provident Fund and that their personal information and their beneficiaries details are captured. It ensures that the contribution for employer and employee are properly calculated and deducted on a monthly basis.

Functionality to meet legislative tax recording, reporting, and processing requirements for taxes deducted per the Indian Income Tax Act and Profession Tax Act.

Functionality to meet the requirements for year-end recording, reporting, and processing. Year-end reports are generated in formats required under legislation such as the Factories Act, Employees State Insurance, Provident Fund Act, Profession Tax Act, the Minimum Wages Act, and the Income Tax Act. Yearend information can easily be provided to both the regulatory authorities and the payees at the close of the financial year.

Ability to issue loans and advances to payees and then process repayments as deductions over a period of time.

Predefined rules for processing absences due to privilege leave, illness, maternity, and other reasons.

Payslip solution provides features including payslip definition pages, run control pages, and a Structured Query Report (SQR) program.

Banking process uses input from Global Payroll setup, payee, and result tables. The process creates the data required for direct deposit into output tables. Data includes the Employee, Account number, Net Pay, and other fields. The banking process is run after payroll. We deliver specifications to the ICICI financial institution as a guide for you to use for your financial institution.

Payee Reports feature provides a flexible reporting solution for your payroll information. Setup pages enable you to change the Global Payroll elements that are used in the sample reports delivered (Employee State Insurance, Provident Fund, Profession Tax, Income Tax, Medical Allowance, and Leave Travel Allowance). You can change the contents of a report without making a change to the program that prints the report. Generic reporting pages address your


additional reporting needs.

The ESI feature provides Form 6- Register of employees, which captures details of each employee, his insurance details, and the contributions made on a monthly basis by the employer and employee.

The Income Tax reports include Form 24Q, a quarterly report that every employer needs to submit, and also the electronic filing of e-TDS returns.

Delivered Labour Welfare Fund feature enables the calculation, deduction, and reporting of contributions from employer and employee.

Functionality to create the Income Tax Computational Statement. This report, generated for each employee, lists the Heads of Income and the corresponding calculation of income tax. Employers have the flexibility to include the necessary items in this report.

Income tax calculation enables the employer to calculate employees income tax for one time payments of earnings within that month. This spot taxation of one time income ensures that the income tax due to such earnings is not projected for the rest of the year.

Why Oracle? Oracles PeopleSoft core HCM solution is a robust HR, Payroll and Benefits set of applications that can be implemented quickly and cost-effectively, providing a strong foundation for organizational growth, cost reduction/savings, and improved productivity and performance. Oracles core HCM capabilities combined with country-specific capabilities and international data formats enable regional operations and compliance while using a single system of record for reporting, maintenance and lower TCO. These solutions enable you to:

Manage business systems globally with a common data model and multinational data formats.

Drive compliant business processes through integrated processes and rulesbased engines.

Deploy country-specific capabilities with delivered local extensions.

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