PRACTICAL 6 CP9118 Data Structures Laboratory TOTAL SEMESTER II (6+1) SL. NO THEORY 1 2 3 4 5 6 PRACTICAL 7 CP9128 UNIX Laboratory TOTAL 0 18 0 0 3 3 2 20 CP9121 CP9122 CP9123 CP9124 CP9125 E1 UNIX Internals Compiler Optimization Advanced Database Technology Parallel Algorithms Mobile and Pervasive Computing Elective - I 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE L T P C 0 15 0 1 3 3 2 18
CP9131 E2 E3
3 3 3
0 0 0
0 0 0
3 3 3
PRACTICAL 4 CP9134 Project Phase I TOTAL SEMESTER IV (0+1) SL. NO COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE L T P C 0 9 0 0 12 12 6 15
PRACTICAL 1 CP9141 Project Phase II TOTAL Total No of Credits No of Theory courses No of Lab Courses : : : 65 14 04 0 0 0 0 24 24 12 12
SEMESTER I SL. NO THEORY 1 2 3 MA9128 CP9112 CP9113 Operations Research Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms Advanced Computer Architecture TOTAL 3 3 3 9 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 3 3 10 COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE L T P C
SEMESTER II SL. NO THEORY 1 2 3 CP9121 CP9123 CP9124 Unix Internals Advanced Database Technology Parallel Algorithms 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE L T P C
SEMESTER III SL. NO THEORY 1 2 CP9114 CP9115 Object Oriented Systems Engineering Network Engineering and Management 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE L T P C
PRACTICAL 3 CP9118 Data Structures Laboratory TOTAL SEMESTER IV SL. NO THEORY 1 2 3 CP9122 CP9125 E1 Compiler Optimization Mobile and Pervasive Computing Elective I TOTAL SEMESTER V SL. NO THEORY 1 2 3 PRACTICAL 4 CP9134 Project Work (phase I) TOTAL SEMESTER VI COURSE CODE PRACTICAL SL. NO 1 CP9141 COURSE TITLE L T P C 0 9 0 0 12 12 6 15 CP9131 E2 E3 Security Principles and Practice Elective II Elective III 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE L T P C 3 3 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 9 COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE L T P C 0 6 0 0 3 3 2 8
0 0
0 0
24 24
12 12
CP9151 Component Based Development CP9152 Performance Evaluation of Systems and Networks CP9153 Knowledge Engineering CP9154 Visualization Techniques CP9155 Infometrics CP9156 User Interface Design CP9157 Speech Processing CP9158 Bio informatics CP9159 Soft Computing CP9160 Language Technologies CP9161 Knowledge Management CP9162 ASIC Design CP9163 Embedded Systems CP9164 Data Warehousing and Data Mining CP9165 Integrated Software Project Management MM9111 Principles of Multimedia CP9167 Digital Image Processing CP9168 Adhoc and Sensor Networks CP9169 Virtualization Techniques CP9170 Service Oriented Architecture CP9171 Ethical Hacking and Digital Forensics CP9172 Cloud Computing CP9173 Machine Learning CP9174 Database Tuning IT9152 Enterprise Resource Planning CP9176 Human Resources Management CP9177 Multicore Architecture
Poisson Process Markovian Queues Single and Multi-server Models Littles formula Machine Interference Model Steady State analysis Self Service Queue. UNIT II ADVANCED QUEUEING MODELS 9
Non- Markovian Queues Pollaczek Khintchine Formula Queues in Series Open Queueing Networks Closed Queueing networks. UNIT III SIMULATION 9
Discrete Even Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Stochastic Simulation Applications to Queueing systems. UNIT IV LINEAR PROGRAMMING 9
Formulation Graphical solution Simplex method Two phase method Transportation and Assignment Problems. UNIT V NON-LINEAR PROGRAMMING 9
Lagrange multipliers Equality constraints Inequality constraints Kuhn Tucker conditions Quadratic Programming. L + T: 45+15 =60 TEXT BOOKS 1. Winston.W.L. Operations Research, Fourth Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2003. 2. Taha, H.A. Operations Research: An Introduction, Ninth Edition, Pearson Education Edition, Asia, New Delhi, 2002. REFERENCES
1. Robertazzi. T.G. Computer Networks and Systems Queuing Theory and Performance Evaluation, Third Edition, Springer, 2002 Reprint. 2. Ross. S.M., Probability Models for Computer Science, Academic Press, 2002.
Mathematical Induction - Asymptotic Notations Properties of Big-oh Notation Conditional Asymptotic Notation Algorithm Analysis Amortized Analysis NPCompleteness NP-Hard Recurrence Equations Solving Recurrence Equations Memory Representation of Multi-dimensional Arrays Time-Space Tradeoff. UNIT II HEAP STRUCTURES 9 Min/Max heaps Deaps Leftist Heaps Binomial Heaps Fibonacci Heaps Skew Heaps Lazy-Binomial Heaps. UNIT III SEARCH STRUCTURES 9 Binary Search Trees AVL Trees Red-Black trees Multi-way Search Trees B-Trees Splay Trees Tries. UNIT IV MULTIMEDIA STRUCTURES 9 Segment Trees k-d Trees Point Quad Trees MX-Quad Trees R-Trees TVTrees. UNIT V ALGORITHMS 9 Huffman Coding Convex Hull Topological Sort Tree Vertex Splitting Activity Networks Flow Shop Scheduling Counting Binary Trees Introduction to Randomized Algorithms. TOTAL = 45 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. E. Horowitz, S.Sahni and Dinesh Mehta, Fundamentals of Data structures in C++, Uiversity Press, 2007. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni and S. Rajasekaran, Computer Algorithms/C++, Second Edition, University Press, 2007. G. Brassard and P. Bratley, Algorithmics: Theory and Practice, Printice Hall, 1988. V.S. Subramanian, Principles of Multimedia Database systems, Morgan Kaufman, 1998.
Fundamentals of Computer Design - Measuring and Reporting Performance - Instruction Level Parallelism and Its Exploitation - Concepts and Challenges - Overcoming Data Hazards with Dynamic Scheduling Dynamic Branch Prediction - Speculation - Multiple Issue Processors Case Studies. UNIT II ADVANCED TECHNIQUES FOR EXPLOITING ILP 9 Compiler Techniques for Exposing ILP - Limitations on ILP for Realizable Processors Hardware versus Software Speculation - Multithreading: Using ILP Support to Exploit Thread-level Parallelism - Performance and Efficiency in Advanced Multiple Issue Processors - Case Studies. UNIT III MULTIPROCESSORS 9 Symmetric and distributed shared memory architectures Cache coherence issues Performance Issues Synchronization issues Models of Memory Consistency Interconnection networks Buses, crossbar and multi-stage switches. UNIT IV MULTI-CORE ARCHITECTURES 9 Software and hardware multithreading SMT and CMP architectures Design issues Case studies Intel Multi-core architecture SUN CMP architecture IBM cell architecture.- hp architecture. UNIT V MEMORY HIERARCHY DESIGN 9 Introduction - Optimizations of Cache Performance - Memory Technology and Optimizations - Protection: Virtual Memory and Virtual Machines - Design of Memory Hierarchies - Case Studies. TOTAL - 45 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. John L. Hennessey and David A. Patterson, Computer Architecture A quantitative approach, Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, 4th. edition, 2007. David E. Culler, Jaswinder Pal Singh, Parallel Computing Architecture : A hardware/ software approach , Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, 1997. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance, Pearson Education, Seventh Edition, 2006.
System Concepts Project Organization Communication Project Management UNIT II PROCESS MODELS
Life cycle models Unified Process Iterative and Incremental Workflow Agile Processes UNIT III ANALYSIS
Requirements Elicitation Use Cases Unified Modeling Language, Tools Analysis Object Model (Domain Model) Analysis Dynamic Models Non-functional requirements Analysis Patterns UNIT IV DESIGN
System Design, Architecture Design Principles - Design Patterns Dynamic Object Modeling Static Object Modeling Interface Specification Object Constraint Language UNIT V IMPLEMENTATION, DEPLOYMENT AND MAINTENANCE
Mapping Design (Models) to Code Testing - Usability Deployment Configuration Management Maintenance REFERENCES 1. Bernd Bruegge, Alan H Dutoit, Object-Oriented Software Engineering, 2nd ed, Pearson Education, 2004. 2. Craig Larman, Applying UML and Patterns 3rd ed, Pearson Education, 2005. 3. Stephen Schach, Software Engineering 7th ed, McGraw-Hill, 2007. 4. Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, The Unified Software Development Process, Pearson Education, 1999. 5. Alistair Cockburn, Agile Software Development 2nd ed, Pearson Education, 2007.
Communication Networks Network Elements Switched Networks and Shared media Networks Probabilistic Model and Deterministic Model Datagrams and Virtual Circuits Multiplexing Switching - Error and Flow Control Congestion Control Layered Architecture Network Externalities Service Integration Modern Applications UNIT II QUALITY OF SERVICE 9
Traffic Characteristics and Descriptors Quality of Service and Metrics Best Effort model and Guaranteed Service Model Limitations of IP networks Scheduling and Dropping policies for BE and GS models Traffic Shaping algorithms End to End solutions Laissez Faire Approach Possible improvements in TCP Significance of UDP in inelastic traffic UNIT III HIGH PERFORMANCE NETWORKS 9
Integrated Services Architecture Components and Services Differentiated Services Networks Per Hop Behaviour Admission Control MPLS Networks Principles and Mechanisms Label Stacking RSVP RTP/RTCP UNIT IV HIGH SPEED NETWORKS 9
Optical links WDM systems Optical Cross Connects Optical paths and Networks Principles of ATM Networks B-ISDN/ATM Reference Model ATM Header Structure ATM Adaptation Layer Management and Control Service Categories and Traffic descriptors in ATM networks UNIT V NETWORK MANAGEMENT 9
ICMP the Forerunner Monitoring and Control Network Management Systems Abstract Syntax Notation CMIP SNMP Communication Model SNMP MIB Group Functional Model Major changes in SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 Remote monitoring RMON SMI and MIB REFERENCES 1. Mahbub Hassan and Raj Jain, High Performance TCP/IP Networking, Pearson Education, 2004. 2. Larry L Peterson and Bruce S Davie, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Fourth Edition, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2007. 3. Jean Warland and Pravin Vareya, High Performance Networks, Morgan Kauffman Publishers, 2002 4. William Stallings, High Speed Networks: Performance and Quality of Service, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2002. 5. Mani Subramaniam, Network Management: Principles and Practices, Pearson Education, 2000 6. Kasera and Seth, ATM Networks: Concepts and Protocols, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
1. Implementation of multi-dimensional structures such as matrices, triangular matrices, diagonal matrices, etc into a one dimensional array (atleast any two) 2. Implementation of any two of the following Heap structures Deaps (Insertion, Delete Min, Delete Max) Leftist Heap (All Meldable Priority Queue operations) Skew Heap (All Meldable Priority Queue operations) Fibonacci Heap (All Meldable Priority Queue operations) 3. Implementation of any two of the following Search Structures AVL Trees (Insertion, Deletion and Search) Splay Trees (Insertion, Deletion and Search) Tries for any specified alphabet (Insertion, Deletion and Search) B-Trees (Insertion, Deletion and Search) 4. Implementation of any two of the following multimedia structures 2-d Trees (Insertion, Deletion and Range Queries) Point Quad-Trees (Insertion, Deletion and Range Queries) Segment Trees (Insertion, Deletion Show list of nodes where in insertion and deletion took place) 5. Finding Convex-hull.
General Overview of the System : History System structure User perspective Operating system services Assumptions about hardware. Introduction to the Kernel : Architecture of the UNIX operating system Introduction to system concepts. The Buffer Cache: Buffer headers Structure of the buffer pool Scenarios for retrieval of a buffer Reading and writing disk blocks Advantages and disadvantages of the buffer cache. UNIT II FILE SUBSYSTEM 8
Internal representation of files: Inodes Structure of a regular file Directories Conversion of a path name to an Inode Super block Inode assignment to a new file Allocation of disk blocks. UNIT III SYSTEM CALLS FOR THE FILE SYSTEM 10
Open Read Write File and record locking Adjusting the position of file I/O Lseek Close File creation Creation of special files Changing directory, root, owner, mode stat and fstat Pipes Dup Mounting and unmounting file systems link unlink. UNIT IV PROCESSES 10
Process states and transitions Layout of system memory The context of a process Saving the context of a process Manipulation of the process address space - Sleep. Process Control : Process creation Signals Process termination Awaiting process termination Invoking other programs user id of a process Changing the size of a process - Shell System boot and the INIT process Process Scheduling. UNIT V MEMORY MANAGEMENT AND I/O 9
Memory Management Policies : Swapping Demand paging. The I/O Subsystem : Driver Interface Disk Drivers Terminal Drivers Streams Inter process communication. TOTAL = 45
TEXT BOOKS 1. Maurice J. Bach, The Design of the Unix Operating System, First Edition, Pearson Education, 1999.
1. 2.
B. Goodheart, J. Cox, The Magic Garden Explained, Prentice Hall of India, 1986. S. J. Leffler, M. K. Mckusick, M. J. .Karels and J. S. Quarterman., The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD Unix Operating System, Addison Wesley, 1998.
LTPC 3003 UNIT I 9 Principles Of Compiler Compiler Structure Properties of a Compiler Optimization Importance of Code optimization Structure of Optimizing compilers placement of optimizations in optimizing compilers ICAN Introduction and Overview Symbol table structure Local and Global Symbol table management UNIT II 9 Intermediate representation Issues High level, medium level, low level intermediate languages MIR, HIR, LIR ICAN for Intermediate code Optimization Early optimization Constant folding scalar replacement of aggregates Simplification value numbering constant propagation redundancy elimination loop optimization UNIT III 9 Procedure optimization in-line expansion leaf routine optimization and shrink wrapping register allocation and assignment graph coloring code scheduling control flow and low level optimizations inter-procedural analysis and optimization call graph data flow analysis constant propagation alias analysis register allocation global references Optimization for memory hierarchy UNIT IV 9 Code Scheduling Instruction scheduling Speculative scheduling Software pipelining trace scheduling percolation scheduling Run-time support Register usage local stack frame run-time stack Code sharing positionindependent code Symbolic and polymorphic language support UNIT V 9 Case Studies Sun Compilers for SPARC IBM XL Compilers Alpha compilers PA RISC assembly language COOL ( Classroom Object oriented language) - Compiler testing tools SPIM TOTAL ; 45 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Steven S. Muchnick, Advanced Compiler Design Implementation, Morgan Koffman Elsevier Science, India, Indian Reprint 2003 2. Keith D Cooper and Linda Torczon, Engineering a Compiler, Elsevier Science, India, REFERENCES 1. Allen Holub Compiler Design in C, Prentice Hall of India, 1990. 2. Alfred Aho, V. Ravi Sethi, D. Jeffery Ullman, Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools, Addison Wesley, 1988. 3. Charles N. Fischer, Richard J. Leblanc, Crafting a compiler with C, Benjamin Cummings, 1991.
UNIT I PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED DATABASES 9 Database System Architectures: Centralized and Client-Server Architectures Server System Architectures Parallel Systems- Distributed Systems Parallel Databases: I/O Parallelism Inter and Intra Query Parallelism Inter and Intra operation Parallelism Distributed Database Concepts - Distributed Data Storage Distributed Transactions Commit Protocols Concurrency Control Distributed Query Processing Three Tier Client Server Architecture- Case Studies. UNIT II OBJECT AND OBJECT RELATIONAL DATABASES 9 Concepts for Object Databases: Object Identity Object structure Type Constructors Encapsulation of Operations Methods Persistence Type and Class Hierarchies Inheritance Complex Objects Object Database Standards, Languages and Design: ODMG Model ODL OQL Object Relational and Extended Relational Systems : Object Relational featuresinSQL/Oracle Case Studies. UNIT III XML DATABASES 9 XML Databases: XML Data Model DTD - XML Schema - XML Querying Web Databases JDBC Information Retrieval Data Warehousing Data Mining UNIT IV MOBILE DATABASES 9 Mobile Databases: Location and Handoff Management - Effect of Mobility on Data Management - Location Dependent Data Distribution - Mobile Transaction Models Concurrency Control - Transaction Commit Protocols- Mobile Database Recovery Schemes UNIT V MULTIMEDIA DATABASES 9 Multidimensional Data Structures Image Databases Text/Document DatabasesVideo Databases Audio Databases Multimedia Database Design. TOTAL = 45 REFERENCES 1. R. Elmasri, S.B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education/Addison Wesley, 2007. 2. Thomas Cannolly and Carolyn Begg, Database Systems, A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2007. 3. Henry F Korth, Abraham Silberschatz, S. Sudharshan, Database System Concepts, Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill, 2006. 4. C.J.Date, A.Kannan and S.Swamynathan,An Introduction to Database Systems, Eighth Edition, Pearson Education, 2006.
5. V.S.Subramanian, Principles of Multimedia Database Systems, Harcourt India Pvt Ltd., 2001. 6. Vijay Kumar, Mobile Database Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
UNIT I 9 PRAM Model PRAM Algorithms Parallel Reduction Prefix Sums List Ranking Preorder Tree Traversal Merging Two Sorted Lists Graph Coloring Reducing Number of Processors NC Class. UNIT II 9 Classifying MIMD Algorithms Hypercube SIMD Model Shuffle Exchange SIMD Model 2D Mesh SIMD Model UMA Multiprocessor Model Broadcase Prefix Sums. UNIT III 9 Enumeration Sort Lower Bound on Parallel Sorting Odd-Even Transposition Sort Bitonic Merge Parallel Quick Sort Complexity of Parallel Search Searching on Multiprocessors. Unit IV 9 P-Depth Search Breadth Death Search Breadth First Search Connected Components All pair Shortest Path Single Source Shortest Path Minimum Cost Spanning Tree. UNIT V 9 Matrix Multiplication on 2-D Mesh, Hypercube and Shuffle Exchange SIMD Models Algorithms for Multiprocessors Algorithms for Multicomputers Mapping Data to Processors. TOTAL : 45 REFERENCES
1. Michael J. Quinn, Parallel Computing : Theory & Practice, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 2003. 2. Ananth Grame, George Karpis, Vipin Kumar and Anshul Gupta, Introduction to Parallel Computing, 2nd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2003
Wireless networks- emerging technologies- Blue tooth, WiFi, WiMAX, 3G ,WATM.Mobile IP protocols -WAP push architecture-Wml scripts and applications. UNIT II 8
Mobile computing environmentfunctions-architecture-design considerations ,content architecture -CC/PP exchange protocol ,context manager. Data management in WAECoda file system- caching schemes- Mobility QOS. Security in mobile computing. UNIT III 8
Handoff in wireless mobile networks-reference model-handoff schemes. Location management in cellular networks - Mobility models- location and tracking management schemes- time, movement ,profile and distance based update strategies. ALI technologies UNIT IV 10
Pervasive Computing- Principles, Characteristics- interaction transparency, context aware, automated experience capture. Architecture for pervasive computing- Pervasive devices-embedded controls.- smart sensors and actuators -Context communication and access services UNIT V 10
Open protocols- Service discovery technologies- SDP, Jini, SLP, UpnP protocolsdata synchronization- SyncML framework - Context aware mobile services -Context aware sensor networks, addressing and communications. Context aware security. REFERENCES 1. Ivan Stojmenovic , Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing, John Wiley & sons Inc, Canada, 2002. 2. Asoke K Taukder,Roopa R Yavagal,Mobile Computing, Tata McGraw Hill Pub Co. , New Delhi, 2005. 3. Seng Loke, Context-Aware Computing Pervasive Systems, Auerbach Pub., New York, 2007. 4. Uwe Hansmann etl , Pervasive Computing, Springer, New York,2001.
1. Use of Unix/Linux User Commands Editors - Shell programming 2. C/C++ programming on Unix/Linux use of make, version control 3. Use of system calls files processes I/O IPC 4. Experiments using C of mini unix systems (such as Minix) File system Processes Memory Management Drivers 5. Unix / Linux sources build, run kernel small modifications
Beginning with a simple communication game wresting between safeguard and attack Probability and Information Theory - Algebraic foundations Number theory. UNIT II ENCRYPTION SYMMETRIC TECHNIQUES 9
Substitution Ciphers - Transposition Ciphers - Classical Ciphers DES AES Confidentiality Modes of Operation Key Channel Establishment for symmetric cryptosystems. UNIT III ENCRYPTION ASYMMETRIC TECHNIQUES & DATA INTEGRITY TECHNIQUES
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange protocol Discrete logarithm problem RSA cryptosystems & cryptanalysis ElGamal cryptosystem Need for stronger Security Notions for Public key Cryptosystems Combination of Asymmetric and Symmetric Cryptography Key Channel Establishment for Public key Cryptosystems - Data Integrity techniques Symmetric techniques - Asymmetric techniques UNIT IV AUTHENTICATION 9
Authentication Protocols Principles Authentication protocols for Internet Security SSH Remote logic protocol Kerberos Protocol SSL & TLS Authentication frame for public key Cryptography Directory Based Authentication framework Non - Directory Based Public-Key Authentication framework . UNIT V SECURITY PRACTICES 9
Protecting Programs and Data Information and the Law Rights of Employees and Employers Software Failures Computer Crime Privacy Ethical Issues in Computer Security. REFERENCES 1. Wenbo Mao, Modern Cryptography Theory and Practice, Pearson Education, First Edition, 2006. 2. Douglas R. Stinson ,Cryptography Theory and Practice , Third Edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC,2006. 3. Charles B. Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Security in Computing, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, 2007. 4. Wade Trappe and Lawrence C. Washington, Intrduction to Cryptography with Coding Theory Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
Software Components objects fundamental properties of Component technology modules interfaces callbacks directory services component architecture components and middle ware. UNIT II JAVA COMPONENT TECHNOLOGIES 9 Threads Java Beans Events and connections properties introspection JAR files reflection object serialization Enterprise Java Beans Distributed Object models RMI and RMI-IIOP. UNIT III CORBA TECHNOLOGIES 9 Java and CORBA Interface Definition language Object Request Broker system object model portable object adapter CORBA services CORBA component model containers application server model driven architecture. UNIT IV COM AND .NET TECHNOLOGIES 9 COM Distributed COM object reuse interfaces and versioning dispatch interfaces connectable objects OLE containers and servers Active X controls .NET components - assemblies appdomains contexts reflection remoting. UNIT V COMPONENT FRAMEWORKS AND DEVELOPMENT 9 Connectors contexts EJB containers CLR contexts and channels Black Box component framework directory objects cross-development environment component-oriented programming Component design and implementation tools testing tools - assembly tools. Total = 45 REFERENCES 1. Clements Szyperski, Component Software: Beyond Object-Oriented Programming, PearsonEducation publishers, 2003. 2. Ed Roman, Enterprise Java Beans, Third Edition , Wiley , 2004. 3. Kuth Short, " Component Based Development and Object Modeling ", Sterling Software,1997.
UNIT I 9 Performance Characteristics Requirement Analysis: Concepts User, Device, Network Requirements Process Developing RMA ,Delay, Capacity Requirements Flow Analysis Identifying and Developing Flows Flow Models Flow Prioritization Specification. UNIT II 9 Random variables - Stochastic process Link Delay components Queuing Models Littles Theorem Birth & Death process Queuing Disciplines. UNIT III 9 Markovian FIFO Queuing Systems M/M/1 M/M/a M/M/ - M/G/1 M/M/m/m and other Markov-Non-Markovian and self-similar models Network of Queues Burkes Theorem Jacksons Theorem. UNIT IV 9 Multi-User Uplinks/Downlinks - Capacity Regions - Opportunistic Scheduling for Stability and Max Throughput - Multi-Hop Routing - Mobile Networks - Throughput Optimality and Backpressure UNIT V 9 Performance of Optimal Lyapunov Networking - Energy Optimality- Energy-Delay Tradeoffs - Virtual Cost Queues - Average Power Constraints - Flow Control with Infinite Demand - Auxiliary Variables - Flow Control with Finite Demand - General Utility Optimization.
TEXT BOOKS 1. James D.McCabe , Network Analysis , Architecture and Design , 2nd Edition,Elsevier,2003 2. Bertsekas & Gallager , Data Networks , second edition ,Pearson Education,2003 3. Introduction to Probability Models by Sheldon Ross (8th edition) Academic Press, New York ,2003 REFERENCES 1. D. Bertsekas, A. Nedic and A. Ozdaglar, Convex Analysis and Optimization, Athena Scientific, Cambridge , Massachusetts , 2003 2. Nader F.Mir Computer and Communication Networks,Pearson Education.2007 3. Paul J.Fortier, Howard E.Michel, Computer Systems Performance Evaluation and Prediction, Elsevier,2003
Key concepts Why knowledge Representation and Reasoning Language of first order Logic Syntax, Semantics Pragmatics Expressing Knowledge Levels of Representation Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing Sharing Ontologies Language Ontologies Language Patterns Tools for Knowledge Acquisition UNIT II RESOLUTION AND REASONING 9
Proportional Case Handling Variables and Qualifies Dealing with Intractability Reasoning with Horn Clauses - Procedural Control of Reasoning Rules in Production Description Logic - Vivid Knowledge Beyond Vivid. UNIT III REPRESENTATION 9
Object Oriented Representations Frame Formalism Structured Descriptions Meaning and Entailment - Taxonomies and Classification Inheritance Networks Strategies for Defeasible Inheritance Formal Account of Inheritance Networks. UNIT IV DEFAULTS, UNCERTAINTY AND EXPRESSIVENESS 9
Defaults Introduction Closed World Reasoning Circumscription Default Logic Limitations of Logic Fuzzy Logic Nonmontonic Logic Theories and World Semiotics Auto epistemic Logic - Vagueness Uncertainty and Degrees of Belief Noncategorical Reasoning Objective and Subjective Probability. UNIT V ACTIONS AND PLANNING 9
Explanation and Diagnosis Purpose Syntax, Semantics of Context First Order Reasoning Modal Reasoning in Context Encapsulating Objects in Context Agents Actions Situational Calculus Frame Problem Complex Actions Planning Strips Planning as Reasoning Hierarchical and Conditional Planning. TOTAL=45 REFERENCES 1. Ronald Brachman, Hector Levesque Knowledge Representation and Reasoning , The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Artificial Intelligence 2004 2. John F. Sowa, Knowledge Representation: Logical, Philosophical, and Computational Foundations, 2000 3. Arthur B. Markman, Knowledge Representation, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,1998
UNIT I VISUALIZATION Introduction Issues Data Representation Data Presentation - Interaction UNIT II FOUNDATIONS FOR DATA VISUALIZATION
9 9
Visualization stages Experimental Semiotics based on Perception Gibsons Affordance theory A Model of Perceptual Processing Types of Data. UNIT III COMPUTER VISUALIZATION 9
Non-Computer Visualization Computer Visualization: Exploring Complex Information Spaces Fisheye Views Applications Comprehensible Fisheye views Fisheye views for 3D data Non Linear Magnificaiton Comparing Visualization of Information Spaces Abstraction in computer Graphics Abstraction in user interfaces. UNIT IV MULTIDIMENSIONAL VISUALIZATION 9
One Dimension Two Dimensions Three Dimensions Multiple Dimensions Trees Web Works Data Mapping: Document Visualization Workspaces. UNIT V CASE STUDIES 9
Small interactive calendars Selecting one from many Web browsing through a key hole Communication analysis Archival analysis TOTAL = 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Colin Ware, Information Visualization Perception for Design Margon Kaufmann Publishers, 2004, 2nd edition. 2. Robert Spence Information visualization Design for interaction, Pearson Education, 2 nd Edition, 2007 REFERENCES 1. Stuart.K.Card, Jock.D.Mackinlay and Ben Shneiderman, Readings in Information Visualization Using Vision to think, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Metrics that matter - Interpreting the metrics Collecting the data Managing the data Obstacles to acquiring IT metrics information Old data versus new graphical analysis Core of software planning Measuring the core metrics (Product, Quality, Process, Productivity, Time, Effort) Estimating and controlling with the core metrics Work output measurements. UNIT II MEASUREMENT PROGRAM APPROACHES 9
EDS Brazil metrics program Measurement program implementation approaches Bench marking Data definition framework for defining software measurements. UNIT III SOFTWARE METRICS 9
Functional points as part of measurement program Estimation of software reliability Establishing central support for software sizing activities Using metrics to manage projects Tracking software progress Effectively utilizing software metrics. UNIT IV SOFTWARE ESTIMATION 9
Problems with measurements Avoiding obstacles and common pitfalls Unreported and unpaid overtime Using software metrics for effective estimating Estimating software development projects Enhanced estimation on time within budget Metrics in outsourcing Lifigaton The product of non practicing function point metrics Applying statistical process central to software Metrics in E-Commerce. UNIT V KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 9
Quality information and knowledge Why quality information and knowledge Define information quality Create organizational knowledge Manage knowledge as assets Create customized solution Network knowledge infrastructure. TOTAL = 45 REFERENCES 1. Stephen H. Kan, Metrics and Models In Software Quality Engineering, First Edition, Pearson Education, 2003. 2. N. Fenton, S. L. Pfleeger, Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach, Thomson Learning, 1997. 3. IT Measurement A Practical Advice from the Experts, International Function Point Users Group, Pearson Education, Asia.
HumanComputer Interface Characteristics Of Graphics Interface Direct Manipulation Graphical System Web User Interface Popularity Characteristic & Principles. UNIT II HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION 7
User Interface Design Process Obstacles Usability Human Characteristics In Design Human Interaction Speed Business Functions Requirement Analysis Direct Indirect Methods Basic Business Functions Design Standards General Design Principles Conceptual Model Design Conceptual Model Mock-Ups UNIT III WINDOWS 12
Characteristics Components Presentation Styles Types Managements Organizations Operations Web Systems System Timings - Device Based Controls Characteristics Screen Based Controls Human Consideration In Screen Design Structures Of Menus Functions Of Menus Contents Of Menu Formatting Phrasing The Menu Selecting Menu Choice Navigating Menus Graphical Menus. Operate Control Text Boxes Selection Control Combination Control Custom Control Presentation Control. UNIT IV MULTIMEDIA 9 Assistance 9
Text For Web Pages Effective Feedback Guidance & Internationalization Accessibility Icons Image Multimedia Coloring. UNIT V EVALUATION
Conceptual Model Evaluation Design Standards Evaluation Detailed User Interface Design Evaluation
Total = 45
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Wilbent. O. Galitz ,The Essential Guide To User Interface Design, John Wiley& Sons, 2001. 2. Deborah Mayhew, The Usability Engineering Lifecycle, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999Ben Shneiderman, Design The User Interface, Pearson Education, 1998. REFERENCES: 1. Alan Cooper, The Essential Of User Interface Design, Wiley Dream Tech Ltd., 2002. Sharp, Rogers, Preece, Interaction Design, Wiley India Edition, 2007
UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Spoken Language System Architecture and Structure Sound and Human Speech System Phonetics and Phonology Syllables and Words Syntax and Semantics Probability Theory Estimation Theory Significance Testing. UNIT II SPEECH SIGNAL REPRESENTATION AND CODING 9
Short Time Fourier Analysis Acoustic Model of Speech Production - Linear Predictive Coding Cepstral Processing Perceptual Motivated Representations Formant Frequencies Role of Pitch Scalar Waveform Coders Scalar Frequency Domain Coders Code excited linear Prediction Low Bit rate Speech coders. UNIT III SPEECH RECOGNITION 9
Hidden Markov Models (HMM) Practical Issues in Using HMMs HMM Limitations Acoustic Modeling Phonetic Modeling Language Modeling - Speaker Recognition Algorithms Signal Enhancement for Mismatched Conditions. UNIT IV SPEECH SYNTHESIS 9
Formant Speech Synthesis Concatenative Speech Synthesis Prosodic Modification Of Speech Source Filter Models For Prosody Modification Evaluation Of Text To Speech System. UNIT V SPOKEN LANGUAGE UNDERSTANDING 9
Dialog Structure Semantic Representation Sentence Interpretation Discourse Analysis Dialog Management Response Generation And Rendition Case Study. TOTAL = 45 TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. Thomas F.Quatieri, Discrete-Time Speech Signal Processing, Pearson Education, 2002. Xuedong Huang, Alex Acero, Hsiad, Wuen Hon, Spoken Language Processing, Prentice Hall ,2001.
REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. B.Gold and N.Morgan, Speech and Audio Signal Processing, Wiley and Sons, 2000. M.R.Schroeder, Computer Speech Recognition, Compression, Synthesis, Springer Series in Information Sciences, 1999. A Brief Introduction to Speech Analysis and Recognition, An Internet Tutorial http://www.mor.itesm.mx/~omayora/Tutorial/tutorial.html Daniel Jurafsky & James H.Martin, Speech and Language Processing, Pearson Education ,2000.
The Central Dogma The Killer Application Parallel Universes Watsons Definition Top Down Versus Bottom up Information Flow Convergence Databases Data Management Data Life Cycle Database Technology Interfaces Implementation Networks Geographical Scope Communication Models Transmissions Technology Protocols Bandwidth Topology Hardware Contents Security Ownership Implementation Management. UNIT II SEARCH ENGINES AND DATA VISUALIZATION 9 The search process Search Engine Technology Searching and Information Theory Computational methods Search Engines and Knowledge Management Data Visualization sequence visualization structure visualization user Interface Animation Versus simulation General Purpose Technologies. UNIT III STATISTICS AND DATA MINING 9 Statistical concepts Microarrays Imperfect Data Randomness Variability Approximation Interface Noise Assumptions Sampling and Distributions Hypothesis Testing Quantifying Randomness Data Analysis Tool selection statistics of Alignment Clustering and Classification Data Mining Methods Selection and Sampling Preprocessing and Cleaning Transformation and Reduction Data Mining Methods Evaluation Visualization Designing new queries Pattern Recognition and Discovery Machine Learning Text Mining Tools. UNIT IV PATTERN MATCHING 9 Pairwise sequence alignment Local versus global alignment Multiple sequence alignment Computational methods Dot Matrix analysis Substitution matrices Dynamic Programming Word methods Bayesian methods Multiple sequence alignment Dynamic Programming Progressive strategies Iterative strategies Tools Nucleotide Pattern Matching Polypeptide pattern matching Utilities Sequence Databases. UNIT V MODELING AND SIMULATION 9 Drug Discovery components process Perspectives Numeric considerations Algorithms Hardware Issues Protein structure AbInitio Methods Heuristic methods Systems Biology Tools Collaboration and Communications standards Issues Security Intellectual property. Total = 45 REFERENCES 1. Bryan Bergeron, Bio Informatics Computing, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2003. 2. T.K.Attwood and D.J. Perry Smith, Introduction to Bio Informatics, Longman Essen, 1999.
Evolution of Computing - Soft Computing Constituents From Conventional AI to Computational Intelligence - Machine Learning Basics UNIT II GENETIC ALGORITHMS 9 Introduction to Genetic Algorithms (GA) Applications of GA in Machine Learning Machine Learning Approach to Knowledge Acquisition. UNIT III NEURAL NETWORKS 9 Machine Learning Using Neural Network, Adaptive Networks Feed forward Networks Supervised Learning Neural Networks Radial Basis Function Networks Reinforcement Learning Unsupervised Learning Neural Networks Adaptive Resonance architectures Advances in Neural networks. UNIT IV FUZZY LOGIC 9 Fuzzy Sets Operations on Fuzzy Sets Fuzzy Relations Membership FunctionsFuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Reasoning Fuzzy Inference Systems Fuzzy Expert Systems Fuzzy Decision Making. UNIT V NEURO-FUZZY MODELING 9 Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems Coactive Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling Classification and Regression Trees Data Clustering Algorithms Rulebase Structure Identification Neuro-Fuzzy Control Case studies.
TOTAL = 45
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, Chuen-Tsai Sun, Eiji Mizutani, Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing, Prentice-Hall of India, 2003. 2. George J. Klir and Bo Yuan, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic-Theory and Applications, Prentice Hall, 1995. 3. James A. Freeman and David M. Skapura, Neural Networks Algorithms, Applications, and Programming Techniques, Pearson Edn., 2003. REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mitchell Melanie, An Introduction to Genetic Algorithm, Prentice Hall, 1998. David E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning, Addison Wesley, 1997. S. N. Sivanandam, S. Sumathi and S. N. Deepa, Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using MATLAB, Springer, 2007. S.N.Sivanandam S.N.Deepa, Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, Springer, 2007. Jacek M. Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, PWS Publishers, 1992.
Natural Language Processing Linguistic Background- Spoken language input and output Technologies Written language Input - Mathematical Methods - Statistical Modeling and Classification Finite State methods Grammar for Natural Language Processing Parsing Semantic and Logic Form Ambiguity Resolution Semantic Interpretation. UNIT II INFORMATION RETRIEVAL 9
Information Retrieval architecture - Indexing- Storage Compression Techniques Retrieval Approaches Evaluation - Search engines- commercial search engine features- comparison- performance measures Document Processing - NLP based Information Retrieval Information Extraction. UNIT III TEXT MINING 9
Categorization Extraction based Categorization- Clustering- Hierarchical ClusteringDocument Classification and routing- finding and organizing answers from Text search use of categories and clusters for organising retrieval results Text Categorization and efficient Summarization using Lexical Chains Pattern Extraction. UNIT IV GENERIC ISSUES 9
Multilinguality Multilingual Information Retrieval and Speech processing - Multimodality Text and Images Modality Integration - Transmission and Storage Speech codingEvaluation of systems Human Factors and user Acceptability. UNIT V APPLICATIONS 9
Machine Translation Transfer Metaphor - Interlingua and Statistical Approaches Discourse Processing Dialog and Conversational Agents Natural Language Generation Surface Realization and Discourse Planning. TOTAL = 45 TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Daniel Jurafsky and James H. martin, Speech and Language Processing , 2000. Ron Cole, J.Mariani, et.al Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology, Cambridge University Press, 1997. Michael W. Berry Survey of Text Mining: Culstering, Classification and Retrieval, Springer Verlag, 2003. Christopher D.Manning and Hinrich Schutze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing , MIT Press, 1999.
REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. James Allen Natural Language Understanding , Benjamin/ Cummings Publishing Co. 1995. Gerald J. Kowalski and Mark.T. Maybury, Information Storage and Retrieval systems, Kluwer academic Publishers, 2000. Tomek Strzalkowski Natural Language Information Retrieval , Kluwer academic Publishers, 1999. Christopher D.Manning and Hinrich Schutze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing , MIT Press, 1999.
UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 The value of Knowledge Knowledge Engineering Basics Knowledge Economy The Task and Organizational Content Knowledge Management Knowledge Management Ontology. UNIT II KNOWLEDGE MODELS 9
Knowledge Model Components Template Knowledge Models Reflective Knowledge Models Knowledge Model Construction Types of Knowledge Models. UNIT III TECHNIQUES OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 8
Knowledge Elicitation Techniques Modeling Communication Aspects Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning. UNIT IV KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 11
Case Studies Designing Knowledge Systems Knowledge Codification Testing and Deployment Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Sharing Knowledge System Implementation. UNIT V ADVANCED KM 8
Advanced Knowledge Modeling Value Networks Business Models for Knowledge Economy UML Notations Project Management. TOTAL = 45 TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. Guus Schreiber, Hans Akkermans, Anjo Anjewierden, Robert de Hoog, Nigel Shadbolt, Walter Van de Velde and Bob Wielinga, Knowledge Engineering and Management, Universities Press, 2001. Elias M.Awad & Hassan M. Ghaziri, Knowledge Management, Pearson Education, 2003.
REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. C.W. Holsapple, Handbooks on Knowledge Management, International Handbooks on Information Systems, Vol 1 and 2, 2003. http://www.epistemics.co.uk http://depts.washington.edu/pettt/papers/WIN_poster_text.pdf
UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO VLSI DESIGN 9 Introduction to ASICs Types of ASICs Design Flow CMOS Transistors Sequential Logic Cells Datapath Logic Cells I/O Cells Cell Compilers. UNIT II ASIC TECHNOLOGY 9
ASIC Library Design Cell Design Architecture Gate Array Design Plds And Fpgas ASIC Families Actel ACT Xilinx LCA Altera MAX Altera FLEX. UNIT III DESIGN AUTOMATION TOOLS 9 CAD For ASIC Design Design Entry - VHDL/Verilog Netlist Extraction Functional Simulation Synthesis Layout, Placement, Floor Planning Routing. UNIT IV ALGORITHMS 9 Techniques for Simulation - Synthesis Layout Placement Positioning Floor planning Routing. UNIT V TESTING 9 Boundary-Scan Test Faults Fault Simulation Automatic Test-Pattern Generation Scan Test Built-in Self Test Applications of ASICs Case studies. Total=45 REFERENCES 1. Michael John Smith Sebastian, Application Specific Integrated Circuits, Addison Wesley, 1997. 2. S.H.Gerez, Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation, John Wiley, 1998. 3. Alfred L.Grouch, Design for Test, PTR-PH, 1999.
Challenges of Embedded Systems Embedded system design process. Embedded processors ARM processor Architecture, ARM and Thumb Instruction sets UNIT II EMBEDDED C PROGRAMMING 9 C-looping structures Register allocation Function calls Pointer aliasing structure arrangement bit fields unaligned data and endianness inline functions and inline assembly portability issues. UNIT III OPTIMIZING ASSEMBLY CODE 9 Profiling and cycle counting instruction scheduling Register allocation conditional execution looping constructs bit manipulation efficient switches optimized primitives. UNIT IV PROCESSES AND OPERATING SYSTEMS 9 Multiple tasks and processes Context switching Scheduling policies Interprocess communication mechanisms Exception and interrupt handling - Performance issues. UNIT V EMBEDDED SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT 9 Meeting real time constraints Multi-state systems and function sequences. Embedded software development tools Emulators and debuggers. Design methodologies Case studies Complete design of example embedded systems. Total = 45 REFERENCES 1. Andrew N Sloss, D. Symes, C. Wright, ARM System Developers Guide, Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, 2006. 2. Michael J. Pont, Embedded C, Pearson Education , 2007. 3. Wayne Wolf, Computers as Components : Principles of Embedded Computer System Design, Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, 2nd. edition, 2008. 4. Steve Heath, Embedded System Design , Elsevier, 2nd. edition, 2003.
UNIT I 9 Data Warehousing and Business Analysis: - Data warehousing Components Building a Data warehouse Mapping the Data Warehouse to a Multiprocessor Architecture DBMS Schemas for Decision Support Data Extraction, Cleanup, and Transformation Tools Metadata reporting Query tools and Applications Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) OLAP and Multidimensional Data Analysis. UNIT II 9 Data Mining: - Data Mining Functionalities Data Preprocessing Data Cleaning Data Integration and Transformation Data Reduction Data Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation. Association Rule Mining: - Efficient and Scalable Frequent Item set Mining Methods Mining Various Kinds of Association Rules Association Mining to Correlation Analysis Constraint-Based Association Mining. UNIT III 9
Classification and Prediction: - Issues Regarding Classification and Prediction Classification by Decision Tree Introduction Bayesian Classification Rule Based Classification Classification by Back propagation Support Vector Machines Associative Classification Lazy Learners Other Classification Methods Prediction Accuracy and Error Measures Evaluating the Accuracy of a Classifier or Predictor Ensemble Methods Model Section. UNIT IV 9 Cluster Analysis: - Types of Data in Cluster Analysis A Categorization of Major Clustering Methods Partitioning Methods Hierarchical methods Density-Based Methods Grid-Based Methods Model-Based Clustering Methods Clustering HighDimensional Data Constraint-Based Cluster Analysis Outlier Analysis. UNIT V Mining Object, Spatial, Multimedia, Text and Web Data: Multidimensional Analysis and Descriptive Mining of Complex Data Objects Spatial Data Mining Multimedia Data Mining Text Mining Mining the World Wide Web. Total = 45 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber Data Mining Concepts and Techniques Second Edition, Elsevier, Reprinted 2008. Alex Berson and Stephen J. Smith Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, Tenth Reprint 2007. 9
K.P. Soman, Shyam Diwakar and V. Ajay Insight into Data mining Theory and Practice, Easter Economy Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2006. G. K. Gupta Introduction to Data Mining with Case Studies, Easter Economy Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2006. Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach and Vipin Kumar Introduction to Data Mining, Pearson Education, 2007.
5. 6.
UNIT I PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS 9 Evolution of Software Economics Software Management Process Framework (Phases, Artifacts, Workflows, Checkpoints) Software Management Disciplines (Planning / Project Organization and Responsibilities / Automation / Project Control) Modern Project Profiles UNIT II SOFTWARE ESTIMATION & COSTING 15 Problems in Software Estimation Algorithmic Cost Estimation Process, Function Points, SLIM (Software LIfe cycle Management), COCOMO II (COnstructive COst MOdel) Estimating Web Application Development Concepts of Finance, Activity Based Costing and Economic Value Added (EVA) Balanced Score Card. UNIT III RISK MANAGEMENT 15 Risk Definition Risk Categories Risk Assessment (Identification / Analysis / Prioritization) Risk Control (Planning / Resolution / Monitoring) Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) UNIT IV METRICS 15 Need for Software Metrics Classification of Software Metrics: Product Metrics (Size Metrics, Complexity Metrics, Halsteads Product Metrics, Quality Metrics), and Process metrics (Empirical Models, Statistical Models, Theory-based Models, Composite Models, and Reliability Models). UNIT V PEOPLE MANAGEMENT Team Management Client Relationship Management. 6
TOTAL= 45 REFERENCES: 1. McConnell, S. Software Project: Survival Guide, Microsoft Press, 1998. Royce, W. Software Project management: A Unified Framework, AddisonWesley, 1998. 2. Cooper, R., The Rise of Activity-Based Costing- PartOne: What is an ActivityBased Cost System? Journal of Cost Management, Vol.2, No.2 (Summer 1988), pp.45 54. 3. Grant, J.L. Foundations of Economic Value Added, John Wiley & Sons, 1997. 4. Kaplan, R.S., Norton, D.P. The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action, Harvard Business School Press, 1996. 5. Boehm, B. W. "Software Risk Management: Principles and Practices" in IEEE Software, January 1991, pp32-41. 6. Fenton, N.E., and Pfleeger, S.L.. Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach, Revised Brooks Cole, 1998.
7. Demarco, T. and Lister, T. Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams, 2nd Ed., Dorset House, 1999.
Introduction to Multimedia Characteristics Utilities Creation -Uses Promotion Digital Representation Media and Data streams Multimedia Architecture Multimedia Documents UNIT II ELEMENTS OF MULTIMEDIA 11
Text : types font - Unicode standard - text compression - file formats. Image: types image processing standards - specification - device independent color models gamma correction - file formats Video :video signal transmission - signal formats broadcasting standards - digital video standards - PC video - video file formats Audio : acoustics - characteristics of sound - elements of audio system microphone amplifier loudspeaker - audio mixer - digital audio - MIDI Graphics components of graphics system, co-ordinate system plotter - Intro to 2D & 3D Graphics -surface characteristics and texture - lights Animation :key frames & Tweening, techniques, principles of animation, 3D animation, file formats. UNIT III MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS 9
Visual Display Systems CRT - video adapter card - video adapter cable LCD PDP - optical storage media - CD technology - DVD Technology - Compression Types and Techniques CODEC - GIF coding standards - lossy and lossless JPEG - MPEG-1 MPEG-2 - MP3 - Fractals MMDBS 4. UNIT IV MULTIMEDIA TOOLS 9
Authoring tools features and types - card and page based tools - icon and object based tools - time based tools - cross platform authoring tools - Editing tools - text editing and word processing tools - OCR software - painting and drawing tools - 3D modeling and animation tools - image editing tools -sound editing tools - digital movie tools plug -ins and delivery vehicles for www UNIT V MULTIMEDIA APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT 9
Software life cycle ADDIE Model conceptualization content collection and processing story flowline script - storyboard - implementation - multiplatform issues authoring metaphors testing report writing - documentation - case study: -Web Application Console Application Distributed Application Mobile Application games consoles iTV kiosks education TOTAL = 45
TEXT BOOKS : 1. Parekh R Principles Of Multimedia Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006. 2. Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt, Multimedia: Computing, Communications and Applications Prentice Hall, 1995. REFERENCES : 1. Tay Vaughan, Multimedia: Making It Work McGraw-Hill Professional, 2006 2. Deitel & Deitel Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, Fourth Edition Prentice Hall, 2008.
Introduction Elements of visual perception, Steps in Image Processing Systems Image Acquisition Sampling and Quantization Pixel Relationships Colour Fundamentals and Models, File Formats. Introduction to the Mathematical tools. UNIT II IMAGE ENHANCEMENT AND RESTORATION 9 Spatial Domain Gray level Transformations Histogram Processing Spatial Filtering Smoothing and Sharpening. Frequency Domain: Filtering in Frequency Domain DFT, FFT, DCT, Smoothing and Sharpening filters Homomorphic Filtering., Noise models, Constrained and Unconstrained restoration models. UNIT III IMAGE SEGMENTATION AND FEATURE ANALYSIS 9 Detection of Discontinuities Edge Operators Edge Linking and Boundary Detection Thresholding Region Based Segmentation Motion Segmentation, Feature Analysis and Extraction. UNIT IV MULTI RESOLUTION ANALYSIS AND COMPRESSIONS 9 Multi Resolution Analysis: Image Pyramids Multi resolution expansion Wavelet Transforms, Fast Wavelet transforms, Wavelet Packets. Image Compression: Fundamentals Models Elements of Information Theory Error Free Compression Lossy Compression Compression Standards JPEG/MPEG. UNIT V APPLICATIONS OF IMAGE PROCESSING 9 Representation and Description, Image Recognition- Image Understanding Image Classification Video Motion Analysis Image Fusion Steganography Colour Image Processing. Total = 45 REFERENCES 1. Rafael C.Gonzalez and Richard E.Woods, Digital Image Processing, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2008. 2. Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac and Roger Boyle, Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision, Third Edition, Third Edition, Brooks Cole, 2008. 3. Anil K.Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice-Hall India, 2007. 4. Madhuri A. Joshi, Digital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Approach, PrenticeHall India, 2006. 5. Rafael C.Gonzalez , Richard E.Woods and Steven L. Eddins, Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, First Edition, Pearson Education, 2004.
Introduction Issues in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks. MAC Protocols Issues, Classifications of MAC protocols, Multi channel MAC & Power control MAC protocol. UNIT II AD-HOC NETWORK ROUTING & TCP Issues Classifications of routing protocols Hierarchical and Power aware. Multicast routing Classifications, Tree based, Mesh based. Ad Hoc Transport Layer Issues. TCP Over Ad Hoc Feedback based, TCP with explicit link, TCP-BuS, Ad Hoc TCP, and Split TCP. UNIT III WSN -MAC Introduction Sensor Network Architecture, Data dissemination, Gathering. MAC Protocols self-organizing, Hybrid TDMA/FDMA and CSMA based MAC. UNIT IV WSN ROUTING, LOCALIZATION & QOS Issues in WSN routing OLSR, AODV. Localization Indoor and Sensor Network Localization. QoS in WSN. UNIT V MESH NETWORKS Necessity for Mesh Networks MAC enhancements IEEE 802.11s Architecture Opportunistic routing Self configuration and Auto configuration Capacity Models Fairness Heterogeneous Mesh Networks Vehicular Mesh Networks.
REFERENCES: 1. C.Siva Ram Murthy and B.Smanoj, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Architectures and Protocols, Pearson Education, 2004. 2. Feng Zhao and Leonidas Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2004. 3. C.K.Toh, Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks, Pearson Education, 2002. 4. Thomas Krag and Sebastin Buettrich, Wireless Mesh Networking, OReilly Publishers, 2007.
Basics of Virtualization - Virtualization Types Desktop Virtualization Network Virtualization Server and Machine Virtualization Storage Virtualization System-level or Operating Virtualization Application Virtualization-Virtualization Advantages - Virtual Machine Basics Taxonomy of Virtual machines - Process Virtual Machines - System Virtual Machines Hypervisor - Key Concepts UNIT II SERVER CONSOLIDATION 8
Hardware Virtualization Virtual Hardware Overview - Sever Virtualization Physical and Logical Partitioning - Types of Server Virtualization Business cases for Sever Virtualization Uses of Virtual server Consolidation Planning for Development Selecting server Virtualization Platform UNIT III NETWORK VIRTUALIZATION 10
Design of Scalable Enterprise Networks - Virtualizing the Campus WAN Design - WAN Architecture - WAN Virtualization - Virtual Enterprise Transport VirtualizationVLANs and Scalability - Theory Network Device Virtualization Layer 2 - VLANs Layer 3 VRF Instances Layer 2 - VFIs Virtual Firewall Contexts Network Device Virtualization - DataPath Virtualization Layer 2: 802.1q - Trunking Generic Routing Encapsulation - IPsec L2TPv3 Label Switched Paths - Control-Plane VirtualizationRouting Protocols- VRF Aware Routing Multi-Topology Routing. UNIT IV VIRTUALIZING STORAGE 8
SCSI- Speaking SCSI- Using SCSI buses Fiber Channel Fiber Channel Cables Fiber Channel Hardware Devices iSCSI Architecture Securing iSCSI SAN backup and recovery techniques RAID SNIA Shared Storage Model Classical Storage Model SNIA Shared Storage Model Host based Architecture Storage based architecture Network based Architecture Fault tolerance to SAN Performing Backups Virtual tape libraries. UNIT V VIRTUAL MACHINES PRODUCTS 9
Xen Virtual machine monitors- Xen API VMware VMware products - Vmware Features Microsoft Virtual Server Features of Microsoft Virtual Server
REFERENCES: 1. William von Hagen, Professional Xen Virtualization, Wrox Publications, January, 2008. 2. Chris Wolf , Erick M. Halter, Virtualization: From the Desktop to the Enterprise, APress 2005. 3. Kumar Reddy, Victor Moreno, Network virtualization, Cisco Press, July, 2006. 4. James E. Smith, Ravi Nair, Virtual Machines: Versatile Platforms for Systems and Processes, Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann, 2005. 5. David Marshall, Wade A. Reynolds, Advanced Server Virtualization: VMware and Microsoft Platform in the Virtual Data Center, Auerbach Publications, 2006.
Software Architecture Types of IT Architecture SOA Evolution Key components perspective of SOA Enterprise-wide SOA Architecture Enterprise Applications Solution Architecture for enterprise application Software platforms for enterprise Applications Patterns for SOA SOA programming models UNIT II 9
Service-oriented Analysis and Design Design of Activity, Data, Client and business process services Technologies of SOA SOAP WSDL JAX WS XML WS for .NET Service integration with ESB Scenario Business case for SOA stakeholder objectives benefits of SPA Cost Savings UNIT III 9
SOA implementation and Governance strategy SOA development SOA governance trends in SOA event-driven architecture software s a service SOA technologies proof-of-concept process orchestration SOA best practices UNIT IV 9
Meta data management XML security XML signature XML Encryption SAML XACML XKMS WS-Security Security in web service framework - advanced messaging UNIT V 9
Transaction processing paradigm protocols and coodination transaction specifications SOA in mobile research issues REFERENCES: 1. Shankar Kambhampaly, Service Oriented Architecture for Enterprise Applications, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2008. 2. Eric Newcomer, Greg Lomow, Understanding SOA with Web Services, Pearson Education. 3. Mark O Neill, et al. , Web Services Security, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 2003.
UNIT I 9 Hacking windows Network hacking Web hacking Password hacking. A study on various attacks Input validation attacks SQL injection attacks Buffer overflow attacks - Privacy attacks. UNIT II 9 TCP / IP Checksums IP Spoofing port scanning, DNS Spoofing. Dos attacks SYN attacks, Smurf attacks, UDP flooding, DDOS Models. Firewalls Packet filter firewalls, Packet Inspection firewalls Application Proxy Firewalls. Batch File Programming. UNIT III 9 Fundamentals of Computer Fraud Threat concepts Framework for predicting inside attacks Managing the threat Strategic Planning Process. UNIT IV 9 Architecture strategies for computer fraud prevention Protection of Web sites Intrusion detection system NIDS, HIDS Penetrating testing process Web Services Reducing transaction risks. UNIT V 9 Key Fraud Indicator selection process customized taxonomies Key fraud signature selection process Accounting Forensics Computer Forensics Journaling and it requirements Standardized logging criteria Journal risk and control matrix Neural networks Misuse detection and Novelty detection. REFERENCES 1. Kenneth C.Brancik Insider Computer Fraud Auerbach Publications Taylor & Francis Group2008. 2. Ankit Fadia Ethical Hacking second edition Macmillan India Ltd, 2006
Cloud Computing History of Cloud Computing Cloud Architecture Cloud Storage Why Cloud Computing Matters Advantages of Cloud Computing Disadvantages of Cloud Computing Companies in the Cloud Today Cloud Services UNIT II DEVELOPING CLOUD SERVICES 10 Web-Based Application Pros and Cons of Cloud Service Development Types of Cloud Service Development Software as a Service Platform as a Service Web Services On-Demand Computing Discovering Cloud Services Development Services and Tools Amazon Ec2 Google App Engine IBM Clouds UNIT III CLOUD COMPUTING FOR EVERYONE 10 Centralizing Email Communications Collaborating on Schedules Collaborating on To-Do Lists Collaborating Contact Lists Cloud Computing for the Community Collaborating on Group Projects and Events Cloud Computing for the Corporation UNIT IV USING CLOUD SERVICES 10 Collaborating on Calendars, Schedules and Task Management Exploring Online Scheduling Applications Exploring Online Planning and Task Management Collaborating on Event Management Collaborating on Contact Management Collaborating on Project Management Collaborating on Word Processing Collaborating on Databases Storing and Sharing Files UNIT V OTHER WAYS TO COLLABORATE ONLINE 9 Collaborating via Web-Based Communication Tools Evaluating Web Mail Services Evaluating Web Conference Tools Collaborating via Social Networks and Groupware Collaborating via Blogs and Wikis Total=45 REFERENCES 1. Michael Miller, Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and Collaborate Online, Que Publishing, August 2008. 2. Haley Beard, Cloud Computing Best Practices for Managing and Measuring Processes for On-demand Computing, Applications and Data Centers in the Cloud with SLAs, Emereo Pty Limited, July 2008.
LTPC 3003 UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Learning Problems Perspectives and Issues Concept Learning Version Spaces and Candidate Eliminations Inductive bias Decision Tree learning Representation Algorithm Heuristic Space Search. UNIT II NEURAL NETWORKS AND GENETIC ALGORITHMS 9 Neural Network Representation Problems Perceptrons Multilayer Networks and Back Propagation Algorithms Advanced Topics Genetic Algorithms Hypothesis Space Search Genetic Programming Models of Evalution and Learning. UNIT III BAYESIAN AND COMPUTATIONAL LEARNING 9 Bayes Theorem Concept Learning Maximum Likelihood Minimum Description Length Principle Bayes Optimal Classifier Gibbs Algorithm Nave Bayes Classifier Bayesian Belief Network EM Algorithm Probability Learning Sample Complexity Finite and Infinite Hypothesis Spaces Mistake Bound Model. UNIT IV INSTANT BASED LEARNING 9 K- Nearest Neighbour Learning Locally weighted Regression Radial Bases Functions Case Based Learning. UNIT V ADVANCED LEARNING 9 Learning Sets of Rules Sequential Covering Algorithm Learning Rule Set First Order Rules Sets of First Order Rules Induction on Inverted Deduction Inverting Resolution Analytical Learning Perfect Domain Theories Explanation Base Learning FOCL Algorithm Reinforcement Learning Task Q-Learning Temporal Difference Learning Total =45 REFERENCES: 1. Tom M. Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill Science /Engineering /Math; 1 edition, 1997 2. Ethem Alpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning), The MIT Press 2004 3. T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. H. Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning, Springer; 1 edition, 2001
UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF TUNING 8 Review of Relational Databases Relational Algebra - Locking and Concurrency Control Correctness Consideration Lock Tuning Logging and the Recovery Subsystem Principles of Recovery Tuning the Recovery Subsystem Operating Systems Considerations Hardware Tuning. UNIT II INDEX TUNING 8 Types of Queries Data Structures B tree B+ Tree - Hash Structures Bit Map Indexes Clustering Indexes Non Clustering Indexes Composite Indexes Hot Tables Comparison of Indexing and Hashing Techniques. UNIT III QUERY OPTIMIZATION 10 Techniques - Tuning Relational Systems Normalization Tuning Denormalization Clustering Two Tables Aggregate Maintenance Record Layout Query Tuning Triggers Client Server Mechanisms Objects, Application Tools and Performance Tuning the Application Interface Bulk Loading Data Accessing Multiple Databases. UNIT IV TROUBLESHOOTING 10 Query Plan Explainers Performance Monitors Event Monitors Finding Suspicious Queries Analyzing a Querys Access Plan Profiling a Query Execution DBMS Subsystems. UNIT V CASE STUDIES 9 Transaction Chopping Time Series Databases Understanding Access Plans Configuration Parameters: Oracle; SQL Server; DB2UDB Distributed Database Implementation. Total = 45 REFERENCES 1. Dennis Shasha and Philippe Bonnet Database Tuning, Principles, Experiments, and Troubleshooting Techniques, Elsevier Reprint 2005. 2. Thomas Connoly and Carlolyn Begg, Database Systems, A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management, Third Edition, Pearson Education 2003. 3. M.Tamer Ozsu, Patrick Valduriez and S.Sridhar Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Pearson Education 2007.
Overview Benefits of ERP ERP and Related Technologies Business Process Reengineering Data Warehousing Data Mining Online Analytical Processing Supply Chain Management. UNIT II ERP IMPLEMENTATION 9
Implementation Life Cycle Implementation Methodology Hidden Costs Organizing Implementation Vendors, Consultants and Users Contracts Project Management and Monitoring. UNIT III BUSINESS MODULES 9
Business Modules in an ERP Package Finance Manufacturing Human Resource Plant Maintanance Materials Management Quality Management Sales and Distribution. UNIT IV ERP MARKET 9
ERP Market Place SAP AG PeopleSoft Baan Company JD Edwards World Solutions Company Oracle Corporation QAD System Software Associates. UNIT V ERP PRESENT AND FUTURE 9
Turbo Charge the ERP System EIA ERP and ECommerce ERP and Internet Future Directions in ERP. TOTAL = 45 REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. Alexis Leon, ERP Demystified, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999. Joseph A. Brady, Ellen F. Monk, Bret J. Wangner, Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning , Thomson Learning, 2001. Vinod Kumar Garg and N.K .Venkata Krishnan, Enterprise Resource Planning concepts and Planning, Prentice Hall, 1998. Jose Antonio Fernandz, The SAP R /3 Hand book, Tata McGraw Hill
LTPC 3003 UNIT I PERSPECTIVES IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 9 Evolution of human resource management the importance of the human factor objectives of human resource management role of human resource manager human resource policies computer applications in human resource management. UNIT II THE CONCEPT OF BEST FIT EMPLOYEE 9 Importance of human resource planning forecasting human resource requirement internal and external sources. Selection process-screening tests - validation interview - medical examination recruitment introduction importance practices socialization benefits. UNIT III TRAINING AND EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT 9 Types of training, methods, purpose, benefits and resistance. Executive development programmes common practices - benefits self development knowledge management. UNIT IV SUSTAINING EMPLOYEE INTEREST 9 Compensation plan reward motivation theories of motivation career management development, mentor protg relationships. UNIT V PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND CONTROL PROCESS 9 Method of performance evaluation feedback industry practices. Promotion, demotion, transfer and separation implication of job change. The control process importance methods requirement of effective control systems grievances causes implications redressal methods. TOTAL = 45 TEXT BOOKS 1. Decenzo and Robbins, Human Resource Management, Wilsey, 6th edition, 2001. 2. Biswajeet Pattanayak, Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall of India,2001. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Human Resource Management, Eugence Mckenna and Nic Beach, Pearson Education Limited, 2002. Dessler Human Resource Management, Pearson Education Limited, 2002. Mamoria C.B. and Mamoria S.Personnel Management, Himalaya Publishing Company, 1997. Wayne Cascio, Managing Human Resource, McGraw Hill, 1998. Ivancevich, Human Resource Management, McGraw Hill 2002.
UNIT I 9 Fundamentals of SuperScalar Processor Design, Introduction to Multicore Architecture Chip Multiprocessing, homogeneous Vs heterogeneous design - SMP Multicore Vs Multithreading. UNIT II 9
Shared memory architectures synchronization Memory organization Cache Memory Cache Coherency Protocols - Design of Levels of Caches. UNIT III 9
Multicore programming Model Shared memory model, message passing model, transaction model OpenMP and MPI Programming. UNIT IV 9
PowerPC architecture RISC design, PowerPC ISA, PowerPC Memory Management Power 5 Multicore architecture design, Power 6 Architecture. UNIT V 9
Cell Broad band engine architecture, PPE (Power Processor Element), SPE (Synergistic processing element), Cell Software Development Kit, Programming for Multicore architecture. TOTAL: 45 TEXT BOOK: 1. 2. 3. Hennessey & Pateterson, Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach, Harcourt Asia, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999 Joseph JaJa, Introduction to Parallel Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, 1992. IBM Journals for Power 5, Power 6 and Cell Broadband engine architecture.
REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. Kai Hwang, Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability and Programmability McGraw-Hill, 1993 Richard Y. Kain, Advanced Computer Architecture: A System Design Approach, PHI, 1999 Rohit Chandra, Ramesh Menon, Leo Dagum, and David Kohr, Parallel Programming in OpenMP, Morgan Kaufmann, 2000.