September 2, 2012
September 2, 2012
September 2, 2012
Pastors Corner ~
All three readings this Sunday give one and the same message: following the commandments of God and putting His word into action. They describe what true religion is, and true religion is one that is pure and undefiled before God. Moses reminded the Israelites that observing the commandments of God is a sure mark of an intelligent and great nation. St. James encourages Christians to be doers and not just hearers of the word of God and teaches that true religion is keeping away from sin while showing love to others. Jesus rebuked the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and scribes who follow external observances of the law and human traditions but forgetting the most essential element of the law which is Love. Through all generations God wanted that those who believe in Him should show their faith by their fear of offending God through sin and by revealing this God of love who is invisible through visible acts of love for others. Religion is not a set of doctrines to be memorized, but a Person whose principles and values are to be embraced. Christian religion means being connected to a loving God and making Him known through avoidance of sin and the spreading of love.
Considering becoming a Catholic? Want to return to the Faith? Sessions for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults begin on Sunday, September 9th, at 10:30 a.m. in the Ministry Center. We welcome you! Call us now: Deacon Bill, 619-818-0972 or Mike Conroy, 858-278-1507.
Free Concert
Saturday, September 8th, 7:30 p.m.
Join us for an evening of reflection and songs in honor of the Blessed Mothers birthday. Music will be by Donna Lee, accompanied by Hans Becker and other musicians and singers. Meditations on Mary by Fr. Mario Elias. Free will offering.
Online Giving
Donate through our parish web site at: Or you may access the site through our blog at:
An outdoor labyrinth is available on the front portion of the grounds of Gethsemane Lutheran Church, 2696 Melbourne Drive. It is available to the community on a 24/7 basis. Following the path while engaged in meditation or prayer is meaningful to many people. For any questions, call 858-277-6572.
~ School News ~
You can help us do some fundraising without spending anything. Go to and click on the Give with Target icon. Log in to your Facebook account, then enter zip code 92123 and vote for St. Columba School. Remember to vote once per week for the next five weeks. We have set a goal of $1,000 to be raised in this giveaway. If our goal is reached by the end of the contest on 9/08/12, every student will get a free homework pass to be used in September.
Membership CoffeeSt. Vincent de Paul Ladies Guild invites you to attend their annual Membership Coffee on Monday, Sep. 10th, 10:00 a.m. at St. Mary Magdalene Church, 1945 Illion St., San Diego. Call Virginia LaMendola at 619-435-2108 for more information.
Religious Education
To register call Robin Keator at (858) 277-3861. Please have available your childs Catholic baptismal certificate. Classes begin September 23rd ~ Pre-K (ages 3-4) & Kdgn: Sundays, 9:30-10:30 am Grades 1-8: Sundays, 10:45-12:00 pm Confirmation I & II: Tuesdays, 6:45-8:00 pm Fees ~ $55.00 - one child; $85.00 - two children; $110.00 for three or more in one family. Are you interested in volunteering to help in the religious education program? The only qualification you need to have is a love for Jesus and his children. Please think and pray about this. WE NEED YOUR GIFTS! Call Robin Keator for more information - (858) 277-3861.
Please pray for the following who are ill, their families and those who care for them, especially:
Jordy Adamski, Gerda Albers, Meldina Almandrez, Ted Altman, Joe Bachmeier, Cliff Behrens, Sunny & Legaya Bernabe, Dorothy Byrne, Karen Caporale, Marivie Choi, Patricia Chuilli, Betty Conners, Marlena Daniels, Gary Davila, Peggy Dela Pea, Rita Doman, Bruce Elizondo, Cathy Embalsado, Joanne England, Donya Espiritu, Marlen Forbes, Mary Golden, Gaye Harkay, Edward Jardell, Sr., Emma Kim, Andy Le, Sue McGee, John McManus, Robert Medina, Vic Miranda, Debbie Oliver, Vilma & Veronica Ortega, Candida Perez, Isaias Refina, Virginia Reyes, Jane Riner, Gloria Riggs, Gloria Satterwhite, Evelyn Sefkow, Myrna Singca, Mary Taylor, Carmen Zuiga Villaseor, Michelle Wadlow, Christy Walton, Robert Whitworth, Brittany Wnek, and Ron Zeunges
Youth News
Thank you to all who visited the Youth Groups Used Book Sale last Sunday. It was a great day for them. They sold over 200 books. Thank you also to all the people who were so generous with their book donations. Without them this event would not have been possible.