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Felix Andrulis Lucia Astorga Franciszek Banas Zofia Banasinski Margaret Bourke John Brightmore Stanislaw Brozny Donald Brynda Wladyslaw Bugara Stefania Cachro Crusita Caldern Rose Cerullo Stanislaw Chramiec Dolores Coghill Ruben Cordona Elieen Cerney Anthony Di Vittorio Mary Ellen Doyle Daniel Doyle Edward Dudek Elaine Dudek Rose Dudones John Durken Patrick Eckhart John Ehmig Estelle Eldorado Patricia Fischer Zdzislaw Flig Nicholas Formica Josephine Frost Mieczyslaw Fudala Helena Gacek Sergio Gamboa Jerzy Gancarz Charles Geinosky Vincent Geraci Krystyna Gmiterek Thomas Godell
Mieczyslaw Pis Rita Powierzynska Jose Angel Quiro Martin Reilly Angeline Robb Mary Rohacik Carmen Rosario Teresa Salazar Elizabeth Salim Charles Salvatore Andres Pedro Sanchez Samuel Santamaria Andres Sarenina Diana Schiltz Edward Schultz Eugene Silder Stephanie Skirius Mary Skrzecz Dorothy Smith Dorothy Sokolowski Katarzyna Stachon Koszarek Eileen Stahl Wladyslaw Staszel William Sullivan Edward Szalkowski Mark Szekely Grzegorz Szpara Sophia Thomas Elizabeth Thusing Rosemary Trolia Mary Pat Tuttle Anna Vitosky Arlene Washack Alicja Wasinski Dorothy White Virginia Wolski Leonard Young Charles Zion
Monday, November 11, 2013 St. Martin of Tours, Bishop 6:30 7:30 +Andrzej Pilny 8:30 +Gerry & Eileen Tighe 7:00PM-Polish Mass Tuesday, November 12, 2013 St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr 6:30 7:30 +Andrzej Pilny 8:30 +Mary Nash Wednesday, November 13, 2013 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini 6:30 -Birthday Blessing & Thanksgiving for Michael 7:30 +Andrzej Pilny 8:10 -MORNING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH 8:30 +Stanley & Lillian Koladycz 7:00PM-Polish Mass Thursday, November 14, 2013 6:30 +Poor Souls in Purgatory 7:30 +Jan Jajko, Zofia Jajko & Julia Jajko +Andrzej Pilny 8:30 +Pat Seiler 7:00PM-PARISH HOLY HOUR Friday, November 15, 2013 St. Albert the Great, Bishop & Doctor 6:30 7:30 +Stefania Maciol 8:30 +Deceased members of Dalton Family 7:00PM-Polish Mass +Antoni & Honorata Rachwal Saturday, November 16, 2013 St. Margaret, St. Gertrude Blessed Virgin Mary 7:30 8:30 +Vito Mattera 12:00PM-Wedding: Michael Geanto & Paulina Ligeska 2:00PM-Wedding: Steven Hajek & Kerri OConnell 5:00PM +Stanley Ojer, +Frances & John Zage +Josephine Zarnik Sunday, November 17, 2013 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 6:15 7:30 -Matt Boundy Spiritual Blessing 9:00 +Leonard Young, +Eileen Cerney 10:30 -For Students, Teachers & Parents of the Fr. Ignacy Posadzy Catholic Polish School +Mieczyslaw Antol, +Jesse & Mary Grijalva +Wladyslaw Bugara, -50th Wedding Anniversary: Jozef & Janina Gacek 12:00+Christopher Russo +William Lynn, +John Hanrahan 1:30+Genowefa Mietus, -50th Wedding Anniversary: Jozef & Janina Gacek 5:00PM6:30PM Elodia Gutierrez Blessing
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Memorial Mass for the deceased members of our parish family who died within last 12 months will be celebrated Sunday, November 10th at 3:00 p.m. All relatives and friends of the deceased are welcome to attend the Mass and then join us for the reception in Rogers Hall.
Thank you for your support and consideration THANK YOU ** Thank You ** THANK YOU ** thank you ** THANK YOU We thank everyone involved in baking,
sale the of cream pies and all parishioners who bought them. Special thanks to the Missioanry Sisters and Mrs. Marie Shipman. We raised $8,315.62 toward The Mother Marys and St. Josephs gardens.
LET US PRAY For the sick: Renee Rubio, Michael Ufana, Edward Jagodzinski, Beverly Davis, Rev. Thomas Mescall, Nancy & Wayne Kinzie, Connie Melody, Joan Bryce, Joan Sweeney, Marie King Doyle, Johanna Pusateri, Frances Sacino, Robert Priley, Eckhaus Family, Chuck Poremba, Barbara Pavlecek, Milagros Doctor, Timoteo Doctor, Mary Ellen Connelly, Rose Heiden, Michael Mazurek, Terrie Lynn Hennessy, Debbie OHara, Eric & Jesse Dulce, Donald Demski, Marlene Johanes, Andrea Pelicano, Mary Sochacz, Marilyn Buchalski, Carmella Mazurek, Arletta Ceynow, Bernice Ciszek, Valerie Farbin, Irene Korosa, Bill & Ruth Eichnamm, Diane Juris, Dorothy Reid, Salvatore Bottari, Theresa Lonski, Harriet Madey, Alex Silverman, Don Kupiec, Janelle Demski, Bussie & Hedderman Families, Sister Patricia Labuda, Walter Anderson, Shirley McVane, Cheryl Korosa, Penny Prokop, Mary Ann Riccio. For the deceased: Gina Albrecht, Barbara Iacullo, Jan Dziedzic, Janina Fiedor, Catherine Carville.
III-Michael Geanto & Paulina Ligeska III-Steven Hajek & Kerri Marie OConnell II-Matthew Andersen & Susy Liberato I-Ernesto Aguayo & Guadalupe Najera Eloi Frias & Violeta Trujeque
Prayer to St. Albert Dear Scientist and Doctor of the Church, natural science always led you to the higher science of God. Though you had an encyclopedia knowledge, it never made you proud, for you regarded it as a gift of God. Inspire us to use our gifts well in studying and appreciating the wonders of creation, thus bettering the lot of the human race, and rendering greater glory to God. Amen.
The Junior High Classes of St. Albert the Great Catholic School will be celebrating a
ST. ALBERT THE GREAT SCHOOL 5535 W. STATE RD. BURBANK IL Congratulations to Mrs. Alice Porfirio who received Christifideles Archdiocesan Award last Sunday from Cardinal Francis George at the Holy Name Cathedral as a sign of the appreciation for her tireless service for St. Albert the Great School and Parish. Mrs. Porfirio has been a parishioner for 29 years and fulfilled duties of the Administrative Assistant for the last 24. We thank her for everything she does for St. Albert the Great Parish and for her dedication to the St. Albert the Great School. Congratulations Mrs. Alice Porfirio!
St. Albert the Great Catholic School in Burbank is proud to present the Student Council Officers for the 2013-2014 school year. Thomas Beilfus President Mayra Vazquez Vice-President Melissa Madrangca Secretary Jaime Brodinski Treasurer Each class level K 8 also has a representative. The students were introduced to the parish community at the 9:00 AM School Family Mass on Sunday, October 20, and their 1st event was scheduling daily activities for Red Ribbon Week. A special note is that Thomas Beilfus father is a graduate of our school. St. Albert the Great Catholic School opened in September 1953 and is the only Catholic grammar school in Burbank. We have students coming to us from neighboring communities, Bridgeview, Justice, Oak Lawn, Cicero, and Chicago to name a few.
Pictured l. to r. back: Axcel Carrasco, Sabina Slubowski, Ryan Kirchman, Thomas Beilfus,Mayra Vazquez, Jaime Brodinski, Melissa Madrangca Front row: Ryan Nguyen, Alvin Zheng, Carmine DiMiele, Sophia Kanan.
St. Albert the Great Sacred Heart Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open 7 days per week 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Parishioners are needed to commit ONE HOUR per week for a year.
If yu can devote one hour per week in Adoration of Jesus Christ pesent in the Blessed Sacrament, please sign in the register placed on a stand by the chapels entrance door.
NOVEMBER 3/4 & 2013 $17,212.00 SECOND COLLECTION FOR PARISH NEEDS $6,288.00 Thank You for Your Support
St. Albert the Great and the Mexican Community invite everyone for a
WIECZORNE MSZE WITE W TYGODNIU: poniedziaek, roda i pitek o godz. 6:30 pm, Adoracja Najw. Sakramentu, modlitwa racowa i Wypominki, 7:00 pm - Msza wita. Pamitajmy w modlitwie o naszych bliskich zmarych.
WYPOMINKI W naszym zagonionym, pdzcym do przodu wiecie gubi si gdzie szacunek dla korzeni, dla historii, dla tych, ktrzy byli przed nami. A przecie dziedziczymy po zmarych nie tylko geny, ale i ducha. W pamici zostaj pojedyncze sowa, obrazy, fragmenty, epizody, umiech, wyraz twarzy, ciepo doni. A w tym wszystkim ich wiara, ich mio, ich nadzieja, ich dobro, ich powicenie, ich przyja... Kade ludzkie imi to osobna historia, niepowtarzalny los. Imiona zmarych wymwione gono w modlitwie brzmi jak wyznanie: pamitamy o was, jeli trzeba, wybaczamy popenione zo, jestemy wdziczni za dobro, brakuje nam was, tsknimy za wami.
SPOTKANIE DLA R RACOWYCH - w rod 13 listopada bezporednio po Mszy witej o godzinie 7:00 wieczorem w kociele odbdzie si spotkanie dla osb nalecych do ywego Raca.
NOWE PARAFIALNE PRZEDSZKOLE DLA DZIECI (od 3 do 4 lat) od 2 grudnia, 2013 roku w Katolickiej Szkole witego Alberta Wielkiego powstaje amerykasko - polskie przedszkole prowadzone przy udziale Sistr Misjonarek. Program na trzy dni w tygodniu: poniedziaek, roda i pitek. Rejestracja w biurze parafialnym. Chcielibymy, aby misj naszego Parafialnego Przedszkola byo przeduanie yczliwej troski Kocioa o Rodzin. Dziki stworzeniu wsplnoty nauczycieli, opiekunw, rodzicw i dzieci, Przedszkole chce tworzy jak najlepszy klimat dla wszechstronnego rozwoju dziecka oraz umacniania wizi rodzinnych z parafi. Chcemy, aby rodzice, ktrzy powierz nam dzieci na czas zaj, odczuwali dodatkow pomoc w przeduaniu domu rodzinnego, w ksztatowaniu dziecka od najmodszych lat w jego wymiarze duchowym katolickim, intelektualnym, psychicznym, fizycznym i kulturalnym. Pragniemy opiera si o Prawd, ktr gosi najlepszy i niezastpiony nauczyciel Jezus Chrystus. Dlatego zachcamy Rodzicw majcych dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym do wsppracy z nami. ADORACJA NAJWITSZEGO SAKRAMENTU Zapraszamy na adoracj Najwitszego Sakramentu, ktra odbywa si w kaplicy Najwitszego Serca Pana Jezusa codziennie od godziny 8:30am do 8:30pm. Osoby, ktre pragn adorowa Jezusa w Najwitszym Sakramencie jedn godzin w tygodniu, prosimy o wpisanie si do ksigi wystawionej przy Obrazie Matki Czstochowskiej.
BIULETYN PARAFIALNY Prosimy parafian i goci o zabieranie do domu biuletynu parafialnego.